path: root/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/comp
diff options
authorTodd C. Miller <>1997-11-30 08:00:34 +0000
committerTodd C. Miller <>1997-11-30 08:00:34 +0000
commitebf0e4c599bca88436539559ca7c08c69ed197bf (patch)
treee362bb5a7d421f975e2c52ccd13c7479b8f6f175 /gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/comp
parent3d06de7fcff1d605886d3c63220956f7260ddb84 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/comp')
4 files changed, 709 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/comp/colon.t b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/comp/colon.t
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d2c64fe4c53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/comp/colon.t
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+# Ensure that syntax using colons (:) is parsed correctly.
+# The tests are done on the following tokens (by default):
+# ABC LABEL XYZZY m q qq qw qx s tr y AUTOLOAD and alarm
+# -- Robin Barker <>
+ chdir 't' if -d 't';
+ @INC = '../lib';
+use strict;
+$_ = ''; # to avoid undef warning on m// etc.
+sub ok {
+ my($test,$ok) = @_;
+ print "not " unless $ok;
+ print "ok $test\n";
+$SIG{__WARN__} = sub { 1; }; # avoid some spurious warnings
+print "1..25\n";
+ok 1, (eval "package ABC; sub zyx {1}; 1;" and
+ eval "ABC::zyx" and
+ not eval "ABC:: eq ABC||" and
+ not eval "ABC::: >= 0");
+ok 2, (eval "package LABEL; sub zyx {1}; 1;" and
+ eval "LABEL::zyx" and
+ not eval "LABEL:: eq LABEL||" and
+ not eval "LABEL::: >= 0");
+ok 3, (eval "package XYZZY; sub zyx {1}; 1;" and
+ eval "XYZZY::zyx" and
+ not eval "XYZZY:: eq XYZZY||" and
+ not eval "XYZZY::: >= 0");
+ok 4, (eval "package m; sub zyx {1}; 1;" and
+ not eval "m::zyx" and
+ eval "m:: eq m||" and
+ not eval "m::: >= 0");
+ok 5, (eval "package q; sub zyx {1}; 1;" and
+ not eval "q::zyx" and
+ eval "q:: eq q||" and
+ not eval "q::: >= 0");
+ok 6, (eval "package qq; sub zyx {1}; 1;" and
+ not eval "qq::zyx" and
+ eval "qq:: eq qq||" and
+ not eval "qq::: >= 0");
+ok 7, (eval "package qw; sub zyx {1}; 1;" and
+ not eval "qw::zyx" and
+ eval "qw:: eq qw||" and
+ not eval "qw::: >= 0");
+ok 8, (eval "package qx; sub zyx {1}; 1;" and
+ not eval "qx::zyx" and
+ eval "qx:: eq qx||" and
+ not eval "qx::: >= 0");
+ok 9, (eval "package s; sub zyx {1}; 1;" and
+ not eval "s::zyx" and
+ not eval "s:: eq s||" and
+ eval "s::: >= 0");
+ok 10, (eval "package tr; sub zyx {1}; 1;" and
+ not eval "tr::zyx" and
+ not eval "tr:: eq tr||" and
+ eval "tr::: >= 0");
+ok 11, (eval "package y; sub zyx {1}; 1;" and
+ not eval "y::zyx" and
+ not eval "y:: eq y||" and
+ eval "y::: >= 0");
+ok 12, (eval "ABC:1" and
+ not eval "ABC:echo: eq ABC|echo|" and
+ not eval "ABC:echo:ohce: >= 0");
+ok 13, (eval "LABEL:1" and
+ not eval "LABEL:echo: eq LABEL|echo|" and
+ not eval "LABEL:echo:ohce: >= 0");
+ok 14, (eval "XYZZY:1" and
+ not eval "XYZZY:echo: eq XYZZY|echo|" and
+ not eval "XYZZY:echo:ohce: >= 0");
+ok 15, (not eval "m:1" and
+ eval "m:echo: eq m|echo|" and
+ not eval "m:echo:ohce: >= 0");
+ok 16, (not eval "q:1" and
+ eval "q:echo: eq q|echo|" and
+ not eval "q:echo:ohce: >= 0");
+ok 17, (not eval "qq:1" and
+ eval "qq:echo: eq qq|echo|" and
+ not eval "qq:echo:ohce: >= 0");
+ok 18, (not eval "qw:1" and
+ eval "qw:echo: eq qw|echo|" and
+ not eval "qw:echo:ohce: >= 0");
+ok 19, (not eval "qx:1" and
+ eval "qx:echo 1: eq qx|echo 1|" and # echo without args may warn
+ not eval "qx:echo:ohce: >= 0");
+ok 20, (not eval "s:1" and
+ not eval "s:echo: eq s|echo|" and
+ eval "s:echo:ohce: >= 0");
+ok 21, (not eval "tr:1" and
+ not eval "tr:echo: eq tr|echo|" and
+ eval "tr:echo:ohce: >= 0");
+ok 22, (not eval "y:1" and
+ not eval "y:echo: eq y|echo|" and
+ eval "y:echo:ohce: >= 0");
+ok 23, (eval "AUTOLOAD:1" and
+ not eval "AUTOLOAD:echo: eq AUTOLOAD|echo|" and
+ not eval "AUTOLOAD:echo:ohce: >= 0");
+ok 24, (eval "and:1" and
+ not eval "and:echo: eq and|echo|" and
+ not eval "and:echo:ohce: >= 0");
+ok 25, (eval "alarm:1" and
+ not eval "alarm:echo: eq alarm|echo|" and
+ not eval "alarm:echo:ohce: >= 0");
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/comp/proto.t b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/comp/proto.t
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d1cfede8af9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/comp/proto.t
@@ -0,0 +1,390 @@
+# Contributed by Graham Barr <>
+# So far there are tests for the following prototypes.
+# none, () ($) ($@) ($%) ($;$) (&) (&\@) (&@) (%) (\%) (\@)
+# It is impossible to test every prototype that can be specified, but
+# we should test as many as we can.
+ chdir 't' if -d 't';
+ @INC = '../lib';
+use strict;
+print "1..76\n";
+my $i = 1;
+sub testing (&$) {
+ my $p = prototype(shift);
+ my $c = shift;
+ my $what = defined $c ? '(' . $p . ')' : 'no prototype';
+ print '#' x 25,"\n";
+ print '# Testing ',$what,"\n";
+ print '#' x 25,"\n";
+ print "not "
+ if((defined($p) && defined($c) && $p ne $c)
+ || (defined($p) != defined($c)));
+ printf "ok %d\n",$i++;
+@_ = qw(a b c d);
+my @array;
+my %hash;
+testing \&no_proto, undef;
+sub no_proto {
+ print "# \@_ = (",join(",",@_),")\n";
+ scalar(@_)
+print "not " unless 0 == no_proto();
+printf "ok %d\n",$i++;
+print "not " unless 1 == no_proto(5);
+printf "ok %d\n",$i++;
+print "not " unless 4 == &no_proto;
+printf "ok %d\n",$i++;
+print "not " unless 1 == no_proto +6;
+printf "ok %d\n",$i++;
+print "not " unless 4 == no_proto(@_);
+printf "ok %d\n",$i++;
+testing \&no_args, '';
+sub no_args () {
+ print "# \@_ = (",join(",",@_),")\n";
+ scalar(@_)
+print "not " unless 0 == no_args();
+printf "ok %d\n",$i++;
+print "not " unless 0 == no_args;
+printf "ok %d\n",$i++;
+print "not " unless 5 == no_args +5;
+printf "ok %d\n",$i++;
+print "not " unless 4 == &no_args;
+printf "ok %d\n",$i++;
+print "not " unless 2 == &no_args(1,2);
+printf "ok %d\n",$i++;
+eval "no_args(1)";
+print "not " unless $@;
+printf "ok %d\n",$i++;
+testing \&one_args, '$';
+sub one_args ($) {
+ print "# \@_ = (",join(",",@_),")\n";
+ scalar(@_)
+print "not " unless 1 == one_args(1);
+printf "ok %d\n",$i++;
+print "not " unless 1 == one_args +5;
+printf "ok %d\n",$i++;
+print "not " unless 4 == &one_args;
+printf "ok %d\n",$i++;
+print "not " unless 2 == &one_args(1,2);
+printf "ok %d\n",$i++;
+eval "one_args(1,2)";
+print "not " unless $@;
+printf "ok %d\n",$i++;
+eval "one_args()";
+print "not " unless $@;
+printf "ok %d\n",$i++;
+sub one_a_args ($) {
+ print "# \@_ = (",join(",",@_),")\n";
+ print "not " unless @_ == 1 && $_[0] == 4;
+ printf "ok %d\n",$i++;
+testing \&over_one_args, '$@';
+sub over_one_args ($@) {
+ print "# \@_ = (",join(",",@_),")\n";
+ scalar(@_)
+print "not " unless 1 == over_one_args(1);
+printf "ok %d\n",$i++;
+print "not " unless 2 == over_one_args(1,2);
+printf "ok %d\n",$i++;
+print "not " unless 1 == over_one_args +5;
+printf "ok %d\n",$i++;
+print "not " unless 4 == &over_one_args;
+printf "ok %d\n",$i++;
+print "not " unless 2 == &over_one_args(1,2);
+printf "ok %d\n",$i++;
+print "not " unless 5 == &over_one_args(1,@_);
+printf "ok %d\n",$i++;
+eval "over_one_args()";
+print "not " unless $@;
+printf "ok %d\n",$i++;
+sub over_one_a_args ($@) {
+ print "# \@_ = (",join(",",@_),")\n";
+ print "not " unless @_ >= 1 && $_[0] == 4;
+ printf "ok %d\n",$i++;
+testing \&scalar_and_hash, '$%';
+sub scalar_and_hash ($%) {
+ print "# \@_ = (",join(",",@_),")\n";
+ scalar(@_)
+print "not " unless 1 == scalar_and_hash(1);
+printf "ok %d\n",$i++;
+print "not " unless 3 == scalar_and_hash(1,2,3);
+printf "ok %d\n",$i++;
+print "not " unless 1 == scalar_and_hash +5;
+printf "ok %d\n",$i++;
+print "not " unless 4 == &scalar_and_hash;
+printf "ok %d\n",$i++;
+print "not " unless 2 == &scalar_and_hash(1,2);
+printf "ok %d\n",$i++;
+print "not " unless 5 == &scalar_and_hash(1,@_);
+printf "ok %d\n",$i++;
+eval "scalar_and_hash()";
+print "not " unless $@;
+printf "ok %d\n",$i++;
+sub scalar_and_hash_a ($@) {
+ print "# \@_ = (",join(",",@_),")\n";
+ print "not " unless @_ >= 1 && $_[0] == 4;
+ printf "ok %d\n",$i++;
+testing \&one_or_two, '$;$';
+sub one_or_two ($;$) {
+ print "# \@_ = (",join(",",@_),")\n";
+ scalar(@_)
+print "not " unless 1 == one_or_two(1);
+printf "ok %d\n",$i++;
+print "not " unless 2 == one_or_two(1,3);
+printf "ok %d\n",$i++;
+print "not " unless 1 == one_or_two +5;
+printf "ok %d\n",$i++;
+print "not " unless 4 == &one_or_two;
+printf "ok %d\n",$i++;
+print "not " unless 3 == &one_or_two(1,2,3);
+printf "ok %d\n",$i++;
+print "not " unless 5 == &one_or_two(1,@_);
+printf "ok %d\n",$i++;
+eval "one_or_two()";
+print "not " unless $@;
+printf "ok %d\n",$i++;
+eval "one_or_two(1,2,3)";
+print "not " unless $@;
+printf "ok %d\n",$i++;
+sub one_or_two_a ($;$) {
+ print "# \@_ = (",join(",",@_),")\n";
+ print "not " unless @_ >= 1 && $_[0] == 4;
+ printf "ok %d\n",$i++;
+testing \&a_sub, '&';
+sub a_sub (&) {
+ print "# \@_ = (",join(",",@_),")\n";
+ &{$_[0]};
+sub tmp_sub_1 { printf "ok %d\n",$i++ }
+a_sub { printf "ok %d\n",$i++ };
+a_sub \&tmp_sub_1;
+@array = ( \&tmp_sub_1 );
+eval 'a_sub @array';
+print "not " unless $@;
+printf "ok %d\n",$i++;
+testing \&sub_aref, '&\@';
+sub sub_aref (&\@) {
+ print "# \@_ = (",join(",",@_),")\n";
+ my($sub,$array) = @_;
+ print "not " unless @_ == 2 && @{$array} == 4;
+ print map { &{$sub}($_) } @{$array}
+@array = (qw(O K)," ", $i++);
+sub_aref { lc shift } @array;
+print "\n";
+testing \&sub_array, '&@';
+sub sub_array (&@) {
+ print "# \@_ = (",join(",",@_),")\n";
+ print "not " unless @_ == 5;
+ my $sub = shift;
+ print map { &{$sub}($_) } @_
+@array = (qw(O K)," ", $i++);
+sub_array { lc shift } @array;
+print "\n";
+testing \&a_hash, '%';
+sub a_hash (%) {
+ print "# \@_ = (",join(",",@_),")\n";
+ scalar(@_);
+print "not " unless 1 == a_hash 'a';
+printf "ok %d\n",$i++;
+print "not " unless 2 == a_hash 'a','b';
+printf "ok %d\n",$i++;
+testing \&a_hash_ref, '\%';
+sub a_hash_ref (\%) {
+ print "# \@_ = (",join(",",@_),")\n";
+ print "not " unless ref($_[0]) && $_[0]->{'a'};
+ printf "ok %d\n",$i++;
+ $_[0]->{'b'} = 2;
+%hash = ( a => 1);
+a_hash_ref %hash;
+print "not " unless $hash{'b'} == 2;
+printf "ok %d\n",$i++;
+testing \&an_array_ref, '\@';
+sub an_array_ref (\@) {
+ print "# \@_ = (",join(",",@_),")\n";
+ print "not " unless ref($_[0]) && 1 == @{$_[0]};
+ printf "ok %d\n",$i++;
+ @{$_[0]} = (qw(ok)," ",$i++,"\n");
+@array = ('a');
+an_array_ref @array;
+print "not " unless @array == 4;
+print @array;
+# correctly note too-short parameter lists that don't end with '$',
+# a possible regression.
+sub foo1 ($\@);
+eval q{ foo1 "s" };
+print "not " unless $@ =~ /^Not enough/;
+print "ok ", $i++, "\n";
+sub foo2 ($\%);
+eval q{ foo2 "s" };
+print "not " unless $@ =~ /^Not enough/;
+print "ok ", $i++, "\n";
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/comp/redef.t b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/comp/redef.t
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..07e978bb866
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/comp/redef.t
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+#!./perl -w
+# Contributed by Graham Barr <>
+ $warn = "";
+ $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warn .= join("",@_) }
+sub ok ($$) {
+ print $_[1] ? "ok " : "not ok ", $_[0], "\n";
+print "1..18\n";
+my $NEWPROTO = 'Prototype mismatch:';
+sub sub0 { 1 }
+sub sub0 { 2 }
+ok 1, $warn =~ s/Subroutine sub0 redefined[^\n]+\n//s;
+sub sub1 { 1 }
+sub sub1 () { 2 }
+ok 2, $warn =~ s/$NEWPROTO \Qsub main::sub1 vs ()\E[^\n]+\n//s;
+ok 3, $warn =~ s/Subroutine sub1 redefined[^\n]+\n//s;
+sub sub2 { 1 }
+sub sub2 ($) { 2 }
+ok 4, $warn =~ s/$NEWPROTO \Qsub main::sub2 vs ($)\E[^\n]+\n//s;
+ok 5, $warn =~ s/Subroutine sub2 redefined[^\n]+\n//s;
+sub sub3 () { 1 }
+sub sub3 { 2 }
+ok 6, $warn =~ s/$NEWPROTO \Qsub main::sub3 () vs none\E[^\n]+\n//s;
+ok 7, $warn =~ s/Constant subroutine sub3 redefined[^\n]+\n//s;
+sub sub4 () { 1 }
+sub sub4 () { 2 }
+ok 8, $warn =~ s/Constant subroutine sub4 redefined[^\n]+\n//s;
+sub sub5 () { 1 }
+sub sub5 ($) { 2 }
+ok 9, $warn =~ s/$NEWPROTO \Qsub main::sub5 () vs ($)\E[^\n]+\n//s;
+ok 10, $warn =~ s/Constant subroutine sub5 redefined[^\n]+\n//s;
+sub sub6 ($) { 1 }
+sub sub6 { 2 }
+ok 11, $warn =~ s/$NEWPROTO \Qsub main::sub6 ($) vs none\E[^\n]+\n//s;
+ok 12, $warn =~ s/Subroutine sub6 redefined[^\n]+\n//s;
+sub sub7 ($) { 1 }
+sub sub7 () { 2 }
+ok 13, $warn =~ s/$NEWPROTO \Qsub main::sub7 ($) vs ()\E[^\n]+\n//s;
+ok 14, $warn =~ s/Subroutine sub7 redefined[^\n]+\n//s;
+sub sub8 ($) { 1 }
+sub sub8 ($) { 2 }
+ok 15, $warn =~ s/Subroutine sub8 redefined[^\n]+\n//s;
+sub sub9 ($@) { 1 }
+sub sub9 ($) { 2 }
+ok 16, $warn =~ s/$NEWPROTO sub main::sub9 \(\$\Q@) vs ($)\E[^\n]+\n//s;
+ok 17, $warn =~ s/Subroutine sub9 redefined[^\n]+\n//s;
+ok 18, $_ eq '';
+# If we got any errors that we were not expecting, then print them
+print $_ if length $_;
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/comp/use.t b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/comp/use.t
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a6ce2a4d565
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/comp/use.t
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+ chdir 't' if -d 't';
+ @INC = '../lib';
+print "1..14\n";
+my $i = 1;
+eval "use 5.000;";
+if ($@) {
+ print STDERR $@,"\n";
+ print "not ";
+print "ok ",$i++,"\n";
+eval sprintf "use %.5f;", $];
+if ($@) {
+ print STDERR $@,"\n";
+ print "not ";
+print "ok ",$i++,"\n";
+eval sprintf "use %.5f;", $] - 0.000001;
+if ($@) {
+ print STDERR $@,"\n";
+ print "not ";
+print "ok ",$i++,"\n";
+eval sprintf("use %.5f;", $] + 1);
+unless ($@) {
+ print "not ";
+print "ok ",$i++,"\n";
+eval sprintf "use %.5f;", $] + 0.00001;
+unless ($@) {
+ print "not ";
+print "ok ",$i++,"\n";
+use lib; # I know that this module will be there.
+local $lib::VERSION = 1.0;
+eval "use lib 0.9";
+if ($@) {
+ print STDERR $@,"\n";
+ print "not ";
+print "ok ",$i++,"\n";
+eval "use lib 1.0";
+if ($@) {
+ print STDERR $@,"\n";
+ print "not ";
+print "ok ",$i++,"\n";
+eval "use lib 1.01";
+unless ($@) {
+ print "not ";
+print "ok ",$i++,"\n";
+eval "use lib 0.9 qw(fred)";
+if ($@) {
+ print STDERR $@,"\n";
+ print "not ";
+print "ok ",$i++,"\n";
+print "not " unless $INC[0] eq "fred";
+print "ok ",$i++,"\n";
+eval "use lib 1.0 qw(joe)";
+if ($@) {
+ print STDERR $@,"\n";
+ print "not ";
+print "ok ",$i++,"\n";
+print "not " unless $INC[0] eq "joe";
+print "ok ",$i++,"\n";
+eval "use lib 1.01 qw(freda)";
+unless ($@) {
+ print "not ";
+print "ok ",$i++,"\n";
+print "not " if $INC[0] eq "freda";
+print "ok ",$i++,"\n";