#!/usr/bin/perl -w # test that config ( trap_nan => 1, trap_inf => 1) really works/dies use strict; use Test; BEGIN { $| = 1; chdir 't' if -d 't'; unshift @INC, '../lib'; # for running manually plan tests => 35; } use Math::BigInt; use Math::BigFloat; my $mbi = 'Math::BigInt'; my $mbf = 'Math::BigFloat'; my ($cfg,$x); foreach my $class ($mbi, $mbf) { # can do and defaults are okay? ok ($class->can('config')); ok ($class->config()->{trap_nan}, 0); ok ($class->config()->{trap_inf}, 0); # can set? $cfg = $class->config( trap_nan => 1 ); ok ($cfg->{trap_nan},1); # also test that new() still works normally eval ("\$x = \$class->new('42'); \$x->bnan();"); ok ($@ =~/^Tried to set/, 1); ok ($x,42); # after new() never modified # can reset? $cfg = $class->config( trap_nan => 0 ); ok ($cfg->{trap_nan},0); # can set? $cfg = $class->config( trap_inf => 1 ); ok ($cfg->{trap_inf},1); eval ("\$x = \$class->new('4711'); \$x->binf();"); ok ($@ =~/^Tried to set/, 1); ok ($x,4711); # after new() never modified # +$x/0 => +inf eval ("\$x = \$class->new('4711'); \$x->bdiv(0);"); ok ($@ =~/^Tried to set/, 1); ok ($x,4711); # after new() never modified # -$x/0 => -inf eval ("\$x = \$class->new('-0815'); \$x->bdiv(0);"); ok ($@ =~/^Tried to set/, 1); ok ($x,-815); # after new() never modified $cfg = $class->config( trap_nan => 1 ); # 0/0 => NaN eval ("\$x = \$class->new('0'); \$x->bdiv(0);"); ok ($@ =~/^Tried to set/, 1); ok ($x,0); # after new() never modified } ############################################################################## # BigInt $x = Math::BigInt->new(2); eval ("\$x = \$mbi->new('0.1');"); ok ($x,2); # never modified since it dies eval ("\$x = \$mbi->new('0a.1');"); ok ($x,2); # never modified since it dies ############################################################################## # BigFloat $x = Math::BigFloat->new(2); eval ("\$x = \$mbf->new('0.1a');"); ok ($x,2); # never modified since it dies # all tests done