path: root/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op
diff options
authorTodd C. Miller <>2009-10-12 18:30:29 +0000
committerTodd C. Miller <>2009-10-12 18:30:29 +0000
commit9ee81f49d98a3a8c104e555916192c1eaf02f94f (patch)
tree0676e661fc136118c1c61ffe747bbb6941687440 /gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op
parent7bed5fce775e8466f8c0c970eaeb5071d8a7718c (diff)
Merge in perl 5.10.1; part two
Diffstat (limited to 'gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op')
34 files changed, 5256 insertions, 4552 deletions
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/bop.t b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/bop.t
index 7e8a0c7aa21..b7f82eefc5f 100644
--- a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/bop.t
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/bop.t
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ BEGIN {
# If you find tests are failing, please try adding names to tests to track
# down where the failure is, and supply your new names as a patch.
# (Just-in-time test naming)
-plan tests => 161;
+plan tests => 161 + (10*13*2) + 4;
# numerics
ok ((0xdead & 0xbeef) == 0x9ead);
@@ -428,3 +428,105 @@ SKIP: {
my $ref = "\x{10000}\0";
is(~~$str, $ref);
+# ref tests
+my %res;
+for my $str ("x", "\x{100}") {
+ for my $chr (qw/S A H G X ( * F/) {
+ for my $op (qw/| & ^/) {
+ my $co = ord $chr;
+ my $so = ord $str;
+ $res{"$chr$op$str"} = eval qq/chr($co $op $so)/;
+ }
+ }
+ $res{"undef|$str"} = $str;
+ $res{"undef&$str"} = "";
+ $res{"undef^$str"} = $str;
+sub PVBM () { "X" }
+index "foo", PVBM;
+my $warn = 0;
+local $^W = 1;
+local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warn++ };
+sub is_first {
+ my ($got, $orig, $op, $str, $name) = @_;
+ is(substr($got, 0, 1), $res{"$orig$op$str"}, $name);
+for (
+ # [object to test, first char of stringification, name]
+ [undef, "undef", "undef" ],
+ [\1, "S", "scalar ref" ],
+ [[], "A", "array ref" ],
+ [{}, "H", "hash ref" ],
+ [qr/x/, "(", "qr//" ],
+ [*foo, "*", "glob" ],
+ [\*foo, "G", "glob ref" ],
+ [PVBM, "X", "PVBM" ],
+ [\PVBM, "S", "PVBM ref" ],
+ [bless([], "Foo"), "F", "object" ],
+) {
+ my ($val, $orig, $type) = @$_;
+ for (["x", "string"], ["\x{100}", "utf8"]) {
+ my ($str, $desc) = @$_;
+ $warn = 0;
+ is_first($val | $str, $orig, "|", $str, "$type | $desc");
+ is_first($val & $str, $orig, "&", $str, "$type & $desc");
+ is_first($val ^ $str, $orig, "^", $str, "$type ^ $desc");
+ is_first($str | $val, $orig, "|", $str, "$desc | $type");
+ is_first($str & $val, $orig, "&", $str, "$desc & $type");
+ is_first($str ^ $val, $orig, "^", $str, "$desc ^ $type");
+ my $new;
+ ($new = $val) |= $str;
+ is_first($new, $orig, "|", $str, "$type |= $desc");
+ ($new = $val) &= $str;
+ is_first($new, $orig, "&", $str, "$type &= $desc");
+ ($new = $val) ^= $str;
+ is_first($new, $orig, "^", $str, "$type ^= $desc");
+ ($new = $str) |= $val;
+ is_first($new, $orig, "|", $str, "$desc |= $type");
+ ($new = $str) &= $val;
+ is_first($new, $orig, "&", $str, "$desc &= $type");
+ ($new = $str) ^= $val;
+ is_first($new, $orig, "^", $str, "$desc ^= $type");
+ if ($orig eq "undef") {
+ # undef |= and undef ^= don't warn
+ is($warn, 10, "no duplicate warnings");
+ }
+ else {
+ is($warn, 0, "no warnings");
+ }
+ }
+my $strval;
+ package Bar;
+ use overload q/""/ => sub { $strval };
+ package Baz;
+ use overload q/|/ => sub { "y" };
+ok(!eval { bless([], "Bar") | "x"; 1 }, "string overload can't use |");
+like($@, qr/no method found/, "correct error");
+is(eval { bless([], "Baz") | "x" }, "y", "| overload works");
+my $obj = bless [], "Bar";
+$strval = "x";
+eval { $obj |= "Q" };
+$strval = "z";
+is("$obj", "z", "|= doesn't break string overload");
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/closure.t b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/closure.t
index 7d8df6a2cc4..5e3bf455911 100644
--- a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/closure.t
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/closure.t
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ BEGIN {
use Config;
require './'; # for runperl()
-print "1..187\n";
+print "1..188\n";
my $test = 1;
sub test (&) {
@@ -463,9 +463,8 @@ END
} else {
# No fork(). Do it the hard way.
- my $cmdfile = "tcmd$$"; $cmdfile++ while -e $cmdfile;
- my $errfile = "terr$$"; $errfile++ while -e $errfile;
- my @tmpfiles = ($cmdfile, $errfile);
+ my $cmdfile = tempfile();
+ my $errfile = tempfile();
open CMD, ">$cmdfile"; print CMD $code; close CMD;
my $cmd = which_perl();
$cmd .= " -w $cmdfile 2>$errfile";
@@ -477,18 +476,15 @@ END
{ local $/; $output = join '', <PERL> }
close PERL;
} else {
- my $outfile = "tout$$"; $outfile++ while -e $outfile;
- push @tmpfiles, $outfile;
+ my $outfile = tempfile();
system "$cmd >$outfile";
{ local $/; open IN, $outfile; $output = <IN>; close IN }
if ($?) {
printf "not ok: exited with error code %04X\n", $?;
- $debugging or do { 1 while unlink @tmpfiles };
{ local $/; open IN, $errfile; $errors = <IN>; close IN }
- 1 while unlink @tmpfiles;
print $output;
print STDERR $errors;
@@ -688,7 +684,22 @@ __EOF__
test { $flag == 1 };
+# don't copy a stale lexical; crate a fresh undef one instead
+sub f {
+ my $x if $_[0];
+ sub { \$x }
+ f(1);
+ my $c1= f(0);
+ my $c2= f(0);
+ my $r1 = $c1->();
+ my $r2 = $c2->();
+ test { $r1 != $r2 };
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/eval.t b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/eval.t
index 2eb9b1e9edd..071b2fa05ce 100644
--- a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/eval.t
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/eval.t
@@ -3,9 +3,10 @@
chdir 't' if -d 't';
@INC = '../lib';
+ require './';
-print "1..95\n";
+print "1..99\n";
eval 'print "ok 1\n";';
@@ -38,11 +39,12 @@ $fact = 'local($foo)=$foo; $foo <= 1 ? 1 : $foo-- * (eval $fact);';
$ans = eval $fact;
if ($ans == 120) {print "ok 9\n";} else {print "not ok 9 $ans\n";}
-print try 'print "ok 10\n"; unlink "Op.eval";',"\n";
+my $tempfile = tempfile();
+print try 'print "ok 10\n";',"\n";
close try;
-do './Op.eval'; print $@;
+do "./$tempfile"; print $@;
# Test the singlequoted eval optimizer
@@ -485,4 +487,73 @@ print "ok $test - eval and last\n"; $test++;
+# [perl #51370] eval { die "\x{a10d}" } followed by eval { 1 } did not reset
+# length $@
+$@ = "";
+eval { die "\x{a10d}"; };
+$_ = length $@;
+eval { 1 };
+print "not " if ($@ ne "");
+print "ok $test # length of \$@ after eval\n"; $test++;
+print "not " if (length $@ != 0);
+print "ok $test # length of \$@ after eval\n"; $test++;
+# Check if eval { 1 }; compeltly resets $@
+if (eval "use Devel::Peek; 1;") {
+ $tempfile = tempfile();
+ $outfile = tempfile();
+ open PROG, ">", $tempfile or die "Can't create test file";
+ my $prog = <<'END_EVAL_TEST';
+ use Devel::Peek;
+ $! = 0;
+ $@ = $!;
+ my $ok = 0;
+ open(SAVERR, ">&STDERR") or die "Can't dup STDERR: $!";
+ if (open(OUT, '>', '@@@@')) {
+ open(STDERR, ">&OUT") or die "Can't dup OUT: $!";
+ Dump($@);
+ print STDERR "******\n";
+ eval { die "\x{a10d}"; };
+ $_ = length $@;
+ eval { 1 };
+ Dump($@);
+ open(STDERR, ">&SAVERR") or die "Can't restore STDERR: $!";
+ close(OUT);
+ if (open(IN, '<', '@@@@')) {
+ local $/;
+ my $in = <IN>;
+ my ($first, $second) = split (/\*\*\*\*\*\*\n/, $in, 2);
+ $first =~ s/,pNOK//;
+ $ok = 1 if ($first eq $second);
+ }
+ }
+ print $ok;
+ $prog =~ s/\@\@\@\@/$outfile/g;
+ print PROG $prog;
+ close PROG;
+ my $ok = runperl(progfile => $tempfile);
+ print "not " unless $ok;
+ print "ok $test # eval { 1 } completly resets \$@\n";
+else {
+ print "ok $test # skipped - eval { 1 } completly resets \$@\n";
+# Test that "use feature" and other hint transmission in evals and s///ee
+# don't leak memory
+ use feature qw(:5.10);
+ my $count_expected = ($^H & 0x20000) ? 2 : 1;
+ my $t;
+ my $s = "a";
+ $s =~ s/a/$t = \%^H; qq( qq() );/ee;
+ print "not " if Internals::SvREFCNT(%$t) != $count_expected;
+ print "ok $test - RT 63110\n";
+ $test++;
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/exec.t b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/exec.t
index c23364b29d4..91821aa08e6 100644
--- a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/exec.t
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/exec.t
@@ -6,6 +6,25 @@ BEGIN {
require './';
+my $vms_exit_mode = 0;
+if ($^O eq 'VMS') {
+ if (eval 'require VMS::Feature') {
+ $vms_exit_mode = !(VMS::Feature::current("posix_exit"));
+ } else {
+ my $env_unix_rpt = $ENV{'DECC$FILENAME_UNIX_REPORT'} || '';
+ my $env_posix_ex = $ENV{'PERL_VMS_POSIX_EXIT'} || '';
+ my $unix_rpt = $env_unix_rpt =~ /^[ET1]/i;
+ my $posix_ex = $env_posix_ex =~ /^[ET1]/i;
+ if (($unix_rpt || $posix_ex) ) {
+ $vms_exit_mode = 0;
+ } else {
+ $vms_exit_mode = 1;
+ }
+ }
# supress VMS whinging about bad execs.
use vmsish qw(hushed);
@@ -85,7 +104,7 @@ is( $echo_out, "ok\n", 'piped echo emulation');
is( system(qq{$Perl -e "exit 0"}), 0, 'Explicit exit of 0' );
-my $exit_one = $Is_VMS ? 4 << 8 : 1 << 8;
+my $exit_one = $vms_exit_mode ? 4 << 8 : 1 << 8;
is( system(qq{$Perl "-I../lib" -e "use vmsish qw(hushed); exit 1"}), $exit_one,
'Explicit exit of 1' );
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/fork.t b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/fork.t
index 7318449a7c7..9fe8107cfa1 100644
--- a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/fork.t
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/fork.t
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ BEGIN {
exit 0;
$ENV{PERL5LIB} = "../lib";
+ require './';
if ($^O eq 'mpeix') {
@@ -24,9 +25,8 @@ undef $/;
@prgs = split "\n########\n", <DATA>;
print "1..", scalar @prgs, "\n";
-$tmpfile = "forktmp000";
-1 while -f ++$tmpfile;
-END { close TEST; unlink $tmpfile if $tmpfile; }
+$tmpfile = tempfile();
+END { close TEST }
$CAT = (($^O eq 'MSWin32') ? '.\perl -e "print <>"' : (($^O eq 'NetWare') ? 'perl -e "print <>"' : 'cat'));
@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ for (@prgs){
$status = $?;
$results =~ s/\n+$//;
- $results =~ s/at\s+forktmp\d+\s+line/at - line/g;
- $results =~ s/of\s+forktmp\d+\s+aborted/of - aborted/g;
+ $results =~ s/at\s+$::tempfile_regexp\s+line/at - line/g;
+ $results =~ s/of\s+$::tempfile_regexp\s+aborted/of - aborted/g;
# bison says 'parse error' instead of 'syntax error',
# various yaccs may or may not capitalize 'syntax'.
$results =~ s/^(syntax|parse) error/syntax error/mig;
@@ -445,16 +445,14 @@ pipe(RDR,WTR) or die $!;
my $pid = fork;
die "fork: $!" if !defined $pid;
if ($pid == 0) {
- my $rand_child = rand;
close RDR;
- print WTR $rand_child, "\n";
close WTR;
} else {
- my $rand_parent = rand;
close WTR;
- chomp(my $rand_child = <RDR>);
+ chomp(my $string_from_child = <RDR>);
close RDR;
- print $rand_child ne $rand_parent, "\n";
+ print $string_from_child eq "STRING_FROM_CHILD", "\n";
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/goto.t b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/goto.t
index 9254d7c7c23..c79b424b905 100644
--- a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/goto.t
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/goto.t
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ is($ok, 1, 'goto in for(;;) with continuation');
# bug #22299 - goto in require doesn't find label
-open my $f, ">" or die;
+open my $f, ">" or die;
print $f <<'EOT';
package goto01;
goto YYY;
@@ -215,9 +215,9 @@ YYY: print "OK\n";
close $f;
-$r = runperl(prog => 'use goto01; print qq[DONE\n]');
+$r = runperl(prog => 'use Op_goto01; print qq[DONE\n]');
is($r, "OK\nDONE\n", "goto within use-d file");
-unlink "";
+unlink "";
# test for [perl #24108]
$ok = 1;
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/groups.t b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/groups.t
index f682f610d1f..404b8cd8ab6 100644
--- a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/groups.t
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/groups.t
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
$ENV{PATH} ="/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/xpg4/bin:/usr/ucb" .
- exists $ENV{PATH} ? ":$ENV{PATH}" : "";
+ exists $ENV{PATH} ? ":$ENV{PATH}" : "" unless $^O eq 'VMS';
$ENV{LC_ALL} = "C"; # so that external utilities speak English
$ENV{LANGUAGE} = 'C'; # GNU locale extension
@@ -27,7 +27,8 @@ unless (eval { getgrgid(0); 1 }) {
exit 0;
-quit() if (($^O eq 'MSWin32' || $^O eq 'NetWare') or $^O =~ /lynxos/i);
+quit() if (($^O eq 'MSWin32' || $^O eq 'NetWare' || $^O eq 'VMS')
+ or $^O =~ /lynxos/i);
# We have to find a command that prints all (effective
# and real) group names (not ids). The known commands are:
@@ -136,7 +137,7 @@ for (split(' ', $()) {
print "# gr = @gr\n";
my %did;
-if ($^O =~ /^(?:uwin|cygwin|interix|solaris)$/) {
+if ($^O =~ /^(?:uwin|cygwin|interix|solaris|linux)$/) {
# Or anybody else who can have spaces in group names.
$gr1 = join(' ', grep(!$did{$_}++, sort split(' ', join(' ', @gr))));
} else {
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/gv.t b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/gv.t
index 5b04f8719ad..e04c2cafc84 100644
--- a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/gv.t
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/gv.t
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ BEGIN {
use warnings;
require './';
-plan( tests => 161 );
+plan( tests => 178 );
# type coersion on assignment
$foo = 'foo';
@@ -377,18 +377,15 @@ is (ref $::{oonk}, 'SCALAR', "Export doesn't affect original");
is (eval 'spritsits', "Value", "Constant has correct value");
is (ref \$::{spritsits}, 'GLOB', "Symbol table has full typeglob");
-my $result;
# Check that assignment to an existing typeglob works
my $w = '';
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $w = $_[0] };
- $result = *{"plunk"} = \&{"oonk"};
+ *{"plunk"} = [];
+ *{"plunk"} = \&{"oonk"};
is($w, '', "Should be no warning");
-is (ref \$result, 'GLOB',
- "Non void assignment should still return a typeglob");
is (ref $::{oonk}, 'SCALAR', "Export doesn't affect original");
is (eval 'plunk', "Value", "Constant has correct value");
is (ref \$::{plunk}, 'GLOB', "Symbol table has full typeglob");
@@ -398,7 +395,7 @@ my $gr = eval '\*plunk' or die;
my $w = '';
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $w = $_[0] };
- $result = *{$gr} = \&{"oonk"};
+ *{$gr} = \&{"oonk"};
is($w, '', "Redefining a constant sub to another constant sub with the same underlying value should not warn (It's just re-exporting, and that was always legal)");
@@ -406,6 +403,48 @@ is (ref $::{oonk}, 'SCALAR', "Export doesn't affect original");
is (eval 'plunk', "Value", "Constant has correct value");
is (ref \$::{plunk}, 'GLOB', "Symbol table has full typeglob");
+# Non-void context should defeat the optimisation, and will cause the original
+# to be promoted (what change 26482 intended)
+my $result;
+ my $w = '';
+ local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $w = $_[0] };
+ $result = *{"awkkkkkk"} = \&{"oonk"};
+ is($w, '', "Should be no warning");
+is (ref \$result, 'GLOB',
+ "Non void assignment should still return a typeglob");
+is (ref \$::{oonk}, 'GLOB', "This export does affect original");
+is (eval 'plunk', "Value", "Constant has correct value");
+is (ref \$::{plunk}, 'GLOB', "Symbol table has full typeglob");
+delete $::{oonk};
+$::{oonk} = \"Value";
+sub non_dangling {
+ my $w = '';
+ local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $w = $_[0] };
+ *{"zap"} = \&{"oonk"};
+ is($w, '', "Should be no warning");
+is (ref $::{oonk}, 'SCALAR', "Export doesn't affect original");
+is (eval 'zap', "Value", "Constant has correct value");
+is (ref $::{zap}, 'SCALAR', "Exported target is also a PCS");
+sub dangling {
+ local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { die $_[0] };
+ *{"biff"} = \&{"oonk"};
+is (ref \$::{oonk}, 'GLOB', "This export does affect original");
+is (eval 'biff', "Value", "Constant has correct value");
+is (ref \$::{biff}, 'GLOB', "Symbol table has full typeglob");
use vars qw($glook $smek $foof);
# Check reference assignment isn't affected by the SV type (bug #38439)
@@ -494,6 +533,30 @@ foreach my $value ([1,2,3], {1=>2}, *STDOUT{IO}, \&ok, *STDOUT{FORMAT}) {
"Assigment works when glob created midway (bug 45607)"); 1'
or die $@;
+# For now these tests are here, but they would probably be better in a file for
+# tests for croaks. (And in turn, that probably deserves to be in a different
+# directory. Gerard Goossen has a point about the layout being unclear
+sub coerce_integer {
+ no warnings 'numeric';
+ $_[0] |= 0;
+sub coerce_number {
+ no warnings 'numeric';
+ $_[0] += 0;
+sub coerce_string {
+ $_[0] .= '';
+foreach my $type (qw(integer number string)) {
+ my $prog = "coerce_$type(*STDERR)";
+ is (scalar eval "$prog; 1", undef, "$prog failed...");
+ like ($@, qr/Can't coerce GLOB to $type in/,
+ "with the correct error message");
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/inc.t b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/inc.t
index 3eec5cd872a..5606f85a4f3 100644
--- a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/inc.t
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/inc.t
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# use strict;
-print "1..34\n";
+print "1..38\n";
my $test = 1;
@@ -194,3 +194,14 @@ ok ($a == 2147483647, $a);
ok ($x == 0, "(void) i_postdec");
+# these will segfault if they fail
+sub PVBM () { 'foo' }
+{ my $dummy = index 'foo', PVBM }
+ok (scalar eval { my $pvbm = PVBM; $pvbm++ });
+ok (scalar eval { my $pvbm = PVBM; $pvbm-- });
+ok (scalar eval { my $pvbm = PVBM; ++$pvbm });
+ok (scalar eval { my $pvbm = PVBM; --$pvbm });
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/index.t b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/index.t
index b384bef445c..834814e296a 100644
--- a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/index.t
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/index.t
@@ -7,7 +7,11 @@ BEGIN {
use strict;
-plan( tests => 69 );
+plan( tests => 111 );
+run_tests() unless caller;
+sub run_tests {
my $foo = 'Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.';
@@ -155,3 +159,43 @@ SKIP: {
local ${^UTF8CACHE} = -1;
is(index($t, 'xyz'), 4, "0xfffffffd and utf8cache");
+# Tests for NUL characters.
+ my @tests = (
+ ["", -1, -1, -1],
+ ["foo", -1, -1, -1],
+ ["\0", 0, -1, -1],
+ ["\0\0", 0, 0, -1],
+ ["\0\0\0", 0, 0, 0],
+ ["foo\0", 3, -1, -1],
+ ["foo\0foo\0\0", 3, 7, -1],
+ );
+ foreach my $l (1 .. 3) {
+ my $q = "\0" x $l;
+ my $i = 0;
+ foreach my $test (@tests) {
+ $i ++;
+ my $str = $$test [0];
+ my $res = $$test [$l];
+ {
+ is (index ($str, $q), $res, "Find NUL character(s)");
+ }
+ #
+ # Bug #53746 shows a difference between variables and literals,
+ # so test literals as well.
+ #
+ my $test_str = qq {is (index ("$str", "$q"), $res, } .
+ qq {"Find NUL character(s)")};
+ $test_str =~ s/\0/\\0/g;
+ eval $test_str;
+ die $@ if $@;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/local.t b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/local.t
index ee250e111d6..5bf56af36ac 100644
--- a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/local.t
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/local.t
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ BEGIN {
@INC = qw(. ../lib);
require './';
-plan tests => 122;
+plan tests => 123;
my $list_assignment_supported = 1;
@@ -451,6 +451,11 @@ sub f { ok(0 == $[); }
+like( runperl(stderr => 1,
+ prog => 'use constant foo => q(a);' .
+ 'index(q(a), foo);' .
+ 'local *g=${::}{foo};print q(ok);'), "ok", "[perl #52740]");
# Keep this test last, as it can SEGV
local *@;
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/magic.t b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/magic.t
index 799c7178ac2..bfb68a75104 100644
--- a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/magic.t
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/magic.t
@@ -5,38 +5,14 @@ BEGIN {
chdir 't' if -d 't';
@INC = '../lib';
$SIG{__WARN__} = sub { die "Dying on warning: ", @_ };
+ require './';
use warnings;
use Config;
-my $test = 1;
-sub ok {
- my($ok, $info, $todo) = @_;
- # You have to do it this way or VMS will get confused.
- printf "%s $test%s\n", $ok ? "ok" : "not ok",
- $todo ? " # TODO $todo" : '';
- unless( $ok ) {
- printf "# Failed test at line %d\n", (caller)[2];
- print "# $info\n" if defined $info;
- }
- $test++;
- return $ok;
-sub skip {
- my($reason) = @_;
- printf "ok $test # skipped%s\n", defined $reason ? ": $reason" : '';
- $test++;
- return 1;
-print "1..58\n";
+plan (tests => 59);
$Is_MSWin32 = $^O eq 'MSWin32';
$Is_NetWare = $^O eq 'NetWare';
@@ -55,24 +31,28 @@ $PERL = $ENV{PERL}
$Is_MSWin32 ? '.\perl' :
+END {
+ # On VMS, environment variable changes are peristent after perl exits
+ delete $ENV{'FOO'} if $Is_VMS;
eval '$ENV{"FOO"} = "hi there";'; # check that ENV is inited inside eval
# cmd.exe will echo 'variable=value' but 4nt will echo just the value
# -- Nikola Knezevic
-if ($Is_MSWin32) { ok `set FOO` =~ /^(?:FOO=)?hi there$/; }
+if ($Is_MSWin32) { like `set FOO`, qr/^(?:FOO=)?hi there$/; }
elsif ($Is_MacOS) { ok "1 # skipped", 1; }
-elsif ($Is_VMS) { ok `write sys\$output f\$trnlnm("FOO")` eq "hi there\n"; }
-else { ok `echo \$FOO` eq "hi there\n"; }
+elsif ($Is_VMS) { is `write sys\$output f\$trnlnm("FOO")`, "hi there\n"; }
+else { is `echo \$FOO`, "hi there\n"; }
unlink 'ajslkdfpqjsjfk';
$! = 0;
-ok $!, $!;
+isnt($!, 0);
close FOO; # just mention it, squelch used-only-once
-if ($Is_MSWin32 || $Is_NetWare || $Is_Dos || $Is_MPE || $Is_MacOS) {
- skip('SIGINT not safe on this platform') for 1..4;
-else {
+SKIP: {
+ skip('SIGINT not safe on this platform', 5)
+ if $Is_MSWin32 || $Is_NetWare || $Is_Dos || $Is_MPE || $Is_MacOS;
# the next tests are done in a subprocess because sh spits out a
# newline onto stderr when a child process kills itself with SIGINT.
# We use a pipe rather than system() because the VMS command buffer
@@ -131,58 +111,72 @@ END
my $todo = ($^O eq 'os2' ? ' # TODO: EMX v0.9d_fix4 bug: wrong nibble? ' : '');
print $? & 0xFF ? "ok 6$todo\n" : "not ok 6$todo\n";
- $test += 4;
+ open(CMDPIPE, "| $PERL");
+ print CMDPIPE <<'END';
+ sub PVBM () { 'foo' }
+ index 'foo', PVBM;
+ my $pvbm = PVBM;
+ sub foo { exit 0 }
+ $SIG{"INT"} = $pvbm;
+ kill "INT", $$; sleep 1;
+ close CMDPIPE;
+ $? >>= 8 if $^O eq 'VMS';
+ print $? ? "not ok 7\n" : "ok 7\n";
+ curr_test(curr_test() + 5);
# can we slice ENV?
@val1 = @ENV{keys(%ENV)};
@val2 = values(%ENV);
-ok join(':',@val1) eq join(':',@val2);
-ok @val1 > 1;
+is join(':',@val1), join(':',@val2);
+cmp_ok @val1, '>', 1;
# regex vars
'foobarbaz' =~ /b(a)r/;
-ok $` eq 'foo', $`;
-ok $& eq 'bar', $&;
-ok $' eq 'baz', $';
-ok $+ eq 'a', $+;
+is $`, 'foo';
+is $&, 'bar';
+is $', 'baz';
+is $+, 'a';
# $"
@a = qw(foo bar baz);
-ok "@a" eq "foo bar baz", "@a";
+is "@a", "foo bar baz";
local $" = ',';
- ok "@a" eq "foo,bar,baz", "@a";
+ is "@a", "foo,bar,baz";
# $;
%h = ();
$h{'foo', 'bar'} = 1;
-ok((keys %h)[0] eq "foo\034bar", (keys %h)[0]);
+is((keys %h)[0], "foo\034bar");
local $; = 'x';
%h = ();
$h{'foo', 'bar'} = 1;
- ok((keys %h)[0] eq 'fooxbar', (keys %h)[0]);
+ is((keys %h)[0], 'fooxbar');
# $?, $@, $$
-if ($Is_MacOS) {
- skip('$? + system are broken on MacPerl') for 1..2;
-else {
+SKIP: {
+ skip('$? + system are broken on MacPerl', 2) if $Is_MacOS;
system qq[$PERL "-I../lib" -e "use vmsish qw(hushed); exit(0)"];
- ok $? == 0, $?;
+ is $?, 0;
system qq[$PERL "-I../lib" -e "use vmsish qw(hushed); exit(1)"];
- ok $? != 0, $?;
+ isnt $?, 0;
eval { die "foo\n" };
-ok $@ eq "foo\n", $@;
+is $@, "foo\n";
-ok $$ > 0, $$;
+cmp_ok($$, '>', 0);
eval { $$++ };
-ok $@ =~ /^Modification of a read-only value attempted/;
+like ($@, qr/^Modification of a read-only value attempted/);
# $^X and $0
@@ -251,70 +245,88 @@ EOX
$s1 = "\$^X is $perl, \$0 is $script\n";
- ok open(SCRIPT, ">$script"), $!;
- ok print(SCRIPT $headmaybe . <<EOB . $middlemaybe . <<'EOF' . $tailmaybe), $!;
+ ok open(SCRIPT, ">$script") or diag $!;
+ ok print(SCRIPT $headmaybe . <<EOB . $middlemaybe . <<'EOF' . $tailmaybe) or diag $!;
print "\$^X is $^X, \$0 is $0\n";
- ok close(SCRIPT), $!;
- ok chmod(0755, $script), $!;
+ ok close(SCRIPT) or diag $!;
+ ok chmod(0755, $script) or diag $!;
$_ = ($Is_MacOS || $Is_VMS) ? `$perl $script` : `$script`;
s/\.exe//i if $Is_Dos or $Is_Cygwin or $Is_os2;
s{./$script}{$script} if $Is_BeOS; # revert BeOS execvp() side-effect
s{\bminiperl\b}{perl}; # so that test doesn't fail with miniperl
s{is perl}{is $perl}; # for systems where $^X is only a basename
- ok((($Is_MSWin32 || $Is_os2) ? uc($_) eq uc($s1) : $_ eq $s1), " :$_:!=:$s1:");
+ if ($Is_MSWin32 || $Is_os2) {
+ is uc $_, uc $s1;
+ } else {
+ is $_, $s1;
+ }
$_ = `$perl $script`;
s/\.exe//i if $Is_Dos or $Is_os2 or $Is_Cygwin;
s{./$perl}{$perl} if $Is_BeOS; # revert BeOS execvp() side-effect
- ok((($Is_MSWin32 || $Is_os2) ? uc($_) eq uc($s1) : $_ eq $s1), " :$_:!=:$s1: after `$perl $script`");
- ok unlink($script), $!;
+ if ($Is_MSWin32 || $Is_os2) {
+ is uc $_, uc $s1;
+ } else {
+ is $_, $s1;
+ }
+ ok unlink($script) or diag $!;
# $], $^O, $^T
-ok $] >= 5.00319, $];
+cmp_ok $], '>=', 5.00319;
ok $^O;
-ok $^T > 850000000, $^T;
+cmp_ok $^T, '>', 850000000;
# Test change 25062 is working
my $orig_osname = $^O;
local $^I = '.bak';
-ok($^O eq $orig_osname, 'Assigning $^I does not clobber $^O');
+is $^O, $orig_osname, 'Assigning $^I does not clobber $^O';
$^O = $orig_osname;
-if ($Is_VMS || $Is_Dos || $Is_MacOS) {
- skip("%ENV manipulations fail or aren't safe on $^O") for 1..4;
-else {
- skip("clearing \%ENV is not safe when running under valgrind");
- } else {
+SKIP: {
+ skip("%ENV manipulations fail or aren't safe on $^O", 4)
+ if $Is_VMS || $Is_Dos || $Is_MacOS;
+ SKIP: {
+ skip("clearing \%ENV is not safe when running under valgrind")
$ENV{foo} = "bar";
%ENV = ();
- ok ($Is_MSWin32 ? (`set foo 2>NUL` eq "")
- : (`echo \$foo` eq "\n") );
+ if ($Is_MSWin32) {
+ is `set foo 2>NUL`, "";
+ } else {
+ is `echo \$foo`, "\n";
+ }
$ENV{__NoNeSuCh} = "foo";
$0 = "bar";
# cmd.exe will echo 'variable=value' but 4nt will echo just the value
# -- Nikola Knezevic
- ok ($Is_MSWin32 ? (`set __NoNeSuCh` =~ /^(?:__NoNeSuCh=)?foo$/)
- : (`echo \$__NoNeSuCh` eq "foo\n") );
- if ($^O =~ /^(linux|freebsd)$/ &&
- open CMDLINE, "/proc/$$/cmdline") {
+ if ($Is_MSWin32) {
+ like `set __NoNeSuCh`, qr/^(?:__NoNeSuCh=)?foo$/;
+ } else {
+ is `echo \$__NoNeSuCh`, "foo\n";
+ }
+ SKIP: {
+ skip("\$0 check only on Linux and FreeBSD", 2)
+ unless $^O =~ /^(linux|freebsd)$/
+ && open CMDLINE, "/proc/$$/cmdline";
chomp(my $line = scalar <CMDLINE>);
my $me = (split /\0/, $line)[0];
- ok($me eq $0, 'altering $0 is effective (testing with /proc/)');
+ is $me, $0, 'altering $0 is effective (testing with /proc/)';
close CMDLINE;
# perlbug #22811
my $mydollarzero = sub {
@@ -342,37 +354,34 @@ else {
# can get rid of the first one.
|| ($^O eq 'freebsd' && $ps =~ m/^(?:perl: )?x(?: \(perl\))?$/),
'altering $0 is effective (testing with `ps`)');
- } else {
- skip("\$0 check only on Linux and FreeBSD") for 0, 1;
my $ok = 1;
my $warn = '';
- local $SIG{'__WARN__'} = sub { $ok = 0; $warn = join '', @_; };
+ local $SIG{'__WARN__'} = sub { $ok = 0; $warn = join '', @_; $warn =~ s/\n$//; };
$! = undef;
- ok($ok, $warn, $Is_VMS ? "'\$!=undef' does throw a warning" : '');
+ local $TODO = $Is_VMS ? "'\$!=undef' does throw a warning" : '';
+ ok($ok, $warn);
# test case-insignificance of %ENV (these tests must be enabled only
# when perl is compiled with -DENV_IS_CASELESS)
-if ($Is_MSWin32 || $Is_NetWare) {
+SKIP: {
+ skip('no caseless %ENV support', 4) unless $Is_MSWin32 || $Is_NetWare;
%ENV = ();
$ENV{'Foo'} = 'bar';
$ENV{'fOo'} = 'baz';
- ok (scalar(keys(%ENV)) == 1);
- ok exists($ENV{'FOo'});
- ok (delete($ENV{'foO'}) eq 'baz');
- ok (scalar(keys(%ENV)) == 0);
-else {
- skip('no caseless %ENV support') for 1..4;
+ is scalar(keys(%ENV)), 1;
+ ok exists $ENV{'FOo'};
+ is delete $ENV{'foO'}, 'baz';
+ is scalar(keys(%ENV)), 0;
-if ($Is_miniperl) {
- skip ("miniperl can't rely on loading %Errno") for 1..2;
-} else {
+SKIP: {
+ skip ("miniperl can't rely on loading %Errno", 2) if $Is_miniperl;
no warnings 'void';
# Make sure Errno hasn't been prematurely autoloaded
@@ -387,9 +396,8 @@ if ($Is_miniperl) {
}, $@;
-if ($Is_miniperl) {
- skip ("miniperl can't rely on loading %Errno");
-} else {
+SKIP: {
+ skip ("miniperl can't rely on loading %Errno") if $Is_miniperl;
# Make sure that Errno loading doesn't clobber $!
undef %Errno::;
@@ -400,21 +408,21 @@ if ($Is_miniperl) {
ok ${"!"}{ENOENT};
-ok $^S == 0 && defined $^S;
-eval { ok $^S == 1 };
+is $^S, 0;
+eval { is $^S,1 };
eval " BEGIN { ok ! defined \$^S } ";
-ok $^S == 0 && defined $^S;
+is $^S, 0;
-ok ${^TAINT} == 0;
+is ${^TAINT}, 0;
eval { ${^TAINT} = 1 };
-ok ${^TAINT} == 0;
+is ${^TAINT}, 0;
# 5.6.1 had a bug: @+ and @- were not properly interpolated
# into double-quoted strings
# 20020414
"I like pie" =~ /(I) (like) (pie)/;
-ok "@-" eq "0 0 2 7";
-ok "@+" eq "10 1 6 10";
+is "@-", "0 0 2 7";
+is "@+", "10 1 6 10";
# Tests for the magic get of $\
@@ -443,29 +451,27 @@ ok "@+" eq "10 1 6 10";
return @+;
my @y = f();
- ok( $x eq "@y", "return a magic array ($x) vs (@y)" );
+ is $x, "@y", "return a magic array ($x) vs (@y)";
# Test for bug [perl #36434]
-if (!$Is_VMS) {
+# Can not do this test on VMS, EPOC, and SYMBIAN according to comments
+# in mg.c/Perl_magic_clear_all_env()
+SKIP: {
+ skip('Can\'t make assignment to \%ENV on this system', 3) if $Is_VMS;
local @ISA;
local %ENV;
# This used to be __PACKAGE__, but that causes recursive
# inheritance, which is detected earlier now and broke
# this test
eval { push @ISA, __FILE__ };
- ok( $@ eq '', 'Push a constant on a magic array');
+ is $@, '', 'Push a constant on a magic array';
$@ and print "# $@";
eval { %ENV = (PATH => __PACKAGE__) };
- ok( $@ eq '', 'Assign a constant to a magic hash');
+ is $@, '', 'Assign a constant to a magic hash';
$@ and print "# $@";
eval { my %h = qw(A B); %ENV = (PATH => (keys %h)[0]) };
- ok( $@ eq '', 'Assign a shared key to a magic hash');
+ is $@, '', 'Assign a shared key to a magic hash';
$@ and print "# $@";
-else {
-# Can not do this test on VMS, EPOC, and SYMBIAN according to comments
-# in mg.c/Perl_magic_clear_all_env()
- skip('Can\'t make assignment to \%ENV on this system') for 1..3;
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/method.t b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/method.t
index aaf29be8df1..46c46426eb9 100644
--- a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/method.t
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/method.t
@@ -183,23 +183,23 @@ is(defined(@{"unknown_package::ISA"}) ? "defined" : "undefined", "undefined");
# test error messages if method loading fails
-is(do { eval '$e = bless {}, "E::A"; E::A->foo()';
- $@ =~ /^\QCan't locate object method "foo" via package "E::A" at/ ? 1 : $@}, 1);
-is(do { eval '$e = bless {}, "E::B"; $e->foo()';
- $@ =~ /^\QCan't locate object method "foo" via package "E::B" at/ ? 1 : $@}, 1);
-is(do { eval 'E::C->foo()';
- $@ =~ /^\QCan't locate object method "foo" via package "E::C" (perhaps / ? 1 : $@}, 1);
-is(do { eval 'UNIVERSAL->E::D::foo()';
- $@ =~ /^\QCan't locate object method "foo" via package "E::D" (perhaps / ? 1 : $@}, 1);
-is(do { eval '$e = bless {}, "UNIVERSAL"; $e->E::E::foo()';
- $@ =~ /^\QCan't locate object method "foo" via package "E::E" (perhaps / ? 1 : $@}, 1);
+eval '$e = bless {}, "E::A"; E::A->foo()';
+like ($@, qr/^\QCan't locate object method "foo" via package "E::A" at/);
+eval '$e = bless {}, "E::B"; $e->foo()';
+like ($@, qr/^\QCan't locate object method "foo" via package "E::B" at/);
+eval 'E::C->foo()';
+like ($@, qr/^\QCan't locate object method "foo" via package "E::C" (perhaps /);
+eval 'UNIVERSAL->E::D::foo()';
+like ($@, qr/^\QCan't locate object method "foo" via package "E::D" (perhaps /);
+eval '$e = bless {}, "UNIVERSAL"; $e->E::E::foo()';
+like ($@, qr/^\QCan't locate object method "foo" via package "E::E" (perhaps /);
$e = bless {}, "E::F"; # force package to exist
-is(do { eval 'UNIVERSAL->E::F::foo()';
- $@ =~ /^\QCan't locate object method "foo" via package "E::F" at/ ? 1 : $@}, 1);
-is(do { eval '$e = bless {}, "UNIVERSAL"; $e->E::F::foo()';
- $@ =~ /^\QCan't locate object method "foo" via package "E::F" at/ ? 1 : $@}, 1);
+eval 'UNIVERSAL->E::F::foo()';
+like ($@, qr/^\QCan't locate object method "foo" via package "E::F" at/);
+eval '$e = bless {}, "UNIVERSAL"; $e->E::F::foo()';
+like ($@, qr/^\QCan't locate object method "foo" via package "E::F" at/);
# TODO: we need some tests for the SUPER:: pseudoclass
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/pack.t b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/pack.t
index 9312646cbb3..4b5f9a5bc5a 100644
--- a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/pack.t
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/pack.t
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ my $no_endianness = $] > 5.009 ? '' :
my $no_signedness = $] > 5.009 ? '' :
"Signed/unsigned pack modifiers not available on this perl";
-plan tests => 14696;
+plan tests => 14697;
use strict;
use warnings qw(FATAL all);
@@ -1980,3 +1980,8 @@ is(unpack('c'), 65, "one-arg unpack (change #18751)"); # defaulting to $_
is(unpack('@!4 a*', "\x{301}\x{302}\x{303}\x{304}\x{305}"),
"\x{303}\x{304}\x{305}", 'Test basic utf8 @!');
+ #50256
+ my ($v) = split //, unpack ('(B)*', 'ab');
+ is($v, 0); # Doesn't SEGV :-)
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/pat.t b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/pat.t
index 7d03eb6b824..0b2c729b238 100644
--- a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/pat.t
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/pat.t
@@ -4,4564 +4,4370 @@
# the format supported by op/regexp.t. If you want to add a test
# that does fit that format, add it to op/re_tests, not here.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use 5.010;
+sub run_tests;
$| = 1;
-# Test counter output is generated by a BEGIN block at bottom of file
+my $EXPECTED_TESTS = 4065; # Update this when adding/deleting tests.
chdir 't' if -d 't';
@INC = '../lib';
+our $TODO;
our $Message = "Noname test";
+our $Error;
+our $DiePattern;
+our $WarnPattern;
+our $BugId;
+our $PatchId;
+our $running_as_thread;
+my $ordA = ord ('A'); # This defines ASCII/UTF-8 vs EBCDIC/UTF-EBCDIC
+# This defined the platform.
+my $IS_ASCII = $ordA == 65;
+my $IS_EBCDIC = $ordA == 193;
+use vars '%Config';
eval 'use Config'; # Defaults assumed if this fails
-$x = "abc\ndef\n";
+my $test = 0;
-if ($x =~ /^abc/) {print "ok 1\n";} else {print "not ok 1\n";}
-if ($x !~ /^def/) {print "ok 2\n";} else {print "not ok 2\n";}
+print "1..$EXPECTED_TESTS\n";
-# used to be a test for $*
-if ($x =~ /^def/m) {print "ok 3\n";} else {print "not ok 3\n";}
+run_tests unless caller ();
-$_ = '123';
-if (/^([0-9][0-9]*)/) {print "ok 4\n";} else {print "not ok 4\n";}
+END {
-if ($x =~ /^xxx/) {print "not ok 5\n";} else {print "ok 5\n";}
-if ($x !~ /^abc/) {print "not ok 6\n";} else {print "ok 6\n";}
+sub pretty {
+ my ($mess) = @_;
+ $mess =~ s/\n/\\n/g;
+ $mess =~ s/\r/\\r/g;
+ $mess =~ s/\t/\\t/g;
+ $mess =~ s/([\00-\37\177])/sprintf '\%03o', ord $1/eg;
+ $mess =~ s/#/\\#/g;
+ $mess;
-if ($x =~ /def/) {print "ok 7\n";} else {print "not ok 7\n";}
-if ($x !~ /def/) {print "not ok 8\n";} else {print "ok 8\n";}
+sub safe_globals {
+ defined($_) and s/#/\\#/g for $BugId, $PatchId, $TODO;
-if ($x !~ /.def/) {print "ok 9\n";} else {print "not ok 9\n";}
-if ($x =~ /.def/) {print "not ok 10\n";} else {print "ok 10\n";}
+sub _ok {
+ my ($ok, $mess, $error) = @_;
+ safe_globals();
+ $mess = pretty ($mess // $Message);
+ $mess .= "; Bug $BugId" if defined $BugId;
+ $mess .= "; Patch $PatchId" if defined $PatchId;
+ $mess .= " # TODO $TODO" if defined $TODO;
-if ($x =~ /\ndef/) {print "ok 11\n";} else {print "not ok 11\n";}
-if ($x !~ /\ndef/) {print "not ok 12\n";} else {print "ok 12\n";}
+ my $line_nr = (caller(1)) [2];
-$_ = 'aaabbbccc';
-if (/(a*b*)(c*)/ && $1 eq 'aaabbb' && $2 eq 'ccc') {
- print "ok 13\n";
-} else {
- print "not ok 13\n";
-if (/(a+b+c+)/ && $1 eq 'aaabbbccc') {
- print "ok 14\n";
-} else {
- print "not ok 14\n";
+ printf "%sok %d - %s\n",
+ ($ok ? "" : "not "),
+ ++ $test,
+ "$mess\tLine $line_nr";
-if (/a+b?c+/) {print "not ok 15\n";} else {print "ok 15\n";}
+ unless ($ok) {
+ print "# Failed test at line $line_nr\n" unless defined $TODO;
+ if ($error //= $Error) {
+ no warnings 'utf8';
+ chomp $error;
+ $error = join "\n#", map {pretty $_} split /\n\h*#/ => $error;
+ $error = "# $error" unless $error =~ /^\h*#/;
+ print $error, "\n";
+ }
+ }
-$_ = 'aaabccc';
-if (/a+b?c+/) {print "ok 16\n";} else {print "not ok 16\n";}
-if (/a*b+c*/) {print "ok 17\n";} else {print "not ok 17\n";}
+ return $ok;
-$_ = 'aaaccc';
-if (/a*b?c*/) {print "ok 18\n";} else {print "not ok 18\n";}
-if (/a*b+c*/) {print "not ok 19\n";} else {print "ok 19\n";}
+# Force scalar context on the pattern match
+sub ok ($;$$) {_ok $_ [0], $_ [1], $_ [2]}
+sub nok ($;$$) {_ok !$_ [0], "Failed: " . ($_ [1] // $Message), $_ [2]}
-$_ = 'abcdef';
-if (/bcd|xyz/) {print "ok 20\n";} else {print "not ok 20\n";}
-if (/xyz|bcd/) {print "ok 21\n";} else {print "not ok 21\n";}
-if (m|bc/*d|) {print "ok 22\n";} else {print "not ok 22\n";}
+sub skip {
+ my $why = shift;
+ safe_globals();
+ $why =~ s/\n.*//s;
+ $why .= "; Bug $BugId" if defined $BugId;
+ # seems like the new harness code doesnt like todo and skip to be mixed.
+ # which seems like a bug in the harness to me. -- dmq
+ #$why .= " # TODO $TODO" if defined $TODO;
+ my $n = shift // 1;
+ my $line_nr = (caller(0)) [2];
+ for (1 .. $n) {
+ ++ $test;
+ #print "not " if defined $TODO;
+ print "ok $test # skip $why\tLine $line_nr\n";
+ }
+ no warnings "exiting";
+ last SKIP;
-if (/^$_$/) {print "ok 23\n";} else {print "not ok 23\n";}
+sub iseq ($$;$) {
+ my ($got, $expect, $name) = @_;
+ $_ = defined ($_) ? "'$_'" : "undef" for $got, $expect;
+ my $ok = $got eq $expect;
+ my $error = "# expected: $expect\n" .
+ "# result: $got";
-# used to be a test for $*
-if ("ab\ncd\n" =~ /^cd/m) {print "ok 24\n";} else {print "not ok 24\n";}
+ _ok $ok, $name, $error;
-$XXX{123} = 123;
-$XXX{234} = 234;
-$XXX{345} = 345;
+sub isneq ($$;$) {
+ my ($got, $expect, $name) = @_;
+ my $todo = $TODO ? " # TODO $TODO" : '';
+ $_ = defined ($_) ? "'$_'" : "undef" for $got, $expect;
+ my $ok = $got ne $expect;
+ my $error = "# results are equal ($got)";
-@XXX = ('ok 25','not ok 25', 'ok 26','not ok 26','not ok 27');
-while ($_ = shift(@XXX)) {
- ?(.*)? && (print $1,"\n");
- /not/ && reset;
- if (/not ok 26/) {
- if ($^O eq 'VMS') {
- $_ = shift(@XXX);
- }
- else {
- reset 'X';
- }
- }
+ _ok $ok, $name, $error;
-if ($^O ne 'VMS') {
- while (($key,$val) = each(%XXX)) {
- print "not ok 27\n";
- exit;
- }
-print "ok 27\n";
-'cde' =~ /[^ab]*/;
-'xyz' =~ //;
-if ($& eq 'xyz') {print "ok 28\n";} else {print "not ok 28\n";}
-$foo = '[^ab]*';
-'cde' =~ /$foo/;
-'xyz' =~ //;
-if ($& eq 'xyz') {print "ok 29\n";} else {print "not ok 29\n";}
-$foo = '[^ab]*';
-'cde' =~ /$foo/;
-'xyz' =~ /$null/;
-if ($& eq 'xyz') {print "ok 30\n";} else {print "not ok 30\n";}
-$_ = 'abcdefghi';
-/def/; # optimized up to cmd
-if ("$`:$&:$'" eq 'abc:def:ghi') {print "ok 31\n";} else {print "not ok 31\n";}
-/cde/ + 0; # optimized only to spat
-if ("$`:$&:$'" eq 'ab:cde:fghi') {print "ok 32\n";} else {print "not ok 32\n";}
-/[d][e][f]/; # not optimized
-if ("$`:$&:$'" eq 'abc:def:ghi') {print "ok 33\n";} else {print "not ok 33\n";}
-$_ = 'now is the {time for all} good men to come to.';
-/ {([^}]*)}/;
-if ($1 eq 'time for all') {print "ok 34\n";} else {print "not ok 34 $1\n";}
-$_ = 'xxx {3,4} yyy zzz';
-print /( {3,4})/ ? "ok 35\n" : "not ok 35\n";
-print $1 eq ' ' ? "ok 36\n" : "not ok 36\n";
-print /( {4,})/ ? "not ok 37\n" : "ok 37\n";
-print /( {2,3}.)/ ? "ok 38\n" : "not ok 38\n";
-print $1 eq ' y' ? "ok 39\n" : "not ok 39\n";
-print /(y{2,3}.)/ ? "ok 40\n" : "not ok 40\n";
-print $1 eq 'yyy ' ? "ok 41\n" : "not ok 41\n";
-print /x {3,4}/ ? "not ok 42\n" : "ok 42\n";
-print /^xxx {3,4}/ ? "not ok 43\n" : "ok 43\n";
-$_ = "now is the time for all good men to come to.";
-@words = /(\w+)/g;
-print join(':',@words) eq "now:is:the:time:for:all:good:men:to:come:to"
- ? "ok 44\n"
- : "not ok 44\n";
-@words = ();
-while (/\w+/g) {
- push(@words, $&);
-print join(':',@words) eq "now:is:the:time:for:all:good:men:to:come:to"
- ? "ok 45\n"
- : "not ok 45\n";
-@words = ();
-pos = 0;
-while (/to/g) {
- push(@words, $&);
-print join(':',@words) eq "to:to"
- ? "ok 46\n"
- : "not ok 46 `@words'\n";
-pos $_ = 0;
-@words = /to/g;
-print join(':',@words) eq "to:to"
- ? "ok 47\n"
- : "not ok 47 `@words'\n";
-$_ = "abcdefghi";
-$pat1 = 'def';
-$pat2 = '^def';
-$pat3 = '.def.';
-$pat4 = 'abc';
-$pat5 = '^abc';
-$pat6 = 'abc$';
-$pat7 = 'ghi';
-$pat8 = '\w*ghi';
-$pat9 = 'ghi$';
-for $iter (1..5) {
- $t1++ if /$pat1/o;
- $t2++ if /$pat2/o;
- $t3++ if /$pat3/o;
- $t4++ if /$pat4/o;
- $t5++ if /$pat5/o;
- $t6++ if /$pat6/o;
- $t7++ if /$pat7/o;
- $t8++ if /$pat8/o;
- $t9++ if /$pat9/o;
+sub eval_ok ($;$) {
+ my ($code, $name) = @_;
+ local $@;
+ if (ref $code) {
+ _ok eval {&$code} && !$@, $name;
+ }
+ else {
+ _ok eval ($code) && !$@, $name;
+ }
-$x = "$t1$t2$t3$t4$t5$t6$t7$t8$t9";
-print $x eq '505550555' ? "ok 48\n" : "not ok 48 $x\n";
-$xyz = 'xyz';
-print "abc" =~ /^abc$|$xyz/ ? "ok 49\n" : "not ok 49\n";
-# perl 4.009 says "unmatched ()"
-eval '"abc" =~ /a(bc$)|$xyz/; $result = "$&:$1"';
-print $@ eq "" ? "ok 50\n" : "not ok 50\n";
-print $result eq "abc:bc" ? "ok 51\n" : "not ok 51\n";
-print $` eq "" ? "ok 52\n" : "not ok 52\n" if $x;
-print $` eq "abcfoo" ? "ok 53\n" : "not ok 53\n" if $x;
-print $x == 0 ? "ok 54\n" : "not ok 54\n";
-pos = 0;
-print $` eq "" ? "ok 55\n" : "not ok 55\n" if $x;
-print $` eq "abcfoo" ? "ok 56\n" : "not ok 56\n" if $x;
-print $x == 0 ? "ok 57\n" : "not ok 57\n";
-pos = 0;
-print $' eq "fooabcbar" ? "ok 58\n" : "not ok 58\n" if $x;
-print $' eq "bar" ? "ok 59\n" : "not ok 59\n" if $x;
-$_ .= '';
-print scalar @x == 2 ? "ok 60\n" : "not ok 60\n";
-$_ = "abdc";
-pos $_ = 2;
-print "not " if (pos $_) != 2;
-print "ok 61\n";
-print "not " if defined pos $_;
-print "ok 62\n";
-$out = 1;
-'abc' =~ m'a(?{ $out = 2 })b';
-print "not " if $out != 2;
-print "ok 63\n";
-$out = 1;
-'abc' =~ m'a(?{ $out = 3 })c';
-print "not " if $out != 1;
-print "ok 64\n";
-$_ = 'foobar1 bar2 foobar3 barfoobar5 foobar6';
-@out = /(?<!foo)bar./g;
-print "not " if "@out" ne 'bar2 barf';
-print "ok 65\n";
-# Tests which depend on REG_INFTY
-$reg_infty = defined $Config{reg_infty} ? $Config{reg_infty} : 32767;
-$reg_infty_m = $reg_infty - 1; $reg_infty_p = $reg_infty + 1;
-# As well as failing if the pattern matches do unexpected things, the
-# next three tests will fail if you should have picked up a lower-than-
-# default value for $reg_infty from, but have not.
-undef $@;
-print "not " if eval q(('aaa' =~ /(a{1,$reg_infty_m})/)[0] ne 'aaa') || $@;
-print "ok 66\n";
-undef $@;
-print "not " if eval q(('a' x $reg_infty_m) !~ /a{$reg_infty_m}/) || $@;
-print "ok 67\n";
-undef $@;
-print "not " if eval q(('a' x ($reg_infty_m - 1)) =~ /a{$reg_infty_m}/) || $@;
-print "ok 68\n";
-undef $@;
-eval "'aaa' =~ /a{1,$reg_infty}/";
-print "not " if $@ !~ m%^\QQuantifier in {,} bigger than%;
-print "ok 69\n";
-eval "'aaa' =~ /a{1,$reg_infty_p}/";
-print "not "
- if $@ !~ m%^\QQuantifier in {,} bigger than%;
-print "ok 70\n";
-undef $@;
-# Poke a couple more parse failures
-$context = 'x' x 256;
-eval qq("${context}y" =~ /(?<=$context)y/);
-print "not " if $@ !~ m%^\QLookbehind longer than 255 not%;
-print "ok 71\n";
-# removed test
-print "ok 72\n";
-# Long Monsters
-$test = 73;
-for $l (125, 140, 250, 270, 300000, 30) { # Ordered to free memory
- $a = 'a' x $l;
- print "# length=$l\nnot " unless "ba$a=" =~ /a$a=/;
- print "ok $test\n";
- $test++;
- print "not " if "b$a=" =~ /a$a=/;
- print "ok $test\n";
- $test++;
+sub must_die {
+ my ($code, $pattern, $name) = @_;
+ $pattern //= $DiePattern;
+ undef $@;
+ ref $code ? &$code : eval $code;
+ my $r = $@ && $@ =~ /$pattern/;
+ _ok $r, $name // $Message // "\$\@ =~ /$pattern/";
-# 20000 nodes, each taking 3 words per string, and 1 per branch
-$long_constant_len = join '|', 12120 .. 32645;
-$long_var_len = join '|', 8120 .. 28645;
-%ans = ( 'ax13876y25677lbc' => 1,
- 'ax13876y25677mcb' => 0, # not b.
- 'ax13876y35677nbc' => 0, # Num too big
- 'ax13876y25677y21378obc' => 1,
- 'ax13876y25677y21378zbc' => 0, # Not followed by [k-o]
- 'ax13876y25677y21378y21378kbc' => 1,
- 'ax13876y25677y21378y21378kcb' => 0, # Not b.
- 'ax13876y25677y21378y21378y21378kbc' => 0, # 5 runs
- );
-for ( keys %ans ) {
- print "# const-len `$_' not => $ans{$_}\nnot "
- if $ans{$_} xor /a(?=([yx]($long_constant_len)){2,4}[k-o]).*b./o;
- print "ok $test\n";
- $test++;
- print "# var-len `$_' not => $ans{$_}\nnot "
- if $ans{$_} xor /a(?=([yx]($long_var_len)){2,4}[k-o]).*b./o;
- print "ok $test\n";
- $test++;
+sub must_warn {
+ my ($code, $pattern, $name) = @_;
+ $pattern //= $WarnPattern;
+ my $w;
+ local $SIG {__WARN__} = sub {$w .= join "" => @_};
+ use warnings 'all';
+ ref $code ? &$code : eval $code;
+ my $r = $w && $w =~ /$pattern/;
+ $w //= "UNDEF";
+ _ok $r, $name // $Message // "Got warning /$pattern/",
+ "# expected: /$pattern/\n" .
+ "# result: $w";
+sub may_not_warn {
+ my ($code, $name) = @_;
+ my $w;
+ local $SIG {__WARN__} = sub {$w .= join "" => @_};
+ use warnings 'all';
+ ref $code ? &$code : eval $code;
+ _ok !$w, $name // ($Message ? "$Message (did not warn)"
+ : "Did not warn"),
+ "Got warning '$w'";
-$_ = " a (bla()) and x(y b((l)u((e))) and b(l(e)e)e";
-$expect = "(bla()) ((l)u((e))) (l(e)e)";
-sub matchit {
- m/
- (
- \(
- (?{ $c = 1 }) # Initialize
- (?:
- (?(?{ $c == 0 }) # PREVIOUS iteration was OK, stop the loop
- (?!
- ) # Fail: will unwind one iteration back
- )
- (?:
- [^()]+ # Match a big chunk
- (?=
- [()]
- ) # Do not try to match subchunks
- |
- \(
- (?{ ++$c })
- |
- \)
- (?{ --$c })
- )
- )+ # This may not match with different subblocks
- )
- (?(?{ $c != 0 })
- (?!
- ) # Fail
- ) # Otherwise the chunk 1 may succeed with $c>0
- /xg;
-@ans = ();
-push @ans, $res while $res = matchit;
-print "# ans='@ans'\n# expect='$expect'\nnot " if "@ans" ne "1 1 1";
-print "ok $test\n";
-@ans = matchit;
-print "# ans='@ans'\n# expect='$expect'\nnot " if "@ans" ne $expect;
-print "ok $test\n";
-print "not " unless "abc" =~ /^(??{"a"})b/;
-print "ok $test\n";
-my $matched;
-$matched = qr/\((?:(?>[^()]+)|(??{$matched}))*\)/;
-@ans = @ans1 = ();
-push(@ans, $res), push(@ans1, $&) while $res = m/$matched/g;
-print "# ans='@ans'\n# expect='$expect'\nnot " if "@ans" ne "1 1 1";
-print "ok $test\n";
-print "# ans1='@ans1'\n# expect='$expect'\nnot " if "@ans1" ne $expect;
-print "ok $test\n";
-@ans = m/$matched/g;
-print "# ans='@ans'\n# expect='$expect'\nnot " if "@ans" ne $expect;
-print "ok $test\n";
-@ans = ('a/b' =~ m%(.*/)?(.*)%); # Stack may be bad
-print "not " if "@ans" ne 'a/ b';
-print "ok $test\n";
-$code = '{$blah = 45}';
-$blah = 12;
-eval { /(?$code)/ };
-print "not " unless $@ and $@ =~ /not allowed at runtime/ and $blah == 12;
-print "ok $test\n";
-for $code ('{$blah = 45}','=xx') {
- $blah = 12;
- $res = eval { "xx" =~ /(?$code)/o };
- if ($code eq '=xx') {
- print "#'$@','$res','$blah'\nnot " unless not $@ and $res;
- } else {
- print "#'$@','$res','$blah'\nnot " unless $@ and $@ =~ /not allowed at runtime/ and $blah == 12;
- }
- print "ok $test\n";
- $test++;
+# Tests start here.
+sub run_tests {
-$code = '{$blah = 45}';
-$blah = 12;
-eval "/(?$code)/";
-print "not " if $blah != 45;
-print "ok $test\n";
-$blah = 12;
-/(?{$blah = 45})/;
-print "not " if $blah != 45;
-print "ok $test\n";
-$x = 'banana';
-$x =~ /.a/g;
-print "not " unless pos($x) == 2;
-print "ok $test\n";
-$x =~ /.z/gc;
-print "not " unless pos($x) == 2;
-print "ok $test\n";
-sub f {
- my $p = $_[0];
- return $p;
+ {
-$x =~ /.a/g;
-print "not " unless f(pos($x)) == 4;
-print "ok $test\n";
-$x = $^R = 67;
-'foot' =~ /foo(?{$x = 12; 75})[t]/;
-print "not " unless $^R eq '75';
-print "ok $test\n";
-$x = $^R = 67;
-'foot' =~ /foo(?{$x = 12; 75})[xy]/;
-print "not " unless $^R eq '67' and $x eq '12';
-print "ok $test\n";
-$x = $^R = 67;
-'foot' =~ /foo(?{ $^R + 12 })((?{ $x = 12; $^R + 17 })[xy])?/;
-print "not " unless $^R eq '79' and $x eq '12';
-print "ok $test\n";
-print "not " unless qr/\b\v$/i eq '(?i-xsm:\b\v$)';
-print "ok $test\n";
-print "not " unless qr/\b\v$/s eq '(?s-xim:\b\v$)';
-print "ok $test\n";
-print "not " unless qr/\b\v$/m eq '(?m-xis:\b\v$)';
-print "ok $test\n";
-print "not " unless qr/\b\v$/x eq '(?x-ism:\b\v$)';
-print "ok $test\n";
-print "not " unless qr/\b\v$/xism eq '(?msix:\b\v$)';
-print "ok $test\n";
-print "not " unless qr/\b\v$/ eq '(?-xism:\b\v$)';
-print "ok $test\n";
-$_ = 'xabcx';
-foreach $ans ('', 'c') {
- /(?<=(?=a)..)((?=c)|.)/g;
- print "# \$1 ='$1'\n# \$ans='$ans'\nnot " unless $1 eq $ans;
- print "ok $test\n";
- $test++;
+ my $x = "abc\ndef\n";
-$_ = 'a';
-foreach $ans ('', 'a', '') {
- /^|a|$/g;
- print "# \$& ='$&'\n# \$ans='$ans'\nnot " unless $& eq $ans;
- print "ok $test\n";
- $test++;
+ ok $x =~ /^abc/, qq ["$x" =~ /^abc/];
+ ok $x !~ /^def/, qq ["$x" !~ /^def/];
-sub prefixify {
- my($v,$a,$b,$res) = @_;
- $v =~ s/\Q$a\E/$b/;
- print "not " unless $res eq $v;
- print "ok $test\n";
- $test++;
-prefixify('/a/b/lib/arch', "/a/b/lib", 'X/lib', 'X/lib/arch');
-prefixify('/a/b/man/arch', "/a/b/man", 'X/man', 'X/man/arch');
-$_ = 'var="foo"';
-print "not " unless $1 and /$1/;
-print "ok $test\n";
-$b = 7;
-print "not " unless $b eq '9';
-print "ok $test\n";
-print "not " unless $b eq '11';
-print "ok $test\n";
- use re "eval";
- /$a$c$a/;
- print "not " unless $b eq '14';
- print "ok $test\n";
- $test++;
- local $lex_a = 2;
- my $lex_a = 43;
- my $lex_b = 17;
- my $lex_c = 27;
- my $lex_res = ($lex_b =~ qr/$lex_b(?{ $lex_c = $lex_a++ })/);
- print "not " unless $lex_res eq '1';
- print "ok $test\n";
- $test++;
- print "not " unless $lex_a eq '44';
- print "ok $test\n";
- $test++;
- print "not " unless $lex_c eq '43';
- print "ok $test\n";
- $test++;
- no re "eval";
- $match = eval { /$a$c$a/ };
- print "not "
- unless $b eq '14' and $@ =~ /Eval-group not allowed/ and not $match;
- print "ok $test\n";
- $test++;
+ # used to be a test for $*
+ ok $x =~ /^def/m, qq ["$x" =~ /^def/m];
- local $lex_a = 2;
- my $lex_a = 43;
- my $lex_b = 17;
- my $lex_c = 27;
- my $lex_res = ($lex_b =~ qr/17(?{ $lex_c = $lex_a++ })/);
- print "not " unless $lex_res eq '1';
- print "ok $test\n";
- $test++;
- print "not " unless $lex_a eq '44';
- print "ok $test\n";
- $test++;
- print "not " unless $lex_c eq '43';
- print "ok $test\n";
- $test++;
+ nok $x =~ /^xxx/, qq ["$x" =~ /^xxx/];
+ nok $x !~ /^abc/, qq ["$x" !~ /^abc/];
- package aa;
- $c = 2;
- $::c = 3;
- '' =~ /(?{ $c = 4 })/;
- print "not " unless $c == 4;
-print "ok $test\n";
-print "not " unless $c == 3;
-print "ok $test\n";
-sub must_warn_pat {
- my $warn_pat = shift;
- return sub { print "not " unless $_[0] =~ /$warn_pat/ }
+ ok $x =~ /def/, qq ["$x" =~ /def/];
+ nok $x !~ /def/, qq ["$x" !~ /def/];
-sub must_warn {
- my ($warn_pat, $code) = @_;
- local %SIG;
- eval 'BEGIN { use warnings; $SIG{__WARN__} = $warn_pat };' . $code;
- print "ok $test\n";
- $test++;
+ ok $x !~ /.def/, qq ["$x" !~ /.def/];
+ nok $x =~ /.def/, qq ["$x" =~ /.def/];
+ ok $x =~ /\ndef/, qq ["$x" =~ /\ndef/];
+ nok $x !~ /\ndef/, qq ["$x" !~ /\ndef/];
+ }
-sub make_must_warn {
- my $warn_pat = shift;
- return sub { must_warn(must_warn_pat($warn_pat)) }
+ {
+ $_ = '123';
+ ok /^([0-9][0-9]*)/, qq [\$_ = '$_'; /^([0-9][0-9]*)/];
+ }
-my $for_future = make_must_warn('reserved for future extensions');
-&$for_future('q(a:[b]:) =~ /[x[:foo:]]/');
-#&$for_future('q(a=[b]=) =~ /[x[=foo=]]/');
-print "ok $test\n"; $test++; # now a fatal croak
-#&$for_future('q(a.[b].) =~ /[x[.foo.]]/');
-print "ok $test\n"; $test++; # now a fatal croak
-# test if failure of patterns returns empty list
-$_ = 'aaa';
-@_ = /bbb/;
-print "not " if @_;
-print "ok $test\n";
-@_ = /bbb/g;
-print "not " if @_;
-print "ok $test\n";
-@_ = /(bbb)/;
-print "not " if @_;
-print "ok $test\n";
-@_ = /(bbb)/g;
-print "not " if @_;
-print "ok $test\n";
-print "not " if $#+ != 0 or $#- != 0;
-print "ok $test\n";
-print "not " if $+[0] != 2 or $-[0] != 1;
-print "ok $test\n";
-print "not "
- if defined $+[1] or defined $-[1] or defined $+[2] or defined $-[2];
-print "ok $test\n";
-print "not " if $#+ != 2 or $#- != 2;
-print "ok $test\n";
-print "not " if $+[0] != 3 or $-[0] != 0;
-print "ok $test\n";
-print "not " if $+[1] != 2 or $-[1] != 1;
-print "ok $test\n";
-print "not " if $+[2] != 3 or $-[2] != 2;
-print "ok $test\n";
-print "not "
- if defined $+[3] or defined $-[3] or defined $+[4] or defined $-[4];
-print "ok $test\n";
-print "not " if $#+ != 3 or $#- != 3;
-print "ok $test\n";
-print "not " if $+[0] != 3 or $-[0] != 0;
-print "ok $test\n";
-print "not " if $+[1] != 2 or $-[1] != 1;
-print "ok $test\n";
-print "not " if $+[3] != 3 or $-[3] != 2;
-print "ok $test\n";
-print "not "
- if defined $+[2] or defined $-[2] or defined $+[4] or defined $-[4];
-print "ok $test\n";
-print "not " if $#+ != 1 or $#- != 1;
-print "ok $test\n";
-print "not " if $+[0] != 2 or $-[0] != 0;
-print "ok $test\n";
-print "not " if $+[1] != 2 or $-[1] != 1;
-print "ok $test\n";
-print "not "
- if defined $+[2] or defined $-[2] or defined $+[3] or defined $-[3];
-print "ok $test\n";
-eval { $+[0] = 13; };
-print "not "
- if $@ !~ /^Modification of a read-only value attempted/;
-print "ok $test\n";
-eval { $-[0] = 13; };
-print "not "
- if $@ !~ /^Modification of a read-only value attempted/;
-print "ok $test\n";
-eval { @+ = (7, 6, 5); };
-print "not "
- if $@ !~ /^Modification of a read-only value attempted/;
-print "ok $test\n";
-eval { @- = qw(foo bar); };
-print "not "
- if $@ !~ /^Modification of a read-only value attempted/;
-print "ok $test\n";
-print "#$#-..$#+\nnot " if $#+ != 2 or $#- != 1;
-print "ok $test\n";
-$_ = 'aaa';
-pos = 1;
-@a = /\Ga/g;
-print "not " unless "@a" eq "a a";
-print "ok $test\n";
-$str = 'abcde';
-pos $str = 2;
-print "not " if $str =~ /^\G/;
-print "ok $test\n";
-print "not " if $str =~ /^.\G/;
-print "ok $test\n";
-print "not " unless $str =~ /^..\G/;
-print "ok $test\n";
-print "not " if $str =~ /^...\G/;
-print "ok $test\n";
-print "not " unless $str =~ /.\G./ and $& eq 'bc';
-print "ok $test\n";
-print "not " unless $str =~ /\G../ and $& eq 'cd';
-print "ok $test\n";
-undef $foo; undef $bar;
-print "#'$str','$foo','$bar'\nnot "
- unless $str =~ /b(?{$foo = $_; $bar = pos})c/
- and $foo eq 'abcde' and $bar eq 2;
-print "ok $test\n";
-undef $foo; undef $bar;
-pos $str = undef;
-print "#'$str','$foo','$bar'\nnot "
- unless $str =~ /b(?{$foo = $_; $bar = pos})c/g
- and $foo eq 'abcde' and $bar eq 2 and pos $str eq 3;
-print "ok $test\n";
-$_ = $str;
-undef $foo; undef $bar;
-print "#'$str','$foo','$bar'\nnot "
- unless /b(?{$foo = $_; $bar = pos})c/
- and $foo eq 'abcde' and $bar eq 2;
-print "ok $test\n";
-undef $foo; undef $bar;
-print "#'$str','$foo','$bar'\nnot "
- unless /b(?{$foo = $_; $bar = pos})c/g
- and $foo eq 'abcde' and $bar eq 2 and pos eq 3;
-print "ok $test\n";
-undef $foo; undef $bar;
-pos = undef;
-1 while /b(?{$foo = $_; $bar = pos})c/g;
-print "#'$str','$foo','$bar'\nnot "
- unless $foo eq 'abcde' and $bar eq 2 and not defined pos;
-print "ok $test\n";
-undef $foo; undef $bar;
-$_ = 'abcde|abcde';
-print "#'$str','$foo','$bar','$_'\nnot "
- unless s/b(?{$foo = $_; $bar = pos})c/x/g and $foo eq 'abcde|abcde'
- and $bar eq 8 and $_ eq 'axde|axde';
-print "ok $test\n";
-@res = ();
-# List context:
-$_ = 'abcde|abcde';
-@dummy = /([ace]).(?{push @res, $1,$2})([ce])(?{push @res, $1,$2})/g;
-@res = map {defined $_ ? "'$_'" : 'undef'} @res;
-$res = "@res";
-print "#'@res' '$_'\nnot "
- unless "@res" eq "'a' undef 'a' 'c' 'e' undef 'a' undef 'a' 'c'";
-print "ok $test\n";
-@res = ();
-@dummy = /([ace]).(?{push @res, $`,$&,$'})([ce])(?{push @res, $`,$&,$'})/g;
-@res = map {defined $_ ? "'$_'" : 'undef'} @res;
-$res = "@res";
-print "#'@res' '$_'\nnot "
- unless "@res" eq
- "'' 'ab' 'cde|abcde' " .
- "'' 'abc' 'de|abcde' " .
- "'abcd' 'e|' 'abcde' " .
- "'abcde|' 'ab' 'cde' " .
- "'abcde|' 'abc' 'de'" ;
-print "ok $test\n";
-#Some more \G anchor checks
-pos($foo) += 1;
-print "not " unless($1 eq 'cc');
-print "ok $test\n";
-pos($foo) += 1;
-print "not " unless($1 eq 'de');
-print "ok $test\n";
-print "not " unless $foo =~ /\Gef/g;
-print "ok $test\n";
-undef pos $foo;
-print "not " unless($1 eq 'aa');
-print "ok $test\n";
-print "not " unless($1 eq 'bb');
-print "ok $test\n";
-print "not " unless($1 eq 'cd');
-print "ok $test\n";
-@res = /(\d*|x)/g;
-print "not " unless('123||x|123|' eq join '|', @res);
-print "ok $test\n";
-# see if matching against temporaries (created via pp_helem()) is safe
-{ foo => "ok $test\n".$^X }->{foo} =~ /^(.*)\n/g;
-print "$1\n";
-# See if $i work inside (?{}) in the presense of saved substrings and
-# changing $_
-@a = qw(foo bar);
-@b = ();
-s/(\w)(?{push @b, $1})/,$1,/g for @a;
-print "# \@b='@b', expect 'f o o b a r'\nnot " unless("@b" eq "f o o b a r");
-print "ok $test\n";
-print "not " unless("@a" eq ",f,,o,,o, ,b,,a,,r,");
-print "ok $test\n";
-$brackets = qr{
- { (?> [^{}]+ | (??{ $brackets }) )* }
- }x;
-"{{}" =~ $brackets;
-print "ok $test\n"; # Did we survive?
-"something { long { and } hairy" =~ $brackets;
-print "ok $test\n"; # Did we survive?
-"something { long { and } hairy" =~ m/((??{ $brackets }))/;
-print "not " unless $1 eq "{ and }";
-print "ok $test\n";
-$_ = "a-a\nxbb";
-m/^-.*bb/mg and print "not ";
-print "ok $test\n";
-$text = "aaXbXcc";
-$text =~ /\GXb*X/g and print 'not ';
-print "ok $test\n";
-$text = "xA\n" x 500;
-$text =~ /^\s*A/m and print 'not ';
-print "ok $test\n";
-$text = "abc dbf";
-@res = ($text =~ /.*?(b).*?\b/g);
-"@res" eq 'b b' or print 'not ';
-print "ok $test\n";
-@a = map chr,0..255;
-@b = grep(/\S/,@a);
-@c = grep(/[^\s]/,@a);
-print "not " if "@b" ne "@c";
-print "ok $test\n";
-@b = grep(/\S/,@a);
-@c = grep(/[\S]/,@a);
-print "not " if "@b" ne "@c";
-print "ok $test\n";
-@b = grep(/\s/,@a);
-@c = grep(/[^\S]/,@a);
-print "not " if "@b" ne "@c";
-print "ok $test\n";
-@b = grep(/\s/,@a);
-@c = grep(/[\s]/,@a);
-print "not " if "@b" ne "@c";
-print "ok $test\n";
-@b = grep(/\D/,@a);
-@c = grep(/[^\d]/,@a);
-print "not " if "@b" ne "@c";
-print "ok $test\n";
-@b = grep(/\D/,@a);
-@c = grep(/[\D]/,@a);
-print "not " if "@b" ne "@c";
-print "ok $test\n";
-@b = grep(/\d/,@a);
-@c = grep(/[^\D]/,@a);
-print "not " if "@b" ne "@c";
-print "ok $test\n";
-@b = grep(/\d/,@a);
-@c = grep(/[\d]/,@a);
-print "not " if "@b" ne "@c";
-print "ok $test\n";
-@b = grep(/\W/,@a);
-@c = grep(/[^\w]/,@a);
-print "not " if "@b" ne "@c";
-print "ok $test\n";
-@b = grep(/\W/,@a);
-@c = grep(/[\W]/,@a);
-print "not " if "@b" ne "@c";
-print "ok $test\n";
-@b = grep(/\w/,@a);
-@c = grep(/[^\W]/,@a);
-print "not " if "@b" ne "@c";
-print "ok $test\n";
-@b = grep(/\w/,@a);
-@c = grep(/[\w]/,@a);
-# see if backtracking optimization works correctly
-"\n\n" =~ /\n $ \n/x or print "not ";
-print "ok $test\n";
-"\n\n" =~ /\n* $ \n/x or print "not ";
-print "ok $test\n";
-"\n\n" =~ /\n+ $ \n/x or print "not ";
-print "ok $test\n";
-[] =~ /^ARRAY/ or print "# [] \nnot ";
-print "ok $test\n";
-eval << 'EOE';
- package S;
- use overload '""' => sub { 'Object S' };
- sub new { bless [] }
-$a = 'S'->new;
-$a and $a =~ /^Object\sS/ or print "# '$a' \nnot ";
-print "ok $test\n";
-# test result of match used as match (!)
-'a1b' =~ ('xyz' =~ /y/) and $` eq 'a' or print "not ";
-print "ok $test\n";
-'a1b' =~ ('xyz' =~ /t/) and $` eq 'a' or print "not ";
-print "ok $test\n";
-$w = 0;
- local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $w = 1 };
- local $^W = 1;
- $w = 1 if ("1\n" x 102) =~ /^\s*\n/m;
-print $w ? "not " : "", "ok $test\n";
-my %space = ( spc => " ",
- tab => "\t",
- cr => "\r",
- lf => "\n",
- ff => "\f",
-# There's no \v but the vertical tabulator seems miraculously
-# be 11 both in ASCII and EBCDIC.
- vt => chr(11),
- false => "space" );
-my @space0 = sort grep { $space{$_} =~ /\s/ } keys %space;
-my @space1 = sort grep { $space{$_} =~ /[[:space:]]/ } keys %space;
-my @space2 = sort grep { $space{$_} =~ /[[:blank:]]/ } keys %space;
-print "not " unless "@space0" eq "cr ff lf spc tab";
-print "ok $test # @space0\n";
-print "not " unless "@space1" eq "cr ff lf spc tab vt";
-print "ok $test # @space1\n";
-print "not " unless "@space2" eq "spc tab";
-print "ok $test # @space2\n";
-# bugid 20001021.005 - this caused a SEGV
-print "not " unless undef =~ /^([^\/]*)(.*)$/;
-print "ok $test\n";
-# bugid 20000731.001
-print "not " unless "A \x{263a} B z C" =~ /A . B (??{ "z" }) C/;
-print "ok $test\n";
-my $ordA = ord('A');
-$_ = "a\x{100}b";
-if (/(.)(\C)(\C)(.)/) {
- print "ok 232\n";
- if ($1 eq "a") {
- print "ok 233\n";
- } else {
- print "not ok 233\n";
- }
- if ($ordA == 65) { # ASCII (or equivalent), should be UTF-8
- if ($2 eq "\xC4") {
- print "ok 234\n";
- } else {
- print "not ok 234\n";
- }
- if ($3 eq "\x80") {
- print "ok 235\n";
- } else {
- print "not ok 235\n";
- }
- } elsif ($ordA == 193) { # EBCDIC (or equivalent), should be UTF-EBCDIC
- if ($2 eq "\x8C") {
- print "ok 234\n";
- } else {
- print "not ok 234\n";
- }
- if ($3 eq "\x41") {
- print "ok 235\n";
- } else {
- print "not ok 235\n";
- }
- } else {
- for (234..235) {
- print "not ok $_ # ord('A') == $ordA\n";
- }
- }
- if ($4 eq "b") {
- print "ok 236\n";
- } else {
- print "not ok 236\n";
- }
-} else {
- for (232..236) {
- print "not ok $_\n";
- }
-$_ = "\x{100}";
-if (/(\C)/g) {
- print "ok 237\n";
- # currently \C are still tagged as UTF-8
- if ($ordA == 65) {
- if ($1 eq "\xC4") {
- print "ok 238\n";
- } else {
- print "not ok 238\n";
- }
- } elsif ($ordA == 193) {
- if ($1 eq "\x8C") {
- print "ok 238\n";
- } else {
- print "not ok 238\n";
- }
- } else {
- print "not ok 238 # ord('A') == $ordA\n";
- }
-} else {
- for (237..238) {
- print "not ok $_\n";
- }
-if (/(\C)/g) {
- print "ok 239\n";
- # currently \C are still tagged as UTF-8
- if ($ordA == 65) {
- if ($1 eq "\x80") {
- print "ok 240\n";
- } else {
- print "not ok 240\n";
- }
- } elsif ($ordA == 193) {
- if ($1 eq "\x41") {
- print "ok 240\n";
- } else {
- print "not ok 240\n";
- }
- } else {
- print "not ok 240 # ord('A') == $ordA\n";
- }
-} else {
- for (239..240) {
- print "not ok $_\n";
- }
+ {
+ $_ = 'aaabbbccc';
+ ok /(a*b*)(c*)/ && $1 eq 'aaabbb' && $2 eq 'ccc',
+ qq [\$_ = '$_'; /(a*b*)(c*)/];
+ ok /(a+b+c+)/ && $1 eq 'aaabbbccc', qq [\$_ = '$_'; /(a+b+c+)/];
+ nok /a+b?c+/, qq [\$_ = '$_'; /a+b?c+/];
+ $_ = 'aaabccc';
+ ok /a+b?c+/, qq [\$_ = '$_'; /a+b?c+/];
+ ok /a*b?c*/, qq [\$_ = '$_'; /a*b?c*/];
+ $_ = 'aaaccc';
+ ok /a*b?c*/, qq [\$_ = '$_'; /a*b?c*/];
+ nok /a*b+c*/, qq [\$_ = '$_'; /a*b+c*/];
+ $_ = 'abcdef';
+ ok /bcd|xyz/, qq [\$_ = '$_'; /bcd|xyz/];
+ ok /xyz|bcd/, qq [\$_ = '$_'; /xyz|bcd/];
+ ok m|bc/*d|, qq [\$_ = '$_'; m|bc/*d|];
+ ok /^$_$/, qq [\$_ = '$_'; /^\$_\$/];
+ }
- # japhy -- added 03/03/2001
- () = (my $str = "abc") =~ /(...)/;
- $str = "def";
- print "not " if $1 ne "abc";
- print "ok 241\n";
+ {
+ # used to be a test for $*
+ ok "ab\ncd\n" =~ /^cd/m, qq ["ab\ncd\n" =~ /^cd/m];
+ }
-# The 242 and 243 go with the 244 and 245.
-# The trick is that in EBCDIC the explicit numeric range should match
-# (as also in non-EBCDIC) but the explicit alphabetic range should not match.
+ {
+ our %XXX = map {($_ => $_)} 123, 234, 345;
+ our @XXX = ('ok 1','not ok 1', 'ok 2','not ok 2','not ok 3');
+ while ($_ = shift(@XXX)) {
+ my $f = index ($_, 'not') >= 0 ? \&nok : \&ok;
+ my $r = ?(.*)?;
+ &$f ($r, "?(.*)?");
+ /not/ && reset;
+ if (/not ok 2/) {
+ if ($^O eq 'VMS') {
+ $_ = shift(@XXX);
+ }
+ else {
+ reset 'X';
+ }
+ }
+ }
-if ("\x8e" =~ /[\x89-\x91]/) {
- print "ok 242\n";
-} else {
- print "not ok 242\n";
+ SKIP: {
+ if ($^O eq 'VMS') {
+ skip "Reset 'X'", 1;
+ }
+ ok !keys %XXX, "%XXX is empty";
+ }
-if ("\xce" =~ /[\xc9-\xd1]/) {
- print "ok 243\n";
-} else {
- print "not ok 243\n";
+ }
-# In most places these tests would succeed since \x8e does not
-# in most character sets match 'i' or 'j' nor would \xce match
-# 'I' or 'J', but strictly speaking these tests are here for
-# the good of EBCDIC, so let's test these only there.
-if (ord('i') == 0x89 && ord('J') == 0xd1) { # EBCDIC
- if ("\x8e" !~ /[i-j]/) {
- print "ok 244\n";
- } else {
- print "not ok 244\n";
- }
- if ("\xce" !~ /[I-J]/) {
- print "ok 245\n";
- } else {
- print "not ok 245\n";
- }
-} else {
- for (244..245) {
- print "ok $_ # Skip: only in EBCDIC\n";
- }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Test empty pattern";
+ my $xyz = 'xyz';
+ my $cde = 'cde';
+ $cde =~ /[^ab]*/;
+ $xyz =~ //;
+ iseq $&, $xyz;
+ my $foo = '[^ab]*';
+ $cde =~ /$foo/;
+ $xyz =~ //;
+ iseq $&, $xyz;
+ $cde =~ /$foo/;
+ my $null;
+ no warnings 'uninitialized';
+ $xyz =~ /$null/;
+ iseq $&, $xyz;
+ $null = "";
+ $xyz =~ /$null/;
+ iseq $&, $xyz;
+ }
-print "not " unless "\x{ab}" =~ /\x{ab}/;
-print "ok 246\n";
+ {
+ local $Message = q !Check $`, $&, $'!;
+ $_ = 'abcdefghi';
+ /def/; # optimized up to cmd
+ iseq "$`:$&:$'", 'abc:def:ghi';
-print "not " unless "\x{abcd}" =~ /\x{abcd}/;
-print "ok 247\n";
+ no warnings 'void';
+ /cde/ + 0; # optimized only to spat
+ iseq "$`:$&:$'", 'ab:cde:fghi';
- # bug id 20001008.001
+ /[d][e][f]/; # not optimized
+ iseq "$`:$&:$'", 'abc:def:ghi';
+ }
- $test = 248;
- my @x = ("stra\337e 138","stra\337e 138");
- for (@x) {
- s/(\d+)\s*([\w\-]+)/$1 . uc $2/e;
- my($latin) = /^(.+)(?:\s+\d)/;
- print $latin eq "stra\337e" ? "ok $test\n" : # 248,249
- "#latin[$latin]\nnot ok $test\n";
- $test++;
- $latin =~ s/stra\337e/straße/; # \303\237 after the 2nd a
- use utf8; # needed for the raw UTF-8
- $latin =~ s!(s)tr(?:aß|s+e)!$1tr.!; # \303\237 after the a
+ {
+ $_ = 'now is the {time for all} good men to come to.';
+ / {([^}]*)}/;
+ iseq $1, 'time for all', "Match braces";
- print "not " unless "ba\xd4c" =~ /([a\xd4]+)/ && $1 eq "a\xd4";
- print "ok 250\n";
+ {
+ local $Message = "{N,M} quantifier";
+ $_ = 'xxx {3,4} yyy zzz';
+ ok /( {3,4})/;
+ iseq $1, ' ';
+ ok !/( {4,})/;
+ ok /( {2,3}.)/;
+ iseq $1, ' y';
+ ok /(y{2,3}.)/;
+ iseq $1, 'yyy ';
+ ok !/x {3,4}/;
+ ok !/^xxx {3,4}/;
+ }
- print "not " unless "ba\xd4c" =~ /([a\xd4]+)/ && $1 eq "a\x{d4}";
- print "ok 251\n";
+ {
+ local $Message = "Test /g";
+ local $" = ":";
+ $_ = "now is the time for all good men to come to.";
+ my @words = /(\w+)/g;
+ my $exp = "now:is:the:time:for:all:good:men:to:come:to";
- print "not " unless "ba\x{d4}c" =~ /([a\xd4]+)/ && $1 eq "a\x{d4}";
- print "ok 252\n";
+ iseq "@words", $exp;
- print "not " unless "ba\x{d4}c" =~ /([a\xd4]+)/ && $1 eq "a\xd4";
- print "ok 253\n";
+ @words = ();
+ while (/\w+/g) {
+ push (@words, $&);
+ }
+ iseq "@words", $exp;
- print "not " unless "ba\xd4c" =~ /([a\x{d4}]+)/ && $1 eq "a\xd4";
- print "ok 254\n";
+ @words = ();
+ pos = 0;
+ while (/to/g) {
+ push(@words, $&);
+ }
+ iseq "@words", "to:to";
- print "not " unless "ba\xd4c" =~ /([a\x{d4}]+)/ && $1 eq "a\x{d4}";
- print "ok 255\n";
+ pos $_ = 0;
+ @words = /to/g;
+ iseq "@words", "to:to";
+ }
- print "not " unless "ba\x{d4}c" =~ /([a\x{d4}]+)/ && $1 eq "a\x{d4}";
- print "ok 256\n";
+ {
+ $_ = "abcdefghi";
+ my $pat1 = 'def';
+ my $pat2 = '^def';
+ my $pat3 = '.def.';
+ my $pat4 = 'abc';
+ my $pat5 = '^abc';
+ my $pat6 = 'abc$';
+ my $pat7 = 'ghi';
+ my $pat8 = '\w*ghi';
+ my $pat9 = 'ghi$';
+ my $t1 = my $t2 = my $t3 = my $t4 = my $t5 =
+ my $t6 = my $t7 = my $t8 = my $t9 = 0;
+ for my $iter (1 .. 5) {
+ $t1++ if /$pat1/o;
+ $t2++ if /$pat2/o;
+ $t3++ if /$pat3/o;
+ $t4++ if /$pat4/o;
+ $t5++ if /$pat5/o;
+ $t6++ if /$pat6/o;
+ $t7++ if /$pat7/o;
+ $t8++ if /$pat8/o;
+ $t9++ if /$pat9/o;
+ }
+ my $x = "$t1$t2$t3$t4$t5$t6$t7$t8$t9";
+ iseq $x, '505550555', "Test /o";
+ }
- print "not " unless "ba\x{d4}c" =~ /([a\x{d4}]+)/ && $1 eq "a\xd4";
- print "ok 257\n";
- # the first half of 20001028.003
+ SKIP: {
+ my $xyz = 'xyz';
+ ok "abc" =~ /^abc$|$xyz/, "| after \$";
- my $X = chr(1448);
- my ($Y) = $X =~ /(.*)/;
- print "not " unless $Y eq v1448 && length($Y) == 1;
- print "ok 258\n";
+ # perl 4.009 says "unmatched ()"
+ local $Message = '$ inside ()';
- # 20001108.001
+ my $result;
+ eval '"abc" =~ /a(bc$)|$xyz/; $result = "$&:$1"';
+ iseq $@, "" or skip "eval failed", 1;
+ iseq $result, "abc:bc";
+ }
- my $X = "Szab\x{f3},Bal\x{e1}zs";
- my $Y = $X;
- $Y =~ s/(B)/$1/ for 0..3;
- print "not " unless $Y eq $X && $X eq "Szab\x{f3},Bal\x{e1}zs";
- print "ok 259\n";
- # the second half of 20001028.003
+ {
+ local $Message = "Scalar /g";
+ $_ = "abcfooabcbar";
+ ok /abc/g && $` eq "";
+ ok /abc/g && $` eq "abcfoo";
+ ok !/abc/g;
+ local $Message = "Scalar /gi";
+ pos = 0;
+ ok /ABC/gi && $` eq "";
+ ok /ABC/gi && $` eq "abcfoo";
+ ok !/ABC/gi;
+ local $Message = "Scalar /g";
+ pos = 0;
+ ok /abc/g && $' eq "fooabcbar";
+ ok /abc/g && $' eq "bar";
+ $_ .= '';
+ my @x = /abc/g;
+ iseq @x, 2, "/g reset after assignment";
+ }
- my $X = '';
- $X =~ s/^/chr(1488)/e;
- print "not " unless length $X == 1 && ord($X) == 1488;
- print "ok 260\n";
+ {
+ local $Message = '/g, \G and pos';
+ $_ = "abdc";
+ pos $_ = 2;
+ /\Gc/gc;
+ iseq pos $_, 2;
+ /\Gc/g;
+ ok !defined pos $_;
+ }
- # 20000517.001
+ {
+ local $Message = '(?{ })';
+ our $out = 1;
+ 'abc' =~ m'a(?{ $out = 2 })b';
+ iseq $out, 2;
+ $out = 1;
+ 'abc' =~ m'a(?{ $out = 3 })c';
+ iseq $out, 1;
+ }
- my $x = "\x{100}A";
- $x =~ s/A/B/;
+ {
+ $_ = 'foobar1 bar2 foobar3 barfoobar5 foobar6';
+ my @out = /(?<!foo)bar./g;
+ iseq "@out", 'bar2 barf', "Negative lookbehind";
+ }
- print "not " unless $x eq "\x{100}B" && length($x) == 2;
- print "ok 261\n";
+ {
+ local $Message = "REG_INFTY tests";
+ # Tests which depend on REG_INFTY
+ $::reg_infty = $Config {reg_infty} // 32767;
+ $::reg_infty_m = $::reg_infty - 1;
+ $::reg_infty_p = $::reg_infty + 1;
+ $::reg_infty_m = $::reg_infty_m; # Surpress warning.
+ # As well as failing if the pattern matches do unexpected things, the
+ # next three tests will fail if you should have picked up a lower-than-
+ # default value for $reg_infty from, but have not.
+ eval_ok q (('aaa' =~ /(a{1,$::reg_infty_m})/)[0] eq 'aaa');
+ eval_ok q (('a' x $::reg_infty_m) =~ /a{$::reg_infty_m}/);
+ eval_ok q (('a' x ($::reg_infty_m - 1)) !~ /a{$::reg_infty_m}/);
+ eval "'aaa' =~ /a{1,$::reg_infty}/";
+ ok $@ =~ /^\QQuantifier in {,} bigger than/;
+ eval "'aaa' =~ /a{1,$::reg_infty_p}/";
+ ok $@ =~ /^\QQuantifier in {,} bigger than/;
+ }
- # bug id 20001230.002
+ {
+ # Poke a couple more parse failures
+ my $context = 'x' x 256;
+ eval qq("${context}y" =~ /(?<=$context)y/);
+ ok $@ =~ /^\QLookbehind longer than 255 not/, "Lookbehind limit";
+ }
- print "not " unless "École" =~ /^\C\C(.)/ && $1 eq 'c';
- print "ok 262\n";
+ {
+ # Long Monsters
+ local $Message = "Long monster";
+ for my $l (125, 140, 250, 270, 300000, 30) { # Ordered to free memory
+ my $a = 'a' x $l;
+ local $Error = "length = $l";
+ ok "ba$a=" =~ /a$a=/;
+ nok "b$a=" =~ /a$a=/;
+ ok "b$a=" =~ /ba+=/;
+ ok "ba$a=" =~ /b(?:a|b)+=/;
+ }
+ }
- print "not " unless "École" =~ /^\C\C(c)/;
- print "ok 263\n";
-SKIP: {
- $test = 264; # till 575
- use charnames ":full";
- # This is far from complete testing, there are dozens of character
- # classes in Unicode. The mixing of literals and \N{...} is
- # intentional so that in non-Latin-1 places we test the native
- # characters, not the Unicode code points.
- my %s = (
- "a" => 'Ll',
- "A" => 'Lu',
- "0" => 'Nd',
- "_" => 'N',
- "!" => 'P',
- " " => 'Zs',
- "\0" => 'Cc',
- );
- for my $char (map { s/^\S+ //; $_ }
- sort map { sprintf("%06x", ord($_))." $_" } keys %s) {
- my $class = $s{$char};
- my $code = sprintf("%06x", ord($char));
- printf "#\n# 0x$code\n#\n";
- print "# IsAlpha\n";
- if ($class =~ /^[LM]/) {
- print "not " unless $char =~ /\p{IsAlpha}/;
- print "ok $test\n"; $test++;
- print "not " if $char =~ /\P{IsAlpha}/;
- print "ok $test\n"; $test++;
- } else {
- print "not " if $char =~ /\p{IsAlpha}/;
- print "ok $test\n"; $test++;
- print "not " unless $char =~ /\P{IsAlpha}/;
- print "ok $test\n"; $test++;
- }
- print "# IsAlnum\n";
- if ($class =~ /^[LMN]/ && $char ne "_") {
- print "not " unless $char =~ /\p{IsAlnum}/;
- print "ok $test\n"; $test++;
- print "not " if $char =~ /\P{IsAlnum}/;
- print "ok $test\n"; $test++;
- } else {
- print "not " if $char =~ /\p{IsAlnum}/;
- print "ok $test\n"; $test++;
- print "not " unless $char =~ /\P{IsAlnum}/;
- print "ok $test\n"; $test++;
- }
- print "# IsASCII\n";
- if (ord("A") == 193) {
- print "ok $test # Skip: in EBCDIC\n"; $test++;
- print "ok $test # Skip: in EBCDIC\n"; $test++;
- } else {
- if ($code le '00007f') {
- print "not " unless $char =~ /\p{IsASCII}/;
- print "ok $test\n"; $test++;
- print "not " if $char =~ /\P{IsASCII}/;
- print "ok $test\n"; $test++;
- } else {
- print "not " if $char =~ /\p{IsASCII}/;
- print "ok $test\n"; $test++;
- print "not " unless $char =~ /\P{IsASCII}/;
- print "ok $test\n"; $test++;
- }
- }
- print "# IsCntrl\n";
- if ($class =~ /^C/) {
- print "not " unless $char =~ /\p{IsCntrl}/;
- print "ok $test\n"; $test++;
- print "not " if $char =~ /\P{IsCntrl}/;
- print "ok $test\n"; $test++;
- } else {
- print "not " if $char =~ /\p{IsCntrl}/;
- print "ok $test\n"; $test++;
- print "not " unless $char =~ /\P{IsCntrl}/;
- print "ok $test\n"; $test++;
- }
- print "# IsBlank\n";
- if ($class =~ /^Z[lp]/ || $char eq " ") {
- print "not " unless $char =~ /\p{IsBlank}/;
- print "ok $test\n"; $test++;
- print "not " if $char =~ /\P{IsBlank}/;
- print "ok $test\n"; $test++;
- } else {
- print "not " if $char =~ /\p{IsBlank}/;
- print "ok $test\n"; $test++;
- print "not " unless $char =~ /\P{IsBlank}/;
- print "ok $test\n"; $test++;
- }
- print "# IsDigit\n";
- if ($class =~ /^Nd$/) {
- print "not " unless $char =~ /\p{IsDigit}/;
- print "ok $test\n"; $test++;
- print "not " if $char =~ /\P{IsDigit}/;
- print "ok $test\n"; $test++;
- } else {
- print "not " if $char =~ /\p{IsDigit}/;
- print "ok $test\n"; $test++;
- print "not " unless $char =~ /\P{IsDigit}/;
- print "ok $test\n"; $test++;
- }
- print "# IsGraph\n";
- if ($class =~ /^([LMNPS])|Co/) {
- print "not " unless $char =~ /\p{IsGraph}/;
- print "ok $test\n"; $test++;
- print "not " if $char =~ /\P{IsGraph}/;
- print "ok $test\n"; $test++;
- } else {
- print "not " if $char =~ /\p{IsGraph}/;
- print "ok $test\n"; $test++;
- print "not " unless $char =~ /\P{IsGraph}/;
- print "ok $test\n"; $test++;
- }
- print "# IsLower\n";
- if ($class =~ /^Ll$/) {
- print "not " unless $char =~ /\p{IsLower}/;
- print "ok $test\n"; $test++;
- print "not " if $char =~ /\P{IsLower}/;
- print "ok $test\n"; $test++;
- } else {
- print "not " if $char =~ /\p{IsLower}/;
- print "ok $test\n"; $test++;
- print "not " unless $char =~ /\P{IsLower}/;
- print "ok $test\n"; $test++;
- }
- print "# IsPrint\n";
- if ($class =~ /^([LMNPS])|Co|Zs/) {
- print "not " unless $char =~ /\p{IsPrint}/;
- print "ok $test\n"; $test++;
- print "not " if $char =~ /\P{IsPrint}/;
- print "ok $test\n"; $test++;
- } else {
- print "not " if $char =~ /\p{IsPrint}/;
- print "ok $test\n"; $test++;
- print "not " unless $char =~ /\P{IsPrint}/;
- print "ok $test\n"; $test++;
- }
- print "# IsPunct\n";
- if ($class =~ /^P/ || $char eq "_") {
- print "not " unless $char =~ /\p{IsPunct}/;
- print "ok $test\n"; $test++;
- print "not " if $char =~ /\P{IsPunct}/;
- print "ok $test\n"; $test++;
- } else {
- print "not " if $char =~ /\p{IsPunct}/;
- print "ok $test\n"; $test++;
- print "not " unless $char =~ /\P{IsPunct}/;
- print "ok $test\n"; $test++;
- }
- print "# IsSpace\n";
- if ($class =~ /^Z/ || ($code =~ /^(0009|000A|000B|000C|000D)$/)) {
- print "not " unless $char =~ /\p{IsSpace}/;
- print "ok $test\n"; $test++;
- print "not " if $char =~ /\P{IsSpace}/;
- print "ok $test\n"; $test++;
- } else {
- print "not " if $char =~ /\p{IsSpace}/;
- print "ok $test\n"; $test++;
- print "not " unless $char =~ /\P{IsSpace}/;
- print "ok $test\n"; $test++;
- }
- print "# IsUpper\n";
- if ($class =~ /^L[ut]/) {
- print "not " unless $char =~ /\p{IsUpper}/;
- print "ok $test\n"; $test++;
- print "not " if $char =~ /\P{IsUpper}/;
- print "ok $test\n"; $test++;
- } else {
- print "not " if $char =~ /\p{IsUpper}/;
- print "ok $test\n"; $test++;
- print "not " unless $char =~ /\P{IsUpper}/;
- print "ok $test\n"; $test++;
- }
- print "# IsWord\n";
- if ($class =~ /^[LMN]/ || $char eq "_") {
- print "not " unless $char =~ /\p{IsWord}/;
- print "ok $test\n"; $test++;
- print "not " if $char =~ /\P{IsWord}/;
- print "ok $test\n"; $test++;
- } else {
- print "not " if $char =~ /\p{IsWord}/;
- print "ok $test\n"; $test++;
- print "not " unless $char =~ /\P{IsWord}/;
- print "ok $test\n"; $test++;
- }
+ {
+ # 20000 nodes, each taking 3 words per string, and 1 per branch
+ my $long_constant_len = join '|', 12120 .. 32645;
+ my $long_var_len = join '|', 8120 .. 28645;
+ my %ans = ( 'ax13876y25677lbc' => 1,
+ 'ax13876y25677mcb' => 0, # not b.
+ 'ax13876y35677nbc' => 0, # Num too big
+ 'ax13876y25677y21378obc' => 1,
+ 'ax13876y25677y21378zbc' => 0, # Not followed by [k-o]
+ 'ax13876y25677y21378y21378kbc' => 1,
+ 'ax13876y25677y21378y21378kcb' => 0, # Not b.
+ 'ax13876y25677y21378y21378y21378kbc' => 0, # 5 runs
+ );
+ local $Message = "20000 nodes";
+ for (keys %ans) {
+ local $Error = "const-len '$_'";
+ ok !($ans{$_} xor /a(?=([yx]($long_constant_len)){2,4}[k-o]).*b./o);
+ local $Error = "var-len '$_'";
+ ok !($ans{$_} xor /a(?=([yx]($long_var_len)){2,4}[k-o]).*b./o);
+ }
- $_ = "abc\x{100}\x{200}\x{300}\x{380}\x{400}defg";
+ {
+ local $Message = "Complicated backtracking";
+ $_ = " a (bla()) and x(y b((l)u((e))) and b(l(e)e)e";
+ my $expect = "(bla()) ((l)u((e))) (l(e)e)";
+ use vars '$c';
+ sub matchit {
+ m/
+ (
+ \(
+ (?{ $c = 1 }) # Initialize
+ (?:
+ (?(?{ $c == 0 }) # PREVIOUS iteration was OK, stop the loop
+ (?!
+ ) # Fail: will unwind one iteration back
+ )
+ (?:
+ [^()]+ # Match a big chunk
+ (?=
+ [()]
+ ) # Do not try to match subchunks
+ |
+ \(
+ (?{ ++$c })
+ |
+ \)
+ (?{ --$c })
+ )
+ )+ # This may not match with different subblocks
+ )
+ (?(?{ $c != 0 })
+ (?!
+ ) # Fail
+ ) # Otherwise the chunk 1 may succeed with $c>0
+ /xg;
+ }
+ my @ans = ();
+ my $res;
+ push @ans, $res while $res = matchit;
+ iseq "@ans", "1 1 1";
+ @ans = matchit;
+ iseq "@ans", $expect;
- if (/(.\x{300})./) {
- print "ok 576\n";
+ local $Message = "Recursion with (??{ })";
+ our $matched;
+ $matched = qr/\((?:(?>[^()]+)|(??{$matched}))*\)/;
- print "not " unless $` eq "abc\x{100}" && length($`) == 4;
- print "ok 577\n";
+ @ans = my @ans1 = ();
+ push (@ans, $res), push (@ans1, $&) while $res = m/$matched/g;
- print "not " unless $& eq "\x{200}\x{300}\x{380}" && length($&) == 3;
- print "ok 578\n";
+ iseq "@ans", "1 1 1";
+ iseq "@ans1", $expect;
- print "not " unless $' eq "\x{400}defg" && length($') == 5;
- print "ok 579\n";
+ @ans = m/$matched/g;
+ iseq "@ans", $expect;
- print "not " unless $1 eq "\x{200}\x{300}" && length($1) == 2;
- print "ok 580\n";
- } else {
- for (576..580) { print "not ok $_\n" }
- # bug id 20010306.008
+ {
+ ok "abc" =~ /^(??{"a"})b/, '"abc" =~ /^(??{"a"})b/';
+ }
- $a = "a\x{1234}";
- # The original bug report had 'no utf8' here but that was irrelevant.
- $a =~ m/\w/; # used to core dump
+ {
+ my @ans = ('a/b' =~ m%(.*/)?(.*)%); # Stack may be bad
+ iseq "@ans", 'a/ b', "Stack may be bad";
+ }
- print "ok 581\n";
+ {
+ local $Message = "Eval-group not allowed at runtime";
+ my $code = '{$blah = 45}';
+ our $blah = 12;
+ eval { /(?$code)/ };
+ ok $@ && $@ =~ /not allowed at runtime/ && $blah == 12;
+ for $code ('{$blah = 45}','=xx') {
+ $blah = 12;
+ my $res = eval { "xx" =~ /(?$code)/o };
+ no warnings 'uninitialized';
+ local $Error = "'$@', '$res', '$blah'";
+ if ($code eq '=xx') {
+ ok !$@ && $res;
+ }
+ else {
+ ok $@ && $@ =~ /not allowed at runtime/ && $blah == 12;
+ }
+ }
- $test = 582;
+ $code = '{$blah = 45}';
+ $blah = 12;
+ eval "/(?$code)/";
+ iseq $blah, 45;
+ $blah = 12;
+ /(?{$blah = 45})/;
+ iseq $blah, 45;
+ }
- # bugid 20010410.006
- for my $rx (
- '/(.*?)\{(.*?)\}/csg',
- '/(.*?)\{(.*?)\}/cg',
- '/(.*?)\{(.*?)\}/sg',
- '/(.*?)\{(.*?)\}/g',
- '/(.+?)\{(.+?)\}/csg',
- )
- my($input, $i);
+ local $Message = "Pos checks";
+ my $x = 'banana';
+ $x =~ /.a/g;
+ iseq pos ($x), 2;
- $i = 0;
- $input = "a{b}c{d}";
- eval <<EOT;
- while (eval \$input =~ $rx) {
- print "# \\\$1 = '\$1' \\\$2 = '\$2'\n";
- ++\$i;
- }
- print "not " unless $i == 2;
- print "ok " . $test++ . "\n";
+ $x =~ /.z/gc;
+ iseq pos ($x), 2;
+ sub f {
+ my $p = $_[0];
+ return $p;
+ }
+ $x =~ /.a/g;
+ iseq f (pos ($x)), 4;
- # from Robin Houston
+ {
+ local $Message = 'Checking $^R';
+ our $x = $^R = 67;
+ 'foot' =~ /foo(?{$x = 12; 75})[t]/;
+ iseq $^R, 75;
+ $x = $^R = 67;
+ 'foot' =~ /foo(?{$x = 12; 75})[xy]/;
+ ok $^R eq '67' && $x eq '12';
+ $x = $^R = 67;
+ 'foot' =~ /foo(?{ $^R + 12 })((?{ $x = 12; $^R + 17 })[xy])?/;
+ ok $^R eq '79' && $x eq '12';
+ }
- my $x = "\x{10FFFD}";
- $x =~ s/(.)/$1/g;
- print "not " unless ord($x) == 0x10FFFD && length($x) == 1;
- print "ok 587\n";
+ {
+ iseq qr/\b\v$/i, '(?i-xsm:\b\v$)', 'qr/\b\v$/i';
+ iseq qr/\b\v$/s, '(?s-xim:\b\v$)', 'qr/\b\v$/s';
+ iseq qr/\b\v$/m, '(?m-xis:\b\v$)', 'qr/\b\v$/m';
+ iseq qr/\b\v$/x, '(?x-ism:\b\v$)', 'qr/\b\v$/x';
+ iseq qr/\b\v$/xism, '(?msix:\b\v$)', 'qr/\b\v$/xism';
+ iseq qr/\b\v$/, '(?-xism:\b\v$)', 'qr/\b\v$/';
+ }
- my $x = "\x7f";
- print "not " if $x =~ /[\x80-\xff]/;
- print "ok 588\n";
+ {
+ local $Message = "Look around";
+ $_ = 'xabcx';
+ foreach my $ans ('', 'c') {
+ ok /(?<=(?=a)..)((?=c)|.)/g or skip "Match failed", 1;
+ iseq $1, $ans;
+ }
+ }
- print "not " if $x =~ /[\x80-\x{100}]/;
- print "ok 589\n";
+ {
+ local $Message = "Empty clause";
+ $_ = 'a';
+ foreach my $ans ('', 'a', '') {
+ ok /^|a|$/g or skip "Match failed", 1;
+ iseq $&, $ans;
+ }
+ }
- print "not " if $x =~ /[\x{100}]/;
- print "ok 590\n";
+ {
+ local $Message = "Prefixify";
+ sub prefixify {
+ SKIP: {
+ my ($v, $a, $b, $res) = @_;
+ ok $v =~ s/\Q$a\E/$b/ or skip "Match failed", 1;
+ iseq $v, $res;
+ }
+ }
- print "not " if $x =~ /\p{InLatin1Supplement}/;
- print "ok 591\n";
+ prefixify ('/a/b/lib/arch', "/a/b/lib", 'X/lib', 'X/lib/arch');
+ prefixify ('/a/b/man/arch', "/a/b/man", 'X/man', 'X/man/arch');
+ }
- print "not " unless $x =~ /\P{InLatin1Supplement}/;
- print "ok 592\n";
+ {
+ $_ = 'var="foo"';
+ /(\")/;
+ ok $1 && /$1/, "Capture a quote";
+ }
- print "not " if $x =~ /\p{InLatinExtendedA}/;
- print "ok 593\n";
+ {
+ local $Message = "Call code from qr //";
+ $a = qr/(?{++$b})/;
+ $b = 7;
+ ok /$a$a/ && $b eq '9';
+ $c="$a";
+ ok /$a$a/ && $b eq '11';
+ undef $@;
+ eval {/$c/};
+ ok $@ && $@ =~ /not allowed at runtime/;
+ use re "eval";
+ /$a$c$a/;
+ iseq $b, '14';
+ our $lex_a = 43;
+ our $lex_b = 17;
+ our $lex_c = 27;
+ my $lex_res = ($lex_b =~ qr/$lex_b(?{ $lex_c = $lex_a++ })/);
+ iseq $lex_res, 1;
+ iseq $lex_a, 44;
+ iseq $lex_c, 43;
+ no re "eval";
+ undef $@;
+ my $match = eval { /$a$c$a/ };
+ ok $@ && $@ =~ /Eval-group not allowed/ && !$match;
+ iseq $b, '14';
+ $lex_a = 2;
+ $lex_a = 43;
+ $lex_b = 17;
+ $lex_c = 27;
+ $lex_res = ($lex_b =~ qr/17(?{ $lex_c = $lex_a++ })/);
+ iseq $lex_res, 1;
+ iseq $lex_a, 44;
+ iseq $lex_c, 43;
- print "not " unless $x =~ /\P{InLatinExtendedA}/;
- print "ok 594\n";
+ }
- my $x = "\x80";
- print "not " unless $x =~ /[\x80-\xff]/;
- print "ok 595\n";
+ {
+ no warnings 'closure';
+ local $Message = '(?{ $var } refers to package vars';
+ package aa;
+ our $c = 2;
+ $::c = 3;
+ '' =~ /(?{ $c = 4 })/;
+ main::iseq $c, 4;
+ main::iseq $::c, 3;
+ }
- print "not " unless $x =~ /[\x80-\x{100}]/;
- print "ok 596\n";
- print "not " if $x =~ /[\x{100}]/;
- print "ok 597\n";
+ {
+ must_die 'q(a:[b]:) =~ /[x[:foo:]]/',
+ 'POSIX class \[:[^:]+:\] unknown in regex',
+ 'POSIX class [: :] must have valid name';
+ for my $d (qw [= .]) {
+ must_die "/[[${d}foo${d}]]/",
+ "\QPOSIX syntax [$d $d] is reserved for future extensions",
+ "POSIX syntax [[$d $d]] is an error";
+ }
+ }
- print "not " unless $x =~ /\p{InLatin1Supplement}/;
- print "ok 598\n";
- print "not " if $x =~ /\P{InLatin1Supplement}/;
- print "ok 599\n";
+ {
+ # test if failure of patterns returns empty list
+ local $Message = "Failed pattern returns empty list";
+ $_ = 'aaa';
+ @_ = /bbb/;
+ iseq "@_", "";
- print "not " if $x =~ /\p{InLatinExtendedA}/;
- print "ok 600\n";
+ @_ = /bbb/g;
+ iseq "@_", "";
- print "not " unless $x =~ /\P{InLatinExtendedA}/;
- print "ok 601\n";
+ @_ = /(bbb)/;
+ iseq "@_", "";
- my $x = "\xff";
+ @_ = /(bbb)/g;
+ iseq "@_", "";
+ }
- print "not " unless $x =~ /[\x80-\xff]/;
- print "ok 602\n";
+ {
+ local $Message = '@- and @+ tests';
+ /a(?=.$)/;
+ iseq $#+, 0;
+ iseq $#-, 0;
+ iseq $+ [0], 2;
+ iseq $- [0], 1;
+ ok !defined $+ [1] && !defined $- [1] &&
+ !defined $+ [2] && !defined $- [2];
+ /a(a)(a)/;
+ iseq $#+, 2;
+ iseq $#-, 2;
+ iseq $+ [0], 3;
+ iseq $- [0], 0;
+ iseq $+ [1], 2;
+ iseq $- [1], 1;
+ iseq $+ [2], 3;
+ iseq $- [2], 2;
+ ok !defined $+ [3] && !defined $- [3] &&
+ !defined $+ [4] && !defined $- [4];
+ /.(a)(b)?(a)/;
+ iseq $#+, 3;
+ iseq $#-, 3;
+ iseq $+ [1], 2;
+ iseq $- [1], 1;
+ iseq $+ [3], 3;
+ iseq $- [3], 2;
+ ok !defined $+ [2] && !defined $- [2] &&
+ !defined $+ [4] && !defined $- [4];
+ /.(a)/;
+ iseq $#+, 1;
+ iseq $#-, 1;
+ iseq $+ [0], 2;
+ iseq $- [0], 0;
+ iseq $+ [1], 2;
+ iseq $- [1], 1;
+ ok !defined $+ [2] && !defined $- [2] &&
+ !defined $+ [3] && !defined $- [3];
+ /.(a)(ba*)?/;
+ iseq $#+, 2;
+ iseq $#-, 1;
+ }
- print "not " unless $x =~ /[\x80-\x{100}]/;
- print "ok 603\n";
- print "not " if $x =~ /[\x{100}]/;
- print "ok 604\n";
+ {
+ local $DiePattern = '^Modification of a read-only value attempted';
+ local $Message = 'Elements of @- and @+ are read-only';
+ must_die '$+[0] = 13';
+ must_die '$-[0] = 13';
+ must_die '@+ = (7, 6, 5)';
+ must_die '@- = qw (foo bar)';
+ }
- # the next two tests must be ignored on EBCDIC
- print "not " unless $x =~ /\p{InLatin1Supplement}/ or ord("A") == 193;
- print "ok 605\n";
- print "not " if $x =~ /\P{InLatin1Supplement}/ and ord("A") != 193;
- print "ok 606\n";
+ {
+ local $Message = '\G testing';
+ $_ = 'aaa';
+ pos = 1;
+ my @a = /\Ga/g;
+ iseq "@a", "a a";
+ my $str = 'abcde';
+ pos $str = 2;
+ ok $str !~ /^\G/;
+ ok $str !~ /^.\G/;
+ ok $str =~ /^..\G/;
+ ok $str !~ /^...\G/;
+ ok $str =~ /\G../ && $& eq 'cd';
+ local $TODO = $running_as_thread;
+ ok $str =~ /.\G./ && $& eq 'bc';
+ }
- print "not " if $x =~ /\p{InLatinExtendedA}/;
- print "ok 607\n";
- print "not " unless $x =~ /\P{InLatinExtendedA}/;
- print "ok 608\n";
+ {
+ local $Message = 'pos inside (?{ })';
+ my $str = 'abcde';
+ our ($foo, $bar);
+ ok $str =~ /b(?{$foo = $_; $bar = pos})c/;
+ iseq $foo, $str;
+ iseq $bar, 2;
+ ok !defined pos ($str);
+ undef $foo;
+ undef $bar;
+ pos $str = undef;
+ ok $str =~ /b(?{$foo = $_; $bar = pos})c/g;
+ iseq $foo, $str;
+ iseq $bar, 2;
+ iseq pos ($str), 3;
+ $_ = $str;
+ undef $foo;
+ undef $bar;
+ ok /b(?{$foo = $_; $bar = pos})c/;
+ iseq $foo, $str;
+ iseq $bar, 2;
+ undef $foo;
+ undef $bar;
+ ok /b(?{$foo = $_; $bar = pos})c/g;
+ iseq $foo, $str;
+ iseq $bar, 2;
+ iseq pos, 3;
+ undef $foo;
+ undef $bar;
+ pos = undef;
+ 1 while /b(?{$foo = $_; $bar = pos})c/g;
+ iseq $foo, $str;
+ iseq $bar, 2;
+ ok !defined pos;
+ undef $foo;
+ undef $bar;
+ $_ = 'abcde|abcde';
+ ok s/b(?{$foo = $_; $bar = pos})c/x/g;
+ iseq $foo, 'abcde|abcde';
+ iseq $bar, 8;
+ iseq $_, 'axde|axde';
+ # List context:
+ $_ = 'abcde|abcde';
+ our @res;
+ () = /([ace]).(?{push @res, $1,$2})([ce])(?{push @res, $1,$2})/g;
+ @res = map {defined $_ ? "'$_'" : 'undef'} @res;
+ iseq "@res", "'a' undef 'a' 'c' 'e' undef 'a' undef 'a' 'c'";
+ @res = ();
+ () = /([ace]).(?{push @res, $`,$&,$'})([ce])(?{push @res, $`,$&,$'})/g;
+ @res = map {defined $_ ? "'$_'" : 'undef'} @res;
+ iseq "@res", "'' 'ab' 'cde|abcde' " .
+ "'' 'abc' 'de|abcde' " .
+ "'abcd' 'e|' 'abcde' " .
+ "'abcde|' 'ab' 'cde' " .
+ "'abcde|' 'abc' 'de'" ;
+ }
- my $x = "\x{100}";
- print "not " if $x =~ /[\x80-\xff]/;
- print "ok 609\n";
+ {
+ local $Message = '\G anchor checks';
+ my $foo = 'aabbccddeeffgg';
+ pos ($foo) = 1;
+ {
+ local $TODO = $running_as_thread;
+ no warnings 'uninitialized';
+ ok $foo =~ /.\G(..)/g;
+ iseq $1, 'ab';
- print "not " unless $x =~ /[\x80-\x{100}]/;
- print "ok 610\n";
+ pos ($foo) += 1;
+ ok $foo =~ /.\G(..)/g;
+ iseq $1, 'cc';
- print "not " unless $x =~ /[\x{100}]/;
- print "ok 611\n";
+ pos ($foo) += 1;
+ ok $foo =~ /.\G(..)/g;
+ iseq $1, 'de';
- print "not " if $x =~ /\p{InLatin1Supplement}/;
- print "ok 612\n";
+ ok $foo =~ /\Gef/g;
+ }
- print "not " unless $x =~ /\P{InLatin1Supplement}/;
- print "ok 613\n";
+ undef pos $foo;
+ ok $foo =~ /\G(..)/g;
+ iseq $1, 'aa';
- print "not " unless $x =~ /\p{InLatinExtendedA}/;
- print "ok 614\n";
+ ok $foo =~ /\G(..)/g;
+ iseq $1, 'bb';
- print "not " if $x =~ /\P{InLatinExtendedA}/;
- print "ok 615\n";
+ pos ($foo) = 5;
+ ok $foo =~ /\G(..)/g;
+ iseq $1, 'cd';
+ }
- # from japhy
- my $w;
- use warnings;
- local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $w .= shift };
- $w = "";
- eval 'qr/(?c)/';
- print "not " if $w !~ /^Useless \(\?c\)/;
- print "ok 616\n";
- $w = "";
- eval 'qr/(?-c)/';
- print "not " if $w !~ /^Useless \(\?-c\)/;
- print "ok 617\n";
- $w = "";
- eval 'qr/(?g)/';
- print "not " if $w !~ /^Useless \(\?g\)/;
- print "ok 618\n";
- $w = "";
- eval 'qr/(?-g)/';
- print "not " if $w !~ /^Useless \(\?-g\)/;
- print "ok 619\n";
- $w = "";
- eval 'qr/(?o)/';
- print "not " if $w !~ /^Useless \(\?o\)/;
- print "ok 620\n";
- $w = "";
- eval 'qr/(?-o)/';
- print "not " if $w !~ /^Useless \(\?-o\)/;
- print "ok 621\n";
- # now test multi-error regexes
- $w = "";
- eval 'qr/(?g-o)/';
- print "not " if $w !~ /^Useless \(\?g\).*\nUseless \(\?-o\)/;
- print "ok 622\n";
- $w = "";
- eval 'qr/(?g-c)/';
- print "not " if $w !~ /^Useless \(\?g\).*\nUseless \(\?-c\)/;
- print "ok 623\n";
- $w = "";
- eval 'qr/(?o-cg)/'; # (?c) means (?g) error won't be thrown
- print "not " if $w !~ /^Useless \(\?o\).*\nUseless \(\?-c\)/;
- print "ok 624\n";
- $w = "";
- eval 'qr/(?ogc)/';
- print "not " if $w !~ /^Useless \(\?o\).*\nUseless \(\?g\).*\nUseless \(\?c\)/;
- print "ok 625\n";
-# More Unicode "class" tests
+ {
+ $_ = '123x123';
+ my @res = /(\d*|x)/g;
+ local $" = '|';
+ iseq "@res", "123||x|123|", "0 match in alternation";
+ }
- use charnames ':full';
- print "not " unless "\N{LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A}" =~ /\p{InBasicLatin}/;
- print "ok 626\n";
+ {
+ local $Message = "Match against temporaries (created via pp_helem())" .
+ " is safe";
+ ok {foo => "bar\n" . $^X} -> {foo} =~ /^(.*)\n/g;
+ iseq $1, "bar";
+ }
- print "not " unless "\N{LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH GRAVE}" =~ /\p{InLatin1Supplement}/;
- print "ok 627\n";
- print "not " unless "\N{LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH MACRON}" =~ /\p{InLatinExtendedA}/;
- print "ok 628\n";
+ {
+ local $Message = 'package $i inside (?{ }), ' .
+ 'saved substrings and changing $_';
+ our @a = qw [foo bar];
+ our @b = ();
+ s/(\w)(?{push @b, $1})/,$1,/g for @a;
+ iseq "@b", "f o o b a r";
+ iseq "@a", ",f,,o,,o, ,b,,a,,r,";
+ local $Message = 'lexical $i inside (?{ }), ' .
+ 'saved substrings and changing $_';
+ no warnings 'closure';
+ my @c = qw [foo bar];
+ my @d = ();
+ s/(\w)(?{push @d, $1})/,$1,/g for @c;
+ iseq "@d", "f o o b a r";
+ iseq "@c", ",f,,o,,o, ,b,,a,,r,";
+ }
- print "not " unless "\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER B WITH STROKE}" =~ /\p{InLatinExtendedB}/;
- print "ok 629\n";
- print "not " unless "\N{KATAKANA LETTER SMALL A}" =~ /\p{InKatakana}/;
- print "ok 630\n";
+ {
+ local $Message = 'Brackets';
+ our $brackets;
+ $brackets = qr {
+ { (?> [^{}]+ | (??{ $brackets }) )* }
+ }x;
+ ok "{{}" =~ $brackets;
+ iseq $&, "{}";
+ ok "something { long { and } hairy" =~ $brackets;
+ iseq $&, "{ and }";
+ ok "something { long { and } hairy" =~ m/((??{ $brackets }))/;
+ iseq $&, "{ and }";
+ }
-$_ = "foo";
-eval <<"EOT"; die if $@;
- /f
- o\r
- o
- \$
- /x && print "ok 631\n";
-eval <<"EOT"; die if $@;
- /f
- o
- o
- \$\r
- /x && print "ok 632\n";
-#test /o feature
-sub test_o { $_[0] =~/$_[1]/o; return $1}
-if(test_o('abc','(.)..') eq 'a') {
- print "ok 633\n";
-} else {
- print "not ok 633\n";
-if(test_o('abc','..(.)') eq 'a') {
- print "ok 634\n";
-} else {
- print "not ok 634\n";
-# 635..639: ID 20010619.003 (only the space character is
-# supposed to be [:print:], not the whole isprint()).
-print "not " if "\n" =~ /[[:print:]]/;
-print "ok 635\n";
-print "not " if "\t" =~ /[[:print:]]/;
-print "ok 636\n";
-# Amazingly vertical tabulator is the same in ASCII and EBCDIC.
-print "not " if "\014" =~ /[[:print:]]/;
-print "ok 637\n";
-print "not " if "\r" =~ /[[:print:]]/;
-print "ok 638\n";
-print "not " unless " " =~ /[[:print:]]/;
-print "ok 639\n";
-## Test basic $^N usage outside of a regex
-$x = "abcdef";
-$T="ok 640\n";if ($x =~ /cde/ and not defined $^N) {print $T} else {print "not $T"};
-$T="ok 641\n";if ($x =~ /(cde)/ and $^N eq "cde") {print $T} else {print "not $T"};
-$T="ok 642\n";if ($x =~ /(c)(d)(e)/ and $^N eq "e") {print $T} else {print "not $T"};
-$T="ok 643\n";if ($x =~ /(c(d)e)/ and $^N eq "cde") {print $T} else {print "not $T"};
-$T="ok 644\n";if ($x =~ /(foo)|(c(d)e)/ and $^N eq "cde") {print $T} else {print "not $T"};
-$T="ok 645\n";if ($x =~ /(c(d)e)|(foo)/ and $^N eq "cde") {print $T} else {print "not $T"};
-$T="ok 646\n";if ($x =~ /(c(d)e)|(abc)/ and $^N eq "abc") {print $T} else {print "not $T"};
-$T="ok 647\n";if ($x =~ /(c(d)e)|(abc)x/ and $^N eq "cde") {print $T} else {print "not $T"};
-$T="ok 648\n";if ($x =~ /(c(d)e)(abc)?/ and $^N eq "cde") {print $T} else {print "not $T"};
-$T="ok 649\n";if ($x =~ /(?:c(d)e)/ and $^N eq "d" ) {print $T} else {print "not $T"};
-$T="ok 650\n";if ($x =~ /(?:c(d)e)(?:f)/ and $^N eq "d" ) {print $T} else {print "not $T"};
-$T="ok 651\n";if ($x =~ /(?:([abc])|([def]))*/ and $^N eq "f" ){print $T} else {print "not $T"};
-$T="ok 652\n";if ($x =~ /(?:([ace])|([bdf]))*/ and $^N eq "f" ){print $T} else {print "not $T"};
-$T="ok 653\n";if ($x =~ /(([ace])|([bd]))*/ and $^N eq "e" ){print $T} else {print "not $T"};
- $T="ok 654\n";if($x =~ /(([ace])|([bdf]))*/ and $^N eq "f" ){print $T} else {print "not $T"};
-## test to see if $^N is automatically localized -- it should now
-## have the value set in test 653
-$T="ok 655\n";if ($^N eq "e" ){print $T} else {print "not $T"};
-## Now test inside (?{...})
-$T="ok 656\n";if ($x =~ /a([abc])(?{$y=$^N})c/ and $y eq "b" ){print $T} else {print "not $T"};
-$T="ok 657\n";if ($x =~ /a([abc]+)(?{$y=$^N})d/ and $y eq "bc"){print $T} else {print "not $T"};
-$T="ok 658\n";if ($x =~ /a([abcdefg]+)(?{$y=$^N})d/ and $y eq "bc"){print $T} else {print "not $T"};
-$T="ok 659\n";if ($x =~ /(a([abcdefg]+)(?{$y=$^N})d)(?{$z=$^N})e/ and $y eq "bc" and $z eq "abcd")
- {print $T} else {print "not $T"};
-$T="ok 660\n";if ($x =~ /(a([abcdefg]+)(?{$y=$^N})de)(?{$z=$^N})/ and $y eq "bc" and $z eq "abcde")
- {print $T} else {print "not $T"};
-# Test the Unicode script classes
-print "not " unless chr(0x100) =~ /\p{IsLatin}/; # outside Latin-1
-print "ok 661\n";
-print "not " unless chr(0x212b) =~ /\p{IsLatin}/; # Angstrom sign, very outside
-print "ok 662\n";
-print "not " unless chr(0x5d0) =~ /\p{IsHebrew}/; # inside InHebrew
-print "ok 663\n";
-print "not " unless chr(0xfb4f) =~ /\p{IsHebrew}/; # outside InHebrew
-print "ok 664\n";
-# # singleton (not in a range, this test must be ignored on EBCDIC)
-# print "not " unless chr(0xb5) =~ /\p{IsGreek}/ or ord("A") == 193;
-# print "ok 665\n";
-print "ok 665 # 0xb5 moved from Greek to Common with Unicode 4.0.1\n";
-print "not " unless chr(0x37a) =~ /\p{IsGreek}/; # singleton
-print "ok 666\n";
-print "not " unless chr(0x386) =~ /\p{IsGreek}/; # singleton
-print "ok 667\n";
-print "not " unless chr(0x387) =~ /\P{IsGreek}/; # not there
-print "ok 668\n";
-print "not " unless chr(0x388) =~ /\p{IsGreek}/; # range
-print "ok 669\n";
-print "not " unless chr(0x38a) =~ /\p{IsGreek}/; # range
-print "ok 670\n";
-print "not " unless chr(0x38b) =~ /\P{IsGreek}/; # not there
-print "ok 671\n";
-print "not " unless chr(0x38c) =~ /\p{IsGreek}/; # singleton
-print "ok 672\n";
-if (ord("A") == 65) {
-## Test [:cntrl:]...
-## Should probably put in tests for all the POSIX stuff, but not sure how to
-## guarantee a specific locale......
- $AllBytes = join('', map { chr($_) } 0..255);
- ($x = $AllBytes) =~ s/[[:cntrl:]]//g;
- if ($x ne join('', map { chr($_) } 0x20..0x7E, 0x80..0xFF)) {
- print "not ";
- }
- print "ok 673\n";
- ($x = $AllBytes) =~ s/[^[:cntrl:]]//g;
- if ($x ne join('', map { chr($_) } 0..0x1F, 0x7F)) { print "not " }
- print "ok 674\n";
-} else {
- print "ok $_ # Skip: EBCDIC\n" for 673..674;
+ {
+ $_ = "a-a\nxbb";
+ pos = 1;
+ nok m/^-.*bb/mg, '$_ = "a-a\nxbb"; m/^-.*bb/mg';
+ }
-# With /s modifier UTF8 chars were interpreted as bytes
- my $a = "Hello \x{263A} World";
- my @a = ($a =~ /./gs);
- print "not " unless $#a == 12;
- print "ok 675\n";
-@a = ("foo\nbar" =~ /./g);
-print "ok 676\n" if @a == 6 && "@a" eq "f o o b a r";
+ {
+ local $Message = '\G anchor checks';
+ my $text = "aaXbXcc";
+ pos ($text) = 0;
+ ok $text !~ /\GXb*X/g;
+ }
-@a = ("foo\nbar" =~ /./gs);
-print "ok 677\n" if @a == 7 && "@a" eq "f o o \n b a r";
-@a = ("foo\nbar" =~ /\C/g);
-print "ok 678\n" if @a == 7 && "@a" eq "f o o \n b a r";
+ {
+ $_ = "xA\n" x 500;
+ nok /^\s*A/m, '$_ = "xA\n" x 500; /^\s*A/m"';
-@a = ("foo\nbar" =~ /\C/gs);
-print "ok 679\n" if @a == 7 && "@a" eq "f o o \n b a r";
+ my $text = "abc dbf";
+ my @res = ($text =~ /.*?(b).*?\b/g);
+ iseq "@res", "b b", '\b is not special';
+ }
-@a = ("foo\n\x{100}bar" =~ /./g);
-print "ok 680\n" if @a == 7 && "@a" eq "f o o \x{100} b a r";
-@a = ("foo\n\x{100}bar" =~ /./gs);
-print "ok 681\n" if @a == 8 && "@a" eq "f o o \n \x{100} b a r";
+ {
+ local $Message = '\S, [\S], \s, [\s]';
+ my @a = map chr, 0 .. 255;
+ my @b = grep /\S/, @a;
+ my @c = grep /[^\s]/, @a;
+ iseq "@b", "@c";
+ @b = grep /\S/, @a;
+ @c = grep /[\S]/, @a;
+ iseq "@b", "@c";
+ @b = grep /\s/, @a;
+ @c = grep /[^\S]/, @a;
+ iseq "@b", "@c";
+ @b = grep /\s/, @a;
+ @c = grep /[\s]/, @a;
+ iseq "@b", "@c";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '\D, [\D], \d, [\d]';
+ my @a = map chr, 0 .. 255;
+ my @b = grep /\D/, @a;
+ my @c = grep /[^\d]/, @a;
+ iseq "@b", "@c";
+ @b = grep /\D/, @a;
+ @c = grep /[\D]/, @a;
+ iseq "@b", "@c";
+ @b = grep /\d/, @a;
+ @c = grep /[^\D]/, @a;
+ iseq "@b", "@c";
+ @b = grep /\d/, @a;
+ @c = grep /[\d]/, @a;
+ iseq "@b", "@c";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '\W, [\W], \w, [\w]';
+ my @a = map chr, 0 .. 255;
+ my @b = grep /\W/, @a;
+ my @c = grep /[^\w]/, @a;
+ iseq "@b", "@c";
+ @b = grep /\W/, @a;
+ @c = grep /[\W]/, @a;
+ iseq "@b", "@c";
+ @b = grep /\w/, @a;
+ @c = grep /[^\W]/, @a;
+ iseq "@b", "@c";
+ @b = grep /\w/, @a;
+ @c = grep /[\w]/, @a;
+ iseq "@b", "@c";
+ }
-($a, $b) = map { chr } ord('A') == 65 ? (0xc4, 0x80) : (0x8c, 0x41);
-@a = ("foo\n\x{100}bar" =~ /\C/g);
-print "ok 682\n" if @a == 9 && "@a" eq "f o o \n $a $b b a r";
+ {
+ # see if backtracking optimization works correctly
+ local $Message = 'Backtrack optimization';
+ ok "\n\n" =~ /\n $ \n/x;
+ ok "\n\n" =~ /\n* $ \n/x;
+ ok "\n\n" =~ /\n+ $ \n/x;
+ ok "\n\n" =~ /\n? $ \n/x;
+ ok "\n\n" =~ /\n*? $ \n/x;
+ ok "\n\n" =~ /\n+? $ \n/x;
+ ok "\n\n" =~ /\n?? $ \n/x;
+ ok "\n\n" !~ /\n*+ $ \n/x;
+ ok "\n\n" !~ /\n++ $ \n/x;
+ ok "\n\n" =~ /\n?+ $ \n/x;
+ }
-@a = ("foo\n\x{100}bar" =~ /\C/gs);
-print "ok 683\n" if @a == 9 && "@a" eq "f o o \n $a $b b a r";
- # [ID 20010814.004] pos() doesn't work when using =~m// in list context
- $_ = "ababacadaea";
- $a = join ":", /b./gc;
- $b = join ":", /a./gc;
- $c = pos;
- print "$a $b $c" eq 'ba:ba ad:ae 10' ? "ok 684\n" : "not ok 684\t# $a $b $c\n";
+ {
+ package S;
+ use overload '""' => sub {'Object S'};
+ sub new {bless []}
+ local $Message = "Ref stringification";
+ ::ok do { \my $v} =~ /^SCALAR/, "Scalar ref stringification";
+ ::ok do {\\my $v} =~ /^REF/, "Ref ref stringification";
+ ::ok [] =~ /^ARRAY/, "Array ref stringification";
+ ::ok {} =~ /^HASH/, "Hash ref stringification";
+ ::ok 'S' -> new =~ /^Object S/, "Object stringification";
+ }
- # [ID 20010407.006] matching utf8 return values from functions does not work
+ {
+ local $Message = "Test result of match used as match";
+ ok 'a1b' =~ ('xyz' =~ /y/);
+ iseq $`, 'a';
+ ok 'a1b' =~ ('xyz' =~ /t/);
+ iseq $`, 'a';
+ }
- package ID_20010407_006;
- sub x {
- "a\x{1234}";
+ {
+ local $Message = '"1" is not \s';
+ may_not_warn sub {ok ("1\n" x 102) !~ /^\s*\n/m};
- my $x = x;
- my $y;
- $x =~ /(..)/; $y = $1;
- print "not " unless length($y) == 2 && $y eq $x;
- print "ok 685\n";
+ {
+ local $Message = '\s, [[:space:]] and [[:blank:]]';
+ my %space = (spc => " ",
+ tab => "\t",
+ cr => "\r",
+ lf => "\n",
+ ff => "\f",
+ # There's no \v but the vertical tabulator seems miraculously
+ # be 11 both in ASCII and EBCDIC.
+ vt => chr(11),
+ false => "space");
+ my @space0 = sort grep {$space {$_} =~ /\s/ } keys %space;
+ my @space1 = sort grep {$space {$_} =~ /[[:space:]]/} keys %space;
+ my @space2 = sort grep {$space {$_} =~ /[[:blank:]]/} keys %space;
+ iseq "@space0", "cr ff lf spc tab";
+ iseq "@space1", "cr ff lf spc tab vt";
+ iseq "@space2", "spc tab";
+ }
- x =~ /(..)/; $y = $1;
- print "not " unless length($y) == 2 && $y eq $x;
- print "ok 686\n";
+ {
+ local $BugId = '20000731.001';
+ ok "A \x{263a} B z C" =~ /A . B (??{ "z" }) C/,
+ "Match UTF-8 char in presense of (??{ })";
+ }
-$test = 687;
-# Force scalar context on the patern match
-sub ok ($;$) {
- my($ok, $name) = @_;
+ {
+ local $BugId = '20001021.005';
+ no warnings 'uninitialized';
+ ok undef =~ /^([^\/]*)(.*)$/, "Used to cause a SEGV";
+ }
- printf "%sok %d - %s\n", ($ok ? "" : "not "), $test,
- ($name||$Message)."\tLine ".((caller)[2]);
- printf "# Failed test at line %d\n", (caller)[2] unless $ok;
+ {
+ local $Message = '\C matches octet';
+ $_ = "a\x{100}b";
+ ok /(.)(\C)(\C)(.)/ or skip q [\C doesn't match], 4;
+ iseq $1, "a";
+ if ($IS_ASCII) { # ASCII (or equivalent), should be UTF-8
+ iseq $2, "\xC4";
+ iseq $3, "\x80";
+ }
+ elsif ($IS_EBCDIC) { # EBCDIC (or equivalent), should be UTF-EBCDIC
+ iseq $2, "\x8C";
+ iseq $3, "\x41";
+ }
+ else {
+ SKIP: {
+ ok 0, "Unexpected platform", "ord ('A') = $ordA";
+ skip "Unexpected platform";
+ }
+ }
+ iseq $4, "b";
+ }
- $test++;
- return $ok;
- # Check that \x## works. 5.6.1 and 5.005_03 fail some of these.
- $x = "\x4e" . "E";
- ok ($x =~ /^\x4EE$/, "Check only 2 bytes of hex are matched.");
+ {
+ local $Message = '\C matches octet';
+ $_ = "\x{100}";
+ ok /(\C)/g or skip q [\C doesn't match], 2;
+ if ($IS_ASCII) {
+ iseq $1, "\xC4";
+ }
+ elsif ($IS_EBCDIC) {
+ iseq $1, "\x8C";
+ }
+ else {
+ ok 0, "Unexpected platform", "ord ('A') = $ordA";
+ }
+ ok /(\C)/g or skip q [\C doesn't match];
+ if ($IS_ASCII) {
+ iseq $1, "\x80";
+ }
+ elsif ($IS_EBCDIC) {
+ iseq $1, "\x41";
+ }
+ else {
+ ok 0, "Unexpected platform", "ord ('A') = $ordA";
+ }
+ }
- $x = "\x4e" . "i";
- ok ($x =~ /^\x4Ei$/, "Check that invalid hex digit stops it (2)");
- $x = "\x4" . "j";
- ok ($x =~ /^\x4j$/, "Check that invalid hex digit stops it (1)");
+ {
+ # Japhy -- added 03/03/2001
+ () = (my $str = "abc") =~ /(...)/;
+ $str = "def";
+ iseq $1, "abc", 'Changing subject does not modify $1';
+ }
- $x = "\x0" . "k";
- ok ($x =~ /^\xk$/, "Check that invalid hex digit stops it (0)");
- $x = "\x0" . "x";
- ok ($x =~ /^\xx$/, "\\xx isn't to be treated as \\0");
+ {
+ # The trick is that in EBCDIC the explicit numeric range should
+ # match (as also in non-EBCDIC) but the explicit alphabetic range
+ # should not match.
+ ok "\x8e" =~ /[\x89-\x91]/, '"\x8e" =~ /[\x89-\x91]/';
+ ok "\xce" =~ /[\xc9-\xd1]/, '"\xce" =~ /[\xc9-\xd1]/';
+ skip "Not an EBCDIC platform", 2 unless ord ('i') == 0x89 &&
+ ord ('J') == 0xd1;
+ # In most places these tests would succeed since \x8e does not
+ # in most character sets match 'i' or 'j' nor would \xce match
+ # 'I' or 'J', but strictly speaking these tests are here for
+ # the good of EBCDIC, so let's test these only there.
+ nok "\x8e" !~ /[i-j]/, '"\x8e" !~ /[i-j]/';
+ nok "\xce" !~ /[I-J]/, '"\xce" !~ /[I-J]/';
+ }
- $x = "\x0" . "xa";
- ok ($x =~ /^\xxa$/, "\\xxa isn't to be treated as \\xa");
- $x = "\x9" . "_b";
- ok ($x =~ /^\x9_b$/, "\\x9_b isn't to be treated as \\x9b");
+ {
+ ok "\x{ab}" =~ /\x{ab}/, '"\x{ab}" =~ /\x{ab}/ ';
+ ok "\x{abcd}" =~ /\x{abcd}/, '"\x{abcd}" =~ /\x{abcd}/';
+ }
- print "# and now again in [] ranges\n";
- $x = "\x4e" . "E";
- ok ($x =~ /^[\x4EE]{2}$/, "Check only 2 bytes of hex are matched.");
+ {
+ local $Message = 'bug id 20001008.001';
+ my @x = ("stra\337e 138", "stra\337e 138");
+ for (@x) {
+ ok s/(\d+)\s*([\w\-]+)/$1 . uc $2/e;
+ ok my ($latin) = /^(.+)(?:\s+\d)/;
+ iseq $latin, "stra\337e";
+ ok $latin =~ s/stra\337e/straße/;
+ #
+ # Previous code follows, but outcommented - there were no tests.
+ #
+ # $latin =~ s/stra\337e/straße/; # \303\237 after the 2nd a
+ # use utf8; # needed for the raw UTF-8
+ # $latin =~ s!(s)tr(?:aß|s+e)!$1tr.!; # \303\237 after the a
+ }
+ }
- $x = "\x4e" . "i";
- ok ($x =~ /^[\x4Ei]{2}$/, "Check that invalid hex digit stops it (2)");
- $x = "\x4" . "j";
- ok ($x =~ /^[\x4j]{2}$/, "Check that invalid hex digit stops it (1)");
+ {
+ local $Message = 'Test \x escapes';
+ ok "ba\xd4c" =~ /([a\xd4]+)/ && $1 eq "a\xd4";
+ ok "ba\xd4c" =~ /([a\xd4]+)/ && $1 eq "a\x{d4}";
+ ok "ba\x{d4}c" =~ /([a\xd4]+)/ && $1 eq "a\x{d4}";
+ ok "ba\x{d4}c" =~ /([a\xd4]+)/ && $1 eq "a\xd4";
+ ok "ba\xd4c" =~ /([a\x{d4}]+)/ && $1 eq "a\xd4";
+ ok "ba\xd4c" =~ /([a\x{d4}]+)/ && $1 eq "a\x{d4}";
+ ok "ba\x{d4}c" =~ /([a\x{d4}]+)/ && $1 eq "a\x{d4}";
+ ok "ba\x{d4}c" =~ /([a\x{d4}]+)/ && $1 eq "a\xd4";
+ }
- $x = "\x0" . "k";
- ok ($x =~ /^[\xk]{2}$/, "Check that invalid hex digit stops it (0)");
- $x = "\x0" . "x";
- ok ($x =~ /^[\xx]{2}$/, "\\xx isn't to be treated as \\0");
+ {
+ local $BugId = '20001028.003';
+ # Fist half of the bug.
+ local $Message = 'HEBREW ACCENT QADMA matched by .*';
+ my $X = chr (1448);
+ ok my ($Y) = $X =~ /(.*)/;
+ iseq $Y, v1448;
+ iseq length ($Y), 1;
+ # Second half of the bug.
+ $Message = 'HEBREW ACCENT QADMA in replacement';
+ $X = '';
+ $X =~ s/^/chr(1488)/e;
+ iseq length $X, 1;
+ iseq ord ($X), 1488;
+ }
- $x = "\x0" . "xa";
- ok ($x =~ /^[\xxa]{3}$/, "\\xxa isn't to be treated as \\xa");
- $x = "\x9" . "_b";
- ok ($x =~ /^[\x9_b]{3}$/, "\\x9_b isn't to be treated as \\x9b");
+ {
+ local $BugId = '20001108.001';
+ local $Message = 'Repeated s///';
+ my $X = "Szab\x{f3},Bal\x{e1}zs";
+ my $Y = $X;
+ $Y =~ s/(B)/$1/ for 0 .. 3;
+ iseq $Y, $X;
+ iseq $X, "Szab\x{f3},Bal\x{e1}zs";
+ }
- # Check that \x{##} works. 5.6.1 fails quite a few of these.
+ {
+ local $BugId = '20000517.001';
+ local $Message = 's/// on UTF-8 string';
+ my $x = "\x{100}A";
+ $x =~ s/A/B/;
+ iseq $x, "\x{100}B";
+ iseq length $x, 2;
+ }
- $x = "\x9b";
- ok ($x =~ /^\x{9_b}$/, "\\x{9_b} is to be treated as \\x9b");
- $x = "\x9b" . "y";
- ok ($x =~ /^\x{9_b}y$/, "\\x{9_b} is to be treated as \\x9b (again)");
+ {
+ local $BugId = '20001230.002';
+ local $Message = '\C and É';
+ ok "École" =~ /^\C\C(.)/ && $1 eq 'c';
+ ok "École" =~ /^\C\C(c)/;
+ }
- $x = "\x9b" . "y";
- ok ($x =~ /^\x{9b_}y$/, "\\x{9b_} is to be treated as \\x9b");
- $x = "\x9b" . "y";
- ok ($x =~ /^\x{9_bq}y$/, "\\x{9_bc} is to be treated as \\x9b");
+ {
+ local $Message = 'Match code points > 255';
+ $_ = "abc\x{100}\x{200}\x{300}\x{380}\x{400}defg";
+ ok /(.\x{300})./ or skip "No match", 4;
+ ok $` eq "abc\x{100}" && length ($`) == 4;
+ ok $& eq "\x{200}\x{300}\x{380}" && length ($&) == 3;
+ ok $' eq "\x{400}defg" && length ($') == 5;
+ ok $1 eq "\x{200}\x{300}" && length ($1) == 2;
+ }
- $x = "\x0" . "y";
- ok ($x =~ /^\x{x9b}y$/, "\\x{x9b} is to be treated as \\x0");
- $x = "\x0" . "y";
- ok ($x =~ /^\x{0x9b}y$/, "\\x{0x9b} is to be treated as \\x0");
+ {
+ # The original bug report had 'no utf8' here but that was irrelevant.
+ local $BugId = '20010306.008';
+ local $Message = "Don't dump core";
+ my $a = "a\x{1234}";
+ ok $a =~ m/\w/; # used to core dump.
+ }
- $x = "\x9b" . "y";
- ok ($x =~ /^\x{09b}y$/, "\\x{09b} is to be treated as \\x9b");
- print "# and now again in [] ranges\n";
+ {
+ local $BugId = '20010410.006';
+ local $Message = '/g in scalar context';
+ for my $rx ('/(.*?)\{(.*?)\}/csg',
+ '/(.*?)\{(.*?)\}/cg',
+ '/(.*?)\{(.*?)\}/sg',
+ '/(.*?)\{(.*?)\}/g',
+ '/(.+?)\{(.+?)\}/csg',) {
+ my $i = 0;
+ my $input = "a{b}c{d}";
+ eval <<" --";
+ while (eval \$input =~ $rx) {
+ \$i ++;
+ }
+ --
+ iseq $i, 2;
+ }
+ }
- $x = "\x9b";
- ok ($x =~ /^[\x{9_b}]$/, "\\x{9_b} is to be treated as \\x9b");
- $x = "\x9b" . "y";
- ok ($x =~ /^[\x{9_b}y]{2}$/, "\\x{9_b} is to be treated as \\x9b (again)");
+ {
+ my $x = "\x{10FFFD}";
+ $x =~ s/(.)/$1/g;
+ ok ord($x) == 0x10FFFD && length($x) == 1, "From Robin Houston";
+ }
- $x = "\x9b" . "y";
- ok ($x =~ /^[\x{9b_}y]{2}$/, "\\x{9b_} is to be treated as \\x9b");
- $x = "\x9b" . "y";
- ok ($x =~ /^[\x{9_bq}y]{2}$/, "\\x{9_bc} is to be treated as \\x9b");
+ {
+ my %d = (
+ "7f" => [0, 0, 0],
+ "80" => [1, 1, 0],
+ "ff" => [1, 1, 0],
+ "100" => [0, 1, 1],
+ );
+ while (my ($code, $match) = each %d) {
+ local $Message = "Properties of \\x$code";
+ my $char = eval qq ["\\x{$code}"];
+ my $i = 0;
+ ok (($char =~ /[\x80-\xff]/) xor !$$match [$i ++]);
+ ok (($char =~ /[\x80-\x{100}]/) xor !$$match [$i ++]);
+ ok (($char =~ /[\x{100}]/) xor !$$match [$i ++]);
+ }
+ }
- $x = "\x0" . "y";
- ok ($x =~ /^[\x{x9b}y]{2}$/, "\\x{x9b} is to be treated as \\x0");
- $x = "\x0" . "y";
- ok ($x =~ /^[\x{0x9b}y]{2}$/, "\\x{0x9b} is to be treated as \\x0");
+ {
+ # From Japhy
+ local $Message;
+ must_warn 'qr/(?c)/', '^Useless \(\?c\)';
+ must_warn 'qr/(?-c)/', '^Useless \(\?-c\)';
+ must_warn 'qr/(?g)/', '^Useless \(\?g\)';
+ must_warn 'qr/(?-g)/', '^Useless \(\?-g\)';
+ must_warn 'qr/(?o)/', '^Useless \(\?o\)';
+ must_warn 'qr/(?-o)/', '^Useless \(\?-o\)';
+ # Now test multi-error regexes
+ must_warn 'qr/(?g-o)/', '^Useless \(\?g\).*\nUseless \(\?-o\)';
+ must_warn 'qr/(?g-c)/', '^Useless \(\?g\).*\nUseless \(\?-c\)';
+ # (?c) means (?g) error won't be thrown
+ must_warn 'qr/(?o-cg)/', '^Useless \(\?o\).*\nUseless \(\?-c\)';
+ must_warn 'qr/(?ogc)/', '^Useless \(\?o\).*\nUseless \(\?g\).*\n' .
+ 'Useless \(\?c\)';
+ }
- $x = "\x9b" . "y";
- ok ($x =~ /^[\x{09b}y]{2}$/, "\\x{09b} is to be treated as \\x9b");
- # high bit bug -- japhy
- my $x = "ab\200d";
- $x =~ /.*?\200/ or print "not ";
- print "ok 715\n";
+ {
+ local $Message = "/x tests";
+ $_ = "foo";
+ eval_ok <<" --";
+ /f
+ o\r
+ o
+ \$
+ /x
+ --
+ eval_ok <<" --";
+ /f
+ o
+ o
+ \$\r
+ /x
+ --
+ }
-print "# some Unicode properties\n";
- # Dashes, underbars, case.
- print "not " unless "\x80" =~ /\p{in-latin1_SUPPLEMENT}/;
- print "ok 716\n";
+ {
+ local $Message = "/o feature";
+ sub test_o {$_ [0] =~ /$_[1]/o; return $1}
+ iseq test_o ('abc', '(.)..'), 'a';
+ iseq test_o ('abc', '..(.)'), 'a';
+ }
- # Complement, leading and trailing whitespace.
- print "not " unless "\x80" =~ /\P{ ^ In Latin 1 Supplement }/;
- print "ok 717\n";
- # No ^In, dashes, case, dash, any intervening (word-break) whitespace.
- # (well, newlines don't work...)
- print "not " unless "\x80" =~ /\p{latin-1 supplement}/;
- print "ok 718\n";
+ {
+ local $BugId = "20010619.003";
+ # Amazingly vertical tabulator is the same in ASCII and EBCDIC.
+ for ("\n", "\t", "\014", "\r") {
+ ok !/[[:print:]]/, "'$_' not in [[:print:]]";
+ }
+ for (" ") {
+ ok /[[:print:]]/, "'$_' in [[:print:]]";
+ }
+ }
- print "not " unless "a" =~ /\pL/;
- print "ok 719\n";
- print "not " unless "a" =~ /\p{IsLl}/;
- print "ok 720\n";
+ {
+ # Test basic $^N usage outside of a regex
+ local $Message = '$^N usage outside of a regex';
+ my $x = "abcdef";
+ ok ($x =~ /cde/ and !defined $^N);
+ ok ($x =~ /(cde)/ and $^N eq "cde");
+ ok ($x =~ /(c)(d)(e)/ and $^N eq "e");
+ ok ($x =~ /(c(d)e)/ and $^N eq "cde");
+ ok ($x =~ /(foo)|(c(d)e)/ and $^N eq "cde");
+ ok ($x =~ /(c(d)e)|(foo)/ and $^N eq "cde");
+ ok ($x =~ /(c(d)e)|(abc)/ and $^N eq "abc");
+ ok ($x =~ /(c(d)e)|(abc)x/ and $^N eq "cde");
+ ok ($x =~ /(c(d)e)(abc)?/ and $^N eq "cde");
+ ok ($x =~ /(?:c(d)e)/ and $^N eq "d");
+ ok ($x =~ /(?:c(d)e)(?:f)/ and $^N eq "d");
+ ok ($x =~ /(?:([abc])|([def]))*/ and $^N eq "f");
+ ok ($x =~ /(?:([ace])|([bdf]))*/ and $^N eq "f");
+ ok ($x =~ /(([ace])|([bd]))*/ and $^N eq "e");
+ {ok ($x =~ /(([ace])|([bdf]))*/ and $^N eq "f");}
+ ## Test to see if $^N is automatically localized -- it should now
+ ## have the value set in the previous test.
+ iseq $^N, "e", '$^N is automatically localized';
+ # Now test inside (?{ ... })
+ local $Message = '$^N usage inside (?{ ... })';
+ our ($y, $z);
+ ok ($x =~ /a([abc])(?{$y=$^N})c/ and $y eq "b");
+ ok ($x =~ /a([abc]+)(?{$y=$^N})d/ and $y eq "bc");
+ ok ($x =~ /a([abcdefg]+)(?{$y=$^N})d/ and $y eq "bc");
+ ok ($x =~ /(a([abcdefg]+)(?{$y=$^N})d)(?{$z=$^N})e/ and $y eq "bc"
+ and $z eq "abcd");
+ ok ($x =~ /(a([abcdefg]+)(?{$y=$^N})de)(?{$z=$^N})/ and $y eq "bc"
+ and $z eq "abcde");
- print "not " if "a" =~ /\p{IsLu}/;
- print "ok 721\n";
+ }
- print "not " unless "a" =~ /\p{Ll}/;
- print "ok 722\n";
- print "not " if "a" =~ /\p{Lu}/;
- print "ok 723\n";
+ {
+ ## Should probably put in tests for all the POSIX stuff,
+ ## but not sure how to guarantee a specific locale......
- print "not " unless "A" =~ /\pL/;
- print "ok 724\n";
+ skip "Not an ASCII platform", 2 unless $IS_ASCII;
+ local $Message = 'Test [[:cntrl:]]';
+ my $AllBytes = join "" => map {chr} 0 .. 255;
+ (my $x = $AllBytes) =~ s/[[:cntrl:]]//g;
+ iseq $x, join "", map {chr} 0x20 .. 0x7E, 0x80 .. 0xFF;
- print "not " unless "A" =~ /\p{IsLu}/;
- print "ok 725\n";
+ ($x = $AllBytes) =~ s/[^[:cntrl:]]//g;
+ iseq $x, join "", map {chr} 0x00 .. 0x1F, 0x7F;
+ }
- print "not " if "A" =~ /\p{IsLl}/;
- print "ok 726\n";
- print "not " unless "A" =~ /\p{Lu}/;
- print "ok 727\n";
+ {
+ # With /s modifier UTF8 chars were interpreted as bytes
+ local $Message = "UTF-8 chars aren't bytes";
+ my $a = "Hello \x{263A} World";
+ my @a = ($a =~ /./gs);
+ iseq $#a, 12;
+ }
- print "not " if "A" =~ /\p{Ll}/;
- print "ok 728\n";
- print "not " if "a" =~ /\PL/;
- print "ok 729\n";
+ {
+ local $Message = '. matches \n with /s';
+ my $str1 = "foo\nbar";
+ my $str2 = "foo\n\x{100}bar";
+ my ($a, $b) = map {chr} $IS_ASCII ? (0xc4, 0x80) : (0x8c, 0x41);
+ my @a;
+ @a = $str1 =~ /./g; iseq @a, 6; iseq "@a", "f o o b a r";
+ @a = $str1 =~ /./gs; iseq @a, 7; iseq "@a", "f o o \n b a r";
+ @a = $str1 =~ /\C/g; iseq @a, 7; iseq "@a", "f o o \n b a r";
+ @a = $str1 =~ /\C/gs; iseq @a, 7; iseq "@a", "f o o \n b a r";
+ @a = $str2 =~ /./g; iseq @a, 7; iseq "@a", "f o o \x{100} b a r";
+ @a = $str2 =~ /./gs; iseq @a, 8; iseq "@a", "f o o \n \x{100} b a r";
+ @a = $str2 =~ /\C/g; iseq @a, 9; iseq "@a", "f o o \n $a $b b a r";
+ @a = $str2 =~ /\C/gs; iseq @a, 9; iseq "@a", "f o o \n $a $b b a r";
+ }
- print "not " if "a" =~ /\P{IsLl}/;
- print "ok 730\n";
- print "not " unless "a" =~ /\P{IsLu}/;
- print "ok 731\n";
+ {
+ # [ID 20010814.004] pos() doesn't work when using =~m// in list context
+ local $BugId = '20010814.004';
+ $_ = "ababacadaea";
+ my $a = join ":", /b./gc;
+ my $b = join ":", /a./gc;
+ my $c = pos;
+ iseq "$a $b $c", 'ba:ba ad:ae 10', "pos() works with () = m//";
+ }
- print "not " if "a" =~ /\P{Ll}/;
- print "ok 732\n";
- print "not " unless "a" =~ /\P{Lu}/;
- print "ok 733\n";
+ {
+ # [ID 20010407.006] matching utf8 return values from
+ # functions does not work
+ local $BugId = '20010407.006';
+ local $Message = 'UTF-8 return values from functions';
+ package ID_20010407_006;
+ sub x {"a\x{1234}"}
+ my $x = x;
+ my $y;
+ ::ok $x =~ /(..)/;
+ $y = $1;
+ ::ok length ($y) == 2 && $y eq $x;
+ ::ok x =~ /(..)/;
+ $y = $1;
+ ::ok length ($y) == 2 && $y eq $x;
+ }
- print "not " if "A" =~ /\PL/;
- print "ok 734\n";
- print "not " if "A" =~ /\P{IsLu}/;
- print "ok 735\n";
+ {
+ no warnings 'digit';
+ # Check that \x## works. 5.6.1 and 5.005_03 fail some of these.
+ my $x;
+ $x = "\x4e" . "E";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\x4EE$/, "Check only 2 bytes of hex are matched.");
- print "not " unless "A" =~ /\P{IsLl}/;
- print "ok 736\n";
+ $x = "\x4e" . "i";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\x4Ei$/, "Check that invalid hex digit stops it (2)");
- print "not " if "A" =~ /\P{Lu}/;
- print "ok 737\n";
+ $x = "\x4" . "j";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\x4j$/, "Check that invalid hex digit stops it (1)");
- print "not " unless "A" =~ /\P{Ll}/;
- print "ok 738\n";
+ $x = "\x0" . "k";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\xk$/, "Check that invalid hex digit stops it (0)");
+ $x = "\x0" . "x";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\xx$/, "\\xx isn't to be treated as \\0");
- print "not " if "a" =~ /\p{Common}/;
- print "ok 739\n";
+ $x = "\x0" . "xa";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\xxa$/, "\\xxa isn't to be treated as \\xa");
- print "not " unless "1" =~ /\p{Common}/;
- print "ok 740\n";
+ $x = "\x9" . "_b";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\x9_b$/, "\\x9_b isn't to be treated as \\x9b");
- print "not " if "a" =~ /\p{Inherited}/;
- print "ok 741\n";
+ # and now again in [] ranges
- print "not " unless "\x{300}" =~ /\p{Inherited}/;
- print "ok 742\n";
+ $x = "\x4e" . "E";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\x4EE]{2}$/, "Check only 2 bytes of hex are matched.");
- # L& and LC are the same
- print "not " unless "a" =~ /\p{LC}/ and "a" =~ /\p{L&}/;
- print "ok 743\n";
+ $x = "\x4e" . "i";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\x4Ei]{2}$/, "Check that invalid hex digit stops it (2)");
- print "not " if "1" =~ /\p{LC}/ or "1" =~ /\p{L&}/;
- print "ok 744\n";
+ $x = "\x4" . "j";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\x4j]{2}$/, "Check that invalid hex digit stops it (1)");
- print "not " unless "a" =~ /\p{Lowercase Letter}/;
- print "ok 745\n";
+ $x = "\x0" . "k";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\xk]{2}$/, "Check that invalid hex digit stops it (0)");
- print "not " if "A" =~ /\p{lowercaseletter}/;
- print "ok 746\n";
+ $x = "\x0" . "x";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\xx]{2}$/, "\\xx isn't to be treated as \\0");
- print "not " unless "\x{AC00}" =~ /\p{HangulSyllables}/;
- print "ok 747\n";
+ $x = "\x0" . "xa";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\xxa]{3}$/, "\\xxa isn't to be treated as \\xa");
- # Script=, Block=, Category=
+ $x = "\x9" . "_b";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\x9_b]{3}$/, "\\x9_b isn't to be treated as \\x9b");
- print "not " unless "\x{0100}" =~ /\p{Script=Latin}/;
- print "ok 748\n";
+ # Check that \x{##} works. 5.6.1 fails quite a few of these.
- print "not " unless "\x{0100}" =~ /\p{Block=LatinExtendedA}/;
- print "ok 749\n";
+ $x = "\x9b";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\x{9_b}$/, "\\x{9_b} is to be treated as \\x9b");
- print "not " unless "\x{0100}" =~ /\p{Category=UppercaseLetter}/;
- print "ok 750\n";
+ $x = "\x9b" . "y";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\x{9_b}y$/, "\\x{9_b} is to be treated as \\x9b (again)");
- print "# the basic character classes and Unicode \n";
+ $x = "\x9b" . "y";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\x{9b_}y$/, "\\x{9b_} is to be treated as \\x9b");
- print "not " unless "\x{0100}" =~ /\w/;
- print "ok 751\n";
+ $x = "\x9b" . "y";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\x{9_bq}y$/, "\\x{9_bc} is to be treated as \\x9b");
- # 0660;ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT ZERO;Nd;0;AN;;0;0;0;N;;;;;
- print "not " unless "\x{0660}" =~ /\d/;
- print "ok 752\n";
+ $x = "\x0" . "y";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\x{x9b}y$/, "\\x{x9b} is to be treated as \\x0");
- # 1680;OGHAM SPACE MARK;Zs;0;WS;;;;;N;;;;;
- print "not " unless "\x{1680}" =~ /\s/;
- print "ok 753\n";
+ $x = "\x0" . "y";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\x{0x9b}y$/, "\\x{0x9b} is to be treated as \\x0");
- print "# folding matches and Unicode\n";
+ $x = "\x9b" . "y";
+ ok ($x =~ /^\x{09b}y$/, "\\x{09b} is to be treated as \\x9b");
- print "not " unless "a\x{100}" =~ /A/i;
- print "ok 754\n";
+ $x = "\x9b";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\x{9_b}]$/, "\\x{9_b} is to be treated as \\x9b");
- print "not " unless "A\x{100}" =~ /a/i;
- print "ok 755\n";
+ $x = "\x9b" . "y";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\x{9_b}y]{2}$/,
+ "\\x{9_b} is to be treated as \\x9b (again)");
- print "not " unless "a\x{100}" =~ /a/i;
- print "ok 756\n";
+ $x = "\x9b" . "y";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\x{9b_}y]{2}$/, "\\x{9b_} is to be treated as \\x9b");
- print "not " unless "A\x{100}" =~ /A/i;
- print "ok 757\n";
+ $x = "\x9b" . "y";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\x{9_bq}y]{2}$/, "\\x{9_bc} is to be treated as \\x9b");
- print "not " unless "\x{101}a" =~ /\x{100}/i;
- print "ok 758\n";
+ $x = "\x0" . "y";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\x{x9b}y]{2}$/, "\\x{x9b} is to be treated as \\x0");
- print "not " unless "\x{100}a" =~ /\x{100}/i;
- print "ok 759\n";
+ $x = "\x0" . "y";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\x{0x9b}y]{2}$/, "\\x{0x9b} is to be treated as \\x0");
- print "not " unless "\x{101}a" =~ /\x{101}/i;
- print "ok 760\n";
+ $x = "\x9b" . "y";
+ ok ($x =~ /^[\x{09b}y]{2}$/, "\\x{09b} is to be treated as \\x9b");
- print "not " unless "\x{100}a" =~ /\x{101}/i;
- print "ok 761\n";
+ }
- print "not " unless "a\x{100}" =~ /A\x{100}/i;
- print "ok 762\n";
- print "not " unless "A\x{100}" =~ /a\x{100}/i;
- print "ok 763\n";
+ {
+ # High bit bug -- japhy
+ my $x = "ab\200d";
+ ok $x =~ /.*?\200/, "High bit fine";
+ }
- print "not " unless "a\x{100}" =~ /a\x{100}/i;
- print "ok 764\n";
- print "not " unless "A\x{100}" =~ /A\x{100}/i;
- print "ok 765\n";
+ {
+ # The basic character classes and Unicode
+ ok "\x{0100}" =~ /\w/, 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH MACRON in /\w/';
+ ok "\x{0660}" =~ /\d/, 'ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT ZERO in /\d/';
+ ok "\x{1680}" =~ /\s/, 'OGHAM SPACE MARK in /\s/';
+ }
- print "not " unless "a\x{100}" =~ /[A]/i;
- print "ok 766\n";
- print "not " unless "A\x{100}" =~ /[a]/i;
- print "ok 767\n";
+ {
+ local $Message = "Folding matches and Unicode";
+ ok "a\x{100}" =~ /A/i;
+ ok "A\x{100}" =~ /a/i;
+ ok "a\x{100}" =~ /a/i;
+ ok "A\x{100}" =~ /A/i;
+ ok "\x{101}a" =~ /\x{100}/i;
+ ok "\x{100}a" =~ /\x{100}/i;
+ ok "\x{101}a" =~ /\x{101}/i;
+ ok "\x{100}a" =~ /\x{101}/i;
+ ok "a\x{100}" =~ /A\x{100}/i;
+ ok "A\x{100}" =~ /a\x{100}/i;
+ ok "a\x{100}" =~ /a\x{100}/i;
+ ok "A\x{100}" =~ /A\x{100}/i;
+ ok "a\x{100}" =~ /[A]/i;
+ ok "A\x{100}" =~ /[a]/i;
+ ok "a\x{100}" =~ /[a]/i;
+ ok "A\x{100}" =~ /[A]/i;
+ ok "\x{101}a" =~ /[\x{100}]/i;
+ ok "\x{100}a" =~ /[\x{100}]/i;
+ ok "\x{101}a" =~ /[\x{101}]/i;
+ ok "\x{100}a" =~ /[\x{101}]/i;
+ }
- print "not " unless "a\x{100}" =~ /[a]/i;
- print "ok 768\n";
- print "not " unless "A\x{100}" =~ /[A]/i;
- print "ok 769\n";
+ {
+ use charnames ':full';
+ local $Message = "Folding 'LATIN LETTER A WITH GRAVE'";
- print "not " unless "\x{101}a" =~ /[\x{100}]/i;
- print "ok 770\n";
+ ok $lower =~ m/$UPPER/i;
+ ok $UPPER =~ m/$lower/i;
+ ok $lower =~ m/[$UPPER]/i;
+ ok $UPPER =~ m/[$lower]/i;
- print "not " unless "\x{100}a" =~ /[\x{100}]/i;
- print "ok 771\n";
+ local $Message = "Folding 'GREEK LETTER ALPHA WITH VRACHY'";
- print "not " unless "\x{101}a" =~ /[\x{101}]/i;
- print "ok 772\n";
- print "not " unless "\x{100}a" =~ /[\x{101}]/i;
- print "ok 773\n";
+ ok $lower =~ m/$UPPER/i;
+ ok $UPPER =~ m/$lower/i;
+ ok $lower =~ m/[$UPPER]/i;
+ ok $UPPER =~ m/[$lower]/i;
+ local $Message = "Folding 'LATIN LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS'";
- use charnames ':full';
+ ok $lower =~ m/$UPPER/i;
+ ok $UPPER =~ m/$lower/i;
+ ok $lower =~ m/[$UPPER]/i;
+ ok $UPPER =~ m/[$lower]/i;
+ }
- print $lower =~ m/$UPPER/i ? "ok 774\n" : "not ok 774\n";
- print $UPPER =~ m/$lower/i ? "ok 775\n" : "not ok 775\n";
- print $lower =~ m/[$UPPER]/i ? "ok 776\n" : "not ok 776\n";
- print $UPPER =~ m/[$lower]/i ? "ok 777\n" : "not ok 777\n";
+ {
+ use charnames ':full';
+ local $PatchId = "13843";
+ local $Message = "GREEK CAPITAL LETTER SIGMA vs " .
- print $lower =~ m/$UPPER/i ? "ok 778\n" : "not ok 778\n";
- print $UPPER =~ m/$lower/i ? "ok 779\n" : "not ok 779\n";
- print $lower =~ m/[$UPPER]/i ? "ok 780\n" : "not ok 780\n";
- print $UPPER =~ m/[$lower]/i ? "ok 781\n" : "not ok 781\n";
+ may_not_warn sub {ok "_:$char:_" !~ m/_:$SIGMA:_/i};
+ }
- print $lower =~ m/$UPPER/i ? "ok 782\n" : "not ok 782\n";
- print $UPPER =~ m/$lower/i ? "ok 783\n" : "not ok 783\n";
- print $lower =~ m/[$UPPER]/i ? "ok 784\n" : "not ok 784\n";
- print $UPPER =~ m/[$lower]/i ? "ok 785\n" : "not ok 785\n";
+ {
+ local $Message = '\X';
+ use charnames ':full';
+ ok "a!" =~ /^(\X)!/ && $1 eq "a";
+ ok "\xDF!" =~ /^(\X)!/ && $1 eq "\xDF";
+ ok "\x{100}!" =~ /^(\X)!/ && $1 eq "\x{100}";
+ ok "\x{100}\x{300}!" =~ /^(\X)!/ && $1 eq "\x{100}\x{300}";
+ ok "\N{LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E}!" =~ /^(\X)!/ &&
+ =~ /^(\X)!/ &&
+ local $Message = '\C and \X';
+ ok "!abc!" =~ /a\Cc/;
+ ok "!abc!" =~ /a\Xc/;
+ }
- use warnings;
- use charnames ':full';
+ {
+ local $Message = "Final Sigma";
- # Before #13843 this was failing by matching falsely.
- print "_:$char:_" =~ m/_:$SIGMA:_/i ? "not ok 786\n" : "ok 786\n";
+ my $SIGMA = "\x{03A3}"; # CAPITAL
+ my $Sigma = "\x{03C2}"; # SMALL FINAL
+ my $sigma = "\x{03C3}"; # SMALL
- print "# \\X\n";
- use charnames ':full';
- print "a!" =~ /^(\X)!/ && $1 eq "a" ?
- "ok 787\n" : "not ok 787 # $1\n";
- print "\xDF!" =~ /^(\X)!/ && $1 eq "\xDF" ?
- "ok 788\n" : "not ok 788 # $1\n";
- print "\x{100}!" =~ /^(\X)!/ && $1 eq "\x{100}" ?
- "ok 789\n" : "not ok 789 # $1\n";
- print "\x{100}\x{300}!" =~ /^(\X)!/ && $1 eq "\x{100}\x{300}" ?
- "ok 790\n" : "not ok 790 # $1\n";
- print "\N{LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E}!" =~ /^(\X)!/ &&
- "ok 791\n" : "not ok 791 # $1\n";
- /^(\X)!/ &&
- "ok 792\n" : "not ok 792 # $1\n";
+ ok $SIGMA =~ /$SIGMA/i;
+ ok $SIGMA =~ /$Sigma/i;
+ ok $SIGMA =~ /$sigma/i;
- print "#\\C and \\X\n";
+ ok $Sigma =~ /$SIGMA/i;
+ ok $Sigma =~ /$Sigma/i;
+ ok $Sigma =~ /$sigma/i;
- print "!abc!" =~ /a\Cc/ ? "ok 793\n" : "not ok 793\n";
- print "!abc!" =~ /a\Xc/ ? "ok 794\n" : "not ok 794\n";
+ ok $sigma =~ /$SIGMA/i;
+ ok $sigma =~ /$Sigma/i;
+ ok $sigma =~ /$sigma/i;
+ ok $SIGMA =~ /[$SIGMA]/i;
+ ok $SIGMA =~ /[$Sigma]/i;
+ ok $SIGMA =~ /[$sigma]/i;
- print "# FINAL SIGMA\n";
+ ok $Sigma =~ /[$SIGMA]/i;
+ ok $Sigma =~ /[$Sigma]/i;
+ ok $Sigma =~ /[$sigma]/i;
- my $SIGMA = "\x{03A3}"; # CAPITAL
- my $Sigma = "\x{03C2}"; # SMALL FINAL
- my $sigma = "\x{03C3}"; # SMALL
+ ok $sigma =~ /[$SIGMA]/i;
+ ok $sigma =~ /[$Sigma]/i;
+ ok $sigma =~ /[$sigma]/i;
- print $SIGMA =~ /$SIGMA/i ? "ok 795\n" : "not ok 795\n";
- print $SIGMA =~ /$Sigma/i ? "ok 796\n" : "not ok 796\n";
- print $SIGMA =~ /$sigma/i ? "ok 797\n" : "not ok 797\n";
+ local $Message = "More final Sigma";
- print $Sigma =~ /$SIGMA/i ? "ok 798\n" : "not ok 798\n";
- print $Sigma =~ /$Sigma/i ? "ok 799\n" : "not ok 799\n";
- print $Sigma =~ /$sigma/i ? "ok 800\n" : "not ok 800\n";
+ my $S3 = "$SIGMA$Sigma$sigma";
- print $sigma =~ /$SIGMA/i ? "ok 801\n" : "not ok 801\n";
- print $sigma =~ /$Sigma/i ? "ok 802\n" : "not ok 802\n";
- print $sigma =~ /$sigma/i ? "ok 803\n" : "not ok 803\n";
- print $SIGMA =~ /[$SIGMA]/i ? "ok 804\n" : "not ok 804\n";
- print $SIGMA =~ /[$Sigma]/i ? "ok 805\n" : "not ok 805\n";
- print $SIGMA =~ /[$sigma]/i ? "ok 806\n" : "not ok 806\n";
+ ok ":$S3:" =~ /:(($SIGMA)+):/i && $1 eq $S3 && $2 eq $sigma;
+ ok ":$S3:" =~ /:(($Sigma)+):/i && $1 eq $S3 && $2 eq $sigma;
+ ok ":$S3:" =~ /:(($sigma)+):/i && $1 eq $S3 && $2 eq $sigma;
- print $Sigma =~ /[$SIGMA]/i ? "ok 807\n" : "not ok 807\n";
- print $Sigma =~ /[$Sigma]/i ? "ok 808\n" : "not ok 808\n";
- print $Sigma =~ /[$sigma]/i ? "ok 809\n" : "not ok 809\n";
+ ok ":$S3:" =~ /:(([$SIGMA])+):/i && $1 eq $S3 && $2 eq $sigma;
+ ok ":$S3:" =~ /:(([$Sigma])+):/i && $1 eq $S3 && $2 eq $sigma;
+ ok ":$S3:" =~ /:(([$sigma])+):/i && $1 eq $S3 && $2 eq $sigma;
+ }
- print $sigma =~ /[$SIGMA]/i ? "ok 810\n" : "not ok 810\n";
- print $sigma =~ /[$Sigma]/i ? "ok 811\n" : "not ok 811\n";
- print $sigma =~ /[$sigma]/i ? "ok 812\n" : "not ok 812\n";
- print "# parlez-vous?\n";
- use charnames ':full';
- print "fran\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER C}ais" =~
- /fran.ais/ &&
- $& eq "francais" ?
- "ok 813\n" : "not ok 813\n";
- /fran.ais/ &&
- "ok 814\n" : "not ok 814\n";
- print "fran\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER C}ais" =~
- /fran\Cais/ &&
- $& eq "francais" ?
- "ok 815\n" : "not ok 815\n";
- print "franc\N{COMBINING CEDILLA}ais" =~
- /franc\C\Cais/ ? # COMBINING CEDILLA is two bytes when encoded
- "ok 816\n" : "not ok 816\n";
- print "fran\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER C}ais" =~
- /fran\Xais/ &&
- $& eq "francais" ?
- "ok 817\n" : "not ok 817\n";
- /fran\Xais/ &&
- "ok 818\n" : "not ok 818\n";
- print "franc\N{COMBINING CEDILLA}ais" =~
- /fran\Xais/ &&
- $& eq "franc\N{COMBINING CEDILLA}ais" ?
- "ok 819\n" : "not ok 819\n";
- "ok 820\n" : "not ok 820\n";
- print "franc\N{COMBINING CEDILLA}ais" =~
- /franc\N{COMBINING CEDILLA}ais/ &&
- $& eq "franc\N{COMBINING CEDILLA}ais" ?
- "ok 821\n" : "not ok 821\n";
- print "fran\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER C}ais" =~
- $& eq "francais" ?
- "ok 822\n" : "not ok 822\n";
- print "fran\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER C}ais" =~
- $& eq "francais" ?
- "ok 823\n" : "not ok 823\n";
- "ok 824\n" : "not ok 824\n";
- print "franc\N{COMBINING CEDILLA}ais" =~
- $& eq "franc\N{COMBINING CEDILLA}ais" ?
- "ok 825\n" : "not ok 825\n";
+ {
+ use charnames ':full';
+ local $Message = "Parlez-Vous " .
+ ok "Fran\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER C}ais" =~ /Fran.ais/ &&
+ $& eq "Francais";
+ ok "Fran\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA}ais" =~ /Fran.ais/ &&
+ ok "Fran\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER C}ais" =~ /Fran\Cais/ &&
+ $& eq "Francais";
+ # COMBINING CEDILLA is two bytes when encoded
+ ok "Franc\N{COMBINING CEDILLA}ais" =~ /Franc\C\Cais/;
+ ok "Fran\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER C}ais" =~ /Fran\Xais/ &&
+ $& eq "Francais";
+ ok "Fran\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA}ais" =~ /Fran\Xais/ &&
+ ok "Franc\N{COMBINING CEDILLA}ais" =~ /Fran\Xais/ &&
+ $& eq "Franc\N{COMBINING CEDILLA}ais";
+ ok "Franc\N{COMBINING CEDILLA}ais" =~ /Franc\N{COMBINING CEDILLA}ais/ &&
+ $& eq "Franc\N{COMBINING CEDILLA}ais";
+ my @f = (
+ ["Fran\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER C}ais", "Francais"],
+ );
+ foreach my $entry (@f) {
+ my ($subject, $match) = @$entry;
+ ok $subject =~ /Fran(?:c\N{COMBINING CEDILLA}?|
+ $& eq $match;
+ }
+ }
- print "# Does lingering (and useless) UTF8 flag mess up /i matching?\n";
- my $regex = "ABcde";
- my $string = "abcDE\x{100}";
- chop($string);
- if ($string =~ m/$regex/i) {
- print "ok 826\n";
- } else {
- print "not ok 826\n";
- }
+ local $Message = "Lingering (and useless) UTF8 flag doesn't mess up /i";
+ my $pat = "ABcde";
+ my $str = "abcDE\x{100}";
+ chop $str;
+ ok $str =~ /$pat/i;
+ $pat = "ABcde\x{100}";
+ $str = "abcDE";
+ chop $pat;
+ ok $str =~ /$pat/i;
+ $pat = "ABcde\x{100}";
+ $str = "abcDE\x{100}";
+ chop $pat;
+ chop $str;
+ ok $str =~ /$pat/i;
- my $regex = "ABcde\x{100}";
- my $string = "abcDE";
- chop($regex);
- if ($string =~ m/$regex/i) {
- print "ok 827\n";
- } else {
- print "not ok 827\n";
- }
+ use charnames ':full';
+ local $Message = "LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S " .
+ ok "ss" =~ /\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S}/i;
+ ok "ss" =~ /[\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S}]/i;
+ ok "\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S}" =~ /ss/i;
+ local $Message = "Unoptimized named sequence in class";
+ ok "ss" =~ /[\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S}x]/i;
+ ok "SS" =~ /[\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S}x]/i;
- my $regex = "ABcde\x{100}";
- my $string = "abcDE\x{100}";
- chop($regex);
- chop($string);
- if ($string =~ m/$regex/i) {
- print "ok 828\n";
- } else {
- print "not ok 828\n";
- }
+ # More whitespace: U+0085, U+2028, U+2029\n";
+ # U+0085, U+00A0 need to be forced to be Unicode, the \x{100} does that.
+ SKIP: {
+ skip "EBCDIC platform", 4 if $IS_EBCDIC;
+ # Do \x{0015} and \x{0041} match \s in EBCDIC?
+ ok "<\x{100}\x{0085}>" =~ /<\x{100}\s>/, '\x{0085} in \s';
+ ok "<\x{0085}>" =~ /<\v>/, '\x{0085} in \v';
+ ok "<\x{100}\x{00A0}>" =~ /<\x{100}\s>/, '\x{00A0} in \s';
+ ok "<\x{00A0}>" =~ /<\h>/, '\x{00A0} in \h';
+ }
+ my @h = map {sprintf "%05x" => $_} 0x01680, 0x0180E, 0x02000 .. 0x0200A,
+ 0x0202F, 0x0205F, 0x03000;
+ my @v = map {sprintf "%05x" => $_} 0x02028, 0x02029;
+ my @H = map {sprintf "%05x" => $_} 0x01361, 0x0200B, 0x02408, 0x02420,
+ 0x0303F, 0xE0020;
+ my @V = map {sprintf "%05x" => $_} 0x0008A .. 0x0008D, 0x00348, 0x10100,
+ 0xE005F, 0xE007C;
+ for my $hex (@h) {
+ my $str = eval qq ["<\\x{$hex}>"];
+ ok $str =~ /<\s>/, "\\x{$hex} in \\s";
+ ok $str =~ /<\h>/, "\\x{$hex} in \\h";
+ ok $str !~ /<\v>/, "\\x{$hex} not in \\v";
+ }
+ for my $hex (@v) {
+ my $str = eval qq ["<\\x{$hex}>"];
+ ok $str =~ /<\s>/, "\\x{$hex} in \\s";
+ ok $str =~ /<\v>/, "\\x{$hex} in \\v";
+ ok $str !~ /<\h>/, "\\x{$hex} not in \\h";
+ }
+ for my $hex (@H) {
+ my $str = eval qq ["<\\x{$hex}>"];
+ ok $str =~ /<\S>/, "\\x{$hex} in \\S";
+ ok $str =~ /<\H>/, "\\x{$hex} in \\H";
+ }
+ for my $hex (@V) {
+ my $str = eval qq ["<\\x{$hex}>"];
+ ok $str =~ /<\S>/, "\\x{$hex} in \\S";
+ ok $str =~ /<\V>/, "\\x{$hex} in \\V";
+ }
- print "# more SIGMAs\n";
- my $SIGMA = "\x{03A3}"; # CAPITAL
- my $Sigma = "\x{03C2}"; # SMALL FINAL
- my $sigma = "\x{03C3}"; # SMALL
+ {
+ # . with /s should work on characters, as opposed to bytes
+ local $Message = ". with /s works on characters, not bytes";
- my $S3 = "$SIGMA$Sigma$sigma";
+ my $s = "\x{e4}\x{100}";
+ # This is not expected to match: the point is that
+ # neither should we get "Malformed UTF-8" warnings.
+ may_not_warn sub {$s =~ /\G(.+?)\n/gcs}, "No 'Malformed UTF-8' warning";
- print ":$S3:" =~ /:(($SIGMA)+):/i && $1 eq $S3 && $2 eq $sigma ?
- "ok 829\n" : "not ok 829\n";
- print ":$S3:" =~ /:(($Sigma)+):/i && $1 eq $S3 && $2 eq $sigma ?
- "ok 830\n" : "not ok 830\n";
- print ":$S3:" =~ /:(($sigma)+):/i && $1 eq $S3 && $2 eq $sigma ?
- "ok 831\n" : "not ok 831\n";
+ my @c;
+ push @c => $1 while $s =~ /\G(.)/gs;
- print ":$S3:" =~ /:(([$SIGMA])+):/i && $1 eq $S3 && $2 eq $sigma ?
- "ok 832\n" : "not ok 832\n";
- print ":$S3:" =~ /:(([$Sigma])+):/i && $1 eq $S3 && $2 eq $sigma ?
- "ok 833\n" : "not ok 833\n";
- print ":$S3:" =~ /:(([$sigma])+):/i && $1 eq $S3 && $2 eq $sigma ?
- "ok 834\n" : "not ok 834\n";
+ local $" = "";
+ iseq "@c", $s;
+ # Test only chars < 256
+ my $t1 = "Q003\n\n\x{e4}\x{f6}\n\nQ004\n\n\x{e7}";
+ my $r1 = "";
+ while ($t1 =~ / \G ( .+? ) \n\s+ ( .+? ) ( $ | \n\s+ ) /xgcs) {
+ $r1 .= $1 . $2;
+ }
- use charnames ':full';
+ my $t2 = $t1 . "\x{100}"; # Repeat with a larger char
+ my $r2 = "";
+ while ($t2 =~ / \G ( .+? ) \n\s+ ( .+? ) ( $ | \n\s+ ) /xgcs) {
+ $r2 .= $1 . $2;
+ }
+ $r2 =~ s/\x{100}//;
- $test= 835;
+ iseq $r1, $r2;
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Unicode lookbehind";
+ ok "A\x{100}B" =~ /(?<=A.)B/;
+ ok "A\x{200}\x{300}B" =~ /(?<=A..)B/;
+ ok "\x{400}AB" =~ /(?<=\x{400}.)B/;
+ ok "\x{500}\x{600}B" =~ /(?<=\x{500}.)B/;
+ # Original code also contained:
+ # ok "\x{500\x{600}}B" =~ /(?<=\x{500}.)B/;
+ # but that looks like a typo.
+ }
- ok("ss" =~ /\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S}/i);
- ok("ss" =~ /[\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S}]/i);
- ok("SS" =~ /[\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S}]/i);
- ok("\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S}" =~ /ss/i);
+ {
+ local $Message = 'UTF-8 hash keys and /$/';
+ #
+ # /2002-01/msg01327.html
+ my $u = "a\x{100}";
+ my $v = substr ($u, 0, 1);
+ my $w = substr ($u, 1, 1);
+ my %u = ($u => $u, $v => $v, $w => $w);
+ for (keys %u) {
+ my $m1 = /^\w*$/ ? 1 : 0;
+ my $m2 = $u {$_} =~ /^\w*$/ ? 1 : 0;
+ iseq $m1, $m2;
+ }
+ }
- print "# more whitespace: U+0085, U+2028, U+2029\n";
- # U+0085 needs to be forced to be Unicode, the \x{100} does that.
- if ($ordA == 193) {
- print "<\x{100}\x{0085}>" =~ /<\x{100}e>/ ? "ok 845\n" : "not ok 845\n";
- } else {
- print "<\x{100}\x{0085}>" =~ /<\x{100}\s>/ ? "ok 845\n" : "not ok 845\n";
+ {
+ local $BugId = "20020124.005";
+ local $PatchId = "14795";
+ local $Message = "s///eg";
+ for my $char ("a", "\x{df}", "\x{100}") {
+ my $x = "$char b $char";
+ $x =~ s{($char)}{
+ "c" =~ /c/;
+ "x";
+ }ge;
+ iseq substr ($x, 0, 1), substr ($x, -1, 1);
+ }
- print "<\x{2028}>" =~ /<\s>/ ? "ok 846\n" : "not ok 846\n";
- print "<\x{2029}>" =~ /<\s>/ ? "ok 847\n" : "not ok 847\n";
- print "# . with /s should work on characters, as opposed to bytes\n";
- my $s = "\x{e4}\x{100}";
+ {
+ local $Message = "No SEGV in s/// and UTF-8";
+ my $s = "s#\x{100}" x 4;
+ ok $s =~ s/[^\w]/ /g;
+ if ($ENV {REAL_POSIX_CC}) {
+ iseq $s, "s " x 4;
+ }
+ else {
+ iseq $s, "s \x{100}" x 4;
+ }
+ }
- # This is not expected to match: the point is that
- # neither should we get "Malformed UTF-8" warnings.
- print $s =~ /\G(.+?)\n/gcs ?
- "not ok 848\n" : "ok 848\n";
+ {
+ local $Message = "UTF-8 bug (maybe already known?)";
+ my $u = "foo";
+ $u =~ s/./\x{100}/g;
+ iseq $u, "\x{100}\x{100}\x{100}";
- my @c;
+ $u = "foobar";
+ $u =~ s/[ao]/\x{100}/g;
+ iseq $u, "f\x{100}\x{100}b\x{100}r";
- while ($s =~ /\G(.)/gs) {
- push @c, $1;
+ $u =~ s/\x{100}/e/g;
+ iseq $u, "feeber";
- print join("", @c) eq $s ? "ok 849\n" : "not ok 849\n";
- my $t1 = "Q003\n\n\x{e4}\x{f6}\n\nQ004\n\n\x{e7}"; # test only chars < 256
- my $r1 = "";
- while ($t1 =~ / \G ( .+? ) \n\s+ ( .+? ) ( $ | \n\s+ ) /xgcs) {
- $r1 .= $1 . $2;
+ {
+ local $Message = "UTF-8 bug with s///";
+ # check utf8/non-utf8 mixtures
+ # try to force all float/anchored check combinations
+ my $c = "\x{100}";
+ my $subst;
+ for my $re ("xx.*$c", "x.*$c$c", "$c.*xx", "$c$c.*x",
+ "xx.*(?=$c)", "(?=$c).*xx",) {
+ ok "xxx" !~ /$re/;
+ ok +($subst = "xxx") !~ s/$re//;
+ }
+ for my $re ("xx.*$c*", "$c*.*xx") {
+ ok "xxx" =~ /$re/;
+ ok +($subst = "xxx") =~ s/$re//;
+ iseq $subst, "";
+ }
+ for my $re ("xxy*", "y*xx") {
+ ok "xx$c" =~ /$re/;
+ ok +($subst = "xx$c") =~ s/$re//;
+ iseq $subst, $c;
+ ok "xy$c" !~ /$re/;
+ ok +($subst = "xy$c") !~ s/$re//;
+ }
+ for my $re ("xy$c*z", "x$c*yz") {
+ ok "xyz" =~ /$re/;
+ ok +($subst = "xyz") =~ s/$re//;
+ iseq $subst, "";
+ }
- my $t2 = $t1 . "\x{100}"; # repeat with a larger char
- my $r2 = "";
- while ($t2 =~ / \G ( .+? ) \n\s+ ( .+? ) ( $ | \n\s+ ) /xgcs) {
- $r2 .= $1 . $2;
+ {
+ local $Message = "qr /.../x";
+ my $R = qr / A B C # D E/x;
+ ok "ABCDE" =~ $R && $& eq "ABC";
+ ok "ABCDE" =~ /$R/ && $& eq "ABC";
+ ok "ABCDE" =~ m/$R/ && $& eq "ABC";
+ ok "ABCDE" =~ /($R)/ && $1 eq "ABC";
+ ok "ABCDE" =~ m/($R)/ && $1 eq "ABC";
- $r2 =~ s/\x{100}//;
- print $r1 eq $r2 ? "ok 850\n" : "not ok 850\n";
- print "# Unicode lookbehind\n";
- print "A\x{100}B" =~ /(?<=A.)B/ ? "ok 851\n" : "not ok 851\n";
- print "A\x{200}\x{300}B" =~ /(?<=A..)B/ ? "ok 852\n" : "not ok 852\n";
- print "\x{400}AB" =~ /(?<=\x{400}.)B/ ? "ok 853\n" : "not ok 853\n";
- print "\x{500\x{600}}B" =~ /(?<=\x{500}.)B/ ? "ok 854\n" : "not ok 854\n";
+ {
+ local $BugId = "20020412.005";
+ local $Message = "Correct pmop flags checked when empty pattern";
+ # Requires reuse of last successful pattern.
+ my $num = 123;
+ $num =~ /\d/;
+ for (0 .. 1) {
+ my $match = ?? + 0;
+ ok $match != $_, $Message,
+ sprintf "'match one' %s on %s iteration" =>
+ $match ? 'succeeded' : 'failed',
+ $_ ? 'second' : 'first';
+ }
+ $num =~ /(\d)/;
+ my $result = join "" => $num =~ //g;
+ iseq $result, $num;
+ }
- print "# UTF-8 hash keys and /\$/\n";
- #
- my $u = "a\x{100}";
- my $v = substr($u,0,1);
- my $w = substr($u,1,1);
- my %u = ( $u => $u, $v => $v, $w => $w );
- my $i = 855;
- for (keys %u) {
- my $m1 = /^\w*$/ ? 1 : 0;
- my $m2 = $u{$_}=~/^\w*$/ ? 1 : 0;
- print $m1 == $m2 ? "ok $i\n" : "not ok $i # $m1 $m2\n";
- $i++;
+ {
+ local $BugId = '20020630.002';
+ local $Message = 'UTF-8 regex matches above 32k';
+ for (['byte', "\x{ff}"], ['utf8', "\x{1ff}"]) {
+ my ($type, $char) = @$_;
+ for my $len (32000, 32768, 33000) {
+ my $s = $char . "f" x $len;
+ my $r = $s =~ /$char([f]*)/gc;
+ ok $r, $Message, "<$type x $len>";
+ ok !$r || pos ($s) == $len + 1, $Message,
+ "<$type x $len>; pos = @{[pos $s]}";
+ }
+ }
- print "# [ID 20020124.005]\n";
- # Fixed by #14795.
- my $i = 858;
- for my $char ("a", "\x{df}", "\x{100}"){
- $x = "$char b $char";
- $x =~ s{($char)}{
- "c" =~ /c/;
- "x";
- }ge;
- print substr($x,0,1) eq substr($x,-1,1) ?
- "ok $i\n" : "not ok $i # debug: $x\n";
- $i++;
- }
- print "# SEGV in s/// and UTF-8\n";
- $s = "s#\x{100}" x 4;
- $s =~ s/[^\w]/ /g;
- print $s eq "s \x{100}" x 4 ? "ok 861\n" : "not ok 861\n";
+ {
+ our $a = bless qr /foo/ => 'Foo';
+ ok 'goodfood' =~ $a, "Reblessed qr // matches";
+ iseq $a, '(?-xism:foo)', "Reblessed qr // stringifies";
+ my $x = "\x{3fe}";
+ my $z = my $y = "\317\276"; # Byte representation of $x
+ $a = qr /$x/;
+ ok $x =~ $a, "UTF-8 interpolation in qr //";
+ ok "a$a" =~ $x, "Stringified qr // preserves UTF-8";
+ ok "a$x" =~ /^a$a\z/, "Interpolated qr // preserves UTF-8";
+ ok "a$x" =~ /^a(??{$a})\z/,
+ "Postponed interpolation of qr // preserves UTF-8";
+ {
+ local $BugId = '17776';
+ iseq length qr /##/x, 12, "## in qr // doesn't corrupt memory";
+ }
+ {
+ use re 'eval';
+ ok "$x$x" =~ /^$x(??{$x})\z/,
+ "Postponed UTF-8 string in UTF-8 re matches UTF-8";
+ ok "$y$x" =~ /^$y(??{$x})\z/,
+ "Postponed UTF-8 string in non-UTF-8 re matches UTF-8";
+ ok "$y$x" !~ /^$y(??{$y})\z/,
+ "Postponed non-UTF-8 string in non-UTF-8 re doesn't match UTF-8";
+ ok "$x$x" !~ /^$x(??{$y})\z/,
+ "Postponed non-UTF-8 string in UTF-8 re doesn't match UTF-8";
+ ok "$y$y" =~ /^$y(??{$y})\z/,
+ "Postponed non-UTF-8 string in non-UTF-8 re matches non-UTF8";
+ ok "$x$y" =~ /^$x(??{$y})\z/,
+ "Postponed non-UTF-8 string in UTF-8 re matches non-UTF8";
+ $y = $z; # Reset $y after upgrade.
+ ok "$x$y" !~ /^$x(??{$x})\z/,
+ "Postponed UTF-8 string in UTF-8 re doesn't match non-UTF-8";
+ ok "$y$y" !~ /^$y(??{$x})\z/,
+ "Postponed UTF-8 string in non-UTF-8 re doesn't match non-UTF-8";
+ }
+ }
- print "# UTF-8 bug (maybe alreayd known?)\n";
- my $u;
- $u = "foo";
- $u =~ s/./\x{100}/g;
- print $u eq "\x{100}\x{100}\x{100}" ? "ok 862\n" : "not ok 862\n";
+ {
+ local $PatchId = '18179';
+ my $s = "\x{100}" x 5;
+ my $ok = $s =~ /(\x{100}{4})/;
+ my ($ord, $len) = (ord $1, length $1);
+ ok $ok && $ord == 0x100 && $len == 4, "No panic: end_shift";
+ }
- $u = "foobar";
- $u =~ s/[ao]/\x{100}/g;
- print $u eq "f\x{100}\x{100}b\x{100}r" ? "ok 863\n" : "not ok 863\n";
- $u =~ s/\x{100}/e/g;
- print $u eq "feeber" ? "ok 864\n" : "not ok 864\n";
+ {
+ local $BugId = '15763';
+ our $a = "x\x{100}";
+ chop $a; # Leaves the UTF-8 flag
+ $a .= "y"; # 1 byte before 'y'.
- print "# UTF-8 bug with s///\n";
- # check utf8/non-utf8 mixtures
- # try to force all float/anchored check combinations
- my $c = "\x{100}";
- $test = 865;
- my $subst;
- for my $re (
- "xx.*$c", "x.*$c$c", "$c.*xx", "$c$c.*x", "xx.*(?=$c)", "(?=$c).*xx",
- ) {
- print "xxx" =~ /$re/ ? "not ok $test\n" : "ok $test\n";
- ++$test;
- print +($subst = "xxx") =~ s/$re// ? "not ok $test\n" : "ok $test\n";
- ++$test;
- }
- for my $re ("xx.*$c*", "$c*.*xx") {
- print "xxx" =~ /$re/ ? "ok $test\n" : "not ok $test\n";
- ++$test;
- ($subst = "xxx") =~ s/$re//;
- print $subst eq '' ? "ok $test\n" : "not ok $test\t# $subst\n";
- ++$test;
- }
- for my $re ("xxy*", "y*xx") {
- print "xx$c" =~ /$re/ ? "ok $test\n" : "not ok $test\n";
- ++$test;
- ($subst = "xx$c") =~ s/$re//;
- print $subst eq $c ? "ok $test\n" : "not ok $test\n";
- ++$test;
- print "xy$c" =~ /$re/ ? "not ok $test\n" : "ok $test\n";
- ++$test;
- print +($subst = "xy$c") =~ /$re/ ? "not ok $test\n" : "ok $test\n";
- ++$test;
- }
- for my $re ("xy$c*z", "x$c*yz") {
- print "xyz" =~ /$re/ ? "ok $test\n" : "not ok $test\n";
- ++$test;
- ($subst = "xyz") =~ s/$re//;
- print $subst eq '' ? "ok $test\n" : "not ok $test\n";
- ++$test;
- }
+ ok $a =~ /^\C/, 'match one \C on 1-byte UTF-8';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C{1}/, 'match \C{1}';
- print "# qr/.../x\n";
- $test = 893;
+ ok $a =~ /^\Cy/, 'match \Cy';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C{1}y/, 'match \C{1}y';
- my $R = qr/ A B C # D E/x;
+ ok $a !~ /^\C\Cy/, q {don't match two \Cy};
+ ok $a !~ /^\C{2}y/, q {don't match \C{2}y};
- print eval {"ABCDE" =~ $R} ? "ok $test\n" : "not ok $test\n";
- $test++;
+ $a = "\x{100}y"; # 2 bytes before "y"
- print eval {"ABCDE" =~ m/$R/} ? "ok $test\n" : "not ok $test\n";
- $test++;
+ ok $a =~ /^\C/, 'match one \C on 2-byte UTF-8';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C{1}/, 'match \C{1}';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C\C/, 'match two \C';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C{2}/, 'match \C{2}';
- print eval {"ABCDE" =~ m/($R)/} ? "ok $test\n" : "not ok $test\n";
- $test++;
+ ok $a =~ /^\C\C\C/, 'match three \C on 2-byte UTF-8 and a byte';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C{3}/, 'match \C{3}';
- print "# illegal Unicode properties\n";
- $test = 896;
+ ok $a =~ /^\C\Cy/, 'match two \C';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C{2}y/, 'match \C{2}';
- print eval { "a" =~ /\pq / } ? "not ok $test\n" : "ok $test\n";
- $test++;
+ ok $a !~ /^\C\C\Cy/, q {don't match three \Cy};
+ ok $a !~ /^\C{2}\Cy/, q {don't match \C{2}\Cy};
+ ok $a !~ /^\C{3}y/, q {don't match \C{3}y};
- print eval { "a" =~ /\p{qrst} / } ? "not ok $test\n" : "ok $test\n";
- $test++;
+ $a = "\x{1000}y"; # 3 bytes before "y"
- print "# [ID 20020412.005] wrong pmop flags checked when empty pattern\n";
- # requires reuse of last successful pattern
- $test = 898;
- $test =~ /\d/;
- for (0 .. 1) {
- my $match = ?? + 0;
- if ($match != $_) {
- print "ok $test\n";
- } else {
- printf "not ok %s\t# 'match once' %s on %s iteration\n", $test,
- $match ? 'succeeded' : 'failed', $_ ? 'second' : 'first';
- }
- ++$test;
+ ok $a =~ /^\C/, 'match one \C on three-byte UTF-8';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C{1}/, 'match \C{1}';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C\C/, 'match two \C';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C{2}/, 'match \C{2}';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C\C\C/, 'match three \C';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C{3}/, 'match \C{3}';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C\C\C\C/, 'match four \C on three-byte UTF-8 and a byte';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C{4}/, 'match \C{4}';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C\C\Cy/, 'match three \Cy';
+ ok $a =~ /^\C{3}y/, 'match \C{3}y';
+ ok $a !~ /^\C\C\C\Cy/, q {don't match four \Cy};
+ ok $a !~ /^\C{4}y/, q {don't match \C{4}y};
- $test =~ /(\d)/;
- my $result = join '', $test =~ //g;
- if ($result eq $test) {
- print "ok $test\n";
- } else {
- printf "not ok %s\t# expected '%s', got '%s'\n", $test, $test, $result;
+ {
+ local $\;
+ $_ = 'aaaaaaaaaa';
+ utf8::upgrade($_); chop $_; $\="\n";
+ ok /[^\s]+/, 'm/[^\s]/ utf8';
+ ok /[^\d]+/, 'm/[^\d]/ utf8';
+ ok +($a = $_, $_ =~ s/[^\s]+/./g), 's/[^\s]/ utf8';
+ ok +($a = $_, $a =~ s/[^\d]+/./g), 's/[^\s]/ utf8';
- ++$test;
-print "# user-defined character properties\n";
-sub InKana1 {
- return <<'END';
-3040 309F
-30A0 30FF
+ {
+ local $BugId = '15397';
+ local $Message = 'UTF-8 matching';
+ ok "\x{100}" =~ /\x{100}/;
+ ok "\x{100}" =~ /(\x{100})/;
+ ok "\x{100}" =~ /(\x{100}){1}/;
+ ok "\x{100}\x{100}" =~ /(\x{100}){2}/;
+ ok "\x{100}\x{100}" =~ /(\x{100})(\x{100})/;
+ }
-sub InKana2 {
- return <<'END';
-sub InKana3 {
- return <<'END';
+ {
+ local $BugId = '7471';
+ local $Message = 'Neither ()* nor ()*? sets $1 when matched 0 times';
+ local $_ = 'CD';
+ ok /(AB)*?CD/ && !defined $1;
+ ok /(AB)*CD/ && !defined $1;
+ }
-sub InNotKana {
- return <<'END';
-$test = 901;
+ {
+ local $BugId = '3547';
+ local $Message = "Caching shouldn't prevent match";
+ my $pattern = "^(b+?|a){1,2}c";
+ ok "bac" =~ /$pattern/ && $1 eq 'a';
+ ok "bbac" =~ /$pattern/ && $1 eq 'a';
+ ok "bbbac" =~ /$pattern/ && $1 eq 'a';
+ ok "bbbbac" =~ /$pattern/ && $1 eq 'a';
+ }
-print "\x{3040}" =~ /\p{InKana1}/ ? "ok $test\n" : "not ok $test\n"; $test++;
-print "\x{303F}" =~ /\P{InKana1}/ ? "ok $test\n" : "not ok $test\n"; $test++;
-print "\x{3040}" =~ /\p{InKana2}/ ? "ok $test\n" : "not ok $test\n"; $test++;
-print "\x{303F}" =~ /\P{InKana2}/ ? "ok $test\n" : "not ok $test\n"; $test++;
-print "\x{3041}" =~ /\p{InKana3}/ ? "ok $test\n" : "not ok $test\n"; $test++;
-print "\x{3040}" =~ /\P{InKana3}/ ? "ok $test\n" : "not ok $test\n"; $test++;
+ {
+ local $BugId = '18232';
+ local $Message = '$1 should keep UTF-8 ness';
+ ok "\x{100}" =~ /(.)/;
+ iseq $1, "\x{100}", '$1 is UTF-8';
+ { 'a' =~ /./; }
+ iseq $1, "\x{100}", '$1 is still UTF-8';
+ isneq $1, "\xC4\x80", '$1 is not non-UTF-8';
+ }
-print "\x{3040}" =~ /\p{InNotKana}/ ? "ok $test\n" : "not ok $test\n"; $test++;
-print "\x{3041}" =~ /\P{InNotKana}/ ? "ok $test\n" : "not ok $test\n"; $test++;
-sub InConsonant { # Not EBCDIC-aware.
- return <<EOF;
-0061 007f
+ {
+ local $BugId = '19767';
+ local $Message = "Optimizer doesn't prematurely reject match";
+ use utf8;
-print "d" =~ /\p{InConsonant}/ ? "ok $test\n" : "not ok $test\n"; $test++;
-print "e" =~ /\P{InConsonant}/ ? "ok $test\n" : "not ok $test\n"; $test++;
- print "# [ID 20020630.002] utf8 regex only matches 32k\n";
- $test = 911;
- for ([ 'byte', "\x{ff}" ], [ 'utf8', "\x{1ff}" ]) {
- my($type, $char) = @$_;
- for my $len (32000, 32768, 33000) {
- my $s = $char . "f" x $len;
- my $r = $s =~ /$char([f]*)/gc;
- print $r ? "ok $test\n" : "not ok $test\t# <$type x $len> fail\n";
- ++$test;
- print +(!$r or pos($s) == $len + 1) ? "ok $test\n"
- : "not ok $test\t# <$type x $len> pos @{[ pos($s) ]}\n";
- ++$test;
- }
+ my $attr = 'Name-1';
+ my $NormalChar = qr /[\p{IsDigit}\p{IsLower}\p{IsUpper}]/;
+ my $NormalWord = qr /${NormalChar}+?/;
+ my $PredNameHyphen = qr /^${NormalWord}(\-${NormalWord})*?$/;
+ $attr =~ /^$/;
+ ok $attr =~ $PredNameHyphen; # Original test.
+ "a" =~ m/[b]/;
+ ok "0" =~ /\p{N}+\z/; # Variant.
-$test = 923;
-$a = bless qr/foo/, 'Foo';
-print(('goodfood' =~ $a ? '' : 'not '),
- "ok $test\t# reblessed qr// matches\n");
+ {
+ local $BugId = '20683';
+ local $Message = "(??{ }) doesn't return stale values";
+ our $p = 1;
+ foreach (1, 2, 3, 4) {
+ $p ++ if /(??{ $p })/
+ }
+ iseq $p, 5;
-print(($a eq '(?-xism:foo)' ? '' : 'not '),
- "ok $test\t# reblessed qr// stringizes\n");
+ {
+ package P;
+ $a = 1;
+ sub TIESCALAR {bless []}
+ sub FETCH {$a ++}
+ }
+ tie $p, "P";
+ foreach (1, 2, 3, 4) {
+ /(??{ $p })/
+ }
+ iseq $p, 5;
+ }
-$x = "\x{3fe}";
-$z=$y = "\317\276"; # $y is byte representation of $x
-$a = qr/$x/;
-print(($x =~ $a ? '' : 'not '), "ok $test - utf8 interpolation in qr//\n");
+ {
+ # Subject: Odd regexp behavior
+ # From: Markus Kuhn <>
+ # Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2003 16:53:12 +0000
+ # Message-Id: <>
+ # To:
-print(("a$a" =~ $x ? '' : 'not '),
- "ok $test - stringifed qr// preserves utf8\n");
+ local $Message = 'Markus Kuhn 2003-02-26';
+ my $x = "\x{2019}\nk";
+ ok $x =~ s/(\S)\n(\S)/$1 $2/sg;
+ ok $x eq "\x{2019} k";
-print(("a$x" =~ /^a$a\z/ ? '' : 'not '),
- "ok $test - interpolated qr// preserves utf8\n");
+ $x = "b\nk";
+ ok $x =~ s/(\S)\n(\S)/$1 $2/sg;
+ ok $x eq "b k";
-print(("a$x" =~ /^a(??{$a})\z/ ? '' : 'not '),
- "ok $test - postponed interpolation of qr// preserves utf8\n");
+ ok "\x{2019}" =~ /\S/;
+ }
-print((length(qr/##/x) == 12 ? '' : 'not '),
- "ok $test - ## in qr// doesn't corrupt memory [perl #17776]\n");
-{ use re 'eval';
+ {
+ local $BugId = '21411';
+ local $Message = "(??{ .. }) in split doesn't corrupt its stack";
+ our $i;
+ ok '-1-3-5-' eq join '', split /((??{$i++}))/, '-1-3-5-';
+ no warnings 'deprecated', 'syntax';
+ split /(?{'WOW'})/, 'abc';
+ local $" = "|";
+ iseq "@_", "a|b|c";
+ }
-print(("$x$x" =~ /^$x(??{$x})\z/ ? '' : 'not '),
- "ok $test - postponed utf8 string in utf8 re matches utf8\n");
-print(("$y$x" =~ /^$y(??{$x})\z/ ? '' : 'not '),
- "ok $test - postponed utf8 string in non-utf8 re matches utf8\n");
+ {
+ # XXX DAPM 13-Apr-06. Recursive split is still broken. It's only luck it
+ # hasn't been crashing. Disable this test until it is fixed properly.
+ # XXX also check what it returns rather than just doing ok(1,...)
+ # split /(?{ split "" })/, "abc";
+ local $TODO = "Recursive split is still broken";
+ ok 0, 'cache_re & "(?{": it dumps core in 5.6.1 & 5.8.0';
+ }
-print(("$y$x" !~ /^$y(??{$y})\z/ ? '' : 'not '),
- "ok $test - postponed non-utf8 string in non-utf8 re doesn't match utf8\n");
-print(("$x$x" !~ /^$x(??{$y})\z/ ? '' : 'not '),
- "ok $test - postponed non-utf8 string in utf8 re doesn't match utf8\n");
+ {
+ ok "\x{100}\n" =~ /\x{100}\n$/, "UTF-8 length cache and fbm_compile";
+ }
-print(("$y$y" =~ /^$y(??{$y})\z/ ? '' : 'not '),
- "ok $test - postponed non-utf8 string in non-utf8 re matches non-utf8\n");
-print(("$x$y" =~ /^$x(??{$y})\z/ ? '' : 'not '),
- "ok $test - postponed non-utf8 string in utf8 re matches non-utf8\n");
-$y = $z; # reset $y after upgrade
+ {
+ package Str;
+ use overload q /""/ => sub {${$_ [0]};};
+ sub new {my ($c, $v) = @_; bless \$v, $c;}
-print(("$x$y" !~ /^$x(??{$x})\z/ ? '' : 'not '),
- "ok $test - postponed utf8 string in utf8 re doesn't match non-utf8\n");
-$y = $z; # reset $y after upgrade
+ package main;
+ $_ = Str -> new ("a\x{100}/\x{100}b");
+ ok join (":", /\b(.)\x{100}/g) eq "a:/", "re_intuit_start and PL_bostr";
+ }
-print(("$y$y" !~ /^$y(??{$x})\z/ ? '' : 'not '),
- "ok $test - postponed utf8 string in non-utf8 re doesn't match non-utf8\n");
-} # no re 'eval'
+ {
+ local $BugId = '17757';
+ $_ = "code: 'x' { '...' }\n"; study;
+ my @x; push @x, $& while m/'[^\']*'/gx;
+ local $" = ":";
+ iseq "@x", "'x':'...'", "Parse::RecDescent triggered infinite loop";
+ }
-print "# more user-defined character properties\n";
-sub IsSyriac1 {
- return <<'END';
-0712 072C
-0730 074A
+ {
+ my $re = qq /^([^X]*)X/;
+ utf8::upgrade ($re);
+ ok "\x{100}X" =~ /$re/, "S_cl_and ANYOF_UNICODE & ANYOF_INVERTED";
+ }
-ok("\x{0712}" =~ /\p{IsSyriac1}/, '\x{0712}, \p{IsSyriac1}');
-ok("\x{072F}" =~ /\P{IsSyriac1}/, '\x{072F}, \P{IsSyriac1}');
-sub Syriac1 {
- return <<'END';
-0712 072C
-0730 074A
+ {
+ local $BugId = '22354';
+ sub func ($) {
+ ok "a\nb" !~ /^b/, "Propagated modifier; $_[0]";
+ ok "a\nb" =~ /^b/m, "Propagated modifier; $_[0] - with /m";
+ }
+ func "standalone";
+ $_ = "x"; s/x/func "in subst"/e;
+ $_ = "x"; s/x/func "in multiline subst"/em;
+ #
+ # Next two give 'panic: malloc'.
+ # Outcommented, using two TODOs.
+ #
+ local $TODO = 'panic: malloc';
+ local $Message = 'Postponed regexp and propaged modifier';
+ # ok 0 for 1 .. 2;
+ SKIP: {
+ skip "panic: malloc", 2;
+ $_ = "x"; /x(?{func "in regexp"})/;
+ $_ = "x"; /x(?{func "in multiline regexp"})/m;
+ }
+ }
-ok("\x{0712}" =~ /\p{Syriac1}/, '\x{0712}, \p{Syriac1}');
-ok("\x{072F}" =~ /\P{Syriac1}/, '\x{072F}, \p{Syriac1}');
-print "# user-defined character properties may lack \\n at the end\n";
-sub InGreekSmall { return "03B1\t03C9" }
-sub InGreekCapital { return "0391\t03A9\n-03A2" }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '19049';
+ $_ = "abcdef\n";
+ my @x = m/./g;
+ iseq "abcde", $`, 'Global match sets $`';
+ }
-ok("\x{03C0}" =~ /\p{InGreekSmall}/, "Small pi");
-ok("\x{03C2}" =~ /\p{InGreekSmall}/, "Final sigma");
-ok("\x{03A0}" =~ /\p{InGreekCapital}/, "Capital PI");
-ok("\x{03A2}" =~ /\P{InGreekCapital}/, "Reserved");
-sub AsciiHexAndDash {
- return <<'END';
+ {
+ ok "123\x{100}" =~ /^.*1.*23\x{100}$/,
+ 'UTF-8 + multiple floating substr';
+ }
-ok("-" =~ /\p{Dash}/, "'-' is Dash");
-ok("A" =~ /\p{ASCII_Hex_Digit}/, "'A' is ASCII_Hex_Digit");
-ok("-" =~ /\p{AsciiHexAndDash}/, "'-' is AsciiHexAndDash");
-ok("A" =~ /\p{AsciiHexAndDash}/, "'A' is AsciiHexAndDash");
- print "# Change #18179\n";
- # previously failed with "panic: end_shift
- my $s = "\x{100}" x 5;
- my $ok = $s =~ /(\x{100}{4})/;
- my($ord, $len) = (ord $1, length $1);
- print +($ok && $ord == 0x100 && $len == 4)
- ? "ok $test\n" : "not ok $test\t# [#18179] $ok/$ord/$len\n";
- ++$test;
- print "# [perl #15763]\n";
+ {
+ local $Message = '<>';
+ ok " \x{101}" =~ qr/\x{100}/i;
- $a = "x\x{100}";
- chop $a; # but leaves the UTF-8 flag
- $a .= "y"; # 1 byte before "y"
+ ok " \x{1E01}" =~ qr/\x{1E00}/i;
- ok($a =~ /^\C/, 'match one \C on 1-byte UTF-8');
- ok($a =~ /^\C{1}/, 'match \C{1}');
+ ok " \x{10428}" =~ qr/\x{10400}/i;
- ok($a =~ /^\Cy/, 'match \Cy');
- ok($a =~ /^\C{1}y/, 'match \C{1}y');
+ ok " \x{1E01}x" =~ qr/\x{1E00}X/i;
+ }
- $a = "\x{100}y"; # 2 bytes before "y"
- ok($a =~ /^\C/, 'match one \C on 2-byte UTF-8');
- ok($a =~ /^\C{1}/, 'match \C{1}');
- ok($a =~ /^\C\C/, 'match two \C');
- ok($a =~ /^\C{2}/, 'match \C{2}');
+ {
+ # [perl #23769] Unicode regex broken on simple example
+ # regrepeat() didn't handle UTF-8 EXACT case right.
+ local $BugId = '23769';
+ my $Mess = 'regrepeat() handles UTF-8 EXACT case right';
+ local $Message = $Mess;
- ok($a =~ /^\C\C\C/, 'match three \C on 2-byte UTF-8 and a byte');
- ok($a =~ /^\C{3}/, 'match \C{3}');
+ my $s = "\x{a0}\x{a0}\x{a0}\x{100}"; chop $s;
- ok($a =~ /^\C\Cy/, 'match two \C');
- ok($a =~ /^\C{2}y/, 'match \C{2}');
+ ok $s =~ /\x{a0}/;
+ ok $s =~ /\x{a0}+/;
+ ok $s =~ /\x{a0}\x{a0}/;
- ok($a !~ /^\C\C\Cy/, q{don't match three \Cy});
- ok($a !~ /^\C{2}\Cy/, q{don't match \C{3}y});
+ $Message = "$Mess (easy variant)";
+ ok "aaa\x{100}" =~ /(a+)/;
+ iseq $1, "aaa";
- $a = "\x{1000}y"; # 3 bytes before "y"
+ $Message = "$Mess (easy invariant)";
+ ok "aaa\x{100} " =~ /(a+?)/;
+ iseq $1, "a";
- ok($a =~ /^\C/, 'match one \C on three-byte UTF-8');
- ok($a =~ /^\C{1}/, 'match \C{1}');
- ok($a =~ /^\C\C/, 'match two \C');
- ok($a =~ /^\C{2}/, 'match \C{2}');
- ok($a =~ /^\C\C\C/, 'match three \C');
- ok($a =~ /^\C{3}/, 'match \C{3}');
+ $Message = "$Mess (regrepeat variant)";
+ ok "\xa0\xa0\xa0\x{100} " =~ /(\xa0+?)/;
+ iseq $1, "\xa0";
- ok($a =~ /^\C\C\C\C/, 'match four \C on three-byte UTF-8 and a byte');
- ok($a =~ /^\C{4}/, 'match \C{4}');
+ $Message = "$Mess (regrepeat invariant)";
+ ok "\xa0\xa0\xa0\x{100}" =~ /(\xa0+)/;
+ iseq $1, "\xa0\xa0\xa0";
- ok($a =~ /^\C\C\Cy/, 'match three \Cy');
- ok($a =~ /^\C{3}y/, 'match \C{3}y');
+ $Message = "$Mess (hard variant)";
+ ok "\xa0\xa1\xa0\xa1\xa0\xa1\x{100}" =~ /((?:\xa0\xa1)+?)/;
+ iseq $1, "\xa0\xa1";
- ok($a !~ /^\C\C\C\C\y/, q{don't match four \Cy});
- ok($a !~ /^\C{4}y/, q{don't match \C{4}y});
+ $Message = "$Mess (hard invariant)";
+ ok "ababab\x{100} " =~ /((?:ab)+)/;
+ iseq $1, 'ababab';
-$_ = 'aaaaaaaaaa';
-utf8::upgrade($_); chop $_; $\="\n";
-ok(/[^\s]+/, "m/[^\s]/ utf8");
-ok(/[^\d]+/, "m/[^\d]/ utf8");
-ok(($a = $_, $_ =~ s/[^\s]+/./g), "s/[^\s]/ utf8");
-ok(($a = $_, $a =~ s/[^\d]+/./g), "s/[^\s]/ utf8");
-ok("\x{100}" =~ /\x{100}/, "[perl #15397]");
-ok("\x{100}" =~ /(\x{100})/, "[perl #15397]");
-ok("\x{100}" =~ /(\x{100}){1}/, "[perl #15397]");
-ok("\x{100}\x{100}" =~ /(\x{100}){2}/, "[perl #15397]");
-ok("\x{100}\x{100}" =~ /(\x{100})(\x{100})/, "[perl #15397]");
-$x = "CD";
-$x =~ /(AB)*?CD/;
-ok(!defined $1, "[perl #7471]");
-$x = "CD";
-$x =~ /(AB)*CD/;
-ok(!defined $1, "[perl #7471]");
-$pattern = "^(b+?|a){1,2}c";
-ok("bac" =~ /$pattern/ && $1 eq 'a', "[perl #3547]");
-ok("bbac" =~ /$pattern/ && $1 eq 'a', "[perl #3547]");
-ok("bbbac" =~ /$pattern/ && $1 eq 'a', "[perl #3547]");
-ok("bbbbac" =~ /$pattern/ && $1 eq 'a', "[perl #3547]");
- # [perl #18232]
- "\x{100}" =~ /(.)/;
- ok( $1 eq "\x{100}", '$1 is utf-8 [perl #18232]' );
- { 'a' =~ /./; }
- ok( $1 eq "\x{100}", '$1 is still utf-8' );
- ok( $1 ne "\xC4\x80", '$1 is not non-utf-8' );
+ ok "\xa0\xa1\xa0\xa1\xa0\xa1\x{100}" =~ /((?:\xa0\xa1)+)/;
+ iseq $1, "\xa0\xa1\xa0\xa1\xa0\xa1";
- use utf8;
- my $attr = 'Name-1' ;
+ ok "ababab\x{100} " =~ /((?:ab)+?)/;
+ iseq $1, "ab";
- my $NormalChar = qr/[\p{IsDigit}\p{IsLower}\p{IsUpper}]/;
- my $NormalWord = qr/${NormalChar}+?/;
- my $PredNameHyphen = qr/^${NormalWord}(\-${NormalWord})*?$/;
+ $Message = "Don't match first byte of UTF-8 representation";
+ ok "\xc4\xc4\xc4" !~ /(\x{100}+)/;
+ ok "\xc4\xc4\xc4" !~ /(\x{100}+?)/;
+ ok "\xc4\xc4\xc4" !~ /(\x{100}++)/;
+ }
- $attr =~ /^$/;
- ok( $attr =~ $PredNameHyphen, "[perl #19767] original test" );
- use utf8;
- "a" =~ m/[b]/;
- ok ( "0" =~ /\p{N}+\z/, "[perl #19767] variant test" );
+ {
+ for (120 .. 130) {
+ my $head = 'x' x $_;
+ local $Message = q [Don't misparse \x{...} in regexp ] .
+ q [near 127 char EXACT limit];
+ for my $tail ('\x{0061}', '\x{1234}', '\x61') {
+ eval_ok qq ["$head$tail" =~ /$head$tail/];
+ }
+ local $Message = q [Don't misparse \N{...} in regexp ] .
+ q [near 127 char EXACT limit];
+ for my $tail ('\N{SNOWFLAKE}') {
+ eval_ok qq [use charnames ':full';
+ "$head$tail" =~ /$head$tail/];
+ }
+ }
+ }
- $p = 1;
- foreach (1,2,3,4) {
- $p++ if /(??{ $p })/
+ {
+ # perl panic: pp_match start/end pointers
+ local $BugId = '25269';
+ iseq "a-bc", eval {my ($x, $y) = "bca" =~ /^(?=.*(a)).*(bc)/; "$x-$y"},
+ 'Captures can move backwards in string';
- ok ($p == 5, "[perl #20683] (??{ }) returns stale values");
- { package P; $a=1; sub TIESCALAR { bless[] } sub FETCH { $a++ } }
- tie $p, P;
- foreach (1,2,3,4) {
- /(??{ $p })/
+ {
+ local $BugId = '27940'; # \cA not recognized in character classes
+ ok "a\cAb" =~ /\cA/, '\cA in pattern';
+ ok "a\cAb" =~ /[\cA]/, '\cA in character class';
+ ok "a\cAb" =~ /[\cA-\cB]/, '\cA in character class range';
+ ok "abc" =~ /[^\cA-\cB]/, '\cA in negated character class range';
+ ok "a\cBb" =~ /[\cA-\cC]/, '\cB in character class range';
+ ok "a\cCbc" =~ /[^\cA-\cB]/, '\cC in negated character class range';
+ ok "a\cAb" =~ /(??{"\cA"})/, '\cA in ??{} pattern';
+ ok "ab" !~ /a\cIb/x, '\cI in pattern';
- ok ( $p == 5, "(??{ }) returns stale values");
- # Subject: Odd regexp behavior
- # From: Markus Kuhn <>
- # Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2003 16:53:12 +0000
- # Message-Id: <>
- # To:
- $x = "\x{2019}\nk"; $x =~ s/(\S)\n(\S)/$1 $2/sg;
- ok($x eq "\x{2019} k", "Markus Kuhn 2003-02-26");
- $x = "b\nk"; $x =~ s/(\S)\n(\S)/$1 $2/sg;
- ok($x eq "b k", "Markus Kuhn 2003-02-26");
+ {
+ # perl #28532: optional zero-width match at end of string is ignored
+ local $BugId = '28532';
+ ok "abc" =~ /^abc(\z)?/ && defined($1),
+ 'Optional zero-width match at end of string';
+ ok "abc" =~ /^abc(\z)??/ && !defined($1),
+ 'Optional zero-width match at end of string';
+ }
- ok("\x{2019}" =~ /\S/, "Markus Kuhn 2003-02-26");
- my $i;
- ok('-1-3-5-' eq join('', split /((??{$i++}))/, '-1-3-5-'),
- "[perl #21411] (??{ .. }) corrupts split's stack");
- split /(?{'WOW'})/, 'abc';
- ok('a|b|c' eq join ('|', @_),
- "[perl #21411] (?{ .. }) version of the above");
- # XXX DAPM 13-Apr-06. Recursive split is still broken. It's only luck it
- # hasn't been crashing. Disable this test until it is fixed properly.
- # XXX also check what it returns rather than just doing ok(1,...)
- # split /(?{ split "" })/, "abc";
- ok(1,'cache_re & "(?{": it dumps core in 5.6.1 & 5.8.0');
+ { # TRIE related
+ our @got = ();
+ "words" =~ /(word|word|word)(?{push @got, $1})s$/;
+ iseq @got, 1, "TRIE optimation";
- ok("\x{100}\n" =~ /\x{100}\n$/, "UTF8 length cache and fbm_compile");
+ @got = ();
+ "words" =~ /(word|word|word)(?{push @got,$1})s$/i;
+ iseq @got, 1,"TRIEF optimisation";
- package Str;
- use overload q/""/ => sub { ${$_[0]}; };
- sub new { my ($c, $v) = @_; bless \$v, $c; }
+ my @nums = map {int rand 1000} 1 .. 100;
+ my $re = "(" . (join "|", @nums) . ")";
+ $re = qr/\b$re\b/;
- package main;
- $_ = Str->new("a\x{100}/\x{100}b");
- ok(join(":", /\b(.)\x{100}/g) eq "a:/", "re_intuit_start and PL_bostr");
+ foreach (@nums) {
+ ok $_ =~ /$re/, "Trie nums";
+ }
- $_ = "code: 'x' { '...' }\n"; study;
- my @x; push @x, $& while m/'[^\']*'/gx;
- ok(join(":", @x) eq "'x':'...'",
- "[perl #17757] Parse::RecDescent triggers infinite loop");
+ $_ = join " ", @nums;
+ @got = ();
+ push @got, $1 while /$re/g;
- my $re = qq/^([^X]*)X/;
- utf8::upgrade($re);
- ok("\x{100}X" =~ /$re/, "S_cl_and ANYOF_UNICODE & ANYOF_INVERTED");
+ my %count;
+ $count {$_} ++ for @got;
+ my $ok = 1;
+ for (@nums) {
+ $ok = 0 if --$count {$_} < 0;
+ }
+ ok $ok, "Trie min count matches";
+ }
-# bug #22354
-sub func ($) {
- ok( "a\nb" !~ /^b/, $_[0] );
- ok( "a\nb" =~ /^b/m, "$_[0] - with /m" );
-func "standalone";
-$_ = "x"; s/x/func "in subst"/e;
-$_ = "x"; s/x/func "in multiline subst"/em;
-#$_ = "x"; /x(?{func "in regexp"})/;
-#$_ = "x"; /x(?{func "in multiline regexp"})/m;
-# bug RT#19049
-@x = m/./g;
-ok("abcde" eq "$`", 'RT#19049 - global match not setting $`');
+ {
+ # TRIE related
+ ok "foba \x{101}foo" =~ qr/(foo|\x{100}foo|bar)/i &&
+ $1 eq "\x{101}foo",
+ ok "foba \x{1E01}foo" =~ qr/(foo|\x{1E00}foo|bar)/i &&
+ $1 eq "\x{1E01}foo",
+ ok "foba \x{10428}foo" =~ qr/(foo|\x{10400}foo|bar)/i &&
+ $1 eq "\x{10428}foo",
+ ok "foba \x{1E01}xfoo" =~ qr/(foo|\x{1E00}Xfoo|bar)/i &&
+ $1 eq "\x{1E01}xfoo",
+ use charnames ':full';
+ ok "foba ba$s" =~ qr/(foo|Ba$s|bar)/i && $1 eq "ba$s",
+ ok "foba ba$s" =~ qr/(Ba$s|foo|bar)/i && $1 eq "ba$s",
+ ok "foba ba$s" =~ qr/(foo|bar|Ba$s)/i && $1 eq "ba$s",
+ ok "foba ba$s" =~ qr/(foo|Bass|bar)/i && $1 eq "ba$s",
+ ok "foba ba$s" =~ qr/(foo|BaSS|bar)/i && $1 eq "ba$s",
+ ok "foba ba${s}pxySS$s$s" =~ qr/(b(?:a${s}t|a${s}f|a${s}p)[xy]+$s*)/i
+ && $1 eq "ba${s}pxySS$s$s",
+ }
-ok("123\x{100}" =~ /^.*1.*23\x{100}$/, 'uft8 + multiple floating substr');
-ok(" \x{101}" =~ qr/\x{100}/i,
- "<>");
+ {
+ print "# Set PERL_SKIP_PSYCHO_TEST to skip this test\n";
+ my @normal = qw [the are some normal words];
-ok(" \x{1E01}" =~ qr/\x{1E00}/i,
- "<>");
+ skip "Skipped Psycho", 2 * @normal if $ENV {PERL_SKIP_PSYCHO_TEST};
-ok(" \x{10428}" =~ qr/\x{10400}/i,
- "<>");
+ local $" = "|";
-ok(" \x{1E01}x" =~ qr/\x{1E00}X/i,
- "<>");
+ my @psycho = (@normal, map chr $_, 255 .. 20000);
+ my $psycho1 = "@psycho";
+ for (my $i = @psycho; -- $i;) {
+ my $j = int rand (1 + $i);
+ @psycho [$i, $j] = @psycho [$j, $i];
+ }
+ my $psycho2 = "@psycho";
- # [perl #23769] Unicode regex broken on simple example
- # regrepeat() didn't handle UTF-8 EXACT case right.
+ foreach my $word (@normal) {
+ ok $word =~ /($psycho1)/ && $1 eq $word, 'Psycho';
+ ok $word =~ /($psycho2)/ && $1 eq $word, 'Psycho';
+ }
+ }
- my $s = "\x{a0}\x{a0}\x{a0}\x{100}"; chop $s;
- ok($s =~ /\x{a0}/, "[perl #23769]");
- ok($s =~ /\x{a0}+/, "[perl #23769]");
- ok($s =~ /\x{a0}\x{a0}/, "[perl #23769]");
+ {
+ local $BugId = '36207';
+ my $utf8 = "\xe9\x{100}"; chop $utf8;
+ my $latin1 = "\xe9";
+ ok $utf8 =~ /\xe9/i, "utf8/latin";
+ ok $utf8 =~ /$latin1/i, "utf8/latin runtime";
+ ok $utf8 =~ /(abc|\xe9)/i, "utf8/latin trie";
+ ok $utf8 =~ /(abc|$latin1)/i, "utf8/latin trie runtime";
+ ok "\xe9" =~ /$utf8/i, "latin/utf8";
+ ok "\xe9" =~ /(abc|$utf8)/i, "latin/utf8 trie";
+ ok $latin1 =~ /$utf8/i, "latin/utf8 runtime";
+ ok $latin1 =~ /(abc|$utf8)/i, "latin/utf8 trie runtime";
+ }
- ok("aaa\x{100}" =~ /(a+)/, "[perl #23769] easy invariant");
- ok($1 eq "aaa", "[perl #23769]");
- ok("\xa0\xa0\xa0\x{100}" =~ /(\xa0+)/, "[perl #23769] regrepeat invariant");
- ok($1 eq "\xa0\xa0\xa0", "[perl #23769]");
+ {
+ local $BugId = '37038';
+ my $s = "abcd";
+ $s =~ /(..)(..)/g;
+ $s = $1;
+ $s = $2;
+ iseq $2, 'cd',
+ "Assigning to original string does not corrupt match vars";
+ }
- ok("ababab\x{100} " =~ /((?:ab)+)/, "[perl #23769] hard invariant");
- ok($1 eq "ababab", "[perl #23769]");
- ok("\xa0\xa1\xa0\xa1\xa0\xa1\x{100}" =~ /((?:\xa0\xa1)+)/, "[perl #23769] hard variant");
- ok($1 eq "\xa0\xa1\xa0\xa1\xa0\xa1", "[perl #23769]");
+ {
+ {
+ package wooosh;
+ sub gloople {"!"}
+ }
+ my $aeek = bless {} => 'wooosh';
+ eval_ok sub {$aeek -> gloople () =~ /(.)/g},
+ "//g match against return value of sub";
- ok("aaa\x{100} " =~ /(a+?)/, "[perl #23769] easy invariant");
- ok($1 eq "a", "[perl #23769]");
+ sub gloople {"!"}
+ eval_ok sub {gloople () =~ /(.)/g},
+ "26410 didn't affect sub calls for some reason";
+ }
- ok("\xa0\xa0\xa0\x{100} " =~ /(\xa0+?)/, "[perl #23769] regrepeat variant");
- ok($1 eq "\xa0", "[perl #23769]");
- ok("ababab\x{100} " =~ /((?:ab)+?)/, "[perl #23769] hard invariant");
- ok($1 eq "ab", "[perl #23769]");
+ {
+ local $TODO = "See changes 26925-26928, which reverted change 26410";
+ {
+ package lv;
+ our $var = "abc";
+ sub variable : lvalue {$var}
+ }
+ my $o = bless [] => 'lv';
+ my $f = "";
+ my $r = eval {
+ for (1 .. 2) {
+ $f .= $1 if $o -> variable =~ /(.)/g;
+ }
+ 1;
+ };
+ if ($r) {
+ iseq $f, "ab", "pos() retained between calls";
+ }
+ else {
+ local $TODO;
+ ok 0, "Code failed: $@";
+ }
- ok("\xa0\xa1\xa0\xa1\xa0\xa1\x{100}" =~ /((?:\xa0\xa1)+?)/, "[perl #23769] hard variant");
- ok($1 eq "\xa0\xa1", "[perl #23769]");
+ our $var = "abc";
+ sub variable : lvalue {$var}
+ my $g = "";
+ my $s = eval {
+ for (1 .. 2) {
+ $g .= $1 if variable =~ /(.)/g;
+ }
+ 1;
+ };
+ if ($s) {
+ iseq $g, "ab", "pos() retained between calls";
+ }
+ else {
+ local $TODO;
+ ok 0, "Code failed: $@";
+ }
+ }
- ok("\xc4\xc4\xc4" !~ /(\x{100}+)/, "[perl #23769] don't match first byte of utf8 representation");
- ok("\xc4\xc4\xc4" !~ /(\x{100}+?)/, "[perl #23769] don't match first byte of utf8 representation");
-for (120 .. 130) {
- my $head = 'x' x $_;
- for my $tail ('\x{0061}', '\x{1234}') {
- ok(
- eval qq{ "$head$tail" =~ /$head$tail/ },
- '\x{...} misparsed in regexp near 127 char EXACT limit'
- );
+ {
+ local $BugId = '37836';
+ skip "In EBCDIC" if $IS_EBCDIC;
+ no warnings 'utf8';
+ $_ = pack 'U0C2', 0xa2, 0xf8; # Ill-formed UTF-8
+ my $ret = 0;
+ eval_ok sub {!($ret = s/[\0]+//g)},
+ "Ill-formed UTF-8 doesn't match NUL in class";
-# perl #25269: panic: pp_match start/end pointers
-ok("a-bc" eq eval {
- my($x, $y) = "bca" =~ /^(?=.*(a)).*(bc)/;
- "$x-$y";
-}, 'captures can move backwards in string');
-# perl #27940: \cA not recognized in character classes
-ok("a\cAb" =~ /\cA/, '\cA in pattern');
-ok("a\cAb" =~ /[\cA]/, '\cA in character class');
-ok("a\cAb" =~ /[\cA-\cB]/, '\cA in character class range');
-ok("abc" =~ /[^\cA-\cB]/, '\cA in negated character class range');
-ok("a\cBb" =~ /[\cA-\cC]/, '\cB in character class range');
-ok("a\cCbc" =~ /[^\cA-\cB]/, '\cC in negated character class range');
-ok("a\cAb" =~ /(??{"\cA"})/, '\cA in ??{} pattern');
-ok("ab" !~ /a\cIb/x, '\cI in pattern');
-# perl #28532: optional zero-width match at end of string is ignored
-ok(("abc" =~ /^abc(\z)?/) && defined($1),
- 'optional zero-width match at end of string');
-ok(("abc" =~ /^abc(\z)??/) && !defined($1),
- 'optional zero-width match at end of string');
-{ # TRIE related
- my @got=();
- "words"=~/(word|word|word)(?{push @got,$1})s$/;
- ok(@got==1,"TRIE optimation is working") or warn "# @got";
- @got=();
- "words"=~/(word|word|word)(?{push @got,$1})s$/i;
- ok(@got==1,"TRIEF optimisation is working") or warn "# @got";
- my @nums=map {int rand 1000} 1..100;
- my $re="(".(join "|",@nums).")";
- $re=qr/\b$re\b/;
- foreach (@nums) {
- ok($_=~/$re/,"Trie nums");
- }
- $_=join " ", @nums;
- @got=();
- push @got,$1 while /$re/g;
- my %count;
- $count{$_}++ for @got;
- my $ok=1;
- for (@nums) {
- $ok=0 if --$count{$_}<0;
- }
- ok($ok,"Trie min count matches");
+ {
+ # chr(65535) should be allowed in regexes
+ local $BugId = '38293';
+ no warnings 'utf8'; # To allow non-characters
+ my ($c, $r, $s);
+ $c = chr 0xffff;
+ $c =~ s/$c//g;
+ ok $c eq "", "U+FFFF, parsed as atom";
+ $c = chr 0xffff;
+ $r = "\\$c";
+ $c =~ s/$r//g;
+ ok $c eq "", "U+FFFF backslashed, parsed as atom";
+ $c = chr 0xffff;
+ $c =~ s/[$c]//g;
+ ok $c eq "", "U+FFFF, parsed in class";
+ $c = chr 0xffff;
+ $r = "[\\$c]";
+ $c =~ s/$r//g;
+ ok $c eq "", "U+FFFF backslashed, parsed in class";
+ $s = "A\x{ffff}B";
+ $s =~ s/\x{ffff}//i;
+ ok $s eq "AB", "U+FFFF, EXACTF";
+ $s = "\x{ffff}A";
+ $s =~ s/\bA//;
+ ok $s eq "\x{ffff}", "U+FFFF, BOUND";
+ $s = "\x{ffff}!";
+ $s =~ s/\B!//;
+ ok $s eq "\x{ffff}", "U+FFFF, NBOUND";
+ }
-# TRIE related
-ok(("foba \x{101}foo" =~ qr/(foo|\x{100}foo|bar)/i) && $1 eq "\x{101}foo",
-ok(("foba \x{1E01}foo" =~ qr/(foo|\x{1E00}foo|bar)/i) && $1 eq "\x{1E01}foo",
+ {
+ local $BugId = '39583';
+ # The printing characters
+ my @chars = ("A" .. "Z");
+ my $delim = ",";
+ my $size = 32771 - 4;
+ my $str = '';
+ # Create some random junk. Inefficient, but it works.
+ for (my $i = 0; $i < $size; $ i++) {
+ $str .= $chars [rand @chars];
+ }
-ok(("foba \x{10428}foo" =~ qr/(foo|\x{10400}foo|bar)/i) && $1 eq "\x{10428}foo",
+ $str .= ($delim x 4);
+ my $res;
+ my $matched;
+ ok $str =~ s/^(.*?)${delim}{4}//s, "Pattern matches";
+ iseq $str, "", "Empty string";
+ ok defined $1 && length ($1) == $size, '$1 is correct size';
+ }
-ok(("foba \x{1E01}xfoo" =~ qr/(foo|\x{1E00}Xfoo|bar)/i) && $1 eq "\x{1E01}xfoo",
-{# TRIE related
+ {
+ local $BugId = '27940';
+ ok "\0-A" =~ /\c@-A/, '@- should not be interpolated in a pattern';
+ ok "\0\0A" =~ /\c@+A/, '@+ should not be interpolated in a pattern';
+ ok "X\@-A" =~ /X@-A/, '@- should not be interpolated in a pattern';
+ ok "X\@\@A" =~ /X@+A/, '@+ should not be interpolated in a pattern';
+ ok "X\0A" =~ /X\c@?A/, '\c@?';
+ ok "X\0A" =~ /X\c@*A/, '\c@*';
+ ok "X\0A" =~ /X\c@(A)/, '\c@(';
+ ok "X\0A" =~ /X(\c@)A/, '\c@)';
+ ok "X\0A" =~ /X\c@|ZA/, '\c@|';
+ ok "X\@A" =~ /X@?A/, '@?';
+ ok "X\@A" =~ /X@*A/, '@*';
+ ok "X\@A" =~ /X@(A)/, '@(';
+ ok "X\@A" =~ /X(@)A/, '@)';
+ ok "X\@A" =~ /X@|ZA/, '@|';
+ local $" = ','; # non-whitespace and non-RE-specific
+ ok 'abc' =~ /(.)(.)(.)/, 'The last successful match is bogus';
+ ok "A@+B" =~ /A@{+}B/, 'Interpolation of @+ in /@{+}/';
+ ok "A@-B" =~ /A@{-}B/, 'Interpolation of @- in /@{-}/';
+ ok "A@+B" =~ /A@{+}B/x, 'Interpolation of @+ in /@{+}/x';
+ ok "A@-B" =~ /A@{-}B/x, 'Interpolation of @- in /@{-}/x';
+ }
-use charnames ':full';
-ok(("foba ba$s" =~ qr/(foo|Ba$s|bar)/i)
- && $1 eq "ba$s",
-ok(("foba ba$s" =~ qr/(Ba$s|foo|bar)/i)
- && $1 eq "ba$s",
-ok(("foba ba$s" =~ qr/(foo|bar|Ba$s)/i)
- && $1 eq "ba$s",
+ {
+ use lib 'lib';
+ use Cname;
+ ok 'fooB' =~ /\N{foo}[\N{B}\N{b}]/, "Passthrough charname";
+ my $test = 1233;
+ #
+ # Why doesn't must_warn work here?
+ #
+ my $w;
+ local $SIG {__WARN__} = sub {$w .= "@_"};
+ eval 'q(xxWxx) =~ /[\N{WARN}]/';
+ ok $w && $w =~ /^Ignoring excess chars from/,
+ "Ignoring excess chars warning";
+ undef $w;
+ eval q [ok "\0" !~ /[\N{EMPTY-STR}XY]/,
+ "Zerolength charname in charclass doesn't match \\0"];
+ ok $w && $w =~ /^Ignoring zero length/,
+ 'Ignoring zero length \N{%} in character class warning';
+ ok 'AB' =~ /(\N{EVIL})/ && $1 eq 'A', 'Charname caching $1';
+ ok 'ABC' =~ /(\N{EVIL})/, 'Charname caching $1';
+ ok 'xy' =~ /x\N{EMPTY-STR}y/,
+ 'Empty string charname produces NOTHING node';
+ ok '' =~ /\N{EMPTY-STR}/,
+ 'Empty string charname produces NOTHING node';
+ }
-ok(("foba ba$s" =~ qr/(foo|Bass|bar)/i)
- && $1 eq "ba$s",
-ok(("foba ba$s" =~ qr/(foo|BaSS|bar)/i)
- && $1 eq "ba$s",
+ {
+ use charnames ':full';
+ ok 'aabc' !~ /a\N{PLUS SIGN}b/, '/a\N{PLUS SIGN}b/ against aabc';
+ ok 'a+bc' =~ /a\N{PLUS SIGN}b/, '/a\N{PLUS SIGN}b/ against a+bc';
+ ok ' A B' =~ /\N{SPACE}\N{U+0041}\N{SPACE}\N{U+0042}/,
+ 'Intermixed named and unicode escapes';
+ ok "\N{SPACE}\N{U+0041}\N{SPACE}\N{U+0042}" =~
+ /\N{SPACE}\N{U+0041}\N{SPACE}\N{U+0042}/,
+ 'Intermixed named and unicode escapes';
+ ok "\N{SPACE}\N{U+0041}\N{SPACE}\N{U+0042}" =~
+ /[\N{SPACE}\N{U+0041}][\N{SPACE}\N{U+0042}]/,
+ 'Intermixed named and unicode escapes';
+ }
-ok(("foba ba${s}pxySS$s$s" =~ qr/(b(?:a${s}t|a${s}f|a${s}p)[xy]+$s*)/i)
- && $1 eq "ba${s}pxySS$s$s",
+ {
+ our $brackets;
+ $brackets = qr{
+ { (?> [^{}]+ | (??{ $brackets }) )* }
+ }x;
+ ok "{b{c}d" !~ m/^((??{ $brackets }))/, "Bracket mismatch";
+ SKIP: {
+ our @stack = ();
+ my @expect = qw(
+ stuff1
+ stuff2
+ <stuff1>and<stuff2>
+ right
+ <right>
+ <<right>>
+ <<<right>>>
+ <<stuff1>and<stuff2>><<<<right>>>>
+ );
+ local $_ = '<<<stuff1>and<stuff2>><<<<right>>>>>';
+ ok /^(<((?:(?>[^<>]+)|(?1))*)>(?{push @stack, $2 }))$/,
+ "Recursion matches";
+ iseq @stack, @expect, "Right amount of matches"
+ or skip "Won't test individual results as count isn't equal",
+ 0 + @expect;
+ my $idx = 0;
+ foreach my $expect (@expect) {
+ iseq $stack [$idx], $expect,
+ "Expecting '$expect' at stack pos #$idx";
+ $idx ++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
-print "# set PERL_SKIP_PSYCHO_TEST to skip this test\n";
- my @normal=qw(these are some normal words);
- my $psycho=join "|",@normal,map chr $_,255..20000;
- ok(('these'=~/($psycho)/) && $1 eq 'these','Pyscho');
-} else {
- ok(1,'Skipped Psycho');
+ {
+ my $s = '123453456';
+ $s =~ s/(?<digits>\d+)\k<digits>/$+{digits}/;
+ ok $s eq '123456', 'Named capture (angle brackets) s///';
+ $s = '123453456';
+ $s =~ s/(?'digits'\d+)\k'digits'/$+{digits}/;
+ ok $s eq '123456', 'Named capture (single quotes) s///';
+ }
-# [perl #36207] mixed utf8 / latin-1 and case folding
- my $utf8 = "\xe9\x{100}"; chop $utf8;
- my $latin1 = "\xe9";
+ {
+ my @ary = (
+ pack('U', 0x00F1), # n-tilde
+ '_'.pack('U', 0x00F1), # _ + n-tilde
+ 'c'.pack('U', 0x0327), # c + cedilla
+ pack('U*', 0x00F1, 0x0327), # n-tilde + cedilla
+ 'a'.pack('U', 0x00B2), # a + superscript two
+ pack('U', 0x0391), # ALPHA
+ pack('U', 0x0391).'2', # ALPHA + 2
+ pack('U', 0x0391).'_', # ALPHA + _
+ );
+ for my $uni (@ary) {
+ my ($r1, $c1, $r2, $c2) = eval qq {
+ use utf8;
+ scalar (" foo.." =~ /(?'${uni}'foo) \\k'${uni}'/),
+ \$+{${uni}},
+ scalar (" bar.." =~ /(?<${uni}>bar) \\k<${uni}>/),
+ \$+{${uni}};
+ };
+ ok $r1, "Named capture UTF (?'')";
+ ok defined $c1 && $c1 eq 'foo', "Named capture UTF \%+";
+ ok $r2, "Named capture UTF (?<>)";
+ ok defined $c2 && $c2 eq 'bar', "Named capture UTF \%+";
+ }
+ }
- ok($utf8 =~ /\xe9/i, "utf8/latin");
- ok($utf8 =~ /$latin1/i, "utf8/latin runtime");
- ok($utf8 =~ /(abc|\xe9)/i, "utf8/latin trie");
- ok($utf8 =~ /(abc|$latin1)/i, "utf8/latin trie runtime");
- ok("\xe9" =~ /$utf8/i, "# latin/utf8");
- ok("\xe9" =~ /(abc|$utf8)/i, "# latin/utf8 trie");
- ok($latin1 =~ /$utf8/i, "# latin/utf8 runtime");
- ok($latin1 =~ /(abc|$utf8)/i, "# latin/utf8 trie runtime");
+ {
+ my $s = 'foo bar baz';
+ my (@k, @v, @fetch, $res);
+ my $count = 0;
+ my @names = qw ($+{A} $+{B} $+{C});
+ if ($s =~ /(?<A>foo)\s+(?<B>bar)?\s+(?<C>baz)/) {
+ while (my ($k, $v) = each (%+)) {
+ $count++;
+ }
+ @k = sort keys (%+);
+ @v = sort values (%+);
+ $res = 1;
+ push @fetch,
+ ["$+{A}", "$1"],
+ ["$+{B}", "$2"],
+ ["$+{C}", "$3"],
+ ;
+ }
+ foreach (0 .. 2) {
+ if ($fetch [$_]) {
+ iseq $fetch [$_] [0], $fetch [$_] [1], $names [$_];
+ } else {
+ ok 0, $names[$_];
+ }
+ }
+ iseq $res, 1, "'$s' =~ /(?<A>foo)\\s+(?<B>bar)?\\s+(?<C>baz)/";
+ iseq $count, 3, "Got 3 keys in %+ via each";
+ iseq 0 + @k, 3, 'Got 3 keys in %+ via keys';
+ iseq "@k", "A B C", "Got expected keys";
+ iseq "@v", "bar baz foo", "Got expected values";
+ eval '
+ no warnings "uninitialized";
+ print for $+ {this_key_doesnt_exist};
+ ';
+ ok !$@, 'lvalue $+ {...} should not throw an exception';
+ }
-# [perl #37038] Global regular matches generate invalid pointers
- my $s = "abcd";
- $s =~ /(..)(..)/g;
- $s = $1;
- $s = $2;
- ok($s eq 'cd',
- "# assigning to original string should not corrupt match vars");
+ {
+ #
+ # Almost the same as the block above, except that the capture is nested.
+ #
+ local $BugId = '50496';
+ my $s = 'foo bar baz';
+ my (@k, @v, @fetch, $res);
+ my $count = 0;
+ my @names = qw ($+{A} $+{B} $+{C} $+{D});
+ if ($s =~ /(?<D>(?<A>foo)\s+(?<B>bar)?\s+(?<C>baz))/) {
+ while (my ($k,$v) = each(%+)) {
+ $count++;
+ }
+ @k = sort keys (%+);
+ @v = sort values (%+);
+ $res = 1;
+ push @fetch,
+ ["$+{A}", "$2"],
+ ["$+{B}", "$3"],
+ ["$+{C}", "$4"],
+ ["$+{D}", "$1"],
+ ;
+ }
+ foreach (0 .. 3) {
+ if ($fetch [$_]) {
+ iseq $fetch [$_] [0], $fetch [$_] [1], $names [$_];
+ } else {
+ ok 0, $names [$_];
+ }
+ }
+ iseq $res, 1, "'$s' =~ /(?<D>(?<A>foo)\\s+(?<B>bar)?\\s+(?<C>baz))/";
+ iseq $count, 4, "Got 4 keys in %+ via each";
+ iseq @k, 4, 'Got 4 keys in %+ via keys';
+ iseq "@k", "A B C D", "Got expected keys";
+ iseq "@v", "bar baz foo foo bar baz", "Got expected values";
+ eval '
+ no warnings "uninitialized";
+ print for $+ {this_key_doesnt_exist};
+ ';
+ ok !$@,'lvalue $+ {...} should not throw an exception';
+ }
- package wooosh;
- sub gloople {
- "!";
+ {
+ my $s = 'foo bar baz';
+ my @res;
+ if ('1234' =~ /(?<A>1)(?<B>2)(?<A>3)(?<B>4)/) {
+ foreach my $name (sort keys(%-)) {
+ my $ary = $- {$name};
+ foreach my $idx (0 .. $#$ary) {
+ push @res, "$name:$idx:$ary->[$idx]";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my @expect = qw (A:0:1 A:1:3 B:0:2 B:1:4);
+ iseq "@res", "@expect", "Check %-";
+ eval'
+ no warnings "uninitialized";
+ print for $- {this_key_doesnt_exist};
+ ';
+ ok !$@,'lvalue $- {...} should not throw an exception';
- package main;
- my $aeek = bless {}, 'wooosh';
- eval {$aeek->gloople() =~ /(.)/g;};
- ok($@ eq "", "//g match against return value of sub") or print "# $@\n";
- sub gloople {
- "!";
+ {
+ # stress test CURLYX/WHILEM.
+ #
+ # This test includes varying levels of nesting, and according to
+ # profiling done against build 28905, exercises every code line in the
+ # CURLYX and WHILEM blocks, except those related to LONGJMP, the
+ # super-linear cache and warnings. It executes about 0.5M regexes
+ skip "No psycho tests" if $ENV {PERL_SKIP_PSYCHO_TEST};
+ print "# Set PERL_SKIP_PSYCHO_TEST to skip this test\n";
+ my $r = qr/^
+ (?:
+ ( (?:a|z+)+ )
+ (?:
+ ( (?:b|z+){3,}? )
+ (
+ (?:
+ (?:
+ (?:c|z+){1,1}?z
+ )?
+ (?:c|z+){1,1}
+ )*
+ )
+ (?:z*){2,}
+ ( (?:z+|d)+ )
+ (?:
+ ( (?:e|z+)+ )
+ )*
+ ( (?:f|z+)+ )
+ )*
+ ( (?:z+|g)+ )
+ (?:
+ ( (?:h|z+)+ )
+ )*
+ ( (?:i|z+)+ )
+ )+
+ ( (?:j|z+)+ )
+ (?:
+ ( (?:k|z+)+ )
+ )*
+ ( (?:l|z+)+ )
+ $/x;
+ my $ok = 1;
+ my $msg = "CURLYX stress test";
+ for my $a ("x","a","aa") {
+ for my $b ("x","bbb","bbbb") {
+ my $bs = $a.$b;
+ for my $c ("x","c","cc") {
+ my $cs = $bs.$c;
+ for my $d ("x","d","dd") {
+ my $ds = $cs.$d;
+ for my $e ("x","e","ee") {
+ my $es = $ds.$e;
+ for my $f ("x","f","ff") {
+ my $fs = $es.$f;
+ for my $g ("x","g","gg") {
+ my $gs = $fs.$g;
+ for my $h ("x","h","hh") {
+ my $hs = $gs.$h;
+ for my $i ("x","i","ii") {
+ my $is = $hs.$i;
+ for my $j ("x","j","jj") {
+ my $js = $is.$j;
+ for my $k ("x","k","kk") {
+ my $ks = $js.$k;
+ for my $l ("x","l","ll") {
+ my $ls = $ks.$l;
+ if ($ls =~ $r) {
+ if ($ls =~ /x/) {
+ $msg .= ": unexpected match for [$ls]";
+ $ok = 0;
+ last OUTER;
+ }
+ my $cap = "$1$2$3$4$5$6$7$8$9$10$11$12";
+ unless ($ls eq $cap) {
+ $msg .= ": capture: [$ls], got [$cap]";
+ $ok = 0;
+ last OUTER;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ unless ($ls =~ /x/) {
+ $msg = ": failed for [$ls]";
+ $ok = 0;
+ last OUTER;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ok($ok, $msg);
- eval {gloople() =~ /(.)/g;};
- ok($@ eq "", "# 26410 didn't affect sub calls for some reason")
- or print "# $@\n";
- package lv;
- $var = "abc";
- sub variable : lvalue { $var }
- package main;
- my $o = bless [], "lv";
- my $f = "";
- eval { for (1..2) { $f .= $1 if $o->variable =~ /(.)/g } };
- ok($f eq "ab", "pos retained between calls # TODO") or print "# $@\n";
+ {
+ # \, breaks {3,4}
+ ok "xaaay" !~ /xa{3\,4}y/, '\, in a pattern';
+ ok "xa{3,4}y" =~ /xa{3\,4}y/, '\, in a pattern';
+ # \c\ followed by _
+ ok "x\c_y" !~ /x\c\_y/, '\_ in a pattern';
+ ok "x\c\_y" =~ /x\c\_y/, '\_ in a pattern';
+ # \c\ followed by other characters
+ for my $c ("z", "\0", "!", chr(254), chr(256)) {
+ my $targ = "a\034$c";
+ my $reg = "a\\c\\$c";
+ ok eval ("qq/$targ/ =~ /$reg/"), "\\c\\ in pattern";
+ }
+ }
- $var = "abc";
- sub variable : lvalue { $var }
- my $f = "";
- eval { for (1..2) { $f .= $1 if variable() =~ /(.)/g } };
- ok($f eq "ab", "pos retained between calls # TODO") or print "# $@\n";
+ {
+ local $BugId = '36046';
+ my $str = 'abc';
+ my $count = 0;
+ my $mval = 0;
+ my $pval = 0;
+ while ($str =~ /b/g) {$mval = $#-; $pval = $#+; $count ++}
+ iseq $mval, 0, '@- should be empty';
+ iseq $pval, 0, '@+ should be empty';
+ iseq $count, 1, 'Should have matched once only';
+ }
-# [perl #37836] Simple Regex causes SEGV when run on specific data
-if ($ordA == 193) {
- print "ok $test # Skip: in EBCDIC\n"; $test++;
-} else {
- no warnings 'utf8';
- $_ = pack('U0C2', 0xa2, 0xf8); # ill-formed UTF-8
- my $ret = 0;
- eval { $ret = s/[\0]+//g };
- ok($ret == 0, "ill-formed UTF-8 doesn't match NUL in class");
-{ # [perl #38293] chr(65535) should be allowed in regexes
- no warnings 'utf8'; # to allow non-characters
- my($c, $r, $s);
+ { # Test the (*PRUNE) pattern
+ our $count = 0;
+ 'aaab' =~ /a+b?(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/;
+ iseq $count, 9, "Expect 9 for no (*PRUNE)";
+ $count = 0;
+ 'aaab' =~ /a+b?(*PRUNE)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/;
+ iseq $count, 3, "Expect 3 with (*PRUNE)";
+ local $_ = 'aaab';
+ $count = 0;
+ 1 while /.(*PRUNE)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/g;
+ iseq $count, 4, "/.(*PRUNE)/";
+ $count = 0;
+ 'aaab' =~ /a+b?(??{'(*PRUNE)'})(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/;
+ iseq $count, 3, "Expect 3 with (*PRUNE)";
+ local $_ = 'aaab';
+ $count = 0;
+ 1 while /.(??{'(*PRUNE)'})(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/g;
+ iseq $count, 4, "/.(*PRUNE)/";
+ }
- $c = chr 0xffff;
- $c =~ s/$c//g;
- ok($c eq "", "U+FFFF, parsed as atom");
- $c = chr 0xffff;
- $r = "\\$c";
- $c =~ s/$r//g;
- ok($c eq "", "U+FFFF backslashed, parsed as atom");
+ { # Test the (*SKIP) pattern
+ our $count = 0;
+ 'aaab' =~ /a+b?(*SKIP)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/;
+ iseq $count, 1, "Expect 1 with (*SKIP)";
+ local $_ = 'aaab';
+ $count = 0;
+ 1 while /.(*SKIP)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/g;
+ iseq $count, 4, "/.(*SKIP)/";
+ $_ = 'aaabaaab';
+ $count = 0;
+ our @res = ();
+ 1 while /(a+b?)(*SKIP)(?{$count++; push @res,$1})(*FAIL)/g;
+ iseq $count, 2, "Expect 2 with (*SKIP)";
+ iseq "@res", "aaab aaab", "Adjacent (*SKIP) works as expected";
+ }
- $c = chr 0xffff;
- $c =~ s/[$c]//g;
- ok($c eq "", "U+FFFF, parsed in class");
- $c = chr 0xffff;
- $r = "[\\$c]";
- $c =~ s/$r//g;
- ok($c eq "", "U+FFFF backslashed, parsed in class");
+ { # Test the (*SKIP) pattern
+ our $count = 0;
+ 'aaab' =~ /a+b?(*MARK:foo)(*SKIP)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/;
+ iseq $count, 1, "Expect 1 with (*SKIP)";
+ local $_ = 'aaab';
+ $count = 0;
+ 1 while /.(*MARK:foo)(*SKIP)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/g;
+ iseq $count, 4, "/.(*SKIP)/";
+ $_ = 'aaabaaab';
+ $count = 0;
+ our @res = ();
+ 1 while /(a+b?)(*MARK:foo)(*SKIP)(?{$count++; push @res,$1})(*FAIL)/g;
+ iseq $count, 2, "Expect 2 with (*SKIP)";
+ iseq "@res", "aaab aaab", "Adjacent (*SKIP) works as expected";
+ }
- $s = "A\x{ffff}B";
- $s =~ s/\x{ffff}//i;
- ok($s eq "AB", "U+FFFF, EXACTF");
- $s = "\x{ffff}A";
- $s =~ s/\bA//;
- ok($s eq "\x{ffff}", "U+FFFF, BOUND");
+ { # Test the (*SKIP) pattern
+ our $count = 0;
+ 'aaab' =~ /a*(*MARK:a)b?(*MARK:b)(*SKIP:a)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/;
+ iseq $count, 3, "Expect 3 with *MARK:a)b?(*MARK:b)(*SKIP:a)";
+ local $_ = 'aaabaaab';
+ $count = 0;
+ our @res = ();
+ 1 while
+ /(a*(*MARK:a)b?)(*MARK:x)(*SKIP:a)(?{$count++; push @res,$1})(*FAIL)/g;
+ iseq $count, 5, "Expect 5 with (*MARK:a)b?)(*MARK:x)(*SKIP:a)";
+ iseq "@res", "aaab b aaab b ",
+ "Adjacent (*MARK:a)b?)(*MARK:x)(*SKIP:a) works as expected";
+ }
- $s = "\x{ffff}!";
- $s =~ s/\B!//;
- ok($s eq "\x{ffff}", "U+FFFF, NBOUND");
-} # non-characters end
- #
- # The printing characters
- my @chars = ("A".."Z");
- my $delim = ",";
- my $size = 32771 - 4;
- my $str = '';
- # create some random junk. Inefficient, but it works.
- for ($i = 0 ; $i < $size ; $i++) {
- $str .= $chars[int(rand(@chars))];
- }
- $str .= ($delim x 4);
- my $res;
- my $matched;
- if ($str =~ s/^(.*?)${delim}{4}//s) {
- $res = $1;
- $matched=1;
- }
- ok($matched,'pattern matches');
- ok(length($str)==0,"Empty string");
- ok(defined($res) && length($res)==$size,"\$1 is correct size");
+ { # Test the (*COMMIT) pattern
+ our $count = 0;
+ 'aaabaaab' =~ /a+b?(*COMMIT)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/;
+ iseq $count, 1, "Expect 1 with (*COMMIT)";
+ local $_ = 'aaab';
+ $count = 0;
+ 1 while /.(*COMMIT)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/g;
+ iseq $count, 1, "/.(*COMMIT)/";
+ $_ = 'aaabaaab';
+ $count = 0;
+ our @res = ();
+ 1 while /(a+b?)(*COMMIT)(?{$count++; push @res,$1})(*FAIL)/g;
+ iseq $count, 1, "Expect 1 with (*COMMIT)";
+ iseq "@res", "aaab", "Adjacent (*COMMIT) works as expected";
+ }
-{ # related to [perl #27940]
- ok("\0-A" =~ /\c@-A/, '@- should not be interpolated in a pattern');
- ok("\0\0A" =~ /\c@+A/, '@+ should not be interpolated in a pattern');
- ok("X\@-A" =~ /X@-A/, '@- should not be interpolated in a pattern');
- ok("X\@\@A" =~ /X@+A/, '@+ should not be interpolated in a pattern');
- ok("X\0A" =~ /X\c@?A/, '\c@?');
- ok("X\0A" =~ /X\c@*A/, '\c@*');
- ok("X\0A" =~ /X\c@(A)/, '\c@(');
- ok("X\0A" =~ /X(\c@)A/, '\c@)');
- ok("X\0A" =~ /X\c@|ZA/, '\c@|');
- ok("X\@A" =~ /X@?A/, '@?');
- ok("X\@A" =~ /X@*A/, '@*');
- ok("X\@A" =~ /X@(A)/, '@(');
- ok("X\@A" =~ /X(@)A/, '@)');
- ok("X\@A" =~ /X@|ZA/, '@|');
- local $" = ','; # non-whitespace and non-RE-specific
- ok('abc' =~ /(.)(.)(.)/, 'the last successful match is bogus');
- ok("A@+B" =~ /A@{+}B/, 'interpolation of @+ in /@{+}/');
- ok("A@-B" =~ /A@{-}B/, 'interpolation of @- in /@{-}/');
- ok("A@+B" =~ /A@{+}B/x, 'interpolation of @+ in /@{+}/x');
- ok("A@-B" =~ /A@{-}B/x, 'interpolation of @- in /@{-}/x');
- use lib 'lib';
- use Cname;
- ok('fooB'=~/\N{foo}[\N{B}\N{b}]/,"Passthrough charname");
- $test=1233; my $handle=make_must_warn('Ignoring excess chars from');
- $handle->('q(xxWxx) =~ /[\N{WARN}]/');
- {
- my $code;
- my $w="";
- local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $w.=shift };
- eval($code=<<'EOFTEST') or die "$@\n$code\n";
- {
- use warnings;
- #1234
- ok("\0" !~ /[\N{EMPTY-STR}XY]/,
- "Zerolength charname in charclass doesnt match \0");
- 1;
+ {
+ # Test named commits and the $REGERROR var
+ our $REGERROR;
+ for my $name ('', ':foo') {
+ for my $pat ("(*PRUNE$name)",
+ ($name ? "(*MARK$name)" : "") . "(*SKIP$name)",
+ "(*COMMIT$name)") {
+ for my $suffix ('(*FAIL)', '') {
+ 'aaaab' =~ /a+b$pat$suffix/;
+ iseq $REGERROR,
+ ($suffix ? ($name ? 'foo' : "1") : ""),
+ "Test $pat and \$REGERROR $suffix";
+ }
+ }
- ok($w=~/Ignoring zero length/,
- "Got expected zero length warning");
- warn $code;
- $handle= make_must_warn('Ignoring zero length');
- $handle->('qq(\\0) =~ /[\N{EMPTY-STR}XY]/');
- ok('AB'=~/(\N{EVIL})/ && $1 eq 'A',"Charname caching $1");
- ok('ABC'=~/(\N{EVIL})/,"Charname caching $1");
- ok('xy'=~/x\N{EMPTY-STR}y/, 'Empty string charname produces NOTHING node');
- ok(''=~/\N{EMPTY-STR}/, 'Empty string charname produces NOTHING node 2');
- use charnames ':full';
- #see also test #835
- ok("ss" =~ /[\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S}x]/i,
- "unoptimized named sequence in class 1");
- ok("SS" =~ /[\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S}x]/i,
- "unoptimized named sequence in class 2");
- "unoptimized named sequence in class 3");
- "unoptimized named sequence in class 4");
- ok('aabc' !~ /a\N{PLUS SIGN}b/,'/a\N{PLUS SIGN}b/ against aabc');
- ok('a+bc' =~ /a\N{PLUS SIGN}b/,'/a\N{PLUS SIGN}b/ against a+bc');
- ok('a+bc' =~ /a\N{PLUS SIGN}b/,'/a\N{PLUS SIGN}b/ against a+bc');
- ok(' A B'=~/\N{SPACE}\N{U+0041}\N{SPACE}\N{U+0042}/,
- 'Intermixed named and unicode escapes 1');
- ok("\N{SPACE}\N{U+0041}\N{SPACE}\N{U+0042}"=~
- /\N{SPACE}\N{U+0041}\N{SPACE}\N{U+0042}/,
- 'Intermixed named and unicode escapes 2');
- ok("\N{SPACE}\N{U+0041}\N{SPACE}\N{U+0042} 3"=~
- /[\N{SPACE}\N{U+0041}][\N{SPACE}\N{U+0042}]/,
- 'Intermixed named and unicode escapes');
-$brackets = qr{
- { (?> [^{}]+ | (??{ $brackets }) )* }
- }x;
-ok("{b{c}d" !~ m/^((??{ $brackets }))/, "bracket mismatch");
- our @stack=();
- my @expect=qw(
- stuff1
- stuff2
- <stuff1>and<stuff2>
- right
- <right>
- <<right>>
- <<<right>>>
- <<stuff1>and<stuff2>><<<<right>>>>
- );
- local $_='<<<stuff1>and<stuff2>><<<<right>>>>>';
- ok(/^(<((?:(?>[^<>]+)|(?1))*)>(?{push @stack, $2 }))$/,
- "Recursion should match");
- ok(@stack==@expect)
- or skip("Won't test individual results as count isn't equal",
- 0+@expect);
- foreach my $idx (@expect) {
- ok($expect[$idx] eq $stack[$idx],
- "Expecting '$expect' at stack pos #$idx");
+ {
+ # Test named commits and the $REGERROR var
+ package Fnorble;
+ our $REGERROR;
+ for my $name ('', ':foo') {
+ for my $pat ("(*PRUNE$name)",
+ ($name ? "(*MARK$name)" : "") . "(*SKIP$name)",
+ "(*COMMIT$name)") {
+ for my $suffix ('(*FAIL)','') {
+ 'aaaab' =~ /a+b$pat$suffix/;
+ ::iseq $REGERROR,
+ ($suffix ? ($name ? 'foo' : "1") : ""),
+ "Test $pat and \$REGERROR $suffix";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ # Test named commits and the $REGERROR var
+ local $Message = '$REGERROR';
+ our $REGERROR;
+ for my $word (qw (bar baz bop)) {
+ $REGERROR = "";
+ "aaaaa$word" =~
+ /a+(?:bar(*COMMIT:bar)|baz(*COMMIT:baz)|bop(*COMMIT:bop))(*FAIL)/;
+ iseq $REGERROR, $word;
+ }
- my $s='123453456';
- $s=~s/(?<digits>\d+)\k<digits>/$+{digits}/;
- ok($s eq '123456','Named capture (angle brackets) s///');
- $s='123453456';
- $s=~s/(?'digits'\d+)\k'digits'/$+{digits}/;
- ok($s eq '123456','Named capture (single quotes) s///');
- my @ary = (
- pack('U', 0x00F1), # n-tilde
- '_'.pack('U', 0x00F1), # _ + n-tilde
- 'c'.pack('U', 0x0327), # c + cedilla
- pack('U*', 0x00F1, 0x0327), # n-tilde + cedilla
- 'a'.pack('U', 0x00B2), # a + superscript two
- pack('U', 0x0391), # ALPHA
- pack('U', 0x0391).'2', # ALPHA + 2
- pack('U', 0x0391).'_', # ALPHA + _
- );
- for my $uni (@ary) {
- my ($r1, $c1, $r2, $c2) = eval qq{
- use utf8;
- scalar(" foo.." =~ /(?'${uni}'foo) \\k'${uni}'/),
- \$+{${uni}},
- scalar(" bar.." =~ /(?<${uni}>bar) \\k<${uni}>/),
- \$+{${uni}};
- };
- ok($r1, "Named capture UTF (?'')");
- ok(defined $c1 && $c1 eq 'foo', "Named capture UTF \%+");
- ok($r2, "Named capture UTF (?<>)");
- ok(defined $c2 && $c2 eq 'bar', "Named capture UTF \%+");
+ {
+ local $BugId = '40684';
+ local $Message = '/m in precompiled regexp';
+ my $s = "abc\ndef";
+ my $rex = qr'^abc$'m;
+ ok $s =~ m/$rex/;
+ ok $s =~ m/^abc$/m;
-sub iseq($$;$) {
- my ( $got, $expect, $name)=@_;
- $_=defined($_) ? "'$_'" : "undef"
- for $got, $expect;
- my $ok= $got eq $expect;
- printf "%sok %d - %s\n", ($ok ? "" : "not "), $test,
- ($name||$Message)."\tLine ".((caller)[2]);
- printf "# Failed test at line %d\n".
- "# expected: %s\n".
- "# result: %s\n",
- (caller)[2], $expect, $got
- unless $ok;
+ {
+ #Mindnumbingly simple test of (*THEN)
+ for ("ABC","BAX") {
+ ok /A (*THEN) X | B (*THEN) C/x, "Simple (*THEN) test";
+ }
+ }
- $test++;
- return $ok;
- my $s='foo bar baz';
- my (@k,@v,@fetch,$res);
- my $count= 0;
- my @names=qw($+{A} $+{B} $+{C});
- if ($s=~/(?<A>foo)\s+(?<B>bar)?\s+(?<C>baz)/) {
- while (my ($k,$v)=each(%+)) {
- $count++;
+ {
+ local $Message = "Relative Recursion";
+ my $parens = qr/(\((?:[^()]++|(?-1))*+\))/;
+ local $_ = 'foo((2*3)+4-3) + bar(2*(3+4)-1*(2-3))';
+ my ($all, $one, $two) = ('', '', '');
+ ok /foo $parens \s* \+ \s* bar $parens/x;
+ iseq $1, '((2*3)+4-3)';
+ iseq $2, '(2*(3+4)-1*(2-3))';
+ iseq $&, 'foo((2*3)+4-3) + bar(2*(3+4)-1*(2-3))';
+ iseq $&, $_;
+ }
+ {
+ my $spaces=" ";
+ local $_ = join 'bar', $spaces, $spaces;
+ our $count = 0;
+ s/(?>\s+bar)(?{$count++})//g;
+ iseq $_, $spaces, "SUSPEND final string";
+ iseq $count, 1, "Optimiser should have prevented more than one match";
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '36909';
+ local $Message = '(?: ... )? should not lose $^R';
+ $^R = 'Nothing';
+ {
+ local $^R = "Bad";
+ ok 'x foofoo y' =~ m {
+ (foo) # $^R correctly set
+ (?{ "last regexp code result" })
+ }x;
+ iseq $^R, 'last regexp code result';
- @k=sort keys(%+);
- @v=sort values(%+);
- $res=1;
- push @fetch,
- [ "$+{A}", "$1" ],
- [ "$+{B}", "$2" ],
- [ "$+{C}", "$3" ],
- ;
- }
- foreach (0..2) {
- if ($fetch[$_]) {
- iseq($fetch[$_][0],$fetch[$_][1],$names[$_]);
- } else {
- ok(0, $names[$_]);
+ iseq $^R, 'Nothing';
+ {
+ local $^R = "Bad";
+ ok 'x foofoo y' =~ m {
+ (?:foo|bar)+ # $^R correctly set
+ (?{ "last regexp code result" })
+ }x;
+ iseq $^R, 'last regexp code result';
+ }
+ iseq $^R, 'Nothing';
+ {
+ local $^R = "Bad";
+ ok 'x foofoo y' =~ m {
+ (foo|bar)\1+ # $^R undefined
+ (?{ "last regexp code result" })
+ }x;
+ iseq $^R, 'last regexp code result';
+ }
+ iseq $^R, 'Nothing';
+ {
+ local $^R = "Bad";
+ ok 'x foofoo y' =~ m {
+ (foo|bar)\1 # This time without the +
+ (?{"last regexp code result"})
+ }x;
+ iseq $^R, 'last regexp code result';
+ iseq $^R, 'Nothing';
- iseq($res,1,"$s~=/(?<A>foo)\s+(?<B>bar)?\s+(?<C>baz)/");
- iseq($count,3,"Got 3 keys in %+ via each");
- iseq(0+@k, 3, 'Got 3 keys in %+ via keys');
- iseq("@k","A B C", "Got expected keys");
- iseq("@v","bar baz foo", "Got expected values");
- eval'
- print for $+{this_key_doesnt_exist};
- ';
- ok(!$@,'lvalue $+{...} should not throw an exception');
- my $s='foo bar baz';
- my @res;
- if ('1234'=~/(?<A>1)(?<B>2)(?<A>3)(?<B>4)/) {
- foreach my $name (sort keys(%-)) {
- my $ary = $-{$name};
- foreach my $idx (0..$#$ary) {
- push @res,"$name:$idx:$ary->[$idx]";
+ {
+ local $BugId = '22395';
+ local $Message = 'Match is linear, not quadratic';
+ our $count;
+ for my $l (10, 100, 1000) {
+ $count = 0;
+ ('a' x $l) =~ /(.*)(?{$count++})[bc]/;
+ local $TODO = "Should be L+1 not L*(L+3)/2 (L=$l)";
+ iseq $count, $l + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '22614';
+ local $Message = '@-/@+ should not have undefined values';
+ local $_ = 'ab';
+ our @len = ();
+ /(.){1,}(?{push @len,0+@-})(.){1,}(?{})^/;
+ iseq "@len", "2 2 2";
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '18209';
+ local $Message = '$& set on s///';
+ my $text = ' word1 word2 word3 word4 word5 word6 ';
+ my @words = ('word1', 'word3', 'word5');
+ my $count;
+ foreach my $word (@words) {
+ $text =~ s/$word\s//gi; # Leave a space to seperate words
+ # in the resultant str.
+ # The following block is not working.
+ if ($&) {
+ $count ++;
+ # End bad block
+ iseq $count, 3;
+ iseq $text, ' word2 word4 word6 ';
- my @expect=qw(A:0:1 A:1:3 B:0:2 B:1:4);
- iseq("@res","@expect","Check %-");
- eval'
- print for $-{this_key_doesnt_exist};
- ';
- ok(!$@,'lvalue $-{...} should not throw an exception');
-# stress test CURLYX/WHILEM.
-# This test includes varying levels of nesting, and according to
-# profiling done against build 28905, exercises every code line in the
-# CURLYX and WHILEM blocks, except those related to LONGJMP, the
-# super-linear cache and warnings. It executes about 0.5M regexes
- printf "ok %d Skip: No psycho tests\n", $test++;
-} else {
- print "# set PERL_SKIP_PSYCHO_TEST to skip this test\n";
- my $r = qr/^
- (?:
- ( (?:a|z+)+ )
- (?:
- ( (?:b|z+){3,}? )
- (
- (?:
- (?:
- (?:c|z+){1,1}?z
- )?
- (?:c|z+){1,1}
- )*
- )
- (?:z*){2,}
- ( (?:z+|d)+ )
- (?:
- ( (?:e|z+)+ )
- )*
- ( (?:f|z+)+ )
- )*
- ( (?:z+|g)+ )
- (?:
- ( (?:h|z+)+ )
- )*
- ( (?:i|z+)+ )
- )+
- ( (?:j|z+)+ )
- (?:
- ( (?:k|z+)+ )
- )*
- ( (?:l|z+)+ )
- $/x;
- my $ok = 1;
- my $msg = "CURLYX stress test";
- for my $a ("x","a","aa") {
- for my $b ("x","bbb","bbbb") {
- my $bs = $a.$b;
- for my $c ("x","c","cc") {
- my $cs = $bs.$c;
- for my $d ("x","d","dd") {
- my $ds = $cs.$d;
- for my $e ("x","e","ee") {
- my $es = $ds.$e;
- for my $f ("x","f","ff") {
- my $fs = $es.$f;
- for my $g ("x","g","gg") {
- my $gs = $fs.$g;
- for my $h ("x","h","hh") {
- my $hs = $gs.$h;
- for my $i ("x","i","ii") {
- my $is = $hs.$i;
- for my $j ("x","j","jj") {
- my $js = $is.$j;
- for my $k ("x","k","kk") {
- my $ks = $js.$k;
- for my $l ("x","l","ll") {
- my $ls = $ks.$l;
- if ($ls =~ $r) {
- if ($ls =~ /x/) {
- $msg .= ": unexpected match for [$ls]";
- $ok = 0;
- last OUTER;
- }
- my $cap = "$1$2$3$4$5$6$7$8$9$10$11$12";
- unless ($ls eq $cap) {
- $msg .= ": capture: [$ls], got [$cap]";
- $ok = 0;
- last OUTER;
- }
- }
- else {
- unless ($ls =~ /x/) {
- $msg = ": failed for [$ls]";
- $ok = 0;
- last OUTER;
- }
- }
+ {
+ # RT#6893
+ local $BugId = '6893';
+ local $_ = qq (A\nB\nC\n);
+ my @res;
+ while (m#(\G|\n)([^\n]*)\n#gsx) {
+ push @res, "$2";
+ last if @res > 3;
+ }
+ iseq "@res", "A B C", "/g pattern shouldn't infinite loop";
+ }
+ {
+ # From Message-ID: <877ixs6oa6.fsf@k75.linux.bogus>
+ my $dow_name = "nada";
+ my $parser = "(\$dow_name) = \$time_string =~ /(D\x{e9}\\ " .
+ "C\x{e9}adaoin|D\x{e9}\\ Sathairn|\\w+|\x{100})/";
+ my $time_string = "D\x{e9} C\x{e9}adaoin";
+ eval $parser;
+ ok !$@, "Test Eval worked";
+ iseq $dow_name, $time_string, "UTF-8 trie common prefix extraction";
+ }
+ {
+ my $v;
+ ($v = 'bar') =~ /(\w+)/g;
+ $v = 'foo';
+ iseq "$1", 'bar', '$1 is safe after /g - may fail due ' .
+ 'to specialized config in pp_hot.c'
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "";
+ my $qr_barR1 = qr/(bar)\g-1/;
+ ok "foobarbarxyz" =~ $qr_barR1;
+ ok "foobarbarxyz" =~ qr/foo${qr_barR1}xyz/;
+ ok "foobarbarxyz" =~ qr/(foo)${qr_barR1}xyz/;
+ ok "foobarbarxyz" =~ qr/(foo)(bar)\g{-1}xyz/;
+ ok "foobarbarxyz" =~ qr/(foo${qr_barR1})xyz/;
+ ok "foobarbarxyz" =~ qr/(foo(bar)\g{-1})xyz/;
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '41010';
+ local $Message = 'No optimizer bug';
+ my @tails = ('', '(?(1))', '(|)', '()?');
+ my @quants = ('*','+');
+ my $doit = sub {
+ my $pats = shift;
+ for (@_) {
+ for my $pat (@$pats) {
+ for my $quant (@quants) {
+ for my $tail (@tails) {
+ my $re = "($pat$quant\$)$tail";
+ ok /$re/ && $1 eq $_, "'$_' =~ /$re/";
+ ok /$re/m && $1 eq $_, "'$_' =~ /$re/m";
- }
- }
- }
- }
+ };
+ my @dpats = ('\d',
+ '[1234567890]',
+ '(1|[23]|4|[56]|[78]|[90])',
+ '(?:1|[23]|4|[56]|[78]|[90])',
+ '(1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|0)',
+ '(?:1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|0)');
+ my @spats = ('[ ]', ' ', '( |\t)', '(?: |\t)', '[ \t]', '\s');
+ my @sstrs = (' ');
+ my @dstrs = ('12345');
+ $doit -> (\@spats, @sstrs);
+ $doit -> (\@dpats, @dstrs);
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '$REGMARK';
+ our @r = ();
+ ok 'foofoo' =~ /foo (*MARK:foo) (?{push @r,$REGMARK}) /x;
+ iseq "@r","foo";
+ iseq $REGMARK, "foo";
+ ok 'foofoo' !~ /foo (*MARK:foo) (*FAIL) /x;
+ ok !$REGMARK;
+ iseq $REGERROR, 'foo';
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = '\K test';
+ my $x;
+ $x = "abc.def.ghi.jkl";
+ $x =~ s/.*\K\..*//;
+ iseq $x, "abc.def.ghi";
+ $x = "one two three four";
+ $x =~ s/o+ \Kthree//g;
+ iseq $x, "one two four";
+ $x = "abcde";
+ $x =~ s/(.)\K/$1/g;
+ iseq $x, "aabbccddee";
+ }
+ {
+ sub kt {
+ return '4' if $_[0] eq '09028623';
- }
+ # Nested EVAL using PL_curpm (via $1 or friends)
+ my $re;
+ our $grabit = qr/ ([0-6][0-9]{7}) (??{ kt $1 }) [890] /x;
+ $re = qr/^ ( (??{ $grabit }) ) $ /x;
+ my @res = '0902862349' =~ $re;
+ iseq join ("-", @res), "0902862349",
+ 'PL_curpm is set properly on nested eval';
+ our $qr = qr/ (o) (??{ $1 }) /x;
+ ok 'boob'=~/( b (??{ $qr }) b )/x && 1, "PL_curpm, nested eval";
- }
- ok($ok, $msg);
-# \, breaks {3,4}
-ok("xaaay" !~ /xa{3\,4}y/, "\, in a pattern");
-ok("xa{3,4}y" =~ /xa{3\,4}y/, "\, in a pattern");
-# \c\ followed by _
-ok("x\c_y" !~ /x\c\_y/, "\_ in a pattern");
-ok("x\c\_y" =~ /x\c\_y/, "\_ in a pattern");
+ {
+ use charnames ":full";
+ ok "\N{ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" =~ /\p{Alphabetic}/, "I =~ Alphabetic";
+ ok "\N{ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" =~ /\p{Uppercase}/, "I =~ Uppercase";
+ ok "\N{ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" !~ /\p{Lowercase}/, "I !~ Lowercase";
+ ok "\N{ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" =~ /\p{IDStart}/, "I =~ ID_Start";
+ ok "\N{ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" =~ /\p{IDContinue}/, "I =~ ID_Continue";
+ ok "\N{SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" =~ /\p{Alphabetic}/, "i =~ Alphabetic";
+ ok "\N{SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" !~ /\p{Uppercase}/, "i !~ Uppercase";
+ ok "\N{SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" =~ /\p{Lowercase}/, "i =~ Lowercase";
+ ok "\N{SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" =~ /\p{IDStart}/, "i =~ ID_Start";
+ ok "\N{SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" =~ /\p{IDContinue}/, "i =~ ID_Continue"
+ }
-# \c\ followed by other characters
-for my $c ("z", "\0", "!", chr(254), chr(256)) {
- my $targ = "a\034$c";
- my $reg = "a\\c\\$c";
- ok(eval("qq/$targ/ =~ /$reg/"), "\\c\\ in pattern");
- my $str='abc';
- my $count=0;
- my $mval=0;
- my $pval=0;
- while ($str=~/b/g) { $mval=$#-; $pval=$#+; $count++ }
- iseq($mval,0,"\@- should be empty [RT#36046]");
- iseq($pval,0,"\@+ should be empty [RT#36046]");
- iseq($count,1,"should have matched once only [RT#36046]");
+ {
+ # requirement of Unicode Technical Standard #18, 1.7 Code Points
+ # cf.
+ for my $u (0x7FF, 0x800, 0xFFFF, 0x10000) {
+ no warnings 'utf8'; # oops
+ my $c = chr $u;
+ my $x = sprintf '%04X', $u;
+ ok "A${c}B" =~ /A[\0-\x{10000}]B/, "Unicode range - $x";
+ }
+ }
-{ # Test the (*PRUNE) pattern
- our $count = 0;
- 'aaab'=~/a+b?(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/;
- iseq($count,9,"expect 9 for no (*PRUNE)");
- $count = 0;
- 'aaab'=~/a+b?(*PRUNE)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/;
- iseq($count,3,"expect 3 with (*PRUNE)");
- local $_='aaab';
- $count=0;
- 1 while /.(*PRUNE)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/g;
- iseq($count,4,"/.(*PRUNE)/");
- $count = 0;
- 'aaab'=~/a+b?(??{'(*PRUNE)'})(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/;
- iseq($count,3,"expect 3 with (*PRUNE)");
- local $_='aaab';
- $count=0;
- 1 while /.(??{'(*PRUNE)'})(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/g;
- iseq($count,4,"/.(*PRUNE)/");
-{ # Test the (*SKIP) pattern
- our $count = 0;
- 'aaab'=~/a+b?(*SKIP)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/;
- iseq($count,1,"expect 1 with (*SKIP)");
- local $_='aaab';
- $count=0;
- 1 while /.(*SKIP)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/g;
- iseq($count,4,"/.(*SKIP)/");
- $_='aaabaaab';
- $count=0;
- our @res=();
- 1 while /(a+b?)(*SKIP)(?{$count++; push @res,$1})(*FAIL)/g;
- iseq($count,2,"Expect 2 with (*SKIP)" );
- iseq("@res","aaab aaab","adjacent (*SKIP) works as expected" );
-{ # Test the (*SKIP) pattern
- our $count = 0;
- 'aaab'=~/a+b?(*MARK:foo)(*SKIP)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/;
- iseq($count,1,"expect 1 with (*SKIP)");
- local $_='aaab';
- $count=0;
- 1 while /.(*MARK:foo)(*SKIP)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/g;
- iseq($count,4,"/.(*SKIP)/");
- $_='aaabaaab';
- $count=0;
- our @res=();
- 1 while /(a+b?)(*MARK:foo)(*SKIP)(?{$count++; push @res,$1})(*FAIL)/g;
- iseq($count,2,"Expect 2 with (*SKIP)" );
- iseq("@res","aaab aaab","adjacent (*SKIP) works as expected" );
-{ # Test the (*SKIP) pattern
- our $count = 0;
- 'aaab'=~/a*(*MARK:a)b?(*MARK:b)(*SKIP:a)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/;
- iseq($count,3,"expect 3 with *MARK:a)b?(*MARK:b)(*SKIP:a)");
- local $_='aaabaaab';
- $count=0;
- our @res=();
- 1 while /(a*(*MARK:a)b?)(*MARK:x)(*SKIP:a)(?{$count++; push @res,$1})(*FAIL)/g;
- iseq($count,5,"Expect 5 with (*MARK:a)b?)(*MARK:x)(*SKIP:a)" );
- iseq("@res","aaab b aaab b ","adjacent (*MARK:a)b?)(*MARK:x)(*SKIP:a) works as expected" );
-{ # Test the (*COMMIT) pattern
- our $count = 0;
- 'aaabaaab'=~/a+b?(*COMMIT)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/;
- iseq($count,1,"expect 1 with (*COMMIT)");
- local $_='aaab';
- $count=0;
- 1 while /.(*COMMIT)(?{$count++})(*FAIL)/g;
- iseq($count,1,"/.(*COMMIT)/");
- $_='aaabaaab';
- $count=0;
- our @res=();
- 1 while /(a+b?)(*COMMIT)(?{$count++; push @res,$1})(*FAIL)/g;
- iseq($count,1,"Expect 1 with (*COMMIT)" );
- iseq("@res","aaab","adjacent (*COMMIT) works as expected" );
- # Test named commits and the $REGERROR var
- our $REGERROR;
- for my $name ('',':foo')
- {
- for my $pat ("(*PRUNE$name)",
- ($name? "(*MARK$name)" : "")
- . "(*SKIP$name)",
- "(*COMMIT$name)")
- {
- for my $suffix ('(*FAIL)','')
- {
- 'aaaab'=~/a+b$pat$suffix/;
- iseq(
- ($suffix ? ($name ? 'foo' : "1") : ""),
- "Test $pat and \$REGERROR $suffix"
- );
- }
+ {
+ my $res="";
+ if ('1' =~ /(?|(?<digit>1)|(?<digit>2))/) {
+ $res = "@{$- {digit}}";
- }
- # Test named commits and the $REGERROR var
- package Fnorble;
- our $REGERROR;
- for my $name ('',':foo')
- {
- for my $pat ("(*PRUNE$name)",
- ($name? "(*MARK$name)" : "")
- . "(*SKIP$name)",
- "(*COMMIT$name)")
- {
- for my $suffix ('(*FAIL)','')
- {
- 'aaaab'=~/a+b$pat$suffix/;
- ::iseq(
- ($suffix ? ($name ? 'foo' : "1") : ""),
- "Test $pat and \$REGERROR $suffix"
- );
- }
+ iseq $res, "1",
+ "Check that (?|...) doesnt cause dupe entries in the names array";
+ $res = "";
+ if ('11' =~ /(?|(?<digit>1)|(?<digit>2))(?&digit)/) {
+ $res = "@{$- {digit}}";
- }
- # Test named commits and the $REGERROR var
- local $Message = "\$REGERROR";
- our $REGERROR;
- for $word (qw(bar baz bop)) {
- "aaaaa$word"=~/a+(?:bar(*COMMIT:bar)|baz(*COMMIT:baz)|bop(*COMMIT:bop))(*FAIL)/;
- iseq($REGERROR,$word);
+ iseq $res, "1", "Check that (?&..) to a buffer inside " .
+ "a (?|...) goes to the leftmost";
+ }
+ {
+ use warnings;
+ local $Message = "ASCII pattern that really is UTF-8";
+ my @w;
+ local $SIG {__WARN__} = sub {push @w, "@_"};
+ my $c = qq (\x{DF});
+ ok $c =~ /${c}|\x{100}/;
+ ok @w == 0;
-{ #Regression test for perlbug 40684
- local $Message = "RT#40684 tests:";
- my $s = "abc\ndef";
- my $rex = qr'^abc$'m;
- ok($s =~ m/$rex/);
- ok($s =~ m/^abc$/m);
- #Mindnumbingly simple test of (*THEN)
- for ("ABC","BAX") {
- ok(/A (*THEN) X | B (*THEN) C/x,"Simple (*THEN) test");
+ {
+ local $Message = "Corruption of match results of qr// across scopes";
+ my $qr = qr/(fo+)(ba+r)/;
+ 'foobar' =~ /$qr/;
+ iseq "$1$2", "foobar";
+ {
+ 'foooooobaaaaar' =~ /$qr/;
+ iseq "$1$2", 'foooooobaaaaar';
+ }
+ iseq "$1$2", "foobar";
- local $Message = "Relative Recursion";
- my $parens=qr/(\((?:[^()]++|(?-1))*+\))/;
- local $_='foo((2*3)+4-3) + bar(2*(3+4)-1*(2-3))';
- my ($all,$one,$two)=('','','');
- if (/foo $parens \s* \+ \s* bar $parens/x) {
- $all=$&;
- $one=$1;
- $two=$2;
- }
- iseq($one, '((2*3)+4-3)');
- iseq($two, '(2*(3+4)-1*(2-3))');
- iseq($all, 'foo((2*3)+4-3) + bar(2*(3+4)-1*(2-3))');
- iseq($all, $_);
- my $spaces=" ";
- local $_=join 'bar',$spaces,$spaces;
- our $count=0;
- s/(?>\s+bar)(?{$count++})//g;
- iseq($_,$spaces,"SUSPEND final string");
- iseq($count,1,"Optimiser should have prevented more than one match");
- local $Message = "RT#36909 test";
- $^R = 'Nothing';
- local $^R = "Bad";
- ok('x foofoo y' =~ m{
- (foo) # $^R correctly set
- (?{ "last regexp code result" })
- }x);
- iseq($^R,'last regexp code result');
+ local $Message = "HORIZWS";
+ local $_ = "\t \r\n \n \t".chr(11)."\n";
+ s/\H/H/g;
+ s/\h/h/g;
+ iseq $_, "hhHHhHhhHH";
+ $_ = "\t \r\n \n \t" . chr (11) . "\n";
+ utf8::upgrade ($_);
+ s/\H/H/g;
+ s/\h/h/g;
+ iseq $_, "hhHHhHhhHH";
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "Various whitespace special patterns";
+ my @h = map {chr $_} 0x09, 0x20, 0xa0, 0x1680, 0x180e, 0x2000,
+ 0x2001, 0x2002, 0x2003, 0x2004, 0x2005, 0x2006,
+ 0x2007, 0x2008, 0x2009, 0x200a, 0x202f, 0x205f,
+ 0x3000;
+ my @v = map {chr $_} 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x85, 0x2028,
+ 0x2029;
+ my @lb = ("\x0D\x0A", map {chr $_} 0x0A .. 0x0D, 0x85, 0x2028, 0x2029);
+ foreach my $t ([\@h, qr/\h/, qr/\h+/],
+ [\@v, qr/\v/, qr/\v+/],
+ [\@lb, qr/\R/, qr/\R+/],) {
+ my $ary = shift @$t;
+ foreach my $pat (@$t) {
+ foreach my $str (@$ary) {
+ ok $str =~ /($pat)/, $pat;
+ iseq $1, $str, $pat;
+ utf8::upgrade ($str);
+ ok $str =~ /($pat)/, "Upgraded string - $pat";
+ iseq $1, $str, "Upgraded string - $pat";
+ }
+ }
+ }
- iseq($^R,'Nothing');
- local $^R = "Bad";
+ local $Message = "Check that \\xDF match properly in its various forms";
+ # Test that \xDF matches properly. this is pretty hacky stuff,
+ # but its actually needed. The malarky with '-' is to prevent
+ # compilation caching from playing any role in the test.
+ my @df = (chr (0xDF), '-', chr (0xDF));
+ utf8::upgrade ($df [2]);
+ my @strs = ('ss', 'sS', 'Ss', 'SS', chr (0xDF));
+ my @ss = map {("$_", "$_")} @strs;
+ utf8::upgrade ($ss [$_ * 2 + 1]) for 0 .. $#strs;
+ for my $ssi (0 .. $#ss) {
+ for my $dfi (0 .. $#df) {
+ my $pat = $df [$dfi];
+ my $str = $ss [$ssi];
+ my $utf_df = ($dfi > 1) ? 'utf8' : '';
+ my $utf_ss = ($ssi % 2) ? 'utf8' : '';
+ (my $sstr = $str) =~ s/\xDF/\\xDF/;
+ if ($utf_df || $utf_ss || length ($ss [$ssi]) == 1) {
+ my $ret = $str =~ /$pat/i;
+ next if $pat eq '-';
+ ok $ret, "\"$sstr\" =~ /\\xDF/i " .
+ "(str is @{[$utf_ss||'latin']}, pat is " .
+ "@{[$utf_df||'latin']})";
+ }
+ else {
+ my $ret = $str !~ /$pat/i;
+ next if $pat eq '-';
+ ok $ret, "\"$sstr\" !~ /\\xDF/i " .
+ "(str is @{[$utf_ss||'latin']}, pat is " .
+ "@{[$utf_df||'latin']})";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $Message = "BBC(Bleadperl Breaks CPAN) Today: String::Multibyte";
+ my $re = qr/(?:[\x00-\xFF]{4})/;
+ my $hyp = "\0\0\0-";
+ my $esc = "\0\0\0\\";
+ my $str = "$esc$hyp$hyp$esc$esc";
+ my @a = ($str =~ /\G(?:\Q$esc$esc\E|\Q$esc$hyp\E|$re)/g);
+ iseq @a,3;
+ local $" = "=";
+ iseq "@a","$esc$hyp=$hyp=$esc$esc";
+ }
- ok('x foofoo y' =~ m{
- (?:foo|bar)+ # $^R correctly set
- (?{"last regexp code result"})
- }x);
- iseq($^R,'last regexp code result');
+ {
+ # Test for keys in %+ and %-
+ local $Message = 'Test keys in %+ and %-';
+ no warnings 'uninitialized';
+ my $_ = "abcdef";
+ /(?<foo>a)|(?<foo>b)/;
+ iseq ((join ",", sort keys %+), "foo");
+ iseq ((join ",", sort keys %-), "foo");
+ iseq ((join ",", sort values %+), "a");
+ iseq ((join ",", sort map "@$_", values %-), "a ");
+ /(?<bar>a)(?<bar>b)(?<quux>.)/;
+ iseq ((join ",", sort keys %+), "bar,quux");
+ iseq ((join ",", sort keys %-), "bar,quux");
+ iseq ((join ",", sort values %+), "a,c"); # leftmost
+ iseq ((join ",", sort map "@$_", values %-), "a b,c");
+ /(?<un>a)(?<deux>c)?/; # second buffer won't capture
+ iseq ((join ",", sort keys %+), "un");
+ iseq ((join ",", sort keys %-), "deux,un");
+ iseq ((join ",", sort values %+), "a");
+ iseq ((join ",", sort map "@$_", values %-), ",a");
- iseq($^R,'Nothing');
- local $^R = "Bad";
- ok('x foofoo y' =~ m{
- (foo|bar)\1+ # $^R undefined
- (?{"last regexp code result"})
- }x);
- iseq($^R,'last regexp code result');
+ # length() on captures, the numbered ones end up in Perl_magic_len
+ my $_ = "aoeu \xe6var ook";
+ /^ \w+ \s (?<eek>\S+)/x;
+ iseq length ($`), 0, q[length $`];
+ iseq length ($'), 4, q[length $'];
+ iseq length ($&), 9, q[length $&];
+ iseq length ($1), 4, q[length $1];
+ iseq length ($+{eek}), 4, q[length $+{eek} == length $1];
- iseq($^R,'Nothing');
- local $^R = "Bad";
- ok('x foofoo y' =~ m{
- (foo|bar)\1 # this time without the +
- (?{"last regexp code result"})
- }x);
- iseq($^R,'last regexp code result');
+ my $ok = -1;
+ $ok = exists ($-{x}) ? 1 : 0 if 'bar' =~ /(?<x>foo)|bar/;
+ iseq $ok, 1, '$-{x} exists after "bar"=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/';
+ iseq scalar (%+), 0, 'scalar %+ == 0 after "bar"=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/';
+ iseq scalar (%-), 1, 'scalar %- == 1 after "bar"=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/';
+ $ok = -1;
+ $ok = exists ($+{x}) ? 1 : 0 if 'bar' =~ /(?<x>foo)|bar/;
+ iseq $ok, 0, '$+{x} not exists after "bar"=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/';
+ iseq scalar (%+), 0, 'scalar %+ == 0 after "bar"=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/';
+ iseq scalar (%-), 1, 'scalar %- == 1 after "bar"=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/';
+ $ok = -1;
+ $ok = exists ($-{x}) ? 1 : 0 if 'foo' =~ /(?<x>foo)|bar/;
+ iseq $ok, 1, '$-{x} exists after "foo"=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/';
+ iseq scalar (%+), 1, 'scalar %+ == 1 after "foo"=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/';
+ iseq scalar (%-), 1, 'scalar %- == 1 after "foo"=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/';
+ $ok = -1;
+ $ok = exists ($+{x}) ? 1 : 0 if 'foo'=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/;
+ iseq $ok, 1, '$+{x} exists after "foo"=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/';
- iseq($^R,'Nothing');
- local $Message="RT#22395";
- our $count;
- for my $l (10,100,1000) {
- $count=0;
- ('a' x $l) =~ /(.*)(?{$count++})[bc]/;
- iseq( $count, $l + 1, "# TODO Should be L+1 not L*(L+3)/2 (L=$l)");
+ {
+ local $_;
+ ($_ = 'abc') =~ /(abc)/g;
+ $_ = '123';
+ iseq "$1", 'abc', "/g leads to unsafe match vars: $1";
- local $Message = "RT#22614";
- local $_='ab';
- our @len=();
- /(.){1,}(?{push @len,0+@-})(.){1,}(?{})^/;
- iseq("@len","2 2 2");
- local $Message = "RT#18209";
- my $text = ' word1 word2 word3 word4 word5 word6 ';
- my @words = ('word1', 'word3', 'word5');
- my $count;
- foreach my $word (@words){
- $text =~ s/$word\s//gi; # Leave a space to seperate words in the resultant str.
- # The following block is not working.
- if($&){
- $count++;
+ {
+ local $Message = 'Message-ID: <20070818091501.7eff4831@r2d2>';
+ my $str = "";
+ for (0 .. 5) {
+ my @x;
+ $str .= "@x"; # this should ALWAYS be the empty string
+ 'a' =~ /(a|)/;
+ push @x, 1;
- # End bad block
+ iseq length ($str), 0, "Trie scope error, string should be empty";
+ $str = "";
+ my @foo = ('a') x 5;
+ for (@foo) {
+ my @bar;
+ $str .= "@bar";
+ s/a|/push @bar, 1/e;
+ }
+ iseq length ($str), 0, "Trie scope error, string should be empty";
- iseq($count,3);
- iseq($text,' word2 word4 word6 ');
- # RT#6893
- local $_= qq(A\nB\nC\n);
- my @res;
- while (m#(\G|\n)([^\n]*)\n#gsx)
- {
- push @res,"$2";
- last if @res>3;
- }
- iseq("@res","A B C","RT#6893: /g pattern shouldn't infinite loop");
- # From Message-ID: <877ixs6oa6.fsf@k75.linux.bogus>
- my $dow_name= "nada";
- my $parser = "(\$dow_name) = \$time_string =~ /(D\x{e9}\\ C\x{e9}adaoin|D\x{e9}\\ Sathairn|\\w+|\x{100})/";
- my $time_string = "D\x{e9} C\x{e9}adaoin";
- eval $parser;
- ok(!$@,"Test Eval worked");
- iseq($dow_name,$time_string,"UTF8 trie common prefix extraction");
- my $v;
- ($v='bar')=~/(\w+)/g;
- $v='foo';
- iseq("$1",'bar','$1 is safe after /g - may fail due to specialized config in pp_hot.c')
- local $Message = "";
- my $qr_barR1 = qr/(bar)\g-1/;
- ok("foobarbarxyz" =~ $qr_barR1);
- ok("foobarbarxyz" =~ qr/foo${qr_barR1}xyz/);
- ok("foobarbarxyz" =~ qr/(foo)${qr_barR1}xyz/);
- ok("foobarbarxyz" =~ qr/(foo)(bar)\g{-1}xyz/);
- ok("foobarbarxyz" =~ qr/(foo${qr_barR1})xyz/);
- ok("foobarbarxyz" =~ qr/(foo(bar)\g{-1})xyz/);
- local $Message = "RT#41010";
- my @tails=('','(?(1))','(|)','()?');
- my @quants=('*','+');
- my $doit=sub {
- my $pats= shift;
- for (@_) {
- for my $pat (@$pats) {
- for my $quant (@quants) {
- for my $tail (@tails) {
- my $re = "($pat$quant\$)$tail";
- ok(/$re/ && $1 eq $_,"'$_'=~/$re/");
- ok(/$re/m && $1 eq $_,"'$_'=~/$re/m");
- }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '45605';
+ # [perl #45605] Regexp failure with utf8-flagged and byte-flagged string
+ my $utf_8 = "\xd6schel";
+ utf8::upgrade ($utf_8);
+ $utf_8 =~ m {(\xd6|&Ouml;)schel};
+ iseq $1, "\xd6", "Upgrade error";
+ }
+ {
+# more TRIE/AHOCORASICK problems with mixed utf8 / latin-1 and case folding
+ for my $chr (160 .. 255) {
+ my $chr_byte = chr($chr);
+ my $chr_utf8 = chr($chr); utf8::upgrade($chr_utf8);
+ my $rx = qr{$chr_byte|X}i;
+ ok($chr_utf8 =~ $rx, "utf8/latin, codepoint $chr");
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ # Regardless of utf8ness any character matches itself when
+ # doing a case insensitive match. See also [perl #36207]
+ local $BugId = '36207';
+ for my $o (0 .. 255) {
+ my @ch = (chr ($o), chr ($o));
+ utf8::upgrade ($ch [1]);
+ for my $u_str (0, 1) {
+ for my $u_pat (0, 1) {
+ ok $ch [$u_str] =~ /\Q$ch[$u_pat]\E/i,
+ "\$c =~ /\$c/i : chr ($o) : u_str = $u_str u_pat = $u_pat";
+ ok $ch [$u_str] =~ /\Q$ch[$u_pat]\E|xyz/i,
+ "\$c=~/\$c|xyz/i : chr($o) : u_str = $u_str u_pat = $u_pat";
- }
- };
- my @dpats=(
- '\d',
- '[1234567890]',
- '(1|[23]|4|[56]|[78]|[90])',
- '(?:1|[23]|4|[56]|[78]|[90])',
- '(1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|0)',
- '(?:1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|0)',
- );
- my @spats=('[ ]',' ','( |\t)','(?: |\t)','[ \t]','\s');
- my @sstrs=(' ');
- my @dstrs=('12345');
- $doit->(\@spats,@sstrs);
- $doit->(\@dpats,@dstrs);
- local $Message = "\$REGMARK";
- our @r=();
- ok('foofoo' =~ /foo (*MARK:foo) (?{push @r,$REGMARK}) /x);
- iseq("@r","foo");
- iseq($REGMARK,"foo");
- ok('foofoo' !~ /foo (*MARK:foo) (*FAIL) /x);
- ok(!$REGMARK);
- iseq($REGERROR,'foo');
- my $x;
- $x = "abc.def.ghi.jkl";
- $x =~ s/.*\K\..*//;
- ok($x eq "abc.def.ghi");
- $x = "one two three four";
- $x =~ s/o+ \Kthree//g;
- ok($x eq "one two four");
- $x = "abcde";
- $x =~ s/(.)\K/$1/g;
- ok($x eq "aabbccddee");
-sub kt
- return '4' if $_[0] eq '09028623';
+ }
+ }
-{ # Nested EVAL using PL_curpm (via $1 or friends)
- my $re;
- our $grabit = qr/ ([0-6][0-9]{7}) (??{ kt $1 }) [890] /x;
- $re = qr/^ ( (??{ $grabit }) ) $ /x;
- my @res = '0902862349' =~ $re;
- iseq(join("-",@res),"0902862349",
- 'PL_curpm is set properly on nested eval');
- our $qr = qr/ (o) (??{ $1 }) /x;
- ok( 'boob'=~/( b (??{ $qr }) b )/x && 1,
- "PL_curpm, nested eval");
- use charnames ":full";
- ok("\N{ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" =~ /\p{Alphabetic}/, "I =~ Alphabetic");
- ok("\N{ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" =~ /\p{Uppercase}/, "I =~ Uppercase");
- ok("\N{ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" !~ /\p{Lowercase}/, "I !~ Lowercase");
- ok("\N{ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" =~ /\p{IDStart}/, "I =~ ID_Start");
- ok("\N{ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" =~ /\p{IDContinue}/, "I =~ ID_Continue");
- ok("\N{SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" =~ /\p{Alphabetic}/, "i =~ Alphabetic");
- ok("\N{SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" !~ /\p{Uppercase}/, "i !~ Uppercase");
- ok("\N{SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" =~ /\p{Lowercase}/, "i =~ Lowercase");
- ok("\N{SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" =~ /\p{IDStart}/, "i =~ ID_Start");
- ok("\N{SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL ONE}" =~ /\p{IDContinue}/, "i =~ ID_Continue");
+ {
+ our $a = 3; "" =~ /(??{ $a })/;
+ our $b = $a;
+ iseq $b, $a, "Copy of scalar used for postponed subexpression";
+ }
-# requirement of Unicode Technical Standard #18, 1.7 Code Points
-# cf.
- for my $u (0x7FF, 0x800, 0xFFFF, 0x10000) {
- no warnings 'utf8'; # oops
- my $c = chr $u;
- my $x = sprintf '%04X', $u;
- ok( "A${c}B" =~ /A[\0-\x{10000}]B/, "unicode range - $x");
+ {
+ local $BugId = '49190';
+ local $Message = '$REGMARK in replacement';
+ our $REGMARK;
+ my $_ = "A";
+ ok s/(*:B)A/$REGMARK/;
+ iseq $_, "B";
+ $_ = "CCCCBAA";
+ ok s/(*:X)A+|(*:Y)B+|(*:Z)C+/$REGMARK/g;
+ iseq $_, "ZYX";
+ }
+ {
+ our @ctl_n = ();
+ our @plus = ();
+ our $nested_tags;
+ $nested_tags = qr{
+ <
+ (\w+)
+ (?{
+ push @ctl_n,$^N;
+ push @plus,$+;
+ })
+ >
+ (??{$nested_tags})*
+ </\s* \w+ \s*>
+ }x;
+ my $match = '<bla><blubb></blubb></bla>' =~ m/^$nested_tags$/;
+ ok $match, 'nested construct matches';
+ iseq "@ctl_n", "bla blubb", '$^N inside of (?{}) works as expected';
+ iseq "@plus", "bla blubb", '$+ inside of (?{}) works as expected';
- my $res="";
- if ('1' =~ /(?|(?<digit>1)|(?<digit>2))/) {
- $res = "@{$- {digit}}";
+ {
+ local $BugId = '52658';
+ local $Message = 'Substitution evaluation in list context';
+ my $reg = '../xxx/';
+ my @te = ($reg =~ m{^(/?(?:\.\./)*)},
+ $reg =~ s/(x)/'b'/eg > 1 ? '##' : '++');
+ iseq $reg, '../bbb/';
+ iseq $te [0], '../';
- iseq($res,"1",
- "Check that (?|...) doesnt cause dupe entries in the names array");
- #---
- $res="";
- if ('11' =~ /(?|(?<digit>1)|(?<digit>2))(?&digit)/) {
- $res = "@{$- {digit}}";
+ # This currently has to come before any "use encoding" in this file.
+ {
+ local $Message;
+ local $BugId = '59342';
+ # for 5.10.x, add a dummy test indead
+ #must_warn 'qr/\400/', '^Use of octal value above 377';
+ $Message=""; ok 1;
- iseq($res, "1",
- "Check that (?&..) to a buffer inside a (?|...) goes to the leftmost");
- use warnings;
- local $Message = "ASCII pattern that really is utf8";
- my @w;
- local $SIG{__WARN__}=sub{push @w,"@_"};
- my $c=qq(\x{DF});
- ok($c=~/${c}|\x{100}/);
- ok(@w==0);
- local $Message = "corruption of match results of qr// across scopes";
- my $qr=qr/(fo+)(ba+r)/;
- 'foobar'=~/$qr/;
- iseq("$1$2","foobar");
- {
- 'foooooobaaaaar'=~/$qr/;
- iseq("$1$2",'foooooobaaaaar');
- }
- iseq("$1$2","foobar");
- local $Message = "HORIZWS";
- local $_="\t \r\n \n \t".chr(11)."\n";
- s/\H/H/g;
- s/\h/h/g;
- iseq($_,"hhHHhHhhHH");
- $_="\t \r\n \n \t".chr(11)."\n";
- utf8::upgrade($_);
- s/\H/H/g;
- s/\h/h/g;
- iseq($_,"hhHHhHhhHH");
- local $Message = "Various whitespace special patterns";
- my @h=map { chr( $_ ) } (
- 0x09, 0x20, 0xa0, 0x1680, 0x180e, 0x2000, 0x2001, 0x2002,
- 0x2003, 0x2004, 0x2005, 0x2006, 0x2007, 0x2008, 0x2009, 0x200a,
- 0x202f, 0x205f, 0x3000
- );
- my @v=map { chr( $_ ) } ( 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x85, 0x2028, 0x2029 );
- my @lb=( "\x0D\x0A",
- map { chr( $_ ) } ( 0x0A..0x0D,0x85,0x2028,0x2029 ));
- foreach my $t ([\@h,qr/\h/,qr/\h+/],[\@v,qr/\v/,qr/\v+/],[\@lb,qr/\R/,qr/\R+/],){
- my $ary=shift @$t;
- foreach my $pat (@$t) {
- foreach my $str (@$ary) {
- ok($str=~/($pat)/,$pat);
- iseq($1,$str,$pat);
- utf8::upgrade($str);
- ok($str=~/($pat)/,"Upgraded string - $pat");
- iseq($1,$str,"Upgraded string - $pat");
- }
+ SKIP: {
+ # XXX: This set of tests is essentially broken, POSIX character classes
+ # should not have differing definitions under Unicode.
+ # There are property names for that.
+ skip "Tests assume ASCII", 4 unless $IS_ASCII;
+ my @notIsPunct = grep {/[[:punct:]]/ and not /\p{IsPunct}/}
+ map {chr} 0x20 .. 0x7f;
+ iseq join ('', @notIsPunct), '$+<=>^`|~',
+ '[:punct:] disagress with IsPunct on Symbols';
+ my @isPrint = grep {not /[[:print:]]/ and /\p{IsPrint}/}
+ map {chr} 0 .. 0x1f, 0x7f .. 0x9f;
+ iseq join ('', @isPrint), "\x09\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x85",
+ 'IsPrint disagrees with [:print:] on control characters';
+ my @isPunct = grep {/[[:punct:]]/ != /\p{IsPunct}/}
+ map {chr} 0x80 .. 0xff;
+ iseq join ('', @isPunct), "\xa1\xab\xb7\xbb\xbf", # ¡ « · » ¿
+ 'IsPunct disagrees with [:punct:] outside ASCII';
+ my @isPunctLatin1 = eval q {
+ use encoding 'latin1';
+ grep {/[[:punct:]]/ != /\p{IsPunct}/} map {chr} 0x80 .. 0xff;
+ };
+ skip "Eval failed ($@)", 1 if $@;
+ iseq join ('', @isPunctLatin1), '',
+ 'IsPunct agrees with [:punct:] with explicit Latin1';
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '60034';
+ my $a = "xyzt" x 8192;
+ ok $a =~ /\A(?>[a-z])*\z/,
+ '(?>) does not cause wrongness on long string';
+ my $b = $a . chr 256;
+ chop $b;
+ {
+ iseq $a, $b;
+ ok $b =~ /\A(?>[a-z])*\z/,
+ '(?>) does not cause wrongness on long string with UTF-8';
- local $Message = "Check that \\xDF match properly in its various forms";
- # test that \xDF matches properly. this is pretty hacky stuff,
- # but its actually needed. the malarky with '-' is to prevent
- # compilation caching from playing any role in the test.
- my @df= (chr(0xDF),'-',chr(0xDF));
- utf8::upgrade($df[2]);
- my @strs= ('ss','sS','Ss','SS',chr(0xDF));
- my @ss= map { ("$_", "$_") } @strs;
- utf8::upgrade($ss[$_*2+1]) for 0..$#strs;
- for my $ssi (0..$#ss) {
- for my $dfi (0..$#df) {
- my $pat= $df[$dfi];
- my $str= $ss[$ssi];
- my $utf_df= ($dfi > 1) ? 'utf8' : '';
- my $utf_ss= ($ssi % 2) ? 'utf8' : '';
- (my $sstr=$str)=~s/\xDF/\\xDF/;
- if ($utf_df || $utf_ss || length($ss[$ssi])==1) {
- my $ret= $str=~/$pat/i;
- next if $pat eq '-';
- ok($ret,
- "\"$sstr\"=~/\\xDF/i (str is @{[$utf_ss||'latin']}, pat is @{[$utf_df||'latin']})");
- } else {
- my $ret= $str !~ /$pat/i;
- next if $pat eq '-';
- ok($ret,
- "\"$sstr\"!~/\\xDF/i (str is @{[$utf_ss||'latin']}, pat is @{[$utf_df||'latin']})");
- }
+ #
+ # Keep the following tests last -- they may crash perl
+ #
+ print "# Tests that follow may crash perl\n";
+ {
+ local $BugId = '19049/38869';
+ local $Message = 'Pattern in a loop, failure should not ' .
+ 'affect previous success';
+ my @list = (
+ 'ab cdef', # Matches regex
+ ('e' x 40000 ) .'ab c' # Matches not, but 'ab c' matches part of it
+ );
+ my $y;
+ my $x;
+ foreach (@list) {
+ m/ab(.+)cd/i; # The ignore-case seems to be important
+ $y = $1; # Use $1, which might not be from the last match!
+ $x = substr ($list [0], $- [0], $+ [0] - $- [0]);
+ iseq $y, ' ';
+ iseq $x, 'ab cd';
- local $Message = "BBC(Bleadperl Breaks CPAN) Today: String::Multibyte";
- my $re = qr/(?:[\x00-\xFF]{4})/;
- my $hyp = "\0\0\0-";
- my $esc = "\0\0\0\\";
- my $str = "$esc$hyp$hyp$esc$esc";
- my @a = ($str =~ /\G(?:\Q$esc$esc\E|\Q$esc$hyp\E|$re)/g);
- iseq(0+@a,3);
- iseq(join('=', @a),"$esc$hyp=$hyp=$esc$esc");
-# test for keys in %+ and %-
- my $_ = "abcdef";
- /(?<foo>a)|(?<foo>b)/;
- iseq( (join ",", sort keys %+), "foo" );
- iseq( (join ",", sort keys %-), "foo" );
- iseq( (join ",", sort values %+), "a" );
- iseq( (join ",", sort map "@$_", values %-), "a " );
- /(?<bar>a)(?<bar>b)(?<quux>.)/;
- iseq( (join ",", sort keys %+), "bar,quux" );
- iseq( (join ",", sort keys %-), "bar,quux" );
- iseq( (join ",", sort values %+), "a,c" ); # leftmost
- iseq( (join ",", sort map "@$_", values %-), "a b,c" );
- /(?<un>a)(?<deux>c)?/; # second buffer won't capture
- iseq( (join ",", sort keys %+), "un" );
- iseq( (join ",", sort keys %-), "deux,un" );
- iseq( (join ",", sort values %+), "a" );
- iseq( (join ",", sort map "@$_", values %-), ",a" );
+ {
+ local $BugId = '24274';
-# length() on captures, the numbered ones end up in Perl_magic_len
- my $_ = "aoeu \xe6var ook";
- /^ \w+ \s (?<eek>\S+)/x;
+ ok (("a" x (2 ** 15 - 10)) =~ /^()(a|bb)*$/, "Recursive stack cracker");
+ ok ((q(a)x 100) =~ /^(??{'(.)'x 100})/,
+ "Regexp /^(??{'(.)'x 100})/ crashes older perls");
+ }
- iseq( length($`), 0, 'length $`' );
- iseq( length($'), 4, q[length $'] );
- iseq( length($&), 9, 'length $&' );
- iseq( length($1), 4, 'length $1' );
- iseq( length($+{eek}), 4, 'length $+{eek} == length $1' );
- my $ok=-1;
- $ok=exists($-{x}) ? 1 : 0
- if 'bar'=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/;
- iseq($ok,1,'$-{x} exists after "bar"=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/');
- iseq(scalar(%+), 0, 'scalar %+ == 0 after "bar"=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/');
- iseq(scalar(%-), 1, 'scalar %- == 1 after "bar"=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/');
- $ok=-1;
- $ok=exists($+{x}) ? 1 : 0
- if 'bar'=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/;
- iseq($ok,0,'$+{x} not exists after "bar"=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/');
- iseq(scalar(%+), 0, 'scalar %+ == 0 after "bar"=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/');
- iseq(scalar(%-), 1, 'scalar %- == 1 after "bar"=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/');
- $ok=-1;
- $ok=exists($-{x}) ? 1 : 0
- if 'foo'=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/;
- iseq($ok,1,'$-{x} exists after "foo"=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/');
- iseq(scalar(%+), 1, 'scalar %+ == 1 after "foo"=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/');
- iseq(scalar(%-), 1, 'scalar %- == 1 after "foo"=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/');
- $ok=-1;
- $ok=exists($+{x}) ? 1 : 0
- if 'foo'=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/;
- iseq($ok,1,'$+{x} exists after "foo"=~/(?<x>foo)|bar/');
- local $_;
- ($_ = 'abc')=~/(abc)/g;
- $_ = '123';
- iseq("$1",'abc',"/g leads to unsafe match vars: $1");
- local $Message="Message-ID: <20070818091501.7eff4831@r2d2>";
- my $str= "";
- for(0..5){
- my @x;
- $str .= "@x"; # this should ALWAYS be the empty string
- 'a'=~/(a|)/;
- push @x,1;
- }
- iseq(length($str),"0","Trie scope error, string should be empty");
- $str="";
- my @foo = ('a')x5;
- for (@foo) {
- my @bar;
- $str .= "@bar";
- s/a|/push @bar, 1/e;
- }
- iseq(length($str),"0","Trie scope error, string should be empty");
-# [perl #45605] Regexp failure with utf8-flagged and byte-flagged string
+ {
+ eval '/\k/';
+ ok $@ =~ /\QSequence \k... not terminated in regex;\E/,
+ 'Lone \k not allowed';
+ }
- my $utf_8 = "\xd6schel";
- utf8::upgrade($utf_8);
- $utf_8 =~ m{(\xd6|&Ouml;)schel};
- iseq($1,"\xd6","#45605");
- # Regardless of utf8ness any character matches itself when
- # doing a case insensitive match. See also [perl #36207]
- for my $o (0..255) {
- my @ch=(chr($o),chr($o));
- utf8::upgrade($ch[1]);
- for my $u_str (0,1) {
- for my $u_pat (0,1) {
- ok( $ch[$u_str]=~/\Q$ch[$u_pat]\E/i,
- "\$c=~/\$c/i : chr($o) : u_str=$u_str u_pat=$u_pat");
- ok( $ch[$u_str]=~/\Q$ch[$u_pat]\E|xyz/i,
- "# \$c=~/\$c|xyz/i : chr($o) : u_str=$u_str u_pat=$u_pat");
+ {
+ local $Message = "Substitution with lookahead (possible segv)";
+ $_ = "ns1ns1ns1";
+ s/ns(?=\d)/ns_/g;
+ iseq $_, "ns_1ns_1ns_1";
+ $_ = "ns1";
+ s/ns(?=\d)/ns_/;
+ iseq $_, "ns_1";
+ $_ = "123";
+ s/(?=\d+)|(?<=\d)/!Bang!/g;
+ iseq $_, "!Bang!1!Bang!2!Bang!3!Bang!";
+ }
+ {
+ # [perl #45337] utf8 + "[a]a{2}" + /$.../ = panic: sv_len_utf8 cache
+ local $BugId = '45337';
+ local ${^UTF8CACHE} = -1;
+ local $Message = "Shouldn't panic";
+ my $s = "[a]a{2}";
+ utf8::upgrade $s;
+ ok "aaa" =~ /$s/;
+ }
+ {
+ local $BugId = '57042';
+ local $Message = "Check if tree logic breaks \$^R";
+ my $cond_re = qr/\s*
+ \s* (?:
+ \( \s* A (?{1})
+ | \( \s* B (?{2})
+ )
+ /x;
+ my @res;
+ for my $line ("(A)","(B)") {
+ if ($line =~ m/$cond_re/) {
+ push @res, $^R ? "#$^R" : "UNDEF";
+ }
+ }
+ iseq "@res","#1 #2";
+ }
+ {
+ no warnings 'closure';
+ my $re = qr/A(??{"1"})/;
+ ok "A1B" =~ m/^((??{ $re }))((??{"B"}))$/;
+ ok $1 eq "A1";
+ ok $2 eq "B";
+ }
+ {
+ use re 'eval';
+ local $Message = 'Test if $^N and $+ work in (?{{})';
+ our @ctl_n = ();
+ our @plus = ();
+ our $nested_tags;
+ $nested_tags = qr{
+ <
+ ((\w)+)
+ (?{
+ push @ctl_n, (defined $^N ? $^N : "undef");
+ push @plus, (defined $+ ? $+ : "undef");
+ })
+ >
+ (??{$nested_tags})*
+ </\s* \w+ \s*>
+ }x;
+ my $c = 0;
+ for my $test (
+ # Test structure:
+ # [ Expected result, Regex, Expected value(s) of $^N, Expected value(s) of $+ ]
+ [ 1, qr#^$nested_tags$#, "bla blubb bla", "a b a" ],
+ [ 1, qr#^($nested_tags)$#, "bla blubb <bla><blubb></blubb></bla>", "a b a" ],
+ [ 1, qr#^(|)$nested_tags$#, "bla blubb bla", "a b a" ],
+ [ 1, qr#^(?:|)$nested_tags$#, "bla blubb bla", "a b a" ],
+ [ 1, qr#^<(bl|bla)>$nested_tags<(/\1)>$#, "blubb /bla", "b /bla" ],
+ [ 1, qr#(??{"(|)"})$nested_tags$#, "bla blubb bla", "a b a" ],
+ [ 1, qr#^(??{"(bla|)"})$nested_tags$#, "bla blubb bla", "a b a" ],
+ [ 1, qr#^(??{"(|)"})(??{$nested_tags})$#, "bla blubb undef", "a b undef" ],
+ [ 1, qr#^(??{"(?:|)"})$nested_tags$#, "bla blubb bla", "a b a" ],
+ [ 1, qr#^((??{"(?:bla|)"}))((??{$nested_tags}))$#, "bla blubb <bla><blubb></blubb></bla>", "a b <bla><blubb></blubb></bla>" ],
+ [ 1, qr#^((??{"(?!)?"}))((??{$nested_tags}))$#, "bla blubb <bla><blubb></blubb></bla>", "a b <bla><blubb></blubb></bla>" ],
+ [ 1, qr#^((??{"(?:|<(/?bla)>)"}))((??{$nested_tags}))\1$#, "bla blubb <bla><blubb></blubb></bla>", "a b <bla><blubb></blubb></bla>" ],
+ [ 0, qr#^((??{"(?!)"}))?((??{$nested_tags}))(?!)$#, "bla blubb undef", "a b undef" ],
+ ) { #"#silence vim highlighting
+ $c++;
+ @ctl_n = ();
+ @plus = ();
+ my $match = (("<bla><blubb></blubb></bla>" =~ $test->[1]) ? 1 : 0);
+ push @ctl_n, (defined $^N ? $^N : "undef");
+ push @plus, (defined $+ ? $+ : "undef");
+ ok($test->[0] == $match, "match $c");
+ if ($test->[0] != $match) {
+ # unset @ctl_n and @plus
+ @ctl_n = @plus = ();
+ iseq("@ctl_n", $test->[2], "ctl_n $c");
+ iseq("@plus", $test->[3], "plus $c");
-# Test counter is at bottom of file. Put new tests above here.
-# Keep the following tests last -- they may crash perl
- # RT#19049 / RT#38869
- my @list = (
- 'ab cdef', # matches regex
- ( 'e' x 40000 ) .'ab c' # matches not, but 'ab c' matches part of it
- );
- my $y;
- my $x;
- foreach (@list) {
- m/ab(.+)cd/i; # the ignore-case seems to be important
- $y = $1; # use $1, which might not be from the last match!
- $x = substr($list[0],$-[0],$+[0]-$-[0]);
- }
- iseq($y,' ',
- 'pattern in a loop, failure should not affect previous success');
- iseq($x,'ab cd',
- 'pattern in a loop, failure should not affect previous success');
+ {
+ use re 'eval';
+ local $BugId = '56194';
+ our $f;
+ local $f;
+ $f = sub {
+ defined $_[0] ? $_[0] : "undef";
+ };
+ ok("123" =~ m/^(\d)(((??{1 + $^N})))+$/);
+ our @ctl_n;
+ our @plus;
+ my $re = qr#(1)((??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1}))*(?{$^N})#;
+ my $re2 = qr#(1)((??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1}))*(?{$^N})(|a(b)c|def)(??{"$^R"})#;
+ my $re3 = qr#(1)((??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1})){2}(?{$^N})(|a(b)c|def)(??{"$^R"})#;
+ our $re5;
+ local $re5 = qr#(1)((??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1})){2}(?{$^N})#;
+ my $re6 = qr#(??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1})#;
+ my $re7 = qr#(??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1})#;
+ my $re8 = qr/(\d+)/;
+ my $c = 0;
+ for my $test (
+ # Test structure:
+ # [
+ # String to match
+ # Regex too match
+ # Expected values of $^N
+ # Expected values of $+
+ # Expected values of $1, $2, $3, $4 and $5
+ # ]
+ [
+ "1233",
+ qr#^(1)((??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1}))+(??{$^N})$#,
+ "1 2 3 3",
+ "1 2 3 3",
+ "\$1 = 1, \$2 = 3, \$3 = undef, \$4 = undef, \$5 = undef",
+ ],
+ [
+ "1233",
+ qr#^(1)((??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1}))+(abc|def|)?(??{$+})$#,
+ "1 2 3 3",
+ "1 2 3 3",
+ "\$1 = 1, \$2 = 3, \$3 = undef, \$4 = undef, \$5 = undef",
+ ],
+ [
+ "1233",
+ qr#^(1)((??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1}))+(|abc|def)?(??{$+})$#,
+ "1 2 3 3",
+ "1 2 3 3",
+ "\$1 = 1, \$2 = 3, \$3 = undef, \$4 = undef, \$5 = undef",
+ ],
+ [
+ "1233",
+ qr#^(1)((??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1}))+(abc|def|)?(??{$^N})$#,
+ "1 2 3 3",
+ "1 2 3 3",
+ "\$1 = 1, \$2 = 3, \$3 = undef, \$4 = undef, \$5 = undef",
+ ],
+ [
+ "1233",
+ qr#^(1)((??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1}))+(|abc|def)?(??{$^N})$#,
+ "1 2 3 3",
+ "1 2 3 3",
+ "\$1 = 1, \$2 = 3, \$3 = undef, \$4 = undef, \$5 = undef",
+ ],
+ [
+ "123abc3",
+ qr#^($re)(|a(b)c|def)(??{$^R})$#,
+ "1 2 3 abc",
+ "1 2 3 b",
+ "\$1 = 123, \$2 = 1, \$3 = 3, \$4 = abc, \$5 = b",
+ ],
+ [
+ "123abc3",
+ qr#^($re2)$#,
+ "1 2 3 123abc3",
+ "1 2 3 b",
+ "\$1 = 123abc3, \$2 = 1, \$3 = 3, \$4 = abc, \$5 = b",
+ ],
+ [
+ "123abc3",
+ qr#^($re3)$#,
+ "1 2 123abc3",
+ "1 2 b",
+ "\$1 = 123abc3, \$2 = 1, \$3 = 3, \$4 = abc, \$5 = b",
+ ],
+ [
+ "123abc3",
+ qr#^(??{$re5})(|abc|def)(??{"$^R"})$#,
+ "1 2 abc",
+ "1 2 abc",
+ "\$1 = abc, \$2 = undef, \$3 = undef, \$4 = undef, \$5 = undef",
+ ],
+ [
+ "123abc3",
+ qr#^(??{$re5})(|a(b)c|def)(??{"$^R"})$#,
+ "1 2 abc",
+ "1 2 b",
+ "\$1 = abc, \$2 = b, \$3 = undef, \$4 = undef, \$5 = undef",
+ ],
+ [
+ "1234",
+ qr#^((\d+)((??{push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+);$^N + 1}))((??{push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+);$^N + 1}))((??{push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+);$^N + 1})))$#,
+ "1234 123 12 1 2 3 1234",
+ "1234 123 12 1 2 3 4",
+ "\$1 = 1234, \$2 = 1, \$3 = 2, \$4 = 3, \$5 = 4",
+ ],
+ [
+ "1234556",
+ qr#^(\d+)($re6)($re6)($re6)$re6(($re6)$re6)$#,
+ "1234556 123455 12345 1234 123 12 1 2 3 4 4 5 56",
+ "1234556 123455 12345 1234 123 12 1 2 3 4 4 5 5",
+ "\$1 = 1, \$2 = 2, \$3 = 3, \$4 = 4, \$5 = 56",
+ ],
+ [
+ "12345562",
+ qr#^((??{$re8}))($re7)($re7)($re7)$re7($re7)($re7(\2))$#,
+ "12345562 1234556 123455 12345 1234 123 12 1 2 3 4 4 5 62",
+ "12345562 1234556 123455 12345 1234 123 12 1 2 3 4 4 5 2",
+ "\$1 = 1, \$2 = 2, \$3 = 3, \$4 = 4, \$5 = 5",
+ ],
+ ) {
+ $c++;
+ @ctl_n = ();
+ @plus = ();
+ undef $^R;
+ my $match = $test->[0] =~ $test->[1];
+ my $str = join(", ", '$1 = '.$f->($1), '$2 = '.$f->($2), '$3 = '.$f->($3), '$4 = '.$f->($4),'$5 = '.$f->($5));
+ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N);
+ push @plus, $f->($+);
+ ok($match, "match $c");
+ if (not $match) {
+ # unset $str, @ctl_n and @plus
+ $str = "";
+ @ctl_n = @plus = ();
+ }
+ iseq("@ctl_n", $test->[2], "ctl_n $c");
+ iseq("@plus", $test->[3], "plus $c");
+ iseq($str, $test->[4], "str $c");
+ }
+ SKIP: {
+ if ($] le '5.010') {
+ skip "test segfaults on perl < 5.10", 4;
+ }
-ok(("a" x (2**15 - 10)) =~ /^()(a|bb)*$/, "Recursive stack cracker: #24274")
- or print "# Unexpected outcome: should pass or crash perl\n";
-ok((q(a)x 100) =~ /^(??{'(.)'x 100})/,
- "Regexp /^(??{'(.)'x 100})/ crashes older perls")
- or print "# Unexpected outcome: should pass or crash perl\n";
-eval '/\k/';
-ok($@=~/\QSequence \k... not terminated in regex;\E/);
- local $Message = "substitution with lookahead (possible segv)";
- $_="ns1ns1ns1";
- s/ns(?=\d)/ns_/g;
- iseq($_,"ns_1ns_1ns_1");
- $_="ns1";
- s/ns(?=\d)/ns_/;
- iseq($_,"ns_1");
- $_="123";
- s/(?=\d+)|(?<=\d)/!Bang!/g;
- iseq($_,"!Bang!1!Bang!2!Bang!3!Bang!");
+ @ctl_n = ();
+ @plus = ();
+ our $re4;
+ local $re4 = qr#(1)((??{push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+);$^N + 1})){2}(?{$^N})(|abc|def)(??{"$^R"})#;
+ undef $^R;
+ my $match = "123abc3" =~ m/^(??{$re4})$/;
+ my $str = join(", ", '$1 = '.$f->($1), '$2 = '.$f->($2), '$3 = '.$f->($3), '$4 = '.$f->($4),'$5 = '.$f->($5),'$^R = '.$f->($^R));
+ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N);
+ push @plus, $f->($+);
+ ok($match);
+ if (not $match) {
+ # unset $str
+ @ctl_n = ();
+ @plus = ();
+ $str = "";
+ }
+ iseq("@ctl_n", "1 2 undef");
+ iseq("@plus", "1 2 undef");
+ iseq($str, "\$1 = undef, \$2 = undef, \$3 = undef, \$4 = undef, \$5 = undef, \$^R = undef");
+ }
+ }
-# [perl #45337] utf8 + "[a]a{2}" + /$.../ = panic: sv_len_utf8 cache
+ {
+ local $BugId = 65372; # minimal CURLYM limited to 32767 matches
+ my @pat = (
+ qr{a(x|y)*b}, # CURLYM
+ qr{a(x|y)*?b}, # .. with minmod
+ qr{a([wx]|[yz])*b}, # .. and without tries
+ qr{a([wx]|[yz])*?b},
+ );
+ my $len = 32768;
+ my $s = join '', 'a', 'x' x $len, 'b';
+ for my $pat (@pat) {
+ ok($s =~ $pat, $pat);
+ }
+ }
+ #
+ # This should be the last test.
+ #
+ iseq $test + 1, $EXPECTED_TESTS, "Got the right number of tests!";
- local ${^UTF8CACHE} = -1;
- my $s="[a]a{2}";
- utf8::upgrade $s;
- ok("aaa" =~ /$s/, "#45337");
+} # End of sub run_tests
-# Put new tests above the dotted line about a page above this comment
-iseq(0+$::test,$::TestCount,"Got the right number of tests!");
-# Don't forget to update this!
- $::TestCount = 4013;
- print "1..$::TestCount\n";
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/range.t b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/range.t
index 3cef292446d..214c16835f5 100644
--- a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/range.t
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/range.t
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ require '';
use Config;
-plan (45);
+plan (135);
is(join(':',1..5), '1:2:3:4:5');
@@ -188,3 +188,219 @@ is(join(":", map "[$_]", @foo), '[]');
@foo=(); push @foo, $_ for $1.."";
is(join(":", map "[$_]", @foo), '');
+# Test upper range limit
+my $MAX_INT = ~0>>1;
+foreach my $ii (-3 .. 3) {
+ my ($first, $last);
+ eval {
+ my $lim=0;
+ for ($MAX_INT-10 .. $MAX_INT+$ii) {
+ if (! defined($first)) {
+ $first = $_;
+ }
+ $last = $_;
+ last if ($lim++ > 100); # Protect against integer wrap
+ }
+ };
+ if ($ii <= 0) {
+ ok(! $@, 'Upper bound accepted: ' . ($MAX_INT+$ii));
+ is($first, $MAX_INT-10, 'Lower bound okay');
+ is($last, $MAX_INT+$ii, 'Upper bound okay');
+ } else {
+ ok($@, 'Upper bound rejected: ' . ($MAX_INT+$ii));
+ }
+foreach my $ii (-3 .. 3) {
+ my ($first, $last);
+ eval {
+ my $lim=0;
+ for ($MAX_INT+$ii .. $MAX_INT) {
+ if (! defined($first)) {
+ $first = $_;
+ }
+ $last = $_;
+ last if ($lim++ > 100);
+ }
+ };
+ if ($ii <= 0) {
+ ok(! $@, 'Lower bound accepted: ' . ($MAX_INT+$ii));
+ is($first, $MAX_INT+$ii, 'Lower bound okay');
+ is($last, $MAX_INT, 'Upper bound okay');
+ } else {
+ ok($@, 'Lower bound rejected: ' . ($MAX_INT+$ii));
+ }
+ my $first;
+ eval {
+ my $lim=0;
+ for ($MAX_INT .. $MAX_INT-1) {
+ if (! defined($first)) {
+ $first = $_;
+ }
+ $last = $_;
+ last if ($lim++ > 100);
+ }
+ };
+ ok(! $@, 'Range accepted');
+ ok(! defined($first), 'Range ineffectual');
+foreach my $ii (~0, ~0+1, ~0+(~0>>4)) {
+ eval {
+ my $lim=0;
+ for ($MAX_INT-10 .. $ii) {
+ last if ($lim++ > 100);
+ }
+ };
+ ok($@, 'Upper bound rejected: ' . $ii);
+# Test lower range limit
+my $MIN_INT = -1-$MAX_INT;
+if (! $Config{d_nv_preserves_uv}) {
+ # $MIN_INT needs adjustment when IV won't fit into an NV
+ my $NV = $MIN_INT - 1;
+ my $OFFSET = 1;
+ while (($NV + $OFFSET) == $MIN_INT) {
+ }
+foreach my $ii (-3 .. 3) {
+ my ($first, $last);
+ eval {
+ my $lim=0;
+ for ($MIN_INT+$ii .. $MIN_INT+10) {
+ if (! defined($first)) {
+ $first = $_;
+ }
+ $last = $_;
+ last if ($lim++ > 100);
+ }
+ };
+ if ($ii >= 0) {
+ ok(! $@, 'Lower bound accepted: ' . ($MIN_INT+$ii));
+ is($first, $MIN_INT+$ii, 'Lower bound okay');
+ is($last, $MIN_INT+10, 'Upper bound okay');
+ } else {
+ ok($@, 'Lower bound rejected: ' . ($MIN_INT+$ii));
+ }
+foreach my $ii (-3 .. 3) {
+ my ($first, $last);
+ eval {
+ my $lim=0;
+ for ($MIN_INT .. $MIN_INT+$ii) {
+ if (! defined($first)) {
+ $first = $_;
+ }
+ $last = $_;
+ last if ($lim++ > 100);
+ }
+ };
+ if ($ii >= 0) {
+ ok(! $@, 'Upper bound accepted: ' . ($MIN_INT+$ii));
+ is($first, $MIN_INT, 'Lower bound okay');
+ is($last, $MIN_INT+$ii, 'Upper bound okay');
+ } else {
+ ok($@, 'Upper bound rejected: ' . ($MIN_INT+$ii));
+ }
+ my $first;
+ eval {
+ my $lim=0;
+ for ($MIN_INT+1 .. $MIN_INT) {
+ if (! defined($first)) {
+ $first = $_;
+ }
+ $last = $_;
+ last if ($lim++ > 100);
+ }
+ };
+ ok(! $@, 'Range accepted');
+ ok(! defined($first), 'Range ineffectual');
+foreach my $ii (~0, ~0+1, ~0+(~0>>4)) {
+ eval {
+ my $lim=0;
+ for (-$ii .. $MIN_INT+10) {
+ last if ($lim++ > 100);
+ }
+ };
+ ok($@, 'Lower bound rejected: ' . -$ii);
+# double/tripple magic tests
+sub TIESCALAR { bless { value => $_[1], orig => $_[1] } }
+sub STORE { $_[0]{store}++; $_[0]{value} = $_[1] }
+sub FETCH { $_[0]{fetch}++; $_[0]{value} }
+sub stores { tied($_[0])->{value} = tied($_[0])->{orig};
+ delete(tied($_[0])->{store}) || 0 }
+sub fetches { delete(tied($_[0])->{fetch}) || 0 }
+tie $x, "main", 6;
+my @foo;
+@foo = 4 .. $x;
+is(scalar @foo, 3);
+is("@foo", "4 5 6");
+ local $TODO = "test for double magic with range operator";
+ is(fetches($x), 1);
+is(stores($x), 0);
+@foo = $x .. 8;
+is(scalar @foo, 3);
+is("@foo", "6 7 8");
+ local $TODO = "test for double magic with range operator";
+ is(fetches($x), 1);
+is(stores($x), 0);
+@foo = $x .. $x + 1;
+is(scalar @foo, 2);
+is("@foo", "6 7");
+ local $TODO = "test for double magic with range operator";
+ is(fetches($x), 2);
+is(stores($x), 0);
+@foo = ();
+for (4 .. $x) {
+ push @foo, $_;
+is(scalar @foo, 3);
+is("@foo", "4 5 6");
+ local $TODO = "test for double magic with range operator";
+ is(fetches($x), 1);
+is(stores($x), 0);
+@foo = ();
+for (reverse 4 .. $x) {
+ push @foo, $_;
+is(scalar @foo, 3);
+is("@foo", "6 5 4");
+ local $TODO = "test for double magic with range operator";
+ is(fetches($x), 1);
+is(stores($x), 0);
+# EOF
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/re_tests b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/re_tests
index 87a3e50285c..4b0e1209689 100644
--- a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/re_tests
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/re_tests
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+# This stops me getting screenfulls of syntax errors every time I accidentally
+# run this file via a shell glob
abc abc y $& abc
abc abc y $-[0] 0
abc abc y $+[0] 3
@@ -411,6 +414,7 @@ a[-]?c ac y $& ac
'(abc)\1'i ABCABC y $1 ABC
'([a-c]*)\1'i ABCABC y $1 ABC
a(?!b). abad y $& ad
+(?=)a a y $& a
a(?=d). abad y $& ad
a(?=c|d). abad y $& ad
a(?:b|c|d)(.) ace y $1 e
@@ -614,6 +618,7 @@ $(?<=^(a)) a y $1 a
((?>[^()]+)|\([^()]*\))+ ((abc(ade)ufh()()x y $& abc(ade)ufh()()x
(?<=x+)y - c - Variable length lookbehind not implemented
a{37,17} - c - Can't do {n,m} with n > m
+a{37,0} - c - Can't do {n,m} with n > m
\Z a\nb\n y $-[0] 3
\z a\nb\n y $-[0] 4
$ a\nb\n y $-[0] 3
@@ -1281,6 +1286,7 @@ a*(*F) aaaab n - -
X(\w+)(?=\s)|X(\w+) Xab y [$1-$2] [-ab]
#check that branch reset works ok.
+(?|(a)) a y $1-$+-$^N a-a-a
(?|a(.)b|d(.(o).)d|i(.)(.)j)(.) d!o!da y $1-$2-$3 !o!-o-a
(?|a(.)b|d(.(o).)d|i(.)(.)j)(.) aabc y $1-$2-$3 a--c
(?|a(.)b|d(.(o).)d|i(.)(.)j)(.) ixyjp y $1-$2-$3 x-y-p
@@ -1289,6 +1295,11 @@ X(\w+)(?=\s)|X(\w+) Xab y [$1-$2] [-ab]
(?|(?|(a)|(b))|(?|(c)|(d))) c y $1 c
(?|(?|(a)|(b))|(?|(c)|(d))) d y $1 d
(.)(?|(.)(.)x|(.)d)(.) abcde y $1-$2-$3-$4-$5- b-c--e--
+(?|(?<foo>x)) x y $+{foo} x
+(?|(?<foo>x)|(?<bar>y)) x y $+{foo} x
+(?|(?<bar>y)|(?<foo>x)) x y $+{foo} x
+(?<bar>)(?|(?<foo>x)) x y $+{foo} x
#Bug #41492
(?(DEFINE)(?<A>(?&B)+)(?<B>a))(?&A) a y $& a
(?(DEFINE)(?<A>(?&B)+)(?<B>a))(?&A) aa y $& aa
@@ -1338,3 +1349,27 @@ foo(\h)bar foo\tbar y $1 \t
.*\z foo\n y - -
^(?:(\d)x)?\d$ 1 y ${\(defined($1)?1:0)} 0
.*?(?:(\w)|(\w))x abx y $1-$2 b-
+0{50} 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 y - -
+^a?(?=b)b ab y $& ab # Bug #56690
+^a*(?=b)b ab y $& ab # Bug #56690
+/>\d+$ \n/ix >10\n y $& >10
+/>\d+$ \n/ix >1\n y $& >1
+/\d+$ \n/ix >10\n y $& 10
+/>\d\d$ \n/ix >10\n y $& >10
+/>\d+$ \n/x >10\n y $& >10
+# Two regressions in 5.8.x (only) introduced by change 30638
+# Simplification of the test failure in XML::LibXML::Simple:
+/^\s*i.*?o\s*$/s io\n io y - -
+# As reported in #59168 by Father Chrysostomos:
+/(.*?)a(?!(a+)b\2c)/ baaabaac y $&-$1 baa-ba
+# [perl #60344] Regex lookbehind failure after an (if)then|else in perl 5.10
+/\A(?(?=db2)db2|\D+)(?<!processed)\.csv\z/xms sql_processed.csv n - -
+/\N{U+0100}/ \x{100} y $& \x{100} # Bug #59328
+[\s][\S] \x{a0}\x{a0} nT - - # TODO Unicode complements should not match same character
+# was generating malformed utf8
+'[\x{100}\xff]'i \x{ff} y $& \x{ff}
+((??{ "(?:|)" }))\s C\x20 y - -
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/read.t b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/read.t
index 8235bc20724..23f1b51a2c6 100644
--- a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/read.t
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/read.t
@@ -31,9 +31,7 @@ my $has_perlio = !eval {
-my $tmpfile = 'Op_read.tmp';
-END { 1 while unlink $tmpfile }
+my $tmpfile = tempfile();
my (@values, @buffers) = ('', '');
@@ -56,7 +54,6 @@ foreach my $value (@values) {
skip "Needs :utf8 layer but no perlio", 2 * @offsets * @lengths
if $utf8 and !$has_perlio;
- 1 while unlink $tmpfile;
open FH, ">$tmpfile" or die "Can't open $tmpfile: $!";
binmode FH, "utf8" if $utf8;
print FH $value;
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/readdir.t b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/readdir.t
index 971a02ada7d..53c7b68c27d 100644
--- a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/readdir.t
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/readdir.t
@@ -20,11 +20,12 @@ if (opendir(OP, "op")) { print "ok 1\n"; } else { print "not ok 1\n"; }
@D = grep(/^[^\.].*\.t$/i, readdir(OP));
-## This range will have to adjust as the number of tests expands,
-## as it's counting the number of .t files in src/t
-my ($min, $max) = (150, 170);
+open $man, "<../MANIFEST" or die "Can't open ../MANIFEST: $!";
+my $expect;
+while (<$man>) {
+ ++$expect if m!^t/op/[^/]+\t!;
+my ($min, $max) = ($expect - 10, $expect + 10);
if (@D > $min && @D < $max) { print "ok 2\n"; }
else {
printf "not ok 2 # counting op/*.t, expect $min < %d < $max files\n",
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/ref.t b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/ref.t
index 3fdc8333888..a98da6e5a29 100644
--- a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/ref.t
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/ref.t
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ BEGIN {
require '';
use strict qw(refs subs);
# Test glob operations.
@@ -54,11 +54,6 @@ $BAR = \$BAZ;
$BAZ = "hit";
is ($$$FOO, 'hit');
-# test that ref(vstring) makes sense
-my $vstref = \v1;
-is (ref($vstref), "VSTRING", "ref(vstr) eq VSTRING");
-like ( $vstref, qr/VSTRING\(0x[0-9a-f]+\)/, '\vstr is also VSTRING');
# Test references to real arrays.
my $test = curr_test();
@@ -131,9 +126,49 @@ sub mysub2 { lc shift }
# Test the ref operator.
-is (ref $subref, 'CODE');
-is (ref $ref, 'ARRAY');
-is (ref $refref, 'HASH');
+sub PVBM () { 'foo' }
+{ my $dummy = index 'foo', PVBM }
+my $pviv = 1; "$pviv";
+my $pvnv = 1.0; "$pvnv";
+my $x;
+# we don't test
+# tied lvalue => SCALAR, as we haven't tested tie yet
+# BIND, 'cos we can't create them yet
+# REGEXP, 'cos that requires overload or Scalar::Util
+# LVALUE ref, 'cos I can't work out how to create one :)
+for (
+ [ 'undef', SCALAR => \undef ],
+ [ 'constant IV', SCALAR => \1 ],
+ [ 'constant NV', SCALAR => \1.0 ],
+ [ 'constant PV', SCALAR => \'f' ],
+ [ 'scalar', SCALAR => \$x ],
+ [ 'PVIV', SCALAR => \$pviv ],
+ [ 'PVNV', SCALAR => \$pvnv ],
+ [ 'PVMG', SCALAR => \$0 ],
+ [ 'PVBM', SCALAR => \PVBM ],
+ [ 'vstring', VSTRING => \v1 ],
+ [ 'ref', REF => \\1 ],
+ [ 'lvalue', LVALUE => \substr($x, 0, 0) ],
+ [ 'named array', ARRAY => \@ary ],
+ [ 'anon array', ARRAY => [ 1 ] ],
+ [ 'named hash', HASH => \%whatever ],
+ [ 'anon hash', HASH => { a => 1 } ],
+ [ 'named sub', CODE => \&mysub, ],
+ [ 'anon sub', CODE => sub { 1; } ],
+ [ 'glob', GLOB => \*foo ],
+ [ 'format', FORMAT => *STDERR{FORMAT} ],
+) {
+ my ($desc, $type, $ref) = @$_;
+ is (ref $ref, $type, "ref() for ref to $desc");
+ like ("$ref", qr/^$type\(0x[0-9a-f]+\)$/, "stringify for ref to $desc");
+is (ref *STDOUT{IO}, 'IO::Handle', 'IO refs are blessed into IO::Handle');
+like (*STDOUT{IO}, qr/^IO::Handle=IO\(0x[0-9a-f]+\)$/,
+ 'stringify for IO refs');
# Test anonymous hash syntax.
@@ -536,6 +571,32 @@ is ( (sub {"bar"})[0]->(), "bar", 'code deref from list slice w/ ->' );
is($ref, *{$ref}{IO}, "IO slot of the temporary glob is set correctly");
+# these will segfault if they fail
+my $pvbm = PVBM;
+my $rpvbm = \$pvbm;
+ok (!eval { *$rpvbm }, 'PVBM ref is not a GLOB ref');
+ok (!eval { *$pvbm }, 'PVBM is not a GLOB ref');
+ok (!eval { $$pvbm }, 'PVBM is not a SCALAR ref');
+ok (!eval { @$pvbm }, 'PVBM is not an ARRAY ref');
+ok (!eval { %$pvbm }, 'PVBM is not a HASH ref');
+ok (!eval { $pvbm->() }, 'PVBM is not a CODE ref');
+ok (!eval { $rpvbm->foo }, 'PVBM is not an object');
+# bug 24254
+is( runperl(stderr => 1, prog => 'map eval qq(exit),1 for 1'), "");
+is( runperl(stderr => 1, prog => 'eval { for (1) { map { die } 2 } };'), "");
+is( runperl(stderr => 1, prog => 'for (125) { map { exit } (213)}'), "");
+my $hushed = $^O eq 'VMS' ? 'use vmsish qw(hushed);' : '';
+is( runperl(stderr => 1, prog => $hushed . 'map die,4 for 3'), "Died at -e line 1.\n");
+is( runperl(stderr => 1, prog => $hushed . 'grep die,4 for 3'), "Died at -e line 1.\n");
+is( runperl(stderr => 1, prog => $hushed . 'for $a (3) {@b=sort {die} 4,5}'), "Died at -e line 1.\n");
+# bug 57564
+is( runperl(stderr => 1, prog => 'my $i;for $i (1) { for $i (2) { } }'), "");
# Bit of a hack to make happy. There are 3 more tests after it leaves.
$test = curr_test();
curr_test($test + 3);
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/regexp.t b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/regexp.t
index 7ad7d89bc92..ba5da62b656 100644
--- a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/regexp.t
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/regexp.t
@@ -13,8 +13,10 @@
# y expect a match
# n expect no match
# c expect an error
+# T the test is a TODO (can be combined with y/n/c)
# B test exposes a known bug in Perl, should be skipped
# b test exposes a known bug in Perl, should be skipped if noamp
+# t test exposes a bug with threading, TODO if qr_embed_thr
# Columns 4 and 5 are used only if column 3 contains C<y> or C<c>.
@@ -49,12 +51,25 @@ BEGIN {
chdir 't' if -d 't';
@INC = '../lib';
+ if ($qr_embed_thr) {
+ require Config;
+ if (!$Config::Config{useithreads}) {
+ print "1..0 # Skip: no ithreads\n";
+ exit 0;
+ }
+ print "1..0 # Skip: no dynamic loading on miniperl, no threads\n";
+ exit 0;
+ }
+ require threads;
+ }
use strict;
use warnings FATAL=>"all";
use vars qw($iters $numtests $bang $ffff $nulnul $OP);
-use vars qw($qr $skip_amp $qr_embed); # set by our callers
+use vars qw($qr $skip_amp $qr_embed $qr_embed_thr); # set by our callers
if (!defined $file) {
@@ -73,13 +88,14 @@ $OP = $qr ? 'qr' : 'm';
$| = 1;
printf "1..%d\n# $iters iterations\n", scalar @tests;
my $test;
foreach (@tests) {
- if (!/\S/ || /^\s*#/) {
+ if (!/\S/ || /^\s*#/ || /^__END__$/) {
print "ok $test # (Blank line or comment)\n";
- if (/\S/) { print $_ };
+ if (/#/) { print $_ };
@@ -87,15 +103,19 @@ foreach (@tests) {
my ($pat, $subject, $result, $repl, $expect, $reason) = split(/\t/,$_,6);
$reason = '' unless defined $reason;
my $input = join(':',$pat,$subject,$result,$repl,$expect);
- $pat = "'$pat'" unless $pat =~ /^[:'\/]/;
+ # the double '' below keeps simple syntax highlighters from going crazy
+ $pat = "'$pat'" unless $pat =~ /^[:''\/]/;
$pat =~ s/(\$\{\w+\})/$1/eeg;
$pat =~ s/\\n/\n/g;
$subject = eval qq("$subject"); die $@ if $@;
$expect = eval qq("$expect"); die $@ if $@;
$expect = $repl = '-' if $skip_amp and $input =~ /\$[&\`\']/;
+ my $todo_qr = $qr_embed_thr && ($result =~ s/t//);
my $skip = ($skip_amp ? ($result =~ s/B//i) : ($result =~ s/B//));
$reason = 'skipping $&' if $reason eq '' && $skip_amp;
$result =~ s/B//i unless $skip;
+ my $todo= $result =~ s/T// ? " # TODO" : "";
for my $study ('', 'study $subject', 'utf8::upgrade($subject)',
'utf8::upgrade($subject); study $subject') {
@@ -120,6 +140,16 @@ EOFCODE
\$got = "$repl";
+ elsif ($qr_embed_thr) {
+ $code= <<EOFCODE;
+ # Can't run the match in a subthread, but can do this and
+ # clone the pattern the other way.
+ my \$RE = threads->new(sub {qr$pat})->join();
+ $study;
+ \$match = (\$subject =~ /(?:)\$RE(?:)/) while \$c--;
+ \$got = "$repl";
+ }
else {
$code= <<EOFCODE;
@@ -139,35 +169,39 @@ EOFCODE
chomp( my $err = $@ );
if ($result eq 'c') {
- if ($err !~ m!^\Q$expect!) { print "not ok $test (compile) $input => `$err'\n"; next TEST }
+ if ($err !~ m!^\Q$expect!) { print "not ok $test$todo (compile) $input => `$err'\n"; next TEST }
last; # no need to study a syntax error
elsif ( $skip ) {
print "ok $test # skipped", length($reason) ? " $reason" : '', "\n";
next TEST;
+ elsif ( $todo_qr ) {
+ print "not ok $test # TODO", length($reason) ? " - $reason" : '', "\n";
+ next TEST;
+ }
elsif ($@) {
- print "not ok $test $input => error `$err'\n$code\n$@\n"; next TEST;
+ print "not ok $test$todo $input => error `$err'\n$code\n$@\n"; next TEST;
- elsif ($result eq 'n') {
- if ($match) { print "not ok $test ($study) $input => false positive\n"; next TEST }
+ elsif ($result =~ /^n/) {
+ if ($match) { print "not ok $test$todo ($study) $input => false positive\n"; next TEST }
else {
if (!$match || $got ne $expect) {
eval { require Data::Dumper };
if ($@) {
- print "not ok $test ($study) $input => `$got', match=$match\n$code\n";
+ print "not ok $test$todo ($study) $input => `$got', match=$match\n$code\n";
else { # better diagnostics
my $s = Data::Dumper->new([$subject],['subject'])->Useqq(1)->Dump;
my $g = Data::Dumper->new([$got],['got'])->Useqq(1)->Dump;
- print "not ok $test ($study) $input => `$got', match=$match\n$s\n$g\n$code\n";
+ print "not ok $test$todo ($study) $input => `$got', match=$match\n$s\n$g\n$code\n";
next TEST;
- print "ok $test\n";
+ print "ok $test$todo\n";
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/runlevel.t b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/runlevel.t
index 36c63effac8..44aedc0c081 100644
--- a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/runlevel.t
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/runlevel.t
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
chdir 't' if -d 't';
@INC = '../lib';
+require './';
$Is_VMS = $^O eq 'VMS';
$Is_MSWin32 = $^O eq 'MSWin32';
$Is_NetWare = $^O eq 'NetWare';
@@ -20,9 +21,7 @@ undef $/;
@prgs = split "\n########\n", <DATA>;
print "1..", scalar @prgs, "\n";
-$tmpfile = "runltmp000";
-1 while -f ++$tmpfile;
-END { if ($tmpfile) { 1 while unlink $tmpfile; } }
+$tmpfile = tempfile();
for (@prgs){
my $switch = "";
@@ -45,7 +44,7 @@ for (@prgs){
my $status = $?;
$results =~ s/\n+$//;
# allow expected output to be written as if $prog is on STDIN
- $results =~ s/runltmp\d+/-/g;
+ $results =~ s/$::tempfile_regexp/-/ig;
$results =~ s/\n%[A-Z]+-[SIWEF]-.*$// if $Is_VMS; # clip off DCL status msg
$expected =~ s/\n+$//;
if ($results ne $expected) {
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/sort.t b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/sort.t
index 737727ef747..616761a05d4 100644
--- a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/sort.t
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/sort.t
@@ -2,10 +2,11 @@
chdir 't' if -d 't';
- @INC = qw(. ../lib); require '';
+ @INC = qw(. ../lib);
+ require '';
use warnings;
-plan( tests => 143 );
+plan( tests => 144 );
# these shouldn't hang
@@ -260,48 +261,43 @@ $x = join('', sort { $a <=> $b } 3, 1, 2);
cmp_ok($x,'eq','123',q(optimized-away comparison block doesn't take any other arguments away with it));
# test sorting in non-main package
-package Foo;
-@a = ( 5, 19, 1996, 255, 90 );
-@b = sort { $b <=> $a } @a;
-main::cmp_ok("@b",'eq','1996 255 90 19 5','not in main:: 1');
-@b = sort main::Backwards_stacked @a;
-main::cmp_ok("@b",'eq','90 5 255 1996 19','not in main:: 2');
-# check if context for sort arguments is handled right
-sub test_if_list {
- my $gimme = wantarray;
- main::is($gimme,1,'wantarray 1');
-my $m = sub { $a <=> $b };
-sub cxt_one { sort $m test_if_list() }
-sub cxt_two { sort { $a <=> $b } test_if_list() }
-sub cxt_three { sort &test_if_list() }
+ package Foo;
+ @a = ( 5, 19, 1996, 255, 90 );
+ @b = sort { $b <=> $a } @a;
+ ::cmp_ok("@b",'eq','1996 255 90 19 5','not in main:: 1');
-sub test_if_scalar {
- my $gimme = wantarray;
- main::is(!($gimme or !defined($gimme)),1,'wantarray 2');
+ @b = sort ::Backwards_stacked @a;
+ ::cmp_ok("@b",'eq','90 5 255 1996 19','not in main:: 2');
+ # check if context for sort arguments is handled right
+ sub test_if_list {
+ my $gimme = wantarray;
+ ::is($gimme,1,'wantarray 1');
+ }
+ my $m = sub { $a <=> $b };
+ sub cxt_one { sort $m test_if_list() }
+ cxt_one();
+ sub cxt_two { sort { $a <=> $b } test_if_list() }
+ cxt_two();
+ sub cxt_three { sort &test_if_list() }
+ cxt_three();
+ sub test_if_scalar {
+ my $gimme = wantarray;
+ ::is(!($gimme or !defined($gimme)),1,'wantarray 2');
+ }
+ $m = \&test_if_scalar;
+ sub cxt_four { sort $m 1,2 }
+ @x = cxt_four();
+ sub cxt_five { sort { test_if_scalar($a,$b); } 1,2 }
+ @x = cxt_five();
+ sub cxt_six { sort test_if_scalar 1,2 }
+ @x = cxt_six();
-$m = \&test_if_scalar;
-sub cxt_four { sort $m 1,2 }
-@x = cxt_four();
-sub cxt_five { sort { test_if_scalar($a,$b); } 1,2 }
-@x = cxt_five();
-sub cxt_six { sort test_if_scalar 1,2 }
-@x = cxt_six();
# test against a reentrancy bug
@@ -316,84 +312,81 @@ sub cxt_six { sort test_if_scalar 1,2 }
Bar::reenter() unless $init++;
$a <=> $b
} qw/4 3 1 2/;
- main::cmp_ok("@b",'eq','1 2 3 4','reenter 1');
+ cmp_ok("@b",'eq','1 2 3 4','reenter 1');
- main::ok(!$def,'reenter 2');
+ ok(!$def,'reenter 2');
sub routine { "one", "two" };
@a = sort(routine(1));
- main::cmp_ok("@a",'eq',"one two",'bug id 19991001.003');
+ cmp_ok("@a",'eq',"one two",'bug id 19991001.003');
-#my $test = 59;
-sub ok { main::cmp_ok($_[0],'eq',$_[1],$_[2]);
-# print "not " unless $_[0] eq $_[1];
-# print "ok $test - $_[2]\n";
-# print "#[$_[0]] ne [$_[1]]\n" unless $_[0] eq $_[1];
-# $test++;
# check for in-place optimisation of @a = sort @a
my ($r1,$r2,@a);
our @g;
@g = (3,2,1); $r1 = \$g[2]; @g = sort @g; $r2 = \$g[0];
- ok "$r1-@g", "$r2-1 2 3", "inplace sort of global";
+ is "$r1-@g", "$r2-1 2 3", "inplace sort of global";
@a = qw(b a c); $r1 = \$a[1]; @a = sort @a; $r2 = \$a[0];
- ok "$r1-@a", "$r2-a b c", "inplace sort of lexical";
+ is "$r1-@a", "$r2-a b c", "inplace sort of lexical";
@g = (2,3,1); $r1 = \$g[1]; @g = sort { $b <=> $a } @g; $r2 = \$g[0];
- ok "$r1-@g", "$r2-3 2 1", "inplace reversed sort of global";
+ is "$r1-@g", "$r2-3 2 1", "inplace reversed sort of global";
@g = (2,3,1);
$r1 = \$g[1]; @g = sort { $a<$b?1:$a>$b?-1:0 } @g; $r2 = \$g[0];
- ok "$r1-@g", "$r2-3 2 1", "inplace custom sort of global";
+ is "$r1-@g", "$r2-3 2 1", "inplace custom sort of global";
sub mysort { $b cmp $a };
@a = qw(b c a); $r1 = \$a[1]; @a = sort mysort @a; $r2 = \$a[0];
- ok "$r1-@a", "$r2-c b a", "inplace sort with function of lexical";
+ is "$r1-@a", "$r2-c b a", "inplace sort with function of lexical";
use Tie::Array;
my @t;
tie @t, 'Tie::StdArray';
@t = qw(b c a); @t = sort @t;
- ok "@t", "a b c", "inplace sort of tied array";
+ is "@t", "a b c", "inplace sort of tied array";
@t = qw(b c a); @t = sort mysort @t;
- ok "@t", "c b a", "inplace sort of tied array with function";
+ is "@t", "c b a", "inplace sort of tied array with function";
# [perl #29790] don't optimise @a = ('a', sort @a) !
@g = (3,2,1); @g = ('0', sort @g);
- ok "@g", "0 1 2 3", "un-inplace sort of global";
+ is "@g", "0 1 2 3", "un-inplace sort of global";
@g = (3,2,1); @g = (sort(@g),'4');
- ok "@g", "1 2 3 4", "un-inplace sort of global 2";
+ is "@g", "1 2 3 4", "un-inplace sort of global 2";
@a = qw(b a c); @a = ('x', sort @a);
- ok "@a", "x a b c", "un-inplace sort of lexical";
+ is "@a", "x a b c", "un-inplace sort of lexical";
@a = qw(b a c); @a = ((sort @a), 'x');
- ok "@a", "a b c x", "un-inplace sort of lexical 2";
+ is "@a", "a b c x", "un-inplace sort of lexical 2";
@g = (2,3,1); @g = ('0', sort { $b <=> $a } @g);
- ok "@g", "0 3 2 1", "un-inplace reversed sort of global";
+ is "@g", "0 3 2 1", "un-inplace reversed sort of global";
@g = (2,3,1); @g = ((sort { $b <=> $a } @g),'4');
- ok "@g", "3 2 1 4", "un-inplace reversed sort of global 2";
+ is "@g", "3 2 1 4", "un-inplace reversed sort of global 2";
@g = (2,3,1); @g = ('0', sort { $a<$b?1:$a>$b?-1:0 } @g);
- ok "@g", "0 3 2 1", "un-inplace custom sort of global";
+ is "@g", "0 3 2 1", "un-inplace custom sort of global";
@g = (2,3,1); @g = ((sort { $a<$b?1:$a>$b?-1:0 } @g),'4');
- ok "@g", "3 2 1 4", "un-inplace custom sort of global 2";
+ is "@g", "3 2 1 4", "un-inplace custom sort of global 2";
@a = qw(b c a); @a = ('x', sort mysort @a);
- ok "@a", "x c b a", "un-inplace sort with function of lexical";
+ is "@a", "x c b a", "un-inplace sort with function of lexical";
@a = qw(b c a); @a = ((sort mysort @a),'x');
- ok "@a", "c b a x", "un-inplace sort with function of lexical 2";
+ is "@a", "c b a x", "un-inplace sort with function of lexical 2";
+ # RT#54758. Git 62b40d2474e7487e6909e1872b6bccdf812c6818
+ no warnings 'void';
+ my @m; push @m, 0 for 1 .. 1024; $#m; @m = sort @m;
+ ::pass("in-place sorting segfault");
# Test optimisations of reversed sorts. As we now guarantee stability by
@@ -419,77 +412,77 @@ sub generate {
my @input = &generate;
my @output = sort @input;
-ok join(" ", map {0+$_} @output), "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8", "Simple stable sort";
+is join(" ", map {0+$_} @output), "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8", "Simple stable sort";
@input = &generate;
@input = sort @input;
-ok join(" ", map {0+$_} @input), "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8",
+is join(" ", map {0+$_} @input), "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8",
"Simple stable in place sort";
# This won't be very interesting
@input = &generate;
@output = sort {$a <=> $b} @input;
-ok "@output", "A A A B B B C C C", 'stable $a <=> $b sort';
+is "@output", "A A A B B B C C C", 'stable $a <=> $b sort';
@input = &generate;
@output = sort {$a cmp $b} @input;
-ok join(" ", map {0+$_} @output), "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8", 'stable $a cmp $b sort';
+is join(" ", map {0+$_} @output), "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8", 'stable $a cmp $b sort';
@input = &generate;
@input = sort {$a cmp $b} @input;
-ok join(" ", map {0+$_} @input), "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8",
+is join(" ", map {0+$_} @input), "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8",
'stable $a cmp $b in place sort';
@input = &generate;
@output = sort {$b cmp $a} @input;
-ok join(" ", map {0+$_} @output), "6 7 8 3 4 5 0 1 2", 'stable $b cmp $a sort';
+is join(" ", map {0+$_} @output), "6 7 8 3 4 5 0 1 2", 'stable $b cmp $a sort';
@input = &generate;
@input = sort {$b cmp $a} @input;
-ok join(" ", map {0+$_} @input), "6 7 8 3 4 5 0 1 2",
+is join(" ", map {0+$_} @input), "6 7 8 3 4 5 0 1 2",
'stable $b cmp $a in place sort';
@input = &generate;
@output = reverse sort @input;
-ok join(" ", map {0+$_} @output), "8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0", "Reversed stable sort";
+is join(" ", map {0+$_} @output), "8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0", "Reversed stable sort";
@input = &generate;
@input = reverse sort @input;
-ok join(" ", map {0+$_} @input), "8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0",
+is join(" ", map {0+$_} @input), "8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0",
"Reversed stable in place sort";
@input = &generate;
my $output = reverse sort @input;
-ok $output, "CCCBBBAAA", "Reversed stable sort in scalar context";
+is $output, "CCCBBBAAA", "Reversed stable sort in scalar context";
@input = &generate;
@output = reverse sort {$a cmp $b} @input;
-ok join(" ", map {0+$_} @output), "8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0",
+is join(" ", map {0+$_} @output), "8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0",
'reversed stable $a cmp $b sort';
@input = &generate;
@input = reverse sort {$a cmp $b} @input;
-ok join(" ", map {0+$_} @input), "8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0",
+is join(" ", map {0+$_} @input), "8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0",
'revesed stable $a cmp $b in place sort';
@input = &generate;
$output = reverse sort {$a cmp $b} @input;
-ok $output, "CCCBBBAAA", 'Reversed stable $a cmp $b sort in scalar context';
+is $output, "CCCBBBAAA", 'Reversed stable $a cmp $b sort in scalar context';
@input = &generate;
@output = reverse sort {$b cmp $a} @input;
-ok join(" ", map {0+$_} @output), "2 1 0 5 4 3 8 7 6",
+is join(" ", map {0+$_} @output), "2 1 0 5 4 3 8 7 6",
'reversed stable $b cmp $a sort';
@input = &generate;
@input = reverse sort {$b cmp $a} @input;
-ok join(" ", map {0+$_} @input), "2 1 0 5 4 3 8 7 6",
+is join(" ", map {0+$_} @input), "2 1 0 5 4 3 8 7 6",
'revesed stable $b cmp $a in place sort';
@input = &generate;
$output = reverse sort {$b cmp $a} @input;
-ok $output, "AAABBBCCC", 'Reversed stable $b cmp $a sort in scalar context';
+is $output, "AAABBBCCC", 'Reversed stable $b cmp $a sort in scalar context';
sub stuff {
# Something complex enough to defeat any constant folding optimiser
@@ -498,27 +491,27 @@ sub stuff {
@input = &generate;
@output = reverse sort {stuff || $a cmp $b} @input;
-ok join(" ", map {0+$_} @output), "8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0",
+is join(" ", map {0+$_} @output), "8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0",
'reversed stable complex sort';
@input = &generate;
@input = reverse sort {stuff || $a cmp $b} @input;
-ok join(" ", map {0+$_} @input), "8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0",
+is join(" ", map {0+$_} @input), "8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0",
'revesed stable complex in place sort';
@input = &generate;
$output = reverse sort {stuff || $a cmp $b } @input;
-ok $output, "CCCBBBAAA", 'Reversed stable complex sort in scalar context';
+is $output, "CCCBBBAAA", 'Reversed stable complex sort in scalar context';
sub sortr {
reverse sort @_;
@output = sortr &generate;
-ok join(" ", map {0+$_} @output), "8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0",
+is join(" ", map {0+$_} @output), "8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0",
'reversed stable sort return list context';
$output = sortr &generate;
-ok $output, "CCCBBBAAA",
+is $output, "CCCBBBAAA",
'reversed stable sort return scalar context';
sub sortcmpr {
@@ -526,10 +519,10 @@ sub sortcmpr {
@output = sortcmpr &generate;
-ok join(" ", map {0+$_} @output), "8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0",
+is join(" ", map {0+$_} @output), "8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0",
'reversed stable $a cmp $b sort return list context';
$output = sortcmpr &generate;
-ok $output, "CCCBBBAAA",
+is $output, "CCCBBBAAA",
'reversed stable $a cmp $b sort return scalar context';
sub sortcmprba {
@@ -537,10 +530,10 @@ sub sortcmprba {
@output = sortcmprba &generate;
-ok join(" ", map {0+$_} @output), "2 1 0 5 4 3 8 7 6",
+is join(" ", map {0+$_} @output), "2 1 0 5 4 3 8 7 6",
'reversed stable $b cmp $a sort return list context';
$output = sortcmprba &generate;
-ok $output, "AAABBBCCC",
+is $output, "AAABBBCCC",
'reversed stable $b cmp $a sort return scalar context';
sub sortcmprq {
@@ -548,10 +541,10 @@ sub sortcmprq {
@output = sortcmpr &generate;
-ok join(" ", map {0+$_} @output), "8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0",
+is join(" ", map {0+$_} @output), "8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0",
'reversed stable complex sort return list context';
$output = sortcmpr &generate;
-ok $output, "CCCBBBAAA",
+is $output, "CCCBBBAAA",
'reversed stable complex sort return scalar context';
# And now with numbers
@@ -564,148 +557,148 @@ sub generate1 {
# This won't be very interesting
@input = &generate1;
@output = sort {$a cmp $b} @input;
-ok "@output", "A B C D E F G H I", 'stable $a cmp $b sort';
+is "@output", "A B C D E F G H I", 'stable $a cmp $b sort';
@input = &generate1;
@output = sort {$a <=> $b} @input;
-ok "@output", "A B C D E F G H I", 'stable $a <=> $b sort';
+is "@output", "A B C D E F G H I", 'stable $a <=> $b sort';
@input = &generate1;
@input = sort {$a <=> $b} @input;
-ok "@input", "A B C D E F G H I", 'stable $a <=> $b in place sort';
+is "@input", "A B C D E F G H I", 'stable $a <=> $b in place sort';
@input = &generate1;
@output = sort {$b <=> $a} @input;
-ok "@output", "G H I D E F A B C", 'stable $b <=> $a sort';
+is "@output", "G H I D E F A B C", 'stable $b <=> $a sort';
@input = &generate1;
@input = sort {$b <=> $a} @input;
-ok "@input", "G H I D E F A B C", 'stable $b <=> $a in place sort';
+is "@input", "G H I D E F A B C", 'stable $b <=> $a in place sort';
# test that optimized {$b cmp $a} and {$b <=> $a} remain stable
# (new in 5.9) without overloading
{ no warnings;
@b = sort { $b <=> $a } @input = qw/5first 6first 5second 6second/;
-ok "@b" , "6first 6second 5first 5second", "optimized {$b <=> $a} without overloading" ;
+is "@b" , "6first 6second 5first 5second", "optimized {$b <=> $a} without overloading" ;
@input = sort {$b <=> $a} @input;
-ok "@input" , "6first 6second 5first 5second","inline optimized {$b <=> $a} without overloading" ;
+is "@input" , "6first 6second 5first 5second","inline optimized {$b <=> $a} without overloading" ;
# These two are actually doing string cmp on 0 1 and 2
@input = &generate1;
@output = reverse sort @input;
-ok "@output", "I H G F E D C B A", "Reversed stable sort";
+is "@output", "I H G F E D C B A", "Reversed stable sort";
@input = &generate1;
@input = reverse sort @input;
-ok "@input", "I H G F E D C B A", "Reversed stable in place sort";
+is "@input", "I H G F E D C B A", "Reversed stable in place sort";
@input = &generate1;
$output = reverse sort @input;
-ok $output, "IHGFEDCBA", "Reversed stable sort in scalar context";
+is $output, "IHGFEDCBA", "Reversed stable sort in scalar context";
@input = &generate1;
@output = reverse sort {$a <=> $b} @input;
-ok "@output", "I H G F E D C B A", 'reversed stable $a <=> $b sort';
+is "@output", "I H G F E D C B A", 'reversed stable $a <=> $b sort';
@input = &generate1;
@input = reverse sort {$a <=> $b} @input;
-ok "@input", "I H G F E D C B A", 'revesed stable $a <=> $b in place sort';
+is "@input", "I H G F E D C B A", 'revesed stable $a <=> $b in place sort';
@input = &generate1;
$output = reverse sort {$a <=> $b} @input;
-ok $output, "IHGFEDCBA", 'reversed stable $a <=> $b sort in scalar context';
+is $output, "IHGFEDCBA", 'reversed stable $a <=> $b sort in scalar context';
@input = &generate1;
@output = reverse sort {$b <=> $a} @input;
-ok "@output", "C B A F E D I H G", 'reversed stable $b <=> $a sort';
+is "@output", "C B A F E D I H G", 'reversed stable $b <=> $a sort';
@input = &generate1;
@input = reverse sort {$b <=> $a} @input;
-ok "@input", "C B A F E D I H G", 'revesed stable $b <=> $a in place sort';
+is "@input", "C B A F E D I H G", 'revesed stable $b <=> $a in place sort';
@input = &generate1;
$output = reverse sort {$b <=> $a} @input;
-ok $output, "CBAFEDIHG", 'reversed stable $b <=> $a sort in scalar context';
+is $output, "CBAFEDIHG", 'reversed stable $b <=> $a sort in scalar context';
@input = &generate1;
@output = reverse sort {stuff || $a <=> $b} @input;
-ok "@output", "I H G F E D C B A", 'reversed stable complex sort';
+is "@output", "I H G F E D C B A", 'reversed stable complex sort';
@input = &generate1;
@input = reverse sort {stuff || $a <=> $b} @input;
-ok "@input", "I H G F E D C B A", 'revesed stable complex in place sort';
+is "@input", "I H G F E D C B A", 'revesed stable complex in place sort';
@input = &generate1;
$output = reverse sort {stuff || $a <=> $b} @input;
-ok $output, "IHGFEDCBA", 'reversed stable complex sort in scalar context';
+is $output, "IHGFEDCBA", 'reversed stable complex sort in scalar context';
sub sortnumr {
reverse sort {$a <=> $b} @_;
@output = sortnumr &generate1;
-ok "@output", "I H G F E D C B A",
+is "@output", "I H G F E D C B A",
'reversed stable $a <=> $b sort return list context';
$output = sortnumr &generate1;
-ok $output, "IHGFEDCBA", 'reversed stable $a <=> $b sort return scalar context';
+is $output, "IHGFEDCBA", 'reversed stable $a <=> $b sort return scalar context';
sub sortnumrba {
reverse sort {$b <=> $a} @_;
@output = sortnumrba &generate1;
-ok "@output", "C B A F E D I H G",
+is "@output", "C B A F E D I H G",
'reversed stable $b <=> $a sort return list context';
$output = sortnumrba &generate1;
-ok $output, "CBAFEDIHG", 'reversed stable $b <=> $a sort return scalar context';
+is $output, "CBAFEDIHG", 'reversed stable $b <=> $a sort return scalar context';
sub sortnumrq {
reverse sort {stuff || $a <=> $b} @_;
@output = sortnumrq &generate1;
-ok "@output", "I H G F E D C B A",
+is "@output", "I H G F E D C B A",
'reversed stable complex sort return list context';
$output = sortnumrq &generate1;
-ok $output, "IHGFEDCBA", 'reversed stable complex sort return scalar context';
+is $output, "IHGFEDCBA", 'reversed stable complex sort return scalar context';
@output = reverse (sort(qw(C A B)), 0);
-ok "@output", "0 C B A", 'reversed sort with trailing argument';
+is "@output", "0 C B A", 'reversed sort with trailing argument';
@output = reverse (0, sort(qw(C A B)));
-ok "@output", "C B A 0", 'reversed sort with leading argument';
+is "@output", "C B A 0", 'reversed sort with leading argument';
eval { @output = sort {goto sub {}} 1,2; };
$fail_msg = q(Can't goto subroutine outside a subroutine);
-main::cmp_ok(substr($@,0,length($fail_msg)),'eq',$fail_msg,'goto subr outside subr');
+cmp_ok(substr($@,0,length($fail_msg)),'eq',$fail_msg,'goto subr outside subr');
sub goto_sub {goto sub{}}
eval { @output = sort goto_sub 1,2; };
$fail_msg = q(Can't goto subroutine from a sort sub);
-main::cmp_ok(substr($@,0,length($fail_msg)),'eq',$fail_msg,'goto subr from a sort sub');
+cmp_ok(substr($@,0,length($fail_msg)),'eq',$fail_msg,'goto subr from a sort sub');
eval { @output = sort {goto label} 1,2; };
$fail_msg = q(Can't "goto" out of a pseudo block);
-main::cmp_ok(substr($@,0,length($fail_msg)),'eq',$fail_msg,'goto out of a pseudo block 1');
+cmp_ok(substr($@,0,length($fail_msg)),'eq',$fail_msg,'goto out of a pseudo block 1');
sub goto_label {goto label}
label: eval { @output = sort goto_label 1,2; };
$fail_msg = q(Can't "goto" out of a pseudo block);
-main::cmp_ok(substr($@,0,length($fail_msg)),'eq',$fail_msg,'goto out of a pseudo block 2');
+cmp_ok(substr($@,0,length($fail_msg)),'eq',$fail_msg,'goto out of a pseudo block 2');
sub self_immolate {undef &self_immolate; $a<=>$b}
eval { @output = sort self_immolate 1,2,3 };
$fail_msg = q(Can't undef active subroutine);
-main::cmp_ok(substr($@,0,length($fail_msg)),'eq',$fail_msg,'undef active subr');
+cmp_ok(substr($@,0,length($fail_msg)),'eq',$fail_msg,'undef active subr');
@@ -724,13 +717,12 @@ main::cmp_ok(substr($@,0,length($fail_msg)),'eq',$fail_msg,'undef active subr');
- main::ok(!$failed, "sort from active sub");
+ ok(!$failed, "sort from active sub");
# $a and $b are set in the package the sort() is called from,
# *not* the package the sort sub is in. This is longstanding
# de facto behaviour that shouldn't be broken.
-package main;
my $answer = "good";
() = sort OtherPack::foo 1,2,3,4;
@@ -744,62 +736,68 @@ my $answer = "good";
-main::cmp_ok($answer,'eq','good','sort subr called from other package');
+cmp_ok($answer,'eq','good','sort subr called from other package');
# Bug 36430 - sort called in package2 while a
# sort in package1 is active should set $package2::a/b.
-$answer = "good";
-my @list = sort { A::min(@$a) <=> A::min(@$b) }
- [3, 1, 5], [2, 4], [0];
-main::cmp_ok($answer,'eq','good','bug 36430');
-package A;
-sub min {
- my @list = sort {
- $answer = '$a and/or $b are not defined ' if !defined($a) || !defined($b);
- $a <=> $b;
- } @_;
- $list[0];
+ my $answer = "good";
+ my @list = sort { A::min(@$a) <=> A::min(@$b) }
+ [3, 1, 5], [2, 4], [0];
+ cmp_ok($answer,'eq','good','bug 36430');
+ package A;
+ sub min {
+ my @list = sort {
+ $answer = '$a and/or $b are not defined ' if !defined($a) || !defined($b);
+ $a <=> $b;
+ } @_;
+ $list[0];
+ }
# Bug 7567 - an array shouldn't be modifiable while it's being
# sorted in-place.
-eval { @a=(1..8); @a = sort { @a = (0) } @a; };
-$fail_msg = q(Modification of a read-only value attempted);
-main::cmp_ok(substr($@,0,length($fail_msg)),'eq',$fail_msg,'bug 7567');
+ eval { @a=(1..8); @a = sort { @a = (0) } @a; };
+ $fail_msg = q(Modification of a read-only value attempted);
+ cmp_ok(substr($@,0,length($fail_msg)),'eq',$fail_msg,'bug 7567');
# Sorting shouldn't increase the refcount of a sub
-sub foo {(1+$a) <=> (1+$b)}
-my $refcnt = &Internals::SvREFCNT(\&foo);
-@output = sort foo 3,7,9;
-package Foo;
-ok($refcnt, &Internals::SvREFCNT(\&foo), "sort sub refcnt");
-$fail_msg = q(Modification of a read-only value attempted);
-# Sorting a read-only array in-place shouldn't be allowed
-my @readonly = (1..10);
-Internals::SvREADONLY(@readonly, 1);
-eval { @readonly = sort @readonly; };
-main::cmp_ok(substr($@,0,length($fail_msg)),'eq',$fail_msg,'in-place sort of read-only array');
+ sub foo {(1+$a) <=> (1+$b)}
+ my $refcnt = &Internals::SvREFCNT(\&foo);
+ @output = sort foo 3,7,9;
+ {
+ package Foo;
+ ::is($refcnt, &Internals::SvREFCNT(\&foo), "sort sub refcnt");
+ $fail_msg = q(Modification of a read-only value attempted);
+ # Sorting a read-only array in-place shouldn't be allowed
+ my @readonly = (1..10);
+ Internals::SvREADONLY(@readonly, 1);
+ eval { @readonly = sort @readonly; };
+ ::cmp_ok(substr($@,0,length($fail_msg)),'eq',$fail_msg,'in-place sort of read-only array');
+ }
# Using return() should be okay even in a deeper context
@b = sort {while (1) {return ($a <=> $b)} } 1..10;
-ok("@b", "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10", "return within loop");
+is("@b", "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10", "return within loop");
# Using return() should be okay even if there are other items
# on the stack at the time.
@b = sort {$_ = ($a<=>$b) + do{return $b<=> $a}} 1..10;
-ok("@b", "10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1", "return with SVs on stack");
+is("@b", "10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1", "return with SVs on stack");
# As above, but with a sort sub rather than a sort block.
sub ret_with_stacked { $_ = ($a<=>$b) + do {return $b <=> $a} }
@b = sort ret_with_stacked 1..10;
-ok("@b", "10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1", "return with SVs on stack");
+is("@b", "10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1", "return with SVs on stack");
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/split.t b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/split.t
index 025327f3853..b3a97415691 100644
--- a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/split.t
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/split.t
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ BEGIN {
require './';
-plan tests => 135;
+plan tests => 136;
$FS = ':';
@@ -358,3 +358,9 @@ ok(@ary == 3 &&
is($s[2]," XYZ");
is(join(':',@s), join(':',@r));
+ use constant BANG => {};
+ () = split m/,/, "", BANG;
+ ok(1);
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/sprintf.t b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/sprintf.t
index c2209467454..ba77e64cf84 100644
--- a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/sprintf.t
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/sprintf.t
@@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ while (<DATA>) {
$evalData = eval $data;
- $data = ref $evalData ? $evalData : [$evalData];
- push @tests, [$template, $data, $result, $comment];
+ $evalData = ref $evalData ? $evalData : [$evalData];
+ push @tests, [$template, $evalData, $result, $comment, $data];
print '1..', scalar @tests, "\n";
@@ -66,9 +66,9 @@ $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
for ($i = 1; @tests; $i++) {
- ($template, $data, $result, $comment) = @{shift @tests};
+ ($template, $evalData, $result, $comment, $data) = @{shift @tests};
$w = undef;
- $x = sprintf(">$template<", @$data);
+ $x = sprintf(">$template<", @$evalData);
substr($x, -1, 0) = $w if $w;
# $x may have 3 exponent digits, not 2
my $y = $x;
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/sprintf2.t b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/sprintf2.t
index c92ab897023..1327cdd67ca 100755
--- a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/sprintf2.t
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/sprintf2.t
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ BEGIN {
require './';
-plan tests => 1292;
+plan tests => 1368;
sprintf("%.40g ",0.01),
@@ -134,3 +134,28 @@ for my $num (0, -1, 1) {
+# test that %f doesn't panic with +Inf, -Inf, NaN [perl #45383]
+foreach my $n (2**1e100, -2**1e100, 2**1e100/2**1e100) { # +Inf, -Inf, NaN
+ eval { my $f = sprintf("%f", $n); };
+ is $@, "", "sprintf(\"%f\", $n)";
+SKIP: {
+ skip "placeholder for tests not merged from 53f65a9ef4", 24;
+# Check unicode vs byte length
+for my $width (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) {
+ for my $precis (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) {
+ my $v = "\x{20ac}\x{20ac}";
+ my $format = "%" . $width . "." . $precis . "s";
+ my $chars = ($precis > 2 ? 2 : $precis);
+ my $space = ($width < 2 ? 0 : $width - $chars);
+ fresh_perl_is(
+ 'my $v = "\x{20ac}\x{20ac}"; my $x = sprintf "'.$format.'", $v; $x =~ /^(\s*)(\S*)$/; print "$_" for map {length} $1, $2',
+ "$space$chars",
+ {},
+ q(sprintf ").$format.q(", "\x{20ac}\x{20ac}"),
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/stat.t b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/stat.t
index dbddaef6546..a225de4f257 100644
--- a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/stat.t
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/stat.t
@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ my($DEV, $INO, $MODE, $NLINK, $UID, $GID, $RDEV, $SIZE,
my $Curdir = File::Spec->curdir;
-my $tmpfile = 'Op_stat.tmp';
-my $tmpfile_link = $tmpfile.'2';
+my $tmpfile = tempfile();
+my $tmpfile_link = tempfile();
chmod 0666, $tmpfile;
1 while unlink $tmpfile;
@@ -50,6 +50,10 @@ open(FOO, ">$tmpfile") || DIE("Can't open temp test file: $!");
my($nlink, $mtime, $ctime) = (stat(FOO))[$NLINK, $MTIME, $CTIME];
+# The clock on a network filesystem might be different from the
+# system clock.
+my $Filesystem_Time_Offset = abs($mtime - time);
#nlink should if link support configured in Perl.
skip "No link count - Hard link support not built in.", 1
@@ -453,20 +457,24 @@ SKIP: {
unlink $linkname or print "# unlink $linkname failed: $!\n";
-print "# Zzz...\n";
-my $f = 'tstamp.tmp';
-unlink $f;
-ok (open(S, "> $f"), 'can create tmp file');
-close S or die;
-my @a = stat $f;
-print "# time=$^T, stat=(@a)\n";
-my @b = (-M _, -A _, -C _);
-print "# -MAC=(@b)\n";
-ok( (-M _) < 0, 'negative -M works');
-ok( (-A _) < 0, 'negative -A works');
-ok( (-C _) < 0, 'negative -C works');
-ok(unlink($f), 'unlink tmp file');
+SKIP: {
+ skip "Too much clock skew between system and filesystem", 5
+ if ($Filesystem_Time_Offset > 5);
+ print "# Zzz...\n";
+ sleep($Filesystem_Time_Offset+1);
+ my $f = 'tstamp.tmp';
+ unlink $f;
+ ok (open(S, "> $f"), 'can create tmp file');
+ close S or die;
+ my @a = stat $f;
+ print "# time=$^T, stat=(@a)\n";
+ my @b = (-M _, -A _, -C _);
+ print "# -MAC=(@b)\n";
+ ok( (-M _) < 0, 'negative -M works');
+ ok( (-A _) < 0, 'negative -A works');
+ ok( (-C _) < 0, 'negative -C works');
+ ok(unlink($f), 'unlink tmp file');
ok(open(F, ">", $tmpfile), 'can create temp file');
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/subst.t b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/subst.t
index 6cf84b73990..06c04e83392 100644
--- a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/subst.t
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/subst.t
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ BEGIN {
require './';
-plan( tests => 136 );
+plan( tests => 139 );
$x = 'foo';
$_ = "x";
@@ -583,3 +583,11 @@ is($name, "cis", q[#22351 bug with 'e' substitution modifier]);
+ my @tests = ('ABC', "\xA3\xA4\xA5", "\x{410}\x{411}\x{412}");
+ foreach (@tests) {
+ my $id = ord $_;
+ s/./pos/ge;
+ is($_, "012", "RT#52104: $id");
+ }
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/substr.t b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/substr.t
index 40f87662e33..81c87be87bd 100644
--- a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/substr.t
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/substr.t
@@ -25,6 +25,12 @@ require './';
+run_tests() unless caller;
+my $krunch = "a";
+sub run_tests {
$FATAL_MSG = qr/^substr outside of string/;
is(substr($a,0,3), 'abc'); # P=Q R S
@@ -643,11 +649,10 @@ is($x, "\x{100}\x{200}\xFFb");
# [perl #24200] string corruption with lvalue sub
- my $foo = "a";
- sub bar: lvalue { substr $foo, 0 }
+ sub bar: lvalue { substr $krunch, 0 }
bar = "XXX";
is(bar, 'XXX');
- $foo = '123456789';
+ $krunch = '123456789';
is(bar, '123456789');
@@ -675,3 +680,5 @@ is($x, "\x{100}\x{200}\xFFb");
is(substr($a,1,2), 'bc');
is(substr($a,1,1), 'b');
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/sysio.t b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/sysio.t
index 435be12efbf..dd63a1588c2 100644
--- a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/sysio.t
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/sysio.t
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ print "1..42\n";
chdir('op') || chdir('t/op') || die "sysio.t: cannot look for myself: $!";
@INC = '../../lib';
+require '../';
open(I, 'sysio.t') || die "sysio.t: cannot find myself: $!";
@@ -60,7 +61,7 @@ print "ok 9\n";
print 'not ' unless ($a eq "#!.\0\0erl");
print "ok 10\n";
-$outfile = 'sysio.out';
+$outfile = tempfile();
open(O, ">$outfile") || die "sysio.t: cannot write $outfile: $!";
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/taint.t b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/taint.t
index b2688cfe607..0ac02a6306d 100644
--- a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/taint.t
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/taint.t
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ use Config;
use File::Spec::Functions;
BEGIN { require './'; }
-plan tests => 267;
+plan tests => 301;
$| = 1;
@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ my $TEST = catfile(curdir(), 'TEST');
# How about command-line arguments? The problem is that we don't
# always get some, so we'll run another process with some.
- my $arg = catfile(curdir(), "arg$$");
+ my $arg = tempfile();
open PROG, "> $arg" or die "Can't create $arg: $!";
print PROG q{
eval { join('', @ARGV), kill 0 };
@@ -418,8 +418,7 @@ SKIP: {
test !eval { require $foo }, 'require';
test $@ =~ /^Insecure dependency/, $@;
- my $filename = "./taintB$$"; # NB: $filename isn't tainted!
- END { unlink $filename if defined $filename }
+ my $filename = tempfile(); # NB: $filename isn't tainted!
$foo = $filename . $TAINT;
unlink $filename; # in any case
@@ -506,8 +505,7 @@ SKIP: {
my $foo = "x" x 979;
taint_these $foo;
local *FOO;
- my $temp = "./taintC$$";
- END { unlink $temp }
+ my $temp = tempfile();
test open(FOO, "> $temp"), "Couldn't open $temp for write: $!";
test !eval { ioctl FOO, $TAINT0, $foo }, 'ioctl';
@@ -1254,6 +1252,70 @@ foreach my $ord (78, 163, 256) {
ok(!tainted($1), "\\S match with chr $ord");
+ # 59998
+ sub cr { my $x = crypt($_[0], $_[1]); $x }
+ sub co { my $x = ~$_[0]; $x }
+ my ($a, $b);
+ $a = cr('hello', 'foo' . $TAINT);
+ $b = cr('hello', 'foo');
+ ok(tainted($a), "tainted crypt");
+ ok(!tainted($b), "untainted crypt");
+ $a = co('foo' . $TAINT);
+ $b = co('foo');
+ ok(tainted($a), "tainted complement");
+ ok(!tainted($b), "untainted complement");
+ my @data = qw(bonk zam zlonk qunckkk);
+ # Clearly some sort of usenet bang-path
+ my $string = $TAINT . join "!", @data;
+ ok(tainted($string), "tainted data");
+ my @got = split /!|,/, $string;
+ # each @got would be useful here, but I want the test for earlier perls
+ for my $i (0 .. $#data) {
+ ok(tainted($got[$i]), "tainted result $i");
+ is($got[$i], $data[$i], "correct content $i");
+ }
+ ok(tainted($string), "still tainted data");
+ my @got = split /[!,]/, $string;
+ # each @got would be useful here, but I want the test for earlier perls
+ for my $i (0 .. $#data) {
+ ok(tainted($got[$i]), "tainted result $i");
+ is($got[$i], $data[$i], "correct content $i");
+ }
+ ok(tainted($string), "still tainted data");
+ my @got = split /!/, $string;
+ # each @got would be useful here, but I want the test for earlier perls
+ for my $i (0 .. $#data) {
+ ok(tainted($got[$i]), "tainted result $i");
+ is($got[$i], $data[$i], "correct content $i");
+ }
+# Bug RT #52552 - broken by change at git commit id f337b08
+ my $x = $TAINT. q{print "Hello world\n"};
+ my $y = pack "a*", $x;
+ ok(tainted($y), "pack a* preserves tainting");
+ my $z = pack "A*", q{print "Hello world\n"}.$TAINT;
+ ok(tainted($z), "pack A* preserves tainting");
+ my $zz = pack "a*a*", q{print "Hello world\n"}, $TAINT;
+ ok(tainted($zz), "pack a*a* preserves tainting");
# This may bomb out with the alarm signal so keep it last
skip "No alarm()" unless $Config{d_alarm};
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/undef.t b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/undef.t
index 04cac52fd67..8bfecab9e4d 100644
--- a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/undef.t
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/undef.t
@@ -3,102 +3,116 @@
chdir 't' if -d 't';
@INC = '../lib';
+ require './';
-print "1..36\n";
+use strict;
-print defined($a) ? "not ok 1\n" : "ok 1\n";
+use vars qw(@ary %ary %hash);
+plan 37;
+ok !defined($a);
$a = 1+1;
-print defined($a) ? "ok 2\n" : "not ok 2\n";
+ok defined($a);
undef $a;
-print defined($a) ? "not ok 3\n" : "ok 3\n";
+ok !defined($a);
$a = "hi";
-print defined($a) ? "ok 4\n" : "not ok 4\n";
+ok defined($a);
$a = $b;
-print defined($a) ? "not ok 5\n" : "ok 5\n";
+ok !defined($a);
@ary = ("1arg");
$a = pop(@ary);
-print defined($a) ? "ok 6\n" : "not ok 6\n";
+ok defined($a);
$a = pop(@ary);
-print defined($a) ? "not ok 7\n" : "ok 7\n";
+ok !defined($a);
@ary = ("1arg");
$a = shift(@ary);
-print defined($a) ? "ok 8\n" : "not ok 8\n";
+ok defined($a);
$a = shift(@ary);
-print defined($a) ? "not ok 9\n" : "ok 9\n";
+ok !defined($a);
$ary{'foo'} = 'hi';
-print defined($ary{'foo'}) ? "ok 10\n" : "not ok 10\n";
-print defined($ary{'bar'}) ? "not ok 11\n" : "ok 11\n";
+ok defined($ary{'foo'});
+ok !defined($ary{'bar'});
undef $ary{'foo'};
-print defined($ary{'foo'}) ? "not ok 12\n" : "ok 12\n";
+ok !defined($ary{'foo'});
-print defined(@ary) ? "ok 13\n" : "not ok 13\n";
-print defined(%ary) ? "ok 14\n" : "not ok 14\n";
+ok defined(@ary);
+ok defined(%ary);
undef @ary;
-print defined(@ary) ? "not ok 15\n" : "ok 15\n";
+ok !defined(@ary);
undef %ary;
-print defined(%ary) ? "not ok 16\n" : "ok 16\n";
+ok !defined(%ary);
@ary = (1);
-print defined @ary ? "ok 17\n" : "not ok 17\n";
+ok defined @ary;
%ary = (1,1);
-print defined %ary ? "ok 18\n" : "not ok 18\n";
+ok defined %ary;
-sub foo { print "ok 19\n"; }
+sub foo { pass; 1 }
-&foo || print "not ok 19\n";
+&foo || fail;
-print defined &foo ? "ok 20\n" : "not ok 20\n";
+ok defined &foo;
undef &foo;
-print defined(&foo) ? "not ok 21\n" : "ok 21\n";
+ok !defined(&foo);
eval { undef $1 };
-print $@ =~ /^Modification of a read/ ? "ok 22\n" : "not ok 22\n";
+like $@, qr/^Modification of a read/;
eval { $1 = undef };
-print $@ =~ /^Modification of a read/ ? "ok 23\n" : "not ok 23\n";
+like $@, qr/^Modification of a read/;
require Tie::Hash;
tie my %foo, 'Tie::StdHash';
- print defined %foo ? "ok 24\n" : "not ok 24\n";
+ ok defined %foo;
%foo = ( a => 1 );
- print defined %foo ? "ok 25\n" : "not ok 25\n";
+ ok defined %foo;
require Tie::Array;
tie my @foo, 'Tie::StdArray';
- print defined @foo ? "ok 26\n" : "not ok 26\n";
+ ok defined @foo;
@foo = ( a => 1 );
- print defined @foo ? "ok 27\n" : "not ok 27\n";
+ ok defined @foo;
# [perl #17753] segfault when undef'ing unquoted string constant
eval 'undef tcp';
- print $@ =~ /^Can't modify constant item/ ? "ok 28\n" : "not ok 28\n";
+ like $@, qr/^Can't modify constant item/;
# bugid 3096
# undefing a hash may free objects with destructors that then try to
# modify the hash. To them, the hash should appear empty.
-$test = 29;
%hash = (
key1 => bless({}, 'X'),
key2 => bless({}, 'X'),
undef %hash;
sub X::DESTROY {
- print "not " if keys %hash; print "ok $test\n"; $test++;
- print "not " if values %hash; print "ok $test\n"; $test++;
- print "not " if each %hash; print "ok $test\n"; $test++;
- print "not " if defined delete $hash{'key2'}; print "ok $test\n"; $test++;
+ is scalar keys %hash, 0;
+ is scalar values %hash, 0;
+ my @l = each %hash;
+ is @l, 0;
+ is delete $hash{'key2'}, undef;
+# this will segfault if it fails
+sub PVBM () { 'foo' }
+{ my $dummy = index 'foo', PVBM }
+my $pvbm = PVBM;
+undef $pvbm;
+ok !defined $pvbm;
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/universal.t b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/universal.t
index 9817d3fe680..f1c0323c67d 100644
--- a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/universal.t
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/universal.t
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ BEGIN {
require "./";
-plan tests => 111;
+plan tests => 116;
$a = {};
bless $a, "Bob";
@@ -228,3 +228,20 @@ package main;
eval { UNIVERSAL::DOES([], "foo") };
like( $@, qr/Can't call method "DOES" on unblessed reference/,
'DOES call error message says DOES, not isa' );
+# Tests for can seem to be split between here and method.t
+# Add the verbatim perl code mentioned in the comments of
+# but never actually tested.
+is(UNIVERSAL->can("NoSuchPackage::foo"), undef);
+@splatt::ISA = 'zlopp';
+ok (splatt->isa('zlopp'));
+ok (!splatt->isa('plop'));
+# This should reset the ->isa lookup cache
+@splatt::ISA = 'plop';
+# And here is the new truth.
+ok (!splatt->isa('zlopp'));
+ok (splatt->isa('plop'));
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/write.t b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/write.t
index 25101d109d0..f13ac5f247e 100644
--- a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/write.t
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/write.t
@@ -3,8 +3,11 @@
chdir 't' if -d 't';
@INC = '../lib';
+ require './';
+use strict; # Amazed that this hackery can be made strict ...
# read in a file
sub cat {
my $file = shift;
@@ -58,14 +61,21 @@ for my $tref ( @NumTests ){
my $bas_tests = 20;
# number of tests in section 3
-my $hmb_tests = 39;
+my $bug_tests = 4 + 3 * 3 * 5 * 2 * 3 + 2 + 1 + 1;
+# number of tests in section 4
+my $hmb_tests = 35;
-printf "1..%d\n", $bas_tests + $num_tests + $hmb_tests;
+my $tests = $bas_tests + $num_tests + $bug_tests + $hmb_tests;
+plan $tests;
## Section 1
+use vars qw($fox $multiline $foo $good);
format OUT =
the quick brown @<<
@@ -94,7 +104,7 @@ $foo = 'when in the course of human events it becomes necessary';
close OUT or die "Could not close: $!";
-$right =
+my $right =
"the quick brown fox
@@ -105,10 +115,7 @@ the course
of huma...
now is the time for all good men to come to\n";
-if (cat('Op_write.tmp') eq $right)
- { print "ok 1\n"; 1 while unlink 'Op_write.tmp'; }
- { print "not ok 1\n"; }
+is cat('Op_write.tmp'), $right and do { 1 while unlink 'Op_write.tmp'; };
$fox = 'wolfishness';
my $fox = 'foxiness'; # Test a lexical variable.
@@ -147,10 +154,7 @@ becomes
now is the time for all good men to come to\n";
-if (cat('Op_write.tmp') eq $right)
- { print "ok 2\n"; 1 while unlink 'Op_write.tmp'; }
- { print "not ok 2\n"; }
+is cat('Op_write.tmp'), $right and do { 1 while unlink 'Op_write.tmp'; };
eval <<'EOFORMAT';
format OUT2 =
@@ -191,14 +195,11 @@ becomes
now is the time for all good men to come to\n";
-if (cat('Op_write.tmp') eq $right)
- { print "ok 3\n"; 1 while unlink 'Op_write.tmp'; }
- { print "not ok 3\n"; }
+is cat('Op_write.tmp'), $right and do { 1 while unlink 'Op_write.tmp' };
# formline tests
-$mustbe = <<EOT;
+$right = <<EOT;
@ a
@> ab
@>> abc
@@ -212,7 +213,8 @@ $mustbe = <<EOT;
@>>>>>>>>>> abc
-$was1 = $was2 = '';
+my $was1 = my $was2 = '';
+use vars '$format2';
for (0..10) {
# lexical picture
$^A = '';
@@ -225,8 +227,8 @@ for (0..10) {
formline $format2, 'abc';
$was2 .= "$format2 $^A\n";
-print $was1 eq $mustbe ? "ok 4\n" : "not ok 4\n";
-print $was2 eq $mustbe ? "ok 5\n" : "not ok 5\n";
+is $was1, $right;
+is $was2, $right;
$^A = '';
@@ -246,24 +248,24 @@ close OUT3 or die "Could not close: $!";
$right =
-if (cat('Op_write.tmp') eq $right)
- { print "ok 6\n"; 1 while unlink 'Op_write.tmp'; }
- { print "not ok 6\n"; }
+is cat('Op_write.tmp'), $right and do { 1 while unlink 'Op_write.tmp' };
# test lexicals and globals
+ my $test = curr_test();
my $this = "ok";
- our $that = 7;
+ our $that = $test;
format LEX =
open(LEX, ">&STDOUT") or die;
write LEX;
- $that = 8;
+ $that = ++$test;
write LEX;
close LEX or die "Could not close: $!";
+ curr_test($test + 1);
my %e = ( a => 1 );
@@ -274,13 +276,7 @@ format OUT4 =
open OUT4, ">Op_write.tmp" or die "Can't create Op_write.tmp";
write (OUT4);
close OUT4 or die "Could not close: $!";
-if (cat('Op_write.tmp') eq "1\n") {
- print "ok 9\n";
- 1 while unlink "Op_write.tmp";
- }
-else {
- print "not ok 9\n";
- }
+is cat('Op_write.tmp'), "1\n" and do { 1 while unlink "Op_write.tmp" };
eval <<'EOFORMAT';
format OUT10 =
@@ -291,15 +287,13 @@ EOFORMAT
open(OUT10, '>Op_write.tmp') || die "Can't create Op_write.tmp";
+use vars '$test1';
$test1 = 12.95;
close OUT10 or die "Could not close: $!";
$right = " 12.95 00012.95\n";
-if (cat('Op_write.tmp') eq $right)
- { print "ok 10\n"; 1 while unlink 'Op_write.tmp'; }
- { print "not ok 10\n"; }
+is cat('Op_write.tmp'), $right and do { 1 while unlink 'Op_write.tmp' };
eval <<'EOFORMAT';
format OUT11 =
@@ -322,18 +316,16 @@ $right =
1 0#
10 #\n";
-if (cat('Op_write.tmp') eq $right)
- { print "ok 11\n"; 1 while unlink 'Op_write.tmp'; }
- { print "not ok 11\n"; }
+is cat('Op_write.tmp'), $right and do { 1 while unlink 'Op_write.tmp' };
+ my $test = curr_test();
my $el;
format OUT12 =
ok ^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<~~ # sv_chop() naze
- my %hash = (12 => 3);
+ my %hash = ($test => 3);
open(OUT12, '>Op_write.tmp') || die "Can't create Op_write.tmp";
for $el (keys %hash) {
@@ -341,15 +333,16 @@ $el
close OUT12 or die "Could not close: $!";
print cat('Op_write.tmp');
+ curr_test($test + 1);
+ my $test = curr_test();
# Bug report and testcase by Alexey Tourbin
use Tie::Scalar;
my $v;
tie $v, 'Tie::StdScalar';
- $v = 13;
+ $v = $test;
format OUT13 =
ok ^<<<<<<<<< ~~
@@ -358,6 +351,7 @@ $v
close OUT13 or die "Could not close: $!";
print cat('Op_write.tmp');
+ curr_test($test + 1);
{ # test 14
@@ -365,9 +359,7 @@ $v
# must fail since we have a trailing ; in the eval'ed string (WL)
my @v = ('k');
eval "format OUT14 = \n@\n\@v";
- print +($@ && $@ =~ /Format not terminated/)
- ? "ok 14\n" : "not ok 14 $@\n";
+ like $@, qr/Format not terminated/;
{ # test 15
@@ -383,7 +375,7 @@ $txt
close OUT15 or die "Could not close: $!";
my $res = cat('Op_write.tmp');
- print $res eq "line 1\nline 2\n" ? "ok 15\n" : "not ok 15\n";
+ is $res, "line 1\nline 2\n";
{ # test 16: multiple use of a variable in same line with ^<
@@ -398,7 +390,7 @@ $txt, $txt
close OUT16 or die "Could not close: $!";
my $res = cat('Op_write.tmp');
- print $res eq <<EOD ? "ok 16\n" : "not ok 16\n";
+ is $res, <<EOD;
this_is_block_1 this_is_block_2
this_is_block_3 this_is_block_4
@@ -420,7 +412,7 @@ Here we go: @* That's all, folks!
my $exp = <<EOD;
Here we go: $txt That's all, folks!
- print $res eq $exp ? "ok 17\n" : "not ok 17\n";
+ is $res, $exp;
{ # test 18: @# and ~~ would cause runaway format, but we now
@@ -432,8 +424,7 @@ EOD
open(OUT18, '>Op_write.tmp') || die "Can't create Op_write.tmp";
eval { write(OUT18); };
- print +($@ && $@ =~ /Repeated format line will never terminate/)
- ? "ok 18\n" : "not ok 18: $@\n";
+ like $@, qr/Repeated format line will never terminate/;
close OUT18 or die "Could not close: $!";
@@ -448,7 +439,7 @@ EOD
close OUT19 or die "Could not close: $!";
my $res = cat('Op_write.tmp');
- print $res eq <<EOD ? "ok 19\n" : "not ok 19\n";
+ is $res, <<EOD;
@@ -477,7 +468,7 @@ $h{xkey}, $h{ykey}
close OUT20 or die "Could not close: $!";
my $res = cat('Op_write.tmp');
- print $res eq $exp ? "ok 20\n" : "not ok 20 res=[$res]exp=[$exp]\n";
+ is $res, $exp;
@@ -486,68 +477,112 @@ $h{xkey}, $h{ykey}
## numeric formatting
-my $nt = $bas_tests;
+curr_test($bas_tests + 1);
for my $tref ( @NumTests ){
my $writefmt = shift( @$tref );
while (@$tref) {
my $val = shift @$tref;
my $expected = shift @$tref;
my $writeres = swrite( $writefmt, $val );
- $nt++;
- my $ok = ref($expected)
- ? $writeres =~ $expected
- : $writeres eq $expected;
- print $ok
- ? "ok $nt - $writefmt\n"
- : "not ok $nt\n# f=[$writefmt] exp=[$expected] got=[$writeres]\n";
+ if (ref $expected) {
+ like $writeres, $expected, $writefmt;
+ } else {
+ is $writeres, $expected, $writefmt;
+ }
## Section 3
-## Easiest to add new tests above here
-# scary format testing from H.Merijn Brand
-my $test = $bas_tests + $num_tests + 1;
-my $tests = $bas_tests + $num_tests + $hmb_tests;
-if ($^O eq 'VMS' || $^O eq 'MSWin32' || $^O eq 'dos' || $^O eq 'MacOS' ||
- ($^O eq 'os2' and not eval '$OS2::can_fork')) {
- foreach ($test..$tests) {
- print "ok $_ # skipped: '|-' and '-|' not supported\n";
- }
- exit(0);
-use strict; # Amazed that this hackery can be made strict ...
+## Easiest to add new tests just here
# DAPM. Exercise a couple of error codepaths
local $~ = '';
eval { write };
- print "not " unless $@ and $@ =~ /Not a format reference/;
- print "ok $test - Not a format reference\n";
- $test++;
+ like $@, qr/Not a format reference/, 'format reference';
eval { write };
- print "not " unless $@ and $@ =~ /Undefined format/;
- print "ok $test - Undefined format\n";
- $test++;
+ like $@, qr/Undefined format/, 'no such format';
-# Just a complete test for format, including top-, left- and bottom marging
-# and format detection through glob entries
+ package Count;
+ my $class = shift;
+ bless [shift, 0, 0], $class;
+ }
+ sub FETCH {
+ my $self = shift;
+ ++$self->[1];
+ $self->[0];
+ }
+ sub STORE {
+ my $self = shift;
+ ++$self->[2];
+ $self->[0] = shift;
+ }
+ my ($pound_utf8, $pm_utf8) = map { my $a = "$_\x{100}"; chop $a; $a}
+ my ($pound, $pm) = ("\xA3", "\xB1");
+ foreach my $first ('N', $pound, $pound_utf8) {
+ foreach my $base ('N', $pm, $pm_utf8) {
+ foreach my $second ($base, "$base\n", "$base\nMoo!", "$base\nMoo!\n",
+ "$base\nMoo!\n",) {
+ foreach (['^*', qr/(.+)/], ['@*', qr/(.*?)$/s]) {
+ my ($format, $re) = @$_;
+ foreach my $class ('', 'Count') {
+ my $name = "$first, $second $format $class";
+ $name =~ s/\n/\\n/g;
+ $first =~ /(.+)/ or die $first;
+ my $expect = "1${1}2";
+ $second =~ $re or die $second;
+ $expect .= " 3${1}4";
+ if ($class) {
+ my $copy1 = $first;
+ my $copy2;
+ tie $copy2, $class, $second;
+ is swrite("1^*2 3${format}4", $copy1, $copy2), $expect, $name;
+ my $obj = tied $copy2;
+ is $obj->[1], 1, 'value read exactly once';
+ } else {
+ my ($copy1, $copy2) = ($first, $second);
+ is swrite("1^*2 3${format}4", $copy1, $copy2), $expect, $name;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # This will fail an assertion in 5.10.0 built with -DDEBUGGING (because
+ # pp_formline attempts to set SvCUR() on an SVt_RV). I suspect that it will
+ # be doing something similarly out of bounds on everything from 5.000
+ my $ref = [];
+ is swrite('>^*<', $ref), ">$ref<";
+ is swrite('>@*<', $ref), ">$ref<";
format EMPTY =
+my $test = curr_test();
format Comment =
ok @<<<<<
@@ -559,19 +594,59 @@ $test
my $oldfh = select STDOUT_DUP;
$= = 10;
-{ local $~ = "Comment";
- write;
- $test++;
- print $- == 9
- ? "ok $test # TODO\n" : "not ok $test # TODO \$- = $- instead of 9\n";
- $test++;
- print $^ eq "STDOUT_DUP_TOP"
- ? "ok $test\n" : "not ok $test\n# \$^ = $^ instead of 'STDOUT_DUP_TOP'\n";
- $test++;
+ local $~ = "Comment";
+ write;
+ curr_test($test + 1);
+ {
+ local $::TODO = '[ID 20020227.005] format bug with undefined _TOP';
+ is $-, 9;
+ }
+ is $^, "STDOUT_DUP_TOP";
select $oldfh;
+*CmT = *{$::{Comment}}{FORMAT};
+ok defined *{$::{CmT}}{FORMAT}, "glob assign";
+fresh_perl_like(<<'EOP', qr/^Format STDOUT redefined at/, {stderr => 1}, '#64562 - Segmentation fault with redefined formats and warnings');
+use strict;
+use warnings; # crashes!
+format =
+format =
+## Section 4
+## Add new tests *above* here
+# scary format testing from H.Merijn Brand
+# Just a complete test for format, including top-, left- and bottom marging
+# and format detection through glob entries
+if ($^O eq 'VMS' || $^O eq 'MSWin32' || $^O eq 'dos' || $^O eq 'MacOS' ||
+ ($^O eq 'os2' and not eval '$OS2::can_fork')) {
+ $test = curr_test();
+ SKIP: {
+ skip "'|-' and '-|' not supported", $tests - $test + 1;
+ }
+ exit(0);
$^ = "STDOUT_TOP";
$= = 7; # Page length
$- = 0; # Lines left
@@ -591,33 +666,31 @@ select ((select (STDOUT), $| = 1)[0]); # flush STDOUT
my $opened = open FROM_CHILD, "-|";
unless (defined $opened) {
- print "not ok $test - open gave $!\n"; exit 0;
+ fail "open gave $!";
+ exit 0;
if ($opened) {
# in parent here
- print "ok $test - open\n"; $test++;
+ pass 'open';
my $s = " " x $lm;
while (<FROM_CHILD>) {
unless (@data) {
- print "not ok $test - too much output\n";
+ fail 'too much output';
my $exp = shift @data;
- print + ($_ eq $exp ? "" : "not "), "ok ", $test++, " \n";
- if ($_ ne $exp) {
- s/\n/\\n/g for $_, $exp;
- print "#expected: $exp\n#got: $_\n";
- }
+ is $_, $exp;
- print + (@data?"not ":""), "ok ", $test++, " - too little output\n";
+ is "@data", "", "correct length of output";
# in child here
+$::NO_ENDING = 1;
select ((select (STDOUT), $| = 1)[0]);
$tm = "\n" x $tm;