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-<title>Module mod_auth_msql</title>
-<!-- Background white, links blue (unvisited), navy (visited), red (active) -->
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- <IMG SRC="../images/sub.gif" ALT="[APACHE DOCUMENTATION]">
- <H3>
- Apache HTTP Server Version 1.2
- </H3>
-<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">Module mod_auth_msql</H1>
-This module is contained in the <code>mod_auth_msql.c</code> file and
-is compiled in by default. It allows access control using the public
-domain mSQL database <code><a
-a fast but limited SQL engine which can be contacted over an internal
-Unix domain protocol as well as over normal TCP/IP socket
-communication. It is only available in Apache 1.1 and later. <p>
-<a href="#FullDescription">Full description</a> /
-<a href="#Example">Example</a> /
-<a href="#CompileTimeOptions">Compile time options</a> /
-<a href="#RevisionHistory">RevisionHistory</a> /
-<a href="#Person">Person to blame</a> /
-<a href="#Sourcecode">Sourcecode</a>
-<hr><h2><a name="FullDescription">Full description of all tokens</a></h2>
-Auth_MSQLhost &lt; FQHN | IP Address | localhost &gt
- Hostname of the machine running the mSQL demon. The effective uid
- of the server should be allowed access. If not given, or if it is
- the magic name <code>localhost</code>, it is passed to the mSQL library as a null
- pointer. This effectively forces it to use /dev/msql rather than the
- (slower) socket communication.
-Auth_MSQLdatabase &lt; mSQL database name &gt
- Name of the database in which the following table(s) are contained (Quick check: use the
- mSQL command <code>relshow [&lt;hostname&gt dbase]</code> to verify the spelling of the
- database name).
-Auth_MSQLpwd_table &lt; mSQL table name &gt
- Contains at least the fields with the username
- and the (encrypted) password. Each uid should only occur once in this table and
- for performance reasons should be a primary key.
- Normally this table is compulsory, but it is
- possible to use a fall-through to other methods
- and use the mSQL module for group control only.
- See the <a href="#Authoritative"><code>Auth_MSQL_Authoritative</code></a>
- directive below.
-Auth_MSQLgrp_table &lt; mSQL table name in the above database &gt
- Contains at least the fields with the
- username and the groupname. A user which
- is in multiple groups has therefore
- multiple entries. There might be some performance
- problems associated with this and one
- might consider to have separate tables for each
- group (rather than all groups in one table) if
- your directory structure allows for it.
- One only need to specify this table when doing
- group control.
-Auth_MSQLuid_field &lt; mSQL field name &gt
- Name of the field containing the username in the <code>
- Auth_MSQLpwd_table</code> and optionally in the <code>
- Auth_MSQLgrp_table</code> tables.
-Auth_MSQLpwd_field &lt; mSQL field name &gt
- Fieldname for the passwords in the <code>
- Auth_MSQLpwd_table</code> table.
-Auth_MSQLgrp_field &lt; mSQL field name &gt
- Fieldname for the groupname<br>
- Only the fields used need to be specified. When this
- module is compiled with the
- <a href="#VITEK"><code>BACKWARD_VITEK</code></a> option then
- the uid and pwd field names default to 'user' and 'password'.
- However you are strongly encouraged to always specify these values
- explicitly given the security issues involved.
-Auth_MSQL_nopasswd &lt; on | off &gt
- Skip password comparison if passwd field is
- empty, i.e. allow any password. This is 'off'
- by default to ensure that an empty field
- in the mSQL table does not allow people in by
- default with a random password.
-<a name="Authoritative">Auth_MSQL_Authoritative &lt; on | off &gt</a>
- Default is 'on'. When set 'on', there is no
- fall-through to other authorization methods. So if a
- user is not in the mSQL dbase table (and perhaps
- not in the right group) or has the password wrong, then
- he or she is denied access. When this directive is set to
- 'off', control is passed on to any other authorization
- modules, such as the basic auth module with the htpasswd
- file or the Unix-(g)dbm modules. The default is 'on'
- to avoid nasty 'fall-through' surprises. Be sure you
- know what you are doing when you decide to switch it off.
-Auth_MSQL_EncryptedPasswords &lt; on | off &gt
- Default is 'on'. When set on, the values in the
- pwd_field are assumed to be crypt-ed using *your*
- machines 'crypt()' function and the incoming password
- is 'crypt'ed before comparison. When this function is
- 'off', the comparison is done directly with the plaintext
- entered password. (Yes, http-basic-auth does send the
- password as plaintext over the wire :-( ). The default
- is a sensible 'on', and I personally think that it is
- a *very-bad-idea* to change this. However a multi
- vendor or international environment (which sometimes
- leads to different crypts functions) might force you to.
-<hr><h2><a name="Example">Example</a></h2>
-An example mSQL table could be created with the following commands:
- % msqladmin create www <br>
- % msql www <br>
- -&gt; create table user_records ( <br>
- -&gt; User_id char(32) primary key, <br>
- -&gt; Cpasswd char(32), <br>
- -&gt; Xgroup char(32) <br>
- -&gt; ) \g <br>
- query OK <br>
- -&gt; \q <br>
- % <br>
-The <code>User_id</code> can be as long as desired. However some of the
-popular web browsers truncate names at or stop the user from entering
-names longer than 32 characters. Furthermore the 'crypt' function
-on your platform might impose further limits. Also use of
-the <code>require users uid [uid..]</code> directive in the
-<code>access.conf</code> file where the uid's are separated by
-spaces can possibly prohibit the use of spaces in your usernames.
-Also, please note the <a href="#MAX_FIELD_LEN"><code>MAX_FIELD_LEN</code></a>
-directive somewhere below.
-To use the above, the following example could be in your
-<code>access.conf</code> file. Also there is a more elaborate description
-below this example.
-<code>&lt;directory /web/docs/private&gt;</code>
-Auth_MSQLhost localhost<br>
- <blockquote>or</blockquote>
- If this directive is omitted or set to <code>localhost</code>,
- it is assumed that Apache and the mSQL
- database run on the same (physical) machine and the faster
- /dev/msql communication channel will be used. Otherwise,
- it is the machine to contact by TCP/IP. Consult the mSQL
- documentation for more information.
-Auth_MSQLdatabase www
- The name of the database on the above machine,
- which contains *both* the tables for group and
- for user/passwords. Currently it is not possible
- to have these split over two databases. Make
- sure that the <code>msql.acl</code> (access control file) of
- mSQL does indeed allow the effective uid of the
- web server read access to this database. Check the
- httpd.conf file for this uid.
-Auth_MSQLpwd_table user_records
- This is the table which contain the uid/password combination
- is specified.
-Auth_MSQLuid_field User_id <br>
-Auth_MSQLpwd_field Cpasswd
- These two directive specify the field names in the <code>user_record</code>
- table. If this module is compiled with the <a href="#VITEK"><code>BACKWARD_VITEK</code></a>
- compatibility switch, the defaults <code>user</code> and <code>password</code> are
- assumed if you do not specify them. Currently the user_id field
- *MUST* be a primary key or one must ensure that each user only
- occurs <b>once</b> in the table. If a uid occurs twice access is
- denied by default; but see the <code><a href="#ONLY_ONCE">ONLY_ONCE</a></code>
- compiler directive for more information.
-Auth_MSQLgrp_table user_records <br>
-Auth_MSQLgrp_field Xgroup <br>
- Optionally one can also specify a table which contains the
- user/group combinations. This can be the same table which
- also contains the username/password combinations. However
- if a user belongs to two or more groups, one will have to
- use a different table with multiple entries.
-Auth_MSQL_nopasswd off <br>
-Auth_MSQL_Authoritative on <br>
-Auth_MSQL_EncryptedPasswords on <br>
- These three optional fields (all set to the sensible defaults,
- so you really do not have to enter them) are described in more
- detail below. If you choose to set these to any other values then
- the above, be very sure you understand the security implications and
- do verify that Apache does what you expect it to do.
-AuthName example mSQL realm <br>
-AuthType basic
- Normal Apache/NCSA tokens for access control
- <p>
- <code>&lt;limit get post head&gt</code><br>
- <code>order deny,allow </code><br>
- <code>allow from all </code><br>
- <p>
- <code>require valid-user </code><br>
- <ul><li><code>valid-user</code>; allow in any user which has a valid uid/passwd
- pair in the above pwd_table.
- </ul>
- or<br>
- <code>require user smith jones </code><br>
- <ul><li>Limit access to users who have a valid uid/passwd pair in the
- above pwd_table *and* whose uid is 'smith' or 'jones'. Do note that
- the uid's are separated by 'spaces' for historic (NCSA) reasons.
- So allowing uids with spaces might cause problems.
- </ul>
- <code>require group has_paid</code><br>
- <ul><li>Optionally also ensure that the uid has the value 'has_paid' in
- the group field in the group table.
- </ul>
- <code>&lt;limit&gt </code><br>
-<hr><h2><a name="CompileTimeOptions">Compile Time Options</a></h2>
-<a name="ONLY_ONCE">#define ONLY_ONCE 1</a>
- If the mSQL table containing the uid/passwd combination does
- not have the uid field as a primary key, it is possible for the
- uid to occur more than once in the table with possibly different
- passwords. When this module is compiled with the <code>ONLY_ONCE</code>
- directive set, access is denied if the uid occurs more than once in the
- uid/passwd table. If you choose not to set it, the software takes
- the first pair returned and ignores any further pairs. The SQL
- statement used for this is<br>
- <p><code>"select password form pwd_table where user='UID'"</code><p>
- this might lead to unpredictable results. For this reason as well
- as for performance reasons you are strongly advised to make the
- uid field a primary key. Use at your own peril :-)
- Normally the (TCP/IP) connection with the database is opened and
- closed for each SQL query. When the Apache web-server and the database
- are on the same machine, and /dev/msql is used this does not
- cause a serious overhead. However when your platform does not
- support this (see the mSQL documentation) or when the web server
- and the database are on different machines the overhead can be
- considerable. When the above directive is set defined the server leaves
- the connection open, i.e. no call to <code>msqlClose()</code>.
- If an error occurs an attempt is made to reopen the connection for
- the next http request.
- <p>
- This has a number of very serious drawbacks
- <ul><li> It costs 2 already rare file-descriptors for each child.
- <li> It costs msql-connections, typically one per child. The (compiled in)
- number of connections mSQL can handle is low, typically 6 or 12.
- which might prohibit access to the mSQL database for later
- processes.
- <li> When a child dies, it might not free that connection properly
- or quick enough.
- <li> When errors start to occur, connection/file-descriptor resources
- might become exhausted very quickly.
- </ul>
- <p>
- In short, use this at your own peril and only in a highly controlled and
- monitored environment.
-<a name="VITEK">
-#define BACKWARD_VITEK<br></a>
-#define VITEK_uid_name "user"<br>
-#define VITEK_gid_name "passwd"
- A second mSQL auth module for Apache has also been developed by Vivek Khera
- &lt<a href=""><code></code></a>&gt
- and was subsequently distributed with some early versions of Apache. It
- can be obtained from
- <code><a href="">*</a></code>.
- Older 'vitek' versions had the field/table names compiled in. Newer
- versions, v.1.11 have more <code>access.conf</code> configuration
- options. However these where chosen not to be in line the 'ewse'
- version of this module. Also, the 'vitek' module does not give group
- control or 'empty' password control.
- <p>
- To get things slightly more in line this version (0.9) should
- be backward compatible with the 'vitek' module by:
- <ul><li> Adding support for the <code>Auth_MSQL_EncryptedPasswords</code> on/off functionality
- <li> Adding support for the different spelling of the 4 configuration
- tokens for user-table-name, user/password-field-name and dbase-name.
- <li> Setting some field names to a default which used to be hard
- coded in in older 'vitek' modules.
- </ul>
- <p>
- If this troubles you, remove the 'BACKWARD_VITEK' define.
-<a name="MAX_FIELD_LEN">
-#define MAX_FIELD_LEN (64)<br>
- In order to avoid using the very large <code>HUGE_STRING_LENGTH</code>, the above two compile
- time directives are supplies. The <code>MAX_FIELD_LEN</code> contains the maximum number of
- characters in your user, password and group fields. The maximum query length is derived
- from those values.
- <p>
- We only do the following two queries:
- <ul><li>For the user/passwd combination
- <p><code>"select PWDFIELD from PWDTABLE where USERFIELD='UID'"</code><br>
- <li>Optionally for the user/group combination:
- <p><code>"select GROUPFIELD from GROUPTABLE where USERFIELD='UID' and GROUPFIELD='GID'"</code><br>
- </ul>
- <p>
- This leads to the above limit for the query string. We are ignoring escaping a wee bit here
- assuming not more than 24 escapes.)
-<hr><h2><a name="RevisionHistory">Revision History</a></h2>
-This version: 23 Nov 1995, 24 Feb 1996, 16 May 1996.
-<dt>Version 0.0<br></dt>
- <dd>First release
- </dd>
-<dt>Version 0.1<br></dt>
- <dd>Update to Apache 1.00
- </dd>
-<dt>Version 0.2<br></dt>
- <dd>Added lines which got missing God knows when
- and which did the valid-user authentication no good at all !
- </dd>
-<dt>Version 0.3<br></dt>
- <dd>Added '<code>Auth_MSQL_nopasswd</code>' option
- </dd>
-<dt>Version 0.4<br></dt>
- <dd>Cleaned out the error messages mess.
- </dd>
-<dt>Version 0.6<br></dt>
- <dd>Inconsistency with gid/grp in comment/token/source
- Make sure you really use '<code>Auth_MSQLgrp_field</code>'
- as indicated above.
- </dd>
-<dt>Version 0.7<br></dt>
- <dd><code>*host</code> to <code>host</code> fixed. Credits
- go to Rob Stout, &lt;; for
- spotting this one.
- </dd>
-<dt>Version 0.8<br></dt>
- <dd>Authoritative directive added. See above.
- </dd>
-<dt>Version 0.9<br></dt>
- <dd><code>palloc</code> return code check(s), should be
- backward compatible with 1.11 version of Vivek Khera
- &lt;; msql
- module, fixed broken err msg in group control, changed
- command table messages to make more sense when displayed
- in that new module management tool. Added
- <code>Auth_MSQL_EncryptedPasswords</code> on/off functionality.
- msqlClose() statements added upon error. Support for
- persistent connections with the mSQL database (riscy).
- Escaping of ' and \. Replaced some
- <code>MAX_STRING_LENGTH</code> claims.
- </dd>
-<hr><h2><a name="Person">Contact/person to blame</a></h2>
-This module was written for the
-<a href="">European Wide Service Exchange</a> by
-&lt<a href=""><code></code></a>&gt.
-Feel free to contact me if you have any problems, ice-creams or bugs. This
-documentation, courtesy of Nick Himba, <a href="">
-<hr><h2><a NAME="Sourcecode">Sourcecode</a></h2>
-The source code can be found at <a href=""><code>
-</code></a>. A snapshot of a development version
-usually resides at <a href=""><code>
-</code></a>. Please make sure
-that you always quote the version you use when filing a bug report.
-Furthermore a test/demonstration suite (which assumes that you have
-both mSQL and Apache compiled and installed) is available at the contrib
-section of <a href=""><code>
-</code></a> or
-<a href=""><code>
-</code></a> and
-its <a href=""><code>
-README</code></a> file.
- Apache HTTP Server Version 1.2
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