Information for Intel graphics driver users Eric Anholt 2006-08-04 ____________________________________________________________ Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. Supported Hardware 3. Features 4. Technical Notes 5. Configuration 6. Driver Options 7. Known Limitations 8. Author ______________________________________________________________________ 11.. IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn This document provides a brief summary of the Intel graphics support provided by the xf86-video-intel driver. More information can also be found in the i810(4) manual page. 22.. SSuuppppoorrtteedd HHaarrddwwaarree +o i810, +o i810-dc100, +o i810e +o i815 +o i830 +o i845 +o i852 +o i855 +o i915 +o i945 +o i965 33.. FFeeaattuurreess +o Full support for 8, 15, 16, and 24 bit pixel depths. +o Hardware accelerated 2D drawing engine support for 8, 15, 16 and 24 bit pixel depths. +o Hardware accelerated 3D drawing using OpenGL and the DRI. +o Hardware cursor support to reduce sprite flicker. +o Textured video XV implementation on i915 through i965. +o Hardware overlay XV implementation up through i945. +o Screen resize and rotation on chipsets up through i945. +o Screen resize on i965. 44.. TTeecchhnniiccaall NNootteess +o Interlace modes cannot be supported. +o This driver requires kernel support for AGP, which is included in Linux kernels 2.3.42 and higher, and FreeBSD 4.1 and higher. 55.. CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn The driver auto-detects all device information necessary to initialize the card. The only lines you should need in the "Device" section of your xorg.conf file are: Section "Device" Identifier "Intel i810" Driver "i810" EndSection In order to use most resolutions, it is necessary to install the "agpgart.o" module. You will probably have to compile the module yourself (see the notes in the module). 66.. DDrriivveerr OOppttiioonnss Please refer to the i810(4) manual page for information on configuration options. 77.. KKnnoowwnn LLiimmiittaattiioonnss +o Many systems with Intel graphics have issues with setting video modes at larger than some small maximum resolution. This is not fixed in the current release, but is being actively worked on in the modesetting branch. +o Bug #5795: Some systems have issues with VT switching. This should be fixed with the modesetting brach integration. +o Bug #5817: Hotkey switching from LVDS to CRT breaks CRT output. This is a known issue, but will not be fixed in the current release. +o Bug #6635: Video is output from an incorrect offset in the framebuffer. This is expected to be fixed with the modesetting branch integration. +o GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc is not supported. We can't support the extension due to patent restrictions on compression, but may be able to support an option for partial extension support in the future. For now, this prevents Quake4 and some other games from running. +o Some X Test Suite cases sometimes fail due to a timeout. These cases include: Xt8/XtResizeWindow, Xt8/XtQueryGeometry, Xt9/XtAppAddInput, Xt9/XtRemoveInput, Xt9/XtAppAddTimeOut, Xt9/XtRemoveTimeOut, Xt9/XtAddGrab, Xt9/XtRemoveGrab. +o Some X Test Suite cases fail in 64-bit mode: Xlib9/XDrawArc, XDrawImageString, XDrawLine, XDrawRectangle, XDrawSegments, XFillArc, XFillPolygon, XFillRectangle, XPutImage, Xt11/XtVaGetSubresources, XtSetSubvalues, and XtVaSetSubvalues. +o Some GLEAN test cases fail if DRI is enabled: pointAtten, readPixSanity, texCombine, texCube, texEnv, texgen, coloredTexPerf2, and coloredLitPerf2. 88.. AAuutthhoorr +o Eric Anholt +o Keith Whitwell The X11R7.1 version of this driver originally came from XFree86 4.4 rc2. The XFree86 version of this driver was donated to The XFree86 Project by: Precision Insight, Inc. Cedar Park, TX USA The X.Org version of this driver is maintained by Intel Corporation.