path: root/sys/arch/luna88k
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2004-04-26Start factorizing luna88k and mvme88k common parts.Miod Vallat
2004-04-24Define wscons device ids for the Luna devices.Miod Vallat
2004-04-22TypoMiod Vallat
2004-04-22Sync NMBCLUSTERS with mvme88kMiod Vallat
2004-04-21Preliminary bsd.rd material for luna88k, to be built upon. Heavily basedMiod Vallat
2004-04-21Dummy Makefile for make includes to complete.Miod Vallat
2004-04-21We need this, too.Miod Vallat
2004-04-21Initial commit for OpenBSD/luna88k, based on OpenBSD/mvme88k, NetBSD/luna68k ...Kenji Aoyama