path: root/gnu/games/chess/DOCUMENTATION/HEURISTICS
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1 files changed, 122 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gnu/games/chess/DOCUMENTATION/HEURISTICS b/gnu/games/chess/DOCUMENTATION/HEURISTICS
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+This file contains a description of GNU's heuristics.
+ Copyright (C) 1986, 1987 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of CHESS.
+CHESS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor
+accepts responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using it
+or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all,
+unless he says so in writing. Refer to the CHESS General Public
+License for full details.
+Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
+CHESS, but only under the conditions described in the
+CHESS General Public License. A copy of this license is
+supposed to have been given to you along with CHESS so you
+can know your rights and responsibilities. It should be in a
+file named COPYING. Among other things, the copyright notice
+and this notice must be preserved on all copies. */
+ -- requested by main author
+Heuristic descriptions for CHESS.
+Revision: 12-16-87
+Copyright (c) 1987 by John Stanback
+ Here is a brief description of the heuristics used in the positional
+ evaluator of the GNU Chess program. Many heuristics are functions of the
+ stage of the game which is based on the total non-pawn material remaining
+ for both sides.
+ The material value of a pawn is 100 points. Isolated pawns get a
+ penalty depending on which file they occupy:
+ (12,14,16,20,20,16,14,12) for files (a..h).
+ Doubled pawns (which are not also isolated) get a penalty of 12
+ points. Backward pawns (defined simply as not being defended by a
+ pawn with the square in front also not defended by a a pawn) are
+ penalized 6 points. A 4 point penalty is also invoked for each attack
+ by the opponent to a backward pawn and for a backward pawn on a
+ half-open file. Pawn Advancement in the centre is given a bonus of
+ about 4 points per rank in the opening increasing to about 8 points
+ per rank in the ending. Advancement on the edges is given a lower
+ bonus. Pawns on the e and d files and on the 2nd rank are given a 10
+ point penalty. An additional penalty of 15 points is invoked if these
+ pawns are also blocked. Pawns within 2 squares of the king are given
+ a 10 point bonus. Passed pawns are given a bonus for increasing rank
+ which is a function of stage of the game and of whether the opponent
+ blocks or attacks one or more squares in front of the pawn or if the
+ opponents king is in the square of the pawn. This bonus ranges from
+ about 15 points for a pawn on the second rank up to about 300 points
+ for a passed pawn on the 7th rank which can't be stopped from
+ queening.
+ The material value of a knight is 330 points. The main heuristic for
+ knights is a bonus for proximity to the centre. This varies from 0
+ points in the corners to 30 points in the centre. Knights are also
+ given a bonus for being within 2 squares of each enemy piece. This
+ bonus is a function of the stage of the game, equalling 4 points in
+ the end game. A penalty of 1 point per square is given for distance
+ from either king. A bonus of up to 8 points (depends on stage) is
+ given for knights which can't be driven away by enemy pawns.
+ The material value of a bishop is 330 points. Bishops are given a
+ bonus as material falls off the board equalling 10 points in the end
+ game. Bishops get a bonus for mobility and Xray mobility thru pieces
+ but not pawns. This bonus ranges from -4 points for a totally blocked
+ bishop up to 18 points for a bishop attacking 12 or more squares.
+ Xray attacks on an enemy R,Q,K or any undefended piece are given an 8
+ point bonus. Bishops are given a bonus of 14 points if they lie on
+ the edge of the board up to 22 points if the lie in the centre. A
+ bishop is given a bonus of up to 5 points for each attack to a square
+ adjacent to the enemy king.
+ The material value of a rook is 520 points. Rook mobility is handled
+ similiarly to bishops with a bonus of 0 points if blocked up to 20
+ points if attacking 12 squares or more. A bonus of 8 points for Xray
+ attacks is handled as it is for bishops. Rooks are given a bonus of
+ 10 points for occupying a file with no friendly pawns and a bonus of
+ 4 points if no enemy pawns lie on that file. After the opening Rooks
+ are penalized slightly depending on "taxicab" distance to the enemy
+ king.
+ The material value of a queen is 980 points. The only heuristic for a
+ queen is that after the opening it is penalized slightly for
+ "taxicab" distance to the enemy king.
+ Kings are given a penalty for proximity to the centre in the opening
+ and a bonus for proximity to the centre in the endgame. The penalty
+ is about 24 points for being in the centre in the opening with a
+ bonus of about 36 points for being in the centre in the endgame.
+ Kings are penalized for lying on an open or half-open file or if the
+ adjacent file closest to the corner is open or half-open. This
+ penalty is up to 23 points in the opening and goes to zero in the end
+ game. The King is penalized up to 8 points if there are no pawns
+ immediately adjacent. A penalty is invoked depending on the number of
+ "safe" checks available by the opponent. This penalty ranges from 6
+ points for one such check to 50 points for 4 or more. Depending on
+ game stage, Kings are given up to 10 points for castling and a
+ penalty of up to 40 points for moving before castling.
+ If more than one piece is "hung" (attacked and not defended or
+ attacked by an enemy piece of lower value) an extra penalty of 10
+ points is invoked for that side and the search may be extended one
+ ply. Pinned or trapped pieces are treated similarly. A special mating
+ routine is used if one side has only a king and the other has mating
+ material.