#! /usr/local/perl -w # Before `make install' is performed this script should be runnable with # `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl test.pl' ######################### use Test::More qw(no_plan); use Data::Dumper; require Test::Harness; no warnings 'once'; *Verbose = \$Test::Harness::Verbose; use POSIX qw/locale_h/; use File::Temp qw/tempfile/; use File::Basename; BEGIN { use_ok("version", 0.77); # If we made it this far, we are ok. } my $Verbose; diag "Tests with base class" unless $ENV{PERL_CORE}; BaseTests("version","new","qv"); BaseTests("version","new","declare"); BaseTests("version","parse", "qv"); BaseTests("version","parse", "declare"); # dummy up a redundant call to satify David Wheeler local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { die $_[0] }; eval 'use version;'; unlike ($@, qr/^Subroutine main::declare redefined/, "Only export declare once per package (to prevent redefined warnings)."); package version::Bad; use base 'version'; sub new { my($self,$n)=@_; bless \$n, $self } package main; my $warning; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warning = $_[0] }; my ($fh, $filename) = tempfile('tXXXXXXX', SUFFIX => '.pm', UNLINK => 1); (my $package = basename($filename)) =~ s/\.pm$//; print $fh <<"EOF"; # This is an empty subclass package $package; use base 'version'; use vars '\$VERSION'; \$VERSION=0.001; EOF close $fh; sub main_reset { delete $main::INC{'$package'}; undef &qv; undef *::qv; # avoid 'used once' warning undef &declare; undef *::declare; # avoid 'used once' warning } diag "Tests with empty derived class" unless $ENV{PERL_CORE}; use_ok($package, 0.001); my $testobj = $package->new(1.002_003); isa_ok( $testobj, $package ); ok( $testobj->numify == 1.002003, "Numified correctly" ); ok( $testobj->stringify eq "1.002003", "Stringified correctly" ); ok( $testobj->normal eq "v1.2.3", "Normalified correctly" ); my $verobj = version::->new("1.2.4"); ok( $verobj > $testobj, "Comparison vs parent class" ); BaseTests($package, "new", "qv"); main_reset; use_ok($package, 0.001, "declare"); BaseTests($package, "new", "declare"); main_reset; use_ok($package, 0.001); BaseTests($package, "parse", "qv"); main_reset; use_ok($package, 0.001, "declare"); BaseTests($package, "parse", "declare"); diag "tests with bad subclass" unless $ENV{PERL_CORE}; $testobj = version::Bad->new(1.002_003); isa_ok( $testobj, "version::Bad" ); eval { my $string = $testobj->numify }; like($@, qr/Invalid version object/, "Bad subclass numify"); eval { my $string = $testobj->normal }; like($@, qr/Invalid version object/, "Bad subclass normal"); eval { my $string = $testobj->stringify }; like($@, qr/Invalid version object/, "Bad subclass stringify"); eval { my $test = ($testobj > 1.0) }; like($@, qr/Invalid version object/, "Bad subclass vcmp"); strict_lax_tests(); # do strict lax tests in a sub to isolate a package to test importing sub strict_lax_tests { package temp12345; # copied from perl core test t/op/packagev.t # format: STRING STRICT_OK LAX_OK my $strict_lax_data = << 'CASE_DATA'; 1.00 pass pass 1.00001 pass pass 0.123 pass pass 12.345 pass pass 42 pass pass 0 pass pass 0.0 pass pass v1.2.3 pass pass v1.2.3.4 pass pass v0.1.2 pass pass v0.0.0 pass pass 01 fail pass 01.0203 fail pass v01 fail pass v01.02.03 fail pass .1 fail pass .1.2 fail pass 1. fail pass 1.a fail fail 1._ fail fail 1.02_03 fail pass v1.2_3 fail pass v1.02_03 fail pass v1.2_3_4 fail fail v1.2_3.4 fail fail 1.2_3.4 fail fail 0_ fail fail 1_ fail fail 1_. fail fail 1.1_ fail fail 1.02_03_04 fail fail 1.2.3 fail pass v1.2 fail pass v0 fail pass v1 fail pass v.1.2.3 fail fail v fail fail v1.2345.6 fail pass undef fail pass 1a fail fail 1.2a3 fail fail bar fail fail _ fail fail CASE_DATA require version; version->import( qw/is_strict is_lax/ ); for my $case ( split qr/\n/, $strict_lax_data ) { my ($v, $strict, $lax) = split qr/\t+/, $case; main::ok( $strict eq 'pass' ? is_strict($v) : ! is_strict($v), "is_strict($v) [$strict]" ); main::ok( $strict eq 'pass' ? version::is_strict($v) : ! version::is_strict($v), "version::is_strict($v) [$strict]" ); main::ok( $lax eq 'pass' ? is_lax($v) : ! is_lax($v), "is_lax($v) [$lax]" ); main::ok( $lax eq 'pass' ? version::is_lax($v) : ! version::is_lax($v), "version::is_lax($v) [$lax]" ); } } sub BaseTests { my ($CLASS, $method, $qv_declare) = @_; my $warning; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warning = $_[0] }; # Insert your test code below, the Test module is use()ed here so read # its man page ( perldoc Test ) for help writing this test script. # Test bare number processing diag "tests with bare numbers" unless $ENV{PERL_CORE}; $version = $CLASS->$method(5.005_03); is ( "$version" , "5.00503" , '5.005_03 eq 5.00503' ); $version = $CLASS->$method(1.23); is ( "$version" , "1.23" , '1.23 eq "1.23"' ); # Test quoted number processing diag "tests with quoted numbers" unless $ENV{PERL_CORE}; $version = $CLASS->$method("5.005_03"); is ( "$version" , "5.005_03" , '"5.005_03" eq "5.005_03"' ); $version = $CLASS->$method("v1.23"); is ( "$version" , "v1.23" , '"v1.23" eq "v1.23"' ); # Test stringify operator diag "tests with stringify" unless $ENV{PERL_CORE}; $version = $CLASS->$method("5.005"); is ( "$version" , "5.005" , '5.005 eq "5.005"' ); $version = $CLASS->$method("5.006.001"); is ( "$version" , "5.006.001" , '5.006.001 eq v5.6.1' ); unlike ($warning, qr/v-string without leading 'v' deprecated/, 'No leading v'); $version = $CLASS->$method("v1.2.3_4"); is ( "$version" , "v1.2.3_4" , 'alpha version 1.2.3_4 eq v1.2.3_4' ); # test illegal formats diag "test illegal formats" unless $ENV{PERL_CORE}; eval {$version = $CLASS->$method("1.2_3_4")}; like($@, qr/multiple underscores/, "Invalid version format (multiple underscores)"); eval {$version = $CLASS->$method("1.2_3.4")}; like($@, qr/underscores before decimal/, "Invalid version format (underscores before decimal)"); eval {$version = $CLASS->$method("1_2")}; like($@, qr/alpha without decimal/, "Invalid version format (alpha without decimal)"); eval { $version = $CLASS->$method("1.2b3")}; like($@, qr/non-numeric data/, "Invalid version format (non-numeric data)"); # from here on out capture the warning and test independently { eval{$version = $CLASS->$method("99 and 44/100 pure")}; like($@, qr/non-numeric data/, "Invalid version format (non-numeric data)"); eval{$version = $CLASS->$method("something")}; like($@, qr/non-numeric data/, "Invalid version format (non-numeric data)"); # reset the test object to something reasonable $version = $CLASS->$method("1.2.3"); # Test boolean operator ok ($version, 'boolean'); # Test class membership isa_ok ( $version, $CLASS ); # Test comparison operators with self diag "tests with self" unless $ENV{PERL_CORE}; is ( $version <=> $version, 0, '$version <=> $version == 0' ); ok ( $version == $version, '$version == $version' ); # Test Numeric Comparison operators # test first with non-object $version = $CLASS->$method("5.006.001"); $new_version = "5.8.0"; diag "numeric tests with non-objects" unless $ENV{PERL_CORE}; ok ( $version == $version, '$version == $version' ); ok ( $version < $new_version, '$version < $new_version' ); ok ( $new_version > $version, '$new_version > $version' ); ok ( $version != $new_version, '$version != $new_version' ); # now test with existing object $new_version = $CLASS->$method($new_version); diag "numeric tests with objects" unless $ENV{PERL_CORE}; ok ( $version < $new_version, '$version < $new_version' ); ok ( $new_version > $version, '$new_version > $version' ); ok ( $version != $new_version, '$version != $new_version' ); # now test with actual numbers diag "numeric tests with numbers" unless $ENV{PERL_CORE}; ok ( $version->numify() == 5.006001, '$version->numify() == 5.006001' ); ok ( $version->numify() <= 5.006001, '$version->numify() <= 5.006001' ); ok ( $version->numify() < 5.008, '$version->numify() < 5.008' ); #ok ( $version->numify() > v5.005_02, '$version->numify() > 5.005_02' ); # test with long decimals diag "Tests with extended decimal versions" unless $ENV{PERL_CORE}; $version = $CLASS->$method(1.002003); ok ( $version == "1.2.3", '$version == "1.2.3"'); ok ( $version->numify == 1.002003, '$version->numify == 1.002003'); $version = $CLASS->$method("2002.09.30.1"); ok ( $version == "2002.9.30.1",'$version == 2002.9.30.1'); ok ( $version->numify == 2002.009030001, '$version->numify == 2002.009030001'); # now test with alpha version form with string $version = $CLASS->$method("1.2.3"); $new_version = "1.2.3_4"; diag "numeric tests with alpha-style non-objects" unless $ENV{PERL_CORE}; ok ( $version < $new_version, '$version < $new_version' ); ok ( $new_version > $version, '$new_version > $version' ); ok ( $version != $new_version, '$version != $new_version' ); $version = $CLASS->$method("1.2.4"); diag "numeric tests with alpha-style non-objects" unless $ENV{PERL_CORE}; ok ( $version > $new_version, '$version > $new_version' ); ok ( $new_version < $version, '$new_version < $version' ); ok ( $version != $new_version, '$version != $new_version' ); # now test with alpha version form with object $version = $CLASS->$method("1.2.3"); $new_version = $CLASS->$method("1.2.3_4"); diag "tests with alpha-style objects" unless $ENV{PERL_CORE}; ok ( $version < $new_version, '$version < $new_version' ); ok ( $new_version > $version, '$new_version > $version' ); ok ( $version != $new_version, '$version != $new_version' ); ok ( !$version->is_alpha, '!$version->is_alpha'); ok ( $new_version->is_alpha, '$new_version->is_alpha'); $version = $CLASS->$method("1.2.4"); diag "tests with alpha-style objects" unless $ENV{PERL_CORE}; ok ( $version > $new_version, '$version > $new_version' ); ok ( $new_version < $version, '$new_version < $version' ); ok ( $version != $new_version, '$version != $new_version' ); $version = $CLASS->$method(""); $new_version = $CLASS->$method("1.2.3_4"); diag "tests with alpha-style objects with same subversion" unless $ENV{PERL_CORE}; ok ( $version > $new_version, '$version > $new_version' ); ok ( $new_version < $version, '$new_version < $version' ); ok ( $version != $new_version, '$version != $new_version' ); diag "test implicit [in]equality" unless $ENV{PERL_CORE}; $version = $CLASS->$method("v1.2.3"); $new_version = $CLASS->$method(""); ok ( $version == $new_version, '$version == $new_version' ); $new_version = $CLASS->$method("1.2.3_0"); ok ( $version == $new_version, '$version == $new_version' ); $new_version = $CLASS->$method(""); ok ( $version < $new_version, '$version < $new_version' ); $new_version = $CLASS->$method("1.2.3_1"); ok ( $version < $new_version, '$version < $new_version' ); $new_version = $CLASS->$method("1.1.999"); ok ( $version > $new_version, '$version > $new_version' ); # that which is not expressly permitted is forbidden diag "forbidden operations" unless $ENV{PERL_CORE}; ok ( !eval { ++$version }, "noop ++" ); ok ( !eval { --$version }, "noop --" ); ok ( !eval { $version/1 }, "noop /" ); ok ( !eval { $version*3 }, "noop *" ); ok ( !eval { abs($version) }, "noop abs" ); SKIP: { skip "version require'd instead of use'd, cannot test $qv_declare", 3 unless defined $qv_declare; # test the $qv_declare() sub diag "testing $qv_declare" unless $ENV{PERL_CORE}; $version = $CLASS->$qv_declare("1.2"); is ( "$version", "v1.2", $qv_declare.'("1.2") == "1.2.0"' ); $version = $CLASS->$qv_declare(1.2); is ( "$version", "v1.2", $qv_declare.'(1.2) == "1.2.0"' ); isa_ok( $CLASS->$qv_declare('5.008'), $CLASS ); } # test creation from existing version object diag "create new from existing version" unless $ENV{PERL_CORE}; ok (eval {$new_version = $CLASS->$method($version)}, "new from existing object"); ok ($new_version == $version, "class->$method($version) identical"); $new_version = $version->$method(); isa_ok ($new_version, $CLASS ); is ($new_version, "0", "version->$method() doesn't clone"); $new_version = $version->$method("1.2.3"); is ($new_version, "1.2.3" , '$version->$method("1.2.3") works too'); # test the CVS revision mode diag "testing CVS Revision" unless $ENV{PERL_CORE}; $version = new $CLASS qw$Revision: 1.2$; ok ( $version == "1.2.0", 'qw$Revision: 1.2$ == 1.2.0' ); $version = new $CLASS qw$Revision:$; ok ( $version == "", 'qw$Revision:$ ==' ); # test the CPAN style reduced significant digit form diag "testing CPAN-style versions" unless $ENV{PERL_CORE}; $version = $CLASS->$method("1.23_01"); is ( "$version" , "1.23_01", "CPAN-style alpha version" ); ok ( $version > 1.23, "1.23_01 > 1.23"); ok ( $version < 1.24, "1.23_01 < 1.24"); # test reformed UNIVERSAL::VERSION diag "Replacement UNIVERSAL::VERSION tests" unless $ENV{PERL_CORE}; my $error_regex = $] < 5.006 ? 'version \d required' : 'does not define \$t.{7}::VERSION'; { my ($fh, $filename) = tempfile('tXXXXXXX', SUFFIX => '.pm', UNLINK => 1); (my $package = basename($filename)) =~ s/\.pm$//; print $fh "package $package;\n\$$package\::VERSION=0.58;\n1;\n"; close $fh; $version = 0.58; eval "use lib '.'; use $package $version"; unlike($@, qr/$package version $version/, 'Replacement eval works with exact version'); # test as class method $new_version = $package->VERSION; cmp_ok($new_version,'==',$version, "Called as class method"); eval "print Completely::Unknown::Module->VERSION"; if ( $] < 5.008 ) { unlike($@, qr/$error_regex/, "Don't freak if the module doesn't even exist"); } else { unlike($@, qr/defines neither package nor VERSION/, "Don't freak if the module doesn't even exist"); } # this should fail even with old UNIVERSAL::VERSION $version += 0.01; eval "use lib '.'; use $package $version"; like($@, qr/$package version $version/, 'Replacement eval works with incremented version'); $version =~ s/0+$//; #convert to string and remove trailing 0's chop($version); # shorten by 1 digit, should still succeed eval "use lib '.'; use $package $version"; unlike($@, qr/$package version $version/, 'Replacement eval works with single digit'); # this would fail with old UNIVERSAL::VERSION $version += 0.1; eval "use lib '.'; use $package $version"; like($@, qr/$package version $version/, 'Replacement eval works with incremented digit'); unlink $filename; } { # dummy up some variously broken modules for testing my ($fh, $filename) = tempfile('tXXXXXXX', SUFFIX => '.pm', UNLINK => 1); (my $package = basename($filename)) =~ s/\.pm$//; print $fh "1;\n"; close $fh; eval "use lib '.'; use $package 3;"; if ( $] < 5.008 ) { like($@, qr/$error_regex/, 'Replacement handles modules without package or VERSION'); } else { like($@, qr/defines neither package nor VERSION/, 'Replacement handles modules without package or VERSION'); } eval "use lib '.'; use $package; \$version = $package->VERSION"; unlike ($@, qr/$error_regex/, 'Replacement handles modules without package or VERSION'); ok (!defined($version), "Called as class method"); unlink $filename; } { # dummy up some variously broken modules for testing my ($fh, $filename) = tempfile('tXXXXXXX', SUFFIX => '.pm', UNLINK => 1); (my $package = basename($filename)) =~ s/\.pm$//; print $fh "package $package;\n#look ma no VERSION\n1;\n"; close $fh; eval "use lib '.'; use $package 3;"; like ($@, qr/$error_regex/, 'Replacement handles modules without VERSION'); eval "use lib '.'; use $package; print $package->VERSION"; unlike ($@, qr/$error_regex/, 'Replacement handles modules without VERSION'); unlink $filename; } { # dummy up some variously broken modules for testing my ($fh, $filename) = tempfile('tXXXXXXX', SUFFIX => '.pm', UNLINK => 1); (my $package = basename($filename)) =~ s/\.pm$//; print $fh "package $package;\n\@VERSION = ();\n1;\n"; close $fh; eval "use lib '.'; use $package 3;"; like ($@, qr/$error_regex/, 'Replacement handles modules without VERSION'); eval "use lib '.'; use $package; print $package->VERSION"; unlike ($@, qr/$error_regex/, 'Replacement handles modules without VERSION'); unlink $filename; } SKIP: { skip 'Cannot test bare v-strings with Perl < 5.6.0', 4 if $] < 5.006_000; diag "Tests with v-strings" unless $ENV{PERL_CORE}; $version = $CLASS->$method(1.2.3); ok("$version" == "v1.2.3", '"$version" == 1.2.3'); $version = $CLASS->$method(1.0.0); $new_version = $CLASS->$method(1); ok($version == $new_version, '$version == $new_version'); skip "version require'd instead of use'd, cannot test declare", 1 unless defined $qv_declare; $version = &$qv_declare(1.2.3); ok("$version" == "v1.2.3", 'v-string initialized $qv_declare()'); } diag "Tests with real-world (malformed) data" unless $ENV{PERL_CORE}; # trailing zero testing (reported by Andreas Koenig). $version = $CLASS->$method("1"); ok($version->numify eq "1.000", "trailing zeros preserved"); $version = $CLASS->$method("1.0"); ok($version->numify eq "1.000", "trailing zeros preserved"); $version = $CLASS->$method("1.0.0"); ok($version->numify eq "1.000000", "trailing zeros preserved"); $version = $CLASS->$method(""); ok($version->numify eq "1.000000000", "trailing zeros preserved"); # leading zero testing (reported by Andreas Koenig). $version = $CLASS->$method(".7"); ok($version->numify eq "0.700", "leading zero inferred"); # leading space testing (reported by Andreas Koenig). $version = $CLASS->$method(" 1.7"); ok($version->numify eq "1.700", "leading space ignored"); # RT 19517 - deal with undef and 'undef' initialization ok("$version" ne 'undef', "Undef version comparison #1"); ok("$version" ne undef, "Undef version comparison #2"); $version = $CLASS->$method('undef'); unlike($warning, qr/^Version string 'undef' contains invalid data/, "Version string 'undef'"); $version = $CLASS->$method(undef); like($warning, qr/^Use of uninitialized value/, "Version string 'undef'"); ok($version == 'undef', "Undef version comparison #3"); ok($version == undef, "Undef version comparison #4"); eval "\$version = \$CLASS->$method()"; # no parameter at all unlike($@, qr/^Bizarre copy of CODE/, "No initializer at all"); ok($version == 'undef', "Undef version comparison #5"); ok($version == undef, "Undef version comparison #6"); $version = $CLASS->$method(0.000001); unlike($warning, qr/^Version string '1e-06' contains invalid data/, "Very small version objects"); } SKIP: { my $warning; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warning = $_[0] }; # dummy up a legal module for testing RT#19017 my ($fh, $filename) = tempfile('tXXXXXXX', SUFFIX => '.pm', UNLINK => 1); (my $package = basename($filename)) =~ s/\.pm$//; print $fh <<"EOF"; package $package; use $CLASS; \$VERSION = ${CLASS}->new('0.0.4'); 1; EOF close $fh; eval "use lib '.'; use $package 0.000008;"; like ($@, qr/^$package version 0.000008 required/, "Make sure very small versions don't freak"); eval "use lib '.'; use $package 1;"; like ($@, qr/^$package version 1 required/, "Comparing vs. version with no decimal"); eval "use lib '.'; use $package 1.;"; like ($@, qr/^$package version 1 required/, "Comparing vs. version with decimal only"); if ( $] < 5.006_000 ) { skip 'Cannot "use" extended versions with Perl < 5.6.0', 3; } eval "use lib '.'; use $package v0.0.8;"; my $regex = "^$package version v0.0.8 required"; like ($@, qr/$regex/, "Make sure very small versions don't freak"); $regex =~ s/8/4/; # set for second test eval "use lib '.'; use $package v0.0.4;"; unlike($@, qr/$regex/, 'Succeed - required == VERSION'); cmp_ok ( $package->VERSION, 'eq', '0.0.4', 'No undef warnings' ); unlink $filename; } SKIP: { skip 'Cannot test "use base qw(version)" when require is used', 3 unless defined $qv_declare; my ($fh, $filename) = tempfile('tXXXXXXX', SUFFIX => '.pm', UNLINK => 1); (my $package = basename($filename)) =~ s/\.pm$//; print $fh <<"EOF"; package $package; use base qw(version); 1; EOF close $fh; # need to eliminate any other $qv_declare()'s undef *{"main\::$qv_declare"}; ok(!defined(&{"main\::$qv_declare"}), "make sure we cleared $qv_declare() properly"); eval "use lib '.'; use $package qw/declare qv/;"; ok(defined(&{"main\::$qv_declare"}), "make sure we exported $qv_declare() properly"); isa_ok( &$qv_declare(1.2), $package); unlink $filename; } SKIP: { if ( $] < 5.006_000 ) { skip 'Cannot "use" extended versions with Perl < 5.6.0', 3; } my ($fh, $filename) = tempfile('tXXXXXXX', SUFFIX => '.pm', UNLINK => 1); (my $package = basename($filename)) =~ s/\.pm$//; print $fh <<"EOF"; package $package; \$VERSION = 1.0; 1; EOF close $fh; eval "use lib '.'; use $package 1.001;"; like ($@, qr/^$package version 1.001 required/, "User typed numeric so we error with numeric"); eval "use lib '.'; use $package v1.1.0;"; like ($@, qr/^$package version v1.1.0 required/, "User typed extended so we error with extended"); unlink $filename; } SKIP: { # test locale handling my $warning; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warning = $_[0] }; $DB::single = 1; my $v = eval { $CLASS->$method('1,7') }; # is( $@, "", 'Directly test comma as decimal compliance'); my $ver = 1.23; # has to be floating point number my $orig_loc = setlocale( LC_ALL ); my $loc; while () { chomp; $loc = setlocale( LC_ALL, $_); last if localeconv()->{decimal_point} eq ','; } skip 'Cannot test locale handling without a comma locale', 4 unless ( $loc and ($ver eq '1,23') ); diag ("Testing locale handling with $loc") unless $ENV{PERL_CORE}; $v = $CLASS->$method($ver); unlike($warning, qr/Version string '1,23' contains invalid data/, "Process locale-dependent floating point"); is ($v, "1.23", "Locale doesn't apply to version objects"); ok ($v == $ver, "Comparison to locale floating point"); setlocale( LC_ALL, $orig_loc); # reset this before possible skip skip 'Cannot test RT#46921 with Perl < 5.008', 1 if ($] < 5.008); skip 'Cannot test RT#46921 with pure Perl module', 1 if exists $INC{'version/vpp.pm'}; my ($fh, $filename) = tempfile('tXXXXXXX', SUFFIX => '.pm', UNLINK => 1); (my $package = basename($filename)) =~ s/\.pm$//; print $fh <<"EOF"; package $package; use POSIX qw(locale_h); \$^W = 1; use $CLASS; setlocale (LC_ALL, '$loc'); use $CLASS ; eval "use Socket 1.7"; setlocale( LC_ALL, '$orig_loc'); 1; EOF close $fh; eval "use lib '.'; use $package;"; unlike($warning, qr"Version string '1,7' contains invalid data", 'Handle locale action-at-a-distance'); } eval 'my $v = $CLASS->$method("1._1");'; unlike($@, qr/^Invalid version format \(alpha with zero width\)/, "Invalid version format 1._1"); { my $warning; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warning = $_[0] }; eval 'my $v = $CLASS->$method(~0);'; unlike($@, qr/Integer overflow in version/, "Too large version"); like($warning, qr/Integer overflow in version/, "Too large version"); } { # http://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=30004 my $v1 = $CLASS->$method("v0.1_1"); (my $alpha1 = Dumper($v1)) =~ s/.+'alpha' => ([^,]+),.+/$1/ms; my $v2 = $CLASS->$method($v1); (my $alpha2 = Dumper($v2)) =~ s/.+'alpha' => ([^,]+),.+/$1/ms; is $alpha2, $alpha1, "Don't fall for Data::Dumper's tricks"; } { # http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=56606 my $badv = bless { version => [1,2,3] }, "version"; is $badv, '1.002003', "Deal with badly serialized versions from YAML"; my $badv2 = bless { qv => 1, version => [1,2,3] }, "version"; is $badv2, 'v1.2.3', "Deal with badly serialized versions from YAML "; } } 1; __DATA__ af_ZA af_ZA.utf8 an_ES an_ES.utf8 az_AZ.utf8 be_BY be_BY.utf8 bg_BG bg_BG.utf8 br_FR br_FR@euro br_FR.utf8 bs_BA bs_BA.utf8 ca_ES ca_ES@euro ca_ES.utf8 cs_CZ cs_CZ.utf8 da_DK da_DK.utf8 de_AT de_AT@euro de_AT.utf8 de_BE de_BE@euro de_BE.utf8 de_DE de_DE@euro de_DE.utf8 de_LU de_LU@euro de_LU.utf8 el_GR el_GR.utf8 en_DK en_DK.utf8 es_AR es_AR.utf8 es_BO es_BO.utf8 es_CL es_CL.utf8 es_CO es_CO.utf8 es_EC es_EC.utf8 es_ES es_ES@euro es_ES.utf8 es_PY es_PY.utf8 es_UY es_UY.utf8 es_VE es_VE.utf8 et_EE et_EE.iso885915 et_EE.utf8 eu_ES eu_ES@euro eu_ES.utf8 fi_FI fi_FI@euro fi_FI.utf8 fo_FO fo_FO.utf8 fr_BE fr_BE@euro fr_BE.utf8 fr_CA fr_CA.utf8 fr_CH fr_CH.utf8 fr_FR fr_FR@euro fr_FR.utf8 fr_LU fr_LU@euro fr_LU.utf8 gl_ES gl_ES@euro gl_ES.utf8 hr_HR hr_HR.utf8 hu_HU hu_HU.utf8 id_ID id_ID.utf8 is_IS is_IS.utf8 it_CH it_CH.utf8 it_IT it_IT@euro it_IT.utf8 ka_GE ka_GE.utf8 kk_KZ kk_KZ.utf8 kl_GL kl_GL.utf8 lt_LT lt_LT.utf8 lv_LV lv_LV.utf8 mk_MK mk_MK.utf8 mn_MN mn_MN.utf8 nb_NO nb_NO.utf8 nl_BE nl_BE@euro nl_BE.utf8 nl_NL nl_NL@euro nl_NL.utf8 nn_NO nn_NO.utf8 no_NO no_NO.utf8 oc_FR oc_FR.utf8 pl_PL pl_PL.utf8 pt_BR pt_BR.utf8 pt_PT pt_PT@euro pt_PT.utf8 ro_RO ro_RO.utf8 ru_RU ru_RU.koi8r ru_RU.utf8 ru_UA ru_UA.utf8 se_NO se_NO.utf8 sh_YU sh_YU.utf8 sk_SK sk_SK.utf8 sl_SI sl_SI.utf8 sq_AL sq_AL.utf8 sr_CS sr_CS.utf8 sv_FI sv_FI@euro sv_FI.utf8 sv_SE sv_SE.iso885915 sv_SE.utf8 tg_TJ tg_TJ.utf8 tr_TR tr_TR.utf8 tt_RU.utf8 uk_UA uk_UA.utf8 vi_VN vi_VN.tcvn wa_BE wa_BE@euro wa_BE.utf8