path: root/sbin/unwind/frontend.h
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-01-27Determine available address families (and monitor when this changes)Florian Obser
2021-01-24Implement DNS64 synthesis.Florian Obser
2021-01-19Move control_state and ctl_conns to control.c, it's not neededFlorian Obser
2019-11-27Nuke http captive portal detection; something better is coming.Florian Obser
2019-11-19Proposals from dhclient are sometimes replacements.Florian Obser
2019-11-11Implement DNS proposals to learn nameservers from networkFlorian Obser
2019-02-07Rewrite trust anchor handling.Florian Obser
2019-02-03Captive portal detection for unwind(8).Florian Obser
2019-01-23Import unwind(8).Florian Obser