path: root/usr.sbin/dhcrelay6
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-03-18explicitly use BPF_FILDROP_CAPTURE when configuring BIOCSFILDROPDavid Gwynne
2017-04-19Switch base tools from /dev/bpf0 to /dev/bpf. Now that /dev/bpf has beenMartin Natano
2017-04-16Remove -Werror to make dhcrelay6 on gcc3 architecture successfully.Kenji Aoyama
2017-03-21From a syslog perspective it does not make sense to log fatal andAlexander Bluhm
2017-03-17various tweaks; ok rzalamenaJason McIntyre
2017-03-17Import the DHCPv6 relay implementation.Rafael Zalamena