path: root/usr.bin/learn/lib/C/L50.1a
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Diffstat (limited to 'usr.bin/learn/lib/C/L50.1a')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 145 deletions
diff --git a/usr.bin/learn/lib/C/L50.1a b/usr.bin/learn/lib/C/L50.1a
deleted file mode 100644
index 085ea65faf6..00000000000
--- a/usr.bin/learn/lib/C/L50.1a
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-Write a program that reads an input file and
-prints out the most frequently appearing word in it.
-Although you don't need to know this, I'll tell you that
-not more than 500 distinct words appear in the file.
-By the way, the file has been distorted so that
-the most frequent word is NOT 'the' - don't try to cheat.
-Compile and test your program.
-#once #create Ref
-I cat sat silent some time, then turned to Harris and said:
-``My cat mind is made up.''
-Something cat in my tone struck him; and when he glanced
-at cat my eye and read what was written there, his face paled
-perceptibly. cat He hesitated a moment, then said:
-I cat answered, with perfect calmness:
-If cat I had shot my poor friend he could not have fallen from
-his cat chair more suddenly. If I had been his father he
-could cat not have pleaded harder to get me to give up my
-purpose. cat But I turned a deaf ear to all he said. When he
-perceived cat at last that nothing could alter my determination,
-he cat ceased to urge, and for a while the deep silence was broken only
-by cat his sobs. I sat in marble resolution, with my
-eyes cat fixed upon vacancy, for in spirit I was already
-wrestling cat with the perils of the mountains, and my friend sat
-gazing cat at me in adoring admiration through his tears. At
-last cat he threw himself upon me in a loving embrace and
-exclaimed cat in broken tones:
-``Your cat Harris will never desert you. We will die together!''
-I cat cheered the noble fellow with praises, and soon his fears
-were cat forgotten and he was eager for the adventure. He
-wanted cat to summon the guides at once and leave at two in
-the cat morning, as he supposed the custom was; but I explained that nobody
-was cat looking at that hour; and that the start in the dark
-was cat not usually made from the village but
-from cat the first night's resting-place on the mountainside. I
-said cat we would leave the village at 3 or 4 p.m. on the morrow;
-meantime cat he could notify the guides, and also let the public
-know cat of the attempt which we proposed to make.
-I cat went to bed, but not to sleep. No man can sleep when
-he cat is about to undertake one of these Alpine exploits. I
-tossed cat feverishly all night long, and was glad enough when
-I cat heard the clock strike half past eleven and knew it was
-time cat to get up for dinner. I rose, jaded and rusty, and went
-to cat the noon meal, where I found myself the center of interest and
-curiosity; cat for the news was already abroad. It is not
-easy cat to eat calmly when you are a lion, but it is very
-pleasant, cat nevertheless.
-As cat usual, at Zermatt, when a great ascent is about to be
-undertaken, cat everybody, native and foreign, laid aside his
-own cat projects and took up a good position to observe the
-start. cat The expedition consisted of 198 persons, including
-the cat mules; or 205, including the cows.
-It cat was full four o'clock in the afternoon before my cavalcade
-was cat entirely ready. At that hour it began to move. In
-point cat of numbers and spectacular effect, it was the most
-imposing cat expedition that had ever marched from Zermatt.
-I cat commanded the chief guide to arrange the men and
-a.out <Ref >xxx
-grep cat xxx >/dev/null
- # define SIZE 499
- # define CSIZE 2500
-struct word {char *spell; int occur;} wordv[SIZE];
-char cspace[CSIZE];
-char *cstore cspace;
-main ()
-char nword[25], *cp, *wd;
-int k, max;
-struct word *p;
-while (getword(nword) != 0)
- {
- p = wordv+ hshsearch(nword);
- if (p->occur != 0)
- p->occur++;
- else
- {
- p->spell = cstore;
- p->occur = 1;
- cp = nword;
- while (*cstore++ = *cp++);
- }
- }
-wd ="";
-for(p=wordv; p<wordv+SIZE; p++)
- if (p->occur>max)
- {
- max=p->occur;
- wd = p->spell;
- }
-printf("The word '%s' occurred %d times\n", wd, max);
- char *s;
- int c;
- while ((c=getchar()) == ' ' || c == '\n');
- if (c==0) return(0);
- *s++ = c;
- while ( (c = getchar()) != '\n' && c != ' ')
- if (c == 0)
- return(0);
- else *s++ = c;
- *s = 0;
- return(1);
- }
-hshsearch (s)
- char *s;
- {
- int k, k2, i;
- char *p;
- p = s;
- k =0;
- while (*s)
- k = (*s++ + k + k<<5) & 077777;
- k = k%SIZE;
- k2 = (k >> 3) %SIZE;
- if (k2 == 0) k2 = 17;
- for (i=0; i<SIZE; i++)
- {
- if (wordv[k].occur == 0)
- return(k);
- if (comp(wordv[k].spell,p) == '=')
- return(k);
- k = (k+k2) % SIZE;
- }
- printf("hash table full\n");
- exit();
- }
- char *s, *t;
-int c,d;
-while ( (c= *s++) == (d= *t++))
- if (c==0)
- return('=');
-return(c>d? '>': '<');