use strict; use warnings; use Memoize qw(memoize unmemoize); use Test::More ("$]" < 5.009 || "$]" >= 5.010001) && eval { require threads; 1 } ? ( tests => 8 ) : ( skip_all => $@ ); my $i; sub count_up { ++$i } memoize('count_up'); my $cached = count_up(); is count_up(), $cached, 'count_up() is memoized'; my $got = threads->new(sub { local $@ = ''; my $v = eval { count_up() }; +{ E => $@, V => $v }; })->join; is $got->{E}, '', 'calling count_up() in another thread works'; is $got->{V}, $cached, '... and returns the same result'; is count_up(), $cached, '... whereas count_up() on the main thread is unaffected'; $got = threads->new(sub { local $@ = ''; my $u = eval { unmemoize('count_up') }; my $v = eval { count_up() }; +{ E => $@, U => $u, V => $v }; })->join; is $got->{E}, '', 'unmemoizing count_up() in another thread works'; is ref($got->{U}), 'CODE', '... and returns a coderef as expected'; is $got->{V}, 1+$cached, '... and does in fact unmemoize the function'; is count_up(), $cached, '... whereas count_up() on the main thread is unaffected';