/* hport.c Find a port in the HDB configuration files. Copyright (C) 1992, 1993 Ian Lance Taylor This file is part of the Taylor UUCP uuconf library. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. The author of the program may be contacted at ian@airs.com or c/o Cygnus Support, 48 Grove Street, Somerville, MA 02144. */ #include "uucnfi.h" #if USE_RCS_ID const char _uuconf_hport_rcsid[] = "$Id: hport.c,v 1.1 1995/10/18 08:38:34 deraadt Exp $"; #endif #include #include /* Find a port in the HDB configuration files by name, baud rate, and special purpose function. */ int uuconf_hdb_find_port (pglobal, zname, ibaud, ihighbaud, pifn, pinfo, qport) pointer pglobal; const char *zname; long ibaud; long ihighbaud; int (*pifn) P((struct uuconf_port *, pointer)); pointer pinfo; struct uuconf_port *qport; { struct sglobal *qglobal = (struct sglobal *) pglobal; char *zline; size_t cline; char **pzsplit; size_t csplit; int iret; char **pz; zline = NULL; cline = 0; pzsplit = NULL; csplit = 0; iret = UUCONF_NOT_FOUND; for (pz = qglobal->qprocess->pzhdb_devices; *pz != NULL; pz++) { FILE *e; int cchars; qglobal->ilineno = 0; e = fopen (*pz, "r"); if (e == NULL) { if (FNO_SUCH_FILE ()) continue; qglobal->ierrno = errno; iret = UUCONF_FOPEN_FAILED | UUCONF_ERROR_ERRNO; break; } iret = UUCONF_NOT_FOUND; while ((cchars = _uuconf_getline (qglobal, &zline, &cline, e)) > 0) { int ctoks; char *z, *zprotos, *zport; long ilow, ihigh; pointer pblock; char ***ppzdialer; ++qglobal->ilineno; iret = UUCONF_NOT_FOUND; --cchars; if (zline[cchars] == '\n') zline[cchars] = '\0'; if (isspace (BUCHAR (zline[0])) || zline[0] == '#') continue; ctoks = _uuconf_istrsplit (zline, '\0', &pzsplit, &csplit); if (ctoks < 0) { qglobal->ierrno = errno; iret = UUCONF_MALLOC_FAILED | UUCONF_ERROR_ERRNO; break; } /* An entry in Devices is type device dial-device baud dialer-token pairs The type (normally "ACU") is treated as the name. */ /* If there aren't enough entries, ignore the line; this should probably do something more useful. */ if (ctoks < 4) continue; /* There may be a comma separated list of protocols after the name. */ zprotos = strchr (pzsplit[0], ','); if (zprotos != NULL) { *zprotos = '\0'; ++zprotos; } zport = pzsplit[0]; /* Get any modem class, and pick up the baud rate while we're at it. The modem class will be appended to the name, so we need to get it before we see if we've found the port with the right name. */ z = pzsplit[3]; if (strcasecmp (z, "Any") == 0 || strcmp (z, "-") == 0) { ilow = 0L; ihigh = 0L; } else { char *zend; while (*z != '\0' && ! isdigit (BUCHAR (*z))) ++z; ilow = strtol (z, &zend, 10); if (*zend == '-') ihigh = strtol (zend + 1, (char **) NULL, 10); else ihigh = ilow; if (z != pzsplit[3]) { size_t cclass, cport; cclass = z - pzsplit[3]; cport = strlen (pzsplit[0]); zport = malloc (cport + cclass + 1); if (zport == NULL) { qglobal->ierrno = errno; iret = UUCONF_MALLOC_FAILED | UUCONF_ERROR_ERRNO; break; } memcpy ((pointer) zport, (pointer) pzsplit[0], cport); memcpy ((pointer) (zport + cport), (pointer) pzsplit[3], cclass); zport[cport + cclass] = '\0'; } } /* Make sure the name and baud rate match any argument. */ if ((zname != NULL && strcmp (zport, zname) != 0) || (ibaud != 0 && ilow != 0 && (ilow > ibaud || ihigh < ibaud))) { if (zport != pzsplit[0]) free ((pointer) zport); continue; } /* Some systems permit ,M after the device name. This means to open the port with O_NDELAY and then change it. We just ignore this flag, although perhaps we should record it somewhere. */ pzsplit[1][strcspn (pzsplit[1], ",")] = '\0'; /* Now we must construct the port information, so that we can pass it to pifn. The port type is determined by its name, unfortunately. The name "Direct" is used for a direct port, "TCP" for a TCP port, and anything else for a modem port. */ pblock = NULL; _uuconf_uclear_port (qport); qport->uuconf_zname = zport; qport->uuconf_zprotocols = zprotos; if (strcmp (pzsplit[0], "Direct") == 0) { qport->uuconf_ttype = UUCONF_PORTTYPE_DIRECT; qport->uuconf_u.uuconf_sdirect.uuconf_zdevice = pzsplit[1]; qport->uuconf_u.uuconf_sdirect.uuconf_ibaud = ilow; qport->uuconf_u.uuconf_sdirect.uuconf_fcarrier = FALSE; qport->uuconf_u.uuconf_sdirect.uuconf_fhardflow = TRUE; ppzdialer = NULL; } else if (strcmp (pzsplit[0], "TCP") == 0) { /* For a TCP port, the device name is taken as the TCP port to use. */ qport->uuconf_ttype = UUCONF_PORTTYPE_TCP; qport->uuconf_ireliable = (UUCONF_RELIABLE_ENDTOEND | UUCONF_RELIABLE_RELIABLE | UUCONF_RELIABLE_EIGHT | UUCONF_RELIABLE_FULLDUPLEX | UUCONF_RELIABLE_SPECIFIED); qport->uuconf_u.uuconf_stcp.uuconf_zport = pzsplit[1]; ppzdialer = &qport->uuconf_u.uuconf_stcp.uuconf_pzdialer; } else if (ctoks >= 5 && (strcmp (pzsplit[4], "TLI") == 0 || strcmp (pzsplit[4], "TLIS") == 0)) { qport->uuconf_ttype = UUCONF_PORTTYPE_TLI; qport->uuconf_u.uuconf_stli.uuconf_zdevice = pzsplit[1]; qport->uuconf_u.uuconf_stli.uuconf_fstream = strcmp (pzsplit[4], "TLIS") == 0; qport->uuconf_u.uuconf_stli.uuconf_pzpush = NULL; qport->uuconf_u.uuconf_stli.uuconf_zservaddr = NULL; qport->uuconf_ireliable = (UUCONF_RELIABLE_ENDTOEND | UUCONF_RELIABLE_RELIABLE | UUCONF_RELIABLE_EIGHT | UUCONF_RELIABLE_FULLDUPLEX | UUCONF_RELIABLE_SPECIFIED); ppzdialer = &qport->uuconf_u.uuconf_stli.uuconf_pzdialer; } else { qport->uuconf_ttype = UUCONF_PORTTYPE_MODEM; qport->uuconf_u.uuconf_smodem.uuconf_zdevice = pzsplit[1]; if (strcmp (pzsplit[2], "-") != 0) qport->uuconf_u.uuconf_smodem.uuconf_zdial_device = pzsplit[2]; else qport->uuconf_u.uuconf_smodem.uuconf_zdial_device = NULL; if (ilow == ihigh) { qport->uuconf_u.uuconf_smodem.uuconf_ibaud = ilow; qport->uuconf_u.uuconf_smodem.uuconf_ilowbaud = 0L; qport->uuconf_u.uuconf_smodem.uuconf_ihighbaud = 0L; } else { qport->uuconf_u.uuconf_smodem.uuconf_ibaud = 0L; qport->uuconf_u.uuconf_smodem.uuconf_ilowbaud = ilow; qport->uuconf_u.uuconf_smodem.uuconf_ihighbaud = ihigh; } qport->uuconf_u.uuconf_smodem.uuconf_fcarrier = TRUE; qport->uuconf_u.uuconf_smodem.uuconf_fhardflow = TRUE; qport->uuconf_u.uuconf_smodem.uuconf_qdialer = NULL; ppzdialer = &qport->uuconf_u.uuconf_smodem.uuconf_pzdialer; } if (ppzdialer != NULL) { if (ctoks < 5) *ppzdialer = NULL; else { size_t c; char **pzd; pblock = uuconf_malloc_block (); if (pblock == NULL) { qglobal->ierrno = errno; iret = UUCONF_MALLOC_FAILED | UUCONF_ERROR_ERRNO; break; } c = (ctoks - 4) * sizeof (char *); pzd = (char **) uuconf_malloc (pblock, c + sizeof (char *)); if (pzd == NULL) { qglobal->ierrno = errno; uuconf_free_block (pblock); iret = UUCONF_MALLOC_FAILED | UUCONF_ERROR_ERRNO; break; } memcpy ((pointer) pzd, (pointer) (pzsplit + 4), c); pzd[ctoks - 4] = NULL; *ppzdialer = pzd; } } if (pifn != NULL) { iret = (*pifn) (qport, pinfo); if (iret != UUCONF_SUCCESS) { if (zport != pzsplit[0]) free ((pointer) zport); if (pblock != NULL) uuconf_free_block (pblock); if (iret != UUCONF_NOT_FOUND) break; continue; } } /* This is the port we want. */ if (pblock == NULL) { pblock = uuconf_malloc_block (); if (pblock == NULL) { qglobal->ierrno = errno; iret = UUCONF_MALLOC_FAILED | UUCONF_ERROR_ERRNO; break; } } if (uuconf_add_block (pblock, zline) != 0 || (zport != pzsplit[0] && uuconf_add_block (pblock, zport) != 0)) { qglobal->ierrno = errno; uuconf_free_block (pblock); iret = UUCONF_MALLOC_FAILED | UUCONF_ERROR_ERRNO; break; } zline = NULL; qport->uuconf_palloc = pblock; iret = UUCONF_SUCCESS; break; } (void) fclose (e); if (iret != UUCONF_NOT_FOUND) break; } if (zline != NULL) free ((pointer) zline); if (pzsplit != NULL) free ((pointer) pzsplit); if (iret != UUCONF_SUCCESS && iret != UUCONF_NOT_FOUND) { qglobal->zfilename = *pz; iret |= UUCONF_ERROR_FILENAME | UUCONF_ERROR_LINENO; } return iret; }