name: heredoc-1 description: Check ordering/content of redundent here documents. stdin: cat << EOF1 << EOF2 hi EOF1 there EOF2 expected-stdout: there --- name: heredoc-2 description: Check quoted here-doc is protected. stdin: a=foo cat << 'EOF' hi\ there$a stuff EOF expected-stdout: hi\ there$a stuff --- name: heredoc-3 description: Check quoted here-documents don't have \newline processing done on them. stdin: cat << 'EOF' hi\ there EO\ F EOF true expected-stdout: hi\ there EO\ F --- name: heredoc-4 description: Check that newline isn't needed after heredoc-delimiter marker. stdin: ! cat << EOF hi there EOF expected-stdout: hi there --- name: heredoc-5 description: Check that an error occurs if the heredoc-delimiter is missing. stdin: ! cat << EOF hi there expected-exit: e > 0 expected-stderr-pattern: /.*/ ---