/*	$OpenBSD: shf.h,v 1.5 2005/03/30 17:16:37 deraadt Exp $	*/

#ifndef SHF_H
# define SHF_H

 * Shell file I/O routines

#define SHF_BSIZE	512

#define shf_fileno(shf)	((shf)->fd)
#define shf_setfileno(shf,nfd)	((shf)->fd = (nfd))
#define shf_getc(shf) ((shf)->rnleft > 0 ? (shf)->rnleft--, *(shf)->rp++ : \
#define shf_putc(c, shf)	((shf)->wnleft == 0 ? shf_putchar((c), (shf)) : \
				    ((shf)->wnleft--, *(shf)->wp++ = (c)))
#define shf_eof(shf)		((shf)->flags & SHF_EOF)
#define shf_error(shf)		((shf)->flags & SHF_ERROR)
#define shf_errno(shf)		((shf)->errno_)
#define shf_clearerr(shf)	((shf)->flags &= ~(SHF_EOF | SHF_ERROR))

/* Flags passed to shf_*open() */
#define SHF_RD		0x0001
#define SHF_WR		0x0002
#define SHF_RDWR	  (SHF_RD|SHF_WR)
#define SHF_ACCMODE	  0x0003	/* mask */
#define SHF_GETFL	0x0004		/* use fcntl() to figure RD/WR flags */
#define SHF_UNBUF	0x0008		/* unbuffered I/O */
#define SHF_CLEXEC	0x0010		/* set close on exec flag */
#define SHF_MAPHI	0x0020		/* make fd > FDBASE (and close orig)
					 * (shf_open() only) */
#define SHF_DYNAMIC	0x0040		/* string: increase buffer as needed */
#define SHF_INTERRUPT	0x0080		/* EINTR in read/write causes error */
/* Flags used internally */
#define SHF_STRING	0x0100		/* a string, not a file */
#define SHF_ALLOCS	0x0200		/* shf and shf->buf were alloc()ed */
#define SHF_ALLOCB	0x0400		/* shf->buf was alloc()ed */
#define SHF_ERROR	0x0800		/* read()/write() error */
#define SHF_EOF		0x1000		/* read eof (sticky) */
#define SHF_READING	0x2000		/* currently reading: rnleft,rp valid */
#define SHF_WRITING	0x4000		/* currently writing: wnleft,wp valid */

struct shf {
	int flags;		/* see SHF_* */
	unsigned char *rp;	/* read: current position in buffer */
	int rbsize;		/* size of buffer (1 if SHF_UNBUF) */
	int rnleft;		/* read: how much data left in buffer */
	unsigned char *wp;	/* write: current position in buffer */
	int wbsize;		/* size of buffer (0 if SHF_UNBUF) */
	int wnleft;		/* write: how much space left in buffer */
	unsigned char *buf;	/* buffer */
	int fd;			/* file descriptor */
	int errno_;		/* saved value of errno after error */
	int bsize;		/* actual size of buf */
	Area *areap;		/* area shf/buf were allocated in */

extern struct shf shf_iob[];

struct shf *shf_open(const char *, int, int, int);
struct shf *shf_fdopen(int, int, struct shf *);
struct shf *shf_reopen(int, int, struct shf *);
struct shf *shf_sopen(char *, int, int, struct shf *);
int	    shf_close(struct shf *);
int	    shf_fdclose(struct shf *);
char	   *shf_sclose(struct shf *);
int	    shf_finish(struct shf *);
int	    shf_flush(struct shf *);
int	    shf_seek(struct shf *, off_t, int);
int	    shf_read(char *, int, struct shf *);
char	   *shf_getse(char *, int, struct shf *);
int	    shf_getchar(struct shf *s);
int	    shf_ungetc(int, struct shf *);
int	    shf_putchar(int, struct shf *);
int	    shf_puts(const char *, struct shf *);
int	    shf_write(const char *, int, struct shf *);
int	    shf_fprintf(struct shf *, const char *, ...);
int	    shf_snprintf(char *, int, const char *, ...);
char	    *shf_smprintf(const char *, ...);
int	    shf_vfprintf(struct shf *, const char *, va_list);

#endif /* SHF_H */