path: root/usr.bin/vi/docs/USD.doc/
diff options
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-VI(1) VI(1)
- ex, vi, view - text editors
- eexx [--eeFFRRrrssvv] [--cc _c_m_d] [--tt _t_a_g] [--ww _s_i_z_e] [file ...]
- vvii [--eeFFllRRrrvv] [--cc _c_m_d] [--tt _t_a_g] [--ww _s_i_z_e] [file ...]
- vviieeww [--eeFFRRrrvv] [--cc _c_m_d] [--tt _t_a_g] [--ww _s_i_z_e] [file ...]
- _V_i is a screen oriented text editor. _E_x is a line-ori-
- ented text editor. _E_x and _v_i are different interfaces to
- the same program, and it is possible to switch back and
- forth during an edit session. _V_i_e_w is the equivalent of
- using the --RR (read-only) option of _v_i.
- This manual page is the one provided with the _n_e_x_/_n_v_i ver-
- sions of the _e_x_/_v_i text editors. _N_e_x_/_n_v_i are intended as
- bug-for-bug compatible replacements for the original
- Fourth Berkeley Software Distribution (4BSD) _e_x and _v_i
- programs. For the rest of this manual page, _n_e_x_/_n_v_i is
- used only when it's necessary to distinguish it from the
- historic implementations of _e_x_/_v_i.
- This manual page is intended for users already familiar
- with _e_x_/_v_i. Anyone else should almost certainly read a
- good tutorial on the editor before this manual page. If
- you're in an unfamiliar environment, and you absolutely
- have to get work done immediately, read the section after
- the options description, entitled ``Fast Startup''. It's
- probably enough to get you going.
- The following options are available:
- --cc Execute ccmmdd immediately after starting the edit
- session. Particularly useful for initial position-
- ing in the file, however ccmmdd is not limited to
- positioning commands. This is the POSIX 1003.2
- interface for the historic ``+cmd'' syntax.
- _N_e_x_/_n_v_i supports both the old and new syntax.
- --ee Start editing in ex mode, as if the command name
- were _e_x.
- --FF Don't copy the entire file when first starting to
- edit. (The default is to make a copy in case some-
- one else modifies the file during your edit ses-
- sion.)
- --ll Start editing with the lisp and showmatch options
- set.
- --RR Start editing in read-only mode, as if the command
- name was _v_i_e_w, or the rreeaaddoonnllyy option was set.
- May 18, 1996 1
-VI(1) VI(1)
- --rr Recover the specified files, or, if no files are
- specified, list the files that could be recovered.
- If no recoverable files by the specified name
- exist, the file is edited as if the --rr option had
- not been specified.
- --ss Enter batch mode; applicable only to _e_x edit ses-
- sions. Batch mode is useful when running _e_x
- scripts. Prompts, informative messages and other
- user oriented message are turned off, and no
- startup files or environmental variables are read.
- This is the POSIX 1003.2 interface for the historic
- ``-'' argument. _N_e_x_/_n_v_i supports both the old and
- new syntax.
- --tt Start editing at the specified tag. (See
- _c_t_a_g_s(1)).
- --ww Set the initial window size to the specified number
- of lines.
- --vv Start editing in vi mode, as if the command name
- was _v_i or _v_i_e_w.
- Command input for _e_x_/_v_i is read from the standard input.
- In the _v_i interface, it is an error if standard input is
- not a terminal. In the _e_x interface, if standard input is
- not a terminal, _e_x will read commands from it regardless,
- however, the session will be a batch mode session, exactly
- as if the --ss option had been specified.
- _E_x_/_v_i exits 0 on success, and greater than 0 if an error
- occurs.
- This section will tell you the minimum amount that you
- need to do simple editing tasks using _v_i. If you've never
- used any screen editor before, you're likely to have prob-
- lems even with this simple introduction. In that case you
- should find someone that already knows _v_i and have them
- walk you through this section.
- _V_i is a screen editor. This means that it takes up almost
- the entire screen, displaying part of the file on each
- screen line, except for the last line of the screen. The
- last line of the screen is used for you to give commands
- to _v_i, and for _v_i to give information to you.
- The other fact that you need to understand is that _v_i is a
- modeful editor, i.e. you are either entering text or you
- are executing commands, and you have to be in the right
- mode to do one or the other. You will be in command mode
- when you first start editing a file. There are commands
- that switch you into input mode. There is only one key
- May 18, 1996 2
-VI(1) VI(1)
- that takes you out of input mode, and that is the <escape>
- key. (Key names are written using less-than and greater-
- than signs, e.g. <escape> means the ``escape'' key, usu-
- ally labeled ``esc'' on your terminal's keyboard.) If
- you're ever confused as to which mode you're in, keep
- entering the <escape> key until _v_i beeps at you. (Gener-
- ally, _v_i will beep at you if you try and do something
- that's not allowed. It will also display error messages.)
- To start editing a file, enter the command ``vi
- file_name<carriage-return>''. The command you should
- enter as soon as you start editing is ``:set verbose show-
- mode<carriage-return>''. This will make the editor give
- you verbose error messages and display the current mode at
- the bottom of the screen.
- The commands to move around the file are:
- hh Move the cursor left one character.
- jj Move the cursor down one line.
- kk Move the cursor up one line.
- ll Move the cursor right one character.
- <<ccuurrssoorr--aarrrroowwss>>
- The cursor arrow keys should work, too.
- //tteexxtt<<ccaarrrriiaaggee--rreettuurrnn>>
- Search for the string ``text'' in the file, and
- move the cursor to its first character.
- The commands to enter new text are:
- aa Append new text, _a_f_t_e_r the cursor.
- ii Insert new text, _b_e_f_o_r_e the cursor.
- oo Open a new line below the line the cursor is on,
- and start entering text.
- OO Open a new line above the line the cursor is on,
- and start entering text.
- <<eessccaappee>>
- Once you've entered input mode using the one of the
- aa, ii, OO or oo commands, use <<eessccaappee>> to quit enter-
- ing text and return to command mode.
- The commands to copy text are:
- yyyy Copy the line the cursor is on.
- May 18, 1996 3
-VI(1) VI(1)
- pp Append the copied line after the line the cursor is
- on.
- The commands to delete text are:
- dddd Delete the line the cursor is on.
- xx Delete the character the cursor is on.
- The commands to write the file are:
- ::ww<<ccaarrrriiaaggee--rreettuurrnn>>
- Write the file back to the file with the name that
- you originally used as an argument on the _v_i com-
- mand line.
- ::ww ffiillee__nnaammee<<ccaarrrriiaaggee--rreettuurrnn>>
- Write the file back to the file with the name
- ``file_name''.
- The commands to quit editing and exit the editor are:
- ::qq<<ccaarrrriiaaggee--rreettuurrnn>>
- Quit editing and leave vi (if you've modified the
- file, but not saved your changes, _v_i will refuse to
- quit).
- ::qq!!<<ccaarrrriiaaggee--rreettuurrnn>>
- Quit, discarding any modifications that you may
- have made.
- One final caution. Unusual characters can take up more
- than one column on the screen, and long lines can take up
- more than a single screen line. The above commands work
- on ``physical'' characters and lines, i.e. they affect the
- entire line no matter how many screen lines it takes up
- and the entire character no matter how many screen columns
- it takes up.
- The following section describes the commands available in
- the command mode of the _v_i editor. In each entry below,
- the tag line is a usage synopsis for the command charac-
- ter.
- [[ccoouunntt]] <<ccoonnttrrooll--AA>>
- Search forward _c_o_u_n_t times for the current word.
- [[ccoouunntt]] <<ccoonnttrrooll--BB>>
- Page backwards _c_o_u_n_t screens.
- [[ccoouunntt]] <<ccoonnttrrooll--DD>>
- Scroll forward _c_o_u_n_t lines.
- May 18, 1996 4
-VI(1) VI(1)
- [[ccoouunntt]] <<ccoonnttrrooll--EE>>
- Scroll forward _c_o_u_n_t lines, leaving the current
- line and column as is, if possible.
- [[ccoouunntt]] <<ccoonnttrrooll--FF>>
- Page forward _c_o_u_n_t screens.
- <<ccoonnttrrooll--GG>>
- Display the file information.
- <<ccoonnttrrooll--HH>>
- [[ccoouunntt]] hh
- Move the cursor back _c_o_u_n_t characters in the cur-
- rent line.
- [[ccoouunntt]] <<ccoonnttrrooll--JJ>>
- [[ccoouunntt]] <<ccoonnttrrooll--NN>>
- [[ccoouunntt]] jj
- Move the cursor down _c_o_u_n_t lines without changing
- the current column.
- <<ccoonnttrrooll--LL>>
- <<ccoonnttrrooll--RR>>
- Repaint the screen.
- [[ccoouunntt]] <<ccoonnttrrooll--MM>>
- [[ccoouunntt]] ++
- Move the cursor down _c_o_u_n_t lines to the first non-
- blank character of that line.
- [[ccoouunntt]] <<ccoonnttrrooll--PP>>
- [[ccoouunntt]] kk
- Move the cursor up _c_o_u_n_t lines, without changing
- the current column.
- <<ccoonnttrrooll--TT>>
- Return to the most recent tag context.
- <<ccoonnttrrooll--UU>>
- Scroll backwards _c_o_u_n_t lines.
- <<ccoonnttrrooll--WW>>
- Switch to the next lower screen in the window, or,
- to the first screen if there are no lower screens
- in the window.
- <<ccoonnttrrooll--YY>>
- Scroll backwards _c_o_u_n_t lines, leaving the current
- May 18, 1996 5
-VI(1) VI(1)
- line and column as is, if possible.
- <<ccoonnttrrooll--ZZ>>
- Suspend the current editor session.
- <<eessccaappee>>
- Execute _e_x commands or cancel partial commands.
- <<ccoonnttrrooll--]]>>
- Push a tag reference onto the tag stack.
- <<ccoonnttrrooll--^^>>
- Switch to the most recently edited file.
- [[ccoouunntt]] <<ssppaaccee>>
- [[ccoouunntt]] ll
- Move the cursor forward _c_o_u_n_t characters without
- changing the current line.
- [[ccoouunntt]] !! mmoottiioonn sshheellll--aarrgguummeenntt((ss))
- Replace text with results from a shell command.
- [[ccoouunntt]] ## ##||++||--
- Increment or decrement the cursor number.
- [[ccoouunntt]] $$
- Move the cursor to the end of a line.
- %% Move to the matching character.
- && Repeat the previous substitution command on the
- current line.
- ''<<cchhaarraacctteerr>>
- ``<<cchhaarraacctteerr>>
- Return to a context marked by the character _<_c_h_a_r_-
- _a_c_t_e_r_>.
- [[ccoouunntt]] ((
- Back up _c_o_u_n_t sentences.
- [[ccoouunntt]] ))
- Move forward _c_o_u_n_t sentences.
- [[ccoouunntt]] ,,
- Reverse find character _c_o_u_n_t times.
- [[ccoouunntt]] --
- Move to first nonblank of the previous line, _c_o_u_n_t
- times.
- May 18, 1996 6
-VI(1) VI(1)
- [[ccoouunntt]] ..
- Repeat the last _v_i command that modified text.
- //RREE<<ccaarrrriiaaggee--rreettuurrnn>>
- //RREE// [[ooffffsseett]]<<ccaarrrriiaaggee--rreettuurrnn>>
- ??RREE<<ccaarrrriiaaggee--rreettuurrnn>>
- ??RREE?? [[ooffffsseett]]<<ccaarrrriiaaggee--rreettuurrnn>>
- NN
- nn Search forward or backward for a regular expres-
- sion.
- 00 Move to the first character in the current line.
- :: Execute an ex command.
- [[ccoouunntt]] ;;
- Repeat the last character find _c_o_u_n_t times.
- [[ccoouunntt]] << mmoottiioonn
- [[ccoouunntt]] >> mmoottiioonn
- Shift lines left or right.
- @@ bbuuffffeerr
- Execute a named buffer.
- [[ccoouunntt]] AA
- Enter input mode, appending the text after the end
- of the line.
- [[ccoouunntt]] BB
- Move backwards _c_o_u_n_t bigwords.
- [[bbuuffffeerr]] [[ccoouunntt]] CC
- Change text from the current position to the end-
- of-line.
- [[bbuuffffeerr]] DD
- Delete text from the current position to the end-
- of-line.
- [[ccoouunntt]] EE
- Move forward _c_o_u_n_t end-of-bigwords.
- [[ccoouunntt]] FF <<cchhaarraacctteerr>>
- Search _c_o_u_n_t times backward through the current
- line for _<_c_h_a_r_a_c_t_e_r_>.
- May 18, 1996 7
-VI(1) VI(1)
- [[ccoouunntt]] GG
- Move to line _c_o_u_n_t, or the last line of the file if
- _c_o_u_n_t not specified.
- [[ccoouunntt]] HH
- Move to the screen line _c_o_u_n_t _- _1 lines below the
- top of the screen.
- [[ccoouunntt]] II
- Enter input mode, inserting the text at the begin-
- ning of the line.
- [[ccoouunntt]] JJ
- Join lines.
- [[ccoouunntt]] LL
- Move to the screen line _c_o_u_n_t _- _1 lines above the
- bottom of the screen.
- MM Move to the screen line in the middle of the
- screen.
- [[ccoouunntt]] OO
- Enter input mode, appending text in a new line
- above the current line.
- [[bbuuffffeerr]] PP
- Insert text from a buffer.
- QQ Exit _v_i (or visual) mode and switch to _e_x mode.
- [[ccoouunntt]] RR
- Enter input mode, replacing the characters in the
- current line.
- [[bbuuffffeerr]] [[ccoouunntt]] SS
- Substitute _c_o_u_n_t lines.
- [[ccoouunntt]] TT <<cchhaarraacctteerr>>
- Search backwards, _c_o_u_n_t times, through the current
- line for the character _a_f_t_e_r the specified _<_c_h_a_r_a_c_-
- _t_e_r_>.
- UU Restore the current line to its state before the
- cursor last moved to it.
- [[ccoouunntt]] WW
- Move forward _c_o_u_n_t bigwords.
- [[bbuuffffeerr]] [[ccoouunntt]] XX
- Delete _c_o_u_n_t characters before the cursor.
- [[bbuuffffeerr]] [[ccoouunntt]] YY
- Copy (or ``yank'') _c_o_u_n_t lines into the specified
- May 18, 1996 8
-VI(1) VI(1)
- buffer.
- ZZZZ Write the file and exit _v_i.
- [[ccoouunntt]] [[[[
- Back up _c_o_u_n_t section boundaries.
- [[ccoouunntt]] ]]]]
- Move forward _c_o_u_n_t section boundaries.
- ^^ Move to first nonblank character on the current
- line.
- [[ccoouunntt]] __
- Move down _c_o_u_n_t _- _1 lines, to the first nonblank
- character.
- [[ccoouunntt]] aa
- Enter input mode, appending the text after the cur-
- sor.
- [[ccoouunntt]] bb
- Move backwards _c_o_u_n_t words.
- [[bbuuffffeerr]] [[ccoouunntt]] cc mmoottiioonn
- Change a region of text.
- [[bbuuffffeerr]] [[ccoouunntt]] dd mmoottiioonn
- Delete a region of text.
- [[ccoouunntt]] ee
- Move forward _c_o_u_n_t end-of-words.
- [[ccoouunntt]] ff<<cchhaarraacctteerr>>
- Search forward, _c_o_u_n_t times, through the rest of
- the current line for _<_c_h_a_r_a_c_t_e_r_>.
- [[ccoouunntt]] ii
- Enter input mode, inserting the text before the
- cursor.
- mm <<cchhaarraacctteerr>>
- Save the current context (line and column) as
- _<_c_h_a_r_a_c_t_e_r_>.
- [[ccoouunntt]] oo
- Enter input mode, appending text in a new line
- under the current line.
- [[bbuuffffeerr]] pp
- Append text from a buffer.
- [[ccoouunntt]] rr <<cchhaarraacctteerr>>
- Replace _c_o_u_n_t characters.
- May 18, 1996 9
-VI(1) VI(1)
- [[bbuuffffeerr]] [[ccoouunntt]] ss
- Substitute _c_o_u_n_t characters in the current line
- starting with the current character.
- [[ccoouunntt]] tt <<cchhaarraacctteerr>>
- Search forward, _c_o_u_n_t times, through the current
- line for the character immediately _b_e_f_o_r_e _<_c_h_a_r_a_c_-
- _t_e_r_>.
- uu Undo the last change made to the file.
- [[ccoouunntt]] ww
- Move forward _c_o_u_n_t words.
- [[bbuuffffeerr]] [[ccoouunntt]] xx
- Delete _c_o_u_n_t characters.
- [[bbuuffffeerr]] [[ccoouunntt]] yy mmoottiioonn
- Copy (or ``yank'') a text region specified by the
- _c_o_u_n_t and motion into a buffer.
- [[ccoouunntt11]] zz [[ccoouunntt22]] --||..||++||^^||<<ccaarrrriiaaggee--rreettuurrnn>>
- Redraw, optionally repositioning and resizing the
- screen.
- [[ccoouunntt]] {{
- Move backward _c_o_u_n_t paragraphs.
- [[ccoouunntt]] ||
- Move to a specific _c_o_l_u_m_n position on the current
- line.
- [[ccoouunntt]] }}
- Move forward _c_o_u_n_t paragraphs.
- [[ccoouunntt]] ~~
- Reverse the case of the next _c_o_u_n_t character(s).
- [[ccoouunntt]] ~~ mmoottiioonn
- Reverse the case of the characters in a text region
- specified by the _c_o_u_n_t and _m_o_t_i_o_n.
- <<iinntteerrrruupptt>>
- Interrupt the current operation.
- The following section describes the commands available in
- the text input mode of the _v_i editor.
- <<nnuull>> Replay the previous input.
- <<ccoonnttrrooll--DD>>
- Erase to the previous sshhiiffttwwiiddtthh column boundary.
- May 18, 1996 10
-VI(1) VI(1)
- ^^<<ccoonnttrrooll--DD>>
- Erase all of the autoindent characters, and reset
- the autoindent level.
- 00<<ccoonnttrrooll--DD>>
- Erase all of the autoindent characters.
- <<ccoonnttrrooll--TT>>
- Insert sufficient _<_t_a_b_> and _<_s_p_a_c_e_> characters to
- move forward to the next sshhiiffttwwiiddtthh column bound-
- ary.
- <<eerraassee>>
- <<ccoonnttrrooll--HH>>
- Erase the last character.
- <<lliitteerraall nneexxtt>>
- Quote the next character.
- <<eessccaappee>>
- Resolve all text input into the file, and return to
- command mode.
- <<lliinnee eerraassee>>
- Erase the current line.
- <<ccoonnttrrooll--WW>>
- <<wwoorrdd eerraassee>>
- Erase the last word. The definition of word is
- dependent on the aallttwweerraassee and ttttyywweerraassee options.
- <<ccoonnttrrooll--XX>>[[00--99AA--FFaa--ff]]++
- Insert a character with the specified hexadecimal
- value into the text.
- <<iinntteerrrruupptt>>
- Interrupt text input mode, returning to command
- mode.
- The following section describes the commands available in
- the _e_x editor. In each entry below, the tag line is a
- usage synopsis for the command.
- <<eenndd--ooff--ffiillee>>
- Scroll the screen.
- !! aarrgguummeenntt((ss))
- [[rraannggee]]!! aarrgguummeenntt((ss))
- Execute a shell command, or filter lines through a
- May 18, 1996 11
-VI(1) VI(1)
- shell command.
- "" A comment.
- [[rraannggee]] nnuu[[mmbbeerr]] [[ccoouunntt]] [[ffllaaggss]]
- [[rraannggee]] ## [[ccoouunntt]] [[ffllaaggss]]
- Display the selected lines, each preceded with its
- line number.
- @@ bbuuffffeerr
- ** bbuuffffeerr
- Execute a buffer.
- [[lliinnee]] aa[[ppppeenndd]][[!!]]
- The input text is appended after the specified
- line.
- [[rraannggee]] cc[[hhaannggee]][[!!]] [[ccoouunntt]]
- The input text replaces the specified range.
- ccss[[ccooppee]] aadddd || ffiinndd || hheellpp || kkiillll || rreesseett
- Execute a Cscope command.
- [[rraannggee]] dd[[eelleettee]] [[bbuuffffeerr]] [[ccoouunntt]] [[ffllaaggss]]
- Delete the lines from the file.
- ddii[[ssppllaayy]] bb[[uuffffeerrss]] || cc[[oonnnneeccttiioonnss]] || ss[[ccrreeeennss]] || tt[[aaggss]]
- Display buffers, Cscope connections, screens or
- tags.
- ee[[ddiitt]][[!!]] [[++ccmmdd]] [[ffiillee]]
- eexx[[!!]] [[++ccmmdd]] [[ffiillee]]
- Edit a different file.
- eexxuu[[ssaaggee]] [[ccoommmmaanndd]]
- Display usage for an _e_x command.
- ff[[iillee]] [[ffiillee]]
- Display and optionally change the file name.
- ffgg [[nnaammee]]
- _V_i mode only. Foreground the specified screen.
- [[rraannggee]] gg[[lloobbaall]] //ppaatttteerrnn// [[ccoommmmaannddss]]
- [[rraannggee]] vv //ppaatttteerrnn// [[ccoommmmaannddss]]
- Apply commands to lines matching (or not matching)
- a pattern.
- hhee[[llpp]] Display a help message.
- May 18, 1996 12
-VI(1) VI(1)
- [[lliinnee]] ii[[nnsseerrtt]][[!!]]
- The input text is inserted before the specified
- line.
- [[rraannggee]] jj[[ooiinn]][[!!]] [[ccoouunntt]] [[ffllaaggss]]
- Join lines of text together.
- [[rraannggee]] ll[[iisstt]] [[ccoouunntt]] [[ffllaaggss]]
- Display the lines unambiguously.
- mmaapp[[!!]] [[llhhss rrhhss]]
- Define or display maps (for _v_i only).
- [[lliinnee]] mmaa[[rrkk]] <<cchhaarraacctteerr>>
- [[lliinnee]] kk <<cchhaarraacctteerr>>
- Mark the line with the mark _<_c_h_a_r_a_c_t_e_r_>.
- [[rraannggee]] mm[[oovvee]] lliinnee
- Move the specified lines after the target line.
- mmkk[[eexxrrcc]][[!!]] ffiillee
- Write the abbreviations, editor options and maps to
- the specified file.
- nn[[eexxtt]][[!!]] [[ffiillee ......]]
- Edit the next file from the argument list.
- [[lliinnee]] oo[[ppeenn]] //ppaatttteerrnn// [[ffllaaggss]]
- Enter open mode.
- pprree[[sseerrvvee]]
- Save the file in a form that can later be recovered
- using the _e_x --rr option.
- pprreevv[[iioouuss]][[!!]]
- Edit the previous file from the argument list.
- [[rraannggee]] pp[[rriinntt]] [[ccoouunntt]] [[ffllaaggss]]
- Display the specified lines.
- [[lliinnee]] ppuu[[tt]] [[bbuuffffeerr]]
- Append buffer contents to the current line.
- qq[[uuiitt]][[!!]]
- End the editing session.
- [[lliinnee]] rr[[eeaadd]][[!!]] [[ffiillee]]
- Read a file.
- rreecc[[oovveerr]] ffiillee
- Recover _f_i_l_e if it was previously saved.
- May 18, 1996 13
-VI(1) VI(1)
- rreess[[iizzee]] [[++||--]]ssiizzee
- _V_i mode only. Grow or shrink the current screen.
- rreeww[[iinndd]][[!!]]
- Rewind the argument list.
- ssee[[tt]] [[ooppttiioonn[[==[[vvaalluuee]]]] ......]] [[nnooooppttiioonn ......]] [[ooppttiioonn?? ......]]
- [[aallll]]
- Display or set editor options.
- sshh[[eellll]]
- Run a shell program.
- ssoo[[uurrccee]] ffiillee
- Read and execute _e_x commands from a file.
- [[rraannggee]] ss[[uubbssttiittuuttee]] [[//ppaatttteerrnn//rreeppllaaccee//]] [[ooppttiioonnss]]
- [[ccoouunntt]] [[ffllaaggss]]
- [[rraannggee]] && [[ooppttiioonnss]] [[ccoouunntt]] [[ffllaaggss]]
- [[rraannggee]] ~~ [[ooppttiioonnss]] [[ccoouunntt]] [[ffllaaggss]]
- Make substitutions.
- ssuu[[ssppeenndd]][[!!]]
- sstt[[oopp]][[!!]]
- <<ssuussppeenndd>>
- Suspend the edit session.
- ttaa[[gg]][[!!]] ttaaggssttrriinngg
- Edit the file containing the specified tag.
- ttaaggnn[[eexxtt]][[!!]]
- Edit the file containing the next context for the
- current tag.
- ttaaggpp[[oopp]][[!!]] [[ffiillee || nnuummbbeerr]]
- Pop to the specified tag in the tags stack.
- ttaaggpp[[rreevv]][[!!]]
- Edit the file containing the previous context for
- the current tag.
- uunnmm[[aapp]][[!!]] llhhss
- Unmap a mapped string.
- vvee[[rrssiioonn]]
- Display the version of the _e_x_/_v_i editor.
- [[lliinnee]] vvii[[ssuuaall]] [[ttyyppee]] [[ccoouunntt]] [[ffllaaggss]]
- _E_x mode only. Enter _v_i.
- May 18, 1996 14
-VI(1) VI(1)
- vvii[[ssuuaall]][[!!]] [[++ccmmdd]] [[ffiillee]]
- _V_i mode only. Edit a new file.
- vviiuu[[ssaaggee]] [[ccoommmmaanndd]]
- Display usage for a _v_i command.
- [[rraannggee]] ww[[rriittee]][[!!]] [[>>>>]] [[ffiillee]]
- [[rraannggee]] ww[[rriittee]] [[!!]] [[ffiillee]]
- [[rraannggee]] wwnn[[!!]] [[>>>>]] [[ffiillee]]
- [[rraannggee]] wwqq[[!!]] [[>>>>]] [[ffiillee]]
- Write the file.
- [[rraannggee]] xx[[iitt]][[!!]] [[ffiillee]]
- Write the file if it has been modified.
- [[rraannggee]] yyaa[[nnkk]] [[bbuuffffeerr]] [[ccoouunntt]]
- Copy the specified lines to a buffer.
- [[lliinnee]] zz [[ttyyppee]] [[ccoouunntt]] [[ffllaaggss]]
- Adjust the window.
- There are a large number of options that may be set (or
- unset) to change the editor's behavior. This section
- describes the options, their abbreviations and their
- default values.
- In each entry below, the first part of the tag line is the
- full name of the option, followed by any equivalent abbre-
- viations. The part in square brackets is the default
- value of the option. Most of the options are boolean,
- i.e. they are either on or off, and do not have an associ-
- ated value.
- Options apply to both _e_x and _v_i modes, unless otherwise
- specified.
- aallttwweerraassee [[ooffff]]
- _V_i only. Select an alternate word erase algorithm.
- aauuttooiinnddeenntt,, aaii [[ooffff]]
- Automatically indent new lines.
- aauuttoopprriinntt,, aapp [[ooffff]]
- _E_x only. Display the current line automatically.
- aauuttoowwrriittee,, aaww [[ooffff]]
- Write modified files automatically when changing
- files.
- May 18, 1996 15
-VI(1) VI(1)
- bbaacckkuupp [[""""]]
- Backup files before they are overwritten.
- bbeeaauuttiiffyy,, bbff [[ooffff]]
- Discard control characters.
- ccddppaatthh [[eennvviirroonnmmeenntt vvaarriiaabbllee CCDDPPAATTHH,, oorr ccuurrrreenntt ddiirreeccttoorryy]]
- The directory paths used as path prefixes for the
- ccdd command.
- cceeddiitt [[nnoo ddeeffaauulltt]]
- Set the character to edit the colon command-line
- history.
- ccoolluummnnss,, ccoo [[8800]]
- Set the number of columns in the screen.
- ccoommmmeenntt [[ooffff]]
- _V_i only. Skip leading comments in files.
- ddiirreeccttoorryy,, ddiirr [[eennvviirroonnmmeenntt vvaarriiaabbllee TTMMPPDDIIRR,, oorr //ttmmpp]]
- The directory where temporary files are created.
- eeddccoommppaattiibbllee,, eedd [[ooffff]]
- Remember the values of the ``c'' and ``g'' suffices
- to the ssuubbssttiittuuttee commands, instead of initializing
- them as unset for each new command.
- eerrrroorrbbeellllss,, eebb [[ooffff]]
- _E_x only. Announce error messages with a bell.
- eexxrrcc,, eexx [[ooffff]]
- Read the startup files in the local directory.
- eexxtteennddeedd [[ooffff]]
- Regular expressions are extended (i.e.
- _e_g_r_e_p(1)-style) expressions.
- ffiilleecc [[nnoo ddeeffaauulltt]]
- Set the character to perform file path completion
- on the colon command line.
- ffllaasshh [[oonn]]
- Flash the screen instead of beeping the keyboard on
- error.
- hhaarrddttaabbss,, hhtt [[88]]
- Set the spacing between hardware tab settings.
- iicclloowweerr [[ooffff]]
- Makes all Regular Expressions case-insensitive, as
- long as an upper-case letter does not appear in the
- search string.
- May 18, 1996 16
-VI(1) VI(1)
- iiggnnoorreeccaassee,, iicc [[ooffff]]
- Ignore case differences in regular expressions.
- kkeeyyttiimmee [[66]]
- The 10th's of a second _e_x_/_v_i waits for a subsequent
- key to complete a key mapping.
- lleeffttrriigghhtt [[ooffff]]
- _V_i only. Do left-right scrolling.
- lliinneess,, llii [[2244]]
- _V_i only. Set the number of lines in the screen.
- lliisspp [[ooffff]]
- _V_i only. Modify various search commands and
- options to work with Lisp. _T_h_i_s _o_p_t_i_o_n _i_s _n_o_t _y_e_t
- _i_m_p_l_e_m_e_n_t_e_d_.
- lliisstt [[ooffff]]
- Display lines in an unambiguous fashion.
- lloocckk [[oonn]]
- Attempt to get an exclusive lock on any file being
- edited, read or written.
- mmaaggiicc [[oonn]]
- Treat certain characters specially in regular
- expressions.
- mmaattcchhttiimmee [[77]]
- _V_i only. The 10th's of a second _e_x_/_v_i pauses on
- the matching character when the sshhoowwmmaattcchh option is
- set.
- mmeessgg [[oonn]]
- Permit messages from other users.
- mmooddeelliinneess,, mmooddeelliinnee [[ooffff]]
- Read the first and last few lines of each file for
- _e_x commands. _T_h_i_s _o_p_t_i_o_n _w_i_l_l _n_e_v_e_r _b_e _i_m_p_l_e_-
- _m_e_n_t_e_d_.
- nnoopprriinntt [[""""]]
- Characters that are never handled as printable
- characters.
- nnuummbbeerr,, nnuu [[ooffff]]
- Precede each line displayed with its current line
- number.
- ooccttaall [[ooffff]]
- Display unknown characters as octal numbers,
- instead of the default hexadecimal.
- May 18, 1996 17
-VI(1) VI(1)
- ooppeenn [[oonn]]
- _E_x only. If this option is not set, the ooppeenn and
- vviissuuaall commands are disallowed.
- ooppttiimmiizzee,, oopptt [[oonn]]
- _V_i only. Optimize text throughput to dumb termi-
- nals. _T_h_i_s _o_p_t_i_o_n _i_s _n_o_t _y_e_t _i_m_p_l_e_m_e_n_t_e_d_.
- ppaarraaggrraapphhss,, ppaarraa [[IIPPLLPPPPPPQQPPPP LLIIppppllppiippbbpp]]
- _V_i only. Define additional paragraph boundaries
- for the {{ and }} commands.
- pprriinntt [[""""]]
- Characters that are always handled as printable
- characters.
- pprroommpptt [[oonn]]
- _E_x only. Display a command prompt.
- rreeaaddoonnllyy,, rroo [[ooffff]]
- Mark the file and session as read-only.
- rreeccddiirr [[//vvaarr//ttmmpp//vvii..rreeccoovveerr]]
- The directory where recovery files are stored.
- rreeddrraaww,, rree [[ooffff]]
- _V_i only. Simulate an intelligent terminal on a
- dumb one. _T_h_i_s _o_p_t_i_o_n _i_s _n_o_t _y_e_t _i_m_p_l_e_m_e_n_t_e_d_.
- rreemmaapp [[oonn]]
- Remap keys until resolved.
- rreeppoorrtt [[55]]
- Set the number of lines about which the editor
- reports changes or yanks.
- rruulleerr [[ooffff]]
- _V_i only. Display a row/column ruler on the colon
- command line.
- ssccrroollll,, ssccrr [[wwiinnddooww // 22]]
- Set the number of lines scrolled.
- sseeaarrcchhiinnccrr [[ooffff]]
- Makes the // and ?? commands incremental.
- sseeccttiioonnss,, sseecctt [[NNHHSSHHHH HHUUnnhhsshh]]
- _V_i only. Define additional section boundaries for
- the [[[[ and ]]]] commands.
- sseeccuurree [[ooffff]]
- Turns off all access to external programs.
- May 18, 1996 18
-VI(1) VI(1)
- sshheellll,, sshh [[eennvviirroonnmmeenntt vvaarriiaabbllee SSHHEELLLL,, oorr //bbiinn//sshh]]
- Select the shell used by the editor.
- sshheellllmmeettaa [[~~{{[[**??$$``''""\\]]
- Set the meta characters checked to determine if
- file name expansion is necessary.
- sshhiiffttwwiiddtthh,, ssww [[88]]
- Set the autoindent and shift command indentation
- width.
- sshhoowwmmaattcchh,, ssmm [[ooffff]]
- _V_i only. Note matching ``{'' and ``('' for ``}''
- and ``)'' characters.
- sshhoowwmmooddee [[ooffff]]
- _V_i only. Display the current editor mode and a
- ``modified'' flag.
- ssiiddeessccrroollll [[1166]]
- _V_i only. Set the amount a left-right scroll will
- shift.
- sslloowwooppeenn,, ssllooww [[ooffff]]
- Delay display updating during text input. _T_h_i_s
- _o_p_t_i_o_n _i_s _n_o_t _y_e_t _i_m_p_l_e_m_e_n_t_e_d_.
- ssoouurrcceeaannyy [[ooffff]]
- Read startup files not owned by the current user.
- _T_h_i_s _o_p_t_i_o_n _w_i_l_l _n_e_v_e_r _b_e _i_m_p_l_e_m_e_n_t_e_d_.
- ttaabbssttoopp,, ttss [[88]]
- This option sets tab widths for the editor display.
- ttaagglleennggtthh,, ttll [[00]]
- Set the number of significant characters in tag
- names.
- ttaaggss,, ttaagg [[ttaaggss //vvaarr//ddbb//lliibbcc..ttaaggss //ssyyss//kkeerrnn//ttaaggss]]
- Set the list of tags files.
- tteerrmm,, ttttyyttyyppee,, ttttyy [[eennvviirroonnmmeenntt vvaarriiaabbllee TTEERRMM]]
- Set the terminal type.
- tteerrssee [[ooffff]]
- This option has historically made editor messages
- less verbose. It has no effect in this implementa-
- tion.
- ttiillddeeoopp
- Modify the ~~ command to take an associated motion.
- ttiimmeeoouutt,, ttoo [[oonn]]
- Time out on keys which may be mapped.
- May 18, 1996 19
-VI(1) VI(1)
- ttttyywweerraassee [[ooffff]]
- _V_i only. Select an alternate erase algorithm.
- vveerrbboossee [[ooffff]]
- _V_i only. Display an error message for every error.
- ww330000 [[nnoo ddeeffaauulltt]]
- _V_i only. Set the window size if the baud rate is
- less than 1200 baud.
- ww11220000 [[nnoo ddeeffaauulltt]]
- _V_i only. Set the window size if the baud rate is
- equal to 1200 baud.
- ww99660000 [[nnoo ddeeffaauulltt]]
- _V_i only. Set the window size if the baud rate is
- greater than 1200 baud.
- wwaarrnn [[oonn]]
- _E_x only. This option causes a warning message to
- the terminal if the file has been modified, since
- it was last written, before a !! command.
- wwiinnddooww,, ww,, wwii [[eennvviirroonnmmeenntt vvaarriiaabbllee LLIINNEESS]]
- Set the window size for the screen.
- wwrraapplleenn,, wwll [[00]]
- _V_i only. Break lines automatically, the specified
- number of columns from the left-hand margin. If
- both the wwrraapplleenn and wwrraappmmaarrggiinn edit options are
- set, the wwrraappmmaarrggiinn value is used.
- wwrraappmmaarrggiinn,, wwmm [[00]]
- _V_i only. Break lines automatically, the specified
- number of columns from the right-hand margin. If
- both the wwrraapplleenn and wwrraappmmaarrggiinn edit options are
- set, the wwrraappmmaarrggiinn value is used.
- wwrraappssccaann,, wwss [[oonn]]
- Set searches to wrap around the end or beginning of
- the file.
- wwrriitteeaannyy,, wwaa [[ooffff]]
- Turn off file-overwriting checks.
- _C_O_L_U_M_N_S
- The number of columns on the screen. This value
- overrides any system or terminal specific values.
- If the _C_O_L_U_M_N_S environmental variable is not set
- when _e_x_/_v_i runs, or the ccoolluummnnss option is explic-
- itly reset by the user, _e_x_/_v_i enters the value into
- the environment.
- May 18, 1996 20
-VI(1) VI(1)
- _E_X_I_N_I_T A list of _e_x startup commands, read if the variable
- _N_E_X_I_N_I_T is not set.
- _H_O_M_E The user's home directory, used as the initial
- directory path for the startup ``$_H_O_M_E/.nexrc'' and
- ``$_H_O_M_E/.exrc'' files. This value is also used as
- the default directory for the _v_i ccdd command.
- _L_I_N_E_S The number of rows on the screen. This value over-
- rides any system or terminal specific values. If
- the _L_I_N_E_S environmental variable is not set when
- _e_x_/_v_i runs, or the lliinneess option is explicitly reset
- by the user, _e_x_/_v_i enters the value into the envi-
- ronment.
- _N_E_X_I_N_I_T
- A list of _e_x startup commands.
- _S_H_E_L_L The user's shell of choice (see also the sshheellll
- option).
- _T_E_R_M The user's terminal type. The default is the type
- ``unknown''. If the _T_E_R_M environmental variable is
- not set when _e_x_/_v_i runs, or the tteerrmm option is
- explicitly reset by the user, _e_x_/_v_i enters the
- value into the environment.
- _T_M_P_D_I_R The location used to stored temporary files (see
- also the ddiirreeccttoorryy edit option).
- _V_i_/_e_x uses this signal for periodic backups of file
- modifications and to display ``busy'' messages when
- operations are likely to take a long time.
- If the current buffer has changed since it was last
- written in its entirety, the editor attempts to
- save the modified file so it can be later recov-
- ered. See the _v_i_/_e_x Reference manual section enti-
- tled ``Recovery'' for more information.
- SIGINT When an interrupt occurs, the current operation is
- halted, and the editor returns to the command
- level. If interrupted during text input, the text
- already input is resolved into the file as if the
- text input had been normally terminated.
- The screen is resized. See the _v_i_/_e_x Reference
- manual section entitled ``Sizing the Screen'' for
- May 18, 1996 21
-VI(1) VI(1)
- more information.
- _V_i_/_e_x ignores these signals.
- /bin/sh
- The default user shell.
- /etc/vi.exrc
- System-wide vi startup file.
- /tmp Temporary file directory.
- /var/tmp/vi.recover
- The default recovery file directory.
- $HOME/.nexrc
- 1st choice for user's home directory startup file.
- $HOME/.exrc
- 2nd choice for user's home directory startup file.
- .nexrc 1st choice for local directory startup file.
- .exrc 2nd choice for local directory startup file.
- _c_t_a_g_s(1), _m_o_r_e(3), _c_u_r_s_e_s(3), _d_b_o_p_e_n(3)
- The ``Vi Quick Reference'' card.
- ``An Introduction to Display Editing with Vi'', found in
- the ``UNIX User's Manual Supplementary Documents'' section
- of both the 4.3BSD and 4.4BSD manual sets. This document
- is the closest thing available to an introduction to the
- _v_i screen editor.
- ``Ex Reference Manual (Version 3.7)'', found in the ``UNIX
- User's Manual Supplementary Documents'' section of both
- the 4.3BSD and 4.4BSD manual sets. This document is the
- final reference for the _e_x editor, as distributed in most
- historic 4BSD and System V systems.
- ``Edit: A tutorial'', found in the ``UNIX User's Manual
- Supplementary Documents'' section of the 4.3BSD manual
- set. This document is an introduction to a simple version
- of the _e_x screen editor.
- ``Ex/Vi Reference Manual'', found in the ``UNIX User's
- May 18, 1996 22
-VI(1) VI(1)
- Manual Supplementary Documents'' section of the 4.4BSD
- manual set. This document is the final reference for the
- _n_e_x_/_n_v_i text editors, as distributed in 4.4BSD and 4.4BSD-
- Lite.
- _R_o_f_f source for all of these documents is distributed with
- _n_e_x_/_n_v_i in the _n_v_i_/_U_S_D_._d_o_c directory of the _n_e_x_/_n_v_i source
- code.
- The files ``autowrite'', ``input'', ``quoting'' and
- ``structures'' found in the _n_v_i_/_d_o_c_s_/_i_n_t_e_r_n_a_l_s directory
- of the _n_e_x_/_n_v_i source code.
- The _n_e_x_/_n_v_i replacements for the _e_x_/_v_i editor first
- appeared in 4.4BSD.
- _N_e_x_/_n_v_i is close to IEEE Std1003.2 (``POSIX''). That doc-
- ument differs from historical _e_x_/_v_i practice in several
- places; there are changes to be made on both sides.
- May 18, 1996 23