#ifndef __RADEON_VIDEO_H__ #define __RADEON_VIDEO_H__ #include "xf86i2c.h" #include "fi1236.h" #include "msp3430.h" #include "tda9885.h" #include "uda1380.h" #include "i2c_def.h" #include "generic_bus.h" #include "theatre.h" #include "xf86Crtc.h" #include "bicubic_table.h" #define ClipValue(v,min,max) ((v) < (min) ? (min) : (v) > (max) ? (max) : (v)) /* Xvideo port struct */ typedef struct { uint32_t transform_index; uint32_t gamma; /* gamma value x 1000 */ int brightness; int saturation; int hue; int contrast; int red_intensity; int green_intensity; int blue_intensity; /* overlay composition mode */ int alpha_mode; /* 0 = key mode, 1 = global mode */ int ov_alpha; int gr_alpha; /* i2c bus and devices */ I2CBusPtr i2c; uint32_t radeon_i2c_timing; uint32_t radeon_M; uint32_t radeon_N; uint32_t i2c_status; uint32_t i2c_cntl; FI1236Ptr fi1236; uint8_t tuner_type; MSP3430Ptr msp3430; TDA9885Ptr tda9885; UDA1380Ptr uda1380; /* VIP bus and devices */ GENERIC_BUS_Ptr VIP; TheatrePtr theatre; Bool video_stream_active; int encoding; uint32_t frequency; int volume; Bool mute; int sap_channel; int v; uint32_t adjustment; /* general purpose variable */ #define METHOD_BOB 0 #define METHOD_SINGLE 1 #define METHOD_WEAVE 2 #define METHOD_ADAPTIVE 3 int overlay_deinterlacing_method; int capture_vbi_data; int dec_brightness; int dec_saturation; int dec_hue; int dec_contrast; Bool doubleBuffer; unsigned char currentBuffer; RegionRec clip; uint32_t colorKey; uint32_t videoStatus; Time offTime; Time freeTime; Bool autopaint_colorkey; xf86CrtcPtr desired_crtc; int size; void *video_memory; int video_offset; int planeu_offset; int planev_offset; /* bicubic filtering */ void *bicubic_memory; int bicubic_offset; Bool bicubic_enabled; uint32_t bicubic_src_offset; int bicubic_state; #define BICUBIC_OFF 0 #define BICUBIC_ON 1 #define BICUBIC_AUTO 2 Atom device_id, location_id, instance_id; /* textured video */ Bool textured; DrawablePtr pDraw; PixmapPtr pPixmap; uint32_t src_offset; uint32_t src_pitch; uint8_t *src_addr; int id; int src_w, src_h, dst_w, dst_h; int w, h; int drw_x, drw_y; int vsync; } RADEONPortPrivRec, *RADEONPortPrivPtr; /* Reference color space transform data */ typedef struct tagREF_TRANSFORM { float RefLuma; float RefRCb; float RefRCr; float RefGCb; float RefGCr; float RefBCb; float RefBCr; } REF_TRANSFORM; #define RTFSaturation(a) (1.0 + ((a)*1.0)/1000.0) #define RTFBrightness(a) (((a)*1.0)/2000.0) #define RTFIntensity(a) (((a)*1.0)/2000.0) #define RTFContrast(a) (1.0 + ((a)*1.0)/1000.0) #define RTFHue(a) (((a)*3.1416)/1000.0) xf86CrtcPtr radeon_xv_pick_best_crtc(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, int x1, int x2, int y1, int y2); void RADEONInitI2C(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, RADEONPortPrivPtr pPriv); void RADEONResetI2C(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, RADEONPortPrivPtr pPriv); void RADEONVIP_init(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, RADEONPortPrivPtr pPriv); void RADEONVIP_reset(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, RADEONPortPrivPtr pPriv); int RADEONSetPortAttribute(ScrnInfoPtr, Atom, INT32, pointer); int RADEONGetPortAttribute(ScrnInfoPtr, Atom ,INT32 *, pointer); void RADEONStopVideo(ScrnInfoPtr, pointer, Bool); void RADEONQueryBestSize(ScrnInfoPtr, Bool, short, short, short, short, unsigned int *, unsigned int *, pointer); int RADEONQueryImageAttributes(ScrnInfoPtr, int, unsigned short *, unsigned short *, int *, int *); XF86VideoAdaptorPtr RADEONSetupImageTexturedVideo(ScreenPtr pScreen); void RADEONCopyData(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, unsigned char *src, unsigned char *dst, unsigned int srcPitch, unsigned int dstPitch, unsigned int h, unsigned int w, unsigned int bpp); void RADEONCopyMungedData(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, unsigned char *src1, unsigned char *src2, unsigned char *src3, unsigned char *dst1, unsigned int srcPitch, unsigned int srcPitch2, unsigned int dstPitch, unsigned int h, unsigned int w); #endif