#!./perl # Call fold_grind with /l and a UTF-8 Turkic locale use strict; use warnings; no warnings 'once'; BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; require './test.pl'; require './loc_tools.pl'; set_up_inc('../lib'); } skip_all "No locales" unless locales_enabled('LC_CTYPE'); my $turkic_locale = find_utf8_turkic_locale(); skip_all "Couldn't find a UTF-8 turkic locale" unless defined $turkic_locale; my $current_locale = POSIX::setlocale( &POSIX::LC_CTYPE, $turkic_locale) // ""; skip_all "Couldn't set locale to $turkic_locale" unless $current_locale eq $turkic_locale; $::TEST_CHUNK = 'T'; do './re/fold_grind.pl'; print STDERR "$@\n" if $@; print STDERR "$!\n" if $!; 1; # # ex: set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4 et: #