path: root/usr.sbin/httpd/htdocs/manual/misc
diff options
authorJason McIntyre <>2005-07-29 09:37:46 +0000
committerJason McIntyre <>2005-07-29 09:37:46 +0000
commit6c438554db4c1b392347c9bc8178a1c7654def54 (patch)
treefabc1caf33510b73f7197890b392dfbfd980c926 /usr.sbin/httpd/htdocs/manual/misc
parent6624590b49e420eb3d99056bb00bdf4839063672 (diff)
from tamas tevesz:
==> some more alien platforms and obsolete info. the mod/core.html change is because 1) the target link doesn't exist, 2) it probably was meant to refer to misc/known_bugs.html in the first place, which just got removed. thanks henning for guidance.
Diffstat (limited to 'usr.sbin/httpd/htdocs/manual/misc')
6 files changed, 0 insertions, 632 deletions
diff --git a/usr.sbin/httpd/htdocs/manual/misc/HTTP_Features.tsv b/usr.sbin/httpd/htdocs/manual/misc/HTTP_Features.tsv
deleted file mode 100644
index 893403d898f..00000000000
--- a/usr.sbin/httpd/htdocs/manual/misc/HTTP_Features.tsv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
-This tab-separated-value file is for use as a checklist
-for features against <draft-ietf-http-v11-spec-rev-03.txt>,
-since two independently developed and interoperable
-implementations are needed for each feature. For each entry,
- ? means not filled-in
- - means not applicable
- n means no
- y means yes
- Y means yes with the addition of a module that uses feature
-The contents should be placed in the form at <>
-by someone who wants to be the contact for the Apache Group.
-Section Feature Implemented Tested
-8.1 Persistent Connections y y
-8.2.3 Automatic retrying of requests - -
-8.2.4 Use of the 100 (Continue) status n n
-9.2 OPTIONS y y
-9.3 GET y y
-9.4 HEAD y y
-9.5 POST y y
-9.6 PUT Y y
-9.7 DELETE Y y
-9.8 TRACE y y
-9.9 CONNECT y y
-10.1.1 100 Continue y y
-10.1.2 101 Switching Protocols Y n
-10.2.1 200 OK y y
-10.2.2 201 Created y y
-10.2.3 202 Accepted y y
-10.2.4 203 Non-Authoritative Information y y
-10.2.5 204 No Content y y
-10.2.6 205 Reset Content y y
-10.2.7 206 Partial Content y y
-10.3.1 300 Multiple Choices y y
-10.3.2 301 Moved Permanently y y
-10.3.3 302 Found y y
-10.3.4 303 See Other y y
-10.3.5 304 Not Modified y y
-10.3.6 305 Use Proxy y n
-10.3.7 307 Temporary Redirect n n
-10.4.1 400 Bad Request y y
-10.4.2 401 Unauthorized y y
-10.4.3 402 Payment Required Y n
-10.4.4 403 Forbidden y y
-10.4.5 404 Not Found y y
-10.4.6 405 Method Not Allowed y y
-10.4.7 406 Not Acceptable y y
-10.4.8 407 Proxy Authentication Required y y
-10.4.9 408 Request Timeout y y
-10.4.10 409 Conflict Y n
-10.4.11 410 Gone y y
-10.4.12 411 Length Required y y
-10.4.13 412 Precondition Failed y y
-10.4.14 413 Request Entity Too Large y y
-10.4.15 414 Request-URI Too Long y y
-10.4.16 415 Unsupported Media Type y n
-10.4.17 416 Requested range not satisfiable n n
-10.4.18 417 Expectation Failed n n
-10.5.1 500 Internal Server Error y y
-10.5.2 501 Not Implemented y y
-10.5.3 502 Bad Gateway y y
-10.5.4 503 Service Unavailable y y
-10.5.5 504 Gateway Timeout y y
-10.5.6 505 HTTP Version Not Supported Y n
-13.3.3 Strong entity tags y y
-13.3.3 Weak entity tags y y
-14.1 Accept y y
-14.2 Accept-Charset y y
-14.3 Accept-Encoding n n
-14.4 Accept-Language y y
-14.5 Accept-Ranges y y
-14.6 Age - -
-14.7 Allow y y
-14.8 Authorization y y
-14.9 Cache-Control y y
-14.10 Connection y y
-14.11 Content-Encoding y y
-14.12 Content-Language y y
-14.13 Content-Length y y
-14.14 Content-Location Y n
-14.15 Content-MD5 y n
-14.16 Content-Range y y
-14.17 Content-Type y y
-14.18 Date y y
-14.19 ETag y y
-14.20 Expect n n
-14.21 Expires y y
-14.22 From - -
-14.23 Host y y
-14.24 If-Modified-Since y y
-14.25 If-Match y y
-14.26 If-None-Match y y
-14.27 If-Range y y
-14.28 If-Unmodified-Since y y
-14.29 Last-Modified y y
-14.30 Location y y
-14.31 Max-Forwards n n
-14.32 Pragma y y
-14.33 Proxy-Authenticate y y
-14.34 Proxy-Authorization y y
-14.35 Range y y
-14.36 Referer y y
-14.37 Retry-After y y
-14.38 Server y y
-14.39 TE n n
-14.40 Trailer n n
-14.41 Transfer-Encoding y y
-14.42 Upgrade Y n
-14.43 User-Agent - -
-14.44 Vary y y
-14.45 Via n n
-14.46 Warning Y n
-14.47 WWW-Authenticate y y
-===== =====================================
-Same for <draft-ietf-http-authentication-01.txt>:
-A 2 Basic Authentication y y
-A 3.2.1 WWW-Authenticate Digest y n
-A 3.2.1 qop-options auth n n
-A 3.2.1 qop-options auth-int n n
-A 3.2.2 Authorization Digest y n
-A 3.2.2 request qop auth n n
-A 3.2.2 request qop auth-int n n
-A 3.2.3 Authentication-Info Digest n n
-A 3.2.3 response qop auth n n
-A 3.2.3 response qop auth-int n n
-A 4.1 Proxy-Authenticate Basic y y
-A 4.2 Proxy-Authenticate Digest y n
-A 4.2 Proxy qop-options auth n n
-A 4.2 Proxy qop-options auth-int n n
-A 4.2 Proxy Authorization Digest y n
-A 4.2 Proxy request qop auth n n
-A 4.2 Proxy request qop auth-int n n
-A 4.2 Proxy Authentication-Info Digest n n
-A 4.2 Proxy response qop auth n n
-A 4.2 Proxy response qop auth-int n n
-100 Continue sent on all bodied requests, as per RFC 2068.
-Accept-Encoding does not allow q-values, as per RFC 2068.
diff --git a/usr.sbin/httpd/htdocs/manual/misc/client_block_api.html b/usr.sbin/httpd/htdocs/manual/misc/client_block_api.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b2f2faf6a4..00000000000
--- a/usr.sbin/httpd/htdocs/manual/misc/client_block_api.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
- "">
-<html xmlns="">
- <head>
- <meta name="generator" content="HTML Tidy, see" />
- <title>Reading Client Input in Apache 1.2</title>
- </head>
- <!-- Background white, links blue (unvisited), navy (visited), red (active) -->
- <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" link="#0000FF"
- vlink="#000080" alink="#FF0000">
- <div align="CENTER">
- <img src="../images/sub.gif" alt="[APACHE DOCUMENTATION]" />
- <h3>Apache HTTP Server Version 1.3</h3>
- </div>
- <h1 align="CENTER">Reading Client Input in Apache 1.2</h1>
- <hr />
- <p>Apache 1.1 and earlier let modules handle POST and PUT
- requests by themselves. The module would, on its own, determine
- whether the request had an entity, how many bytes it was, and
- then called a function (<code>read_client_block</code>) to get
- the data.</p>
- <p>However, HTTP/1.1 requires several things of POST and PUT
- request handlers that did not fit into this module, and all
- existing modules have to be rewritten. The API calls for
- handling this have been further abstracted, so that future HTTP
- protocol changes can be accomplished while remaining
- backwards-compatible.</p>
- <hr />
- <h3>The New API Functions</h3>
- int ap_setup_client_block (request_rec *, int read_policy);
- int ap_should_client_block (request_rec *);
- long ap_get_client_block (request_rec *, char *buffer, int buffer_size);
- <ol>
- <li>
- Call <code>ap_setup_client_block()</code> near the
- beginning of the request handler. This will set up all the
- necessary properties, and will return either OK, or an
- error code. If the latter, the module should return that
- error code. The second parameter selects the policy to
- apply if the request message indicates a body, and how a
- chunked transfer-coding should be interpreted. Choose one
- of
- REQUEST_NO_BODY Send 413 error if message has any body
- REQUEST_CHUNKED_ERROR Send 411 error if body without Content-Length
- REQUEST_CHUNKED_DECHUNK If chunked, remove the chunks for me.
- REQUEST_CHUNKED_PASS Pass the chunks to me without removal.
- In order to use the last two options, the caller MUST
- provide a buffer large enough to hold a chunk-size line,
- including any extensions.
- </li>
- <li>When you are ready to possibly accept input, call
- <code>ap_should_client_block()</code>. This will tell the
- module whether or not to read input. If it is 0, the module
- should assume that the input is of a non-entity type
- (<em>e.g.</em>, a GET request). A nonzero response indicates
- that the module should proceed (to step 3). This step also
- sends a 100 Continue response to HTTP/1.1 clients, so should
- not be called until the module is
- <strong>*definitely*</strong> ready to read content.
- (otherwise, the point of the 100 response is defeated). Never
- call this function more than once.</li>
- <li>Finally, call <code>ap_get_client_block</code> in a loop.
- Pass it a buffer and its size. It will put data into the
- buffer (not necessarily the full buffer, in the case of
- chunked inputs), and return the length of the input block.
- When it is done reading, it will return 0 if EOF, or -1 if
- there was an error.</li>
- </ol>
- <p>As an example, please look at the code in
- <code>mod_cgi.c</code>. This is properly written to the new API
- guidelines.</p>
- <hr />
- <h3 align="CENTER">Apache HTTP Server Version 1.3</h3>
- <a href="./"><img src="../images/index.gif" alt="Index" /></a>
- <a href="../"><img src="../images/home.gif" alt="Home" /></a>
- </body>
diff --git a/usr.sbin/httpd/htdocs/manual/misc/compat_notes.html b/usr.sbin/httpd/htdocs/manual/misc/compat_notes.html
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--- a/usr.sbin/httpd/htdocs/manual/misc/compat_notes.html
+++ /dev/null
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-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
- "">
-<html xmlns="">
- <head>
- <meta name="generator" content="HTML Tidy, see" />
- <title>Apache HTTP Server: Notes about Compatibility with
- NCSA's Server</title>
- </head>
- <!-- Background white, links blue (unvisited), navy (visited), red (active) -->
- <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" link="#0000FF"
- vlink="#000080" alink="#FF0000">
- <div align="CENTER">
- <img src="../images/sub.gif" alt="[APACHE DOCUMENTATION]" />
- <h3>Apache HTTP Server Version 1.3</h3>
- </div>
- <h1 align="CENTER">Compatibility Notes with NCSA's Server</h1>
- <hr />
- While Apache is for the most part a drop-in replacement for
- NCSA's httpd, there are a couple gotcha's to watch out for.
- These are mostly due to the fact that the parser for config and
- access control files was rewritten from scratch, so certain
- liberties the earlier servers took may not be available here.
- These are all easily fixable. If you know of other problems
- that belong here, <a
- href="">let us know.</a>
- <p>Please also check the <a
- href="known_client_problems.html">known client problems</a>
- page.</p>
- <ol>
- <li>As of Apache 1.3.1, methods named in a <a
- href="../mod/core.html#limit"><samp>&lt;Limit&gt;</samp></a>
- section <em>must</em> be listed in upper-case. Lower- or
- mixed-case method names will result in a configuration
- error.</li>
- <li>The basic mod_auth <code>AuthGroupFile</code>-specified
- group file format allows commas between user names - Apache
- does not.</li>
- <li>If you follow the NCSA guidelines for setting up access
- restrictions based on client domain, you may well have added
- entries for <code>AuthType, AuthName, AuthUserFile</code> or
- <code>AuthGroupFile</code>. <strong>None</strong> of these
- are needed (or appropriate) for restricting access based on
- client domain. When Apache sees <code>AuthType</code> it
- (reasonably) assumes you are using some authorization type
- based on username and password. Please remove
- <code>AuthType</code>, it's unnecessary even for NCSA.</li>
- <li><code>OldScriptAlias</code> is no longer supported.</li>
- <li><code>exec cgi=""</code> produces reasonable
- <strong>malformed header</strong> responses when used to
- invoke non-CGI scripts.<br />
- The NCSA code ignores the missing header (bad idea).<br />
- Solution: write CGI to the CGI spec and use
- <code>include&nbsp;virtual</code>, or use <code>exec
- cmd=""</code> instead.</li>
- <li>Icons for FancyIndexing broken - well, no, they're not
- broken, we've just upgraded the icons from flat .xbm files to
- pretty and much smaller .gif files, courtesy of <a
- href="">Kevin Hughes</a> at <a
- href="">EIT</a>. If you are using the same
- srm.conf from an old distribution, make sure you add the new
- <a href="../mod/mod_autoindex.html#addicon">AddIcon</a>, <a
- href="../mod/mod_autoindex.html#addiconbytype">AddIconByType</a>,
- and <a
- href="../mod/mod_autoindex.html#defaulticon">DefaultIcon</a>
- directives.</li>
- <li>Apache versions before 1.2b1 will ignore the last line of
- configuration files if the last line does not have a trailing
- newline. This affects configuration files (httpd.conf,
- access.conf and srm.conf), and htpasswd and htgroup
- files.</li>
- <li>Apache does not permit commas delimiting the methods in
- &lt;Limit&gt;.</li>
- <li>Apache's <code>&lt;VirtualHost&gt;</code> treats all
- addresses as "optional" (<em>i.e.</em>, the server should
- continue booting if it can't resolve the address). Whereas in
- NCSA the default is to fail booting unless an added
- <code>optional</code> keyword is included.</li>
- <li>Apache does not implement <code>OnDeny</code>; use <a
- href="../mod/core.html#errordocument"><code>ErrorDocument</code></a>
- instead.</li>
- <li>Apache (as of 1.3) always performs the equivalent of
- <code>HostnameLookups minimal</code>. <code>minimal</code> is
- not an option to <a
- href="../mod/core.html#hostnamelookups"><code>HostnameLookups</code></a>.</li>
- <li>To embed spaces in directive arguments NCSA used a
- backslash before the space. Apache treats backslashes as
- normal characters. To embed spaces surround the argument with
- double-quotes instead.</li>
- <li>Apache does not implement the NCSA <code>referer</code>
- directive. See <a
- href="">PR#968</a> for a
- few brief suggestions on alternative ways to implement the
- same thing under Apache.</li>
- <li>Apache does not allow ServerRoot settings inside a
- VirtualHost container. There is only one global ServerRoot in
- Apache; any desired changes in paths for virtual hosts need
- to be made with the explicit directives, <em>e.g.</em>,
- DocumentRoot, TransferLog, <em>etc.</em></li>
- <li>The <code>AddType</code> directive cannot be used to set
- the type of particular files. Instead, you can scope you
- directives using &lt;Files&gt; blocks.</li>
- </ol>
- More to come when we notice them....
- <hr />
- <h3 align="CENTER">Apache HTTP Server Version 1.3</h3>
- <a href="./"><img src="../images/index.gif" alt="Index" /></a>
- <a href="../"><img src="../images/home.gif" alt="Home" /></a>
- </body>
diff --git a/usr.sbin/httpd/htdocs/manual/misc/index.html b/usr.sbin/httpd/htdocs/manual/misc/index.html
index 0663008bfb6..8415d4f4cc4 100644
--- a/usr.sbin/httpd/htdocs/manual/misc/index.html
+++ b/usr.sbin/httpd/htdocs/manual/misc/index.html
@@ -34,18 +34,6 @@
<dd>Frequently-Asked Questions concerning the Apache project
and server.</dd>
- <dt><a href="client_block_api.html">Reading Client Input in
- Apache 1.2</a></dt>
- <dd>Describes differences between Apache 1.1 and 1.2 in how
- modules read information from the client.</dd>
- <dt><a href="compat_notes.html">Compatibility with
- NCSA</a></dt>
- <dd>Notes about Apache's compatibility with the NCSA
- server.</dd>
<dt><a href="custom_errordocs.html">How to use XSSI and
Negotiation for custom ErrorDocuments</a></dt>
@@ -74,11 +62,6 @@
<dd>Instructions about how to accomplish some
commonly-desired server functionality changes.</dd>
- <dt><a href="HTTP_Features.tsv">HTTP Features list</a></dt>
- <dd>A tab-separate table of HTTP features implemented and
- tested in Apache.</dd>
<dt><a href="known_client_problems.html">Known Client
@@ -109,12 +92,6 @@
<dd>Some "do"s - and "don't"s - for keeping your Apache web
site secure.</dd>
- <dt><a href="windoz_keepalive.html">Windows Bug with Web
- Keepalive</a></dt>
- <dd>A brief description of a known problem with Microsoft
- Windows and web sites accessed using keepalive
- connections.</dd>
<hr />
diff --git a/usr.sbin/httpd/htdocs/manual/misc/known_bugs.html b/usr.sbin/httpd/htdocs/manual/misc/known_bugs.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 95bb37c705d..00000000000
--- a/usr.sbin/httpd/htdocs/manual/misc/known_bugs.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-<TITLE>Apache HTTP Server Project</TITLE>
-<!-- Background white, links blue (unvisited), navy (visited), red (active) -->
- TEXT="#000000"
- LINK="#0000FF"
- VLINK="#000080"
- ALINK="#FF0000"
- <IMG SRC="../images/sub.gif" ALT="[APACHE DOCUMENTATION]">
- <H3>
- Apache HTTP Server Version 1.2
- </H3>
-<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">Known Bugs in Apache</H1>
-The most up-to-date resource for bug tracking and information is the
-<A HREF="">Apache bug database</A>.
-Significant bugs at release time will also be noted there.
-If you are running a 1.2 beta release or version 1.1.3 or earlier
-and thing you have found a bug, please upgrade to 1.2. Many bugs
-in early versions have been fixed in 1.2.
-<P>See Also: <A HREF="compat_notes.html">Compatibility notes</A></P>
-<H2>Apache 1.2 Bugs</H2>
- <LI><b>Exists in 1.2.1 only.</b>
- On Solaris 2.x the server will stop running after receiving a
- SIGHUP. Four workarounds exist (choose one):<p>
- <ul>
- <li>Retrieve <a href="">this patch</a>.
- <code>cd</code> to your <code>apache_1.2.1</code> directory, and
- type <code>patch -s -p1 < /path/to/patchfile</code>. Then rebuild
- Apache.<p>
- <li>Use SIGUSR1 instead of SIGHUP, see <a href="../stopping.html">
- Stopping and Restarting Apache</a> for more details.<p>
- <li>Add <code>-DNO_SLACK</code> to
- <code>EXTRA_CFLAGS</code> in
- your <code>Configuration</code> file, re-run <code>Configure</code>
- and rebuild your server. This disables the
- <a href="descriptors.html">descriptor slack workaround</a><p>
- <li>(Least preferable) Use Apache 1.2.0 instead of 1.2.1.<p>
- </ul>
- This problem will be tracked as
- <a href="">PR#832</a>.<p>
- </li>
- <LI>(Exists in 1.2.0 and in 1.2.1 after either of the
- <code>NO_SLACK</code> or patch provided by the previous bug are applied.)
- Solaris 2.5.1 (and probably other versions of Solaris) appear to have
- a race condition completely unrelated to all the others. It is possible
- during a SIGHUP that the server will fail to start because it will not
- be able to re-open its sockets. To our knowledge this has only shown
- up during testing when we pummel the server with as many SIGHUP requests
- per second as we can. This appears unrelated to the similar sounding bug
- described in <a href="">PR#832</a>.
- <p>
- <LI><a name="listenbug">On some architectures</A>
- if your configuration uses multiple
- <a href="../mod/core.html#listen">Listen</a> directives then it is possible
- that the server will starve one of the sockets while serving hits on
- another. The work-around is to add
- <code>-DUSE_FLOCK_SERIALIZED_ACCEPT</code> to the
- <code>EXTRA_CFLAGS</code> line in your Configuration and rebuild.
- (If you encounter problems with that, you can also try
- This affects any architecture that doesn't use one of the
- <code>USE_xxxxx_SERIALIZED_ACCEPT</code> definitions, see the
- source file <code>conf.h</code> for your architecture.
- This will be tracked as
- <a href="">PR#467</a>.
- <P></LI>
- <LI><b>Fixed in 1.2.1.</b>
- <a name="cnegbug">Apache's</A> <A HREF="../content-negotiation.html">Content
- Negotiation</A> should pick the smallest variant if there
- are several that are equally acceptable. A bug in 1.2 means it no
- longer does this unless all the variants have character sets.
- This <A HREF="../../dist/contrib/patches/1.2/conneg-bug.patch">patch</A>
- fixes this problem. It also fixes the problem which makes Apache
- pick the last equally acceptable variant instead of the first.
- This will be tracked as
- <a href="">PR#94</a>.
- <P></LI>
- <LI>
- The PATH_INFO part of a request URI cannot include the sequence
- <CODE>%2f</CODE>. This will be tracked as
- <A HREF="">PR#543</A>.
- <P></LI>
- <LI>Users of early 1.2 betas reported problems with many
- connections stuck in the FIN_WAIT_2 state due to server
- timeouts. Several changes were made during the beta testing of 1.2
- to reduce this problem as much as possible, although you may still
- see sockets in FIN_WAIT_2 state due to network or operating system
- issues outside the control of Apache. See our <A
- HREF="fin_wait_2.html">FIN_WAIT_2</A> page for more details.
- <P>SunOS4 has a kernel bug in the allocation of memory for the mbuf table.
- When it fills up, the result is a Panic the next time any routine tries
- to set something in an imaginary mbuf beyond the range of the table.
- Due to buggy browser behavior and the lack of a FIN_WAIT_2 timeout
- on SunOS4, "KeepAlive Off" is necessary to avoid filling up the mbuf
- table on busy sites.
- <P></LI>
- <LI>Compilation fails on SCO3 when using gcc instead of cc, complaining
- with "<CODE>gcc: noinline: No such file or directory</CODE>". Fix
- is given in <a href="">PR#695</A>.
- <P></LI>
- <LI>If compilation fails complaining about "unknown symbol __inet_ntoa()"
- then you have probably installed version 8 of bind. You will need to
- explicitly link with the bind library by adding <CODE>-lbind</CODE>
- to <CODE>EXTRA_LDFLAGS</CODE> in <CODE>Configuration</CODE>. See
- <A HREF="">PR#616</A>
- and the
- <A HREF="FAQ.html#bind8.1">Apache FAQ</A>.
- <P></LI>
- <LI>The message "<CODE>created shared memory segment #730499</CODE>"
- in error_log is not an error and should be ignored. See
- <a href="">PR#696</A>.
- <P></LI>
- <LI>
- Compiling on Solaris 2 with SunSoft's C compiler gives the warning
- <CODE>"mod_include.c", line 1123: warning: end-of-loop code not
- reached</CODE>. This is a bogus warning and can be ignored.
- See <A HREF="">PR#681</A>.
- <P></LI>
- <LI><a href="descriptors.html"><b>Workaround available in 1.2.1.</b></a>
- There appears to be a problem on BSDI 2.1 with large numbers of
- virtual hosts. This appears similar to a file-descriptor limit
- but BSDI should not have this problem. This will be tracked as
- <A HREF="">PR#611</A>.
- See also the <A HREF="FAQ.html#fdlim">Apache FAQ</A>.
- <P></LI>
- <LI><a href="descriptors.html"><b>Workaround available in 1.2.1.</b></a>
- Solaris 2 has problems with large numbers of virtual hosts. This is
- because of an operating system limit of 256 file pointers, not due
- to Apache. See also the <A HREF="FAQ.html#fdlim">Apache FAQ</A>.
- <P></LI>
- Apache HTTP Server Version 1.2
-<A HREF="./"><IMG SRC="../images/index.gif" ALT="Index"></A>
-<A HREF="../"><IMG SRC="../images/home.gif" ALT="Home"></A>
diff --git a/usr.sbin/httpd/htdocs/manual/misc/windoz_keepalive.html b/usr.sbin/httpd/htdocs/manual/misc/windoz_keepalive.html
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--- a/usr.sbin/httpd/htdocs/manual/misc/windoz_keepalive.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
- "">
-<html xmlns="">
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- <meta name="generator" content="HTML Tidy, see" />
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- <h3>Apache HTTP Server Version 1.3</h3>
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- <h1 align="CENTER">HTTP/1.1 KeepAlive problems with Netscape
- 3.0</h1>
-Date: Mon, 1 Jul 1996 16:03:06 -0700 (PDT)
-From: Alexei Kosut &lt;;
-To: Apache Group
-Subject: Re: keepalive and windoze
-Good news and good news (of a sort)..
-I was able to snag a Windows 95 machine here at Organic, and tried out
-some things:
-1) On Netscape 3.0b4, I was able to reproduce the bug, each and every
-time. It's really simple: go to the Network Setup panel. Set it to
-"Connect Every Time" and only let it have 1 connection at once (this may
-not be necessary, but it's helpful). Then load an image that's
-kept-alive. Then wait until the connection times out (this depends on the
-server - 10-30 seconds, except for MIIS, which never times out, near as I
-can tell). Then hit reload. It will hang. (actually, once it crashed).
-2) This happens with all forms of server. Apache 1.1, Netscape 2.0,
-Spyglass 1.2, NCSA 1.5 (although, as stated, I couldn't test MIIS).
-3) Netscape 3.0b5 does, indeed, *not* have this bug. At least, I couldn't
-get it to perform such. Yipee.
-So, we just put up a note on the web page. Make sure we say that all the
-servers have the bug, it's a Windows bug, and Netscape Navigator 3.0b5
-works around it. That way, no one can yell at us. Yes?
--- Alexei Kosut &lt;; The Apache HTTP Server
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