TopPart OpenBSDbsd OpenBSDrd OpenBSDminiroot OpenBSDdistsets utils/ Miscellaneous amiga installation utilities; see installation section, below. Installation/upgrade miniroot file system: This file contains a BSD root file system setup to help you install or upgrade the rest of OpenBSD. This includes formatting root and /usr partitions in the case of an install or converting existing ones if doing an upgrade (this conversion is only needed if you are coming from a real old NetBSD world), then mounting your root and /usr partitions and getting ready to extract (and possibly first fetching) the distribution sets. There is enough on this file system to allow you to make a slip or ppp connection, configure an Ethernet, mount an NFS file system or ftp. You can also load distribution sets from a SCSI tape or from one of your existing AmigaDOS partitions. This file is named "miniroot{:--:}OSrev.fs". DistributionDescription OpenBSDbase(11.2M,33.9M) OpenBSDcomp(7.0M,23.6M) OpenBSDetc(92K,490K) OpenBSDgame(2.7M,6.7M) OpenBSDman(2.4M,9.2M) OpenBSDmisc(1.7M,5.8M) OpenBSDxbase OpenBSDxfont OpenBSDxserv