#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use Test::More; use Config; use DynaLoader; use ExtUtils::CBuilder; use attributes; use overload; plan tests => 24; my ($source_file, $obj_file, $lib_file); require_ok( 'ExtUtils::ParseXS' ); ExtUtils::ParseXS->import('process_file'); chdir 't' or die "Can't chdir to t/, $!"; use Carp; $SIG{__WARN__} = \&Carp::cluck; ######################### $source_file = 'XSMore.c'; # Try sending to file ExtUtils::ParseXS->process_file( filename => 'XSMore.xs', output => $source_file, ); ok -e $source_file, "Create an output file"; my $quiet = $ENV{PERL_CORE} && !$ENV{HARNESS_ACTIVE}; my $b = ExtUtils::CBuilder->new(quiet => $quiet); SKIP: { skip "no compiler available", 2 if ! $b->have_compiler; $obj_file = $b->compile( source => $source_file ); ok $obj_file; ok -e $obj_file, "Make sure $obj_file exists"; } SKIP: { skip "no dynamic loading", 5 if !$b->have_compiler || !$Config{usedl}; my $module = 'XSMore'; $lib_file = $b->link( objects => $obj_file, module_name => $module ); ok $lib_file; ok -e $lib_file, "Make sure $lib_file exists"; eval{ package XSMore; our $VERSION = 42; our $boot_ok; DynaLoader::bootstrap_inherit(__PACKAGE__, $VERSION); # VERSIONCHECK disabled sub new{ bless {}, shift } }; is $@, ''; is ExtUtils::ParseXS::errors(), 0, 'ExtUtils::ParseXS::errors()'; is $XSMore::boot_ok, 100, 'the BOOT keyword'; ok XSMore::include_ok(), 'the INCLUDE keyword'; is prototype(\&XSMore::include_ok), "", 'the PROTOTYPES keyword'; is prototype(\&XSMore::prototype_ssa), '$$@', 'the PROTOTYPE keyword'; is_deeply [attributes::get(\&XSMore::attr_method)], [qw(method)], 'the ATTRS keyword'; is prototype(\&XSMore::attr_method), '$;@', 'ATTRS with prototype'; is XSMore::return_1(), 1, 'the CASE keyword (1)'; is XSMore::return_2(), 2, 'the CASE keyword (2)'; is prototype(\&XSMore::return_1), "", 'ALIAS with prototype (1)'; is prototype(\&XSMore::return_2), "", 'ALIAS with prototype (2)'; is XSMore::arg_init(200), 200, 'argument init'; ok overload::Overloaded(XSMore->new), 'the FALLBACK keyword'; is abs(XSMore->new), 42, 'the OVERLOAD keyword'; my @a; XSMore::hook(\@a); is_deeply \@a, [qw(INIT CODE POSTCALL CLEANUP)], 'the INIT & POSTCALL & CLEANUP keywords'; is_deeply [XSMore::outlist()], [ord('a'), ord('b')], 'the OUTLIST keyword'; is XSMore::len("foo"), 3, 'the length keyword'; # Win32 needs to close the DLL before it can unlink it, but unfortunately # dl_unload_file was missing on Win32 prior to perl change #24679! if ($^O eq 'MSWin32' and defined &DynaLoader::dl_unload_file) { for (my $i = 0; $i < @DynaLoader::dl_modules; $i++) { if ($DynaLoader::dl_modules[$i] eq $module) { DynaLoader::dl_unload_file($DynaLoader::dl_librefs[$i]); last; } } } } unless ($ENV{PERL_NO_CLEANUP}) { for ( $obj_file, $lib_file, $source_file) { next unless defined $_; 1 while unlink $_; } }