/* $OpenBSD: environment.c,v 1.11 2000/05/18 17:22:44 angelos Exp $ */ /* * The author of this code is Angelos D. Keromytis (angelos@dsl.cis.upenn.edu) * * This code was written by Angelos D. Keromytis in Philadelphia, PA, USA, * in April-May 1998 * * Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 by Angelos D. Keromytis. * * Permission to use, copy, and modify this software without fee * is hereby granted, provided that this entire notice is included in * all copies of any software which is or includes a copy or * modification of this software. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS BEING PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTY. IN PARTICULAR, THE AUTHORS MAKES NO * REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY OF ANY KIND CONCERNING THE * MERCHANTABILITY OF THIS SOFTWARE OR ITS FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. */ #if HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif /* HAVE_CONFIG_H */ #include #include #include #include #if STDC_HEADERS #include #if !defined(HAVE_MEMCPY) #define memcpy(d, s, n) bcopy ((s), (d), (n)) #endif /* !HAVE_MEMCPY */ #endif /* STDC_HEADERS */ #if HAVE_MEMORY_H #include #endif /* HAVE_MEMORY_H */ #if HAVE_FCNTL_H #include #endif /* HAVE_FCNTL_H */ #if HAVE_IO_H #include #elif HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif /* HAVE_IO_H */ #include "header.h" #include "keynote.h" #include "assertion.h" static int sessioncounter = 0; char **keynote_values = (char **) NULL; char *keynote_privkey = (char *) NULL; struct assertion *keynote_current_assertion = (struct assertion *) NULL; struct environment *keynote_init_list = (struct environment *) NULL; struct environment *keynote_temp_list = (struct environment *) NULL; struct keylist *keynote_keypred_keylist = (struct keylist *) NULL; struct keynote_session *keynote_sessions[SESSIONTABLESIZE]; struct keynote_session *keynote_current_session = NULL; int keynote_exceptionflag = 0; int keynote_used_variable = 0; int keynote_returnvalue = 0; int keynote_justrecord = 0; int keynote_donteval = 0; int keynote_errno = 0; /* * Construct the _ACTION_AUTHORIZERS variable value. */ static char * keynote_get_action_authorizers(char *name) { struct keylist *kl; int len; if (!strcmp(name, KEYNOTE_CALLBACK_CLEANUP) || !strcmp(name, KEYNOTE_CALLBACK_INITIALIZE)) { if (keynote_current_session->ks_authorizers_cache != (char *) NULL) { free(keynote_current_session->ks_authorizers_cache); keynote_current_session->ks_authorizers_cache = (char *) NULL; } return ""; } if (keynote_current_session->ks_authorizers_cache != (char *) NULL) return keynote_current_session->ks_authorizers_cache; for (len = 0, kl = keynote_current_session->ks_action_authorizers; kl != (struct keylist *) NULL; kl = kl->key_next) if (kl->key_stringkey != (char *) NULL) len += strlen(kl->key_stringkey) + 1; if (len == 0) return ""; keynote_current_session->ks_authorizers_cache = (char *) calloc(len, sizeof(char)); if (keynote_current_session->ks_authorizers_cache == (char *) NULL) { keynote_errno = ERROR_MEMORY; return (char *) NULL; } for (len = 0, kl = keynote_current_session->ks_action_authorizers; kl != (struct keylist *) NULL; kl = kl->key_next) if (kl->key_stringkey != (char *) NULL) { sprintf(keynote_current_session->ks_authorizers_cache + len, "%s,", kl->key_stringkey); len += strlen(kl->key_stringkey) + 1; } keynote_current_session->ks_authorizers_cache[len - 1] = '\0'; return keynote_current_session->ks_authorizers_cache; } /* * Construct the _VALUES variable value. */ static char * keynote_get_values(char *name) { int i, len; if (!strcmp(name, KEYNOTE_CALLBACK_CLEANUP) || !strcmp(name, KEYNOTE_CALLBACK_INITIALIZE)) { if (keynote_current_session->ks_values_cache != (char *) NULL) { free(keynote_current_session->ks_values_cache); keynote_current_session->ks_values_cache = (char *) NULL; } return ""; } if (keynote_current_session->ks_values_cache != (char *) NULL) return keynote_current_session->ks_values_cache; for (len = 0, i = 0; i < keynote_current_session->ks_values_num; i++) len += strlen(keynote_current_session->ks_values[i]) + 1; keynote_current_session->ks_values_cache = (char *) calloc(len, sizeof(char)); if (keynote_current_session->ks_values_cache == (char *) NULL) { keynote_errno = ERROR_MEMORY; return (char *) NULL; } if (len == 0) return ""; for (len = 0, i = 0; i < keynote_current_session->ks_values_num; i++) { sprintf(keynote_current_session->ks_values_cache + len, "%s,", keynote_current_session->ks_values[i]); len += strlen(keynote_current_session->ks_values[i]) + 1; } keynote_current_session->ks_values_cache[len - 1] = '\0'; return keynote_current_session->ks_values_cache; } /* * Free an environment structure. */ void keynote_free_env(struct environment *en) { if (en == (struct environment *) NULL) return; if (en->env_name != (char *) NULL) free(en->env_name); if (en->env_flags & ENVIRONMENT_FLAG_REGEX) regfree(&(en->env_regex)); if (!(en->env_flags & ENVIRONMENT_FLAG_FUNC)) { if (en->env_value != (char *) NULL) free(en->env_value); } else ((char * (*) (char *))en->env_value)(KEYNOTE_CALLBACK_CLEANUP); free(en); } /* * Lookup for variable "name" in the hash table. If hashsize is 1, * then the second argument is actually a pointer to a list. Last * argument specifies case-insensitivity. */ char * keynote_env_lookup(char *name, struct environment **table, u_int hashsize) { struct environment *en; for (en = table[keynote_stringhash(name, hashsize)]; en != (struct environment *) NULL; en = en->env_next) if (((en->env_flags & ENVIRONMENT_FLAG_REGEX) && (regexec(&(en->env_regex), name, 0, (regmatch_t *) NULL, 0) == 0)) || (!strcmp(name, en->env_name))) { if ((en->env_flags & ENVIRONMENT_FLAG_FUNC) && (en->env_value != (char *) NULL)) return ((char * (*) (char *)) en->env_value)(name); else return en->env_value; } return (char *) NULL; } /* * Delete a variable from hash table. Return RESULT_TRUE if the deletion was * successful, and RESULT_FALSE if the variable was not found. */ int keynote_env_delete(char *name, struct environment **table, u_int hashsize) { struct environment *en, *en2; u_int h; h = keynote_stringhash(name, hashsize); if (table[h] != (struct environment *) NULL) { if (!strcmp(table[h]->env_name, name)) { en = table[h]; table[h] = en->env_next; keynote_free_env(en); return RESULT_TRUE; } else for (en = table[h]; en->env_next != (struct environment *) NULL; en = en->env_next) if (!strcmp(en->env_next->env_name, name)) { en2 = en->env_next; en->env_next = en2->env_next; keynote_free_env(en2); return RESULT_TRUE; } } return RESULT_FALSE; } /* * Add a new variable in hash table. Return RESULT_TRUE on success, * ERROR_MEMORY on failure. If hashsize is 1, second argument is * actually a pointer to a list. The arguments are duplicated. */ int keynote_env_add(char *name, char *value, struct environment **table, u_int hashsize, int flags) { struct environment *en; u_int h, i; en = calloc(1, sizeof(struct environment)); if (en == (struct environment *) NULL) { keynote_errno = ERROR_MEMORY; return -1; } en->env_name = strdup(name); if (en->env_name == (char *) NULL) { keynote_free_env(en); keynote_errno = ERROR_MEMORY; return -1; } if (flags & ENVIRONMENT_FLAG_REGEX) /* Regular expression for name */ { if ((i = regcomp(&(en->env_regex), name, REG_EXTENDED)) != 0) { keynote_free_env(en); if (i == REG_ESPACE) keynote_errno = ERROR_MEMORY; else keynote_errno = ERROR_SYNTAX; return -1; } en->env_flags |= ENVIRONMENT_FLAG_REGEX; } if (flags & ENVIRONMENT_FLAG_FUNC) /* Callback registration */ { en->env_value = value; en->env_flags |= ENVIRONMENT_FLAG_FUNC; ((char * (*) (char *))en->env_value)(KEYNOTE_CALLBACK_INITIALIZE); if (keynote_errno != 0) { keynote_free_env(en); return -1; } } else { en->env_value = strdup(value); if (en->env_value == (char *) NULL) { keynote_free_env(en); keynote_errno = ERROR_MEMORY; return -1; } } /* * This means that new assignments of existing variable will override * the old ones. */ h = keynote_stringhash(name, hashsize); en->env_next = table[h]; table[h] = en; return RESULT_TRUE; } /* * Cleanup an environment table. */ void keynote_env_cleanup(struct environment **table, u_int hashsize) { struct environment *en2; if ((hashsize == 0) || (table == (struct environment **) NULL)) return; while (hashsize > 0) { while (table[hashsize - 1] != (struct environment *) NULL) { en2 = table[hashsize - 1]->env_next; keynote_free_env(table[hashsize - 1]); table[hashsize - 1] = en2; } hashsize--; } } /* * Zero out the attribute structures, seed the RNG. */ static int keynote_init_environment(void) { #ifdef CRYPTO int cnt = KEYNOTE_RAND_INIT_LEN, i; do { if ((i = RAND_load_file(KEYNOTERNDFILENAME, cnt)) <= 0) { keynote_errno = ERROR_MEMORY; return -1; } cnt -= i; } while (cnt > 0); #endif /* CRYPTO */ memset(keynote_current_session->ks_env_table, 0, HASHTABLESIZE * sizeof(struct environment *)); memset(keynote_current_session->ks_assertion_table, 0, HASHTABLESIZE * sizeof(struct assertion *)); keynote_current_session->ks_env_regex = (struct environment *) NULL; if (keynote_env_add("_ACTION_AUTHORIZERS", (char *) keynote_get_action_authorizers, keynote_current_session->ks_env_table, HASHTABLESIZE, ENVIRONMENT_FLAG_FUNC) != RESULT_TRUE) return -1; if (keynote_env_add("_VALUES", (char *) keynote_get_values, keynote_current_session->ks_env_table, HASHTABLESIZE, ENVIRONMENT_FLAG_FUNC) != RESULT_TRUE) return -1; return RESULT_TRUE; } /* * Return the index of argument in keynote_values[]. */ int keynote_retindex(char *s) { int i; for (i = 0; i < keynote_current_session->ks_values_num; i++) if (!strcmp(s, keynote_current_session->ks_values[i])) return i; return -1; } /* * Find a session by its id. */ struct keynote_session * keynote_find_session(int sessid) { unsigned int h = sessid % SESSIONTABLESIZE; struct keynote_session *ks; for (ks = keynote_sessions[h]; ks != (struct keynote_session *) NULL; ks = ks->ks_next) if (ks->ks_id == sessid) return ks; return (struct keynote_session *) NULL; } /* * Add a session in the hash table. */ static void keynote_add_session(struct keynote_session *ks) { unsigned int h = ks->ks_id % SESSIONTABLESIZE; ks->ks_next = keynote_sessions[h]; if (ks->ks_next != (struct keynote_session *) NULL) ks->ks_next->ks_prev = ks; keynote_sessions[h] = ks; } /* * Initialize a KeyNote session. */ int kn_init(void) { keynote_errno = 0; keynote_current_session = (struct keynote_session *) calloc(1, sizeof(struct keynote_session)); if (keynote_current_session == (struct keynote_session *) NULL) { keynote_errno = ERROR_MEMORY; return -1; } while (keynote_find_session(sessioncounter) != (struct keynote_session *) NULL) { sessioncounter++; if (sessioncounter < 0) sessioncounter = 0; } keynote_current_session->ks_id = sessioncounter++; keynote_init_environment(); keynote_add_session(keynote_current_session); return keynote_current_session->ks_id; } /* * Cleanup the action environment. */ int kn_cleanup_action_environment(int sessid) { struct keynote_session *ks; keynote_errno = 0; if ((keynote_current_session == (struct keynote_session *) NULL) || (keynote_current_session->ks_id != sessid)) { keynote_current_session = keynote_find_session(sessid); if (keynote_current_session == (struct keynote_session *) NULL) { keynote_errno = ERROR_NOTFOUND; return -1; } } ks = keynote_current_session; /* Cleanup environment */ keynote_env_cleanup(ks->ks_env_table, HASHTABLESIZE); keynote_env_cleanup(&(ks->ks_env_regex), 1); return 0; } /* * Close a session. */ int kn_close(int sessid) { struct keynote_session *ks; struct assertion *as, *as2; int i; keynote_errno = 0; if ((keynote_current_session == (struct keynote_session *) NULL) || (keynote_current_session->ks_id != sessid)) { keynote_current_session = keynote_find_session(sessid); if (keynote_current_session == (struct keynote_session *) NULL) { keynote_errno = ERROR_NOTFOUND; return -1; } } ks = keynote_current_session; /* Cleanup environment -- no point using kn_cleanup_action_environment() */ keynote_env_cleanup(ks->ks_env_table, HASHTABLESIZE); keynote_env_cleanup(&(ks->ks_env_regex), 1); /* Cleanup assertions */ for (i = 0; i < HASHTABLESIZE; i++) for (as = ks->ks_assertion_table[i]; as != (struct assertion *) NULL; as = as2) { as2 = as->as_next; keynote_free_assertion(as); } /* Cleanup action authorizers */ keynote_keylist_free(ks->ks_action_authorizers); /* Unlink from chain */ if (ks->ks_prev == (struct keynote_session *) NULL) { keynote_sessions[ks->ks_id % SESSIONTABLESIZE] = ks->ks_next; if (ks->ks_next != (struct keynote_session *) NULL) ks->ks_next->ks_prev = (struct keynote_session *) NULL; } else { ks->ks_prev->ks_next = ks->ks_next; if (ks->ks_next != (struct keynote_session *) NULL) ks->ks_next->ks_prev = ks->ks_prev; } free(ks); keynote_current_session = (struct keynote_session *) NULL; return 0; } /* * Add an action attribute. */ int kn_add_action(int sessid, char *name, char *value, int flags) { int i; keynote_errno = 0; if ((name == (char *) NULL) || (value == (char *) NULL) || (name[0] == '_')) { keynote_errno = ERROR_SYNTAX; return -1; } if ((keynote_current_session == (struct keynote_session *) NULL) || (keynote_current_session->ks_id != sessid)) { keynote_current_session = keynote_find_session(sessid); if (keynote_current_session == (struct keynote_session *) NULL) { keynote_errno = ERROR_NOTFOUND; return -1; } } if (flags & ENVIRONMENT_FLAG_REGEX) i = keynote_env_add(name, value, &(keynote_current_session->ks_env_regex), 1, flags); else i = keynote_env_add(name, value, keynote_current_session->ks_env_table, HASHTABLESIZE, flags); if (i == RESULT_TRUE) return 0; else return -1; } /* * Remove an action attribute. */ int kn_remove_action(int sessid, char *name) { int i; keynote_errno = 0; if ((name == (char *) NULL) || (name[0] == '_')) { keynote_errno = ERROR_SYNTAX; return -1; } if ((keynote_current_session == (struct keynote_session *) NULL) || (keynote_current_session->ks_id != sessid)) { keynote_current_session = keynote_find_session(sessid); if (keynote_current_session == (struct keynote_session *) NULL) { keynote_errno = ERROR_NOTFOUND; return -1; } } i = keynote_env_delete(name, keynote_current_session->ks_env_table, HASHTABLESIZE); if (i == RESULT_TRUE) return 0; i = keynote_env_delete(name, &(keynote_current_session->ks_env_regex), HASHTABLESIZE); if (i == RESULT_TRUE) return 0; keynote_errno = ERROR_NOTFOUND; return -1; } /* * Execute a query. */ int kn_do_query(int sessid, char **returnvalues, int numvalues) { struct assertion *as; int i; keynote_errno = 0; if ((keynote_current_session == (struct keynote_session *) NULL) || (keynote_current_session->ks_id != sessid)) { keynote_current_session = keynote_find_session(sessid); if (keynote_current_session == (struct keynote_session *) NULL) { keynote_errno = ERROR_NOTFOUND; return -1; } } /* Check that we have at least one action authorizer */ if (keynote_current_session->ks_action_authorizers == (struct keylist *) NULL) { keynote_errno = ERROR_NOTFOUND; return -1; } /* * We may use already set returnvalues, or use new ones, * but we must have some before we can evaluate. */ if ((returnvalues == (char **) NULL) && (keynote_current_session->ks_values == (char **) NULL)) { keynote_errno = ERROR_SYNTAX; return -1; } /* Replace any existing returnvalues */ if (returnvalues != (char **) NULL) { keynote_current_session->ks_values = returnvalues; keynote_current_session->ks_values_num = numvalues; } /* Reset assertion state from any previous queries */ for (i = 0; i < HASHTABLESIZE; i++) for (as = keynote_current_session->ks_assertion_table[i]; as != (struct assertion *) NULL; as = as->as_next) { as->as_kresult = KRESULT_UNTOUCHED; as->as_result = 0; as->as_internalflags &= ~ASSERT_IFLAG_PROCESSED; as->as_error = 0; if (as->as_internalflags & ASSERT_IFLAG_WEIRDSIG) as->as_sigresult = SIGRESULT_UNTOUCHED; } return keynote_evaluate_query(); } /* * Return assertions that failed, by error type. */ int kn_get_failed(int sessid, int type, int num) { struct assertion *as; int i; keynote_errno = 0; if ((keynote_current_session == (struct keynote_session *) NULL) || (keynote_current_session->ks_id != sessid)) { keynote_current_session = keynote_find_session(sessid); if (keynote_current_session == (struct keynote_session *) NULL) { keynote_errno = ERROR_NOTFOUND; return -1; } } for (i = 0; i < HASHTABLESIZE; i++) for (as = keynote_current_session->ks_assertion_table[i]; as != (struct assertion *) NULL; as = as->as_next) switch (type) { case KEYNOTE_ERROR_ANY: if ((as->as_error != 0) || ((as->as_sigresult != SIGRESULT_TRUE) && !(as->as_sigresult == SIGRESULT_UNTOUCHED) && !(as->as_flags & ASSERT_FLAG_LOCAL))) if (num-- == 0) /* Return it if it's the num-th found */ return as->as_id; break; case KEYNOTE_ERROR_MEMORY: if (as->as_error == ERROR_MEMORY) if (num-- == 0) return as->as_id; break; case KEYNOTE_ERROR_SYNTAX: if (as->as_error == ERROR_SYNTAX) if (num-- == 0) return as->as_id; break; case KEYNOTE_ERROR_SIGNATURE: if ((as->as_sigresult != SIGRESULT_TRUE) && !(as->as_sigresult == SIGRESULT_UNTOUCHED) && !(as->as_flags & ASSERT_FLAG_LOCAL)) if (num-- == 0) return as->as_id; break; } keynote_errno = ERROR_NOTFOUND; return -1; } /* * Simple API for doing a single KeyNote query. */ int kn_query(struct environment *env, char **retvalues, int numval, char **trusted, int *trustedlen, int numtrusted, char **untrusted, int *untrustedlen, int numuntrusted, char **authorizers, int numauthorizers) { struct environment *en; int sessid, i, serrno; keynote_errno = 0; if ((sessid = kn_init()) == -1) return -1; /* Action set */ for (en = env; en != (struct environment *) NULL; en = en->env_next) if (kn_add_action(sessid, en->env_name, en->env_value, en->env_flags) == -1) { serrno = keynote_errno; kn_close(sessid); keynote_errno = serrno; return -1; } /* Locally trusted assertions */ for (i = 0; i < numtrusted; i++) if ((kn_add_assertion(sessid, trusted[i], trustedlen[i], ASSERT_FLAG_LOCAL) == -1) && (keynote_errno == ERROR_MEMORY)) { serrno = keynote_errno; kn_close(sessid); keynote_errno = serrno; return -1; } /* Untrusted assertions */ for (i = 0; i < numuntrusted; i++) if ((kn_add_assertion(sessid, untrusted[i], untrustedlen[i], 0) == -1) && (keynote_errno == ERROR_MEMORY)) { serrno = keynote_errno; kn_close(sessid); keynote_errno = serrno; return -1; } /* Authorizers */ for (i = 0; i < numauthorizers; i++) if (kn_add_authorizer(sessid, authorizers[i]) == -1) { serrno = keynote_errno; kn_close(sessid); keynote_errno = serrno; return -1; } i = kn_do_query(sessid, retvalues, numval); serrno = keynote_errno; kn_close(sessid); if (serrno) keynote_errno = serrno; return i; } /* * Read a buffer, break it up in assertions. */ char ** kn_read_asserts(char *buffer, int bufferlen, int *numassertions) { int bufsize = 32, i, flag, valid; char **buf, **tempbuf, *ptr; keynote_errno = 0; if (buffer == (char *) NULL) { keynote_errno = ERROR_SYNTAX; return (char **) NULL; } buf = (char **) calloc(bufsize, sizeof(char *)); if (buf == (char **) NULL) { keynote_errno = ERROR_MEMORY; return (char **) NULL; } /* * We'll go through the whole buffer looking for consecutive newlines, * which imply newline separation. We use the valid flag to keep * track of whether there may be an assertion after the last pair of * newlines, or whether there may be an assertion in the buffer to * begin with, if there are no consecutive newlines. */ for (i = 0, flag = 0, valid = 0, *numassertions = 0, ptr = buffer; i < bufferlen; i++) { if (buffer[i] == '\n') { if (flag) /* Two newlines in a row, copy if there's anything */ { if (valid) /* Something there */ { /* Allocate enough memory */ buf[*numassertions] = (char *) calloc((buffer + i) - ptr + 1, sizeof(char)); if (buf[*numassertions] == (char *) NULL) { /* Free any already-allocated strings */ for (flag = 0; flag < *numassertions; flag++) free(buf[flag]); free(buf); keynote_errno = ERROR_MEMORY; return (char **) NULL; } /* Copy string */ memcpy(buf[*numassertions], ptr, (buffer + i) - ptr); (*numassertions)++; } valid = 0; /* Reset */ flag = 0; ptr = buffer + i + 1; /* Point right after this newline */ /* See if we need to resize the buffer */ if (*numassertions > bufsize - 4) { /* Allocate twice the space */ tempbuf = (char **) realloc(buf, 2 * bufsize * sizeof(char *)); if (tempbuf == (char **) NULL) { for (flag = 0; flag < *numassertions; flag++) free(buf[flag]); free(buf); keynote_errno = ERROR_MEMORY; return (char **) NULL; } free(buf); /* Free old buffer */ buf = tempbuf; bufsize *= 2; } } else flag = 1; /* One newline so far */ continue; } else flag = 0; if (!isspace(buffer[i])) valid = 1; } /* * There may be a valid assertion after the last pair of newlines. * Notice that because of the resizing check above, there will be * a valid memory location to store this last string. */ if (valid) { /* This one's easy, we can just use strdup() */ if ((buf[*numassertions] = strdup(ptr)) == (char *) NULL) { for (flag = 0; flag < *numassertions; flag++) free(buf[flag]); free(buf); keynote_errno = ERROR_MEMORY; return (char **) NULL; } (*numassertions)++; } return buf; } /* * Return the authorizer key for a given assertion. */ void * kn_get_authorizer(int sessid, int assertid, int *algorithm) { struct assertion *as; int i; keynote_errno = *algorithm = 0; if ((keynote_current_session == (struct keynote_session *) NULL) || (keynote_current_session->ks_id != sessid)) { keynote_current_session = keynote_find_session(sessid); if (keynote_current_session == (struct keynote_session *) NULL) { keynote_errno = ERROR_NOTFOUND; return (void *) NULL; } } /* Traverse the hash table looking for assertid */ for (i = 0; i < HASHTABLESIZE; i++) for (as = keynote_current_session->ks_assertion_table[i]; as != (struct assertion *) NULL; as = as->as_next) if (as->as_id == assertid) goto out; out: if (as == (struct assertion *) NULL) { keynote_errno = ERROR_NOTFOUND; return (void *) NULL; } if (as->as_authorizer == NULL) if (keynote_evaluate_authorizer(as, 1) != RESULT_TRUE) return NULL; *algorithm = as->as_signeralgorithm; return as->as_authorizer; } /* * Return the licensees for a given assertion. */ struct keynote_keylist * kn_get_licensees(int sessid, int assertid) { struct assertion *as; int i; keynote_errno = 0; if ((keynote_current_session == (struct keynote_session *) NULL) || (keynote_current_session->ks_id != sessid)) { keynote_current_session = keynote_find_session(sessid); if (keynote_current_session == (struct keynote_session *) NULL) { keynote_errno = ERROR_NOTFOUND; return (struct keynote_keylist *) NULL; } } /* Traverse the hash table looking for assertid */ for (i = 0; i < HASHTABLESIZE; i++) for (as = keynote_current_session->ks_assertion_table[i]; as != (struct assertion *) NULL; as = as->as_next) if (as->as_id == assertid) goto out; out: if (as == (struct assertion *) NULL) { keynote_errno = ERROR_NOTFOUND; return (struct keynote_keylist *) NULL; } if (as->as_keylist == NULL) if (keynote_parse_keypred(as, 1) != RESULT_TRUE) return (struct keynote_keylist *) NULL; return (struct keynote_keylist *) as->as_keylist; }