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3 files changed, 157 insertions, 39 deletions
diff --git a/Clock.c b/Clock.c
index 304aa0b..ab82db6 100644
--- a/Clock.c
+++ b/Clock.c
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ static XtResource resources[] = {
offset(font), XtRString, XtDefaultFont},
#ifndef NO_I18N
{XtNfontSet, XtCFontSet, XtRFontSet, sizeof(XFontSet),
- offset(fontSet), XtRString, XtDefaultFontSet,},
+ offset(fontSet), XtRString, XtDefaultFontSet},
{XtNbackingStore, XtCBackingStore, XtRBackingStore, sizeof (int),
offset (backing_store), XtRString, "default"},
@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ static int clock_round ( double x );
static Boolean SetValues ( Widget gcurrent, Widget grequest, Widget gnew,
ArgList args, Cardinal *num_args );
#if !defined(NO_I18N) && defined(HAVE_ICONV)
-static char *clock_to_utf8(const char *);
+static char *clock_to_utf8(const char *str, int in_len);
ClockClassRec clockClassRec = {
@@ -626,8 +626,7 @@ Initialize (Widget request, Widget new, ArgList args, Cardinal *num_args)
tm = *localtime(&time_value);
str = TimeString (w, &tm);
len = strlen(str);
- if (str[len - 1] == '\n')
- str[--len] = '\0';
+ if (len && str[len - 1] == '\n') str[--len] = '\0';
#ifdef XRENDER
if (w->clock.render)
@@ -641,7 +640,7 @@ Initialize (Widget request, Widget new, ArgList args, Cardinal *num_args)
XftTextExtentsUtf8 (XtDisplay (w), w->clock.face,
(FcChar8 *) str, len, &extents);
# ifdef HAVE_ICONV
- else if ((utf8_str = clock_to_utf8(str)) != NULL) {
+ else if ((utf8_str = clock_to_utf8(str, len)) != NULL) {
XftTextExtentsUtf8 (XtDisplay (w), w->clock.face,
(FcChar8 *)utf8_str, strlen(utf8_str), &extents);
@@ -654,11 +653,13 @@ Initialize (Widget request, Widget new, ArgList args, Cardinal *num_args)
min_width = extents.xOff + 2 * w->clock.padding;
min_height = w->clock.face->ascent + w->clock.face->descent +
2 * w->clock.padding;
+ /*fprintf(stderr, "render min_width %i\n", min_width);*/
+ { /* not XRENDER block */
#ifndef NO_I18N
- if (!no_locale) {
+ if (!no_locale) {
XFontSetExtents *fse;
if(w->clock.fontSet == NULL) {
@@ -670,24 +671,23 @@ Initialize (Widget request, Widget new, ArgList args, Cardinal *num_args)
- if (w->clock.fontSet != NULL)
- {
+ if (w->clock.fontSet != NULL) {
/* don't free this... it's freed with the XFontSet. */
fse = XExtentsOfFontSet(w->clock.fontSet);
- min_width = XmbTextEscapement(w->clock.fontSet,str,
- len)
- + 2 * w->clock.padding;
+ min_width = XmbTextEscapement(w->clock.fontSet,str,len) +
+ 2 * w->clock.padding;
min_height = fse->max_logical_extent.height +
3 * w->clock.padding;
+ /*fprintf(stderr, "fontset min_width %i\n", min_width);*/
} else {
no_locale = True;
- }
+ }
- if (no_locale)
+ if (no_locale)
#endif /* NO_I18N */
- {
+ {
if (w->clock.font == NULL)
w->clock.font = XQueryFont( XtDisplay(w),
@@ -696,7 +696,9 @@ Initialize (Widget request, Widget new, ArgList args, Cardinal *num_args)
2 * w->clock.padding;
min_height = w->clock.font->ascent +
w->clock.font->descent + 2 * w->clock.padding;
- }
+ /*fprintf(stderr, "font min_width %i\n", min_width);*/
+ }
+ } /* not XRENDER block */
if (w->core.width == 0)
w->core.width = min_width;
@@ -730,9 +732,9 @@ Initialize (Widget request, Widget new, ArgList args, Cardinal *num_args)
myXGCV.foreground = w->clock.Hdpixel;
w->clock.HandGC = XtGetGC((Widget)w, valuemask, &myXGCV);
- if (w->clock.update <= 0)
- w->clock.update = 60; /* make invalid update's use a default */
- w->clock.show_second_hand = (w->clock.update <= SECOND_HAND_TIME);
+ /* make invalid update's use a default */
+ /*if (w->clock.update <= 0) w->clock.update = 60;*/
+ w->clock.show_second_hand = (abs(w->clock.update) <= SECOND_HAND_TIME);
w->clock.numseg = 0;
w->clock.interval_id = 0;
memset (&w->clock.otm, '\0', sizeof (w->clock.otm));
@@ -833,18 +835,23 @@ RenderTextBounds (ClockWidget w, char *str, int off, int len,
(FcChar8 *) str + off, len - off, &tail);
# ifdef HAVE_ICONV
- else if ((utf8_str = clock_to_utf8(str)) != NULL)
+ else if ((utf8_str = clock_to_utf8(str, off)) != NULL)
- XftTextExtentsUtf8 (XtDisplay (w), w->clock.face,
- (FcChar8 *)utf8_str, off, &head);
- XftTextExtentsUtf8 (XtDisplay (w), w->clock.face,
- (FcChar8 *)utf8_str + off, strlen(utf8_str) - off, &tail);
+ XftTextExtentsUtf8 (XtDisplay (w), w->clock.face,
+ (FcChar8 *)utf8_str, strlen(utf8_str), &head);
+ if ((utf8_str = clock_to_utf8(str+off, len-off)) != NULL) {
+ XftTextExtentsUtf8 (XtDisplay (w), w->clock.face,
+ (FcChar8 *)utf8_str, strlen(utf8_str), &tail);
+ free(utf8_str);
+ } else
+ goto fallback;
# endif
+ fallback:
XftTextExtents8 (XtDisplay (w), w->clock.face, (FcChar8 *) str,
off, &head);
XftTextExtents8 (XtDisplay (w), w->clock.face, (FcChar8 *) str + off,
@@ -1251,6 +1258,118 @@ Redisplay(Widget gw, XEvent *event, Region region)
clock_tic((XtPointer)w, (XtIntervalId *)NULL);
+/* Choose the update times for well-defined clock states.
+ *
+ * For example, in HH:MM:SS notation the last number rolls over
+ * every 60 seconds and has at most 60 display states. The sequence
+ * depends on its initial value t0 and the update period u, e.g.
+ *
+ * u (s) d (s) ti (s) m (states) l (s)
+ * 2 2 {0,2, .. 58} 30 60
+ * 7 1 {0,7, .. 56,3, .. 53} 60 420
+ * 15 15 {0,15,30,45} 4 60
+ * 45 15 {0,45,30,15} 4 180
+ * 53 1 {0,53,46, .. 4,57, .. 7} 60 3180
+ * 58 2 {0,58,56, .. 2} 30 1740
+ * 60 60 {0} 1 60
+ *
+ * u= update period in seconds,
+ * ti= time at update i from the reference, HH:MM:00 or HH:00:00,
+ * n= the roll over time, the modulus, 60 s or 3600 s,
+ * m= the sequence length, the order of u in the modulo n group Z/nZ,
+ * l= the total sequence duration =m*u.
+ * d= gcd(n,u) the greatest common divisor
+ *
+ * The time t(i) determines the clock state. It follows from
+ *
+ * t(i)=t(i-1)+u mod n <=> t(i)=t(0)+i*u mod n
+ *
+ * which defines a { t(0) .. t(m-1) } sequence of m unique elements.
+ * Hence, u generates a subgroup U={k*u mod n : k in Z} of Z/nZ so
+ * its order m divides n. This m satisfies
+ *
+ * t(m)=t(0) <=> m*u mod n = 0 <=> m*u = r*n <=> m=n/d, r=u/d
+ *
+ * where d divides n and u. Choosing
+ *
+ * d=gcd(n,u) <=> n/d and u/d are coprime => m=n/d is minimum
+ *
+ * thus gives the order. Furthermore, the greatest common divisor d is
+ * also the minimum value generator of the set U. Assume a generator e
+ * where
+ *
+ * e|{n,u} <=> Ai,Ej: i*u mod n = j*e <=> j=f(i)=(i*u mod n)/e
+ *
+ * such that f maps i to m=ord(u) unique values of j. Its properties are
+ *
+ * j=i*u/e mod n/e ==> 0<=j<n/e
+ *
+ * ord(u/e, mod n/e)=n/e/gcd(n/e,u/e)=n/d=m ==> J={j=f(i)}, |J|=m
+ *
+ * ord(e)=n/gcd(n,e)=n/e
+ *
+ * from wich follows
+ *
+ * e=d ==> f: I={0,..,m-1} -> J={0,..,m-1}: j=i*r mod m is bijective
+ * ==> D={k*d mod n : k in Z} = U.
+ *
+ * Any value e below d is no generator since it yields a non contiguous
+ * J such that an l=0..n/e-1 exists not in J with l*e not in U.
+ *
+ * The update sequence t(i) could be followed using the algorithm:
+ *
+ * 1. restore the expected value into t(i),
+ * 2. calculate the next timeout t(i+1)=t(i)+u mod n,
+ * 3. verify that the current tc(i) is between t(i)..t(i+1),
+ * 4. calculate the time to wait w=t(i+1)-tc(i) mod n,
+ * 5. store t(i+1),
+ *
+ * which implements state tracking. This approach doesn't work well
+ * since the set timeout w does not guarantee a next call at time
+ * t(i+1), e.g. due to progam sleeps, time adjustments, and leap
+ * seconds. A robust method should only rely on the current time
+ * tc(i) to identify t(i). The derivation above shows 2 options:
+ *
+ * 1. n={60,3600} and round to a multiple of d,
+ * but if d<u then the sequence is not guaranteed.
+ * 2. choose n large and round to a multiple of u,
+ * but then the sequence resets at roll-over.
+ *
+ * The code below implements (2) with n this year's duration in seconds
+ * and using local time year's start as epoch.
+ */
+static unsigned long
+waittime(int update, struct timeval *tv, struct tm *tm)
+ int twait;
+ long twaitms;
+ unsigned long retval;
+ if(update>0) {
+ long tcur;
+ int trem;
+ tcur=tm->tm_sec+60*(tm->tm_min+60*(tm->tm_hour+24*tm->tm_yday));
+ /* ti=floor(tcur/u)*u, w=u-(tcur-ti), and tcur-ti==tcur % u */
+ trem=tcur % update;
+ twait=update-trem;
+ } else {
+ twait=-update;
+ }
+ if(tv->tv_usec>0) {
+ long usec;
+ twait--;
+ usec=1000000-tv->tv_usec;
+ twaitms=(usec+999)/1000; /* must round up to avoid zero retval */
+ } else {
+ twaitms=0;
+ }
+ retval=(unsigned long)labs(twaitms+1000*twait);
+ return retval;
static void
clock_tic(XtPointer client_data, XtIntervalId *id)
@@ -1264,12 +1383,13 @@ clock_tic(XtPointer client_data, XtIntervalId *id)
register Window win = XtWindow(w);
- if (id || !w->clock.interval_id)
- w->clock.interval_id =
- XtAppAddTimeOut( XtWidgetToApplicationContext( (Widget) w),
- (w->clock.update - 1) * 1000 + (1000000 - tv.tv_usec)/1000, clock_tic, (XtPointer)w );
time_value = tv.tv_sec;
tm = *localtime(&time_value);
+ if (w->clock.update && (id || !w->clock.interval_id))
+ w->clock.interval_id =
+ XtAppAddTimeOut( XtWidgetToApplicationContext( (Widget) w),
+ waittime(w->clock.update, &tv, &tm),
+ clock_tic, (XtPointer)w );
* Beep on the half hour; double-beep on the hour.
@@ -1301,7 +1421,7 @@ clock_tic(XtPointer client_data, XtIntervalId *id)
time_ptr = TimeString (w, &tm);
len = strlen (time_ptr);
- if (time_ptr[len - 1] == '\n') time_ptr[--len] = '\0';
+ if (len && time_ptr[len - 1] == '\n') time_ptr[--len] = '\0';
prev_len = strlen (w->clock.prev_time_string);
for (i = 0; ((i < len) && (i < prev_len) &&
(w->clock.prev_time_string[i] == time_ptr[i])); i++);
@@ -1343,12 +1463,12 @@ clock_tic(XtPointer client_data, XtIntervalId *id)
# ifdef HAVE_ICONV
else if ((utf8_str =
- clock_to_utf8(time_ptr + i)) != NULL) {
+ clock_to_utf8(time_ptr + i, len - i)) != NULL) {
XftDrawStringUtf8 (w->clock.draw,
x, y,
- (FcChar8 *)utf8_str, strlen(utf8_str) - i);
+ (FcChar8 *)utf8_str, strlen(utf8_str) );
# endif
@@ -1999,13 +2119,13 @@ SetValues(Widget gcurrent, Widget grequest, Widget gnew,
if (new->clock.update != current->clock.update) {
if (current->clock.interval_id)
XtRemoveTimeOut (current->clock.interval_id);
- if (XtIsRealized( (Widget) new))
+ if (new->clock.update && XtIsRealized( (Widget) new))
new->clock.interval_id = XtAppAddTimeOut(
- new->clock.update*1000,
+ abs(new->clock.update)*1000,
clock_tic, (XtPointer)gnew);
- new->clock.show_second_hand =(new->clock.update <= SECOND_HAND_TIME);
+ new->clock.show_second_hand =(abs(new->clock.update) <= SECOND_HAND_TIME);
if (new->clock.show_second_hand != current->clock.show_second_hand)
redisplay = TRUE;
@@ -2098,11 +2218,10 @@ SetValues(Widget gcurrent, Widget grequest, Widget gnew,
#if !defined(NO_I18N) && defined(HAVE_ICONV)
static char *
-clock_to_utf8(const char *str)
+clock_to_utf8(const char *str, int in_len)
iconv_t cd;
char *buf;
- size_t in_len;
size_t buf_size;
size_t ileft, oleft;
const char *inptr;
@@ -2120,7 +2239,6 @@ clock_to_utf8(const char *str)
if (cd == (iconv_t)-1)
return NULL;
- in_len = strlen(str);
buf_size = MB_LEN_MAX * (in_len + 1);
if ((buf = malloc(buf_size)) == NULL) {
(void) iconv_close(cd);
diff --git a/Clock.h b/Clock.h
index cf0744e..fe0f3ce 100644
--- a/Clock.h
+++ b/Clock.h
@@ -140,8 +140,8 @@ SOFTWARE.
#define XtNsharp "sharp"
#define XtCSharp "Sharp"
-typedef struct _ClockRec *ClockWidget; /* completely defined in ClockPrivate.h */
-typedef struct _ClockClassRec *ClockWidgetClass; /* completely defined in ClockPrivate.h */
+typedef struct _ClockRec *ClockWidget; /* completely defined in ClockP.h */
+typedef struct _ClockClassRec *ClockWidgetClass; /* completely defined in ClockP.h */
extern WidgetClass clockWidgetClass;
diff --git a/ClockP.h b/ClockP.h
index 6e83ba7..debad54 100644
--- a/ClockP.h
+++ b/ClockP.h
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ typedef struct {
GC HandGC; /* Hand GC */
GC HighGC; /* Highlighting GC */
/* start of graph stuff */
- int update; /* update frequence */
+ int update; /* update period in second */
Dimension radius; /* radius factor */
int backing_store; /* backing store type */
Boolean chime;