path: root/lisp/test
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lisp/test')
9 files changed, 4539 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lisp/test/hello.lsp b/lisp/test/hello.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5446919
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/test/hello.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+;; Copyright (c) 2001 by The XFree86 Project, Inc.
+;; Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+;; copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
+;; to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
+;; the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
+;; and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+;; Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+;; The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+;; all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+;; Except as contained in this notice, the name of the XFree86 Project shall
+;; not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other
+;; dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from the
+;; XFree86 Project.
+;; Author: Paulo César Pereira de Andrade
+;; $XFree86: xc/programs/xedit/lisp/test/hello.lsp,v 1.3 2002/11/08 08:01:01 paulo Exp $
+(require "xaw")
+(require "xt")
+(defun quit-callback (widget user call) (quit))
+(defun fix-shell-size (shell)
+ (let ((size (xt-get-values shell '("width" "height"))))
+ (xt-set-values shell
+ (list (cons "minWidth" (cdar size))
+ (cons "maxWidth" (cdar size))
+ (cons "minHeight" (cdadr size))
+ (cons "maxHeight" (cdadr size)))
+ )
+ )
+(setq toplevel
+ (xt-app-initialize 'appcontext "Hello"
+ '(("title" . "Hello World!"))))
+(setq form
+ (xt-create-managed-widget "form" form-widget-class toplevel
+ '(("background" . "gray85")
+ ("displayList" . "foreground rgb:7/9/7;lines 1,-1,-1,-1,-1,1;foreground gray90;lines -1,0,0,0,0,-1")
+ )))
+(setq button
+ (xt-create-managed-widget "button" command-widget-class form
+ '(("label" . "Goodbye world!")
+ ("tip" . "This sample uses some customizations")
+ ("foreground" . "gray10")
+ ("background" . "gray80")
+ ("displayList" . "foreground rgb:7/9/7;lines 1,-1,-1,-1,-1,1;foreground gray90;lines -1,0,0,0,0,-1")
+ )))
+(xt-add-callback button "callback" 'quit-callback)
+(xt-realize-widget toplevel)
+(fix-shell-size toplevel)
+(xt-app-main-loop appcontext)
diff --git a/lisp/test/list.lsp b/lisp/test/list.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23f4496
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/test/list.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,1895 @@
+;; Copyright (c) 2002 by The XFree86 Project, Inc.
+;; Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+;; copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
+;; to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
+;; the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
+;; and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+;; Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+;; The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+;; all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+;; Except as contained in this notice, the name of the XFree86 Project shall
+;; not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other
+;; dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from the
+;; XFree86 Project.
+;; Author: Paulo César Pereira de Andrade
+;; $XFree86: xc/programs/xedit/lisp/test/list.lsp,v 1.6 2002/12/06 03:25:29 paulo Exp $
+;; basic lisp function tests
+;; Most of the tests are just the examples from the
+;; Common Lisp HyperSpec (TM)
+;; Copyright 1996-2001, Xanalys Inc. All rights reserved.
+;; Some tests are hand crafted, to test how the interpreter treats
+;; uncommon arguments or special conditions
+ o NIL and T should be always treated as symbols, actually it is
+ legal to say (defun nil (...) ...)
+ o There aren't true uninterned symbols, there are only symbols that
+ did not yet establish the home package, but once one is created, an
+ interned symbol is always returned.
+(defun compare-test (test expect function arguments
+ &aux result (error t) unused error-value)
+ (multiple-value-setq
+ (unused error-value)
+ (ignore-errors
+ (setq result (apply function arguments))
+ (setq error nil)
+ )
+ )
+ (if error
+ (format t "ERROR: (~S~{ ~S~}) => ~S~%" function arguments error-value)
+ (or (funcall test result expect)
+ (format t "(~S~{ ~S~}) => should be ~S not ~S~%"
+ function arguments expect result
+ )
+ )
+ )
+(defun compare-eval (test expect form
+ &aux result (error t) unused error-value)
+ (multiple-value-setq
+ (unused error-value)
+ (ignore-errors
+ (setq result (eval form))
+ (setq error nil)
+ )
+ )
+ (if error
+ (format t "ERROR: ~S => ~S~%" form error-value)
+ (or (funcall test result expect)
+ (format t "~S => should be ~S not ~S~%"
+ form expect result
+ )
+ )
+ )
+(defun error-test (function &rest arguments &aux result (error t))
+ (ignore-errors
+ (setq result (apply function arguments))
+ (setq error nil)
+ )
+ (or error
+ (format t "ERROR: no error for (~S~{ ~S~}), result was ~S~%"
+ function arguments result)
+ )
+(defun error-eval (form &aux result (error t))
+ (ignore-errors
+ (setq result (eval form))
+ (setq error nil)
+ )
+ (or error
+ (format t "ERROR: no error for ~S, result was ~S~%" form result)
+ )
+(defun eq-test (expect function &rest arguments)
+ (compare-test #'eq expect function arguments))
+(defun eql-test (expect function &rest arguments)
+ (compare-test #'eql expect function arguments))
+(defun equal-test (expect function &rest arguments)
+ (compare-test #'equal expect function arguments))
+(defun equalp-test (expect function &rest arguments)
+ (compare-test #'equalp expect function arguments))
+(defun eq-eval (expect form)
+ (compare-eval #'eq expect form))
+(defun eql-eval (expect form)
+ (compare-eval #'eql expect form))
+(defun equal-eval (expect form)
+ (compare-eval #'equal expect form))
+(defun equalp-eval (expect form)
+ (compare-eval #'equalp expect form))
+;; clisp treats strings loaded from a file as constants
+(defun xseq (sequence)
+ #+clisp (if *load-pathname* (copy-seq sequence) sequence)
+ #-clisp sequence
+;; apply - function
+(equal-test '((+ 2 3) . 4) #'apply 'cons '((+ 2 3) 4))
+(eql-test -1 #'apply #'- '(1 2))
+(eql-test 7 #'apply #'max 3 5 '(2 7 3))
+(error-test #'apply #'+ 1)
+(error-test #'apply #'+ 1 2)
+(error-test #'apply #'+ 1 . 2)
+(error-test #'apply #'+ 1 2 3)
+(error-test #'apply #'+ 1 2 . 3)
+(eql-test 6 #'apply #'+ 1 2 3 ())
+;; eq - function
+(eq-eval t '(let* ((a #\a) (b a)) (eq a b)))
+(eq-test t #'eq 'a 'a)
+(eq-test nil #'eq 'a 'b)
+(eq-eval t '(eq #1=1 #1#))
+(eq-test nil #'eq "abc" "abc")
+(setq a '('x #c(1 2) #\z))
+(eq-test nil #'eq a (copy-seq a))
+;; eql - function
+(eq-test t #'eql 1 1)
+(eq-test t #'eql 1.3d0 1.3d0)
+(eq-test nil #'eql 1 1d0)
+(eq-test t #'eql #c(1 -5) #c(1 -5))
+(eq-test t #'eql 'a 'a)
+(eq-test nil #'eql :a 'a)
+(eq-test t #'eql #c(5d0 0) 5d0)
+(eq-test nil #'eql #c(5d0 0d0) 5d0)
+(eq-test nil #'eql "abc" "abc")
+(equal-eval '(1 5/6 #p"test" #\#) '(setq a '(1 5/6 #p"test" #\#)))
+(eq-test nil #'eql a (copy-seq a))
+ hash0 (make-hash-table)
+ hash1 (make-hash-table)
+ (gethash 1 hash0) 2
+ (gethash 1 hash1) 2
+ (gethash :foo hash0) :bar
+ (gethash :foo hash1) :bar
+(defstruct test a b c)
+ struc0 (make-test :a 1 :b 2 :c #\c)
+ struc1 (make-test :a 1 :b 2 :c #\c)
+;; equal - function
+(eq-test t #'equal "abc" "abc")
+(eq-test t #'equal 1 1)
+(eq-test t #'equal #c(1 2) #c(1 2))
+(eq-test nil #'equal #c(1 2) #c(1 2d0))
+(eq-test t #'equal #\A #\A)
+(eq-test nil #'equal #\A #\a)
+(eq-test nil #'equal "abc" "Abc")
+(equal-eval '(1 2 3/5 #\a) '(setq a '(1 2 3/5 #\a)))
+(eq-test t #'equal a (copy-seq a))
+(eq-test nil #'equal hash0 hash1)
+(eq-test nil #'equal struc0 struc1)
+(eq-test nil #'equal #(1 2 3 4) #(1 2 3 4))
+;; equalp - function
+(eq-test t #'equalp hash0 hash1)
+ (gethash 2 hash0) "FoObAr"
+ (gethash 2 hash1) "fOoBaR"
+(eq-test t #'equalp hash0 hash1)
+ (gethash 3 hash0) 3
+ (gethash 3d0 hash1) 3
+(eq-test nil #'equalp hash0 hash1)
+(eq-test t #'equalp struc0 struc1)
+ (test-a struc0) #\a
+ (test-a struc1) #\A
+(eq-test t #'equalp struc0 struc1)
+ (test-b struc0) 'test
+ (test-b struc1) :test
+(eq-test nil #'equalp struc0 struc1)
+(eq-test t #'equalp #c(1/2 1d0) #c(0.5d0 1))
+(eq-test t #'equalp 1 1d0)
+(eq-test t #'equalp #(1 2 3 4) #(1 2 3 4))
+(eq-test t #'equalp #(1 #\a 3 4d0) #(1 #\A 3 4))
+;; acons - function
+(equal-test '((1 . "one")) #'acons 1 "one" nil)
+(equal-test '((2 . "two") (1 . "one")) #'acons 2 "two" '((1 . "one")))
+;; adjoin - function
+(equal-test '(nil) #'adjoin nil nil)
+(equal-test '(a) #'adjoin 'a nil)
+(equal-test '(1 2 3) #'adjoin 1 '(1 2 3))
+(equal-test '(1 2 3) #'adjoin 2 '(1 2 3))
+(equal-test '((1) (1) (2) (3)) #'adjoin '(1) '((1) (2) (3)))
+(equal-test '((1) (2) (3)) #'adjoin '(1) '((1) (2) (3)) :key #'car)
+(error-test #'adjoin nil 1)
+;; alpha-char-p - function
+(eq-test t #'alpha-char-p #\a)
+(eq-test nil #'alpha-char-p #\5)
+(error-test #'alpha-char-p 'a)
+;; alphanumericp - function
+(eq-test t #'alphanumericp #\Z)
+(eq-test t #'alphanumericp #\8)
+(eq-test nil #'alphanumericp #\#)
+;; and - macro
+(eql-eval 1 '(setq temp1 1 temp2 1 temp3 1))
+(eql-eval 2 '(and (incf temp1) (incf temp2) (incf temp3)))
+(eq-eval t '(and (eql 2 temp1) (eql 2 temp2) (eql 2 temp3)))
+(eql-eval 1 '(decf temp3))
+(eq-eval nil '(and (decf temp1) (decf temp2) (eq temp3 'nil) (decf temp3)))
+(eq-eval t '(and (eql temp1 temp2) (eql temp2 temp3)))
+(eq-eval t '(and))
+(equal-eval '(1 2 3) '(multiple-value-list (and (values 'a) (values 1 2 3))))
+(equal-eval nil '(and (values) t))
+;; append - function
+(equal-test '(a b c d e f g) #'append '(a b c) '(d e f) '() '(g))
+(equal-test '(a b c . d) #'append '(a b c) 'd)
+(eq-test nil #'append)
+(eql-test 'a #'append nil 'a)
+(error-test #'append 1 2)
+;; assoc - function
+(equal-test '(1 . "one") #'assoc 1 '((2 . "two") (1 . "one")))
+(equal-test '(2 . "two") #'assoc 2 '((1 . "one") (2 . "two")))
+(eq-test nil #'assoc 1 nil)
+(equal-test '(2 . "two") #'assoc-if #'evenp '((1 . "one") (2 . "two")))
+(equal-test '(3 . "three") #'assoc-if-not #'(lambda(x) (< x 3))
+ '((1 . "one") (2 . "two") (3 . "three")))
+(equal-test '("two" . 2) #'assoc #\o '(("one" . 1) ("two" . 2) ("three" . 3))
+ :key #'(lambda (x) (char x 2)))
+(equal-test '(a . b) #'assoc 'a '((x . a) (y . b) (a . b) (a . c)))
+;; atom - function
+(eq-test t #'atom 1)
+(eq-test t #'atom '())
+(eq-test nil #'atom '(1))
+(eq-test t #'atom 'a)
+;; block - special operator
+(eq-eval nil '(block empty))
+(eql-eval 2 '(let ((x 1))
+ (block stop (setq x 2) (return-from stop) (setq x 3)) x))
+(eql-eval 2 '(block twin (block twin (return-from twin 1)) 2))
+;; both-case-p - function
+(eq-test t #'both-case-p #\a)
+(eq-test nil #'both-case-p #\1)
+;; boundp - function
+(eql-eval 1 '(setq x 1))
+(eq-test t #'boundp 'x)
+(makunbound 'x)
+(eq-test nil #'boundp 'x)
+(eq-eval nil '(let ((x 1)) (boundp 'x)))
+(error-test #'boundp 1)
+;; butlast, nbutlast - function
+(setq x '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
+(equal-test '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8) #'butlast x)
+(equal-eval '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9) 'x)
+(eq-eval nil '(nbutlast x 9))
+(equal-test '(1) #'nbutlast x 8)
+(equal-eval '(1) 'x)
+(eq-test nil #'butlast nil)
+(eq-test nil #'nbutlast '())
+(error-test #'butlast 1 2)
+(error-test #'butlast -1 '(1 2))
+;; car, cdr, caar ... - function
+(eql-test 1 #'car '(1 2))
+(eql-test 2 #'cdr '(1 . 2))
+(eql-test 1 #'caar '((1 2)))
+(eql-test 2 #'cadr '(1 2))
+(eql-test 2 #'cdar '((1 . 2)))
+(eql-test 3 #'cddr '(1 2 . 3))
+(eql-test 1 #'caaar '(((1 2))))
+(eql-test 2 #'caadr '(1 (2 3)))
+(eql-test 2 #'cadar '((1 2) 2 3))
+(eql-test 3 #'caddr '(1 2 3 4))
+(eql-test 2 #'cdaar '(((1 . 2)) 3))
+(eql-test 3 #'cdadr '(1 (2 . 3) 4))
+(eql-test 3 #'cddar '((1 2 . 3) 3))
+(eql-test 4 #'cdddr '(1 2 3 . 4))
+(eql-test 1 #'caaaar '((((1 2)))))
+(eql-test 2 #'caaadr '(1 ((2))))
+(eql-test 2 #'caadar '((1 (2)) 3))
+(eql-test 3 #'caaddr '(1 2 (3 4)))
+(eql-test 2 #'cadaar '(((1 2)) 3))
+(eql-test 3 #'cadadr '(1 (2 3) 4))
+(eql-test 3 #'caddar '((1 2 3) 4))
+(eql-test 4 #'cadddr '(1 2 3 4 5))
+(eql-test 2 #'cdaaar '((((1 . 2))) 3))
+(eql-test 3 #'cdaadr '(1 ((2 . 3)) 4))
+(eql-test 3 #'cdadar '((1 (2 . 3)) 4))
+(eql-test 4 #'cdaddr '(1 2 (3 . 4) 5))
+(eql-test 3 #'cddaar '(((1 2 . 3)) 4))
+(eql-test 4 #'cddadr '(1 (2 3 . 4) 5))
+(eql-test 4 #'cdddar '((1 2 3 . 4) 5))
+(eql-test 5 #'cddddr '(1 2 3 4 . 5))
+;; first ... tenth, rest - function
+(eql-test 2 #'rest '(1 . 2))
+(eql-test 1 #'first '(1 2))
+(eql-test 2 #'second '(1 2 3))
+(eql-test 2 #'second '(1 2 3))
+(eql-test 3 #'third '(1 2 3 4))
+(eql-test 4 #'fourth '(1 2 3 4 5))
+(eql-test 5 #'fifth '(1 2 3 4 5 6))
+(eql-test 6 #'sixth '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7))
+(eql-test 7 #'seventh '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8))
+(eql-test 8 #'eighth '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
+(eql-test 9 #'ninth '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10))
+(eql-test 10 #'tenth '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11))
+(error-test #'car 1)
+(error-test #'car #c(1 2))
+(error-test #'car #(1 2))
+;; case - macro
+(eql-eval t '(let ((a 1)) (case a ((4 5 6) nil) ((3 2 1) t) (otherwise :error))))
+(eql-eval t '(let ((a 1)) (case a ((3 2) nil) (1 t) (t :error))))
+(error-eval '(let ((a 1)) (case a (2 :error) (t nil) (otherwise t))))
+(error-eval '(let ((a 1)) (case a (2 :error) (otherwise t) (t nil))))
+;; catch - special operator
+(eql-eval 3 '(catch 'dummy-tag 1 2 (throw 'dummy-tag 3) 4))
+(eql-eval 4 '(catch 'dummy-tag 1 2 3 4))
+(eq-eval 'throw-back '(defun throw-back (tag) (throw tag t)))
+(eq-eval t '(catch 'dummy-tag (throw-back 'dummy-tag) 2))
+;; char - function
+(eql-test #\a #'char "abc" 0)
+(eql-test #\b #'char "abc" 1)
+(error-test #'char "abc" 3)
+;; char-* - function
+(eq-test nil #'alpha-char-p #\3)
+(eq-test t #'alpha-char-p #\y)
+(eql-test #\a #'char-downcase #\a)
+(eql-test #\a #'char-downcase #\a)
+(eql-test #\1 #'char-downcase #\1)
+(error-test #'char-downcase 1)
+(eql-test #\A #'char-upcase #\a)
+(eql-test #\A #'char-upcase #\A)
+(eql-test #\1 #'char-upcase #\1)
+(error-test #'char-upcase 1)
+(eq-test t #'lower-case-p #\a)
+(eq-test nil #'lower-case-p #\A)
+(eq-test t #'upper-case-p #\W)
+(eq-test nil #'upper-case-p #\w)
+(eq-test t #'both-case-p #\x)
+(eq-test nil #'both-case-p #\%)
+(eq-test t #'char= #\d #\d)
+(eq-test t #'char-equal #\d #\d)
+(eq-test nil #'char= #\A #\a)
+(eq-test t #'char-equal #\A #\a)
+(eq-test nil #'char= #\d #\x)
+(eq-test nil #'char-equal #\d #\x)
+(eq-test nil #'char= #\d #\D)
+(eq-test t #'char-equal #\d #\D)
+(eq-test nil #'char/= #\d #\d)
+(eq-test nil #'char-not-equal #\d #\d)
+(eq-test nil #'char/= #\d #\d)
+(eq-test nil #'char-not-equal #\d #\d)
+(eq-test t #'char/= #\d #\x)
+(eq-test t #'char-not-equal #\d #\x)
+(eq-test t #'char/= #\d #\D)
+(eq-test nil #'char-not-equal #\d #\D)
+(eq-test t #'char= #\d #\d #\d #\d)
+(eq-test t #'char-equal #\d #\d #\d #\d)
+(eq-test nil #'char= #\d #\D #\d #\d)
+(eq-test t #'char-equal #\d #\D #\d #\d)
+(eq-test nil #'char/= #\d #\d #\d #\d)
+(eq-test nil #'char-not-equal #\d #\d #\d #\d)
+(eq-test nil #'char/= #\d #\d #\D #\d)
+(eq-test nil #'char-not-equal #\d #\d #\D #\d)
+(eq-test nil #'char= #\d #\d #\x #\d)
+(eq-test nil #'char-equal #\d #\d #\x #\d)
+(eq-test nil #'char/= #\d #\d #\x #\d)
+(eq-test nil #'char-not-equal #\d #\d #\x #\d)
+(eq-test nil #'char= #\d #\y #\x #\c)
+(eq-test nil #'char-equal #\d #\y #\x #\c)
+(eq-test t #'char/= #\d #\y #\x #\c)
+(eq-test t #'char-not-equal #\d #\y #\x #\c)
+(eq-test nil #'char= #\d #\c #\d)
+(eq-test nil #'char-equal #\d #\c #\d)
+(eq-test nil #'char/= #\d #\c #\d)
+(eq-test nil #'char-not-equal #\d #\c #\d)
+(eq-test t #'char< #\d #\x)
+(eq-test t #'char-lessp #\d #\x)
+(eq-test t #'char-lessp #\d #\X)
+(eq-test t #'char-lessp #\D #\x)
+(eq-test t #'char-lessp #\D #\X)
+(eq-test t #'char<= #\d #\x)
+(eq-test t #'char-not-greaterp #\d #\x)
+(eq-test t #'char-not-greaterp #\d #\X)
+(eq-test t #'char-not-greaterp #\D #\x)
+(eq-test t #'char-not-greaterp #\D #\X)
+(eq-test nil #'char< #\d #\d)
+(eq-test nil #'char-lessp #\d #\d)
+(eq-test nil #'char-lessp #\d #\D)
+(eq-test nil #'char-lessp #\D #\d)
+(eq-test nil #'char-lessp #\D #\D)
+(eq-test t #'char<= #\d #\d)
+(eq-test t #'char-not-greaterp #\d #\d)
+(eq-test t #'char-not-greaterp #\d #\D)
+(eq-test t #'char-not-greaterp #\D #\d)
+(eq-test t #'char-not-greaterp #\D #\D)
+(eq-test t #'char< #\a #\e #\y #\z)
+(eq-test t #'char-lessp #\a #\e #\y #\z)
+(eq-test t #'char-lessp #\a #\e #\y #\Z)
+(eq-test t #'char-lessp #\a #\E #\y #\z)
+(eq-test t #'char-lessp #\A #\e #\y #\Z)
+(eq-test t #'char<= #\a #\e #\y #\z)
+(eq-test t #'char-not-greaterp #\a #\e #\y #\z)
+(eq-test t #'char-not-greaterp #\a #\e #\y #\Z)
+(eq-test t #'char-not-greaterp #\A #\e #\y #\z)
+(eq-test nil #'char< #\a #\e #\e #\y)
+(eq-test nil #'char-lessp #\a #\e #\e #\y)
+(eq-test nil #'char-lessp #\a #\e #\E #\y)
+(eq-test nil #'char-lessp #\A #\e #\E #\y)
+(eq-test t #'char<= #\a #\e #\e #\y)
+(eq-test t #'char-not-greaterp #\a #\e #\e #\y)
+(eq-test t #'char-not-greaterp #\a #\E #\e #\y)
+(eq-test t #'char> #\e #\d)
+(eq-test t #'char-greaterp #\e #\d)
+(eq-test t #'char-greaterp #\e #\D)
+(eq-test t #'char-greaterp #\E #\d)
+(eq-test t #'char-greaterp #\E #\D)
+(eq-test t #'char>= #\e #\d)
+(eq-test t #'char-not-lessp #\e #\d)
+(eq-test t #'char-not-lessp #\e #\D)
+(eq-test t #'char-not-lessp #\E #\d)
+(eq-test t #'char-not-lessp #\E #\D)
+(eq-test t #'char> #\d #\c #\b #\a)
+(eq-test t #'char-greaterp #\d #\c #\b #\a)
+(eq-test t #'char-greaterp #\d #\c #\b #\A)
+(eq-test t #'char-greaterp #\d #\c #\B #\a)
+(eq-test t #'char-greaterp #\d #\C #\b #\a)
+(eq-test t #'char-greaterp #\D #\C #\b #\a)
+(eq-test t #'char>= #\d #\c #\b #\a)
+(eq-test t #'char-not-lessp #\d #\c #\b #\a)
+(eq-test t #'char-not-lessp #\d #\c #\b #\A)
+(eq-test t #'char-not-lessp #\D #\c #\b #\a)
+(eq-test t #'char-not-lessp #\d #\C #\B #\a)
+(eq-test nil #'char> #\d #\d #\c #\a)
+(eq-test nil #'char-greaterp #\d #\d #\c #\a)
+(eq-test nil #'char-greaterp #\d #\d #\c #\A)
+(eq-test nil #'char-greaterp #\d #\D #\c #\a)
+(eq-test nil #'char-greaterp #\d #\D #\C #\a)
+(eq-test t #'char>= #\d #\d #\c #\a)
+(eq-test t #'char-not-lessp #\d #\d #\c #\a)
+(eq-test t #'char-not-lessp #\d #\D #\c #\a)
+(eq-test t #'char-not-lessp #\D #\d #\c #\a)
+(eq-test t #'char-not-lessp #\D #\D #\c #\A)
+(eq-test nil #'char> #\e #\d #\b #\c #\a)
+(eq-test nil #'char-greaterp #\e #\d #\b #\c #\a)
+(eq-test nil #'char-greaterp #\E #\d #\b #\c #\a)
+(eq-test nil #'char-greaterp #\e #\D #\b #\c #\a)
+(eq-test nil #'char-greaterp #\E #\d #\B #\c #\A)
+(eq-test nil #'char>= #\e #\d #\b #\c #\a)
+(eq-test nil #'char-not-lessp #\e #\d #\b #\c #\a)
+(eq-test nil #'char-not-lessp #\e #\d #\b #\c #\A)
+(eq-test nil #'char-not-lessp #\E #\d #\B #\c #\a)
+;; char-code - function
+;; XXX assumes ASCII
+(eql-test 49 #'char-code #\1)
+(eql-test 90 #'char-code #\Z)
+(eql-test 127 #'char-code #\Delete)
+(eql-test 27 #'char-code #\Escape)
+(eql-test 13 #'char-code #\Return)
+(eql-test 0 #'char-code #\Null)
+(eql-test 10 #'char-code #\Newline)
+(error-test #'char-code 65)
+;; character - function
+(eql-test #\a #'character #\a)
+(eql-test #\a #'character "a")
+(eql-test #\A #'character 'a)
+;; XXX assumes ASCII, and should be allowed to fail?
+(eql-test #\A #'character 65)
+(error-test #'character 1/2)
+(error-test #'character "abc")
+(error-test #'character :test)
+(eq-test #\T #'character t)
+(error-test #'character nil)
+;; characterp - function
+(eq-test t #'characterp #\a)
+(eq-test nil #'characterp 1)
+(eq-test nil #'characterp 1/2)
+(eq-test nil #'characterp 'a)
+(eq-test nil #'characterp '`a)
+;; TODO coerce
+;; cond - macro
+(eql-eval 2 '(let ((a 1)) (cond ((= a 2) 1) ((= a 1) 2) ((= a 0) 1) (t nil))))
+(eql-eval nil '(let ((a 1)) (cond ((= a 2) 1) (t nil) ((= a 1) 2) ((= a 0) 1))))
+;; consp - function (predicate)
+(eq-test t #'consp '(1 2))
+(eq-test t #'consp '(1 . 2))
+(eq-test nil #'consp nil)
+(eq-test nil #'consp 1)
+;; constantp - function (predicate)
+(eq-test t #'constantp 1)
+(eq-test t #'constantp #\x)
+(eq-test t #'constantp :test)
+(eq-test nil #'constantp 'test)
+(eq-test t #'constantp ''1)
+(eq-test t #'constantp '(quote 1))
+(eq-test t #'constantp "string")
+(eq-test t #'constantp #c(1 2))
+(eq-test t #'constantp #(1 2))
+(eq-test nil #'constantp #p"test")
+(eq-test nil #'constantp '(1 2))
+(eq-test nil #'constantp (make-hash-table))
+(eq-test nil #'constantp *package*)
+(eq-test nil #'constantp *standard-input*)
+;; copy-list, copy-alist and copy-tree - function
+(equal-test '(1 2) #'copy-list '(1 2))
+(equal-test '(1 . 2) #'copy-list '(1 . 2))
+(eq-test nil #'copy-list nil)
+(error-test #'copy-list 1)
+(equal-eval '(1 (2 3)) '(setq x '(1 (2 3))))
+(equal-eval x '(setq y (copy-list x)))
+(equal-test '("one" (2 3)) #'rplaca x "one")
+(eql-test 1 #'car y)
+(equal-test '("two" 3) #'rplaca (cadr x) "two")
+(eq-test (caadr x) #'caadr y)
+(equal-eval '(1 (2 3) 4) '(setq a '(1 (2 3) 4) b (copy-list a)))
+(eq-eval t '(eq (cadr a) (cadr b)))
+(eq-eval t '(eq (car a) (car b)))
+(setq a '(1 (2 3) 4) b (copy-alist a))
+(eq-eval nil '(eq (cadr a) (cadr b)))
+(eq-eval t '(eq (car a) (car b)))
+(eq-test nil #'copy-alist nil)
+(eq-test nil #'copy-list nil)
+(error-test #'copy-list 1)
+(setq a '(1 (2 (3))))
+(setq as-list (copy-list a))
+(setq as-alist (copy-alist a))
+(setq as-tree (copy-tree a))
+(eq-eval t '(eq (cadadr a) (cadadr as-list)))
+(eq-eval t '(eq (cadadr a) (cadadr as-alist)))
+(eq-eval nil '(eq (cadadr a) (cadadr as-tree)))
+;; decf - macro
+(setq n 2)
+(eql-eval 1 '(decf n))
+(eql-eval 1 'n)
+(setq n -2147483648)
+(eql-eval -2147483649 '(decf n))
+(eql-eval -2147483649 'n)
+(setq n 0)
+(eql-eval -0.5d0 '(decf n 0.5d0))
+(eql-eval -0.5d0 'n)
+(setq n 1)
+(eql-eval 1/2 '(decf n 1/2))
+(eql-eval 1/2 'n)
+;; delete and remove - function
+(setq a '(1 3 4 5 9) b a)
+(equal-test '(1 3 5 9) #'remove 4 a)
+(eq-eval t '(eq a b))
+(setq a (delete 4 a))
+(equal-eval '(1 3 5 9) 'a)
+(setq a '(1 2 4 1 3 4 5) b a)
+(equal-test '(1 2 1 3 5) #'remove 4 a)
+(eq-eval t '(eq a b))
+(equal-test '(1 2 1 3 4 5) #'remove 4 a :count 1)
+(eq-eval t '(eq a b))
+(equal-test '(1 2 4 1 3 5) #'remove 4 a :count 1 :from-end t)
+(eq-eval t '(eq a b))
+(equal-test '(4 3 4 5) #'remove 3 a :test #'>)
+(eq-eval t '(eq a b))
+(setq a (delete 4 '(1 2 4 1 3 4 5)))
+(equal-eval '(1 2 1 3 5) 'a)
+(setq a (delete 4 '(1 2 4 1 3 4 5) :count 1))
+(equal-eval '(1 2 1 3 4 5) 'a)
+(setq a (delete 4 '(1 2 4 1 3 4 5) :count 1 :from-end t))
+(equal-eval '(1 2 4 1 3 5) 'a)
+(equal-test "abc" #'delete-if #'digit-char-p "a1b2c3")
+(equal-test "123" #'delete-if-not #'digit-char-p "a1b2c3")
+(eq-test nil #'delete 1 nil)
+(eq-test nil #'remove 1 nil)
+(setq a '(1 2 3 4 :test 5 6 7 8) b a)
+(equal-test '(1 2 :test 7 8) #'remove-if #'numberp a :start 2 :end 7)
+(eq-eval t '(eq a b))
+(setq a (delete-if #'numberp a :start 2 :end 7))
+(equal-eval '(1 2 :test 7 8) 'a)
+;; digit-char - function
+(eql-test #\0 #'digit-char 0)
+(eql-test #\A #'digit-char 10 11)
+(eq-test nil #'digit-char 10 10)
+(eql-test 35 #'digit-char-p #\z 36)
+(error-test #'digit-char #\a)
+(error-test #'digit-char-p 1/2)
+;; TODO directory (known to have problems with parameters like "../*/../*/")
+;; elt - function
+(eql-test #\a #'elt "xabc" 1)
+(eql-test 3 #'elt '(0 1 2 3) 3)
+(error-test #'elt nil 0)
+;; endp - function
+(eql-test t #'endp nil)
+(error-test #'endp t)
+(eql-test nil #'endp '(1 . 2))
+(error-test #'endp #(1 2))
+;; every - function
+(eql-test t #'every 'not-used ())
+(eql-test t #'every #'characterp "abc")
+(eql-test nil #'every #'< '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6) #(7 8 -1))
+(eql-test t #'every #'< '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6) #(7 8))
+;; fboundp and fmakunbound - function
+(eq-test t #'fboundp 'car)
+(eq-eval 'test '(defun test ()))
+(eq-test t #'fboundp 'test)
+(eq-test 'test #'fmakunbound 'test)
+(eq-test nil #'fboundp 'test)
+(eq-eval 'test '(defmacro test (x) x))
+(eq-test t #'fboundp 'test)
+(eq-test 'test #'fmakunbound 'test)
+;; fill - function
+(setq x (list 1 2 3 4))
+(equal-test '((4 4 4 4) (4 4 4 4) (4 4 4 4) (4 4 4 4)) #'fill x '(4 4 4 4))
+(eq-eval t '(eq (car x) (cadr x)))
+(equalp-test '#(a z z d e) #'fill '#(a b c d e) 'z :start 1 :end 3)
+(equal-test "012ee" #'fill (xseq "01234") #\e :start 3)
+(error-test #'fill 1 #\a)
+;; find - function
+(eql-test #\Space #'find #\d "here are some letters that can be looked at" :test #'char>)
+(eql-test 3 #'find-if #'oddp '(1 2 3 4 5) :end 3 :from-end t)
+(eq-test nil #'find-if-not #'complexp '#(3.5 2 #C(1.0 0.0) #C(0.0 1.0)) :start 2)
+(eq-test nil #'find 1 "abc")
+(error-test #'find 1 #c(1 2))
+;; find-symbol - function
+(equal-eval '(nil nil)
+ '(multiple-value-list (find-symbol "NEVER-BEFORE-USED")))
+(equal-eval '(nil nil)
+ '(multiple-value-list (find-symbol "NEVER-BEFORE-USED")))
+(setq test (multiple-value-list (intern "NEVER-BEFORE-USED")))
+(equal-eval test '(read-from-string "(never-before-used nil)"))
+(equal-eval '(never-before-used :internal)
+ '(multiple-value-list (intern "NEVER-BEFORE-USED")))
+(equal-eval '(never-before-used :internal)
+ '(multiple-value-list (find-symbol "NEVER-BEFORE-USED")))
+(equal-eval '(nil nil)
+ '(multiple-value-list (find-symbol "never-before-used")))
+(equal-eval '(car :inherited)
+ '(multiple-value-list (find-symbol "CAR" 'common-lisp-user)))
+(equal-eval '(car :external)
+ '(multiple-value-list (find-symbol "CAR" 'common-lisp)))
+;; XXX these will generate wrong results, NIL is not really a symbol
+;; currently in the interpreter
+(equal-eval '(nil :inherited)
+ '(multiple-value-list (find-symbol "NIL" 'common-lisp-user)))
+(equal-eval '(nil :external)
+ '(multiple-value-list (find-symbol "NIL" 'common-lisp)))
+(setq test (multiple-value-list
+ (find-symbol "NIL" (prog1 (make-package "JUST-TESTING" :use '())
+ (intern "NIL" "JUST-TESTING")))))
+(equal-eval (read-from-string "(just-testing::nil :internal)") 'test)
+(eq-eval t '(export 'just-testing::nil 'just-testing))
+(equal-eval '(just-testing:nil :external)
+ '(multiple-value-list (find-symbol "NIL" 'just-testing)))
+#+xedit (equal-eval '(nil nil)
+ '(multiple-value-list (find-symbol "NIL" "KEYWORD")))
+;; optional result of previous form:
+(equal-eval '(:nil :external)
+ '(multiple-value-list (find-symbol "NIL" "KEYWORD")))
+;; funcall - function
+(eql-test 6 #'funcall #'+ 1 2 3)
+(eql-test 1 #'funcall #'car '(1 2 3))
+(equal-test '(1 2 3) #'funcall #'list 1 2 3)
+;; TODO properly implement ``function''
+;; functionp - function (predicate)
+(eq-test nil #'functionp 'append)
+(eq-test t #'functionp #'append)
+(eq-test nil #'functionp '(lambda (x) (* x x)))
+(eq-test t #'functionp #'(lambda (x) (* x x)))
+(eq-test t #'functionp (symbol-function 'append))
+(eq-test nil #'functionp 1)
+(eq-test nil #'functionp nil)
+;; gensym - function
+(setq sym1 (gensym))
+(eq-test nil #'symbol-package sym1)
+(setq sym1 (gensym 100))
+(setq sym2 (gensym 100))
+(eq-test nil #'eq sym1 sym2)
+(eq-test nil #'equalp (gensym) (gensym))
+;; get - accessor
+(defun make-person (first-name last-name)
+ (let ((person (gensym "PERSON")))
+ (setf (get person 'first-name) first-name)
+ (setf (get person 'last-name) last-name)
+ person))
+(eq-eval '*john* '(defvar *john* (make-person "John" "Dow")))
+(eq-eval '*sally* '(defvar *sally* (make-person "Sally" "Jones")))
+(equal-eval "John" '(get *john* 'first-name))
+(equal-eval "Jones" '(get *sally* 'last-name))
+(defun marry (man woman married-name)
+ (setf (get man 'wife) woman)
+ (setf (get woman 'husband) man)
+ (setf (get man 'last-name) married-name)
+ (setf (get woman 'last-name) married-name)
+ married-name)
+(equal-eval "Dow-Jones" '(marry *john* *sally* "Dow-Jones"))
+(equal-eval "Dow-Jones" '(get *john* 'last-name))
+(equal-eval "Sally" '(get (get *john* 'wife) 'first-name))
+(equal-eval `(wife ,*sally* last-name "Dow-Jones" first-name "John")
+ '(symbol-plist *john*))
+(eq-eval 'age
+ '(defmacro age (person &optional (default ''thirty-something))
+ `(get ,person 'age ,default)))
+(eq-eval 'thirty-something '(age *john*))
+(eql-eval 20 '(age *john* 20))
+(eql-eval 25 '(setf (age *john*) 25))
+(eql-eval 25 '(age *john*))
+(eql-eval 25 '(age *john* 20))
+;; graphic-char-p - function
+(eq-test t #'graphic-char-p #\a)
+(eq-test t #'graphic-char-p #\Space)
+(eq-test nil #'graphic-char-p #\Newline)
+(eq-test nil #'graphic-char-p #\Tab)
+(eq-test nil #'graphic-char-p #\Rubout)
+;; if - special operator
+(eq-eval nil '(if nil t))
+(eq-eval nil '(if t nil t))
+(eq-eval nil '(if nil t nil))
+(eq-eval nil '(if nil t (if nil (if nil t) nil)))
+;; incf - macro
+(setq n 1)
+(eql-eval 2 '(incf n))
+(eql-eval 2 'n)
+(setq n 2147483647)
+(eql-eval 2147483648 '(incf n))
+(eql-eval 2147483648 'n)
+(setq n 0)
+(eql-eval 0.5d0 '(incf n 0.5d0))
+(eql-eval 0.5d0 'n)
+(setq n 1)
+(eql-eval 3/2 '(incf n 1/2))
+(eql-eval 3/2 'n)
+;; intersection - function
+(setq list1 (list 1 1 2 3 4 'a 'b 'c "A" "B" "C" "d")
+ list2 (list 1 4 5 'b 'c 'd "a" "B" "c" "D"))
+(equal-test '(1 1 4 b c) #'intersection list1 list2)
+(equal-test '(1 1 4 b c "B") #'intersection list1 list2 :test 'equal)
+(equal-test '(1 1 4 b c "A" "B" "C" "d")
+ #'intersection list1 list2 :test #'equalp)
+(setq list1 (nintersection list1 list2))
+(equal-eval '(1 1 4 b c) 'list1)
+(setq list1 (copy-list '((1 . 2) (2 . 3) (3 . 4) (4 . 5))))
+(setq list2 (copy-list '((1 . 3) (2 . 4) (3 . 6) (4 . 8))))
+(equal-test '((2 . 3) (3 . 4)) #'nintersection list1 list2 :key #'cdr)
+;; keywordp - function (predicate)
+(eq-test t #'keywordp :test)
+(eq-test nil #'keywordp 'test)
+(eq-test nil #'keywordp '#:test)
+(eq-test nil #'keywordp 1)
+(eq-test nil #'keywordp #'keywordp)
+(eq-test nil #'keywordp nil)
+;; last - function
+(equal-test '(3) #'last '(1 2 3))
+(equal-test '(2 . 3) #'last '(1 2 . 3))
+(eq-test nil #'last nil)
+(eql-test () #'last '(1 2 3) 0)
+(setq a '(1 . 2))
+(eql-test 2 #'last a 0)
+(eq-test a #'last a 1)
+(eq-test a #'last a 2)
+(eq-test t #'last t)
+(equal-test #c(1 2) #'last #c(1 2))
+(equalp-test #(1 2 3) #'last #(1 2 3))
+;; length - function
+(eql-test 3 #'length "abc")
+(eql-test 0 #'length nil)
+(eql-test 1 #'length '(1 . 2))
+(eql-test 2 #'length #(1 2))
+(error-test #'length #c(1 2))
+(error-test #'length t)
+;; let - special operator
+(eql-eval 2 '(setq a 1 b 2))
+(eql-eval 2 '(let ((a 2)) a))
+(eql-eval 1 'a)
+(eql-eval 1 '(let ((a 3) (b a)) b))
+(eql-eval 2 'b)
+;; let* - special operator
+(setq a 1 b 2)
+(eql-eval 2 '(let* ((a 2)) a))
+(eql-eval 1 'a)
+(eql-eval 3 '(let* ((a 3) (b a)) b))
+(eql-eval 2 'b)
+;; list - function
+(equal-test '(1) #'list 1)
+(equal-test '(3 4 a b 4) #'list 3 4 'a (car '(b . c)) (+ 6 -2))
+(eq-test nil #'list)
+;; list-length - function
+(eql-test 4 #'list-length '(a b c d))
+(eql-test 3 #'list-length '(a (b c) d))
+(eql-test 0 #'list-length '())
+(eql-test 0 #'list-length nil)
+(defun circular-list (&rest elements)
+ (let ((cycle (copy-list elements)))
+ (nconc cycle cycle)))
+(eq-test nil #'list-length (circular-list 'a 'b))
+(eq-test nil #'list-length (circular-list 'a))
+(eql-test 0 #'list-length (circular-list))
+;; list* - function
+(eql-test 1 #'list* 1)
+(equal-test '(a b c . d) #'list* 'a 'b 'c 'd)
+(error-test #'list*)
+(setq a '(1 2))
+(eq-test a #'list* a)
+;; listp - function (predicate)
+(eq-test t #'listp nil)
+(eq-test t #'listp '(1 . 2))
+(eq-test nil #'listp t)
+(eq-test nil #'listp #'listp)
+(eq-test nil #'listp #(1 2))
+(eq-test nil #'listp #c(1 2))
+;; lower-case-p - function
+(eq-test t #'lower-case-p #\a)
+(eq-test nil #'lower-case-p #\1)
+(eq-test nil #'lower-case-p #\Newline)
+(error-test #'lower-case-p 1)
+;; TODO make-array (will be rewritten)
+;; make-list - function
+(equal-test '(nil nil nil) #'make-list 3)
+(equal-test '((1 2) (1 2)) #'make-list 2 :initial-element '(1 2))
+(eq-test nil #'make-list 0)
+(eq-test nil #'make-list 0 :initial-element 1)
+;; make-package - function
+(setq pack1 (make-package "PACKAGE-1" :nicknames '("PACK-1" "PACK1")))
+(setq pack2 (make-package "PACKAGE-2" :nicknames '("PACK-2" "PACK2") :use '("PACK1")))
+(equal-test (list pack2) #'package-used-by-list pack1)
+(equal-test (list pack1) #'package-use-list pack2)
+(eq-test pack1 #'symbol-package 'pack1::test)
+(eq-test pack2 #'symbol-package 'pack2::test)
+;; make-string - function
+(equal-test "55555" #'make-string 5 :initial-element #\5)
+(equal-test "" #'make-string 0)
+(error-test #'make-string 10 :initial-element t)
+(error-test #'make-string 10 :initial-element nil)
+(error-test #'make-string 10 :initial-element 1)
+(eql-test 10 #'length (make-string 10))
+;; make-symbol - function
+(setq a "TEST")
+;; This will fail
+(eq-test nil #'eq (make-symbol a) (make-symbol a))
+(equal-test a #'symbol-name (make-symbol a))
+(setq temp-string "temp")
+(setq temp-symbol (make-symbol temp-string))
+(equal-test temp-string #'symbol-name temp-symbol)
+(equal-eval '(nil nil) '(multiple-value-list (find-symbol temp-string)))
+;; makunbound - function
+(eq-eval 1 '(setf (symbol-value 'a) 1))
+(eq-test t #'boundp 'a)
+(eql-eval 1 'a)
+(eq-test 'a #'makunbound 'a)
+(eq-test nil #'boundp 'a)
+(error-test #'makunbound 1)
+;; mapc - function
+(setq dummy nil)
+(equal-test '(1 2 3 4)
+ #'mapc #'(lambda (&rest x) (setq dummy (append dummy x)))
+ '(1 2 3 4)
+ '(a b c d e)
+ '(x y z))
+(equal-eval '(1 a x 2 b y 3 c z) 'dummy)
+;; mapcan - function
+(equal-test '(d 4 e 5)
+ #'mapcan #'(lambda (x y) (if (null x) nil (list x y)))
+ '(nil nil nil d e)
+ '(1 2 3 4 5 6))
+(equal-test '(1 3 4 5)
+ #'mapcan #'(lambda (x) (and (numberp x) (list x)))
+ '(a 1 b c 3 4 d 5))
+;; mapcar - function
+(equal-test '(1 2 3) #'mapcar #'car '((1 a) (2 b) (3 c)))
+(equal-test '(3 4 2 5 6) #'mapcar #'abs '(3 -4 2 -5 -6))
+(equal-test '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3)) #'mapcar #'cons '(a b c) '(1 2 3))
+(equal-test '((1 3 5)) #'mapcar #'list* '(1 2) '(3 4) '((5)))
+(equal-test '((1 3 5) (2 4 6)) #'mapcar #'list* '(1 2) '(3 4) '((5) (6)))
+;; mapcon - function
+(equal-test '(1 a 2 b (3) c) #'mapcon #'car '((1 a) (2 b) ((3) c)))
+(equal-test '((1 2 3 4) (2 3 4) (3 4) (4)) #'mapcon #'list '(1 2 3 4))
+;; mapl - function
+(setq dummy nil)
+(equal-test '(1 2 3 4) #'mapl #'(lambda (x) (push x dummy)) '(1 2 3 4))
+(equal-eval '((4) (3 4) (2 3 4) (1 2 3 4)) 'dummy)
+;; maplist - function
+(equal-test '((1 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 3) (2 3 4 2 2 3))
+ #'maplist #'append '(1 2 3 4) '(1 2) '(1 2 3))
+(equal-test '((foo a b c d) (foo b c d) (foo c d) (foo d))
+ #'maplist #'(lambda (x) (cons 'foo x)) '(a b c d))
+(equal-test '(0 0 1 0 1 1 1)
+ #'maplist #'(lambda (x) (if (member (car x) (cdr x)) 0 1)) '(a b a c d b c))
+;; member - function
+(setq a '(1 2 3))
+(eq-test (cdr a) #'member 2 a)
+(setq a '((1 . 2) (3 . 4)))
+(eq-test (cdr a) #'member 2 a :test-not #'= :key #'cdr)
+(eq-test nil #'member 'e '(a b c d))
+(eq-test nil #'member 1 nil)
+(error-test #'member 2 '(1 . 2))
+(setq a '(a b nil c d))
+(eq-test (cddr a) #'member-if #'listp a)
+(setq a '(a #\Space 5/3 foo))
+(eq-test (cddr a) #'member-if #'numberp a)
+(setq a '(3 6 9 11 . 12))
+(eq-test (cdddr a) #'member-if-not #'zerop a :key #'(lambda (x) (mod x 3)))
+;; multiple-value-bind - macro
+(equal-eval '(11 9) '(multiple-value-bind (f r) (floor 130 11) (list f r)))
+;; multiple-value-call - special operator
+(equal-eval '(1 / 2 3 / / 2 0.5)
+ '(multiple-value-call #'list 1 '/ (values 2 3) '/ (values) '/ (floor 2.5)))
+(eql-eval 10 '(multiple-value-call #'+ (floor 5 3) (floor 19 4)))
+;; multiple-value-list - macro
+(equal-eval '(-1 1) '(multiple-value-list (floor -3 4)))
+(eql-eval nil '(multiple-value-list (values)))
+(equal-eval '(nil) '(multiple-value-list (values nil)))
+;; multiple-value-prog1 - special operator
+(setq temp '(1 2 3))
+(equal-eval temp
+ '(multiple-value-list
+ (multiple-value-prog1
+ (values-list temp)
+ (setq temp nil)
+ (values-list temp))))
+;; multiple-value-setq - macro
+(eql-eval 1 '(multiple-value-setq (quotient remainder) (truncate 3.5d0 2)))
+(eql-eval 1 quotient)
+(eql-eval 1.5d0 'remainder)
+(eql-eval 1 '(multiple-value-setq (a b c) (values 1 2)))
+(eql-eval 1 'a)
+(eql-eval 2 'b)
+(eq-eval nil 'c)
+(eql-eval 4 '(multiple-value-setq (a b) (values 4 5 6)))
+(eql-eval 4 'a)
+(eql-eval 5 'b)
+(setq a 1)
+(eql-eval nil '(multiple-value-setq (a) (values)))
+(eql-eval nil 'a)
+;; nconc - function
+(eq-test nil #'nconc)
+(setq x '(a b c))
+(setq y '(d e f))
+(equal-test '(a b c d e f) #'nconc x y)
+(equal-eval '(a b c d e f) 'x)
+(eq-test y #'cdddr x)
+(equal-test '(1 . 2) #'nconc (list 1) 2)
+(error-test #'nconc 1 2 3)
+(equal-eval '(k l m)
+ '(setq foo (list 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e)
+ bar (list 'f 'g 'h 'i 'j)
+ baz (list 'k 'l 'm)))
+(equal-test '(a b c d e f g h i j k l m) #'nconc foo bar baz)
+(equal-eval '(a b c d e f g h i j k l m) 'foo)
+(equal-eval (nthcdr 5 foo) 'bar)
+(equal-eval (nthcdr 10 foo) 'baz)
+(setq foo (list 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e)
+ bar (list 'f 'g 'h 'i 'j)
+ baz (list 'k 'l 'm))
+(equal-eval '(a b c d e f g h i j k l m) '(setq foo (nconc nil foo bar nil baz)))
+(equal-eval '(a b c d e f g h i j k l m) 'foo)
+(equal-eval (nthcdr 5 foo) 'bar)
+(equal-eval (nthcdr 10 foo) 'baz)
+;; notany - function
+(eql-test t #'notany #'> '(1 2 3 4) '(5 6 7 8) '(9 10 11 12))
+(eql-test t #'notany 'not-used ())
+(eql-test nil #'notany #'characterp #(1 2 3 4 5 #\6 7 8))
+;; notevery - function
+(eql-test nil #'notevery #'< '(1 2 3 4) '(5 6 7 8) '(9 10 11 12))
+(eql-test nil #'notevery 'not-used ())
+(eql-test t #'notevery #'numberp #(1 2 3 4 5 #\6 7 8))
+;; nth - accessor (function)
+(eql-test 'foo #'nth 0 '(foo bar baz))
+(eql-test 'bar #'nth 1 '(foo bar baz))
+(eq-test nil #'nth 3 '(foo bar baz))
+(error-test #'nth 0 #c(1 2))
+(error-test #'nth 0 #(1 2))
+(error-test #'nth 0 "test")
+;; nth-value - macro
+(equal-eval 'a '(nth-value 0 (values 'a 'b)))
+(equal-eval 'b '(nth-value 1 (values 'a 'b)))
+(eq-eval nil '(nth-value 2 (values 'a 'b)))
+(equal-eval '(3332987528 3332987528 t)
+ '(multiple-value-list
+ (let* ((x 83927472397238947423879243432432432)
+ (y 32423489732)
+ (a (nth-value 1 (floor x y)))
+ (b (mod x y)))
+ (values a b (= a b)))))
+;; nthcdr - function
+(eq-test nil #'nthcdr 0 '())
+(eq-test nil #'nthcdr 3 '())
+(equal-test '(a b c) #'nthcdr 0 '(a b c))
+(equal-test '(c) #'nthcdr 2 '(a b c))
+(eq-test () #'nthcdr 4 '(a b c))
+(eql-test 1 #'nthcdr 1 '(0 . 1))
+(error-test #'nthcdr -1 '(1 2))
+(error-test #'nthcdr #\Null '(1 2))
+(error-test #'nthcdr 1 t)
+(error-test #'nthcdr 1 #(1 2 3))
+;; or - macro
+(eq-eval nil '(or))
+(setq temp0 nil temp1 10 temp2 20 temp3 30)
+(eql-eval 10 '(or temp0 temp1 (setq temp2 37)))
+(eql-eval 20 'temp2)
+(eql-eval 11 '(or (incf temp1) (incf temp2) (incf temp3)))
+(eql-eval 11 'temp1)
+(eql-eval 20 temp2)
+(eql-eval 30 'temp3)
+(eql-eval 11 '(or (values) temp1))
+(eql-eval 11 '(or (values temp1 temp2) temp3))
+(equal-eval '(11 20) '(multiple-value-list (or temp0 (values temp1 temp2))))
+(equal-eval '(20 30)
+ '(multiple-value-list (or (values temp0 temp1) (values temp2 temp3))))
+;; packagep - function (predicate)
+(eq-test t #'packagep *package*)
+(eq-test nil #'packagep 10)
+(eq-test t #'packagep (make-package "TEST-PACKAGE"))
+(eq-test nil #'packagep 'keyword)
+(eq-test t #'packagep (find-package 'keyword))
+;; pairlis - function
+#+xedit ;; order of result may vary
+ (equal-test '((one . 1) (two . 2) (three . 3) (four . 19))
+ #'pairlis '(one two) '(1 2) '((three . 3) (four . 19)))
+ (setq keys '(1 2 3)
+ data '("one" "two" "three")
+ alist '((4 . "four")))
+ (equal-test '((1 . "one") (2 . "two") (3 . "three"))
+ #'pairlis keys data)
+ (equal-test '((1 . "one") (2 . "two") (3 . "three") (4 . "four"))
+ #'pairlis keys data alist)
+ (equal-eval '(1 2 3) 'keys)
+ (equal-eval '("one" "two" "three") 'data)
+ (equal-eval '((4 . "four")) 'alist)
+ (eq-test nil #'pairlis 1 2)
+ (error-test #'pairlis '(1 2 3) '(4 5))
+;; pop - macro
+(setq stack '(a b c) test stack)
+(eq-eval 'a '(pop stack))
+(eq-eval (cdr test) 'stack)
+(setq llst '((1 2 3 4)) test (car llst))
+(eq-eval 1 '(pop (car llst)))
+(eq-eval (cdr test) '(car llst))
+(error-eval '(pop 1))
+(error-eval '(pop nil))
+;; dotted list
+(setq stack (cons 1 2))
+(eq-eval 1 '(pop stack))
+(error-eval '(pop stack))
+;; circular list
+(setq stack '#1=(1 . #1#) *print-circle* t)
+(eql-eval 1 '(pop stack))
+(eql-eval 1 '(pop stack))
+(eql-eval 1 '(pop (cdr stack)))
+;; position - function
+(eql-test 4 #'position #\a "baobab" :from-end t)
+(eql-test 2 #'position-if #'oddp '((1) (2) (3) (4)) :start 1 :key #'car)
+(eq-test nil #'position 595 '())
+(eq-test 4 #'position-if-not #'integerp '(1 2 3 4 5.0))
+(eql-test 1 #'position (char-int #\1) "0123" :key #'char-int)
+;; prog - macro
+(eq-eval nil '(prog () :error))
+(eq-eval 'ok
+ '(prog ((a 0))
+ l1 (if (< a 10) (go l3) (go l2))
+ (return 'failed)
+ l2 (return 'ok)
+ (return 'failed)
+ l3 (incf a) (go l1)
+ (return 'failed)
+ ))
+(setq a 1)
+(eq-eval '/= '(prog ((a 2) (b a)) (return (if (= a b) '= '/=))))
+;; prog* - macro
+(setq a 1)
+(eq-eval nil '(prog* () :error))
+(eq-eval 'ok
+ '(prog* ((a 0) (b 0))
+ l1 (if (< a 10) (go l3) (go l2))
+ (return 'failed)
+ l2 (if (< b 10) (go l4) (return 'ok))
+ (return 'failed)
+ l3 (incf a) (go l1)
+ (return 'failed)
+ l4 (incf b) (setq a 0) (go l1)
+ (return 'failed)
+ ))
+(eq-eval '= '(prog* ((a 2) (b a)) (return (if (= a b) '= '/=))))
+;; prog1 - macro
+(setq temp 1)
+(eql-eval 1 '(prog1 temp (incf temp) (eql-eval 2 'temp) temp))
+(eql-eval 2 'temp)
+(eql-eval 2 '(prog1 temp (setq temp nil) (eql-eval nil 'temp) temp))
+(eq-eval nil 'temp)
+(eql-eval 1 '(prog1 (values 1 2 3) 4))
+(setq temp (list 'a 'b 'c))
+(eq-eval 'a '(prog1 (car temp) (setf (car temp) 'alpha)))
+(equal-eval '(alpha b c) 'temp)
+(equal-eval '(1)
+ '(multiple-value-list (prog1 (values 1 2) (values 4 5))))
+;; prog2 - macro
+(setq temp 1)
+(eql-eval 3 '(prog2 (incf temp) (incf temp) (incf temp)))
+(eql-eval 4 'temp)
+(eql-eval 2 '(prog2 1 (values 2 3 4) 5))
+(equal-eval '(3)
+ '(multiple-value-list (prog2 (values 1 2) (values 3 4) (values 5 6))))
+;; progn - special operator
+(eq-eval nil '(progn))
+(eql-eval 3 '(progn 1 2 3))
+(equal-eval '(1 2 3) '(multiple-value-list (progn (values 1 2 3))))
+(setq a 1)
+(eq-eval 'here '(if a (progn (setq a nil) 'here) (progn (setq a t) 'there)))
+(eq-eval nil 'a)
+;; progv - special operator
+(makunbound '*x*) ;; make sure it is not bound
+(setq *x* 1)
+(eql-eval 2 '(progv '(*x*) '(2) *x*))
+(eql-eval 1 '*x*)
+(equal-eval '(3 4)
+ '(let ((*x* 3)) (progv '(*x*) '(4) (list *x* (symbol-value '*x*)))))
+(makunbound '*x*)
+(defvar *x* 1)
+(equal-eval '(4 4)
+ '(let ((*x* 3)) (progv '(*x*) '(4) (list *x* (symbol-value '*x*)))))
+(equal-eval '(4 4)
+ '(multiple-value-list
+ (let ((*x* 3))
+ (progv '(*x*) '(4) (values-list (list *x* (symbol-value '*x*)))))))
+;; push - macro
+(setq llst '(nil))
+(equal-eval '(1) '(push 1 (car llst)))
+(equal-eval '((1)) 'llst)
+(equal-eval '(1 1) '(push 1 (car llst)))
+(equal-eval '((1 1)) 'llst)
+(setq x '(a (b c) d))
+(equal-eval '(5 B C) '(push 5 (cadr x)))
+(equal-eval '(a (5 b c) d) 'x)
+;; pushnew - macro
+(setq x '(a (b c) d))
+(equal-eval '(5 b c) '(pushnew 5 (cadr x)))
+(equal-eval '(a (5 b c) d) 'x)
+(equal-eval '(5 b c) '(pushnew 'b (cadr x)))
+(equal-eval '(a (5 b c) d) 'x)
+(setq lst '((1) (1 2) (1 2 3)))
+(equal-eval '((2) (1) (1 2) (1 2 3)) '(pushnew '(2) lst))
+(equal-eval '((1) (2) (1) (1 2) (1 2 3)) '(pushnew '(1) lst))
+(equal-eval '((1) (2) (1) (1 2) (1 2 3)) '(pushnew '(1) lst :test 'equal))
+(equal-eval '((1) (2) (1) (1 2) (1 2 3)) '(pushnew '(1) lst :key #'car))
+;; remove-duplicates - function
+(equal-test "aBcD" #'remove-duplicates "aBcDAbCd" :test #'char-equal :from-end t)
+(equal-test '(a c b d e) #'remove-duplicates '(a b c b d d e))
+(equal-test '(a b c d e) #'remove-duplicates '(a b c b d d e) :from-end t)
+(equal-test '((bar #\%) (baz #\A))
+ #'remove-duplicates '((foo #\a) (bar #\%) (baz #\A))
+ :test #'char-equal :key #'cadr)
+(equal-test '((foo #\a) (bar #\%))
+ #'remove-duplicates '((foo #\a) (bar #\%) (baz #\A))
+ :test #'char-equal :key #'cadr :from-end t)
+(setq tester (list 0 1 2 3 4 5 6))
+(equal-test '(0 4 5 6) #'delete-duplicates tester :key #'oddp :start 1 :end 6)
+;; replace - function
+(equal-test "abcd456hij"
+ #'replace (copy-seq "abcdefghij") "0123456789" :start1 4 :end1 7 :start2 4)
+(setq lst (xseq "012345678"))
+(equal-test "010123456" #'replace lst lst :start1 2 :start2 0)
+(equal-eval "010123456" 'lst)
+;; rest - accessor
+(equal-eval '(2) '(rest '(1 2)))
+(eql-eval 2 '(rest '(1 . 2)))
+(eq-eval nil '(rest '(1)))
+(setq *cons* '(1 . 2))
+(equal-eval "two" '(setf (rest *cons*) "two"))
+(equal-eval '(1 . "two") '*cons*)
+;; return - macro
+(eq-eval nil '(block nil (return) 1))
+(eql-eval 1 '(block nil (return 1) 2))
+(equal-eval '(1 2) '(multiple-value-list (block nil (return (values 1 2)) 3)))
+(eql-eval 1 '(block nil (block alpha (return 1) 2)))
+(eql-eval 2 '(block alpha (block nil (return 1)) 2))
+(eql-eval 1 '(block nil (block nil (return 1) 2)))
+;; return-from - special operator
+(eq-eval nil '(block alpha (return-from alpha) 1))
+(eql-eval 1 '(block alpha (return-from alpha 1) 2))
+(equal-eval '(1 2)
+ '(multiple-value-list (block alpha (return-from alpha (values 1 2)) 3)))
+(eql-eval 2
+ '(let ((a 0)) (dotimes (i 10) (incf a) (when (oddp i) (return))) a))
+(eq-eval 'temp '(defun temp (x) (if x (return-from temp ''dummy)) 44))
+(eql-eval 44 '(temp nil))
+(eq-eval 'dummy (temp t))
+(eql-eval 2 (block nil (unwind-protect (return-from nil 1) (return-from nil 2))))
+(error-eval '(funcall (block nil #'(lambda () (return-from nil)))))
+;; reverse - function
+(setq str (xseq "abc") test str)
+(equal-test "cba" #'reverse str)
+(eq-eval test 'str)
+(equal-eval "cba" '(setq test (nreverse str)))
+(equal-eval "cba" 'test)
+(setq l (list 1 2 3) test l)
+(equal-eval '(3 2 1) '(setq test (nreverse l)))
+(equal-eval '(3 2 1) 'test)
+;; rplac? - function
+(eql-eval '*some-list*
+ '(defparameter *some-list* (list* 'one 'two 'three 'four)))
+(equal-eval '(one two three . four) '*some-list*)
+(equal-test '(uno two three . four) #'rplaca *some-list* 'uno)
+(equal-eval '(uno two three . four) '*some-list*)
+(equal-test '(three iv) #'rplacd (last *some-list*) (list 'iv))
+(equal-eval '(uno two three iv) '*some-list*)
+;; search - function
+(eql-test 7 #'search "dog" "it's a dog's life")
+(eql-test 2 #'search '(0 1) '(2 4 6 1 3 5) :key #'oddp)
+(eql-test 8 #'search "foo" "foooobarfooooobarfo" :from-end t)
+(eql-test 5
+ #'search "123"
+ (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (+ x (char-code #\0)))
+ '(1 2 34 3 2 1 2 3 4 3 2 1)) :from-end t
+ :key #'(lambda (x) (if (integerp x) (code-char x) x)))
+(eql-test 0 #'search "abc" "abcd" :from-end t)
+(eql-test 3 #'search "bar" "foobar")
+;; set - function
+(eql-eval 1 '(setf (symbol-value 'n) 1))
+(eql-test 2 #'set 'n 2)
+(eql-test 2 #'symbol-value 'n)
+(eql-eval 4
+ '(let ((n 3))
+ (setq n (+ n 1))
+ (setf (symbol-value 'n) (* n 10))
+ (set 'n (+ (symbol-value 'n) n))
+ n))
+(eql-eval 44 'n)
+(defvar *n* 2)
+(eql-eval 80
+ '(let ((*n* 3))
+ (setq *n* (+ *n* 1))
+ (setf (symbol-value '*n*) (* *n* 10))
+ (set '*n* (+ (symbol-value '*n*) *n*))
+ *n*))
+(eql-eval 2 '*n*)
+(eq-eval '*even-count* '(defvar *even-count* 0))
+(eq-eval '*odd-count* '(defvar *odd-count* 0))
+(eql-eval 'tally-list
+ '(defun tally-list (list)
+ (dolist (element list)
+ (set (if (evenp element) '*even-count* '*odd-count*)
+ (+ element (if (evenp element) *even-count* *odd-count*))))))
+(eq-eval nil '(tally-list '(1 9 4 3 2 7)))
+(eql-eval 6 '*even-count*)
+(eql-eval 20 '*odd-count*)
+;; set-difference - function
+(setq lst1 (list "A" "b" "C" "d") lst2 (list "a" "B" "C" "d"))
+(equal-test '("A" "b" "C" "d") #'set-difference lst1 lst2)
+(equal-test '("A" "b") #'set-difference lst1 lst2 :test 'equal)
+(eq-test nil #'set-difference lst1 lst2 :test #'equalp)
+(equal-test '("A" "b") #'nset-difference lst1 lst2 :test #'string=)
+(setq lst1 '(("a" . "b") ("c" . "d") ("e" . "f"))
+ lst2 '(("c" . "a") ("e" . "b") ("d" . "a")))
+(equal-test '(("c" . "d") ("e" . "f"))
+ #'nset-difference lst1 lst2 :test #'string= :key #'cdr)
+(equal-eval '(("c" . "a") ("e" . "b") ("d" . "a")) 'lst2)
+(equal-test '("banana" "lemon" "rhubarb")
+ #'set-difference
+ '("strawberry" "chocolate" "banana" "lemon" "pistachio" "rhubarb")
+ '(#\c #\w) :test #'(lambda (s c) (find c s)))
+;; set-exclusive-or - function
+(setq lst1 (list 1 "a" "b") lst2 (list 1 "A" "b"))
+(equal-test '("a" "b" "A" "b") #'set-exclusive-or lst1 lst2)
+(equal-test '("a" "A") #'set-exclusive-or lst1 lst2 :test #'equal)
+(eq-test nil #'set-exclusive-or lst1 lst2 :test 'equalp)
+(equal-test '("a" "b" "A" "b") #'nset-exclusive-or lst1 lst2)
+(setq lst1 '(("a" . "b") ("c" . "d") ("e" . "f"))
+ lst2 '(("c" . "a") ("e" . "b") ("d" . "a")))
+(equal-test '(("c" . "d") ("e" . "f") ("c" . "a") ("d" . "a"))
+ #'nset-exclusive-or lst1 lst2 :test #'string= :key #'cdr)
+;; setf - macro
+(setq x (cons 'a 'b) y (list 1 2 3))
+(equal-eval '(1 x 3) '(setf (car x) 'x (cadr y) (car x) (cdr x) y))
+(equal-eval '(x 1 x 3) 'x)
+(equal-eval '(1 x 3) 'y)
+(setq x (cons 'a 'b) y (list 1 2 3))
+(eq-eval nil '(psetf (car x) 'x (cadr y) (car x) (cdr x) y))
+(equal-eval '(x 1 a 3) 'x)
+(equal-eval '(1 a 3) 'y)
+(error-eval '(setf x))
+(error-eval '(psetf x))
+;; setq - special form
+(eql-eval 3 '(setq a 1 b 2 c 3))
+(eql-eval 1 'a)
+(eql-eval 2 'b)
+(eql-eval 3 'c)
+(eql-eval 7 '(setq a (1+ b) b (1+ a) c (+ a b)))
+(eql-eval 3 'a)
+(eql-eval 4 'b)
+(eql-eval 7 'c)
+(eq-eval nil '(psetq a 1 b 2 c 3))
+(eql-eval 1 'a)
+(eql-eval 2 'b)
+(eql-eval 3 'c)
+(equal-eval '(2 1)
+ '(multiple-value-list (let ((a 1) (b 2)) (psetq a b b a) (values a b))))
+(error-eval '(setq x))
+(error-eval '(setq x 1 y))
+;; some - function
+(eq-test t #'some #'= '(1 2 3 4 5) '(5 4 3 2 1))
+;; sort - function
+(setq tester (copy-seq "lkjashd"))
+(equal-test "adhjkls" #'sort tester #'char-lessp)
+(setq tester (list '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6) '(7 8 9)))
+(equal-test '((7 8 9) (4 5 6) (1 2 3)) #'sort tester #'> :key #'car)
+(setq tester (list 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0))
+(equal-test '(1 3 5 7 9 2 4 6 8 0)
+ #'stable-sort tester #'(lambda (x y) (and (oddp x) (evenp y))))
+ #((("Kathy" "Chapman") "Editorial")
+ (("Dick" "Gabriel") "Objects")
+ (("Gregor" "Kiczales") "Objects")
+ (("Sandra" "Loosemore") "Compiler")
+ (("Larry" "Masinter") "Cleanup")
+ (("David" "Moon") "Objects")
+ (("Kent" "Pitman") "Conditions")
+ (("Dick" "Waters") "Iteration")
+ (("JonL" "White") "Iteration"))
+ #'sort (setq committee-data
+ (vector (list (list "JonL" "White") "Iteration")
+ (list (list "Dick" "Waters") "Iteration")
+ (list (list "Dick" "Gabriel") "Objects")
+ (list (list "Kent" "Pitman") "Conditions")
+ (list (list "Gregor" "Kiczales") "Objects")
+ (list (list "David" "Moon") "Objects")
+ (list (list "Kathy" "Chapman") "Editorial")
+ (list (list "Larry" "Masinter") "Cleanup")
+ (list (list "Sandra" "Loosemore") "Compiler")))
+ #'string-lessp :key #'cadar)
+ #((("Larry" "Masinter") "Cleanup")
+ (("Sandra" "Loosemore") "Compiler")
+ (("Kent" "Pitman") "Conditions")
+ (("Kathy" "Chapman") "Editorial")
+ (("Dick" "Waters") "Iteration")
+ (("JonL" "White") "Iteration")
+ (("Dick" "Gabriel") "Objects")
+ (("Gregor" "Kiczales") "Objects")
+ (("David" "Moon") "Objects"))
+ '(setq committee-data
+ (stable-sort committee-data #'string-lessp :key #'cadr)))
+(error-test #'sort #c(1 2))
+;; string - function
+(setq a "already a string")
+(eq-test a #'string a)
+(equal-test "ELM" #'string 'elm)
+(equal-test "c" #'string #\c)
+;; string-* - function
+(eq-test t #'string= "foo" "foo")
+(eq-test nil #'string= "foo" "Foo")
+(eq-test nil #'string= "foo" "bar")
+(eq-test t #'string= "together" "frog" :start1 1 :end1 3 :start2 2)
+(eq-test t #'string-equal "foo" "Foo")
+(eq-test t #'string= "abcd" "01234abcd9012" :start2 5 :end2 9)
+(eql-test 3 #'string< "aaaa" "aaab")
+(eql-test 4 #'string>= "aaaaa" "aaaa")
+(eql-test 5 #'string-not-greaterp "Abcde" "abcdE")
+(eql-test 6 #'string-lessp "012AAAA789" "01aaab6" :start1 3 :end1 7
+ :start2 2 :end2 6)
+(eq-test nil #'string-not-equal "AAAA" "aaaA")
+(error-test #'string= #(1 2 3) '(1 2 3))
+(eql-test 0 #'string< "abcd" "efg")
+(eql-test 1 #'string< "abcd" "afg")
+(eql-test 0 #'string/= "foo" "baar")
+(eql-test nil #'string/= "foobar" "foobar")
+;; string-{upcase,downcase,capitalize} - function
+(equal-test "ABCDE" #'string-upcase "abcde")
+(equal-test "aBCDe" #'string-upcase "abcde" :start 1 :end 4)
+(equal-test "aBCDe" #'nstring-upcase (xseq "abcde") :start 1 :end 4)
+(equal-test "DR. LIVINGSTON, I PRESUME?"
+ #'string-upcase "Dr. Livingston, I presume?")
+(equal-test "Dr. LIVINGSTON, I Presume?"
+ #'string-upcase "Dr. Livingston, I presume?" :start 4 :end 19)
+(equal-test "Dr. LIVINGSTON, I Presume?"
+ #'nstring-upcase (xseq "Dr. Livingston, I presume?") :start 4 :end 19)
+(equal-test "Dr. LiVINGston, I presume?"
+ #'string-upcase "Dr. Livingston, I presume?" :start 6 :end 10)
+(equal-test "Dr. LiVINGston, I presume?"
+ #'nstring-upcase (xseq "Dr. Livingston, I presume?") :start 6 :end 10)
+(equal-test "dr. livingston, i presume?"
+ #'string-downcase "Dr. Livingston, I presume?")
+(equal-test "Dr. livingston, i Presume?"
+ #'string-downcase "Dr. Livingston, I Presume?" :start 1 :end 17)
+(equal-test "Dr. livingston, i Presume?"
+ #'nstring-downcase (xseq "Dr. Livingston, I Presume?") :start 1 :end 17)
+(equal-test "Elm 13c Arthur;Fig Don'T"
+ #'string-capitalize "elm 13c arthur;fig don't")
+(equal-test "elm 13C Arthur;Fig Don't"
+ #'string-capitalize "elm 13c arthur;fig don't" :start 6 :end 21)
+(equal-test "elm 13C Arthur;Fig Don't"
+ #'nstring-capitalize (xseq "elm 13c arthur;fig don't") :start 6 :end 21)
+(equal-test " Hello " #'string-capitalize " hello ")
+(equal-test " Hello " #'nstring-capitalize (xseq " hello "))
+(equal-test "Occluded Casements Forestall Inadvertent Defenestration"
+ #'string-capitalize "occlUDeD cASEmenTs FOreSTAll iNADVertent DEFenestraTION")
+(equal-test "Don'T!" #'string-capitalize "DON'T!")
+(equal-test "Pipe 13a, Foo16c" #'string-capitalize "pipe 13a, foo16c")
+(setq str (copy-seq "0123ABCD890a"))
+(equal-test "0123AbcD890a" #'nstring-downcase str :start 5 :end 7)
+(equal-eval "0123AbcD890a" 'str)
+(error-test #'nstring-capitalize 1)
+(error-test #'string-capitalize "foobar" :start 4 :end 2)
+(equal-test "foobar" #'string-capitalize "foobar" :start 0 :end 0)
+;; string-{,left-,right-}trim - function
+(equal-test "kaaak" #'string-trim "abc" "abcaakaaakabcaaa")
+#+xedit (equal-test "kaaak" #'nstring-trim "abc" "abcaakaaakabcaaa")
+(equal-test "garbanzo beans"
+ #'string-trim '(#\Space #\Tab #\Newline) " garbanzo beans
+ ")
+#+xedit (equal-test "garbanzo beans"
+ #'nstring-trim '(#\Space #\Tab #\Newline) " garbanzo beans
+ ")
+(equal-test "three (silly) words"
+ #'string-trim " (*)" " ( *three (silly) words* ) ")
+#+xedit (equal-test "three (silly) words"
+ #'nstring-trim " (*)" " ( *three (silly) words* ) ")
+(equal-test "labcabcabc" #'string-left-trim "abc" "labcabcabc")
+#+xedit (equal-test "labcabcabc" #'nstring-left-trim "abc" "labcabcabc")
+(equal-test "three (silly) words* ) "
+ #'string-left-trim " (*)" " ( *three (silly) words* ) ")
+#+xedit (equal-test "three (silly) words* ) "
+ #'nstring-left-trim " (*)" " ( *three (silly) words* ) ")
+(equal-test " ( *three (silly) words"
+ #'string-right-trim " (*)" " ( *three (silly) words* ) ")
+#+xedit (equal-test " ( *three (silly) words"
+ #'nstring-right-trim " (*)" " ( *three (silly) words* ) ")
+(error-test #'string-trim 123 "123")
+(error-test #'string-left-trim 123 "123")
+;; stringp - function (predicate)
+(eq-test t #'stringp "abc")
+(eq-test nil #'stringp #\a)
+(eq-test nil #'stringp 1)
+(eq-test nil #'stringp #(#\a #\b #\c))
+;; subseq - accessor
+(setq str (xseq "012345"))
+(equal-test "2345" #'subseq str 2)
+(equal-test "34" #'subseq str 3 5)
+(equal-eval "abc" '(setf (subseq str 4) "abc"))
+(equal-eval "0123ab" 'str)
+(equal-eval "A" '(setf (subseq str 0 2) "A"))
+(equal-eval "A123ab" 'str)
+;; subsetp - function
+(setq cosmos '(1 "a" (1 2)))
+(eq-test t #'subsetp '(1) cosmos)
+(eq-test nil #'subsetp '((1 2)) cosmos)
+(eq-test t #'subsetp '((1 2)) cosmos :test 'equal)
+(eq-test t #'subsetp '(1 "A") cosmos :test #'equalp)
+(eq-test nil #'subsetp '((1) (2)) '((1) (2)))
+(eq-test t #'subsetp '((1) (2)) '((1) (2)) :key #'car)
+;; svref - function
+;; XXX vectors will be reimplemented, just a test for the current implementation
+(setq v (vector 1 2 'sirens))
+(eql-eval 1 '(svref v 0))
+(eql-eval 'sirens '(svref v 2))
+(eql-eval 'newcomer '(setf (svref v 1) 'newcomer))
+(equalp-eval #(1 newcomer sirens) 'v)
+;; symbol-name - function
+(equal-test "TEMP" #'symbol-name 'temp)
+(equal-test "START" #'symbol-name :start)
+(error-test #'symbol-name 1)
+;; symbol-package - function
+(eq-test (find-package "LISP") #'symbol-package 'car)
+(eql-test *package* #'symbol-package 'bus)
+(eq-test (find-package "KEYWORD") #'symbol-package :optional)
+;; Gensyms are uninterned, so have no home package.
+(eq-test nil #'symbol-package (gensym))
+(setq pk1 (make-package 'pk1))
+(intern "SAMPLE1" "PK1")
+(eq-eval t '(export (find-symbol "SAMPLE1" "PK1") "PK1"))
+(setq pk2 (make-package 'pk2 :use '(pk1)))
+(equal-eval '(pk1:sample1 :inherited)
+ '(multiple-value-list (find-symbol "SAMPLE1" "PK2")))
+(eq-test pk1 #'symbol-package 'pk1::sample1)
+(eq-test pk1 #'symbol-package 'pk2::sample1)
+(eq-test pk1 #'symbol-package 'pk1::sample2)
+(eq-test pk2 #'symbol-package 'pk2::sample2)
+;; The next several forms create a scenario in which a symbol
+;; is not really uninterned, but is "apparently uninterned",
+;; and so SYMBOL-PACKAGE still returns NIL.
+(setq s3 'pk1::sample3)
+(eq-eval t '(import s3 'pk2))
+(eq-eval t '(unintern s3 'pk1)) ;; XXX unintern not yet implemented
+(eq-test nil #'symbol-package s3) ;; fail due to unintern not implemented
+(eq-test t #'eq s3 'pk2::sample3)
+;; symbol-plist - accessor
+(setq sym (gensym))
+(eq-eval () '(symbol-plist sym))
+(eq-eval 'val1 '(setf (get sym 'prop1) 'val1))
+(equal-eval '(prop1 val1) '(symbol-plist sym))
+(eq-eval 'val2 '(setf (get sym 'prop2) 'val2))
+(equal-eval '(prop2 val2 prop1 val1) '(symbol-plist sym))
+(setq sym-plist (list 'prop3 'val3))
+(eq-eval sym-plist '(setf (symbol-plist sym) sym-plist))
+(eq-eval sym-plist '(symbol-plist sym))
+;; symbol-value - accessor
+(eql-eval 1 '(setf (symbol-value 'a) 1))
+(eql-eval 1 '(symbol-value 'a))
+;; SYMBOL-VALUE cannot see lexical variables.
+(eql-eval 1 '(let ((a 2)) (symbol-value 'a)))
+(eql-eval 1 '(let ((a 2)) (setq a 3) (symbol-value 'a)))
+#+xedit ;; incorrect...
+ ;; SYMBOL-VALUE can see dynamic variables.
+ ;; declare not yet implemented
+ (proclaim '(special a))
+ (eql-eval 2 '(let ((a 2)) (symbol-value 'a)))
+ (eql-eval 1 'a)
+ (eql-eval 3 '(let ((a 2)) (setq a 3) (symbol-value 'a)))
+ (eql-eval 1 'a)
+ ;; declare not yet implement
+ (makunbound 'a)
+ (eql-eval 2 '(let ((a 2)) (setf (symbol-value 'a) 3) a))
+ (eql-eval 3 'a)
+ (eql-eval 3 '(symbol-value 'a))
+ ;; declare not yet implement
+ (makunbound 'a)
+ (equal-eval '(5 4)
+ '(multiple-value-list
+ (let ((a 4))
+ ;; declare not yet implemented
+ (defparameter a 3)
+ (let ((b (symbol-value 'a)))
+ (setf (symbol-value 'a) 5)
+ (values a b)))))
+ (eql-eval 3 'a)
+(eq-eval :any-keyword '(symbol-value :any-keyword))
+;; XXX these will fail
+(eq-eval nil '(symbol-value 'nil))
+(eq-eval nil '(symbol-value '()))
+;; symbolp - function (predicate)
+(eq-test t #'symbolp 'elephant)
+(eq-test nil #'symbolp 12)
+;; XXX these will fail
+(eq-test t #'symbolp nil)
+(eq-test t #'symbolp '())
+(eq-test t #'symbolp :test)
+(eq-test nil #'symbolp "hello")
+;; remprop - function
+(setq test (make-symbol "PSEUDO-PI"))
+(eq-eval () '(symbol-plist test))
+(eq-eval t '(setf (get test 'constant) t))
+(eql-eval 3.14 '(setf (get test 'approximation) 3.14))
+(eql-eval 'noticeable '(setf (get test 'error-range) 'noticeable))
+(equal-eval '(error-range noticeable approximation 3.14 constant t)
+ '(symbol-plist test))
+(eq-eval nil '(setf (get test 'approximation) nil))
+(equal-eval '(error-range noticeable approximation nil constant t)
+ '(symbol-plist test))
+(eq-eval nil (get test 'approximation))
+(eq-test t #'remprop test 'approximation)
+(eq-eval nil '(get test 'approximation))
+(equal-eval '(error-range noticeable constant t) '(symbol-plist test))
+(eq-test nil #'remprop test 'approximation)
+(equal-eval '(error-range noticeable constant t) '(symbol-plist test))
+(eq-test t #'remprop test 'error-range)
+(eql-eval 3 '(setf (get test 'approximation) 3))
+(equal-eval '(approximation 3 constant t) '(symbol-plist test))
+;; throw - special operator
+(equal-eval '(3 9)
+ '(multiple-value-list
+ (catch 'result
+ (setq i 0 j 0)
+ (loop (incf j 3) (incf i)
+ (if (= i 3) (throw 'result (values i j)))))))
+(eql-eval 2 '(catch nil (unwind-protect (throw nil 1) (throw nil 2))))
+;; XXX undefined consequences
+(eql-eval 2
+ '(catch 'a
+ (catch 'b
+ (unwind-protect (throw 'a 1)
+ (throw 'b 2)))))
+(eq-eval :outer-catch
+ '(catch 'foo
+ (setq string (format nil "The inner catch returns ~s."
+ (catch 'foo
+ (unwind-protect (throw 'foo :first-throw)
+ (throw 'foo :second-throw)))))
+ :outer-catch))
+(equal-eval "The inner catch returns :SECOND-THROW." 'string)
+;; tree-equal - function
+(setq tree1 '(1 (1 2))
+ tree2 '(1 (1 2)))
+(eq-test t #'tree-equal tree1 tree2)
+(eq-test nil #'eql tree1 tree2)
+(setq tree1 '('a ('b 'c))
+ tree2 '('a ('b 'c)))
+(eq-test t #'tree-equal tree1 tree2 :test 'eq)
+(eq-test t #'tree-equal 1 1)
+(eq-test nil #'tree-equal (list 1 2) (cons 1 2))
+(eq-test nil #'tree-equal 1 2)
+;; union - function
+(equal-test '(b c f a d) #'union '(a b c) '(f a d))
+(equal-test '((y 6) (z 2) (x 4))
+ #'union '((x 5) (y 6)) '((z 2) (x 4)) :key #'car)
+(setq lst1 (list 1 2 '(1 2) "a" "b")
+ lst2 (list 2 3 '(2 3) "B" "C"))
+(equal-test '(1 (1 2) "a" "b" 2 3 (2 3) "B" "C") #'nunion lst1 lst2)
+;; unless - macro
+(eq-eval 'hello '(when t 'hello))
+(eq-eval nil '(unless t 'hello))
+(eq-eval nil (when nil 'hello))
+(eq-eval 'hello '(unless nil 'hello))
+(eq-eval nil (when t))
+(eql-eval nil '(unless nil))
+(setq test nil)
+(equal-eval '(3 2 1) '(when t (push 1 test) (push 2 test) (push 3 test)))
+(equal-eval '(3 2 1) 'test)
+(setq test nil)
+(eq-eval nil '(unless t (push 1 test) (push 2 test) (push 3 test)))
+(eq-eval nil 'test)
+(eq-eval nil '(when nil (push 1 test) (push 2 test) (push 3 test)))
+(eq-eval nil 'test)
+(equal-eval '(3 2 1) '(unless nil (push 1 test) (push 2 test) (push 3 test)))
+(equal-eval '(3 2 1) 'test)
+(equal-eval '((4) nil (5) nil 6 (6) 7 (7))
+ '(let ((x 3))
+ (list (when (oddp x) (incf x) (list x))
+ (when (oddp x) (incf x) (list x))
+ (unless (oddp x) (incf x) (list x))
+ (unless (oddp x) (incf x) (list x))
+ (if (oddp x) (incf x) (list x))
+ (if (oddp x) (incf x) (list x))
+ (if (not (oddp x)) (incf x) (list x))
+ (if (not (oddp x)) (incf x) (list x)))))
+;; unwind-protect - special operator
+(defun dummy-function (x)
+ (setq state 'running)
+ (unless (numberp x) (throw 'abort 'not-a-number))
+ (setq state (1+ x)))
+(eql-eval 2 '(catch 'abort (dummy-function 1)))
+(eql-eval 2 'state)
+(eq-eval 'not-a-number '(catch 'abort (dummy-function 'trash)))
+(eq-eval 'running 'state)
+(eq-eval 'not-a-number
+ '(catch 'abort (unwind-protect (dummy-function 'trash)
+ (setq state 'aborted))))
+(eq-eval 'aborted 'state)
+(eql-eval 2 '(block nil (unwind-protect (return 1) (return 2))))
+;; XXX undefined consequences
+(eql-eval 2
+ '(block a
+ (block b
+ (unwind-protect (return-from a 1)
+ (return-from b 2)))))
+(eql-eval 2 '(catch nil (unwind-protect (throw nil 1) (throw nil 2))))
+;; XXX undefined consequences
+(eql-eval 2
+ '(catch 'a (catch 'b (unwind-protect (throw 'a 1) (throw 'b 2)))))
+(eq-eval ':outer-catch
+ '(catch 'foo
+ (setq string
+ (format nil "The inner catch returns ~s."
+ (catch 'foo
+ (unwind-protect (throw 'foo :first-throw)
+ (throw 'foo :second-throw)))))
+ :outer-catch))
+(equal-eval "The inner catch returns :SECOND-THROW." 'string)
+(eql-eval 10
+ '(catch 'a
+ (catch 'b
+ (unwind-protect (1+ (catch 'a (throw 'b 1)))
+ (throw 'a 10)))))
+;; XXX undefined consequences
+(eql-eval 4
+ '(catch 'foo
+ (catch 'bar
+ (unwind-protect (throw 'foo 3)
+ (throw 'bar 4)
+ (print 'xxx)))))
+(eql-eval 4
+ '(catch 'bar
+ (catch 'foo
+ (unwind-protect (throw 'foo 3)
+ (throw 'bar 4)
+ (print 'xxx)))))
+(eql-eval 5
+ '(block nil
+ (let ((x 5))
+ (unwind-protect (return)
+ (return x)))))
+;; upper-case-p - function
+(eq-test t #'upper-case-p #\A)
+(eq-test nil #'upper-case-p #\a)
+(eq-test nil #'upper-case-p #\5)
+(error-test #'upper-case-p 1)
+;; values - accessor
+(eq-eval () '(multiple-value-list (values)))
+(equal-eval '(1) '(multiple-value-list (values 1)))
+(equal-eval '(1 2) '(multiple-value-list (values 1 2)))
+(equal-eval '(1 2 3) '(multiple-value-list (values 1 2 3)))
+(equal-eval '(1 4 5) '(multiple-value-list (values (values 1 2 3) 4 5)))
+;; values-list - function
+(eq-eval nil '(multiple-value-list (values-list nil)))
+(equal-eval '(1) '(multiple-value-list (values-list '(1))))
+(equal-eval '(1 2) '(multiple-value-list (values-list '(1 2))))
+(equal-eval '(1 2 3) '(multiple-value-list (values-list '(1 2 3))))
diff --git a/lisp/test/math.lsp b/lisp/test/math.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..162f73f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/test/math.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,982 @@
+;; Copyright (c) 2002 by The XFree86 Project, Inc.
+;; Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+;; copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
+;; to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
+;; the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
+;; and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+;; Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+;; The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+;; all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+;; Except as contained in this notice, the name of the XFree86 Project shall
+;; not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other
+;; dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from the
+;; XFree86 Project.
+;; Author: Paulo César Pereira de Andrade
+;; $XFree86: xc/programs/xedit/lisp/test/math.lsp,v 1.5 2003/01/30 02:46:26 paulo Exp $
+;; basic math tests
+;; This is far from a good regression test, but in the current stage of
+;; the interpreter, this is good enough to make sure it is not "so"
+;; broken. But note that this does not test all cases where there is
+;; change in the type of a numeric object.
+(setq *default-float-format* 'double-float)
+;; floating point results may differ from implementation to implementation (?!)
+(defun test (expect function &rest arguments &aux result (error t))
+ (ignore-errors
+ (setq result (apply function arguments))
+ (setq error nil)
+ )
+ (if error
+ (format t "ERROR: (~A~{ ~A~})~%" function arguments)
+ ;; Use eql to make sure result and expect have the same type
+ (or (eql result expect)
+#-xedit ;; hack...
+ (or
+ (and
+ (floatp result)
+ (floatp expect)
+ (< (abs (- (abs result) (abs expect)))
+ 0.00000000000001d0)
+ )
+ (format t "(~A~{ ~A~}) => should be ~A not ~A~%"
+ function arguments expect result
+ )
+ )
+#+xedit (format t "(~A~{ ~A~}) => should be ~A not ~A~%"
+ function arguments expect result
+ )
+ )
+ )
+(defun div-test (quotient remainder function &rest arguments
+ &aux quo rem (error t))
+ (ignore-errors
+ (multiple-value-setq (quo rem) (apply function arguments))
+ (setq error nil)
+ )
+ (if error
+ (format t "ERROR: (~A~{ ~A~})~%" function arguments)
+ (or (and (eql quotient quo) (eql remainder rem))
+#-xedit ;; hack
+ (or
+ (or
+ (eql quotient quo)
+ (and
+ (floatp quotient)
+ (floatp quo)
+ (< (abs (- (abs quotient) (abs quo)))
+ 0.00000000000001d0)
+ )
+ )
+ (or
+ (eql remainder rem)
+ (and
+ (floatp remainder)
+ (floatp rem)
+ (< (abs (- (abs remainder) (abs rem)))
+ 0.00000000000001d0)
+ )
+ )
+ (format t "(~A~{ ~A~}) => should be ~A; ~A not ~A; ~A~%"
+ function arguments quotient remainder quo rem
+ )
+ )
+#+xedit (format t "(~A~{ ~A~}) => should be ~A; ~A not ~A; ~A~%"
+ function arguments quotient remainder quo rem
+ )
+ )
+ )
+(defun bool-test (expect function &rest arguments &aux result (error t))
+ (ignore-errors
+ (setq result (apply function arguments))
+ (setq error nil)
+ )
+ (if error
+ (format t "ERROR: (~A~{ ~A~})~%" function arguments)
+ (or (eq result expect)
+ (format t "(~A~{ ~A~}) => should be ~A not ~A~%"
+ function arguments expect result
+ )
+ )
+ )
+(defun error-test (function &rest arguments &aux result (error t))
+ (ignore-errors
+ (setq result (apply function arguments))
+ (setq error nil))
+ (unless error
+ (format t "ERROR: no error for (~A~{ ~A}), result was ~A~%"
+ function arguments result)))
+;; fixnum fixnum
+(test 0 #'+)
+(test 5 #'+ 5)
+(test -2 #'+ -2)
+(test 3 #'+ 2 1)
+(test 134217728 #'+ 134217727 1)
+(test -134217729 #'+ -134217728 -1)
+(test 2147483648 #'+ 2147483647 1)
+(test -2147483649 #'+ -2147483648 -1)
+(test -5 #'- 5)
+(test 6 #'- -6)
+(test 1 #'- 2 1)
+(test 134217728 #'- 134217727 -1)
+(test -2147483649 #'- -2147483648 1)
+(test 4294967295 #'- 2147483647 -2147483648)
+(test 1 #'*)
+(test 4 #'* 4)
+(test -5 #'* -5)
+(test 6 #'* 2 3)
+(test 2147483648 #'* 65536 32768)
+(test 2147418112 #'* 65536 32767)
+(test 134217728 #'* 65536 2048)
+(test -134217728 #'* 65536 -2048)
+(test 1/3 #'/ 3)
+(test -1/4 #'/ -4)
+(test 1/3 #'/ 10 30)
+(test -1/2 #'/ -5 10)
+(test -4 #'/ 20 -5)
+(test 431432412345/32 #'/ 431432412345 32)
+(test -2147483647/2147483648 #'/ 2147483647 -2147483648)
+(test -1 #'/ 2147483648 -2147483648)
+(test 2147483648 #'/ -2147483648 -1)
+(test -1/2147483648 #'/ 1 -2147483648)
+(test 1 #'min 2 3 4 1 5)
+(test 7 #'max 0 -2 7 6 3)
+(test -2147483648 #'min -2147483648 2147483647)
+(test 2147483647 #'max -2147483648 2147483647)
+(bool-test t #'< 1 2)
+(bool-test nil #'< 2 2)
+(bool-test nil #'< 4 3)
+(bool-test t #'< -2147483648 -1)
+(bool-test t #'< -2147483648 2147483648)
+(bool-test t #'<= 3 3)
+(bool-test nil #'<= 3 2)
+(bool-test t #'<= 3 7)
+(bool-test t #'<= -2147483648 2147483648)
+(bool-test t #'= 1 1)
+(bool-test nil #'= 1 -1)
+(bool-test t #'= -2147483648 -2147483648)
+(bool-test t #'>= 4 3)
+(bool-test t #'>= 5 5)
+(bool-test nil #'>= 4 9)
+(bool-test t #'>= 2147483647 -2147483648)
+(bool-test t #'> 7 5)
+(bool-test nil #'> 20 20)
+(bool-test nil #'> 19 31)
+(bool-test nil #'> 2147483647 2147483648)
+(bool-test nil #'> -2147483648 2147483647)
+(bool-test nil #'/= 2147483647 2147483647)
+(bool-test t #'/= 2147483647 -2147483648)
+;; fixnum bignum
+(test 4123412341238575768576858308380 #'+
+ 431412 4123412341238575768576857876968)
+(test -653653534554686349560628211 #'-
+ 4231423 653653534554686349564859634)
+(test 17952112630025927929 #'* 4342423 4134123421423)
+(test 412341/766687896595678 #'/ 412341 766687896595678)
+;; fixnum flonum
+(test 566594.4123d0 #'+ 43141 523453.4123d0)
+(test -2.106249523586876d9 #'+ -2147483647 41234123.413124d0)
+(test -6530250.653d0 #'- 4314 6534564.653d0)
+(test -358687.653d0 #'- -324123 34564.653d0)
+(test 3.26338916904d67 #'* 431234 756756d56)
+(test 5.731169192902366d-50 #'/ 3 5234534d43)
+(bool-test t #'< 423421 646454d0)
+(bool-test t #'= 43242113 43242113d0)
+;; fixnum fixratio
+(test 38654705646/17 #'+ 2147483647 2147483647/17)
+(test -2146748499/17 #'+ 43244 -2147483647/17)
+(test 17633127/4232 #'- 4321 653345/4232)
+(test 28227714415090/4323 #'* 4312442 6545645/4323)
+(test 639030/1441 #'* 42 15215/1441)
+(test 924444112/547 #'/ 3432342 1641/808)
+(bool-test t #'> 41342 42423/32)
+;; fixnum bigratio
+(test 134681902103055335/31231131234 #'+ 4312423 53453535353/31231131234)
+(test 134681795195984629/31231131234 #'- 4312423 53453535353/31231131234)
+(test 230514255287590319/31231131234 #'* 4312423 53453535353/31231131234)
+(test 134681848649519982/53453535353 #'/ 4312423 53453535353/31231131234)
+(bool-test t #'> 4312423 53453535353/31231131234)
+;; bignum fixnum
+(test 4123412341234124068 #'+ 4123412341234123412 656)
+(test 2147483647 #'+ 2147483648 -1)
+(test 2147483648 #'- 2147483647 -1)
+(test 3245393337480 #'* 4242344232 765)
+(test 1414114744/255 #'/ 4242344232 765)
+(bool-test nil #'< 2147483648 1)
+(bool-test t #'> 2147483648 -2147483648)
+;; bignum flonum
+(test 5.452523543454353d15 #'+ 5452523543454353 423d-6)
+(test -3.41423d205 #'- 54235423452345424443423 341423d200)
+(test 2.7061221650759596d89 #'* 413423412341231232 6.545643242d71)
+(test 9.744908405310087d-29 #'/ 41341234214 4242342d32)
+(bool-test t #'< 4314123412312341234123 4234242d46)
+(bool-test nil #'> 42342342142142421412341242 423423.432423d51)
+(bool-test t #'= 100000000000000000000 1d20)
+;; bignum fixratio
+(test 3027180466416641662/7 #'+ 432454352345234523 1/7)
+(test 4294967295/2 #'- 2147483648 1/2)
+(test 14113747078041141/152263 #'* 42341241234123423 1/456789)
+(test 475355357536664/19 #'* 43214123412424 11/19)
+(test 143960192608 #'/ 4234123312 1/34)
+(test 15032385536/5 #'/ 2147483648 5/7)
+(bool-test nil #'< 4123412341234123 423424/23)
+(bool-test nil #'= 2147483648 1/3)
+(bool-test t #'> 2147483648 1/3)
+;; bignum bigratio
+(test -493153721444554600746963362777609/11404707804137
+ #'+ -43241241241241234234 18178448448449/11404707804137)
+(test 22573725350444837506376255369215081106984960/431241324242143434377
+ #'- 52345923457394857234895 455/431241324242143434377)
+(test 355905909219316970540364021939287762325439304380984344811607132990/14374707710807
+ #'* 45523452345234790345923405723902389345782390 23454234524234523623623/43124123132421)
+(test -853356237922877963618542794532291751029677352/21566206170617061706171
+ #'/ 4131234123412342 -43132412341234123412342/413124123412312234123412312312)
+(bool-test nil #'< 9482384762389461234892 463124869123897/43124123456678)
+(bool-test t #'/= 4689123469123846123843 4123894623894612/211)
+(bool-test t #'> 90437849234701234891203 4234123423/37)
+;; flonum fixnum
+(test 4.3291328479d86 #'+ 43291328479d76 431243)
+(test 4.123123123432d58 #'- 4123123123432d46 2147483647)
+(test 4.1974800714094d109 #'* 970874791d96 43234)
+(test -1.0004838618250252d55 #'/ -432423.432d56 4322143)
+(bool-test nil #'< 4324932.342d5 4321421)
+(bool-test t #'> 2147483648d0 2147483647)
+;; flonum bignum
+(test 4.3124325345d62 #'+ 4312432.5345d56 431241234901234791023479023)
+(test 4.123123443242d39 #'- 41231234.43242d32 -10947390284720389)
+(test 9.81681448753991d48 #'* 42342.89d27 231840917980324712)
+(test 6.837110051466236d49 #'/ -64832d57 -948236894126)
+(bool-test nil #'< 7589079203d56 43214124124312)
+;; flonum flonum
+(test 4.12685643412d7 #'+ 34442.3412d0 41234122d0)
+(test -4.23432d84 #'- -45523453d56 423432d79)
+(test 2.0000000000000004d0 #'* 1.4142135623730951d0 1.4142135623730951d0)
+(test -1.414213562373095d0 #'/ -2d0 1.4142135623730951d0)
+(test 0.7071067811865476d0 #'/ 1.4142135623730951d0 2d0)
+(bool-test nil #'< 43124123d56 4231412d43)
+;; flonum fixratio
+(test 3.41412d61 #'+ 341412d56 3/652)
+(test 4.312443d72 #'- 43124.43d68 42421/5678)
+(test -4.32112300201218d73 #'* 4321123d67 -2147483648/2147483647)
+(test 3.388443859138533d58 #'/ 432412d54 13744/1077)
+(bool-test t #'> 423194237d43 4231412/23)
+;; flonum bigratio
+(test 4.378904431d62 #'+ 4378904.431d56 49230471923047129/32412341234126)
+(test 0d0 #'- 1.7320508075688772d0 3900231685776981/2251799813685248)
+(test 5.000000000000001d0 #'* 2.23606797749979d0 629397181890197/281474976710656)
+(test 7.000000000000001d0 #'/ 2.6457513110645907d0 1125899906842624/2978851154656373)
+(bool-test nil #'< 790412390412d45 1005712007432/10518078881)
+;; fixratio fixnum
+(test 23502480199/57 #'+ 1/57 412324214)
+(test -1608505/39 #'- 11/39 41244)
+(test 241844976595/3121 #'* 45245/3121 5345231)
+(test 4231/30211050 #'/ 4231/67890 445)
+(bool-test nil #'< 43123/12 -3432)
+;; fixratio bignum
+(test 290071443963580821646/4115 #'+ -14119/4115 70491237901234711)
+(test 92654360215843653827434431256/1237 #'- 423412/1237 -74902473901247901234789012)
+(test 139081825032265225396/111 #'* 13/777 74890213478912044444)
+(test -22/19000187487170108051697772680759 #'/ -176/31 4903274190237447239147812304712)
+(bool-test t #'< 7094123/312 423412429047)
+;; fixratio flonum
+(test 3756.777956289953d0 #'+ 41290/11 3.141592653589793d0)
+(test 3750.494770982774d0 #'- 41290/11 3.141592653589793d0)
+(test 11792.396424247505d0 #'* 41290/11 3.141592653589793d0)
+(test 1194.8195636844289d0 #'/ 41290/11 3.141592653589793d0)
+(bool-test nil #'< 41290/11 3.141592653589793d0)
+;; fixratio fixratio
+(test -2/2147483647 #'+ 2147483646/2147483647 -2147483648/2147483647)
+(test 4611686015206162432/2305843005992468481 #'+ 2147483648/2147483646 2147483648/2147483647)
+(test 114/91 #'+ 5/7 7/13)
+(test 2 #'- 2147483646/2147483647 -2147483648/2147483647)
+(test -6442450939/4611686009837453315 #'- 2147483646/2147483647 2147483647/2147483645)
+(test 214/231 #'- 5/7 -7/33)
+(test 183092240452/408559 #'* '432421/3217 423412/127)
+(test 1057751/7345 #'* 34121/65 31/113)
+(test -93866791/102381559 #'/ 143747/107 -956837/653)
+(test 117/517 #'/ 13/33 47/27)
+(bool-test nil #'< 5/3 7/9)
+;; fixratio bigratio
+(test 1211321073398067249731082729214954013/1099249926163926018396018404101914
+ #'+ 23141/21 572903572390457239/52345234579234572304572304957234)
+(test -1210401943424090457832980748892408320175/1099249926163926018396018404101914
+ #'+ -23123441/21 572903572390457239/52345234579234572304572304957234)
+(test -130565585970579643613431728982140/1297324236427391
+ #'- 6/83 1573079349043128237436315709694/15630412487077)
+(test 119377824848653/98027 #'* 4123/61 28954117111/1607)
+(test -533081148/1126543487854337661125 #'/ 4132412/125 -9012347902834701289/129)
+(bool-test nil #'< 4132412/125 -9012347902834701289/129)
+;; bigratio fixnum
+(test 48668779872364438/8438103123 #'+ 49032749012471920/8438103123 -43134)
+(test 49396718152579402/8438103123 #'- 49032749012471920/8438103123 -43134)
+(test -704992865301321265760/2812701041 #'* 49032749012471920/8438103123 -43134)
+(test -24516374506235960/181984570053741 #'/ 49032749012471920/8438103123 -43134)
+(bool-test t #'> 49032749012471920/8438103123 -43134)
+;; bigratio bignum
+(test 22765322736543569109219273030163417097453878379283263605274270/46382946123894712341
+ #'+ 4692318468912374612389461278/46382946123894712341 490812348912346238794612389461238961238912)
+(test -22765322736543569109219273030163417097453878379283263605274270/46382946123894712341
+ #'- -4692318468912374612389461278/46382946123894712341 490812348912346238794612389461238961238912)
+(test -2303047849571666696101160700266058250647016644840659232609643130849536/46382946123894712341
+ #'* 4692318468912374612389461278/46382946123894712341 -490812348912346238794612389461238961238912)
+(test 2346159234456187306194730639/11382661368271784554609636515081706202567704733454325607906496
+ #'/ -4692318468912374612389461278/46382946123894712341 -490812348912346238794612389461238961238912)
+(bool-test t #'< 4692318468912374612389461278/46382946123894712341 490812348912346238794612389461238961238912)
+;; bigratio flonum
+(test 63.2771680782255d0 #'+ 31.63858403911275d0 4452734852783697/140737488355328)
+(test 0d0 #'+ -31.63858403911275d0 4452734852783697/140737488355328)
+(test -1001.0000000000001d0 #'* -31.63858403911275d0 4452734852783697/140737488355328)
+(test 1d0 #'/ -31.63858403911275d0 -4452734852783697/140737488355328)
+(bool-test nil #'< -31.63858403911275d0 -4452734852783697/140737488355328)
+(bool-test nil #'> -31.63858403911275d0 -4452734852783697/140737488355328)
+(bool-test nil #'/= -31.63858403911275d0 -4452734852783697/140737488355328)
+;; bigratio fixratio
+(test 0 #'+ 2147483648/2147483647 -2147483648/2147483647)
+(test 3230093924913437/413416372043776 #'+ 45705840067699/8796093022208 123/47)
+(test 4294967296/2147483647 #'- 2147483648/2147483647 -2147483648/2147483647)
+(test 1066255041450269/413416372043776 #'- 45705840067699/8796093022208 123/47)
+(test -5621818328326977/413416372043776 #'* -45705840067699/8796093022208 123/47)
+(test -2148174483181853/1081919441731584 #'/ 45705840067699/8796093022208 -123/47)
+(bool-test t #'> 45705840067699/8796093022208 123/47)
+;; bigratio bigratio
+(test 2679495973598190955776211861634126560767052764822779809414184089582/140710542183009389719255843429922029722593
+ #'+ 649812364891236481923461238946128/34124123 -7489023423142/4123491823746192384761238946123891)
+(test 2679495973598190955776211861634126560767052765333892522296541398514/140710542183009389719255843429922029722593
+ #'- 649812364891236481923461238946128/34124123 -7489023423142/4123491823746192384761238946123891)
+(test -4866460021317766216371472892133283923086494176/140710542183009389719255843429922029722593
+ #'* 649812364891236481923461238946128/34124123 -7489023423142/4123491823746192384761238946123891)
+(test -1339747986799095477888105930817063280383526382539168082927681372024/127778178220589327233
+ #'/ 649812364891236481923461238946128/34124123 -7489023423142/4123491823746192384761238946123891)
+(bool-test t #'> 649812364891236481923461238946128/34124123 -7489023423142/4123491823746192384761238946123891)
+;; complex real
+(test #c(2147483648 -1) #'+ #c(1 -1) 2147483647)
+(test #c(2.147483648d9 -1) #'+ #c(2147483647 -1) 1d0)
+(test #c(129642370237029633787/3 0.25d0) #'- #c(-11/3 0.25d0) -43214123412343211266)
+(test #c(23470/21 4.333333333333334d0) #'* #c(2347/7 1.3d0) 10/3)
+(test #c(134217728/11 67108864/11) #'* #c(65536 32768) 2048/11)
+(test #c(1.3133333333333332d0 82304) #'/ #c(1.97d0 123456) 3/2)
+;; real complex
+(test #c(80/7 7/13) #'+ 3/7 #c(11 7/13))
+(test #c(1.2345d47 -1) #'+ 12345d43 #c(-2147483648 -1))
+(test #c(-2147483649 2147483647) #'+ -2147483648 #c(-1 2147483647))
+(test #c(41/15 1.23456d68) #'- #c(7/5 1234.56d65) -4/3)
+(test #c(-41/19 2147483648) #'* #c(41/19 -2147483648) -1)
+(test #c(-88046829568/40802189293 2.147483649d41) #'* #c(41/19 -2147483648d32) -2147483648/2147483647)
+(test #c(-5.0691244239631335d0 1.3911008563333336d16)
+ #'/ #c(-11/7 4312412654633334) 0.31d0)
+(bool-test t #'= #c(1 0.0) 1)
+;; complex complex
+(test #c(-16.0d0 -4.0d0) #'+ #c(-16.0d0 -4.0d0))
+(test #c(0d0 1d0) #'- #c(0d0 -1d0))
+(test #c(1d0 3d0) #'- #c(-1d0 -3d0))
+(test #c(-16.0d0 -4.0d0) #'* #c(-16.0d0 -4.0d0))
+(test #c(-0.058823529411764705d0 0.014705882352941176d0) #'/ #c(-16d0 -4d0))
+(test #c(1.94d0 301868863889/7) #'+ #c(3/5 5/7) #c(1.34d0 43124123412))
+(test #c(8641975242/7 -3.4596d0) #'- #c(1234567890 0.0004d0) #c(-12/7 3.46d0))
+(test #c(2944.315858312371d0 5.59002d13) #'* #c(-11/7 -1234d9) #c(-45.3d0 5/2147483647))
+(test #c(1.9635384272224412d-8 -0.33333333317811176d0)
+ #'/ #c(2147483647/3 -0.5d0) #c(128 2147483648.0d0))
+(test #c(8.154945137073864d11 2.621232365490813d12)
+ #'/ #c(-1.3d0 4312412654633) #c(3/2 7/15))
+(test #c(0.003674737027278924d0 -257.6948748113586d0)
+ #'/ #c(1.5d0 -432412) #c(1678 -567/31313))
+(bool-test t #'= #c(1 2d0) #c(1 2))
+(bool-test nil #'/= #c(1 2) #c(1d0 2d0))
+;; abs
+(test 2147483648 #'abs -2147483648)
+(test 2147483647 #'abs -2147483647)
+(test 2147483647 #'abs 2147483647)
+(test 1 #'abs 1)
+(test 5/7 #'abs -5/7)
+(test 2147483648/2147483647 #'abs -2147483648/2147483647)
+(test 3.12d0 #'abs -3.12d0)
+(test 4312412341234124124123412 #'abs 4312412341234124124123412)
+(test 4312412341234124124123412 #'abs -4312412341234124124123412)
+(test 1.0 #'abs #c(1 0.0))
+(test 11.40175425099138d0 #'abs #c(-11 3d0))
+(test 4.47213595499958d0 #'abs #c(-4 -2))
+(test 1.0 #'abs #c(0.0 -1.0))
+;; sqrt
+(test 3.4641016151377544d0 #'sqrt 12)
+(test #c(0 12) #'sqrt -144)
+(test 6.429728792199102d18 #'sqrt 41341412341234123412490123470912347210)
+(test 41341412341234123412490123470912347210
+ #'sqrt 1709112374367945085349927261774254951456404621200206927501652414831594784100)
+(test 46340.95001184158d0 #'sqrt 2147483648)
+(test 0.7071067811865476d0 #'sqrt 0.5d0)
+(test 0 #'sqrt 0)
+(test 0d0 #'sqrt 0d0)
+(test 111.1106106544285d0 #'sqrt 12345.5678d0)
+(test #c(0 11.119982014373944d0) #'sqrt -123.654d0)
+(test 3/8 #'sqrt 9/64)
+(test #c(0 1.1832159566199232d0) #'sqrt -7/5)
+(test 514.7536007118473d0 #'sqrt 821974900428408092/3102128401119)
+(test 413412341293461238946192384612893/314212341412341246128361289
+ #'sqrt 170909763933741276657131032282211169869649489782500833989461829449/98729395495825697643724477479624921705328808513741521)
+;; check for overflow
+(error-test #'sqrt 402387260077093773543702433923003985719374864210714632543799910429938512398629020592044208486969404800479988610197196058631666872994808558901323829669944590997424504087073759918823627727188732519779505950995276120874975462497043601418278094646496291056393887437886487337119181045825783647849977012476632889835955735432513185323958463075557409114262417474349347553428646576611667797396668820291207379143853719588249808126867838374559731746136085379534524221586593201928090878297308431392844403281231558611036976801357304216168747609675871348312025478589320767169132448426236131412508780208000261683151027341827977704784635868170164365024153691398281264810213092761244896359928705114964975419909342221566832572080821333186116811553615836546984046708975602900950537616475847728421889679646244945160765353408198901385442487984959953319101723355556602139450399736280750137837615307127761926849034352625200015888535147331611702103968175921510907788019393178114194545257223865541461062892187960223838971476088506276862967146674697562911234082439208160153780889893964518263243671616762179168909779911903754031274622289988005195444414282012187361745992642956581746628302955570299024324153181617210465832036786906117260158783520751516284225540265170483304226143974286933061690897968482590125458327168226458066526769958652682272807075781391858178889652208164348344825993266043367660176999612831860788386150279465955131156552036093988180612138558600301435694527224206344631797460594682573103790084024432438465657245014402821885252470935190620929023136493273497565513958720559654228749774011413346962715422845862377387538230483865688976461927383814900140767310446640259899490222221765904339901886018566526485061799702356193897017860040811889729918311021171229845901641921068884387121855646124960798722908519296819372388642614839657382291123125024186649353143970137428531926649875337218940694281434118520158014123344828015051399694290153483077644569099073152433278288269864602789864321139083506217095002597389863554277196742822248757586765752344220207573630569498825087968928162753848863396909959826280956121450994871701244516461260379029309120889086942028510640182154399457156805941872748998094254742173582401063677404595741785160829230135358081840096996372524230560855903700624271243416909004153690105933983835777939410970027753472000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
+;; mod
+(test 5 #'mod 5 9)
+(test 4 #'mod -5 9)
+(test -4 #'mod 5 -9)
+(test -5 #'mod -5 -9)
+(test 2147483646 #'mod -2147483648 2147483647)
+(test -1 #'mod -2147483648 -2147483647)
+(test 1 #'mod 2147483648 2147483647)
+(test 0 #'mod -170909763933741276657131032282211169869649489782500833989461829449 413412341293461238946192384612893)
+(test -1709112374367945085349927261774254951415063208858972804089162291360682436890
+ #'mod 41341412341234123412490123470912347210 -1709112374367945085349927261774254951456404621200206927501652414831594784100)
+(test 9.666666666666666d0 #'mod -1/3 10d0)
+(test -9.666666666666666d0 #'mod 1/3 -10d0)
+(test -0.3333333333333333d0 #'mod -1/3 -10d0)
+(test 0.3333333333333333d0 #'mod 1/3 10d0)
+;; rem
+(test 2 #'rem 11 3)
+(test 2 #'rem 11 -3)
+(test -2 #'rem -11 3)
+(test -2 #'rem -11 -3)
+(test -1 #'rem -2147483648 2147483647)
+(test 0.1499999999999999d0 #'rem 1.35d0 1/5)
+(test -0.1499999999999999d0 #'rem -1.35d0 1/5)
+;; gcd
+(test 11 #'gcd 33 11)
+(test 7 #'gcd 91 -49)
+(test 4 #'gcd -4)
+(test 0 #'gcd)
+(test 11 #'gcd 3333 -33 1002001)
+(test 1 #'gcd -2147483648 2147483647)
+;; lcm
+(test 1 #'lcm)
+(test 10 #'lcm 10)
+(test 5 #'lcm -5)
+(test 4611686016279904256 #'lcm -2147483648 2147483647)
+(test 0 #'lcm 0 5)
+(test 60 #'lcm 1 2 3 4 5 6)
+;; and
+(test -1 #'logand)
+(test 0 #'logand 1 2)
+(test -2147483648 #'logand -2147483648 -1)
+(test 2147483647 #'logand 2147483647 -1)
+(test 2147479552 #'logand 8796093018112 2147483647)
+;; eqv
+(test -1 #'logeqv)
+(test -4 #'logeqv 1 2)
+(test -2147483648 #'logeqv -2147483648 -1)
+(test 2147483647 #'logeqv 2147483647 -1)
+(test -8793945542656 #'logeqv 8796093018112 2147483647)
+;; or
+(test 0 #'logior)
+(test 3 #'logior 1 2)
+(test -1 #'logior -2147483648 -1)
+(test -1 #'logior 2147483647 -1)
+(test 8796093022207 #'logior 8796093018112 2147483647)
+;; xor
+(test 0 #'logxor)
+(test 3 #'logxor 1 2)
+(test 2147483647 #'logxor -2147483648 -1)
+(test -2147483648 #'logxor 2147483647 -1)
+(test 8793945542655 #'logxor 8796093018112 2147483647)
+;; not
+(test -1 #'lognot 0)
+(test 0 #'lognot -1)
+(test -2 #'lognot 1)
+(test 1 #'lognot -2)
+(test -3 #'lognot 2)
+(test 2 #'lognot -3)
+(test -2147483648 #'lognot 2147483647)
+(test 2147483647 #'lognot -2147483648)
+(test -8793945542656 #'lognot 8793945542655)
+(test -8796093018113 #'lognot 8796093018112)
+;; floor
+(div-test 1 1/2 #'floor 3/2)
+(div-test 1d0 1 #'ffloor 3 2)
+(div-test -2 2147483646 #'floor -2147483648 2147483647)
+(div-test 2147483648 0 #'floor -2147483648 -1)
+(div-test 17179869184 0 #'floor 18446744073709551616 1073741824)
+(div-test -17179869201 -1073741807 #'floor 18446744073709551616 -1073741823)
+(div-test 2147483648 0d0 #'floor -2147483648 -1d0)
+(div-test -2 2147483646/2147483647 #'floor -2147483648/2147483647)
+(div-test 32768 32768/2147483647 #'floor 2147483648/2147483647 65535/2147483647)
+(div-test -32769 -32767/2147483647 #'floor 2147483648/2147483647 -65535/2147483647)
+(div-test -32769 32767/2147483647 #'floor -2147483648/2147483647 65535/2147483647)
+(div-test 32768 -32768/2147483647 #'floor -2147483648/2147483647 -65535/2147483647)
+(div-test 2 0.5d0 #'floor 3d0 1.25d0)
+(div-test 2 1d0 #'floor 4d0 1.5d0)
+(div-test -3 -0.5d0 #'floor 4d0 -1.5d0)
+(div-test -3 0.5d0 #'floor -4d0 1.5d0)
+(div-test 2 -1d0 #'floor -4d0 -1.5d0)
+(div-test 1 2/91 #'floor 5/7 9/13)
+(div-test -2 -61/91 #'floor 5/7 -9/13)
+(div-test -2 61/91 #'floor -5/7 9/13)
+(div-test 1 -2/91 #'floor -5/7 -9/13)
+(div-test 1 0 #'floor 2147483648/2147483647 2147483648/2147483647)
+(div-test -1 0 #'floor 2147483648/2147483647 -2147483648/2147483647)
+(div-test -1 0 #'floor -2147483648/2147483647 2147483648/2147483647)
+(div-test 1 0 #'floor -2147483648/2147483647 -2147483648/2147483647)
+(div-test 9437 1416337955817765/144137437447079
+ #'floor 16324116304212832041/144137437447079 12)
+(div-test -9438 -313311293547183/144137437447079
+ #'floor 16324116304212832041/144137437447079 -12)
+(div-test -9438 313311293547183/144137437447079
+ #'floor -16324116304212832041/144137437447079 12)
+(div-test 9437 -1416337955817765/144137437447079
+ #'floor -16324116304212832041/144137437447079 -12)
+(div-test 8081 1138147903718848755797/4324123123412370
+ #'floor 2147483648 1148972348912638496123/4324123123412370)
+(div-test -8082 -1804074198964956721/720687187235395
+ #'floor 2147483648 -1148972348912638496123/4324123123412370)
+(div-test -8082 1804074198964956721/720687187235395
+ #'floor -2147483648 1148972348912638496123/4324123123412370)
+(div-test 8081 -1138147903718848755797/4324123123412370
+ #'floor -2147483648 -1148972348912638496123/4324123123412370)
+(div-test 0 1148972348912638496123/4324123123412370111
+ #'floor 1148972348912638496123/4324123123412370111 2147483648)
+(div-test -1 -9285982550494401861657948805/4324123123412370111
+ #'floor 1148972348912638496123/4324123123412370111 -2147483648)
+(div-test -1 9285982550494401861657948805/4324123123412370111
+ #'floor -1148972348912638496123/4324123123412370111 2147483648)
+(div-test 0 -1148972348912638496123/4324123123412370111
+ #'floor -1148972348912638496123/4324123123412370111 -2147483648)
+(div-test 0.0d0 1.0000000004656613d0 #'ffloor 2147483648/2147483647 2147483648d0)
+(div-test -1.0d0 -2.147483647d9 #'ffloor 2147483648/2147483647 -2147483648d0)
+(div-test -1.0d0 2.147483647d9 #'ffloor -2147483648/2147483647 2147483648d0)
+(div-test 0.0d0 -1.0000000004656613d0 #'ffloor -2147483648/2147483647 -2147483648d0)
+;; ceiling
+(div-test 2 -1/2 #'ceiling 3/2)
+(div-test 2d0 -1 #'fceiling 3 2)
+(div-test -1 -1 #'ceiling -2147483648 2147483647)
+(div-test 2147483648 0 #'ceiling -2147483648 -1)
+(div-test 17179869184 0 #'ceiling 18446744073709551616 1073741824)
+(div-test -17179869200 16 #'ceiling 18446744073709551616 -1073741823)
+(div-test 2147483648 0d0 #'ceiling -2147483648 -1d0)
+(div-test -1 -1/2147483647 #'ceiling -2147483648/2147483647)
+(div-test 32769 -32767/2147483647 #'ceiling 2147483648/2147483647 65535/2147483647)
+(div-test -32768 32768/2147483647 #'ceiling 2147483648/2147483647 -65535/2147483647)
+(div-test -32768 -32768/2147483647 #'ceiling -2147483648/2147483647 65535/2147483647)
+(div-test 32769 32767/2147483647 #'ceiling -2147483648/2147483647 -65535/2147483647)
+(div-test 3 -0.75d0 #'ceiling 3d0 1.25d0)
+(div-test 3 -0.5d0 #'ceiling 4d0 1.5d0)
+(div-test -2 1d0 #'ceiling 4d0 -1.5d0)
+(div-test -2 -1d0 #'ceiling -4d0 1.5d0)
+(div-test 3 0.5d0 #'ceiling -4d0 -1.5d0)
+(div-test 2 -61/91 #'ceiling 5/7 9/13)
+(div-test -1 2/91 #'ceiling 5/7 -9/13)
+(div-test -1 -2/91 #'ceiling -5/7 9/13)
+(div-test 2 61/91 #'ceiling -5/7 -9/13)
+(div-test 1 0 #'ceiling 2147483648/2147483647 2147483648/2147483647)
+(div-test -1 0 #'ceiling 2147483648/2147483647 -2147483648/2147483647)
+(div-test -1 0 #'ceiling -2147483648/2147483647 2147483648/2147483647)
+(div-test 1 0 #'ceiling -2147483648/2147483647 -2147483648/2147483647)
+(div-test 9438 -313311293547183/144137437447079
+ #'ceiling 16324116304212832041/144137437447079 12)
+(div-test -9437 1416337955817765/144137437447079
+ #'ceiling 16324116304212832041/144137437447079 -12)
+(div-test -9437 -1416337955817765/144137437447079
+ #'ceiling -16324116304212832041/144137437447079 12)
+(div-test 9438 313311293547183/144137437447079
+ #'ceiling -16324116304212832041/144137437447079 -12)
+(div-test 8082 -1804074198964956721/720687187235395
+ #'ceiling 2147483648 1148972348912638496123/4324123123412370)
+(div-test -8081 1138147903718848755797/4324123123412370
+ #'ceiling 2147483648 -1148972348912638496123/4324123123412370)
+(div-test -8081 -1138147903718848755797/4324123123412370
+ #'ceiling -2147483648 1148972348912638496123/4324123123412370)
+(div-test 8082 1804074198964956721/720687187235395
+ #'ceiling -2147483648 -1148972348912638496123/4324123123412370)
+(div-test 1 -9285982550494401861657948805/4324123123412370111
+ #'ceiling 1148972348912638496123/4324123123412370111 2147483648)
+(div-test 0 1148972348912638496123/4324123123412370111
+ #'ceiling 1148972348912638496123/4324123123412370111 -2147483648)
+(div-test 0 -1148972348912638496123/4324123123412370111
+ #'ceiling -1148972348912638496123/4324123123412370111 2147483648)
+(div-test 1 9285982550494401861657948805/4324123123412370111
+ #'ceiling -1148972348912638496123/4324123123412370111 -2147483648)
+(div-test 1.0d0 -2.147483647d9 #'fceiling 2147483648/2147483647 2147483648d0)
+(div-test 0d0 1.0000000004656613d0 #'fceiling 2147483648/2147483647 -2147483648d0)
+(div-test 0d0 -1.0000000004656613d0 #'fceiling -2147483648/2147483647 2147483648d0)
+(div-test 1d0 2.147483647d9 #'fceiling -2147483648/2147483647 -2147483648d0)
+;; truncate
+(div-test 1 1/2 #'truncate 3/2)
+(div-test 1d0 1 #'ftruncate 3 2)
+(div-test -1 -1 #'truncate -2147483648 2147483647)
+(div-test 2147483648 0 #'truncate -2147483648 -1)
+(div-test 17179869184 0 #'truncate 18446744073709551616 1073741824)
+(div-test -17179869200 16 #'truncate 18446744073709551616 -1073741823)
+(div-test 2147483648 0d0 #'truncate -2147483648 -1d0)
+(div-test -1 -1/2147483647 #'truncate -2147483648/2147483647)
+(div-test 32768 32768/2147483647 #'truncate 2147483648/2147483647 65535/2147483647)
+(div-test -32768 32768/2147483647 #'truncate 2147483648/2147483647 -65535/2147483647)
+(div-test -32768 -32768/2147483647 #'truncate -2147483648/2147483647 65535/2147483647)
+(div-test 32768 -32768/2147483647 #'truncate -2147483648/2147483647 -65535/2147483647)
+(div-test 2 0.5d0 #'truncate 3d0 1.25d0)
+(div-test 2 1d0 #'truncate 4d0 1.5d0)
+(div-test -2 1d0 #'truncate 4d0 -1.5d0)
+(div-test -2 -1d0 #'truncate -4d0 1.5d0)
+(div-test 2 -1d0 #'truncate -4d0 -1.5d0)
+(div-test 1 2/91 #'truncate 5/7 9/13)
+(div-test -1 2/91 #'truncate 5/7 -9/13)
+(div-test -1 -2/91 #'truncate -5/7 9/13)
+(div-test 1 -2/91 #'truncate -5/7 -9/13)
+(div-test 1 0 #'truncate 2147483648/2147483647 2147483648/2147483647)
+(div-test -1 0 #'truncate 2147483648/2147483647 -2147483648/2147483647)
+(div-test -1 0 #'truncate -2147483648/2147483647 2147483648/2147483647)
+(div-test 1 0 #'truncate -2147483648/2147483647 -2147483648/2147483647)
+(div-test 9437 1416337955817765/144137437447079
+ #'truncate 16324116304212832041/144137437447079 12)
+(div-test -9437 1416337955817765/144137437447079
+ #'truncate 16324116304212832041/144137437447079 -12)
+(div-test -9437 -1416337955817765/144137437447079
+ #'truncate -16324116304212832041/144137437447079 12)
+(div-test 9437 -1416337955817765/144137437447079
+ #'truncate -16324116304212832041/144137437447079 -12)
+(div-test 8081 1138147903718848755797/4324123123412370
+ #'truncate 2147483648 1148972348912638496123/4324123123412370)
+(div-test -8081 1138147903718848755797/4324123123412370
+ #'truncate 2147483648 -1148972348912638496123/4324123123412370)
+(div-test -8081 -1138147903718848755797/4324123123412370
+ #'truncate -2147483648 1148972348912638496123/4324123123412370)
+(div-test 8081 -1138147903718848755797/4324123123412370
+ #'truncate -2147483648 -1148972348912638496123/4324123123412370)
+(div-test 0 1148972348912638496123/4324123123412370111
+ #'truncate 1148972348912638496123/4324123123412370111 2147483648)
+(div-test 0 1148972348912638496123/4324123123412370111
+ #'truncate 1148972348912638496123/4324123123412370111 -2147483648)
+(div-test 0 -1148972348912638496123/4324123123412370111
+ #'truncate -1148972348912638496123/4324123123412370111 2147483648)
+(div-test 0 -1148972348912638496123/4324123123412370111
+ #'truncate -1148972348912638496123/4324123123412370111 -2147483648)
+(div-test 0d0 1.0000000004656613d0 #'ftruncate 2147483648/2147483647 2147483648d0)
+(div-test 0d0 1.0000000004656613d0 #'ftruncate 2147483648/2147483647 -2147483648d0)
+(div-test 0d0 -1.0000000004656613d0 #'ftruncate -2147483648/2147483647 2147483648d0)
+(div-test 0d0 -1.0000000004656613d0 #'ftruncate -2147483648/2147483647 -2147483648d0)
+;; round
+(div-test 2 -1/2 #'round 3/2)
+(div-test 2d0 -1 #'fround 3 2)
+(div-test -1 -1 #'round -2147483648 2147483647)
+(div-test 2147483648 0 #'round -2147483648 -1)
+(div-test 17179869184 0 #'round 18446744073709551616 1073741824)
+(div-test -17179869200 16 #'round 18446744073709551616 -1073741823)
+(div-test 2147483648 0d0 #'round -2147483648 -1d0)
+(div-test -1 -1/2147483647 #'round -2147483648/2147483647)
+(div-test 32769 -32767/2147483647 #'round 2147483648/2147483647 65535/2147483647)
+(div-test -32769 -32767/2147483647 #'round 2147483648/2147483647 -65535/2147483647)
+(div-test -32769 32767/2147483647 #'round -2147483648/2147483647 65535/2147483647)
+(div-test 32769 32767/2147483647 #'round -2147483648/2147483647 -65535/2147483647)
+(div-test 2 0.5d0 #'round 3d0 1.25d0)
+(div-test 3 -0.5d0 #'round 4d0 1.5d0)
+(div-test -3 -0.5d0 #'round 4d0 -1.5d0)
+(div-test -3 0.5d0 #'round -4d0 1.5d0)
+(div-test 3 0.5d0 #'round -4d0 -1.5d0)
+(div-test 1 2/91 #'round 5/7 9/13)
+(div-test -1 2/91 #'round 5/7 -9/13)
+(div-test -1 -2/91 #'round -5/7 9/13)
+(div-test 1 -2/91 #'round -5/7 -9/13)
+(div-test 1 0 #'round 2147483648/2147483647 2147483648/2147483647)
+(div-test -1 0 #'round 2147483648/2147483647 -2147483648/2147483647)
+(div-test -1 0 #'round -2147483648/2147483647 2147483648/2147483647)
+(div-test 1 0 #'round -2147483648/2147483647 -2147483648/2147483647)
+(div-test 9438 -313311293547183/144137437447079
+ #'round 16324116304212832041/144137437447079 12)
+(div-test -9438 -313311293547183/144137437447079
+ #'round 16324116304212832041/144137437447079 -12)
+(div-test -9438 313311293547183/144137437447079
+ #'round -16324116304212832041/144137437447079 12)
+(div-test 9438 313311293547183/144137437447079
+ #'round -16324116304212832041/144137437447079 -12)
+(div-test 8082 -1804074198964956721/720687187235395
+ #'round 2147483648 1148972348912638496123/4324123123412370)
+(div-test -8082 -1804074198964956721/720687187235395
+ #'round 2147483648 -1148972348912638496123/4324123123412370)
+(div-test -8082 1804074198964956721/720687187235395
+ #'round -2147483648 1148972348912638496123/4324123123412370)
+(div-test 8082 1804074198964956721/720687187235395
+ #'round -2147483648 -1148972348912638496123/4324123123412370)
+(div-test 0 1148972348912638496123/4324123123412370111
+ #'round 1148972348912638496123/4324123123412370111 2147483648)
+(div-test 0 1148972348912638496123/4324123123412370111
+ #'round 1148972348912638496123/4324123123412370111 -2147483648)
+(div-test 0 -1148972348912638496123/4324123123412370111
+ #'round -1148972348912638496123/4324123123412370111 2147483648)
+(div-test 0 -1148972348912638496123/4324123123412370111
+ #'round -1148972348912638496123/4324123123412370111 -2147483648)
+(div-test 0d0 1.0000000004656613d0 #'fround 2147483648/2147483647 2147483648d0)
+(div-test 0d0 1.0000000004656613d0 #'fround 2147483648/2147483647 -2147483648d0)
+(div-test 0d0 -1.0000000004656613d0 #'fround -2147483648/2147483647 2147483648d0)
+(div-test 0d0 -1.0000000004656613d0 #'fround -2147483648/2147483647 -2147483648d0)
+(div-test 2 0.5d0 #'round 2.5d0)
+(div-test -2 -0.5d0 #'round -2.5d0)
+(div-test 5 0d0 #'round 2.5d0 0.5d0)
+(div-test -5 0d0 #'round 2.5d0 -0.5d0)
+(div-test -5 0d0 #'round 2.5d0 -0.5d0)
+(div-test -5 0d0 #'round -2.5d0 0.5d0)
+(div-test 5 0d0 #'round -2.5d0 -0.5d0)
+(div-test 1 -2/7 #'round 5/7)
+(div-test -1 2/7 #'round -5/7)
+(div-test 2 -1/2 #'round 3/2)
+(div-test -2 1/2 #'round -3/2)
+(div-test 2 1 #'round 30/2 7)
+(div-test -2 1 #'round 30/2 -7)
+(div-test -2 -1 #'round -30/2 7)
+(div-test 2 -1 #'round -30/2 -7)
+(div-test 1073741824 -1/2 #'round 2147483647/2)
+(div-test -1073741824 1/2 #'round -2147483647/2)
+(div-test 1 -2147483645/2 #'round 2147483647/2 2147483646)
+(div-test -1 -2147483645/2 #'round 2147483647/2 -2147483646)
+(div-test -1 2147483645/2 #'round -2147483647/2 2147483646)
+(div-test 1 -2147483645/2 #'round 2147483647/2 2147483646)
+;; misc
+(test #c(5 -5) #'conjugate #c(5 5))
+(test #c(5 5) #'conjugate #c(5 -5))
+(test #c(-5 -5) #'conjugate #c(-5 5))
+(test #c(-5 5) #'conjugate #c(-5 -5))
+(test 1 #'denominator 10)
+(test 3 #'denominator 10/3)
+(test 3 #'denominator 1804074198964956721/3)
+(test 4324123123412370111 #'denominator -1148972348912638496123/4324123123412370111)
+(bool-test nil #'evenp -1)
+(bool-test t #'evenp -2147483648)
+(bool-test t #'evenp -4294967296)
+(bool-test nil #'evenp -4294967295)
+(test 0.5d0 #'float 1/2)
+(test 10.0d0 #'float 10)
+(test 4.978341823462786d22 #'float 49783418234627861238926)
+(test 1.845867531346429d12 #'float 643827946123846123984/348794231)
+(bool-test t #'floatp 0.3d0)
+(bool-test nil #'floatp 1/3)
+(test 0 #'imagpart 1)
+(test -5 #'imagpart #c(1 -5))
+(bool-test t #'integerp 12)
+(bool-test nil #'integerp 1/2)
+(bool-test nil #'integerp :test)
+(bool-test nil #'integerp 0d0)
+(bool-test t #'integerp 49783418234627861238926)
+(test 3 #'isqrt 12)
+(test 46340 #'isqrt 2147483648)
+(test 46340 #'isqrt 2147483647)
+(test 25373764918 #'isqrt 643827946123846123984)
+(bool-test nil #'logtest 1 2)
+(bool-test t #'logtest 1 3)
+(bool-test t #'logtest 7 -1)
+(bool-test nil #'minusp 0)
+(bool-test nil #'minusp 2147483648)
+(bool-test t #'minusp -2147483648)
+(bool-test t #'minusp -1/4)
+(bool-test nil #'minusp 0.2d0)
+(bool-test nil #'minusp 0d0)
+(bool-test nil #'minusp 984723891462817946123897416)
+(bool-test t #'minusp -1148972348912638496123/4324123123412370111)
+(bool-test t #'numberp #c(1 2))
+(bool-test t #'numberp -200)
+(bool-test nil #'numberp :test)
+(test 10 #'numerator 10)
+(test 10 #'numerator 10/3)
+(test 1804074198964956721 #'numerator 1804074198964956721/3)
+(test -1148972348912638496123 #'numerator -1148972348912638496123/4324123123412370111)
+(bool-test t #'oddp -1)
+(bool-test nil #'oddp -2147483648)
+(bool-test nil #'oddp -4294967296)
+(bool-test t #'oddp -4294967295)
+(bool-test nil #'plusp 0)
+(bool-test t #'plusp 2147483648)
+(bool-test nil #'plusp -2147483648)
+(bool-test nil #'plusp -1/4)
+(bool-test t #'plusp 0.2d0)
+(bool-test nil #'plusp 0d0)
+(bool-test t #'plusp 984723891462817946123897416)
+(bool-test nil #'plusp -1148972348912638496123/4324123123412370111)
+(test 1/4 #'rational 0.25d0)
+(test 5/2 #'rational 2.5d0)
+(test 1/8 #'rational 0.125d0)
+(test -5/8 #'rational -0.625d0)
+(test 524293/8 #'rational 65536.625d0)
+(test 17179869181/8 #'rational 2147483647.625d0)
+(bool-test t #'rationalp -3)
+(bool-test t #'rationalp 1/2)
+(bool-test t #'rationalp 1/2412341242424122412)
+(bool-test nil #'rationalp :test)
+(bool-test nil #'rationalp 0d0)
+(bool-test t #'rationalp 49783418234627861238926)
+(test -1 #'realpart #c(-1 0.5d0))
+(test 1 #'signum 123/5)
+(test 0d0 #'signum 0d0)
+(test -1d0 #'signum -7.3d0)
+(bool-test nil #'zerop 1)
+(bool-test nil #'zerop 1/4312412341234123412)
+(bool-test nil #'zerop 0.000003d0)
+(bool-test t #'zerop 0)
+(bool-test t #'zerop 0d0)
+(bool-test t #'zerop #c(0 0d0))
+(bool-test t #'= 10 #c(10 0d0))
diff --git a/lisp/test/psql-1.lsp b/lisp/test/psql-1.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2410fd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/test/psql-1.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+;; Postgresql C library interface, example program 1, using the xedit
+;; lisp interface
+;; Test the C version of libpq, the PostgreSQL frontend library.
+(require "psql")
+(defun exit-nicely (conn)
+ (pq-finish conn)
+ (quit 1)
+;; begin, by setting the parameters for a backend connection if the
+;; parameters are null, then the system will try to use reasonable
+;; defaults by looking up environment variables or, failing that,
+;; using hardwired constants
+(setq pghost nil) ; host name of the backend server
+(setq pgport nil) ; port of the backend server
+(setq pgoptions nil) ; special options to start up the backend server
+(setq pgtty nil) ; debugging tty for the backend server
+(setq pgdbname "template1")
+;; make a connection to the database
+(setq conn (pq-setdb pghost pgport pgoptions pgtty pgdbname))
+;; check to see that the backend connection was successfully made
+(when (= (pq-status conn) pg-connection-bad)
+ (format t "Connection to database '~A' failed.~%" pgdbname)
+ (format t "~A" (pq-error-message conn))
+ (exit-nicely conn))
+;; start a transaction block
+(setq res (pq-exec conn "BEGIN"))
+(when (or (null res) (not (= (pq-result-status res) pgres-command-ok)))
+ (format t "BEGIN command failed~%")
+ (pq-clear res)
+ (exit-nicely conn))
+;; Should PQclear PGresult whenever it is no longer needed to avoid memory leaks
+(pq-clear res)
+;; fetch rows from the pg_database, the system catalog of databases
+(setq res (pq-exec conn "DECLARE mycursor CURSOR FOR select * from pg_database"))
+(when (or (null res) (not (= (pq-result-status res) pgres-command-ok)))
+ (format t "DECLARE CURSOR command failed~%")
+ (pq-clear res)
+ (exit-nicely conn))
+(pq-clear res)
+(setq res (pq-exec conn "FETCH ALL in mycursor"))
+(when (or (null res) (not (= (pq-result-status res) pgres-tuples-ok)))
+ (format t "FETCH ALL command didn't return tuples properly~%")
+ (pq-clear res)
+ (exit-nicely conn))
+;; first, print out the attribute names
+(setq nfields (pq-nfields res))
+(dotimes (i nfields)
+ (format t "~15@<~A~>" (pq-fname res i))
+(format t "~%")
+;; next, print out the rows
+(setq ntuples (pq-ntuples res))
+(dotimes (i ntuples)
+ (dotimes (j nfields)
+ (format t "~15@<~A~>" (pq-getvalue res i j))
+ )
+ (format t "~%")
+(pq-clear res)
+;; close the cursor
+(setq res (pq-exec conn "CLOSE mycursor"))
+(pq-clear res)
+;; commit the transaction
+(setq res (pq-exec conn "COMMIT"))
+(pq-clear res)
+;; close the connection to the database and cleanup
+(pq-finish conn)
diff --git a/lisp/test/psql-2.lsp b/lisp/test/psql-2.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..011512c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/test/psql-2.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+;; Postgresql C library interface, example program 2, using the xedit
+;; lisp interface
+;; Test of the asynchronous notification interface
+;; Start this program, then from psql in another window do
+;; Or, if you want to get fancy, try this:
+;; Populate a database with the following:
+;; CREATE TABLE TBL1 (i int4);
+;; CREATE TABLE TBL2 (i int4);
+;; (INSERT INTO TBL2 values (new.i); NOTIFY TBL2);
+;; and do
+;; INSERT INTO TBL1 values (10);
+(require "psql")
+(defun exit-nicely (conn)
+ (pq-finish conn)
+ (quit 1)
+;; begin, by setting the parameters for a backend connection if the
+;; parameters are null, then the system will try to use reasonable
+;; defaults by looking up environment variables or, failing that,
+;; using hardwired constants
+(setq pghost nil) ; host name of the backend server
+(setq pgport nil) ; port of the backend server
+(setq pgoptions nil) ; special options to start up the backend server
+(setq pgtty nil) ; debugging tty for the backend server
+(setq pgdbname "test") ; change this to the name of your test database
+ ;; XXX Note: getenv not yet implemented in the
+ ; lisp interpreter
+;; make a connection to the database
+(setq conn (pq-setdb pghost pgport pgoptions pgtty pgdbname))
+;; check to see that the backend connection was successfully made
+(when (= (pq-status conn) pg-connection-bad)
+ (format t "Connection to database '~A' failed.~%" pgdbname)
+ (format t "~A" (pq-error-message conn))
+ (exit-nicely conn))
+(setq res (pq-exec conn "LISTEN TBL2"))
+(when (= (pq-status conn) pg-connection-bad)
+ (format t "LISTEN command failed~%")
+ (format t "~A" (pq-error-message conn))
+ (exit-nicely conn))
+;; Should PQclear PGresult whenever it is no longer needed to avoid memory leaks
+(pq-clear res)
+ ;; wait a little bit between checks; waiting with select()
+ ;; would be more efficient.
+ ;; XXX Note: sleep not yet implemented in the lisp interpreter
+ ;; collect any asynchronous backend messages
+ (pq-consume-input conn)
+ ;; check for asynchronous notify messages
+ (when (setq notifies (pq-notifies conn))
+ (format t "ASYNC NOTIFY of '~A' from backend pid '~D' received~%"
+ (pg-notify-relname notifies) (pg-notify-be-pid notifies))
+ )
+(pq-finish conn)
diff --git a/lisp/test/psql-3.lsp b/lisp/test/psql-3.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb172c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/test/psql-3.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+;; Postgresql C library interface, example program 3, using the xedit
+;; lisp interface
+;; Test the binary cursor interface
+;; populate a database by doing the following:
+;; CREATE TABLE test1 (i int4, d real, p polygon);
+;; INSERT INTO test1 values (1, 3.567, polygon '(3.0, 4.0, 1.0, 2.0)');
+;; INSERT INTO test1 values (2, 89.05, polygon '(4.0, 3.0, 2.0, 1.0)');
+;; the expected output is:
+;; tuple 0: got i = (4 bytes) 1, d = (4 bytes) 3.567000, p = (4
+;; bytes) 2 points boundbox = (hi=3.000000/4.000000, lo =
+;; 1.000000,2.000000) tuple 1: got i = (4 bytes) 2, d = (4 bytes)
+;; 89.050003, p = (4 bytes) 2 points boundbox =
+;; (hi=4.000000/3.000000, lo = 2.000000,1.000000)
+;; Output of the lisp code:
+;; type[0] = 23, size[0] = 4
+;; type[1] = 700, size[1] = 4
+;; type[2] = 604, size[2] = -1
+;; tuple 0: got
+;; i = (4 bytes) 1
+;; d = (4 bytes) 3.567
+;; p = (4 bytes) 2 points boundbox = (hi=3.0/4.0, lo = 1.0/2.0)
+;; tuple 1: got
+;; i = (4 bytes) 2
+;; d = (4 bytes) 89.05
+;; p = (4 bytes) 2 points boundbox = (hi=4.0/3.0, lo = 2.0/1.0)
+(require "psql")
+(defun exit-nicely (conn)
+ (pq-finish conn)
+ (quit 1)
+;; begin, by setting the parameters for a backend connection if the
+;; parameters are null, then the system will try to use reasonable
+;; defaults by looking up environment variables or, failing that,
+;; using hardwired constants
+(setq pghost nil) ; host name of the backend server
+(setq pgport nil) ; port of the backend server
+(setq pgoptions nil) ; special options to start up the backend server
+(setq pgtty nil) ; debugging tty for the backend server
+(setq pgdbname "test") ; change this to the name of your test database
+ ;; XXX Note: getenv not yet implemented in the
+ ; lisp interpreter
+;; make a connection to the database
+(setq conn (pq-setdb pghost pgport pgoptions pgtty pgdbname))
+;; check to see that the backend connection was successfully made
+(when (= (pq-status conn) pg-connection-bad)
+ (format t "Connection to database '~A' failed.~%" pgdbname)
+ (format t "~A" (pq-error-message conn))
+ (exit-nicely conn))
+(setq res (pq-exec conn "BEGIN"))
+(when (= (pq-status conn) pg-connection-bad)
+ (format t "BEGIN command failed~%")
+ (pq-clear res)
+ (exit-nicely conn))
+;; Should PQclear PGresult whenever it is no longer needed to avoid memory leaks
+(pq-clear res)
+(setq res (pq-exec conn "DECLARE mycursor BINARY CURSOR FOR select * from test1"))
+(when (= (pq-status conn) pg-connection-bad)
+ (format t "DECLARE CURSOR command failed~%")
+ (pq-clear res)
+ (exit-nicely conn))
+(pq-clear res)
+(setq res (pq-exec conn "FETCH ALL in mycursor"))
+(when (or (null res) (not (= (pq-result-status res) pgres-tuples-ok)))
+ (format t "FETCH ALL command didn't return tuples properly~%")
+ (pq-clear res)
+ (exit-nicely conn))
+(setq i-fnum (pq-fnumber res "i"))
+(setq d-fnum (pq-fnumber res "d"))
+(setq p-fnum (pq-fnumber res "p"))
+(dotimes (i 3)
+ (format t "type[~D] = ~D, size[~D] = ~D~%"
+ i (pq-ftype res i) i (pq-fsize res i))
+(dotimes (i (pq-ntuples res))
+ (setq i-val (pq-getvalue res i i-fnum 'int32))
+ (setq d-val (pq-getvalue res i d-fnum 'float))
+ (setq p-val (pq-getvalue res i p-fnum 'pg-polygon))
+ (format t "tuple ~D: got~%" i)
+ (format t " i = (~D bytes) ~D~%" (pq-getlength res i i-fnum) i-val)
+ (format t " d = (~D bytes) ~D~%" (pq-getlength res i d-fnum) d-val)
+ (format t " p = (~D bytes) ~D points~,8@Tboundbox = (hi=~F/~F, lo = ~F/~F)~%"
+ (pq-getlength res i d-fnum) (pg-polygon-num-points p-val)
+ (pg-point-x (pg-box-high (pg-polygon-boundbox p-val)))
+ (pg-point-y (pg-box-high (pg-polygon-boundbox p-val)))
+ (pg-point-x (pg-box-low (pg-polygon-boundbox p-val)))
+ (pg-point-y (pg-box-low (pg-polygon-boundbox p-val))))
+(pq-clear res)
+(setq res (pq-exec conn "CLOSE mycursor"))
+(pq-clear res)
+(setq res (pq-exec conn "COMMIT"))
+(pq-clear res)
+(pq-finish conn)
diff --git a/lisp/test/regex.lsp b/lisp/test/regex.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..64ba572
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/test/regex.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,440 @@
+;; Copyright (c) 2002 by The XFree86 Project, Inc.
+;; Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+;; copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
+;; to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
+;; the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
+;; and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+;; Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+;; The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+;; all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+;; Except as contained in this notice, the name of the XFree86 Project shall
+;; not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other
+;; dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from the
+;; XFree86 Project.
+;; Author: Paulo César Pereira de Andrade
+;; $XFree86: xc/programs/xedit/lisp/test/regex.lsp,v 1.2 2002/12/11 04:44:28 paulo Exp $
+;; Basic regex tests. This file is only for xedit lisp and for it's regex
+;; library. Note that the regex library used by xedit lisp is not mean't
+;; to be fully compatible with most regexes, but to be as fast as possible.
+;; This means that some patterns that looks basic may never be matched,
+;; but it is expected that almost any pattern can be rewritten to be
+;; matched, or in the worst case, it may be required to search in the
+;; regions matched by a previous regex.
+(defun re-test (expect &rest arguments &aux result (error t) unused error-value)
+ (multiple-value-setq
+ (unused error-value)
+ (ignore-errors
+ (setq result (apply #'re-exec arguments))
+ (setq error nil)))
+ (if error
+ (format t "ERROR: (re-exec~{ ~S~}) => ~S~%" arguments error-value)
+ (or (equal result expect)
+ (format t "(re-exec~{ ~S~}) => should be ~S not ~S~%"
+ arguments expect result))))
+;; errors only generated for regex compilation (or incorrect arguments)
+(defun re-error (&rest arguments &aux result (error t) unused error-value)
+ (multiple-value-setq
+ (unused error-value)
+ (ignore-errors
+ (setq result (apply #'re-comp arguments))
+ (setq error nil)))
+ (or error
+ (format t "ERROR: no error for (re-comp~{ ~S~})" arguments)))
+(re-error "")
+(re-error "a**")
+(re-error "[a")
+(re-error "a{")
+(re-error "a(")
+(re-error "a||b")
+(re-error "|b|c")
+(re-error "a|b|")
+(setq re (re-comp "abc"))
+(re-test '((0 . 3)) re "abc")
+(re-test '((0 . 3)) re "abc" :notbol t)
+(re-test '((0 . 3)) re "abc" :noteol t)
+(re-test '((0 . 3)) re "abc" :notbol t :noteol t)
+(re-test '((14 . 17)) re "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaabc")
+(re-test '((14 . 17)) re "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaabc" :start 12 :end 17)
+(re-test '((30 . 33)) re "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabcxx")
+(re-test '((30 . 33)) re "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabcxx" :start 28 :end 34)
+(setq re (re-comp "^abc"))
+(re-test '((0 . 3)) re "abc")
+(re-test :nomatch re "xabc")
+(re-test '((1 . 4)) re "xabc" :start 1)
+(re-test :nomatch re "xabc" :start 1 :notbol t)
+(setq re (re-comp "abc$"))
+(re-test '((0 . 3)) re "abc")
+(re-test :nomatch re "xabcx")
+(re-test '((1 . 4)) re "xabcx" :end 4)
+(re-test :nomatch re "xabc" :end 4 :noteol t)
+(setq re (re-comp "^abc$"))
+(re-test '((0 . 3)) re "abc")
+(re-test :nomatch re "xabcx")
+(re-test '((1 . 4)) re "xabcx" :start 1 :end 4)
+(re-test :nomatch re "xabcx" :start 1 :end 4 :notbol t)
+(re-test :nomatch re "xabcx" :start 1 :end 4 :noteol t)
+(re-test :nomatch re "xabcx" :start 1 :end 4 :notbol t :noteol t)
+(re-test nil re "abc" :count 0)
+(setq re (re-comp "abc|bcd|cde"))
+(re-test '((0 . 3)) re "abc")
+(re-test '((1 . 4)) re "aabc")
+(re-test '((3 . 6)) re "xxxbcdef")
+(re-test '((8 . 11)) re "abdzzzcdabcde")
+(re-test '((13 . 16)) re "xxxxabdecdabdcde")
+(setq re (re-comp "^abc|bcd$|cde"))
+(re-test '((0 . 3)) re "abcde")
+(re-test '((3 . 6)) re "xabcde")
+(re-test '((1 . 4)) re "xabcde" :start 1)
+(re-test '((3 . 6)) re "xabcde" :start 1 :notbol t)
+(re-test '((2 . 5)) re "xabcd")
+(re-test :nomatch re "xabcd" :noteol t)
+(re-test nil re "xabcd" :count 0)
+(re-test :nomatch re "abcdx" :notbol t)
+(setq re (re-comp "a?bc|ab?c|abc?"))
+(re-test '((0 . 3)) re "abc")
+(re-test :nomatch re "xxxb")
+(re-test '((3 . 5)) re "xxxbc")
+(re-test '((5 . 7)) re "sssssab")
+(re-test '((0 . 3)) re "abcd")
+(re-test '((1 . 4)) re "aabcdef")
+(re-test '((1 . 3)) re "aabbccdef") ;; ab matches abc?
+(setq re (re-comp "a?bc"))
+(re-test '((2 . 4)) re "acbcd")
+(re-test '((2 . 5)) re "acabcd")
+(setq re (re-comp "ab?c"))
+(re-test '((1 . 3)) re "xacc")
+(re-test '((2 . 5)) re "xxabcc")
+(setq re (re-comp "abc?"))
+(re-test '((1 . 3)) re "xababc")
+(re-test '((2 . 5)) re "xxabccabc")
+(setq re (re-comp "a*bc|ab*c|abc*"))
+(re-test '((0 . 9)) re "aaaaaaabc")
+(re-test '((1 . 10)) re "xaaaaaaabc")
+(re-test '((3 . 12)) re "xyzaaaaaaabc")
+(re-test '((0 . 4)) re "abbc")
+(re-test '((2 . 9)) re "xxabbbbbc")
+(re-test '((0 . 12)) re "abcccccccccc")
+(re-test '((0 . 12)) re "abccccccccccd")
+(re-test '((16 . 29)) re "xxxxxxxaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbccccccccccc")
+(re-test '((11 . 13)) re "xxxbbbbbbbbbc")
+(re-test '((8 . 10)) re "aaaaazbxacd")
+(setq re (re-comp "a*bc"))
+(re-test '((2 . 4)) re "acbcd")
+(re-test '((2 . 5)) re "acabcd")
+(re-test '((2 . 8)) re "acaaaabcd")
+(setq re (re-comp "ab*c"))
+(re-test '((1 . 3)) re "xacc")
+(re-test '((2 . 5)) re "xxabcc")
+(re-test '((3 . 8)) re "xxaabbbcc")
+(setq re (re-comp "abc*"))
+(re-test '((1 . 3)) re "xababc")
+(re-test '((2 . 5)) re "xxabcbabccc")
+(re-test '((3 . 7)) re "axxabccabc")
+(setq re (re-comp "a+bc|ab+c|abc+"))
+(re-test :nomatch re "xxxbc")
+(re-test '((1 . 6)) re "xaaabc")
+(re-test '((8 . 12)) re "zzzzaaaaabbc")
+(re-test '((7 . 15)) re "zzzzaaaabbbbbbcccc")
+(setq re (re-comp "a.c"))
+(re-test '((0 . 3)) re "abc")
+(re-test '((1 . 4)) re "aaac")
+(re-test :nomatch re "xac")
+(re-test '((3 . 6)) re "xaxaac")
+(re-test '((2 . 5)) re "xxabc")
+(re-test '((3 . 6)) re "acxaxc")
+(setq re (re-comp "a*c"))
+(re-test '((0 . 1)) re "c")
+(re-test '((5 . 6)) re "xxxxxc")
+(re-test '((8 . 9)) re "xxxxxxxxc")
+(re-test '((7 . 8)) re "xxxxxxxcc")
+(re-test '((0 . 2)) re "ac")
+(re-test '((0 . 5)) re "aaaac")
+(re-test '((1 . 3)) re "xac")
+(re-test '((3 . 6)) re "xxxaac")
+(re-test '((2 . 4)) re "xxac")
+(re-test '((4 . 6)) re "xxxxac")
+(setq re (re-comp "a+c"))
+(re-test '((2 . 5)) re "xxaac")
+(re-test '((3 . 8)) re "xxxaaaac")
+(re-test '((6 . 8)) re "xaaaabac")
+(re-test :nomatch re "xxxc")
+(re-test '((4 . 9)) re "xxxxaaaaccc")
+(setq re (re-comp "a{4}b"))
+(re-test '((19 . 24)) re "xabxxaabxxxaaabxxxxaaaab")
+(re-test '((4 . 9)) re "aaabaaaab")
+(setq re (re-comp "a{4,}b"))
+(re-test '((3 . 8)) re "xxxaaaab")
+(re-test '((8 . 25)) re "zaaabzzzaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaab")
+(setq re (re-comp "a{,4}b"))
+(re-test '((0 . 1)) re "b")
+(re-test '((8 . 9)) re "xxxxxxxxb")
+(re-test '((6 . 11)) re "xaaaaaaaaab")
+(re-test '((3 . 5)) re "xxxab")
+(re-test '((6 . 10)) re "aaaaaxaaab")
+(setq re (re-comp "a{2,4}b"))
+(re-test :nomatch re "xab")
+(re-test '((1 . 4)) re "xaab")
+(re-test '((1 . 5)) re "xaaab")
+(re-test '((2 . 7)) re "xxaaaab")
+(re-test '((4 . 9)) re "xxxaaaaab")
+(setq re (re-comp "foo(bar|baz)fee"))
+(re-test '((9 . 18)) re "feebarbazfoobarfee")
+(re-test '((9 . 18) (12 . 15)) re "feebarbazfoobarfee" :count 2)
+(re-test '((13 . 22)) re "foofooobazfeefoobazfee")
+(re-test '((13 . 22) (16 . 19)) re "foofooobazfeefoobazfee" :count 3)
+(setq re (re-comp "foo(bar|baz)fee" :nosub t))
+(re-test '((9 . 18)) re "feebarbazfoobarfee")
+(re-test '((9 . 18)) re "feebarbazfoobarfee" :count 2)
+(re-test '((13 . 22)) re "foofooobazfeefoobazfee")
+(re-test '((13 . 22)) re "foofooobazfeefoobazfee" :count 3)
+(setq re (re-comp "f(oo|ee)ba[rz]"))
+(re-test :nomatch re "barfoebaz")
+(re-test '((3 . 9) (4 . 6)) re "bazfoobar" :count 2)
+(re-test '((3 . 9) (4 . 6)) re "barfeebaz" :count 2)
+(setq re (re-comp "f(oo|ee)ba[rz]" :nosub t))
+(re-test :nomatch re "barfoebaz")
+(re-test '((3 . 9)) re "bazfoobar" :count 2)
+(re-test '((3 . 9)) re "barfeebaz" :count 2)
+(setq re (re-comp "\\<(int|char)\\>"))
+(re-test '((15 . 18)) re "aint character int foo")
+(re-test '((15 . 18) (15 . 18)) re "aint character int foo" :count 2)
+(setq re (re-comp "\\<(int|char)\\>" :nosub t))
+(re-test '((15 . 18)) re "aint character int foo" :count 2)
+(setq re (re-comp "foo.*bar"))
+(re-test '((11 . 17)) re "barfoblaboofoobarfoobarfoobar")
+(setq re (re-comp "foo.+bar"))
+(re-test :nomatch re "foobar")
+(re-test '((6 . 13)) re "fobbarfooxbarfooybar")
+(setq re (re-comp "foo.?bar"))
+(re-test '((1 . 7)) re "xfoobar")
+(re-test :nomatch re "xxfooxxbar")
+(re-test '((3 . 10)) re "yyyfootbar")
+(setq re (re-comp "a.*b.*c"))
+(re-test '((0 . 3)) re "abc")
+(re-test '((9 . 18)) re "xxxxxxxxxabbbbbbbccaaaaabbbc")
+(setq re (re-comp "a.+b.*c"))
+(re-test :nomatch re "xxxabc")
+(re-test '((2 . 7)) re "xxaxbbc")
+(setq re (re-comp "a.+b.?c"))
+(re-test '((1 . 5)) re "xaabc")
+(re-test '((2 . 7)) re "xxaabbc")
+(setq re (re-comp "(foo.*|bar)fee"))
+(re-test '((3 . 9) (3 . 6)) re "barfoofee" :count 2)
+(re-test '((0 . 9) (0 . 6)) re "foobarfee" :count 2)
+(re-test '((4 . 10) (4 . 7)) re "xxfobarfee" :count 2)
+(re-test '((3 . 17) (3 . 14)) re "barfooooooobarfee" :count 2)
+(re-test '((4 . 10) (4 . 7)) re "xxfobarfeefoobar" :count 2)
+(setq re (re-comp "(foo.+|bar)fee"))
+(re-test :nomatch re "barfoofee" :count 2)
+(re-test '((3 . 10) (3 . 7)) re "barfooxfee" :count 2)
+(setq re (re-comp "(foo.?|bar)fee"))
+(re-test :nomatch re "foobar" :count 2)
+(re-test '((2 . 8) (2 . 5)) re "bafoofee" :count 2)
+(re-test '((2 . 9) (2 . 6)) re "bafooofeebarfee" :count 4)
+(re-test '((2 . 8) (2 . 5)) re "bafoofeebarfee" :count 2)
+(re-test nil re "bafoofeebarfee" :count 0)
+(re-test '((2 . 8)) re "bafoofeebarfee" :count 1)
+(setq re (re-comp "(a|b|c)\\1"))
+(re-test '((0 . 2) (0 . 1)) re "aa" :count 2)
+(setq re (re-comp "(a|b|c)(a|b|c)\\1\\2"))
+(re-test '((0 . 4) (0 . 1) (1 . 2)) re "acac" :count 5)
+(re-test '((4 . 8) (4 . 5) (5 . 6)) re "xxxxacac" :count 4)
+(re-test '((24 . 28) (24 . 25) (25 . 26)) re "xxacabacbcacbbacbcaaccabcaca" :count 3)
+(re-test '((4 . 8) (4 . 5) (5 . 6)) re "xyabcccc" :count 3)
+(re-test '((4 . 8) (4 . 5)) re "xyabcccc" :count 2)
+(re-test '((4 . 8)) re "xyabcccc" :count 1)
+(re-test nil re "xyabcccc" :count 0)
+(setq re (re-comp "(a*b)\\1"))
+(re-test '((3 . 15) (3 . 9)) re "xxxaaaaabaaaaab" :count 2)
+(re-test '((7 . 9) (7 . 8)) re "abaabaxbb" :count 2)
+(setq re (re-comp "(ab+c)\\1"))
+(re-test '((3 . 13) (3 . 8)) re "xaaabbbcabbbc" :count 3)
+(setq re (re-comp "(ab?c)\\1"))
+(re-test :nomatch re "abcac" :count 2)
+(re-test '((4 . 8) (4 . 6)) re "acabacac" :count 2)
+(re-test '((5 . 11) (5 . 8)) re "abcacabcabc" :count 2)
+(re-test '((3 . 7) (3 . 5)) re "abcacac" :count 2)
+(setq re (re-comp "a(.*)b\\1"))
+(re-test '((3 . 5) (4 . 4)) re "xxxab" :count 2)
+(re-test '((4 . 12) (5 . 8)) re "xxxxazzzbzzz" :count 2)
+(setq re (re-comp "abc" :icase t))
+(re-test '((0 . 3)) re "AbC")
+(setq re (re-comp "[0-9][a-z]+" :icase t))
+(re-test '((3 . 10)) re "xxx0aaZxYT9")
+(setq re (re-comp "a.b" :icase t))
+(re-test '((10 . 13)) re "aaaaaaaaaaaxB")
+(setq re (re-comp "a.*z" :icase t))
+(re-test '((3 . 9)) re "xxxAaaaaZ")
+(re-test '((2 . 6)) re "xxaaaZaaa")
+(setq re (re-comp "\\<(lambda|defun|defmacro)\\>" :icase t))
+(re-test '((5 . 11)) re " (lambda")
+(re-test '((5 . 11) (5 . 11)) re " (lambda" :count 2)
+(re-test :nomatch re "lamda defunn deffmacro")
+(setq re (re-comp "\\<(nil|t)\\>" :icase t))
+(re-test '((3 . 6)) re "it Nil")
+(re-test '((3 . 6) (3 . 6)) re "it Nil" :count 6)
+(re-test :nomatch re "nilo")
+(setq re (re-comp "\\<(begin|end)\\>" :icase t))
+(re-test '((21 . 24) (21 . 24)) re "beginning the ending EnD" :count 7)
+(setq re (re-comp "a.*" :newline t))
+(re-test '((0 . 1)) re "a
+(re-test '((3 . 4)) re "xyza
+(setq re (re-comp "a.+" :newline t))
+(re-test '((2 . 5)) re "a
+(re-test '((5 . 7)) re "xyza
+(setq re (re-comp "a.?" :newline t))
+(re-test '((0 . 1)) re "a
+(re-test '((3 . 4)) re "xyza
+(setq re (re-comp "a.*b.*c" :newline t))
+(re-test '((11 . 14)) re "xxaa
+(re-test '((6 . 9)) re "xxxab
+(setq re (re-comp "a.+b.*c" :newline t))
+(re-test '((6 . 10)) re "ab
+(setq re (re-comp "a.?b.*c" :newline t))
+(re-test '((4 . 8)) re "ab
+(setq re (re-comp "^foo$" :newline t))
+(re-test '((11 . 14)) re "bar
+(re-test '((0 . 3)) re "foo
+(re-test '((8 . 11)) re "foo
+bar" :notbol t)
+(re-test '((8 . 11)) re "foo
+foo" :notbol t)
+(re-test :nomatch re "foo
+foo" :notbol t :noteol t)
+(setq re (re-comp "^\\s*#\\s*(define|include)\\s+.+" :newline t))
+(re-test '((8 . 18)) re "#define
+#include x")
+(re-test '((8 . 18) (9 . 16)) re "#define
+#include x" :count 2)
+(setq re (re-comp "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"))
+(re-test '((3 . 259)) re "zzzxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxzzz")
+(setq re (re-comp "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz01234567890~ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz01234567890~ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz01234567890~ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz01234567890~ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz01234567890~"))
+(re-test '((13 . 333)) re "String here: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz01234567890~ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz01234567890~ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz01234567890~ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz01234567890~ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz01234567890~/")
+(setq re (re-comp "(.*)\\D(\\d+)"))
+(re-test '((0 . 6) (0 . 3) (4 . 6)) re "abcW12" :count 3)
+(re-test '((0 . 6) (0 . 3)) re "abcW12" :count 2)
+(re-test '((0 . 6)) re "abcW12" :count 1)
+(re-test nil re "abcW12" :count 0)
+(re-test '((0 . 6) (0 . 3) (4 . 6)) re "abcW12abcW12" :count 3)
+(re-test '((0 . 6) (0 . 3) (4 . 6)) re "abcW12abcW12a" :count 3)
+(setq re (re-comp ".*\\d"))
+(re-test '((0 . 2)) re "a1a1a1aaaaaaa") ; minimal match only
+(setq re (re-comp "(.*)\\d"))
+(re-test '((0 . 2) (0 . 1)) re "a1a1a1aaaaaaa" :count 2); minimal match only
+(setq re (re-comp ".*(\\d)"))
+(re-test '((0 . 2) (1 . 2)) re "a1a1a1aaaaaaa" :count 2); minimal match only
+;; XXX this very simple pattern was entering an infinite loop
+;; actually, this pattern is not supported, just test if is not
+;; crashing (not supported because it is not cheap to match variations
+;; of the pattern)
+(setq re (re-comp "(.*a)?"))
+(re-test '((0 . 1)) re "aaaa") ; expected, minimal match
+(re-test '((0 . 1) (0 . 1)) re "aaaa" :count 2)
diff --git a/lisp/test/stream.lsp b/lisp/test/stream.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8af4ff6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/test/stream.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,807 @@
+;; Copyright (c) 2002 by The XFree86 Project, Inc.
+;; Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+;; copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
+;; to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
+;; the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
+;; and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+;; Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+;; The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+;; all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+;; Except as contained in this notice, the name of the XFree86 Project shall
+;; not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other
+;; dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from the
+;; XFree86 Project.
+;; Author: Paulo César Pereira de Andrade
+;; $XFree86: xc/programs/xedit/lisp/test/stream.lsp,v 1.4 2002/12/10 03:59:04 paulo Exp $
+;; most format tests from the cltl second edition samples
+;; basic io/format/pathname/stream tests
+(defun do-format-test (error-test expect arguments
+ &aux result (error t) unused error-value)
+ (multiple-value-setq
+ (unused error-value)
+ (ignore-errors
+ (setq result (apply #'format nil arguments))
+ (setq error nil)
+ )
+ )
+ (if error-test
+ (or error
+ (format t "ERROR: no error for (format nil~{ ~S~}), result was ~S~%"
+ arguments result))
+ (if error
+ (format t "ERROR: (format nil~{ ~S~}) => ~S~%" arguments error-value)
+ (or (string= result expect)
+ (format t "(format nil~{ ~S~}) => should be ~S not ~S~%"
+ arguments expect result)))
+ )
+(defun format-test (expect &rest arguments)
+ (do-format-test nil expect arguments))
+(defun format-error (&rest arguments)
+ (do-format-test t nil arguments))
+(defun compare-test (test expect function arguments
+ &aux result (error t) unused error-value)
+ (multiple-value-setq
+ (unused error-value)
+ (ignore-errors
+ (setq result (apply function arguments))
+ (setq error nil)
+ )
+ )
+ (if error
+ (format t "ERROR: (~S~{ ~S~}) => ~S~%" function arguments error-value)
+ (or (funcall test result expect)
+ (format t "(~S~{ ~S~}) => should be ~S not ~S~%"
+ function arguments expect result
+ )
+ )
+ )
+(defun compare-eval (test expect form
+ &aux result (error t) unused error-value)
+ (multiple-value-setq
+ (unused error-value)
+ (ignore-errors
+ (setq result (eval form))
+ (setq error nil)
+ )
+ )
+ (if error
+ (format t "ERROR: ~S => ~S~%" form error-value)
+ (or (funcall test result expect)
+ (format t "~S => should be ~S not ~S~%"
+ form expect result
+ )
+ )
+ )
+(defun error-test (function &rest arguments &aux result (error t))
+ (ignore-errors
+ (setq result (apply function arguments))
+ (setq error nil)
+ )
+ (or error
+ (format t "ERROR: no error for (~S~{ ~S~}), result was ~S~%"
+ function arguments result)
+ )
+(defun error-eval (form &aux result (error t))
+ (ignore-errors
+ (setq result (eval form))
+ (setq error nil)
+ )
+ (or error
+ (format t "ERROR: no error for ~S, result was ~S~%" form result)
+ )
+(defun eq-test (expect function &rest arguments)
+ (compare-test #'eq expect function arguments))
+(defun eql-test (expect function &rest arguments)
+ (compare-test #'eql expect function arguments))
+(defun equal-test (expect function &rest arguments)
+ (compare-test #'equal expect function arguments))
+(defun equalp-test (expect function &rest arguments)
+ (compare-test #'equalp expect function arguments))
+(defun eq-eval (expect form)
+ (compare-eval #'eq expect form))
+(defun eql-eval (expect form)
+ (compare-eval #'eql expect form))
+(defun equal-eval (expect form)
+ (compare-eval #'equal expect form))
+(defun equalp-eval (expect form)
+ (compare-eval #'equalp expect form))
+(defun bool-test (expect function &rest arguments
+ &aux result (error t) unused error-value)
+ (multiple-value-setq
+ (unused error-value)
+ (ignore-errors
+ (setq result (apply function arguments))
+ (setq error nil)
+ )
+ )
+ (if error
+ (format t "ERROR: (~S~{ ~S~}) => ~S~%" function arguments error-value)
+ (or (eq (null result) (null expect))
+ (format t "(~S~{ ~S~}) => should be ~A not ~A~%"
+ function arguments expect result
+ )
+ )
+ )
+(defun bool-eval (expect form &aux result (error t) unused error-value)
+ (multiple-value-setq
+ (unused error-value)
+ (ignore-errors
+ (setq result (eval form))
+ (setq error nil)
+ )
+ )
+ (if error
+ (format t "ERROR: ~S => ~S~%" form error-value)
+ (or (eq (null result) (null expect))
+ (format t "~S => should be ~A not ~A~%"
+ form expect result
+ )
+ )
+ )
+;; format - function
+;; ~c
+(format-test "A" "~C" #\A)
+(format-test " " "~C" #\Space)
+(format-test "A" "~:C" #\A)
+(format-test "Space" "~:C" #\Space)
+(format-test "#\\A" "~@C" #\A)
+(format-test "#\\Space" "~@C" #\Space)
+(format-test " " "~A" #\Space)
+(let ((*print-escape* t)) (format-test " " "~A" #\Space))
+(format-test "#\\Space" "~S" #\Space)
+(let ((*print-escape* nil)) (format-test "#\\Space" "~S" #\Space))
+;; ~%
+(format-test "
+" "~%")
+(format-test "
+" "~3%")
+;; ~&
+(format-test "" "~&")
+(format-test "
+" "~2&")
+;; ~|
+(format-test " " "~|")
+;; ~~
+(format-test "~~~" "~3~")
+;; radix
+(format-test "1101" "~,,' ,4:B" 13)
+(format-test "1 0001" "~,,' ,4:B" 17)
+(format-test "1101 0000 0101" "~14,,' ,4:B" 3333)
+(format-test "1 22" "~3,,,' ,2:R" 17)
+(format-test "6|55|35" "~,,'|,2:D" #xFFFF)
+(format-test "1,000,000" "~,,,3:D" 1000000)
+(format-test "one hundred and twenty-three thousand, four hundred and fifty-six"
+ "~R" 123456)
+(format-test "six hundred and fifty-four thousand, three hundred twenty-first"
+ "~:R" 654321)
+(format-test "MCCXXXIV" "~@R" 1234)
+(format-test "MCCXXXXVIIII" "~@:R" 1249)
+(format-test "3039" "~X" 12345)
+(format-test "30071" "~O" 12345)
+(format-test "9IX" "~36R" 12345)
+(format-test "11000000111001" "~B" 12345)
+(format-test "The answer is 5." "The answer is ~D." 5)
+(format-test "The answer is 5." "The answer is ~3D." 5)
+(format-test "The answer is 005." "The answer is ~3,'0D." 5)
+(format-test "1111 1010 1100 1110" "~,,' ,4:B" #xFACE)
+(format-test "1 1100 1110" "~,,' ,4:B" #x1CE)
+(format-test "1111 1010 1100 1110" "~19,,' ,4:B" #xFACE)
+(format-test " 1 1100 1110" "~19,,' ,4:B" #x1CE)
+;; 6.37 and 6.38 are correct
+#+xedit (format-test "6.38" "~4,2F" 6.375d0)
+(format-test "10.0" "~,1F" 9.995d0)
+;; 6.37E+2 and 6.38E+2 are correct
+#+xedit (format-test " 6.38E+2" "~8,2E" 637.5)
+ (
+ (n '(3.14159 -3.14159 100.0 1234.0 0.006) (cdr n))
+ (r '(" 3.14| 31.42| 3.14|3.1416|3.14|3.14159"
+ " -3.14|-31.42| -3.14|-3.142|-3.14|-3.14159"
+ "100.00|******|100.00| 100.0|100.00|100.0"
+ "1234.00|******|??????|1234.0|1234.00|1234.0"
+ " 0.01| 0.06| 0.01| 0.006|0.01|0.006") (cdr r))
+ (x (car n) (car n))
+ )
+ ((endp n))
+ (format-test (car r)
+ "~6,2F|~6,2,1,'*F|~6,2,,'?F|~6F|~,2F|~F" x x x x x x)
+ (
+ (n '(3.14159 -3.14159 1100.0 1.1e13 #+xedit 1.1e120) (cdr n))
+ (r '(" 3.14E+0| 31.42$-01|+.003E+03| 3.14E+0"
+ " -3.14E+0|-31.42$-01|-.003E+03| -3.14E+0"
+ " 1.10E+3| 11.00$+02|+.001E+06| 1.10E+3"
+ "*********| 11.00$+12|+.001E+16| 1.10E+13"
+ #+xedit
+ "*********|??????????|%%%%%%%%%|1.10E+120") (cdr r))
+ (x (car n) (car n))
+ )
+ ((endp n))
+ (format-test (car r)
+ "~9,2,1,,'*E|~10,3,2,2,'?,,'$E|~9,3,2,-2,'%@E|~9,2E" x x x x)
+ (
+ (k -5 (1+ k))
+ (r '("Scale factor -5: | 0.000003E+06|"
+ "Scale factor -4: | 0.000031E+05|"
+ "Scale factor -3: | 0.000314E+04|"
+ "Scale factor -2: | 0.003142E+03|"
+ "Scale factor -1: | 0.031416E+02|"
+ "Scale factor 0: | 0.314159E+01|"
+ "Scale factor 1: | 3.141590E+00|"
+ "Scale factor 2: | 31.41590E-01|"
+ "Scale factor 3: | 314.1590E-02|"
+ "Scale factor 4: | 3141.590E-03|"
+ "Scale factor 5: | 31415.90E-04|"
+ "Scale factor 6: | 314159.0E-05|"
+ "Scale factor 7: | 3141590.E-06|") (cdr r))
+ )
+ ((endp r))
+ (format-test (car r) "Scale factor ~2D: | ~12,6,2,VE|" k k 3.14159)
+ (
+ (n '(0.0314159 0.314159 3.14159 31.4159 314.159 3141.59 3.14E12
+ #+xedit 3.14d120) (cdr n))
+ (r '(" 3.14E-2|314.2$-04|0.314E-01| 3.14E-2"
+ " 0.31 |0.314 |0.314 | 0.31 "
+ " 3.1 | 3.14 | 3.14 | 3.1 "
+ " 31. | 31.4 | 31.4 | 31. "
+ " 3.14E+2| 314. | 314. | 3.14E+2"
+ " 3.14E+3|314.2$+01|0.314E+04| 3.14E+3"
+ "*********|314.0$+10|0.314E+13| 3.14E+12"
+ #+xedit "*********|?????????|%%%%%%%%%|3.14E+120") (cdr r))
+ (x (car n) (car n))
+ )
+ ((endp n))
+ (format-test (car r) "~9,2,1,,'*G|~9,3,2,3,'?,,'$G|~9,3,2,0,'%G|~9,2G"
+ x x x x)
+(format-test " 1." "~4,0f" 0.5)
+(format-test " 0." "~4,0f" 0.4)
+;; ~p
+(setq n 3)
+(format-test "3 items found.""~D item~:P found." n)
+(format-test "three dogs are here." "~R dog~:[s are~; is~] here." n (= n 1))
+(format-test "three dogs are here." "~R dog~:*~[s are~; is~:;s are~] here." n)
+(format-test "Here are three puppies.""Here ~[are~;is~:;are~] ~:*~R pupp~:@P." n)
+(format-test "7 tries/1 win" "~D tr~:@P/~D win~:P" 7 1)
+(format-test "1 try/0 wins" "~D tr~:@P/~D win~:P" 1 0)
+(format-test "1 try/3 wins" "~D tr~:@P/~D win~:P" 1 3)
+;; ~t
+(format-test " foo" "~8Tfoo")
+#+xedit (format-test " foo" "~8,3Tfoo")
+(format-test " foo" "~8,3@Tfoo")
+(format-test " foo" "~1,3@Tfoo")
+;; ~*
+(format-test "2" "~*~D" 1 2 3 4)
+(format-test "4" "~3*~D" 1 2 3 4)
+(format-test "2" "~3*~2:*~D" 1 2 3 4)
+(format-test "4 3 2 1 2 3 4" "~3@*~D ~2@*~D ~1@*~D ~0@*~D ~D ~D ~D" 1 2 3 4)
+;; ~?
+(format-test "<Foo 5> 7" "~? ~D" "<~A ~D>" '("Foo" 5) 7)
+(format-test "<Foo 5> 7" "~? ~D" "<~A ~D>" '("Foo" 5 14) 7)
+(format-test "<Foo 5> 7" "~@? ~D" "<~A ~D>" "Foo" 5 7)
+(format-test "<Foo 5> 14" "~@? ~D" "<~A ~D>" "Foo" 5 14 7)
+(format-error "~:[abc~:@(def~;ghi~:@(jkl~]mno~)" 1)
+(format-error "~?ghi~)" "abc~@(def")
+;; ~(...~)
+(format-test "XIV xiv" "~@R ~(~@R~)" 14 14)
+(format-test "Zero errors detected." "~@(~R~) error~:P detected." 0)
+(format-test "One error detected." "~@(~R~) error~:P detected." 1)
+(format-test "Twenty-three errors detected." "~@(~R~) error~:P detected." 23)
+;; ~[...~]
+(format-test "Persian Cat" "~[Siamese~;Manx~;Persian~] Cat" 2)
+(format-test " Cat" "~[Siamese~;Manx~;Persian~] Cat" 3)
+(format-test "Siamese Cat" "~[Siamese~;Manx~;Persian~] Cat" 0)
+(setq *print-level* nil *print-length* 5)
+(format-test " print length = 5"
+ "~@[ print level = ~D~]~@[ print length = ~D~]" *print-level* *print-length*)
+(setq foo "Items:~#[ none~; ~S~; ~S and ~S~:;~@{ ~#[~;and ~]~S~^,~}~].")
+(format-test "Items: none." foo)
+(format-test "Items: FOO." foo 'foo)
+(format-test "Items: FOO and BAR." foo 'foo 'bar)
+(format-test "Items: FOO, BAR, and BAZ." foo 'foo 'bar 'baz)
+(format-test "Items: FOO, BAR, BAZ, and QUUX." foo 'foo 'bar 'baz 'quux)
+;; ~{...~}
+(format-test "The winners are: FRED HARRY JILL."
+ "The winners are:~{ ~S~}." '(fred harry jill))
+(format-test "Pairs: <A,1> <B,2> <C,3>." "Pairs:~{ <~S,~S>~}." '(a 1 b 2 c 3))
+(format-test "Pairs: <A,1> <B,2> <C,3>."
+ "Pairs:~:{ <~S,~S>~}." '((a 1) (b 2) (c 3)))
+(format-test "Pairs: <A,1> <B,2> <C,3>."
+ "Pairs:~:@{ <~S,~S>~}." '(a 1) '(b 2) '(c 3))
+;; ~<...~>
+(format-test "foo bar" "~10<foo~;bar~>")
+(format-test " foo bar" "~10:<foo~;bar~>")
+(format-test " foo bar " "~10:@<foo~;bar~>")
+(format-test " foobar" "~10<foobar~>")
+(format-test " foobar" "~10:<foobar~>")
+(format-test "foobar " "~10@<foobar~>")
+(format-test " foobar " "~10:@<foobar~>")
+;; ~^
+(setq donestr "Done.~^ ~D warning~:P.~^ ~D error~:P.")
+(format-test "Done." donestr)
+(format-test "Done. 3 warnings." donestr 3)
+(format-test "Done. 1 warning. 5 errors." donestr 1 5)
+(format-test "/HOT .../HAMBURGER/ICE .../FRENCH ..."
+ "~:{/~S~^ ...~}" '((hot dog) (hamburger) (ice cream) (french fries)))
+(format-test "/HOT .../HAMBURGER .../ICE .../FRENCH"
+ "~:{/~S~:^ ...~}" '((hot dog) (hamburger) (ice cream) (french fries)))
+(format-test "/HOT .../HAMBURGER"
+ "~:{/~S~:#^ ...~}" '((hot dog) (hamburger) (ice cream) (french fries)))
+(setq tellstr "~@(~@[~R~]~^ ~A.~)")
+(format-test "Twenty-three" tellstr 23)
+(format-test " Losers." tellstr nil "losers")
+(format-test "Twenty-three losers." tellstr 23 "losers")
+(format-test " FOO" "~15<~S~;~^~S~;~^~S~>" 'foo)
+(format-test "FOO BAR" "~15<~S~;~^~S~;~^~S~>" 'foo 'bar)
+(format-test "FOO BAR BAZ" "~15<~S~;~^~S~;~^~S~>" 'foo 'bar 'baz)
+;; make-pathname - function
+(equal-test #P"/public/games/chess.db"
+ #'make-pathname :directory '(:absolute "public" "games")
+ :name "chess" :type "db")
+(equal-test #P"/etc/passwd" #'list* #P"/etc/passwd")
+(setq path (make-pathname :directory '(:absolute "public" "games")
+ :name "chess" :type "db"))
+(eq-test path #'pathname path)
+(eq-test nil #'pathname-host path)
+(eq-test nil #'pathname-device path)
+(equal-test '(:absolute "public" "games") #'pathname-directory path)
+(equal-test "chess" #'pathname-name path)
+(equal-test "db" #'pathname-type path)
+(eq-test nil #'pathname-version path)
+(equal-test #P"/tmp/foo.txt" #'make-pathname :defaults "/tmp/foo.txt")
+#+xedit (equal-test #P"/tmp/foo.txt" #'pathname "///tmp///foo.txt")
+;; XXX changed to remove extra separators
+;; (equal-test #P"///tmp///foo.txt" #'pathname "///tmp///foo.txt")
+;; merge-pathnames - function
+(equal-test #P"/tmp/foo.txt" #'merge-pathnames "/tmp/foo" "/tmp/foo.txt")
+(equal-test #P"/tmp/foo.txt" #'merge-pathnames "foo" "/tmp/foo.txt")
+(equal-test #P"/tmp/foo/bar.txt" #'merge-pathnames "foo/bar" "/tmp/foo.txt")
+;; namestring - function
+(setq path (merge-pathnames "foo/bar" "/tmp/foo.txt"))
+(equal-test "/tmp/foo/bar.txt" #'namestring path)
+(equal-test "" #'host-namestring path)
+(equal-test "/tmp/foo/" #'directory-namestring path)
+(equal-test "bar.txt" #'file-namestring path)
+(equal-test "/tmp/foo/bar.txt" #'enough-namestring path)
+(equal-test "foo/bar.txt" #'enough-namestring path "/tmp/")
+(equal-test "bar.txt" #'enough-namestring path "/tmp/foo/")
+(equal-test "foo/bar.txt" #'enough-namestring path "/tmp/foo")
+;; parse-namestring - function
+(equal-eval '(#P"foo" 3) '(multiple-value-list (parse-namestring "foo")))
+(equal-eval '(#P"foo" 0) '(multiple-value-list (parse-namestring #P"foo")))
+;; read - function
+(setq is (make-string-input-stream " foo "))
+(eq-test t #'streamp is)
+(eq-test t #'input-stream-p is)
+(eq-test nil #'output-stream-p is)
+(eq-test 'foo #'read is)
+(eq-test t #'close is)
+(setq is (make-string-input-stream "xfooy" 1 4))
+(eq-test 'foo #'read is)
+(eq-test t #'close is)
+(setq is (make-string-input-stream ""))
+(eq-test nil #'read is nil)
+(eq-test 'end-of-string #'read is nil 'end-of-string)
+(close is)
+(error-test #'read is)
+(error-test #'read is nil)
+(error-test #'read is nil 'end-of-string)
+(eq-test t #'streamp is)
+(eq-test nil #'input-stream-p is)
+(eq-test nil #'streamp "test")
+(error-test #'input-stream-p "test")
+;; read-char - function
+(setq is (make-string-input-stream "0123"))
+(setq test nil)
+(equal-eval '(#\0 #\1 #\2 #\3)
+ '(do ((c (read-char is) (read-char is nil 'the-end)))
+ ((not (characterp c)) test)
+ (setq test (append test (list c)))))
+(close is)
+(setq is (make-string-input-stream "abc"))
+(eql-test #\a #'read-char is)
+(eql-test #\b #'read-char is)
+(eql-test #\c #'read-char is)
+(error-test #'read-char is)
+(eq-test nil #'read-char is nil)
+(eq-test :end-of-string #'read-char is nil :end-of-string)
+(eq-test t #'close is)
+;; read-char-no-hang - function
+(setq is (make-string-input-stream "0123"))
+(setq test nil)
+(equal-eval '(#\0 #\1 #\2 #\3)
+ '(do ((c (read-char-no-hang is) (read-char-no-hang is nil 'the-end)))
+ ((not (characterp c)) test)
+ (setq test (append test (list c)))))
+(close is)
+(setq is (make-string-input-stream "abc"))
+(eql-test #\a #'read-char-no-hang is)
+(eql-test #\b #'read-char-no-hang is)
+(eql-test #\c #'read-char-no-hang is)
+(error-test #'read-char-no-hang is)
+(eq-test nil #'read-char-no-hang is nil)
+(eq-test :end-of-string #'read-char-no-hang is nil :end-of-string)
+(eq-test t #'close is)
+#+(and xedit unix)
+ ;; wait one second for input pooling every 0.1 seconds
+ (defun wait-for-cat ()
+ (let ((time 0.0))
+ (loop
+ (and (listen is) (return))
+ (sleep 0.1)
+ (when (>= (incf time 0.1) 1.0)
+ (format t "Cat is sleeping~%")
+ (return)))))
+ (setq is (make-pipe "/bin/cat" :direction :io))
+ (equal-test "dog" #'write-line "dog" is)
+ (wait-for-cat)
+ (eql-test #\d #'read-char-no-hang is)
+ (eql-test #\o #'read-char-no-hang is)
+ (eql-test #\g #'read-char-no-hang is)
+ (eql-test #\Newline #'read-char-no-hang is)
+ (eq-test nil #'read-char-no-hang is)
+ (eq-test nil #'read-char-no-hang is)
+ (equal-test "mouse" #'write-line "mouse" is)
+ (wait-for-cat)
+ (eql-test #\m #'read-char-no-hang is)
+ (eql-test #\o #'read-char-no-hang is)
+ (eql-test #\u #'read-char-no-hang is)
+ (eql-test #\s #'read-char-no-hang is)
+ (eql-test #\e #'read-char-no-hang is)
+ (eql-test #\Newline #'read-char-no-hang is)
+ (eq-test nil #'read-char-no-hang is)
+ (eq-test t #'close is)
+ (error-test #'read-char-no-hang is)
+ (error-test #'read-char-no-hang is nil)
+ (error-test #'read-char-no-hang is nil t)
+;; read-from-string - function
+(equal-eval '(3 5)
+ '(multiple-value-list (read-from-string " 1 3 5" t nil :start 2)))
+(equal-eval '((a b c) 7)
+ '(multiple-value-list (read-from-string "(a b c)")))
+(error-test #'read-from-string "")
+(eq-test nil #'read-from-string "" nil)
+(eq-test 'end-of-file #'read-from-string "" nil 'end-of-file)
+;; read-line - function
+(setq is (make-string-input-stream "line 1
+line 2"))
+(equal-eval '("line 1" nil) '(multiple-value-list (read-line is)))
+(equal-eval '("line 2" t) '(multiple-value-list (read-line is)))
+(error-test #'read-line is)
+(equal-eval '(nil t) '(multiple-value-list (read-line is nil)))
+(equal-eval '(end-of-string t)
+ '(multiple-value-list (read-line is nil 'end-of-string)))
+;; write - function
+;; XXX several write options still missing
+(setq os (make-string-output-stream))
+(equal-test '(1 2 3 4) #'write '(1 2 3 4) :stream os)
+(equal-test "(1 2 3 4)" #'get-output-stream-string os)
+(eq-test t #'streamp os)
+(eq-test t #'output-stream-p os)
+(eq-test nil #'input-stream-p os)
+(equal-test '(:foo :bar) #'write '(:foo :bar) :case :downcase :stream os)
+(equal-test "(:foo :bar)" #'get-output-stream-string os)
+(equal-test '(:foo :bar) #'write '(:foo :bar) :case :capitalize :stream os)
+(equal-test "(:Foo :Bar)" #'get-output-stream-string os)
+(equal-test '(:foo :bar) #'write '(:foo :bar) :case :upcase :stream os)
+(equal-test "(:FOO :BAR)" #'get-output-stream-string os)
+(equal-test '(foo bar baz) #'write '(foo bar baz) :length 2 :stream os)
+(equal-test "(FOO BAR ...)" #'get-output-stream-string os)
+(equal-test '(foo (bar) baz) #'write '(foo (bar) baz) :level 1 :stream os)
+(equal-test "(FOO # BAZ)" #'get-output-stream-string os)
+(setq circle '#1=(1 #1#))
+(eq-test circle #'write circle :circle t :stream os)
+(equal-test "#1=(1 #1#)" #'get-output-stream-string os)
+(eql-test #\Space #'write #\Space :stream os)
+(equal-test "#\\Space" #'get-output-stream-string os)
+(eql-test #\Space #'write #\Space :escape nil :stream os)
+(equal-test " " #'get-output-stream-string os)
+(eq-test t #'close os)
+(eq-test nil #'output-stream-p os)
+(error-test #'output-stream-p "test")
+(error-test #'write 'foo :stream "bar")
+;; fresh-line - function
+(setq os (make-string-output-stream))
+(equal-test "some text" #'write-string "some text" os)
+(eq-test t #'fresh-line os)
+(eq-test nil #'fresh-line os)
+(equal-test "more text" #'write-string "more text" os)
+(equal-test "some text
+more text" #'get-output-stream-string os)
+(equal-test nil #'fresh-line os)
+(equal-test nil #'fresh-line os)
+(equal-test "" #'get-output-stream-string os)
+(close os)
+(error-test #'fresh-line 1)
+;; prin1 - function
+;; (prin1 object stream) ==
+;; (write object :stream stream :escape t)
+(setq p-os (make-string-output-stream) w-os (make-string-output-stream))
+(dolist (object (list #\a 1 "string" 2.5d0 '(a . b) '(a b c) #P"foo"
+ *package* *standard-input* #c(1 2) #(1 2 3)
+ (make-hash-table)))
+ (eq-test object #'prin1 object p-os)
+ (eq-test object #'write object :stream w-os :escape t)
+ (equal-test (get-output-stream-string p-os)
+ #'get-output-stream-string w-os))
+(close p-os)
+(close w-os)
+(error-test #'prin1 1 1)
+;; princ - function
+;; (princ object stream) ==
+;; (write object :stream stream :escape nil :readably nil)
+;; XXX readably not yet implemented
+(setq p-os (make-string-output-stream) w-os (make-string-output-stream))
+(dolist (object (list #\a 1 "string" 2.5d0 '(a . b) '(a b c) #P"foo"
+ *package* *standard-input* #c(1 2) #(1 2 3)
+ (make-hash-table)))
+ (eq-test object #'princ object p-os)
+ (eq-test object #'write object :stream w-os :escape nil)
+ (equal-test (get-output-stream-string p-os)
+ #'get-output-stream-string w-os))
+(close p-os)
+(close w-os)
+(error-test #'princ 1 1)
+;; print - function
+;; (print object stream) ==
+;; (progn
+;; (terpri stream)
+;; (write object :stream stream :escape t)
+;; (write-char #\Space stream))
+(setq p-os (make-string-output-stream) w-os (make-string-output-stream))
+(dolist (object (list #\a 1 "string" 2.5d0 '(a . b) '(a b c) #P"foo"
+ *package* *standard-input* #c(1 2) #(1 2 3)
+ (make-hash-table)))
+ (eq-test object #'print object p-os)
+ (progn
+ (eq-test nil #'terpri w-os)
+ (eq-test object #'write object :stream w-os :escape t)
+ (eql-test #\Space #'write-char #\Space w-os))
+ (equal-test (get-output-stream-string p-os)
+ #'get-output-stream-string w-os))
+(close p-os)
+(close w-os)
+(error-test #'print 1 1)
+;; terpri - function
+(setq os (make-string-output-stream))
+(equal-test "some text" #'write-string "some text" os)
+(eq-test nil #'terpri os)
+(eq-test nil #'terpri os)
+(equal-test "more text" #'write-string "more text" os)
+(equal-test "some text
+more text" #'get-output-stream-string os)
+(equal-test nil #'terpri os)
+(equal-test nil #'terpri os)
+(equal-test "
+" #'get-output-stream-string os)
+(close os)
+(error-test #'terpri 1)
+;; write-char - function
+(equal-eval "a b"
+ '(with-output-to-string (s)
+ (write-char #\a s)
+ (write-char #\Space s)
+ (write-char #\b s)))
+(error-test #'write-char 1)
+;; write-line - function
+(setq os (make-string-output-stream))
+(equal-test "text" #'write-line "text" os)
+(equal-test "text
+" #'get-output-stream-string os)
+(eql-test #\< #'write-char #\< os)
+(equal-test "text" #'write-line "text" os :start 1 :end 3)
+(eql-test #\> #'write-char #\> os)
+(equal-test "<ex
+>" #'get-output-stream-string os)
+(error-test #'write-line 1)
+(close os)
+;; write-string - function
+(setq os (make-string-output-stream))
+(equal-test "text" #'write-string "text" os)
+(equal-test "text" #'get-output-stream-string os)
+(eql-test #\< #'write-char #\< os)
+(equal-test "text" #'write-string "text" os :start 1 :end 3)
+(eql-test #\> #'write-char #\> os)
+(equal-test "<ex>" #'get-output-stream-string os)
+(error-test #'write-string #\a)
+(close os)
+;; open - function
+(setq name #P"delete-me.text")
+(bool-eval t '(setq file (open name :direction :output)))
+(equal-test "some text" #'write-line "some text" file)
+(close file)
+(equal-test "delete-me.text" #'file-namestring (truename name))
+(setq file (open name :direction :output :if-exists :rename))
+(equal-test "other text" #'write-line "other text" file)
+(close file)
+(equal-test "delete-me.text" #'file-namestring (truename name))
+;; Clisp returns the pathname if the file exists
+#+xedit (eq-test t #'delete-file name)
+#+clisp (bool-test t #'delete-file name)
+(setq backup
+ #+xedit "delete-me.text~"
+ #+clisp "delete-me.text%"
+ #+cmu "delete-me.text.BAK")
+(bool-test t #'delete-file backup)
+(eq-test nil #'delete-file name)
+(eq-test nil #'directory name)
+(eq-test nil #'directory backup)
+;; test append
+(with-open-file (s name :direction :output :if-exists :error)
+ (write-line "line 1" s))
+(with-open-file (s name :direction :output :if-exists :append)
+ (write-line "line 2" s))
+(with-open-file (s name :direction :input)
+ (equal-test "line 1" #'read-line s)
+ (equal-test "line 2" #'read-line s)
+ (eq-test 'eof #'read-line s nil 'eof)
+(bool-test t #'delete-file name)
+;; test overwrite
+(with-open-file (s name :direction :output :if-exists :error)
+ (write-line "overwrite-me" s))
+(with-open-file (s name :direction :output :if-exists :overwrite)
+ (write-line "some-text" s))
+(with-open-file (s name :direction :input)
+ (equal-test "some-text" #'read-line s)
+ (eq-test 'eof #'read-line s nil 'eof))
+;; test check for file existence
+(eq-test nil #'open name :direction :output :if-exists nil)
+(error-test #'open name :direction :output :if-exists :error)
+(bool-test t #'delete-file name)
+;; test check for no file existence
+(eq-test nil #'open name :direction :output :if-does-not-exist nil)
+(error-test #'open name :direction :output :if-does-not-exist :error)
+#+xedit ;; test io -- not sure if this is the expected behaviour
+ (with-open-file (s name :direction :io)
+ (write-line "foo" s)
+ (write-line "bar" s))
+ (with-open-file (s name :direction :io :if-exists :append)
+ (equal-test "foo" #'read-line s)
+ (equal-test "bar" #'read-line s)
+ (eq-test 'eof #'read-line s nil 'eof)
+ (write-line "baz" s))
+ (with-open-file (s name :direction :io :if-exists :append)
+ (equal-test "foo" #'read-line s)
+ (equal-test "bar" #'read-line s)
+ (equal-test "baz" #'read-line s)
+ (eq-test 'eof #'read-line s nil 'eof))
+ (bool-test t #'delete-file name)
+;; delete-file - function
+(eq-eval nil
+ '(with-open-file (s "delete-me.text" :direction :output :if-exists :error)))
+(eq-test t #'pathnamep (setq p (probe-file "delete-me.text")))
+(bool-test t #'delete-file p)
+(eq-test nil #'probe-file "delete-me.text")
+(bool-eval t
+ '(with-open-file (s "delete-me.text" :direction :output :if-exists :error)
+ (delete-file s)))
+(bool-test nil #'probe-file "delete-me.text")
+;; rename-file - function
+(setq name "")
+(bool-eval t '(setq file (open name :direction :output :if-exists :error)))
+(eq-test t #'close file)
+(setq result (multiple-value-list (rename-file name "")))
+(eql-test 3 #'length result)
+(eq-test t #'pathnamep (first result))
+(eq-test t #'pathnamep (second result))
+(eq-test t #'pathnamep (third result))
+(equal-test (third result) #'truename "")
+(eq-test nil #'directory name)
+(eq-test nil #'directory (second result))
+(equal-test (list (third result)) #'directory (third result))
+(error-test #'truename name)
+(error-test #'truename (second result))
+(eq-test nil #'probe-file name)
+(bool-test t #'probe-file (first result))
+(eq-test nil #'probe-file (second result))
+(bool-test t #'probe-file (third result))
+(bool-test t #'delete-file "")
+(eq-test nil #'delete-file (third result))
+(eq-test nil #'delete-file (second result))
diff --git a/lisp/test/widgets.lsp b/lisp/test/widgets.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be68788
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/test/widgets.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+;; Copyright (c) 2001 by The XFree86 Project, Inc.
+;; Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+;; copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
+;; to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
+;; the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
+;; and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+;; Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+;; The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+;; all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+;; Except as contained in this notice, the name of the XFree86 Project shall
+;; not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other
+;; dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from the
+;; XFree86 Project.
+;; Author: Paulo César Pereira de Andrade
+;; $XFree86: xc/programs/xedit/lisp/test/widgets.lsp,v 1.3 2002/11/08 08:01:01 paulo Exp $
+(require "xaw")
+(require "xt")
+(defun quit-callback (widget user call) (quit))
+(setq toplevel
+ (xt-app-initialize 'appcontext "Widgets"
+ '(("title" . "Widgets (without customization)"))))
+(setq vpane
+ (xt-create-managed-widget "vpane" paned-widget-class toplevel))
+(setq form
+ (xt-create-managed-widget "form" form-widget-class vpane))
+(xt-create-managed-widget "command" command-widget-class form
+ '(("label" . "Command Widget")))
+(xt-create-managed-widget "label" label-widget-class form
+ '(("label" . "Label Widget") ("fromVert" . "command")))
+(xt-create-managed-widget "button" menu-button-widget-class form
+ '(("label" . "MenuButton Widget") ("fromVert" . "label")))
+(setq popup
+ (xt-create-managed-widget "menu" simple-menu-widget-class toplevel))
+(xt-create-managed-widget "smebsb" sme-bsb-object-class popup
+ '(("label" . "SmeBSB Object")))
+(xt-create-managed-widget "smeline" sme-line-object-class popup)
+(xt-create-managed-widget "smebsb2" sme-bsb-object-class popup
+ '(("label" . "SmeBSB Object two")))
+(xt-create-managed-widget "toggle" toggle-widget-class form
+ '(("label" . "Toggle Widget") ("fromVert" . "button")))
+(xt-create-managed-widget "repeater" repeater-widget-class form
+ '(("label" . "Repeater Widget") ("fromVert" . "toggle")))
+(setq quit
+ (xt-create-managed-widget "quit" command-widget-class vpane
+ '(("label" . "Quit"))))
+(xt-add-callback quit "callback" 'quit-callback)
+(xt-realize-widget toplevel)
+(xt-app-main-loop appcontext)