path: root/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2010-04-08Add InputClass support.Michel Dänzer add ChangeLog and INSTALL on MAINTAINERCLEANFILESGaetan Nadon
2009-10-28INSTALL, NEWS, README or AUTHORS files are missing/incorrect #24206Gaetan Nadon
2009-10-28INSTALL, NEWS, README or AUTHORS files are missing/incorrect #24206Gaetan Nadon
2009-10-26Several driver modules do not have a ChangeLog target in #23814Gaetan Nadon
2008-10-23Add HAL integration to support input hot plug.Philip Langdale
2008-10-21Move shared vmmouse files into a separate static lib so we canPhilip Langdale
2006-01-09Initial release of the vmmouse driver for VMware virtual machines.philipl