#!perl =head1 NAME copyright.t =head1 DESCRIPTION Tests that the latest copyright years in the top-level README file and the C output match each other. If the test fails, update at least one of README and perl.c so that they match reality. Optionally you can pass the C<--now> option to check they are at the current year. This isn't checked by default, so that it doesn't fail for people working on older releases. It should be run before making a new release. =cut use TestInit; use strict; use Config; BEGIN { require 'test.pl' } if ( $Config{usecrosscompile} ) { skip_all( "Not all files are available during cross-compilation" ); } my ($opt) = @ARGV; my $readme_year = readme_year(); my $v_year = v_year(); # Check that both copyright dates are up-to-date, but only if requested, so # that tests still pass for people intentionally working on older versions: if ($opt eq '--now') { my $current_year = (gmtime)[5] + 1900; is $v_year, $current_year, 'perl -v copyright includes current year'; is $readme_year, $current_year, 'README copyright includes current year'; } # Otherwise simply check that the two copyright dates match each other: else { is $readme_year, $v_year, 'README and perl -v copyright dates match'; } done_testing; sub readme_year # returns the latest copyright year from the top-level README file { open my $readme, '<', '../README' or die "Opening README failed: $!"; # The copyright message is the first paragraph: local $/ = ''; my $copyright_msg = <$readme>; my ($year) = $copyright_msg =~ /.*\b(\d{4,})/s or die "Year not found in README copyright message '$copyright_msg'"; $year; } sub v_year # returns the latest copyright year shown in perl -v { my $output = runperl switches => ['-v']; my ($year) = $output =~ /copyright 1987.*\b(\d{4,})/i or die "Copyright statement not found in perl -v output '$output'"; $year; }