path: root/usr.sbin/httpd/htdocs/manual/new_features_1_2.html
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-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
- "">
-<html xmlns="">
- <head>
- <meta name="generator" content="HTML Tidy, see" />
- <title>New features with Apache 1.2</title>
- </head>
- <!-- Background white, links blue (unvisited), navy (visited), red (active) -->
- <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" link="#0000FF"
- vlink="#000080" alink="#FF0000">
- <div align="CENTER">
- <img src="images/sub.gif" alt="[APACHE DOCUMENTATION]" />
- <h3>Apache HTTP Server</h3>
- </div>
- <h1 align="CENTER">Overview of new features</h1>
- <h2>API Changes</h2>
- <p>Some non-compatible changes were made to the Apache API in
- order to deal with HTTP/1.1 compatibility. It is possible that
- some modules will no longer work (specifically, those that
- process input using the POST or PUT methods). If you encounter
- a module that does not work, please contact the author. A <a
- href="misc/client_block_api.html">programmer's note</a> on the
- subject is available.</p>
- <p>Additionally, some changes were made to the CGI environment
- that may cause some CGI scripts to work incorrectly. If you are
- experiencing trouble with a CGI that worked fine under Apache
- 1.1.1, please see <a href="cgi_path.html">our explanation of
- the changes.</a></p>
- <h2>New Features with Apache 1.2</h2>
- <p>New features with this release, as extensions of the Apache
- functionality. Because the core code has changed so
- significantly, there are certain liberties that earlier
- versions of Apache (and the NCSA daemon) took that recent
- Apache versions are pickier about - please check the <a
- href="misc/compat_notes.html">compatibility notes</a> if you
- have any problems.</p>
- <hr />
- <p>In addition to a number of bug fixes and internal
- performance enhancements, <a
- href="">Apache 1.2</a> has the
- following specific new user features:</p>
- <ul>
- <!-- change the "name" to an "href" if/when there's such a document -->
- <li><strong><a id="http11.html" name="http11.html">HTTP/1.1
- Compliance</a></strong> [Documentation to be written]<br />
- Aside from the optional proxy module (which operates as
- HTTP/1.0), Apache is conditionally compliant with the
- HTTP/1.1 proposed standard, as approved by the IESG and the
- <a href="">IETF HTTP
- working group</a>. HTTP/1.1 provides a much-improved
- protocol, and should allow for greater performance and
- efficiency when transferring files. Apache does, however,
- still work great with HTTP/1.0 browsers. We are very close to
- being unconditionally compliant; if you note any deviance
- from the proposed standard, please report it as a bug.</li>
- <li><strong><a href="mod/mod_include.html">eXtended Server
- Side Includes (XSSI)</a></strong><br />
- A new set of server-side include directives allows the user
- to better create WWW pages. This includes number of powerful
- new features, such as the ability to set variables and use
- conditional HTML.</li>
- <li><strong><a href="mod/core.html#files">File-based and
- Regex-enabled Directive Sections</a></strong><br />
- The new <a
- href="mod/core.html#files"><code>&lt;Files&gt;</code></a>
- section allows directives to be enabled based on full
- filename, not just directory and URL. In addition,
- <code>&lt;Files&gt;</code> sections can appear in
- <code>.htaccess</code> files. <code>&lt;Files&gt;</code>,
- along with <a
- href="mod/core.html#directory"><code>&lt;Directory&gt;</code></a>
- and <a
- href="mod/core.html#location"><code>&lt;Location&gt;</code></a>,
- can also now be based on regular expressions, not just simple
- prefix matching.</li>
- <li><strong><a href="mod/mod_browser.html">Browser-based
- Environment Variables</a></strong><br />
- Environment variables can now be set based on the
- <code>User-Agent</code> string of the browser. Combined with
- <a href="mod/mod_include.html">XSSI</a>, this allows you to
- write browser-based conditional HTML documents.</li>
- <li><strong><a href="suexec.html">SetUID CGI
- Execution</a></strong><br />
- Apache now supports the execution of CGI scripts as users
- other than the server user. A number of security checks are
- built in to try and make this as safe as possible.</li>
- <li><strong><a href="mod/mod_rewrite.html">URL Rewriting
- Module</a></strong><br />
- The optional <code>mod_rewrite</code> module is now
- included. This module can provide powerful URL mapping, using
- regular expressions. There's nothing this module can't
- do!</li>
- <li><strong><a href="mod/mod_log_config.html">Enhanced,
- Configurable Logging</a></strong><br />
- The optional <code>mod_log_config</code> included with
- earlier versions of Apache is now standard, and has been
- enhanced to allow logging of much more detail about the
- transaction, and can be used to open <a
- href="multilogs.html">more than one log file</a> at once
- (each of which can have a different log format). If you have
- Apache write any logs to a directory which is writable by
- anyone other than the user that starts the server, see the <a
- href="misc/security_tips.html">security tips</a> document to
- be sure you aren't putting the security of your server at
- risk.</li>
- <li><strong><a href="mod/mod_usertrack.html">User Tracking
- (Cookies) Revisions</a></strong><br />
- The <code>mod_cookies</code> included with previous versions
- of Apache has been renamed <code>mod_usertrack</code>, to
- more accurately reflect its function (some people
- inadvertently thought it enabled cookie support in Apache,
- which is not true - Apache supports the use of cookies
- directly). It is also now possible to disable the generation
- of cookies, even when the cookie module is compiled in. Also,
- an expiry time can be set on the cookies.</li>
- <li><strong><a
- href="mod/core.html#virtualhost">&lt;VirtualHost&gt;
- Enhancements</a></strong><br />
- The &lt;VirtualHost&gt; directive can now take more than one
- IP address or hostname. This lets a single vhost handles
- requests for multiple IPs or hostnames. Also the special
- section &lt;VirtualHost _default_&gt; can be used to handle
- requests normally left for the main server
- configuration.</li>
- <li><strong><a href="mod/mod_cgi.html#cgi_debug">CGI
- Debugging Environment</a></strong><br />
- <code>ScriptLog</code> allows you to now set up a log that
- records all input and output to failed CGI scripts. This
- includes environment variables, input headers, POST data,
- output, and more. This makes CGI scripts much easier to
- debug.</li>
- <li><strong><a href="mod/core.html#rlimit">Resource Limits
- for CGI Scripts</a></strong><br />
- New directives allow the limiting of resources used by CGI
- scripts (<em>e.g.</em>, max CPU time). This is helpful in
- preventing 'runaway' CGI processes.</li>
- <li><strong><a href="mod/mod_alias.html">Redirect Directive
- Can Return Alternate Status</a></strong><br />
- The Redirect directive can return permanent or temporary
- redirects, "Gone" or "See Other" HTTP status. For
- NCSA-compatibility, RedirectTemp and RedirectPermanent are
- also implemented.</li>
- <li><strong><a href="install.html">Simplified
- Compilation</a></strong><br />
- The process of configuring Apache for compilation has been
- simplified.</li>
- <li><strong><a href="mod/core.html#options">Add or Remove
- Options</a></strong><br />
- The <code>Options</code> directive can now add or remove
- options from those currently in force, rather than always
- replacing them.</li>
- <li><strong><a href="invoking.html#help">Command-line
- Help</a></strong><br />
- The <code>-h</code> command-line option now lists all the
- available directives.</li>
- <li><strong><a href="mod/mod_headers.html">Optional Headers
- Module to Set or Remove HTTP Headers</a></strong><br />
- The optional <code>mod_headers</code> module can be used to
- set custom headers in the HTTP response. It can append to
- existing headers, replace them, or remove headers from the
- response.</li>
- <li><strong><a href="mod/core.html#ifmodule">Conditional
- Config Directives</a></strong><br />
- A new <code>&lt;IfModule&gt;</code> section allows
- directives to be enabled only if a given module is loaded
- into the server.</li>
- <li><strong><a href="mod/core.html#satisfy">NCSA Satisfy
- authentication directive now implemented</a></strong><br />
- <code>Satisfy</code> allows for more flexible access control
- configurations.</li>
- <li><strong>Better NCSA Compatibility</strong><br />
- Apache directives are now more compatible with NCSA 1.5 to
- make moving between servers easier. In particular, Apache now
- implements the <a
- href="mod/core.html#satisfy"><code>Satisfy</code></a>, <a
- href="mod/core.html#maxkeepaliverequests">MaxKeepAliveRequests</a>,
- <a
- href="mod/mod_alias.html#redirectperm">RedirectPermanent</a>
- and <a
- href="mod/mod_alias.html#redirecttemp">RedirectTemp</a>,
- directives, and the following directives are now
- syntax-compatible with NCSA: <a
- href="mod/mod_auth.html#authuserfile">AuthUserFile</a>, <a
- href="mod/mod_auth.html#authgroupfile">AuthGroupFile</a>, <a
- href="mod/mod_digest.html#authdigestfile">AuthDigestFile</a>,
- <a href="mod/core.html#keepalive">KeepAlive</a> and <a
- href="mod/core.html#keepalivetimeout">KeepAliveTimeout</a>.</li>
- <li>
- <strong><a href="mod/mod_proxy.html">Optional proxy
- module</a></strong><br />
- An improved FTP, HTTP, and CONNECT mode SSL proxy is
- included with Apache 1.2. Some of the changes visible to
- users:
- <dl>
- <dd>
- <dl>
- <dt>- Improved FTP proxy supporting PASV mode</dt>
- <dt>- ProxyBlock directive for excluding sites to
- proxy</dt>
- <dt>- NoCache * directive for disabling proxy
- caching</dt>
- <dt>- Numerous bug fixes</dt>
- </dl>
- </dd>
- </dl>
- </li>
- </ul>
- <hr />
- <h3 align="CENTER">Apache HTTP Server</h3>
- <a href="./"><img src="images/index.gif" alt="Index" /></a>
- </body>