/* $OpenBSD: h8300.h,v 1.2 1998/02/15 18:50:02 niklas Exp $ */ /* Opcode table for the H8-300 Copyright (C) 1991,1992 Free Software Foundation. Written by Steve Chamberlain, sac@cygnus.com. This file is part of GDB, the GNU Debugger and GAS, the GNU Assembler. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ typedef int op_type; #define Hex0 0 #define Hex1 1 #define Hex2 2 #define Hex3 3 #define Hex4 4 #define Hex5 5 #define Hex6 6 #define Hex7 7 #define Hex8 8 #define Hex9 9 #define HexA 10 #define HexB 11 #define HexC 12 #define HexD 13 #define HexE 14 #define HexF 15 #define START 0x20 #define KBIT 0x21 /* K is #1, or #2, yielding 0x0 or 0x8 */ #define IMM3 0x22 /* bit number */ #define RD8 0x23 /* 8 bit reg as 2nd op */ #define RD16 0x24 /* 16 bit reg as 2nd op */ #define RS8 0x25 /* 8 bit reg as 1st op */ #define RS16 0x26 /* 16 bit reg 1st op */ #define IMM8 0x27 /* constant which fits into 8 bits */ #define IMM16 0x28 /* constant which fits into 16 bits */ #define CCR 0x29 /* CCR reg */ #define ABS8SRC 0x2a /* abs 8 address mode */ #define ABS8DST 0x2b /* abs 8 address mode */ #define DISP8 0x2c /* pc rel displacement */ #define ABS16SRC 0x2d /* abs 16 address mode */ #define ABS16OR8SRC 0x2e /* abs 16 address mode, but could be abs 8 */ #define ABS16DST 0x2f /* abs 16 address mode */ #define ABS16OR8DST 0x30 /* abs 16 address mode */ #define DISPSRC 0x31 /* @(r:16) address mode src */ #define DISPDST 0x32 /* @(r:16) address mode dst*/ #define DISPREG 0x33 /* register from DISP address mode */ #define RDDEC 0x34 /* @-rn mode */ #define RSINC 0x35 /* @rn+ mode */ #define RDIND 0x36 /* @R mode dst */ #define RSIND 0x37 /* @R mode src */ #define MEMIND 0x38 /* @@abs8 mode */ #define ABS16ORREL8SRC 0x39 /* abs 16bit or pcrel */ #define IGNORE 0x3a #define B30 0x40 /* bit 3 must be low */ #define B31 0x80 /* bit 3 must be high */ #define E 0x81 /* End of list */ struct code { op_type nib[9]; } ; struct arg { op_type nib[3]; } ; struct h8_opcode { char *name; struct arg args; struct code data; char length; char noperands; char idx; char size; }; #ifdef DEFINE_TABLE #define BITOP(imm, name, op00, op01,op10,op11, op20,op21)\ { name, {imm,RD8,E}, {op00, op01, imm, RD8,E}},\ { name, {imm,RDIND,E}, {op10, op11, RDIND, 0, op00,op01, imm, 0,E}},\ { name, {imm,ABS8DST,E},{op20, op21, ABS8DST, IGNORE, op00,op01, imm, 0,E}} #define EBITOP(imm, name, op00, op01,op10,op11, op20,op21)\ BITOP(imm, name, op00+1, op01, op10,op11, op20,op21),\ BITOP(RS8, name, op00, op01, op10,op11, op20,op21) #define WTWOP(name, op1, op2) \ { name, {RS16, RD16, E}, { op1, op2, RS16, RD16, E}} #define BRANCH(name, op) \ { name,{DISP8,E}, { Hex4, op, DISP8,IGNORE,E }} #define SOP(name) \ { name #define EOP } #define TWOOP(name, op1, op2,op3) \ { name, {IMM8, RD8,E}, { op1, RD8, IMM8,IGNORE,E}},\ { name, {RS8, RD8, E}, { op2, op3, RS8, RD8 ,E}} #define UNOP(name, op1, op2) \ { name, {RS8, E}, { op1, op2, 0, RS8, E}} #define UNOP3(name, op1, op2, op3) \ { name , {RS8, E}, {op1, op2, op3, RS8, E}} struct h8_opcode h8_opcodes[] = { TWOOP("add.b", Hex8, Hex0,Hex8), WTWOP("add.w", Hex0, Hex9), SOP("adds"), {KBIT,RD16|B30, E}, {Hex0, HexB, KBIT, RD16|B30, E} EOP, TWOOP("addx", Hex9,Hex0,HexE), TWOOP("and", HexE,Hex1,Hex6), SOP("andc"), {IMM8, CCR, E}, { Hex0, Hex6, IMM8,IGNORE, E} EOP, BITOP(IMM3|B30, "band", Hex7, Hex6, Hex7, HexC, Hex7, HexE), BRANCH("bra", Hex0), BRANCH("bt", Hex0), BRANCH("brn", Hex1), BRANCH("bf", Hex1), BRANCH("bhi", Hex2), BRANCH("bls", Hex3), BRANCH("bcc", Hex4), BRANCH("bhs", Hex4), BRANCH("bcs", Hex5), BRANCH("blo", Hex5), BRANCH("bne", Hex6), BRANCH("beq", Hex7), BRANCH("bvc", Hex8), BRANCH("bvs", Hex9), BRANCH("bpl", HexA), BRANCH("bmi", HexB), BRANCH("bge", HexC), BRANCH("blt", HexD), BRANCH("bgt", HexE), BRANCH("ble", HexF), EBITOP(IMM3|B30,"bclr", Hex6, Hex2, Hex7, HexD, Hex7, HexF), BITOP(IMM3|B31,"biand", Hex7, Hex6, Hex7, HexC, Hex7, HexE), BITOP(IMM3|B31, "bild", Hex7, Hex7,Hex7, HexC, Hex7, HexE), BITOP(IMM3|B31, "bior", Hex7, Hex4,Hex7, HexC, Hex7, HexE), BITOP(IMM3|B31, "bist", Hex6, Hex7,Hex7, HexD, Hex7, HexE), BITOP(IMM3|B31, "bixor", Hex7, Hex5,Hex7, HexC, Hex7, HexE), BITOP(IMM3|B30, "bld", Hex7, Hex7,Hex7, HexC, Hex7, HexE), EBITOP(IMM3|B30,"bnot", Hex6, Hex1, Hex7, HexD, Hex7, HexF), BITOP(IMM3|B30,"bor", Hex7, Hex4,Hex7, HexC, Hex7, HexE), EBITOP(IMM3|B30,"bset", Hex6, Hex0,Hex7, HexD, Hex7, HexF), SOP("bsr"),{DISP8, E},{ Hex5, Hex5, DISP8,IGNORE, E}, EOP, BITOP(IMM3|B30, "bst", Hex6, Hex7,Hex7, HexD, Hex7, HexF), EBITOP(IMM3|B30, "btst", Hex6, Hex3,Hex7, HexC, Hex7, HexE), BITOP(IMM3|B30, "bxor", Hex7,Hex5,Hex7, HexC, Hex7, HexE), TWOOP( "cmp.b",HexA, Hex1, HexC), WTWOP( "cmp.w",Hex1,HexD), UNOP( "daa",Hex0, HexF), UNOP( "das",Hex1, HexF), UNOP( "dec",Hex1, HexA), SOP("divxu"),{RS8, RD16|B30, E}, { Hex5, Hex1, RS8, RD16|B30, E} EOP, SOP("eepmov"),{ E}, {Hex7, HexB, Hex5, HexC, Hex5, Hex9, Hex8, HexF,E} EOP, UNOP( "inc", Hex0, HexA), SOP("jmp"),{RSIND|B30, E}, {Hex5, Hex9, RSIND|B30, Hex0, E} EOP, SOP("jmp"),{ABS16ORREL8SRC, E}, {Hex5, HexA, Hex0, Hex0, ABS16ORREL8SRC, IGNORE,IGNORE,IGNORE,E} EOP, SOP("jmp"),{MEMIND, E}, {Hex5, HexB, MEMIND,IGNORE, E} EOP, SOP("jsr"),{RSIND|B30, E}, {Hex5, HexD, RSIND|B30, Hex0, E} EOP, SOP("jsr"),{ABS16ORREL8SRC, E}, {Hex5, HexE, Hex0, Hex0, ABS16ORREL8SRC,IGNORE,IGNORE,IGNORE, E} EOP, SOP("jsr"),{MEMIND, E}, {Hex5, HexF, MEMIND, IGNORE,E} EOP, SOP("ldc"),{IMM8, CCR, E}, { Hex0, Hex7, IMM8,IGNORE, E} EOP, SOP("ldc"),{RS8, CCR, E}, { Hex0, Hex3, Hex0, RS8, E} EOP, SOP("mov.b"),{RS8, RD8, E}, { Hex0, HexC, RS8, RD8, E} EOP, SOP("mov.b"),{IMM8, RD8, E}, { HexF, RD8, IMM8,IGNORE, E} EOP, SOP("mov.b"),{RSIND|B30,RD8, E}, { Hex6, Hex8, RSIND|B30, RD8, E} EOP, SOP("mov.b"),{DISPSRC,RD8, E}, { Hex6, HexE, DISPREG|B30, RD8, DISPSRC, IGNORE, IGNORE, IGNORE, E} EOP, SOP("mov.b"),{RSINC|B30, RD8, E}, { Hex6, HexC, RSINC|B30, RD8, E} EOP, SOP("mov.b"),{ABS16OR8SRC, RD8, E}, { Hex6, HexA, Hex0, RD8,ABS16OR8SRC, IGNORE,IGNORE,IGNORE,E} EOP, SOP("mov.b"),{ABS8SRC, RD8, E}, { Hex2, RD8, ABS8SRC,IGNORE, E} EOP, SOP("mov.b"),{RS8, RDIND|B30, E}, { Hex6, Hex8, RDIND|B31, RS8, E} EOP, SOP("mov.b"),{RS8, DISPDST, E}, { Hex6, HexE, DISPREG|B31, RS8,DISPDST, IGNORE, IGNORE, IGNORE, E} EOP, SOP("mov.b"),{RS8, RDDEC|B31, E}, { Hex6, HexC, RDDEC|B31, RS8, E} EOP, SOP( "mov.b"),{RS8, ABS16OR8DST, E}, { Hex6, HexA, Hex8, RS8, ABS16OR8DST,IGNORE,IGNORE,IGNORE, E} EOP, SOP( "mov.b"),{RS8, ABS8DST, E}, { Hex3, RS8, ABS8DST,IGNORE, E} EOP, SOP( "mov.w"),{RS16|B30, RD16|B30, E},{ Hex0, HexD, RS16|B30, RD16|B30, E} EOP, SOP("mov.w"),{IMM16, RD16|B30, E}, { Hex7, Hex9, Hex0, RD16|B30, IMM16,IGNORE,IGNORE,IGNORE, E} EOP, SOP("mov.w"),{RSIND|B30,RD16|B30, E},{ Hex6, Hex9, RSIND|B30, RD16|B30, E} EOP, SOP("mov.w"),{DISPSRC,RD16|B30, E}, { Hex6, HexF, DISPREG|B30, RD16|B30, DISPSRC, IGNORE, IGNORE, IGNORE,E} EOP, SOP("mov.w"),{RSINC|B30, RD16|B30, E}, { Hex6, HexD, RSINC|B30, RD16|B30, E}EOP, SOP("mov.w"), {ABS16SRC, RD16|B30, E}, { Hex6, HexB, Hex0, RD16|B30,ABS16SRC,IGNORE,IGNORE,IGNORE, E} EOP, SOP("mov.w"), {RS16|B30, RDIND|B30, E},{ Hex6, Hex9, RDIND|B31, RS16|B30, E} EOP, SOP("mov.w"), {RS16|B30, DISPDST, E}, { Hex6, HexF, DISPREG|B31, RS16|B30,DISPDST, IGNORE,IGNORE,IGNORE,E} EOP, SOP("mov.w"), {RS16|B30, RDDEC|B30, E},{ Hex6, HexD, RDDEC|B31, RS16|B30, E} EOP, SOP("mov.w"), {RS16|B30, ABS16DST, E}, { Hex6, HexB, Hex8, RS16|B30, ABS16DST, IGNORE, IGNORE, IGNORE, E} EOP, SOP("movfpe"), {ABS16SRC, RD8, E}, { Hex6, HexA, Hex4, RD8, ABS16SRC,IGNORE,IGNORE,IGNORE, E} EOP, SOP("movtpe"), {RS8, ABS16DST, E}, { Hex6, HexA, HexC, RS8, ABS16DST,IGNORE,IGNORE,IGNORE, E} EOP, SOP("mulxu"), {RS8, RD16|B30, E}, { Hex5, Hex0, RS8, RD16|B30, E} EOP, SOP( "neg"), {RS8, E}, { Hex1, Hex7, Hex8, RS8, E} EOP, SOP( "nop"), {E}, { Hex0, Hex0, Hex0, Hex0,E} EOP, SOP( "not"), {RS8,E}, { Hex1, Hex7, Hex0, RS8,E} EOP, TWOOP("or", HexC, Hex1, Hex4), SOP( "orc"), {IMM8, CCR,E}, { Hex0, Hex4, IMM8,IGNORE,E} EOP, SOP( "pop"), {RS16|B30,E}, { Hex6, HexD, Hex7, RS16|B30,E} EOP, SOP( "push"), {RS16|B30,E}, { Hex6, HexD, HexF, RS16|B30,E} EOP, UNOP3( "rotl",Hex1, Hex2,Hex8), UNOP3( "rotr",Hex1, Hex3, Hex8), UNOP3( "rotxl",Hex1, Hex2, Hex0), UNOP3( "rotxr",Hex1, Hex3, Hex0), SOP("rte"), {E}, { Hex5, Hex6, Hex7, Hex0,E} EOP, SOP("rts"), {E}, { Hex5, Hex4, Hex7, Hex0,E} EOP, UNOP3( "shal", Hex1, Hex0, Hex8), UNOP3( "shar", Hex1, Hex1, Hex8), UNOP3( "shll", Hex1, Hex0, Hex0), UNOP3( "shlr", Hex1, Hex1, Hex0), SOP("sleep"), {E}, { Hex0, Hex1, Hex8, Hex0,E} EOP, SOP("stc"), {CCR, RD8,E}, { Hex0, Hex2, Hex0, RD8,E} EOP, SOP("sub.b"), {RS8,RD8,E}, { Hex1, Hex8, RS8, RD8,E} EOP, SOP("sub.w"), {RS16|B30, RD16|B30,E}, {Hex1, Hex9, RS16|B30,RD16|B30,E} EOP, SOP("subs"), {KBIT,RD16|B30,E}, { Hex1, HexB, KBIT, RD16|B30,E} EOP, TWOOP("subx",HexB, Hex1, HexE), TWOOP("xor", HexD, Hex1, Hex5), SOP("xorc"), {IMM8, CCR,E}, { Hex0, Hex5, IMM8,IGNORE,E} EOP, 0 }; #else extern struct h8_opcode h8_opcodes[] ; #endif