path: root/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/goto.t
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Diffstat (limited to 'gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/goto.t')
1 files changed, 147 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/goto.t b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/goto.t
index 859d5a66ee3..3b921238f21 100644
--- a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/goto.t
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/t/op/goto.t
@@ -7,10 +7,12 @@ BEGIN {
@INC = qw(. ../lib);
-print "1..33\n";
+print "1..47\n";
require "";
+$purpose; # update per test, and include in print ok's !
while ($?) {
$foo = 1;
@@ -64,7 +66,9 @@ FINALE:
print "ok 13\n";
# does goto LABEL handle block contexts correctly?
+$purpose = 'handles block contexts correctly (does scope-hopping)';
+# note that this scope-hopping differs from last & next,
+# which always go up-scope strictly.
my $cond = 1;
for (1) {
if ($cond == 1) {
@@ -74,12 +78,12 @@ for (1) {
elsif ($cond == 0) {
$cond = 2;
- print "ok 14\n";
+ print "ok 14 - $purpose\n";
goto THIRD;
else {
- print "ok 15\n";
+ print "ok 15 - $purpose\n";
print "ok 16\n";
@@ -87,56 +91,58 @@ print "ok 16\n";
# Does goto work correctly within a for(;;) loop?
# (BUG ID 20010309.004)
+$purpose = 'goto inside a for(;;) loop body from inside the body';
for(my $i=0;!$i++;) {
my $x=1;
goto label;
- label: print (defined $x?"ok ": "not ok ", "17\n")
+ label: print (defined $x?"ok ": "not ok ", "17 - $purpose\n")
# Does goto work correctly going *to* a for(;;) loop?
# (make sure it doesn't skip the initializer)
+$purpose = 'goto a for(;;) loop, from outside (does initializer)';
my ($z, $y) = (0);
-FORL1: for($y="ok 18\n"; $z;) {print $y; goto TEST19}
-($y,$z) = ("not ok 18\n", 1);
+FORL1: for($y="ok 18 - $purpose\n"; $z;) {print $y; goto TEST19}
+($y,$z) = ("not ok 18 - $purpose\n", 1);
goto FORL1;
# Even from within the loop?
TEST19: $z = 0;
-FORL2: for($y="ok 19\n"; 1;) {
+$purpose = 'goto a for(;;) loop, from inside (does initializer)';
+FORL2: for($y="ok 19 - $purpose\n"; 1;) {
if ($z) {
print $y;
- ($y, $z) = ("not ok 19\n", 1);
+ ($y, $z) = ("not ok 19 - $purpose\n", 1);
goto FORL2;
# Does goto work correctly within a try block?
# (BUG ID 20000313.004)
+$purpose = 'works correctly within a try block';
my $ok = 0;
eval {
my $variable = 1;
goto LABEL20;
LABEL20: $ok = 1 if $variable;
-print ($ok&&!$@ ? "ok 20\n" : "not ok 20\n");
+print ($ok&&!$@ ? "ok 20" : "not ok 20", " - $purpose\n");
# And within an eval-string?
+$purpose = 'works correctly within an eval string';
$ok = 0;
eval q{
my $variable = 1;
goto LABEL21;
LABEL21: $ok = 1 if $variable;
-print ($ok&&!$@ ? "ok 21\n" : "not ok 21\n");
+print ($ok&&!$@ ? "ok" : "not ok", " 21 - $purpose\n");
# Test that goto works in nested eval-string
+$purpose = 'works correctly in a nested eval string';
$ok = 0;
{eval q{
eval q{
@@ -149,7 +155,7 @@ $ok = 0;
$ok = 0 if $@;
-print ($ok ? "ok 22\n" : "not ok 22\n");
+print ($ok ? "ok" : "not ok", " 22 - $purpose\n");
my $false = 0;
@@ -241,19 +247,21 @@ my $r = runperl(
print "not " if $r ne "ok\n";
print "ok 33 - avoid pad without an \@_\n";
+goto moretests;
-print "ok 5\n";
+$purpose = 'eval "goto $x"';
+print "ok 5 - $purpose\n";
# Test autoloading mechanism.
sub two {
($pack, $file, $line) = caller; # Should indicate original call stats.
+ $purpose = 'autoloading mechanism.';
print "@_ $pack $file $line" eq "1 2 3 main $FILE $LINE"
- ? "ok 7\n"
- : "not ok 7\n";
+ ? "ok 7 - $purpose\n"
+ : "not ok 7 - $purpose\n";
sub one {
@@ -267,9 +275,11 @@ $FILE = __FILE__;
$LINE = __LINE__ + 1;
+$purpose = 'goto NOWHERE sets $@';
$wherever = NOWHERE;
eval { goto $wherever };
-print $@ =~ /Can't find label NOWHERE/ ? "ok 8\n" : "not ok 8\n";
+print $@ =~ /Can't find label NOWHERE/
+ ? "ok 8 - $purpose\n" : "not ok 8 - $purpose\n"; #'
# see if a modified @_ propagates
@@ -290,3 +300,119 @@ auto("ok 12\n");
$wherever = FINALE;
goto $wherever;
+# test goto duplicated labels.
+ my $z = 0;
+ $purpose = "catch goto middle of foreach";
+ eval {
+ $z = 0;
+ for (0..1) {
+ L4: # not outer scope
+ $z += 10;
+ last;
+ }
+ goto L4 if $z == 10;
+ last;
+ };
+ print ($@ =~ /Can't "goto" into the middle of a foreach loop/ #'
+ ? "ok" : "not ok", " 34 - $purpose\n");
+ $z = 0;
+ # ambiguous label resolution (outer scope means endless loop!)
+ $purpose = "prefer same scope (loop body) to outer scope (loop entry)";
+ L1:
+ for my $x (0..1) {
+ $z += 10;
+ print $z == 10 ? "" : "not ", "ok 35 - $purpose\n";
+ goto L1 unless $x;
+ $z += 10;
+ L1:
+ print $z == 10 ? "" : "not ", "ok 36 - $purpose\n";
+ last;
+ }
+ $purpose = "prefer this scope (block body) to outer scope (block entry)";
+ $z = 0;
+ L2:
+ {
+ $z += 10;
+ print $z == 10 ? "" : "not ", "ok 37 - $purpose\n";
+ goto L2 if $z == 10;
+ $z += 10;
+ L2:
+ print $z == 10 ? "" : "not ", "ok 38 - $purpose\n";
+ }
+ {
+ $purpose = "prefer this scope to inner scope";
+ $z = 0;
+ while (1) {
+ L3: # not inner scope
+ $z += 10;
+ last;
+ }
+ print $z == 10 ? "": "not ", "ok 39 - $purpose\n";
+ goto L3 if $z == 10;
+ $z += 10;
+ L3: # this scope !
+ print $z == 10 ? "" : "not ", "ok 40 - $purpose\n";
+ }
+ L4: # not outer scope
+ {
+ $purpose = "prefer this scope to inner,outer scopes";
+ $z = 0;
+ while (1) {
+ L4: # not inner scope
+ $z += 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ print $z == 1 ? "": "not ", "ok 41 - $purpose\n";
+ goto L4 if $z == 1;
+ $z += 10;
+ L4: # this scope !
+ print $z == 1 ? "": "not ", "ok 42 - $purpose\n";
+ }
+ {
+ $purpose = "same label, multiple times in same scope (choose 1st)";
+ my $tnum = 43;
+ my $loop;
+ for $x (0..1) {
+ L2: # without this, fails 1 (middle) out of 3 iterations
+ $z = 0;
+ L2:
+ $z += 10;
+ print $z == 10 ? "": "not ", "ok $tnum - $purpose\n";
+ $tnum++;
+ goto L2 if $z == 10 and not $loop++;
+ }
+ }
+# deep recursion with gotos eventually caused a stack reallocation
+# which messed up buggy internals that didn't expect the stack to move
+sub recurse1 {
+ unshift @_, "x";
+ goto &recurse2;
+sub recurse2 {
+ $x = shift;
+ $_[0] ? +1 + recurse1($_[0] - 1) : 0
+print "not " unless recurse1(500) == 500;
+print "ok 46 - recursive goto &foo\n";
+# [perl #32039] Chained goto &sub drops data too early.
+sub a32039 { @_=("foo"); goto &b32039; }
+sub b32039 { goto &c32039; }
+sub c32039 { print $_[0] eq 'foo' ? "" : "not ", "ok 47 - chained &goto\n" }