#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use warnings; use v5.026; my ($committer, $patch, $author); use utf8; use Getopt::Long; use Unicode::Collate; use Text::Wrap; $Text::Wrap::columns = 80; my ($rank, $ta, $ack, $who, $tap, $update) = (0) x 6; my ($author_file, $percentage, $cumulative, $reverse); my (%authors, %untraced, %patchers, %committers, %real_names); my ( $from_commit, $to_commit ); my $result = GetOptions ( # modes "who" => \$who, "rank" => \$rank, "thanks-applied" => \$ta, "missing" => \$ack , "tap" => \$tap, "update" => \$update, # modifiers "authors=s" => \$author_file, "percentage" => \$percentage, # show as %age "cumulative" => \$cumulative, "reverse" => \$reverse, "from=s" => \$from_commit, "to=s" => \$to_commit, ); my $has_from_commit = defined $from_commit ? 1 : 0; if ( !$result # GetOptions failed or ( $rank + $ta + $who + $ack + $tap + $update != 1 ) # use one and one exactly 'mode' or !( scalar @ARGV + $has_from_commit ) # gitlog provided from --from or stdin ) { usage(); } $author_file ||= './AUTHORS'; die "Can't locate '$author_file'. Specify it with '--authors '." unless -f $author_file; my ( $map, $preferred_email_or_github ) = generate_known_author_map(); my $preserve_case = $update ? 1 : 0; my $AUTHORS_header = read_authors_file($author_file, $preserve_case); if ($rank) { parse_commits(); display_ordered(\%patchers); } elsif ($ta) { parse_commits(); display_ordered(\%committers); } elsif ($tap) { parse_commits_authors(); display_test_output(\%patchers, \%authors, \%real_names); } elsif ($ack) { parse_commits(); display_missing_authors(\%patchers, \%authors, \%real_names); } elsif ($who) { parse_commits(); list_authors(\%patchers, \%authors); } elsif ( $update ) { update_authors_files( \%authors, $map, $preferred_email_or_github, $author_file ); } else { die "unknown mode"; } exit(0); sub usage { die <<"EOS"; Usage: $0 [modes] [modifiers] Modes (use only one): --who # show list of unique authors by full name --rank # rank authors by patches --thanks-applied # ranks committers of others' patches --missing # display authors not in AUTHORS --tap # show authors present/missing as TAP --update # update the AUTHORS file with missing Modifiers: --authors # path to authors file (default: ./AUTHORS) --percentage # show rankings as percentages --cumulative # show rankings cumulatively --reverse # show rankings in reverse --from # git commit ID used for 'git log' source (use file from STDIN when missing) --to[=HEAD] # git commit ID used for 'git log' destination, default to HEAD. Sample Usages: \$ perl Porting/checkAUTHORS.pl --who --from=v5.31.6 --to=v5.31.7 \$ perl Porting/checkAUTHORS.pl --rank --percentage --from=v5.31.6 \$ perl Porting/checkAUTHORS.pl --thanks-applied --from=v5.31.6 \$ perl Porting/checkAUTHORS.pl --missing --from=v5.31.6 \$ perl Porting/checkAUTHORS.pl --tap --from=v5.31.6 \$ perl Porting/checkAUTHORS.pl --update --from=v5.31.6 or the split int two and generate your own git log output Generate git-log-output-file with git log --pretty=fuller rev1..rev2 (or pipe by specifying '-' for stdin). For example: \$ git log --pretty=fuller v5.31.6..v5.31.7 > gitlog \$ perl Porting/checkAUTHORS.pl --rank --percentage gitlog EOS } sub list_authors { my ($patchers, $authors) = @_; binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8"); print wrap '', '', join(', ', Unicode::Collate->new(level => 1)->sort( map { $authors->{$_} } grep { length $_ > 1 } # skip the exception '!' and '?' keys %$patchers)) . ".\n"; } # use --from [and --to] if provided # otherwise fallback to stdin for backward compatibility sub _git_log { if ( length $from_commit ) { my ( $from, $to ) = ( $from_commit, $to_commit ); $to //= 'HEAD'; my $gitlog = [ qx{git log --pretty=fuller $from..$to} ]; die "git log failed: $!" unless $? == 0; return $gitlog; } return [ <> ]; } sub parse_commits { my ( $process ) = @_; $process //= \&process; # default processor my $git_log = _git_log(); my @lines = split( /^commit\s*/sm, join( '', $git_log->@* ) ); foreach (@lines) { next if m/^$/; next if m/^(\S*?)^Merge:/ism; # skip merge commits if (m/^(.*?)^Author:\s*(.*?)^AuthorDate:\s*.*?^Commit:\s*(.*?)^(.*)$/gism) { # new patch ( $patch, $author, $committer ) = ( $1, $2, $3 ); chomp($author); unless ($author) { die $_ } chomp($committer); unless ($committer) { die $_ } $process->( $committer, $patch, $author ); } else { die "XXX $_ did not match"; } } return; } # just grab authors. Quicker than parse_commits sub parse_commits_authors { my $git_log = _git_log(); foreach ($git_log->@*) { next unless /^Author:\s*(.*)$/; my $author = $1; $author = _raw_address($author); $patchers{$author}++; } return; } sub generate_known_author_map { my %map; my %preferred_email_or_github; my $previous_name = ""; my $previous_preferred_contact = ""; while () { next if m{^\s*#}; chomp; s/\\100/\@/g; $_ = lc; if ( my ( $name, $contact ) = /^\s*([^#\s]\S*)\s+(.*\S)/ ) { $name =~ s/^\\043/#/; # use the previous stored email if the line starts by a '+' if ( $name eq '+' ) { $name = $previous_name; } else { $previous_name = $name; $previous_preferred_contact = $contact; if ( index($name, '@' ) > 0 ) { # if name is an email, then this is our preferred email... legacy list $previous_preferred_contact = $name; } } $map{$contact} = $name; if ( $contact ne $previous_preferred_contact ) { $preferred_email_or_github{$contact} = $previous_preferred_contact; } if ( $name ne '+' ) { $preferred_email_or_github{$name} = $previous_preferred_contact; } } } # # Email addresses for we do not have names. # $map{$_} = "?" for "bah\100longitude.com", "bbucklan\100jpl-devvax.jpl.nasa.gov", "bilbo\100ua.fm", "bob\100starlabs.net", "cygwin\100cygwin.com", "david\100dhaller.de", "erik\100cs.uni-jena.de", "info\100lingo.kiev.ua", # Lingo Translation agency "jms\100mathras.comcast.net", "premchai21\100yahoo.com", "pxm\100nubz.org", "raf\100tradingpost.com.au", "smoketst\100hp46t243.cup.hp.com", "root\100chronos.fi.muni.cz", # no clue - jrv 20090803 "gomar\100md.media-web.de", # no clue - jrv 20090803 "data-drift\100so.uio.no", # no data. originally private message from 199701282014.VAA12645@selters.uio.no "arbor\100al37al08.telecel.pt" , # reported perlbug ticket 5196 - no actual code contribution. no real name - jrv 20091006 "oracle\100pcr8.pcr.com", # Reported perlbug ticket 1015 - no patch - Probably Ed Eddington ed@pcr.com "snaury\100gmail.com", # Reported cpan ticket 35943, with patch for fix ; # # Email addresses for people that don't have an email address in AUTHORS # Presumably deliberately? # $map{$_} = '!' for # Nick Ing-Simmons has passed away (2006-09-25). "nick\100ing-simmons.net", "nik\100tiuk.ti.com", "nick.ing-simmons\100elixent.com", "nick\100ni-s.u-net.com", "nick.ing-simmons\100tiuk.ti.com", # Iain Truskett has passed away (2003-12-29). "perl\100dellah.anu.edu.au", "spoon\100dellah.org", "spoon\100cpan.org", # Ton Hospel "me-02\100ton.iguana.be", "perl-5.8.0\100ton.iguana.be", "perl5-porters\100ton.iguana.be", # Beau Cox "beau\100beaucox.com", # Randy W. Sims "ml-perl\100thepierianspring.org", # Jason Hord "pravus\100cpan.org", # perl internal addresses "perl5-porters\100africa.nicoh.com", "perlbug\100perl.org",, "perl5-porters.nicoh.com", "perlbug-followup\100perl.org", "perlbug-comment\100perl.org", "bug-module-corelist\100rt.cpan.org", "bug-storable\100rt.cpan.org", "bugs-perl5\100bugs6.perl.org", "unknown", "unknown\100unknown", "unknown\100longtimeago", "unknown\100perl.org", "", "(none)", ; return ( \%map, \%preferred_email_or_github ); } sub read_authors_file { my ( $filename, $preserve_case ) = @_; return unless defined $filename; my @headers; my (%count, %raw); { open my $fh, '<', $filename or die "Can't open $filename: $!"; binmode $fh, ':encoding(UTF-8)'; my $in_header = 1; while (<$fh>) { next if /^\#/; do { $in_header = 0; next } if /^-- /; if (/^([^<]+)<([^>]+)>/) { # Easy line. my ($name, $email) = ($1, $2); $name =~ s/\s*\z//; $raw{$email} = $name; $count{$email}++; } elsif ( /^([^@]+)\s+(\@\S+)\s*$/ ) { my ($name, $github) = ($1, $2); $name =~ s/\s*\z//; $raw{$github} = $name; $count{$github}++; } elsif (/^([- .'\w]+)[\t\n]/) { # Name only $untraced{$1}++; } elsif ( length $_ ) { chomp; warn "Can't parse line '$_'"; } else { next; } } continue { push @headers, $_ if $in_header; } } foreach my $contact ( sort keys %raw ) { print "E-mail $contact occurs $count{$contact} times\n" if $count{$contact} > 1; my $lc = lc $contact; my $key = $preserve_case ? $contact : $lc; $authors{ $map->{$lc} || $key } = $raw{$contact}; } $authors{$_} = $_ for qw(? !); push @headers, '-- ', "\n"; return join( '', @headers ); } sub update_authors_files { my ( $authors, $known_authors, $preferred_email_or_github, $author_file ) = @_; die qq[Cannot find AUTHORS file '$author_file'] unless -f $author_file; binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8"); # add missing authors from the recent commits _detect_new_authors_from_recent_commit( $authors, $known_authors ); my @author_names = sort { $a cmp $b } values %$authors; my $maxlen = length [ sort { length $b <=> length $a } @author_names ]->[0]; my @list; foreach my $github_or_email ( sort keys %authors ) { next if length $github_or_email == 1; my $name = $authors{$github_or_email}; $name =~ s{\s+$}{}; #$github_or_email = $known_authors->{ $github_or_email } // $github_or_email; $github_or_email = $preferred_email_or_github->{ $github_or_email } // $github_or_email; if ( index( $github_or_email, '@' ) != 0 ) { # preserve '<>' for unicode consortium $github_or_email = '<' . $github_or_email . '>'; } push @list, sprintf( "%-${maxlen}s %s\n", $name, $github_or_email); } # preserve the untraced authors :-) [without email or GitHub account] push @list, map { "$_\n" } keys %untraced; { open my $fh, '>', $author_file or die "Can't open $author_file: $!"; binmode $fh, ':encoding(UTF-8)'; print {$fh} $AUTHORS_header; map { print {$fh} $_ } sort { lc $a cmp lc $b } @list; close $fh; } return; } # read all recent commits and check if the author email is known # if the email is unknown add the author's GitHub account if possible or his email sub _detect_new_authors_from_recent_commit { my ( $authors, $known_authors ) = @_; my $check_if_email_known = sub { my ( $email ) = @_; my $preferred = $map->{$email} // $map->{lc $email} // $preferred_email_or_github->{$email} // $preferred_email_or_github->{lc $email} // $email; return $authors{$preferred} || $authors{ lc $preferred } ? 1 : 0; }; my $already_checked = {}; my $process = sub { my ( $committer, $patch, $author ) = @_; foreach my $person ( $author, $committer ) { next unless length $person; next if $already_checked->{$person}; $already_checked->{$person} = 1; my $is_author = $person eq $author; if ( $person =~ m{^(.+)\s+<(.+)>$} ) { my ( $name, $email ) = ( $1, $2 ); # skip unicode consortium and bad emails if ( index( $email, '@' ) <= 0 ) { warn "# Skipping new author: $person - bad email"; next; } next if $check_if_email_known->( $email ); # for new users we would prefer using the GitHub account my $github_or_email = _commit_to_github_id( $patch, $is_author ) // $email; next if $check_if_email_known->( $github_or_email ); print "# Detected a new author: $name using email $email [ $github_or_email ]\n"; $authors{$github_or_email} = $name; # add it to the list of authors } else { warn "Fail to parse author: $person"; } } }; parse_commits( $process ); return; } sub _commit_to_github_id { my ( $commit, $is_author ) = @_; chomp $commit if defined $commit; return unless length $commit; eval { require HTTP::Tiny; 1 } or do { warn "HTTP::Tiny is missing, cannot detect GitHub account from commit id."; no warnings; *_commit_to_github_id = sub {}; return; }; my $github_url_for_commit = q[https://github.com/Perl/perl5/commit/] . $commit; my $response = HTTP::Tiny->new->get( $github_url_for_commit ); if ( ! $response->{success} ) { warn "HTTP Request Failed: '$github_url_for_commit'"; return; } my $content = $response->{content} // ''; # poor man scrapping - probably have to be improved over time # try to parse something like: 2; return $github_ids[0] if $is_author; if ( !$is_author && scalar @github_ids >= 2 ) { return $github_ids[1]; # committer is the second entry } return $github_ids[0]; } sub display_test_output { my $patchers = shift; my $authors = shift; my $real_names = shift; my $count = 0; printf "1..%d\n", scalar keys %$patchers; foreach my $email ( sort keys %$patchers ) { $count++; if ($authors->{$email}) { print "ok $count - ".$real_names->{$email} ." $email\n"; } else { print "not ok $count - Contributor not found in AUTHORS: $email ".($real_names->{$email} || '???' )."\n"; print STDERR ($real_names->{$email} || '???' )." <$email> not found in AUTHORS\n"; } } return; } sub display_missing_authors { my $patchers = shift; my $authors = shift; my $real_names = shift; my %missing; foreach ( sort keys %$patchers ) { next if $authors->{$_}; # Sort by number of patches, then name. $missing{ $patchers{$_} }->{$_}++; } foreach my $patches ( sort { $b <=> $a } keys %missing ) { print "\n\n=head1 $patches patch(es)\n\n"; foreach my $author ( sort keys %{ $missing{$patches} } ) { my $xauthor = $author; $xauthor =~ s/@/\\100/g; # xxx temp hack print "" . ( $real_names->{$author} || $author ) . "\t\t\t<" . $xauthor . ">\n"; } } return; } sub display_ordered { my $what = shift; my @sorted; my $total; while ( my ( $name, $count ) = each %$what ) { push @{ $sorted[$count] }, $name; $total += $count; } my $i = @sorted; return unless @sorted; my $sum = 0; foreach my $i ( $reverse ? 0 .. $#sorted : reverse 0 .. $#sorted ) { next unless $sorted[$i]; my $prefix; $sum += $i * @{ $sorted[$i] }; # Value to display is either this one, or the cumulative sum. my $value = $cumulative ? $sum : $i; if ($percentage) { $prefix = sprintf "%6.2f:\t", 100 * $value / $total; } else { $prefix = "$value:\t"; } print wrap ( $prefix, "\t", join( " ", sort @{ $sorted[$i] } ), "\n" ); } return; } sub process { my ( $committer, $patch, $author ) = @_; return unless $author; return unless $committer; $author = _raw_address($author); $patchers{$author}++; $committer = _raw_address($committer); if ( $committer ne $author ) { # separate commit credit only if committing someone else's patch $committers{$committer}++; } return; } sub _raw_address { my $addr = shift; my $real_name; if ($addr =~ /(?:\\?")?\s*\(via RT\) $/p) { my $name = ${^PREMATCH}; $addr = 'perlbug-followup@perl.org'; # # Try to find the author # if (exists $map->{$name}) { $addr = $map->{$name}; $real_name = $authors{$addr}; } else { while (my ($email, $author_name) = each %authors) { if ($name eq $author_name) { $addr = $email; $real_name = $name; last; } } } } elsif ( $addr =~ /<.*>/ ) { $addr =~ s/^\s*(.*)\s*<\s*(.*?)\s*>.*$/$2/; $real_name = $1; } $addr =~ s/\[mailto://; $addr =~ s/\]//; $addr = lc $addr; $addr = $map->{$addr} || $addr; $addr =~ s/\\100/@/g; # Sometimes, there are encoded @ signs in the git log. if ($real_name) { $real_names{$addr} = $real_name } return $addr; } __DATA__ # # List of mappings. First entry the "correct" email address or GitHub account, # as appears in the AUTHORS file. Other lines are "alias" mapped to it. # # If the "correct" email address is a '+', the entry above it is reused; # this for addresses with more than one alias. # # Note that all entries are in lowercase. Further, no '@' signs should # appear; use \100 instead. # # # Committers. # adamh \100BytesGuy + bytesguy\100users.noreply.github.com + git\100ahartley.com adi enache\100rdslink.ro alanbur alan.burlison\100sun.com + alan.burlison\100uk.sun.com + aburlison\100cix.compulink.co.uk ams ams\100toroid.org + ams\100wiw.org atoomic \100atoomic + atoomic\100cpan.org + cpan\100atoomic.org + nicolas\100atoomic.org chip chip\100pobox.com + chip\100perl.com + salzench\100nielsenmedia.com + chip\100atlantic.net + chip\100rio.atlantic.net + salzench\100dun.nielsen.com + chip\100ci005.sv2.upperbeyond.com craigb craigberry\100mac.com + craig.berry\100metamorgs.com + craig.berry\100signaltreesolutions.com + craig.berry\100psinetcs.com + craig.a.berry\100gmail.com + craig a. berry) davem davem\100iabyn.nospamdeletethisbit.com + davem\100fdgroup.com + davem\100iabyn.com + davem\100fdgroup.co.uk + davem\100fdisolutions.com + davem\100iabyn.com demerphq demerphq\100gmail.com + yves.orton\100de.mci.com + yves.orton\100mciworldcom.de + yves.orton\100booking.com + demerphq\100dromedary.booking.com + demerphq\100gemini.(none) + demerphq\100camel.booking.com + demerphq\100hotmail.com doughera doughera\100lafayette.edu + doughera\100lafcol.lafayette.edu + doughera\100fractal.phys.lafayette.edu + doughera.lafayette.edu + doughera\100newton.phys.lafayette.edu gbarr gbarr\100pobox.com + bodg\100tiuk.ti.com + gbarr\100ti.com + graham.barr\100tiuk.ti.com + gbarr\100monty.mutatus.co.uk gisle gisle\100aas.no + gisle\100activestate.com + aas\100aas.no + aas\100bergen.sn.no gsar gsar\100cpan.org + gsar\100activestate.com + gsar\100engin.umich.edu hv hv\100crypt.org + hv\100crypt.compulink.co.uk + hv\100iii.co.uk jhi jhi\100iki.fi + jhietaniemi\100gmail.com + jhi\100kosh.hut.fi + jhi\100alpha.hut.fi + jhi\100cc.hut.fi + jhi\100hut.fi + jarkko.hietaniemi\100nokia.com + jarkko.hietaniemi\100cc.hut.fi + jarkko.hietaniemi\100booking.com jesse jesse\100fsck.com + jesse\100bestpractical.com + jesse\100perl.org merijn h.m.brand\100xs4all.nl + h.m.brand\100procura.nl + merijn.brand\100procura.nl + h.m.brand\100hccnet.nl + merijn\100l1.procura.nl + merijn\100a5.(none) + perl5\100tux.freedom.nl mhx mhx-perl\100gmx.net + mhx\100r2d2.(none) mst mst\100shadowcat.co.uk + matthewt\100hercule.scsys.co.uk nicholas nick\100ccl4.org + nick\100unfortu.net + nick\100talking.bollo.cx + nick\100plum.flirble.org + nick\100babyhippo.co.uk + nick\100bagpuss.unfortu.net + nick\100babyhippo.com + nicholas\100dromedary.ams6.corp.booking.com + Nicholas Clark (sans From field in mail header) pudge pudge\100pobox.com rgs rgs@consttype.org + rgarciasuarez\100free.fr + rgarciasuarez\100mandrakesoft.com + rgarciasuarez\100mandriva.com + rgarciasuarez\100gmail.com + raphel.garcia-suarez\100hexaflux.com sky artur\100contiller.se + sky\100nanisky.com + arthur\100contiller.se smueller smueller\100cpan.org + 7k8lrvf02\100sneakemail.com + kjx9zthh3001\100sneakemail.com + dtr8sin02\100sneakemail.com + rt8363b02\100sneakemail.com + o6hhmk002\100sneakemail.com + l2ot9pa02\100sneakemail.com + wyp3rlx02\100sneakemail.com + 0mgwtfbbq\100sneakemail.com + xyey9001\100sneakemail.com steveh steve.m.hay\100googlemail.com + stevehay\100planit.com + steve.hay\100uk.radan.com stevep steve\100fisharerojo.org + steve.peters\100gmail.com + root\100dixie.cscaper.com timb Tim.Bunce\100pobox.com + tim.bunce\100ig.co.uk tonyc tony\100develop-help.com + tony\100openbsd32.tony.develop-help.com + tony\100saturn.(none) # # Mere mortals. # \043####\100juerd.nl juerd\100cpan.org + juerd\100c3.convolution.nl + juerd\100convolution.nl a.r.ferreira\100gmail.com aferreira\100shopzilla.com abe\100ztreet.demon.nl abeltje\100cpan.org abela\100hsc.fr abela\100geneanet.org abigail\100abigail.be abigail\100foad.org + abigail\100abigail.nl + abigail\100fnx.com aburt\100isis.cs.du.edu isis!aburt ach\100mpe.mpg.de ach\100rosat.mpe-garching.mpg.de adavies\100ptc.com alex.davies\100talktalk.net ajohnson\100nvidia.com ajohnson\100wischip.com + anders\100broadcom.com alexm\100netli.com alexm\100w-m.ru alex-p5p\100earth.li alex\100rcon.rog alexmv\100mit.edu alex\100chmrr.net alian\100cpan.org alian\100alianwebserver.com allen\100grumman.com allen\100gateway.grumman.com allen\100huarp.harvard.edu nort\100bottesini.harvard.edu + nort\100qnx.com allens\100cpan.org easmith\100beatrice.rutgers.edu + root\100dogberry.rutgers.edu ambs\100cpan.org hashashin\100gmail.com andrea a.koenig@mind.de + andreas.koenig\100anima.de + andreas.koenig.gmwojprw\100franz.ak.mind.de + andreas.koenig.7os6vvqr\100franz.ak.mind.de + a.koenig\100mind.de + k\100anna.in-berlin.de + andk\100cpan.org + koenig\100anna.mind.de + k\100anna.mind.de + root\100ak-71.mind.de + root\100ak-75.mind.de + k\100sissy.in-berlin.de + a.koenig\100kulturbox.de + k\100sissy.in-berlin.de + root\100dubravka.in-berlin.de anno4000\100lublin.zrz.tu-berlin.de anno4000\100mailbox.tu-berlin.de + siegel\100zrz.tu-berlin.de apocal@cpan.org perl\1000ne.us arnold\100gnu.ai.mit.edu arnold\100emoryu2.arpa + gatech!skeeve!arnold arodland\100cpan.org andrew\100hbslabs.com arussell\100cs.uml.edu adam\100adam-pc.(none) ash\100cpan.org ash_cpan\100firemirror.com avar avar\100cpan.org + avarab\100gmail.com bailey\100newman.upenn.edu bailey\100hmivax.humgen.upenn.edu + bailey\100genetics.upenn.edu + bailey.charles\100gmail.com bah\100ecnvantage.com bholzman\100longitude.com barries\100slaysys.com root\100jester.slaysys.com bkedryna\100home.com bart\100cg681574-a.adubn1.nj.home.com bcarter\100gumdrop.flyinganvil.org q.eibcartereio.=~m-b.{6}-cgimosx\100gumdrop.flyinganvil.org ben_tilly\100operamail.com btilly\100gmail.com + ben_tilly\100hotmail.com ben\100morrow.me.uk mauzo\100csv.warwick.ac.uk + mauzo\100.(none) bepi\100perl.it enrico.sorcinelli\100gmail.com bert\100alum.mit.edu bert\100genscan.com bigbang7\100gmail.com ddascalescu+github\100gmail.com blgl\100stacken.kth.se blgl\100hagernas.com + 2bfjdsla52kztwejndzdstsxl9athp\100gmail.com brian.d.foy\100gmail.com bdfoy\100cpan.org BQW10602\100nifty.com sadahiro\100cpan.org bulk88\100hotmail.com bulk88 chad.granum\100dreamhost.com exodist7\100gmail.com choroba\100cpan.org choroba\100weed.(none) + choroba\100matfyz.cz chromatic\100wgz.org chromatic\100rmci.net ckuskie\100cadence.com colink\100perldreamer.com claes\100surfar.nu claes\100versed.se clintp\100geeksalad.org cpierce1\100ford.com clkao\100clkao.org clkao\100bestpractical.com corion\100corion.net corion\100cpan.org + github@corion.net cp\100onsitetech.com publiustemp-p5p\100yahoo.com + publiustemp-p5p3\100yahoo.com cpan\100audreyt.org autrijus\100egb.elixus.org + autrijus\100geb.elixus.org + autrijus\100gmail.com + autrijus\100ossf.iis.sinica.edu.tw + autrijus\100autrijus.org + audreyt\100audreyt.org cpan\100ton.iguana.be me-01\100ton.iguana.be crt\100kiski.net perl\100ctweten.amsite.com dairiki\100dairiki.org dairiki at dairiki.org dagolden\100cpan.org xdaveg\100gmail.com + xdg\100xdg.me damian\100conway.org damian\100cs.monash.edu.au dan\100sidhe.org sugalsd\100lbcc.cc.or.us + sugalskd\100osshe.edu daniel\100bitpusher.com daniel\100biz.bitpusher.com dave\100mag-sol.com dave\100dave.org.uk david.dyck\100fluke.com dcd\100tc.fluke.com david\100justatheory.com david\100wheeler.net + david\100kineticode.com + david\100wheeler.com + david\100wheeler.net whatever\100davidnicol.com davidnicol\100gmail.com dennis\100booking.com dennis\100camel.ams6.corp.booking.com + dennis.kaarsemaker\100booking.com + dennis\100kaarsemaker.net dev-perl\100pimb.org knew-p5p\100pimb.org + lists-p5p\100pimb.org djberg86\100attbi.com djberg96\100attbi.com dk\100tetsuo.karasik.eu.org dmitry\100karasik.eu.org dom\100earth.li dom\100semmle.com domo\100computer.org shouldbedomo\100mac.com + domo\100slipper.ip.lu + domo\100tcp.ip.lu dougm\100covalent.net dougm\100opengroup.org + dougm\100osf.org dougw\100cpan.org doug_wilson\100intuit.com dwegscheid\100qtm.net wegscd\100whirlpool.com edwardp\100excitehome.net epeschko\100den-mdev1 + epeschko\100elmer.tci.com + esp5\100pge.com egf7\100columbia.edu efifer\100sanwaint.com eggert\100twinsun.com eggert\100sea.sm.unisys.com etj\100cpan.org mohawk2\100users.noreply.github.com fugazi\100zyx.net larrysh\100cpan.org + lshatzer\100islanddata.com gbacon\100itsc.uah.edu gbacon\100adtrn-srv4.adtran.com gerberb\100zenez.com root\100devsys0.zenez.com gfuji\100cpan.org g.psy.va\100gmail.com genesullivan50\100yahoo.com gsullivan\100cpan.org gerard\100ggoossen.net gerard\100tty.nl gibreel\100pobox.com stephen.zander\100interlock.mckesson.com + srz\100loopback gideon\100cpan.org gidisrael\100gmail.com gnat\100frii.com gnat\100prometheus.frii.com gp\100familiehaase.de gerrit\100familiehaase.de grazz\100pobox.com grazz\100nyc.rr.com gward\100ase.com greg\100bic.mni.mcgill.ca haggai\100cpan.org alanhaggai\100alanhaggai.org + alanhaggai\100gmail.com hansmu\100xs4all.nl hansm\100icgroup.nl + hansm\100icgned.nl + hans\100icgned.nl + hans\100icgroup.nl + hansm\100euronet.nl + hansm\100euro.net hio\100ymir.co.jp hio\100hio.jp hops\100sco.com hops\100scoot.pdev.sco.com ian.goodacre\100xtra.co.nz ian\100debian.lan ingo_weinhold\100gmx.de bonefish\100cs.tu-berlin.de james\100mastros.biz theorb\100desert-island.me.uk jan\100jandubois.com jand\100activestate.com + jan.dubois\100ibm.net japhy\100pobox.com japhy\100pobox.org + japhy\100perlmonk.org + japhy\100cpan.org + jeffp\100crusoe.net jari.aalto\100poboxes.com jari.aalto\100cante.net jarausch\100numa1.igpm.rwth-aachen.de helmutjarausch\100unknown jasons\100cs.unm.edu jasons\100sandy-home.arc.unm.edu jbuehler\100hekimian.com jhpb\100hekimian.com jcromie\100cpan.org jcromie\100100divsol.com + jim.cromie\100gmail.com jd\100cpanel.net lightsey\100debian.org + john\10004755.net + john\100nixnuts.net jdhedden\100cpan.org jerry\100hedden.us + jdhedden\1001979.usna.com + jdhedden\100gmail.com + jdhedden\100yahoo.com + jhedden\100pn100-02-2-356p.corp.bloomberg.com + jdhedden\100solydxk jeremy\100zawodny.com jzawodn\100wcnet.org jesse\100sig.bsh.com jesse\100ginger jfriedl\100yahoo.com jfriedl\100yahoo-inc.com jfs\100fluent.com jfs\100jfs.fluent.com jhannah\100mutationgrid.com jay\100jays.net + jhannah\100omnihotels.com jidanni\100jidanni.org jidanni\100hoffa.dreamhost.com jjore\100cpan.org twists\100gmail.com jkeenan\100cpan.org jkeen\100verizon.net + jkeenan\100dromedary-001.ams6.corp.booking.com jns\100integration-house.com jns\100gellyfish.com + gellyfish\100gellyfish.com john\100atlantech.com john\100titanic.atlantech.com john\100johnwright.org john.wright\100hp.com joseph\100cscaper.com joseph\1005sigma.com joshua\100rodd.us jrodd\100pbs.org jtobey\100john-edwin-tobey.org jtobey\100user1.channel1.com jpeacock\100messagesystems.com john.peacock\100havurah-software.org + jpeacock\100havurah-software.org + jpeacock\100dsl092-147-156.wdc1.dsl.speakeasy.net + jpeacock\100jpeacock-hp.doesntexist.org + jpeacock\100cpan.org + jpeacock\100rowman.com james.schneider\100db.com jschneid\100netilla.com jpl.jpl\100gmail.com jpl\100research.att.com jql\100accessone.com jql\100jql.accessone.com jsm28\100hermes.cam.ac.uk jsm28\100cam.ac.uk kane\100dwim.org kane\100xs4all.net + kane\100cpan.org + kane\100xs4all.nl + jos\100dwim.org + jib\100ripe.net keith.s.thompson\100gmail.com kst\100mib.org ken\100mathforum.org kenahoo\100gmail.com + ken.williams\100thomsonreuters.com kentfredric\100gmail.com kentnl\100cpan.org kmx\100volny.cz kmx\100volny.cz + kmx\100cpan.org kroepke\100dolphin-services.de kay\100dolphin-services.de kst\100mib.org kst\100cts.com + kst\100SDSC.EDU kstar\100wolfetech.com kstar\100cpan.org + kurt_starsinic\100ml.com + kstar\100www.chapin.edu + kstar\100chapin.edu larry\100wall.org lwall\100jpl-devvax.jpl.nasa.gov + lwall\100netlabs.com + larry\100netlabs.com + lwall\100sems.com + lwall\100scalpel.netlabs.com laszlo.molnar\100eth.ericsson.se molnarl\100cdata.tvnet.hu + ml1050\100freemail.hu lewart\100uiuc.edu lewart\100vadds.cvm.uiuc.edu + d-lewart\100uiuc.edu lkundrak\100v3.sk lubo.rintel\100gooddata.com lstein\100cshl.org lstein\100formaggio.cshl.org + lstein\100genome.wi.mit.edu l.mai\100web.de plokinom\100gmail.com lupe\100lupe-christoph.de lupe\100alanya.m.isar.de lutherh\100stratcom.com lutherh\100infinet.com mab\100wdl.loral.com markb\100rdcf.sm.unisys.com marcel\100codewerk.com gr\100univie.ac.at + hanekomu\100gmail.com marcgreen\100cpan.org marcgreen\100wpi.edu markleightonfisher\100gmail.com fisherm\100tce.com + mark-fisher\100mindspring.com mark.p.lutz\100boeing.com tecmpl1\100triton.ca.boeing.com marnix\100gmail.com pttesac!marnix!vanam marty+p5p\100kasei.com marty\100martian.org mats\100sm6sxl.net mats\100sm5sxl.net mbarbon\100dsi.unive.it mattia.barbon\100libero.it + mattia\100barbon.org mcmahon\100ibiblio.org mcmahon\100metalab.unc.edu me\100davidglasser.net glasser\100tang-eleven-seventy-nine.mit.edu merijnb\100iloquent.nl merijnb\100ms.com + merijnb\100iloquent.com merlyn\100stonehenge.com merlyn\100gadget.cscaper.com mestre.smash\100gmail.com smash\100cpan.org mgjv\100comdyn.com.au mgjv\100tradingpost.com.au mlh\100swl.msd.ray.com webtools\100uewrhp03.msd.ray.com michael.schroeder\100informatik.uni-erlangen.de mls\100suse.de mike\100stok.co.uk mike\100exegenix.com miyagawa\100bulknews.net miyagawa\100edge.co.jp mjtg\100cam.ac.uk mjtg\100cus.cam.ac.uk mikedlr\100tardis.ed.ac.uk mikedlr\100it.com.pl moritz\100casella.verplant.org moritz\100faui2k3.org + moritz lenz neale\100VMA.TABNSW.COM.AU neale\100pucc.princeton.edu neeracher\100mac.com neeri\100iis.ee.ethz.ch neil\100bowers.com neilb\100cre.canon.co.uk nospam-abuse\100bloodgate.com tels\100bloodgate.com + perl_dummy\100bloodgate.com ian.phillipps\100iname.com ian_phillipps\100yahoo.co.uk + ian\100dial.pipex.com ignasi.roca\100fujitsu-siemens.com ignasi.roca\100fujitsu.siemens.es ikegami\100adaelis.com eric\100fmdev10.(none) ilmari\100ilmari.org ilmari\100vesla.ilmari.org illpide\100telecel.pt arbor\100al37al08.telecel.pt # see http://www.nntp.perl.org/group/perl.perl5.porters/2001/01/msg28925.html # ilya\100math.berkeley.edu ilya\100math.ohio-state.edu + nospam-abuse\100ilyaz.org + [9]ilya\100math.ohio-state.edu ilya\100martynov.org ilya\100juil.nonet joshua\100paloalto.com joshua.pritikin\100db.com litt\100acm.org tlhackque\100yahoo.com meyering@asic.sc.ti.com jim\100meyering.net okamoto\100corp.hp.com okamoto\100hpcc123.corp.hp.com orwant\100oreilly.com orwant\100media.mit.edu p5-authors\100crystalflame.net perl\100crystalflame.net + rs\100crystalflame.net + coral\100eekeek.org + coral\100moonlight.crystalflame.net + rs\100oregonnet.com + rs\100topsy.com paul.green\100stratus.com paul_greenvos\100vos.stratus.com + pgreen\100seussnt.stratus.com pmqs pmqs\100cpan.org + paul.marquess\100btinternet.com + paul_marquess\100yahoo.co.uk + paul.marquess\100ntlworld.com + paul.marquess\100openwave.com + pmarquess\100bfsec.bt.co.uk + pmqs\100cpan.org + paul\100paul-desktop.(none) Pavel.Zakouril\100mff.cuni.cz root\100egg.karlov.mff.cuni.cz pcg\100goof.com schmorp\100schmorp.de perl\100cadop.com cdp\100hpescdp.fc.hp.com perl\100greerga.m-l.org greerga\100m-l.org perl\100profvince.com vince\100profvince.com perl-rt\100wizbit.be p5p\100perl.wizbit.be # Maybe we should special case this to get real names out? Peter.Dintelmann\100Dresdner-Bank.com peter.dintelmann\100dresdner-bank.com # NOTE: There is an intentional trailing space in the line above pfeifer\100wait.de pfeifer\100charly.informatik.uni-dortmund.de + upf\100de.uu.net pjacklam\100online.no pjacklam\100gmail.com ribasushi@cpan.org rabbit\100rabbit.us + rabbit+bugs\100rabbit.us arc\100cpan.org perl\100aaroncrane.co.uk + arc@users.noreply.github.com phil\100perkpartners.com phil\100finchcomputer.com pimlott\100idiomtech.com andrew\100pimlott.net + pimlott\100abel.math.harvard.edu pixel\100mandriva.com pixel\100mandrakesoft.com pne\100cpan.org philip.newton\100gmx.net + philip.newton\100datenrevision.de + pnewton\100gmx.de pprymmer\100factset.com pvhp\100forte.com khw\100cpan.org khw\100karl.(none) + public\100khwilliamson.com + khw\100khw-desktop.(none) radu\100netsoft.ro rgreab\100fx.ro rajagopa\100pauline.schrodinger.com rajagopa\100schrodinger.com raphael.manfredi\100pobox.com raphael_manfredi\100grenoble.hp.com module\100renee-baecker.de renee.baecker\100smart-websolutions.de + reneeb\100reneeb-desktop.(none) + github\100renee-baecker.de + otrs\100ubuntu.(none) + perl\100renee-baecker.de + reb\100perl-services.de + info\100perl-services.de rich+perl\100hyphen-dash-hyphen.info richardleach\100users.noreply.github.com richard.foley\100rfi.net richard.foley\100t-online.de + richard.foley\100ubs.com + richard.foley\100ubsw.com rick\100consumercontact.com rick\100bort.ca + rick.delaney\100rogers.com + rick\100bort.ca + rick.delaney\100home.com rjbs\100cpan.org rjbs-perl-p5p\100lists.manxome.org + perl.p5p\100rjbs.manxome.org + rjbs\100semiotic.systems rjk\100linguist.dartmouth.edu rjk\100linguist.thayer.dartmouth.edu + rjk-perl-p5p\100tamias.net + rjk\100tamias.net rjray\100redhat.com rjray\100uswest.com rmgiroux\100acm.org rmgiroux\100hotmail.com + mgiroux\100bear.com rmbarker\100cpan.org rmb1\100cise.npl.co.uk + robin.barker\100npl.co.uk + rmb\100cise.npl.co.uk + robin\100spade-ubuntu.(none) + r.m.barker\100btinternet.com + rmbarker.cpan\100btinternet.com robertmay\100cpan.org rob\100themayfamily.me.uk roberto\100keltia.freenix.fr roberto\100eurocontrol.fr robin\100cpan.org robin\100kitsite.com roderick\100argon.org roderick\100gate.net + roderick\100ibcinc.com argrath\100ub32.org root\100ub32.org rootbeer\100teleport.com rootbeer\100redcat.com + tomphoenix\100unknown rra\100stanford.edu rra\100cpan.org rurban\100cpan.org rurban\100x-ray.at + rurban\100cpanel.net rvtol+news\100isolution.nl rvtol\100isolution.nl sartak\100gmail.com sartak\100bestpractical.com + code\100sartak.org danny-cpan\100sadinoff.com sadinoff\100olf.com schubiger\100cpan.org steven\100accognoscere.org + sts\100accognoscere.org + schubiger\100gmail.com + stsc\100refcnt.org schwern\100pobox.com schwern\100gmail.com + schwern\100athens.arena-i.com + schwern\100blackrider.aocn.com + schwern\100ool-18b93024.dyn.optonline.net scop\100cs132170.pp.htv.fi ville.skytta\100iki.fi scotth\100sgi.com author scotth\100sgi.com 842220273 +0000 + schotth\100sgi.com schwab\100suse.de schwab\100issan.informatik.uni-dortmund.de + schwab\100ls5.informatik.uni-dortmund.de sebastien\100aperghis.net maddingue\100free.fr + saper\100cpan.org shigeya\100wide.ad.jp shigeya\100foretune.co.jp shlomif\100cpan.org shlomif\100vipe.technion.ac.il + shlomif\100iglu.org.il + shlomif+processed-by-perl\100gmail.com + shlomif\100shlomifish.org simon\100netthink.co.uk simon\100simon-cozens.org + simon\100pembro4.pmb.ox.ac.uk + simon\100brecon.co.uk + simon\100othersideofthe.earth.li + simon\100cozens.net + sisyphus\100cpan.org sisyphus1\100optusnet.com.au + sisyphus359\100gmail.com lannings\100who.int lannings\100gmail.com + slanning\100cpan.org slaven\100rezic.de slaven.rezic\100berlin.de + srezic\100iconmobile.com + srezic\100cpan.org + eserte\100cs.tu-berlin.de + eserte\100vran.herceg.de smcc\100mit.edu smcc\100ocf.berkeley.edu + smcc\100csua.berkeley.edu + alias\100mcs.com + smccam\100uclink4.berkeley.edu spider\100orb.nashua.nh.us spider\100web.zk3.dec.com + spider\100leggy.zk3.dec.com + spider-perl\100orb.nashua.nh.us + spider\100peano.zk3.dec.com + spider.boardman\100orb.nashua.nh.us> + spidb\100cpan.org + spider.boardman\100orb.nashua.nh.us + root\100peano.zk3.dec.com s.denaxas\100gmail.com spiros\100lokku.com spp\100ds.net spp\100psa.pencom.com + spp\100psasolar.colltech.com + spp\100spotter.yi.org stef\100mongueurs.net stef\100payrard.net + s.payrard\100wanadoo.fr + properler\100freesurf.fr + stef\100francenet.fr stevan\100cpan.org stevan.little\100gmail.com + stevan.little\100iinteractive.com sthoenna\100efn.org ysth\100raven.shiftboard.com tassilo.parseval\100post.rwth-aachen.de tassilo.von.parseval\100rwth-aachen.de tchrist\100perl.com tchrist\100mox.perl.com + tchrist\100jhereg.perl.com thomas.dorner\100start.de tdorner\100amadeus.net tjenness\100cpan.org t.jenness\100jach.hawaii.edu + timj\100jach.hawaii.edu tobez\100tobez.org tobez\100plab.ku.dk toddr\100cpan.org toddr\100cpanel.net tom\100compton.nu thh\100cyberscience.com tom.horsley\100mail.ccur.com tom.horsley\100ccur.com + tom\100amber.ssd.hcsc.com vkonovalov\100lucent.com vkonovalov\100peterstar.ru + konovalo\100mail.wplus.net + vadim\100vkonovalov.ru + vkonovalov\100spb.lucent.com + vkonovalov\100alcatel-lucent.com + vadim.konovalov\100alcatel-lucent.com whatever\100davidnicol.com davidnicol\100gmail.com wolfgang.laun\100alcatel.at wolfgang.laun\100chello.at + wolfgang.laun\100thalesgroup.com + wolfgang.laun\100gmail.com wolfsage\100gmail.com mhorsfall\100darmstadtium.(none) yath\100yath.de yath-perlbug\100yath.de