NOTE! If you are going to do the upgrade manually, you MUST use the "-r" flag when invoking disklabel(8). You MUST also change the partition table such that partition 'c' encompasses the entire drive, and not only the OpenBSD partition. Finally, partition 'd' is no longer special and can be used for any purpose whatsoever. Also, OpenBSD now uses partition ID 0xA6 (166 decimal), but will continue to work with 0xA5 for compatibility reasons. However, if you change the partition ID to 0xA6, you will be able to share the disk with 386BSD, FreeBSD or NetBSD. Note that the latter three can NOT easily share the disk with each other. To do the upgrade, you must have the floppy{:--:}OSrev.fs floppy image on a disk. You must also have at least the "base{:--:}OSrev" and "bsd" binary distribution set available, so that you can upgrade with it, using one of the upgrade methods described above. Finally, you must have sufficient disk space available to install the new binaries. Since the old binaries are being overwritten in place, you only need space for the new binaries, which weren't previously on the system. If you have a few megabytes free on each of your root and /usr partitions, you should have enough space. Since upgrading involves replacing the boot blocks on your OpenBSD partition, the kernel, and most of the system binaries, it has the potential to cause data loss. You are strongly advised to BACK UP ANY IMPORTANT DATA ON YOUR DISK, whether on the OpenBSD partition or on another operating system's partition, before beginning the upgrade process. To upgrade your system, follow the following instructions: Boot your machine using of the floppy{:--:}OSrev.fs floppy. When presented with the boot prompt (the "boot>" prompt), hit return. While booting, you will probably see several warnings. You should be warned that no swap space is present. Do not be alarmed, these are completely normal. When you reach the prompt asking you for a shell name, just hit return. You will be presented with a welcome message and a prompt. If you are upgrading from a pre-OpenBSD 1.0 release, you should upgrade your file systems manually now, using "fsck -c 2". Read the fsck(8) manual page for more details. Now you will be asked whether you wish to do an "install" or an "upgrade". Enter 'u' to upgrade your existing installation. You will be presented with some information about the upgrade process and a warning message, and will be asked if you wish to proceed with the upgrade process. If you answer negatively, the upgrade process will stop, and your disk will not be modified. If you answer affirmatively, the upgrade process will begin, and your disk will be modified. You may hit Control-C to stop the upgrade process at any time. However, if you hit it at an inopportune moment, your system may be left in an inconsistent (and possibly unusable) state. You will be asked which terminal type to use, you should just hit return to select the default (pcvt25). The upgrade program will then tell you which disks of that type it can upgrade, and ask you which it should use. The name of the disk is typically "wd0" for IDE/RLL/ESDI/ST506 drives or "sd0" for SCSI drives. Reply with the name of your disk. The upgrade program will then ask you for the partition which contains the root file system and proceed with checking it. It will then mount your root file system on /mnt. After all your root file system has been mounted, the upgrade program will ask you if you want to enable the network. If you answer affirmatively, the configuration stored on the root file system will be used. After this you will be given the opportunity to escape to the command shell to do any additional network configuration. This may {:-include-:} adding or altering routes, if needed. At the next point you can edit the fstab, which is used for the upgrade process. You may need to resolve dependencies in the order in which the file systems are mounted. All partitions will be checked and mounted under /mnt. In other words, your root partition will be mounted on /mnt, your /usr partition on /mnt/usr, etc. You will be asked if the upgrade sets are already on the mounted file systems. If you answer with yes, you can type in the path where the sets are stored. The upgrade then continues with the procedure described in the paragraph "Common file system installations" in the install section of this document. If you don't already have the OpenBSD distribution sets on your disk, look at the installation section of this document for information on how to go on. Your options are to install via FTP, via HTTP, via nfs, from tape, from CD-ROM or, again, from local disk. But remember to not install the "etc{:--:}OSrev" distribution file! Your system has now been upgraded to OpenBSD OSREV. After rebooting your machine is a complete OpenBSD OSREV system. However, that doesn't mean that you're finished with the upgrade process. There are several things that you should do, or might have to do, to insure that the system works properly. First, you will probably want to get the etc{:--:}OSrev distribution, extract it to a temporary location, and compare its contents with those in your /etc/ directory. You will probably want to replace some of your system configuration files, or incorporate some of the changes in the new versions into yours. Second, you will probably want to update the set of device nodes you have in /dev. If you've changed the contents of /dev by hand, you will need to be careful about this. A "MAKEDEV all" was already run during the upgrade procedure, so you will have to take care about those devices, that are not remade by "MAKEDEV all". Third, you must deal with certain changes in the formats of some of the configuration files. The most notable change is that the "options" given to many of the file systems in /etc/fstab or by hand have changed, and some of the file systems have changed names. *IMPORTANT*: ANY INSTANCES OF "ufs" IN /etc/fstab ARE CHANGED TO "ffs" BY THE UPGRADE PROGRAM. To find out what the new options are, it's suggested that you read the manual page for the file systems' mount commands, for example mount_nfs(8) for NFS. (Note that the information for mounts of type "ffs", i.e. Fast File Systems, are contained in the mount(8) man page.) Finally, you will want to delete old binaries that were part of the version of OpenBSD that you upgraded from and have since been removed from the OpenBSD distribution. If you are upgrading from a pre-1.0 OpenBSD, you might also want to recompile any locally-built binaries, to take advantage of the shared libraries. (Note that any new binaries that you build will be dynamically linked, and therefore take advantage of the shared libraries, by default. For information on how to make statically linked binaries, see the cc(1) and ld(1) manual pages.)