diff options
5 files changed, 513 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/etc/etc.arm32/MAKEDEV b/etc/etc.arm32/MAKEDEV
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..69def1dd32a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/etc.arm32/MAKEDEV
@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
+#!/bin/sh -
+# $NetBSD: MAKEDEV,v 1.3 1996/04/26 20:10:24 mark Exp $
+# Copyright (c) 1990 The Regents of the University of California.
+# All rights reserved.
+# Updated by Mark Brinicombe
+# Created by Scott Stevens
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted provided
+# that: (1) source distributions retain this entire copyright notice and
+# comment, and (2) distributions including binaries display the following
+# acknowledgement: ``This product includes software developed by the
+# University of California, Berkeley and its contributors'' in the
+# documentation or other materials provided with the distribution and in
+# all advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software.
+# Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors may
+# be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
+# specific prior written permission.
+# @(#)MAKEDEV 5.2 (Berkeley) 6/22/90
+# Device "make" file. Valid arguments:
+# all makes all known devices, including local devices.
+# Tries to make the 'standard' number of each type.
+# floppy devices to be put on install floppies
+# std standard devices
+# local configuration specific devices
+# Tapes:
+# st* SCSI tapes
+# Disks:
+# wd* "winchester" disk drives (ST506,IDE,ESDI,RLL,...)
+# fd* "floppy" disk drives (3 1/2", 5 1/4")
+# sd* SCSI disks
+# cd* SCSI CD-ROM
+# vnd* "file" pseudo-disks
+# Console ports:
+# ttyv0 pccons or pcvt screen 0
+# ttyv* pcvt
+# Pointing devices:
+# quadmouse "quadrature mouse"
+# Terminal ports:
+# com* standard PC COM ports (XXX)
+# tty* alias for PC COM ports, this is what the system really wants
+# Pseudo terminals:
+# pty* set of 16 master and slave pseudo terminals
+# Printers:
+# lpt* stock lp
+# lpa* interruptless lp
+# Cpus:
+# cpu* cpus
+# Call units:
+# Special purpose devices:
+# rd ram disk
+# kbd raw keyboard
+# kbdctl keyboard control
+# fd file descriptors
+# bpf* packet filter
+# beep riscpc speaker
+# lkm loadable kernel modules interface
+# tun* network tunnel driver
+# ch* SCSI Auto changer
+# uk* SCSI Unknown device
+# ss* SCSI scanner device
+# iic* IIC bus device
+# rtc* RTC device
+umask 77
+for i
+case $i in
+ sh MAKEDEV std fd fd0 fd1 wd0 wd1 rd0 rd1 sd0 sd1 sd2 tty0 tty1 pty0 pty1
+ sh MAKEDEV st0 st1 ch0 cd0 cd1 vnd0 vnd1 ccd0 ccd1 uk0 uk1 ss0
+ sh MAKEDEV ttyv0 ttyv1 ttyv2 ttyv3 ttyv4 ttyv5 ttyv6 ttyv7 ttyv8 ttyv9
+ sh MAKEDEV lpa0 lpt0 bpf0 bpf1 bpf2 bpf3 tun0 tun1 tun2
+ sh MAKEDEV beep lkm quadmouse local cpu0 cpu1 cpu2 cpu3 cpu4 cpu5
+ ;;
+ sh MAKEDEV std fd0 fd1 wd0 wd1 rd0 rd1 sd0 sd1 sd2 tty0 tty1
+ sh MAKEDEV ttyv0 ttyv1 ttyv2 ttyv3 ttyv4 ttyv5
+ sh MAKEDEV st0 st1 cd0 cd1
+ ;;
+ rm -f console drum mem kmem null zero tty klog stdin stdout stderr kbd
+ rm -f kbdctl vidcvideo0 vidc iic rtc0
+ mknod mem c 0 0 ; chmod 640 mem ; chgrp kmem mem
+ mknod kmem c 0 1 ; chmod 640 kmem ; chgrp kmem kmem
+ mknod null c 0 2 ; chmod 666 null
+ mknod zero c 0 3 ; chmod 666 zero
+ mknod drum c 1 0 ; chmod 640 drum ; chgrp kmem drum
+ mknod console c 2 0
+ mknod tty c 3 0 ; chmod 666 tty
+ mknod klog c 5 0 ; chmod 600 klog
+ mknod kbd c 11 0 ; chmod 666 kbd
+ mknod kbdctl c 11 1 ; chmod 666 kbdctl
+ mknod stdin c 34 0 ; chmod 666 stdin
+ mknod stdout c 34 1 ; chmod 666 stdout
+ mknod stderr c 34 2 ; chmod 666 stderr
+ mknod vidcvideo0 c 37 0 ; chmod 640 vidcvideo0
+ ln -s vidcvideo0 vidc
+ mknod iic c 42 0 ; chmod 600 iic
+ mknod rtc0 c 43 0 ; chmod 644 rtc0
+ ;;
+ unit=`expr $i : 'ttyv\(.*\)'`
+ rm -f ttyv$unit
+ mknod ttyv$unit c 4 $unit
+ chown root.wheel ttyv$unit
+ ;;
+ rm -f fd/*
+ mkdir fd > /dev/null 2>&1
+ (cd fd && eval `echo "" | awk ' BEGIN { \
+ for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) \
+ printf("mknod %d c 34 %d;", i, i)}'`)
+ chown -R bin.bin fd
+ chmod 555 fd
+ chmod 666 fd/*
+ ;;
+ umask 2 ; unit=`expr $i : '.*d\(.*\)'`
+ case $i in
+ fd*) name=fd; blk=17; chr=17;;
+ sd*) name=sd; blk=24; chr=24;;
+ vnd*) name=vnd; blk=19; chr=19;;
+ wd*) name=wd; blk=16; chr=16;;
+ ccd*) name=ccd; blk=21; chr=21;;
+ esac
+ rm -f $name$unit? r$name$unit?
+ mknod ${name}${unit}a b $blk `expr $unit '*' 8 + 0`
+ mknod ${name}${unit}b b $blk `expr $unit '*' 8 + 1`
+ mknod ${name}${unit}c b $blk `expr $unit '*' 8 + 2`
+ mknod ${name}${unit}d b $blk `expr $unit '*' 8 + 3`
+ mknod ${name}${unit}e b $blk `expr $unit '*' 8 + 4`
+ mknod ${name}${unit}f b $blk `expr $unit '*' 8 + 5`
+ mknod ${name}${unit}g b $blk `expr $unit '*' 8 + 6`
+ mknod ${name}${unit}h b $blk `expr $unit '*' 8 + 7`
+ mknod r${name}${unit}a c $chr `expr $unit '*' 8 + 0`
+ mknod r${name}${unit}b c $chr `expr $unit '*' 8 + 1`
+ mknod r${name}${unit}c c $chr `expr $unit '*' 8 + 2`
+ mknod r${name}${unit}d c $chr `expr $unit '*' 8 + 3`
+ mknod r${name}${unit}e c $chr `expr $unit '*' 8 + 4`
+ mknod r${name}${unit}f c $chr `expr $unit '*' 8 + 5`
+ mknod r${name}${unit}g c $chr `expr $unit '*' 8 + 6`
+ mknod r${name}${unit}h c $chr `expr $unit '*' 8 + 7`
+ chgrp operator ${name}${unit}[a-h] r${name}${unit}[a-h]
+ chmod 640 ${name}${unit}[a-h] r${name}${unit}[a-h]
+ umask 77
+ ;;
+com*|tty*) # (XXX -- com should die)
+ unit=`expr $i : '...\(.*\)'`
+ rm -f com$unit tty0$unit
+ mknod tty0$unit c 12 $unit
+ chown uucp.wheel tty0$unit
+ ;;
+ class=`expr $i : 'pty\(.*\)'`
+ case $class in
+ 0) offset=0 name=p;;
+ 1) offset=16 name=q;;
+ 2) offset=32 name=r;;
+ 3) offset=48 name=s;;
+# Note that telnetd, rlogind, and xterm (at least) only look at p-s.
+ 4) offset=64 name=t;;
+ *) echo bad unit for pty in: $i;;
+ esac
+ case $class in
+ 0|1|2|3|4)
+ umask 0
+ eval `echo $offset $name | awk ' { b=$1; n=$2 } END {
+ for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
+ printf("rm -f tty%s%x; mknod tty%s%x c 7 %d; \
+ rm -f pty%s%x; mknod pty%s%x c 6 %d; ", \
+ n, i, n, i, b+i, n, i, n, i, b+i); }'`
+ umask 77
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ umask 2 ; unit=`expr $i : '..\(.*\)'`
+ case $i in
+ st*) name=st; chr=25; blk=25;;
+ esac
+ rm -f $name$unit n$name$unit e$name$unit en$name$unit \
+ r$name$unit nr$name$unit er$name$unit enr$name$unit
+ mknod ${name}${unit} b $blk `expr $unit '*' 16 + 0`
+ mknod n${name}${unit} b $blk `expr $unit '*' 16 + 1`
+ mknod e${name}${unit} b $blk `expr $unit '*' 16 + 2`
+ mknod en${name}${unit} b $blk `expr $unit '*' 16 + 3`
+ mknod r${name}${unit} c $chr `expr $unit '*' 16 + 0`
+ mknod nr${name}${unit} c $chr `expr $unit '*' 16 + 1`
+ mknod er${name}${unit} c $chr `expr $unit '*' 16 + 2`
+ mknod enr${name}${unit} c $chr `expr $unit '*' 16 + 3`
+ chgrp operator ${name}${unit} n${name}${unit} \
+ e$name$unit en$name$unit \
+ r${name}${unit} nr${name}${unit} \
+ er${name}${unit} enr${name}${unit}
+ chmod 640 ${name}${unit} n${name}${unit} \
+ e$name$unit en$name$unit \
+ r${name}${unit} nr${name}${unit} \
+ er${name}${unit} enr${name}${unit}
+ umask 77
+ ;;
+ umask 2 ; unit=`expr $i : '..\(.*\)'`
+ case $i in
+ ch*) name=ch; chr=27;;
+ esac
+ rm -f $name$unit
+ mknod ${name}${unit} c $chr `expr $unit '*' 16 + 0`
+ chgrp operator ${name}${unit}
+ chmod 640 ${name}${unit}
+ umask 77
+ ;;
+ umask 2 ; unit=`expr $i : '..\(.*\)'`
+ case $i in
+ uk*) name=uk; chr=28;;
+ esac
+ rm -f $name$unit
+ mknod ${name}${unit} c $chr $unit
+ chgrp operator ${name}${unit}
+ chmod 640 ${name}${unit}
+ umask 77
+ ;;
+ umask 2 ; unit=`expr $i : '..\(.*\)'`
+ case $i in
+ ss*) name=ss; chr=29;;
+ esac
+ rm -f $name$unit
+ mknod ${name}${unit} c $chr `expr $unit '*' 16 + 0`
+ chgrp operator ${name}${unit}
+ chmod 640 ${name}${unit}
+ umask 77
+ ;;
+ umask 2 ; unit=`expr $i : '.*cd\(.*\)'`
+ case $i in
+ cd*) name=cd; blk=26; chr=26;;
+ esac
+ rm -f $name$unit? r$name$unit?
+ mknod ${name}${unit}a b $blk `expr $unit '*' 8 + 0`
+ mknod ${name}${unit}d b $blk `expr $unit '*' 8 + 3`
+ mknod r${name}${unit}a c $chr `expr $unit '*' 8 + 0`
+ mknod r${name}${unit}d c $chr `expr $unit '*' 8 + 3`
+ chgrp operator ${name}${unit}[a-h] r${name}${unit}[a-h]
+ chmod 640 ${name}${unit}[a-h] r${name}${unit}[a-h]
+ umask 77
+ ;;
+ unit=`expr $i : 'rd\(.*\)'`
+ rm -f rd${unit}
+ rm -f rd${unit}c
+ mknod rd${unit} b 18 ${unit}
+ mknod rd${unit}c c 18 `expr ${unit} + 16`
+ chown root.wheel rd${unit}
+ chown root.wheel rd${unit}c
+ ;;
+ unit=`expr $i : 'lpa\(.*\)'`
+ rm -f lpa$unit
+ mknod lpa$unit c 8 `expr $unit + 128`
+ chown root.wheel lpa$unit
+ ;;
+ unit=`expr $i : 'lpt\(.*\)'`
+ rm -f lpt$unit
+ mknod lpt$unit c 8 $unit
+ chown root.wheel lpt$unit
+ ;;
+ unit=`expr $i : 'bpf\(.*\)'`
+ rm -f bpf$unit
+ mknod bpf$unit c 32 $unit
+ chown root.wheel bpf$unit
+ ;;
+ unit=`expr $i : 'tun\(.*\)'`
+ rm -f tun$unit
+ mknod tun$unit c 33 $unit
+ chmod 600 tun$unit
+ chown root.wheel tun$unit
+ ;;
+ rm -f beep
+ mknod beep c 10 0
+ chown root.wheel beep
+ ;;
+ rm -f lkm
+ mknod lkm c 35 0
+ chown root.kmem lkm
+ chmod 640 lkm
+ ;;
+ mknod quadmouse c 9 0
+ rm -f mouse
+ ln -s quadmouse mouse
+ ;;
+ unit=`expr $i : 'cpu\(.*\)'`
+ rm -f cpu$unit
+ mknod cpu$unit c 38 $unit
+ chown root.wheel cpu$unit
+ ;;
+ umask 0
+ sh MAKEDEV.local
+ ;;
diff --git a/etc/etc.arm32/ b/etc/etc.arm32/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d75d78eef5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/etc.arm32/
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# etc.arm32/ -- arm32-specific etc Makefile targets
+# $Id:,v 1.1 1996/05/01 13:46:59 deraadt Exp $
+.ifdef DESTDIR
+snap_md: netbsd-gen
+ cd ${.CURDIR}/../sys/arch/arm32/conf && config GENERIC
+ cd ${.CURDIR}/../sys/arch/arm32/compile/GENERIC && \
+ make clean && make depend && make
+ cp ${.CURDIR}/../sys/arch/arm32/compile/GENERIC/netbsd \
+ ${DESTDIR}/snapshot/netbsd-gen
+.endif # DESTDIR check
diff --git a/etc/etc.arm32/disktab b/etc/etc.arm32/disktab
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1949dfe8b64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/etc.arm32/disktab
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+# Disk geometry and partition layout tables.
+# Key:
+# dt controller type
+# ty type of disk (fixed, removeable, simulated)
+# d[0-4] drive-type-dependent parameters
+# ns #sectors/track
+# nt #tracks/cylinder
+# nc #cylinders/disk
+# sc #sectors/cylinder, ns*nt default
+# su #sectors/unit, sc*nc default
+# se sector size, DEV_BSIZE default
+# rm rpm, 3600 default
+# sf supports bad144-style bad sector forwarding
+# sk sector skew per track, default 0
+# cs sector skew per cylinder, default 0
+# hs headswitch time, default 0
+# ts one-cylinder seek time, default 0
+# il sector interleave (n:1), 1 default
+# bs boot block size, default BBSIZE
+# sb superblock size, default SBSIZE
+# o[a-h] partition offsets in sectors
+# p[a-h] partition sizes in sectors
+# b[a-h] partition block sizes in bytes
+# f[a-h] partition fragment sizes in bytes
+# t[a-h] partition types (filesystem, swap, etc)
+# All partition sizes reserve space for bad sector tables.
+# (5 cylinders needed for maintenance + replacement sectors)
+# a == root
+# b == swap
+# c == whole disk
+# d == scratch
+# e == /var
+# f == scratch
+# h == /usr
+cfs420a|Conner Peripherals 420MB IDE:\
+ :dt=ESDI:ty=winchester:se#512:nt#16:ns#63:nc#826: \
+ :pa#20160:oa#416304:ta=4.2BSD:ba#4096:fa#512: \
+ :pb#17136:ob#436464:tb=swap: \
+ :pc#832608:oc#0: \
+ :pd#416304:od#0:td=adfs:bd#512: \
+ :pe#379008:oe#453600:te=4.2BSD:be#4096:fe#512:
+disk4|Seagate ST3491A:\
+ :dt=ESDI:ty=winchester:se#512:nt#15:ns#62:nc#899: \
+ :pa#46500:oa#46500:ta=4.2BSD:ba#4096:fa#512: \
+ :pb#46500:ob#93000:tb=swap:bb#4096:fb#512: \
+ :pc#836070:oc#0: \
+ :pd#46500:od#0:td=adfs:bd#512: \
+ :pe#46500:oe#139500:te=4.2BSD:be#512: \
+ :pf#650070:of#186000:tf=4.2BSD:bf#4096:ff#512:
+cfs425a|Conner Peripherals 425MB IDE:\
+ :dt=ESDI:ty=winchester:se#512:nt#16:ns#62:nc#839: \
+ :pa#49600:oa#49600:ta=4.2BSD:ba#4096:fa#512: \
+ :pb#49600:ob#99200:tb=swap: \
+ :pc#832288:oc#0: \
+ :pd#49600:od#0:td=adfs:bd#512: \
+ :pe#49600:oe#148800:te=4.2BSD:be#4096:fe#512: \
+ :pf#633888:of#198400:tf=4.2BSD:bf#4096:ff#512:
+cfa850|Conner Peripherals 850MB IDE:\
+ :dt=ESDI:ty=winchester:\
+ :nc#1651:ns#63:nt#16:se#512:\
+ :pa#60480:oa#50400:ta=4.2BSD:\
+ :pb#129024:ob#110880:tb=swap:\
+ :pc#1664208:oc#0:\
+ :pd#50400:od#0:\
+ :pe#1424304:oe#239904:te=4.2BSD:
+floppy|3.5in High Density Floppy:\
+ :ty=floppy:se#512:nt#2:rm#300:ns#18:nc#80:\
+ :pa#2880:oa#0:ba#4096:fa#512:\
+ :pb#2880:ob#0:\
+ :pc#2880:oc#0:
+LMR650E|pd650|PD650|650MB PD Cartridge:\
+ :dt=SCSI::ty=removable:se#512:nt#64:ns#32:nc#634: \
+ :pa#1298432:oa#0:ta=4.2BSD:ba#4096:fa#512:\
+ :pc#1298432:oc#0:
diff --git a/etc/etc.arm32/fstab.wd b/etc/etc.arm32/fstab.wd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..06782c93db7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/etc.arm32/fstab.wd
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+/dev/wd0a / ffs rw 1 1
+#/dev/wd0e /var ffs rw 1 2
+#/dev/wd0f /usr ffs rw 1 3
diff --git a/etc/etc.arm32/ttys b/etc/etc.arm32/ttys
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d0f4f5e17e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/etc.arm32/ttys
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+# from: @(#)ttys 5.1 (Berkeley) 4/17/89
+# $Id: ttys,v 1.1 1996/05/01 13:47:01 deraadt Exp $
+# name getty type status comments
+console "/usr/libexec/getty RPC" vt100 off secure
+ttyv0 "/usr/libexec/getty RPC" vt100 on secure
+ttyv1 "/usr/libexec/getty RPC" vt100 on secure
+ttyv2 "/usr/libexec/getty RPC" vt100 on secure
+ttyv3 "/usr/libexec/getty RPC" vt100 on secure
+ttyv4 "/usr/libexec/getty RPC" vt100 on secure
+ttyv5 "/usr/libexec/getty RPC" vt100 on secure
+ttyv6 "/usr/libexec/getty RPC" vt100 off secure
+ttyv7 "/usr/libexec/getty RPC" vt100 off secure
+ttyv8 "/usr/libexec/getty RPC" vt100 off secure
+ttyv9 "/usr/libexec/getty RPC" vt100 off secure
+tty00 "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600" unknown off secure
+tty01 "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600" unknown off secure
+tty02 "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600" unknown off secure
+tty03 "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600" unknown off secure
+tty04 "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600" unknown off secure
+tty05 "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600" unknown off secure
+tty06 "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600" unknown off secure
+tty07 "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600" unknown off secure
+ttyp0 none network secure
+ttyp1 none network secure
+ttyp2 none network secure
+ttyp3 none network secure
+ttyp4 none network secure
+ttyp5 none network secure
+ttyp6 none network secure
+ttyp7 none network secure
+ttyp8 none network secure
+ttyp9 none network secure
+ttypa none network secure
+ttypb none network secure
+ttypc none network secure
+ttypd none network secure
+ttype none network secure
+ttypf none network secure
+ttyq0 none network secure
+ttyq1 none network secure
+ttyq2 none network secure
+ttyq3 none network secure
+ttyq4 none network secure
+ttyq5 none network secure
+ttyq6 none network secure
+ttyq7 none network secure
+ttyq8 none network secure
+ttyq9 none network secure
+ttyqa none network secure
+ttyqb none network secure
+ttyqc none network secure
+ttyqd none network secure
+ttyqe none network secure
+ttyqf none network secure