#!./perl -w # tests state variables BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = '../lib'; require './test.pl'; } use strict; use feature ":5.10"; plan tests => 123; ok( ! defined state $uninit, q(state vars are undef by default) ); # basic functionality sub stateful { state $x; state $y = 1; my $z = 2; state ($t) //= 3; return ($x++, $y++, $z++, $t++); } my ($x, $y, $z, $t) = stateful(); is( $x, 0, 'uninitialized state var' ); is( $y, 1, 'initialized state var' ); is( $z, 2, 'lexical' ); is( $t, 3, 'initialized state var, list syntax' ); ($x, $y, $z, $t) = stateful(); is( $x, 1, 'incremented state var' ); is( $y, 2, 'incremented state var' ); is( $z, 2, 'reinitialized lexical' ); is( $t, 4, 'incremented state var, list syntax' ); ($x, $y, $z, $t) = stateful(); is( $x, 2, 'incremented state var' ); is( $y, 3, 'incremented state var' ); is( $z, 2, 'reinitialized lexical' ); is( $t, 5, 'incremented state var, list syntax' ); # in a nested block sub nesting { state $foo = 10; my $t; { state $bar = 12; $t = ++$bar } ++$foo; return ($foo, $t); } ($x, $y) = nesting(); is( $x, 11, 'outer state var' ); is( $y, 13, 'inner state var' ); ($x, $y) = nesting(); is( $x, 12, 'outer state var' ); is( $y, 14, 'inner state var' ); # in a closure sub generator { my $outer; # we use $outer to generate a closure sub { ++$outer; ++state $x } } my $f1 = generator(); is( $f1->(), 1, 'generator 1' ); is( $f1->(), 2, 'generator 1' ); my $f2 = generator(); is( $f2->(), 1, 'generator 2' ); is( $f1->(), 3, 'generator 1 again' ); is( $f2->(), 2, 'generator 2 once more' ); # with ties { package countfetches; our $fetchcount = 0; sub TIESCALAR {bless {}}; sub FETCH { ++$fetchcount; 18 }; tie my $y, "countfetches"; sub foo { state $x = $y; $x++ } ::is( foo(), 18, "initialisation with tied variable" ); ::is( foo(), 19, "increments correctly" ); ::is( foo(), 20, "increments correctly, twice" ); ::is( $fetchcount, 1, "fetch only called once" ); } # state variables are shared among closures sub gen_cashier { my $amount = shift; state $cash_in_store = 0; return { add => sub { $cash_in_store += $amount }, del => sub { $cash_in_store -= $amount }, bal => sub { $cash_in_store }, }; } gen_cashier(59)->{add}->(); gen_cashier(17)->{del}->(); is( gen_cashier()->{bal}->(), 42, '$42 in my drawer' ); # stateless assignment to a state variable sub stateless { state $reinitme = 42; ++$reinitme; } is( stateless(), 43, 'stateless function, first time' ); is( stateless(), 44, 'stateless function, second time' ); # array state vars sub stateful_array { state @x; push @x, 'x'; return $#x; } my $xsize = stateful_array(); is( $xsize, 0, 'uninitialized state array' ); $xsize = stateful_array(); is( $xsize, 1, 'uninitialized state array after one iteration' ); # hash state vars sub stateful_hash { state %hx; return $hx{foo}++; } my $xhval = stateful_hash(); is( $xhval, 0, 'uninitialized state hash' ); $xhval = stateful_hash(); is( $xhval, 1, 'uninitialized state hash after one iteration' ); # Recursion sub noseworth { my $level = shift; state $recursed_state = 123; is($recursed_state, 123, "state kept through recursion ($level)"); noseworth($level - 1) if $level; } noseworth(2); # Assignment return value sub pugnax { my $x = state $y = 42; $y++; $x; } is( pugnax(), 42, 'scalar state assignment return value' ); is( pugnax(), 43, 'scalar state assignment return value' ); # # Test various blocks. # foreach my $x (1 .. 3) { state $y = $x; is ($y, 1, "foreach $x"); } for (my $x = 1; $x < 4; $x ++) { state $y = $x; is ($y, 1, "for $x"); } while ($x < 4) { state $y = $x; is ($y, 1, "while $x"); $x ++; } $x = 1; until ($x >= 4) { state $y = $x; is ($y, 1, "until $x"); $x ++; } $x = 0; $y = 0; { state $z = $x; $z ++; $y ++; is ($z, $y, "bare block $y"); redo if $y < 3 } # # Check state $_ # my @stones = qw [fred wilma barny betty]; my $first = $stones [0]; my $First = ucfirst $first; $_ = "bambam"; foreach my $flint (@stones) { state $_ = $flint; is $_, $first, 'state $_'; ok /$first/, '/.../ binds to $_'; is ucfirst, $First, '$_ default argument'; } is $_, "bambam", '$_ is still there'; # # Goto. # my @simpsons = qw [Homer Marge Bart Lisa Maggie]; again: my $next = shift @simpsons; state $simpson = $next; is $simpson, 'Homer', 'goto 1'; goto again if @simpsons; goto Elvis; my $vi; { state $calvin = ++ $vi; Elvis: state $vile = ++ $vi; redo unless defined $calvin; is $calvin, 2, "goto 2"; is $vile, 1, "goto 3"; is $vi, 2, "goto 4"; } my @presidents = qw [Taylor Garfield Ford Arthur Monroe]; sub president { my $next = shift @presidents; state $president = $next; goto &president if @presidents; $president; } my $president_answer = $presidents [0]; is president, $president_answer, '&goto'; my @flowers = qw [Bluebonnet Goldenrod Hawthorn Peony]; foreach my $f (@flowers) { goto state $flower = $f; ok 0, 'computed goto 0'; next; Bluebonnet: ok 1, 'computed goto 1'; next; Goldenrod: ok 0, 'computed goto 2'; next; Hawthorn: ok 0, 'computed goto 3'; next; Peony: ok 0, 'computed goto 4'; next; ok 0, 'computed goto 5'; next; } # # map/grep # my @apollo = qw [Eagle Antares Odyssey Aquarius]; my @result1 = map {state $x = $_;} @apollo; my @result2 = grep {state $x = /Eagle/} @apollo; { local $" = ""; is "@result1", $apollo [0] x @apollo, "map"; is "@result2", "@apollo", "grep"; } # # Reference to state variable. # sub reference {\state $x} my $ref1 = reference; my $ref2 = reference; is $ref1, $ref2, "Reference to state variable"; # # Pre/post increment. # foreach my $x (1 .. 3) { ++ state $y; state $z ++; is $y, $x, "state pre increment"; is $z, $x, "state post increment"; } # # Substr # my $tintin = "Tin-Tin"; my @thunderbirds = qw [Scott Virgel Alan Gordon John]; my @thunderbirds2 = qw [xcott xxott xxxtt xxxxt xxxxx]; foreach my $x (0 .. 4) { state $c = \substr $tintin, $x, 1; my $d = \substr ((state $tb = $thunderbirds [$x]), $x, 1); $$c = "x"; $$d = "x"; is $tintin, "xin-Tin", "substr"; is $tb, $thunderbirds2 [$x], "substr"; } # # Use with given. # my @spam = qw [spam ham bacon beans]; foreach my $spam (@spam) { given (state $spam = $spam) { when ($spam [0]) {ok 1, "given"} default {ok 0, "given"} } } # # Redefine. # { state $x = "one"; no warnings; state $x = "two"; is $x, "two", "masked" } # normally closureless anon subs share a CV and pad. If the anon sub has a # state var, this would mean that it is shared. Check that this doesn't # happen { my @f; push @f, sub { state $x; ++$x } for 1..2; $f[0]->() for 1..10; is $f[0]->(), 11; is $f[1]->(), 1; } # each copy of an anon sub should get its own 'once block' { my $x; # used to force a closure my @f; push @f, sub { $x=0; state $s = $_[0]; $s } for 1..2; is $f[0]->(1), 1; is $f[0]->(2), 1; is $f[1]->(3), 3; is $f[1]->(4), 3; } foreach my $forbidden () { chomp $forbidden; no strict 'vars'; eval $forbidden; like $@, qr/Initialization of state variables in list context currently forbidden/, "Currently forbidden: $forbidden"; } __DATA__ state ($a) = 1; (state $a) = 1; state @a = 1; state (@a) = 1; (state @a) = 1; state %a = (); state (%a) = (); (state %a) = (); state ($a, $b) = (); state ($a, @b) = (); (state $a, state $b) = (); (state $a, $b) = (); (state $a, my $b) = (); (state $a, state @b) = (); (state $a, local @b) = (); (state $a, undef, state $b) = (); state ($a, undef, $b) = ();