#! /usr/local/perl -w # Before `make install' is performed this script should be runnable with # `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl test.pl' ######################### use File::Basename; use File::Temp qw/tempfile/; use POSIX qw/locale_h/; use Test::More tests => 7; BEGIN { use_ok('version', 0.97); } SKIP: { skip 'No locale testing for Perl < 5.6.0', 6 if $] < 5.006; # test locale handling my $warning; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warning = $_[0] }; my $ver = 1.23; # has to be floating point number my $loc; my $orig_loc = setlocale(LC_NUMERIC); is ($ver, '1.23', 'Not using locale yet'); while () { chomp; $loc = setlocale( LC_ALL, $_); last if localeconv()->{decimal_point} eq ','; } skip 'Cannot test locale handling without a comma locale', 5 unless $loc and localeconv()->{decimal_point} eq ','; diag ("Testing locale handling with $loc") unless $ENV{PERL_CORE}; setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, $loc); is ($ver, '1,23', "Using locale: $loc"); $v = version->new($ver); unlike($warning, qr/Version string '1,23' contains invalid data/, "Process locale-dependent floating point"); is ($v, "1.23", "Locale doesn't apply to version objects"); ok ($v == $ver, "Comparison to locale floating point"); setlocale( LC_ALL, $orig_loc); # reset this before possible skip skip 'Cannot test RT#46921 with Perl < 5.008', 1 if ($] < 5.008); skip 'Cannot test RT#46921 with pure Perl module', 1 if exists $INC{'version/vpp.pm'}; my ($fh, $filename) = tempfile('tXXXXXXX', SUFFIX => '.pm', UNLINK => 1); (my $package = basename($filename)) =~ s/\.pm$//; print $fh <<"EOF"; package $package; use POSIX qw(locale_h); \$^W = 1; use version; setlocale (LC_ALL, '$loc'); use version ; eval "use Socket 1.7"; setlocale( LC_ALL, '$orig_loc'); 1; EOF close $fh; eval "use lib '.'; use $package;"; unlike($warning, qr"Version string '1,7' contains invalid data", 'Handle locale action-at-a-distance'); } __DATA__ af_ZA af_ZA.utf8 an_ES an_ES.utf8 az_AZ.utf8 be_BY be_BY.utf8 bg_BG bg_BG.utf8 br_FR br_FR@euro br_FR.utf8 bs_BA bs_BA.utf8 ca_ES ca_ES@euro ca_ES.utf8 cs_CZ cs_CZ.utf8 da_DK da_DK.utf8 de_AT de_AT@euro de_AT.utf8 de_BE de_BE@euro de_BE.utf8 de_DE de_DE@euro de_DE.utf8 de_LU de_LU@euro de_LU.utf8 el_GR el_GR.utf8 en_DK en_DK.utf8 es_AR es_AR.utf8 es_BO es_BO.utf8 es_CL es_CL.utf8 es_CO es_CO.utf8 es_EC es_EC.utf8 es_ES es_ES@euro es_ES.utf8 es_PY es_PY.utf8 es_UY es_UY.utf8 es_VE es_VE.utf8 et_EE et_EE.iso885915 et_EE.utf8 eu_ES eu_ES@euro eu_ES.utf8 fi_FI fi_FI@euro fi_FI.utf8 fo_FO fo_FO.utf8 fr_BE fr_BE@euro fr_BE.utf8 fr_CA fr_CA.utf8 fr_CH fr_CH.utf8 fr_FR fr_FR@euro fr_FR.utf8 fr_LU fr_LU@euro fr_LU.utf8 gl_ES gl_ES@euro gl_ES.utf8 hr_HR hr_HR.utf8 hu_HU hu_HU.utf8 id_ID id_ID.utf8 is_IS is_IS.utf8 it_CH it_CH.utf8 it_IT it_IT@euro it_IT.utf8 ka_GE ka_GE.utf8 kk_KZ kk_KZ.utf8 kl_GL kl_GL.utf8 lt_LT lt_LT.utf8 lv_LV lv_LV.utf8 mk_MK mk_MK.utf8 mn_MN mn_MN.utf8 nb_NO nb_NO.utf8 nl_BE nl_BE@euro nl_BE.utf8 nl_NL nl_NL@euro nl_NL.utf8 nn_NO nn_NO.utf8 no_NO no_NO.utf8 oc_FR oc_FR.utf8 pl_PL pl_PL.utf8 pt_BR pt_BR.utf8 pt_PT pt_PT@euro pt_PT.utf8 ro_RO ro_RO.utf8 ru_RU ru_RU.koi8r ru_RU.utf8 ru_UA ru_UA.utf8 se_NO se_NO.utf8 sh_YU sh_YU.utf8 sk_SK sk_SK.utf8 sl_SI sl_SI.utf8 sq_AL sq_AL.utf8 sr_CS sr_CS.utf8 sv_FI sv_FI@euro sv_FI.utf8 sv_SE sv_SE.iso885915 sv_SE.utf8 tg_TJ tg_TJ.utf8 tr_TR tr_TR.utf8 tt_RU.utf8 uk_UA uk_UA.utf8 vi_VN vi_VN.tcvn wa_BE wa_BE@euro wa_BE.utf8