# # $OpenBSD: instbin.conf,v 1.6 2000/06/09 17:42:51 mickey Exp $ # $NetBSD: instbin.conf,v 1.5 1995/08/28 20:10:30 leo Exp $ # # kcbin.conf - unified binary for the kc floppy # srcdirs /usr/src/bin /usr/src/sbin /usr/src/usr.bin /usr/src/usr.sbin srcdirs /usr/src/gnu/usr.bin progs cat chmod chroot cp dd df disklabel ed expr fsck ftp progs ifconfig init ln ls mkdir mknod more mount mount_cd9660 progs mount_ffs mount_msdos mount_nfs mv newfs printf pwd reboot rm route sed progs sh shutdown slattach strings stty sync tar test tip umount update ln chmod chgrp ln chmod chown ln reboot halt ln sh -sh # init invokes the shell this way ln test [ ln mount_ffs ffs ln mount_msdos msdos ln mount_nfs nfs ln mount_cd9660 cd9660 libs -ledit -lutil -ltermcap -lcrypt -ll -lz -lm