/* $OpenBSD: server.h,v 1.4 1999/08/30 23:38:11 d Exp $ */ /* $NetBSD: hunt.h,v 1.5 1998/09/13 15:27:28 hubertf Exp $ */ /* * Hunt * Copyright (c) 1985 Conrad C. Huang, Gregory S. Couch, Kenneth C.R.C. Arnold * San Francisco, California */ #include #include #ifndef __GNUC__ #define __attribute__(x) #endif /* * Choose MAXPL and MAXMON carefully. The screen is assumed to be * 23 lines high and will only tolerate (MAXPL == 17 && MAXMON == 0) * or (MAXPL + MAXMON <= 16). */ #define MAXPL 14 #define MAXMON 2 #if (MAXPL + MAXMON > 16) #warning "MAXPL + MAXMON is excessive" #endif #define MSGLEN SCREEN_WIDTH #define UBOUND 1 #define DBOUND (HEIGHT - 1) #define LBOUND 1 #define RBOUND (WIDTH - 1) #define NASCII 128 /* Layout of the scoreboard: */ #define STAT_LABEL_COL 60 #define STAT_VALUE_COL 74 #define STAT_NAME_COL 61 #define STAT_SCAN_COL (STAT_NAME_COL + 5) #define STAT_AMMO_ROW 0 #define STAT_GUN_ROW 1 #define STAT_DAM_ROW 2 #define STAT_KILL_ROW 3 #define STAT_PLAY_ROW 5 #define STAT_MON_ROW (STAT_PLAY_ROW + MAXPL + 1) #define STAT_NAME_LEN 18 /* Number of boots: */ #define NBOOTS 2 /* Bitmask of directions */ #define NORTH 01 #define SOUTH 02 #define EAST 010 #define WEST 020 # undef CTRL #define CTRL(x) ((x) & 037) #define BULREQ 1 /* 0 */ #define GRENREQ 9 /* 1 */ #define SATREQ 25 /* 2 */ #define BOMB7REQ 49 /* 3 */ #define BOMB9REQ 81 /* 4 */ #define BOMB11REQ 121 /* 5 */ #define BOMB13REQ 169 /* 6 */ #define BOMB15REQ 225 /* 7 */ #define BOMB17REQ 289 /* 8 */ #define BOMB19REQ 361 /* 9 */ #define BOMB21REQ 441 /* 10 */ #define MAXBOMB 11 #define SLIMEREQ 5 /* 0 */ #define SSLIMEREQ 10 /* 1 */ #define SLIME2REQ 15 /* 2 */ #define SLIME3REQ 20 /* 3 */ #define MAXSLIME 4 #define EXPLEN 16 #define _scan_char(pp) (((pp)->p_scan < 0) ? ' ' : '*') #define _cloak_char(pp) (((pp)->p_cloak < 0) ? _scan_char(pp) : '+') #define stat_char(pp) (((pp)->p_flying < 0) ? _cloak_char(pp) : FLYER) typedef struct bullet_def BULLET; typedef struct expl_def EXPL; typedef struct player_def PLAYER; typedef struct ident_def IDENT; typedef struct regen_def REGEN; #define ALL_PLAYERS ((PLAYER *)1) struct ident_def { char i_name[NAMELEN]; char i_team; long i_machine; long i_uid; float i_kills; int i_entries; float i_score; int i_absorbed; int i_faced; int i_shot; int i_robbed; int i_slime; int i_missed; int i_ducked; int i_gkills, i_bkills, i_deaths, i_stillb, i_saved; IDENT *i_next; }; struct player_def { IDENT *p_ident; char p_over; int p_face; int p_undershot; int p_flying; int p_flyx, p_flyy; int p_nboots; FILE *p_output; int p_fd; int p_mask; int p_damage; int p_damcap; int p_ammo; int p_ncshot; int p_scan; int p_cloak; int p_x, p_y; int p_ncount; int p_nexec; long p_nchar; char p_death[MSGLEN]; char p_maze[HEIGHT][WIDTH2]; int p_curx, p_cury; int p_lastx, p_lasty; char p_cbuf[BUFSIZ]; }; struct bullet_def { int b_x, b_y; int b_face; int b_charge; char b_type; char b_size; char b_over; PLAYER *b_owner; IDENT *b_score; FLAG b_expl; BULLET *b_next; }; struct expl_def { int e_x, e_y; char e_char; EXPL *e_next; }; struct regen_def { int r_x, r_y; REGEN *r_next; }; struct spawn { int fd; int state; struct sockaddr source; socklen_t sourcelen; u_int32_t uid; char name[NAMELEN+1]; u_int8_t team; u_int32_t enter_status; char ttyname[NAMELEN]; u_int32_t mode; char msg[BUFSIZ]; int msglen; struct spawn * next; struct spawn ** prevnext; }; extern struct spawn * Spawn; extern int Socket; /* answer.c */ void answer_first __P((void)); int answer_next __P((struct spawn *)); int rand_dir __P((void)); void answer_info __P((FILE *)); /* draw.c */ void drawmaze __P((PLAYER *)); void look __P((PLAYER *)); void check __P((PLAYER *, int, int)); void showstat __P((PLAYER *)); void drawplayer __P((PLAYER *, FLAG)); void message __P((PLAYER *, char *)); /* driver.c */ int rand_num __P((int)); void checkdam __P((PLAYER *, PLAYER *, IDENT *, int, char)); void cleanup __P((int)); /* execute.c */ void mon_execute __P((PLAYER *)); void execute __P((PLAYER *)); void add_shot __P((int, int, int, char, int, PLAYER *, int, char)); BULLET *create_shot __P((int, int, int, char, int, int, PLAYER *, IDENT *, int, char)); void ammo_update __P((PLAYER *)); /* expl.c */ void showexpl __P((int, int, char)); void rollexpl __P((void)); void makemaze __P((void)); void clearwalls __P((void)); int can_rollexpl __P((void)); /* makemaze.c */ void makemaze __P((void)); /* shots.c */ int can_moveshots __P((void)); void moveshots __P((void)); PLAYER *play_at __P((int, int)); int opposite __P((int, char)); BULLET *is_bullet __P((int, int)); void fixshots __P((int, int, char)); /* terminal.c */ void cgoto __P((PLAYER *, int, int)); void outch __P((PLAYER *, char)); void outstr __P((PLAYER *, char *, int)); void outyx __P((PLAYER *, int, int, const char *, ...)) __attribute__((format (printf, 4, 5))); void clrscr __P((PLAYER *)); void ce __P((PLAYER *)); void sendcom __P((PLAYER *, int, ...)); void flush __P((PLAYER *)); void log __P((int, const char *, ...)) __attribute__((format (printf, 2, 3))); void logx __P((int, const char *, ...)) __attribute__((format (printf, 2, 3))); /* extern.c */ extern FLAG Am_monitor; extern char Buf[BUFSIZ]; extern char Maze[HEIGHT][WIDTH2]; extern char Orig_maze[HEIGHT][WIDTH2]; extern fd_set Fds_mask; extern fd_set Have_inp; extern int Nplayer; extern int Num_fds; extern int Socket; extern int Status; extern int See_over[NASCII]; extern BULLET * Bullets; extern EXPL * Expl[EXPLEN]; extern EXPL * Last_expl; extern PLAYER Player[MAXPL]; extern PLAYER * End_player; extern PLAYER Boot[NBOOTS]; extern IDENT * Scores; extern PLAYER Monitor[MAXMON]; extern PLAYER * End_monitor; extern int volcano; extern int shot_req[MAXBOMB]; extern int shot_type[MAXBOMB]; extern int slime_req[MAXSLIME];