path: root/usr.bin/learn/lib/C/L5.2e
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'usr.bin/learn/lib/C/L5.2e')
1 files changed, 58 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/usr.bin/learn/lib/C/L5.2e b/usr.bin/learn/lib/C/L5.2e
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..987a3cdb127
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usr.bin/learn/lib/C/L5.2e
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+(Section 1.5)
+Write a program which copies its input to its output
+doubling each character (i.e. each input character
+is written twice on the output). Compile and test
+it. Then type ready. Don't forget
+ #include <stdio.h>
+at the beginning of your program, and
+cc x.c -lS
+to compile it.
+#once #create Ref
+hoboken harrison newark roseville avenue grove street
+east orange brick church orange highland avenue
+mountain station south orange maplewood millburn short hills
+summit chatham madison convent station morristown
+new providence murray hill berkeley heights
+gillette stirling millington lyons basking ridge
+bernardsville far hills peapack gladstone
+#once #create Answer
+hhoobbookkeenn hhaarrrriissoonn nneewwaarrkk rroosseevviillllee aavveennuuee ggrroovvee ssttrreeeett
+eeaasstt oorraannggee bbrriicckk cchhuurrcchh oorraannggee hhiigghhllaanndd aavveennuuee
+mmoouunnttaaiinn ssttaattiioonn ssoouutthh oorraannggee mmaapplleewwoooodd mmiillllbbuurrnn sshhoorrtt hhiillllss
+ssuummmmiitt cchhaatthhaamm mmaaddiissoonn ccoonnvveenntt ssttaattiioonn mmoorrrriissttoowwnn
+nneeww pprroovviiddeennccee mmuurrrraayy hhiillll bbeerrkkeelleeyy hheeiigghhttss
+ggiilllleettttee ssttiirrlliinngg mmiilllliinnggttoonn llyyoonnss bbaasskkiinngg rriiddggee
+bbeerrnnaarrddssvviillllee ffaarr hhiillllss ppeeaappaacckk ggllaaddssttoonnee
+a.out <Ref >xxx
+#cmp Answer xxx
+/* One way: */
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ int c;
+ while ((c = getchar()) != EOF) {
+ putchar(c);
+ putchar(c);
+ }
+5.1e 5
+5.3e 2