BEGIN { require Config; if (($Config::Config{'extensions'} !~ m!\bList/Util\b!) ){ print "1..0 # Skip -- Perl configured without List::Util module\n"; exit 0; } # `make test` in the CPAN version of this module runs us with -w, but # relies on all sorts of things that can cause warnings. I # don't think that's worth fixing, so we just turn off all warnings # during testing. $^W = 0; } use lib ("./t/lib"); use TieOut; use Test::More tests => 17; use_ok( 'Dumpvalue' ); my $d; ok( $d = Dumpvalue->new(), 'create a new Dumpvalue object' ); my $out = tie *OUT, 'TieOut'; select(OUT); my (@foobar, $x, $y); @foobar = ('foo', 'bar'); $d->dumpValue([@foobar]); $x = $out->read; is( $x, "0 'foo'\n1 'bar'\n", 'dumpValue worked on array ref' ); $d->dumpValues(@foobar); $y = $out->read; is( $y, "0 'foo'\n1 'bar'\n", 'dumpValues worked on array' ); is( $y, $x, "dumpValues called on array returns same as dumpValue on array ref"); @foobar = (undef, 'bar'); $d->dumpValue([@foobar]); $x = $out->read; is( $x, "0 empty slot\n1 'bar'\n", 'dumpValue worked on array ref, first element undefined' ); $d->dumpValues(@foobar); $y = $out->read; is( $y, "0 empty slot\n1 'bar'\n", 'dumpValues worked on array, first element undefined' ); is( $y, $x, "dumpValues called on array returns same as dumpValue on array ref, first element undefined"); @foobar = ('bar', undef); $d->dumpValue([@foobar]); $x = $out->read; is( $x, "0 'bar'\n1 empty slot\n", 'dumpValue worked on array ref, last element undefined' ); $d->dumpValues(@foobar); $y = $out->read; is( $y, "0 'bar'\n1 empty slot\n", 'dumpValues worked on array, last element undefined' ); is( $y, $x, "dumpValues called on array returns same as dumpValue on array ref, last element undefined"); @foobar = ('', 'bar'); $d->dumpValue([@foobar]); $x = $out->read; is( $x, "0 ''\n1 'bar'\n", 'dumpValue worked on array ref, first element empty string' ); $d->dumpValues(@foobar); $y = $out->read; is( $y, "0 ''\n1 'bar'\n", 'dumpValues worked on array, first element empty string' ); is( $y, $x, "dumpValues called on array returns same as dumpValue on array ref, first element empty string"); @foobar = ('bar', ''); $d->dumpValue([@foobar]); $x = $out->read; is( $x, "0 'bar'\n1 ''\n", 'dumpValue worked on array ref, last element empty string' ); $d->dumpValues(@foobar); $y = $out->read; is( $y, "0 'bar'\n1 ''\n", 'dumpValues worked on array, last element empty string' ); is( $y, $x, "dumpValues called on array returns same as dumpValue on array ref, last element empty string");