MAILSTATS(1) MAILSTATS(1) NNAAMMEE mmaaiillssttaattss - display mail statistics SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS mmaaiillssttaattss [--oo] [--pp] [--CC _c_f_f_i_l_e] [--ff _s_t_f_i_l_e] DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN The mmaaiillssttaattss utility displays the current mail statis- tics. First, the time at which statistics started being kept is displayed, in the format specified by ctime(3). Then, the statistics for each mailer are displayed on a single line, each with the following whitespace separated fields: MM The mailer number. mmssggssffrr Number of messages from the mailer. bbyytteess__ffrroomm Kbytes from the mailer. mmssggssttoo Number of messages to the mailer. bbyytteess__ttoo Kbytes to the mailer. mmssggssrreejj Number of messages rejected. mmssggssddiiss Number of messages discarded. MMaaiilleerr The name of the mailer. After this display, a line totaling the values for all of the mailers is displayed (preceeded with a ``T''), sepa- rated from the previous information by a line containing only equals (``='') characters. Another line preceeded with a ``C'' lists the number of connections. The options are as follows: --CC Read the specified file instead of the default sseennddmmaaiill ``cf'' file. --ff Read the specified statistics file instead of the statistics file specified in the sseennddmmaaiill ``cf'' file. --pp Output information in program-readable mode and clear statistics. --oo Don't display the name of the mailer in the output. The mmaaiillssttaattss utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs. FFIILLEESS /etc/mail/ The default sseennddmmaaiill ``cf'' file. /etc/mail/statistics The default sseennddmmaaiill statistics file. SSEEEE AALLSSOO mailq(1), sendmail(8) April 25, 1996 1