path: root/sys/arch/sparc64/stand/bootblk/bootblk.fth
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Diffstat (limited to 'sys/arch/sparc64/stand/bootblk/bootblk.fth')
1 files changed, 613 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sys/arch/sparc64/stand/bootblk/bootblk.fth b/sys/arch/sparc64/stand/bootblk/bootblk.fth
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..42f5e21089b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/arch/sparc64/stand/bootblk/bootblk.fth
@@ -0,0 +1,613 @@
+\ $OpenBSD: bootblk.fth,v 1.1 2001/08/18 04:16:37 jason Exp $
+\ $NetBSD: bootblk.fth,v 1.3 2001/08/15 20:10:24 eeh Exp $
+\ IEEE 1275 Open Firmware Boot Block
+\ Parses disklabel and UFS and loads the file called `ofwboot'
+\ Copyright (c) 1998 Eduardo Horvath.
+\ All rights reserved.
+\ Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+\ modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+\ are met:
+\ 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+\ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+\ 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+\ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+\ documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+\ 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software
+\ must display the following acknowledgement:
+\ This product includes software developed by Eduardo Horvath.
+\ 4. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
+\ derived from this software without specific prior written permission
+false value boot-debug?
+\ First some housekeeping: Open /chosen and set up vectors into
+\ client-services
+" /chosen" find-package 0= if ." Cannot find /chosen" 0 then
+constant chosen-phandle
+" /openprom/client-services" find-package 0= if
+ ." Cannot find client-services" cr abort
+then constant cif-phandle
+defer cif-claim ( align size virt -- base )
+defer cif-release ( size virt -- )
+defer cif-open ( cstr -- ihandle|0 )
+defer cif-close ( ihandle -- )
+defer cif-read ( len adr ihandle -- #read )
+defer cif-seek ( low high ihandle -- -1|0|1 )
+\ defer cif-peer ( phandle -- phandle )
+\ defer cif-getprop ( len adr cstr phandle -- )
+: find-cif-method ( method,len -- xf )
+ cif-phandle find-method drop
+" claim" find-cif-method to cif-claim
+" open" find-cif-method to cif-open
+" close" find-cif-method to cif-close
+" read" find-cif-method to cif-read
+" seek" find-cif-method to cif-seek
+: twiddle ( -- ) ." ." ; \ Need to do this right. Just spit out periods for now.
+\ Support routines
+: strcmp ( s1 l1 s2 l2 -- true:false )
+ rot tuck <> if 3drop false exit then
+ comp 0=
+\ Move string into buffer
+: strmov ( s1 l1 d -- d l1 )
+ dup 2over swap -rot ( s1 l1 d s1 d l1 )
+ move ( s1 l1 d )
+ rot drop swap
+\ Move s1 on the end of s2 and return the result
+: strcat ( s1 l1 s2 l2 -- d tot )
+ 2over swap ( s1 l1 s2 l2 l1 s1 )
+ 2over + rot ( s1 l1 s2 l2 s1 d l1 )
+ move rot + ( s1 s2 len )
+ rot drop ( s2 len )
+: strchr ( s1 l1 c -- s2 l2 )
+ begin
+ dup 2over 0= if ( s1 l1 c c s1 )
+ 2drop drop exit then
+ c@ = if ( s1 l1 c )
+ drop exit then
+ -rot /c - swap ca1+ ( c l2 s2 )
+ swap rot
+ again
+: cstr ( ptr -- str len )
+ dup
+ begin dup c@ 0<> while + repeat
+ over -
+\ BSD FFS parameters
+fload assym.fth.h
+sbsize buffer: sb-buf
+-1 value boot-ihandle
+dev_bsize value bsize
+0 value raid-offset \ Offset if it's a raid-frame partition
+: strategy ( addr size start -- nread )
+ raid-offset + bsize * 0 " seek" boot-ihandle $call-method
+ -1 = if
+ ." strategy: Seek failed" cr
+ abort
+ then
+ " read" boot-ihandle $call-method
+\ Cylinder group macros
+: cgbase ( cg fs -- cgbase ) fs_fpg l@ * ;
+: cgstart ( cg fs -- cgstart )
+ 2dup fs_cgmask l@ not and ( cg fs stuff -- )
+ over fs_cgoffset l@ * -rot ( stuffcg fs -- )
+ cgbase +
+: cgdmin ( cg fs -- 1st-data-block ) dup fs_dblkno l@ -rot cgstart + ;
+: cgimin ( cg fs -- inode-block ) dup fs_iblkno l@ -rot cgstart + ;
+: cgsblock ( cg fs -- super-block ) dup fs_sblkno l@ -rot cgstart + ;
+: cgstod ( cg fs -- cg-block ) dup fs_cblkno l@ -rot cgstart + ;
+\ Block and frag position macros
+: blkoff ( pos fs -- off ) fs_qbmask x@ and ;
+: fragoff ( pos fs -- off ) fs_qfmask x@ and ;
+: lblktosize ( blk fs -- off ) fs_bshift l@ << ;
+: lblkno ( pos fs -- off ) fs_bshift l@ >> ;
+: numfrags ( pos fs -- off ) fs_fshift l@ >> ;
+: blkroundup ( pos fs -- off ) dup fs_bmask l@ -rot fs_qbmask x@ + and ;
+: fragroundup ( pos fs -- off ) dup fs_fmask l@ -rot fs_qfmask x@ + and ;
+\ : fragroundup ( pos fs -- off ) tuck fs_qfmask x@ + swap fs_fmask l@ and ;
+: fragstoblks ( pos fs -- off ) fs_fragshift l@ >> ;
+: blkstofrags ( blk fs -- frag ) fs_fragshift l@ << ;
+: fragnum ( fsb fs -- off ) fs_frag l@ 1- and ;
+: blknum ( fsb fs -- off ) fs_frag l@ 1- not and ;
+: dblksize ( lbn dino fs -- size )
+ -rot ( fs lbn dino )
+ di_size x@ ( fs lbn di_size )
+ -rot dup 1+ ( di_size fs lbn lbn+1 )
+ 2over fs_bshift l@ ( di_size fs lbn lbn+1 di_size b_shift )
+ rot swap << >= ( di_size fs lbn res1 )
+ swap ndaddr >= or if ( di_size fs )
+ swap drop fs_bsize l@ exit ( size )
+ then tuck blkoff swap fragroundup ( size )
+: ino-to-cg ( ino fs -- cg ) fs_ipg l@ / ;
+: ino-to-fsbo ( ino fs -- fsb0 ) fs_inopb l@ mod ;
+: ino-to-fsba ( ino fs -- ba ) \ Need to remove the stupid stack diags someday
+ 2dup ( ino fs ino fs )
+ ino-to-cg ( ino fs cg )
+ over ( ino fs cg fs )
+ cgimin ( ino fs inode-blk )
+ -rot ( inode-blk ino fs )
+ tuck ( inode-blk fs ino fs )
+ fs_ipg l@ ( inode-blk fs ino ipg )
+ mod ( inode-blk fs mod )
+ swap ( inode-blk mod fs )
+ dup ( inode-blk mod fs fs )
+ fs_inopb l@ ( inode-blk mod fs inopb )
+ rot ( inode-blk fs inopb mod )
+ swap ( inode-blk fs mod inopb )
+ / ( inode-blk fs div )
+ swap ( inode-blk div fs )
+ blkstofrags ( inode-blk frag )
+ +
+: fsbtodb ( fsb fs -- db ) fs_fsbtodb l@ << ;
+\ File stuff
+niaddr /w* constant narraysize
+ 8 field >f_ihandle \ device handle
+ 8 field >f_seekp \ seek pointer
+ 8 field >f_fs \ pointer to super block
+ dinode_SIZEOF field >f_di \ copy of on-disk inode
+ 8 field >f_buf \ buffer for data block
+ 4 field >f_buf_size \ size of data block
+ 4 field >f_buf_blkno \ block number of data block
+constant file_SIZEOF
+file_SIZEOF buffer: the-file
+sb-buf the-file >f_fs x!
+dinode_SIZEOF buffer: cur-inode
+h# 2000 buffer: indir-block
+-1 value indir-addr
+\ Translate a fileblock to a disk block
+\ We only allow single indirection
+: block-map ( fileblock -- diskblock )
+ \ Direct block?
+ dup ndaddr < if ( fileblock )
+ cur-inode di_db ( arr-indx arr-start )
+ swap la+ l@ exit ( diskblock )
+ then ( fileblock )
+ ndaddr - ( fileblock' )
+ \ Now we need to check the indirect block
+ dup sb-buf fs_nindir l@ < if ( fileblock' )
+ cur-inode di_ib l@ dup ( fileblock' indir-block indir-block )
+ indir-addr <> if ( fileblock' indir-block )
+ to indir-addr ( fileblock' )
+ indir-block ( fileblock' indir-block )
+ sb-buf dup fs_bsize l@ ( fileblock' indir-block fs fs_bsize )
+ swap indir-addr swap ( fileblock' indir-block fs_bsize indiraddr fs )
+ fsbtodb ( fileblock' indir-block fs_bsize db )
+ strategy ( fileblock' nread )
+ then ( fileblock' nread|indir-block )
+ drop \ Really should check return value
+ indir-block swap la+ l@ exit
+ then
+ dup sb-buf fs_nindir - ( fileblock'' )
+ \ Now try 2nd level indirect block -- just read twice
+ dup sb-buf fs_nindir l@ dup * < if ( fileblock'' )
+ cur-inode di_ib 1 la+ l@ ( fileblock'' indir2-block )
+ to indir-addr ( fileblock'' )
+ \ load 1st level indir block
+ indir-block ( fileblock'' indir-block )
+ sb-buf dup fs_bsize l@ ( fileblock'' indir-block fs fs_bsize )
+ swap indir-addr swap ( fileblock'' indir-block fs_bsize indiraddr fs )
+ fsbtodb ( fileblock'' indir-block fs_bsize db )
+ strategy ( fileblock'' nread )
+ drop ( fileblock'' )
+ dup sb-buf fs_nindir / ( fileblock'' indir-offset )
+ indir-block swap la+ l@ ( fileblock'' indirblock )
+ to indir-addr ( fileblock'' )
+ \ load 2nd level indir block
+ indir-block ( fileblock'' indir-block )
+ sb-buf dup fs_bsize l@ ( fileblock'' indir-block fs fs_bsize )
+ swap indir-addr swap ( fileblock'' indir-block fs_bsize indiraddr fs )
+ fsbtodb ( fileblock'' indir-block fs_bsize db )
+ strategy ( fileblock'' nread )
+ drop ( fileblock'' )
+ sb-buf fs_nindir l@ mod indir-block swap la+ l@ exit
+ then
+ ." block-map: exceeded max file size" cr
+ abort
+\ Read file into internal buffer and return pointer and len
+2000 buffer: cur-block \ Why do dynamic allocation?
+-1 value cur-blockno
+0 value cur-offset
+: buf-read-file ( fs -- len buf )
+ cur-offset swap ( seekp fs )
+ 2dup blkoff ( seekp fs off )
+ -rot 2dup lblkno ( off seekp fs block )
+ swap 2dup cur-inode ( off seekp block fs block fs inop )
+ swap dblksize ( off seekp block fs size )
+ rot dup cur-blockno ( off seekp fs size block block cur )
+ <> if ( off seekp fs size block )
+ block-map ( off seekp fs size diskblock )
+ dup 0= if ( off seekp fs size diskblock )
+ over cur-block swap 0 fill ( off seekp fs size diskblock )
+ boot-debug? if ." buf-read-file fell off end of file" cr then
+ else
+ 2dup sb-buf fsbtodb cur-block -rot strategy ( off seekp fs size diskblock nread )
+ rot 2dup <> if " buf-read-file: short read." cr abort then
+ then ( off seekp fs diskblock nread size )
+ nip nip ( off seekp fs size )
+ else ( off seekp fs size block block cur )
+ 2drop ( off seekp fs size )
+ then
+\ dup cur-offset + to cur-offset \ Set up next xfer -- not done
+ nip nip swap - ( len )
+ cur-block
+\ Read inode into cur-inode -- uses cur-block
+: read-inode ( inode fs -- )
+ twiddle ( inode fs -- inode fs )
+ cur-block ( inode fs -- inode fs buffer )
+ over ( inode fs buffer -- inode fs buffer fs )
+ fs_bsize l@ ( inode fs buffer -- inode fs buffer size )
+ 2over ( inode fs buffer size -- inode fs buffer size inode fs )
+ 2over ( inode fs buffer size inode fs -- inode fs buffer size inode fs buffer size )
+ 2swap tuck ( inode fs buffer size inode fs buffer size -- inode fs buffer size buffer size fs inode fs )
+ ino-to-fsba ( inode fs buffer size buffer size fs inode fs -- inode fs buffer size buffer size fs fsba )
+ swap ( inode fs buffer size buffer size fs fsba -- inode fs buffer size buffer size fsba fs )
+ fsbtodb ( inode fs buffer size buffer size fsba fs -- inode fs buffer size buffer size db )
+ dup to cur-blockno ( inode fs buffer size buffer size dstart -- inode fs buffer size buffer size dstart )
+ strategy ( inode fs buffer size buffer size dstart -- inode fs buffer size nread )
+ <> if ." read-inode - residual" cr abort then
+ dup 2over ( inode fs buffer -- inode fs buffer buffer inode fs )
+ ino-to-fsbo ( inode fs buffer -- inode fs buffer buffer fsbo )
+ dinode_SIZEOF * + ( inode fs buffer buffer fsbo -- inode fs buffer dinop )
+ cur-inode dinode_SIZEOF move ( inode fs buffer dinop -- inode fs buffer )
+ \ clear out the old buffers
+ drop ( inode fs buffer -- inode fs )
+ 2drop
+\ Identify inode type
+: is-dir? ( dinode -- true:false ) di_mode w@ ifmt and ifdir = ;
+: is-symlink? ( dinode -- true:false ) di_mode w@ ifmt and iflnk = ;
+\ Hunt for directory entry:
+\ repeat
+\ load a buffer
+\ while entries do
+\ if entry == name return
+\ next entry
+\ until no buffers
+: search-directory ( str len -- ino|0 )
+ 0 to cur-offset
+ begin cur-offset cur-inode di_size x@ < while ( str len )
+ sb-buf buf-read-file ( str len len buf )
+ over 0= if ." search-directory: buf-read-file zero len" cr abort then
+ swap dup cur-offset + to cur-offset ( str len buf len )
+ 2dup + nip ( str len buf bufend )
+ swap 2swap rot ( bufend str len buf )
+ begin dup 4 pick < while ( bufend str len buf )
+ dup d_ino l@ 0<> if ( bufend str len buf )
+ boot-debug? if dup dup d_name swap d_namlen c@ type cr then
+ 2dup d_namlen c@ = if ( bufend str len buf )
+ dup d_name 2over ( bufend str len buf dname str len )
+ comp 0= if ( bufend str len buf )
+ \ Found it -- return inode
+ d_ino l@ nip nip nip ( dino )
+ boot-debug? if ." Found it" cr then
+ exit ( dino )
+ then
+ then ( bufend str len buf )
+ then ( bufend str len buf )
+ dup d_reclen w@ + ( bufend str len nextbuf )
+ repeat
+ drop rot drop ( str len )
+ repeat
+ 2drop 2drop 0 ( 0 )
+: ffs_oldcompat ( -- )
+\ Make sure old ffs values in sb-buf are sane
+ sb-buf fs_npsect dup l@ sb-buf fs_nsect l@ max swap l!
+ sb-buf fs_interleave dup l@ 1 max swap l!
+ sb-buf fs_postblformat l@ fs_42postblfmt = if
+ 8 sb-buf fs_nrpos l!
+ then
+ sb-buf fs_inodefmt l@ fs_44inodefmt < if
+ sb-buf fs_bsize l@
+ dup ndaddr * 1- sb-buf fs_maxfilesize x!
+ niaddr 0 ?do
+ sb-buf fs_nindir l@ * dup ( sizebp sizebp -- )
+ sb-buf fs_maxfilesize dup x@ ( sizebp sizebp *fs_maxfilesize fs_maxfilesize -- )
+ rot ( sizebp *fs_maxfilesize fs_maxfilesize sizebp -- )
+ + ( sizebp *fs_maxfilesize new_fs_maxfilesize -- ) swap x! ( sizebp -- )
+ loop drop ( -- )
+ sb-buf dup fs_bmask l@ not swap fs_qbmask x!
+ sb-buf dup fs_fmask l@ not swap fs_qfmask x!
+ then
+: read-super ( sector -- )
+0 " seek" boot-ihandle $call-method
+ -1 = if
+ ." Seek failed" cr
+ abort
+ then
+ sb-buf sbsize " read" boot-ihandle $call-method
+ dup sbsize <> if
+ ." Read of superblock failed" cr
+ ." requested" space sbsize .
+ ." actual" space . cr
+ abort
+ else
+ drop
+ then
+: ufs-open ( bootpath,len -- )
+ boot-ihandle -1 = if
+ over cif-open dup 0= if ( boot-path len ihandle? )
+ ." Could not open device" space type cr
+ abort
+ then ( boot-path len ihandle )
+ to boot-ihandle \ Save ihandle to boot device
+ then 2drop
+ sboff read-super
+ sb-buf fs_magic l@ fs_magic_value <> if
+ 64 dup to raid-offset
+ dev_bsize * sboff + read-super
+ sb-buf fs_magic l@ fs_magic_value <> if
+ ." Invalid superblock magic" cr
+ abort
+ then
+ then
+ sb-buf fs_bsize l@ dup maxbsize > if
+ ." Superblock bsize" space . ." too large" cr
+ abort
+ then
+ fs_SIZEOF < if
+ ." Superblock bsize < size of superblock" cr
+ abort
+ then
+ ffs_oldcompat
+ boot-debug? if ." ufs-open complete" cr then
+: ufs-close ( -- )
+ boot-ihandle dup -1 <> if
+ cif-close -1 to boot-ihandle
+ then
+: boot-path ( -- boot-path )
+ " bootpath" chosen-phandle get-package-property if
+ ." Could not find bootpath in /chosen" cr
+ abort
+ else
+ decode-string 2swap 2drop
+ then
+: boot-args ( -- boot-args )
+ " bootargs" chosen-phandle get-package-property if
+ ." Could not find bootargs in /chosen" cr
+ abort
+ else
+ decode-string 2swap 2drop
+ then
+2000 buffer: boot-path-str
+2000 buffer: boot-path-tmp
+: split-path ( path len -- right len left len )
+\ Split a string at the `/'
+ begin
+ dup -rot ( oldlen right len left )
+ ascii / left-parse-string ( oldlen right len left len )
+ dup 0<> if 4 roll drop exit then
+ 2drop ( oldlen right len )
+ rot over = ( right len diff )
+ until
+: find-file ( load-file len -- )
+ rootino dup sb-buf read-inode ( load-file len -- load-file len ino )
+ -rot ( load-file len ino -- pino load-file len )
+ \
+ \ For each path component
+ \
+ begin split-path dup 0<> while ( pino right len left len -- )
+ cur-inode is-dir? not if ." Inode not directory" cr abort then
+ boot-debug? if ." Looking for" space 2dup type space ." in directory..." cr then
+ search-directory ( pino right len left len -- pino right len ino|false )
+ dup 0= if ." Bad path" cr abort then ( pino right len cino )
+ sb-buf read-inode ( pino right len )
+ cur-inode is-symlink? if \ Symlink -- follow the damn thing
+ \ Save path in boot-path-tmp
+ boot-path-tmp strmov ( pino new-right len )
+ \ Now deal with symlink
+ cur-inode di_size x@ ( pino right len linklen )
+ dup sb-buf fs_maxsymlinklen l@ ( pino right len linklen linklen maxlinklen )
+ < if \ Now join the link to the path
+ cur-inode di_shortlink l@ ( pino right len linklen linkp )
+ swap boot-path-str strmov ( pino right len new-linkp linklen )
+ else \ Read file for symlink -- Ugh
+ \ Read link into boot-path-str
+ boot-path-str dup sb-buf fs_bsize l@
+ 0 block-map ( pino right len linklen boot-path-str bsize blockno )
+ strategy drop swap ( pino right len boot-path-str linklen )
+ then ( pino right len linkp linklen )
+ \ Concatenate the two paths
+ strcat ( pino new-right newlen )
+ swap dup c@ ascii / = if \ go to root inode?
+ rot drop rootino -rot ( rino len right )
+ then
+ rot dup sb-buf read-inode ( len right pino )
+ -rot swap ( pino right len )
+ then ( pino right len )
+ repeat
+ 2drop drop
+: read-file ( size addr -- )
+ \ Read x bytes from a file to buffer
+ begin over 0> while
+ cur-offset cur-inode di_size x@ > if ." read-file EOF exceeded" cr abort then
+ sb-buf buf-read-file ( size addr len buf )
+ over 2over drop swap ( size addr len buf addr len )
+ move ( size addr len )
+ dup cur-offset + to cur-offset ( size len newaddr )
+ tuck + ( size len newaddr )
+ -rot - swap ( newaddr newsize )
+ repeat
+ 2drop
+h# 5000 constant loader-base
+\ Elf support -- find the load addr
+: is-elf? ( hdr -- res? ) h# 7f454c46 = ;
+\ Finally we finish it all off
+: load-file-signon ( load-file len boot-path len -- load-file len boot-path len )
+ ." Loading file" space 2over type cr ." from device" space 2dup type cr
+: load-file-print-size ( size -- size )
+ ." Loading" space dup . space ." bytes of file..." cr
+: load-file ( load-file len boot-path len -- load-base )
+ boot-debug? if load-file-signon then
+ the-file file_SIZEOF 0 fill \ Clear out file structure
+ ufs-open ( load-file len )
+ find-file ( )
+ \
+ \ Now we've found the file we should read it in in one big hunk
+ \
+ cur-inode di_size x@ ( file-len )
+ dup " to file-size" evaluate ( file-len )
+ boot-debug? if load-file-print-size then
+ 0 to cur-offset
+ loader-base ( buf-len addr )
+ 2dup read-file ( buf-len addr )
+ ufs-close ( buf-len addr )
+ dup is-elf? if ." load-file: not an elf executable" cr abort then
+ \ Luckily the prom should be able to handle ELF executables by itself
+ nip ( addr )
+: do-boot ( bootfile -- )
+ ." OpenBSD IEEE 1275 Bootblock" cr
+ boot-path load-file ( -- load-base )
+ dup 0<> if " to load-base init-program" evaluate then
+boot-args ascii V strchr 0<> swap drop if
+ true to boot-debug?
+boot-args ascii D strchr 0= swap drop if
+ " /ofwboot" do-boot
+then exit