#!/perl -w use strict; # See "Writing a test" in perlhack.pod for the instructions about the order that # testing directories run, and which constructions should be avoided in the # early tests. # This regression tests ensures that the rules aren't accidentally overlooked. require './test.pl'; plan('no_plan'); open my $fh, '<', '../MANIFEST' or die "Can't open MANIFEST: $!"; # Three tests in t/comp need to use require or use to get their job done: my %exceptions = (hints => "require './test.pl'", parser => 'use DieDieDie', proto => 'use strict', ); while (my $file = <$fh>) { next unless $file =~ s!^t/!!; chomp $file; $file =~ s/\s+.*//; next unless $file =~ m!\.t$!; local $/; open my $t, '<', $file or die "Can't open $file: $!"; my $contents = <$t>; # Make sure that we don't match ourselves unlike($contents, qr/use\s+Test::More/, "$file doesn't use Test::\QMore"); next unless $file =~ m!^base/! or $file =~ m!^comp!; # Remove only the excepted constructions for the specific files. if ($file =~ m!comp/(.*)\.t! && $exceptions{$1}) { my $allowed = $exceptions{$1}; $contents =~ s/\Q$allowed//gs; } # All uses of use are allowed in t/comp/use.t unlike($contents, qr/^\s*use\s+/m, "$file doesn't use use") unless $file eq 'comp/use.t'; # All uses of require are allowed in t/comp/require.t unlike($contents, qr/^\s*require\s+/m, "$file doesn't use require") unless $file eq 'comp/require.t' }