path: root/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms
diff options
authorJason Downs <>1996-08-19 10:13:38 +0000
committerJason Downs <>1996-08-19 10:13:38 +0000
commit14856225739aa48b6c9cf4c17925362b2d95cea3 (patch)
treedfd38f1b654fb5bbdfc38887c1a829b658e71530 /gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms
parent77469082517e44fe6ca347d9e8dc7dffd1583637 (diff)
Import of Perl 5.003 into the tree. Makefile.bsd-wrapper and are the only local changes.
Diffstat (limited to 'gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms')
26 files changed, 14391 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/Makefile b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..99c5236bf73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,1374 @@
+#> This file produced from Descrip.MMS by
+#> Lines beginning with "#>" were commented out during the
+#> conversion process. For more information, see
+# Makefile for perl5 on VMS
+# Last revised 22-Mar-1996 by Charles Bailey
+# tidy -- purge files generated by executing this file
+# clean -- remove all intermediate (e.g. object files, C files generated
+# during build) files generated by executing this file,
+# but leave `installable' files (images, library) intact
+# realclean -- remove all files generated by executing this file
+# cleansrc -- `realclean' + purge *.c,*.h,Makefile
+# crtl.opt -- compiler-specific linker options file (made automatically)
+#### Start of system configuration section. ####
+# File type to use for object files
+# File type to use for object libraries
+# File type to use for executable images
+# File type to use for object files
+O = .obj
+# File type to use for object libraries
+OLB = .olb
+# File type to use for executable images
+E = .exe
+OBJVAL = $@
+ @ $$@[.vms] "" "" "[.vms]Makefile"
+# Updated by -- do not edit by hand
+PERL_VERSION = 5_003 #
+ARCHAUTO = [.lib.$(ARCH).$(PERL_VERSION).auto]
+# -fno-builtin avoids bug in gcc up to version 2.6.2 which can destroy
+# data when memcpy() is called on large (>64 kB) blocks of memory
+# (fixed in gcc 2.6.3)
+DBGSPECFLAGS = /Show=(Source,Include,Expansion)
+# Some versions of DECCRTL on AXP have a bug in chdir() which causes the change
+# to persist after the image exits, even when this was not requested, iff
+# SYSNAM is enabled. This is fixed in CSC Patch # AXPACRT04_061, but turning
+# off SYSNAM for the MM[SK] subprocess doesn't hurt anything, so we do it
+# just in case.
+ @ If f$$TrnLnm("Sys").eqs."" .and. f$$TrnLnm("VAXC$Include").eqs."" Then Define/NoLog SYS sys$$Library
+ @ If f$$TrnLnm("Sys").eqs."" .and. f$$TrnLnm("VAXC$Include").nes."" Then Define/NoLog SYS VAXC$Include
+XTRACCFLAGS = /Include=[]/Object=$(O)
+LIBS2 = sys$$Share:VAXCRTL/Shareable
+DBG =
+# N.B. the targets for $(SOCKC) and $(SOCKH) assume that the permanent
+# copies live in [.vms], and the `clean' target will delete copies of
+# these files in the current default directory.
+# C preprocessor manifest "DEBUGGING" ==> perl -D, not the VMS debugger
+MAKE = $(MMS)
+MAKEFILE = [.VMS]Makefile # this file
+NOOP = continue
+# Macros to invoke a copy of miniperl during the build. Targets which
+# are built using these macros should depend on $(MINIPERL_EXE)
+MINIPERL_EXE = sys$$Disk:[]miniperl$(E)
+XSUBPP = $(MINIPERL) [.lib.extutils]xsubpp -noprototypes
+# Macro to invoke a preexisting copy of Perl. This is used to regenerate
+# some header files when rebuilding Perl, but premade versions are provided
+# in the distribution, so it's OK if this doesn't work; it's here to make
+# life easier for those who modify Perl and rebuild it.
+INSTPERL = perl
+# Space-separated list of "static" extensions to build into perlshr (case counts).
+MYEXT = DynaLoader
+# object files for these extensions; the trailing comma is required if
+# there are any object files specified
+# These must be built separately, or you must add rules below to build them
+myextobj = [.ext.dynaloader]dl_vms$(O),
+extobj = $(myextobj)
+#### End of system configuration section. ####
+h1 = EXTERN.h, INTERN.h, XSUB.h, av.h, config.h, cop.h, cv.h
+h2 = embed.h, form.h, gv.h, handy.h, hv.h, keywords.h, mg.h, op.h
+h3 = opcode.h, patchlevel.h, perl.h, perly.h, pp.h, proto.h, regcomp.h
+h4 = regexp.h, scope.h, sv.h, vmsish.h, util.h
+h = $(h1), $(h2), $(h3), $(h4) $(SOCKHLIS)
+c1 = av.c, scope.c, op.c, doop.c, doio.c, dump.c, hv.c, mg.c
+c2 = perl.c, perly.c, pp.c, pp_hot.c, pp_ctl.c, pp_sys.c, regcomp.c, regexec.c
+c3 = gv.c, sv.c, taint.c, toke.c, util.c, deb.c, run.c, globals.c, vms.c $(SOCKCLIS)
+c = $(c1), $(c2), $(c3), miniperlmain.c, perlmain.c
+obj1 = perl$(O), gv$(O), toke$(O), perly$(O), op$(O), regcomp$(O), dump$(O), util$(O), mg$(O)
+obj2 = hv$(O), av$(O), run$(O), pp_hot$(O), sv$(O), pp$(O), scope$(O), pp_ctl$(O), pp_sys$(O)
+obj3 = doop$(O), doio$(O), regexec$(O), taint$(O), deb$(O), globals$(O), vms$(O) $(SOCKOBJ)
+obj = $(obj1), $(obj2), $(obj3)
+ac2 = $(ARCHCORE)config.h $(ARCHCORE)cop.h $(ARCHCORE)cv.h $(ARCHCORE)embed.h
+ac3 = $(ARCHCORE)form.h $(ARCHCORE)gv.h $(ARCHCORE)handy.h $(ARCHCORE)hv.h
+ac4 = $(ARCHCORE)keywords.h $(ARCHCORE)mg.h $(ARCHCORE)op.h $(ARCHCORE)opcode.h
+ac5 = $(ARCHCORE)patchlevel.h $(ARCHCORE)perl.h $(ARCHCORE)perly.h
+ac6 = $(ARCHCORE)pp.h $(ARCHCORE)proto.h $(ARCHCORE)regcomp.h
+ac7 = $(ARCHCORE)regexp.h $(ARCHCORE)scope.h $(ARCHCORE)sv.h $(ARCHCORE)util.h
+ac8 = $(ARCHCORE)vmsish.h $(ARCHCORE)$(DBG)libperl$(OLB) $(ARCHCORE)perlshr_attr.opt
+ac9 = $(ARCHCORE)$(DBG)perlshr_bld.opt
+acs =
+CRTL = []crtl.opt
+CRTLOPTS =,$(CRTL)/Options
+.suffixes: $(O) .c .xs
+.xs.c :
+ $(XSUBPP) $< >$@
+.c$(O) :
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $<
+.xs$(O) :
+all : base extras archcorefiles preplibrary perlpods
+ @ $(NOOP)
+base : miniperl perl
+ @ $(NOOP)
+extras : Fcntl FileHandle Safe libmods utils podxform
+ @ $(NOOP)
+libmods : [.lib] $(ARCHDIR) [.lib] [.lib.VMS]
+ @ $(NOOP)
+utils : [.lib.pod]perldoc [.lib.ExtUtils] [.utils]c2ph [.utils]h2ph [.utils]h2xs [.lib]perlbug
+ @ $(NOOP)
+podxform : [.lib.pod]pod2text [.lib.pod]pod2html [.lib.pod]pod2latex [.lib.pod]pod2man
+ @ $(NOOP)
+pod1 = [.lib.pod]perl.pod [.lib.pod]perlbook.pod [.lib.pod]perlbot.pod [.lib.pod]perlcall.pod
+pod2 = [.lib.pod]perldata.pod [.lib.pod]perldebug.pod [.lib.pod]perldiag.pod [.lib.pod]perldsc.pod
+pod3 = [.lib.pod]perlembed.pod [.lib.pod]perlform.pod [.lib.pod]perlfunc.pod [.lib.pod]perlguts.pod
+pod4 = [.lib.pod]perlipc.pod [.lib.pod]perllol.pod [.lib.pod]perlmod.pod [.lib.pod]perlobj.pod
+pod5 = [.lib.pod]perlop.pod [.lib.pod]perlovl.pod [.lib.pod]perlpod.pod [.lib.pod]perlre.pod
+pod6 = [.lib.pod]perlref.pod [.lib.pod]perlrun.pod [.lib.pod]perlsec.pod [.lib.pod]perlstyle.pod
+pod7 = [.lib.pod]perlsub.pod [.lib.pod]perlsyn.pod [.lib.pod]perltie.pod [.lib.pod]perltoc.pod
+pod8 = [.lib.pod]perltrap.pod [.lib.pod]perlvar.pod [.lib.pod]perlxs.pod [.lib.pod]perlxstut.pod
+perlpods : $(pod1) $(pod2) $(pod3) $(pod4) $(pod5) $(pod6) $(pod7) $(pod8) [.lib.pod]perlvms.pod
+ @ $(NOOP)
+archcorefiles : $(ac1) $(ac2) $(ac3) $(ac4) $(ac5) $(ac6) $(ac7) $(ac8) $(ac9) $(acs) $(ARCHAUTO)time.stamp
+ @ $(NOOP)
+miniperl : $(DBG)miniperl$(E)
+ @ Continue
+miniperl_objs = miniperlmain$(O), $(obj)
+$(MINIPERL_EXE) : miniperlmain$(O), $(DBG)libperl$(OLB) $(CRTL)
+ Link $(LINKFLAGS)/NoDebug/Exe=$@ miniperlmain$(O), $(DBG)libperl$(OLB)/Library/Include=globals $(CRTLOPTS)
+$(DBG)miniperl$(E) : $(miniperl_objs), $(DBG)libperl$(OLB) $(CRTL)
+ Link $(LINKFLAGS)/Exe=$@ miniperlmain$(O),$(DBG)libperl$(OLB)/Library/Include=globals $(CRTLOPTS)
+$(DBG)libperl$(OLB) : $(obj)
+ @ If f$$Search("$@").eqs."" Then Library/Object/Create $(MMS$TARGET)
+ Library/Object/Replace $@ $(obj1)
+ Library/Object/Replace $@ $(obj2)
+ Library/Object/Replace $@ $(obj3)
+perlmain.c : miniperlmain.c $(MINIPERL_EXE) [.vms]
+ $(MINIPERL) [.VMS] "$(EXT)"
+perl : $(DBG)perl$(E)
+ @ Continue
+$(DBG)perl$(E) : perlmain$(O), $(DBG)perlshr$(E), $(MINIPERL_EXE)
+ @ $$@[.vms]genopt "PerlShr.Opt/Write" "|" "''f$$Environment("Default")'$(DBG)PerlShr$(E)/Share"
+ Link $(LINKFLAGS)/Exe=$@ perlmain$(O), perlshr.opt/Option, perlshr_attr.opt/Option
+$(DBG)perlshr$(E) : $(DBG)libperl$(OLB) $(extobj) $(DBG)perlshr_xtras.ts
+ Link /NoTrace$(LINKFLAGS)/Share=$@ $(extobj) []$(DBG)perlshr_bld.opt/Option, perlshr_attr.opt/Option
+# The following files are built in one go by
+# perlshr_attr.opt, $(DBG)perlshr_bld.opt - VAX and AXP
+# perlshr_gbl*.mar, perlshr_gbl*$(O) - VAX only
+# The song and dance with gen_shrfls.opt accomodates DCL's 255 character
+# line length limit.
+# This is a backup target used only with older versions of the DECCRTL which
+# can't deal with pipes properly. See ReadMe.VMS for details.
+$(DBG)perlshr_xtras.ts : perl.h config.h vmsish.h proto.h [.vms] $(MINIPERL_EXE) $(MAKEFILE) $(CRTL)
+ @ $(MINIPERL) -e "print join('|',@ARGV),'|';" "$(CC)$(CFLAGS)" >gen_shrfls.opt
+ @ $(MINIPERL) -e "print join('|',@ARGV);" "$(O)" "$(DBG)" "$(OLB)" "$(EXT)" "$(CRTL)" >>gen_shrfls.opt
+ $(MINIPERL) [.vms] -f gen_shrfls.opt
+ @ Delete/NoLog/NoConfirm gen_shrfls.opt;
+ @ If f$$Search("$(DBG)perlshr_xtras.ts").nes."" Then Delete/NoLog/NoConfirm $(DBG)perlshr_xtras.ts;*
+ @ Copy _NLA0: $(DBG)perlshr_xtras.ts
+$(ARCHDIR) : [.lib]
+ Create/Directory $(ARCHDIR)
+ Copy [.lib] $@
+# Once again, we accomodate DCL's 255 character buffer
+[.lib] : [.vms]config.vms [.vms] $(MINIPERL_EXE)
+ @ $(MINIPERL) -e "print join('|',@ARGV),'|';" "cc=$(CC)$(CFLAGS)" >genconfig.opt
+ @ $(MINIPERL) -e "print join('|',@ARGV),'|';" "ldflags=$(LINKFLAGS)|obj_ext=$(O)|exe_ext=$(E)|lib_ext=$(OLB)" >>genconfig.opt
+ $(MINIPERL) [.VMS]GenConfig.Pl -f genconfig.opt
+ @ Delete/NoLog/NoConfirm genconfig.opt;
+ $(MINIPERL) ConfigPM.
+[.ext.dynaloader]dl_vms.c : [.ext.dynaloader]dl_vms.xs $(MINIPERL_EXE)
+ $(XSUBPP) [.ext.dynaloader]dl_vms.xs >$@
+[.ext.dynaloader]dl_vms$(O) : [.ext.dynaloader]dl_vms.c
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) /Object=$@ [.ext.dynaloader]dl_vms.c
+[.lib] : [.ext.dynaloader]
+ Copy/Log/NoConfirm [.ext.dynaloader] [.lib]
+ @ If f$$Search("[.lib]auto.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory []
+ @ $(MINIPERL) -e "use AutoSplit; autosplit_lib_modules(@ARGV)" [.lib]
+Safe : [.lib] []Safe$(E)
+ @ $(NOOP)
+[.lib] : [.ext.Safe]Makefile
+ @ If f$$Search("[.lib]auto.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory []
+ @ Set Default [.ext.Safe]
+ $(MMS)
+ @ Set Default [--]
+[]Safe$(E) : [.ext.Safe]Makefile
+ @ Set Default [.ext.Safe]
+ $(MMS)
+ @ Set Default [--]
+# Add "-I[--.lib]" t $(MINIPERL) so we use this copy of lib after C<chdir>
+# ${@} necessary to distract different versions of MM[SK]/make
+[.ext.Safe]Makefile : [.ext.Safe]Makefile.PL $(ARCHDIR) [.lib.VMS] [.lib] perlshr$(E)
+ $(MINIPERL) "-I[--.lib]" -e "chdir('[.ext.Safe]') or die $!; do 'Makefile.PL'; print ${@} if ${@};" "INST_LIB=[--.lib]" "INST_ARCHLIB=[--.lib]"
+FileHandle : [.lib] []FileHandle$(E)
+ @ $(NOOP)
+[.lib] : [.ext.FileHandle]Makefile
+ @ If f$$Search("[.lib]auto.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory []
+ @ Set Default [.ext.FileHandle]
+ $(MMS)
+ @ Set Default [--]
+[]FileHandle$(E) : [.ext.FileHandle]Makefile
+ @ Set Default [.ext.FileHandle]
+ $(MMS)
+ @ Set Default [--]
+# Add "-I[--.lib]" t $(MINIPERL) so we use this copy of lib after C<chdir>
+# ${@} necessary to distract different versions of MM[SK]/make
+[.ext.FileHandle]Makefile : [.ext.FileHandle]Makefile.PL $(ARCHDIR) [.lib.VMS] [.lib] perlshr$(E)
+ $(MINIPERL) "-I[--.lib]" -e "chdir('[.ext.FileHandle]') or die $!; do 'Makefile.PL'; print ${@} if ${@};" "INST_LIB=[--.lib]" "INST_ARCHLIB=[--.lib]"
+Fcntl : [.lib] []Fcntl$(E)
+ @ $(NOOP)
+[.lib] : [.ext.Fcntl]Makefile
+ @ If f$$Search("[.lib]auto.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory []
+ @ Set Default [.ext.Fcntl]
+ $(MMS)
+ @ Set Default [--]
+[]Fcntl$(E) : [.ext.Fcntl]Makefile
+ @ Set Default [.ext.Fcntl]
+ $(MMS)
+ @ Set Default [--]
+# Add "-I[--.lib]" t $(MINIPERL) so we use this copy of lib after C<chdir>
+# ${@} necessary to distract different versions of MM[SK]/make
+[.ext.Fcntl]Makefile : [.ext.Fcntl]Makefile.PL $(ARCHDIR) [.lib.VMS] [.lib] perlshr$(E)
+ $(MINIPERL) "-I[--.lib]" -e "chdir('[.ext.Fcntl]') or die $!; do 'Makefile.PL'; print ${@} if ${@};" "INST_LIB=[--.lib]" "INST_ARCHLIB=[--.lib]"
+[.lib.VMS] : [.vms.ext]
+ @ If f$$Search("[.lib]VMS.Dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.VMS]
+ Copy/Log/NoConfirm [.vms.ext] $@
+[.lib.pod]perldoc : [.utils]perldoc.PL $(ARCHDIR)
+ @ If f$$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ $(MINIPERL) [.utils]perldoc.PL
+ Copy/Log [.utils]perldoc $@
+[.lib.ExtUtils] : Minimod.PL miniperlmain.c $(ARCHDIR)
+ $(MINIPERL) Minimod.PL >$@
+[.utils]c2ph : [.utils]c2ph.PL $(ARCHDIR)
+ $(MINIPERL) [.utils]c2ph.PL
+[.utils]h2ph : [.utils]h2ph.PL $(ARCHDIR)
+ $(MINIPERL) [.utils]h2ph.PL
+[.utils]h2xs : [.utils]h2xs.PL $(ARCHDIR)
+ $(MINIPERL) [.utils]h2xs.PL
+[.lib]perlbug : [.utils]perlbug.PL $(ARCHDIR)
+ $(MINIPERL) [.utils]perlbug.PL
+ Rename/Log [.utils]perlbug $@
+[.utils]pl2pm : [.utils]pl2pm.PL $(ARCHDIR)
+ $(MINIPERL) [.utils]pl2pm.PL
+[.lib.pod]pod2html : [.pod]pod2html.PL $(ARCHDIR)
+ @ If f$$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ $(MINIPERL) [.pod]pod2html.PL
+ Rename/Log [.pod]pod2html $@
+[.lib.pod]pod2latex : [.pod]pod2latex.PL $(ARCHDIR)
+ @ If f$$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ $(MINIPERL) [.pod]pod2latex.PL
+ Rename/Log [.pod]pod2latex $@
+[.lib.pod]pod2man : [.pod]pod2man.PL $(ARCHDIR)
+ @ If f$$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ $(MINIPERL) [.pod]pod2man.PL
+ Rename/Log [.pod]pod2man $@
+[.lib.pod]pod2text : [.pod]pod2text.PL $(ARCHDIR)
+ @ If f$$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ $(MINIPERL) [.pod]pod2text.PL
+ Rename/Log [.pod]pod2text $@
+preplibrary : $(MINIPERL_EXE) $(ARCHDIR) [.lib] [.lib.VMS] $(SOCKPM)
+ @ Write sys$$Output "Autosplitting Perl library . . ."
+ @ Create/Directory []
+ @ $(MINIPERL) -e "use AutoSplit; autosplit_lib_modules(@ARGV)" [.lib]*.pm [.lib.*]*.pm
+[.lib.pod]perl.pod : [.pod]perl.pod
+ @ If f$$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ @ Copy/Log [.pod]perl.pod $@
+[.lib.pod]perlbook.pod : [.pod]perlbook.pod
+ @ If f$$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ @ Copy/Log [.pod]perlbook.pod $@
+[.lib.pod]perlbot.pod : [.pod]perlbot.pod
+ @ If f$$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ @ Copy/Log [.pod]perlbot.pod $@
+[.lib.pod]perlcall.pod : [.pod]perlcall.pod
+ @ If f$$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ @ Copy/Log [.pod]perlcall.pod $@
+[.lib.pod]perldata.pod : [.pod]perldata.pod
+ @ If f$$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ @ Copy/Log [.pod]perldata.pod $@
+[.lib.pod]perldebug.pod : [.pod]perldebug.pod
+ @ If f$$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ @ Copy/Log [.pod]perldebug.pod $@
+[.lib.pod]perldiag.pod : [.pod]perldiag.pod
+ @ If f$$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ @ Copy/Log [.pod]perldiag.pod $@
+[.lib.pod]perldsc.pod : [.pod]perldsc.pod
+ @ If f$$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ @ Copy/Log [.pod]perldsc.pod $@
+[.lib.pod]perlembed.pod : [.pod]perlembed.pod
+ @ If f$$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ @ Copy/Log [.pod]perlembed.pod $@
+[.lib.pod]perlform.pod : [.pod]perlform.pod
+ @ If f$$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ @ Copy/Log [.pod]perlform.pod $@
+[.lib.pod]perlfunc.pod : [.pod]perlfunc.pod
+ @ If f$$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ @ Copy/Log [.pod]perlfunc.pod $@
+[.lib.pod]perlguts.pod : [.pod]perlguts.pod
+ @ If f$$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ @ Copy/Log [.pod]perlguts.pod $@
+[.lib.pod]perlipc.pod : [.pod]perlipc.pod
+ @ If f$$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ @ Copy/Log [.pod]perlipc.pod $@
+[.lib.pod]perllol.pod : [.pod]perllol.pod
+ @ If f$$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ @ Copy/Log [.pod]perllol.pod $@
+[.lib.pod]perlmod.pod : [.pod]perlmod.pod
+ @ If f$$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ @ Copy/Log [.pod]perlmod.pod $@
+[.lib.pod]perlobj.pod : [.pod]perlobj.pod
+ @ If f$$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ @ Copy/Log [.pod]perlobj.pod $@
+[.lib.pod]perlop.pod : [.pod]perlop.pod
+ @ If f$$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ @ Copy/Log [.pod]perlop.pod $@
+[.lib.pod]perlovl.pod : [.pod]perlovl.pod
+ @ If f$$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ @ Copy/Log [.pod]perlovl.pod $@
+[.lib.pod]perlpod.pod : [.pod]perlpod.pod
+ @ If f$$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ @ Copy/Log [.pod]perlpod.pod $@
+[.lib.pod]perlre.pod : [.pod]perlre.pod
+ @ If f$$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ @ Copy/Log [.pod]perlre.pod $@
+[.lib.pod]perlref.pod : [.pod]perlref.pod
+ @ If f$$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ @ Copy/Log [.pod]perlref.pod $@
+[.lib.pod]perlrun.pod : [.pod]perlrun.pod
+ @ If f$$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ @ Copy/Log [.pod]perlrun.pod $@
+[.lib.pod]perlsec.pod : [.pod]perlsec.pod
+ @ If f$$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ @ Copy/Log [.pod]perlsec.pod $@
+[.lib.pod]perlstyle.pod : [.pod]perlstyle.pod
+ @ If f$$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ @ Copy/Log [.pod]perlstyle.pod $@
+[.lib.pod]perlsub.pod : [.pod]perlsub.pod
+ @ If f$$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ @ Copy/Log [.pod]perlsub.pod $@
+[.lib.pod]perlsyn.pod : [.pod]perlsyn.pod
+ @ If f$$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ @ Copy/Log [.pod]perlsyn.pod $@
+[.lib.pod]perltie.pod : [.pod]perltie.pod
+ @ If f$$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ @ Copy/Log [.pod]perltie.pod $@
+[.lib.pod]perltoc.pod : [.pod]perltoc.pod
+ @ If f$$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ @ Copy/Log [.pod]perltoc.pod $@
+[.lib.pod]perltrap.pod : [.pod]perltrap.pod
+ @ If f$$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ @ Copy/Log [.pod]perltrap.pod $@
+[.lib.pod]perlvar.pod : [.pod]perlvar.pod
+ @ If f$$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ @ Copy/Log [.pod]perlvar.pod $@
+[.lib.pod]perlxs.pod : [.pod]perlxs.pod
+ @ If f$$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ @ Copy/Log [.pod]perlxs.pod $@
+[.lib.pod]perlxstut.pod : [.pod]perlxstut.pod
+ @ If f$$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ @ Copy/Log [.pod]perlxstut.pod $@
+[.lib.pod]perlvms.pod : [.vms]perlvms.pod
+ @ If f$$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ @ Copy/Log [.vms]perlvms.pod $@
+printconfig :
+ @ $$@[.vms]make_command $(MMS) $(MMSQUALIFIERS) $(MMSTARGETS)
+ @ $$@[.vms]myconfig "$(CC)" "$(CFLAGS)" "$(LINKFLAGS)" "$(LIBS1)" "$(LIBS2)" "$(SOCKLIB)" "$(EXT)" "$(DBG)"
+# The following three header files are generated automatically
+# keywords.h :
+# opcode.h :
+# embed.h : global.sym interp.sym
+# The correct versions should be already supplied with the perl kit,
+# in case you don't have perl available.
+# To force them to run, type
+# MMS regen_headers
+regen_headers :
+# VMS uses modified perly.[ch] with tags for globaldefs if using DEC compiler
+perly.c : [.vms]perly_c.vms
+ Copy/Log [.vms]perly_c.vms $@
+perly.h : [.vms]perly_h.vms
+ Copy/Log [.vms]perly_h.vms $@
+# I now supply perly.c with the kits, so the following section is
+# commented out if you don't have byacc.
+# Altered for VMS by Charles Bailey
+# perly.c:
+# @ Write Sys$Output "Expect 80 shift/reduce and 62 reduce/reduce conflicts"
+# \$(BYACC) -d perly.y
+# Has to be done by hand or by POSIX shell under VMS
+# sh \$(shellflags) ./perly.fixer perly.c
+# rename perly.h
+# $(INSTPERL) [.vms] perly.c perly.h [.vms]perly_c.vms [.vms]perly_h.vms
+perly$(O) : perly.c, perly.h, $(h)
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) perly.c
+test : all
+ - @[.VMS]Test.Com
+# CORE subset for MakeMaker, so we can build Perl without sources
+# Should move to VMS installperl when we get one
+ @ If f$$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
+ Copy/Log EXTERN.h $@
+ @ If f$$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
+ Copy/Log INTERN.h $@
+ @ If f$$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
+ Copy/Log XSUB.h $@
+$(ARCHCORE)av.h : av.h
+ @ If f$$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
+ Copy/Log av.h $@
+$(ARCHCORE)config.h : config.h
+ @ If f$$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
+ Copy/Log config.h $@
+$(ARCHCORE)cop.h : cop.h
+ @ If f$$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
+ Copy/Log cop.h $@
+$(ARCHCORE)cv.h : cv.h
+ @ If f$$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
+ Copy/Log cv.h $@
+$(ARCHCORE)embed.h : embed.h
+ @ If f$$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
+ Copy/Log embed.h $@
+$(ARCHCORE)form.h : form.h
+ @ If f$$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
+ Copy/Log form.h $@
+$(ARCHCORE)gv.h : gv.h
+ @ If f$$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
+ Copy/Log gv.h $@
+$(ARCHCORE)handy.h : handy.h
+ @ If f$$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
+ Copy/Log handy.h $@
+$(ARCHCORE)hv.h : hv.h
+ @ If f$$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
+ Copy/Log hv.h $@
+$(ARCHCORE)keywords.h : keywords.h
+ @ If f$$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
+ Copy/Log keywords.h $@
+$(ARCHCORE)mg.h : mg.h
+ @ If f$$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
+ Copy/Log mg.h $@
+$(ARCHCORE)op.h : op.h
+ @ If f$$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
+ Copy/Log op.h $@
+$(ARCHCORE)opcode.h : opcode.h
+ @ If f$$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
+ Copy/Log opcode.h $@
+$(ARCHCORE)patchlevel.h : patchlevel.h
+ @ If f$$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
+ Copy/Log patchlevel.h $@
+$(ARCHCORE)perl.h : perl.h
+ @ If f$$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
+ Copy/Log perl.h $@
+$(ARCHCORE)perly.h : perly.h
+ @ If f$$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
+ Copy/Log perly.h $@
+$(ARCHCORE)pp.h : pp.h
+ @ If f$$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
+ Copy/Log pp.h $@
+$(ARCHCORE)proto.h : proto.h
+ @ If f$$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
+ Copy/Log proto.h $@
+$(ARCHCORE)regcomp.h : regcomp.h
+ @ If f$$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
+ Copy/Log regcomp.h $@
+$(ARCHCORE)regexp.h : regexp.h
+ @ If f$$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
+ Copy/Log regexp.h $@
+$(ARCHCORE)scope.h : scope.h
+ @ If f$$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
+ Copy/Log scope.h $@
+$(ARCHCORE)sv.h : sv.h
+ @ If f$$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
+ Copy/Log sv.h $@
+$(ARCHCORE)util.h : util.h
+ @ If f$$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
+ Copy/Log util.h $@
+$(ARCHCORE)vmsish.h : vmsish.h
+ @ If f$$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
+ Copy/Log vmsish.h $@
+$(ARCHCORE)$(DBG)libperl$(OLB) : $(DBG)libperl$(OLB) $(DBG)perlshr_xtras.ts
+ @ If f$$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
+ Copy/Log $(DBG)libperl$(OLB) $@
+$(ARCHCORE)perlshr_attr.opt : $(DBG)perlshr_xtras.ts
+ @ If f$$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
+ Copy/Log perlshr_attr.opt $@
+$(ARCHCORE)$(DBG)perlshr_bld.opt : $(DBG)perlshr_xtras.ts
+ @ If f$$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
+ Copy/Log $(DBG)perlshr_bld.opt $@
+$(ARCHAUTO)time.stamp :
+ @ If f$$Search("$(ARCHDIR)auto.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHAUTO)
+ @ If f$$Search("$@").eqs."" Then Copy/NoConfirm _NLA0: $(MMS$TARGET)
+av$(O) : EXTERN.h
+av$(O) : av.c
+av$(O) : av.h
+av$(O) : config.h
+av$(O) : cop.h
+av$(O) : cv.h
+av$(O) : embed.h
+av$(O) : form.h
+av$(O) : gv.h
+av$(O) : handy.h
+av$(O) : hv.h
+av$(O) : mg.h
+av$(O) : op.h
+av$(O) : opcode.h
+av$(O) : perl.h
+av$(O) : perly.h
+av$(O) : pp.h
+av$(O) : proto.h
+av$(O) : regexp.h
+av$(O) : scope.h
+av$(O) : sv.h
+av$(O) : vmsish.h
+av$(O) : util.h
+scope$(O) : EXTERN.h
+scope$(O) : av.h
+scope$(O) : config.h
+scope$(O) : cop.h
+scope$(O) : cv.h
+scope$(O) : embed.h
+scope$(O) : form.h
+scope$(O) : gv.h
+scope$(O) : handy.h
+scope$(O) : hv.h
+scope$(O) : mg.h
+scope$(O) : op.h
+scope$(O) : opcode.h
+scope$(O) : perl.h
+scope$(O) : perly.h
+scope$(O) : pp.h
+scope$(O) : proto.h
+scope$(O) : regexp.h
+scope$(O) : scope.c
+scope$(O) : scope.h
+scope$(O) : sv.h
+scope$(O) : vmsish.h
+scope$(O) : util.h
+op$(O) : EXTERN.h
+op$(O) : av.h
+op$(O) : config.h
+op$(O) : cop.h
+op$(O) : cv.h
+op$(O) : embed.h
+op$(O) : form.h
+op$(O) : gv.h
+op$(O) : handy.h
+op$(O) : hv.h
+op$(O) : mg.h
+op$(O) : op.c
+op$(O) : op.h
+op$(O) : opcode.h
+op$(O) : perl.h
+op$(O) : perly.h
+op$(O) : pp.h
+op$(O) : proto.h
+op$(O) : regexp.h
+op$(O) : scope.h
+op$(O) : sv.h
+op$(O) : vmsish.h
+op$(O) : util.h
+doop$(O) : EXTERN.h
+doop$(O) : av.h
+doop$(O) : config.h
+doop$(O) : cop.h
+doop$(O) : cv.h
+doop$(O) : doop.c
+doop$(O) : embed.h
+doop$(O) : form.h
+doop$(O) : gv.h
+doop$(O) : handy.h
+doop$(O) : hv.h
+doop$(O) : mg.h
+doop$(O) : op.h
+doop$(O) : opcode.h
+doop$(O) : perl.h
+doop$(O) : perly.h
+doop$(O) : pp.h
+doop$(O) : proto.h
+doop$(O) : regexp.h
+doop$(O) : scope.h
+doop$(O) : sv.h
+doop$(O) : vmsish.h
+doop$(O) : util.h
+doio$(O) : EXTERN.h
+doio$(O) : av.h
+doio$(O) : config.h
+doio$(O) : cop.h
+doio$(O) : cv.h
+doio$(O) : doio.c
+doio$(O) : embed.h
+doio$(O) : form.h
+doio$(O) : gv.h
+doio$(O) : handy.h
+doio$(O) : hv.h
+doio$(O) : mg.h
+doio$(O) : op.h
+doio$(O) : opcode.h
+doio$(O) : perl.h
+doio$(O) : perly.h
+doio$(O) : pp.h
+doio$(O) : proto.h
+doio$(O) : regexp.h
+doio$(O) : scope.h
+doio$(O) : sv.h
+doio$(O) : vmsish.h
+doio$(O) : util.h
+dump$(O) : EXTERN.h
+dump$(O) : av.h
+dump$(O) : config.h
+dump$(O) : cop.h
+dump$(O) : cv.h
+dump$(O) : dump.c
+dump$(O) : embed.h
+dump$(O) : form.h
+dump$(O) : gv.h
+dump$(O) : handy.h
+dump$(O) : hv.h
+dump$(O) : mg.h
+dump$(O) : op.h
+dump$(O) : opcode.h
+dump$(O) : perl.h
+dump$(O) : perly.h
+dump$(O) : pp.h
+dump$(O) : proto.h
+dump$(O) : regexp.h
+dump$(O) : scope.h
+dump$(O) : sv.h
+dump$(O) : vmsish.h
+dump$(O) : util.h
+hv$(O) : EXTERN.h
+hv$(O) : av.h
+hv$(O) : config.h
+hv$(O) : cop.h
+hv$(O) : cv.h
+hv$(O) : embed.h
+hv$(O) : form.h
+hv$(O) : gv.h
+hv$(O) : handy.h
+hv$(O) : hv.c
+hv$(O) : hv.h
+hv$(O) : mg.h
+hv$(O) : op.h
+hv$(O) : opcode.h
+hv$(O) : perl.h
+hv$(O) : perly.h
+hv$(O) : pp.h
+hv$(O) : proto.h
+hv$(O) : regexp.h
+hv$(O) : scope.h
+hv$(O) : sv.h
+hv$(O) : vmsish.h
+hv$(O) : util.h
+mg$(O) : EXTERN.h
+mg$(O) : av.h
+mg$(O) : config.h
+mg$(O) : cop.h
+mg$(O) : cv.h
+mg$(O) : embed.h
+mg$(O) : form.h
+mg$(O) : gv.h
+mg$(O) : handy.h
+mg$(O) : hv.h
+mg$(O) : mg.c
+mg$(O) : mg.h
+mg$(O) : op.h
+mg$(O) : opcode.h
+mg$(O) : perl.h
+mg$(O) : perly.h
+mg$(O) : pp.h
+mg$(O) : proto.h
+mg$(O) : regexp.h
+mg$(O) : scope.h
+mg$(O) : sv.h
+mg$(O) : vmsish.h
+mg$(O) : util.h
+perl$(O) : EXTERN.h
+perl$(O) : av.h
+perl$(O) : config.h
+perl$(O) : cop.h
+perl$(O) : cv.h
+perl$(O) : embed.h
+perl$(O) : form.h
+perl$(O) : gv.h
+perl$(O) : handy.h
+perl$(O) : hv.h
+perl$(O) : mg.h
+perl$(O) : op.h
+perl$(O) : opcode.h
+perl$(O) : perl.c
+perl$(O) : perl.h
+perl$(O) : perly.h
+perl$(O) : pp.h
+perl$(O) : proto.h
+perl$(O) : regexp.h
+perl$(O) : scope.h
+perl$(O) : sv.h
+perl$(O) : vmsish.h
+perl$(O) : util.h
+perly$(O) : EXTERN.h
+perly$(O) : av.h
+perly$(O) : config.h
+perly$(O) : cop.h
+perly$(O) : cv.h
+perly$(O) : embed.h
+perly$(O) : form.h
+perly$(O) : gv.h
+perly$(O) : handy.h
+perly$(O) : hv.h
+perly$(O) : mg.h
+perly$(O) : op.h
+perly$(O) : opcode.h
+perly$(O) : perl.h
+perly$(O) : perly.h
+perly$(O) : perly.c
+perly$(O) : pp.h
+perly$(O) : proto.h
+perly$(O) : regexp.h
+perly$(O) : scope.h
+perly$(O) : sv.h
+perly$(O) : vmsish.h
+perly$(O) : util.h
+pp$(O) : EXTERN.h
+pp$(O) : av.h
+pp$(O) : config.h
+pp$(O) : cop.h
+pp$(O) : cv.h
+pp$(O) : embed.h
+pp$(O) : form.h
+pp$(O) : gv.h
+pp$(O) : handy.h
+pp$(O) : hv.h
+pp$(O) : mg.h
+pp$(O) : op.h
+pp$(O) : opcode.h
+pp$(O) : perl.h
+pp$(O) : perly.h
+pp$(O) : pp.c
+pp$(O) : pp.h
+pp$(O) : proto.h
+pp$(O) : regexp.h
+pp$(O) : scope.h
+pp$(O) : sv.h
+pp$(O) : vmsish.h
+pp$(O) : util.h
+pp_ctl$(O) : EXTERN.h
+pp_ctl$(O) : av.h
+pp_ctl$(O) : config.h
+pp_ctl$(O) : cop.h
+pp_ctl$(O) : cv.h
+pp_ctl$(O) : embed.h
+pp_ctl$(O) : form.h
+pp_ctl$(O) : gv.h
+pp_ctl$(O) : handy.h
+pp_ctl$(O) : hv.h
+pp_ctl$(O) : mg.h
+pp_ctl$(O) : op.h
+pp_ctl$(O) : opcode.h
+pp_ctl$(O) : perl.h
+pp_ctl$(O) : perly.h
+pp_ctl$(O) : pp_ctl.c
+pp_ctl$(O) : pp.h
+pp_ctl$(O) : proto.h
+pp_ctl$(O) : regexp.h
+pp_ctl$(O) : scope.h
+pp_ctl$(O) : sv.h
+pp_ctl$(O) : vmsish.h
+pp_ctl$(O) : util.h
+pp_hot$(O) : EXTERN.h
+pp_hot$(O) : av.h
+pp_hot$(O) : config.h
+pp_hot$(O) : cop.h
+pp_hot$(O) : cv.h
+pp_hot$(O) : embed.h
+pp_hot$(O) : form.h
+pp_hot$(O) : gv.h
+pp_hot$(O) : handy.h
+pp_hot$(O) : hv.h
+pp_hot$(O) : mg.h
+pp_hot$(O) : op.h
+pp_hot$(O) : opcode.h
+pp_hot$(O) : perl.h
+pp_hot$(O) : perly.h
+pp_hot$(O) : pp_hot.c
+pp_hot$(O) : pp.h
+pp_hot$(O) : proto.h
+pp_hot$(O) : regexp.h
+pp_hot$(O) : scope.h
+pp_hot$(O) : sv.h
+pp_hot$(O) : vmsish.h
+pp_hot$(O) : util.h
+pp_sys$(O) : EXTERN.h
+pp_sys$(O) : av.h
+pp_sys$(O) : config.h
+pp_sys$(O) : cop.h
+pp_sys$(O) : cv.h
+pp_sys$(O) : embed.h
+pp_sys$(O) : form.h
+pp_sys$(O) : gv.h
+pp_sys$(O) : handy.h
+pp_sys$(O) : hv.h
+pp_sys$(O) : mg.h
+pp_sys$(O) : op.h
+pp_sys$(O) : opcode.h
+pp_sys$(O) : perl.h
+pp_sys$(O) : perly.h
+pp_sys$(O) : pp_sys.c
+pp_sys$(O) : pp.h
+pp_sys$(O) : proto.h
+pp_sys$(O) : regexp.h
+pp_sys$(O) : scope.h
+pp_sys$(O) : sv.h
+pp_sys$(O) : vmsish.h
+pp_sys$(O) : util.h
+regcomp$(O) : EXTERN.h
+regcomp$(O) : INTERN.h
+regcomp$(O) : av.h
+regcomp$(O) : config.h
+regcomp$(O) : cop.h
+regcomp$(O) : cv.h
+regcomp$(O) : embed.h
+regcomp$(O) : form.h
+regcomp$(O) : gv.h
+regcomp$(O) : handy.h
+regcomp$(O) : hv.h
+regcomp$(O) : mg.h
+regcomp$(O) : op.h
+regcomp$(O) : opcode.h
+regcomp$(O) : perl.h
+regcomp$(O) : perly.h
+regcomp$(O) : pp.h
+regcomp$(O) : proto.h
+regcomp$(O) : regcomp.c
+regcomp$(O) : regcomp.h
+regcomp$(O) : regexp.h
+regcomp$(O) : scope.h
+regcomp$(O) : sv.h
+regcomp$(O) : vmsish.h
+regcomp$(O) : util.h
+regexec$(O) : EXTERN.h
+regexec$(O) : av.h
+regexec$(O) : config.h
+regexec$(O) : cop.h
+regexec$(O) : cv.h
+regexec$(O) : embed.h
+regexec$(O) : form.h
+regexec$(O) : gv.h
+regexec$(O) : handy.h
+regexec$(O) : hv.h
+regexec$(O) : mg.h
+regexec$(O) : op.h
+regexec$(O) : opcode.h
+regexec$(O) : perl.h
+regexec$(O) : perly.h
+regexec$(O) : pp.h
+regexec$(O) : proto.h
+regexec$(O) : regcomp.h
+regexec$(O) : regexec.c
+regexec$(O) : regexp.h
+regexec$(O) : scope.h
+regexec$(O) : sv.h
+regexec$(O) : vmsish.h
+regexec$(O) : util.h
+gv$(O) : EXTERN.h
+gv$(O) : av.h
+gv$(O) : config.h
+gv$(O) : cop.h
+gv$(O) : cv.h
+gv$(O) : embed.h
+gv$(O) : form.h
+gv$(O) : gv.c
+gv$(O) : gv.h
+gv$(O) : handy.h
+gv$(O) : hv.h
+gv$(O) : mg.h
+gv$(O) : op.h
+gv$(O) : opcode.h
+gv$(O) : perl.h
+gv$(O) : perly.h
+gv$(O) : pp.h
+gv$(O) : proto.h
+gv$(O) : regexp.h
+gv$(O) : scope.h
+gv$(O) : sv.h
+gv$(O) : vmsish.h
+gv$(O) : util.h
+sv$(O) : EXTERN.h
+sv$(O) : av.h
+sv$(O) : config.h
+sv$(O) : cop.h
+sv$(O) : cv.h
+sv$(O) : embed.h
+sv$(O) : form.h
+sv$(O) : gv.h
+sv$(O) : handy.h
+sv$(O) : hv.h
+sv$(O) : mg.h
+sv$(O) : op.h
+sv$(O) : opcode.h
+sv$(O) : perl.h
+sv$(O) : perly.h
+sv$(O) : pp.h
+sv$(O) : proto.h
+sv$(O) : regexp.h
+sv$(O) : scope.h
+sv$(O) : sv.c
+sv$(O) : sv.h
+sv$(O) : vmsish.h
+sv$(O) : util.h
+taint$(O) : EXTERN.h
+taint$(O) : av.h
+taint$(O) : config.h
+taint$(O) : cop.h
+taint$(O) : cv.h
+taint$(O) : embed.h
+taint$(O) : form.h
+taint$(O) : gv.h
+taint$(O) : handy.h
+taint$(O) : hv.h
+taint$(O) : mg.h
+taint$(O) : op.h
+taint$(O) : opcode.h
+taint$(O) : perl.h
+taint$(O) : perly.h
+taint$(O) : pp.h
+taint$(O) : proto.h
+taint$(O) : regexp.h
+taint$(O) : scope.h
+taint$(O) : sv.h
+taint$(O) : taint.c
+taint$(O) : vmsish.h
+taint$(O) : util.h
+toke$(O) : EXTERN.h
+toke$(O) : av.h
+toke$(O) : config.h
+toke$(O) : cop.h
+toke$(O) : cv.h
+toke$(O) : embed.h
+toke$(O) : form.h
+toke$(O) : gv.h
+toke$(O) : handy.h
+toke$(O) : hv.h
+toke$(O) : keywords.h
+toke$(O) : mg.h
+toke$(O) : op.h
+toke$(O) : opcode.h
+toke$(O) : perl.h
+toke$(O) : perly.h
+toke$(O) : pp.h
+toke$(O) : proto.h
+toke$(O) : regexp.h
+toke$(O) : scope.h
+toke$(O) : sv.h
+toke$(O) : toke.c
+toke$(O) : vmsish.h
+toke$(O) : util.h
+util$(O) : EXTERN.h
+util$(O) : av.h
+util$(O) : config.h
+util$(O) : cop.h
+util$(O) : cv.h
+util$(O) : embed.h
+util$(O) : form.h
+util$(O) : gv.h
+util$(O) : handy.h
+util$(O) : hv.h
+util$(O) : mg.h
+util$(O) : op.h
+util$(O) : opcode.h
+util$(O) : perl.h
+util$(O) : perly.h
+util$(O) : pp.h
+util$(O) : proto.h
+util$(O) : regexp.h
+util$(O) : scope.h
+util$(O) : sv.h
+util$(O) : vmsish.h
+util$(O) : util.c
+util$(O) : util.h
+deb$(O) : EXTERN.h
+deb$(O) : av.h
+deb$(O) : config.h
+deb$(O) : cop.h
+deb$(O) : cv.h
+deb$(O) : deb.c
+deb$(O) : embed.h
+deb$(O) : form.h
+deb$(O) : gv.h
+deb$(O) : handy.h
+deb$(O) : hv.h
+deb$(O) : mg.h
+deb$(O) : op.h
+deb$(O) : opcode.h
+deb$(O) : perl.h
+deb$(O) : perly.h
+deb$(O) : pp.h
+deb$(O) : proto.h
+deb$(O) : regexp.h
+deb$(O) : scope.h
+deb$(O) : sv.h
+deb$(O) : vmsish.h
+deb$(O) : util.h
+run$(O) : EXTERN.h
+run$(O) : av.h
+run$(O) : config.h
+run$(O) : cop.h
+run$(O) : cv.h
+run$(O) : embed.h
+run$(O) : form.h
+run$(O) : gv.h
+run$(O) : handy.h
+run$(O) : hv.h
+run$(O) : mg.h
+run$(O) : op.h
+run$(O) : opcode.h
+run$(O) : perl.h
+run$(O) : perly.h
+run$(O) : pp.h
+run$(O) : proto.h
+run$(O) : regexp.h
+run$(O) : run.c
+run$(O) : scope.h
+run$(O) : sv.h
+run$(O) : vmsish.h
+run$(O) : util.h
+vms$(O) : EXTERN.h
+vms$(O) : av.h
+vms$(O) : config.h
+vms$(O) : cop.h
+vms$(O) : cv.h
+vms$(O) : embed.h
+vms$(O) : form.h
+vms$(O) : gv.h
+vms$(O) : handy.h
+vms$(O) : hv.h
+vms$(O) : mg.h
+vms$(O) : op.h
+vms$(O) : opcode.h
+vms$(O) : perl.h
+vms$(O) : perly.h
+vms$(O) : pp.h
+vms$(O) : proto.h
+vms$(O) : regexp.h
+vms$(O) : vms.c
+vms$(O) : scope.h
+vms$(O) : sv.h
+vms$(O) : vmsish.h
+vms$(O) : util.h
+miniperlmain$(O) : EXTERN.h
+miniperlmain$(O) : av.h
+miniperlmain$(O) : config.h
+miniperlmain$(O) : cop.h
+miniperlmain$(O) : cv.h
+miniperlmain$(O) : embed.h
+miniperlmain$(O) : form.h
+miniperlmain$(O) : gv.h
+miniperlmain$(O) : handy.h
+miniperlmain$(O) : hv.h
+miniperlmain$(O) : mg.h
+miniperlmain$(O) : miniperlmain.c
+miniperlmain$(O) : op.h
+miniperlmain$(O) : opcode.h
+miniperlmain$(O) : perl.h
+miniperlmain$(O) : perly.h
+miniperlmain$(O) : pp.h
+miniperlmain$(O) : proto.h
+miniperlmain$(O) : regexp.h
+miniperlmain$(O) : scope.h
+miniperlmain$(O) : sv.h
+miniperlmain$(O) : vmsish.h
+miniperlmain$(O) : util.h
+perlmain$(O) : EXTERN.h
+perlmain$(O) : av.h
+perlmain$(O) : config.h
+perlmain$(O) : cop.h
+perlmain$(O) : cv.h
+perlmain$(O) : embed.h
+perlmain$(O) : form.h
+perlmain$(O) : gv.h
+perlmain$(O) : handy.h
+perlmain$(O) : hv.h
+perlmain$(O) : mg.h
+perlmain$(O) : op.h
+perlmain$(O) : opcode.h
+perlmain$(O) : perl.h
+perlmain$(O) : perly.h
+perlmain$(O) : perlmain.c
+perlmain$(O) : pp.h
+perlmain$(O) : proto.h
+perlmain$(O) : regexp.h
+perlmain$(O) : scope.h
+perlmain$(O) : sv.h
+perlmain$(O) : vmsish.h
+perlmain$(O) : util.h
+globals$(O) : INTERN.h
+globals$(O) : av.h
+globals$(O) : config.h
+globals$(O) : cop.h
+globals$(O) : cv.h
+globals$(O) : embed.h
+globals$(O) : form.h
+globals$(O) : gv.h
+globals$(O) : handy.h
+globals$(O) : hv.h
+globals$(O) : mg.h
+globals$(O) : op.h
+globals$(O) : opcode.h
+globals$(O) : perl.h
+globals$(O) : perly.h
+globals$(O) : globals.c
+globals$(O) : pp.h
+globals$(O) : proto.h
+globals$(O) : regexp.h
+globals$(O) : scope.h
+globals$(O) : sv.h
+globals$(O) : vmsish.h
+globals$(O) : util.h
+config.h : [.vms]config.vms
+ Copy/Log/NoConfirm [.vms]config.vms []config.h
+vmsish.h : [.vms]vmsish.h
+ Copy/Log/NoConfirm [.vms]vmsish.h []vmsish.h
+vms.c : [.vms]vms.c
+ Copy/Log/Noconfirm [.vms]vms.c []
+ @ $$@[.vms]genopt "$(CRTL)/Write" "|" "$(LIBS1)|$(LIBS2)|$(SOCKLIB)"
+cleanlis :
+ - If f$$Search("*.Lis").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log *.Lis;*
+ - If f$$Search("*.CPP").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log *.CPP;*
+ - If f$$Search("*.Map").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log *.Map;*
+tidy : cleanlis
+ - If f$$Search("*.Opt;-1").nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log *.Opt
+ - If f$$Search("*$(O);-1").nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log *$(O)
+ - If f$$Search("*$(E);-1").nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log *$(E)
+ - If f$$Search("Config.H;-1").nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log Config.H
+ - If f$$Search("Config.SH;-1").nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log Config.SH
+ - If f$$Search("perly.c;-1").nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log perly.c
+ - If f$$Search("perly.h;-1").nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log perly.h
+ - If f$$Search("VMSish.H;-1").nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log VMSish.H
+ - If f$$Search("VMS.C;-1") .nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log VMS.C
+ - If f$$Search("Perlmain.C;-1") .nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log Perlmain.C
+ - If f$$Search("Perlshr_Gbl*.Mar;-1") .nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log Perlshr_Gbl*.Mar
+ - If f$$Search("[.Ext.DynaLoader]DL_VMS$(O);-1").nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log [.Ext.DynaLoader]DL_VMS$(O)
+ - If f$$Search("[.Ext.DynaLoader]DL_VMS.C;-1").nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log [.Ext.DynaLoader]DL_VMS.C
+ - If f$$Search("[.Ext.Safe...];-1").nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log [.Ext.Safe]
+ - If f$$Search("[.Ext.FileHandle...];-1").nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log [.Ext.FileHandle]
+ - If f$$Search("[.VMS.Ext...]*.C;-1").nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log [.VMS.Ext...]*.C
+ - If f$$Search("[.VMS.Ext...]*$(O);-1").nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log [.VMS.Ext...]*$(O)
+ - If f$$Search("[.Lib.Auto...]*.al;-1").nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log [.Lib.Auto...]*.al
+ - If f$$Search("[.Lib.Auto...]autosplit.ix;-1").nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log [.Lib.Auto...]autosplit.ix
+ - If f$$Search("[.Lib];-1").nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log [.Lib]
+ - If f$$Search("[.Lib];-1").nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log [.Lib]
+ - If f$$Search("[.Lib];-1").nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log [.Lib]
+ - If f$$Search("$(ARCHDIR);-1").nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log $(ARCHDIR)
+ - If f$$Search("[.Lib.VMS]*.*;-1").nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log [.Lib.VMS]*.*
+ - If f$$Search("[.Lib.Pod]*.Pod;-1").nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log [.Lib.Pod]*.Pod
+ - If f$$Search("$(ARCHCORE)*.*").nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log $(ARCHCORE)*.*
+ - If f$$Search("[.utils]*.;-1").nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log [.utils]*.
+ - If f$$Search("[.lib.pod]*.;-1").nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log [.lib.pod]*.
+clean : tidy
+ Set Default [.ext.Fcntl]
+ - $(MMS) clean
+ Set Default [--]
+ Set Default [.ext.FileHandle]
+ - $(MMS) clean
+ Set Default [--]
+ Set Default [.ext.Safe]
+ - $(MMS) clean
+ Set Default [--]
+ - If f$$Search("*.Opt").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log *.Opt;*/Exclude=PerlShr_*.Opt
+ - If f$$Search("*$(O);*") .nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log *$(O);*
+ - If f$$Search("Config.H").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log Config.H;*
+ - If f$$Search("Config.SH").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log Config.SH;*
+ - If f$$Search(f$$Parse("sys$$Disk:[]","$(SOCKH)")).nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log $(SOCKH);*
+ - If f$$Search(f$$Parse("sys$$Disk:[]","$(SOCKC)")).nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log $(SOCKC);*
+ - If f$$Search("perly.c").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log perly.c;*
+ - If f$$Search("perly.h").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log perly.h;*
+ - If f$$Search("VMSish.H").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log VMSish.H;*
+ - If f$$Search("VMS.C") .nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log VMS.C;*
+ - If f$$Search("Perlmain.C") .nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log Perlmain.C;*
+ - If f$$Search("Perlshr_Gbl*.Mar") .nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log Perlshr_Gbl*.Mar;*
+ - If f$$Search("*.TS").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log *.TS;*
+ - If f$$Search("[.Ext.DynaLoader]DL_VMS$(O)").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log [.Ext.DynaLoader]DL_VMS$(O);*
+ - If f$$Search("[.Ext.DynaLoader]DL_VMS.C").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log [.Ext.DynaLoader]DL_VMS.C;*
+ - If f$$Search("[.Ext.Socket]Socket$(O)").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log [.Ext.Socket]Socket$(O);*
+ - If f$$Search("[.Ext.Socket]Socket.C").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log [.Ext.Socket]Socket.C;*
+ - If f$$Search("[.VMS.Ext...]*.C").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log [.VMS.Ext...]*.C;*
+ - If f$$Search("[.VMS.Ext...]*$(O)").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log [.VMS.Ext...]*$(O);*
+realclean : clean
+ Set Default [.ext.Fcntl]
+ - $(MMS) realclean
+ Set Default [--]
+ Set Default [.ext.FileHandle]
+ - $(MMS) realclean
+ Set Default [--]
+ Set Default [.ext.Safe]
+ - $(MMS) realclean
+ Set Default [--]
+ - If f$$Search("*$(OLB)").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log *$(OLB);*
+ - If f$$Search("*.Opt").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log *.Opt;*
+ - $(MINIPERL) -e "use File::Path; rmtree(['lib/auto','lib/VMS','lib/$(ARCH)'],1,0);"
+ - If f$$Search("[.Lib]").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log [.Lib];*
+ - If f$$Search("[.Lib]").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log [.Lib];*
+ - If f$$Search("[.Lib]perlbug.").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log [.Lib]perlbug.;*
+ - If f$$Search("$(ARCHDIR)").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log $(ARCHDIR);*
+ - If f$$Search("[.lib.ExtUtils]").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log [.lib.ExtUtils];*
+ - If f$$Search("[.utils]*.").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log [.utils]*.;*
+ - If f$$Search("[.lib.pod]*.pod").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log [.lib.pod]*.pod;*
+ - If f$$Search("[.lib.pod]perldoc.").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log [.lib.pod]perldoc.;*
+ - If f$$Search("[.lib.pod]pod2*.").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log [.lib.pod]pod2*.;*
+ - If f$$Search("*$(E)").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log *$(E);*
+cleansrc : clean
+ - If f$$Search("*.C;-1").nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log *.C
+ - If f$$Search("*.H;-1").nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log *.H
+ - If f$$Search("*.VMS;-1").nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log *.VMS
+ - If f$$Search("[.VMS]$(MAKEFILE);-1").nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log [.VMS]$(MAKEFILE)
+ - If f$$Search("[.VMS]*.C;-1").nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log [.VMS]*.C
+ - If f$$Search("[.VMS]*.H;-1").nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log [.VMS]*.H
+ - If f$$Search("[.VMS]*.Pl;-1").nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log [.VMS]*.Pl
+ - If f$$Search("[.VMS]*.VMS;-1").nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log [.VMS]*.VMS
+ - If f$$Search("[.VMS...]*.pm;-1").nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log [.VMS...]*.pm
+ - If f$$Search("[.VMS...]*.xs;-1").nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log [.VMS...]*.xs
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/config.vms b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/config.vms
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..203e479016a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/config.vms
@@ -0,0 +1,1647 @@
+ * This file was produced by hand because the configure utilities which
+ * are in the perl distribution are all shell scripts. Someday, I hope
+ * we'll get a perl configure utility, but until then . . .
+ *
+ * Feel free to add or change things to suit your needs, but be careful
+ * about moving the comments which say "config-skip" - they're used by
+ * when producing
+ *
+ * config.h for VMS
+ * Version: 5.002_01
+ */
+/* Configuration time: 22-Mar-1996 14:45
+ * Configured by: Charles Bailey
+ * Target system: VMS
+ */
+#ifndef _config_h_
+#define _config_h_
+/* CAT2:
+ * This macro catenates 2 tokens together.
+ */
+ * This macro surrounds its token with double quotes.
+ */
+#ifdef __STDC__
+#define CAT2(a,b)a ## b
+#define CAT3(a,b,c)a ## b ## c
+#define CAT4(a,b,c,d)a ## b ## c ##d
+#define CAT5(a,b,c,d,e)a ## b ## c ## d ## e
+#define StGiFy(a) # a
+#define STRINGIFY(A)StGiFy(a)
+#define SCAT2(a,b)StGiFy(a) StGiFy(b)
+#define SCAT3(a,b,c)StGiFy(a) StGiFy(b) StGiFy(c)
+#define SCAT4(a,b,c,d)StGiFy(a) StGiFy(b) StGiFy(c) StGiFy(d)
+#define SCAT5(a,b,c,d,e)StGiFy(a) StGiFy(b) StGiFy(c) StGiFy(d) StGiFy(e)
+#define CAT2(a,b)a/**/b
+#define CAT3(a,b,c)a/**/b/**/c
+#define CAT4(a,b,c,d)a/**/b/**/c/**/d
+#define CAT5(a,b,c,d,e)a/**/b/**/c/**/d/**/e
+#define STRINGIFY(a)"a"
+/* config-start */
+ * This symbol contains the number of bytes required to align a
+ * double. Usual values are 2, 4 and 8.
+ */
+#define MEM_ALIGNBYTES 8 /**/
+ * This symbol contains the name of the operating system, as determined
+ * by Configure.
+ */
+#define OSNAME "VMS" /**/
+ * This variable, if defined, holds the name of the directory in
+ * which the user wants to put architecture-dependent public
+ * library files for $package. It is most often a local directory
+ * such as /usr/local/lib. Programs using this variable must be
+ * prepared to deal with filename expansion. If ARCHLIB_EXP is the
+ * same as PRIVLIB_EXP, it is not defined, since presumably the
+ * program already searches PRIVLIB_EXP.
+ */
+/* ==> NOTE <==
+ * This value is automatically updated by FndVers.Com
+ * when Perl is built. Please do not change it by hand; make
+ * any changes to FndVers.Com instead.
+ */
+#define ARCHLIB_EXP "/perl_root/lib/VMS_VAX/5_003" /**/
+ * This symbol contains the first part of the string which will invoke
+ * the C preprocessor on the standard input and produce to standard
+ * output. Typical value of "cc -E" or "/lib/cpp", but it can also
+ * call a wrapper. See CPPRUN.
+ */
+ * This symbol contains the second part of the string which will invoke
+ * the C preprocessor on the standard input and produce to standard
+ * output. This symbol will have the value "-" if CPPSTDIN needs a minus
+ * to specify standard input, otherwise the value is "".
+ */
+#define CPPSTDIN "cc/noobj/preprocess=sys$output sys$input"
+#define CPPMINUS ""
+ * This symbol is defined if the bcmp() routine is available to
+ * compare blocks of memory.
+ */
+#undef HAS_BCMP /**/
+ * This symbol is defined if the bcopy() routine is available to
+ * copy blocks of memory.
+ */
+#undef HAS_BCOPY /**/
+ * This symbol is defined if the bzero() routine is available to
+ * set a memory block to 0.
+ */
+#undef HAS_BZERO /**/
+ * This symbol is defined if the C compiler can cast negative
+ * numbers to unsigned longs, ints and shorts.
+ */
+ * This symbol contains flags that say what difficulties the compiler
+ * has casting odd floating values to unsigned long:
+ * 0 = ok
+ * 1 = couldn't cast < 0
+ * 2 = couldn't cast >= 0x80000000
+ */
+#define CASTNEGFLOAT /**/
+#define CASTFLAGS 0 /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the chsize routine is available
+ * to truncate files. You might need a -lx to get this routine.
+ */
+#undef HAS_CHSIZE /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that this C compiler knows about
+ * the const type. There is no need to actually test for that symbol
+ * within your programs. The mere use of the "const" keyword will
+ * trigger the necessary tests.
+ */
+#define HASCONST /**/
+#ifndef HASCONST
+#define const
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the crypt routine is available
+ * to encrypt passwords and the like.
+ */
+#define HAS_CRYPT /**/
+ * This symbol hold the hexadecimal constant defined in byteorder,
+ * i.e. 0x1234 or 0x4321, etc...
+ */
+#define BYTEORDER 0x1234 /* large digits for MSB */
+/* CSH:
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the C-shell exists.
+ * If defined, contains the full pathname of csh.
+ */
+#undef CSH /**/
+/* HAS_DUP2:
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the dup2 routine is
+ * available to duplicate file descriptors.
+ */
+#define HAS_DUP2 /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the fchmod routine is available
+ * to change mode of opened files. If unavailable, use chmod().
+ */
+#undef HAS_FCHMOD /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the fchown routine is available
+ * to change ownership of opened files. If unavailable, use chown().
+ */
+#undef HAS_FCHOWN /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that
+ * the fcntl() function exists.
+ */
+#undef HAS_FCNTL /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the fgetpos routine is
+ * available to get the file position indicator, similar to ftell().
+ */
+#define HAS_FGETPOS /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the system supports filenames
+ * longer than 14 characters.
+ */
+#define FLEXFILENAMES /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the flock routine is
+ * available to do file locking.
+ */
+#undef HAS_FLOCK /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the fsetpos routine is
+ * available to set the file position indicator, similar to fseek().
+ */
+#define HAS_FSETPOS /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the getgroups() routine is
+ * available to get the list of process groups. If unavailable, multiple
+ * groups are probably not supported.
+ */
+#undef HAS_GETGROUPS /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the C program may use the
+ * uname() routine to derive the host name. See also HAS_GETHOSTNAME
+ * and PHOSTNAME.
+ */
+#undef HAS_UNAME /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the getpgrp routine is
+ * available to get the current process group.
+ */
+#undef HAS_GETPGRP /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the getpgrp2() (as in DG/UX)
+ * routine is available to get the current process group.
+ */
+#undef HAS_GETPGRP2 /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the getpriority routine is
+ * available to get a process's priority.
+ */
+#undef HAS_GETPRIORITY /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the killpg routine is available
+ * to kill process groups. If unavailable, you probably should use kill
+ * with a negative process number.
+ */
+#undef HAS_KILLPG /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the link routine is
+ * available to create hard links.
+ */
+#undef HAS_LINK /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the lstat routine is
+ * available to do file stats on symbolic links.
+ */
+#undef HAS_LSTAT /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the lockf routine is
+ * available to do file locking.
+ */
+#undef HAS_LOCKF /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the mbstowcs routine is
+ * available to covert a multibyte string into a wide character string.
+ */
+#undef HAS_MBSTOWCS /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the mbtowc routine is available
+ * to covert a multibyte to a wide character.
+ */
+#undef HAS_MBTOWC /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the memcmp routine is available
+ * to compare blocks of memory.
+ */
+#define HAS_MEMCMP /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the memcpy routine is available
+ * to copy blocks of memory.
+ */
+#define HAS_MEMCPY /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the memmove routine is available
+ * to copy potentially overlapping blocks of memory. This should be used
+ * only when HAS_SAFE_BCOPY is not defined. If neither is there, roll your
+ * own version.
+ */
+#define HAS_MEMMOVE /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the memset routine is available
+ * to set blocks of memory.
+ */
+#define HAS_MEMSET /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the mkdir routine is available
+ * to create directories. Otherwise you should fork off a new process to
+ * exec /bin/mkdir.
+ */
+#define HAS_MKDIR /**/
+/* HAS_MSG:
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the entire msg*(2) library is
+ * supported (IPC mechanism based on message queues).
+ */
+#undef HAS_MSG /**/
+/* HAS_OPEN3:
+ * This manifest constant lets the C program know that the three
+ * argument form of open(2) is available.
+ */
+#define HAS_OPEN3 /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the poll routine is
+ * available to poll active file descriptors.
+ */
+#undef HAS_POLL /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the readdir routine is
+ * available to read directory entries. You may have to include
+ * <dirent.h>. See I_DIRENT.
+ */
+#define HAS_READDIR /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the seekdir routine is
+ * available. You may have to include <dirent.h>. See I_DIRENT.
+ */
+#define HAS_SEEKDIR /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the telldir routine is
+ * available. You may have to include <dirent.h>. See I_DIRENT.
+ */
+#define HAS_TELLDIR /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the rewinddir routine is
+ * available. You may have to include <dirent.h>. See I_DIRENT.
+ */
+#define HAS_REWINDDIR /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the rename routine is available
+ * to rename files. Otherwise you should do the unlink(), link(), unlink()
+ * trick.
+ */
+#define HAS_RENAME /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the rmdir routine is
+ * available to remove directories. Otherwise you should fork off a
+ * new process to exec /bin/rmdir.
+ */
+#define HAS_RMDIR /**/
+/* HAS_SEM:
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the entire sem*(2) library is
+ * supported.
+ */
+#undef HAS_SEM /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the setegid routine is available
+ * to change the effective gid of the current program.
+ */
+#undef HAS_SETEGID /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the seteuid routine is available
+ * to change the effective uid of the current program.
+ */
+#undef HAS_SETEUID /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the setlocale routine is
+ * available to handle locale-specific ctype implementations.
+ */
+#undef HAS_SETLOCALE /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the setpgid routine is
+ * available to set process group ID.
+ */
+#undef HAS_SETPGID /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the setpgrp2() (as in DG/UX)
+ * routine is available to set the current process group.
+ */
+#undef HAS_SETPGRP2 /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the setpriority routine is
+ * available to set a process's priority.
+ */
+#undef HAS_SETPRIORITY /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the setregid routine is
+ * available to change the real and effective gid of the current
+ * process.
+ */
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the setresgid routine is
+ * available to change the real, effective and saved gid of the current
+ * process.
+ */
+#undef HAS_SETREGID /**/
+#undef HAS_SETRESGID /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the setreuid routine is
+ * available to change the real and effective uid of the current
+ * process.
+ */
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the setresuid routine is
+ * available to change the real, effective and saved uid of the current
+ * process.
+ */
+#undef HAS_SETREUID /**/
+#undef HAS_SETRESUID /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the setrgid routine is available
+ * to change the real gid of the current program.
+ */
+#undef HAS_SETRGID /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the setruid routine is available
+ * to change the real uid of the current program.
+ */
+#undef HAS_SETRUID /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the setsid routine is
+ * available to set the process group ID.
+ */
+#undef HAS_SETSID /**/
+/* HAS_SHM:
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the entire shm*(2) library is
+ * supported.
+ */
+#undef HAS_SHM /**/
+/* Shmat_t:
+ * This symbol holds the return type of the shmat() system call.
+ * Usually set to 'void *' or 'char *'.
+ */
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the sys/shm.h includes
+ * a prototype for shmat(). Otherwise, it is up to the program to
+ * guess one. Shmat_t shmat _((int, Shmat_t, int)) is a good guess,
+ * but not always right so it should be emitted by the program only
+ * when HAS_SHMAT_PROTOTYPE is not defined to avoid conflicting defs.
+ */
+#undef Shmat_t /**/ /* config-skip */
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that Vr4's sigaction() routine
+ * is available.
+ */
+#undef HAS_SIGACTION /**/
+ * This symbol is defined if this system has a stat structure declaring
+ * st_blksize and st_blocks.
+ */
+#undef USE_STAT_BLOCKS /**/
+ * This symbol is defined if the _ptr and _cnt fields (or similar)
+ * of the stdio FILE structure can be used to access the stdio buffer
+ * for a file handle. If this is defined, then the FILE_ptr(fp)
+ * and FILE_cnt(fp) macros will also be defined and should be used
+ * to access these fields.
+ */
+ * This symbol is defined if the _base field (or similar) of the
+ * stdio FILE structure can be used to access the stdio buffer for
+ * a file handle. If this is defined, then the FILE_base(fp) macro
+ * will also be defined and should be used to access this field.
+ * Also, the FILE_bufsiz(fp) macro will be defined and should be used
+ * to determine the number of bytes in the buffer. USE_STDIO_BASE
+ * will never be defined unless USE_STDIO_PTR is.
+ */
+/* VMS:
+ * Regular FILE * are pretty close to meeting these criteria, but socket
+ * I/O uses a summy FILE *, and Perl doesn't distinguish between socket
+ * and non-socket filehandles.
+ */
+#undef USE_STDIO_PTR /**/
+#undef USE_STDIO_BASE /**/
+/* FILE_ptr:
+ * This macro is used to access the _ptr field (or equivalent) of the
+ * FILE structure pointed to by its argument. This macro will always be
+ * defined if USE_STDIO_PTR is defined.
+ */
+ * This symbol is defined if the FILE_ptr macro can be used as an
+ * lvalue.
+ */
+/* FILE_cnt:
+ * This macro is used to access the _cnt field (or equivalent) of the
+ * FILE structure pointed to by its argument. This macro will always be
+ * defined if USE_STDIO_PTR is defined.
+ */
+ * This symbol is defined if the FILE_cnt macro can be used as an
+ * lvalue.
+ */
+#undef FILE_ptr
+#undef FILE_cnt
+/* FILE_base:
+ * This macro is used to access the _base field (or equivalent) of the
+ * FILE structure pointed to by its argument. This macro will always be
+ * defined if USE_STDIO_BASE is defined.
+ */
+/* FILE_bufsiz:
+ * This macro is used to determine the number of bytes in the I/O
+ * buffer pointed to by _base field (or equivalent) of the FILE
+ * structure pointed to its argument. This macro will always be defined
+ * if USE_STDIO_BASE is defined.
+ */
+#undef FILE_base
+#undef FILE_bufsiz
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that this C compiler knows how
+ * to copy structures. If undefined, you'll need to use a block copy
+ * routine of some sort instead.
+ */
+#define USE_STRUCT_COPY /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the strerror routine is
+ * available to translate error numbers to strings. See the writeup
+ * of Strerror() in this file before you try to define your own.
+ */
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the sys_errlist array is
+ * available to translate error numbers to strings. The extern int
+ * sys_nerr gives the size of that table.
+ */
+/* Strerror:
+ * This preprocessor symbol is defined as a macro if strerror() is
+ * not available to translate error numbers to strings but sys_errlist[]
+ * array is there.
+ */
+#define HAS_STRERROR /**/
+#undef HAS_SYS_ERRLIST /**/
+# define Strerror(e) strerror((e),vaxc$errno)
+#define Strerror(e) ((e)<0||(e)>=sys_nerr?"unknown":sys_errlist[e]) /**/ /* config-skip */
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the symlink routine is available
+ * to create symbolic links.
+ */
+#undef HAS_SYMLINK /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the syscall routine is
+ * available to call arbitrary system calls. If undefined, that's tough.
+ */
+#undef HAS_SYSCALL /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the system routine is
+ * available to issue a shell command.
+ */
+#define HAS_SYSTEM /**/
+/* Time_t:
+ * This symbol holds the type returned by time(). It can be long,
+ * or time_t on BSD sites (in which case <sys/types.h> should be
+ * included).
+ */
+#define Time_t time_t /* Time type */
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the truncate routine is
+ * available to truncate files.
+ */
+#undef HAS_TRUNCATE /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that vfork() exists.
+ */
+#define HAS_VFORK /**/
+/* Signal_t:
+ * This symbol's value is either "void" or "int", corresponding to the
+ * appropriate return type of a signal handler. Thus, you can declare
+ * a signal handler using "Signal_t (*handler)()", and define the
+ * handler using "Signal_t handler(sig)".
+ */
+#define Signal_t void /* Signal handler's return type */
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that this C compiler knows about
+ * the volatile declaration.
+ */
+#define HASVOLATILE /**/
+#define volatile /* config-skip */
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the vprintf routine is available
+ * to printf with a pointer to an argument list. If unavailable, you
+ * may need to write your own, probably in terms of _doprnt().
+ */
+ * This symbol is defined if this system has vsprintf() returning type
+ * (char*). The trend seems to be to declare it as "int vsprintf()". It
+ * is up to the package author to declare vsprintf correctly based on the
+ * symbol.
+ */
+#define HAS_VPRINTF /**/
+#undef USE_CHAR_VSPRINTF /**/
+/* HAS_WAIT4:
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that wait4() exists.
+ */
+#undef HAS_WAIT4 /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the waitpid routine is
+ * available to wait for child process.
+ */
+#define HAS_WAITPID /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the wcstombs routine is
+ * available to convert wide character strings to multibyte strings.
+ */
+#undef HAS_WCSTOMBS /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that it should
+ * include <dirent.h>. Using this symbol also triggers the definition
+ * of the Direntry_t define which ends up being 'struct dirent' or
+ * 'struct direct' depending on the availability of <dirent.h>.
+ */
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that the length
+ * of directory entry names is provided by a d_namlen field. Otherwise
+ * you need to do strlen() on the d_name field.
+ */
+#undef I_DIRENT /**/
+#define DIRNAMLEN /**/
+#define Direntry_t struct dirent
+/* I_FCNTL:
+ * This manifest constant tells the C program to include <fcntl.h>.
+ */
+#undef I_FCNTL /**/
+/* I_GRP:
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that it should
+ * include <grp.h>.
+ */
+#undef I_GRP /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that it should
+ * include <limits.h> to get definition of symbols like WORD_BIT or
+ * LONG_MAX, i.e. machine dependant limitations.
+ */
+#undef I_LIMITS /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that it should
+ * include <memory.h>.
+ */
+#undef I_MEMORY /**/
+/* I_NDBM:
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that ndbm.h exists and should
+ * be included.
+ */
+#undef I_NDBM /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that <stdarg.h> exists and should
+ * be included.
+ */
+#define I_STDARG /**/
+/* I_PWD:
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that it should
+ * include <pwd.h>.
+ */
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that struct passwd
+ * contains pw_quota.
+ */
+/* PWAGE:
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that struct passwd
+ * contains pw_age.
+ */
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that struct passwd
+ * contains pw_change.
+ */
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that struct passwd
+ * contains pw_class.
+ */
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that struct passwd
+ * contains pw_expire.
+ */
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that struct passwd
+ * contains pw_comment.
+ */
+#undef I_PWD /**/
+#undef PWQUOTA /**/
+#undef PWAGE /**/
+#undef PWCHANGE /**/
+#undef PWCLASS /**/
+#undef PWEXPIRE /**/
+#define PWCOMMENT /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that <stddef.h> exists and should
+ * be included.
+ */
+#define I_STDDEF /**/
+* This symbol, if defined, indicates that <stdlib.h> exists and should
+* be included.
+#define I_STDLIB /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that it should
+ * include <string.h> (USG systems) instead of <strings.h> (BSD systems).
+ */
+#define I_STRING /**/
+/* I_SYS_DIR:
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that it should
+ * include <sys/dir.h>.
+ */
+#undef I_SYS_DIR /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that it should
+ * include <sys/file.h> to get definition of R_OK and friends.
+ */
+#undef I_SYS_FILE /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that <sys/ioctl.h> exists and should
+ * be included. Otherwise, include <sgtty.h> or <termio.h>.
+ */
+#undef I_SYS_IOCTL /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that it should
+ * include <sys/ndir.h>.
+ */
+#undef I_SYS_NDIR /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that it should
+ * include <sys/select.h> in order to get definition of struct timeval.
+ */
+#undef I_SYS_SELECT /**/
+/* I_DBM:
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that <dbm.h> exists and should
+ * be included.
+ */
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that <rpcsvc/dbm.h> exists and
+ * should be included.
+ */
+#undef I_DBM /**/
+#undef I_RPCSVC_DBM /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that it should
+ * include <sys/stat.h>.
+ */
+#define I_SYS_STAT /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that it should
+ * include <sys/times.h>.
+ */
+#undef I_SYS_TIMES /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that it should
+ * include <sys/types.h>.
+ */
+#define I_SYS_TYPES /**/
+/* I_SYS_UN:
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that it should
+ * include <sys/un.h> to get UNIX domain socket definitions.
+ */
+#undef I_SYS_UN /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the program should include
+ * <termio.h> rather than <sgtty.h>. There are also differences in
+ * the ioctl() calls that depend on the value of this symbol.
+ */
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the program should include
+ * the POSIX termios.h rather than sgtty.h or termio.h.
+ * There are also differences in the ioctl() calls that depend on the
+ * value of this symbol.
+ */
+/* I_SGTTY:
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the program should include
+ * <sgtty.h> rather than <termio.h>. There are also differences in
+ * the ioctl() calls that depend on the value of this symbol.
+ */
+#undef I_TERMIO /**/
+#undef I_SGTTY /**/
+#undef I_TERMIOS /**/
+/* I_TIME:
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that it should
+ * include <time.h>.
+ */
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that it should
+ * include <sys/time.h>.
+ */
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that it should
+ * include <sys/time.h> with KERNEL defined.
+ */
+#define I_TIME /**/
+#undef I_SYS_TIME /**/
+#undef I_SYS_TIME_KERNEL /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that it should
+ * include <unistd.h>.
+ */
+#undef I_UNISTD /**/
+/* I_UTIME:
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that it should
+ * include <utime.h>.
+ */
+#undef I_UTIME /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that it should
+ * include <varargs.h>.
+ */
+#undef I_VARARGS /**/
+/* I_VFORK:
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that it should
+ * include vfork.h.
+ */
+#undef I_VFORK /**/
+ * If defined, this macro indicates that the C compiler can handle
+ * function prototypes.
+ */
+/* _:
+ * This macro is used to declare function parameters for folks who want
+ * to make declarations with prototypes using a different style than
+ * the above macros. Use double parentheses. For example:
+ *
+ * int main _((int argc, char *argv[]));
+ */
+#define CAN_PROTOTYPE /**/
+#define _(args) args /* config-skip */
+#define _(args) () /* config-skip */
+ * This symbol contains the number of bits of random number the rand()
+ * function produces. Usual values are 15, 16, and 31.
+ */
+#define RANDBITS 31 /**/
+/* Select_fd_set_t:
+ * This symbol holds the type used for the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th
+ * arguments to select. Usually, this is 'fd_set *', if HAS_FD_SET
+ * is defined, and 'int *' otherwise. This is only useful if you
+ * have select(), of course.
+ */
+#define Select_fd_set_t int * /**/
+ * This symbol is defined to be the type of char used in stdio.h.
+ * It has the values "unsigned char" or "char".
+ */
+#define STDCHAR char /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the program should arrange
+ * to remove all versions of a file if unlink() is called.
+ */
+/* LOC_SED:
+ * This symbol holds the complete pathname to the sed program.
+ */
+#define LOC_SED "_NLA0:" /**/
+/* BIN:
+ * This symbol holds the path of the bin directory where the package will
+ * be installed. Program must be prepared to deal with ~name substitution.
+ */
+#define BIN "/perl_root/000000" /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the alarm routine is
+ * available.
+ */
+#define HAS_ALARM /**/
+ * This symbol indicates the C compiler can check for function attributes,
+ * such as printf formats. This is normally only supported by GNU cc.
+ */
+#ifdef __GNUC__
+# define HASATTRIBUTE /*config-skip*/
+# undef HASATTRIBUTE /*config-skip*/
+#define __attribute__(_arg_)
+/* CASTI32:
+ * This symbol is defined if the C compiler can cast negative
+ * or large floating point numbers to 32-bit ints.
+ */
+#define CASTI32 /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the chown routine is
+ * available.
+ */
+#define HAS_CHOWN /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the chroot routine is
+ * available.
+ */
+#undef HAS_CHROOT /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the cuserid routine is
+ * available to get character login names.
+ */
+#define HAS_CUSERID /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that this system's <float.h>
+ * or <limits.h> defines the symbol DBL_DIG, which is the number
+ * of significant digits in a double precision number. If this
+ * symbol is not defined, a guess of 15 is usually pretty good.
+ */
+#define HAS_DBL_DIG /* */
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the difftime routine is
+ * available.
+ */
+#define HAS_DIFFTIME /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the fork routine is
+ * available.
+ */
+/* VMS: In vmsish.h, fork is #defined to vfork. This kludge gets around
+ * some obsolete code in pp.c, which should be fixed in its own right
+ * sometime. - C. Bailey 26-Aug-1994
+ */
+#define HAS_FORK /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the getlogin routine is
+ * available.
+ */
+#define HAS_GETLOGIN /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the getppid routine is
+ * available.
+ */
+#undef HAS_GETPPID /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the htonl() routine (and
+ * friends htons() ntohl() ntohs()) are available to do network
+ * order byte swapping.
+ */
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the htons() routine (and
+ * friends htonl() ntohl() ntohs()) are available to do network
+ * order byte swapping.
+ */
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the ntohl() routine (and
+ * friends htonl() htons() ntohs()) are available to do network
+ * order byte swapping.
+ */
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the ntohs() routine (and
+ * friends htonl() htons() ntohl()) are available to do network
+ * order byte swapping.
+ */
+#define HAS_HTONL /**/
+#define HAS_HTONS /**/
+#define HAS_NTOHL /**/
+#define HAS_NTOHS /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the mblen routine is available
+ * to find the number of bytes in a multibye character.
+ */
+#undef HAS_MBLEN /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the mktime routine is
+ * available.
+ */
+#undef HAS_MKTIME /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the nice routine is
+ * available.
+ */
+#define HAS_NICE /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the pause routine is
+ * available.
+ */
+#define HAS_PAUSE /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the pipe routine is
+ * available.
+ */
+#define HAS_PIPE /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the readlink routine is
+ * available.
+ */
+#undef HAS_READLINK /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the setlinebuf routine is
+ * available to change stderr or stdout from block-buffered or unbuffered
+ * to a line-buffered mode.
+ */
+#undef HAS_SETLINEBUF /**/
+ * This symbol is defined to indicate that the strchr()/strrchr()
+ * functions are available for string searching. If not, try the
+ * index()/rindex() pair.
+ */
+ * This symbol is defined to indicate that the index()/rindex()
+ * functions are available for string searching.
+ */
+#define HAS_STRCHR /**/
+#undef HAS_INDEX /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the strcoll routine is
+ * available to compare strings using collating information.
+ */
+#undef HAS_STRCOLL /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the strxfrm() routine is
+ * available to compare strings using collating information.
+ */
+#undef HAS_STRXFRM /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the tcgetpgrp routine is
+ * available to get foreground process group ID.
+ */
+#undef HAS_TCGETPGRP /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the tcsetpgrp routine is
+ * available to set foreground process group ID.
+ */
+#undef HAS_TCSETPGRP /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the times() routine exists.
+ * Note that this became obsolete on some systems (SUNOS), which now
+ * use getrusage(). It may be necessary to include <sys/times.h>.
+ */
+#define HAS_TIMES /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the tzname[] array is
+ * available to access timezone names.
+ */
+#undef HAS_TZNAME /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the umask routine is
+ * available to get the file creation mask.
+ */
+#define HAS_UMASK /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the wctomb routine is available
+ * to covert a wide character to a multibyte.
+ */
+#undef HAS_WCTOMB /**/
+/* Fpos_t:
+ * This symbol holds the type used to declare file positions in libc.
+ * It can be fpos_t, long, uint, etc... It may be necessary to include
+ * <sys/types.h> to get any typedef'ed information.
+ */
+#define Fpos_t fpos_t /* File position type */
+/* Gid_t:
+ * This symbol holds the return type of getgid() and the type of
+ * argument to setrgid() and related functions. Typically,
+ * it is the type of group ids in the kernel.
+ * It can be int, ushort, uid_t, etc... It may be necessary to include
+ * <sys/types.h> to get any typedef'ed information.
+ */
+#if defined(__DECC) && defined(__DECC_VER) && (__DECC_VER >= 500000)
+# define Gid_t gid_t /* config-skip */
+# define Gid_t unsigned int /* config-skip */
+/* I_DLFCN:
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that <dlfcn.h> exists and should
+ * be included.
+ */
+#undef I_DLFCN /**/
+/* I_FLOAT:
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that it should
+ * include <float.h> to get definition of symbols like DBL_MAX or
+ * DBL_MIN, i.e. machine dependent floating point values.
+ */
+#define I_FLOAT /**/
+/* I_MATH:
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that it should
+ * include <math.h>.
+ */
+#define I_MATH /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that it should
+ * include <locale.h>.
+ */
+#undef I_LOCALE /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that it should
+ * include <sys/stat.h>.
+ */
+#define I_SYS_STAT /**/
+ * This symbol contains the size of an int, so that the C preprocessor
+ * can make decisions based on it.
+ */
+#define INTSIZE 4 /**/
+/* Off_t:
+ * This symbol holds the type used to declare offsets in the kernel.
+ * It can be int, long, off_t, etc... It may be necessary to include
+ * <sys/types.h> to get any typedef'ed information.
+ */
+#define Off_t int /* <offset> type */
+/* Free_t:
+ * This variable contains the return type of free(). It is usually
+ * void, but occasionally int.
+ */
+/* Malloc_t:
+ * This symbol is the type of pointer returned by malloc and realloc.
+ */
+#define Malloc_t void * /**/
+#define Free_t void /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that we're using our own malloc.
+ */
+#undef MYMALLOC /**/
+ * This symbol contains a list of signal names in order. This is intended
+ * to be used as a static array initialization, like this:
+ * char *sig_name[] = { SIG_NAME };
+ * The signals in the list are separated with commas, and each signal
+ * is surrounded by double quotes. There is no leading SIG in the signal
+ * name, i.e. SIGQUIT is known as "QUIT". Duplicates are allowed.
+ * The signal number for sig_name[i] is stored in sig_num[i].
+ * The last element is 0 to terminate the list with a NULL. This
+ * corresponds to the 0 at the end of the sig_num list.
+ * See SIG_NUM and SIG_MAX.
+ */
+#define SIG_NAME "ZERO","HUP","INT","QUIT","ILL","TRAP","IOT","EMT","FPE",\
+ "ABRT","USR1","USR2",0
+/* SIG_NUM:
+ * This symbol contains a list of signal number, in the same order as the
+ * SIG_NAME list. It is suitable for static array initialization, as in:
+ * int sig_num[] = { SIG_NUM };
+ * The signals in the list are separated with commas, and the indices
+ * within that list and the SIG_NAME list match, so it's easy to compute
+ * the signal name from a number or vice versa at the price of a small
+ * dynamic linear lookup. Duplicates are allowed, so you can't assume
+ * sig_num[i] == i. Instead, the signal number corresponding to
+ * sig_name[i] is sig_number[i].
+ * The last element is 0, corresponding to the 0 at the end of
+ * the sig_name list.
+ */
+#define SIG_NUM 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,6,16,17,0 /**/
+/* Mode_t:
+ * This symbol holds the type used to declare file modes
+ * for systems calls. It is usually mode_t, but may be
+ * int or unsigned short. It may be necessary to include <sys/types.h>
+ * to get any typedef'ed information.
+ */
+#define Mode_t unsigned int /* file mode parameter for system calls*/
+/* SSize_t:
+ * This symbol holds the type used by functions that return
+ * a count of bytes or an error condition. It must be a signed type.
+ * It is usually ssize_t, but may be long or int, etc.
+ * It may be necessary to include <sys/types.h> or <unistd.h>
+ * to get any typedef'ed information.
+ * We will pick a type such that sizeof(SSize_t) == sizeof(Size_t).
+ */
+#define SSize_t int /* signed count of bytes */
+ * This symbol is to be used during open() or fcntl(F_SETFL) to turn on
+ * non-blocking I/O for the file descriptor. Note that there is no way
+ * back, i.e. you cannot turn it blocking again this way. If you wish to
+ * alternatively switch between blocking and non-blocking, use the
+ * ioctl(FIOSNBIO) call instead, but that is not supported by all devices.
+ */
+ * This symbol holds the errno error code set by read() when no data was
+ * present on the non-blocking file descriptor.
+ */
+ * This symbol holds the return code from read() when no data is present
+ * on the non-blocking file descriptor. Be careful! If EOF_NONBLOCK is
+ * not defined, then you can't distinguish between no data and EOF by
+ * issuing a read(). You'll have to find another way to tell for sure!
+ */
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that a read() on
+ * a non-blocking file descriptor will return 0 on EOF, and not the value
+ * held in RD_NODATA (-1 usually, in that case!).
+ */
+#define VAL_EAGAIN
+#define RD_NODATA
+ * This symbol contains the ~name expanded version of OLDARCHLIB, to be
+ * used in programs that are not prepared to deal with ~ expansion at
+ * run-time.
+ */
+/* ==> NOTE <==
+ * This value is automatically updated by FndVers.Com
+ * when Perl is built. Please do not change it by hand; make
+ * any changes to FndVers.Com instead.
+ */
+#define OLDARCHLIB_EXP "/perl_root/lib/VMS_VAX" /**/
+ * This symbol contains the name of the private library for this package.
+ * The library is private in the sense that it needn't be in anyone's
+ * execution path, but it should be accessible by the world. The program
+ * should be prepared to do ~ expansion.
+ */
+#define PRIVLIB_EXP "/perl_root/lib" /**/
+ * This symbol contains the ~name expanded version of SITELIB, to be used
+ * in programs that are not prepared to deal with ~ expansion at run-time.
+ */
+#define SITELIB_EXP "/perl_root/lib/site_perl" /**/
+ * This symbol contains the ~name expanded version of SITEARCH, to be used
+ * in programs that are not prepared to deal with ~ expansion at run-time.
+ */
+/* ==> NOTE <==
+ * This value is automatically updated by FndVers.Com
+ * when Perl is built. Please do not change it by hand; make
+ * any changes to FndVers.Com instead.
+ */
+#define SITEARCH_EXP "/perl_root/lib/site_perl/VMS_VAX" /**/
+ * This symbol holds the name of the directory in which the user wants
+ * to put publicly executable scripts for the package in question. It
+ * is often a directory that is mounted across diverse architectures.
+ * Programs must be prepared to deal with ~name expansion.
+ */
+#define SCRIPTDIR "/perl_root/script" /**/
+/* Size_t:
+ * This symbol holds the type used to declare length parameters
+ * for string functions. It is usually size_t, but may be
+ * unsigned long, int, etc. It may be necessary to include
+ * <sys/types.h> to get any typedef'ed information.
+ */
+#define Size_t size_t /* length paramater for string functions */
+/* Uid_t:
+ * This symbol holds the type used to declare user ids in the kernel.
+ * It can be int, ushort, uid_t, etc... It may be necessary to include
+ * <sys/types.h> to get any typedef'ed information.
+ */
+#if defined(__DECC) && defined(__DECC_VER) && (__DECC_VER >= 500000)
+# define Uid_t uid_t /* config-skip */
+# define Uid_t unsigned int /* config-skip */
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that it should
+ * include <sys/param.h>.
+ */
+#undef I_SYS_PARAM
+ * This symbol indicates the C compiler can check for function attributes,
+ * such as printf formats.
+ */
+/* VMS: true for gcc, undef for VAXC/DECC. This is handled in Descrip.MMS
+ * C. Bailey 26-Aug-1994
+ */
+/*#define GNUC_ATTRIBUTE_CHECK /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the closedir() routine
+ * does not return a value.
+ */
+#define VOID_CLOSEDIR /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the dlerror routine is
+ * available.
+#undef HAS_DLERROR /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that we need to prepend an
+ * underscore to the symbol name before calling dlsym(). This only
+ * makes sense if you *have* dlsym, which we will presume is the
+ * case if you're using dl_dlopen.xs.
+ */
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that setuid scripts are secure.
+ */
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the C program should
+ * check the script that it is executing for setuid/setgid bits, and
+ * attempt to emulate setuid/setgid on systems that have disabled
+ * setuid #! scripts because the kernel can't do it securely.
+ * It is up to the package designer to make sure that this emulation
+ * is done securely. Among other things, it should do an fstat on
+ * the script it just opened to make sure it really is a setuid/setgid
+ * script, it should make sure the arguments passed correspond exactly
+ * to the argument on the #! line, and it should not trust any
+ * subprocesses to which it must pass the filename rather than the
+ * file descriptor of the script to be executed.
+ */
+#undef DOSUID /**/
+ * This manifest constant lets the C program know that the
+ * isascii is available.
+ */
+#define HAS_ISASCII /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the localeconv routine is
+ * available for numeric and monetary formatting conventions.
+ */
+#undef HAS_LOCALECONV /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the mkfifo routine is
+ * available.
+ */
+#undef HAS_MKFIFO /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that pathconf() is available
+ * to determine file-system related limits and options associated
+ * with a given filename.
+ */
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that pathconf() is available
+ * to determine file-system related limits and options associated
+ * with a given open file descriptor.
+ */
+#undef HAS_PATHCONF /**/
+#undef HAS_FPATHCONF /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the bcopy routine is available
+ * to copy potentially overlapping memory blocks. Otherwise you should
+ * probably use memmove() or memcpy(). If neither is defined, roll your
+ * own version.
+ */
+#undef HAS_SAFE_BCOPY /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the memcpy routine is available
+ * to copy potentially overlapping memory blocks. Otherwise you should
+ * probably use memmove() or memcpy(). If neither is defined, roll your
+ * own version.
+ */
+#define HAS_SAFE_MEMCPY /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the setpgrp routine is
+ * available to set the current process group.
+ */
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the BSD notion of process
+ * group is to be used. For instance, you have to say setpgrp(pid, pgrp)
+ * instead of the USG setpgrp().
+ */
+#undef HAS_SETPGRP /**/
+#undef USE_BSDPGRP /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that sysconf() is available
+ * to determine system related limits and options.
+ */
+#undef HAS_SYSCONF /**/
+/* Gconvert:
+ * This preprocessor macro is defined to convert a floating point
+ * number to a string without a trailing decimal point. This
+ * emulates the behavior of sprintf("%g"), but is sometimes much more
+ * efficient. If gconvert() is not available, but gcvt() drops the
+ * trailing decimal point, then gcvt() is used. If all else fails,
+ * a macro using sprintf("%g") is used. Arguments for the Gconvert
+ * macro are: value, number of digits, whether trailing zeros should
+ * be retained, and the output buffer.
+ * Possible values are:
+ * d_Gconvert='gconvert((x),(n),(t),(b))'
+ * d_Gconvert='gcvt((x),(n),(b))'
+ * d_Gconvert='sprintf((b),"%.*g",(n),(x))'
+ * The last two assume trailing zeros should not be kept.
+ */
+#define Gconvert(x,n,t,b) my_gconvert(x,n,t,b)
+/* Sigjmp_buf:
+ * This is the buffer type to be used with Sigsetjmp and Siglongjmp.
+ */
+/* Sigsetjmp:
+ * This macro is used in the same way as sigsetjmp(), but will invoke
+ * traditional setjmp() if sigsetjmp isn't available.
+ */
+/* Siglongjmp:
+ * This macro is used in the same way as siglongjmp(), but will invoke
+ * traditional longjmp() if siglongjmp isn't available.
+ */
+#undef HAS_SIGSETJMP /**/
+#define Sigjmp_buf sigjmp_buf /* config-skip */
+#define Sigsetjmp(buf,save_mask) sigsetjmp(buf,save_mask) /* config-skip */
+#define Siglongjmp(buf,retval) siglongjmp(buf,retval) /* config-skip */
+#define Sigjmp_buf jmp_buf /* config-skip */
+#define Sigsetjmp(buf,save_mask) setjmp(buf) /* config-skip */
+#define Siglongjmp(buf,retval) longjmp(buf,retval) /* config-skip */
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that dynamic loading of
+ * some sort is available.
+ */
+ * This variable contains the string to put in front of a perl
+ * script to make sure (one hopes) that it runs with perl and not
+ * some shell.
+ */
+#define STARTPERL "" /**/
+ * This symbol indicates how much support of the void type is given by this
+ * compiler. What various bits mean:
+ *
+ * 1 = supports declaration of void
+ * 2 = supports arrays of pointers to functions returning void
+ * 4 = supports comparisons between pointers to void functions and
+ * addresses of void functions
+ * 8 = suports declaration of generic void pointers
+ *
+ * The package designer should define VOIDUSED to indicate the requirements
+ * of the package. This can be done either by #defining VOIDUSED before
+ * including config.h, or by defining defvoidused in Myinit.U. If the
+ * latter approach is taken, only those flags will be tested. If the
+ * level of void support necessary is not present, defines void to int.
+ */
+#ifndef VOIDUSED
+#define VOIDUSED 15
+#define VOIDFLAGS 15
+#define void int /* is void to be avoided? */ /* config-skip */
+#define M_VOID /* Xenix strikes again */ /* config-skip */
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the BSD socket interface is
+ * supported.
+ */
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the BSD socketpair() call is
+ * supported.
+ */
+#define HAS_SOCKET /**/ /* config-skip */
+#undef HAS_SOCKETPAIR /**/ /* config-skip */
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the gethostent routine is
+ * available to lookup host names in some data base or other.
+ */
+#define HAS_GETHOSTENT /**/ /* config-skip */
+/* VMS: In general, TCP/IP header files should be included from
+ * sockadapt.h, instead of here, in order to keep the TCP/IP code
+ * together as much as possible.
+ */
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that it should
+ * include <netinet/in.h>. Otherwise, you may try <sys/in.h>.
+ */
+#undef I_NETINET_IN /**/ /* config-skip */
+/* Groups_t:
+ * This symbol holds the type used for the second argument to
+ * getgroups(). Usually, this is the same of gidtype, but
+ * sometimes it isn't. It can be int, ushort, uid_t, etc...
+ * It may be necessary to include <sys/types.h> to get any
+ * typedef'ed information. This is only required if you have
+ * getgroups().
+ */
+#define Groups_t unsigned int /* Type for 2nd arg to getgroups() */ /* config-skip */
+/* DB_Prefix_t:
+ * This symbol contains the type of the prefix structure element
+ * in the <db.h> header file. In older versions of DB, it was
+ * int, while in newer ones it is u_int32_t.
+ */
+/* DB_Hash_t:
+ * This symbol contains the type of the prefix structure element
+ * in the <db.h> header file. In older versions of DB, it was
+ * int, while in newer ones it is size_t.
+ */
+#undef DB_Hash_t /**/
+#undef DB_Prefix_t /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that <net/errno.h> exists and
+ * should be included.
+#undef I_NET_ERRNO /**/ /* config-skip */
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the select routine is
+ * available to select active file descriptors. If the timeout field
+ * is used, <sys/time.h> may need to be included.
+ */
+#define HAS_SELECT /**/ /* config-skip */
+#else /* VMS_DO_SOCKETS */
+#undef HAS_SOCKET /**/ /* config-skip */
+#undef HAS_SOCKETPAIR /**/ /* config-skip */
+#undef HAS_GETHOSTENT /**/ /* config-skip */
+#undef I_NETINET_IN /**/ /* config-skip */
+#undef I_NET_ERRNO /**/ /* config-skip */
+#undef HAS_SELECT /**/ /* config-skip */
+#endif /* !VMS_DO_SOCKETS */
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/descrip.mms b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/descrip.mms
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7e52f19cc97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/descrip.mms
@@ -0,0 +1,1525 @@
+# Descrip.MMS for perl5 on VMS
+# Last revised 22-Mar-1996 by Charles Bailey
+#: This file uses MMS syntax, and can be processed using DEC's MMS product,
+#: or the free MMK clone (available by ftp at If you want to
+#: a Unix-style MAKE tool, run this file through, which should
+#: be found in the same directory as this file. (There should be a pre-made
+#: copy of Makefile for VAXC in this directory to allow you to build perl.)
+#: Lines beginning with "#:" will be removed by when converting
+#: this file to MAKE syntax.
+#: Usage:
+#: Building with VAX C, on system without DEC C installed or with VAX C default:
+#: $ MMS
+#: Building with VAX C, on system with DEC C installed as default C compiler:
+#: $ MMS /MACRO=("cc=CC/VAXC")
+#: Building with DEC C, on system without VAX C installed or with DEC C default:
+#: $ MMS /MACRO=("decc=1")
+#: Building with DEC C, on system with VAX C installed as default C compiler:
+#: $ MMS /MACRO=("decc=1","cc=CC/DECC")
+#: Building with GNU C
+#: $ MMS /MACRO=("gnuc=1")
+#: To each of the above, add /Macro="__AXP__=1" if building on an AXP,
+#: /Macro="__DEBUG__=1" to build a debug version
+#: (i.e. VMS debugger, not perl -D), and
+#: /Macro="SOCKET=1" to include socket support.
+# tidy -- purge files generated by executing this file
+# clean -- remove all intermediate (e.g. object files, C files generated
+# during build) files generated by executing this file,
+# but leave `installable' files (images, library) intact
+# realclean -- remove all files generated by executing this file
+# cleansrc -- `realclean' + purge *.c,*.h,descrip.mms
+# crtl.opt -- compiler-specific linker options file (made automatically)
+#### Start of system configuration section. ####
+#: >>>>> Architecture-specific options <<<<<
+.ifdef AXE
+# File type to use for object files
+O = .abj
+# File type to use for object libraries
+OLB = .alb
+# File type to use for executable images
+E = .axe
+# File type to use for object files
+O = .obj
+# File type to use for object libraries
+OLB = .olb
+# File type to use for executable images
+E = .exe
+.ifdef __AXP__
+DECC = 1
+OBJVAL = $(O)
+ @ @[.vms] "" "" "[.vms]descrip.mms"
+# Updated by -- do not edit by hand
+PERL_VERSION = 5_003 #
+ARCHAUTO = [.lib.$(ARCH).$(PERL_VERSION).auto]
+#: Backwards compatibility
+#: >>>>>Compiler-specific options <<<<<
+.ifdef GNUC
+ @ If F$TrnLnm("Sys").eqs."" Then Define/NoLog SYS GNU_CC_Include:[VMS]
+CC = gcc
+# -fno-builtin avoids bug in gcc up to version 2.6.2 which can destroy
+# data when memcpy() is called on large (>64 kB) blocks of memory
+# (fixed in gcc 2.6.3)
+XTRACCFLAGS = /Obj=$(MMS$TARGET_NAME)$(O)/NoCase_Hack/Optimize=2/CC1="""""-fno-builtin"""""
+LIBS1 = GNU_CC:[000000]GCCLIB.OLB/Library
+LIBS2 = Sys$Share:VAXCRTL/Shareable
+DBGSPECFLAGS = /Show=(Source,Include,Expansion)
+.ifdef decc
+# Some versions of DECCRTL on AXP have a bug in chdir() which causes the change
+# to persist after the image exits, even when this was not requested, iff
+# SYSNAM is enabled. This is fixed in CSC Patch # AXPACRT04_061, but turning
+# off SYSNAM for the MM[SK] subprocess doesn't hurt anything, so we do it
+# just in case.
+ @ Set Process/Privilege=(NoSYSNAM)
+ @ If F$TrnLnm("Sys").eqs."" .and. F$TrnLnm("DECC$System_Include").nes."" Then Define/NoLog SYS DECC$System_Include
+.ifdef __AXP__
+ @ If F$TrnLnm("Sys").eqs."" .and. F$TrnLnm("DECC$System_Include").eqs."" Then Define/NoLog SYS Sys$Library
+ @ If F$TrnLnm("Sys").eqs."" .and. F$TrnLnm("DECC$System_Include").eqs."" Then Define/NoLog SYS DECC$Library_Include
+LIBS2 =
+XTRACCFLAGS = /Include=[]/Standard=Relaxed_ANSI/Prefix=All/Obj=$(OBJVAL)
+.else # VAXC
+ @ If F$TrnLnm("Sys").eqs."" .and. F$TrnLnm("VAXC$Include").eqs."" Then Define/NoLog SYS Sys$Library
+ @ If F$TrnLnm("Sys").eqs."" .and. F$TrnLnm("VAXC$Include").nes."" Then Define/NoLog SYS VAXC$Include
+XTRACCFLAGS = /Include=[]/Object=$(O)
+LIBS2 = Sys$Share:VAXCRTL/Shareable
+#: >>>>> Configuration options <<<<<
+#: __DEBUG__: builds images with full VMS debugger support
+.ifdef __DEBUG__
+DBGLINKFLAGS = /Trace/Debug/Map/Full/Cross
+DBG =
+#: SOCKET: build in support for TCP/IP sockets
+#: By default, used SOCKETSHR library; see ReadMe.VMS
+#: for information on changing socket support
+.ifdef SOCKET
+SOCKLIB = SocketShr/Share
+# N.B. the targets for $(SOCKC) and $(SOCKH) assume that the permanent
+# copies live in [.vms], and the `clean' target will delete copies of
+# these files in the current default directory.
+SOCKC = sockadapt.c
+SOCKH = sockadapt.h
+SOCKOBJ = ,sockadapt$(O)
+SOCKPM = [.lib]
+# C preprocessor manifest "DEBUGGING" ==> perl -D, not the VMS debugger
+MAKE = $(MMS)
+MAKEFILE = [.VMS]Descrip.MMS # this file
+NOOP = continue
+# Macros to invoke a copy of miniperl during the build. Targets which
+# are built using these macros should depend on $(MINIPERL_EXE)
+MINIPERL_EXE = Sys$Disk:[]miniperl$(E)
+XSUBPP = $(MINIPERL) [.lib.extutils]xsubpp -noprototypes
+# Macro to invoke a preexisting copy of Perl. This is used to regenerate
+# some header files when rebuilding Perl, but premade versions are provided
+# in the distribution, so it's OK if this doesn't work; it's here to make
+# life easier for those who modify Perl and rebuild it.
+INSTPERL = perl
+# Space-separated list of "static" extensions to build into perlshr (case counts).
+MYEXT = DynaLoader
+# object files for these extensions; the trailing comma is required if
+# there are any object files specified
+# These must be built separately, or you must add rules below to build them
+myextobj = [.ext.dynaloader]dl_vms$(O),
+#: We include the Socket extension by default if we're building with socket
+#: support, since it's small and not really worth bothering to keep track
+#: of separately.
+.ifdef SOCKET
+EXT = $(MYEXT) Socket
+extobj = $(myextobj) [.ext.socket]socket$(O),
+extobj = $(myextobj)
+#### End of system configuration section. ####
+h1 = EXTERN.h, INTERN.h, XSUB.h, av.h, config.h, cop.h, cv.h
+h2 = embed.h, form.h, gv.h, handy.h, hv.h, keywords.h, mg.h, op.h
+h3 = opcode.h, patchlevel.h, perl.h, perly.h, pp.h, proto.h, regcomp.h
+h4 = regexp.h, scope.h, sv.h, vmsish.h, util.h
+h = $(h1), $(h2), $(h3), $(h4) $(SOCKHLIS)
+c1 = av.c, scope.c, op.c, doop.c, doio.c, dump.c, hv.c, mg.c
+c2 = perl.c, perly.c, pp.c, pp_hot.c, pp_ctl.c, pp_sys.c, regcomp.c, regexec.c
+c3 = gv.c, sv.c, taint.c, toke.c, util.c, deb.c, run.c, globals.c, vms.c $(SOCKCLIS)
+c = $(c1), $(c2), $(c3), miniperlmain.c, perlmain.c
+obj1 = perl$(O), gv$(O), toke$(O), perly$(O), op$(O), regcomp$(O), dump$(O), util$(O), mg$(O)
+obj2 = hv$(O), av$(O), run$(O), pp_hot$(O), sv$(O), pp$(O), scope$(O), pp_ctl$(O), pp_sys$(O)
+obj3 = doop$(O), doio$(O), regexec$(O), taint$(O), deb$(O), globals$(O), vms$(O) $(SOCKOBJ)
+obj = $(obj1), $(obj2), $(obj3)
+ac2 = $(ARCHCORE)config.h $(ARCHCORE)cop.h $(ARCHCORE)cv.h $(ARCHCORE)embed.h
+ac3 = $(ARCHCORE)form.h $(ARCHCORE)gv.h $(ARCHCORE)handy.h $(ARCHCORE)hv.h
+ac4 = $(ARCHCORE)keywords.h $(ARCHCORE)mg.h $(ARCHCORE)op.h $(ARCHCORE)opcode.h
+ac5 = $(ARCHCORE)patchlevel.h $(ARCHCORE)perl.h $(ARCHCORE)perly.h
+ac6 = $(ARCHCORE)pp.h $(ARCHCORE)proto.h $(ARCHCORE)regcomp.h
+ac7 = $(ARCHCORE)regexp.h $(ARCHCORE)scope.h $(ARCHCORE)sv.h $(ARCHCORE)util.h
+ac8 = $(ARCHCORE)vmsish.h $(ARCHCORE)$(DBG)libperl$(OLB) $(ARCHCORE)perlshr_attr.opt
+ac9 = $(ARCHCORE)$(DBG)perlshr_bld.opt
+.ifdef SOCKET
+acs = $(ARCHCORE)$(SOCKH)
+acs =
+CRTL = []crtl.opt
+CRTLOPTS =,$(CRTL)/Options
+.ifdef LINK_ONLY
+.SUFFIXES $(O) .c .xs
+.xs.c :
+.c$(O) :
+.xs$(O) :
+all : base extras archcorefiles preplibrary perlpods
+ @ $(NOOP)
+base : miniperl perl
+ @ $(NOOP)
+extras : Fcntl FileHandle Safe libmods utils podxform
+ @ $(NOOP)
+libmods : [.lib] $(ARCHDIR) [.lib] [.lib.VMS]
+ @ $(NOOP)
+utils : [.lib.pod]perldoc [.lib.ExtUtils] [.utils]c2ph [.utils]h2ph [.utils]h2xs [.lib]perlbug
+ @ $(NOOP)
+podxform : [.lib.pod]pod2text [.lib.pod]pod2html [.lib.pod]pod2latex [.lib.pod]pod2man
+ @ $(NOOP)
+pod1 = [.lib.pod]perl.pod [.lib.pod]perlbook.pod [.lib.pod]perlbot.pod [.lib.pod]perlcall.pod
+pod2 = [.lib.pod]perldata.pod [.lib.pod]perldebug.pod [.lib.pod]perldiag.pod [.lib.pod]perldsc.pod
+pod3 = [.lib.pod]perlembed.pod [.lib.pod]perlform.pod [.lib.pod]perlfunc.pod [.lib.pod]perlguts.pod
+pod4 = [.lib.pod]perlipc.pod [.lib.pod]perllol.pod [.lib.pod]perlmod.pod [.lib.pod]perlobj.pod
+pod5 = [.lib.pod]perlop.pod [.lib.pod]perlovl.pod [.lib.pod]perlpod.pod [.lib.pod]perlre.pod
+pod6 = [.lib.pod]perlref.pod [.lib.pod]perlrun.pod [.lib.pod]perlsec.pod [.lib.pod]perlstyle.pod
+pod7 = [.lib.pod]perlsub.pod [.lib.pod]perlsyn.pod [.lib.pod]perltie.pod [.lib.pod]perltoc.pod
+pod8 = [.lib.pod]perltrap.pod [.lib.pod]perlvar.pod [.lib.pod]perlxs.pod [.lib.pod]perlxstut.pod
+perlpods : $(pod1) $(pod2) $(pod3) $(pod4) $(pod5) $(pod6) $(pod7) $(pod8) [.lib.pod]perlvms.pod
+ @ $(NOOP)
+archcorefiles : $(ac1) $(ac2) $(ac3) $(ac4) $(ac5) $(ac6) $(ac7) $(ac8) $(ac9) $(acs) $(ARCHAUTO)time.stamp
+ @ $(NOOP)
+miniperl : $(DBG)miniperl$(E)
+ @ Continue
+miniperl_objs = miniperlmain$(O), $(obj)
+$(MINIPERL_EXE) : miniperlmain$(O), $(DBG)libperl$(OLB) $(CRTL)
+ Link $(LINKFLAGS)/NoDebug/Exe=$(MMS$TARGET) miniperlmain$(O), $(DBG)libperl$(OLB)/Library/Include=globals $(CRTLOPTS)
+$(DBG)miniperl$(E) : $(miniperl_objs), $(DBG)libperl$(OLB) $(CRTL)
+ Link $(LINKFLAGS)/Exe=$(MMS$TARGET) miniperlmain$(O),$(DBG)libperl$(OLB)/Library/Include=globals $(CRTLOPTS)
+$(DBG)libperl$(OLB) : $(obj)
+ @ If F$Search("$(MMS$TARGET)").eqs."" Then Library/Object/Create $(MMS$TARGET)
+ Library/Object/Replace $(MMS$TARGET) $(obj1)
+ Library/Object/Replace $(MMS$TARGET) $(obj2)
+ Library/Object/Replace $(MMS$TARGET) $(obj3)
+perlmain.c : miniperlmain.c $(MINIPERL_EXE) [.vms]
+ $(MINIPERL) [.VMS] "$(EXT)"
+perl : $(DBG)perl$(E)
+ @ Continue
+$(DBG)perl$(E) : perlmain$(O), $(DBG)perlshr$(E), $(MINIPERL_EXE)
+ @ @[.vms]genopt "PerlShr.Opt/Write" "|" "''F$Environment("Default")'$(DBG)PerlShr$(E)/Share"
+.ifdef gnuc
+ @ @[.vms]genopt "PerlShr.Opt/Append" "|" "$(LIBS1)|$(LIBS2)"
+ Link $(LINKFLAGS)/Exe=$(MMS$TARGET) perlmain$(O), perlshr.opt/Option, perlshr_attr.opt/Option
+$(DBG)perlshr$(E) : $(DBG)libperl$(OLB) $(extobj) $(DBG)perlshr_xtras.ts
+ Link /NoTrace$(LINKFLAGS)/Share=$(MMS$TARGET) $(extobj) []$(DBG)perlshr_bld.opt/Option, perlshr_attr.opt/Option
+# The following files are built in one go by
+# perlshr_attr.opt, $(DBG)perlshr_bld.opt - VAX and AXP
+# perlshr_gbl*.mar, perlshr_gbl*$(O) - VAX only
+# The song and dance with gen_shrfls.opt accomodates DCL's 255 character
+# line length limit.
+# This is a backup target used only with older versions of the DECCRTL which
+# can't deal with pipes properly. See ReadMe.VMS for details.
+$(DBG)perlshr_xtras.ts : perl.h config.h vmsish.h proto.h [.vms] $(MINIPERL_EXE) $(MAKEFILE) $(CRTL)
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS)/NoObject/NoList/PreProcess=perl.i perl.h
+ @ $(MINIPERL) -e "print join('|',@ARGV),'|';" "~~NOCC~~perl.i~~$(CC)$(CFLAGS)" >gen_shrfls.opt
+ @ $(MINIPERL) -e "print join('|',@ARGV);" "$(O)" "$(DBG)" "$(OLB)" "$(EXT)" "$(CRTL)" >>gen_shrfls.opt
+ $(MINIPERL) [.vms] -f gen_shrfls.opt
+ @ Delete/NoLog/NoConfirm perl.i;, gen_shrfls.opt;
+ @ If F$Search("$(DBG)perlshr_xtras.ts").nes."" Then Delete/NoLog/NoConfirm $(DBG)perlshr_xtras.ts;*
+ @ Copy _NLA0: $(DBG)perlshr_xtras.ts
+$(DBG)perlshr_xtras.ts : perl.h config.h vmsish.h proto.h [.vms] $(MINIPERL_EXE) $(MAKEFILE) $(CRTL)
+ @ $(MINIPERL) -e "print join('|',@ARGV),'|';" "$(CC)$(CFLAGS)" >gen_shrfls.opt
+ @ $(MINIPERL) -e "print join('|',@ARGV);" "$(O)" "$(DBG)" "$(OLB)" "$(EXT)" "$(CRTL)" >>gen_shrfls.opt
+ $(MINIPERL) [.vms] -f gen_shrfls.opt
+ @ Delete/NoLog/NoConfirm gen_shrfls.opt;
+ @ If F$Search("$(DBG)perlshr_xtras.ts").nes."" Then Delete/NoLog/NoConfirm $(DBG)perlshr_xtras.ts;*
+ @ Copy _NLA0: $(DBG)perlshr_xtras.ts
+$(ARCHDIR) : [.lib]
+ Create/Directory $(ARCHDIR)
+# Once again, we accomodate DCL's 255 character buffer
+[.lib] : [.vms]config.vms [.vms] $(MINIPERL_EXE)
+ @ $(MINIPERL) -e "print join('|',@ARGV),'|';" "cc=$(CC)$(CFLAGS)" >genconfig.opt
+ @ $(MINIPERL) -e "print join('|',@ARGV),'|';" "ldflags=$(LINKFLAGS)|obj_ext=$(O)|exe_ext=$(E)|lib_ext=$(OLB)" >>genconfig.opt
+ $(MINIPERL) [.VMS]GenConfig.Pl -f genconfig.opt
+ @ Delete/NoLog/NoConfirm genconfig.opt;
+ $(MINIPERL) ConfigPM.
+[.ext.dynaloader]dl_vms.c : [.ext.dynaloader]dl_vms.xs $(MINIPERL_EXE)
+[.ext.dynaloader]dl_vms$(O) : [.ext.dynaloader]dl_vms.c
+[.lib] : [.ext.dynaloader]
+ Copy/Log/NoConfirm [.ext.dynaloader] [.lib]
+ @ If F$Search("[.lib]auto.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory []
+ @ $(MINIPERL) -e "use AutoSplit; autosplit_lib_modules(@ARGV)" [.lib]
+Safe : [.lib] []Safe$(E)
+ @ $(NOOP)
+[.lib] : [.ext.Safe]Descrip.MMS
+ @ If F$Search("[.lib]auto.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory []
+ @ Set Default [.ext.Safe]
+ $(MMS)
+ @ Set Default [--]
+[]Safe$(E) : [.ext.Safe]Descrip.MMS
+ @ Set Default [.ext.Safe]
+ $(MMS)
+ @ Set Default [--]
+# Add "-I[--.lib]" t $(MINIPERL) so we use this copy of lib after C<chdir>
+# ${@} necessary to distract different versions of MM[SK]/make
+[.ext.Safe]Descrip.MMS : [.ext.Safe]Makefile.PL $(ARCHDIR) [.lib.VMS] [.lib] perlshr$(E)
+ $(MINIPERL) "-I[--.lib]" -e "chdir('[.ext.Safe]') or die $!; do 'Makefile.PL'; print ${@} if ${@};" "INST_LIB=[--.lib]" "INST_ARCHLIB=[--.lib]"
+FileHandle : [.lib] []FileHandle$(E)
+ @ $(NOOP)
+[.lib] : [.ext.FileHandle]Descrip.MMS
+ @ If F$Search("[.lib]auto.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory []
+ @ Set Default [.ext.FileHandle]
+ $(MMS)
+ @ Set Default [--]
+[]FileHandle$(E) : [.ext.FileHandle]Descrip.MMS
+ @ Set Default [.ext.FileHandle]
+ $(MMS)
+ @ Set Default [--]
+# Add "-I[--.lib]" t $(MINIPERL) so we use this copy of lib after C<chdir>
+# ${@} necessary to distract different versions of MM[SK]/make
+[.ext.FileHandle]Descrip.MMS : [.ext.FileHandle]Makefile.PL $(ARCHDIR) [.lib.VMS] [.lib] perlshr$(E)
+ $(MINIPERL) "-I[--.lib]" -e "chdir('[.ext.FileHandle]') or die $!; do 'Makefile.PL'; print ${@} if ${@};" "INST_LIB=[--.lib]" "INST_ARCHLIB=[--.lib]"
+Fcntl : [.lib] []Fcntl$(E)
+ @ $(NOOP)
+[.lib] : [.ext.Fcntl]Descrip.MMS
+ @ If F$Search("[.lib]auto.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory []
+ @ Set Default [.ext.Fcntl]
+ $(MMS)
+ @ Set Default [--]
+[]Fcntl$(E) : [.ext.Fcntl]Descrip.MMS
+ @ Set Default [.ext.Fcntl]
+ $(MMS)
+ @ Set Default [--]
+# Add "-I[--.lib]" t $(MINIPERL) so we use this copy of lib after C<chdir>
+# ${@} necessary to distract different versions of MM[SK]/make
+[.ext.Fcntl]Descrip.MMS : [.ext.Fcntl]Makefile.PL $(ARCHDIR) [.lib.VMS] [.lib] perlshr$(E)
+ $(MINIPERL) "-I[--.lib]" -e "chdir('[.ext.Fcntl]') or die $!; do 'Makefile.PL'; print ${@} if ${@};" "INST_LIB=[--.lib]" "INST_ARCHLIB=[--.lib]"
+[.lib.VMS] : [.vms.ext]
+ @ If F$Search("[.lib]VMS.Dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.VMS]
+ Copy/Log/NoConfirm $(MMS$SOURCE) $(MMS$TARGET)
+[.lib.pod]perldoc : [.utils]perldoc.PL $(ARCHDIR)
+ @ If F$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ Copy/Log [.utils]perldoc $(MMS$TARGET)
+[.lib.ExtUtils] : Minimod.PL miniperlmain.c $(ARCHDIR)
+[.utils]c2ph : [.utils]c2ph.PL $(ARCHDIR)
+[.utils]h2ph : [.utils]h2ph.PL $(ARCHDIR)
+[.utils]h2xs : [.utils]h2xs.PL $(ARCHDIR)
+[.lib]perlbug : [.utils]perlbug.PL $(ARCHDIR)
+ Rename/Log [.utils]perlbug $(MMS$TARGET)
+[.utils]pl2pm : [.utils]pl2pm.PL $(ARCHDIR)
+[.lib.pod]pod2html : [.pod]pod2html.PL $(ARCHDIR)
+ @ If F$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ Rename/Log [.pod]pod2html $(MMS$TARGET)
+[.lib.pod]pod2latex : [.pod]pod2latex.PL $(ARCHDIR)
+ @ If F$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ Rename/Log [.pod]pod2latex $(MMS$TARGET)
+[.lib.pod]pod2man : [.pod]pod2man.PL $(ARCHDIR)
+ @ If F$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ Rename/Log [.pod]pod2man $(MMS$TARGET)
+[.lib.pod]pod2text : [.pod]pod2text.PL $(ARCHDIR)
+ @ If F$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ Rename/Log [.pod]pod2text $(MMS$TARGET)
+preplibrary : $(MINIPERL_EXE) $(ARCHDIR) [.lib] [.lib.VMS] $(SOCKPM)
+ @ Write Sys$Output "Autosplitting Perl library . . ."
+ @ Create/Directory []
+ @ $(MINIPERL) -e "use AutoSplit; autosplit_lib_modules(@ARGV)" [.lib]*.pm [.lib.*]*.pm
+[.lib.pod]perl.pod : [.pod]perl.pod
+ @ If F$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ @ Copy/Log $(MMS$SOURCE) $(MMS$TARGET)
+[.lib.pod]perlbook.pod : [.pod]perlbook.pod
+ @ If F$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ @ Copy/Log $(MMS$SOURCE) $(MMS$TARGET)
+[.lib.pod]perlbot.pod : [.pod]perlbot.pod
+ @ If F$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ @ Copy/Log $(MMS$SOURCE) $(MMS$TARGET)
+[.lib.pod]perlcall.pod : [.pod]perlcall.pod
+ @ If F$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ @ Copy/Log $(MMS$SOURCE) $(MMS$TARGET)
+[.lib.pod]perldata.pod : [.pod]perldata.pod
+ @ If F$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ @ Copy/Log $(MMS$SOURCE) $(MMS$TARGET)
+[.lib.pod]perldebug.pod : [.pod]perldebug.pod
+ @ If F$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ @ Copy/Log $(MMS$SOURCE) $(MMS$TARGET)
+[.lib.pod]perldiag.pod : [.pod]perldiag.pod
+ @ If F$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ @ Copy/Log $(MMS$SOURCE) $(MMS$TARGET)
+[.lib.pod]perldsc.pod : [.pod]perldsc.pod
+ @ If F$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ @ Copy/Log $(MMS$SOURCE) $(MMS$TARGET)
+[.lib.pod]perlembed.pod : [.pod]perlembed.pod
+ @ If F$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ @ Copy/Log $(MMS$SOURCE) $(MMS$TARGET)
+[.lib.pod]perlform.pod : [.pod]perlform.pod
+ @ If F$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ @ Copy/Log $(MMS$SOURCE) $(MMS$TARGET)
+[.lib.pod]perlfunc.pod : [.pod]perlfunc.pod
+ @ If F$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ @ Copy/Log $(MMS$SOURCE) $(MMS$TARGET)
+[.lib.pod]perlguts.pod : [.pod]perlguts.pod
+ @ If F$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ @ Copy/Log $(MMS$SOURCE) $(MMS$TARGET)
+[.lib.pod]perlipc.pod : [.pod]perlipc.pod
+ @ If F$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ @ Copy/Log $(MMS$SOURCE) $(MMS$TARGET)
+[.lib.pod]perllol.pod : [.pod]perllol.pod
+ @ If F$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ @ Copy/Log $(MMS$SOURCE) $(MMS$TARGET)
+[.lib.pod]perlmod.pod : [.pod]perlmod.pod
+ @ If F$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ @ Copy/Log $(MMS$SOURCE) $(MMS$TARGET)
+[.lib.pod]perlobj.pod : [.pod]perlobj.pod
+ @ If F$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ @ Copy/Log $(MMS$SOURCE) $(MMS$TARGET)
+[.lib.pod]perlop.pod : [.pod]perlop.pod
+ @ If F$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ @ Copy/Log $(MMS$SOURCE) $(MMS$TARGET)
+[.lib.pod]perlovl.pod : [.pod]perlovl.pod
+ @ If F$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ @ Copy/Log $(MMS$SOURCE) $(MMS$TARGET)
+[.lib.pod]perlpod.pod : [.pod]perlpod.pod
+ @ If F$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ @ Copy/Log $(MMS$SOURCE) $(MMS$TARGET)
+[.lib.pod]perlre.pod : [.pod]perlre.pod
+ @ If F$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ @ Copy/Log $(MMS$SOURCE) $(MMS$TARGET)
+[.lib.pod]perlref.pod : [.pod]perlref.pod
+ @ If F$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ @ Copy/Log $(MMS$SOURCE) $(MMS$TARGET)
+[.lib.pod]perlrun.pod : [.pod]perlrun.pod
+ @ If F$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ @ Copy/Log $(MMS$SOURCE) $(MMS$TARGET)
+[.lib.pod]perlsec.pod : [.pod]perlsec.pod
+ @ If F$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ @ Copy/Log $(MMS$SOURCE) $(MMS$TARGET)
+[.lib.pod]perlstyle.pod : [.pod]perlstyle.pod
+ @ If F$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ @ Copy/Log $(MMS$SOURCE) $(MMS$TARGET)
+[.lib.pod]perlsub.pod : [.pod]perlsub.pod
+ @ If F$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ @ Copy/Log $(MMS$SOURCE) $(MMS$TARGET)
+[.lib.pod]perlsyn.pod : [.pod]perlsyn.pod
+ @ If F$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ @ Copy/Log $(MMS$SOURCE) $(MMS$TARGET)
+[.lib.pod]perltie.pod : [.pod]perltie.pod
+ @ If F$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ @ Copy/Log $(MMS$SOURCE) $(MMS$TARGET)
+[.lib.pod]perltoc.pod : [.pod]perltoc.pod
+ @ If F$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ @ Copy/Log $(MMS$SOURCE) $(MMS$TARGET)
+[.lib.pod]perltrap.pod : [.pod]perltrap.pod
+ @ If F$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ @ Copy/Log $(MMS$SOURCE) $(MMS$TARGET)
+[.lib.pod]perlvar.pod : [.pod]perlvar.pod
+ @ If F$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ @ Copy/Log $(MMS$SOURCE) $(MMS$TARGET)
+[.lib.pod]perlxs.pod : [.pod]perlxs.pod
+ @ If F$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ @ Copy/Log $(MMS$SOURCE) $(MMS$TARGET)
+[.lib.pod]perlxstut.pod : [.pod]perlxstut.pod
+ @ If F$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ @ Copy/Log $(MMS$SOURCE) $(MMS$TARGET)
+[.lib.pod]perlvms.pod : [.vms]perlvms.pod
+ @ If F$Search("[.lib]pod.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory [.lib.pod]
+ @ Copy/Log $(MMS$SOURCE) $(MMS$TARGET)
+printconfig :
+ @ @[.vms]make_command $(MMS) $(MMSQUALIFIERS) $(MMSTARGETS)
+ @ @[.vms]myconfig "$(CC)" "$(CFLAGS)" "$(LINKFLAGS)" "$(LIBS1)" "$(LIBS2)" "$(SOCKLIB)" "$(EXT)" "$(DBG)"
+.ifdef SOCKET
+.ifdef LINK_ONLY
+[.ext.Socket]Socket$(O) : [.ext.Socket]Socket.c
+[.ext.Socket]Socket.c : [.ext.Socket]Socket.xs $(MINIPERL_EXE)
+.endif # !LINK_ONLY
+vmsish.h : $(SOCKH)
+$(SOCKC) : [.vms]$(SOCKC)
+ Copy/Log/NoConfirm [.vms]$(SOCKC) []$(SOCKC)
+$(SOCKH) : [.vms]$(SOCKH)
+ Copy/Log/NoConfirm [.vms]$(SOCKH) []$(SOCKH)
+[.lib] : [.ext.Socket]
+ Copy/Log/NoConfirm $(MMS$SOURCE) $(MMS$TARGET)
+# The following three header files are generated automatically
+# keywords.h :
+# opcode.h :
+# embed.h : global.sym interp.sym
+# The correct versions should be already supplied with the perl kit,
+# in case you don't have perl available.
+# To force them to run, type
+# MMS regen_headers
+regen_headers :
+# VMS uses modified perly.[ch] with tags for globaldefs if using DEC compiler
+perly.c : [.vms]perly_c.vms
+perly.h : [.vms]perly_h.vms
+# I now supply perly.c with the kits, so the following section is
+# commented out if you don't have byacc.
+# Altered for VMS by Charles Bailey
+# perly.c:
+# @ Write Sys$Output "Expect 80 shift/reduce and 62 reduce/reduce conflicts"
+# \$(BYACC) -d perly.y
+# Has to be done by hand or by POSIX shell under VMS
+# sh \$(shellflags) ./perly.fixer perly.c
+# rename perly.h
+# $(INSTPERL) [.vms] perly.c perly.h [.vms]perly_c.vms [.vms]perly_h.vms
+.ifdef LINK_ONLY
+perly$(O) : perly.c, perly.h, $(h)
+test : all
+ - @[.VMS]Test.Com
+# CORE subset for MakeMaker, so we can build Perl without sources
+# Should move to VMS installperl when we get one
+ @ If F$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
+ @ If F$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
+ @ If F$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
+$(ARCHCORE)av.h : av.h
+ @ If F$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
+$(ARCHCORE)config.h : config.h
+ @ If F$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
+$(ARCHCORE)cop.h : cop.h
+ @ If F$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
+$(ARCHCORE)cv.h : cv.h
+ @ If F$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
+$(ARCHCORE)embed.h : embed.h
+ @ If F$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
+$(ARCHCORE)form.h : form.h
+ @ If F$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
+$(ARCHCORE)gv.h : gv.h
+ @ If F$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
+$(ARCHCORE)handy.h : handy.h
+ @ If F$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
+$(ARCHCORE)hv.h : hv.h
+ @ If F$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
+$(ARCHCORE)keywords.h : keywords.h
+ @ If F$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
+$(ARCHCORE)mg.h : mg.h
+ @ If F$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
+$(ARCHCORE)op.h : op.h
+ @ If F$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
+$(ARCHCORE)opcode.h : opcode.h
+ @ If F$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
+$(ARCHCORE)patchlevel.h : patchlevel.h
+ @ If F$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
+$(ARCHCORE)perl.h : perl.h
+ @ If F$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
+$(ARCHCORE)perly.h : perly.h
+ @ If F$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
+$(ARCHCORE)pp.h : pp.h
+ @ If F$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
+$(ARCHCORE)proto.h : proto.h
+ @ If F$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
+$(ARCHCORE)regcomp.h : regcomp.h
+ @ If F$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
+$(ARCHCORE)regexp.h : regexp.h
+ @ If F$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
+$(ARCHCORE)scope.h : scope.h
+ @ If F$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
+$(ARCHCORE)sv.h : sv.h
+ @ If F$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
+$(ARCHCORE)util.h : util.h
+ @ If F$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
+$(ARCHCORE)vmsish.h : vmsish.h
+ @ If F$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
+.ifdef SOCKET
+ @ If F$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
+$(ARCHCORE)$(DBG)libperl$(OLB) : $(DBG)libperl$(OLB) $(DBG)perlshr_xtras.ts
+ @ If F$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
+$(ARCHCORE)perlshr_attr.opt : $(DBG)perlshr_xtras.ts
+ @ If F$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
+ Copy/Log perlshr_attr.opt $(MMS$TARGET)
+$(ARCHCORE)$(DBG)perlshr_bld.opt : $(DBG)perlshr_xtras.ts
+ @ If F$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
+ Copy/Log $(DBG)perlshr_bld.opt $(MMS$TARGET)
+$(ARCHAUTO)time.stamp :
+ @ If F$Search("$(ARCHDIR)auto.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHAUTO)
+ @ If F$Search("$(MMS$TARGET)").eqs."" Then Copy/NoConfirm _NLA0: $(MMS$TARGET)
+.ifdef LINK_ONLY
+av$(O) : EXTERN.h
+av$(O) : av.c
+av$(O) : av.h
+av$(O) : config.h
+av$(O) : cop.h
+av$(O) : cv.h
+av$(O) : embed.h
+av$(O) : form.h
+av$(O) : gv.h
+av$(O) : handy.h
+av$(O) : hv.h
+av$(O) : mg.h
+av$(O) : op.h
+av$(O) : opcode.h
+av$(O) : perl.h
+av$(O) : perly.h
+av$(O) : pp.h
+av$(O) : proto.h
+av$(O) : regexp.h
+av$(O) : scope.h
+av$(O) : sv.h
+av$(O) : vmsish.h
+av$(O) : util.h
+scope$(O) : EXTERN.h
+scope$(O) : av.h
+scope$(O) : config.h
+scope$(O) : cop.h
+scope$(O) : cv.h
+scope$(O) : embed.h
+scope$(O) : form.h
+scope$(O) : gv.h
+scope$(O) : handy.h
+scope$(O) : hv.h
+scope$(O) : mg.h
+scope$(O) : op.h
+scope$(O) : opcode.h
+scope$(O) : perl.h
+scope$(O) : perly.h
+scope$(O) : pp.h
+scope$(O) : proto.h
+scope$(O) : regexp.h
+scope$(O) : scope.c
+scope$(O) : scope.h
+scope$(O) : sv.h
+scope$(O) : vmsish.h
+scope$(O) : util.h
+op$(O) : EXTERN.h
+op$(O) : av.h
+op$(O) : config.h
+op$(O) : cop.h
+op$(O) : cv.h
+op$(O) : embed.h
+op$(O) : form.h
+op$(O) : gv.h
+op$(O) : handy.h
+op$(O) : hv.h
+op$(O) : mg.h
+op$(O) : op.c
+op$(O) : op.h
+op$(O) : opcode.h
+op$(O) : perl.h
+op$(O) : perly.h
+op$(O) : pp.h
+op$(O) : proto.h
+op$(O) : regexp.h
+op$(O) : scope.h
+op$(O) : sv.h
+op$(O) : vmsish.h
+op$(O) : util.h
+doop$(O) : EXTERN.h
+doop$(O) : av.h
+doop$(O) : config.h
+doop$(O) : cop.h
+doop$(O) : cv.h
+doop$(O) : doop.c
+doop$(O) : embed.h
+doop$(O) : form.h
+doop$(O) : gv.h
+doop$(O) : handy.h
+doop$(O) : hv.h
+doop$(O) : mg.h
+doop$(O) : op.h
+doop$(O) : opcode.h
+doop$(O) : perl.h
+doop$(O) : perly.h
+doop$(O) : pp.h
+doop$(O) : proto.h
+doop$(O) : regexp.h
+doop$(O) : scope.h
+doop$(O) : sv.h
+doop$(O) : vmsish.h
+doop$(O) : util.h
+doio$(O) : EXTERN.h
+doio$(O) : av.h
+doio$(O) : config.h
+doio$(O) : cop.h
+doio$(O) : cv.h
+doio$(O) : doio.c
+doio$(O) : embed.h
+doio$(O) : form.h
+doio$(O) : gv.h
+doio$(O) : handy.h
+doio$(O) : hv.h
+doio$(O) : mg.h
+doio$(O) : op.h
+doio$(O) : opcode.h
+doio$(O) : perl.h
+doio$(O) : perly.h
+doio$(O) : pp.h
+doio$(O) : proto.h
+doio$(O) : regexp.h
+doio$(O) : scope.h
+doio$(O) : sv.h
+doio$(O) : vmsish.h
+doio$(O) : util.h
+dump$(O) : EXTERN.h
+dump$(O) : av.h
+dump$(O) : config.h
+dump$(O) : cop.h
+dump$(O) : cv.h
+dump$(O) : dump.c
+dump$(O) : embed.h
+dump$(O) : form.h
+dump$(O) : gv.h
+dump$(O) : handy.h
+dump$(O) : hv.h
+dump$(O) : mg.h
+dump$(O) : op.h
+dump$(O) : opcode.h
+dump$(O) : perl.h
+dump$(O) : perly.h
+dump$(O) : pp.h
+dump$(O) : proto.h
+dump$(O) : regexp.h
+dump$(O) : scope.h
+dump$(O) : sv.h
+dump$(O) : vmsish.h
+dump$(O) : util.h
+hv$(O) : EXTERN.h
+hv$(O) : av.h
+hv$(O) : config.h
+hv$(O) : cop.h
+hv$(O) : cv.h
+hv$(O) : embed.h
+hv$(O) : form.h
+hv$(O) : gv.h
+hv$(O) : handy.h
+hv$(O) : hv.c
+hv$(O) : hv.h
+hv$(O) : mg.h
+hv$(O) : op.h
+hv$(O) : opcode.h
+hv$(O) : perl.h
+hv$(O) : perly.h
+hv$(O) : pp.h
+hv$(O) : proto.h
+hv$(O) : regexp.h
+hv$(O) : scope.h
+hv$(O) : sv.h
+hv$(O) : vmsish.h
+hv$(O) : util.h
+mg$(O) : EXTERN.h
+mg$(O) : av.h
+mg$(O) : config.h
+mg$(O) : cop.h
+mg$(O) : cv.h
+mg$(O) : embed.h
+mg$(O) : form.h
+mg$(O) : gv.h
+mg$(O) : handy.h
+mg$(O) : hv.h
+mg$(O) : mg.c
+mg$(O) : mg.h
+mg$(O) : op.h
+mg$(O) : opcode.h
+mg$(O) : perl.h
+mg$(O) : perly.h
+mg$(O) : pp.h
+mg$(O) : proto.h
+mg$(O) : regexp.h
+mg$(O) : scope.h
+mg$(O) : sv.h
+mg$(O) : vmsish.h
+mg$(O) : util.h
+perl$(O) : EXTERN.h
+perl$(O) : av.h
+perl$(O) : config.h
+perl$(O) : cop.h
+perl$(O) : cv.h
+perl$(O) : embed.h
+perl$(O) : form.h
+perl$(O) : gv.h
+perl$(O) : handy.h
+perl$(O) : hv.h
+perl$(O) : mg.h
+perl$(O) : op.h
+perl$(O) : opcode.h
+perl$(O) : perl.c
+perl$(O) : perl.h
+perl$(O) : perly.h
+perl$(O) : pp.h
+perl$(O) : proto.h
+perl$(O) : regexp.h
+perl$(O) : scope.h
+perl$(O) : sv.h
+perl$(O) : vmsish.h
+perl$(O) : util.h
+perly$(O) : EXTERN.h
+perly$(O) : av.h
+perly$(O) : config.h
+perly$(O) : cop.h
+perly$(O) : cv.h
+perly$(O) : embed.h
+perly$(O) : form.h
+perly$(O) : gv.h
+perly$(O) : handy.h
+perly$(O) : hv.h
+perly$(O) : mg.h
+perly$(O) : op.h
+perly$(O) : opcode.h
+perly$(O) : perl.h
+perly$(O) : perly.h
+perly$(O) : perly.c
+perly$(O) : pp.h
+perly$(O) : proto.h
+perly$(O) : regexp.h
+perly$(O) : scope.h
+perly$(O) : sv.h
+perly$(O) : vmsish.h
+perly$(O) : util.h
+pp$(O) : EXTERN.h
+pp$(O) : av.h
+pp$(O) : config.h
+pp$(O) : cop.h
+pp$(O) : cv.h
+pp$(O) : embed.h
+pp$(O) : form.h
+pp$(O) : gv.h
+pp$(O) : handy.h
+pp$(O) : hv.h
+pp$(O) : mg.h
+pp$(O) : op.h
+pp$(O) : opcode.h
+pp$(O) : perl.h
+pp$(O) : perly.h
+pp$(O) : pp.c
+pp$(O) : pp.h
+pp$(O) : proto.h
+pp$(O) : regexp.h
+pp$(O) : scope.h
+pp$(O) : sv.h
+pp$(O) : vmsish.h
+pp$(O) : util.h
+pp_ctl$(O) : EXTERN.h
+pp_ctl$(O) : av.h
+pp_ctl$(O) : config.h
+pp_ctl$(O) : cop.h
+pp_ctl$(O) : cv.h
+pp_ctl$(O) : embed.h
+pp_ctl$(O) : form.h
+pp_ctl$(O) : gv.h
+pp_ctl$(O) : handy.h
+pp_ctl$(O) : hv.h
+pp_ctl$(O) : mg.h
+pp_ctl$(O) : op.h
+pp_ctl$(O) : opcode.h
+pp_ctl$(O) : perl.h
+pp_ctl$(O) : perly.h
+pp_ctl$(O) : pp_ctl.c
+pp_ctl$(O) : pp.h
+pp_ctl$(O) : proto.h
+pp_ctl$(O) : regexp.h
+pp_ctl$(O) : scope.h
+pp_ctl$(O) : sv.h
+pp_ctl$(O) : vmsish.h
+pp_ctl$(O) : util.h
+pp_hot$(O) : EXTERN.h
+pp_hot$(O) : av.h
+pp_hot$(O) : config.h
+pp_hot$(O) : cop.h
+pp_hot$(O) : cv.h
+pp_hot$(O) : embed.h
+pp_hot$(O) : form.h
+pp_hot$(O) : gv.h
+pp_hot$(O) : handy.h
+pp_hot$(O) : hv.h
+pp_hot$(O) : mg.h
+pp_hot$(O) : op.h
+pp_hot$(O) : opcode.h
+pp_hot$(O) : perl.h
+pp_hot$(O) : perly.h
+pp_hot$(O) : pp_hot.c
+pp_hot$(O) : pp.h
+pp_hot$(O) : proto.h
+pp_hot$(O) : regexp.h
+pp_hot$(O) : scope.h
+pp_hot$(O) : sv.h
+pp_hot$(O) : vmsish.h
+pp_hot$(O) : util.h
+pp_sys$(O) : EXTERN.h
+pp_sys$(O) : av.h
+pp_sys$(O) : config.h
+pp_sys$(O) : cop.h
+pp_sys$(O) : cv.h
+pp_sys$(O) : embed.h
+pp_sys$(O) : form.h
+pp_sys$(O) : gv.h
+pp_sys$(O) : handy.h
+pp_sys$(O) : hv.h
+pp_sys$(O) : mg.h
+pp_sys$(O) : op.h
+pp_sys$(O) : opcode.h
+pp_sys$(O) : perl.h
+pp_sys$(O) : perly.h
+pp_sys$(O) : pp_sys.c
+pp_sys$(O) : pp.h
+pp_sys$(O) : proto.h
+pp_sys$(O) : regexp.h
+pp_sys$(O) : scope.h
+pp_sys$(O) : sv.h
+pp_sys$(O) : vmsish.h
+pp_sys$(O) : util.h
+regcomp$(O) : EXTERN.h
+regcomp$(O) : INTERN.h
+regcomp$(O) : av.h
+regcomp$(O) : config.h
+regcomp$(O) : cop.h
+regcomp$(O) : cv.h
+regcomp$(O) : embed.h
+regcomp$(O) : form.h
+regcomp$(O) : gv.h
+regcomp$(O) : handy.h
+regcomp$(O) : hv.h
+regcomp$(O) : mg.h
+regcomp$(O) : op.h
+regcomp$(O) : opcode.h
+regcomp$(O) : perl.h
+regcomp$(O) : perly.h
+regcomp$(O) : pp.h
+regcomp$(O) : proto.h
+regcomp$(O) : regcomp.c
+regcomp$(O) : regcomp.h
+regcomp$(O) : regexp.h
+regcomp$(O) : scope.h
+regcomp$(O) : sv.h
+regcomp$(O) : vmsish.h
+regcomp$(O) : util.h
+regexec$(O) : EXTERN.h
+regexec$(O) : av.h
+regexec$(O) : config.h
+regexec$(O) : cop.h
+regexec$(O) : cv.h
+regexec$(O) : embed.h
+regexec$(O) : form.h
+regexec$(O) : gv.h
+regexec$(O) : handy.h
+regexec$(O) : hv.h
+regexec$(O) : mg.h
+regexec$(O) : op.h
+regexec$(O) : opcode.h
+regexec$(O) : perl.h
+regexec$(O) : perly.h
+regexec$(O) : pp.h
+regexec$(O) : proto.h
+regexec$(O) : regcomp.h
+regexec$(O) : regexec.c
+regexec$(O) : regexp.h
+regexec$(O) : scope.h
+regexec$(O) : sv.h
+regexec$(O) : vmsish.h
+regexec$(O) : util.h
+gv$(O) : EXTERN.h
+gv$(O) : av.h
+gv$(O) : config.h
+gv$(O) : cop.h
+gv$(O) : cv.h
+gv$(O) : embed.h
+gv$(O) : form.h
+gv$(O) : gv.c
+gv$(O) : gv.h
+gv$(O) : handy.h
+gv$(O) : hv.h
+gv$(O) : mg.h
+gv$(O) : op.h
+gv$(O) : opcode.h
+gv$(O) : perl.h
+gv$(O) : perly.h
+gv$(O) : pp.h
+gv$(O) : proto.h
+gv$(O) : regexp.h
+gv$(O) : scope.h
+gv$(O) : sv.h
+gv$(O) : vmsish.h
+gv$(O) : util.h
+sv$(O) : EXTERN.h
+sv$(O) : av.h
+sv$(O) : config.h
+sv$(O) : cop.h
+sv$(O) : cv.h
+sv$(O) : embed.h
+sv$(O) : form.h
+sv$(O) : gv.h
+sv$(O) : handy.h
+sv$(O) : hv.h
+sv$(O) : mg.h
+sv$(O) : op.h
+sv$(O) : opcode.h
+sv$(O) : perl.h
+sv$(O) : perly.h
+sv$(O) : pp.h
+sv$(O) : proto.h
+sv$(O) : regexp.h
+sv$(O) : scope.h
+sv$(O) : sv.c
+sv$(O) : sv.h
+sv$(O) : vmsish.h
+sv$(O) : util.h
+taint$(O) : EXTERN.h
+taint$(O) : av.h
+taint$(O) : config.h
+taint$(O) : cop.h
+taint$(O) : cv.h
+taint$(O) : embed.h
+taint$(O) : form.h
+taint$(O) : gv.h
+taint$(O) : handy.h
+taint$(O) : hv.h
+taint$(O) : mg.h
+taint$(O) : op.h
+taint$(O) : opcode.h
+taint$(O) : perl.h
+taint$(O) : perly.h
+taint$(O) : pp.h
+taint$(O) : proto.h
+taint$(O) : regexp.h
+taint$(O) : scope.h
+taint$(O) : sv.h
+taint$(O) : taint.c
+taint$(O) : vmsish.h
+taint$(O) : util.h
+toke$(O) : EXTERN.h
+toke$(O) : av.h
+toke$(O) : config.h
+toke$(O) : cop.h
+toke$(O) : cv.h
+toke$(O) : embed.h
+toke$(O) : form.h
+toke$(O) : gv.h
+toke$(O) : handy.h
+toke$(O) : hv.h
+toke$(O) : keywords.h
+toke$(O) : mg.h
+toke$(O) : op.h
+toke$(O) : opcode.h
+toke$(O) : perl.h
+toke$(O) : perly.h
+toke$(O) : pp.h
+toke$(O) : proto.h
+toke$(O) : regexp.h
+toke$(O) : scope.h
+toke$(O) : sv.h
+toke$(O) : toke.c
+toke$(O) : vmsish.h
+toke$(O) : util.h
+util$(O) : EXTERN.h
+util$(O) : av.h
+util$(O) : config.h
+util$(O) : cop.h
+util$(O) : cv.h
+util$(O) : embed.h
+util$(O) : form.h
+util$(O) : gv.h
+util$(O) : handy.h
+util$(O) : hv.h
+util$(O) : mg.h
+util$(O) : op.h
+util$(O) : opcode.h
+util$(O) : perl.h
+util$(O) : perly.h
+util$(O) : pp.h
+util$(O) : proto.h
+util$(O) : regexp.h
+util$(O) : scope.h
+util$(O) : sv.h
+util$(O) : vmsish.h
+util$(O) : util.c
+util$(O) : util.h
+deb$(O) : EXTERN.h
+deb$(O) : av.h
+deb$(O) : config.h
+deb$(O) : cop.h
+deb$(O) : cv.h
+deb$(O) : deb.c
+deb$(O) : embed.h
+deb$(O) : form.h
+deb$(O) : gv.h
+deb$(O) : handy.h
+deb$(O) : hv.h
+deb$(O) : mg.h
+deb$(O) : op.h
+deb$(O) : opcode.h
+deb$(O) : perl.h
+deb$(O) : perly.h
+deb$(O) : pp.h
+deb$(O) : proto.h
+deb$(O) : regexp.h
+deb$(O) : scope.h
+deb$(O) : sv.h
+deb$(O) : vmsish.h
+deb$(O) : util.h
+run$(O) : EXTERN.h
+run$(O) : av.h
+run$(O) : config.h
+run$(O) : cop.h
+run$(O) : cv.h
+run$(O) : embed.h
+run$(O) : form.h
+run$(O) : gv.h
+run$(O) : handy.h
+run$(O) : hv.h
+run$(O) : mg.h
+run$(O) : op.h
+run$(O) : opcode.h
+run$(O) : perl.h
+run$(O) : perly.h
+run$(O) : pp.h
+run$(O) : proto.h
+run$(O) : regexp.h
+run$(O) : run.c
+run$(O) : scope.h
+run$(O) : sv.h
+run$(O) : vmsish.h
+run$(O) : util.h
+vms$(O) : EXTERN.h
+vms$(O) : av.h
+vms$(O) : config.h
+vms$(O) : cop.h
+vms$(O) : cv.h
+vms$(O) : embed.h
+vms$(O) : form.h
+vms$(O) : gv.h
+vms$(O) : handy.h
+vms$(O) : hv.h
+vms$(O) : mg.h
+vms$(O) : op.h
+vms$(O) : opcode.h
+vms$(O) : perl.h
+vms$(O) : perly.h
+vms$(O) : pp.h
+vms$(O) : proto.h
+vms$(O) : regexp.h
+vms$(O) : vms.c
+vms$(O) : scope.h
+vms$(O) : sv.h
+vms$(O) : vmsish.h
+vms$(O) : util.h
+miniperlmain$(O) : EXTERN.h
+miniperlmain$(O) : av.h
+miniperlmain$(O) : config.h
+miniperlmain$(O) : cop.h
+miniperlmain$(O) : cv.h
+miniperlmain$(O) : embed.h
+miniperlmain$(O) : form.h
+miniperlmain$(O) : gv.h
+miniperlmain$(O) : handy.h
+miniperlmain$(O) : hv.h
+miniperlmain$(O) : mg.h
+miniperlmain$(O) : miniperlmain.c
+miniperlmain$(O) : op.h
+miniperlmain$(O) : opcode.h
+miniperlmain$(O) : perl.h
+miniperlmain$(O) : perly.h
+miniperlmain$(O) : pp.h
+miniperlmain$(O) : proto.h
+miniperlmain$(O) : regexp.h
+miniperlmain$(O) : scope.h
+miniperlmain$(O) : sv.h
+miniperlmain$(O) : vmsish.h
+miniperlmain$(O) : util.h
+perlmain$(O) : EXTERN.h
+perlmain$(O) : av.h
+perlmain$(O) : config.h
+perlmain$(O) : cop.h
+perlmain$(O) : cv.h
+perlmain$(O) : embed.h
+perlmain$(O) : form.h
+perlmain$(O) : gv.h
+perlmain$(O) : handy.h
+perlmain$(O) : hv.h
+perlmain$(O) : mg.h
+perlmain$(O) : op.h
+perlmain$(O) : opcode.h
+perlmain$(O) : perl.h
+perlmain$(O) : perly.h
+perlmain$(O) : perlmain.c
+perlmain$(O) : pp.h
+perlmain$(O) : proto.h
+perlmain$(O) : regexp.h
+perlmain$(O) : scope.h
+perlmain$(O) : sv.h
+perlmain$(O) : vmsish.h
+perlmain$(O) : util.h
+globals$(O) : INTERN.h
+globals$(O) : av.h
+globals$(O) : config.h
+globals$(O) : cop.h
+globals$(O) : cv.h
+globals$(O) : embed.h
+globals$(O) : form.h
+globals$(O) : gv.h
+globals$(O) : handy.h
+globals$(O) : hv.h
+globals$(O) : mg.h
+globals$(O) : op.h
+globals$(O) : opcode.h
+globals$(O) : perl.h
+globals$(O) : perly.h
+globals$(O) : globals.c
+globals$(O) : pp.h
+globals$(O) : proto.h
+globals$(O) : regexp.h
+globals$(O) : scope.h
+globals$(O) : sv.h
+globals$(O) : vmsish.h
+globals$(O) : util.h
+.endif # !LINK_ONLY
+config.h : [.vms]config.vms
+ Copy/Log/NoConfirm [.vms]config.vms []config.h
+vmsish.h : [.vms]vmsish.h
+ Copy/Log/NoConfirm [.vms]vmsish.h []vmsish.h
+vms.c : [.vms]vms.c
+ Copy/Log/Noconfirm [.vms]vms.c []
+ @ @[.vms]genopt "$(CRTL)/Write" "|" "$(LIBS1)|$(LIBS2)|$(SOCKLIB)"
+cleanlis :
+ - If F$Search("*.Lis").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log *.Lis;*
+ - If F$Search("*.CPP").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log *.CPP;*
+ - If F$Search("*.Map").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log *.Map;*
+tidy : cleanlis
+ - If F$Search("*.Opt;-1").nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log *.Opt
+ - If F$Search("*$(O);-1").nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log *$(O)
+ - If F$Search("*$(E);-1").nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log *$(E)
+ - If F$Search("Config.H;-1").nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log Config.H
+ - If F$Search("Config.SH;-1").nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log Config.SH
+ - If F$Search("perly.c;-1").nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log perly.c
+ - If F$Search("perly.h;-1").nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log perly.h
+ - If F$Search("VMSish.H;-1").nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log VMSish.H
+ - If F$Search("VMS.C;-1") .nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log VMS.C
+ - If F$Search("Perlmain.C;-1") .nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log Perlmain.C
+ - If F$Search("Perlshr_Gbl*.Mar;-1") .nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log Perlshr_Gbl*.Mar
+ - If F$Search("[.Ext.DynaLoader]DL_VMS$(O);-1").nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log [.Ext.DynaLoader]DL_VMS$(O)
+ - If F$Search("[.Ext.DynaLoader]DL_VMS.C;-1").nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log [.Ext.DynaLoader]DL_VMS.C
+ - If F$Search("[.Ext.Safe...];-1").nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log [.Ext.Safe]
+ - If F$Search("[.Ext.FileHandle...];-1").nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log [.Ext.FileHandle]
+ - If F$Search("[.VMS.Ext...]*.C;-1").nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log [.VMS.Ext...]*.C
+ - If F$Search("[.VMS.Ext...]*$(O);-1").nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log [.VMS.Ext...]*$(O)
+ - If F$Search("[.Lib.Auto...]*.al;-1").nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log [.Lib.Auto...]*.al
+ - If F$Search("[.Lib.Auto...]autosplit.ix;-1").nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log [.Lib.Auto...]autosplit.ix
+ - If F$Search("[.Lib];-1").nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log [.Lib]
+ - If F$Search("[.Lib];-1").nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log [.Lib]
+ - If F$Search("[.Lib];-1").nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log [.Lib]
+ - If F$Search("$(ARCHDIR);-1").nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log $(ARCHDIR)
+ - If F$Search("[.Lib.VMS]*.*;-1").nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log [.Lib.VMS]*.*
+ - If F$Search("[.Lib.Pod]*.Pod;-1").nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log [.Lib.Pod]*.Pod
+ - If F$Search("$(ARCHCORE)*.*").nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log $(ARCHCORE)*.*
+ - If F$Search("[.utils]*.;-1").nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log [.utils]*.
+ - If F$Search("[.lib.pod]*.;-1").nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log [.lib.pod]*.
+clean : tidy
+ Set Default [.ext.Fcntl]
+ - $(MMS) clean
+ Set Default [--]
+ Set Default [.ext.FileHandle]
+ - $(MMS) clean
+ Set Default [--]
+ Set Default [.ext.Safe]
+ - $(MMS) clean
+ Set Default [--]
+ - If F$Search("*.Opt").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log *.Opt;*/Exclude=PerlShr_*.Opt
+ - If F$Search("*$(O);*") .nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log *$(O);*
+ - If F$Search("Config.H").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log Config.H;*
+ - If F$Search("Config.SH").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log Config.SH;*
+ - If F$Search(F$Parse("Sys$Disk:[]","$(SOCKH)")).nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log $(SOCKH);*
+ - If F$Search(F$Parse("Sys$Disk:[]","$(SOCKC)")).nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log $(SOCKC);*
+ - If F$Search("perly.c").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log perly.c;*
+ - If F$Search("perly.h").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log perly.h;*
+ - If F$Search("VMSish.H").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log VMSish.H;*
+ - If F$Search("VMS.C") .nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log VMS.C;*
+ - If F$Search("Perlmain.C") .nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log Perlmain.C;*
+ - If F$Search("Perlshr_Gbl*.Mar") .nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log Perlshr_Gbl*.Mar;*
+ - If F$Search("*.TS").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log *.TS;*
+ - If F$Search("[.Ext.DynaLoader]DL_VMS$(O)").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log [.Ext.DynaLoader]DL_VMS$(O);*
+ - If F$Search("[.Ext.DynaLoader]DL_VMS.C").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log [.Ext.DynaLoader]DL_VMS.C;*
+ - If F$Search("[.Ext.Socket]Socket$(O)").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log [.Ext.Socket]Socket$(O);*
+ - If F$Search("[.Ext.Socket]Socket.C").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log [.Ext.Socket]Socket.C;*
+ - If F$Search("[.VMS.Ext...]*.C").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log [.VMS.Ext...]*.C;*
+ - If F$Search("[.VMS.Ext...]*$(O)").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log [.VMS.Ext...]*$(O);*
+realclean : clean
+ Set Default [.ext.Fcntl]
+ - $(MMS) realclean
+ Set Default [--]
+ Set Default [.ext.FileHandle]
+ - $(MMS) realclean
+ Set Default [--]
+ Set Default [.ext.Safe]
+ - $(MMS) realclean
+ Set Default [--]
+ - If F$Search("*$(OLB)").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log *$(OLB);*
+ - If F$Search("*.Opt").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log *.Opt;*
+ - $(MINIPERL) -e "use File::Path; rmtree(['lib/auto','lib/VMS','lib/$(ARCH)'],1,0);"
+ - If F$Search("[.Lib]").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log [.Lib];*
+ - If F$Search("[.Lib]").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log [.Lib];*
+ - If F$Search("[.Lib]perlbug.").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log [.Lib]perlbug.;*
+ - If F$Search("$(ARCHDIR)").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log $(ARCHDIR);*
+ - If F$Search("[.lib.ExtUtils]").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log [.lib.ExtUtils];*
+ - If F$Search("[.utils]*.").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log [.utils]*.;*
+ - If F$Search("[.lib.pod]*.pod").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log [.lib.pod]*.pod;*
+ - If F$Search("[.lib.pod]perldoc.").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log [.lib.pod]perldoc.;*
+ - If F$Search("[.lib.pod]pod2*.").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log [.lib.pod]pod2*.;*
+ - If F$Search("*$(E)").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log *$(E);*
+cleansrc : clean
+ - If F$Search("*.C;-1").nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log *.C
+ - If F$Search("*.H;-1").nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log *.H
+ - If F$Search("*.VMS;-1").nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log *.VMS
+ - If F$Search("[.VMS]$(MAKEFILE);-1").nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log [.VMS]$(MAKEFILE)
+ - If F$Search("[.VMS]*.C;-1").nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log [.VMS]*.C
+ - If F$Search("[.VMS]*.H;-1").nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log [.VMS]*.H
+ - If F$Search("[.VMS]*.Pl;-1").nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log [.VMS]*.Pl
+ - If F$Search("[.VMS]*.VMS;-1").nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log [.VMS]*.VMS
+ - If F$Search("[.VMS...]*.pm;-1").nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log [.VMS...]*.pm
+ - If F$Search("[.VMS...]*.xs;-1").nes."" Then Purge/NoConfirm/Log [.VMS...]*.xs
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/ext/ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/ext/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3ce67aafdab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/ext/
@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
+# Perl hooks into the routines in vms.c for interconversion
+# of VMS and Unix file specification syntax.
+# Version: 1.1
+# Author: Charles Bailey
+# Revised: 08-Mar-1995
+=head1 NAME
+VMS::Filespec - convert between VMS and Unix file specification syntax
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+use VMS::Filespec;
+$vmsspec = vmsify('/my/Unix/file/specification');
+$unixspec = unixify('my:[VMS]file.specification');
+$path = pathify('my:[]specification.dir');
+$dirfile = fileify('my:[]');
+$vmsdir = vmspath('my/VMS/or/Unix/directory/specification.dir');
+$unixdir = unixpath('my:[]specification.dir');
+This package provides routines to simplify conversion between VMS and
+Unix syntax when processing file specifications. This is useful when
+porting scripts designed to run under either OS, and also allows you
+to take advantage of conveniences provided by either syntax (I<e.g.>
+ability to easily concatenate Unix-style specifications). In
+addition, it provides an additional file test routine, C<candelete>,
+which determines whether you have delete access to a file.
+If you're running under VMS, the routines in this package are special,
+in that they're automatically made available to any Perl script,
+whether you're running F<miniperl> or the full F<perl>. The C<use
+VMS::Filespec> or C<require VMS::Filespec; import VMS::Filespec ...>
+statement can be used to import the function names into the current
+package, but they're always available if you use the fully qualified
+name, whether or not you've mentioned the F<.pm> file in your script.
+If you're running under another OS and have installed this package, it
+behaves like a normal Perl extension (in fact, you're using Perl
+substitutes to emulate the necessary VMS system calls).
+Each of these routines accepts a file specification in either VMS or
+Unix syntax, and returns the converted file specification, or C<undef>
+if an error occurs. The conversions are, for the most part, simply
+string manipulations; the routines do not check the details of syntax
+(e.g. that only legal characters are used). There is one exception:
+when running under VMS, conversions from VMS syntax use the $PARSE
+service to expand specifications, so illegal syntax, or a relative
+directory specification which extends above the tope of the current
+directory path (e.g [] when in dev:[dir.sub]) will cause
+errors. In general, any legal file specification will be converted
+properly, but garbage input tends to produce garbage output.
+Each of these routines is prototyped as taking a single scalar
+argument, so you can use them as unary operators in complex
+expressions (as long as you don't use the C<&> form of
+subroutine call, which bypasses prototype checking).
+The routines provided are:
+=head2 vmsify
+Converts a file specification to VMS syntax.
+=head2 unixify
+Converts a file specification to Unix syntax.
+=head2 pathify
+Converts a directory specification to a path - that is, a string you
+can prepend to a file name to form a valid file specification. If the
+input file specification uses VMS syntax, the returned path does, too;
+likewise for Unix syntax (Unix paths are guaranteed to end with '/').
+Note that this routine will insist that the input be a legal directory
+file specification; the file type and version, if specified, must be
+F<.DIR;1>. For compatibility with Unix usage, the type and version
+may also be omitted.
+=head2 fileify
+Converts a directory specification to the file specification of the
+directory file - that is, a string you can pass to functions like
+C<stat> or C<rmdir> to manipulate the directory file. If the
+input directory specification uses VMS syntax, the returned file
+specification does, too; likewise for Unix syntax. As with
+C<pathify>, the input file specification must have a type and
+version of F<.DIR;1>, or the type and version must be omitted.
+=head2 vmspath
+Acts like C<pathify>, but insures the returned path uses VMS syntax.
+=head2 unixpath
+Acts like C<pathify>, but insures the returned path uses Unix syntax.
+=head2 candelete
+Determines whether you have delete access to a file. If you do, C<candelete>
+returns true. If you don't, or its argument isn't a legal file specification,
+C<candelete> returns FALSE. Unlike other file tests, the argument to
+C<candelete> must be a file name (not a FileHandle), and, since it's an XSUB,
+it's a list operator, so you need to be careful about parentheses. Both of
+these restrictions may be removed in the future if the functionality of
+C<candelete> becomes part of the Perl core.
+=head1 REVISION
+This document was last revised 22-Feb-1996, for Perl 5.002.
+package VMS::Filespec;
+require 5.002;
+# If you want to use this package on a non-VMS system,
+# uncomment the following line.
+# use AutoLoader;
+require Exporter;
+@ISA = qw( Exporter );
+@EXPORT = qw( &vmsify &unixify &pathify &fileify
+ &vmspath &unixpath &candelete);
+@EXPORT_OK = qw( &rmsexpand );
+# The autosplit routines here are provided for use by non-VMS systems
+# They are not guaranteed to function identically to the XSUBs of the
+# same name, since they do not have access to the RMS system routine
+# sys$parse() (in particular, no real provision is made for handling
+# of complex DECnet node specifications). However, these routines
+# should be adequate for most purposes.
+# A sort-of sys$parse() replacement
+sub rmsexpand {
+ my($fspec,$defaults) = @_;
+ if (!$fspec) { return undef }
+ my($node,$dev,$dir,$name,$type,$ver,$dnode,$ddev,$ddir,$dname,$dtype,$dver);
+ $fspec =~ s/:$//;
+ $defaults = [] unless $defaults;
+ $defaults = [ $defaults ] unless ref($defaults) && ref($defaults) eq 'ARRAY';
+ while ($fspec !~ m#[:>\]]# && $ENV{$fspec}) { $fspec = $ENV{$fspec} }
+ if ($fspec =~ /:/) {
+ my($dev,$devtrn,$base);
+ ($dev,$base) = split(/:/,$fspec);
+ $devtrn = $dev;
+ while ($devtrn = $ENV{$devtrn}) {
+ if ($devtrn =~ /(.)([:>\]])$/) {
+ $dev .= ':', last if $1 eq '.';
+ $dev = $devtrn, last;
+ }
+ }
+ $fspec = $dev . $base;
+ }
+ ($node,$dev,$dir,$name,$type,$ver) = $fspec =~
+ /([^:]*::)?([^:]*:)?([^>\]]*[>\]])?([^.;]*)(\.?[^.;]*)([.;]?\d*)/;
+ foreach ((@$defaults,$ENV{'DEFAULT'})) {
+ last if $node && $ver && $type && $dev && $dir && $name;
+ ($dnode,$ddev,$ddir,$dname,$dtype,$dver) =
+ /([^:]*::)?([^:]*:)?([^>\]]*[>\]])?([^.;]*)(\.?[^.;]*)([.;]?\d*)/;
+ $node = $dnode if $dnode && !$node;
+ $dev = $ddev if $ddev && !$dev;
+ $dir = $ddir if $ddir && !$dir;
+ $name = $dname if $dname && !$name;
+ $type = $dtype if $dtype && !$type;
+ $ver = $dver if $dver && !$ver;
+ }
+ # do this the long way to keep -w happy
+ $fspec = '';
+ $fspec .= $node if $node;
+ $fspec .= $dev if $dev;
+ $fspec .= $dir if $dir;
+ $fspec .= $name if $name;
+ $fspec .= $type if $type;
+ $fspec .= $ver if $ver;
+ $fspec;
+sub vmsify ($) {
+ my($fspec) = @_;
+ my($hasdev,$dev,$defdirs,$dir,$base,@dirs,@realdirs);
+ if ($fspec =~ m#^\.(\.?)/?$#) { return $1 ? '[-]' : '[]'; }
+ return $fspec if $fspec !~ m#/#;
+ ($hasdev,$dir,$base) = $fspec =~ m#(/?)(.*)/(.*)#;
+ @dirs = split(m#/#,$dir);
+ if ($base eq '.') { $base = ''; }
+ elsif ($base eq '..') {
+ push @dirs,$base;
+ $base = '';
+ }
+ foreach (@dirs) {
+ next unless $_; # protect against // in input
+ next if $_ eq '.';
+ if ($_ eq '..') {
+ if (@realdirs && $realdirs[$#realdirs] ne '-') { pop @realdirs }
+ else { push @realdirs, '-' }
+ }
+ else { push @realdirs, $_; }
+ }
+ if ($hasdev) {
+ $dev = shift @realdirs;
+ @realdirs = ('000000') unless @realdirs;
+ $base = '' unless $base; # keep -w happy
+ $dev . ':[' . join('.',@realdirs) . "]$base";
+ }
+ else {
+ '[' . join('',map($_ eq '-' ? $_ : ".$_",@realdirs)) . "]$base";
+ }
+sub unixify ($) {
+ my($fspec) = @_;
+ return $fspec if $fspec !~ m#[:>\]]#;
+ return '.' if ($fspec eq '[]' || $fspec eq '<>');
+ if ($fspec =~ m#^[<\[](\.|-+)(.*)# ) {
+ $fspec = ($1 eq '.' ? '' : "$1.") . $2;
+ my($dir,$base) = split(/[\]>]/,$fspec);
+ my(@dirs) = grep($_,split(m#\.#,$dir));
+ if ($dirs[0] =~ /^-/) {
+ my($steps) = shift @dirs;
+ for (1..length($steps)) { unshift @dirs, '..'; }
+ }
+ join('/',@dirs) . "/$base";
+ }
+ else {
+ $fspec = rmsexpand($fspec,'_N_O_T_:[_R_E_A_L_]');
+ $fspec =~ s/.*_N_O_T_:(?:\[_R_E_A_L_\])?//;
+ my($dev,$dir,$base) = $fspec =~ m#([^:<\[]*):?[<\[](.*)[>\]](.*)#;
+ my(@dirs) = split(m#\.#,$dir);
+ if ($dirs[0] && $dirs[0] =~ /^-/) {
+ my($steps) = shift @dirs;
+ for (1..length($steps)) { unshift @dirs, '..'; }
+ }
+ "/$dev/" . join('/',@dirs) . "/$base";
+ }
+sub fileify ($) {
+ my($path) = @_;
+ if (!$path) { return undef }
+ if ($path =~ /(.+)\.([^:>\]]*)$/) {
+ $path = $1;
+ if ($2 !~ /^dir(?:;1)?$/i) { return undef }
+ }
+ if ($path !~ m#[/>\]]#) {
+ $path =~ s/:$//;
+ while ($ENV{$path}) {
+ ($path = $ENV{$path}) =~ s/:$//;
+ last if $path =~ m#[/>\]]#;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($path =~ m#[>\]]#) {
+ my($dir,$sep,$base) = $path =~ /(.*)([>\]])(.*)/;
+ $sep =~ tr/<[/>]/;
+ if ($base) {
+ "$dir$sep$base.dir;1";
+ }
+ else {
+ if ($dir !~ /\./) { $dir =~ s/([<\[])/${1}000000./; }
+ $dir =~ s#\.(\w+)$#$sep$1#;
+ $dir =~ s/^.$sep//;
+ "$dir.dir;1";
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $path =~ s#/$##;
+ "$path.dir;1";
+ }
+sub pathify ($) {
+ my($fspec) = @_;
+ if (!$fspec) { return undef }
+ if ($fspec =~ m#[/>\]]$#) { return $fspec; }
+ if ($fspec =~ m#(.+)\.([^/>\]]*)$# && $2 && $2 ne '.') {
+ $fspec = $1;
+ if ($2 !~ /^dir(?:;1)?$/i) { return undef }
+ }
+ if ($fspec !~ m#[/>\]]#) {
+ $fspec =~ s/:$//;
+ while ($ENV{$fspec}) {
+ if ($ENV{$fspec} =~ m#[>\]]$#) { return $ENV{$fspec} }
+ else { $fspec = $ENV{$fspec} =~ s/:$// }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($fspec !~ m#[>\]]#) { "$fspec/"; }
+ else {
+ if ($fspec =~ /([^>\]]+)([>\]])(.+)/) { "$1.$3$2"; }
+ else { $fspec; }
+ }
+sub vmspath ($) {
+ pathify(vmsify($_[0]));
+sub unixpath ($) {
+ pathify(unixify($_[0]));
+sub candelete ($) {
+ my($fspec) = @_;
+ my($parent);
+ return '' unless -w $fspec;
+ $fspec =~ s#/$##;
+ if ($fspec =~ m#/#) {
+ ($parent = $fspec) =~ s#/[^/]+$#;
+ return (-w $parent);
+ }
+ elsif ($parent = fileify($fspec)) { # fileify() here to expand lnms
+ $parent =~ s/[>\]][^>\]]+//;
+ return (-w fileify($parent));
+ }
+ else { return (-w '[-]'); }
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/ext/Stdio/0README.txt b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/ext/Stdio/0README.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..28f82b3a145
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/ext/Stdio/0README.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+This directory contains the source code for the Perl extension
+VMS::Stdio, which provides access from Perl to VMS-specific
+stdio functions. For more specific documentation of its
+function, please see the pod section of
+ *** Please Note ***
+This package is the direct descendant of VMS::stdio, but as of Perl
+5.002, the name has been changed to VMS::Stdio, in order to conform
+to the Perl naming convention that extensions whose name begins
+with a lowercase letter represent compile-time "pragmas", while
+extensions which provide added functionality have names whose parts
+begin with uppercase letters. In addition, the functions
+vmsfopen and fgetname have been renamed vmsopen and getname,
+respectively, in order to more closely resemble related Perl
+I/O operators, which do not retain the 'f' from corresponding
+C routine names.
+A transitional interface to the old routine names has been
+provided, so that calls to these routines will generate a
+warning, and be routed to the corresponding VMS::Stdio
+routine. This interface will be removed in a future release,
+so please update your code to use the new names.
+===> Installation
+This extension, like most Perl extensions, should be installed
+by copying the files in this directory to a location *outside*
+the Perl distribution tree, and then saying
+ $ perl Makefile.PL ! Build Descrip.MMS for this extension
+ $ MMK ! Build the extension
+ $ MMK test ! Run its regression tests
+ $ MMK install ! Install required files in public Perl tree
+===> Revision History
+1.0 29-Nov-1994 Charles Bailey
+ original version - vmsfopen
+1.1 09-Mar-1995 Charles Bailey
+ changed calling sequence to return FH/undef - like POSIX::open
+ added fgetname and tmpnam
+2.0 28-Feb-1996 Charles Bailey
+ major rewrite for Perl 5.002: name changed to VMS::Stdio,
+ new functions added, and prototypes incorporated
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/ext/Stdio/Makefile.PL b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/ext/Stdio/Makefile.PL
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e5ea988818b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/ext/Stdio/Makefile.PL
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
+WriteMakefile( 'VERSION_FROM' => '' );
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/ext/Stdio/ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/ext/Stdio/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f87631a32aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/ext/Stdio/
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+# VMS::Stdio - VMS extensions to Perl's stdio calls
+# Author: Charles Bailey
+# Version: 2.0
+# Revised: 28-Feb-1996
+package VMS::Stdio;
+require 5.002;
+use Carp '&croak';
+use DynaLoader ();
+use Exporter ();
+$VERSION = '2.0';
+@ISA = qw( Exporter DynaLoader FileHandle );
+@EXPORT_OK = qw( &flush &getname &remove &rewind &sync &tmpnam
+ &vmsopen &vmssysopen &waitfh );
+ &O_WRONLY ) ],
+ FUNCTIONS => [ qw( &flush &getname &remove &rewind &sync
+ &tmpnam &vmsopen &vmssysopen &waitfh ) ] );
+bootstrap VMS::Stdio $VERSION;
+ my($constname) = $AUTOLOAD;
+ $constname =~ s/.*:://;
+ if ($constname =~ /^O_/) {
+ my($val) = constant($constname);
+ defined $val or croak("Unknown VMS::Stdio constant $constname");
+ *$AUTOLOAD = sub { $val };
+ }
+ else { # We don't know about it; hand off to FileHandle
+ require FileHandle;
+ my($obj) = shift(@_);
+ $obj->FileHandle::$constname(@_);
+ }
+ goto &$AUTOLOAD;
+sub DESTROY { close($_[0]); }
+# Intercept calls to old VMS::stdio package, complain, and hand off
+# This will be removed in a future version of VMS::Stdio
+package VMS::stdio;
+ my($func) = $AUTOLOAD;
+ $func =~ s/.*:://;
+ # Cheap trick: we know DynaLoader has required
+ Carp::carp("Old package VMS::stdio is now VMS::Stdio; please update your code");
+ if ($func eq 'vmsfopen') {
+ Carp::carp("Old function &vmsfopen is now &vmsopen");
+ goto &VMS::Stdio::vmsopen;
+ }
+ elsif ($func eq 'fgetname') {
+ Carp::carp("Old function &fgetname is now &getname");
+ goto &VMS::Stdio::getname;
+ }
+ else { goto &{"VMS::Stdio::$func"}; }
+package VMS::Stdio; # in case we ever use AutoLoader
+=head1 NAME
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+use VMS::Stdio qw( &flush &getname &remove &rewind &sync &tmpnam
+ &vmsopen &vmssysopen &waitfh );
+$uniquename = tmpnam;
+$fh = vmsopen("my.file","rfm=var","alq=100",...) or die $!;
+$name = getname($fh);
+print $fh "Hello, world!\n";
+$line = <$fh>;
+undef $fh; # closes file
+$fh = vmssysopen("another.file", O_RDONLY | O_NDELAY, 0, "ctx=bin");
+This package gives Perl scripts access to VMS extensions to several
+C stdio operations not available through Perl's CORE I/O functions.
+The specific routines are described below. These functions are
+prototyped as unary operators, with the exception of C<vmsopen>
+and C<vmssysopen>, which can take any number of arguments, and
+C<tmpnam>, which takes none.
+All of the routines are available for export, though none are
+exported by default. All of the constants used by C<vmssysopen>
+to specify access modes are exported by default. The routines
+are associated with the Exporter tag FUNCTIONS, and the constants
+are associated with the Exporter tag CONSTANTS, so you can more
+easily choose what you'd like to import:
+ # import constants, but not functions
+ use VMS::Stdio; # same as use VMS::Stdio qw( :DEFAULT );
+ # import functions, but not constants
+ use VMS::Stdio qw( !:CONSTANTS :FUNCTIONS );
+ # import both
+ use VMS::Stdio qw( :CONSTANTS :FUNCTIONS );
+ # import neither
+ use VMS::Stdio ();
+Of course, you can also choose to import specific functions by
+name, as usual.
+This package C<ISA> FileHandle, so that you can call FileHandle
+methods on the handles returned by C<vmsopen> and C<vmssysopen>.
+The FileHandle package is not initialized, however, until you
+actually call a method that VMS::Stdio doesn't provide. This
+is doen to save startup time for users who don't wish to use
+the FileHandle methods.
+B<Note:> In order to conform to naming conventions for Perl
+extensions and functions, the name of this package has been
+changed to VMS::Stdio as of Perl 5.002, and the names of some
+routines have been changed. Calls to the old VMS::stdio routines
+will generate a warning, and will be routed to the equivalent
+VMS::Stdio function. This compatibility interface will be
+removed in a future release of this extension, so please
+update your code to use the new routines.
+=item flush
+This function causes the contents of stdio buffers for the specified
+file handle to be flushed. If C<undef> is used as the argument to
+C<flush>, all currently open file handles are flushed. Like the CRTL
+fflush() routine, it does not flush any underlying RMS buffers for the
+file, so the data may not be flushed all the way to the disk. C<flush>
+returns a true value if successful, and C<undef> if not.
+=item getname
+The C<getname> function returns the file specification associated
+with a Perl FileHandle. If an error occurs, it returns C<undef>.
+=item remove
+This function deletes the file named in its argument, returning
+a true value if successful and C<undef> if not. It differs from
+the CORE Perl function C<unlink> in that it does not try to
+reset file protection if the original protection does not give
+you delete access to the file (cf. L<perlvms>). In other words,
+C<remove> is equivalent to
+ unlink($file) if VMS::Filespec::candelete($file);
+=item rewind
+C<rewind> resets the current position of the specified file handle
+to the beginning of the file. It's really just a convenience
+method equivalent in effect to C<seek($fh,0,0)>. It returns a
+true value if successful, and C<undef> if it fails.
+=item sync
+This function flushes buffered data for the specified file handle
+from stdio and RMS buffers all the way to disk. If successful, it
+returns a true value; otherwise, it returns C<undef>.
+=item tmpnam
+The C<tmpnam> function returns a unique string which can be used
+as a filename when creating temporary files. If, for some
+reason, it is unable to generate a name, it returns C<undef>.
+=item vmsopen
+The C<vmsopen> function enables you to specify optional RMS arguments
+to the VMS CRTL when opening a file. It is similar to the built-in
+Perl C<open> function (see L<perlfunc> for a complete description),
+but will only open normal files; it cannot open pipes or duplicate
+existing FileHandles. Up to 8 optional arguments may follow the
+file name. These arguments should be strings which specify
+optional file characteristics as allowed by the CRTL. (See the
+CRTL reference manual description of creat() and fopen() for details.)
+If successful, C<vmsopen> returns a VMS::Stdio file handle; if an
+error occurs, it returns C<undef>.
+You can use the file handle returned by C<vmsfopen> just as you
+would any other Perl file handle. The class VMS::Stdio ISA
+FileHandle, so you can call FileHandle methods using the handle
+returned by C<vmsopen>. However, C<use>ing VMS::Stdio does not
+automatically C<use> FileHandle; you must do so explicitly in
+your program if you want to call FileHandle methods. This is
+done to avoid the overhead of initializing the FileHandle package
+in programs which intend to use the handle returned by C<vmsopen>
+as a normal Perl file handle only. When the scalar containing
+a VMS::Stdio file handle is overwritten, C<undef>d, or goes
+out of scope, the associated file is closed automatically.
+=item vmssysopen
+This function bears the same relationship to the CORE function
+C<sysopen> as C<vmsopen> does to C<open>. Its first three arguments
+are the name, access flags, and permissions for the file. Like
+C<vmsopen>, it takes up to 8 additional string arguments which
+specify file characteristics. Its return value is identical to
+that of C<vmsopen>.
+The symbolic constants for the mode argument are exported by
+VMS::Stdio by default, and are also exported by the Fcntl package.
+=item waitfh
+This function causes Perl to wait for the completion of an I/O
+operation on the file handle specified as its argument. It is
+used with handles opened for asynchronous I/O, and performs its
+task by calling the CRTL routine fwait().
+=head1 REVISION
+This document was last revised on 28-Jan-1996, for Perl 5.002.
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/ext/Stdio/Stdio.xs b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/ext/Stdio/Stdio.xs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..79eb95335e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/ext/Stdio/Stdio.xs
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+/* VMS::Stdio - VMS extensions to stdio routines
+ *
+ * Version: 2.0
+ * Author: Charles Bailey
+ * Revised: 28-Feb-1996
+ *
+ */
+#include "EXTERN.h"
+#include "perl.h"
+#include "XSUB.h"
+#include <file.h>
+static bool
+constant(name, pval)
+char *name;
+IV *pval;
+ if (strnNE(name, "O_", 2)) return FALSE;
+ if (strEQ(name, "O_APPEND"))
+#ifdef O_APPEND
+ { *pval = O_APPEND; return TRUE; }
+ return FALSE;
+ if (strEQ(name, "O_CREAT"))
+#ifdef O_CREAT
+ { *pval = O_CREAT; return TRUE; }
+ return FALSE;
+ if (strEQ(name, "O_EXCL"))
+#ifdef O_EXCL
+ { *pval = O_EXCL; return TRUE; }
+ return FALSE;
+ if (strEQ(name, "O_NDELAY"))
+#ifdef O_NDELAY
+ { *pval = O_NDELAY; return TRUE; }
+ return FALSE;
+ if (strEQ(name, "O_NOWAIT"))
+#ifdef O_NOWAIT
+ { *pval = O_NOWAIT; return TRUE; }
+ return FALSE;
+ if (strEQ(name, "O_RDONLY"))
+#ifdef O_RDONLY
+ { *pval = O_RDONLY; return TRUE; }
+ return FALSE;
+ if (strEQ(name, "O_RDWR"))
+#ifdef O_RDWR
+ { *pval = O_RDWR; return TRUE; }
+ return FALSE;
+ if (strEQ(name, "O_TRUNC"))
+#ifdef O_TRUNC
+ { *pval = O_TRUNC; return TRUE; }
+ return FALSE;
+ if (strEQ(name, "O_WRONLY"))
+#ifdef O_WRONLY
+ { *pval = O_WRONLY; return TRUE; }
+ return FALSE;
+ return FALSE;
+static SV *
+newFH(FILE *fp, char type) {
+ SV *rv, *gv = NEWSV(0,0);
+ GV **stashp;
+ HV *stash;
+ IO *io;
+ /* Find stash for VMS::Stdio. We don't do this once at boot
+ * to allow for possibility of threaded Perl with per-thread
+ * symbol tables. This code (through io = ...) is really
+ * equivalent to gv_fetchpv("VMS::Stdio::__FH__",TRUE,SVt_PVIO),
+ * with a little less overhead, and good exercise for me. :-) */
+ stashp = (GV **)hv_fetch(defstash,"VMS::",5,TRUE);
+ if (!stashp || *stashp == (GV *)&sv_undef) return Nullsv;
+ if (!(stash = GvHV(*stashp))) stash = GvHV(*stashp) = newHV();
+ stashp = (GV **)hv_fetch(GvHV(*stashp),"Stdio::",7,TRUE);
+ if (!stashp || *stashp == (GV *)&sv_undef) return Nullsv;
+ if (!(stash = GvHV(*stashp))) stash = GvHV(*stashp) = newHV();
+ /* Set up GV to point to IO, and then take reference */
+ gv_init(gv,stash,"__FH__",6,0);
+ io = GvIOp(gv) = newIO();
+ IoIFP(io) = fp;
+ if (type != '>') IoOFP(io) = fp;
+ IoTYPE(io) = type;
+ rv = newRV(gv);
+ SvREFCNT_dec(gv);
+ return sv_bless(rv,stash);
+ char * name
+ IV i;
+ if (constant(name, &i))
+ ST(0) = sv_2mortal(newSViv(i));
+ else
+ ST(0) = &sv_undef;
+ SV * sv
+ FILE *fp = Nullfp;
+ if (SvOK(sv)) fp = IoIFP(sv_2io(sv));
+ ST(0) = fflush(fp) ? &sv_undef : &sv_yes;
+char *
+ FILE * fp
+ char fname[257];
+ ST(0) = sv_newmortal();
+ if (fgetname(fp,fname) != NULL) sv_setpv(ST(0),fname);
+ FILE * fp
+ ST(0) = rewind(fp) ? &sv_undef : &sv_yes;
+ char *name
+ ST(0) = remove(name) ? &sv_undef : &sv_yes;
+ FILE * fp
+ ST(0) = fsync(fileno(fp)) ? &sv_undef : &sv_yes;
+char *
+ char fname[L_tmpnam];
+ ST(0) = sv_newmortal();
+ if (tmpnam(fname) != NULL) sv_setpv(ST(0),fname);
+ char * spec
+ char *args[8],mode[3] = {'r','\0','\0'}, type = '<';
+ register int i, myargc;
+ FILE *fp;
+ if (!spec || !*spec) {
+ }
+ if (items > 9) croak("too many args");
+ /* First, set up name and mode args from perl's string */
+ if (*spec == '+') {
+ mode[1] = '+';
+ spec++;
+ }
+ if (*spec == '>') {
+ if (*(spec+1) == '>') *mode = 'a', spec += 2;
+ else *mode = 'w', spec++;
+ }
+ else if (*spec == '<') spec++;
+ myargc = items - 1;
+ for (i = 0; i < myargc; i++) args[i] = SvPV(ST(i+1),na);
+ /* This hack brought to you by C's opaque arglist management */
+ switch (myargc) {
+ case 0:
+ fp = fopen(spec,mode);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ fp = fopen(spec,mode,args[0]);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ fp = fopen(spec,mode,args[0],args[1]);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ fp = fopen(spec,mode,args[0],args[1],args[2]);
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ fp = fopen(spec,mode,args[0],args[1],args[2],args[3]);
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ fp = fopen(spec,mode,args[0],args[1],args[2],args[3],args[4]);
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ fp = fopen(spec,mode,args[0],args[1],args[2],args[3],args[4],args[5]);
+ break;
+ case 7:
+ fp = fopen(spec,mode,args[0],args[1],args[2],args[3],args[4],args[5],args[6]);
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ fp = fopen(spec,mode,args[0],args[1],args[2],args[3],args[4],args[5],args[6],args[7]);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (fp != Nullfp) {
+ SV *fh = newFH(fp,(mode[1] ? '+' : (mode[0] == 'r' ? '<' : '>')));
+ ST(0) = (fh ? sv_2mortal(fh) : &sv_undef);
+ }
+ else { ST(0) = &sv_undef; }
+ char * spec
+ int mode
+ int perm
+ char *args[8];
+ int i, myargc, fd;
+ FILE *fp;
+ SV *fh;
+ if (!spec || !*spec) {
+ }
+ if (items > 11) croak("too many args");
+ myargc = items - 3;
+ for (i = 0; i < myargc; i++) args[i] = SvPV(ST(i+3),na);
+ /* More fun with C calls; can't combine with above because
+ args 2,3 of different types in fopen() and open() */
+ switch (myargc) {
+ case 0:
+ fd = open(spec,mode,perm);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ fd = open(spec,mode,perm,args[0]);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ fd = open(spec,mode,perm,args[0],args[1]);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ fd = open(spec,mode,perm,args[0],args[1],args[2]);
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ fd = open(spec,mode,perm,args[0],args[1],args[2],args[3]);
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ fd = open(spec,mode,perm,args[0],args[1],args[2],args[3],args[4]);
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ fd = open(spec,mode,perm,args[0],args[1],args[2],args[3],args[4],args[5]);
+ break;
+ case 7:
+ fd = open(spec,mode,perm,args[0],args[1],args[2],args[3],args[4],args[5],args[6]);
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ fd = open(spec,mode,perm,args[0],args[1],args[2],args[3],args[4],args[5],args[6],args[7]);
+ break;
+ }
+ i = mode & 3;
+ if (fd >= 0 &&
+ ((fp = fdopen(fd, &("r\000w\000r+"[2*i]))) != Nullfp)) {
+ SV *fh = newFH(fp,"<>++"[i]);
+ ST(0) = (fh ? sv_2mortal(fh) : &sv_undef);
+ }
+ else { ST(0) = &sv_undef; }
+ FILE * fp
+ ST(0) = fwait(fp) ? &sv_undef : &sv_yes;
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/ext/Stdio/ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/ext/Stdio/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..12e508aa1f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/ext/Stdio/
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+# Tests for VMS::Stdio v2.0
+use VMS::Stdio;
+import VMS::Stdio qw(&flush &getname &rewind &sync);
+print "1..13\n";
+print +(defined(&getname) ? '' : 'not '), "ok 1\n";
+$name = "test$$";
+$name++ while -e "$name.tmp";
+$fh = VMS::Stdio::vmsopen("+>$name",'ctx=rec','shr=put','fop=dlt','dna=.tmp');
+print +($fh ? '' : 'not '), "ok 2\n";
+print +(flush($fh) ? '' : 'not '),"ok 3\n";
+print +(sync($fh) ? '' : 'not '),"ok 4\n";
+$time = (stat("$name.tmp"))[9];
+print +($time ? '' : 'not '), "ok 5\n";
+print 'not ' unless print $fh scalar(localtime($time)),"\n";
+print "ok 6\n";
+print +(rewind($fh) ? '' : 'not '),"ok 7\n";
+chop($line = <$fh>);
+print +($line eq localtime($time) ? '' : 'not '), "ok 8\n";
+($gotname) = (getname($fh) =~/\](.*);/);
+print +($gotname eq "\U$name.tmp" ? '' : 'not '), "ok 9\n";
+$sfh = VMS::Stdio::vmssysopen($name, O_RDONLY, 0,
+ 'ctx=rec', 'shr=put', 'dna=.tmp');
+print +($sfh ? '' : 'not ($!) '), "ok 10\n";
+print +($line eq localtime($time) ? '' : 'not '), "ok 11\n";
+undef $sfh;
+print +(stat("$name.tmp") ? 'not ' : ''),"ok 12\n";
+print +(&VMS::Stdio::tmpnam ? '' : 'not '),"ok 13\n";
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f1ddc03eca9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+$! Brief DCL procedure to parse current Perl version out of
+$! patchlevel.h, and update the version token for ARCHLIB
+$! config.vms and descrip.mms if necessary.
+$ err = "Write Sys$Error"
+$ If p1.eqs."" Then p1 = "patchlevel.h"
+$ If p2.eqs."" Then p2 = F$Parse("config.vms",p1,"[.vms]")
+$ If p3.eqs."" Then p3 = F$Parse("descrip.mms",p1,"[.vms]")
+$ If F$Search(p1).eqs.""
+$ Then
+$ err "Can't find ''p1' - exiting"
+$ Exit 98962 ! RMS$_FNF
+$ EndIf
+$ plevel = ""
+$ sublevel = ""
+$ Open/Read patchlevel_h &p1
+$ pread:
+$ Read/End_Of_File=pdone patchlevel_h line
+$ If F$Locate("#define PATCHLEVEL",line).ne.F$Length(line)
+$ Then
+$ plevel = F$Element(2," ",line)
+$ If F$Length(plevel).lt.3 Then -
+ plevel = F$Extract(0,3 - F$Length(plevel),"000") + plevel
+$ EndIf
+$ If F$Locate("#define SUBVERSION",line).ne.F$Length(line)
+$ Then
+$ sublevel = F$Element(2," ",line)
+$ If F$Length(sublevel).lt.2 Then -
+ sublevel = F$Extract(0,2 - F$Length(sublevel),"00") + sublevel
+$ EndIf
+$ If .not.(plevel.nes."" .and. sublevel.nes."") Then Goto pread
+$ pdone:
+$ Close patchlevel_h
+$ If sublevel.eq.0 Then sublevel = ""
+$ perl_version = "5_" + plevel + sublevel
+$ If F$GetSyi("HW_MODEL").gt.1024
+$ Then
+$ arch = "AXP"
+$ Else
+$ arch = "VAX"
+$ EndIf
+$ If p2.eqs."#NOFILE#"
+$ Then
+$ Write Sys$Output "Perl version directory name is ""''perl_version'"""
+$ Exit
+$ EndIf
+$ token = """""""""/perl_root/lib/VMS_''arch'/''perl_version'"""""""""
+$ If sublevel.eqs."" Then token = token + " "
+$ token = token + " /**/"
+$ Call update_file "''p2'" "#define ARCHLIB_EXP" "''token'"
+$ teststs = $Status
+$ If .not.teststs Then Exit teststs
+$ If ! current values in config.vms are appropriate
+$ Then
+$ token = """""""""/perl_root/lib/VMS_''arch'"""""""" /**/"
+$ Call update_file "''p2'" "#define OLDARCHLIB_EXP" "''token'"
+$ If .not.$Status Then Exit $Status
+$ token = """""""""/perl_root/lib/site_perl/VMS_''arch'"""""""" /**/"
+$ Call update_file "''p2'" "#define SITEARCH_EXP" "''token'"
+$ If .not.$Status Then Exit $Status
+$ token = "''perl_version'"
+$ If sublevel.eqs."" Then token = token + " "
+$ token = token + "#"
+$ Call update_file "''p3'" "PERL_VERSION =" "''token'"
+$ If .not.$Status Then Exit $Status
+$ If $Status.eq.3
+$ Then
+$ cmd = "MM[SK]"
+$ If F$Locate("MMS",p3).eqs."" Then cmd = "make"
+$ err "The PERL_VERSION macro was out of date in the file"
+$ err " ''p3'"
+$ err "The file has been corrected, but you must restart the build process"
+$ err "by reinvoking ''cmd' to incorporate the new value."
+$ Exit 44 ! SS$_ABORT
+$ EndIf
+$ update_file: Subroutine
+$ If F$Search(p1).nes.""
+$ Then
+$ Search/Exact/Output=_NLA0: 'p1' "''p2' ''p3'"
+$ If $Status.eq.%X08D78053 ! SEARCH$_NOMATCHES
+$ Then
+$ Open/Read/Write/Error=done file &p1
+$ nextline:
+$ Read/End_of_File=done file line
+$ If F$Locate(p2,line).ne.F$Length(line)
+$ Then
+$ Write/Update file "''p2' ''p3'"
+$ Goto done
+$ EndIf
+$ Goto nextline
+$ done:
+$ Close file
+$ Exit 3 ! Unused success status
+$ EndIf
+$ Exit 1 ! SS$_NORMAL
+$ Else
+$ err "Can't find ''p1'"
+$ Exit 98962 ! RMS$_FNF
+$ EndIf
+$ EndSubroutine
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..256cdb51720
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/
@@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
+# Create global symbol declarations, transfer vector, and
+# linker options files for PerlShr.
+# Input:
+# $cflags - command line qualifiers passed to cc when preprocesing perl.h
+# Note: A rather simple-minded attempt is made to restore quotes to
+# a /Define clause - use with care.
+# $objsuffix - file type (including '.') used for object files.
+# $libperl - Perl object library.
+# $extnames - package names for static extensions (used to generate
+# linker options file entries for boot functions)
+# $rtlopt - name of options file specifying RTLs to which PerlShr.Exe
+# must be linked
+# Output:
+# PerlShr_Attr.Opt - linker options file which speficies that global vars
+# be placed in NOSHR,WRT psects. Use when linking any object files
+# against PerlShr.Exe, since cc places global vars in SHR,WRT psects
+# by default.
+# PerlShr_Bld.Opt - declares universal symbols for PerlShr.Exe
+# Perlshr_Gbl*.Mar, Perlshr_Gbl*.Obj (VAX only) - declares global symbols
+# for global vars (done here because gcc can't globaldef) and creates
+# transfer vectors for routines on a VAX.
+# PerlShr_Gbl.Opt (VAX only) - list of PerlShr_Gbl*.Obj, used for input
+# to the linker when building PerlShr.Exe.
+# To do:
+# - figure out a good way to collect global vars in one psect, given that
+# we can't use globaldef because of gcc.
+# - then, check for existing files and preserve symbol and transfer vector
+# order for upward compatibility
+# - then, add GSMATCH to options file - but how do we insure that new
+# library has everything old one did
+# Author: Charles Bailey
+# Revised: 20-Feb-1996
+require 5.000;
+$debug = $ENV{'GEN_SHRFLS_DEBUG'};
+if ($ARGV[0] eq '-f') {
+ open(INP,$ARGV[1]) or die "Can't read input file $ARGV[1]: $!\n";
+ print "Input taken from file $ARGV[1]\n" if $debug;
+ @ARGV = ();
+ while (<INP>) {
+ chomp;
+ push(@ARGV,split(/\|/,$_));
+ }
+ close INP;
+ print "Read input data | ",join(' | ',@ARGV)," |\n" if $debug > 1;
+$cc_cmd = shift @ARGV;
+# Someday, we'll have $GetSyI built into perl . . .
+$isvax = `\$ Write Sys\$Output F\$GetSyI(\"HW_MODEL\")` <= 1024;
+print "\$isvax: \\$isvax\\\n" if $debug;
+print "Input \$cc_cmd: \\$cc_cmd\\\n" if $debug;
+$docc = ($cc_cmd !~ /^~~/);
+print "\$docc = $docc\n" if $debug;
+if ($docc) {
+ # put quotes back onto defines - they were removed by DCL on the way in
+ if (($prefix,$defines,$suffix) =
+ ($cc_cmd =~ m#(.*)/Define=(.*?)([/\s].*)#i)) {
+ $defines =~ s/^\((.*)\)$/$1/;
+ @defines = split(/,/,$defines);
+ $cc_cmd = "$prefix/Define=(" . join(',',grep($_ = "\"$_\"",@defines))
+ . ')' . $suffix;
+ }
+ print "Filtered \$cc_cmd: \\$cc_cmd\\\n" if $debug;
+ # check for gcc - if present, we'll need to use MACRO hack to
+ # define global symbols for shared variables
+ $isvaxc = 0;
+ $isgcc = `$cc_cmd _nla0:/Version` =~ /GNU/
+ or 0; # make debug output nice
+ $isvaxc = (!$isgcc && $isvax && `$cc_cmd /prefix=all _nla0:` =~ /IVQUAL/)
+ or 0; # again, make debug output nice
+ print "\$isgcc: $isgcc\n" if $debug;
+ print "\$isvaxc: $isvaxc\n" if $debug;
+ if (-f 'perl.h') { $dir = '[]'; }
+ elsif (-f '[-]perl.h') { $dir = '[-]'; }
+ else { die "$0: Can't find perl.h\n"; }
+else {
+ ($junk,$junk,$cpp_file,$cc_cmd) = split(/~~/,$cc_cmd,4);
+ $isgcc = $cc_cmd =~ /case_hack/i
+ or 0; # for nice debug output
+ $isvaxc = (!$isgcc && $cc_cmd !~ /standard=/i)
+ or 0; # again, for nice debug output
+ print "\$isgcc: \\$isgcc\\\n" if $debug;
+ print "\$isvaxc: \\$isvaxc\\\n" if $debug;
+ print "Not running cc, preprocesor output in \\$cpp_file\\\n" if $debug;
+$objsuffix = shift @ARGV;
+print "\$objsuffix: \\$objsuffix\\\n" if $debug;
+$dbgprefix = shift @ARGV;
+print "\$dbgprefix: \\$dbgprefix\\\n" if $debug;
+$olbsuffix = shift @ARGV;
+print "\$olbsuffix: \\$olbsuffix\\\n" if $debug;
+$libperl = "${dbgprefix}libperl$olbsuffix";
+$extnames = shift @ARGV;
+print "\$extnames: \\$extnames\\\n" if $debug;
+$rtlopt = shift @ARGV;
+print "\$rtlopt: \\$rtlopt\\\n" if $debug;
+# This part gets tricky. VAXC creates global symbols for each of the
+# constants in an enum if that enum is ever used as the data type of a
+# global[dr]ef. We have to detect enums which are used in this way, so we
+# can set up the constants as universal symbols, since anything which
+# #includes perl.h will want to resolve these global symbols.
+# We're using a weak test here - we basically know that the only enums
+# we need to handle now are the big one in opcode.h, and the
+# "typedef enum { ... } expectation" in perl.h, so we hard code
+# appropriate tests below. Since we can't know in general whether a given
+# enum will be used elsewhere in a globaldef, it's hard to decide a
+# priori whether its constants need to be treated as global symbols.
+sub scan_enum {
+ my($line) = @_;
+ return unless $isvaxc;
+ return unless /^\s+(OP|X)/; # we only want opcode and expectation enums
+ print "\tchecking for enum constant\n" if $debug > 1;
+ $line =~ s#/\*.+##;
+ $line =~ s/,?\s*\n?$//;
+ print "\tfiltered to \\$line\\\n" if $debug > 1;
+ if ($line =~ /(\w+)$/) {
+ print "\tconstant name is \\$1\\\n" if $debug > 1;
+ $enums{$1}++;
+ }
+sub scan_var {
+ my($line) = @_;
+ print "\tchecking for global variable\n" if $debug > 1;
+ $line =~ s/INIT\(.*\)//;
+ $line =~ s/\[.*//;
+ $line =~ s/=.*//;
+ $line =~ s/\W*;?\s*$//;
+ print "\tfiltered to \\$line\\\n" if $debug > 1;
+ if ($line =~ /(\w+)$/) {
+ print "\tvar name is \\$1\\\n" if $debug > 1;
+ $vars{$1}++;
+ }
+sub scan_func {
+ my($line) = @_;
+ print "\tchecking for global routine\n" if $debug > 1;
+ if ( $line =~ /(\w+)\s+\(/ ) {
+ print "\troutine name is \\$1\\\n" if $debug > 1;
+ if ($1 eq 'main' || $1 eq 'perl_init_ext') {
+ print "\tskipped\n" if $debug > 1;
+ }
+ else { $fcns{$1}++ }
+ }
+$used_expectation_enum = $used_opcode_enum = 0; # avoid warnings
+if ($docc) {
+ open(CPP,"${cc_cmd}/NoObj/PreProc=Sys\$Output ${dir}perl.h|")
+ or die "$0: Can't preprocess ${dir}perl.h: $!\n";
+else {
+ open(CPP,"$cpp_file") or die "$0: Can't read preprocessed file $cpp_file: $!\n";
+LINE: while (<CPP>) {
+ while (/^#.*vmsish\.h/i .. /^#.*perl\.h/i) {
+ while (/__VMS_PROTOTYPES__/i .. /__VMS_SEPYTOTORP__/i) {
+ print "vms_proto>> $_" if $debug > 2;
+ if (/^EXT/) { &scan_var($_); }
+ else { &scan_func($_); }
+ last LINE unless $_ = <CPP>;
+ }
+ print "vmsish.h>> $_" if $debug > 2;
+ if (/^EXT/) { &scan_var($_); }
+ last LINE unless $_ = <CPP>;
+ }
+ while (/^#.*opcode\.h/i .. /^#.*perl\.h/i) {
+ print "opcode.h>> $_" if $debug > 2;
+ if (/^OP \*\s/) { &scan_func($_); }
+ if (/^EXT/) { &scan_var($_); }
+ if (/^\s+OP_/) { &scan_enum($_); }
+ last LINE unless $_ = <CPP>;
+ }
+ while (/^typedef enum/ .. /^\}/) {
+ print "global enum>> $_" if $debug > 2;
+ &scan_enum($_);
+ last LINE unless $_ = <CPP>;
+ }
+ while (/^#.*proto\.h/i .. /^#.*perl\.h/i) {
+ print "proto.h>> $_" if $debug > 2;
+ if (/^EXT/) { &scan_var($_); }
+ else { &scan_func($_); }
+ last LINE unless $_ = <CPP>;
+ }
+ print $_ if $debug > 3;
+ if (($type) = /^EXT\s+(\w+)/) {
+ if ($isvaxc) {
+ if ($type eq 'expectation') {
+ $used_expectation_enum++;
+ print "\tsaw global use of enum \"expectation\"\n" if $debug > 1;
+ }
+ if ($type eq 'opcode') {
+ $used_opcode_enum++;
+ print "\tsaw global use of enum \"opcode\"\n" if $debug > 1;
+ }
+ }
+ &scan_var($_);
+ }
+close CPP;
+# Kluge to determine whether we need to add EMBED prefix to
+# symbols read from local list. init_os_extras() is a VMS-
+# specific function whose Perl_ prefix is added in vmsish.h
+# if EMBED is #defined.
+$embed = exists($fcns{'Perl_init_os_extras'}) ? 'Perl_' : '';
+while (<DATA>) {
+ next if /^#/;
+ s/\s+#.*\n//;
+ next if /^\s*$/;
+ ($key,$array) = split('=',$_);
+ $key = "$embed$key";
+ print "Adding $key to \%$array list\n" if $debug > 1;
+ ${$array}{$key}++;
+foreach (split /\s+/, $extnames) {
+ my($pkgname) = $_;
+ $pkgname =~ s/::/__/g;
+ $fcns{"boot_$pkgname"}++;
+ print "Adding boot_$pkgname to \%fcns (for extension $_)\n" if $debug;
+# If we're using VAXC, fold in the names of the constants for enums
+# we've seen as the type of global vars.
+if ($isvaxc) {
+ foreach (keys %enums) {
+ if (/^OP/) {
+ $vars{$_}++ if $used_opcode_enum;
+ next;
+ }
+ if (/^X/) {
+ $vars{$_}++ if $used_expectation_enum;
+ next;
+ }
+ print STDERR "Unrecognized enum constant \"$_\" ignored\n";
+ }
+# Eventually, we'll check against existing copies here, so we can add new
+# symbols to an existing options file in an upwardly-compatible manner.
+ or die "$0: Can't write to ${dir}${dbgprefix}perlshr_bld.opt: $!\n";
+if ($isvax) {
+ open(MAR,">${dir}perlshr_gbl${marord}.mar")
+ or die "$0: Can't write to ${dir}perlshr_gbl${marord}.mar: $!\n";
+ print MAR "\t.title perlshr_gbl$marord\n";
+foreach $var (sort keys %vars) {
+ if ($isvax) { print OPTBLD "UNIVERSAL=$var\n"; }
+ else { print OPTBLD "SYMBOL_VECTOR=($var=DATA)\n"; }
+ # This hack brought to you by the lack of a globaldef in gcc.
+ if ($isgcc) {
+ if ($count++ > 200) { # max 254 psects/file
+ print MAR "\t.end\n";
+ close MAR;
+ $marord++;
+ open(MAR,">${dir}perlshr_gbl${marord}.mar")
+ or die "$0: Can't write to ${dir}perlshr_gbl${marord}.mar: $!\n";
+ print MAR "\t.title perlshr_gbl$marord\n";
+ $count = 0;
+ }
+ print MAR "\t.psect ${var},long,pic,ovr,rd,wrt,noexe,noshr\n";
+ print MAR "\t${var}:: .blkl 1\n";
+ }
+print MAR "\t.psect \$transfer_vec,pic,rd,nowrt,exe,shr\n" if ($isvax);
+foreach $func (sort keys %fcns) {
+ if ($isvax) {
+ print MAR "\t.transfer $func\n";
+ print MAR "\t.mask $func\n";
+ print MAR "\tjmp G\^${func}+2\n";
+ }
+ else { print OPTBLD "SYMBOL_VECTOR=($func=PROCEDURE)\n"; }
+if ($isvax) {
+ print MAR "\t.end\n";
+ close MAR;
+ or die "$0: Can't write to ${dir}perlshr_attr.opt: $!\n";
+foreach $var (sort keys %vars) {
+close OPTATTR;
+$incstr = 'perl,globals';
+if ($isvax) {
+ $drvrname = "Compile_shrmars.tmp_".time;
+ open (DRVR,">$drvrname") or die "$0: Can't write to $drvrname: $!\n";
+ print DRVR "\$ Set NoOn\n";
+ print DRVR "\$ Delete/NoLog/NoConfirm $drvrname;\n";
+ print DRVR "\$ old_proc_vfy = F\$Environment(\"VERIFY_PROCEDURE\")\n";
+ print DRVR "\$ old_img_vfy = F\$Environment(\"VERIFY_IMAGE\")\n";
+ print DRVR "\$ MCR $^X -e \"\$ENV{'LIBPERL_RDT'} = (stat('$libperl'))[9]\"\n";
+ print DRVR "\$ Set Verify\n";
+ print DRVR "\$ If F\$Search(\"$libperl\").eqs.\"\" Then Library/Object/Create $libperl\n";
+ do {
+ $incstr .= ",perlshr_gbl$marord";
+ print DRVR "\$ Macro/NoDebug/Object=PerlShr_Gbl${marord}$objsuffix PerlShr_Gbl$marord.Mar\n";
+ print DRVR "\$ Library/Object/Replace/Log $libperl PerlShr_Gbl${marord}$objsuffix\n";
+ } while (--$marord);
+ # We had to have a working miniperl to run this program; it's probably the
+ # one we just built. It depended on LibPerl, which will be changed when
+ # the PerlShr_Gbl* modules get inserted, so miniperl will be out of date,
+ # and so, therefore, will all of its dependents . . .
+ # We touch LibPerl here so it'll be back 'in date', and we won't rebuild
+ # miniperl etc., and therefore LibPerl, the next time we invoke MM[KS].
+ print DRVR "\$ old_proc_vfy = F\$Verify(old_proc_vfy,old_img_vfy)\n";
+ print DRVR "\$ MCR $^X -e \"utime 0, \$ENV{'LIBPERL_RDT'}, '$libperl'\"\n";
+ close DRVR;
+# Include object modules and RTLs in options file
+# Linker wants /Include and /Library on different lines
+print OPTBLD "$libperl/Include=($incstr)\n";
+print OPTBLD "$libperl/Library\n";
+open(RTLOPT,$rtlopt) or die "$0: Can't read options file $rtlopt: $!\n";
+while (<RTLOPT>) { print OPTBLD; }
+close RTLOPT;
+close OPTBLD;
+exec "\$ \@$drvrname" if $isvax;
+# Oddball cases, so we can keep the perl.h scan above simple
+rcsid=vars # declared in perl.c
+regarglen=vars # declared in regcomp.h
+regdummy=vars # declared in regcomp.h
+regkind=vars # declared in regcomp.h
+simple=vars # declared in regcomp.h
+varies=vars # declared in regcomp.h
+watchaddr=vars # declared in run.c
+watchok=vars # declared in run.c
+yychar=vars # generated by byacc in perly.c
+yycheck=vars # generated by byacc in perly.c
+yydebug=vars # generated by byacc in perly.c
+yydefred=vars # generated by byacc in perly.c
+yydgoto=vars # generated by byacc in perly.c
+yyerrflag=vars # generated by byacc in perly.c
+yygindex=vars # generated by byacc in perly.c
+yylen=vars # generated by byacc in perly.c
+yylhs=vars # generated by byacc in perly.c
+yylval=vars # generated by byacc in perly.c
+yyname=vars # generated by byacc in perly.c
+yynerrs=vars # generated by byacc in perly.c
+yyrindex=vars # generated by byacc in perly.c
+yyrule=vars # generated by byacc in perly.c
+yysindex=vars # generated by byacc in perly.c
+yytable=vars # generated by byacc in perly.c
+yyval=vars # generated by byacc in perly.c
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..336c24b8da4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+# Habit . . .
+# Extract info from Config.VMS, and add extra data here, to generate
+# Edit the static information after __END__ to reflect your site and options
+# that went into your perl binary. In addition, values which change from run
+# to run may be supplied on the command line as key=val pairs.
+# Rev. 13-Dec-1995 Charles Bailey
+unshift(@INC,'lib'); # In case someone didn't define Perl_Root
+ # before the build
+if ($ARGV[0] eq '-f') {
+ open(ARGS,$ARGV[1]) or die "Can't read data from $ARGV[1]: $!\n";
+ @ARGV = ();
+ while (<ARGS>) {
+ push(@ARGV,split(/\|/,$_));
+ }
+ close ARGS;
+if (-f "config.vms") { $infile = "config.vms"; $outdir = "[-]"; }
+elsif (-f "[.vms]config.vms") { $infile = "[.vms]config.vms"; $outdir = "[]"; }
+elsif (-f "config.h") { $infile = "config.h"; $outdir = "[]";}
+if ($infile) { print "Generating from $infile . . .\n"; }
+else { die <<EndOfGasp;
+Can't find config.vms or config.h to read!
+ Please run this script from the perl source directory or
+ the VMS subdirectory in the distribution.
+$outdir = '';
+open(IN,"$infile") || die "Can't open $infile: $!\n";
+open(OUT,">${outdir}") || die "Can't open ${outdir} $!\n";
+$time = localtime;
+print OUT <<EndOfIntro;
+# This file generated by on a VMS system.
+# Input obtained from:
+# $infile
+# $0
+# Time: $time
+spitshell='write sys\$output '
+$cf_by = (getpwuid($<))[0];
+print OUT "cf_by='$cf_by'\n";
+$hw_model = `Write Sys\$Output F\$GetSyi("HW_MODEL")`;
+chomp $hw_model;
+if ($hw_model > 1024) {
+ print OUT "arch='VMS_AXP'\n";
+ print OUT "archname='VMS_AXP'\n";
+ $archsufx = "AXP";
+else {
+ print OUT "arch='VMS_VAX'\n";
+ print OUT "archname='VMS_VAX'\n";
+ $archsufx = 'VAX';
+$osvers = `Write Sys\$Output F\$GetSyi("VERSION")`;
+$osvers =~ s/^V?(\S+)\s*\n?$/$1/;
+print OUT "osvers='$osvers'\n";
+foreach (@ARGV) {
+ ($key,$val) = split('=',$_,2);
+ if ($key eq 'cc') { # Figure out which C compiler we're using
+ my($cc,$ccflags) = split('/',$val,2);
+ my($d_attr);
+ $ccflags = "/$ccflags";
+ if ($ccflags =~s!/DECC!!ig) {
+ $cc .= '/DECC';
+ $cctype = 'decc';
+ $d_attr = 'undef';
+ }
+ elsif ($ccflags =~s!/VAXC!!ig) {
+ $cc .= '/VAXC';
+ $cctype = 'vaxc';
+ $d_attr = 'undef';
+ }
+ elsif (`$val/NoObject/NoList _nla0:/Version` =~ /GNU/) {
+ $cctype = 'gcc';
+ $d_attr = 'define';
+ }
+ elsif ($archsufx eq 'VAX' &&
+ `$val/NoObject/NoList /prefix=all _nla0:` =~ /IVQUAL/) {
+ $cctype = 'vaxc';
+ $d_attr = 'undef';
+ }
+ else {
+ $cctype = 'decc';
+ $d_attr = 'undef';
+ }
+ print OUT "vms_cc_type='$cctype'\n";
+ print OUT "d_attribut='$d_attr'\n";
+ print OUT "cc='$cc'\n";
+ if ( ($cctype eq 'decc' and $archsufx eq 'VAX') || $cctype eq 'gcc') {
+ # gcc and DECC for VAX requires filename in /object qualifier, so we
+ # have to remove it here. Alas, this means we lose the user's
+ # object file suffix if it's not .obj.
+ $ccflags =~ s#/obj(?:ect)?=[^/\s]+##i;
+ }
+ print OUT "ccflags='$ccflags'\n";
+ $dosock = ($ccflags =~ m!/DEF[^/]+VMS_DO_SOCKETS!i and
+ $ccflags !~ m!/UND[^/]+VMS_DO_SOCKETS!i);
+ next;
+ }
+ print OUT "$key=\'$val\'\n";
+# Are there any other logicals which TCP/IP stacks use for the host name?
+if (!$myname) {
+ ($myname) = `hostname` =~ /^(\S+)/;
+ if ($myname =~ /IVVERB/) {
+ warn "Can't determine TCP/IP hostname" if $dosock;
+ $myname = '';
+ }
+$myname = $ENV{'SYS$NODE'} unless $myname;
+($myhostname,$mydomain) = split(/\./,$myname,2);
+print OUT "myhostname='$myhostname'\n" if $myhostname;
+if ($mydomain) {
+ print OUT "mydomain='.$mydomain'\n";
+ print OUT "perladmin='$cf_by\@$myhostname.$mydomain'\n";
+ print OUT "cf_email='$cf_by\@$myhostname.$mydomain'\n";
+else {
+ print OUT "perladmin='$cf_by'\n";
+ print OUT "cf_email='$cf_by'\n";
+chomp($hwname = `Write Sys\$Output F\$GetSyi("HW_NAME")`);
+$hwname = $archsufx if $hwname =~ /IVKEYW/; # *really* old VMS version
+print OUT "myuname='VMS $myname $osvers $hwname'\n";
+while (<IN>) { # roll through the comment header in Config.VMS
+ last if /config-start/;
+while (<IN>) {
+ chop;
+ while (/\\\s*$/) { # pick up contination lines
+ my $line = $_;
+ $line =~ s/\\\s*$//;
+ $_ = <IN>;
+ s/^\s*//;
+ $_ = $line . $_;
+ }
+ next unless my ($blocked,$un,$token,$val) = m%^(\/\*)?\s*\#\s*(un)?def\w*\s*([A-za-z0-9]\w+)\S*\s*(.*)%;
+ next if /config-skip/;
+ $state = ($blocked || $un) ? 'undef' : 'define';
+ $token =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
+ $token =~ s/_exp$/exp/; # has 'privlibexp' etc. where config.h
+ # has 'privlib_exp' etc.
+ # Fixup differences between Configure vars and config.h manifests
+ # This isn't comprehensize; we fix 'em as we need 'em.
+ $token = 'castneg' if $token eq 'castnegfloat';
+ $token = 'dlsymun' if $token eq 'dlsym_needs_underscore';
+ $token = 'stdstdio' if $token eq 'use_stdio_ptr';
+ $token = 'stdiobase' if $token eq 'use_stdio_base';
+ $val =~ s%/\*.*\*/\s*%%g; $val =~ s/\s*$//; # strip off trailing comment
+ $val =~ s/^"//; $val =~ s/"$//; # remove end quotes
+ $val =~ s/","/ /g; # make signal list look nice
+ if ($val) { print OUT "$token=\'$val\'\n"; }
+ else {
+ $token = "d_$token" unless $token =~ /^i_/;
+ print OUT "$token='$state'\n";
+ }
+close IN;
+while (<DATA>) {
+ next if /^\s*#/ or /^\s*$/;
+ s/#.*$//; s/\s*$//;
+ ($key,$val) = split('=',$_,2);
+ print OUT "$key='$val'\n";
+ eval "\$$key = '$val'";
+# Add in some of the architecture-dependent stuff which has to be consistent
+print OUT "d_vms_do_sockets=",$dosock ? "'define'\n" : "'undef'\n";
+print OUT "d_has_sockets=",$dosock ? "'define'\n" : "'undef'\n";
+$archlib = &VMS::Filespec::vmspath($privlib);
+$installarchlib = &VMS::Filespec::vmspath($installprivlib);
+$sitearch = &VMS::Filespec::vmspath($sitelib);
+$archlib =~ s#\]#.VMS_$archsufx\]#;
+$sitearch =~ s#\]#.VMS_$archsufx\]#;
+print OUT "oldarchlib='$archlib'\n";
+print OUT "oldarchlibexp='$archlib'\n";
+($vers = $]) =~ tr/./_/;
+$archlib =~ s#\]#.$vers\]#;
+$installarchlib =~ s#\]#.VMS_$archsufx.$vers\]#;
+print OUT "archlib='$archlib'\n";
+print OUT "archlibexp='$archlib'\n";
+print OUT "installarchlib='$installarchlib'\n";
+print OUT "sitearch='$sitearch'\n";
+print OUT "sitearchexp='$sitearch'\n";
+if (open(OPT,"${outdir}crtl.opt")) {
+ while (<OPT>) {
+ next unless m#/(sha|lib)#i;
+ chomp;
+ if (/crtl/i || /gcclib/i) { push(@crtls,$_); }
+ else { push(@libs,$_); }
+ }
+ close OPT;
+ print OUT "libs='",join(' ',@libs),"'\n";
+ push(@crtls,'(DECCRTL)') if $cctype eq 'decc';
+ print OUT "libc='",join(' ',@crtls),"'\n";
+else { warn "Can't read ${outdir}crtl.opt - skipping 'libs' & 'libc'"; }
+if (open(PL,"${outdir}patchlevel.h")) {
+ while (<PL>) {
+ if (/^#define PATCHLEVEL\s+(\S+)/) { print OUT "PATCHLEVEL='$1'\n"; }
+ elsif (/^#define SUBVERSION\s+(\S+)/) { print OUT "SUBVERSION='$1'\n"; }
+ }
+ close PL;
+else { warn "Can't read ${outdir}patchlevel.h - skipping 'PATCHLEVEL'"; }
+# simple pager support for perldoc
+if (`most` =~ /IVVERB/) {
+ $pager = 'more';
+ if (`more nl:` =~ /IVVERB/) { $pager = 'type/page'; }
+else { $pager = 'most'; }
+print OUT "pager='$pager'\n";
+close OUT;
+# This list is incomplete in comparison to what ends up in, but
+# should contain the essentials. Some of these definitions reflect
+# options chosen when building perl or site-specific data; these should
+# be hand-edited appropriately. Someday, perhaps, we'll get this automated.
+# The definitions in this block are constant across most systems, and
+# should only rarely need to be changed.
+libpth=/sys$share /sys$library
+installprivlib=perl_root:[lib] # The *lib constants should match the
+privlib=perl_root:[lib] # equivalent *(?:ARCH)LIB_EXP constants
+sitelib=perl_root:[lib.site_perl] # in config.h
+binexp=perl_root:[000000] # should be same as installbin
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..70013aec425
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+$! generates options file for vms link
+$! p1 is filename and mode to open file (filename/write or filename/append)
+$! p2 is delimiter separating elements of list in p3
+$! p3 is list of items to be written, one per line, into options file
+$ open file 'p1'
+$ element=0
+$ x=f$element(element,p2,p3)
+$ if x .eqs. p2 then goto out
+$ y=f$edit(x,"COLLAPSE") ! lose spaces
+$ if y .nes. "" then write file y
+$ element=element+1
+$ goto loop
+$ close file
+$ exit
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c3a9da8b804
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+$! Record MM[SK]/Make parameters in configuration report
+$! Author: Peter Prymmer <>
+$! Version: 1.0 18-Jan-1996
+$! DCL usage (choose one):
+$ $mms = "'"+p1
+$ $makeline = p2+" "+p3+" "+p4+" "+p5+" "+p6+" "+p7+" "+p8
+$ if f$locate("""",$makeline).lt.f$length($makeline)
+$ then
+$ $makeline = $makeline - """"
+$ goto quotable
+$ endif
+$ $makeline = f$edit($makeline,"COMPRESS,TRIM")
+$ write sys$output " make_cmd=''$mms'"+" ''$makeline''"
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6b35e75ffbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+# - convert Descrip.MMS file to Makefile
+# Version 2.2 29-Jan-1996
+# David Denholm <>
+# 1.0 06-Aug-1994 Charles Bailey
+# - original version
+# 2.0 29-Sep-1994 David Denholm <>
+# - take action based on MMS .if / .else / .endif
+# any command line options after filenames are set in an assoc array %macros
+# maintain "@condition as a stack of current conditions
+# we unshift a 0 or 1 to front of @conditions at an .ifdef
+# we invert top of stack at a .else
+# we pop at a .endif
+# we deselect any other line if $conditions[0] is 0
+# I'm being very lazy - push a 1 at start, then dont need to check for
+# an empty @conditions [assume nesting in descrip.mms is correct]
+# 2.1 26-Feb-1995 Charles Bailey
+# - handle MMS macros generated by MakeMaker
+# 2.2 29-Jan-1996 Charles Bailey
+# - Fix output file name to work under Unix
+if ($#ARGV > -1 && $ARGV[0] =~ /^[\-\/]trim/i) {
+ $do_trim = 1;
+ shift @ARGV;
+$infile = $#ARGV > -1 ? shift(@ARGV) : "Descrip.MMS";
+$outfile = $#ARGV > -1 ? shift(@ARGV) : "Makefile";
+# set any other args in %macros - set VAXC by default
+foreach (@ARGV) { $macros{"\U$_"}=1 }
+# consistency check
+$macros{"DECC"} = 1 if $macros{"__AXP__"};
+# set conditions as if there was a .if 1 around whole file
+# [lazy - saves having to check for empty array - just test [0]==1]
+@conditions = (1);
+open(INFIL,$infile) || die "Can't open $infile: $!\n";
+open(OUTFIL,">$outfile") || die "Can't open $outfile: $!\n";
+print OUTFIL "#> This file produced from $infile by $0\n";
+print OUTFIL "#> Lines beginning with \"#>\" were commented out during the\n";
+print OUTFIL "#> conversion process. For more information, see $0\n";
+print OUTFIL "#>\n";
+while (<INFIL>) {
+ s/$infile/$outfile/eoi;
+ if (/^\#/) {
+ if (!/^\#\:/) {print OUTFIL;}
+ next;
+ }
+# look for ".ifdef macro" and push 1 or 0 to head of @conditions
+# push 0 if we are in false branch of another if
+ if (/^\.ifdef\s*(.+)/i)
+ {
+ print OUTFIL "#> ",$_ unless $do_trim;
+ unshift @conditions, ($macros{"\U$1"} ? $conditions[0] : 0);
+ next;
+ }
+# reverse $conditions[0] for .else provided surrounding if is active
+ if (/^\.else/i)
+ {
+ print OUTFIL "#> ",$_ unless $do_trim;
+ $conditions[0] = $conditions[1] && !$conditions[0];
+ next;
+ }
+# pop top condition for .endif
+ if (/^\.endif/i)
+ {
+ print OUTFIL "#> ",$_ unless $do_trim;
+ shift @conditions;
+ next;
+ }
+ next if ($do_trim && !$conditions[0]);
+# spot new rule and pick up first source file, since some versions of
+# Make don't provide a macro for this
+ if (/[^#!]*:\s+/) {
+ if (/:\s+([^\s,]+)/) { $firstsrc = $1 }
+ else { $firstsrc = "\$<" }
+ }
+#convert macros we expect to see in MakeMaker-generated Descrip.MMSs
+ s#/Descrip=\s*\n#-f \nMMS = make\n#;
+ s#/Macro=\(# #;
+ if (m#\$\(USEMACROS\)(.*)(\$\(MACROEND\))?#) {
+ while (1) {
+ my($macros,$end) = ($1,$2);
+ $macros =~ s/,/ /g; # We're hosed if there're commas within a macro -
+ # someday, check for "" and skip contents
+ last if $end;
+ print OUTFIL $conditions[0] ? "#> " : "",$_;
+ $_ = <INFIL>;
+ m#(.*)(\$\(MACROEND\))?#;
+ }
+ }
+ s/^ +/\t/;
+ s/^\.first/\.first:/i;
+ s/^\.suffixes/\.suffixes:/i;
+ s/\@\[\.vms\]/\$\$\@\[\.vms\]/;
+ s/f\$/f\$\$/goi;
+ s/\$\(mms\$source\)/$firstsrc/i;
+ s/\$\(mms\$target\)/\$\@/i;
+ s/\$\(mms\$target_name\)\$\(O\)/\$\@/i;
+ s/\$\(mms\$target_name\)/\$\*/i;
+ s/sys\$([^\(])/sys\$\$$1/gi;
+ print OUTFIL "#> " unless $conditions[0];
+ print OUTFIL $_;
+close INFIL;
+close OUTFIL;
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7fb728eb62b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+$! #!/bin/sh ---> MYCONFIG.COM
+$! # This script is designed to provide a handy summary of the configuration
+$! # information being used to build perl. This is especially useful if you
+$! # are requesting help from comp.lang.perl.misc on usenet or via mail.
+$! DCL-ified by Peter Prymmer <> 22-DEC-1995
+$! DCL usage (choose one):
+$! @MYCONFIG !or
+$! @MYCONFIG [node::][which$disk:][[dir.subdir]]CONFIG.SH !or
+$! @MYCONFIG/OUTPUT=MYCONFIG.OUT [node::][w$disk:][[dir]]CONFIG.SH
+$! version 2:
+$! Incorporates Charles Bailey's ideas about bootstrapping system info -
+$! is now callable as a "myconfig" target in your maker and
+$! may even work if miniperl.exe and files fail to be made.
+$! Thus if:
+$! MMK/DESCRIP=[.VMS] !(or MMS or MAKE)
+$! does not work then try:
+$! Then discuss the MYPERLBUILD.PROBLEM file with a local expert.
+$! If that still does not work then try:
+$! send output (MYNONFIG.OUT) to an outside expert and ask politely for help.
+$ if (p1.nes."").and.(p2.eqs."")
+$ then RATHER_LONG_FILENAME_TO_FIND = p1 !no typo-checking (experts only)
+$ endif
+$ then
+$ if f$parse(f$environment("DEFAULT"),,,"DIRECTORY",).NES."[000000]"
+$ then
+$ set default [-]
+$ goto Research
+$ else
+$ ECHO "Can't find the perl file produced by Configure"
+$! exit 3
+$ goto cannot_find_config_sh
+$ endif
+$ endif
+$ read/end_of_file = Done RATHER_LONG_CONFIG_FILE_HANDLE line
+$ name = f$extract(0,f$locate("=",line),line)
+$ start = f$locate("'",line)+1
+$ stop = f$locate("'",line)
+$ value = f$extract(start,stop-start,line)
+$ if (f$locate("#",name).eqs.f$length(name)).and. -
+ (name.nes."").and. -
+ (name.nes."'") - !bug in (vms) for osvers='' ?
+ then $$'name' = "'" + value !$ not necessary but looks more sh-ish
+$ goto Loop
+$ goto spit_it_out
+$! these parameters are assumed to be passed from make/mm[s|k]:
+$! p1=$(CC), p2=$(CFLAGS), p3=$(LINKFLAGS),
+$! p4=$(LIBS1), p5=$(LIBS2), p6=$(SOCKLIB),
+$! p7=$(EXT), p8=$(DBG)
+$! so assign to appropriate $var:
+$ $cc = "'"+p1+"'" ! p1=$(CC) from make
+$ $ccflags = "'"+p2+"'" ! p2=$(CFLAGS) from make
+$ $ldflags = "'"+p3+"'" ! p3=$(LINKFLAGS) from make
+$ $libs = "'"+p4+" "+p5+" "+p6+"'" ! p4$(LIBS1),p5$(LIBS2),p6$(SOCKLIB)frm make
+$ $staticexts = "'"+p7+"'" ! p7=$(EXT) from make
+$! hard-coded stuff (for now):
+$ $cppflags = "'"+"'" !(vestigal)
+$ $optimize = "'"+"'" !descrip.mms has /Optimize=2 in $(XTRACCFLAGS)
+$! following assigns done via `dcl` calls in anyway:
+$ $osname = "'"+f$edit(f$getsyi("NODE_SWTYPE"),"COLLAPSE") ! has "osname='VMS'"
+$ $osvers = f$edit(f$getsyi("VERSION")-"V","COLLAPSE")
+$ if f$getsyi("HW_MODEL").GT.1024
+$ then $$archname = "'VMS_AXP'" !string from descrip.mms vmsperl 12-21-95
+$ else $$archname = "'VMS_VAX'" !string from descrip.mms vmsperl 12-21-95
+$ endif
+$ $myname = ""
+$ if $myname.eqs."" then $$myname = f$trnlnm("ARPANET_HOST_NAME")
+$ if $myname.eqs."" then $$myname = f$trnlnm("INTERNET_HOST_NAME")
+$ if $myname.eqs."" then $$myname = f$trnlnm("MULTINET_HOST_NAME")
+$ if $myname.eqs."" then $$myname = f$trnlnm("UCX$INET_HOST_NAME")
+$ if $myname.eqs."" then $$myname = f$trnlnm("TCPWARE_DOMAINNAME")
+$ if $myname.eqs."" then $$myname = f$trnlnm("NEWS_ADDRESS")
+$ if $myname.eqs."" then $$myname = f$trnlnm("SYS$NODE")
+$! Is this same as ? (spacing/order unknown):
+$ $myuname=$osname+" "+$myname+" "+$osvers+" "+F$GetSyi("HW_NAME")+"'"
+$ $osname = $osname+"'"
+$ $osvers = "'"+$osvers+"'"
+$ then
+$ if f$parse(f$environment("DEFAULT"),,,"DIRECTORY",).NES."[000000]"
+$ then
+$ set default [-]
+$ goto Research_patchlevel_h
+$ else
+$ ECHO "Can't find the header file patchlevel.h used to make"
+$ goto
+$ endif
+$ endif
+$ read/end_of_file = patchlevel_h_Done RATHER_LONG_CONFIG_FILE_HANDLE line
+$ if f$locate("PATCHLEVEL",line).ne.f$length(line)
+$ then
+$ line = f$edit(line,"TRIM,COMPRESS")
+$ $PATCHLEVEL = f$element(2," ",line)
+$ if f$type($SUBVERSION).nes."" then goto patchlevel_h_Done
+$ endif
+$ if f$locate("SUBVERSION",line).ne.f$length(line)
+$ then
+$ line = f$edit(line,"TRIM,COMPRESS")
+$ $SUBVERSION = f$element(2," ",line)
+$ if f$type($PATCHLEVEL).nes."" then goto patchlevel_h_Done
+$ endif
+$ goto read_patchlevel_h
+$ if $PATCHLEVEL.eqs.""
+$ then
+$ echo "warning: PATCHLEVEL was not found in ''RATHER_LONG_FILENAME_TO_FIND':"
+$ endif
+$ if f$search("VMS.DIR").nes."" then set default [.vms]
+$ genconfig_pl_dir = ""
+$ then
+$ if f$parse(f$environment("DEFAULT"),,,"DIRECTORY",).NES."[000000]"
+$ then
+$ set default [-]
+$ goto Research_genconfig_pl
+$ else
+$ ECHO "Can't find the perl used to make"
+$ goto look_for_config_vms
+$ endif
+$ else ! has been found
+$ genconfig_pl_dir = f$parse(f$environment("DEFAULT"),,,"DIRECTORY",)
+$ endif
+$ cnfg_keys = "package/hintfile/ld/dlext/d_stdstdio/"
+$ cnfg_keys = cnfg_keys + "usevfork/usemymalloc/so/libpth/"
+$ cnfg_keys = cnfg_keys + "dlsrc/cccdlflags/ccdlflags/lddlflags/"
+$ cnfg_vars = "$package/$hint/$ld/$dlext/$d_stdstdio/"
+$ cnfg_vars = cnfg_vars + "$usevfork/$usemymalloc/$so/$libpth/"
+$ cnfg_vars = cnfg_vars + "$dlsrc/$cccdlflags/$ccdlflags/$lddlflags/"
+$ read/end_of_file = Genconfig_pl_Done RATHER_LONG_CONFIG_FILE_HANDLE line
+$ if f$locate("=",line).ne.f$length(line) !then may be an assigment
+$ then
+$ name = f$edit( f$extract(0,f$locate("=",line),line), "COLLAPSE")
+$ num = 0
+$ key = f$element(num,"/",cnfg_keys)
+$ if (key .nes. "/").and.(key .nes. "") !not end of cnfg_keys
+$ then
+$ if !then is key
+$ then
+$ start = f$locate("=",line)+1
+$ stop = f$length(line)
+$ value = f$extract(start,stop-start,line)
+$ var = f$element(num,"/",cnfg_vars)
+$ 'var' = value
+$ cnfg_keys = cnfg_keys - ("''name'/" ) !trim to shorten future matches
+$ cnfg_vars = cnfg_vars - ("''var'/" ) !trim to shorten future matches
+$ endif
+$ num = num + 1
+$ goto key_genconfig_pl
+$ endif ! not end of cnfg_keys
+$ endif ! then may be an assigment
+$ goto read_genconfig_pl
+$ if cnfg_vars.nes.""
+$ then
+$ echo "warning: the following variables were not found in ''RATHER_LONG_FILENAME_TO_FIND':"
+$ echo "''cnfg_vars'"
+$ endif
+$ if (p8.nes."").and.($ld.nes."") then $ld = $ld + " DBG='"+p8+"'"
+$ then
+$ if f$parse(f$environment("DEFAULT"),,,"DIRECTORY",).NES."[000000]"
+$ then
+$ set default [-]
+$ goto Research_config_vms
+$ else
+$ ECHO "Can't find the perl config.vms used to make"
+$ stop
+$ exit 3
+$ endif
+$ endif
+$ cnfg_vars = "$alignbytes/$d_castneg/$castflags/$randbits/$stdchar/"
+$ cnfg_vars = cnfg_vars+"$d_casti32/$intsize/$voidflags/$d_dlsymun/"
+$ read/end_of_file = config_vms_Done RATHER_LONG_CONFIG_FILE_HANDLE line
+$! look for "#define" or "#undef"
+$ if (f$length(line).ne.0).and.-
+ ((f$locate("#define",line).eq.0).or.(f$locate("#undef",line).eq.0))
+$ then
+$ line = f$edit(line,"COMPRESS, TRIM")
+$ name = f$element(1," ",line) !macro
+$ num = 0
+$ key = f$element(num,"/",cnfg_keys)
+$ if (key .nes. "/").and.(key .nes. "") !not end of cnfg_keys
+$ then
+$ if !then is key
+$ then
+$ var = f$element(num,"/",cnfg_vars)
+$ cnfg_keys = cnfg_keys - ("''name'/" ) !trim to shorten future matches
+$ cnfg_vars = cnfg_vars - ("''var'/" ) !trim to shorten future matches
+$ if (f$locate("#undef",line).eq.0)
+$ then
+$ 'var' = "'undef'"
+$ else !is a #define
+$ start = f$locate("/*",line)
+$ if$length(line) !comment started
+$ then
+$ if f$locate("*/",line).ne.f$length(line) !comment stopped
+$ then stop = f$locate("*/",line)+2
+$ else stop = f$locate("*/",line)
+$ endif
+$ comment = f$extract(start,stop-start,line)
+$ line = line - comment
+$ goto strip_comment
+$ endif
+$ line = f$edit(line,"TRIM")
+$ start = f$locate(key,line)+f$length(key)
+$ stop = f$length(line)
+$ value = f$edit(f$extract(start,stop-start,line),"TRIM")
+$ if (value.nes."")
+$ then
+$ 'var' = "'"+value+"'"
+$ else
+$ 'var' = "'define'"
+$ endif
+$ endif !#define
+$ endif ! is key of interest
+$ num = num + 1
+$ goto key_config_vms
+$ endif ! not end of cnfg_keys
+$ endif ! then may be #define or #undef of interest
+$ goto read_config_vms
+$ if cnfg_vars.nes.""
+$ then
+$ echo "warning: the following variables were not found in ''RATHER_LONG_FILENAME_TO_FIND':"
+$ echo "''cnfg_vars'"
+$ endif
+$! $spitshell = ECHO !<<!GROK!THIS!
+$ ECHO " "
+$ ECHO "Summary of my ''$package' (patchlevel ''$PATCHLEVEL' subversion ''$SUBVERSION') configuration:"
+$ ECHO " Platform:"
+$ ECHO " osname=''$osname', osver=''$osvers', archname=''$archname'"
+$ ECHO " uname=''$myuname'" !->d_has_uname?
+$ ECHO " hint=''$hint' d_sigaction='undef'" !->hintfile?
+$ ECHO " static exts=''$staticexts'" ! added for VMS
+$ ECHO " Compiler:"
+$ ECHO " cc=''$cc', optimize=''$optimize', ld=''$ld'"
+$ ECHO " cppflags=''$cppflags'"
+$ ECHO " ccflags =''$ccflags'" !->vms_cc_type?
+$ ECHO " ldflags =''$ldflags'"
+$ ECHO " stdchar=''$stdchar', d_stdstdio=''$d_stdstdio', usevfork=''$usevfork'"
+$ ECHO " voidflags=''$voidflags', castflags=''$castflags', d_casti32=''$d_casti32', d_castneg=''$d_castneg'"
+$ ECHO " intsize=''$intsize', alignbytes=''$alignbytes', usemymalloc=''$usemymalloc', randbits=''$randbits'"
+$ ECHO " Libraries:"
+$ ECHO " so=''$so'"
+$ ECHO " libpth=''$libpth'"
+$ ECHO " libs=''$libs'"
+$ ECHO " libc=''$libc'"
+$ ECHO " Dynamic Linking:"
+$ ECHO " dlsrc=''$dlsrc', dlext=''$dlext', d_dlsymun=''$d_dlsymun'"
+$ ECHO " cccdlflags=''$cccdlflags', ccdlflags=''$ccdlflags', lddlflags=''$lddlflags'"
+$ ECHO " "
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/perlvms.pod b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/perlvms.pod
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a66df9c8df2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/perlvms.pod
@@ -0,0 +1,662 @@
+=head1 NAME
+perlvms - VMS-specific documentation for Perl
+Gathered below are notes describing details of Perl 5's
+behavior on VMS. They are a supplement to the regular Perl 5
+documentation, so we have focussed on the ways in which Perl
+5 functions differently under VMS than it does under Unix,
+and on the interactions between Perl and the rest of the
+operating system. We haven't tried to duplicate complete
+descriptions of Perl features from the main Perl
+documentation, which can be found in the F<[.pod]>
+subdirectory of the Perl distribution.
+We hope these notes will save you from confusion and lost
+sleep when writing Perl scripts on VMS. If you find we've
+missed something you think should appear here, please don't
+hesitate to drop a line to
+=head1 Installation
+Directions for building and installing Perl 5 can be found in
+the file F<README.vms> in the main source directory of the
+Perl distribution..
+=head1 Organization of Perl Images
+=head2 Core Images
+During the installation process, three Perl images are produced.
+F<Miniperl.Exe> is an executable image which contains all of
+the basic functionality of Perl, but cannot take advantage of
+Perl extensions. It is used to generate several files needed
+to build the complete Perl and various extensions. Once you've
+finished installing Perl, you can delete this image.
+Most of the complete Perl resides in the shareable image
+F<PerlShr.Exe>, which provides a core to which the Perl executable
+image and all Perl extensions are linked. You should place this
+image in F<Sys$Share>, or define the logical name F<PerlShr> to
+translate to the full file specification of this image. It should
+be world readable. (Remember that if a user has execute only access
+to F<PerlShr>, VMS will treat it as if it were a privileged shareable
+image, and will therefore require all downstream shareable images to be
+INSTALLed, etc.)
+Finally, F<Perl.Exe> is an executable image containing the main
+entry point for Perl, as well as some initialization code. It
+should be placed in a public directory, and made world executable.
+In order to run Perl with command line arguments, you should
+define a foreign command to invoke this image.
+=head2 Perl Extensions
+Perl extensions are packages which provide both XS and Perl code
+to add new functionality to perl. (XS is a meta-language which
+simplifies writing C code which interacts with Perl, see
+L<perlapi> for more details.) The Perl code for an
+extension is treated like any other library module - it's
+made available in your script through the appropriate
+C<use> or C<require> statement, and usually defines a Perl
+package containing the extension.
+The portion of the extension provided by the XS code may be
+connected to the rest of Perl in either of two ways. In the
+B<static> configuration, the object code for the extension is
+linked directly into F<PerlShr.Exe>, and is initialized whenever
+Perl is invoked. In the B<dynamic> configuration, the extension's
+machine code is placed into a separate shareable image, which is
+mapped by Perl's DynaLoader when the extension is C<use>d or
+C<require>d in your script. This allows you to maintain the
+extension as a separate entity, at the cost of keeping track of the
+additional shareable image. Most extensions can be set up as either
+static or dynamic.
+The source code for an extension usually resides in its own
+directory. At least three files are generally provided:
+I<Extshortname>F<.xs> (where I<Extshortname> is the portion of
+the extension's name following the last C<::>), containing
+the XS code, I<Extshortname>F<.pm>, the Perl library module
+for the extension, and F<Makefile.PL>, a Perl script which uses
+the C<MakeMaker> library modules supplied with Perl to generate
+a F<Descrip.MMS> file for the extension.
+=head2 Installing static extensions
+Since static extensions are incorporated directly into
+F<PerlShr.Exe>, you'll have to rebuild Perl to incorporate a
+new extension. You should edit the main F<Descrip.MMS> or F<Makefile>
+you use to build Perl, adding the extension's name to the C<ext>
+macro, and the extension's object file to the C<extobj> macro.
+You'll also need to build the extension's object file, either
+by adding dependencies to the main F<Descrip.MMS>, or using a
+separate F<Descrip.MMS> for the extension. Then, rebuild
+F<PerlShr.Exe> to incorporate the new code.
+Finally, you'll need to copy the extension's Perl library
+module to the F<[.>I<Extname>F<]> subdirectory under one
+of the directories in C<@INC>, where I<Extname> is the name
+of the extension, with all C<::> replaced by C<.> (e.g.
+the library module for extension Foo::Bar would be copied
+to a F<[.Foo.Bar]> subdirectory).
+=head2 Installing dynamic extensions
+In general, the distributed kit for a Perl extension includes
+a file named Makefile.PL, which is a Perl program which is used
+to create a F<Descrip.MMS> file which can be used to build and
+install the files required by the extension. The kit should be
+unpacked into a directory tree B<not> under the main Perl source
+directory, and the procedure for building the extension is simply
+ $ perl Makefile.PL ! Create Descrip.MMS
+ $ mmk ! Build necessary files
+ $ mmk test ! Run test code, if supplied
+ $ mmk install ! Install into public Perl tree
+I<N.B.> The procedure by which extensions are built and
+tested creates several levels (at least 4) under the
+directory in which the extension's source files live.
+For this reason, you shouldn't nest the source directory
+too deeply in your directory structure, lest you eccedd RMS'
+maximum of 8 levels of subdirectory in a filespec. (You
+can use rooted logical names to get another 8 levels of
+nesting, if you can't place the files near the top of
+the physical directory structure.)
+VMS support for this process in the current release of Perl
+is sufficient to handle most extensions. However, it does
+not yet recognize extra libraries required to build shareable
+images which are part of an extension, so these must be added
+to the linker options file for the extension by hand. For
+instance, if the F<PGPLOT> extension to Perl requires the
+F<PGPLOTSHR.EXE> shareable image in order to properly link
+the Perl extension, then the line C<PGPLOTSHR/Share> must
+be added to the linker options file F<PGPLOT.Opt> produced
+during the build process for the Perl extension.
+By default, the shareable image for an extension is placed
+in the F<[.Lib.Auto.>I<Arch>.I<Extname>F<]> directory of the
+installed Perl directory tree (where I<Arch> is F<VMS_VAX> or
+F<VMS_AXP>, followed by the Perl version number, and I<Extname>
+is the name of the extension, with each C<::> translated to C<.>).
+However, it can be manually placed in any of several locations:
+ - the F<[.Lib.Auto.>I<Extname>F<]> subdirectory of one of
+ the directories in C<@INC>, or
+ - one of the directories in C<@INC>, or
+ - a directory which the extensions Perl library module
+ passes to the DynaLoader when asking it to map
+ the shareable image, or
+ - F<Sys$Share> or F<Sys$Library>.
+If the shareable image isn't in any of these places, you'll need
+to define a logical name I<Extshortname>, where I<Extshortname>
+is the portion of the extension's name after the last C<::>, which
+translates to the full file specification of the shareable image.
+=head1 File specifications
+=head2 Syntax
+We have tried to make Perl aware of both VMS-style and Unix-
+style file specifications wherever possible. You may use
+either style, or both, on the command line and in scripts,
+but you may not combine the two styles within a single fle
+specification. Filenames are, of course, still case-
+insensitive. For consistency, most Perl routines return
+filespecs using lower case letters only, regardless of the
+case used in the arguments passed to them. (This is true
+only when running under VMS; Perl respects the case-
+sensitivity of OSs like Unix.)
+We've tried to minimize the dependence of Perl library
+modules on Unix syntax, but you may find that some of these,
+as well as some scripts written for Unix systems, will
+require that you use Unix syntax, since they will assume that
+'/' is the directory separator, I<etc.> If you find instances
+of this in the Perl distribution itself, please let us know,
+so we can try to work around them.
+=head2 Wildcard expansion
+File specifications containing wildcards are allowed both on
+the command line and within Perl globs (e.g. <CE<lt>*.cE<gt>>). If
+the wildcard filespec uses VMS syntax, the resultant
+filespecs will follow VMS syntax; if a Unix-style filespec is
+passed in, Unix-style filespecs will be returned.
+If the wildcard filespec contains a device or directory
+specification, then the resultant filespecs will also contain
+a device and directory; otherwise, device and directory
+information are removed. VMS-style resultant filespecs will
+contain a full device and directory, while Unix-style
+resultant filespecs will contain only as much of a directory
+path as was present in the input filespec. For example, if
+your default directory is Perl_Root:[000000], the expansion
+of C<[.t]*.*> will yield filespecs like
+"perl_root:[t]base.dir", while the expansion of C<t/*/*> will
+yield filespecs like "t/base.dir". (This is done to match
+the behavior of glob expansion performed by Unix shells.)
+Similarly, the resultant filespec will contain the file version
+only if one was present in the input filespec.
+=head2 Pipes
+Input and output pipes to Perl filehandles are supported; the
+"file name" is passed to lib$spawn() for asynchronous
+execution. You should be careful to close any pipes you have
+opened in a Perl script, lest you leave any "orphaned"
+subprocesses around when Perl exits.
+You may also use backticks to invoke a DCL subprocess, whose
+output is used as the return value of the expression. The
+string between the backticks is passed directly to lib$spawn
+as the command to execute. In this case, Perl will wait for
+the subprocess to complete before continuing.
+=head1 PERL5LIB and PERLLIB
+The PERL5LIB and PERLLIB logical names work as documented L<perl>,
+except that the element separator is '|' instead of ':'. The
+directory specifications may use either VMS or Unix syntax.
+=head1 Command line
+=head2 I/O redirection and backgrounding
+Perl for VMS supports redirection of input and output on the
+command line, using a subset of Bourne shell syntax:
+ <F<file> reads stdin from F<file>,
+ >F<file> writes stdout to F<file>,
+ >>F<file> appends stdout to F<file>,
+ 2>F<file> writes stderr to F<file>, and
+ 2>>F<file> appends stderr to F<file>.
+In addition, output may be piped to a subprocess, using the
+character '|'. Anything after this character on the command
+line is passed to a subprocess for execution; the subprocess
+takes the output of Perl as its input.
+Finally, if the command line ends with '&', the entire
+command is run in the background as an asynchronous
+=head2 Command line switches
+The following command line switches behave differently under
+VMS than described in L<perlrun>. Note also that in order
+to pass uppercase switches to Perl, you need to enclose
+them in double-quotes on the command line, since the CRTL
+downcases all unquoted strings.
+=item -S
+If the C<-S> switch is present I<and> the script name does
+not contain a directory, then Perl translates the logical
+name DCL$PATH as a searchlist, using each translation as
+a directory in which to look for the script. In addition,
+if no file type is specified, Perl looks in each directory
+for a file matching the name specified, with a blank type,
+a type of F<.pl>, and a type of F<.com>, in that order.
+=item -u
+The C<-u> switch causes the VMS debugger to be invoked
+after the Perl program is compiled, but before it has
+run. It does not create a core dump file.
+=head1 Perl functions
+As of the time this document was last revised, the following
+Perl functions were implemented in the VMS port of Perl
+(functions marked with * are discussed in more detail below):
+ file tests*, abs, alarm, atan, binmode*, bless,
+ caller, chdir, chmod, chown, chomp, chop, chr,
+ close, closedir, cos, crypt*, defined, delete,
+ die, do, dump*, each, endpwent, eof, eval, exec*,
+ exists, exit, exp, fileno, fork*, getc, getlogin,
+ getpwent*, getpwnam*, getpwuid*, glob, gmtime*, goto,
+ grep, hex, import, index, int, join, keys, kill*,
+ last, lc, lcfirst, length, local, localtime, log, m//,
+ map, mkdir, my, next, no, oct, open, opendir, ord, pack,
+ pipe, pop, pos, print, printf, push, q//, qq//, qw//,
+ qx//, quotemeta, rand, read, readdir, redo, ref, rename,
+ require, reset, return, reverse, rewinddir, rindex,
+ rmdir, s///, scalar, seek, seekdir, select(internal),
+ select (system call)*, setpwent, shift, sin, sleep,
+ sort, splice, split, sprintf, sqrt, srand, stat,
+ study, substr, sysread, system*, syswrite, tell,
+ telldir, tie, time, times*, tr///, uc, ucfirst, umask,
+ undef, unlink*, unpack, untie, unshift, use, utime*,
+ values, vec, wait, waitpid*, wantarray, warn, write, y///
+The following functions were not implemented in the VMS port,
+and calling them produces a fatal error (usually) or
+undefined behavior (rarely, we hope):
+ chroot, dbmclose, dbmopen, fcntl, flock,
+ getpgrp, getppid, getpriority, getgrent, getgrgid,
+ getgrnam, setgrent, endgrent, ioctl, link, lstat,
+ msgctl, msgget, msgsend, msgrcv, readlink, semctl,
+ semget, semop, setpgrp, setpriority, shmctl, shmget,
+ shmread, shmwrite, socketpair, symlink, syscall, truncate
+The following functions may or may not be implemented,
+depending on what type of socket support you've built into
+your copy of Perl:
+ accept, bind, connect, getpeername,
+ gethostbyname, getnetbyname, getprotobyname,
+ getservbyname, gethostbyaddr, getnetbyaddr,
+ getprotobynumber, getservbyport, gethostent,
+ getnetent, getprotoent, getservent, sethostent,
+ setnetent, setprotoent, setservent, endhostent,
+ endnetent, endprotoent, endservent, getsockname,
+ getsockopt, listen, recv, select(system call)*,
+ send, setsockopt, shutdown, socket
+=item File tests
+The tests C<-b>, C<-B>, C<-c>, C<-C>, C<-d>, C<-e>, C<-f>,
+C<-o>, C<-M>, C<-s>, C<-S>, C<-t>, C<-T>, and C<-z> work as
+advertised. The return values for C<-r>, C<-w>, and C<-x>
+tell you whether you can actually access the file; this may
+not reflect the UIC-based file protections. Since real and
+effective UIC don't differ under VMS, C<-O>, C<-R>, C<-W>,
+and C<-X> are equivalent to C<-o>, C<-r>, C<-w>, and C<-x>.
+Similarly, several other tests, including C<-A>, C<-g>, C<-k>,
+C<-l>, C<-p>, and C<-u>, aren't particularly meaningful under
+VMS, and the values returned by these tests reflect whatever
+your CRTL C<stat()> routine does to the equivalent bits in the
+st_mode field. Finally, C<-d> returns true if passed a device
+specification without an explicit directory (e.g. C<DUA1:>), as
+well as if passed a directory.
+Note: Some sites have reported problems when using the file-access
+tests (C<-r>, C<-w>, and C<-x>) on files accessed via DEC's DFS.
+Specifically, since DFS does not currently provide access to the
+extended file header of files on remote volumes, attempts to
+examine the ACL fail, and the file tests will return false,
+with C<$!> indicating that the file does not exist. You can
+use C<stat> on these files, since that checks UIC-based protection
+only, and then manually check the appropriate bits, as defined by
+your C compiler's F<stat.h>, in the mode value it returns, if you
+need an approximation of the file's protections.
+=item binmode FILEHANDLE
+The C<binmode> operator has no effect under VMS. It will
+return TRUE whenever called, but will not affect I/O
+operations on the filehandle given as its argument.
+=item crypt PLAINTEXT, USER
+The C<crypt> operator uses the C<sys$hash_password> system
+service to generate the hashed representation of PLAINTEXT.
+If USER is a valid username, the algorithm and salt values
+are taken from that user's UAF record. If it is not, then
+the preferred algorithm and a salt of 0 are used. The
+quadword encrypted value is returned as an 8-character string.
+The value returned by C<crypt> may be compared against
+the encrypted password from the UAF returned by the C<getpw*>
+functions, in order to authenticate users. If you're
+going to do this, remember that the encrypted password in
+the UAF was generated using uppercase username and
+password strings; you'll have to upcase the arguments to
+C<crypt> to insure that you'll get the proper value:
+ sub validate_passwd {
+ my($user,$passwd) = @_;
+ my($pwdhash);
+ if ( !($pwdhash = (getpwnam($user))[1]) ||
+ $pwdhash ne crypt("\U$passwd","\U$name") ) {
+ intruder_alert($name);
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+=item dump
+Rather than causing Perl to abort and dump core, the C<dump>
+operator invokes the VMS debugger. If you continue to
+execute the Perl program under the debugger, control will
+be transferred to the label specified as the argument to
+C<dump>, or, if no label was specified, back to the
+beginning of the program. All other state of the program
+(I<e.g.> values of variables, open file handles) are not
+affected by calling C<dump>.
+=item exec LIST
+The C<exec> operator behaves in one of two different ways.
+If called after a call to C<fork>, it will invoke the CRTL
+C<execv()> routine, passing its arguments to the subprocess
+created by C<fork> for execution. In this case, it is
+subject to all limitations that affect C<execv()>. (In
+particular, this usually means that the command executed in
+the subprocess must be an image compiled from C source code,
+and that your options for passing file descriptors and signal
+handlers to the subprocess are limited.)
+If the call to C<exec> does not follow a call to C<fork>, it
+will cause Perl to exit, and to invoke the command given as
+an argument to C<exec> via C<lib$do_command>. If the argument
+begins with a '$' (other than as part of a filespec), then it
+is executed as a DCL command. Otherwise, the first token on
+the command line is treated as the filespec of an image to
+run, and an attempt is made to invoke it (using F<.Exe> and
+the process defaults to expand the filespec) and pass the
+rest of C<exec>'s argument to it as parameters.
+You can use C<exec> in both ways within the same script, as
+long as you call C<fork> and C<exec> in pairs. Perl
+keeps track of how many times C<fork> and C<exec> have been
+called, and will call the CRTL C<execv()> routine if there have
+previously been more calls to C<fork> than to C<exec>.
+=item fork
+The C<fork> operator works in the same way as the CRTL
+C<vfork()> routine, which is quite different under VMS than
+under Unix. Specifically, while C<fork> returns 0 after it
+is called and the subprocess PID after C<exec> is called, in
+both cases the thread of execution is within the parent
+process, so there is no opportunity to perform operations in
+the subprocess before calling C<exec>.
+In general, the use of C<fork> and C<exec> to create
+subprocess is not recommended under VMS; wherever possible,
+use the C<system> operator or piped filehandles instead.
+=item getpwent
+=item getpwnam
+=item getpwuid
+These operators obtain the information described in L<perlfunc>,
+if you have the privileges necessary to retrieve the named user's
+UAF information via C<sys$getuai>. If not, then only the C<$name>,
+C<$uid>, and C<$gid> items are returned. The C<$dir> item contains
+the login directory in VMS syntax, while the C<$comment> item
+contains the login directory in Unix syntax. The C<$gcos> item
+contains the owner field from the UAF record. The C<$quota>
+item is not used.
+=item gmtime
+The C<gmtime> operator will function properly if you have a
+working CRTL C<gmtime()> routine, or if the logical name
+SYS$TIMEZONE_DIFFERENTIAL is defined as the number of seconds
+which must be added to UTC to yield local time. (This logical
+name is defined automatically if you are running a version of
+VMS with built-in UTC support.) If neither of these cases is
+true, a warning message is printed, and C<undef> is returned.
+=item kill
+In most cases, C<kill> kill is implemented via the CRTL's C<kill()>
+function, so it will behave according to that function's
+documentation. If you send a SIGKILL, however, the $DELPRC system
+service is is called directly. This insures that the target
+process is actually deleted, if at all possible. (The CRTL's C<kill()>
+function is presently implemented via $FORCEX, which is ignored by
+supervisor-mode images like DCL.)
+Also, negative signal values don't do anything special under
+VMS; they're just converted to the corresponding positive value.
+=item select (system call)
+If Perl was not built with socket support, the system call
+version of C<select> is not available at all. If socket
+support is present, then the system call version of
+C<select> functions only for file descriptors attached
+to sockets. It will not provide information about regular
+files or pipes, since the CRTL C<select()> routine does not
+provide this functionality.
+=item stat EXPR
+Since VMS keeps track of files according to a different scheme
+than Unix, it's not really possible to represent the file's ID
+in the C<st_dev> and C<st_ino> fields of a C<struct stat>. Perl
+tries its best, though, and the values it uses are pretty unlikely
+to be the same for two different files. We can't guarantee this,
+though, so caveat scriptor.
+=item system LIST
+The C<system> operator creates a subprocess, and passes its
+arguments to the subprocess for execution as a DCL command.
+Since the subprocess is created directly via C<lib$spawn()>, any
+valid DCL command string may be specified. If LIST consists
+of the empty string, C<system> spawns an interactive DCL subprocess,
+in the same fashion as typiing B<SPAWN> at the DCL prompt.
+Perl waits for the subprocess to complete before continuing
+execution in the current process.
+=item times
+The array returned by the C<times> operator is divided up
+according to the same rules the CRTL C<times()> routine.
+Therefore, the "system time" elements will always be 0, since
+there is no difference between "user time" and "system" time
+under VMS, and the time accumulated by subprocess may or may
+not appear separately in the "child time" field, depending on
+whether L<times> keeps track of subprocesses separately. Note
+especially that the VAXCRTL (at least) keeps track only of
+subprocesses spawned using L<fork> and L<exec>; it will not
+accumulate the times of suprocesses spawned via pipes, L<system>,
+or backticks.
+=item unlink LIST
+C<unlink> will delete the highest version of a file only; in
+order to delete all versions, you need to say
+ 1 while (unlink LIST);
+You may need to make this change to scripts written for a
+Unix system which expect that after a call to C<unlink>,
+no files with the names passed to C<unlink> will exist.
+(Note: This can be changed at compile time; if you
+C<use Config> and C<$Config{'d_unlink_all_versions'}> is
+C<define>, then C<unlink> will delete all versions of a
+file on the first call.)
+C<unlink> will delete a file if at all possible, even if it
+requires changing file protection (though it won't try to
+change the protection of the parent directory). You can tell
+whether you've got explicit delete access to a file by using the
+C<VMS::Filespec::candelete> operator. For instance, in order
+to delete only files to which you have delete access, you could
+say something like
+ sub safe_unlink {
+ my($file,$num);
+ foreach $file (@_) {
+ next unless VMS::Filespec::candelete($file);
+ $num += unlink $file;
+ }
+ $num;
+ }
+(or you could just use C<VMS::Stdio::remove>, if you've installed
+the VMS::Stdio extension distributed with Perl). If C<unlink> has to
+change the file protection to delete the file, and you interrupt it
+in midstream, the file may be left intact, but with a changed ACL
+allowing you delete access.
+=item utime LIST
+Since ODS-2, the VMS file structure for disk files, does not keep
+track of access times, this operator changes only the modification
+time of the file (VMS revision date).
+=item waitpid PID,FLAGS
+If PID is a subprocess started by a piped L<open>, C<waitpid>
+will wait for that subprocess, and return its final
+status value. If PID is a subprocess created in some other way
+(e.g. SPAWNed before Perl was invoked), or is not a subprocess of
+the current process, C<waitpid> will check once per second whether
+the process has completed, and when it has, will return 0. (If PID
+specifies a process that isn't a subprocess of the current process,
+and you invoked Perl with the C<-w> switch, a warning will be issued.)
+The FLAGS argument is ignored in all cases.
+=head1 Perl variables
+=item %ENV
+Reading the elements of the %ENV array returns the
+translation of the logical name specified by the key,
+according to the normal search order of access modes and
+logical name tables. If you append a semicolon to the
+logical name, followed by an integer, that integer is
+used as the translation index for the logical name,
+so that you can look up successive values for search
+list logical names. For instance, if you say
+ $ Define STORY once,upon,a,time,there,was
+ $ perl -e "for ($i = 0; $i <= 6; $i++) " -
+ _$ -e "{ print $ENV{'foo'.$i},' '}"
+Perl will print C<ONCE UPON A TIME THERE WAS>.
+The %ENV keys C<home>, C<path>,C<term>, and C<user>
+return the CRTL "environment variables" of the same
+names, if these logical names are not defined. The
+key C<default> returns the current default device
+and directory specification, regardless of whether
+there is a logical name DEFAULT defined..
+Setting an element of %ENV defines a supervisor-mode logical
+name in the process logical name table. C<Undef>ing or
+C<delete>ing an element of %ENV deletes the equivalent user-
+mode or supervisor-mode logical name from the process logical
+name table. If you use C<undef>, the %ENV element remains
+empty. If you use C<delete>, another attempt is made at
+logical name translation after the deletion, so an inner-mode
+logical name or a name in another logical name table will
+replace the logical name just deleted. It is not possible
+at present to define a search list logical name via %ENV.
+In all operations on %ENV, the key string is treated as if it
+were entirely uppercase, regardless of the case actually
+specified in the Perl expression.
+=item $?
+Since VMS status values are 32 bits wide, the value of C<$?>
+is simply the final status value of the last subprocess to
+complete. This differs from the behavior of C<$?> under Unix,
+and under VMS' POSIX environment, in that the low-order 8 bits
+of C<$?> do not specify whether the process terminated normally
+or due to a signal, and you do not need to shift C<$?> 8 bits
+to the right in order to find the process' exit status.
+=item $!
+The string value of C<$!> is that returned by the CRTL's
+strerror() function, so it will include the VMS message for
+VMS-specific errors. The numeric value of C<$!> is the
+value of C<errno>, except if errno is EVMSERR, in which
+case C<$!> contains the value of vaxc$errno. Setting C<$!>
+always sets errno to the value specified. If this value is
+EVMSERR, it also sets vaxc$errno to 4 (NONAME-F-NOMSG), so
+that the string value of C<$!> won't reflect the VMS error
+message from before C<$!> was set.
+=item $^E
+This variable provides direct access to VMS status values
+in vaxc$errno, which are often more specific than the
+generic Unix-style error messages in C<$!>. Its numeric value
+is the value of vaxc$errno, and its string value is the
+corresponding VMS message string, as retrieved by sys$getmsg().
+Setting C<$^E> sets vaxc$errno to the value specified.
+=item $|
+Setting C<$|> for an I/O stream causes data to be flushed
+all the way to disk on each write (I<i.e.> not just to
+the underlying RMS buffers for a file). In other words,
+it's equivalent to calling fflush() and fsync() from C.
+=head1 Revision date
+This document was last updated on 28-Feb-1996, for Perl 5,
+patchlevel 2.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Charles Bailey
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/perly_c.vms b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/perly_c.vms
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..99046823998
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/perly_c.vms
@@ -0,0 +1,2322 @@
+/* Postprocessed by 1.1 to add VMS declarations of globals */
+#ifndef lint
+static char yysccsid[] = "@(#)yaccpar 1.8 (Berkeley) 01/20/91";
+#define YYBYACC 1
+#line 16 "perly.y"
+#include "EXTERN.h"
+#include "perl.h"
+static void
+ deprecate("\"do\" to call subroutines");
+#define YYERRCODE 256
+dEXT short yylhs[] = { -1,
+ 31, 0, 5, 3, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7,
+ 7, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 11, 11, 11,
+ 9, 9, 9, 9, 30, 30, 8, 8, 8, 8,
+ 8, 8, 8, 8, 10, 10, 25, 25, 29, 29,
+ 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 32, 32, 28, 28,
+ 4, 33, 33, 34, 13, 13, 13, 12, 12, 12,
+ 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 27, 27,
+ 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
+ 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
+ 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
+ 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
+ 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
+ 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
+ 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
+ 14, 14, 14, 14, 22, 22, 23, 23, 23, 20,
+ 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 24, 24, 24, 24,
+dEXT short yylen[] = { 2,
+ 0, 2, 4, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2,
+ 3, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 0, 2, 6,
+ 6, 6, 4, 4, 0, 2, 7, 7, 5, 5,
+ 8, 7, 10, 3, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1,
+ 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 3, 5, 5, 0, 1,
+ 0, 3, 2, 5, 3, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1,
+ 3, 5, 6, 3, 5, 2, 4, 4, 1, 1,
+ 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3,
+ 3, 3, 5, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
+ 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 4, 3,
+ 4, 1, 5, 1, 4, 5, 4, 1, 1, 1,
+ 5, 6, 5, 6, 5, 4, 5, 1, 1, 3,
+ 4, 3, 2, 2, 4, 5, 4, 5, 1, 2,
+ 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 3, 1, 3, 4,
+ 4, 6, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 2,
+ 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1,
+dEXT short yydefred[] = { 1,
+ 0, 5, 0, 40, 51, 51, 0, 51, 6, 41,
+ 7, 9, 0, 42, 43, 44, 0, 0, 0, 53,
+ 0, 12, 4, 143, 0, 0, 118, 0, 138, 0,
+ 51, 51, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 108, 110, 0, 0, 0, 144, 0, 46, 0,
+ 52, 0, 5, 156, 159, 158, 157, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 154, 0, 124,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 150, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 66, 0, 133, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 98, 0, 151, 152, 153, 155,
+ 0, 34, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 90, 91, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 11, 45, 50, 0, 0, 0,
+ 64, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 36, 0, 137, 139,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 100, 0, 122, 0,
+ 0, 0, 97, 26, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 55, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 69, 0, 70,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 120, 0, 48,
+ 47, 54, 3, 0, 141, 0, 68, 101, 0, 29,
+ 0, 30, 0, 0, 0, 23, 0, 24, 0, 0,
+ 0, 140, 149, 67, 0, 125, 0, 127, 0, 99,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 107, 0, 105,
+ 0, 116, 0, 121, 65, 0, 0, 0, 0, 19,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 62, 126, 128, 115, 0,
+ 113, 0, 0, 106, 0, 111, 117, 103, 142, 27,
+ 28, 21, 0, 22, 0, 32, 0, 114, 112, 63,
+ 0, 0, 31, 0, 0, 20, 33,
+dEXT short yydgoto[] = { 1,
+ 9, 10, 83, 17, 86, 3, 11, 12, 66, 195,
+ 266, 67, 202, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75,
+ 197, 122, 203, 88, 187, 77, 241, 178, 13, 142,
+ 2, 14, 15, 16,
+dEXT short yysindex[] = { 0,
+ 0, 0, -82, 0, 0, 0, -52, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 853, 0, 0, 0, -80, -256, -19, 0,
+ -245, 0, 0, 0, 19, 19, 0, 20, 0, 2177,
+ 0, 0, -2, 1, 28, 41, 133, 2177, 27, 33,
+ 52, 19, 1028, 2177, 1303, -210, 19, 2177, 965, 1359,
+ 2177, 2177, 2177, 2177, 2177, 1415, 0, 2177, 2177, 1478,
+ 19, 19, 19, 19, -225, 0, 71, 209, 1535, -49,
+ -30, 0, 0, 8, 101, 42, 0, 30, 0, -112,
+ 0, 2177, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2177, 127, 2177,
+ 1535, 30, -112, 2177, 30, 2177, 30, 2177, 30, 2177,
+ 30, 1712, 128, 1535, 139, 1768, 965, 0, 141, 0,
+ 1485, -14, 1485, 65, -42, 2177, 0, 71, 0, 71,
+ -49, 0, 2177, 0, 1485, 334, 334, 334, -47, -47,
+ 92, -26, 334, 334, 0, 63, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 30, 0, 2177, 2177, 2177, 2177, 2177, 2177, 2177, 2177,
+ 2177, 2177, 2177, 2177, 2177, 2177, 2177, 2177, 2177, 2177,
+ 2177, 2177, 2177, 2177, 0, 0, -27, 2177, 2177, 2177,
+ 2177, 2177, 2177, 1824, 0, 0, 0, -48, 137, -92,
+ 0, 2177, 221, 2177, 30, -191, 151, -225, -22, -225,
+ -12, -147, 7, -147, 138, 5, 0, 2177, 0, 0,
+ 9, -39, 160, 2177, 1887, 2121, 0, 77, 0, 71,
+ 2177, 113, 0, 0, 1535, -191, -191, -191, -191, -86,
+ 0, -20, 395, 1485, 1566, 461, -88, 1535, 4122, 1064,
+ 679, 364, 1120, 728, 334, 334, 2177, 0, 2177, 0,
+ 174, 89, 51, 98, 55, 118, 57, 0, 11, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 175, 0, 2177, 0, 0, 30, 0,
+ 30, 0, 30, 30, 178, 0, 30, 0, 2177, 30,
+ 15, 0, 0, 0, 22, 0, 25, 0, 29, 0,
+ 152, 2177, 94, 2177, 59, 177, 2177, 0, 96, 0,
+ 97, 0, 102, 0, 0, 1190, -225, -225, -147, 0,
+ 2177, -147, 176, -225, 30, 0, 0, 0, 0, 205,
+ 0, 3039, 111, 0, 206, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 37, 0, 1712, 0, -225, 0, 0, 0,
+ 30, 208, 0, -147, 30, 0, 0,
+dEXT short yyrindex[] = { 0,
+ 0, 0, 297, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2253, 505, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2847, 2935,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 107, 0, -35, 10, 53, 3109,
+ 3156, 0, 0, 2298, 1976, 0, 0, 0, 0, -23,
+ 0, 230, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2385, 0, 0,
+ 1004, 0, 168, 253, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 254, 0, 2242, 0, 0, 274, 0, 2032, 0,
+ 3844, 3109, 3902, 0, 0, 2385, 0, 2440, 452, 2554,
+ 572, 0, 0, 0, 3981, 3274, 3312, 3421, 3200, 3237,
+ 2661, 0, 3560, 3596, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 2714, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 909,
+ 0, 274, 0, 2385, 0, 39, 0, 107, 0, 107,
+ 0, 170, 0, 170, 0, 262, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 288, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2805,
+ 0, 2757, 0, 0, 2650, 49, 58, 61, 64, 365,
+ 0, 0, -31, 4018, 4028, 3719, 630, 2995, 0, 1623,
+ 4106, 4096, 4064, 3756, 3640, 3683, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 277, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 274, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 107, 107, 170, 0,
+ 0, 170, 0, 107, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 13, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 300, 0, 107, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 170, 0, 0, 0,
+dEXT short yygindex[] = { 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 506, -13, 255, 0, 0, 0, 18,
+ -180, 839, -11, 4398, 2162, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 342, -57, -174, 1032, 90, 0, 0, 267, 0, -172,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0,
+#define YYTABLESIZE 4682
+dEXT short yytable[] = { 65,
+ 80, 68, 168, 79, 273, 57, 20, 254, 61, 80,
+ 250, 82, 80, 268, 212, 260, 208, 262, 261, 95,
+ 97, 99, 101, 57, 179, 206, 80, 80, 263, 110,
+ 181, 80, 253, 115, 150, 49, 124, 94, 283, 81,
+ 96, 170, 23, 168, 132, 270, 116, 267, 136, 272,
+ 13, 294, 141, 83, 61, 305, 83, 57, 209, 90,
+ 172, 80, 306, 239, 176, 307, 105, 98, 13, 308,
+ 83, 83, 106, 169, 23, 150, 170, 331, 184, 38,
+ 100, 188, 186, 190, 189, 192, 191, 194, 193, 16,
+ 196, 107, 171, 60, 201, 237, 60, 38, 17, 49,
+ 175, 14, 148, 149, 15, 83, 25, 16, 169, 289,
+ 60, 60, 315, 291, 143, 293, 17, 313, 322, 14,
+ 23, 324, 15, 23, 320, 321, 257, 214, 264, 265,
+ 173, 326, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 25,
+ 174, 23, 25, 25, 25, 60, 25, 177, 25, 25,
+ 23, 25, 23, 336, 333, 213, 242, 243, 244, 245,
+ 246, 247, 249, 23, 251, 25, 182, 198, 61, 18,
+ 25, 258, 102, 4, 5, 6, 78, 7, 8, 199,
+ 205, 288, 211, 4, 5, 6, 271, 7, 8, 207,
+ 290, 259, 275, 277, 279, 252, 269, 25, 154, 281,
+ 274, 280, 18, 282, 19, 18, 18, 18, 149, 18,
+ 292, 18, 18, 287, 18, 295, 163, 301, 311, 164,
+ 316, 317, 165, 166, 167, 285, 318, 286, 18, 25,
+ 238, 25, 25, 18, 325, 329, 57, 57, 57, 57,
+ 80, 80, 80, 80, 309, 297, 330, 298, 335, 299,
+ 300, 148, 149, 302, 148, 149, 304, 186, 57, 57,
+ 18, 255, 80, 80, 256, 167, 80, 148, 149, 314,
+ 310, 148, 149, 148, 149, 84, 144, 145, 146, 147,
+ 85, 148, 149, 157, 83, 83, 83, 83, 145, 323,
+ 49, 327, 18, 37, 18, 18, 2, 328, 148, 149,
+ 148, 149, 148, 149, 148, 149, 83, 83, 148, 149,
+ 83, 168, 35, 68, 147, 148, 149, 334, 148, 149,
+ 13, 337, 148, 149, 60, 60, 60, 60, 148, 39,
+ 148, 149, 39, 39, 39, 37, 39, 180, 39, 39,
+ 35, 39, 332, 150, 148, 149, 60, 60, 148, 149,
+ 148, 149, 148, 149, 76, 39, 148, 149, 303, 185,
+ 39, 0, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 0, 25,
+ 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25,
+ 25, 25, 148, 149, 0, 25, 25, 39, 25, 25,
+ 25, 148, 149, 0, 0, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25,
+ 0, 0, 25, 25, 0, 56, 0, 0, 56, 25,
+ 0, 148, 149, 25, 0, 25, 25, 0, 0, 39,
+ 0, 0, 39, 56, 168, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18,
+ 18, 0, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18,
+ 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 148, 149, 0, 18, 18,
+ 0, 18, 18, 18, 168, 0, 150, 56, 18, 18,
+ 18, 18, 18, 0, 0, 18, 18, 0, 0, 0,
+ 148, 149, 18, 0, 0, 0, 18, 0, 18, 18,
+ 144, 145, 146, 147, 156, 168, 150, 156, 156, 156,
+ 0, 156, 143, 156, 156, 143, 156, 0, 148, 149,
+ 0, 151, 148, 149, 0, 152, 153, 154, 155, 143,
+ 143, 18, 0, 21, 143, 156, 0, 150, 156, 158,
+ 159, 160, 161, 0, 162, 163, 0, 0, 164, 0,
+ 0, 165, 166, 167, 0, 0, 92, 93, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 143, 0, 143, 136, 0, 0, 136, 0,
+ 0, 168, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 0, 39,
+ 39, 39, 136, 136, 0, 39, 0, 136, 39, 39,
+ 39, 39, 0, 0, 143, 39, 39, 156, 39, 39,
+ 39, 0, 0, 150, 0, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39,
+ 0, 0, 39, 39, 0, 136, 0, 136, 0, 39,
+ 0, 0, 0, 39, 157, 39, 39, 157, 157, 157,
+ 0, 157, 102, 157, 157, 102, 157, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 136, 0, 102,
+ 102, 0, 0, 0, 102, 157, 56, 56, 56, 56,
+ 0, 164, 0, 0, 165, 166, 167, 0, 152, 153,
+ 154, 155, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 56, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 102, 161, 0, 162, 163, 0,
+ 74, 164, 0, 74, 165, 166, 167, 0, 0, 152,
+ 153, 154, 155, 0, 0, 0, 0, 74, 74, 0,
+ 0, 0, 74, 158, 159, 160, 161, 157, 162, 163,
+ 0, 0, 164, 0, 0, 165, 166, 167, 156, 156,
+ 156, 156, 156, 0, 156, 156, 156, 0, 0, 0,
+ 156, 0, 74, 143, 143, 143, 143, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 156, 143, 156, 156, 156, 143, 143, 143, 143,
+ 156, 156, 156, 156, 156, 143, 143, 156, 156, 143,
+ 143, 143, 143, 143, 156, 143, 143, 0, 156, 143,
+ 156, 156, 143, 143, 143, 163, 0, 0, 164, 168,
+ 0, 165, 166, 167, 0, 0, 136, 136, 136, 136,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 136, 0, 0, 0, 136,
+ 136, 136, 136, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 136, 136,
+ 0, 150, 136, 136, 136, 136, 136, 0, 136, 136,
+ 0, 0, 136, 0, 0, 136, 136, 136, 168, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 157, 157,
+ 157, 157, 157, 0, 157, 157, 157, 0, 0, 0,
+ 157, 0, 0, 102, 102, 102, 102, 0, 0, 0,
+ 150, 157, 102, 157, 157, 157, 102, 102, 102, 102,
+ 157, 157, 157, 157, 157, 102, 102, 157, 157, 102,
+ 102, 102, 102, 102, 157, 102, 102, 0, 157, 102,
+ 157, 157, 102, 102, 102, 51, 118, 120, 61, 63,
+ 47, 0, 56, 0, 64, 59, 0, 58, 0, 0,
+ 0, 74, 74, 74, 74, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 74, 57, 0, 0, 74, 74, 62, 74, 0, 0,
+ 120, 0, 0, 74, 74, 0, 120, 74, 74, 74,
+ 74, 74, 0, 74, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 39, 0, 60, 39, 39, 39, 0, 39, 0,
+ 39, 39, 0, 39, 120, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 210, 0, 152, 153, 154, 155, 39, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 39, 0, 0, 23, 0, 0, 52, 160,
+ 161, 0, 162, 163, 0, 0, 164, 0, 0, 165,
+ 166, 167, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 51, 0, 39,
+ 61, 63, 47, 0, 56, 0, 64, 59, 0, 58,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 154, 155, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 120, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 62, 0,
+ 0, 39, 163, 0, 39, 164, 0, 0, 165, 166,
+ 167, 0, 0, 0, 135, 0, 0, 135, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 60, 0, 89, 0, 0,
+ 51, 135, 135, 61, 63, 47, 0, 56, 0, 64,
+ 59, 0, 58, 108, 0, 0, 0, 0, 117, 0,
+ 123, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 23, 0, 0,
+ 52, 62, 137, 138, 139, 140, 135, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 22, 24,
+ 25, 26, 27, 28, 0, 29, 30, 31, 60, 0,
+ 0, 32, 0, 0, 33, 34, 35, 36, 0, 0,
+ 0, 37, 38, 0, 39, 40, 41, 0, 204, 0,
+ 0, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 0, 0, 48, 49,
+ 23, 0, 0, 52, 168, 50, 0, 0, 0, 53,
+ 0, 54, 55, 0, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39,
+ 0, 39, 39, 39, 0, 0, 0, 39, 0, 0,
+ 39, 39, 39, 39, 0, 0, 150, 39, 39, 0,
+ 39, 39, 39, 0, 0, 0, 0, 39, 39, 39,
+ 39, 39, 0, 0, 39, 39, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 168, 39, 0, 0, 0, 39, 0, 39, 39, 0,
+ 0, 119, 25, 26, 27, 28, 85, 29, 30, 31,
+ 319, 0, 0, 32, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 150, 0, 38, 0, 39, 40, 41, 0,
+ 0, 0, 157, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 0, 0,
+ 48, 49, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 50, 0, 0,
+ 0, 53, 0, 54, 55, 135, 135, 135, 135, 0,
+ 168, 0, 0, 0, 109, 25, 26, 27, 28, 0,
+ 29, 30, 31, 0, 0, 0, 32, 135, 135, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 38, 0, 39,
+ 40, 41, 150, 0, 0, 0, 42, 43, 44, 45,
+ 46, 0, 0, 48, 49, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 50, 0, 0, 0, 53, 51, 54, 55, 61, 63,
+ 47, 0, 56, 0, 64, 59, 0, 58, 152, 153,
+ 154, 155, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 114, 0, 159, 160, 161, 62, 162, 163, 0,
+ 0, 164, 0, 0, 165, 166, 167, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 51, 0, 60, 61, 63, 47, 0, 56, 0,
+ 64, 59, 0, 58, 152, 153, 154, 155, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 62, 162, 163, 0, 0, 164, 52, 0,
+ 165, 166, 167, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 51, 0, 60,
+ 61, 63, 47, 0, 56, 131, 64, 59, 0, 58,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 151, 0, 0, 0, 152, 153, 154, 155, 62, 0,
+ 0, 23, 0, 0, 52, 0, 0, 156, 158, 159,
+ 160, 161, 0, 162, 163, 0, 0, 164, 0, 0,
+ 165, 166, 167, 0, 0, 60, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 51, 0, 0, 61, 63, 47, 0, 56, 0, 64,
+ 59, 0, 58, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 52, 62, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 24,
+ 25, 26, 27, 28, 0, 29, 30, 31, 60, 0,
+ 135, 32, 0, 0, 0, 168, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 38, 0, 39, 40, 41, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 0, 157, 48, 49,
+ 0, 0, 0, 52, 0, 50, 0, 150, 0, 53,
+ 0, 54, 55, 0, 0, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28,
+ 0, 29, 30, 31, 0, 168, 0, 32, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 38, 0,
+ 39, 40, 41, 0, 0, 0, 0, 42, 43, 44,
+ 45, 46, 0, 0, 48, 49, 168, 150, 0, 0,
+ 0, 50, 0, 82, 0, 53, 82, 54, 55, 0,
+ 0, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 0, 29, 30, 31,
+ 82, 82, 0, 32, 0, 82, 0, 0, 150, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 38, 0, 39, 40, 41, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 0, 0,
+ 48, 49, 0, 0, 0, 82, 0, 50, 0, 0,
+ 0, 53, 0, 54, 55, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 0,
+ 29, 30, 31, 0, 51, 0, 32, 61, 63, 47,
+ 0, 56, 0, 64, 59, 0, 58, 38, 0, 39,
+ 40, 41, 0, 0, 0, 0, 42, 43, 44, 45,
+ 46, 154, 155, 48, 49, 62, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 50, 0, 0, 0, 53, 0, 54, 55, 162, 163,
+ 0, 0, 164, 0, 0, 165, 166, 167, 0, 0,
+ 51, 0, 60, 61, 63, 47, 0, 56, 200, 64,
+ 59, 0, 58, 0, 0, 151, 0, 0, 0, 152,
+ 153, 154, 155, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 62, 156, 158, 159, 160, 161, 52, 162, 163,
+ 0, 0, 164, 0, 0, 165, 166, 167, 0, 0,
+ 152, 0, 154, 155, 0, 0, 51, 0, 60, 61,
+ 63, 47, 0, 56, 248, 64, 59, 0, 58, 162,
+ 163, 0, 0, 164, 0, 0, 165, 166, 167, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 62, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 52, 82, 82, 82, 82, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 82, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 60, 0, 82, 82, 0, 51,
+ 82, 82, 61, 63, 47, 0, 56, 276, 64, 59,
+ 0, 58, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 52,
+ 62, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 22, 24, 25,
+ 26, 27, 28, 0, 29, 30, 31, 60, 0, 0,
+ 32, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 38, 0, 39, 40, 41, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 0, 0, 48, 49, 0,
+ 0, 0, 52, 0, 50, 0, 119, 0, 53, 119,
+ 54, 55, 0, 0, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 0,
+ 29, 30, 31, 119, 119, 0, 32, 0, 119, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 38, 0, 39,
+ 40, 41, 0, 0, 0, 0, 42, 43, 44, 45,
+ 46, 0, 0, 48, 49, 0, 119, 0, 119, 0,
+ 50, 0, 143, 0, 53, 143, 54, 55, 0, 0,
+ 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 0, 29, 30, 31, 143,
+ 143, 0, 32, 0, 143, 0, 0, 0, 119, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 38, 0, 39, 40, 41, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 0, 0, 48,
+ 49, 0, 143, 0, 143, 0, 50, 0, 0, 0,
+ 53, 0, 54, 55, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 0, 29,
+ 30, 31, 0, 51, 143, 32, 61, 63, 47, 0,
+ 56, 278, 64, 59, 0, 58, 38, 0, 39, 40,
+ 41, 0, 0, 0, 0, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46,
+ 0, 0, 48, 49, 62, 0, 87, 87, 0, 50,
+ 0, 0, 0, 53, 0, 54, 55, 0, 103, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 87, 112, 0, 0, 0, 87, 51,
+ 121, 60, 61, 63, 47, 0, 56, 0, 64, 59,
+ 0, 58, 87, 87, 87, 87, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 62, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 52, 119, 119, 119,
+ 119, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 119, 0, 0, 0,
+ 119, 119, 119, 119, 0, 0, 0, 60, 121, 119,
+ 119, 0, 0, 119, 119, 119, 119, 119, 0, 119,
+ 119, 0, 130, 119, 0, 130, 119, 119, 119, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 129, 0, 0, 129, 0, 0, 130,
+ 130, 0, 52, 143, 143, 143, 143, 0, 0, 0,
+ 129, 129, 143, 0, 0, 129, 143, 143, 143, 143,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 143, 143, 0, 240, 143,
+ 143, 143, 143, 143, 130, 143, 143, 0, 104, 143,
+ 0, 104, 143, 143, 143, 129, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 104, 104, 0, 0, 0,
+ 104, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 129, 0, 24, 25, 26,
+ 27, 28, 0, 29, 30, 31, 0, 0, 104, 32,
+ 104, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 38, 0, 39, 40, 41, 0, 0, 0, 0, 42,
+ 43, 44, 45, 46, 0, 0, 48, 49, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 50, 0, 145, 0, 53, 145, 54,
+ 55, 0, 0, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 0, 29,
+ 30, 31, 145, 145, 0, 32, 0, 145, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 38, 0, 39, 40,
+ 41, 0, 0, 0, 0, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46,
+ 0, 0, 48, 49, 0, 0, 0, 145, 0, 50,
+ 131, 0, 0, 53, 0, 54, 55, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 131, 131, 0,
+ 0, 0, 131, 0, 0, 0, 0, 145, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 130, 130, 130, 130, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 129, 129, 129, 129, 0, 0,
+ 131, 0, 131, 129, 0, 130, 130, 129, 129, 129,
+ 129, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 129, 129, 0, 0,
+ 129, 129, 129, 129, 129, 0, 129, 129, 0, 0,
+ 129, 0, 131, 129, 129, 129, 0, 0, 0, 104,
+ 104, 104, 104, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 104, 0,
+ 0, 0, 104, 104, 104, 104, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 104, 104, 0, 146, 104, 104, 104, 104, 104,
+ 0, 104, 104, 0, 0, 104, 0, 0, 104, 104,
+ 104, 146, 146, 0, 0, 0, 146, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 146, 0, 146, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 145, 145, 145, 145,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 145, 0, 0, 0, 145,
+ 145, 145, 145, 0, 0, 0, 146, 0, 145, 145,
+ 0, 0, 145, 145, 145, 145, 145, 0, 145, 145,
+ 59, 0, 145, 59, 0, 145, 145, 145, 0, 0,
+ 0, 96, 0, 0, 96, 0, 0, 59, 59, 0,
+ 0, 131, 131, 131, 131, 0, 0, 0, 96, 96,
+ 131, 0, 0, 96, 131, 131, 131, 131, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 131, 131, 0, 0, 131, 131, 131,
+ 131, 131, 59, 131, 131, 0, 0, 131, 0, 0,
+ 131, 131, 131, 96, 58, 0, 0, 58, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 58, 58, 0, 0, 0, 58, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 96, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 95, 0, 0,
+ 95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 58, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 95, 95, 0, 0, 0, 95,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 146, 146, 146, 146, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 146, 0, 58, 0, 146, 146,
+ 146, 146, 0, 0, 0, 61, 0, 146, 146, 95,
+ 0, 146, 146, 146, 146, 146, 0, 146, 146, 0,
+ 0, 146, 61, 61, 146, 146, 146, 61, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 95,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 145, 0, 0,
+ 145, 0, 0, 0, 0, 61, 0, 61, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 145, 145, 0, 0, 0, 145,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 59, 59, 59, 59, 0, 0, 61, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 96, 96, 96, 96, 0, 0, 0, 145,
+ 0, 96, 0, 59, 59, 96, 96, 96, 96, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 96, 96, 0, 0, 96, 96,
+ 96, 96, 96, 0, 96, 96, 0, 0, 96, 0,
+ 0, 96, 96, 96, 0, 132, 0, 0, 132, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 58, 58, 58, 58, 0,
+ 0, 0, 132, 132, 58, 0, 0, 132, 58, 58,
+ 58, 58, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 58, 58, 0,
+ 0, 58, 58, 58, 58, 58, 0, 58, 58, 0,
+ 0, 58, 0, 0, 58, 58, 58, 132, 95, 95,
+ 95, 95, 0, 0, 0, 71, 0, 95, 71, 0,
+ 0, 95, 95, 95, 95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 95, 95, 71, 71, 95, 95, 95, 95, 95, 0,
+ 95, 95, 0, 0, 95, 0, 0, 95, 95, 95,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 61, 61, 61, 61,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 61, 0, 71, 0, 61,
+ 61, 61, 61, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 61, 61,
+ 0, 157, 61, 61, 61, 61, 61, 0, 61, 61,
+ 0, 0, 61, 0, 0, 61, 61, 61, 145, 145,
+ 145, 145, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 145, 0, 168,
+ 0, 145, 145, 145, 145, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 145, 145, 0, 0, 145, 145, 145, 145, 145, 102,
+ 145, 145, 102, 0, 145, 0, 0, 145, 145, 145,
+ 0, 150, 0, 0, 0, 0, 102, 102, 0, 0,
+ 0, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 109, 0, 0, 109,
+ 0, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 132, 132, 132, 132,
+ 0, 0, 0, 109, 109, 132, 0, 0, 109, 132,
+ 132, 132, 132, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 132, 132,
+ 0, 0, 132, 132, 132, 132, 132, 0, 132, 132,
+ 92, 0, 132, 92, 0, 132, 132, 132, 109, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 92, 92, 0,
+ 0, 0, 92, 0, 0, 0, 71, 71, 71, 71,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 93, 0, 0,
+ 93, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 71, 71,
+ 0, 0, 92, 0, 93, 93, 0, 0, 0, 93,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 87, 0, 0, 87, 0, 151,
+ 0, 0, 0, 152, 153, 154, 155, 0, 0, 93,
+ 0, 87, 87, 0, 0, 0, 87, 158, 159, 160,
+ 161, 0, 162, 163, 0, 0, 164, 0, 0, 165,
+ 166, 167, 88, 0, 0, 88, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 87, 0, 0, 88,
+ 88, 0, 0, 0, 88, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 102, 102, 102, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 102,
+ 0, 0, 0, 102, 102, 102, 102, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 102, 102, 88, 0, 102, 102, 102, 102,
+ 102, 0, 102, 102, 0, 0, 102, 0, 0, 102,
+ 102, 102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 109, 109, 109,
+ 109, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 109, 0, 0, 0,
+ 109, 109, 109, 109, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 109,
+ 109, 0, 0, 109, 109, 109, 109, 109, 0, 109,
+ 109, 89, 0, 109, 89, 0, 109, 109, 109, 0,
+ 0, 92, 92, 92, 92, 0, 0, 0, 89, 89,
+ 92, 0, 0, 89, 92, 92, 92, 92, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 92, 92, 0, 0, 92, 92, 92,
+ 92, 92, 0, 92, 92, 0, 0, 92, 93, 93,
+ 93, 93, 0, 89, 0, 0, 0, 93, 0, 0,
+ 0, 93, 93, 93, 93, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 93, 93, 0, 0, 93, 93, 93, 93, 93, 0,
+ 93, 93, 0, 0, 93, 87, 87, 87, 87, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 87, 0, 0, 0, 87, 87,
+ 87, 87, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 87, 87, 0,
+ 0, 87, 87, 87, 87, 87, 0, 87, 87, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 88, 88, 88, 88, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 88, 0, 0, 0, 88, 88, 88, 88,
+ 85, 0, 0, 85, 0, 88, 88, 0, 0, 88,
+ 88, 88, 88, 88, 0, 88, 88, 85, 85, 0,
+ 0, 0, 85, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 86, 0, 0, 86,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 85, 86, 86, 0, 0, 0, 86, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 84, 0, 0, 84, 0, 0, 0, 0, 86, 0,
+ 0, 0, 89, 89, 89, 89, 0, 84, 84, 0,
+ 0, 89, 84, 0, 0, 89, 89, 89, 89, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 89, 89, 0, 0, 89, 89,
+ 89, 89, 89, 72, 89, 89, 72, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 84, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 72, 72, 0, 0, 0, 72, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 73,
+ 0, 0, 73, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 72, 73, 73, 0, 0,
+ 0, 73, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 75, 0, 0, 75,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 73, 0, 75, 75, 0, 0, 0, 75, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 85, 85, 85, 85, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 85, 0, 0, 0, 85, 85, 85, 85, 75, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 85, 85, 0, 0, 85, 85, 85,
+ 85, 85, 0, 85, 85, 0, 0, 86, 86, 86,
+ 86, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 86, 0, 0, 0,
+ 86, 86, 86, 86, 123, 0, 0, 123, 0, 86,
+ 86, 0, 0, 86, 86, 86, 86, 86, 0, 86,
+ 86, 123, 123, 0, 0, 0, 123, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 84, 84, 84, 84, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 84, 0, 0, 0, 84, 84, 84, 84, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 84, 84, 0, 123, 84, 84, 84,
+ 84, 84, 94, 84, 84, 94, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 72, 72, 72, 72, 0, 94,
+ 94, 0, 0, 72, 94, 0, 0, 72, 72, 72,
+ 72, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 72, 72, 0, 0,
+ 72, 72, 72, 72, 72, 0, 72, 72, 0, 0,
+ 73, 73, 73, 73, 94, 0, 0, 0, 0, 73,
+ 0, 0, 0, 73, 73, 73, 73, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 73, 73, 0, 0, 73, 73, 73, 73,
+ 73, 134, 73, 0, 134, 0, 0, 75, 75, 75,
+ 75, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 75, 0, 134, 134,
+ 75, 75, 0, 134, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 75,
+ 75, 0, 0, 75, 75, 75, 75, 75, 76, 75,
+ 0, 76, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 77, 0,
+ 0, 77, 0, 134, 0, 76, 76, 0, 0, 0,
+ 76, 0, 0, 0, 0, 77, 77, 0, 0, 0,
+ 77, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 78, 0, 0, 78, 0, 0,
+ 76, 0, 0, 0, 0, 123, 123, 123, 123, 0,
+ 77, 78, 78, 0, 123, 0, 78, 0, 123, 123,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 79, 123, 123, 79,
+ 0, 123, 123, 123, 123, 123, 81, 0, 0, 81,
+ 0, 0, 0, 79, 79, 0, 78, 0, 79, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 81, 81, 0, 0, 0, 81, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 94, 94, 94, 94, 0, 0, 284,
+ 0, 0, 94, 0, 157, 0, 94, 94, 79, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 94, 94, 0, 81, 94,
+ 94, 94, 94, 94, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 168, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 150, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 134, 134, 134, 134, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 134, 0, 0, 0, 134, 134, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 134, 134, 0, 0, 134, 134,
+ 134, 134, 134, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 76,
+ 76, 76, 76, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 76, 77,
+ 77, 77, 77, 76, 0, 0, 0, 0, 77, 0,
+ 0, 76, 76, 0, 0, 76, 76, 76, 76, 76,
+ 0, 77, 77, 0, 0, 77, 77, 77, 77, 77,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 78, 78, 78, 78, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 78, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 78, 78, 0,
+ 0, 78, 78, 78, 78, 78, 0, 79, 79, 79,
+ 79, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 79, 81, 81, 81,
+ 81, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 81, 0, 0, 79,
+ 79, 0, 0, 79, 79, 79, 79, 0, 0, 81,
+ 81, 0, 151, 81, 81, 81, 152, 153, 154, 155,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 156,
+ 158, 159, 160, 161, 0, 162, 163, 91, 0, 164,
+ 0, 0, 165, 166, 167, 104, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 111, 113, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 125, 126, 127,
+ 128, 129, 130, 0, 0, 133, 134, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 183, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 215, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 223, 224,
+ 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234,
+ 235, 236, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 296, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 312,
+dEXT short yycheck[] = { 13,
+ 257, 13, 91, 17, 44, 41, 59, 182, 36, 41,
+ 59, 257, 44, 194, 41, 188, 59, 190, 41, 33,
+ 34, 35, 36, 59, 82, 40, 58, 59, 41, 43,
+ 88, 63, 125, 45, 123, 59, 50, 40, 59, 59,
+ 40, 91, 123, 91, 56, 41, 257, 41, 60, 41,
+ 41, 41, 278, 41, 36, 41, 44, 93, 116, 40,
+ 91, 93, 41, 91, 78, 41, 40, 40, 59, 41,
+ 58, 59, 40, 123, 123, 123, 91, 41, 92, 41,
+ 40, 95, 94, 97, 96, 99, 98, 101, 100, 41,
+ 102, 40, 123, 41, 106, 123, 44, 59, 41, 123,
+ 59, 41, 294, 295, 41, 93, 0, 59, 123, 59,
+ 58, 59, 287, 59, 44, 59, 59, 59, 299, 59,
+ 123, 302, 59, 123, 297, 298, 184, 141, 276, 277,
+ 123, 304, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 33,
+ 40, 123, 36, 37, 38, 93, 40, 260, 42, 43,
+ 123, 45, 123, 334, 327, 93, 168, 169, 170, 171,
+ 172, 173, 174, 123, 178, 59, 40, 40, 36, 0,
+ 64, 185, 40, 266, 267, 268, 257, 270, 271, 41,
+ 40, 93, 91, 266, 267, 268, 198, 270, 271, 125,
+ 93, 41, 204, 205, 206, 59, 59, 91, 287, 211,
+ 41, 125, 33, 91, 257, 36, 37, 38, 295, 40,
+ 93, 42, 43, 40, 45, 41, 305, 40, 125, 308,
+ 125, 125, 311, 312, 313, 237, 125, 239, 59, 123,
+ 258, 125, 126, 64, 59, 125, 272, 273, 274, 275,
+ 272, 273, 274, 275, 93, 259, 41, 261, 41, 263,
+ 264, 294, 295, 267, 294, 295, 270, 269, 294, 295,
+ 91, 41, 294, 295, 44, 313, 298, 294, 295, 93,
+ 282, 294, 295, 294, 295, 257, 272, 273, 274, 275,
+ 262, 294, 295, 63, 272, 273, 274, 275, 59, 301,
+ 123, 305, 123, 41, 125, 126, 0, 93, 294, 295,
+ 294, 295, 294, 295, 294, 295, 294, 295, 294, 295,
+ 298, 91, 59, 325, 41, 294, 295, 331, 294, 295,
+ 59, 335, 294, 295, 272, 273, 274, 275, 41, 33,
+ 294, 295, 36, 37, 38, 59, 40, 83, 42, 43,
+ 41, 45, 325, 123, 294, 295, 294, 295, 294, 295,
+ 294, 295, 294, 295, 13, 59, 294, 295, 269, 93,
+ 64, -1, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, -1, 263,
+ 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273,
+ 274, 275, 294, 295, -1, 279, 280, 91, 282, 283,
+ 284, 294, 295, -1, -1, 289, 290, 291, 292, 293,
+ -1, -1, 296, 297, -1, 41, -1, -1, 44, 303,
+ -1, 294, 295, 307, -1, 309, 310, -1, -1, 123,
+ -1, -1, 126, 59, 91, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260,
+ 261, -1, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270,
+ 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 294, 295, -1, 279, 280,
+ -1, 282, 283, 284, 91, -1, 123, 93, 289, 290,
+ 291, 292, 293, -1, -1, 296, 297, -1, -1, -1,
+ 294, 295, 303, -1, -1, -1, 307, -1, 309, 310,
+ 272, 273, 274, 275, 33, 91, 123, 36, 37, 38,
+ -1, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, -1, 294, 295,
+ -1, 281, 294, 295, -1, 285, 286, 287, 288, 58,
+ 59, 6, -1, 8, 63, 64, -1, 123, 298, 299,
+ 300, 301, 302, -1, 304, 305, -1, -1, 308, -1,
+ -1, 311, 312, 313, -1, -1, 31, 32, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, 91, -1, 93, 41, -1, -1, 44, -1,
+ -1, 91, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, -1, 263,
+ 264, 265, 58, 59, -1, 269, -1, 63, 272, 273,
+ 274, 275, -1, -1, 123, 279, 280, 126, 282, 283,
+ 284, -1, -1, 123, -1, 289, 290, 291, 292, 293,
+ -1, -1, 296, 297, -1, 91, -1, 93, -1, 303,
+ -1, -1, -1, 307, 33, 309, 310, 36, 37, 38,
+ -1, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 123, -1, 58,
+ 59, -1, -1, -1, 63, 64, 272, 273, 274, 275,
+ -1, 308, -1, -1, 311, 312, 313, -1, 285, 286,
+ 287, 288, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 294, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, 93, 302, -1, 304, 305, -1,
+ 41, 308, -1, 44, 311, 312, 313, -1, -1, 285,
+ 286, 287, 288, -1, -1, -1, -1, 58, 59, -1,
+ -1, -1, 63, 299, 300, 301, 302, 126, 304, 305,
+ -1, -1, 308, -1, -1, 311, 312, 313, 257, 258,
+ 259, 260, 261, -1, 263, 264, 265, -1, -1, -1,
+ 269, -1, 93, 272, 273, 274, 275, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288,
+ 289, 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298,
+ 299, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, -1, 307, 308,
+ 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 305, -1, -1, 308, 91,
+ -1, 311, 312, 313, -1, -1, 272, 273, 274, 275,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 281, -1, -1, -1, 285,
+ 286, 287, 288, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 294, 295,
+ -1, 123, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, -1, 304, 305,
+ -1, -1, 308, -1, -1, 311, 312, 313, 91, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 257, 258,
+ 259, 260, 261, -1, 263, 264, 265, -1, -1, -1,
+ 269, -1, -1, 272, 273, 274, 275, -1, -1, -1,
+ 123, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288,
+ 289, 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298,
+ 299, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, -1, 307, 308,
+ 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 33, 48, 49, 36, 37,
+ 38, -1, 40, -1, 42, 43, -1, 45, -1, -1,
+ -1, 272, 273, 274, 275, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ 281, 59, -1, -1, 285, 286, 64, 288, -1, -1,
+ 82, -1, -1, 294, 295, -1, 88, 298, 299, 300,
+ 301, 302, -1, 304, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, 33, -1, 91, 36, 37, 38, -1, 40, -1,
+ 42, 43, -1, 45, 116, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, 123, -1, 285, 286, 287, 288, 59, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, 64, -1, -1, 123, -1, -1, 126, 301,
+ 302, -1, 304, 305, -1, -1, 308, -1, -1, 311,
+ 312, 313, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 33, -1, 91,
+ 36, 37, 38, -1, 40, -1, 42, 43, -1, 45,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, 287, 288, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, 184, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 64, -1,
+ -1, 123, 305, -1, 126, 308, -1, -1, 311, 312,
+ 313, -1, -1, -1, 41, -1, -1, 44, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 91, -1, 26, -1, -1,
+ 33, 58, 59, 36, 37, 38, -1, 40, -1, 42,
+ 43, -1, 45, 42, -1, -1, -1, -1, 47, -1,
+ 49, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 123, -1, -1,
+ 126, 64, 61, 62, 63, 64, 93, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 256, 257,
+ 258, 259, 260, 261, -1, 263, 264, 265, 91, -1,
+ -1, 269, -1, -1, 272, 273, 274, 275, -1, -1,
+ -1, 279, 280, -1, 282, 283, 284, -1, 107, -1,
+ -1, 289, 290, 291, 292, 293, -1, -1, 296, 297,
+ 123, -1, -1, 126, 91, 303, -1, -1, -1, 307,
+ -1, 309, 310, -1, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261,
+ -1, 263, 264, 265, -1, -1, -1, 269, -1, -1,
+ 272, 273, 274, 275, -1, -1, 123, 279, 280, -1,
+ 282, 283, 284, -1, -1, -1, -1, 289, 290, 291,
+ 292, 293, -1, -1, 296, 297, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ 91, 303, -1, -1, -1, 307, -1, 309, 310, -1,
+ -1, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265,
+ 41, -1, -1, 269, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, 123, -1, 280, -1, 282, 283, 284, -1,
+ -1, -1, 63, 289, 290, 291, 292, 293, -1, -1,
+ 296, 297, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 303, -1, -1,
+ -1, 307, -1, 309, 310, 272, 273, 274, 275, -1,
+ 91, -1, -1, -1, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, -1,
+ 263, 264, 265, -1, -1, -1, 269, 294, 295, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 280, -1, 282,
+ 283, 284, 123, -1, -1, -1, 289, 290, 291, 292,
+ 293, -1, -1, 296, 297, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ 303, -1, -1, -1, 307, 33, 309, 310, 36, 37,
+ 38, -1, 40, -1, 42, 43, -1, 45, 285, 286,
+ 287, 288, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, 59, -1, 300, 301, 302, 64, 304, 305, -1,
+ -1, 308, -1, -1, 311, 312, 313, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, 33, -1, 91, 36, 37, 38, -1, 40, -1,
+ 42, 43, -1, 45, 285, 286, 287, 288, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, 64, 304, 305, -1, -1, 308, 126, -1,
+ 311, 312, 313, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 33, -1, 91,
+ 36, 37, 38, -1, 40, 41, 42, 43, -1, 45,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ 281, -1, -1, -1, 285, 286, 287, 288, 64, -1,
+ -1, 123, -1, -1, 126, -1, -1, 298, 299, 300,
+ 301, 302, -1, 304, 305, -1, -1, 308, -1, -1,
+ 311, 312, 313, -1, -1, 91, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ 33, -1, -1, 36, 37, 38, -1, 40, -1, 42,
+ 43, -1, 45, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ 126, 64, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 257,
+ 258, 259, 260, 261, -1, 263, 264, 265, 91, -1,
+ 93, 269, -1, -1, -1, 91, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, 280, -1, 282, 283, 284, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, 289, 290, 291, 292, 293, -1, 63, 296, 297,
+ -1, -1, -1, 126, -1, 303, -1, 123, -1, 307,
+ -1, 309, 310, -1, -1, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261,
+ -1, 263, 264, 265, -1, 91, -1, 269, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 280, -1,
+ 282, 283, 284, -1, -1, -1, -1, 289, 290, 291,
+ 292, 293, -1, -1, 296, 297, 91, 123, -1, -1,
+ -1, 303, -1, 41, -1, 307, 44, 309, 310, -1,
+ -1, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, -1, 263, 264, 265,
+ 58, 59, -1, 269, -1, 63, -1, -1, 123, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, 280, -1, 282, 283, 284, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, 289, 290, 291, 292, 293, -1, -1,
+ 296, 297, -1, -1, -1, 93, -1, 303, -1, -1,
+ -1, 307, -1, 309, 310, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, -1,
+ 263, 264, 265, -1, 33, -1, 269, 36, 37, 38,
+ -1, 40, -1, 42, 43, -1, 45, 280, -1, 282,
+ 283, 284, -1, -1, -1, -1, 289, 290, 291, 292,
+ 293, 287, 288, 296, 297, 64, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ 303, -1, -1, -1, 307, -1, 309, 310, 304, 305,
+ -1, -1, 308, -1, -1, 311, 312, 313, -1, -1,
+ 33, -1, 91, 36, 37, 38, -1, 40, 41, 42,
+ 43, -1, 45, -1, -1, 281, -1, -1, -1, 285,
+ 286, 287, 288, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, 64, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 126, 304, 305,
+ -1, -1, 308, -1, -1, 311, 312, 313, -1, -1,
+ 285, -1, 287, 288, -1, -1, 33, -1, 91, 36,
+ 37, 38, -1, 40, 41, 42, 43, -1, 45, 304,
+ 305, -1, -1, 308, -1, -1, 311, 312, 313, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 64, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, 126, 272, 273, 274, 275, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, 281, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, 91, -1, 294, 295, -1, 33,
+ 298, 299, 36, 37, 38, -1, 40, 41, 42, 43,
+ -1, 45, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 126,
+ 64, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 256, 257, 258,
+ 259, 260, 261, -1, 263, 264, 265, 91, -1, -1,
+ 269, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, 280, -1, 282, 283, 284, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ 289, 290, 291, 292, 293, -1, -1, 296, 297, -1,
+ -1, -1, 126, -1, 303, -1, 41, -1, 307, 44,
+ 309, 310, -1, -1, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, -1,
+ 263, 264, 265, 58, 59, -1, 269, -1, 63, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 280, -1, 282,
+ 283, 284, -1, -1, -1, -1, 289, 290, 291, 292,
+ 293, -1, -1, 296, 297, -1, 91, -1, 93, -1,
+ 303, -1, 41, -1, 307, 44, 309, 310, -1, -1,
+ 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, -1, 263, 264, 265, 58,
+ 59, -1, 269, -1, 63, -1, -1, -1, 123, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, 280, -1, 282, 283, 284, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, 289, 290, 291, 292, 293, -1, -1, 296,
+ 297, -1, 91, -1, 93, -1, 303, -1, -1, -1,
+ 307, -1, 309, 310, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, -1, 263,
+ 264, 265, -1, 33, 123, 269, 36, 37, 38, -1,
+ 40, 41, 42, 43, -1, 45, 280, -1, 282, 283,
+ 284, -1, -1, -1, -1, 289, 290, 291, 292, 293,
+ -1, -1, 296, 297, 64, -1, 25, 26, -1, 303,
+ -1, -1, -1, 307, -1, 309, 310, -1, 37, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, 42, 43, -1, -1, -1, 47, 33,
+ 49, 91, 36, 37, 38, -1, 40, -1, 42, 43,
+ -1, 45, 61, 62, 63, 64, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ 64, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 126, 272, 273, 274,
+ 275, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 281, -1, -1, -1,
+ 285, 286, 287, 288, -1, -1, -1, 91, 107, 294,
+ 295, -1, -1, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, -1, 304,
+ 305, -1, 41, 308, -1, 44, 311, 312, 313, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, 41, -1, -1, 44, -1, -1, 58,
+ 59, -1, 126, 272, 273, 274, 275, -1, -1, -1,
+ 58, 59, 281, -1, -1, 63, 285, 286, 287, 288,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 294, 295, -1, 167, 298,
+ 299, 300, 301, 302, 93, 304, 305, -1, 41, 308,
+ -1, 44, 311, 312, 313, 93, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 58, 59, -1, -1, -1,
+ 63, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 123, -1, 257, 258, 259,
+ 260, 261, -1, 263, 264, 265, -1, -1, 91, 269,
+ 93, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ 280, -1, 282, 283, 284, -1, -1, -1, -1, 289,
+ 290, 291, 292, 293, -1, -1, 296, 297, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, 303, -1, 41, -1, 307, 44, 309,
+ 310, -1, -1, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, -1, 263,
+ 264, 265, 58, 59, -1, 269, -1, 63, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 280, -1, 282, 283,
+ 284, -1, -1, -1, -1, 289, 290, 291, 292, 293,
+ -1, -1, 296, 297, -1, -1, -1, 93, -1, 303,
+ 41, -1, -1, 307, -1, 309, 310, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 58, 59, -1,
+ -1, -1, 63, -1, -1, -1, -1, 123, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, 272, 273, 274, 275, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, 272, 273, 274, 275, -1, -1,
+ 91, -1, 93, 281, -1, 294, 295, 285, 286, 287,
+ 288, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 294, 295, -1, -1,
+ 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, -1, 304, 305, -1, -1,
+ 308, -1, 123, 311, 312, 313, -1, -1, -1, 272,
+ 273, 274, 275, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 281, -1,
+ -1, -1, 285, 286, 287, 288, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, 294, 295, -1, 41, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302,
+ -1, 304, 305, -1, -1, 308, -1, -1, 311, 312,
+ 313, 58, 59, -1, -1, -1, 63, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, 91, -1, 93, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 272, 273, 274, 275,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 281, -1, -1, -1, 285,
+ 286, 287, 288, -1, -1, -1, 123, -1, 294, 295,
+ -1, -1, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, -1, 304, 305,
+ 41, -1, 308, 44, -1, 311, 312, 313, -1, -1,
+ -1, 41, -1, -1, 44, -1, -1, 58, 59, -1,
+ -1, 272, 273, 274, 275, -1, -1, -1, 58, 59,
+ 281, -1, -1, 63, 285, 286, 287, 288, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, 294, 295, -1, -1, 298, 299, 300,
+ 301, 302, 93, 304, 305, -1, -1, 308, -1, -1,
+ 311, 312, 313, 93, 41, -1, -1, 44, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, 58, 59, -1, -1, -1, 63, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, 123, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 41, -1, -1,
+ 44, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 93, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, 58, 59, -1, -1, -1, 63,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 272, 273, 274, 275, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, 281, -1, 123, -1, 285, 286,
+ 287, 288, -1, -1, -1, 41, -1, 294, 295, 93,
+ -1, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, -1, 304, 305, -1,
+ -1, 308, 58, 59, 311, 312, 313, 63, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 123,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 41, -1, -1,
+ 44, -1, -1, -1, -1, 91, -1, 93, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, 58, 59, -1, -1, -1, 63,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, 272, 273, 274, 275, -1, -1, 123, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, 272, 273, 274, 275, -1, -1, -1, 93,
+ -1, 281, -1, 294, 295, 285, 286, 287, 288, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, 294, 295, -1, -1, 298, 299,
+ 300, 301, 302, -1, 304, 305, -1, -1, 308, -1,
+ -1, 311, 312, 313, -1, 41, -1, -1, 44, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 272, 273, 274, 275, -1,
+ -1, -1, 58, 59, 281, -1, -1, 63, 285, 286,
+ 287, 288, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 294, 295, -1,
+ -1, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, -1, 304, 305, -1,
+ -1, 308, -1, -1, 311, 312, 313, 93, 272, 273,
+ 274, 275, -1, -1, -1, 41, -1, 281, 44, -1,
+ -1, 285, 286, 287, 288, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ 294, 295, 58, 59, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, -1,
+ 304, 305, -1, -1, 308, -1, -1, 311, 312, 313,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 272, 273, 274, 275,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 281, -1, 93, -1, 285,
+ 286, 287, 288, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 294, 295,
+ -1, 63, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, -1, 304, 305,
+ -1, -1, 308, -1, -1, 311, 312, 313, 272, 273,
+ 274, 275, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 281, -1, 91,
+ -1, 285, 286, 287, 288, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ 294, 295, -1, -1, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 41,
+ 304, 305, 44, -1, 308, -1, -1, 311, 312, 313,
+ -1, 123, -1, -1, -1, -1, 58, 59, -1, -1,
+ -1, 63, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 41, -1, -1, 44,
+ -1, 93, -1, -1, -1, -1, 272, 273, 274, 275,
+ -1, -1, -1, 58, 59, 281, -1, -1, 63, 285,
+ 286, 287, 288, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 294, 295,
+ -1, -1, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, -1, 304, 305,
+ 41, -1, 308, 44, -1, 311, 312, 313, 93, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 58, 59, -1,
+ -1, -1, 63, -1, -1, -1, 272, 273, 274, 275,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 41, -1, -1,
+ 44, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 294, 295,
+ -1, -1, 93, -1, 58, 59, -1, -1, -1, 63,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, 41, -1, -1, 44, -1, 281,
+ -1, -1, -1, 285, 286, 287, 288, -1, -1, 93,
+ -1, 58, 59, -1, -1, -1, 63, 299, 300, 301,
+ 302, -1, 304, 305, -1, -1, 308, -1, -1, 311,
+ 312, 313, 41, -1, -1, 44, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 93, -1, -1, 58,
+ 59, -1, -1, -1, 63, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ 272, 273, 274, 275, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 281,
+ -1, -1, -1, 285, 286, 287, 288, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, 294, 295, 93, -1, 298, 299, 300, 301,
+ 302, -1, 304, 305, -1, -1, 308, -1, -1, 311,
+ 312, 313, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 272, 273, 274,
+ 275, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 281, -1, -1, -1,
+ 285, 286, 287, 288, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 294,
+ 295, -1, -1, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, -1, 304,
+ 305, 41, -1, 308, 44, -1, 311, 312, 313, -1,
+ -1, 272, 273, 274, 275, -1, -1, -1, 58, 59,
+ 281, -1, -1, 63, 285, 286, 287, 288, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, 294, 295, -1, -1, 298, 299, 300,
+ 301, 302, -1, 304, 305, -1, -1, 308, 272, 273,
+ 274, 275, -1, 93, -1, -1, -1, 281, -1, -1,
+ -1, 285, 286, 287, 288, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ 294, 295, -1, -1, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, -1,
+ 304, 305, -1, -1, 308, 272, 273, 274, 275, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, 281, -1, -1, -1, 285, 286,
+ 287, 288, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 294, 295, -1,
+ -1, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, -1, 304, 305, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, 272, 273, 274, 275, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, 281, -1, -1, -1, 285, 286, 287, 288,
+ 41, -1, -1, 44, -1, 294, 295, -1, -1, 298,
+ 299, 300, 301, 302, -1, 304, 305, 58, 59, -1,
+ -1, -1, 63, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 41, -1, -1, 44,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, 93, 58, 59, -1, -1, -1, 63, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ 41, -1, -1, 44, -1, -1, -1, -1, 93, -1,
+ -1, -1, 272, 273, 274, 275, -1, 58, 59, -1,
+ -1, 281, 63, -1, -1, 285, 286, 287, 288, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, 294, 295, -1, -1, 298, 299,
+ 300, 301, 302, 41, 304, 305, 44, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, 93, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ 58, 59, -1, -1, -1, 63, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 41,
+ -1, -1, 44, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 93, 58, 59, -1, -1,
+ -1, 63, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 41, -1, -1, 44,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, 93, -1, 58, 59, -1, -1, -1, 63, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, 272, 273, 274, 275, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ 281, -1, -1, -1, 285, 286, 287, 288, 93, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, 294, 295, -1, -1, 298, 299, 300,
+ 301, 302, -1, 304, 305, -1, -1, 272, 273, 274,
+ 275, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 281, -1, -1, -1,
+ 285, 286, 287, 288, 41, -1, -1, 44, -1, 294,
+ 295, -1, -1, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, -1, 304,
+ 305, 58, 59, -1, -1, -1, 63, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, 272, 273, 274, 275, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ 281, -1, -1, -1, 285, 286, 287, 288, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, 294, 295, -1, 93, 298, 299, 300,
+ 301, 302, 41, 304, 305, 44, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, 272, 273, 274, 275, -1, 58,
+ 59, -1, -1, 281, 63, -1, -1, 285, 286, 287,
+ 288, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 294, 295, -1, -1,
+ 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, -1, 304, 305, -1, -1,
+ 272, 273, 274, 275, 93, -1, -1, -1, -1, 281,
+ -1, -1, -1, 285, 286, 287, 288, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, 294, 295, -1, -1, 298, 299, 300, 301,
+ 302, 41, 304, -1, 44, -1, -1, 272, 273, 274,
+ 275, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 281, -1, 58, 59,
+ 285, 286, -1, 63, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 294,
+ 295, -1, -1, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 41, 304,
+ -1, 44, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 41, -1,
+ -1, 44, -1, 93, -1, 58, 59, -1, -1, -1,
+ 63, -1, -1, -1, -1, 58, 59, -1, -1, -1,
+ 63, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, 41, -1, -1, 44, -1, -1,
+ 93, -1, -1, -1, -1, 272, 273, 274, 275, -1,
+ 93, 58, 59, -1, 281, -1, 63, -1, 285, 286,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 41, 294, 295, 44,
+ -1, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 41, -1, -1, 44,
+ -1, -1, -1, 58, 59, -1, 93, -1, 63, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, 58, 59, -1, -1, -1, 63, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, 272, 273, 274, 275, -1, -1, 58,
+ -1, -1, 281, -1, 63, -1, 285, 286, 93, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 294, 295, -1, 93, 298,
+ 299, 300, 301, 302, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, 91, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, 123, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, 272, 273, 274, 275, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, 281, -1, -1, -1, 285, 286, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, 294, 295, -1, -1, 298, 299,
+ 300, 301, 302, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 272,
+ 273, 274, 275, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 281, 272,
+ 273, 274, 275, 286, -1, -1, -1, -1, 281, -1,
+ -1, 294, 295, -1, -1, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302,
+ -1, 294, 295, -1, -1, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 272, 273, 274, 275, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, 281, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 294, 295, -1,
+ -1, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, -1, 272, 273, 274,
+ 275, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 281, 272, 273, 274,
+ 275, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 281, -1, -1, 294,
+ 295, -1, -1, 298, 299, 300, 301, -1, -1, 294,
+ 295, -1, 281, 298, 299, 300, 285, 286, 287, 288,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 298,
+ 299, 300, 301, 302, -1, 304, 305, 30, -1, 308,
+ -1, -1, 311, 312, 313, 38, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ 43, 44, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 50, 51, 52,
+ 53, 54, 55, -1, -1, 58, 59, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 90, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ 143, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 151, 152,
+ 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162,
+ 163, 164, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, 256, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, 284,
+#define YYFINAL 1
+#ifndef YYDEBUG
+#define YYDEBUG 0
+#define YYMAXTOKEN 313
+dEXT char * yyname[] = {
+dEXT char * yyrule[] = {
+"$accept : prog",
+"$$1 :",
+"prog : $$1 lineseq",
+"block : '{' remember lineseq '}'",
+"remember :",
+"lineseq :",
+"lineseq : lineseq decl",
+"lineseq : lineseq line",
+"line : label cond",
+"line : loop",
+"line : label ';'",
+"line : label sideff ';'",
+"sideff : error",
+"sideff : expr",
+"sideff : expr IF expr",
+"sideff : expr UNLESS expr",
+"sideff : expr WHILE expr",
+"sideff : expr UNTIL expr",
+"else :",
+"else : ELSE block",
+"else : ELSIF '(' expr ')' block else",
+"cond : IF '(' expr ')' block else",
+"cond : UNLESS '(' expr ')' block else",
+"cond : IF block block else",
+"cond : UNLESS block block else",
+"cont :",
+"cont : CONTINUE block",
+"loop : label WHILE '(' texpr ')' block cont",
+"loop : label UNTIL '(' expr ')' block cont",
+"loop : label WHILE block block cont",
+"loop : label UNTIL block block cont",
+"loop : label FOR scalar '(' expr ')' block cont",
+"loop : label FOR '(' expr ')' block cont",
+"loop : label FOR '(' nexpr ';' texpr ';' nexpr ')' block",
+"loop : label block cont",
+"nexpr :",
+"nexpr : sideff",
+"texpr :",
+"texpr : expr",
+"label :",
+"label : LABEL",
+"decl : format",
+"decl : subrout",
+"decl : package",
+"decl : use",
+"format : FORMAT startsub WORD block",
+"format : FORMAT startsub block",
+"subrout : SUB startsub WORD proto block",
+"subrout : SUB startsub WORD proto ';'",
+"proto :",
+"proto : THING",
+"startsub :",
+"package : PACKAGE WORD ';'",
+"package : PACKAGE ';'",
+"use : USE startsub WORD listexpr ';'",
+"expr : expr ANDOP expr",
+"expr : expr OROP expr",
+"expr : argexpr",
+"argexpr : argexpr ','",
+"argexpr : argexpr ',' term",
+"argexpr : term",
+"listop : LSTOP indirob argexpr",
+"listop : FUNC '(' indirob expr ')'",
+"listop : term ARROW method '(' listexprcom ')'",
+"listop : METHOD indirob listexpr",
+"listop : FUNCMETH indirob '(' listexprcom ')'",
+"listop : LSTOP listexpr",
+"listop : FUNC '(' listexprcom ')'",
+"listop : LSTOPSUB startsub block listexpr",
+"method : METHOD",
+"method : scalar",
+"term : term ASSIGNOP term",
+"term : term POWOP term",
+"term : term MULOP term",
+"term : term ADDOP term",
+"term : term SHIFTOP term",
+"term : term RELOP term",
+"term : term EQOP term",
+"term : term BITANDOP term",
+"term : term BITOROP term",
+"term : term DOTDOT term",
+"term : term ANDAND term",
+"term : term OROR term",
+"term : term '?' term ':' term",
+"term : term MATCHOP term",
+"term : '-' term",
+"term : '+' term",
+"term : '!' term",
+"term : '~' term",
+"term : REFGEN term",
+"term : term POSTINC",
+"term : term POSTDEC",
+"term : PREINC term",
+"term : PREDEC term",
+"term : LOCAL term",
+"term : '(' expr ')'",
+"term : '(' ')'",
+"term : '[' expr ']'",
+"term : '[' ']'",
+"term : HASHBRACK expr ';' '}'",
+"term : HASHBRACK ';' '}'",
+"term : ANONSUB startsub proto block",
+"term : scalar",
+"term : star '{' expr ';' '}'",
+"term : star",
+"term : scalar '[' expr ']'",
+"term : term ARROW '[' expr ']'",
+"term : term '[' expr ']'",
+"term : hsh",
+"term : ary",
+"term : arylen",
+"term : scalar '{' expr ';' '}'",
+"term : term ARROW '{' expr ';' '}'",
+"term : term '{' expr ';' '}'",
+"term : '(' expr ')' '[' expr ']'",
+"term : '(' ')' '[' expr ']'",
+"term : ary '[' expr ']'",
+"term : ary '{' expr ';' '}'",
+"term : THING",
+"term : amper",
+"term : amper '(' ')'",
+"term : amper '(' expr ')'",
+"term : NOAMP WORD listexpr",
+"term : DO term",
+"term : DO block",
+"term : DO WORD '(' ')'",
+"term : DO WORD '(' expr ')'",
+"term : DO scalar '(' ')'",
+"term : DO scalar '(' expr ')'",
+"term : LOOPEX",
+"term : LOOPEX term",
+"term : NOTOP argexpr",
+"term : UNIOP",
+"term : UNIOP block",
+"term : UNIOP term",
+"term : UNIOPSUB term",
+"term : FUNC0",
+"term : FUNC0 '(' ')'",
+"term : FUNC0SUB",
+"term : FUNC1 '(' ')'",
+"term : FUNC1 '(' expr ')'",
+"term : PMFUNC '(' term ')'",
+"term : PMFUNC '(' term ',' term ')'",
+"term : WORD",
+"term : listop",
+"listexpr :",
+"listexpr : argexpr",
+"listexprcom :",
+"listexprcom : expr",
+"listexprcom : expr ','",
+"amper : '&' indirob",
+"scalar : '$' indirob",
+"ary : '@' indirob",
+"hsh : '%' indirob",
+"arylen : DOLSHARP indirob",
+"star : '*' indirob",
+"indirob : WORD",
+"indirob : scalar",
+"indirob : block",
+"indirob : PRIVATEREF",
+#define yyclearin (yychar=(-1))
+#define yyerrok (yyerrflag=0)
+#define YYSTACKSIZE 500
+#define YYMAXDEPTH 500
+dEXT int yydebug;
+dEXT int yynerrs;
+dEXT int yyerrflag;
+dEXT int yychar;
+dEXT YYSTYPE yyval;
+dEXT YYSTYPE yylval;
+#line 571 "perly.y"
+ /* PROGRAM */
+#line 1394 "y_tab.c"
+#define YYABORT goto yyabort
+#define YYACCEPT goto yyaccept
+#define YYERROR goto yyerrlab
+struct ysv {
+ short* yyss;
+ YYSTYPE* yyvs;
+ int oldyydebug;
+ int oldyynerrs;
+ int oldyyerrflag;
+ int oldyychar;
+ YYSTYPE oldyyval;
+ YYSTYPE oldyylval;
+void* ptr;
+ struct ysv* ysave = (struct ysv*)ptr;
+ if (ysave->yyss) Safefree(ysave->yyss);
+ if (ysave->yyvs) Safefree(ysave->yyvs);
+ yydebug = ysave->oldyydebug;
+ yynerrs = ysave->oldyynerrs;
+ yyerrflag = ysave->oldyyerrflag;
+ yychar = ysave->oldyychar;
+ yyval = ysave->oldyyval;
+ yylval = ysave->oldyylval;
+ Safefree(ysave);
+ register int yym, yyn, yystate;
+ register short *yyssp;
+ register YYSTYPE *yyvsp;
+ short* yyss;
+ YYSTYPE* yyvs;
+ unsigned yystacksize = YYSTACKSIZE;
+ int retval = 0;
+ register char *yys;
+ extern char *getenv();
+ struct ysv *ysave = (struct ysv*)safemalloc(sizeof(struct ysv));
+ SAVEDESTRUCTOR(yydestruct, ysave);
+ ysave->oldyydebug = yydebug;
+ ysave->oldyynerrs = yynerrs;
+ ysave->oldyyerrflag = yyerrflag;
+ ysave->oldyychar = yychar;
+ ysave->oldyyval = yyval;
+ ysave->oldyylval = yylval;
+ if (yys = getenv("YYDEBUG"))
+ {
+ yyn = *yys;
+ if (yyn >= '0' && yyn <= '9')
+ yydebug = yyn - '0';
+ }
+ yynerrs = 0;
+ yyerrflag = 0;
+ yychar = (-1);
+ /*
+ ** Initialize private stacks (yyparse may be called from an action)
+ */
+ ysave->yyss = yyss = (short*)safemalloc(yystacksize*sizeof(short));
+ ysave->yyvs = yyvs = (YYSTYPE*)safemalloc(yystacksize*sizeof(YYSTYPE));
+ if (!yyvs || !yyss)
+ goto yyoverflow;
+ yyssp = yyss;
+ yyvsp = yyvs;
+ *yyssp = yystate = 0;
+ if (yyn = yydefred[yystate]) goto yyreduce;
+ if (yychar < 0)
+ {
+ if ((yychar = yylex()) < 0) yychar = 0;
+ if (yydebug)
+ {
+ yys = 0;
+ if (yychar <= YYMAXTOKEN) yys = yyname[yychar];
+ if (!yys) yys = "illegal-symbol";
+ fprintf(stderr, "yydebug: state %d, reading %d (%s)\n", yystate,
+ yychar, yys);
+ }
+ }
+ if ((yyn = yysindex[yystate]) && (yyn += yychar) >= 0 &&
+ yyn <= YYTABLESIZE && yycheck[yyn] == yychar)
+ {
+ if (yydebug)
+ fprintf(stderr, "yydebug: state %d, shifting to state %d\n",
+ yystate, yytable[yyn]);
+ if (yyssp >= yyss + yystacksize - 1)
+ {
+ /*
+ ** reallocate and recover. Note that pointers
+ ** have to be reset, or bad things will happen
+ */
+ int yyps_index = (yyssp - yyss);
+ int yypv_index = (yyvsp - yyvs);
+ yystacksize += YYSTACKSIZE;
+ ysave->yyvs = yyvs =
+ (YYSTYPE*)realloc((char*)yyvs,yystacksize * sizeof(YYSTYPE));
+ ysave->yyss = yyss =
+ (short*)realloc((char*)yyss,yystacksize * sizeof(short));
+ if (!yyvs || !yyss)
+ goto yyoverflow;
+ yyssp = yyss + yyps_index;
+ yyvsp = yyvs + yypv_index;
+ }
+ *++yyssp = yystate = yytable[yyn];
+ *++yyvsp = yylval;
+ yychar = (-1);
+ if (yyerrflag > 0) --yyerrflag;
+ goto yyloop;
+ }
+ if ((yyn = yyrindex[yystate]) && (yyn += yychar) >= 0 &&
+ yyn <= YYTABLESIZE && yycheck[yyn] == yychar)
+ {
+ yyn = yytable[yyn];
+ goto yyreduce;
+ }
+ if (yyerrflag) goto yyinrecovery;
+#ifdef lint
+ goto yynewerror;
+ yyerror("syntax error");
+#ifdef lint
+ goto yyerrlab;
+ ++yynerrs;
+ if (yyerrflag < 3)
+ {
+ yyerrflag = 3;
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ if ((yyn = yysindex[*yyssp]) && (yyn += YYERRCODE) >= 0 &&
+ yyn <= YYTABLESIZE && yycheck[yyn] == YYERRCODE)
+ {
+ if (yydebug)
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ "yydebug: state %d, error recovery shifting to state %d\n",
+ *yyssp, yytable[yyn]);
+ if (yyssp >= yyss + yystacksize - 1)
+ {
+ /*
+ ** reallocate and recover. Note that pointers
+ ** have to be reset, or bad things will happen
+ */
+ int yyps_index = (yyssp - yyss);
+ int yypv_index = (yyvsp - yyvs);
+ yystacksize += YYSTACKSIZE;
+ ysave->yyvs = yyvs = (YYSTYPE*)realloc((char*)yyvs,
+ yystacksize * sizeof(YYSTYPE));
+ ysave->yyss = yyss = (short*)realloc((char*)yyss,
+ yystacksize * sizeof(short));
+ if (!yyvs || !yyss)
+ goto yyoverflow;
+ yyssp = yyss + yyps_index;
+ yyvsp = yyvs + yypv_index;
+ }
+ *++yyssp = yystate = yytable[yyn];
+ *++yyvsp = yylval;
+ goto yyloop;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (yydebug)
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ "yydebug: error recovery discarding state %d\n",
+ *yyssp);
+ if (yyssp <= yyss) goto yyabort;
+ --yyssp;
+ --yyvsp;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (yychar == 0) goto yyabort;
+ if (yydebug)
+ {
+ yys = 0;
+ if (yychar <= YYMAXTOKEN) yys = yyname[yychar];
+ if (!yys) yys = "illegal-symbol";
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ "yydebug: state %d, error recovery discards token %d (%s)\n",
+ yystate, yychar, yys);
+ }
+ yychar = (-1);
+ goto yyloop;
+ }
+ if (yydebug)
+ fprintf(stderr, "yydebug: state %d, reducing by rule %d (%s)\n",
+ yystate, yyn, yyrule[yyn]);
+ yym = yylen[yyn];
+ yyval = yyvsp[1-yym];
+ switch (yyn)
+ {
+case 1:
+#line 84 "perly.y"
+#if defined(YYDEBUG) && defined(DEBUGGING)
+ yydebug = (debug & 1);
+ expect = XSTATE;
+ }
+case 2:
+#line 91 "perly.y"
+{ newPROG(yyvsp[0].opval); }
+case 3:
+#line 95 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = block_end(yyvsp[-3].ival,yyvsp[-2].ival,yyvsp[-1].opval); }
+case 4:
+#line 99 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.ival = block_start(); }
+case 5:
+#line 103 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = Nullop; }
+case 6:
+#line 105 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = yyvsp[-1].opval; }
+case 7:
+#line 107 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = append_list(OP_LINESEQ,
+ (LISTOP*)yyvsp[-1].opval, (LISTOP*)yyvsp[0].opval);
+ pad_reset_pending = TRUE;
+ if (yyvsp[-1].opval && yyvsp[0].opval) hints |= HINT_BLOCK_SCOPE; }
+case 8:
+#line 114 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = newSTATEOP(0, yyvsp[-1].pval, yyvsp[0].opval); }
+case 10:
+#line 117 "perly.y"
+{ if (yyvsp[-1].pval != Nullch) {
+ yyval.opval = newSTATEOP(0, yyvsp[-1].pval, newOP(OP_NULL, 0));
+ }
+ else {
+ yyval.opval = Nullop;
+ copline = NOLINE;
+ }
+ expect = XSTATE; }
+case 11:
+#line 126 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = newSTATEOP(0, yyvsp[-2].pval, yyvsp[-1].opval);
+ expect = XSTATE; }
+case 12:
+#line 131 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = Nullop; }
+case 13:
+#line 133 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = yyvsp[0].opval; }
+case 14:
+#line 135 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = newLOGOP(OP_AND, 0, yyvsp[0].opval, yyvsp[-2].opval); }
+case 15:
+#line 137 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = newLOGOP(OP_OR, 0, yyvsp[0].opval, yyvsp[-2].opval); }
+case 16:
+#line 139 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = newLOOPOP(OPf_PARENS, 1, scalar(yyvsp[0].opval), yyvsp[-2].opval); }
+case 17:
+#line 141 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = newLOOPOP(OPf_PARENS, 1, invert(scalar(yyvsp[0].opval)), yyvsp[-2].opval);}
+case 18:
+#line 145 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = Nullop; }
+case 19:
+#line 147 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = scope(yyvsp[0].opval); }
+case 20:
+#line 149 "perly.y"
+{ copline = yyvsp[-5].ival;
+ yyval.opval = newSTATEOP(0, 0,
+ newCONDOP(0, yyvsp[-3].opval, scope(yyvsp[-1].opval), yyvsp[0].opval));
+ hints |= HINT_BLOCK_SCOPE; }
+case 21:
+#line 156 "perly.y"
+{ copline = yyvsp[-5].ival;
+ yyval.opval = newCONDOP(0, yyvsp[-3].opval, scope(yyvsp[-1].opval), yyvsp[0].opval); }
+case 22:
+#line 159 "perly.y"
+{ copline = yyvsp[-5].ival;
+ yyval.opval = newCONDOP(0,
+ invert(scalar(yyvsp[-3].opval)), scope(yyvsp[-1].opval), yyvsp[0].opval); }
+case 23:
+#line 163 "perly.y"
+{ copline = yyvsp[-3].ival;
+ deprecate("if BLOCK BLOCK");
+ yyval.opval = newCONDOP(0, scope(yyvsp[-2].opval), scope(yyvsp[-1].opval), yyvsp[0].opval); }
+case 24:
+#line 167 "perly.y"
+{ copline = yyvsp[-3].ival;
+ deprecate("unless BLOCK BLOCK");
+ yyval.opval = newCONDOP(0, invert(scalar(scope(yyvsp[-2].opval))),
+ scope(yyvsp[-1].opval), yyvsp[0].opval); }
+case 25:
+#line 174 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = Nullop; }
+case 26:
+#line 176 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = scope(yyvsp[0].opval); }
+case 27:
+#line 180 "perly.y"
+{ copline = yyvsp[-5].ival;
+ yyval.opval = newSTATEOP(0, yyvsp[-6].pval,
+ newWHILEOP(0, 1, (LOOP*)Nullop,
+ yyvsp[-3].opval, yyvsp[-1].opval, yyvsp[0].opval) ); }
+case 28:
+#line 185 "perly.y"
+{ copline = yyvsp[-5].ival;
+ yyval.opval = newSTATEOP(0, yyvsp[-6].pval,
+ newWHILEOP(0, 1, (LOOP*)Nullop,
+ invert(scalar(yyvsp[-3].opval)), yyvsp[-1].opval, yyvsp[0].opval) ); }
+case 29:
+#line 190 "perly.y"
+{ copline = yyvsp[-3].ival;
+ yyval.opval = newSTATEOP(0, yyvsp[-4].pval,
+ newWHILEOP(0, 1, (LOOP*)Nullop,
+ scope(yyvsp[-2].opval), yyvsp[-1].opval, yyvsp[0].opval) ); }
+case 30:
+#line 195 "perly.y"
+{ copline = yyvsp[-3].ival;
+ yyval.opval = newSTATEOP(0, yyvsp[-4].pval,
+ newWHILEOP(0, 1, (LOOP*)Nullop,
+ invert(scalar(scope(yyvsp[-2].opval))), yyvsp[-1].opval, yyvsp[0].opval)); }
+case 31:
+#line 200 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = newFOROP(0, yyvsp[-7].pval, yyvsp[-6].ival, mod(yyvsp[-5].opval, OP_ENTERLOOP),
+ yyvsp[-3].opval, yyvsp[-1].opval, yyvsp[0].opval); }
+case 32:
+#line 203 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = newFOROP(0, yyvsp[-6].pval, yyvsp[-5].ival, Nullop, yyvsp[-3].opval, yyvsp[-1].opval, yyvsp[0].opval); }
+case 33:
+#line 206 "perly.y"
+{ copline = yyvsp[-8].ival;
+ yyval.opval = append_elem(OP_LINESEQ,
+ newSTATEOP(0, yyvsp[-9].pval, scalar(yyvsp[-6].opval)),
+ newSTATEOP(0, yyvsp[-9].pval,
+ newWHILEOP(0, 1, (LOOP*)Nullop,
+ scalar(yyvsp[-4].opval), yyvsp[0].opval, scalar(yyvsp[-2].opval)) )); }
+case 34:
+#line 213 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = newSTATEOP(0,
+ yyvsp[-2].pval, newWHILEOP(0, 1, (LOOP*)Nullop,
+ Nullop, yyvsp[-1].opval, yyvsp[0].opval)); }
+case 35:
+#line 219 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = Nullop; }
+case 37:
+#line 224 "perly.y"
+{ (void)scan_num("1"); yyval.opval = yylval.opval; }
+case 39:
+#line 229 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.pval = Nullch; }
+case 41:
+#line 234 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.ival = 0; }
+case 42:
+#line 236 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.ival = 0; }
+case 43:
+#line 238 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.ival = 0; }
+case 44:
+#line 240 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.ival = 0; }
+case 45:
+#line 244 "perly.y"
+{ newFORM(yyvsp[-2].ival, yyvsp[-1].opval, yyvsp[0].opval); }
+case 46:
+#line 246 "perly.y"
+{ newFORM(yyvsp[-1].ival, Nullop, yyvsp[0].opval); }
+case 47:
+#line 250 "perly.y"
+{ newSUB(yyvsp[-3].ival, yyvsp[-2].opval, yyvsp[-1].opval, yyvsp[0].opval); }
+case 48:
+#line 252 "perly.y"
+{ newSUB(yyvsp[-3].ival, yyvsp[-2].opval, yyvsp[-1].opval, Nullop); expect = XSTATE; }
+case 49:
+#line 256 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = Nullop; }
+case 51:
+#line 261 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.ival = start_subparse(); }
+case 52:
+#line 265 "perly.y"
+{ package(yyvsp[-1].opval); }
+case 53:
+#line 267 "perly.y"
+{ package(Nullop); }
+case 54:
+#line 271 "perly.y"
+{ utilize(yyvsp[-4].ival, yyvsp[-3].ival, yyvsp[-2].opval, yyvsp[-1].opval); }
+case 55:
+#line 275 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = newLOGOP(OP_AND, 0, yyvsp[-2].opval, yyvsp[0].opval); }
+case 56:
+#line 277 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = newLOGOP(yyvsp[-1].ival, 0, yyvsp[-2].opval, yyvsp[0].opval); }
+case 58:
+#line 282 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = yyvsp[-1].opval; }
+case 59:
+#line 284 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = append_elem(OP_LIST, yyvsp[-2].opval, yyvsp[0].opval); }
+case 61:
+#line 289 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = convert(yyvsp[-2].ival, OPf_STACKED,
+ prepend_elem(OP_LIST, newGVREF(yyvsp[-2].ival,yyvsp[-1].opval), yyvsp[0].opval) ); }
+case 62:
+#line 292 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = convert(yyvsp[-4].ival, OPf_STACKED,
+ prepend_elem(OP_LIST, newGVREF(yyvsp[-4].ival,yyvsp[-2].opval), yyvsp[-1].opval) ); }
+case 63:
+#line 295 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = convert(OP_ENTERSUB, OPf_STACKED,
+ append_elem(OP_LIST,
+ prepend_elem(OP_LIST, yyvsp[-5].opval, yyvsp[-1].opval),
+ newUNOP(OP_METHOD, 0, yyvsp[-3].opval))); }
+case 64:
+#line 300 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = convert(OP_ENTERSUB, OPf_STACKED,
+ append_elem(OP_LIST,
+ prepend_elem(OP_LIST, yyvsp[-1].opval, yyvsp[0].opval),
+ newUNOP(OP_METHOD, 0, yyvsp[-2].opval))); }
+case 65:
+#line 305 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = convert(OP_ENTERSUB, OPf_STACKED,
+ append_elem(OP_LIST,
+ prepend_elem(OP_LIST, yyvsp[-3].opval, yyvsp[-1].opval),
+ newUNOP(OP_METHOD, 0, yyvsp[-4].opval))); }
+case 66:
+#line 310 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = convert(yyvsp[-1].ival, 0, yyvsp[0].opval); }
+case 67:
+#line 312 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = convert(yyvsp[-3].ival, 0, yyvsp[-1].opval); }
+case 68:
+#line 314 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = newUNOP(OP_ENTERSUB, OPf_STACKED,
+ append_elem(OP_LIST,
+ prepend_elem(OP_LIST, newANONSUB(yyvsp[-2].ival, 0, yyvsp[-1].opval), yyvsp[0].opval),
+ yyvsp[-3].opval)); }
+case 71:
+#line 325 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = newASSIGNOP(OPf_STACKED, yyvsp[-2].opval, yyvsp[-1].ival, yyvsp[0].opval); }
+case 72:
+#line 327 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = newBINOP(yyvsp[-1].ival, 0, scalar(yyvsp[-2].opval), scalar(yyvsp[0].opval)); }
+case 73:
+#line 329 "perly.y"
+{ if (yyvsp[-1].ival != OP_REPEAT)
+ scalar(yyvsp[-2].opval);
+ yyval.opval = newBINOP(yyvsp[-1].ival, 0, yyvsp[-2].opval, scalar(yyvsp[0].opval)); }
+case 74:
+#line 333 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = newBINOP(yyvsp[-1].ival, 0, scalar(yyvsp[-2].opval), scalar(yyvsp[0].opval)); }
+case 75:
+#line 335 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = newBINOP(yyvsp[-1].ival, 0, scalar(yyvsp[-2].opval), scalar(yyvsp[0].opval)); }
+case 76:
+#line 337 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = newBINOP(yyvsp[-1].ival, 0, scalar(yyvsp[-2].opval), scalar(yyvsp[0].opval)); }
+case 77:
+#line 339 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = newBINOP(yyvsp[-1].ival, 0, scalar(yyvsp[-2].opval), scalar(yyvsp[0].opval)); }
+case 78:
+#line 341 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = newBINOP(yyvsp[-1].ival, 0, scalar(yyvsp[-2].opval), scalar(yyvsp[0].opval)); }
+case 79:
+#line 343 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = newBINOP(yyvsp[-1].ival, 0, scalar(yyvsp[-2].opval), scalar(yyvsp[0].opval)); }
+case 80:
+#line 345 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = newRANGE(yyvsp[-1].ival, scalar(yyvsp[-2].opval), scalar(yyvsp[0].opval));}
+case 81:
+#line 347 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = newLOGOP(OP_AND, 0, yyvsp[-2].opval, yyvsp[0].opval); }
+case 82:
+#line 349 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = newLOGOP(OP_OR, 0, yyvsp[-2].opval, yyvsp[0].opval); }
+case 83:
+#line 351 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = newCONDOP(0, yyvsp[-4].opval, yyvsp[-2].opval, yyvsp[0].opval); }
+case 84:
+#line 353 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = bind_match(yyvsp[-1].ival, yyvsp[-2].opval, yyvsp[0].opval); }
+case 85:
+#line 356 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = newUNOP(OP_NEGATE, 0, scalar(yyvsp[0].opval)); }
+case 86:
+#line 358 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = yyvsp[0].opval; }
+case 87:
+#line 360 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = newUNOP(OP_NOT, 0, scalar(yyvsp[0].opval)); }
+case 88:
+#line 362 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = newUNOP(OP_COMPLEMENT, 0, scalar(yyvsp[0].opval));}
+case 89:
+#line 364 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = newUNOP(OP_REFGEN, 0, mod(yyvsp[0].opval,OP_REFGEN)); }
+case 90:
+#line 366 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = newUNOP(OP_POSTINC, 0,
+ mod(scalar(yyvsp[-1].opval), OP_POSTINC)); }
+case 91:
+#line 369 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = newUNOP(OP_POSTDEC, 0,
+ mod(scalar(yyvsp[-1].opval), OP_POSTDEC)); }
+case 92:
+#line 372 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = newUNOP(OP_PREINC, 0,
+ mod(scalar(yyvsp[0].opval), OP_PREINC)); }
+case 93:
+#line 375 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = newUNOP(OP_PREDEC, 0,
+ mod(scalar(yyvsp[0].opval), OP_PREDEC)); }
+case 94:
+#line 378 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = localize(yyvsp[0].opval,yyvsp[-1].ival); }
+case 95:
+#line 380 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = sawparens(yyvsp[-1].opval); }
+case 96:
+#line 382 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = sawparens(newNULLLIST()); }
+case 97:
+#line 384 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = newANONLIST(yyvsp[-1].opval); }
+case 98:
+#line 386 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = newANONLIST(Nullop); }
+case 99:
+#line 388 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = newANONHASH(yyvsp[-2].opval); }
+case 100:
+#line 390 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = newANONHASH(Nullop); }
+case 101:
+#line 392 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = newANONSUB(yyvsp[-2].ival, yyvsp[-1].opval, yyvsp[0].opval); }
+case 102:
+#line 394 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = yyvsp[0].opval; }
+case 103:
+#line 396 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = newBINOP(OP_GELEM, 0, newGVREF(0,yyvsp[-4].opval), yyvsp[-2].opval); }
+case 104:
+#line 398 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = yyvsp[0].opval; }
+case 105:
+#line 400 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = newBINOP(OP_AELEM, 0, oopsAV(yyvsp[-3].opval), scalar(yyvsp[-1].opval)); }
+case 106:
+#line 402 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = newBINOP(OP_AELEM, 0,
+ ref(newAVREF(yyvsp[-4].opval),OP_RV2AV),
+ scalar(yyvsp[-1].opval));}
+case 107:
+#line 406 "perly.y"
+{ assertref(yyvsp[-3].opval); yyval.opval = newBINOP(OP_AELEM, 0,
+ ref(newAVREF(yyvsp[-3].opval),OP_RV2AV),
+ scalar(yyvsp[-1].opval));}
+case 108:
+#line 410 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = yyvsp[0].opval; }
+case 109:
+#line 412 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = yyvsp[0].opval; }
+case 110:
+#line 414 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = newUNOP(OP_AV2ARYLEN, 0, ref(yyvsp[0].opval, OP_AV2ARYLEN));}
+case 111:
+#line 416 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = newBINOP(OP_HELEM, 0, oopsHV(yyvsp[-4].opval), jmaybe(yyvsp[-2].opval));
+ expect = XOPERATOR; }
+case 112:
+#line 419 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = newBINOP(OP_HELEM, 0,
+ ref(newHVREF(yyvsp[-5].opval),OP_RV2HV),
+ jmaybe(yyvsp[-2].opval));
+ expect = XOPERATOR; }
+case 113:
+#line 424 "perly.y"
+{ assertref(yyvsp[-4].opval); yyval.opval = newBINOP(OP_HELEM, 0,
+ ref(newHVREF(yyvsp[-4].opval),OP_RV2HV),
+ jmaybe(yyvsp[-2].opval));
+ expect = XOPERATOR; }
+case 114:
+#line 429 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = newSLICEOP(0, yyvsp[-1].opval, yyvsp[-4].opval); }
+case 115:
+#line 431 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = newSLICEOP(0, yyvsp[-1].opval, Nullop); }
+case 116:
+#line 433 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = prepend_elem(OP_ASLICE,
+ newOP(OP_PUSHMARK, 0),
+ list(yyvsp[-1].opval),
+ ref(yyvsp[-3].opval, OP_ASLICE))); }
+case 117:
+#line 439 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = prepend_elem(OP_HSLICE,
+ newOP(OP_PUSHMARK, 0),
+ list(yyvsp[-2].opval),
+ ref(oopsHV(yyvsp[-4].opval), OP_HSLICE)));
+ expect = XOPERATOR; }
+case 118:
+#line 446 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = yyvsp[0].opval; }
+case 119:
+#line 448 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = newUNOP(OP_ENTERSUB, 0, scalar(yyvsp[0].opval)); }
+case 120:
+#line 450 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = newUNOP(OP_ENTERSUB, OPf_STACKED, scalar(yyvsp[-2].opval)); }
+case 121:
+#line 452 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = newUNOP(OP_ENTERSUB, OPf_STACKED,
+ append_elem(OP_LIST, yyvsp[-1].opval, scalar(yyvsp[-3].opval))); }
+case 122:
+#line 455 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = newUNOP(OP_ENTERSUB, OPf_STACKED,
+ append_elem(OP_LIST, yyvsp[0].opval, scalar(yyvsp[-1].opval))); }
+case 123:
+#line 458 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = newUNOP(OP_DOFILE, 0, scalar(yyvsp[0].opval)); }
+case 124:
+#line 460 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = newUNOP(OP_NULL, OPf_SPECIAL, scope(yyvsp[0].opval)); }
+case 125:
+#line 462 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = newUNOP(OP_ENTERSUB,
+ prepend_elem(OP_LIST,
+ scalar(newCVREF(
+ scalar(yyvsp[-2].opval)
+ )),Nullop)); dep();}
+case 126:
+#line 470 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = newUNOP(OP_ENTERSUB,
+ append_elem(OP_LIST,
+ yyvsp[-1].opval,
+ scalar(newCVREF(
+ scalar(yyvsp[-3].opval)
+ )))); dep();}
+case 127:
+#line 479 "perly.y"
+ prepend_elem(OP_LIST,
+ scalar(newCVREF(0,scalar(yyvsp[-2].opval))), Nullop)); dep();}
+case 128:
+#line 483 "perly.y"
+ prepend_elem(OP_LIST,
+ yyvsp[-1].opval,
+ scalar(newCVREF(0,scalar(yyvsp[-3].opval))))); dep();}
+case 129:
+#line 488 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = newOP(yyvsp[0].ival, OPf_SPECIAL);
+ hints |= HINT_BLOCK_SCOPE; }
+case 130:
+#line 491 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = newLOOPEX(yyvsp[-1].ival,yyvsp[0].opval); }
+case 131:
+#line 493 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = newUNOP(OP_NOT, 0, scalar(yyvsp[0].opval)); }
+case 132:
+#line 495 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = newOP(yyvsp[0].ival, 0); }
+case 133:
+#line 497 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = newUNOP(yyvsp[-1].ival, 0, yyvsp[0].opval); }
+case 134:
+#line 499 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = newUNOP(yyvsp[-1].ival, 0, yyvsp[0].opval); }
+case 135:
+#line 501 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = newUNOP(OP_ENTERSUB, OPf_STACKED,
+ append_elem(OP_LIST, yyvsp[0].opval, scalar(yyvsp[-1].opval))); }
+case 136:
+#line 504 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = newOP(yyvsp[0].ival, 0); }
+case 137:
+#line 506 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = newOP(yyvsp[-2].ival, 0); }
+case 138:
+#line 508 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = newUNOP(OP_ENTERSUB, 0,
+ scalar(yyvsp[0].opval)); }
+case 139:
+#line 511 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = newOP(yyvsp[-2].ival, OPf_SPECIAL); }
+case 140:
+#line 513 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = newUNOP(yyvsp[-3].ival, 0, yyvsp[-1].opval); }
+case 141:
+#line 515 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = pmruntime(yyvsp[-3].opval, yyvsp[-1].opval, Nullop); }
+case 142:
+#line 517 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = pmruntime(yyvsp[-5].opval, yyvsp[-3].opval, yyvsp[-1].opval); }
+case 145:
+#line 523 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = Nullop; }
+case 146:
+#line 525 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = yyvsp[0].opval; }
+case 147:
+#line 529 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = Nullop; }
+case 148:
+#line 531 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = yyvsp[0].opval; }
+case 149:
+#line 533 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = yyvsp[-1].opval; }
+case 150:
+#line 537 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = newCVREF(yyvsp[-1].ival,yyvsp[0].opval); }
+case 151:
+#line 541 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = newSVREF(yyvsp[0].opval); }
+case 152:
+#line 545 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = newAVREF(yyvsp[0].opval); }
+case 153:
+#line 549 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = newHVREF(yyvsp[0].opval); }
+case 154:
+#line 553 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = newAVREF(yyvsp[0].opval); }
+case 155:
+#line 557 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = newGVREF(0,yyvsp[0].opval); }
+case 156:
+#line 561 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = scalar(yyvsp[0].opval); }
+case 157:
+#line 563 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = scalar(yyvsp[0].opval); }
+case 158:
+#line 565 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = scope(yyvsp[0].opval); }
+case 159:
+#line 568 "perly.y"
+{ yyval.opval = yyvsp[0].opval; }
+#line 2236 "y_tab.c"
+ }
+ yyssp -= yym;
+ yystate = *yyssp;
+ yyvsp -= yym;
+ yym = yylhs[yyn];
+ if (yystate == 0 && yym == 0)
+ {
+ if (yydebug)
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ "yydebug: after reduction, shifting from state 0 to state %d\n",
+ yystate = YYFINAL;
+ *++yyssp = YYFINAL;
+ *++yyvsp = yyval;
+ if (yychar < 0)
+ {
+ if ((yychar = yylex()) < 0) yychar = 0;
+ if (yydebug)
+ {
+ yys = 0;
+ if (yychar <= YYMAXTOKEN) yys = yyname[yychar];
+ if (!yys) yys = "illegal-symbol";
+ fprintf(stderr, "yydebug: state %d, reading %d (%s)\n",
+ YYFINAL, yychar, yys);
+ }
+ }
+ if (yychar == 0) goto yyaccept;
+ goto yyloop;
+ }
+ if ((yyn = yygindex[yym]) && (yyn += yystate) >= 0 &&
+ yyn <= YYTABLESIZE && yycheck[yyn] == yystate)
+ yystate = yytable[yyn];
+ else
+ yystate = yydgoto[yym];
+ if (yydebug)
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ "yydebug: after reduction, shifting from state %d to state %d\n",
+ *yyssp, yystate);
+ if (yyssp >= yyss + yystacksize - 1)
+ {
+ /*
+ ** reallocate and recover. Note that pointers
+ ** have to be reset, or bad things will happen
+ */
+ int yyps_index = (yyssp - yyss);
+ int yypv_index = (yyvsp - yyvs);
+ yystacksize += YYSTACKSIZE;
+ ysave->yyvs = yyvs =
+ (YYSTYPE*)realloc((char*)yyvs,yystacksize * sizeof(YYSTYPE));
+ ysave->yyss = yyss =
+ (short*)realloc((char*)yyss,yystacksize * sizeof(short));
+ if (!yyvs || !yyss)
+ goto yyoverflow;
+ yyssp = yyss + yyps_index;
+ yyvsp = yyvs + yypv_index;
+ }
+ *++yyssp = yystate;
+ *++yyvsp = yyval;
+ goto yyloop;
+ yyerror("Out of memory for yacc stack");
+ retval = 1;
+ return retval;
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/perly_h.vms b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/perly_h.vms
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c6ec3a41ad5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/perly_h.vms
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+/* Postprocessed by 1.1 to add VMS declarations of globals */
+#define WORD 257
+#define METHOD 258
+#define FUNCMETH 259
+#define THING 260
+#define PMFUNC 261
+#define PRIVATEREF 262
+#define FUNC0SUB 263
+#define UNIOPSUB 264
+#define LSTOPSUB 265
+#define LABEL 266
+#define FORMAT 267
+#define SUB 268
+#define ANONSUB 269
+#define PACKAGE 270
+#define USE 271
+#define WHILE 272
+#define UNTIL 273
+#define IF 274
+#define UNLESS 275
+#define ELSE 276
+#define ELSIF 277
+#define CONTINUE 278
+#define FOR 279
+#define LOOPEX 280
+#define DOTDOT 281
+#define FUNC0 282
+#define FUNC1 283
+#define FUNC 284
+#define RELOP 285
+#define EQOP 286
+#define MULOP 287
+#define ADDOP 288
+#define DOLSHARP 289
+#define DO 290
+#define LOCAL 291
+#define HASHBRACK 292
+#define NOAMP 293
+#define OROP 294
+#define ANDOP 295
+#define NOTOP 296
+#define LSTOP 297
+#define ASSIGNOP 298
+#define OROR 299
+#define ANDAND 300
+#define BITOROP 301
+#define BITANDOP 302
+#define UNIOP 303
+#define SHIFTOP 304
+#define MATCHOP 305
+#define UMINUS 306
+#define REFGEN 307
+#define POWOP 308
+#define PREINC 309
+#define PREDEC 310
+#define POSTINC 311
+#define POSTDEC 312
+#define ARROW 313
+typedef union {
+ I32 ival;
+ char *pval;
+ OP *opval;
+ GV *gvval;
+#ifndef vax11c
+ extern YYSTYPE yylval;
+ globalref YYSTYPE yylval;
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/sockadapt.c b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/sockadapt.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..08251d6bdfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/sockadapt.c
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+/* sockadapt.c
+ *
+ * Author: Charles Bailey
+ * Last Revised: 29-Jan-1996
+ *
+ * This file should contain stubs for any of the TCP/IP functions perl5
+ * requires which are not supported by your TCP/IP stack. These stubs
+ * can attempt to emulate the routine in question, or can just return
+ * an error status or cause perl to die.
+ *
+ * This version is set up for perl5 with socketshr 0.9D TCP/IP support.
+ */
+#include "EXTERN.h"
+#include "perl.h"
+#if defined(__DECC) && defined(__DECC_VER) && (__DECC_VER >= 50200000)
+# define __sockadapt_my_netent_t __struct_netent_ptr32
+# define __sockadapt_my_addr_t __in_addr_t
+# define __sockadapt_my_name_t const char *
+# define __sockadapt_my_netent_t struct netent *
+# define __sockadapt_my_addr_t long
+# define __sockadapt_my_name_t char *
+__sockadapt_my_netent_t getnetbyaddr( __sockadapt_my_addr_t net, int type) {
+ croak("Function \"getnetbyaddr\" not implemented in this version of perl");
+ return (struct netent *)NULL; /* Avoid MISSINGRETURN warning, not reached */
+__sockadapt_my_netent_t getnetbyname( __sockadapt_my_name_t name) {
+ croak("Function \"getnetbyname\" not implemented in this version of perl");
+ return (struct netent *)NULL; /* Avoid MISSINGRETURN warning, not reached */
+__sockadapt_my_netent_t getnetent() {
+ croak("Function \"getnetent\" not implemented in this version of perl");
+ return (struct netent *)NULL; /* Avoid MISSINGRETURN warning, not reached */
+void setnetent() {
+ croak("Function \"setnetent\" not implemented in this version of perl");
+void endnetent() {
+ croak("Function \"endnetent\" not implemented in this version of perl");
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/sockadapt.h b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/sockadapt.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..18f4002f127
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/sockadapt.h
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+/* sockadapt.h
+ *
+ * Authors: Charles Bailey
+ * David Denholm
+ * Last Revised: 17-Mar-1995
+ *
+ * This file should include any other header files and procide any
+ * declarations, typedefs, and prototypes needed by perl for TCP/IP
+ * operations.
+ *
+ * This version is set up for perl5 with socketshr 0.9D TCP/IP support.
+ */
+/* SocketShr doesn't support these routines, but the DECC RTL contains
+ * stubs with these names, designed to be used with the UCX socket
+ * library. We avoid linker collisions by substituting new names.
+ */
+#define getnetbyaddr no_getnetbyaddr
+#define getnetbyname no_getnetbyname
+#define getnetent no_getnetent
+#define setnetent no_setnetent
+#define endnetent no_endnetent
+#ifdef __GNU_CC__
+/* we may not have netdb.h etc, so lets just do this here - div */
+/* no harm doing this for all .c files - needed only by pp_sys.c */
+struct hostent {
+ char *h_name; /* official name of host */
+ char **h_aliases; /* alias list */
+ int h_addrtype; /* host address type */
+ int h_length; /* length of address */
+ char **h_addr_list; /* address */
+#ifdef h_addr
+# undef h_addr
+#define h_addr h_addr_list[0]
+struct protoent {
+ char *p_name; /* official protocol name */
+ char **p_aliases; /* alias list */
+ int p_proto; /* protocol # */
+struct servent {
+ char *s_name; /* official service name */
+ char **s_aliases; /* alias list */
+ int s_port; /* port # */
+ char *s_proto; /* protocol to use */
+struct in_addr {
+ unsigned long s_addr;
+struct sockaddr {
+ unsigned short sa_family; /* address family */
+ char sa_data[14]; /* up to 14 bytes of direct address */
+ * Socket address, internet style.
+ */
+struct sockaddr_in {
+ short sin_family;
+ unsigned short sin_port;
+ struct in_addr sin_addr;
+ char sin_zero[8];
+struct timeval {
+ long tv_sec;
+ long tv_usec;
+struct netent {
+ char *n_name;
+ char **n_aliases;
+ int n_addrtype;
+ long n_net;
+/* Since socketshr.h won't declare function prototypes unless it thinks
+ * the system headers have already been included, we convince it that
+ * this is the case.
+ */
+#ifndef AF_INET
+# define AF_INET 2
+#ifndef IPPROTO_TCP
+# define IPPROTO_TCP 6
+#ifndef __INET_LOADED
+# define __INET_LOADED
+#ifndef __NETDB_LOADED
+# define __NETDB_LOADED
+/* Finally, we provide prototypes for routines not supported by SocketShr,
+ * so that the stubs in sockadapt.c won't cause complaints about
+ * undeclared routines.
+ */
+struct netent *getnetbyaddr( long net, int type);
+struct netent *getnetbyname( char *name);
+struct netent *getnetent();
+void setnetent();
+void endnetent();
+#else /* !__GNU_CC__ */
+/* DECC and VAXC have socket headers in the system set; they're for UCX, but
+ * we'll assume that the actual calling sequence is identical across the
+ * various TCP/IP stacks; these routines are pretty standard.
+ */
+#include <socket.h>
+#include <in.h>
+#include <inet.h>
+#include <netdb.h>
+/* However, we don't have these two in the system headers. */
+void setnetent();
+void endnetent();
+#include <socketshr.h>
+/* socketshr.h from SocketShr 0.9D doesn't alias fileno; it's comments say
+ * that the CRTL version works OK. This isn't the case, at least with
+ * VAXC, so we use the SocketShr version.
+ * N.B. This means that sockadapt.h must be included *after* stdio.h.
+ * This is presently the case for Perl.
+ */
+#ifdef fileno
+# undef fileno
+#define fileno si_fileno
+int si_fileno(FILE *);
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..05ff0bba6c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+$! Test.Com - DCL driver for perl5 regression tests
+$! Version 1.1 4-Dec-1995
+$! Charles Bailey
+$! A little basic setup
+$ On Error Then Goto wrapup
+$ olddef = F$Environment("Default")
+$ If F$Search("t.dir").nes.""
+$ Then
+$ Set Default [.t]
+$ Else
+$ If F$TrnLNm("Perl_Root").nes.""
+$ Then
+$ Set Default Perl_Root:[t]
+$ Else
+$ Write Sys$Error "Can't find test directory"
+$ Exit 44
+$ EndIf
+$ EndIf
+$! Pick up a copy of perl to use for the tests
+$ Delete/Log/NoConfirm Perl.;*
+$ Copy/Log/NoConfirm [-]Perl.Exe []Perl.
+$! Make the environment look a little friendlier to tests which assume Unix
+$ cat = "Type"
+$ Macro/NoDebug/Object=Echo.Obj Sys$Input
+ .title echo
+ .psect data,wrt,noexe
+ dsc:
+ .word 0
+ .byte 14 ; DSC$K_DTYPE_T
+ .byte 2 ; DSC$K_CLASS_D
+ .long 0
+ .psect code,nowrt,exe
+ .entry echo,^m<r2,r3>
+ movab dsc,r2
+ pushab (r2)
+ calls #1,G^LIB$GET_FOREIGN
+ movl 4(r2),r3
+ movzwl (r2),r0
+ addl2 4(r2),r0
+ cmpl r3,r0
+ bgtru sym.3
+ nop
+ sym.1:
+ movb (r3),r0
+ cmpb r0,#65
+ blss sym.2
+ cmpb r0,#90
+ bgtr sym.2
+ cvtbl r0,r0
+ addl2 #32,r0
+ cvtlb r0,(r3)
+ sym.2:
+ incl r3
+ movzwl (r2),r0
+ addl2 4(r2),r0
+ cmpl r3,r0
+ blequ sym.1
+ sym.3:
+ pushab (r2)
+ calls #1,G^LIB$PUT_OUTPUT
+ movl #1,r0
+ ret
+ .end echo
+$ Link/NoTrace Echo.Obj;
+$ Delete/Log/NoConfirm Echo.Obj;*
+$ echo = "$" + F$Parse("Echo.Exe")
+$! And do it
+$ testdir = "Directory/NoHead/NoTrail/Column=1"
+$ Define/User Perlshr Sys$Disk:[-]PerlShr.Exe
+$ MCR Sys$Disk:[]Perl. "''p1'" "''p2'" "''p3'" "''p4'" "''p5'" "''p6'"
+$ Deck/Dollar=$$END-OF-TEST$$
+# $RCSfile: TEST,v $$Revision: 4.1 $$Date: 92/08/07 18:27:00 $
+# Modified for VMS 30-Sep-1994 Charles Bailey
+# This is written in a peculiar style, since we're trying to avoid
+# most of the constructs we'll be testing for.
+# skip those tests we know will fail entirely or cause perl to hang bacause
+# of Unixisms
+ 'gdbm.t','ndbm.t','odbm.t','sdbm.t','posix.t','soundex.t');
+foreach $file (@exclist) { $skip{$file}++; }
+$| = 1;
+@ARGV = grep($_,@ARGV); # remove empty elements due to "''p1'" syntax
+if ($ARGV[0] eq '-v') {
+ $verbose = 1;
+ shift;
+chdir 't' if -f 't/TEST';
+if ($ARGV[0] eq '') {
+ foreach (<[.*]*.t>) {
+ s/.*[\[.]t./[./;
+ ($fname = $_) =~ s/.*\]//;
+ if ($skip{"\L$fname"}) { push(@skipped,$_); }
+ else { push(@ARGV,$_); }
+ }
+if (@skipped) {
+ print "The following tests were skipped because they rely extensively on\n";
+ print " Unixisms not compatible with the current version of perl for VMS:\n";
+ print "\t",join("\n\t",@skipped),"\n\n";
+$bad = 0;
+$good = 0;
+$total = @ARGV;
+while ($test = shift) {
+ if ($test =~ /^$/) {
+ next;
+ }
+ $te = $test;
+ chop($te);
+ $te .= '.' x (24 - length($te));
+ open(script,"$test") || die "Can't run $test.\n";
+ $_ = <script>;
+ close(script);
+ if (/#!..perl(.*)/) {
+ $switch = $1;
+ } else {
+ $switch = '';
+ }
+ open(results,"\$ MCR Sys\$Disk:[]Perl. $switch $test |") || (print "can't run.\n");
+ $ok = 0;
+ $next = 0;
+ while (<results>) {
+ if ($verbose) {
+ print "$te$_";
+ $te = '';
+ }
+ unless (/^#/) {
+ if (/^1\.\.([0-9]+)/) {
+ $max = $1;
+ $totmax += $max;
+ $files += 1;
+ $next = 1;
+ $ok = 1;
+ } else {
+ $next = $1, $ok = 0, last if /^not ok ([0-9]*)/;
+ next if /^\s*$/; # our 'echo' substitute produces one more \n than Unix'
+ if (/^ok (.*)/ && $1 == $next) {
+ $next = $next + 1;
+ } else {
+ $ok = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $next = $next - 1;
+ if ($ok && $next == $max) {
+ print "${te}ok\n";
+ $good = $good + 1;
+ } else {
+ $next += 1;
+ print "${te}FAILED on test $next\n";
+ $bad = $bad + 1;
+ $_ = $test;
+ if (/^base/) {
+ die "Failed a basic test--cannot continue.\n";
+ }
+ }
+if ($bad == 0) {
+ if ($ok) {
+ print "All tests successful.\n";
+ } else {
+ die "FAILED--no tests were run for some reason.\n";
+ }
+} else {
+ $pct = sprintf("%.2f", $good / $total * 100);
+ if ($bad == 1) {
+ warn "Failed 1 test, $pct% okay.\n";
+ } else {
+ warn "Failed $bad/$total tests, $pct% okay.\n";
+ }
+($user,$sys,$cuser,$csys) = times;
+print sprintf("u=%g s=%g cu=%g cs=%g files=%d tests=%d\n",
+ $user,$sys,$cuser,$csys,$files,$totmax);
+$ wrapup:
+$ If F$Search("Echo.Exe").nes."" Then Delete/Log/NoConfirm Echo.Exe;*
+$ Set Default &olddef
+$ Exit
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/vms.c b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/vms.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..150747f52d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/vms.c
@@ -0,0 +1,3639 @@
+/* vms.c
+ *
+ * VMS-specific routines for perl5
+ *
+ * Last revised: 21-Jun-1996 by Charles Bailey
+ * Version: 5.2.2
+ */
+#include <acedef.h>
+#include <acldef.h>
+#include <armdef.h>
+#include <atrdef.h>
+#include <chpdef.h>
+#include <climsgdef.h>
+#include <descrip.h>
+#include <dvidef.h>
+#include <fibdef.h>
+#include <float.h>
+#include <fscndef.h>
+#include <iodef.h>
+#include <jpidef.h>
+#include <libdef.h>
+#include <lib$routines.h>
+#include <lnmdef.h>
+#include <prvdef.h>
+#include <psldef.h>
+#include <rms.h>
+#include <shrdef.h>
+#include <ssdef.h>
+#include <starlet.h>
+#include <stsdef.h>
+#include <syidef.h>
+#include <uaidef.h>
+#include <uicdef.h>
+#include "EXTERN.h"
+#include "perl.h"
+#include "XSUB.h"
+/* gcc's header files don't #define direct access macros
+ * corresponding to VAXC's variant structs */
+#ifdef __GNUC__
+# define uic$v_format uic$r_uic_form.uic$v_format
+# define uic$v_group uic$r_uic_form.uic$v_group
+# define uic$v_member uic$r_uic_form.uic$v_member
+# define prv$v_bypass prv$r_prvdef_bits0.prv$v_bypass
+# define prv$v_grpprv prv$r_prvdef_bits0.prv$v_grpprv
+# define prv$v_readall prv$r_prvdef_bits0.prv$v_readall
+# define prv$v_sysprv prv$r_prvdef_bits0.prv$v_sysprv
+struct itmlst_3 {
+ unsigned short int buflen;
+ unsigned short int itmcode;
+ void *bufadr;
+ unsigned short int *retlen;
+static char *__mystrtolower(char *str)
+ if (str) for (; *str; ++str) *str= tolower(*str);
+ return str;
+my_trnlnm(char *lnm, char *eqv, unsigned long int idx)
+ static char __my_trnlnm_eqv[LNM$C_NAMLENGTH+1];
+ unsigned short int eqvlen;
+ unsigned long int retsts, attr = LNM$M_CASE_BLIND;
+ struct dsc$descriptor_s lnmdsc = {0,DSC$K_DTYPE_T,DSC$K_CLASS_S,0};
+ struct itmlst_3 lnmlst[3] = {{sizeof idx, LNM$_INDEX, &idx, 0},
+ {LNM$C_NAMLENGTH, LNM$_STRING, 0, &eqvlen},
+ {0, 0, 0, 0}};
+ if (!eqv) eqv = __my_trnlnm_eqv;
+ lnmlst[1].bufadr = (void *)eqv;
+ lnmdsc.dsc$a_pointer = lnm;
+ lnmdsc.dsc$w_length = strlen(lnm);
+ retsts = sys$trnlnm(&attr,&tabdsc,&lnmdsc,0,lnmlst);
+ if (retsts == SS$_NOLOGNAM || retsts == SS$_IVLOGNAM) {
+ set_vaxc_errno(retsts); set_errno(EINVAL); return 0;
+ }
+ else if (retsts & 1) {
+ eqv[eqvlen] = '\0';
+ return 1;
+ }
+ _ckvmssts(retsts); /* Must be an error */
+ return 0; /* Not reached, assuming _ckvmssts() bails out */
+} /* end of my_trnlnm */
+/* my_getenv
+ * Translate a logical name. Substitute for CRTL getenv() to avoid
+ * memory leak, and to keep my_getenv() and my_setenv() in the same
+ * domain (mostly - my_getenv() need not return a translation from
+ * the process logical name table)
+ *
+ * Note: Uses static buffer -- not thread-safe!
+ */
+/*{{{ char *my_getenv(char *lnm)*/
+char *
+my_getenv(char *lnm)
+ static char __my_getenv_eqv[LNM$C_NAMLENGTH+1];
+ char uplnm[LNM$C_NAMLENGTH], *cp1, *cp2;
+ unsigned long int idx = 0;
+ for (cp1 = lnm, cp2= uplnm; *cp1; cp1++, cp2++) *cp2 = _toupper(*cp1);
+ *cp2 = '\0';
+ if (cp1 - lnm == 7 && !strncmp(uplnm,"DEFAULT",7)) {
+ getcwd(__my_getenv_eqv,sizeof __my_getenv_eqv);
+ return __my_getenv_eqv;
+ }
+ else {
+ if ((cp2 = strchr(uplnm,';')) != NULL) {
+ *cp2 = '\0';
+ idx = strtoul(cp2+1,NULL,0);
+ }
+ if (my_trnlnm(uplnm,__my_getenv_eqv,idx)) {
+ return __my_getenv_eqv;
+ }
+ else {
+ unsigned long int retsts;
+ struct dsc$descriptor_s symdsc = {0,DSC$K_DTYPE_T,DSC$K_CLASS_S,0},
+ valdsc = {sizeof __my_getenv_eqv,DSC$K_DTYPE_T,
+ DSC$K_CLASS_S, __my_getenv_eqv};
+ symdsc.dsc$w_length = cp1 - lnm;
+ symdsc.dsc$a_pointer = uplnm;
+ retsts = lib$get_symbol(&symdsc,&valdsc,&(valdsc.dsc$w_length),0);
+ if (retsts == LIB$_INVSYMNAM) return Nullch;
+ if (retsts != LIB$_NOSUCHSYM) {
+ /* We want to return only logical names or CRTL Unix emulations */
+ if (retsts & 1) return Nullch;
+ _ckvmssts(retsts);
+ }
+ /* Try for CRTL emulation of a Unix/POSIX name */
+ else return getenv(lnm);
+ }
+ }
+ return Nullch;
+} /* end of my_getenv() */
+/*{{{ void my_setenv(char *lnm, char *eqv)*/
+my_setenv(char *lnm,char *eqv)
+/* Define a supervisor-mode logical name in the process table.
+ * In the future we'll add tables, attribs, and acmodes,
+ * probably through a different call.
+ */
+ char uplnm[LNM$C_NAMLENGTH], *cp1, *cp2;
+ unsigned long int retsts, usermode = PSL$C_USER;
+ struct dsc$descriptor_s lnmdsc = {0,DSC$K_DTYPE_T,DSC$K_CLASS_S,uplnm},
+ eqvdsc = {0,DSC$K_DTYPE_T,DSC$K_CLASS_S,0};
+ for(cp1 = lnm, cp2 = uplnm; *cp1; cp1++, cp2++) *cp2 = _toupper(*cp1);
+ lnmdsc.dsc$w_length = cp1 - lnm;
+ if (!eqv || !*eqv) { /* we're deleting a logical name */
+ retsts = sys$dellnm(&tabdsc,&lnmdsc,&usermode); /* try user mode first */
+ if (retsts == SS$_IVLOGNAM) return;
+ if (retsts != SS$_NOLOGNAM) _ckvmssts(retsts);
+ if (!(retsts & 1)) {
+ retsts = lib$delete_logical(&lnmdsc,&tabdsc); /* then supervisor mode */
+ if (retsts != SS$_NOLOGNAM) _ckvmssts(retsts);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ eqvdsc.dsc$w_length = strlen(eqv);
+ eqvdsc.dsc$a_pointer = eqv;
+ _ckvmssts(lib$set_logical(&lnmdsc,&eqvdsc,&tabdsc,0,0));
+ }
+} /* end of my_setenv() */
+/*{{{ char *my_crypt(const char *textpasswd, const char *usrname)*/
+/* my_crypt - VMS password hashing
+ * my_crypt() provides an interface compatible with the Unix crypt()
+ * C library function, and uses sys$hash_password() to perform VMS
+ * password hashing. The quadword hashed password value is returned
+ * as a NUL-terminated 8 character string. my_crypt() does not change
+ * the case of its string arguments; in order to match the behavior
+ * of LOGINOUT et al., alphabetic characters in both arguments must
+ * be upcased by the caller.
+ */
+char *
+my_crypt(const char *textpasswd, const char *usrname)
+# endif
+ unsigned char alg = UAI$C_PREFERRED_ALGORITHM;
+ unsigned short int salt = 0;
+ unsigned long int sts;
+ struct const_dsc {
+ unsigned short int dsc$w_length;
+ unsigned char dsc$b_type;
+ unsigned char dsc$b_class;
+ const char * dsc$a_pointer;
+ } usrdsc = {0, DSC$K_DTYPE_T, DSC$K_CLASS_S, 0},
+ txtdsc = {0, DSC$K_DTYPE_T, DSC$K_CLASS_S, 0};
+ struct itmlst_3 uailst[3] = {
+ { sizeof alg, UAI$_ENCRYPT, &alg, 0},
+ { sizeof salt, UAI$_SALT, &salt, 0},
+ { 0, 0, NULL, NULL}};
+ static char hash[9];
+ usrdsc.dsc$w_length = strlen(usrname);
+ usrdsc.dsc$a_pointer = usrname;
+ if (!((sts = sys$getuai(0, 0, &usrdsc, uailst, 0, 0, 0)) & 1)) {
+ switch (sts) {
+ case SS$_NOGRPPRV:
+ case SS$_NOSYSPRV:
+ set_errno(EACCES);
+ break;
+ case RMS$_RNF:
+ set_errno(ESRCH); /* There isn't a Unix no-such-user error */
+ break;
+ default:
+ set_errno(EVMSERR);
+ }
+ set_vaxc_errno(sts);
+ if (sts != RMS$_RNF) return NULL;
+ }
+ txtdsc.dsc$w_length = strlen(textpasswd);
+ txtdsc.dsc$a_pointer = textpasswd;
+ if (!((sts = sys$hash_password(&txtdsc, alg, salt, &usrdsc, &hash)) & 1)) {
+ set_errno(EVMSERR); set_vaxc_errno(sts); return NULL;
+ }
+ return (char *) hash;
+} /* end of my_crypt() */
+static char *do_fileify_dirspec(char *, char *, int);
+static char *do_tovmsspec(char *, char *, int);
+/*{{{int do_rmdir(char *name)*/
+do_rmdir(char *name)
+ char dirfile[NAM$C_MAXRSS+1];
+ int retval;
+ struct stat st;
+ if (do_fileify_dirspec(name,dirfile,0) == NULL) return -1;
+ if (flex_stat(dirfile,&st) || !S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) retval = -1;
+ else retval = kill_file(dirfile);
+ return retval;
+} /* end of do_rmdir */
+/* kill_file
+ * Delete any file to which user has control access, regardless of whether
+ * delete access is explicitly allowed.
+ * Limitations: User must have write access to parent directory.
+ * Does not block signals or ASTs; if interrupted in midstream
+ * may leave file with an altered ACL.
+ */
+/*{{{int kill_file(char *name)*/
+kill_file(char *name)
+ char vmsname[NAM$C_MAXRSS+1];
+ unsigned long int jpicode = JPI$_UIC, type = ACL$C_FILE;
+ unsigned long int cxt = 0, aclsts, fndsts, rmsts = -1;
+ struct dsc$descriptor_s fildsc = {0, DSC$K_DTYPE_T, DSC$K_CLASS_S, 0};
+ struct myacedef {
+ unsigned char myace$b_length;
+ unsigned char myace$b_type;
+ unsigned short int myace$w_flags;
+ unsigned long int myace$l_access;
+ unsigned long int myace$l_ident;
+ } newace = { sizeof(struct myacedef), ACE$C_KEYID, 0,
+ oldace = { sizeof(struct myacedef), ACE$C_KEYID, 0, 0, 0};
+ struct itmlst_3
+ findlst[3] = {{sizeof oldace, ACL$C_FNDACLENT, &oldace, 0},
+ {sizeof oldace, ACL$C_READACE, &oldace, 0},{0,0,0,0}},
+ addlst[2] = {{sizeof newace, ACL$C_ADDACLENT, &newace, 0},{0,0,0,0}},
+ dellst[2] = {{sizeof newace, ACL$C_DELACLENT, &newace, 0},{0,0,0,0}},
+ lcklst[2] = {{sizeof newace, ACL$C_WLOCK_ACL, &newace, 0},{0,0,0,0}},
+ ulklst[2] = {{sizeof newace, ACL$C_UNLOCK_ACL, &newace, 0},{0,0,0,0}};
+ if (!remove(name)) return 0; /* Can we just get rid of it? */
+ /* No, so we get our own UIC to use as a rights identifier,
+ * and the insert an ACE at the head of the ACL which allows us
+ * to delete the file.
+ */
+ _ckvmssts(lib$getjpi(&jpicode,0,0,&(oldace.myace$l_ident),0,0));
+ if (do_tovmsspec(name,vmsname,0) == NULL) return -1;
+ fildsc.dsc$w_length = strlen(vmsname);
+ fildsc.dsc$a_pointer = vmsname;
+ cxt = 0;
+ newace.myace$l_ident = oldace.myace$l_ident;
+ if (!((aclsts = sys$change_acl(0,&type,&fildsc,lcklst,0,0,0)) & 1)) {
+ set_errno(EVMSERR);
+ set_vaxc_errno(aclsts);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* Grab any existing ACEs with this identifier in case we fail */
+ aclsts = fndsts = sys$change_acl(0,&type,&fildsc,findlst,0,0,&cxt);
+ if ( fndsts & 1 || fndsts == SS$_ACLEMPTY || fndsts == SS$_NOENTRY
+ || fndsts == SS$_NOMOREACE ) {
+ /* Add the new ACE . . . */
+ if (!((aclsts = sys$change_acl(0,&type,&fildsc,addlst,0,0,0)) & 1))
+ goto yourroom;
+ if ((rmsts = remove(name))) {
+ /* We blew it - dir with files in it, no write priv for
+ * parent directory, etc. Put things back the way they were. */
+ if (!((aclsts = sys$change_acl(0,&type,&fildsc,dellst,0,0,0)) & 1))
+ goto yourroom;
+ if (fndsts & 1) {
+ addlst[0].bufadr = &oldace;
+ if (!((aclsts = sys$change_acl(0,&type,&fildsc,addlst,0,0,&cxt)) & 1))
+ goto yourroom;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ yourroom:
+ if (rmsts) {
+ fndsts = sys$change_acl(0,&type,&fildsc,ulklst,0,0,0);
+ if (aclsts & 1) aclsts = fndsts;
+ }
+ if (!(aclsts & 1)) {
+ set_errno(EVMSERR);
+ set_vaxc_errno(aclsts);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return rmsts;
+} /* end of kill_file() */
+/* my_utime - update modification time of a file
+ * calling sequence is identical to POSIX utime(), but under
+ * VMS only the modification time is changed; ODS-2 does not
+ * maintain access times. Restrictions differ from the POSIX
+ * definition in that the time can be changed as long as the
+ * caller has permission to execute the necessary IO$_MODIFY $QIO;
+ * no separate checks are made to insure that the caller is the
+ * owner of the file or has special privs enabled.
+ * Code here is based on Joe Meadows' FILE utility.
+ */
+/* Adjustment from Unix epoch (01-JAN-1970 00:00:00.00)
+ * to VMS epoch (01-JAN-1858 00:00:00.00)
+ * in 100 ns intervals.
+ */
+static const long int utime_baseadjust[2] = { 0x4beb4000, 0x7c9567 };
+/*{{{int my_utime(char *path, struct utimbuf *utimes)*/
+int my_utime(char *file, struct utimbuf *utimes)
+ register int i;
+ long int bintime[2], len = 2, lowbit, unixtime,
+ secscale = 10000000; /* seconds --> 100 ns intervals */
+ unsigned long int chan, iosb[2], retsts;
+ char vmsspec[NAM$C_MAXRSS+1], rsa[NAM$C_MAXRSS], esa[NAM$C_MAXRSS];
+ struct FAB myfab = cc$rms_fab;
+ struct NAM mynam = cc$rms_nam;
+#if defined (__DECC) && defined (__VAX)
+ /* VAX DEC C atrdef.h has unsigned type for pointer member atr$l_addr,
+ * at least through VMS V6.1, which causes a type-conversion warning.
+ */
+# pragma message save
+# pragma message disable cvtdiftypes
+ struct atrdef myatr[2] = {{sizeof bintime, ATR$C_REVDATE, bintime}, {0,0,0}};
+ struct fibdef myfib;
+#if defined (__DECC) && defined (__VAX)
+ /* This should be right after the declaration of myatr, but due
+ * to a bug in VAX DEC C, this takes effect a statement early.
+ */
+# pragma message restore
+ struct dsc$descriptor fibdsc = {sizeof(myfib), DSC$K_DTYPE_Z, DSC$K_CLASS_S,(char *) &myfib},
+ devdsc = {0,DSC$K_DTYPE_T, DSC$K_CLASS_S,0},
+ fnmdsc = {0,DSC$K_DTYPE_T, DSC$K_CLASS_S,0};
+ if (file == NULL || *file == '\0') {
+ set_errno(ENOENT);
+ set_vaxc_errno(LIB$_INVARG);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (do_tovmsspec(file,vmsspec,0) == NULL) return -1;
+ if (utimes != NULL) {
+ /* Convert Unix time (seconds since 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00.00)
+ * to VMS quadword time (100 nsec intervals since 01-JAN-1858 00:00:00.00).
+ * Since time_t is unsigned long int, and lib$emul takes a signed long int
+ * as input, we force the sign bit to be clear by shifting unixtime right
+ * one bit, then multiplying by an extra factor of 2 in lib$emul().
+ */
+ lowbit = (utimes->modtime & 1) ? secscale : 0;
+ unixtime = (long int) utimes->modtime;
+ unixtime >> 1; secscale << 1;
+ retsts = lib$emul(&secscale, &unixtime, &lowbit, bintime);
+ if (!(retsts & 1)) {
+ set_errno(EVMSERR);
+ set_vaxc_errno(retsts);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ retsts = lib$addx(bintime,utime_baseadjust,bintime,&len);
+ if (!(retsts & 1)) {
+ set_errno(EVMSERR);
+ set_vaxc_errno(retsts);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ /* Just get the current time in VMS format directly */
+ retsts = sys$gettim(bintime);
+ if (!(retsts & 1)) {
+ set_errno(EVMSERR);
+ set_vaxc_errno(retsts);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ myfab.fab$l_fna = vmsspec;
+ myfab.fab$b_fns = (unsigned char) strlen(vmsspec);
+ myfab.fab$l_nam = &mynam;
+ mynam.nam$l_esa = esa;
+ mynam.nam$b_ess = (unsigned char) sizeof esa;
+ mynam.nam$l_rsa = rsa;
+ mynam.nam$b_rss = (unsigned char) sizeof rsa;
+ /* Look for the file to be affected, letting RMS parse the file
+ * specification for us as well. I have set errno using only
+ * values documented in the utime() man page for VMS POSIX.
+ */
+ retsts = sys$parse(&myfab,0,0);
+ if (!(retsts & 1)) {
+ set_vaxc_errno(retsts);
+ if (retsts == RMS$_PRV) set_errno(EACCES);
+ else if (retsts == RMS$_DIR) set_errno(ENOTDIR);
+ else set_errno(EVMSERR);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ retsts = sys$search(&myfab,0,0);
+ if (!(retsts & 1)) {
+ set_vaxc_errno(retsts);
+ if (retsts == RMS$_PRV) set_errno(EACCES);
+ else if (retsts == RMS$_FNF) set_errno(ENOENT);
+ else set_errno(EVMSERR);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ devdsc.dsc$w_length = mynam.nam$b_dev;
+ devdsc.dsc$a_pointer = (char *) mynam.nam$l_dev;
+ retsts = sys$assign(&devdsc,&chan,0,0);
+ if (!(retsts & 1)) {
+ set_vaxc_errno(retsts);
+ if (retsts == SS$_IVDEVNAM) set_errno(ENOTDIR);
+ else if (retsts == SS$_NOPRIV) set_errno(EACCES);
+ else if (retsts == SS$_NOSUCHDEV) set_errno(ENOTDIR);
+ else set_errno(EVMSERR);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ fnmdsc.dsc$a_pointer = mynam.nam$l_name;
+ fnmdsc.dsc$w_length = mynam.nam$b_name + mynam.nam$b_type + mynam.nam$b_ver;
+ memset((void *) &myfib, 0, sizeof myfib);
+#ifdef __DECC
+ for (i=0;i<3;i++) myfib.fib$w_fid[i] = mynam.nam$w_fid[i];
+ for (i=0;i<3;i++) myfib.fib$w_did[i] = mynam.nam$w_did[i];
+ /* This prevents the revision time of the file being reset to the current
+ * time as a result of our IO$_MODIFY $QIO. */
+ myfib.fib$l_acctl = FIB$M_NORECORD;
+ for (i=0;i<3;i++) myfib.fib$r_fid_overlay.fib$w_fid[i] = mynam.nam$w_fid[i];
+ for (i=0;i<3;i++) myfib.fib$r_did_overlay.fib$w_did[i] = mynam.nam$w_did[i];
+ myfib.fib$r_acctl_overlay.fib$l_acctl = FIB$M_NORECORD;
+ retsts = sys$qiow(0,chan,IO$_MODIFY,iosb,0,0,&fibdsc,&fnmdsc,0,0,myatr,0);
+ _ckvmssts(sys$dassgn(chan));
+ if (retsts & 1) retsts = iosb[0];
+ if (!(retsts & 1)) {
+ set_vaxc_errno(retsts);
+ if (retsts == SS$_NOPRIV) set_errno(EACCES);
+ else set_errno(EVMSERR);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+} /* end of my_utime() */
+static void
+create_mbx(unsigned short int *chan, struct dsc$descriptor_s *namdsc)
+ static unsigned long int mbxbufsiz;
+ long int syiitm = SYI$_MAXBUF, dviitm = DVI$_DEVNAM;
+ if (!mbxbufsiz) {
+ /*
+ * Get the SYSGEN parameter MAXBUF, and the smaller of it and the
+ * preprocessor consant BUFSIZ from stdio.h as the size of the
+ * 'pipe' mailbox.
+ */
+ _ckvmssts(lib$getsyi(&syiitm, &mbxbufsiz, 0, 0, 0, 0));
+ if (mbxbufsiz > BUFSIZ) mbxbufsiz = BUFSIZ;
+ }
+ _ckvmssts(sys$crembx(0,chan,mbxbufsiz,mbxbufsiz,0,0,0));
+ _ckvmssts(lib$getdvi(&dviitm, chan, NULL, NULL, namdsc, &namdsc->dsc$w_length));
+ namdsc->dsc$a_pointer[namdsc->dsc$w_length] = '\0';
+} /* end of create_mbx() */
+/*{{{ my_popen and my_pclose*/
+struct pipe_details
+ struct pipe_details *next;
+ FILE *fp; /* stdio file pointer to pipe mailbox */
+ int pid; /* PID of subprocess */
+ int mode; /* == 'r' if pipe open for reading */
+ int done; /* subprocess has completed */
+ unsigned long int completion; /* termination status of subprocess */
+struct exit_control_block
+ struct exit_control_block *flink;
+ unsigned long int (*exit_routine)();
+ unsigned long int arg_count;
+ unsigned long int *status_address;
+ unsigned long int exit_status;
+static struct pipe_details *open_pipes = NULL;
+static $DESCRIPTOR(nl_desc, "NL:");
+static int waitpid_asleep = 0;
+static unsigned long int
+ unsigned long int retsts = SS$_NORMAL, abort = SS$_TIMEOUT, sts;
+ while (open_pipes != NULL) {
+ if (!open_pipes->done) { /* Tap them gently on the shoulder . . .*/
+ _ckvmssts(sys$forcex(&open_pipes->pid,0,&abort));
+ sleep(1);
+ }
+ if (!open_pipes->done) /* We tried to be nice . . . */
+ _ckvmssts(sys$delprc(&open_pipes->pid,0));
+ if (!((sts = my_pclose(open_pipes->fp))&1)) retsts = sts;
+ }
+ return retsts;
+static struct exit_control_block pipe_exitblock =
+ {(struct exit_control_block *) 0,
+ pipe_exit_routine, 0, &pipe_exitblock.exit_status, 0};
+static void
+popen_completion_ast(struct pipe_details *thispipe)
+ thispipe->done = TRUE;
+ if (waitpid_asleep) {
+ waitpid_asleep = 0;
+ sys$wake(0,0);
+ }
+/*{{{ FILE *my_popen(char *cmd, char *mode)*/
+my_popen(char *cmd, char *mode)
+ static int handler_set_up = FALSE;
+ char mbxname[64];
+ unsigned short int chan;
+ unsigned long int flags=1; /* nowait - gnu c doesn't allow &1 */
+ struct pipe_details *info;
+ struct dsc$descriptor_s namdsc = {sizeof mbxname, DSC$K_DTYPE_T,
+ DSC$K_CLASS_S, mbxname},
+ cmddsc = {0, DSC$K_DTYPE_T,
+ DSC$K_CLASS_S, 0};
+ cmddsc.dsc$w_length=strlen(cmd);
+ cmddsc.dsc$a_pointer=cmd;
+ if (cmddsc.dsc$w_length > 255) {
+ set_errno(E2BIG); set_vaxc_errno(CLI$_BUFOVF);
+ return Nullfp;
+ }
+ New(7001,info,1,struct pipe_details);
+ /* create mailbox */
+ create_mbx(&chan,&namdsc);
+ /* open a FILE* onto it */
+ info->fp=fopen(mbxname, mode);
+ /* give up other channel onto it */
+ _ckvmssts(sys$dassgn(chan));
+ if (!info->fp)
+ return Nullfp;
+ info->mode = *mode;
+ info->done = FALSE;
+ info->completion=0;
+ if (*mode == 'r') {
+ _ckvmssts(lib$spawn(&cmddsc, &nl_desc, &namdsc, &flags,
+ 0 /* name */, &info->pid, &info->completion,
+ 0, popen_completion_ast,info,0,0,0));
+ }
+ else {
+ _ckvmssts(lib$spawn(&cmddsc, &namdsc, 0 /* sys$output */, &flags,
+ 0 /* name */, &info->pid, &info->completion,
+ 0, popen_completion_ast,info,0,0,0));
+ }
+ if (!handler_set_up) {
+ _ckvmssts(sys$dclexh(&pipe_exitblock));
+ handler_set_up = TRUE;
+ }
+ info->next=open_pipes; /* prepend to list */
+ open_pipes=info;
+ forkprocess = info->pid;
+ return info->fp;
+/*{{{ I32 my_pclose(FILE *fp)*/
+I32 my_pclose(FILE *fp)
+ struct pipe_details *info, *last = NULL;
+ unsigned long int retsts;
+ for (info = open_pipes; info != NULL; last = info, info = info->next)
+ if (info->fp == fp) break;
+ if (info == NULL)
+ /* get here => no such pipe open */
+ croak("No such pipe open");
+ fclose(info->fp);
+ if (info->done) retsts = info->completion;
+ else waitpid(info->pid,(int *) &retsts,0);
+ /* remove from list of open pipes */
+ if (last) last->next = info->next;
+ else open_pipes = info->next;
+ Safefree(info);
+ return retsts;
+} /* end of my_pclose() */
+/* sort-of waitpid; use only with popen() */
+/*{{{unsigned long int waitpid(unsigned long int pid, int *statusp, int flags)*/
+unsigned long int
+waitpid(unsigned long int pid, int *statusp, int flags)
+ struct pipe_details *info;
+ for (info = open_pipes; info != NULL; info = info->next)
+ if (info->pid == pid) break;
+ if (info != NULL) { /* we know about this child */
+ while (!info->done) {
+ waitpid_asleep = 1;
+ sys$hiber();
+ }
+ *statusp = info->completion;
+ return pid;
+ }
+ else { /* we haven't heard of this child */
+ $DESCRIPTOR(intdsc,"0 00:00:01");
+ unsigned long int ownercode = JPI$_OWNER, ownerpid, mypid;
+ unsigned long int interval[2],sts;
+ if (dowarn) {
+ _ckvmssts(lib$getjpi(&ownercode,&pid,0,&ownerpid,0,0));
+ _ckvmssts(lib$getjpi(&ownercode,0,0,&mypid,0,0));
+ if (ownerpid != mypid)
+ warn("pid %d not a child",pid);
+ }
+ _ckvmssts(sys$bintim(&intdsc,interval));
+ while ((sts=lib$getjpi(&ownercode,&pid,0,&ownerpid,0,0)) & 1) {
+ _ckvmssts(sys$schdwk(0,0,interval,0));
+ _ckvmssts(sys$hiber());
+ }
+ _ckvmssts(sts);
+ /* There's no easy way to find the termination status a child we're
+ * not aware of beforehand. If we're really interested in the future,
+ * we can go looking for a termination mailbox, or chase after the
+ * accounting record for the process.
+ */
+ *statusp = 0;
+ return pid;
+ }
+} /* end of waitpid() */
+/*{{{ char *my_gconvert(double val, int ndig, int trail, char *buf) */
+char *
+my_gconvert(double val, int ndig, int trail, char *buf)
+ static char __gcvtbuf[DBL_DIG+1];
+ char *loc;
+ loc = buf ? buf : __gcvtbuf;
+ if (val) {
+ if (!buf && ndig > DBL_DIG) ndig = DBL_DIG;
+ return gcvt(val,ndig,loc);
+ }
+ else {
+ loc[0] = '0'; loc[1] = '\0';
+ return loc;
+ }
+** The following routines are provided to make life easier when
+** converting among VMS-style and Unix-style directory specifications.
+** All will take input specifications in either VMS or Unix syntax. On
+** failure, all return NULL. If successful, the routines listed below
+** return a pointer to a buffer containing the appropriately
+** reformatted spec (and, therefore, subsequent calls to that routine
+** will clobber the result), while the routines of the same names with
+** a _ts suffix appended will return a pointer to a mallocd string
+** containing the appropriately reformatted spec.
+** In all cases, only explicit syntax is altered; no check is made that
+** the resulting string is valid or that the directory in question
+** actually exists.
+** fileify_dirspec() - convert a directory spec into the name of the
+** directory file (i.e. what you can stat() to see if it's a dir).
+** The style (VMS or Unix) of the result is the same as the style
+** of the parameter passed in.
+** pathify_dirspec() - convert a directory spec into a path (i.e.
+** what you prepend to a filename to indicate what directory it's in).
+** The style (VMS or Unix) of the result is the same as the style
+** of the parameter passed in.
+** tounixpath() - convert a directory spec into a Unix-style path.
+** tovmspath() - convert a directory spec into a VMS-style path.
+** tounixspec() - convert any file spec into a Unix-style file spec.
+** tovmsspec() - convert any file spec into a VMS-style spec.
+** Copyright 1996 by Charles Bailey <>
+** Permission is given to distribute this code as part of the Perl
+** standard distribution under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License or the Perl Artistic License. Copies of each may be
+** found in the Perl standard distribution.
+ */
+static char *do_tounixspec(char *, char *, int);
+/*{{{ char *fileify_dirspec[_ts](char *path, char *buf)*/
+static char *do_fileify_dirspec(char *dir,char *buf,int ts)
+ static char __fileify_retbuf[NAM$C_MAXRSS+1];
+ unsigned long int dirlen, retlen, addmfd = 0;
+ char *retspec, *cp1, *cp2, *lastdir;
+ char trndir[NAM$C_MAXRSS+1], vmsdir[NAM$C_MAXRSS+1];
+ if (!dir || !*dir) {
+ set_errno(EINVAL); set_vaxc_errno(SS$_BADPARAM); return NULL;
+ }
+ dirlen = strlen(dir);
+ if (dir[dirlen-1] == '/') --dirlen;
+ if (!dirlen) {
+ set_errno(ENOTDIR);
+ set_vaxc_errno(RMS$_DIR);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (!strpbrk(dir+1,"/]>:")) {
+ strcpy(trndir,*dir == '/' ? dir + 1: dir);
+ while (!strpbrk(trndir,"/]>:>") && my_trnlnm(trndir,trndir,0)) ;
+ dir = trndir;
+ dirlen = strlen(dir);
+ }
+ else {
+ strncpy(trndir,dir,dirlen);
+ trndir[dirlen] = '\0';
+ dir = trndir;
+ }
+ /* If we were handed a rooted logical name or spec, treat it like a
+ * simple directory, so that
+ * $ Define myroot dev:[dir.]
+ * ... do_fileify_dirspec("myroot",buf,1) ...
+ * does something useful.
+ */
+ if (!strcmp(dir+dirlen-2,".]")) {
+ dir[--dirlen] = '\0';
+ dir[dirlen-1] = ']';
+ }
+ if (!strpbrk(dir,"]:>")) { /* Unix-style path or plain dir name */
+ if (dir[0] == '.') {
+ if (dir[1] == '\0' || (dir[1] == '/' && dir[2] == '\0'))
+ return do_fileify_dirspec("[]",buf,ts);
+ else if (dir[1] == '.' &&
+ (dir[2] == '\0' || (dir[2] == '/' && dir[3] == '\0')))
+ return do_fileify_dirspec("[-]",buf,ts);
+ }
+ if (dir[dirlen-1] == '/') { /* path ends with '/'; just add .dir;1 */
+ dirlen -= 1; /* to last element */
+ lastdir = strrchr(dir,'/');
+ }
+ else if ((cp1 = strstr(dir,"/.")) != NULL) {
+ /* If we have "/." or "/..", VMSify it and let the VMS code
+ * below expand it, rather than repeating the code to handle
+ * relative components of a filespec here */
+ do {
+ if (*(cp1+2) == '.') cp1++;
+ if (*(cp1+2) == '/' || *(cp1+2) == '\0') {
+ if (do_tovmsspec(dir,vmsdir,0) == NULL) return NULL;
+ if (do_fileify_dirspec(vmsdir,trndir,0) == NULL) return NULL;
+ return do_tounixspec(trndir,buf,ts);
+ }
+ cp1++;
+ } while ((cp1 = strstr(cp1,"/.")) != NULL);
+ }
+ else {
+ if (!(lastdir = cp1 = strrchr(dir,'/'))) cp1 = dir;
+ if ((cp2 = strchr(cp1,'.'))) { /* look for explicit type */
+ if (toupper(*(cp2+1)) == 'D' && /* Yep. Is it .dir? */
+ toupper(*(cp2+2)) == 'I' &&
+ toupper(*(cp2+3)) == 'R') {
+ if ((cp1 = strchr(cp2,';')) || (cp1 = strchr(cp2+1,'.'))) {
+ if (*(cp1+1) != '1' || *(cp1+2) != '\0') { /* Version is not ;1 */
+ set_errno(ENOTDIR); /* Bzzt. */
+ set_vaxc_errno(RMS$_DIR);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ dirlen = cp2 - dir;
+ }
+ else { /* There's a type, and it's not .dir. Bzzt. */
+ set_errno(ENOTDIR);
+ set_vaxc_errno(RMS$_DIR);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* If we lead off with a device or rooted logical, add the MFD
+ if we're specifying a top-level directory. */
+ if (lastdir && *dir == '/') {
+ addmfd = 1;
+ for (cp1 = lastdir - 1; cp1 > dir; cp1--) {
+ if (*cp1 == '/') {
+ addmfd = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ retlen = dirlen + (addmfd ? 13 : 6);
+ if (buf) retspec = buf;
+ else if (ts) New(7009,retspec,retlen+1,char);
+ else retspec = __fileify_retbuf;
+ if (addmfd) {
+ dirlen = lastdir - dir;
+ memcpy(retspec,dir,dirlen);
+ strcpy(&retspec[dirlen],"/000000");
+ strcpy(&retspec[dirlen+7],lastdir);
+ }
+ else {
+ memcpy(retspec,dir,dirlen);
+ retspec[dirlen] = '\0';
+ }
+ /* We've picked up everything up to the directory file name.
+ Now just add the type and version, and we're set. */
+ strcat(retspec,".dir;1");
+ return retspec;
+ }
+ else { /* VMS-style directory spec */
+ char esa[NAM$C_MAXRSS+1], term, *cp;
+ unsigned long int sts, cmplen, haslower = 0;
+ struct FAB dirfab = cc$rms_fab;
+ struct NAM savnam, dirnam = cc$rms_nam;
+ dirfab.fab$b_fns = strlen(dir);
+ dirfab.fab$l_fna = dir;
+ dirfab.fab$l_nam = &dirnam;
+ dirfab.fab$l_dna = ".DIR;1";
+ dirfab.fab$b_dns = 6;
+ dirnam.nam$b_ess = NAM$C_MAXRSS;
+ dirnam.nam$l_esa = esa;
+ for (cp = dir; *cp; cp++)
+ if (islower(*cp)) { haslower = 1; break; }
+ if (!((sts = sys$parse(&dirfab))&1)) {
+ if (dirfab.fab$l_sts == RMS$_DIR) {
+ dirnam.nam$b_nop |= NAM$M_SYNCHK;
+ sts = sys$parse(&dirfab) & 1;
+ }
+ if (!sts) {
+ set_errno(EVMSERR);
+ set_vaxc_errno(dirfab.fab$l_sts);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ savnam = dirnam;
+ if (sys$search(&dirfab)&1) { /* Does the file really exist? */
+ /* Yes; fake the fnb bits so we'll check type below */
+ dirnam.nam$l_fnb |= NAM$M_EXP_TYPE | NAM$M_EXP_VER;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (dirfab.fab$l_sts != RMS$_FNF) {
+ set_errno(EVMSERR);
+ set_vaxc_errno(dirfab.fab$l_sts);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ dirnam = savnam; /* No; just work with potential name */
+ }
+ }
+ if (!(dirnam.nam$l_fnb & (NAM$M_EXP_DEV | NAM$M_EXP_DIR))) {
+ cp1 = strchr(esa,']');
+ if (!cp1) cp1 = strchr(esa,'>');
+ if (cp1) { /* Should always be true */
+ dirnam.nam$b_esl -= cp1 - esa - 1;
+ memcpy(esa,cp1 + 1,dirnam.nam$b_esl);
+ }
+ }
+ if (dirnam.nam$l_fnb & NAM$M_EXP_TYPE) { /* Was type specified? */
+ /* Yep; check version while we're at it, if it's there. */
+ cmplen = (dirnam.nam$l_fnb & NAM$M_EXP_VER) ? 6 : 4;
+ if (strncmp(dirnam.nam$l_type,".DIR;1",cmplen)) {
+ /* Something other than .DIR[;1]. Bzzt. */
+ set_errno(ENOTDIR);
+ set_vaxc_errno(RMS$_DIR);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ esa[dirnam.nam$b_esl] = '\0';
+ if (dirnam.nam$l_fnb & NAM$M_EXP_NAME) {
+ /* They provided at least the name; we added the type, if necessary, */
+ if (buf) retspec = buf; /* in sys$parse() */
+ else if (ts) New(7011,retspec,dirnam.nam$b_esl+1,char);
+ else retspec = __fileify_retbuf;
+ strcpy(retspec,esa);
+ return retspec;
+ }
+ if ((cp1 = strstr(esa,".][000000]")) != NULL) {
+ for (cp2 = cp1 + 9; *cp2; cp1++,cp2++) *cp1 = *cp2;
+ *cp1 = '\0';
+ dirnam.nam$b_esl -= 9;
+ }
+ if ((cp1 = strrchr(esa,']')) == NULL) cp1 = strrchr(esa,'>');
+ if (cp1 == NULL) return NULL; /* should never happen */
+ term = *cp1;
+ *cp1 = '\0';
+ retlen = strlen(esa);
+ if ((cp1 = strrchr(esa,'.')) != NULL) {
+ /* There's more than one directory in the path. Just roll back. */
+ *cp1 = term;
+ if (buf) retspec = buf;
+ else if (ts) New(7011,retspec,retlen+7,char);
+ else retspec = __fileify_retbuf;
+ strcpy(retspec,esa);
+ }
+ else {
+ if (dirnam.nam$l_fnb & NAM$M_ROOT_DIR) {
+ /* Go back and expand rooted logical name */
+ dirnam.nam$b_nop = NAM$M_SYNCHK | NAM$M_NOCONCEAL;
+ if (!(sys$parse(&dirfab) & 1)) {
+ set_errno(EVMSERR);
+ set_vaxc_errno(dirfab.fab$l_sts);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ retlen = dirnam.nam$b_esl - 9; /* esa - '][' - '].DIR;1' */
+ if (buf) retspec = buf;
+ else if (ts) New(7012,retspec,retlen+16,char);
+ else retspec = __fileify_retbuf;
+ cp1 = strstr(esa,"][");
+ dirlen = cp1 - esa;
+ memcpy(retspec,esa,dirlen);
+ if (!strncmp(cp1+2,"000000]",7)) {
+ retspec[dirlen-1] = '\0';
+ for (cp1 = retspec+dirlen-1; *cp1 != '.' && *cp1 != '['; cp1--) ;
+ if (*cp1 == '.') *cp1 = ']';
+ else {
+ memmove(cp1+8,cp1+1,retspec+dirlen-cp1);
+ memcpy(cp1+1,"000000]",7);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ memcpy(retspec+dirlen,cp1+2,retlen-dirlen);
+ retspec[retlen] = '\0';
+ /* Convert last '.' to ']' */
+ for (cp1 = retspec+retlen-1; *cp1 != '.' && *cp1 != '['; cp1--) ;
+ if (*cp1 == '.') *cp1 = ']';
+ else {
+ memmove(cp1+8,cp1+1,retspec+dirlen-cp1);
+ memcpy(cp1+1,"000000]",7);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else { /* This is a top-level dir. Add the MFD to the path. */
+ if (buf) retspec = buf;
+ else if (ts) New(7012,retspec,retlen+16,char);
+ else retspec = __fileify_retbuf;
+ cp1 = esa;
+ cp2 = retspec;
+ while (*cp1 != ':') *(cp2++) = *(cp1++);
+ strcpy(cp2,":[000000]");
+ cp1 += 2;
+ strcpy(cp2+9,cp1);
+ }
+ }
+ /* We've set up the string up through the filename. Add the
+ type and version, and we're done. */
+ strcat(retspec,".DIR;1");
+ /* $PARSE may have upcased filespec, so convert output to lower
+ * case if input contained any lowercase characters. */
+ if (haslower) __mystrtolower(retspec);
+ return retspec;
+ }
+} /* end of do_fileify_dirspec() */
+/* External entry points */
+char *fileify_dirspec(char *dir, char *buf)
+{ return do_fileify_dirspec(dir,buf,0); }
+char *fileify_dirspec_ts(char *dir, char *buf)
+{ return do_fileify_dirspec(dir,buf,1); }
+/*{{{ char *pathify_dirspec[_ts](char *path, char *buf)*/
+static char *do_pathify_dirspec(char *dir,char *buf, int ts)
+ static char __pathify_retbuf[NAM$C_MAXRSS+1];
+ unsigned long int retlen;
+ char *retpath, *cp1, *cp2, trndir[NAM$C_MAXRSS+1];
+ if (!dir || !*dir) {
+ set_errno(EINVAL); set_vaxc_errno(SS$_BADPARAM); return NULL;
+ }
+ if (*dir) strcpy(trndir,dir);
+ else getcwd(trndir,sizeof trndir - 1);
+ while (!strpbrk(trndir,"/]:>") && my_trnlnm(trndir,trndir,0)) {
+ STRLEN trnlen = strlen(trndir);
+ /* Trap simple rooted lnms, and return lnm:[000000] */
+ if (!strcmp(trndir+trnlen-2,".]")) {
+ if (buf) retpath = buf;
+ else if (ts) New(7018,retpath,strlen(dir)+10,char);
+ else retpath = __pathify_retbuf;
+ strcpy(retpath,dir);
+ strcat(retpath,":[000000]");
+ return retpath;
+ }
+ }
+ dir = trndir;
+ if (!strpbrk(dir,"]:>")) { /* Unix-style path or plain dir name */
+ if (*dir == '.' && (*(dir+1) == '\0' ||
+ (*(dir+1) == '.' && *(dir+2) == '\0')))
+ retlen = 2 + (*(dir+1) != '\0');
+ else {
+ if (!(cp1 = strrchr(dir,'/'))) cp1 = dir;
+ if ((cp2 = strchr(cp1,'.')) && (*(cp2+1) != '.' && *(cp2+1) != '\0')) {
+ if (toupper(*(cp2+1)) == 'D' && /* They specified .dir. */
+ toupper(*(cp2+2)) == 'I' && /* Trim it off. */
+ toupper(*(cp2+3)) == 'R') {
+ retlen = cp2 - dir + 1;
+ }
+ else { /* Some other file type. Bzzt. */
+ set_errno(ENOTDIR);
+ set_vaxc_errno(RMS$_DIR);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ else { /* No file type present. Treat the filename as a directory. */
+ retlen = strlen(dir) + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (buf) retpath = buf;
+ else if (ts) New(7013,retpath,retlen+1,char);
+ else retpath = __pathify_retbuf;
+ strncpy(retpath,dir,retlen-1);
+ if (retpath[retlen-2] != '/') { /* If the path doesn't already end */
+ retpath[retlen-1] = '/'; /* with '/', add it. */
+ retpath[retlen] = '\0';
+ }
+ else retpath[retlen-1] = '\0';
+ }
+ else { /* VMS-style directory spec */
+ char esa[NAM$C_MAXRSS+1], *cp;
+ unsigned long int sts, cmplen, haslower;
+ struct FAB dirfab = cc$rms_fab;
+ struct NAM savnam, dirnam = cc$rms_nam;
+ dirfab.fab$b_fns = strlen(dir);
+ dirfab.fab$l_fna = dir;
+ if (dir[dirfab.fab$b_fns-1] == ']' ||
+ dir[dirfab.fab$b_fns-1] == '>' ||
+ dir[dirfab.fab$b_fns-1] == ':') { /* It's already a VMS 'path' */
+ if (buf) retpath = buf;
+ else if (ts) New(7014,retpath,strlen(dir)+1,char);
+ else retpath = __pathify_retbuf;
+ strcpy(retpath,dir);
+ return retpath;
+ }
+ dirfab.fab$l_dna = ".DIR;1";
+ dirfab.fab$b_dns = 6;
+ dirfab.fab$l_nam = &dirnam;
+ dirnam.nam$b_ess = (unsigned char) sizeof esa - 1;
+ dirnam.nam$l_esa = esa;
+ for (cp = dir; *cp; cp++)
+ if (islower(*cp)) { haslower = 1; break; }
+ if (!(sts = (sys$parse(&dirfab)&1))) {
+ if (dirfab.fab$l_sts == RMS$_DIR) {
+ dirnam.nam$b_nop |= NAM$M_SYNCHK;
+ sts = sys$parse(&dirfab) & 1;
+ }
+ if (!sts) {
+ set_errno(EVMSERR);
+ set_vaxc_errno(dirfab.fab$l_sts);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ savnam = dirnam;
+ if (!(sys$search(&dirfab)&1)) { /* Does the file really exist? */
+ if (dirfab.fab$l_sts != RMS$_FNF) {
+ set_errno(EVMSERR);
+ set_vaxc_errno(dirfab.fab$l_sts);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ dirnam = savnam; /* No; just work with potential name */
+ }
+ }
+ if (dirnam.nam$l_fnb & NAM$M_EXP_TYPE) { /* Was type specified? */
+ /* Yep; check version while we're at it, if it's there. */
+ cmplen = (dirnam.nam$l_fnb & NAM$M_EXP_VER) ? 6 : 4;
+ if (strncmp(dirnam.nam$l_type,".DIR;1",cmplen)) {
+ /* Something other than .DIR[;1]. Bzzt. */
+ set_errno(ENOTDIR);
+ set_vaxc_errno(RMS$_DIR);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ /* OK, the type was fine. Now pull any file name into the
+ directory path. */
+ if ((cp1 = strrchr(esa,']'))) *dirnam.nam$l_type = ']';
+ else {
+ cp1 = strrchr(esa,'>');
+ *dirnam.nam$l_type = '>';
+ }
+ *cp1 = '.';
+ *(dirnam.nam$l_type + 1) = '\0';
+ retlen = dirnam.nam$l_type - esa + 2;
+ if (buf) retpath = buf;
+ else if (ts) New(7014,retpath,retlen,char);
+ else retpath = __pathify_retbuf;
+ strcpy(retpath,esa);
+ /* $PARSE may have upcased filespec, so convert output to lower
+ * case if input contained any lowercase characters. */
+ if (haslower) __mystrtolower(retpath);
+ }
+ return retpath;
+} /* end of do_pathify_dirspec() */
+/* External entry points */
+char *pathify_dirspec(char *dir, char *buf)
+{ return do_pathify_dirspec(dir,buf,0); }
+char *pathify_dirspec_ts(char *dir, char *buf)
+{ return do_pathify_dirspec(dir,buf,1); }
+/*{{{ char *tounixspec[_ts](char *path, char *buf)*/
+static char *do_tounixspec(char *spec, char *buf, int ts)
+ static char __tounixspec_retbuf[NAM$C_MAXRSS+1];
+ char *dirend, *rslt, *cp1, *cp2, *cp3, tmp[NAM$C_MAXRSS+1];
+ int devlen, dirlen, retlen = NAM$C_MAXRSS+1, dashes = 0;
+ if (spec == NULL) return NULL;
+ if (strlen(spec) > NAM$C_MAXRSS) return NULL;
+ if (buf) rslt = buf;
+ else if (ts) {
+ retlen = strlen(spec);
+ cp1 = strchr(spec,'[');
+ if (!cp1) cp1 = strchr(spec,'<');
+ if (cp1) {
+ for (cp1++; *cp1 == '-'; cp1++) dashes++; /* VMS '-' ==> Unix '../' */
+ }
+ New(7015,rslt,retlen+2+2*dashes,char);
+ }
+ else rslt = __tounixspec_retbuf;
+ if (strchr(spec,'/') != NULL) {
+ strcpy(rslt,spec);
+ return rslt;
+ }
+ cp1 = rslt;
+ cp2 = spec;
+ dirend = strrchr(spec,']');
+ if (dirend == NULL) dirend = strrchr(spec,'>');
+ if (dirend == NULL) dirend = strchr(spec,':');
+ if (dirend == NULL) {
+ strcpy(rslt,spec);
+ return rslt;
+ }
+ if (*cp2 != '[' && *cp2 != '<') {
+ *(cp1++) = '/';
+ }
+ else { /* the VMS spec begins with directories */
+ cp2++;
+ if (*cp2 == ']' || *cp2 == '>') {
+ strcpy(rslt,"./");
+ return rslt;
+ }
+ else if ( *cp2 != '.' && *cp2 != '-') {
+ *(cp1++) = '/'; /* add the implied device into the Unix spec */
+ if (getcwd(tmp,sizeof tmp,1) == NULL) {
+ if (ts) Safefree(rslt);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ do {
+ cp3 = tmp;
+ while (*cp3 != ':' && *cp3) cp3++;
+ *(cp3++) = '\0';
+ if (strchr(cp3,']') != NULL) break;
+ } while (((cp3 = my_getenv(tmp)) != NULL) && strcpy(tmp,cp3));
+ cp3 = tmp;
+ while (*cp3) *(cp1++) = *(cp3++);
+ *(cp1++) = '/';
+ if (ts &&
+ ((devlen = strlen(tmp)) + (dirlen = strlen(cp2)) + 1 > retlen)) {
+ int offset = cp1 - rslt;
+ retlen = devlen + dirlen;
+ Renew(rslt,retlen+1+2*dashes,char);
+ cp1 = rslt + offset;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (*cp2 == '.') cp2++;
+ }
+ for (; cp2 <= dirend; cp2++) {
+ if (*cp2 == ':') {
+ *(cp1++) = '/';
+ if (*(cp2+1) == '[') cp2++;
+ }
+ else if (*cp2 == ']' || *cp2 == '>') *(cp1++) = '/';
+ else if (*cp2 == '.') {
+ *(cp1++) = '/';
+ if (*(cp2+1) == ']' || *(cp2+1) == '>') {
+ while (*(cp2+1) == ']' || *(cp2+1) == '>' ||
+ *(cp2+1) == '[' || *(cp2+1) == '<') cp2++;
+ if (!strncmp(cp2,"[000000",7) && (*(cp2+7) == ']' ||
+ *(cp2+7) == '>' || *(cp2+7) == '.')) cp2 += 7;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (*cp2 == '-') {
+ if (*(cp2-1) == '[' || *(cp2-1) == '<' || *(cp2-1) == '.') {
+ while (*cp2 == '-') {
+ cp2++;
+ *(cp1++) = '.'; *(cp1++) = '.'; *(cp1++) = '/';
+ }
+ if (*cp2 != '.' && *cp2 != ']' && *cp2 != '>') { /* we don't allow */
+ if (ts) Safefree(rslt); /* filespecs like */
+ set_errno(EINVAL); set_vaxc_errno(RMS$_SYN); /* [] */
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ else *(cp1++) = *cp2;
+ }
+ else *(cp1++) = *cp2;
+ }
+ while (*cp2) *(cp1++) = *(cp2++);
+ *cp1 = '\0';
+ return rslt;
+} /* end of do_tounixspec() */
+/* External entry points */
+char *tounixspec(char *spec, char *buf) { return do_tounixspec(spec,buf,0); }
+char *tounixspec_ts(char *spec, char *buf) { return do_tounixspec(spec,buf,1); }
+/*{{{ char *tovmsspec[_ts](char *path, char *buf)*/
+static char *do_tovmsspec(char *path, char *buf, int ts) {
+ static char __tovmsspec_retbuf[NAM$C_MAXRSS+1];
+ char *rslt, *dirend;
+ register char *cp1, *cp2;
+ unsigned long int infront = 0, hasdir = 1;
+ if (path == NULL) return NULL;
+ if (buf) rslt = buf;
+ else if (ts) New(7016,rslt,strlen(path)+9,char);
+ else rslt = __tovmsspec_retbuf;
+ if (strpbrk(path,"]:>") ||
+ (dirend = strrchr(path,'/')) == NULL) {
+ if (path[0] == '.') {
+ if (path[1] == '\0') strcpy(rslt,"[]");
+ else if (path[1] == '.' && path[2] == '\0') strcpy(rslt,"[-]");
+ else strcpy(rslt,path); /* probably garbage */
+ }
+ else strcpy(rslt,path);
+ return rslt;
+ }
+ if (*(dirend+1) == '.') { /* do we have trailing "/." or "/.."? */
+ if (!*(dirend+2)) dirend +=2;
+ if (*(dirend+2) == '.' && !*(dirend+3)) dirend += 3;
+ }
+ cp1 = rslt;
+ cp2 = path;
+ if (*cp2 == '/') {
+ char trndev[NAM$C_MAXRSS+1];
+ int islnm, rooted;
+ STRLEN trnend;
+ while (*(++cp2) == '/') ; /* Skip multiple /s */
+ while (*(++cp2) != '/' && *cp2) *(cp1++) = *cp2;
+ *cp1 = '\0';
+ islnm = my_trnlnm(rslt,trndev,0);
+ trnend = islnm ? strlen(trndev) - 1 : 0;
+ islnm = trnend ? (trndev[trnend] == ']' || trndev[trnend] == '>') : 0;
+ rooted = islnm ? (trndev[trnend-1] == '.') : 0;
+ /* If the first element of the path is a logical name, determine
+ * whether it has to be translated so we can add more directories. */
+ if (!islnm || rooted) {
+ *(cp1++) = ':';
+ *(cp1++) = '[';
+ if (cp2 == dirend) while (infront++ < 6) *(cp1++) = '0';
+ else cp2++;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (cp2 != dirend) {
+ if (!buf && ts) Renew(rslt,strlen(path)-strlen(rslt)+trnend+4,char);
+ strcpy(rslt,trndev);
+ cp1 = rslt + trnend;
+ *(cp1++) = '.';
+ cp2++;
+ }
+ else {
+ *(cp1++) = ':';
+ hasdir = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ *(cp1++) = '[';
+ if (*cp2 == '.') {
+ if (*(cp2+1) == '/' || *(cp2+1) == '\0') {
+ cp2 += 2; /* skip over "./" - it's redundant */
+ *(cp1++) = '.'; /* but it does indicate a relative dirspec */
+ }
+ else if (*(cp2+1) == '.' && (*(cp2+2) == '/' || *(cp2+2) == '\0')) {
+ *(cp1++) = '-'; /* "../" --> "-" */
+ cp2 += 3;
+ }
+ if (cp2 > dirend) cp2 = dirend;
+ }
+ else *(cp1++) = '.';
+ }
+ for (; cp2 < dirend; cp2++) {
+ if (*cp2 == '/') {
+ if (*(cp2-1) == '/') continue;
+ if (*(cp1-1) != '.') *(cp1++) = '.';
+ infront = 0;
+ }
+ else if (!infront && *cp2 == '.') {
+ if (cp2+1 == dirend || *(cp2+1) == '\0') { cp2++; break; }
+ else if (*(cp2+1) == '/') cp2++; /* skip over "./" - it's redundant */
+ else if (*(cp2+1) == '.' && (*(cp2+2) == '/' || *(cp2+2) == '\0')) {
+ if (*(cp1-1) == '-' || *(cp1-1) == '[') *(cp1++) = '-'; /* handle "../" */
+ else if (*(cp1-2) == '[') *(cp1-1) = '-';
+ else { /* back up over previous directory name */
+ cp1--;
+ while (*(cp1-1) != '.' && *(cp1-1) != '[') cp1--;
+ if (*(cp1-1) == '[') {
+ memcpy(cp1,"000000.",7);
+ cp1 += 7;
+ }
+ }
+ cp2 += 2;
+ if (cp2 == dirend) break;
+ }
+ else *(cp1++) = '_'; /* fix up syntax - '.' in name not allowed */
+ }
+ else {
+ if (!infront && *(cp1-1) == '-') *(cp1++) = '.';
+ if (*cp2 == '.') *(cp1++) = '_';
+ else *(cp1++) = *cp2;
+ infront = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (*(cp1-1) == '.') cp1--; /* Unix spec ending in '/' ==> trailing '.' */
+ if (hasdir) *(cp1++) = ']';
+ if (*cp2) cp2++; /* check in case we ended with trailing '..' */
+ while (*cp2) *(cp1++) = *(cp2++);
+ *cp1 = '\0';
+ return rslt;
+} /* end of do_tovmsspec() */
+/* External entry points */
+char *tovmsspec(char *path, char *buf) { return do_tovmsspec(path,buf,0); }
+char *tovmsspec_ts(char *path, char *buf) { return do_tovmsspec(path,buf,1); }
+/*{{{ char *tovmspath[_ts](char *path, char *buf)*/
+static char *do_tovmspath(char *path, char *buf, int ts) {
+ static char __tovmspath_retbuf[NAM$C_MAXRSS+1];
+ int vmslen;
+ char pathified[NAM$C_MAXRSS+1], vmsified[NAM$C_MAXRSS+1], *cp;
+ if (path == NULL) return NULL;
+ if (do_pathify_dirspec(path,pathified,0) == NULL) return NULL;
+ if (do_tovmsspec(pathified,buf ? buf : vmsified,0) == NULL) return NULL;
+ if (buf) return buf;
+ else if (ts) {
+ vmslen = strlen(vmsified);
+ New(7017,cp,vmslen+1,char);
+ memcpy(cp,vmsified,vmslen);
+ cp[vmslen] = '\0';
+ return cp;
+ }
+ else {
+ strcpy(__tovmspath_retbuf,vmsified);
+ return __tovmspath_retbuf;
+ }
+} /* end of do_tovmspath() */
+/* External entry points */
+char *tovmspath(char *path, char *buf) { return do_tovmspath(path,buf,0); }
+char *tovmspath_ts(char *path, char *buf) { return do_tovmspath(path,buf,1); }
+/*{{{ char *tounixpath[_ts](char *path, char *buf)*/
+static char *do_tounixpath(char *path, char *buf, int ts) {
+ static char __tounixpath_retbuf[NAM$C_MAXRSS+1];
+ int unixlen;
+ char pathified[NAM$C_MAXRSS+1], unixified[NAM$C_MAXRSS+1], *cp;
+ if (path == NULL) return NULL;
+ if (do_pathify_dirspec(path,pathified,0) == NULL) return NULL;
+ if (do_tounixspec(pathified,buf ? buf : unixified,0) == NULL) return NULL;
+ if (buf) return buf;
+ else if (ts) {
+ unixlen = strlen(unixified);
+ New(7017,cp,unixlen+1,char);
+ memcpy(cp,unixified,unixlen);
+ cp[unixlen] = '\0';
+ return cp;
+ }
+ else {
+ strcpy(__tounixpath_retbuf,unixified);
+ return __tounixpath_retbuf;
+ }
+} /* end of do_tounixpath() */
+/* External entry points */
+char *tounixpath(char *path, char *buf) { return do_tounixpath(path,buf,0); }
+char *tounixpath_ts(char *path, char *buf) { return do_tounixpath(path,buf,1); }
+ * @(#)argproc.c 2.2 94/08/16 Mark Pizzolato (
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************
+ * *
+ * Copyright (C) 1989-1994 by *
+ * Mark Pizzolato - INFO COMM, Danville, California (510) 837-5600 *
+ * *
+ * Permission is hereby granted for the reproduction of this software, *
+ * on condition that this copyright notice is included in the reproduction, *
+ * and that such reproduction is not for purposes of profit or material *
+ * gain. *
+ * *
+ * 27-Aug-1994 Modified for inclusion in perl5 *
+ * by Charles Bailey *
+ *****************************************************************************
+ */
+ * getredirection() is intended to aid in porting C programs
+ * to VMS (Vax-11 C). The native VMS environment does not support
+ * '>' and '<' I/O redirection, or command line wild card expansion,
+ * or a command line pipe mechanism using the '|' AND background
+ * command execution '&'. All of these capabilities are provided to any
+ * C program which calls this procedure as the first thing in the
+ * main program.
+ * The piping mechanism will probably work with almost any 'filter' type
+ * of program. With suitable modification, it may useful for other
+ * portability problems as well.
+ *
+ * Author: Mark Pizzolato
+ */
+struct list_item
+ {
+ struct list_item *next;
+ char *value;
+ };
+static void add_item(struct list_item **head,
+ struct list_item **tail,
+ char *value,
+ int *count);
+static void expand_wild_cards(char *item,
+ struct list_item **head,
+ struct list_item **tail,
+ int *count);
+static int background_process(int argc, char **argv);
+static void pipe_and_fork(char **cmargv);
+/*{{{ void getredirection(int *ac, char ***av)*/
+getredirection(int *ac, char ***av)
+ * Process vms redirection arg's. Exit if any error is seen.
+ * If getredirection() processes an argument, it is erased
+ * from the vector. getredirection() returns a new argc and argv value.
+ * In the event that a background command is requested (by a trailing "&"),
+ * this routine creates a background subprocess, and simply exits the program.
+ *
+ * Warning: do not try to simplify the code for vms. The code
+ * presupposes that getredirection() is called before any data is
+ * read from stdin or written to stdout.
+ *
+ * Normal usage is as follows:
+ *
+ * main(argc, argv)
+ * int argc;
+ * char *argv[];
+ * {
+ * getredirection(&argc, &argv);
+ * }
+ */
+ int argc = *ac; /* Argument Count */
+ char **argv = *av; /* Argument Vector */
+ char *ap; /* Argument pointer */
+ int j; /* argv[] index */
+ int item_count = 0; /* Count of Items in List */
+ struct list_item *list_head = 0; /* First Item in List */
+ struct list_item *list_tail; /* Last Item in List */
+ char *in = NULL; /* Input File Name */
+ char *out = NULL; /* Output File Name */
+ char *outmode = "w"; /* Mode to Open Output File */
+ char *err = NULL; /* Error File Name */
+ char *errmode = "w"; /* Mode to Open Error File */
+ int cmargc = 0; /* Piped Command Arg Count */
+ char **cmargv = NULL;/* Piped Command Arg Vector */
+ /*
+ * First handle the case where the last thing on the line ends with
+ * a '&'. This indicates the desire for the command to be run in a
+ * subprocess, so we satisfy that desire.
+ */
+ ap = argv[argc-1];
+ if (0 == strcmp("&", ap))
+ exit(background_process(--argc, argv));
+ if (*ap && '&' == ap[strlen(ap)-1])
+ {
+ ap[strlen(ap)-1] = '\0';
+ exit(background_process(argc, argv));
+ }
+ /*
+ * Now we handle the general redirection cases that involve '>', '>>',
+ * '<', and pipes '|'.
+ */
+ for (j = 0; j < argc; ++j)
+ {
+ if (0 == strcmp("<", argv[j]))
+ {
+ if (j+1 >= argc)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr,"No input file after < on command line");
+ }
+ in = argv[++j];
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ('<' == *(ap = argv[j]))
+ {
+ in = 1 + ap;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (0 == strcmp(">", ap))
+ {
+ if (j+1 >= argc)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr,"No output file after > on command line");
+ }
+ out = argv[++j];
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ('>' == *ap)
+ {
+ if ('>' == ap[1])
+ {
+ outmode = "a";
+ if ('\0' == ap[2])
+ out = argv[++j];
+ else
+ out = 2 + ap;
+ }
+ else
+ out = 1 + ap;
+ if (j >= argc)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr,"No output file after > or >> on command line");
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (('2' == *ap) && ('>' == ap[1]))
+ {
+ if ('>' == ap[2])
+ {
+ errmode = "a";
+ if ('\0' == ap[3])
+ err = argv[++j];
+ else
+ err = 3 + ap;
+ }
+ else
+ if ('\0' == ap[2])
+ err = argv[++j];
+ else
+ err = 2 + ap;
+ if (j >= argc)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr,"No output file after 2> or 2>> on command line");
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (0 == strcmp("|", argv[j]))
+ {
+ if (j+1 >= argc)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr,"No command into which to pipe on command line");
+ }
+ cmargc = argc-(j+1);
+ cmargv = &argv[j+1];
+ argc = j;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ('|' == *(ap = argv[j]))
+ {
+ ++argv[j];
+ cmargc = argc-j;
+ cmargv = &argv[j];
+ argc = j;
+ continue;
+ }
+ expand_wild_cards(ap, &list_head, &list_tail, &item_count);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Allocate and fill in the new argument vector, Some Unix's terminate
+ * the list with an extra null pointer.
+ */
+ New(7002, argv, item_count+1, char *);
+ *av = argv;
+ for (j = 0; j < item_count; ++j, list_head = list_head->next)
+ argv[j] = list_head->value;
+ *ac = item_count;
+ if (cmargv != NULL)
+ {
+ if (out != NULL)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr,"'|' and '>' may not both be specified on command line");
+ }
+ pipe_and_fork(cmargv);
+ }
+ /* Check for input from a pipe (mailbox) */
+ if (in == NULL && 1 == isapipe(0))
+ {
+ char mbxname[L_tmpnam];
+ long int bufsize;
+ long int dvi_item = DVI$_DEVBUFSIZ;
+ $DESCRIPTOR(mbxnam, "");
+ $DESCRIPTOR(mbxdevnam, "");
+ /* Input from a pipe, reopen it in binary mode to disable */
+ /* carriage control processing. */
+ fgetname(stdin, mbxname,1);
+ mbxnam.dsc$a_pointer = mbxname;
+ mbxnam.dsc$w_length = strlen(mbxnam.dsc$a_pointer);
+ lib$getdvi(&dvi_item, 0, &mbxnam, &bufsize, 0, 0);
+ mbxdevnam.dsc$a_pointer = mbxname;
+ mbxdevnam.dsc$w_length = sizeof(mbxname);
+ dvi_item = DVI$_DEVNAM;
+ lib$getdvi(&dvi_item, 0, &mbxnam, 0, &mbxdevnam, &mbxdevnam.dsc$w_length);
+ mbxdevnam.dsc$a_pointer[mbxdevnam.dsc$w_length] = '\0';
+ set_errno(0);
+ set_vaxc_errno(1);
+ freopen(mbxname, "rb", stdin);
+ if (errno != 0)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Can't reopen input pipe (name: %s) in binary mode",mbxname);
+ exit(vaxc$errno);
+ }
+ }
+ if ((in != NULL) && (NULL == freopen(in, "r", stdin, "mbc=32", "mbf=2")))
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Can't open input file %s as stdin",in);
+ exit(vaxc$errno);
+ }
+ if ((out != NULL) && (NULL == freopen(out, outmode, stdout, "mbc=32", "mbf=2")))
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Can't open output file %s as stdout",out);
+ exit(vaxc$errno);
+ }
+ if (err != NULL) {
+ FILE *tmperr;
+ if (NULL == (tmperr = fopen(err, errmode, "mbc=32", "mbf=2")))
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Can't open error file %s as stderr",err);
+ exit(vaxc$errno);
+ }
+ fclose(tmperr);
+ if (NULL == freopen(err, "a", stderr, "mbc=32", "mbf=2"))
+ {
+ exit(vaxc$errno);
+ }
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, "Arglist:\n");
+ for (j = 0; j < *ac; ++j)
+ fprintf(stderr, "argv[%d] = '%s'\n", j, argv[j]);
+} /* end of getredirection() */
+static void add_item(struct list_item **head,
+ struct list_item **tail,
+ char *value,
+ int *count)
+ if (*head == 0)
+ {
+ New(7003,*head,1,struct list_item);
+ *tail = *head;
+ }
+ else {
+ New(7004,(*tail)->next,1,struct list_item);
+ *tail = (*tail)->next;
+ }
+ (*tail)->value = value;
+ ++(*count);
+static void expand_wild_cards(char *item,
+ struct list_item **head,
+ struct list_item **tail,
+ int *count)
+int expcount = 0;
+unsigned long int context = 0;
+int isunix = 0;
+char *had_version;
+char *had_device;
+int had_directory;
+char *devdir;
+char vmsspec[NAM$C_MAXRSS+1];
+$DESCRIPTOR(filespec, "");
+$DESCRIPTOR(defaultspec, "SYS$DISK:[]");
+$DESCRIPTOR(resultspec, "");
+unsigned long int zero = 0, sts;
+ if (strcspn(item, "*%") == strlen(item))
+ {
+ add_item(head, tail, item, count);
+ return;
+ }
+ resultspec.dsc$b_dtype = DSC$K_DTYPE_T;
+ resultspec.dsc$b_class = DSC$K_CLASS_D;
+ resultspec.dsc$a_pointer = NULL;
+ if ((isunix = (int) strchr(item,'/')) != (int) NULL)
+ filespec.dsc$a_pointer = do_tovmsspec(item,vmsspec,0);
+ if (!isunix || !filespec.dsc$a_pointer)
+ filespec.dsc$a_pointer = item;
+ filespec.dsc$w_length = strlen(filespec.dsc$a_pointer);
+ /*
+ * Only return version specs, if the caller specified a version
+ */
+ had_version = strchr(item, ';');
+ /*
+ * Only return device and directory specs, if the caller specifed either.
+ */
+ had_device = strchr(item, ':');
+ had_directory = (isunix || NULL != strchr(item, '[')) || (NULL != strchr(item, '<'));
+ while (1 == (1 & (sts = lib$find_file(&filespec, &resultspec, &context,
+ &defaultspec, 0, 0, &zero))))
+ {
+ char *string;
+ char *c;
+ New(7005,string,resultspec.dsc$w_length+1,char);
+ strncpy(string, resultspec.dsc$a_pointer, resultspec.dsc$w_length);
+ string[resultspec.dsc$w_length] = '\0';
+ if (NULL == had_version)
+ *((char *)strrchr(string, ';')) = '\0';
+ if ((!had_directory) && (had_device == NULL))
+ {
+ if (NULL == (devdir = strrchr(string, ']')))
+ devdir = strrchr(string, '>');
+ strcpy(string, devdir + 1);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Be consistent with what the C RTL has already done to the rest of
+ * the argv items and lowercase all of these names.
+ */
+ for (c = string; *c; ++c)
+ if (isupper(*c))
+ *c = tolower(*c);
+ if (isunix) trim_unixpath(string,item);
+ add_item(head, tail, string, count);
+ ++expcount;
+ }
+ if (sts != RMS$_NMF)
+ {
+ set_vaxc_errno(sts);
+ switch (sts)
+ {
+ case RMS$_FNF:
+ case RMS$_DIR:
+ set_errno(ENOENT); break;
+ case RMS$_DEV:
+ set_errno(ENODEV); break;
+ case RMS$_SYN:
+ set_errno(EINVAL); break;
+ case RMS$_PRV:
+ set_errno(EACCES); break;
+ default:
+ _ckvmssts(sts);
+ }
+ }
+ if (expcount == 0)
+ add_item(head, tail, item, count);
+ _ckvmssts(lib$sfree1_dd(&resultspec));
+ _ckvmssts(lib$find_file_end(&context));
+static int child_st[2];/* Event Flag set when child process completes */
+static unsigned short child_chan;/* I/O Channel for Pipe Mailbox */
+static unsigned long int exit_handler(int *status)
+short iosb[4];
+ if (0 == child_st[0])
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Waiting for Child Process to Finish . . .\n");
+ fflush(stdout); /* Have to flush pipe for binary data to */
+ /* terminate properly -- <> */
+ sys$qiow(0, child_chan, IO$_WRITEOF, iosb, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ sys$dassgn(child_chan);
+ fclose(stdout);
+ sys$synch(0, child_st);
+ }
+ return(1);
+static void sig_child(int chan)
+ fprintf(stderr, "Child Completion AST\n");
+ if (child_st[0] == 0)
+ child_st[0] = 1;
+static struct exit_control_block exit_block =
+ {
+ 0,
+ exit_handler,
+ 1,
+ &exit_block.exit_status,
+ 0
+ };
+static void pipe_and_fork(char **cmargv)
+ char subcmd[2048];
+ $DESCRIPTOR(cmddsc, "");
+ static char mbxname[64];
+ $DESCRIPTOR(mbxdsc, mbxname);
+ int pid, j;
+ unsigned long int zero = 0, one = 1;
+ strcpy(subcmd, cmargv[0]);
+ for (j = 1; NULL != cmargv[j]; ++j)
+ {
+ strcat(subcmd, " \"");
+ strcat(subcmd, cmargv[j]);
+ strcat(subcmd, "\"");
+ }
+ cmddsc.dsc$a_pointer = subcmd;
+ cmddsc.dsc$w_length = strlen(cmddsc.dsc$a_pointer);
+ create_mbx(&child_chan,&mbxdsc);
+ fprintf(stderr, "Pipe Mailbox Name = '%s'\n", mbxdsc.dsc$a_pointer);
+ fprintf(stderr, "Sub Process Command = '%s'\n", cmddsc.dsc$a_pointer);
+ _ckvmssts(lib$spawn(&cmddsc, &mbxdsc, 0, &one,
+ 0, &pid, child_st, &zero, sig_child,
+ &child_chan));
+ fprintf(stderr, "Subprocess's Pid = %08X\n", pid);
+ sys$dclexh(&exit_block);
+ if (NULL == freopen(mbxname, "wb", stdout))
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Can't open output pipe (name %s)",mbxname);
+ }
+static int background_process(int argc, char **argv)
+char command[2048] = "$";
+$DESCRIPTOR(value, "");
+static $DESCRIPTOR(null, "NLA0:");
+char pidstring[80];
+$DESCRIPTOR(pidstr, "");
+int pid;
+unsigned long int flags = 17, one = 1, retsts;
+ strcat(command, argv[0]);
+ while (--argc)
+ {
+ strcat(command, " \"");
+ strcat(command, *(++argv));
+ strcat(command, "\"");
+ }
+ value.dsc$a_pointer = command;
+ value.dsc$w_length = strlen(value.dsc$a_pointer);
+ _ckvmssts(lib$set_symbol(&cmd, &value));
+ retsts = lib$spawn(&cmd, &null, 0, &flags, 0, &pid);
+ if (retsts == 0x38250) { /* DCL-W-NOTIFY - We must be BATCH, so retry */
+ _ckvmssts(lib$spawn(&cmd, &null, 0, &one, 0, &pid));
+ }
+ else {
+ _ckvmssts(retsts);
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", command);
+ sprintf(pidstring, "%08X", pid);
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", pidstring);
+ pidstr.dsc$a_pointer = pidstring;
+ pidstr.dsc$w_length = strlen(pidstr.dsc$a_pointer);
+ lib$set_symbol(&pidsymbol, &pidstr);
+ return(SS$_NORMAL);
+/***** End of code taken from Mark Pizzolato's argproc.c package *****/
+/* trim_unixpath()
+ * Trim Unix-style prefix off filespec, so it looks like what a shell
+ * glob expansion would return (i.e. from specified prefix on, not
+ * full path). Note that returned filespec is Unix-style, regardless
+ * of whether input filespec was VMS-style or Unix-style.
+ *
+ * fspec is filespec to be trimmed, and wildspec is wildcard spec used to
+ * determine prefix (both may be in VMS or Unix syntax).
+ *
+ * Returns !=0 on success, with trimmed filespec replacing contents of
+ * fspec, and 0 on failure, with contents of fpsec unchanged.
+ */
+/*{{{int trim_unixpath(char *fspec, char *wildspec)*/
+trim_unixpath(char *fspec, char *wildspec)
+ char unixified[NAM$C_MAXRSS+1], unixwild[NAM$C_MAXRSS+1],
+ *template, *base, *cp1, *cp2;
+ register int tmplen, reslen = 0;
+ if (!wildspec || !fspec) return 0;
+ if (strpbrk(wildspec,"]>:") != NULL) {
+ if (do_tounixspec(wildspec,unixwild,0) == NULL) return 0;
+ else template = unixified;
+ }
+ else template = wildspec;
+ if (strpbrk(fspec,"]>:") != NULL) {
+ if (do_tounixspec(fspec,unixified,0) == NULL) return 0;
+ else base = unixified;
+ /* reslen != 0 ==> we had to unixify resultant filespec, so we must
+ * check to see that final result fits into (isn't longer than) fspec */
+ reslen = strlen(fspec);
+ }
+ else base = fspec;
+ /* No prefix or absolute path on wildcard, so nothing to remove */
+ if (!*template || *template == '/') {
+ if (base == fspec) return 1;
+ tmplen = strlen(unixified);
+ if (tmplen > reslen) return 0; /* not enough space */
+ /* Copy unixified resultant, including trailing NUL */
+ memmove(fspec,unixified,tmplen+1);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ /* Find prefix to template consisting of path elements without wildcards */
+ if ((cp1 = strpbrk(template,"*%?")) == NULL)
+ for (cp1 = template; *cp1; cp1++) ;
+ else while (cp1 > template && *cp1 != '/') cp1--;
+ for (cp2 = base; *cp2; cp2++) ; /* Find end of resultant filespec */
+ /* Wildcard was in first element, so we don't have a reliable string to
+ * match against. Guess where to trim resultant filespec by counting
+ * directory levels in the Unix template. (We could do this instead of
+ * string matching in all cases, since Unix doesn't have a ... wildcard
+ * that can expand into multiple levels of subdirectory, but we try for
+ * the string match so our caller can interpret foo/.../bar.* as
+ * [.foo...]bar.* if it wants, and only get burned if there was a
+ * wildcard in the first word (in which case, caveat caller). */
+ if (cp1 == template) {
+ int subdirs = 0;
+ for ( ; *cp1; cp1++) if (*cp1 == '/') subdirs++;
+ /* need to back one more '/' than in template, to pick up leading dirname */
+ subdirs++;
+ while (cp2 > base) {
+ if (*cp2 == '/') subdirs--;
+ if (!subdirs) break; /* quit without decrement when we hit last '/' */
+ cp2--;
+ }
+ /* ran out of directories on resultant; allow for already trimmed
+ * resultant, which hits start of string looking for leading '/' */
+ if (subdirs && (cp2 != base || subdirs != 1)) return 0;
+ /* Move past leading '/', if there is one */
+ base = cp2 + (*cp2 == '/' ? 1 : 0);
+ tmplen = strlen(base);
+ if (reslen && tmplen > reslen) return 0; /* not enough space */
+ memmove(fspec,base,tmplen+1); /* copy result to fspec, with trailing NUL */
+ return 1;
+ }
+ /* We have a prefix string of complete directory names, so we
+ * try to find it on the resultant filespec */
+ else {
+ tmplen = cp1 - template;
+ if (!memcmp(base,template,tmplen)) { /* Nothing before prefix; we're done */
+ if (reslen) { /* we converted to Unix syntax; copy result over */
+ tmplen = cp2 - base;
+ if (tmplen > reslen) return 0; /* not enough space */
+ memmove(fspec,base,tmplen+1); /* Copy trimmed spec + trailing NUL */
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ for ( ; cp2 - base > tmplen; base++) {
+ if (*base != '/') continue;
+ if (!memcmp(base + 1,template,tmplen)) break;
+ }
+ if (cp2 - base == tmplen) return 0; /* Not there - not good */
+ base++; /* Move past leading '/' */
+ if (reslen && cp2 - base > reslen) return 0; /* not enough space */
+ /* Copy down remaining portion of filespec, including trailing NUL */
+ memmove(fspec,base,cp2 - base + 1);
+ return 1;
+ }
+} /* end of trim_unixpath() */
+ * VMS readdir() routines.
+ * Written by Rich $alz, <> in August, 1990.
+ * This code has no copyright.
+ *
+ * 21-Jul-1994 Charles Bailey
+ * Minor modifications to original routines.
+ */
+ /* Number of elements in vms_versions array */
+#define VERSIZE(e) (sizeof e->vms_versions / sizeof e->vms_versions[0])
+ * Open a directory, return a handle for later use.
+ */
+/*{{{ DIR *opendir(char*name) */
+DIR *
+opendir(char *name)
+ DIR *dd;
+ char dir[NAM$C_MAXRSS+1];
+ /* Get memory for the handle, and the pattern. */
+ New(7006,dd,1,DIR);
+ if (do_tovmspath(name,dir,0) == NULL) {
+ Safefree((char *)dd);
+ return(NULL);
+ }
+ New(7007,dd->pattern,strlen(dir)+sizeof "*.*" + 1,char);
+ /* Fill in the fields; mainly playing with the descriptor. */
+ (void)sprintf(dd->pattern, "%s*.*",dir);
+ dd->context = 0;
+ dd->count = 0;
+ dd->vms_wantversions = 0;
+ dd->pat.dsc$a_pointer = dd->pattern;
+ dd->pat.dsc$w_length = strlen(dd->pattern);
+ dd->pat.dsc$b_dtype = DSC$K_DTYPE_T;
+ dd->pat.dsc$b_class = DSC$K_CLASS_S;
+ return dd;
+} /* end of opendir() */
+ * Set the flag to indicate we want versions or not.
+ */
+/*{{{ void vmsreaddirversions(DIR *dd, int flag)*/
+vmsreaddirversions(DIR *dd, int flag)
+ dd->vms_wantversions = flag;
+ * Free up an opened directory.
+ */
+/*{{{ void closedir(DIR *dd)*/
+closedir(DIR *dd)
+ (void)lib$find_file_end(&dd->context);
+ Safefree(dd->pattern);
+ Safefree((char *)dd);
+ * Collect all the version numbers for the current file.
+ */
+static void
+ DIR *dd;
+ struct dsc$descriptor_s pat;
+ struct dsc$descriptor_s res;
+ struct dirent *e;
+ char *p, *text, buff[sizeof dd->entry.d_name];
+ int i;
+ unsigned long context, tmpsts;
+ /* Convenient shorthand. */
+ e = &dd->entry;
+ /* Add the version wildcard, ignoring the "*.*" put on before */
+ i = strlen(dd->pattern);
+ New(7008,text,i + e->d_namlen + 3,char);
+ (void)strcpy(text, dd->pattern);
+ (void)sprintf(&text[i - 3], "%s;*", e->d_name);
+ /* Set up the pattern descriptor. */
+ pat.dsc$a_pointer = text;
+ pat.dsc$w_length = i + e->d_namlen - 1;
+ pat.dsc$b_dtype = DSC$K_DTYPE_T;
+ pat.dsc$b_class = DSC$K_CLASS_S;
+ /* Set up result descriptor. */
+ res.dsc$a_pointer = buff;
+ res.dsc$w_length = sizeof buff - 2;
+ res.dsc$b_dtype = DSC$K_DTYPE_T;
+ res.dsc$b_class = DSC$K_CLASS_S;
+ /* Read files, collecting versions. */
+ for (context = 0, e->vms_verscount = 0;
+ e->vms_verscount < VERSIZE(e);
+ e->vms_verscount++) {
+ tmpsts = lib$find_file(&pat, &res, &context);
+ if (tmpsts == RMS$_NMF || context == 0) break;
+ _ckvmssts(tmpsts);
+ buff[sizeof buff - 1] = '\0';
+ if ((p = strchr(buff, ';')))
+ e->vms_versions[e->vms_verscount] = atoi(p + 1);
+ else
+ e->vms_versions[e->vms_verscount] = -1;
+ }
+ _ckvmssts(lib$find_file_end(&context));
+ Safefree(text);
+} /* end of collectversions() */
+ * Read the next entry from the directory.
+ */
+/*{{{ struct dirent *readdir(DIR *dd)*/
+struct dirent *
+readdir(DIR *dd)
+ struct dsc$descriptor_s res;
+ char *p, buff[sizeof dd->entry.d_name];
+ unsigned long int tmpsts;
+ /* Set up result descriptor, and get next file. */
+ res.dsc$a_pointer = buff;
+ res.dsc$w_length = sizeof buff - 2;
+ res.dsc$b_dtype = DSC$K_DTYPE_T;
+ res.dsc$b_class = DSC$K_CLASS_S;
+ tmpsts = lib$find_file(&dd->pat, &res, &dd->context);
+ if ( tmpsts == RMS$_NMF || dd->context == 0) return NULL; /* None left. */
+ if (!(tmpsts & 1)) {
+ set_vaxc_errno(tmpsts);
+ switch (tmpsts) {
+ case RMS$_PRV:
+ set_errno(EACCES); break;
+ case RMS$_DEV:
+ set_errno(ENODEV); break;
+ case RMS$_DIR:
+ case RMS$_FNF:
+ set_errno(ENOENT); break;
+ default:
+ set_errno(EVMSERR);
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ dd->count++;
+ /* Force the buffer to end with a NUL, and downcase name to match C convention. */
+ buff[sizeof buff - 1] = '\0';
+ for (p = buff; !isspace(*p); p++) *p = _tolower(*p);
+ *p = '\0';
+ /* Skip any directory component and just copy the name. */
+ if ((p = strchr(buff, ']'))) (void)strcpy(dd->entry.d_name, p + 1);
+ else (void)strcpy(dd->entry.d_name, buff);
+ /* Clobber the version. */
+ if ((p = strchr(dd->entry.d_name, ';'))) *p = '\0';
+ dd->entry.d_namlen = strlen(dd->entry.d_name);
+ dd->entry.vms_verscount = 0;
+ if (dd->vms_wantversions) collectversions(dd);
+ return &dd->entry;
+} /* end of readdir() */
+ * Return something that can be used in a seekdir later.
+ */
+/*{{{ long telldir(DIR *dd)*/
+telldir(DIR *dd)
+ return dd->count;
+ * Return to a spot where we used to be. Brute force.
+ */
+/*{{{ void seekdir(DIR *dd,long count)*/
+seekdir(DIR *dd, long count)
+ int vms_wantversions;
+ /* If we haven't done anything yet... */
+ if (dd->count == 0)
+ return;
+ /* Remember some state, and clear it. */
+ vms_wantversions = dd->vms_wantversions;
+ dd->vms_wantversions = 0;
+ _ckvmssts(lib$find_file_end(&dd->context));
+ dd->context = 0;
+ /* The increment is in readdir(). */
+ for (dd->count = 0; dd->count < count; )
+ (void)readdir(dd);
+ dd->vms_wantversions = vms_wantversions;
+} /* end of seekdir() */
+/* VMS subprocess management
+ *
+ * my_vfork() - just a vfork(), after setting a flag to record that
+ * the current script is trying a Unix-style fork/exec.
+ *
+ * vms_do_aexec() and vms_do_exec() are called in response to the
+ * perl 'exec' function. If this follows a vfork call, then they
+ * call out the the regular perl routines in doio.c which do an
+ * execvp (for those who really want to try this under VMS).
+ * Otherwise, they do exactly what the perl docs say exec should
+ * do - terminate the current script and invoke a new command
+ * (See below for notes on command syntax.)
+ *
+ * do_aspawn() and do_spawn() implement the VMS side of the perl
+ * 'system' function.
+ *
+ * Note on command arguments to perl 'exec' and 'system': When handled
+ * in 'VMSish fashion' (i.e. not after a call to vfork) The args
+ * are concatenated to form a DCL command string. If the first arg
+ * begins with '$' (i.e. the perl script had "\$ Type" or some such),
+ * the the command string is hrnded off to DCL directly. Otherwise,
+ * the first token of the command is taken as the filespec of an image
+ * to run. The filespec is expanded using a default type of '.EXE' and
+ * the process defaults for device, directory, etc., and the resultant
+ * filespec is invoked using the DCL verb 'MCR', and passed the rest of
+ * the command string as parameters. This is perhaps a bit compicated,
+ * but I hope it will form a happy medium between what VMS folks expect
+ * from lib$spawn and what Unix folks expect from exec.
+ */
+static int vfork_called;
+/*{{{int my_vfork()*/
+ vfork_called++;
+ return vfork();
+static struct dsc$descriptor_s VMScmd = {0,DSC$K_DTYPE_T,DSC$K_CLASS_S,Nullch};
+static void
+vms_execfree() {
+ if (Cmd) {
+ Safefree(Cmd);
+ Cmd = Nullch;
+ }
+ if (VMScmd.dsc$a_pointer) {
+ Safefree(VMScmd.dsc$a_pointer);
+ VMScmd.dsc$w_length = 0;
+ VMScmd.dsc$a_pointer = Nullch;
+ }
+static char *
+setup_argstr(SV *really, SV **mark, SV **sp)
+ char *junk, *tmps = Nullch;
+ register size_t cmdlen = 0;
+ size_t rlen;
+ register SV **idx;
+ idx = mark;
+ if (really) {
+ tmps = SvPV(really,rlen);
+ if (*tmps) {
+ cmdlen += rlen + 1;
+ idx++;
+ }
+ }
+ for (idx++; idx <= sp; idx++) {
+ if (*idx) {
+ junk = SvPVx(*idx,rlen);
+ cmdlen += rlen ? rlen + 1 : 0;
+ }
+ }
+ New(401,Cmd,cmdlen+1,char);
+ if (tmps && *tmps) {
+ strcpy(Cmd,tmps);
+ mark++;
+ }
+ else *Cmd = '\0';
+ while (++mark <= sp) {
+ if (*mark) {
+ strcat(Cmd," ");
+ strcat(Cmd,SvPVx(*mark,na));
+ }
+ }
+ return Cmd;
+} /* end of setup_argstr() */
+static unsigned long int
+setup_cmddsc(char *cmd, int check_img)
+ char resspec[NAM$C_MAXRSS+1];
+ $DESCRIPTOR(defdsc,".EXE");
+ $DESCRIPTOR(resdsc,resspec);
+ struct dsc$descriptor_s imgdsc = {0, DSC$K_DTYPE_T, DSC$K_CLASS_S, 0};
+ unsigned long int cxt = 0, flags = 1, retsts;
+ register char *s, *rest, *cp;
+ register int isdcl = 0;
+ s = cmd;
+ while (*s && isspace(*s)) s++;
+ if (check_img) {
+ if (*s == '$') { /* Check whether this is a DCL command: leading $ and */
+ isdcl = 1; /* no dev/dir separators (i.e. not a foreign command) */
+ for (cp = s; *cp && *cp != '/' && !isspace(*cp); cp++) {
+ if (*cp == ':' || *cp == '[' || *cp == '<') {
+ isdcl = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else isdcl = 1;
+ if (isdcl) { /* It's a DCL command, just do it. */
+ VMScmd.dsc$w_length = strlen(cmd);
+ if (cmd == Cmd) {
+ VMScmd.dsc$a_pointer = Cmd;
+ Cmd = Nullch; /* Don't try to free twice in vms_execfree() */
+ }
+ else VMScmd.dsc$a_pointer = savepvn(cmd,VMScmd.dsc$w_length);
+ }
+ else { /* assume first token is an image spec */
+ cmd = s;
+ while (*s && !isspace(*s)) s++;
+ rest = *s ? s : 0;
+ imgdsc.dsc$a_pointer = cmd;
+ imgdsc.dsc$w_length = s - cmd;
+ retsts = lib$find_file(&imgdsc,&resdsc,&cxt,&defdsc,0,0,&flags);
+ if (!(retsts & 1)) {
+ /* just hand off status values likely to be due to user error */
+ if (retsts == RMS$_FNF || retsts == RMS$_DNF ||
+ retsts == RMS$_DEV || retsts == RMS$_DIR || retsts == RMS$_SYN ||
+ (retsts & STS$M_CODE) == (SHR$_NOWILD & STS$M_CODE)) return retsts;
+ else { _ckvmssts(retsts); }
+ }
+ else {
+ _ckvmssts(lib$find_file_end(&cxt));
+ s = resspec;
+ while (*s && !isspace(*s)) s++;
+ *s = '\0';
+ New(402,VMScmd.dsc$a_pointer,7 + s - resspec + (rest ? strlen(rest) : 0),char);
+ strcpy(VMScmd.dsc$a_pointer,"$ MCR ");
+ strcat(VMScmd.dsc$a_pointer,resspec);
+ if (rest) strcat(VMScmd.dsc$a_pointer,rest);
+ VMScmd.dsc$w_length = strlen(VMScmd.dsc$a_pointer);
+ }
+ }
+ return (VMScmd.dsc$w_length > 255 ? CLI$_BUFOVF : SS$_NORMAL);
+} /* end of setup_cmddsc() */
+/* {{{ bool vms_do_aexec(SV *really,SV **mark,SV **sp) */
+vms_do_aexec(SV *really,SV **mark,SV **sp)
+ if (sp > mark) {
+ if (vfork_called) { /* this follows a vfork - act Unixish */
+ vfork_called--;
+ if (vfork_called < 0) {
+ warn("Internal inconsistency in tracking vforks");
+ vfork_called = 0;
+ }
+ else return do_aexec(really,mark,sp);
+ }
+ /* no vfork - act VMSish */
+ return vms_do_exec(setup_argstr(really,mark,sp));
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+} /* end of vms_do_aexec() */
+/* {{{bool vms_do_exec(char *cmd) */
+vms_do_exec(char *cmd)
+ if (vfork_called) { /* this follows a vfork - act Unixish */
+ vfork_called--;
+ if (vfork_called < 0) {
+ warn("Internal inconsistency in tracking vforks");
+ vfork_called = 0;
+ }
+ else return do_exec(cmd);
+ }
+ { /* no vfork - act VMSish */
+ unsigned long int retsts;
+ if ((retsts = setup_cmddsc(cmd,1)) & 1)
+ retsts = lib$do_command(&VMScmd);
+ set_errno(EVMSERR);
+ set_vaxc_errno(retsts);
+ if (dowarn)
+ warn("Can't exec \"%s\": %s", VMScmd.dsc$a_pointer, Strerror(errno));
+ vms_execfree();
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+} /* end of vms_do_exec() */
+unsigned long int do_spawn(char *);
+/* {{{ unsigned long int do_aspawn(SV *really,SV **mark,SV **sp) */
+unsigned long int
+do_aspawn(SV *really,SV **mark,SV **sp)
+ if (sp > mark) return do_spawn(setup_argstr(really,mark,sp));
+ return SS$_ABORT;
+} /* end of do_aspawn() */
+/* {{{unsigned long int do_spawn(char *cmd) */
+unsigned long int
+do_spawn(char *cmd)
+ unsigned long int substs, hadcmd = 1;
+ if (!cmd || !*cmd) {
+ hadcmd = 0;
+ _ckvmssts(lib$spawn(0,0,0,0,0,0,&substs,0,0,0,0,0,0));
+ }
+ else if ((substs = setup_cmddsc(cmd,0)) & 1) {
+ _ckvmssts(lib$spawn(&VMScmd,0,0,0,0,0,&substs,0,0,0,0,0,0));
+ }
+ if (!(substs&1)) {
+ set_errno(EVMSERR);
+ set_vaxc_errno(substs);
+ if (dowarn)
+ warn("Can't spawn \"%s\": %s",
+ hadcmd ? VMScmd.dsc$a_pointer : "", Strerror(errno));
+ }
+ vms_execfree();
+ return substs;
+} /* end of do_spawn() */
+ * A simple fwrite replacement which outputs itmsz*nitm chars without
+ * introducing record boundaries every itmsz chars.
+ */
+/*{{{ int my_fwrite(void *src, size_t itmsz, size_t nitm, FILE *dest)*/
+my_fwrite(void *src, size_t itmsz, size_t nitm, FILE *dest)
+ register char *cp, *end;
+ end = (char *)src + itmsz * nitm;
+ while ((char *)src <= end) {
+ for (cp = src; cp <= end; cp++) if (!*cp) break;
+ if (fputs(src,dest) == EOF) return EOF;
+ if (cp < end)
+ if (fputc('\0',dest) == EOF) return EOF;
+ src = cp + 1;
+ }
+ return 1;
+} /* end of my_fwrite() */
+ * Here are replacements for the following Unix routines in the VMS environment:
+ * getpwuid Get information for a particular UIC or UID
+ * getpwnam Get information for a named user
+ * getpwent Get information for each user in the rights database
+ * setpwent Reset search to the start of the rights database
+ * endpwent Finish searching for users in the rights database
+ *
+ * getpwuid, getpwnam, and getpwent return a pointer to the passwd structure
+ * (defined in pwd.h), which contains the following fields:-
+ * struct passwd {
+ * char *pw_name; Username (in lower case)
+ * char *pw_passwd; Hashed password
+ * unsigned int pw_uid; UIC
+ * unsigned int pw_gid; UIC group number
+ * char *pw_unixdir; Default device/directory (VMS-style)
+ * char *pw_gecos; Owner name
+ * char *pw_dir; Default device/directory (Unix-style)
+ * char *pw_shell; Default CLI name (eg. DCL)
+ * };
+ * If the specified user does not exist, getpwuid and getpwnam return NULL.
+ *
+ * pw_uid is the full UIC (eg. what's returned by stat() in st_uid).
+ * not the UIC member number (eg. what's returned by getuid()),
+ * getpwuid() can accept either as input (if uid is specified, the caller's
+ * UIC group is used), though it won't recognise gid=0.
+ *
+ * Note that in VMS it is necessary to have GRPPRV or SYSPRV to return
+ * information about other users in your group or in other groups, respectively.
+ * If the required privilege is not available, then these routines fill only
+ * the pw_name, pw_uid, and pw_gid fields (the others point to an empty
+ * string).
+ *
+ * By Tim Adye (, 10th February 1995.
+ */
+/* sizes of various UAF record fields */
+#define UAI$S_USERNAME 12
+#define UAI$S_IDENT 31
+#define UAI$S_OWNER 31
+#define UAI$S_DEFDEV 31
+#define UAI$S_DEFDIR 63
+#define UAI$S_DEFCLI 31
+#define UAI$S_PWD 8
+#define valid_uic(uic) ((uic).uic$v_format == UIC$K_UIC_FORMAT && \
+ (uic).uic$v_member != UIC$K_WILD_MEMBER && \
+ (uic).uic$v_group != UIC$K_WILD_GROUP)
+static char __empty[]= "";
+static struct passwd __passwd_empty=
+ {(char *) __empty, (char *) __empty, 0, 0,
+ (char *) __empty, (char *) __empty, (char *) __empty, (char *) __empty};
+static int contxt= 0;
+static struct passwd __pwdcache;
+static char __pw_namecache[UAI$S_IDENT+1];
+ * This routine does most of the work extracting the user information.
+ */
+static int fillpasswd (const char *name, struct passwd *pwd)
+ static struct {
+ unsigned char length;
+ char pw_gecos[UAI$S_OWNER+1];
+ } owner;
+ static union uicdef uic;
+ static struct {
+ unsigned char length;
+ char pw_dir[UAI$S_DEFDEV+UAI$S_DEFDIR+1];
+ } defdev;
+ static struct {
+ unsigned char length;
+ char unixdir[UAI$_DEFDEV+UAI$S_DEFDIR+1];
+ } defdir;
+ static struct {
+ unsigned char length;
+ char pw_shell[UAI$S_DEFCLI+1];
+ } defcli;
+ static char pw_passwd[UAI$S_PWD+1];
+ static unsigned short lowner, luic, ldefdev, ldefdir, ldefcli, lpwd;
+ struct dsc$descriptor_s name_desc;
+ unsigned long int sts;
+ static struct itmlst_3 itmlst[]= {
+ {UAI$S_OWNER+1, UAI$_OWNER, &owner, &lowner},
+ {sizeof(uic), UAI$_UIC, &uic, &luic},
+ {UAI$S_DEFDEV+1, UAI$_DEFDEV, &defdev, &ldefdev},
+ {UAI$S_DEFDIR+1, UAI$_DEFDIR, &defdir, &ldefdir},
+ {UAI$S_DEFCLI+1, UAI$_DEFCLI, &defcli, &ldefcli},
+ {UAI$S_PWD, UAI$_PWD, pw_passwd, &lpwd},
+ {0, 0, NULL, NULL}};
+ name_desc.dsc$w_length= strlen(name);
+ name_desc.dsc$b_dtype= DSC$K_DTYPE_T;
+ name_desc.dsc$b_class= DSC$K_CLASS_S;
+ name_desc.dsc$a_pointer= (char *) name;
+/* Note that sys$getuai returns many fields as counted strings. */
+ sts= sys$getuai(0, 0, &name_desc, &itmlst, 0, 0, 0);
+ if (sts == SS$_NOSYSPRV || sts == SS$_NOGRPPRV || sts == RMS$_RNF) {
+ set_vaxc_errno(sts); set_errno(sts == RMS$_RNF ? EINVAL : EACCES);
+ }
+ else { _ckvmssts(sts); }
+ if (!(sts & 1)) return 0; /* out here in case _ckvmssts() doesn't abort */
+ if ((int) owner.length < lowner) lowner= (int) owner.length;
+ if ((int) defdev.length < ldefdev) ldefdev= (int) defdev.length;
+ if ((int) defdir.length < ldefdir) ldefdir= (int) defdir.length;
+ if ((int) defcli.length < ldefcli) ldefcli= (int) defcli.length;
+ memcpy(&defdev.pw_dir[ldefdev], &defdir.unixdir[0], ldefdir);
+ owner.pw_gecos[lowner]= '\0';
+ defdev.pw_dir[ldefdev+ldefdir]= '\0';
+ defcli.pw_shell[ldefcli]= '\0';
+ if (valid_uic(uic)) {
+ pwd->pw_uid= uic.uic$l_uic;
+ pwd->pw_gid= uic.uic$v_group;
+ }
+ else
+ warn("getpwnam returned invalid UIC %#o for user \"%s\"");
+ pwd->pw_passwd= pw_passwd;
+ pwd->pw_gecos= owner.pw_gecos;
+ pwd->pw_dir= defdev.pw_dir;
+ pwd->pw_unixdir= do_tounixpath(defdev.pw_dir, defdir.unixdir,1);
+ pwd->pw_shell= defcli.pw_shell;
+ if (pwd->pw_unixdir && pwd->pw_unixdir[0]) {
+ int ldir;
+ ldir= strlen(pwd->pw_unixdir) - 1;
+ if (pwd->pw_unixdir[ldir]=='/') pwd->pw_unixdir[ldir]= '\0';
+ }
+ else
+ strcpy(pwd->pw_unixdir, pwd->pw_dir);
+ __mystrtolower(pwd->pw_unixdir);
+ return 1;
+ * Get information for a named user.
+/*{{{struct passwd *getpwnam(char *name)*/
+struct passwd *my_getpwnam(char *name)
+ struct dsc$descriptor_s name_desc;
+ union uicdef uic;
+ unsigned long int status, stat;
+ __pwdcache = __passwd_empty;
+ if (!fillpasswd(name, &__pwdcache)) {
+ /* We still may be able to determine pw_uid and pw_gid */
+ name_desc.dsc$w_length= strlen(name);
+ name_desc.dsc$b_dtype= DSC$K_DTYPE_T;
+ name_desc.dsc$b_class= DSC$K_CLASS_S;
+ name_desc.dsc$a_pointer= (char *) name;
+ if ((stat = sys$asctoid(&name_desc, &uic, 0)) == SS$_NORMAL) {
+ __pwdcache.pw_uid= uic.uic$l_uic;
+ __pwdcache.pw_gid= uic.uic$v_group;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (stat == SS$_NOSUCHID || stat == SS$_IVIDENT || stat == RMS$_PRV) {
+ set_vaxc_errno(stat);
+ set_errno(stat == RMS$_PRV ? EACCES : EINVAL);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ else { _ckvmssts(stat); }
+ }
+ }
+ strncpy(__pw_namecache, name, sizeof(__pw_namecache));
+ __pw_namecache[sizeof __pw_namecache - 1] = '\0';
+ __pwdcache.pw_name= __pw_namecache;
+ return &__pwdcache;
+} /* end of my_getpwnam() */
+ * Get information for a particular UIC or UID.
+ * Called by my_getpwent with uid=-1 to list all users.
+/*{{{struct passwd *my_getpwuid(Uid_t uid)*/
+struct passwd *my_getpwuid(Uid_t uid)
+ const $DESCRIPTOR(name_desc,__pw_namecache);
+ unsigned short lname;
+ union uicdef uic;
+ unsigned long int status;
+ if (uid == (unsigned int) -1) {
+ do {
+ status = sys$idtoasc(-1, &lname, &name_desc, &uic, 0, &contxt);
+ if (status == SS$_NOSUCHID || status == RMS$_PRV) {
+ set_vaxc_errno(status);
+ set_errno(status == RMS$_PRV ? EACCES : EINVAL);
+ my_endpwent();
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ else { _ckvmssts(status); }
+ } while (!valid_uic (uic));
+ }
+ else {
+ uic.uic$l_uic= uid;
+ if (!uic.uic$v_group)
+ uic.uic$v_group= getgid();
+ if (valid_uic(uic))
+ status = sys$idtoasc(uic.uic$l_uic, &lname, &name_desc, 0, 0, 0);
+ else status = SS$_IVIDENT;
+ if (status == SS$_IVIDENT || status == SS$_NOSUCHID ||
+ status == RMS$_PRV) {
+ set_vaxc_errno(status); set_errno(status == RMS$_PRV ? EACCES : EINVAL);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ else { _ckvmssts(status); }
+ }
+ __pw_namecache[lname]= '\0';
+ __mystrtolower(__pw_namecache);
+ __pwdcache = __passwd_empty;
+ __pwdcache.pw_name = __pw_namecache;
+/* Fill in the uid and gid in case fillpasswd can't (eg. no privilege).
+ The identifier's value is usually the UIC, but it doesn't have to be,
+ so if we can, we let fillpasswd update this. */
+ __pwdcache.pw_uid = uic.uic$l_uic;
+ __pwdcache.pw_gid = uic.uic$v_group;
+ fillpasswd(__pw_namecache, &__pwdcache);
+ return &__pwdcache;
+} /* end of my_getpwuid() */
+ * Get information for next user.
+/*{{{struct passwd *my_getpwent()*/
+struct passwd *my_getpwent()
+ return (my_getpwuid((unsigned int) -1));
+ * Finish searching rights database for users.
+/*{{{void my_endpwent()*/
+void my_endpwent()
+ if (contxt) {
+ _ckvmssts(sys$finish_rdb(&contxt));
+ contxt= 0;
+ }
+/* my_gmtime
+ * If the CRTL has a real gmtime(), use it, else look for the logical
+ * name SYS$TIMEZONE_DIFFERENTIAL used by the native UTC routines on
+ * VMS >= 6.0. Can be manually defined under earlier versions of VMS
+ * to translate to the number of seconds which must be added to UTC
+ * to get to the local time of the system.
+ * Contributed by Chuck Lane <>
+ */
+/*{{{struct tm *my_gmtime(const time_t *time)*/
+/* We #defined 'gmtime' as 'my_gmtime' in vmsish.h. #undef it here
+ * so we can call the CRTL's routine to see if it works.
+ */
+#undef gmtime
+struct tm *
+my_gmtime(const time_t *time)
+ static int gmtime_emulation_type;
+ static time_t utc_offset_secs;
+ char *p;
+ time_t when;
+ if (gmtime_emulation_type == 0) {
+ gmtime_emulation_type++;
+ when = 300000000;
+ if (gmtime(&when) == NULL) { /* CRTL gmtime() is just a stub */
+ gmtime_emulation_type++;
+ if ((p = my_getenv("SYS$TIMEZONE_DIFFERENTIAL")) == NULL)
+ gmtime_emulation_type++;
+ else
+ utc_offset_secs = (time_t) atol(p);
+ }
+ }
+ switch (gmtime_emulation_type) {
+ case 1:
+ return gmtime(time);
+ case 2:
+ when = *time - utc_offset_secs;
+ return localtime(&when);
+ default:
+ warn("gmtime not supported on this system");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+} /* end of my_gmtime() */
+/* Reset definition for later calls */
+#define gmtime(t) my_gmtime(t)
+ * flex_stat, flex_fstat
+ * basic stat, but gets it right when asked to stat
+ * a Unix-style path ending in a directory name (e.g. dir1/dir2/dir3)
+ */
+/* encode_dev packs a VMS device name string into an integer to allow
+ * simple comparisons. This can be used, for example, to check whether two
+ * files are located on the same device, by comparing their encoded device
+ * names. Even a string comparison would not do, because stat() reuses the
+ * device name buffer for each call; so without encode_dev, it would be
+ * necessary to save the buffer and use strcmp (this would mean a number of
+ * changes to the standard Perl code, to say nothing of what a Perl script
+ * would have to do.
+ *
+ * The device lock id, if it exists, should be unique (unless perhaps compared
+ * with lock ids transferred from other nodes). We have a lock id if the disk is
+ * mounted cluster-wide, which is when we tend to get long (host-qualified)
+ * device names. Thus we use the lock id in preference, and only if that isn't
+ * available, do we try to pack the device name into an integer (flagged by
+ * the sign bit (LOCKID_MASK) being set).
+ *
+ * Note that encode_dev cannot guarantee an 1-to-1 correspondence twixt device
+ * name and its encoded form, but it seems very unlikely that we will find
+ * two files on different disks that share the same encoded device names,
+ * and even more remote that they will share the same file id (if the test
+ * is to check for the same file).
+ *
+ * A better method might be to use sys$device_scan on the first call, and to
+ * search for the device, returning an index into the cached array.
+ * The number returned would be more intelligable.
+ * This is probably not worth it, and anyway would take quite a bit longer
+ * on the first call.
+ */
+#define LOCKID_MASK 0x80000000 /* Use 0 to force device name use only */
+static dev_t encode_dev (const char *dev)
+ int i;
+ unsigned long int f;
+ dev_t enc;
+ char c;
+ const char *q;
+ if (!dev || !dev[0]) return 0;
+ {
+ struct dsc$descriptor_s dev_desc;
+ unsigned long int status, lockid, item = DVI$_LOCKID;
+ /* For cluster-mounted disks, the disk lock identifier is unique, so we
+ can try that first. */
+ dev_desc.dsc$w_length = strlen (dev);
+ dev_desc.dsc$b_dtype = DSC$K_DTYPE_T;
+ dev_desc.dsc$b_class = DSC$K_CLASS_S;
+ dev_desc.dsc$a_pointer = (char *) dev;
+ _ckvmssts(lib$getdvi(&item, 0, &dev_desc, &lockid, 0, 0));
+ if (lockid) return (lockid & ~LOCKID_MASK);
+ }
+ /* Otherwise we try to encode the device name */
+ enc = 0;
+ f = 1;
+ i = 0;
+ for (q = dev + strlen(dev); q--; q >= dev) {
+ if (isdigit (*q))
+ c= (*q) - '0';
+ else if (isalpha (toupper (*q)))
+ c= toupper (*q) - 'A' + (char)10;
+ else
+ continue; /* Skip '$'s */
+ i++;
+ if (i>6) break; /* 36^7 is too large to fit in an unsigned long int */
+ if (i>1) f *= 36;
+ enc += f * (unsigned long int) c;
+ }
+ return (enc | LOCKID_MASK); /* May have already overflowed into bit 31 */
+} /* end of encode_dev() */
+static char namecache[NAM$C_MAXRSS+1];
+static int
+ const char *name;
+ /* The VMS null device is named "_NLA0:", usually abbreviated as "NL:".
+ The underscore prefix, controller letter, and unit number are
+ independently optional; for our purposes, the colon punctuation
+ is not. The colon can be trailed by optional directory and/or
+ filename, but two consecutive colons indicates a nodename rather
+ than a device. [pr] */
+ if (*name == '_') ++name;
+ if (tolower(*name++) != 'n') return 0;
+ if (tolower(*name++) != 'l') return 0;
+ if (tolower(*name) == 'a') ++name;
+ if (*name == '0') ++name;
+ return (*name++ == ':') && (*name != ':');
+/* Do the permissions allow some operation? Assumes statcache already set. */
+/* Do this via $Check_Access on VMS, since the CRTL stat() returns only a
+ * subset of the applicable information.
+ */
+/*{{{I32 cando(I32 bit, I32 effective, struct stat *statbufp)*/
+cando(I32 bit, I32 effective, struct stat *statbufp)
+ if (statbufp == &statcache)
+ return cando_by_name(bit,effective,namecache);
+ else {
+ char fname[NAM$C_MAXRSS+1];
+ unsigned long int retsts;
+ struct dsc$descriptor_s devdsc = {0, DSC$K_DTYPE_T, DSC$K_CLASS_S, 0},
+ namdsc = {0, DSC$K_DTYPE_T, DSC$K_CLASS_S, 0};
+ /* If the struct mystat is stale, we're OOL; stat() overwrites the
+ device name on successive calls */
+ devdsc.dsc$a_pointer = statbufp->st_devnam;
+ devdsc.dsc$w_length = strlen(statbufp->st_devnam);
+ namdsc.dsc$a_pointer = fname;
+ namdsc.dsc$w_length = sizeof fname - 1;
+ retsts = lib$fid_to_name(&devdsc,&(statbufp->st_ino),&namdsc,
+ &namdsc.dsc$w_length,0,0);
+ if (retsts & 1) {
+ fname[namdsc.dsc$w_length] = '\0';
+ return cando_by_name(bit,effective,fname);
+ }
+ else if (retsts == SS$_NOSUCHDEV || retsts == SS$_NOSUCHFILE) {
+ warn("Can't get filespec - stale stat buffer?\n");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ _ckvmssts(retsts);
+ return FALSE; /* Should never get to here */
+ }
+} /* end of cando() */
+/*{{{I32 cando_by_name(I32 bit, I32 effective, char *fname)*/
+cando_by_name(I32 bit, I32 effective, char *fname)
+ static char usrname[L_cuserid];
+ static struct dsc$descriptor_s usrdsc =
+ {0, DSC$K_DTYPE_T, DSC$K_CLASS_S, usrname};
+ char vmsname[NAM$C_MAXRSS+1], fileified[NAM$C_MAXRSS+1];
+ unsigned long int objtyp = ACL$C_FILE, access, retsts, privused, iosb[2];
+ unsigned short int retlen;
+ struct dsc$descriptor_s namdsc = {0, DSC$K_DTYPE_T, DSC$K_CLASS_S, 0};
+ union prvdef curprv;
+ struct itmlst_3 armlst[3] = {{sizeof access, CHP$_ACCESS, &access, &retlen},
+ {sizeof privused, CHP$_PRIVUSED, &privused, &retlen},{0,0,0,0}};
+ struct itmlst_3 jpilst[2] = {{sizeof curprv, JPI$_CURPRIV, &curprv, &retlen},
+ {0,0,0,0}};
+ if (!fname || !*fname) return FALSE;
+ /* Make sure we expand logical names, since sys$check_access doesn't */
+ if (!strpbrk(fname,"/]>:")) {
+ strcpy(fileified,fname);
+ while (!strpbrk(fileified,"/]>:>") && my_trnlnm(fileified,fileified,0)) ;
+ fname = fileified;
+ }
+ if (!do_tovmsspec(fname,vmsname,1)) return FALSE;
+ retlen = namdsc.dsc$w_length = strlen(vmsname);
+ namdsc.dsc$a_pointer = vmsname;
+ if (vmsname[retlen-1] == ']' || vmsname[retlen-1] == '>' ||
+ vmsname[retlen-1] == ':') {
+ if (!do_fileify_dirspec(vmsname,fileified,1)) return FALSE;
+ namdsc.dsc$w_length = strlen(fileified);
+ namdsc.dsc$a_pointer = fileified;
+ }
+ if (!usrdsc.dsc$w_length) {
+ cuserid(usrname);
+ usrdsc.dsc$w_length = strlen(usrname);
+ }
+ switch (bit) {
+ case S_IXUSR:
+ case S_IXGRP:
+ case S_IXOTH:
+ access = ARM$M_EXECUTE;
+ break;
+ case S_IRUSR:
+ case S_IRGRP:
+ case S_IROTH:
+ access = ARM$M_READ;
+ break;
+ case S_IWUSR:
+ case S_IWGRP:
+ case S_IWOTH:
+ access = ARM$M_WRITE;
+ break;
+ case S_IDUSR:
+ case S_IDGRP:
+ case S_IDOTH:
+ access = ARM$M_DELETE;
+ break;
+ default:
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ retsts = sys$check_access(&objtyp,&namdsc,&usrdsc,armlst);
+#ifndef SS$_NOSUCHOBJECT /* Older versions of ssdef.h don't have this */
+# define SS$_NOSUCHOBJECT 2696
+ if (retsts == SS$_NOPRIV || retsts == SS$_NOSUCHOBJECT ||
+ retsts == RMS$_FNF || retsts == RMS$_DIR ||
+ retsts == RMS$_DEV) {
+ set_errno(retsts == SS$_NOPRIV ? EACCES : ENOENT); set_vaxc_errno(retsts);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (retsts == SS$_NORMAL) {
+ if (!privused) return TRUE;
+ /* We can get access, but only by using privs. Do we have the
+ necessary privs currently enabled? */
+ _ckvmssts(sys$getjpiw(0,0,0,jpilst,iosb,0,0));
+ if ((privused & CHP$M_BYPASS) && !curprv.prv$v_bypass) return FALSE;
+ if ((privused & CHP$M_SYSPRV) && !curprv.prv$v_sysprv &&
+ !curprv.prv$v_bypass) return FALSE;
+ if ((privused & CHP$M_GRPPRV) && !curprv.prv$v_grpprv &&
+ !curprv.prv$v_sysprv && !curprv.prv$v_bypass) return FALSE;
+ if ((privused & CHP$M_READALL) && !curprv.prv$v_readall) return FALSE;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ _ckvmssts(retsts);
+ return FALSE; /* Should never get here */
+} /* end of cando_by_name() */
+/*{{{ int flex_fstat(int fd, struct stat *statbuf)*/
+flex_fstat(int fd, struct stat *statbuf)
+ char fspec[NAM$C_MAXRSS+1];
+ if (!getname(fd,fspec,1)) return -1;
+ return flex_stat(fspec,statbuf);
+} /* end of flex_fstat() */
+/*{{{ int flex_stat(char *fspec, struct stat *statbufp)*/
+/* We defined 'stat' as 'mystat' in vmsish.h so that declarations of
+ * 'struct stat' elsewhere in Perl would use our struct. We go back
+ * to the system version here, since we're actually calling their
+ * stat().
+ */
+#undef stat
+flex_stat(char *fspec, struct mystat *statbufp)
+ char fileified[NAM$C_MAXRSS+1];
+ int retval,myretval;
+ struct mystat tmpbuf;
+ if (statbufp == &statcache) do_tovmsspec(fspec,namecache,0);
+ if (is_null_device(fspec)) { /* Fake a stat() for the null device */
+ memset(statbufp,0,sizeof *statbufp);
+ statbufp->st_dev = encode_dev("_NLA0:");
+ statbufp->st_mode = S_IFBLK | S_IREAD | S_IWRITE | S_IEXEC;
+ statbufp->st_uid = 0x00010001;
+ statbufp->st_gid = 0x0001;
+ time((time_t *)&statbufp->st_mtime);
+ statbufp->st_atime = statbufp->st_ctime = statbufp->st_mtime;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (do_fileify_dirspec(fspec,fileified,0) == NULL) myretval = -1;
+ else {
+ myretval = stat(fileified,(stat_t *) &tmpbuf);
+ }
+ retval = stat(fspec,(stat_t *) statbufp);
+ if (!myretval) {
+ if (retval == -1) {
+ *statbufp = tmpbuf;
+ retval = 0;
+ }
+ else if (!retval) { /* Dir with same name. Substitute it. */
+ statbufp->st_mode &= ~S_IFDIR;
+ statbufp->st_mode |= tmpbuf.st_mode & S_IFDIR;
+ strcpy(namecache,fileified);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!retval) statbufp->st_dev = encode_dev(statbufp->st_devnam);
+ return retval;
+} /* end of flex_stat() */
+/* Reset definition for later calls */
+#define stat mystat
+/*{{{char *my_getlogin()*/
+/* VMS cuserid == Unix getlogin, except calling sequence */
+char *
+ static char user[L_cuserid];
+ return cuserid(user);
+/* rmscopy - copy a file using VMS RMS routines
+ *
+ * Copies contents and attributes of spec_in to spec_out, except owner
+ * and protection information. Name and type of spec_in are used as
+ * defaults for spec_out. The third parameter specifies whether rmscopy()
+ * should try to propagate timestamps from the input file to the output file.
+ * If it is less than 0, no timestamps are preserved. If it is 0, then
+ * rmscopy() will behave similarly to the DCL COPY command: timestamps are
+ * propagated to the output file at creation iff the output file specification
+ * did not contain an explicit name or type, and the revision date is always
+ * updated at the end of the copy operation. If it is greater than 0, then
+ * it is interpreted as a bitmask, in which bit 0 indicates that timestamps
+ * other than the revision date should be propagated, and bit 1 indicates
+ * that the revision date should be propagated.
+ *
+ * Returns 1 on success; returns 0 and sets errno and vaxc$errno on failure.
+ *
+ * Copyright 1996 by Charles Bailey <>.
+ * Incorporates, with permission, some code from EZCOPY by Tim Adye
+ * <>. Permission is given to distribute this code
+ * as part of the Perl standard distribution under the terms of the
+ * GNU General Public License or the Perl Artistic License. Copies
+ * of each may be found in the Perl standard distribution.
+ */
+/*{{{int rmscopy(char *src, char *dst, int preserve_dates)*/
+rmscopy(char *spec_in, char *spec_out, int preserve_dates)
+ char vmsin[NAM$C_MAXRSS+1], vmsout[NAM$C_MAXRSS+1], esa[NAM$C_MAXRSS],
+ rsa[NAM$C_MAXRSS], ubf[32256];
+ unsigned long int i, sts, sts2;
+ struct FAB fab_in, fab_out;
+ struct RAB rab_in, rab_out;
+ struct NAM nam;
+ struct XABDAT xabdat;
+ struct XABFHC xabfhc;
+ struct XABRDT xabrdt;
+ struct XABSUM xabsum;
+ if (!spec_in || !*spec_in || !do_tovmsspec(spec_in,vmsin,1) ||
+ !spec_out || !*spec_out || !do_tovmsspec(spec_out,vmsout,1)) {
+ set_errno(EINVAL); set_vaxc_errno(LIB$_INVARG);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ fab_in = cc$rms_fab;
+ fab_in.fab$l_fna = vmsin;
+ fab_in.fab$b_fns = strlen(vmsin);
+ fab_in.fab$b_shr = FAB$M_SHRPUT | FAB$M_UPI;
+ fab_in.fab$b_fac = FAB$M_BIO | FAB$M_GET;
+ fab_in.fab$l_fop = FAB$M_SQO;
+ fab_in.fab$l_nam = &nam;
+ fab_in.fab$l_xab = (void *) &xabdat;
+ nam = cc$rms_nam;
+ nam.nam$l_rsa = rsa;
+ nam.nam$b_rss = sizeof(rsa);
+ nam.nam$l_esa = esa;
+ nam.nam$b_ess = sizeof (esa);
+ nam.nam$b_esl = nam.nam$b_rsl = 0;
+ xabdat = cc$rms_xabdat; /* To get creation date */
+ xabdat.xab$l_nxt = (void *) &xabfhc;
+ xabfhc = cc$rms_xabfhc; /* To get record length */
+ xabfhc.xab$l_nxt = (void *) &xabsum;
+ xabsum = cc$rms_xabsum; /* To get key and area information */
+ if (!((sts = sys$open(&fab_in)) & 1)) {
+ set_vaxc_errno(sts);
+ switch (sts) {
+ case RMS$_FNF:
+ case RMS$_DIR:
+ set_errno(ENOENT); break;
+ case RMS$_DEV:
+ set_errno(ENODEV); break;
+ case RMS$_SYN:
+ set_errno(EINVAL); break;
+ case RMS$_PRV:
+ set_errno(EACCES); break;
+ default:
+ set_errno(EVMSERR);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ fab_out = fab_in;
+ fab_out.fab$w_ifi = 0;
+ fab_out.fab$b_fac = FAB$M_BIO | FAB$M_PUT;
+ fab_out.fab$b_shr = FAB$M_SHRGET | FAB$M_UPI;
+ fab_out.fab$l_fop = FAB$M_SQO;
+ fab_out.fab$l_fna = vmsout;
+ fab_out.fab$b_fns = strlen(vmsout);
+ fab_out.fab$l_dna = nam.nam$l_name;
+ fab_out.fab$b_dns = nam.nam$l_name ? nam.nam$b_name + nam.nam$b_type : 0;
+ if (preserve_dates == 0) { /* Act like DCL COPY */
+ nam.nam$b_nop = NAM$M_SYNCHK;
+ fab_out.fab$l_xab = NULL; /* Don't disturb data from input file */
+ if (!((sts = sys$parse(&fab_out)) & 1)) {
+ set_errno(sts == RMS$_SYN ? EINVAL : EVMSERR);
+ set_vaxc_errno(sts);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ fab_out.fab$l_xab = (void *) &xabdat;
+ if (nam.nam$l_fnb & (NAM$M_EXP_NAME | NAM$M_EXP_TYPE)) preserve_dates = 1;
+ }
+ fab_out.fab$l_nam = (void *) 0; /* Done with NAM block */
+ if (preserve_dates < 0) /* Clear all bits; we'll use it as a */
+ preserve_dates =0; /* bitmask from this point forward */
+ if (!(preserve_dates & 1)) fab_out.fab$l_xab = (void *) &xabfhc;
+ if (!((sts = sys$create(&fab_out)) & 1)) {
+ set_vaxc_errno(sts);
+ switch (sts) {
+ case RMS$_DIR:
+ set_errno(ENOENT); break;
+ case RMS$_DEV:
+ set_errno(ENODEV); break;
+ case RMS$_SYN:
+ set_errno(EINVAL); break;
+ case RMS$_PRV:
+ set_errno(EACCES); break;
+ default:
+ set_errno(EVMSERR);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ fab_out.fab$l_fop |= FAB$M_DLT; /* in case we have to bail out */
+ if (preserve_dates & 2) {
+ /* sys$close() will process xabrdt, not xabdat */
+ xabrdt = cc$rms_xabrdt;
+ xabrdt.xab$q_rdt = xabdat.xab$q_rdt;
+ fab_out.fab$l_xab = (void *) &xabrdt;
+ }
+ rab_in = cc$rms_rab;
+ rab_in.rab$l_fab = &fab_in;
+ rab_in.rab$l_rop = RAB$M_BIO;
+ rab_in.rab$l_ubf = ubf;
+ rab_in.rab$w_usz = sizeof ubf;
+ if (!((sts = sys$connect(&rab_in)) & 1)) {
+ sys$close(&fab_in); sys$close(&fab_out);
+ set_errno(EVMSERR); set_vaxc_errno(sts);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ rab_out = cc$rms_rab;
+ rab_out.rab$l_fab = &fab_out;
+ rab_out.rab$l_rbf = ubf;
+ if (!((sts = sys$connect(&rab_out)) & 1)) {
+ sys$close(&fab_in); sys$close(&fab_out);
+ set_errno(EVMSERR); set_vaxc_errno(sts);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ while ((sts = sys$read(&rab_in))) { /* always true */
+ if (sts == RMS$_EOF) break;
+ rab_out.rab$w_rsz = rab_in.rab$w_rsz;
+ if (!(sts & 1) || !((sts = sys$write(&rab_out)) & 1)) {
+ sys$close(&fab_in); sys$close(&fab_out);
+ set_errno(EVMSERR); set_vaxc_errno(sts);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ fab_out.fab$l_fop &= ~FAB$M_DLT; /* We got this far; keep the output */
+ sys$close(&fab_in); sys$close(&fab_out);
+ sts = (fab_in.fab$l_sts & 1) ? fab_out.fab$l_sts : fab_in.fab$l_sts;
+ if (!(sts & 1)) {
+ set_errno(EVMSERR); set_vaxc_errno(sts);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+} /* end of rmscopy() */
+/*** The following glue provides 'hooks' to make some of the routines
+ * from this file available from Perl. These routines are sufficiently
+ * basic, and are required sufficiently early in the build process,
+ * that's it's nice to have them available to miniperl as well as the
+ * full Perl, so they're set up here instead of in an extension. The
+ * Perl code which handles importation of these names into a given
+ * package lives in [.VMS] in @INC.
+ */
+rmsexpand_fromperl(CV *cv)
+ char esa[NAM$C_MAXRSS], rsa[NAM$C_MAXRSS], *cp, *out;
+ struct FAB myfab = cc$rms_fab;
+ struct NAM mynam = cc$rms_nam;
+ STRLEN speclen;
+ unsigned long int retsts, haslower = 0;
+ myfab.fab$l_fna = SvPV(ST(0),speclen);
+ myfab.fab$b_fns = speclen;
+ myfab.fab$l_nam = &mynam;
+ mynam.nam$l_esa = esa;
+ mynam.nam$b_ess = sizeof esa;
+ mynam.nam$l_rsa = rsa;
+ mynam.nam$b_rss = sizeof rsa;
+ retsts = sys$parse(&myfab,0,0);
+ if (!(retsts & 1)) {
+ set_vaxc_errno(retsts);
+ if (retsts == RMS$_PRV) set_errno(EACCES);
+ else if (retsts == RMS$_DEV) set_errno(ENODEV);
+ else if (retsts == RMS$_DIR) set_errno(ENOTDIR);
+ else set_errno(EVMSERR);
+ }
+ retsts = sys$search(&myfab,0,0);
+ if (!(retsts & 1) && retsts != RMS$_FNF) {
+ set_vaxc_errno(retsts);
+ if (retsts == RMS$_PRV) set_errno(EACCES);
+ else set_errno(EVMSERR);
+ }
+ /* If the input filespec contained any lowercase characters,
+ * downcase the result for compatibility with Unix-minded code. */
+ for (out = myfab.fab$l_fna; *out; out++)
+ if (islower(*out)) { haslower = 1; break; }
+ if (mynam.nam$b_rsl) { out = rsa; speclen = mynam.nam$b_rsl; }
+ else { out = esa; speclen = mynam.nam$b_esl; }
+ if (!(mynam.nam$l_fnb & NAM$M_EXP_VER))
+ speclen = mynam.nam$l_type - out;
+ out[speclen] = '\0';
+ if (haslower) __mystrtolower(out);
+ ST(0) = sv_2mortal(newSVpv(out, speclen));
+vmsify_fromperl(CV *cv)
+ char *vmsified;
+ if (items != 1) croak("Usage: VMS::Filespec::vmsify(spec)");
+ vmsified = do_tovmsspec(SvPV(ST(0),na),NULL,1);
+ ST(0) = sv_newmortal();
+ if (vmsified != NULL) sv_usepvn(ST(0),vmsified,strlen(vmsified));
+unixify_fromperl(CV *cv)
+ char *unixified;
+ if (items != 1) croak("Usage: VMS::Filespec::unixify(spec)");
+ unixified = do_tounixspec(SvPV(ST(0),na),NULL,1);
+ ST(0) = sv_newmortal();
+ if (unixified != NULL) sv_usepvn(ST(0),unixified,strlen(unixified));
+fileify_fromperl(CV *cv)
+ char *fileified;
+ if (items != 1) croak("Usage: VMS::Filespec::fileify(spec)");
+ fileified = do_fileify_dirspec(SvPV(ST(0),na),NULL,1);
+ ST(0) = sv_newmortal();
+ if (fileified != NULL) sv_usepvn(ST(0),fileified,strlen(fileified));
+pathify_fromperl(CV *cv)
+ char *pathified;
+ if (items != 1) croak("Usage: VMS::Filespec::pathify(spec)");
+ pathified = do_pathify_dirspec(SvPV(ST(0),na),NULL,1);
+ ST(0) = sv_newmortal();
+ if (pathified != NULL) sv_usepvn(ST(0),pathified,strlen(pathified));
+vmspath_fromperl(CV *cv)
+ char *vmspath;
+ if (items != 1) croak("Usage: VMS::Filespec::vmspath(spec)");
+ vmspath = do_tovmspath(SvPV(ST(0),na),NULL,1);
+ ST(0) = sv_newmortal();
+ if (vmspath != NULL) sv_usepvn(ST(0),vmspath,strlen(vmspath));
+unixpath_fromperl(CV *cv)
+ char *unixpath;
+ if (items != 1) croak("Usage: VMS::Filespec::unixpath(spec)");
+ unixpath = do_tounixpath(SvPV(ST(0),na),NULL,1);
+ ST(0) = sv_newmortal();
+ if (unixpath != NULL) sv_usepvn(ST(0),unixpath,strlen(unixpath));
+candelete_fromperl(CV *cv)
+ char fspec[NAM$C_MAXRSS+1], *fsp;
+ SV *mysv;
+ IO *io;
+ if (items != 1) croak("Usage: VMS::Filespec::candelete(spec)");
+ mysv = SvROK(ST(0)) ? SvRV(ST(0)) : ST(0);
+ if (SvTYPE(mysv) == SVt_PVGV) {
+ if (!(io = GvIOp(mysv)) || !fgetname(IoIFP(io),fspec)) {
+ set_errno(EINVAL); set_vaxc_errno(LIB$_INVARG);
+ ST(0) = &sv_no;
+ }
+ fsp = fspec;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (mysv != ST(0) || !(fsp = SvPV(mysv,na)) || !*fsp) {
+ set_errno(EINVAL); set_vaxc_errno(LIB$_INVARG);
+ ST(0) = &sv_no;
+ }
+ }
+ ST(0) = cando_by_name(S_IDUSR,0,fsp) ? &sv_yes : &sv_no;
+rmscopy_fromperl(CV *cv)
+ char inspec[NAM$C_MAXRSS+1], outspec[NAM$C_MAXRSS+1], *inp, *outp;
+ int date_flag;
+ struct dsc$descriptor indsc = { 0, DSC$K_DTYPE_T, DSC$K_CLASS_S, 0},
+ outdsc = { 0, DSC$K_DTYPE_T, DSC$K_CLASS_S, 0};
+ unsigned long int sts;
+ SV *mysv;
+ IO *io;
+ if (items < 2 || items > 3)
+ croak("Usage: File::Copy::rmscopy(from,to[,date_flag])");
+ mysv = SvROK(ST(0)) ? SvRV(ST(0)) : ST(0);
+ if (SvTYPE(mysv) == SVt_PVGV) {
+ if (!(io = GvIOp(mysv)) || !fgetname(IoIFP(io),inspec)) {
+ set_errno(EINVAL); set_vaxc_errno(LIB$_INVARG);
+ ST(0) = &sv_no;
+ }
+ inp = inspec;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (mysv != ST(0) || !(inp = SvPV(mysv,na)) || !*inp) {
+ set_errno(EINVAL); set_vaxc_errno(LIB$_INVARG);
+ ST(0) = &sv_no;
+ }
+ }
+ mysv = SvROK(ST(1)) ? SvRV(ST(1)) : ST(1);
+ if (SvTYPE(mysv) == SVt_PVGV) {
+ if (!(io = GvIOp(mysv)) || !fgetname(IoIFP(io),outspec)) {
+ set_errno(EINVAL); set_vaxc_errno(LIB$_INVARG);
+ ST(0) = &sv_no;
+ }
+ outp = outspec;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (mysv != ST(1) || !(outp = SvPV(mysv,na)) || !*outp) {
+ set_errno(EINVAL); set_vaxc_errno(LIB$_INVARG);
+ ST(0) = &sv_no;
+ }
+ }
+ date_flag = (items == 3) ? SvIV(ST(2)) : 0;
+ ST(0) = rmscopy(inp,outp,date_flag) ? &sv_yes : &sv_no;
+ char* file = __FILE__;
+ newXSproto("VMS::Filespec::rmsexpand",rmsexpand_fromperl,file,"$");
+ newXSproto("VMS::Filespec::vmsify",vmsify_fromperl,file,"$");
+ newXSproto("VMS::Filespec::unixify",unixify_fromperl,file,"$");
+ newXSproto("VMS::Filespec::pathify",pathify_fromperl,file,"$");
+ newXSproto("VMS::Filespec::fileify",fileify_fromperl,file,"$");
+ newXSproto("VMS::Filespec::vmspath",vmspath_fromperl,file,"$");
+ newXSproto("VMS::Filespec::unixpath",unixpath_fromperl,file,"$");
+ newXSproto("VMS::Filespec::candelete",candelete_fromperl,file,"$");
+ newXS("File::Copy::rmscopy",rmscopy_fromperl,file);
+ return;
+/* End of vms.c */
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..33af914b25c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# This script takes the output produced from perly.y by byacc and
+# the perly.fixer shell script (i.e. the perly.c and perly.h built
+# for Unix systems) and patches them to produce copies containing
+# appropriate declarations for VMS handling of global symbols.
+# If it finds that the input files are already patches for VMS,
+# it just copies the input to the output.
+# Revised 29-Jan-1996 by Charles Bailey
+$VERSION = '1.1';
+($cinfile,$hinfile,$coutfile,$houtfile) = @ARGV;
+open C,$cinfile or die "Can't read $cinfile: $!\n";
+open COUT, ">$coutfile" or die "Can't create $coutfile: $!\n";
+print COUT <<EOH;
+/* Postprocessed by $VERSION to add VMS declarations of globals */
+while (<C>) {
+ # "" is illegal as a VMS filename; DECC 5.2/VAX preprocessor
+ # doesn't like this.
+ if ( s/^#line\s+(\d+)\s+""/#line $1 "y_tab.c"/ ) { 1; }
+ else {
+ # add the dEXT tag to definitions of global vars, so we'll insert
+ # a globaldef when perly.c is compiled
+ s/^(short|int|YYSTYPE|char \*)\s*yy/dEXT $1 yy/;
+ }
+ print COUT;
+close C;
+close COUT;
+open H,$hinfile or die "Can't read $hinfile: $!\n";
+open HOUT, ">$houtfile" or die "Can't create $houtfile: $!\n";
+print HOUT <<EOH;
+/* Postprocessed by $VERSION to add VMS declarations of globals */
+$hfixed = 0; # keep -w happy
+while (<H>) {
+ $hfixed = /globalref/ unless $hfixed; # we've already got a fixed copy
+ next if /^extern YYSTYPE yylval/; # we've got a Unix version, and this
+ # is what we want to replace
+ print HOUT;
+close H;
+print HOUT <<'EODECL' unless $hfixed;
+#ifndef vax11c
+ extern YYSTYPE yylval;
+ globalref YYSTYPE yylval;
+close HOUT;
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/vmsish.h b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/vmsish.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0685985d56e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/vmsish.h
@@ -0,0 +1,425 @@
+/* vmsish.h
+ *
+ * VMS-specific C header file for perl5.
+ *
+ * Last revised: 01-Oct-1995 by Charles Bailey
+ * Version: 5.1.6
+ */
+#ifndef __vmsish_h_included
+#define __vmsish_h_included
+#include <descrip.h> /* for dirent struct definitions */
+#include <libdef.h> /* status codes for various places */
+#include <rmsdef.h> /* at which errno and vaxc$errno are */
+#include <ssdef.h> /* explicitly set in the perl source code */
+/* Suppress compiler warnings from DECC for VMS-specific extensions:
+ * GLOBALEXT, NOSHAREEXT: global[dr]ef declarations
+ * ADDRCONSTEXT: initialization of data with non-constant values
+ * (e.g. pointer fields of descriptors)
+ */
+#ifdef __DECC
+/* Suppress compiler warnings from DECC for VMS-specific extensions:
+ * GLOBALEXT, NOSHAREEXT: global[dr]ef declarations
+ * ADDRCONSTEXT,NEEDCONSTEXT: initialization of data with non-constant values
+ * (e.g. pointer fields of descriptors)
+ */
+#ifdef __DECC
+/* DEC's C compilers and gcc use incompatible definitions of _to(upp|low)er() */
+#ifdef _toupper
+# undef _toupper
+#define _toupper(c) (((c) < 'a' || (c) > 'z') ? (c) : (c) & ~040)
+#ifdef _tolower
+# undef _tolower
+#define _tolower(c) (((c) < 'A' || (c) > 'Z') ? (c) : (c) | 040)
+/* DECC 1.3 has a funny definition of abs; it's fixed in DECC 4.0, so this
+ * can go away once DECC 1.3 isn't in use any more. */
+#if defined(__ALPHA) && defined(__DECC)
+#undef abs
+#define abs(__x) __ABS(__x)
+#undef labs
+#define labs(__x) __LABS(__x)
+#endif /* __ALPHA && __DECC */
+/* Assorted things to look like Unix */
+#ifdef __GNUC__
+#ifndef _IOLBF /* gcc's stdio.h doesn't define this */
+#define _IOLBF 1
+#include <processes.h> /* for vfork() */
+#include <unixio.h>
+#include <unixlib.h>
+#include <file.h> /* it's not <sys/file.h>, so don't use I_SYS_FILE */
+/* Our own contribution to PerlShr's global symbols . . . */
+#ifdef EMBED
+# define my_trnlnm Perl_my_trnlnm
+# define my_getenv Perl_my_getenv
+# define my_crypt Perl_my_crypt
+# define waitpid Perl_waitpid
+# define my_gconvert Perl_my_gconvert
+# define do_rmdir Perl_do_rmdir
+# define kill_file Perl_kill_file
+# define my_utime Perl_my_utime
+# define fileify_dirspec Perl_fileify_dirspec
+# define fileify_dirspec_ts Perl_fileify_dirspec_ts
+# define pathify_dirspec Perl_pathify_dirspec
+# define pathify_dirspec_ts Perl_pathify_dirspec_ts
+# define tounixspec Perl_tounixspec
+# define tounixspec_ts Perl_tounixspec_ts
+# define tovmsspec Perl_tovmsspec
+# define tovmsspec_ts Perl_tovmsspec_ts
+# define tounixpath Perl_tounixpath
+# define tounixpath_ts Perl_tounixpath_ts
+# define tovmspath Perl_tovmspath
+# define tovmspath_ts Perl_tovmspath_ts
+# define getredirection Perl_getredirection
+# define opendir Perl_opendir
+# define readdir Perl_readdir
+# define telldir Perl_telldir
+# define seekdir Perl_seekdir
+# define closedir Perl_closedir
+# define vmsreaddirversions Perl_vmsreaddirversions
+# define getredirection Perl_getredirection
+# define my_gmtime Perl_my_gmtime
+# define cando_by_name Perl_cando_by_name
+# define flex_fstat Perl_flex_fstat
+# define flex_stat Perl_flex_stat
+# define trim_unixpath Perl_trim_unixpath
+# define vms_do_aexec Perl_vms_do_aexec
+# define vms_do_exec Perl_vms_do_exec
+# define do_aspawn Perl_do_aspawn
+# define do_spawn Perl_do_spawn
+# define my_fwrite Perl_my_fwrite
+# define my_getpwnam Perl_my_getpwnam
+# define my_getpwuid Perl_my_getpwuid
+# define my_getpwent Perl_my_getpwent
+# define my_endpwent Perl_my_endpwent
+# define my_getlogin Perl_my_getlogin
+# define rmscopy Perl_rmscopy
+# define init_os_extras Perl_init_os_extras
+/* Delete if at all possible, changing protections if necessary. */
+#define unlink kill_file
+/* The VMS C RTL has vfork() but not fork(). Both actually work in a way
+ * that's somewhere between Unix vfork() and VMS lib$spawn(), so it's
+ * probably not a good idea to use them much. That said, we'll try to
+ * use vfork() in either case.
+ */
+#define fork vfork
+/* Macros to set errno using the VAX thread-safe calls, if present */
+#if (defined(__DECC) || defined(__DECCXX)) && !defined(__ALPHA)
+# define set_errno(v) (cma$tis_errno_set_value(v))
+# define set_vaxc_errno(v) (vaxc$errno = (v))
+# define set_errno(v) (errno = (v))
+# define set_vaxc_errno(v) (vaxc$errno = (v))
+/* Handy way to vet calls to VMS system services and RTL routines. */
+#define _ckvmssts(call) STMT_START { register unsigned long int __ckvms_sts; \
+ if (!((__ckvms_sts=(call))&1)) { \
+ set_errno(EVMSERR); set_vaxc_errno(__ckvms_sts); \
+ croak("Fatal VMS error (status=%d) at %s, line %d", \
+ __ckvms_sts,__FILE__,__LINE__); } } STMT_END
+#include "sockadapt.h"
+#define BIT_BUCKET "_NLA0:"
+#define PERL_SYS_INIT(c,v) getredirection((c),(v))
+#define PERL_SYS_TERM()
+#define dXSUB_SYS int dummy
+#define HAS_KILL
+#define HAS_WAIT
+/* VMS:
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the program is running under
+ * VMS. It's a symbol automagically defined by all VMS C compilers I've seen.
+ * Just in case, however . . . */
+#ifndef VMS
+#define VMS /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the ioctl() routine is
+ * available to set I/O characteristics
+ */
+#undef HAS_IOCTL /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the routine utime() is
+ * available to update the access and modification times of files.
+ */
+#define HAS_UTIME /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the getgrnam(),
+ * getgrgid(), and getgrent() routines are available to
+ * get group entries.
+ */
+#undef HAS_GROUP /**/
+ * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the getpwnam(),
+ * getpwuid(), and getpwent() routines are available to
+ * get password entries.
+ */
+#define HAS_PASSWD /**/
+#define HAS_KILL
+#define HAS_WAIT
+ * fwrite1() should be a routine with the same calling sequence as fwrite(),
+ * but which outputs all of the bytes requested as a single stream (unlike
+ * fwrite() itself, which on some systems outputs several distinct records
+ * if the number_of_items parameter is >1).
+ */
+#define fwrite1 my_fwrite
+/* Use our own rmdir() */
+#define rmdir(name) do_rmdir(name)
+/* Assorted fiddling with sigs . . . */
+# include <signal.h>
+#define ABORT() abort()
+/* Used with our my_utime() routine in vms.c */
+struct utimbuf {
+ time_t actime;
+ time_t modtime;
+#define utime my_utime
+/* This is what times() returns, but <times.h> calls it tbuffer_t on VMS */
+struct tms {
+ clock_t tms_utime; /* user time */
+ clock_t tms_stime; /* system time - always 0 on VMS */
+ clock_t tms_cutime; /* user time, children */
+ clock_t tms_cstime; /* system time, children - always 0 on VMS */
+/* Prior to VMS 7.0, the CRTL gmtime() routine was a stub which always
+ * returned NULL. Substitute our own routine, which uses the logical
+ * SYS$TIMEZONE_DIFFERENTIAL, whcih the native UTC support routines
+ * in VMS 6.0 or later use.*
+ */
+#define gmtime(t) my_gmtime(t)
+/* VMS doesn't use a real sys_nerr, but we need this when scanning for error
+ * messages in text strings . . .
+ */
+#define sys_nerr EVMSERR /* EVMSERR is as high as we can go. */
+/* Look up new %ENV values on the fly */
+#define ENV_HV_NAME "%EnV%VmS%"
+/* Thin jacket around cuserid() tomatch Unix' calling sequence */
+#define getlogin my_getlogin
+/* Ditto for sys$hash_passwrod() . . . */
+#define crypt my_crypt
+/* Use our own stat() clones, which handle Unix-style directory names */
+#define Stat(name,bufptr) flex_stat(name,bufptr)
+#define Fstat(fd,bufptr) flex_fstat(fd,bufptr)
+/* By default, flush data all the way to disk, not just to RMS buffers */
+#define Fflush(fp) ((fflush(fp) || fsync(fileno(fp))) ? EOF : 0)
+/* Setup for the dirent routines:
+ * opendir(), closedir(), readdir(), seekdir(), telldir(), and
+ * vmsreaddirversions(), and preprocessor stuff on which these depend:
+ * Written by Rich $alz, <> in August, 1990.
+ * This code has no copyright.
+ */
+ /* Data structure returned by READDIR(). */
+struct dirent {
+ char d_name[256]; /* File name */
+ int d_namlen; /* Length of d_name */
+ int vms_verscount; /* Number of versions */
+ int vms_versions[20]; /* Version numbers */
+ /* Handle returned by opendir(), used by the other routines. You
+ * are not supposed to care what's inside this structure. */
+typedef struct _dirdesc {
+ long context;
+ int vms_wantversions;
+ unsigned long int count;
+ char *pattern;
+ struct dirent entry;
+ struct dsc$descriptor_s pat;
+} DIR;
+#define rewinddir(dirp) seekdir((dirp), 0)
+/* used for our emulation of getpw* */
+struct passwd {
+ char *pw_name; /* Username */
+ char *pw_passwd;
+ Uid_t pw_uid; /* UIC member number */
+ Gid_t pw_gid; /* UIC group number */
+ char *pw_comment; /* Default device/directory (Unix-style) */
+ char *pw_gecos; /* Owner */
+ char *pw_dir; /* Default device/directory (VMS-style) */
+ char *pw_shell; /* Default CLI name (eg. DCL) */
+#define pw_unixdir pw_comment /* Default device/directory (Unix-style) */
+#define getpwnam my_getpwnam
+#define getpwuid my_getpwuid
+#define getpwent my_getpwent
+#define endpwent my_endpwent
+#define setpwent my_endpwent
+/* Our own stat_t substitute, since we play with st_dev and st_ino -
+ * we want atomic types so Unix-bound code which compares these fields
+ * for two files will work most of the time under VMS.
+ * N.B. 1. The st_ino hack assumes that sizeof(unsigned short[3]) ==
+ * sizeof(unsigned) + sizeof(unsigned short). We can't use a union type
+ * to map the unsigned int we want and the unsigned short[3] the CRTL
+ * returns into the same member, since gcc has different ideas than DECC
+ * and VAXC about sizing union types.
+ * N.B 2. The routine cando() in vms.c assumes that &stat.st_ino is the
+ * address of a FID.
+ */
+/* First, grab the system types, so we don't clobber them later */
+#include <stat.h>
+/* Since we've got to match the size of the CRTL's stat_t, we need
+ * to mimic DECC's alignment settings.
+ */
+#if defined(__DECC) || defined(__DECCXX)
+# pragma __member_alignment __save
+# pragma __nomember_alignment
+#if defined(__DECC)
+# pragma __message __save
+# pragma __message disable (__MISALGNDSTRCT)
+# pragma __message disable (__MISALGNDMEM)
+struct mystat
+ char *st_devnam; /* pointer to device name */
+ unsigned st_ino; /* hack - CRTL uses unsigned short[3] for */
+ unsigned short rvn; /* FID (num,seq,rvn) */
+ unsigned short st_mode; /* file "mode" i.e. prot, dir, reg, etc. */
+ int st_nlink; /* for compatibility - not really used */
+ unsigned st_uid; /* from ACP - QIO uic field */
+ unsigned short st_gid; /* group number extracted from st_uid */
+ dev_t st_rdev; /* for compatibility - always zero */
+ off_t st_size; /* file size in bytes */
+ unsigned st_atime; /* file access time; always same as st_mtime */
+ unsigned st_mtime; /* last modification time */
+ unsigned st_ctime; /* file creation time */
+ char st_fab_rfm; /* record format */
+ char st_fab_rat; /* record attributes */
+ char st_fab_fsz; /* fixed header size */
+ unsigned st_dev; /* encoded device name */
+#define stat mystat
+typedef unsigned mydev_t;
+#define dev_t mydev_t
+typedef unsigned myino_t;
+#define ino_t myino_t
+#if defined(__DECC) || defined(__DECCXX)
+# pragma __member_alignment __restore
+#if defined(__DECC)
+# pragma __message __restore
+/* Cons up a 'delete' bit for testing access */
+#define S_IDUSR (S_IWUSR | S_IXUSR)
+#define S_IDGRP (S_IWGRP | S_IXGRP)
+#define S_IDOTH (S_IWOTH | S_IXOTH)
+/* Prototypes for functions unique to vms.c. Don't include replacements
+ * for routines in the mainline source files excluded by #ifndef VMS;
+ * their prototypes are already in proto.h.
+ *
+ * In order to keep Gen_ShrFls.Pl happy, functions which are to be made
+ * available to images linked to PerlShr.Exe must be declared between the
+ * __VMS_PROTOTYPES__ and __VMS_SEPYTOTORP__ lines, and must be in the form
+ * <data type><TAB>name<WHITESPACE>_((<prototype args>));
+ */
+/* prototype section start marker; `typedef' passes through cpp */
+typedef char __VMS_PROTOTYPES__;
+int my_trnlnm _((char *, char *, unsigned long int));
+char * my_getenv _((char *));
+char * my_crypt _((const char *, const char *));
+unsigned long int waitpid _((unsigned long int, int *, int));
+char * my_gconvert _((double, int, int, char *));
+int do_rmdir _((char *));
+int kill_file _((char *));
+int my_utime _((char *, struct utimbuf *));
+char * fileify_dirspec _((char *, char *));
+char * fileify_dirspec_ts _((char *, char *));
+char * pathify_dirspec _((char *, char *));
+char * pathify_dirspec_ts _((char *, char *));
+char * tounixspec _((char *, char *));
+char * tounixspec_ts _((char *, char *));
+char * tovmsspec _((char *, char *));
+char * tovmsspec_ts _((char *, char *));
+char * tounixpath _((char *, char *));
+char * tounixpath_ts _((char *, char *));
+char * tovmspath _((char *, char *));
+char * tovmspath_ts _((char *, char *));
+void getredirection _(());
+DIR * opendir _((char *));
+struct dirent * readdir _((DIR *));
+long telldir _((DIR *));
+void seekdir _((DIR *, long));
+void closedir _((DIR *));
+void vmsreaddirversions _((DIR *, int));
+void getredirection _((int *, char ***));
+struct tm *my_gmtime _((const time_t *));
+I32 cando_by_name _((I32, I32, char *));
+int flex_fstat _((int, struct stat *));
+int flex_stat _((char *, struct stat *));
+int trim_unixpath _((char *, char*));
+bool vms_do_aexec _((SV *, SV **, SV **));
+bool vms_do_exec _((char *));
+unsigned long int do_aspawn _((SV *, SV **, SV **));
+unsigned long int do_spawn _((char *));
+int my_fwrite _((void *, size_t, size_t, FILE *));
+struct passwd * my_getpwnam _((char *name));
+struct passwd * my_getpwuid _((Uid_t uid));
+struct passwd * my_getpwent _(());
+void my_endpwent _(());
+char * my_getlogin _(());
+int rmscopy _((char *, char *, int));
+void init_os_extras _(());
+typedef char __VMS_SEPYTOTORP__;
+/* prototype section end marker; `typedef' passes through cpp */
+/* This relies on tricks in perl.h to pick up that these manifest constants
+ * are undefined and set up conversion routines. It will then redefine
+ * these manifest constants, so the actual values will match config.h
+ */
+#undef HAS_HTONS
+#undef HAS_NTOHS
+#undef HAS_HTONL
+#undef HAS_NTOHL
+#define TMPPATH "sys$scratch:perl-eXXXXXX"
+#endif /* __vmsish_h_included */
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..eb059f810a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/vms/
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+# Create perlmain.c from miniperlmain.c, adding code to boot the
+# extensions listed on the command line. In addition, create a
+# linker options file which causes the bootstrap routines for
+# these extension to be universal symbols in PerlShr.Exe.
+# Last modified 29-Nov-1994 by Charles Bailey
+if (-f 'miniperlmain.c') { $dir = ''; }
+elsif (-f '../miniperlmain.c') { $dir = '../'; }
+else { die "$0: Can't find miniperlmain.c\n"; }
+open (IN,"${dir}miniperlmain.c")
+ || die "$0: Can't open ${dir}miniperlmain.c: $!\n";
+open (OUT,">${dir}perlmain.c")
+ || die "$0: Can't open ${dir}perlmain.c: $!\n";
+while (<IN>) {
+ print OUT;
+ last if /Do not delete this line--writemain depends on it/;
+$ok = !eof(IN);
+close IN;
+if (!$ok) {
+ close OUT;
+ unlink "${dir}perlmain.c";
+ die "$0: Can't find marker line in ${dir}miniperlmain.c - aborting\n";
+print OUT <<'EOH';
+static void
+if (@ARGV) {
+ # Allow for multiple names in one quoted group
+ @exts = split(/\s+/, join(' ',@ARGV));
+if (@exts) {
+ print OUT " char *file = __FILE__;\n";
+ foreach $ext (@exts) {
+ my($subname) = $ext;
+ $subname =~ s/::/__/g;
+ print OUT "extern void boot_${subname} _((CV* cv));\n"
+ }
+ foreach $ext (@exts) {
+ my($subname) = $ext;
+ $subname =~ s/::/__/g;
+ print "Adding $ext . . .\n";
+ if ($ext eq 'DynaLoader') {
+ # Must NOT install 'DynaLoader::boot_DynaLoader' as 'bootstrap'!
+ # boot_DynaLoader is called directly in
+ print OUT " newXS(\"${ext}::boot_${ext}\", boot_${subname}, file);\n"
+ }
+ else {
+ print OUT " newXS(\"${ext}::bootstrap\", boot_${subname}, file);\n"
+ }
+ }
+print OUT "}\n";
+close OUT;