diff options
8 files changed, 658 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/clang/llvm-config/ b/gnu/usr.bin/clang/llvm-config/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..739593ea407
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/clang/llvm-config/
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+//===-- - llvm-config build variables -*- C++ -*-----===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// This file is configured by the build system to define the variables
+// llvm-config wants to report to the user, but which can only be determined at
+// build time.
+// The variant of this file not ending with .in has been autogenerated by the
+// LLVM build. Do not edit!
+#define LLVM_SRC_ROOT "/usr/src/gnu/llvm"
+#define LLVM_OBJ_ROOT "/usr/obj/gnu/usr.bin/clang"
+#define LLVM_CFLAGS "-O2 -pipe -fPIC -Werror=date-time -Werror=unguarded-availability-new -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-field-initializers -pedantic -Wno-long-long -Wcovered-switch-default -Wdelete-non-virtual-dtor -Wstring-conversion -fdiagnostics-color -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -DNDEBUG -D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS -D__STDC_FORMAT_MACROS -D__STDC_LIMIT_MACROS"
+#define LLVM_LDFLAGS ""
+#define LLVM_CXXFLAGS "-O2 -pipe -fno-ret-protector -mno-retpoline -fPIC -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -Werror=date-time -Werror=unguarded-availability-new -std=c++11 -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -Wwrite-strings -Wcast-qual -Wmissing-field-initializers -pedantic -Wno-long-long -Wcovered-switch-default -Wnon-virtual-dtor -Wdelete-non-virtual-dtor -Wstring-conversion -fdiagnostics-color -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -DNDEBUG -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS -D__STDC_FORMAT_MACROS -D__STDC_LIMIT_MACROS"
+#define LLVM_BUILDMODE "Release"
+#define LLVM_SYSTEM_LIBS "-lz -lpthread -lm"
+#define LLVM_BUILD_SYSTEM "cmake"
+#define LLVM_HAS_RTTI 0
+#define LLVM_LINK_DYLIB 1
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/clang/llvm-config/ b/gnu/usr.bin/clang/llvm-config/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6a70816b71d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/clang/llvm-config/
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+//===- llvm-build generated file --------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// Component Library Dependency Table
+// Automatically generated file, do not edit!
+struct AvailableComponent {
+ /// The name of the component.
+ const char *Name;
+ /// The name of the library for this component (or NULL).
+ const char *Library;
+ /// Whether the component is installed.
+ bool IsInstalled;
+ /// The list of libraries required when linking this component.
+ const char *RequiredLibraries[21];
+} AvailableComponents[75] = {
+ { "aarch64", nullptr, true, { "aarch64utils", "aarch64asmprinter", "aarch64info", "aarch64desc", "aarch64asmparser", "aarch64codegen", "aarch64disassembler" } },
+ { "aarch64asmparser", "LLVMAArch64AsmParser", true, { "aarch64desc", "aarch64info", "aarch64utils", "mc", "mcparser", "support" } },
+ { "aarch64asmprinter", "LLVMAArch64AsmPrinter", true, { "aarch64utils", "mc", "support" } },
+ { "aarch64codegen", "LLVMAArch64CodeGen", true, { "aarch64asmprinter", "aarch64desc", "aarch64info", "aarch64utils", "analysis", "asmprinter", "codegen", "core", "mc", "scalaropts", "selectiondag", "support", "target", "globalisel" } },
+ { "aarch64desc", "LLVMAArch64Desc", true, { "aarch64asmprinter", "aarch64info", "mc", "support" } },
+ { "aarch64disassembler", "LLVMAArch64Disassembler", true, { "aarch64desc", "aarch64info", "aarch64utils", "mc", "mcdisassembler", "support" } },
+ { "aarch64info", "LLVMAArch64Info", true, { "support" } },
+ { "aarch64utils", "LLVMAArch64Utils", true, { "support" } },
+ { "aggressiveinstcombine", "LLVMAggressiveInstCombine", true, { "analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils" } },
+ { "all", nullptr, true, { "mcjit", "coroutines", "lineeditor", "libdriver", "engine", "windowsmanifest", "gtest_main", "objectyaml", "all-targets", "testingsupport", "mirparser", "orcjit", "native", "dlltooldriver", "nativecodegen", "tablegen", "coverage", "fuzzmutate", "symbolize", "lto" } },
+ { "all-targets", nullptr, true, { "aarch64", "amdgpu" } },
+ { "amdgpu", nullptr, true, { "amdgpuutils", "amdgpuasmprinter", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuasmparser", "amdgpucodegen", "amdgpudisassembler" } },
+ { "amdgpuasmparser", "LLVMAMDGPUAsmParser", true, { "mc", "mcparser", "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "support" } },
+ { "amdgpuasmprinter", "LLVMAMDGPUAsmPrinter", true, { "mc", "support", "amdgpuutils" } },
+ { "amdgpucodegen", "LLVMAMDGPUCodeGen", true, { "analysis", "asmprinter", "codegen", "core", "ipo", "mc", "amdgpuasmprinter", "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "scalaropts", "selectiondag", "support", "target", "transformutils", "vectorize", "globalisel" } },
+ { "amdgpudesc", "LLVMAMDGPUDesc", true, { "core", "mc", "amdgpuasmprinter", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "support" } },
+ { "amdgpudisassembler", "LLVMAMDGPUDisassembler", true, { "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "mc", "mcdisassembler", "support" } },
+ { "amdgpuinfo", "LLVMAMDGPUInfo", true, { "support" } },
+ { "amdgpuutils", "LLVMAMDGPUUtils", true, { "core", "mc", "support" } },
+ { "analysis", "LLVMAnalysis", true, { "binaryformat", "core", "object", "profiledata", "support" } },
+ { "asmparser", "LLVMAsmParser", true, { "binaryformat", "core", "support" } },
+ { "asmprinter", "LLVMAsmPrinter", true, { "analysis", "binaryformat", "codegen", "core", "debuginfocodeview", "debuginfomsf", "mc", "mcparser", "support", "target" } },
+ { "binaryformat", "LLVMBinaryFormat", true, { "support" } },
+ { "bitreader", "LLVMBitReader", true, { "core", "support" } },
+ { "bitwriter", "LLVMBitWriter", true, { "analysis", "core", "mc", "object", "support" } },
+ { "codegen", "LLVMCodeGen", true, { "analysis", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "core", "mc", "profiledata", "scalaropts", "support", "target", "transformutils" } },
+ { "core", "LLVMCore", true, { "binaryformat", "support" } },
+ { "coroutines", "LLVMCoroutines", true, { "analysis", "core", "ipo", "scalaropts", "support", "transformutils" } },
+ { "coverage", "LLVMCoverage", true, { "core", "object", "profiledata", "support" } },
+ { "debuginfocodeview", "LLVMDebugInfoCodeView", true, { "support", "debuginfomsf" } },
+ { "debuginfodwarf", "LLVMDebugInfoDWARF", true, { "binaryformat", "object", "mc", "support" } },
+ { "debuginfomsf", "LLVMDebugInfoMSF", true, { "support" } },
+ { "debuginfopdb", "LLVMDebugInfoPDB", true, { "object", "support", "debuginfocodeview", "debuginfomsf" } },
+ { "demangle", "LLVMDemangle", true, { } },
+ { "dlltooldriver", "LLVMDlltoolDriver", true, { "object", "option", "support" } },
+ { "engine", nullptr, true, { "interpreter" } },
+ { "executionengine", "LLVMExecutionEngine", true, { "core", "mc", "object", "runtimedyld", "support", "target" } },
+ { "fuzzmutate", "LLVMFuzzMutate", true, { "analysis", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "core", "scalaropts", "support", "target" } },
+ { "globalisel", "LLVMGlobalISel", true, { "analysis", "codegen", "core", "mc", "support", "target", "transformutils" } },
+ { "gtest", "gtest", false, { "support" } },
+ { "gtest_main", "gtest_main", false, { "gtest" } },
+ { "instcombine", "LLVMInstCombine", true, { "analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils" } },
+ { "instrumentation", "LLVMInstrumentation", true, { "analysis", "core", "mc", "support", "transformutils", "profiledata" } },
+ { "interpreter", "LLVMInterpreter", true, { "codegen", "core", "executionengine", "support" } },
+ { "ipo", "LLVMipo", true, { "aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "core", "instcombine", "irreader", "linker", "object", "profiledata", "scalaropts", "support", "transformutils", "vectorize", "instrumentation" } },
+ { "irreader", "LLVMIRReader", true, { "asmparser", "bitreader", "core", "support" } },
+ { "libdriver", "LLVMLibDriver", true, { "binaryformat", "object", "option", "support" } },
+ { "lineeditor", "LLVMLineEditor", true, { "support" } },
+ { "linker", "LLVMLinker", true, { "core", "support", "transformutils" } },
+ { "lto", "LLVMLTO", true, { "aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "codegen", "core", "ipo", "instcombine", "linker", "mc", "objcarcopts", "object", "passes", "scalaropts", "support", "target", "transformutils" } },
+ { "mc", "LLVMMC", true, { "support", "binaryformat", "debuginfocodeview" } },
+ { "mcdisassembler", "LLVMMCDisassembler", true, { "mc", "support" } },
+ { "mcjit", "LLVMMCJIT", true, { "core", "executionengine", "object", "runtimedyld", "support", "target" } },
+ { "mcparser", "LLVMMCParser", true, { "mc", "support" } },
+ { "mirparser", "LLVMMIRParser", true, { "asmparser", "binaryformat", "codegen", "core", "mc", "support", "target" } },
+ { "native", nullptr, true, { } },
+ { "nativecodegen", nullptr, true, { } },
+ { "objcarcopts", "LLVMObjCARCOpts", true, { "analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils" } },
+ { "object", "LLVMObject", true, { "bitreader", "core", "mc", "binaryformat", "mcparser", "support" } },
+ { "objectyaml", "LLVMObjectYAML", true, { "support", "debuginfocodeview" } },
+ { "option", "LLVMOption", true, { "support" } },
+ { "orcjit", "LLVMOrcJIT", true, { "core", "executionengine", "object", "mc", "runtimedyld", "support", "target", "transformutils" } },
+ { "passes", "LLVMPasses", true, { "aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "codegen", "core", "ipo", "instcombine", "scalaropts", "support", "target", "transformutils", "vectorize", "instrumentation" } },
+ { "profiledata", "LLVMProfileData", true, { "core", "support" } },
+ { "runtimedyld", "LLVMRuntimeDyld", true, { "mc", "object", "support" } },
+ { "scalaropts", "LLVMScalarOpts", true, { "aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "core", "instcombine", "support", "transformutils" } },
+ { "selectiondag", "LLVMSelectionDAG", true, { "analysis", "codegen", "core", "mc", "support", "target", "transformutils" } },
+ { "support", "LLVMSupport", true, { "demangle" } },
+ { "symbolize", "LLVMSymbolize", true, { "debuginfodwarf", "debuginfopdb", "object", "support", "demangle" } },
+ { "tablegen", "LLVMTableGen", true, { "support" } },
+ { "target", "LLVMTarget", true, { "analysis", "core", "mc", "support" } },
+ { "testingsupport", "LLVMTestingSupport", false, { "support" } },
+ { "transformutils", "LLVMTransformUtils", true, { "analysis", "core", "support" } },
+ { "vectorize", "LLVMVectorize", true, { "analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils" } },
+ { "windowsmanifest", "LLVMWindowsManifest", true, { "support" } },
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/clang/llvm-config/ b/gnu/usr.bin/clang/llvm-config/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..54a96e8e7ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/clang/llvm-config/
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+//===- llvm-build generated file --------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// Component Library Dependency Table
+// Automatically generated file, do not edit!
+struct AvailableComponent {
+ /// The name of the component.
+ const char *Name;
+ /// The name of the library for this component (or NULL).
+ const char *Library;
+ /// Whether the component is installed.
+ bool IsInstalled;
+ /// The list of libraries required when linking this component.
+ const char *RequiredLibraries[21];
+} AvailableComponents[75] = {
+ { "aggressiveinstcombine", "LLVMAggressiveInstCombine", true, { "analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils" } },
+ { "all", nullptr, true, { "mcjit", "coroutines", "lineeditor", "libdriver", "engine", "fuzzmutate", "windowsmanifest", "gtest_main", "objectyaml", "all-targets", "testingsupport", "mirparser", "orcjit", "native", "dlltooldriver", "nativecodegen", "tablegen", "coverage", "symbolize", "lto" } },
+ { "all-targets", nullptr, true, { "arm", "amdgpu" } },
+ { "amdgpu", nullptr, true, { "amdgpuutils", "amdgpuasmprinter", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuasmparser", "amdgpucodegen", "amdgpudisassembler" } },
+ { "amdgpuasmparser", "LLVMAMDGPUAsmParser", true, { "mc", "mcparser", "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "support" } },
+ { "amdgpuasmprinter", "LLVMAMDGPUAsmPrinter", true, { "mc", "support", "amdgpuutils" } },
+ { "amdgpucodegen", "LLVMAMDGPUCodeGen", true, { "analysis", "asmprinter", "codegen", "core", "ipo", "mc", "amdgpuasmprinter", "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "scalaropts", "selectiondag", "support", "target", "transformutils", "vectorize", "globalisel" } },
+ { "amdgpudesc", "LLVMAMDGPUDesc", true, { "core", "mc", "amdgpuasmprinter", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "support" } },
+ { "amdgpudisassembler", "LLVMAMDGPUDisassembler", true, { "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "mc", "mcdisassembler", "support" } },
+ { "amdgpuinfo", "LLVMAMDGPUInfo", true, { "support" } },
+ { "amdgpuutils", "LLVMAMDGPUUtils", true, { "core", "mc", "support" } },
+ { "analysis", "LLVMAnalysis", true, { "binaryformat", "core", "object", "profiledata", "support" } },
+ { "arm", nullptr, true, { "armutils", "armasmprinter", "arminfo", "armdesc", "armasmparser", "armcodegen", "armdisassembler" } },
+ { "armasmparser", "LLVMARMAsmParser", true, { "armdesc", "arminfo", "mc", "mcparser", "support", "armutils" } },
+ { "armasmprinter", "LLVMARMAsmPrinter", true, { "mc", "support", "armutils" } },
+ { "armcodegen", "LLVMARMCodeGen", true, { "armasmprinter", "armdesc", "arminfo", "analysis", "asmprinter", "codegen", "core", "mc", "scalaropts", "selectiondag", "support", "target", "globalisel", "armutils", "transformutils" } },
+ { "armdesc", "LLVMARMDesc", true, { "armasmprinter", "arminfo", "mc", "mcdisassembler", "support" } },
+ { "armdisassembler", "LLVMARMDisassembler", true, { "armdesc", "arminfo", "mcdisassembler", "support", "armutils" } },
+ { "arminfo", "LLVMARMInfo", true, { "support" } },
+ { "armutils", "LLVMARMUtils", true, { "support" } },
+ { "asmparser", "LLVMAsmParser", true, { "binaryformat", "core", "support" } },
+ { "asmprinter", "LLVMAsmPrinter", true, { "analysis", "binaryformat", "codegen", "core", "debuginfocodeview", "debuginfomsf", "mc", "mcparser", "support", "target" } },
+ { "binaryformat", "LLVMBinaryFormat", true, { "support" } },
+ { "bitreader", "LLVMBitReader", true, { "core", "support" } },
+ { "bitwriter", "LLVMBitWriter", true, { "analysis", "core", "mc", "object", "support" } },
+ { "codegen", "LLVMCodeGen", true, { "analysis", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "core", "mc", "profiledata", "scalaropts", "support", "target", "transformutils" } },
+ { "core", "LLVMCore", true, { "binaryformat", "support" } },
+ { "coroutines", "LLVMCoroutines", true, { "analysis", "core", "ipo", "scalaropts", "support", "transformutils" } },
+ { "coverage", "LLVMCoverage", true, { "core", "object", "profiledata", "support" } },
+ { "debuginfocodeview", "LLVMDebugInfoCodeView", true, { "support", "debuginfomsf" } },
+ { "debuginfodwarf", "LLVMDebugInfoDWARF", true, { "binaryformat", "object", "mc", "support" } },
+ { "debuginfomsf", "LLVMDebugInfoMSF", true, { "support" } },
+ { "debuginfopdb", "LLVMDebugInfoPDB", true, { "object", "support", "debuginfocodeview", "debuginfomsf" } },
+ { "demangle", "LLVMDemangle", true, { } },
+ { "dlltooldriver", "LLVMDlltoolDriver", true, { "object", "option", "support" } },
+ { "engine", nullptr, true, { "interpreter" } },
+ { "executionengine", "LLVMExecutionEngine", true, { "core", "mc", "object", "runtimedyld", "support", "target" } },
+ { "fuzzmutate", "LLVMFuzzMutate", true, { "analysis", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "core", "scalaropts", "support", "target" } },
+ { "globalisel", "LLVMGlobalISel", true, { "analysis", "codegen", "core", "mc", "support", "target", "transformutils" } },
+ { "gtest", "gtest", false, { "support" } },
+ { "gtest_main", "gtest_main", false, { "gtest" } },
+ { "instcombine", "LLVMInstCombine", true, { "analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils" } },
+ { "instrumentation", "LLVMInstrumentation", true, { "analysis", "core", "mc", "support", "transformutils", "profiledata" } },
+ { "interpreter", "LLVMInterpreter", true, { "codegen", "core", "executionengine", "support" } },
+ { "ipo", "LLVMipo", true, { "aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "core", "instcombine", "irreader", "linker", "object", "profiledata", "scalaropts", "support", "transformutils", "vectorize", "instrumentation" } },
+ { "irreader", "LLVMIRReader", true, { "asmparser", "bitreader", "core", "support" } },
+ { "libdriver", "LLVMLibDriver", true, { "binaryformat", "object", "option", "support" } },
+ { "lineeditor", "LLVMLineEditor", true, { "support" } },
+ { "linker", "LLVMLinker", true, { "core", "support", "transformutils" } },
+ { "lto", "LLVMLTO", true, { "aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "codegen", "core", "ipo", "instcombine", "linker", "mc", "objcarcopts", "object", "passes", "scalaropts", "support", "target", "transformutils" } },
+ { "mc", "LLVMMC", true, { "support", "binaryformat", "debuginfocodeview" } },
+ { "mcdisassembler", "LLVMMCDisassembler", true, { "mc", "support" } },
+ { "mcjit", "LLVMMCJIT", true, { "core", "executionengine", "object", "runtimedyld", "support", "target" } },
+ { "mcparser", "LLVMMCParser", true, { "mc", "support" } },
+ { "mirparser", "LLVMMIRParser", true, { "asmparser", "binaryformat", "codegen", "core", "mc", "support", "target" } },
+ { "native", nullptr, true, { } },
+ { "nativecodegen", nullptr, true, { } },
+ { "objcarcopts", "LLVMObjCARCOpts", true, { "analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils" } },
+ { "object", "LLVMObject", true, { "bitreader", "core", "mc", "binaryformat", "mcparser", "support" } },
+ { "objectyaml", "LLVMObjectYAML", true, { "support", "debuginfocodeview" } },
+ { "option", "LLVMOption", true, { "support" } },
+ { "orcjit", "LLVMOrcJIT", true, { "core", "executionengine", "object", "mc", "runtimedyld", "support", "target", "transformutils" } },
+ { "passes", "LLVMPasses", true, { "aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "codegen", "core", "ipo", "instcombine", "scalaropts", "support", "target", "transformutils", "vectorize", "instrumentation" } },
+ { "profiledata", "LLVMProfileData", true, { "core", "support" } },
+ { "runtimedyld", "LLVMRuntimeDyld", true, { "mc", "object", "support" } },
+ { "scalaropts", "LLVMScalarOpts", true, { "aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "core", "instcombine", "support", "transformutils" } },
+ { "selectiondag", "LLVMSelectionDAG", true, { "analysis", "codegen", "core", "mc", "support", "target", "transformutils" } },
+ { "support", "LLVMSupport", true, { "demangle" } },
+ { "symbolize", "LLVMSymbolize", true, { "debuginfodwarf", "debuginfopdb", "object", "support", "demangle" } },
+ { "tablegen", "LLVMTableGen", true, { "support" } },
+ { "target", "LLVMTarget", true, { "analysis", "core", "mc", "support" } },
+ { "testingsupport", "LLVMTestingSupport", false, { "support" } },
+ { "transformutils", "LLVMTransformUtils", true, { "analysis", "core", "support" } },
+ { "vectorize", "LLVMVectorize", true, { "analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils" } },
+ { "windowsmanifest", "LLVMWindowsManifest", true, { "support" } },
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/clang/llvm-config/ b/gnu/usr.bin/clang/llvm-config/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..32f54f3115b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/clang/llvm-config/
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+//===- llvm-build generated file --------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// Component Library Dependency Table
+// Automatically generated file, do not edit!
+struct AvailableComponent {
+ /// The name of the component.
+ const char *Name;
+ /// The name of the library for this component (or NULL).
+ const char *Library;
+ /// Whether the component is installed.
+ bool IsInstalled;
+ /// The list of libraries required when linking this component.
+ const char *RequiredLibraries[21];
+} AvailableComponents[74] = {
+ { "aggressiveinstcombine", "LLVMAggressiveInstCombine", true, { "analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils" } },
+ { "all", nullptr, true, { "mcjit", "coroutines", "lineeditor", "libdriver", "engine", "windowsmanifest", "gtest_main", "objectyaml", "all-targets", "testingsupport", "mirparser", "orcjit", "native", "dlltooldriver", "nativecodegen", "tablegen", "coverage", "fuzzmutate", "symbolize", "lto" } },
+ { "all-targets", nullptr, true, { "mips", "amdgpu" } },
+ { "amdgpu", nullptr, true, { "amdgpuutils", "amdgpuasmprinter", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuasmparser", "amdgpucodegen", "amdgpudisassembler" } },
+ { "amdgpuasmparser", "LLVMAMDGPUAsmParser", true, { "mc", "mcparser", "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "support" } },
+ { "amdgpuasmprinter", "LLVMAMDGPUAsmPrinter", true, { "mc", "support", "amdgpuutils" } },
+ { "amdgpucodegen", "LLVMAMDGPUCodeGen", true, { "analysis", "asmprinter", "codegen", "core", "ipo", "mc", "amdgpuasmprinter", "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "scalaropts", "selectiondag", "support", "target", "transformutils", "vectorize", "globalisel" } },
+ { "amdgpudesc", "LLVMAMDGPUDesc", true, { "core", "mc", "amdgpuasmprinter", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "support" } },
+ { "amdgpudisassembler", "LLVMAMDGPUDisassembler", true, { "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "mc", "mcdisassembler", "support" } },
+ { "amdgpuinfo", "LLVMAMDGPUInfo", true, { "support" } },
+ { "amdgpuutils", "LLVMAMDGPUUtils", true, { "core", "mc", "support" } },
+ { "analysis", "LLVMAnalysis", true, { "binaryformat", "core", "object", "profiledata", "support" } },
+ { "asmparser", "LLVMAsmParser", true, { "binaryformat", "core", "support" } },
+ { "asmprinter", "LLVMAsmPrinter", true, { "analysis", "binaryformat", "codegen", "core", "debuginfocodeview", "debuginfomsf", "mc", "mcparser", "support", "target" } },
+ { "binaryformat", "LLVMBinaryFormat", true, { "support" } },
+ { "bitreader", "LLVMBitReader", true, { "core", "support" } },
+ { "bitwriter", "LLVMBitWriter", true, { "analysis", "core", "mc", "object", "support" } },
+ { "codegen", "LLVMCodeGen", true, { "analysis", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "core", "mc", "profiledata", "scalaropts", "support", "target", "transformutils" } },
+ { "core", "LLVMCore", true, { "binaryformat", "support" } },
+ { "coroutines", "LLVMCoroutines", true, { "analysis", "core", "ipo", "scalaropts", "support", "transformutils" } },
+ { "coverage", "LLVMCoverage", true, { "core", "object", "profiledata", "support" } },
+ { "debuginfocodeview", "LLVMDebugInfoCodeView", true, { "support", "debuginfomsf" } },
+ { "debuginfodwarf", "LLVMDebugInfoDWARF", true, { "binaryformat", "object", "mc", "support" } },
+ { "debuginfomsf", "LLVMDebugInfoMSF", true, { "support" } },
+ { "debuginfopdb", "LLVMDebugInfoPDB", true, { "object", "support", "debuginfocodeview", "debuginfomsf" } },
+ { "demangle", "LLVMDemangle", true, { } },
+ { "dlltooldriver", "LLVMDlltoolDriver", true, { "object", "option", "support" } },
+ { "engine", nullptr, true, { "interpreter" } },
+ { "executionengine", "LLVMExecutionEngine", true, { "core", "mc", "object", "runtimedyld", "support", "target" } },
+ { "fuzzmutate", "LLVMFuzzMutate", true, { "analysis", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "core", "scalaropts", "support", "target" } },
+ { "globalisel", "LLVMGlobalISel", true, { "analysis", "codegen", "core", "mc", "support", "target", "transformutils" } },
+ { "gtest", "gtest", false, { "support" } },
+ { "gtest_main", "gtest_main", false, { "gtest" } },
+ { "instcombine", "LLVMInstCombine", true, { "analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils" } },
+ { "instrumentation", "LLVMInstrumentation", true, { "analysis", "core", "mc", "support", "transformutils", "profiledata" } },
+ { "interpreter", "LLVMInterpreter", true, { "codegen", "core", "executionengine", "support" } },
+ { "ipo", "LLVMipo", true, { "aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "core", "instcombine", "irreader", "linker", "object", "profiledata", "scalaropts", "support", "transformutils", "vectorize", "instrumentation" } },
+ { "irreader", "LLVMIRReader", true, { "asmparser", "bitreader", "core", "support" } },
+ { "libdriver", "LLVMLibDriver", true, { "binaryformat", "object", "option", "support" } },
+ { "lineeditor", "LLVMLineEditor", true, { "support" } },
+ { "linker", "LLVMLinker", true, { "core", "support", "transformutils" } },
+ { "lto", "LLVMLTO", true, { "aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "codegen", "core", "ipo", "instcombine", "linker", "mc", "objcarcopts", "object", "passes", "scalaropts", "support", "target", "transformutils" } },
+ { "mc", "LLVMMC", true, { "support", "binaryformat", "debuginfocodeview" } },
+ { "mcdisassembler", "LLVMMCDisassembler", true, { "mc", "support" } },
+ { "mcjit", "LLVMMCJIT", true, { "core", "executionengine", "object", "runtimedyld", "support", "target" } },
+ { "mcparser", "LLVMMCParser", true, { "mc", "support" } },
+ { "mips", nullptr, true, { "mipsasmprinter", "mipsinfo", "mipsdesc", "mipsasmparser", "mipscodegen", "mipsdisassembler" } },
+ { "mipsasmparser", "LLVMMipsAsmParser", true, { "mc", "mcparser", "mipsdesc", "mipsinfo", "support" } },
+ { "mipsasmprinter", "LLVMMipsAsmPrinter", true, { "mc", "support" } },
+ { "mipscodegen", "LLVMMipsCodeGen", true, { "analysis", "asmprinter", "codegen", "core", "mc", "mipsasmprinter", "mipsdesc", "mipsinfo", "selectiondag", "support", "target", "globalisel" } },
+ { "mipsdesc", "LLVMMipsDesc", true, { "mc", "mipsasmprinter", "mipsinfo", "support" } },
+ { "mipsdisassembler", "LLVMMipsDisassembler", true, { "mcdisassembler", "mipsinfo", "support" } },
+ { "mipsinfo", "LLVMMipsInfo", true, { "support" } },
+ { "mirparser", "LLVMMIRParser", true, { "asmparser", "binaryformat", "codegen", "core", "mc", "support", "target" } },
+ { "native", nullptr, true, { } },
+ { "nativecodegen", nullptr, true, { } },
+ { "objcarcopts", "LLVMObjCARCOpts", true, { "analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils" } },
+ { "object", "LLVMObject", true, { "bitreader", "core", "mc", "binaryformat", "mcparser", "support" } },
+ { "objectyaml", "LLVMObjectYAML", true, { "support", "debuginfocodeview" } },
+ { "option", "LLVMOption", true, { "support" } },
+ { "orcjit", "LLVMOrcJIT", true, { "core", "executionengine", "object", "mc", "runtimedyld", "support", "target", "transformutils" } },
+ { "passes", "LLVMPasses", true, { "aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "codegen", "core", "ipo", "instcombine", "scalaropts", "support", "target", "transformutils", "vectorize", "instrumentation" } },
+ { "profiledata", "LLVMProfileData", true, { "core", "support" } },
+ { "runtimedyld", "LLVMRuntimeDyld", true, { "mc", "object", "support" } },
+ { "scalaropts", "LLVMScalarOpts", true, { "aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "core", "instcombine", "support", "transformutils" } },
+ { "selectiondag", "LLVMSelectionDAG", true, { "analysis", "codegen", "core", "mc", "support", "target", "transformutils" } },
+ { "support", "LLVMSupport", true, { "demangle" } },
+ { "symbolize", "LLVMSymbolize", true, { "debuginfodwarf", "debuginfopdb", "object", "support", "demangle" } },
+ { "tablegen", "LLVMTableGen", true, { "support" } },
+ { "target", "LLVMTarget", true, { "analysis", "core", "mc", "support" } },
+ { "testingsupport", "LLVMTestingSupport", false, { "support" } },
+ { "transformutils", "LLVMTransformUtils", true, { "analysis", "core", "support" } },
+ { "vectorize", "LLVMVectorize", true, { "analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils" } },
+ { "windowsmanifest", "LLVMWindowsManifest", true, { "support" } },
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/clang/llvm-config/ b/gnu/usr.bin/clang/llvm-config/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2c001e2d56c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/clang/llvm-config/
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+//===- llvm-build generated file --------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// Component Library Dependency Table
+// Automatically generated file, do not edit!
+struct AvailableComponent {
+ /// The name of the component.
+ const char *Name;
+ /// The name of the library for this component (or NULL).
+ const char *Library;
+ /// Whether the component is installed.
+ bool IsInstalled;
+ /// The list of libraries required when linking this component.
+ const char *RequiredLibraries[21];
+} AvailableComponents[74] = {
+ { "aggressiveinstcombine", "LLVMAggressiveInstCombine", true, { "analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils" } },
+ { "all", nullptr, true, { "mcjit", "coroutines", "lineeditor", "libdriver", "engine", "windowsmanifest", "gtest_main", "objectyaml", "all-targets", "testingsupport", "mirparser", "orcjit", "native", "dlltooldriver", "nativecodegen", "tablegen", "coverage", "fuzzmutate", "symbolize", "lto" } },
+ { "all-targets", nullptr, true, { "powerpc", "amdgpu" } },
+ { "amdgpu", nullptr, true, { "amdgpuutils", "amdgpuasmprinter", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuasmparser", "amdgpucodegen", "amdgpudisassembler" } },
+ { "amdgpuasmparser", "LLVMAMDGPUAsmParser", true, { "mc", "mcparser", "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "support" } },
+ { "amdgpuasmprinter", "LLVMAMDGPUAsmPrinter", true, { "mc", "support", "amdgpuutils" } },
+ { "amdgpucodegen", "LLVMAMDGPUCodeGen", true, { "analysis", "asmprinter", "codegen", "core", "ipo", "mc", "amdgpuasmprinter", "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "scalaropts", "selectiondag", "support", "target", "transformutils", "vectorize", "globalisel" } },
+ { "amdgpudesc", "LLVMAMDGPUDesc", true, { "core", "mc", "amdgpuasmprinter", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "support" } },
+ { "amdgpudisassembler", "LLVMAMDGPUDisassembler", true, { "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "mc", "mcdisassembler", "support" } },
+ { "amdgpuinfo", "LLVMAMDGPUInfo", true, { "support" } },
+ { "amdgpuutils", "LLVMAMDGPUUtils", true, { "core", "mc", "support" } },
+ { "analysis", "LLVMAnalysis", true, { "binaryformat", "core", "object", "profiledata", "support" } },
+ { "asmparser", "LLVMAsmParser", true, { "binaryformat", "core", "support" } },
+ { "asmprinter", "LLVMAsmPrinter", true, { "analysis", "binaryformat", "codegen", "core", "debuginfocodeview", "debuginfomsf", "mc", "mcparser", "support", "target" } },
+ { "binaryformat", "LLVMBinaryFormat", true, { "support" } },
+ { "bitreader", "LLVMBitReader", true, { "core", "support" } },
+ { "bitwriter", "LLVMBitWriter", true, { "analysis", "core", "mc", "object", "support" } },
+ { "codegen", "LLVMCodeGen", true, { "analysis", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "core", "mc", "profiledata", "scalaropts", "support", "target", "transformutils" } },
+ { "core", "LLVMCore", true, { "binaryformat", "support" } },
+ { "coroutines", "LLVMCoroutines", true, { "analysis", "core", "ipo", "scalaropts", "support", "transformutils" } },
+ { "coverage", "LLVMCoverage", true, { "core", "object", "profiledata", "support" } },
+ { "debuginfocodeview", "LLVMDebugInfoCodeView", true, { "support", "debuginfomsf" } },
+ { "debuginfodwarf", "LLVMDebugInfoDWARF", true, { "binaryformat", "object", "mc", "support" } },
+ { "debuginfomsf", "LLVMDebugInfoMSF", true, { "support" } },
+ { "debuginfopdb", "LLVMDebugInfoPDB", true, { "object", "support", "debuginfocodeview", "debuginfomsf" } },
+ { "demangle", "LLVMDemangle", true, { } },
+ { "dlltooldriver", "LLVMDlltoolDriver", true, { "object", "option", "support" } },
+ { "engine", nullptr, true, { "interpreter" } },
+ { "executionengine", "LLVMExecutionEngine", true, { "core", "mc", "object", "runtimedyld", "support", "target" } },
+ { "fuzzmutate", "LLVMFuzzMutate", true, { "analysis", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "core", "scalaropts", "support", "target" } },
+ { "globalisel", "LLVMGlobalISel", true, { "analysis", "codegen", "core", "mc", "support", "target", "transformutils" } },
+ { "gtest", "gtest", false, { "support" } },
+ { "gtest_main", "gtest_main", false, { "gtest" } },
+ { "instcombine", "LLVMInstCombine", true, { "analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils" } },
+ { "instrumentation", "LLVMInstrumentation", true, { "analysis", "core", "mc", "support", "transformutils", "profiledata" } },
+ { "interpreter", "LLVMInterpreter", true, { "codegen", "core", "executionengine", "support" } },
+ { "ipo", "LLVMipo", true, { "aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "core", "instcombine", "irreader", "linker", "object", "profiledata", "scalaropts", "support", "transformutils", "vectorize", "instrumentation" } },
+ { "irreader", "LLVMIRReader", true, { "asmparser", "bitreader", "core", "support" } },
+ { "libdriver", "LLVMLibDriver", true, { "binaryformat", "object", "option", "support" } },
+ { "lineeditor", "LLVMLineEditor", true, { "support" } },
+ { "linker", "LLVMLinker", true, { "core", "support", "transformutils" } },
+ { "lto", "LLVMLTO", true, { "aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "codegen", "core", "ipo", "instcombine", "linker", "mc", "objcarcopts", "object", "passes", "scalaropts", "support", "target", "transformutils" } },
+ { "mc", "LLVMMC", true, { "support", "binaryformat", "debuginfocodeview" } },
+ { "mcdisassembler", "LLVMMCDisassembler", true, { "mc", "support" } },
+ { "mcjit", "LLVMMCJIT", true, { "core", "executionengine", "object", "runtimedyld", "support", "target" } },
+ { "mcparser", "LLVMMCParser", true, { "mc", "support" } },
+ { "mirparser", "LLVMMIRParser", true, { "asmparser", "binaryformat", "codegen", "core", "mc", "support", "target" } },
+ { "native", nullptr, true, { } },
+ { "nativecodegen", nullptr, true, { } },
+ { "objcarcopts", "LLVMObjCARCOpts", true, { "analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils" } },
+ { "object", "LLVMObject", true, { "bitreader", "core", "mc", "binaryformat", "mcparser", "support" } },
+ { "objectyaml", "LLVMObjectYAML", true, { "support", "debuginfocodeview" } },
+ { "option", "LLVMOption", true, { "support" } },
+ { "orcjit", "LLVMOrcJIT", true, { "core", "executionengine", "object", "mc", "runtimedyld", "support", "target", "transformutils" } },
+ { "passes", "LLVMPasses", true, { "aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "codegen", "core", "ipo", "instcombine", "scalaropts", "support", "target", "transformutils", "vectorize", "instrumentation" } },
+ { "powerpc", nullptr, true, { "powerpcasmprinter", "powerpcinfo", "powerpcdesc", "powerpcasmparser", "powerpccodegen", "powerpcdisassembler" } },
+ { "powerpcasmparser", "LLVMPowerPCAsmParser", true, { "mc", "mcparser", "powerpcdesc", "powerpcinfo", "support" } },
+ { "powerpcasmprinter", "LLVMPowerPCAsmPrinter", true, { "mc", "support" } },
+ { "powerpccodegen", "LLVMPowerPCCodeGen", true, { "analysis", "asmprinter", "codegen", "core", "mc", "powerpcasmprinter", "powerpcdesc", "powerpcinfo", "scalaropts", "selectiondag", "support", "target", "transformutils" } },
+ { "powerpcdesc", "LLVMPowerPCDesc", true, { "mc", "powerpcasmprinter", "powerpcinfo", "support" } },
+ { "powerpcdisassembler", "LLVMPowerPCDisassembler", true, { "mcdisassembler", "powerpcinfo", "support" } },
+ { "powerpcinfo", "LLVMPowerPCInfo", true, { "support" } },
+ { "profiledata", "LLVMProfileData", true, { "core", "support" } },
+ { "runtimedyld", "LLVMRuntimeDyld", true, { "mc", "object", "support" } },
+ { "scalaropts", "LLVMScalarOpts", true, { "aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "core", "instcombine", "support", "transformutils" } },
+ { "selectiondag", "LLVMSelectionDAG", true, { "analysis", "codegen", "core", "mc", "support", "target", "transformutils" } },
+ { "support", "LLVMSupport", true, { "demangle" } },
+ { "symbolize", "LLVMSymbolize", true, { "debuginfodwarf", "debuginfopdb", "object", "support", "demangle" } },
+ { "tablegen", "LLVMTableGen", true, { "support" } },
+ { "target", "LLVMTarget", true, { "analysis", "core", "mc", "support" } },
+ { "testingsupport", "LLVMTestingSupport", false, { "support" } },
+ { "transformutils", "LLVMTransformUtils", true, { "analysis", "core", "support" } },
+ { "vectorize", "LLVMVectorize", true, { "analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils" } },
+ { "windowsmanifest", "LLVMWindowsManifest", true, { "support" } },
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/clang/llvm-config/ b/gnu/usr.bin/clang/llvm-config/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..928b1c3f68d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/clang/llvm-config/
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+//===- llvm-build generated file --------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// Component Library Dependency Table
+// Automatically generated file, do not edit!
+struct AvailableComponent {
+ /// The name of the component.
+ const char *Name;
+ /// The name of the library for this component (or NULL).
+ const char *Library;
+ /// Whether the component is installed.
+ bool IsInstalled;
+ /// The list of libraries required when linking this component.
+ const char *RequiredLibraries[21];
+} AvailableComponents[74] = {
+ { "aggressiveinstcombine", "LLVMAggressiveInstCombine", true, { "analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils" } },
+ { "all", nullptr, true, { "mcjit", "coroutines", "libdriver", "engine", "windowsmanifest", "lineeditor", "gtest_main", "objectyaml", "all-targets", "testingsupport", "mirparser", "orcjit", "native", "dlltooldriver", "nativecodegen", "coverage", "fuzzmutate", "tablegen", "symbolize", "lto" } },
+ { "all-targets", nullptr, true, { "sparc", "amdgpu" } },
+ { "amdgpu", nullptr, true, { "amdgpuutils", "amdgpuasmprinter", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuasmparser", "amdgpucodegen", "amdgpudisassembler" } },
+ { "amdgpuasmparser", "LLVMAMDGPUAsmParser", true, { "mc", "mcparser", "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "support" } },
+ { "amdgpuasmprinter", "LLVMAMDGPUAsmPrinter", true, { "mc", "support", "amdgpuutils" } },
+ { "amdgpucodegen", "LLVMAMDGPUCodeGen", true, { "analysis", "asmprinter", "codegen", "core", "ipo", "mc", "amdgpuasmprinter", "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "scalaropts", "selectiondag", "support", "target", "transformutils", "vectorize", "globalisel" } },
+ { "amdgpudesc", "LLVMAMDGPUDesc", true, { "core", "mc", "amdgpuasmprinter", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "support" } },
+ { "amdgpudisassembler", "LLVMAMDGPUDisassembler", true, { "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "mc", "mcdisassembler", "support" } },
+ { "amdgpuinfo", "LLVMAMDGPUInfo", true, { "support" } },
+ { "amdgpuutils", "LLVMAMDGPUUtils", true, { "core", "mc", "support" } },
+ { "analysis", "LLVMAnalysis", true, { "binaryformat", "core", "object", "profiledata", "support" } },
+ { "asmparser", "LLVMAsmParser", true, { "binaryformat", "core", "support" } },
+ { "asmprinter", "LLVMAsmPrinter", true, { "analysis", "binaryformat", "codegen", "core", "debuginfocodeview", "debuginfomsf", "mc", "mcparser", "support", "target" } },
+ { "binaryformat", "LLVMBinaryFormat", true, { "support" } },
+ { "bitreader", "LLVMBitReader", true, { "core", "support" } },
+ { "bitwriter", "LLVMBitWriter", true, { "analysis", "core", "mc", "object", "support" } },
+ { "codegen", "LLVMCodeGen", true, { "analysis", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "core", "mc", "profiledata", "scalaropts", "support", "target", "transformutils" } },
+ { "core", "LLVMCore", true, { "binaryformat", "support" } },
+ { "coroutines", "LLVMCoroutines", true, { "analysis", "core", "ipo", "scalaropts", "support", "transformutils" } },
+ { "coverage", "LLVMCoverage", true, { "core", "object", "profiledata", "support" } },
+ { "debuginfocodeview", "LLVMDebugInfoCodeView", true, { "support", "debuginfomsf" } },
+ { "debuginfodwarf", "LLVMDebugInfoDWARF", true, { "binaryformat", "object", "mc", "support" } },
+ { "debuginfomsf", "LLVMDebugInfoMSF", true, { "support" } },
+ { "debuginfopdb", "LLVMDebugInfoPDB", true, { "object", "support", "debuginfocodeview", "debuginfomsf" } },
+ { "demangle", "LLVMDemangle", true, { } },
+ { "dlltooldriver", "LLVMDlltoolDriver", true, { "object", "option", "support" } },
+ { "engine", nullptr, true, { "interpreter" } },
+ { "executionengine", "LLVMExecutionEngine", true, { "core", "mc", "object", "runtimedyld", "support", "target" } },
+ { "fuzzmutate", "LLVMFuzzMutate", true, { "analysis", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "core", "scalaropts", "support", "target" } },
+ { "globalisel", "LLVMGlobalISel", true, { "analysis", "codegen", "core", "mc", "support", "target", "transformutils" } },
+ { "gtest", "gtest", false, { "support" } },
+ { "gtest_main", "gtest_main", false, { "gtest" } },
+ { "instcombine", "LLVMInstCombine", true, { "analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils" } },
+ { "instrumentation", "LLVMInstrumentation", true, { "analysis", "core", "mc", "support", "transformutils", "profiledata" } },
+ { "interpreter", "LLVMInterpreter", true, { "codegen", "core", "executionengine", "support" } },
+ { "ipo", "LLVMipo", true, { "aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "core", "instcombine", "irreader", "linker", "object", "profiledata", "scalaropts", "support", "transformutils", "vectorize", "instrumentation" } },
+ { "irreader", "LLVMIRReader", true, { "asmparser", "bitreader", "core", "support" } },
+ { "libdriver", "LLVMLibDriver", true, { "binaryformat", "object", "option", "support" } },
+ { "lineeditor", "LLVMLineEditor", true, { "support" } },
+ { "linker", "LLVMLinker", true, { "core", "support", "transformutils" } },
+ { "lto", "LLVMLTO", true, { "aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "codegen", "core", "ipo", "instcombine", "linker", "mc", "objcarcopts", "object", "passes", "scalaropts", "support", "target", "transformutils" } },
+ { "mc", "LLVMMC", true, { "support", "binaryformat", "debuginfocodeview" } },
+ { "mcdisassembler", "LLVMMCDisassembler", true, { "mc", "support" } },
+ { "mcjit", "LLVMMCJIT", true, { "core", "executionengine", "object", "runtimedyld", "support", "target" } },
+ { "mcparser", "LLVMMCParser", true, { "mc", "support" } },
+ { "mirparser", "LLVMMIRParser", true, { "asmparser", "binaryformat", "codegen", "core", "mc", "support", "target" } },
+ { "native", nullptr, true, { } },
+ { "nativecodegen", nullptr, true, { } },
+ { "objcarcopts", "LLVMObjCARCOpts", true, { "analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils" } },
+ { "object", "LLVMObject", true, { "bitreader", "core", "mc", "binaryformat", "mcparser", "support" } },
+ { "objectyaml", "LLVMObjectYAML", true, { "support", "debuginfocodeview" } },
+ { "option", "LLVMOption", true, { "support" } },
+ { "orcjit", "LLVMOrcJIT", true, { "core", "executionengine", "object", "mc", "runtimedyld", "support", "target", "transformutils" } },
+ { "passes", "LLVMPasses", true, { "aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "codegen", "core", "ipo", "instcombine", "scalaropts", "support", "target", "transformutils", "vectorize", "instrumentation" } },
+ { "profiledata", "LLVMProfileData", true, { "core", "support" } },
+ { "runtimedyld", "LLVMRuntimeDyld", true, { "mc", "object", "support" } },
+ { "scalaropts", "LLVMScalarOpts", true, { "aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "core", "instcombine", "support", "transformutils" } },
+ { "selectiondag", "LLVMSelectionDAG", true, { "analysis", "codegen", "core", "mc", "support", "target", "transformutils" } },
+ { "sparc", nullptr, true, { "sparcasmprinter", "sparcinfo", "sparcdesc", "sparcasmparser", "sparccodegen", "sparcdisassembler" } },
+ { "sparcasmparser", "LLVMSparcAsmParser", true, { "mc", "mcparser", "sparcdesc", "sparcinfo", "support" } },
+ { "sparcasmprinter", "LLVMSparcAsmPrinter", true, { "mc", "support" } },
+ { "sparccodegen", "LLVMSparcCodeGen", true, { "asmprinter", "codegen", "core", "mc", "selectiondag", "sparcasmprinter", "sparcdesc", "sparcinfo", "support", "target" } },
+ { "sparcdesc", "LLVMSparcDesc", true, { "mc", "sparcasmprinter", "sparcinfo", "support" } },
+ { "sparcdisassembler", "LLVMSparcDisassembler", true, { "mcdisassembler", "sparcinfo", "support" } },
+ { "sparcinfo", "LLVMSparcInfo", true, { "support" } },
+ { "support", "LLVMSupport", true, { "demangle" } },
+ { "symbolize", "LLVMSymbolize", true, { "debuginfodwarf", "debuginfopdb", "object", "support", "demangle" } },
+ { "tablegen", "LLVMTableGen", true, { "support" } },
+ { "target", "LLVMTarget", true, { "analysis", "core", "mc", "support" } },
+ { "testingsupport", "LLVMTestingSupport", false, { "support" } },
+ { "transformutils", "LLVMTransformUtils", true, { "analysis", "core", "support" } },
+ { "vectorize", "LLVMVectorize", true, { "analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils" } },
+ { "windowsmanifest", "LLVMWindowsManifest", true, { "support" } },
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/clang/llvm-config/ b/gnu/usr.bin/clang/llvm-config/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1b6d3dc9d67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/clang/llvm-config/
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+//===- llvm-build generated file --------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// Component Library Dependency Table
+// Automatically generated file, do not edit!
+struct AvailableComponent {
+ /// The name of the component.
+ const char *Name;
+ /// The name of the library for this component (or NULL).
+ const char *Library;
+ /// Whether the component is installed.
+ bool IsInstalled;
+ /// The list of libraries required when linking this component.
+ const char *RequiredLibraries[20];
+} AvailableComponents[75] = {
+ { "aggressiveinstcombine", "LLVMAggressiveInstCombine", true, { "analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils" } },
+ { "all", nullptr, true, { "coroutines", "interpreter", "lineeditor", "libdriver", "engine", "windowsmanifest", "gtest_main", "objectyaml", "all-targets", "testingsupport", "mirparser", "coverage", "orcjit", "dlltooldriver", "nativecodegen", "tablegen", "fuzzmutate", "symbolize", "lto" } },
+ { "all-targets", nullptr, true, { "x86", "amdgpu" } },
+ { "amdgpu", nullptr, true, { "amdgpuutils", "amdgpuasmprinter", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuasmparser", "amdgpucodegen", "amdgpudisassembler" } },
+ { "amdgpuasmparser", "LLVMAMDGPUAsmParser", true, { "mc", "mcparser", "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "support" } },
+ { "amdgpuasmprinter", "LLVMAMDGPUAsmPrinter", true, { "mc", "support", "amdgpuutils" } },
+ { "amdgpucodegen", "LLVMAMDGPUCodeGen", true, { "analysis", "asmprinter", "codegen", "core", "ipo", "mc", "amdgpuasmprinter", "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "scalaropts", "selectiondag", "support", "target", "transformutils", "vectorize", "globalisel" } },
+ { "amdgpudesc", "LLVMAMDGPUDesc", true, { "core", "mc", "amdgpuasmprinter", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "support" } },
+ { "amdgpudisassembler", "LLVMAMDGPUDisassembler", true, { "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "mc", "mcdisassembler", "support" } },
+ { "amdgpuinfo", "LLVMAMDGPUInfo", true, { "support" } },
+ { "amdgpuutils", "LLVMAMDGPUUtils", true, { "core", "mc", "support" } },
+ { "analysis", "LLVMAnalysis", true, { "binaryformat", "core", "object", "profiledata", "support" } },
+ { "asmparser", "LLVMAsmParser", true, { "binaryformat", "core", "support" } },
+ { "asmprinter", "LLVMAsmPrinter", true, { "analysis", "binaryformat", "codegen", "core", "debuginfocodeview", "debuginfomsf", "mc", "mcparser", "support", "target" } },
+ { "binaryformat", "LLVMBinaryFormat", true, { "support" } },
+ { "bitreader", "LLVMBitReader", true, { "core", "support" } },
+ { "bitwriter", "LLVMBitWriter", true, { "analysis", "core", "mc", "object", "support" } },
+ { "codegen", "LLVMCodeGen", true, { "analysis", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "core", "mc", "profiledata", "scalaropts", "support", "target", "transformutils" } },
+ { "core", "LLVMCore", true, { "binaryformat", "support" } },
+ { "coroutines", "LLVMCoroutines", true, { "analysis", "core", "ipo", "scalaropts", "support", "transformutils" } },
+ { "coverage", "LLVMCoverage", true, { "core", "object", "profiledata", "support" } },
+ { "debuginfocodeview", "LLVMDebugInfoCodeView", true, { "support", "debuginfomsf" } },
+ { "debuginfodwarf", "LLVMDebugInfoDWARF", true, { "binaryformat", "object", "mc", "support" } },
+ { "debuginfomsf", "LLVMDebugInfoMSF", true, { "support" } },
+ { "debuginfopdb", "LLVMDebugInfoPDB", true, { "object", "support", "debuginfocodeview", "debuginfomsf" } },
+ { "demangle", "LLVMDemangle", true, { } },
+ { "dlltooldriver", "LLVMDlltoolDriver", true, { "object", "option", "support" } },
+ { "engine", nullptr, true, { "mcjit", "native" } },
+ { "executionengine", "LLVMExecutionEngine", true, { "core", "mc", "object", "runtimedyld", "support", "target" } },
+ { "fuzzmutate", "LLVMFuzzMutate", true, { "analysis", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "core", "scalaropts", "support", "target" } },
+ { "globalisel", "LLVMGlobalISel", true, { "analysis", "codegen", "core", "mc", "support", "target", "transformutils" } },
+ { "gtest", "gtest", false, { "support" } },
+ { "gtest_main", "gtest_main", false, { "gtest" } },
+ { "instcombine", "LLVMInstCombine", true, { "analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils" } },
+ { "instrumentation", "LLVMInstrumentation", true, { "analysis", "core", "mc", "support", "transformutils", "profiledata" } },
+ { "interpreter", "LLVMInterpreter", true, { "codegen", "core", "executionengine", "support" } },
+ { "ipo", "LLVMipo", true, { "aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "core", "instcombine", "irreader", "linker", "object", "profiledata", "scalaropts", "support", "transformutils", "vectorize", "instrumentation" } },
+ { "irreader", "LLVMIRReader", true, { "asmparser", "bitreader", "core", "support" } },
+ { "libdriver", "LLVMLibDriver", true, { "binaryformat", "object", "option", "support" } },
+ { "lineeditor", "LLVMLineEditor", true, { "support" } },
+ { "linker", "LLVMLinker", true, { "core", "support", "transformutils" } },
+ { "lto", "LLVMLTO", true, { "aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "codegen", "core", "ipo", "instcombine", "linker", "mc", "objcarcopts", "object", "passes", "scalaropts", "support", "target", "transformutils" } },
+ { "mc", "LLVMMC", true, { "support", "binaryformat", "debuginfocodeview" } },
+ { "mcdisassembler", "LLVMMCDisassembler", true, { "mc", "support" } },
+ { "mcjit", "LLVMMCJIT", true, { "core", "executionengine", "object", "runtimedyld", "support", "target" } },
+ { "mcparser", "LLVMMCParser", true, { "mc", "support" } },
+ { "mirparser", "LLVMMIRParser", true, { "asmparser", "binaryformat", "codegen", "core", "mc", "support", "target" } },
+ { "native", nullptr, true, { "x86" } },
+ { "nativecodegen", nullptr, true, { "x86codegen" } },
+ { "objcarcopts", "LLVMObjCARCOpts", true, { "analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils" } },
+ { "object", "LLVMObject", true, { "bitreader", "core", "mc", "binaryformat", "mcparser", "support" } },
+ { "objectyaml", "LLVMObjectYAML", true, { "support", "debuginfocodeview" } },
+ { "option", "LLVMOption", true, { "support" } },
+ { "orcjit", "LLVMOrcJIT", true, { "core", "executionengine", "object", "mc", "runtimedyld", "support", "target", "transformutils" } },
+ { "passes", "LLVMPasses", true, { "aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "codegen", "core", "ipo", "instcombine", "scalaropts", "support", "target", "transformutils", "vectorize", "instrumentation" } },
+ { "profiledata", "LLVMProfileData", true, { "core", "support" } },
+ { "runtimedyld", "LLVMRuntimeDyld", true, { "mc", "object", "support" } },
+ { "scalaropts", "LLVMScalarOpts", true, { "aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "core", "instcombine", "support", "transformutils" } },
+ { "selectiondag", "LLVMSelectionDAG", true, { "analysis", "codegen", "core", "mc", "support", "target", "transformutils" } },
+ { "support", "LLVMSupport", true, { "demangle" } },
+ { "symbolize", "LLVMSymbolize", true, { "debuginfodwarf", "debuginfopdb", "object", "support", "demangle" } },
+ { "tablegen", "LLVMTableGen", true, { "support" } },
+ { "target", "LLVMTarget", true, { "analysis", "core", "mc", "support" } },
+ { "testingsupport", "LLVMTestingSupport", false, { "support" } },
+ { "transformutils", "LLVMTransformUtils", true, { "analysis", "core", "support" } },
+ { "vectorize", "LLVMVectorize", true, { "analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils" } },
+ { "windowsmanifest", "LLVMWindowsManifest", true, { "support" } },
+ { "x86", nullptr, true, { "x86utils", "x86asmprinter", "x86info", "x86desc", "x86codegen", "x86asmparser", "x86disassembler" } },
+ { "x86asmparser", "LLVMX86AsmParser", true, { "mc", "mcparser", "support", "x86desc", "x86info", "x86asmprinter" } },
+ { "x86asmprinter", "LLVMX86AsmPrinter", true, { "mc", "support", "x86utils" } },
+ { "x86codegen", "LLVMX86CodeGen", true, { "analysis", "asmprinter", "codegen", "core", "mc", "selectiondag", "support", "target", "x86asmprinter", "x86desc", "x86info", "x86utils", "globalisel" } },
+ { "x86desc", "LLVMX86Desc", true, { "mc", "mcdisassembler", "object", "support", "x86asmprinter", "x86info" } },
+ { "x86disassembler", "LLVMX86Disassembler", true, { "mcdisassembler", "support", "x86info" } },
+ { "x86info", "LLVMX86Info", true, { "support" } },
+ { "x86utils", "LLVMX86Utils", true, { "core", "support" } },
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/clang/llvm-config/Makefile b/gnu/usr.bin/clang/llvm-config/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..56eb9ed5775
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/clang/llvm-config/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2019/03/05 01:55:18 jsg Exp $
+PROG= llvm-config
+BINDIR= /usr/bin
+NATIVE_ARCHS=AArch64 ARM Mips PowerPC Sparc X86
+PYTHON= python2
+LLVMBUILD= ${.CURDIR}/../../../llvm/utils/llvm-build/llvm-build
+.include <>
+SRCS= llvm-config.cpp
+ ${.CURDIR}/
+ cp ${.CURDIR}/ ${.OBJDIR}/
+ echo "#define LLVM_TARGETS_BUILT \"${LLVM_ARCH} AMDGPU\"" >> \
+ ${.OBJDIR}/
+ cp ${.CURDIR}/${LLVM_ARCH} \
+ ${.OBJDIR}/
+.for arch in ${NATIVE_ARCHS}
+ --native-target ${LLVM_ARCH} \
+ --enable-targets "${arch} AMDGPU" \
+ --write-library-table ${.CURDIR}/${arch}
+.PATH: ${.CURDIR}/../../../llvm/tools/llvm-config
+.include <>