OpenBSDInstallPrelude OpenBSDInstallPart2 Boot your machine from the network. When presented with the boot prompt, enter the path of your kernel (`bsd.rd' is a likely choice if you are booting over the network). OpenBSDBootMsgs You will next be asked for your terminal type. There are only a few specific terminal types supported. If you are using a graphics display, just hit return to select the default (hp300h). If you are using an ASCII terminal, it should either be an HP or vt100 compatible terminal; nothing else is supported. (If your terminal type is xterm, just use vt100). After entering the terminal type you will be asked whether you wish to do an "install" or an "upgrade". Enter 'i' for a fresh install or 'u' to upgrade an existing installation. You will be presented with a welcome message and asked if you really wish to install (or upgrade). Assuming you answered yes, the install program will then tell you which disks of that type it can install on, and ask you which it should use. The name of the disk is typically "hd0" for HPIB/CS80 drives or "sd0" for SCSI drives. Reply with the name of your disk. Next the disk label which defines the layout of the OpenBSD file systems must be set up. The installation script will invoke an interactive editor allowing you to do this. Note that partition 'c' inside this disk label should ALWAYS reflect the entire disk, including any non-OpenBSD portions. If you are labeling a new disk, you will probably start out with an 'a' partition that spans the disk. In this case you should delete 'a' before adding new partitions. The root file system should be in partition 'a', and swap is usually in partition 'b'. It is recommended that you create separate partitions for /usr and /var, and if you have room for it, one for /home. For help in the disk label editor, enter '?' or 'M' to view the manual page (see the info on the ``-E'' flag). Since the target disk will become the boot disk for your new OpenBSD/MACHINE installation, you will need to treat the `a' and `c' partitions in a special manner. Due to the size of the OpenBSD/MACHINE boot program (it spills into the area after the disklabel), it is necessary to offset the `a' partition one cylinder from the beginning of the disk. Later, the `c' partition will be marked with the type `FS_BOOT' and may not be used for a filesystem. By default, the disklabel program will enforce this by restricting the available disk area to keep the first cylinder safe from being overwritten. The swap partition (usually 'b') should have a type of "swap", all other native OpenBSD partitions should have a type of "4.2BSD". Block and fragment sizes are usually 8192 and 1024 bytes, but can also be 4096 and 512 or even 16384 and 2048 bytes. The install program will now label your disk and ask which file systems should be created on which partitions. It will auto- matically select the 'a' partition to be the root file system. Next it will ask for which disk and partition you want a file system created on. This will be the same as the disk name (e.g. "hd0") with the letter identifying the partition (e.g. "d") appended (e.g. "hd0d"). Then it will ask where this partition is to be mounted, e.g. /usr. This process will be repeated until you enter "done". At this point you will be asked to confirm that the file system information you have entered is correct, and given an opportunity to change the file system table. Next it will create the new file systems as specified, OVERWRITING ANY EXISTING DATA. This is the point of no return. After all your file systems have been created, the install program will give you an opportunity to configure the network. The network configuration you enter (if any) can then be used to do the install from another system using NFS, HTTP or FTP, and will also be the configuration used by the system after the installation is complete. If you select to configure the network, the install program will ask you for a name of your system and the DNS domain name to use. Note that the host name should be without the domain part, and that the domain name should NOT {:-include-:} the host name part. Next the system will give you a list of network interfaces you can configure. For each network interface you select to configure, it will ask for the IP address to use, the symbolic host name to use, the netmask to use and any interface-specific flags to set. No interface-specific flags should be required. After all network interfaces has been configured the install pro- gram will ask for a default route and IP address of the primary name server to use. You will also be presented with an opportunity to edit the host table. At this point you will be allowed to edit the file system table that will be used for the remainder of the installation and that will be used by the finished system, following which the new file systems will be mounted to complete the installation. After these preparatory steps has been completed, you will be able to extract the distribution sets onto your system. There are several install methods supported; FTP, HTTP, tape, CD-ROM, NFS or a local disk partition. To install from a tape, the distrib- ution sets must have been written to tape prior to running the installation program, either as tar images or as gzipped tar images. OpenBSDFTPInstall OpenBSDHTTPInstall OpenBSDTAPEInstall OpenBSDCDROMInstall OpenBSDNFSInstall OpenBSDDISKInstall({:-"hdN" or -:},{:-only -:}) OpenBSDCommonFS OpenBSDCommonURL OpenBSDCongratulations