.\" $OpenBSD: keynote.5,v 1.15 2006/04/09 16:02:59 jmc Exp $
.\" The author of this code is Angelos D. Keromytis (angelos@dsl.cis.upenn.edu)
.\" This code was written by Angelos D. Keromytis in Philadelphia, PA, USA,
.\" in April-May 1998
.\" Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 by Angelos D. Keromytis.
.\" Permission to use, copy, and modify this software with or without fee
.\" is hereby granted, provided that this entire notice is included in
.\" all copies of any software which is or includes a copy or
.\" modification of this software.
.\" You may use this code under the GNU public license if you so wish. Please
.\" contribute changes back to the author.
.Dd October 10, 1999
.\" .TH KeyNote 5 local
.Nm keynote
.Nd assertion format
.Bd -literal
KeyNote-Version: 2
Local-Constants: <assignments>
Authorizer: <public key or tag>
Licensees: <public key or tag expression>
Comment: <comment text>
Conditions: <logic predicates>
Signature: <public key signature>
For more details on
.Nm keynote ,
see RFC 2704.
KeyNote assertions are divided into sections, called
.Sq fields ,
that serve various semantic functions.
Each field starts with an
identifying label at the beginning of a line, followed by the
.Qq \&:
character and the field's contents.
There can be at most one field per line.
A field may be continued over more than one line by indenting
subsequent lines with at least one ASCII SPACE or TAB character.
Whitespace (a SPACE, TAB, or NEWLINE character) separates tokens but
is otherwise ignored outside of quoted strings.
Comments with a leading octothorp character ('#') may begin in any column.
One mandatory field is required in all assertions: Authorizer.
Six optional fields may also appear: Comment, Conditions,
KeyNote-Version, Licensees, Local-Constants, Signature.
All field names are case-insensitive.
.Qq KeyNote-Version
field, if present, appears first.
.Qq Signature
field, if present, appears last.
Otherwise, fields may appear in any order.
Each field may appear at most once in any assertion.
Blank lines are not permitted in assertions.
Multiple assertions
stored in a file (e.g., in application policy configurations),
therefore, can be separated from one another unambiguously by the use
of blank lines between them.
The octothorp character
.Pf ( Ns Qo # Qc ,
ASCII 35 decimal) can be used to
introduce comments.
Outside of quoted strings, all characters from the
.Qq #
character through the end of the current line are ignored.
However, commented text is included in the computation of assertion
.Sq string
is a lexical object containing a sequence of characters.
Strings may contain any non-NUL characters, including newlines and
nonprintable characters.
Strings may be given as literals, computed from complex expressions,
or dereferenced from attribute names.
A string literal directly represents the value of a string.
String literals must be quoted by preceding and following them with the
double-quote character (ASCII 34 decimal).
A printable character may be
.Sq escaped
inside a quoted string literal by preceding it with the backslash
character (ASCII 92 decimal) (e.g.,
.Qo like \&
.No \e Ns Qo this Ns \e
.Qc .
.\".Pf { Qo mike Ns Qc 12
.Qc Ns ).
This permits the inclusion of the double-quote and backslash characters
inside string literals.
A similar escape mechanism is also used to represent non-printable
.Qq \en
represents the newline character (ASCII character 10
.Qq \er
represents the carriage-return character (ASCII
character 13 decimal),
.Qq \et
represents the tab character (ASCII character 9 decimal), and
.Qq \ef
represents the form-feed character (ASCII character 12 decimal).
A backslash character followed by a newline suppresses all subsequent
whitespace (including the newline) up to the next non-whitespace character
(this allows the continuation of long string constants across lines).
Un-escaped newline and return characters are illegal inside string literals.
The constructs
.Qq \e0o ,
.Qq \e0oo ,
.Qq \eooo
(where o represents any octal digit) may be used to represent any non-NUL
ASCII characters with their corresponding octal values (thus,
.Qq \e012
is the same as
.Qq \en ,
.Qq \e101
.Qq A ,
.Qq \e377
is the ASCII character 255 decimal).
However, the NUL character cannot be encoded in this manner;
.Qq \e0 ,
.Qq \e00 ,
.Qq \e000
are converted to the strings
.Qq 0 ,
.Qq 00 ,
.Qq 000
Similarly, all other escaped characters have the
leading backslash removed (e.g.,
.Qq \ea
.Qq a ,
.Qq \e\e
.Qq \e ) .
The following four strings are equivalent:
.Bd -literal
        "this string contains a newline\\n followed by one space."
        "this string contains a newline\\n \\
        followed by one space."
        "this str\\
           ing contains a \\
             newline\\n followed by one space."
        "this string contains a newline\\012\\040followed by one space."
In general, anywhere a quoted string literal is allowed, a
.Sq string expression
can be used.
A string expression constructs a string from string constants,
dereferenced attributes (described below), and a string concatenation
String expressions may be parenthesized.
.Bd -literal
       <StrEx>:: <StrEx> "." <StrEx>    /* String concatenation */
               | <StringLiteral>        /* Quoted string */
               | "(" <StrEx> ")"
               | <DerefAttribute>
               | "$" <StrEx> ;
.Qq $
operator has higher precedence than the
.Qq .\&
Action attributes provide the primary mechanism for applications to
pass information to assertions.
Attribute names are strings from a
limited character set (see below), and attribute values are
represented internally as strings.
An attribute is dereferenced simply by using its name.
In general, KeyNote allows the use of an attribute anywhere a string literal
is permitted.
Attributes are dereferenced as strings by default.
When required,
dereferenced attributes can be converted to integers or floating point
numbers with the type conversion operators
.Qq @
.Qq & .
Thus, an attribute named
.Qq foo
having the value
.Qq 1.2
may be interpreted as the string
.Qq 1.2
(foo), the integer value 1 (@foo), or the floating point
value 1.2 (&foo).
Attributes converted to integer and floating point numbers are
represented according to the ANSI C
.Sq long
.Sq float
types, respectively.
In particular, integers range from -2147483648 to 2147483647, whilst floats
range from 1.17549435E-38F to 3.40282347E+38F.
Any uninitialized attribute has the empty-string value when
dereferenced as a string and the value zero when dereferenced as an
integer or float.
Attribute names may be given literally or calculated from string
expressions and may be recursively dereferenced.
In the simplest case,
an attribute is dereferenced simply by using its name outside of
quotes; e.g., the string value of the attribute named
.Qq foo
is by reference to
.Sq foo
(outside of quotes).
.Qo $ Ns Ao StrEx
construct dereferences the attribute named in the string expression
.Aq StrEx .
For example, if the attribute named
.Qq foo
contains the string
.Qq bar ,
the attribute named
.Qq bar
contains the string
.Qq xyz ,
and the attribute
.Qq xyz
contains the string
.Qq qua ,
the following string comparisons are all true:
.Bd -literal
    foo == "bar"
    $("foo") == "bar"
    $foo == "xyz"
    $(foo) == "xyz"
    $$foo == "qua"
.Aq StrEx
evaluates to an invalid or uninitialized attribute name, its value is
considered to be the empty string (or zero if used as a numeric).
.Aq DerefAttribute
token is defined as:
.Bd -literal
      <DerefAttribute>:: <AttributeID> ;
       <AttributeID>:: {Any string starting with a-z, A-Z, or the
                        underscore character, followed by any number of
                        a-z, A-Z, 0-9, or underscore characters} ;
Principals are represented as ASCII strings called
.Sq Principal Identifiers .
Principal Identifiers may be arbitrary labels whose structure is not
interpreted by the KeyNote system or they may encode cryptographic keys
that are used by KeyNote for credential signature verification.
.Bd -literal
       <PrincipalIdentifier>:: <OpaqueID>
                             | <KeyID> ;
Principal Identifiers that are used by KeyNote only as labels are
said to be
.Sq opaque .
Opaque identifiers are encoded in assertions as strings (as defined above):
.Dl <OpaqueID>:: <StrEx>\ \&;
Opaque identifier strings should not contain the
.Qq \&:
Principal Identifiers that are used by KeyNote as keys, e.g., to
verify credential signatures, are said to be
.Sq cryptographic .
Cryptographic identifiers are also lexically encoded as strings:
.Dl <KeyID>:: <StrEx>\ \&;
Unlike Opaque Identifiers, however, Cryptographic Identifier strings
have a special form.
To be interpreted by KeyNote (for signature
verification), an identifier string should be of the form:
.Dl <IDString>:: <ALGORITHM>":"<ENCODEDBITS>\ \&;
is an ASCII substring that describes the algorithms to be
used in interpreting the key's bits.
The ALGORITHM identifies the major cryptographic algorithm (e.g., RSA
.Bq RSA78 ,
.Bq DSA94 ,
structured format (e.g., PKCS1
.Bq PKCS1 ) ,
and key bit encoding (e.g., HEX or BASE64).
By convention, the ALGORITHM
substring starts with an alphabetic character and can contain letters,
digits, underscores, or dashes (i.e., it should match the regular expression
.Qo Ns Bo a-zA-Z
.Bc Ns Bo a-zA-Z0-9_-
.Bc Ns *
.Qc Ns ) .
The IANA (or some other appropriate authority) will provide a registry of
reserved algorithm identifiers.
is a substring of characters representing the key's bits, the encoding and
format of which depends on the ALGORITHM.
By convention, hexadecimal encoded keys use lower-case ASCII characters.
Cryptographic Principal Identifiers are converted to a normalized
canonical form for the purposes of any internal comparisons between
them; see RFC 2704 for more details.
The KeyNote-Version field identifies the version of the KeyNote
assertion language under which the assertion was written.
The KeyNote-Version field is of the form:
.Bd -literal
       <VersionField>:: "KeyNote-Version:" <VersionString> ;
       <VersionString>:: <StringLiteral>
                       | <IntegerLiteral> ;
.Aq VersionString
is an ASCII-encoded string.
Assertions in production versions of KeyNote use decimal digits in the version
representing the version number of the KeyNote language under which they are
to be interpreted.
Assertions written to conform with this document should be identified with the
version string
.Qq 2
(or the integer 2).
The KeyNote-Version field, if included, should appear first.
This field adds or overrides action attributes in the current
assertion only.
This mechanism allows the use of short names for (frequently lengthy)
cryptographic principal identifiers, especially to make the Licensees field
more readable.
The Local-Constants field is of the form:
.Bd -literal
       <LocalConstantsField>:: "Local-Constants:" <Assignments> ;
       <Assignments>:: /* can be empty */
                     | <AttributeID> "=" <StringLiteral> <Assignments> ;
.Aq AttributeID
is an attribute name from the action attribute namespace.
The name is available for use as an attribute in any subsequent field.
If the Local-Constants field defines more than one identifier, it can occupy
more than one line and be indented.
.Aq StringLiteral
is a string literal as described previously.
Attributes defined in the Local-Constants field override any attributes with
the same name passed in with the action attribute set.
An attribute may be initialized at most once in the Local-Constants field.
If an attribute is initialized more than once in an assertion, the entire
assertion is considered invalid and is not considered by the KeyNote
compliance checker in evaluating queries.
The Authorizer identifies the Principal issuing the assertion.
This field is of the form:
.Bd -literal
       <AuthField>:: "Authorizer:" <AuthID> ;
       <AuthID>:: <PrincipalIdentifier>
                | <DerefAttribute> ;
The Principal Identifier may be given directly or by reference to the
attribute namespace.
The Licensees field identifies the principals authorized by the
More than one principal can be authorized, and authorization can be
distributed across several principals through the use of
.Sq and
and threshold constructs.
This field is of the form:
.Bd -literal
       <LicenseesField>:: "Licensees:" <LicenseesExpr> ;

       <LicenseesExpr>::      /* can be empty */
                         | <PrincExpr> ;

       <PrincExpr>:: "(" <PrincExpr> ")"
                     | <PrincExpr> "&&" <PrincExpr>
                     | <PrincExpr> "||" <PrincExpr>
                     | <K>"-of(" <PrincList> ")"        /* Threshold */
                     | <PrincipalIdentifier>
                     | <DerefAttribute> ;

       <PrincList>:: <PrincipalIdentifier>
                   | <DerefAttribute>
                   | <PrincList> "," <PrincList> ;

       <K>:: {Decimal number starting with a digit from 1 to 9} ;
.Qq &&
operator has higher precedence than the
.Qq ||
.Aq K
is an ASCII-encoded positive decimal integer.
If a
.Aq PrincList
contains fewer than
.Aq K
principals, the entire assertion is omitted from processing.
This field gives the
.Sq conditions
under which the Authorizer trusts the Licensees to perform an action.
.Sq Conditions
are predicates that operate on the action attribute set.
The Conditions field is of the form:
.Bd -literal
    <ConditionsField>:: "Conditions:" <ConditionsProgram> ;

    <ConditionsProgram>:: /* Can be empty */
                          | <Clause> ";" <ConditionsProgram> ;

    <Clause>:: <Test> "->" "{" <ConditionsProgram> "}"
             | <Test> "->" <Value>
             | <Test> ;

    <Value>:: <StrEx> ;

    <Test>:: <RelExpr> ;

    <RelExpr>:: "(" <RelExpr> ")"        /* Parentheses */
              | <RelExpr> "&&" <RelExpr> /* Logical AND */
              | <RelExpr> "||" <RelExpr> /* Logical OR */
              | "!" <RelExpr>         /* Logical NOT */
              | <IntRelExpr>
              | <FloatRelExpr>
              | <StringRelExpr>
              | "true"        /* case insensitive */
              | "false" ;     /* case insensitive */

    <IntRelExpr>:: <IntEx> "==" <IntEx>
                 | <IntEx> "!=" <IntEx>
                 | <IntEx> "<" <IntEx>
                 | <IntEx> ">" <IntEx>
                 | <IntEx> "<=" <IntEx>
                 | <IntEx> ">=" <IntEx> ;

    <FloatRelExpr>:: <FloatEx> "<" <FloatEx>
                   | <FloatEx> ">" <FloatEx>
                   | <FloatEx> "<=" <FloatEx>
                   | <FloatEx> ">=" <FloatEx> ;

    <StringRelExpr>:: <StrEx> "==" <StrEx>  /* String equality */
                    | <StrEx> "!=" <StrEx>  /* String inequality */
                    | <StrEx> "<" <StrEx>   /* Alphanum. comparisons */
                    | <StrEx> ">" <StrEx>
                    | <StrEx> "<=" <StrEx>
                    | <StrEx> ">=" <StrEx>
                    | <StrEx> "~=" <RegExpr> ; /* Reg. expr. matching */

    <IntEx>:: <IntEx> "+" <IntEx>        /* Integer */
            | <IntEx> "-" <IntEx>
            | <IntEx> "*" <IntEx>
            | <IntEx> "/" <IntEx>
            | <IntEx> "%" <IntEx>
            | <IntEx> "^" <IntEx>        /* Exponentiation */
            | "-" <IntEx>
            | "(" <IntEx> ")"
            | <IntegerLiteral>
            | "@" <StrEx> ;

    <FloatEx>:: <FloatEx> "+" <FloatEx>  /* Floating point */
              | <FloatEx> "-" <FloatEx>
              | <FloatEx> "*" <FloatEx>
              | <FloatEx> "/" <FloatEx>
              | <FloatEx> "^" <FloatEx> /* Exponentiation */
              | "-" <FloatEx>
              | "(" <FloatEx> ")"
              | <FloatLiteral>
              | "&" <StrEx> ;

    <IntegerLiteral>:: {Decimal number of at least one digit} ;
    <FloatLiteral>:: <IntegerLiteral>"."<IntegerLiteral> ;

    <StringLiteral> is a quoted string as defined in previously
    <AttributeID> is defined previously.
The operation precedence classes are (from highest to lowest):
.Bd -literal
        { (, ) }
        {unary -, @, &, $}
        {*, /, %}
        {+, -, .}
Operators in the same precedence class are evaluated left-to-right.
Note the inability to test for floating point equality, as most
floating point implementations (hardware or otherwise) do not
guarantee accurate equality testing.
Also note that integer and floating point expressions can only be used
within clauses of condition fields, but in no other KeyNote field.
The keywords
.Qq true
.Qq false
are not reserved; they can be used as attribute or principal identifier
names (although this practice makes assertions difficult to understand
and is discouraged).
.Aq RegExpr
is a standard regular expression, conforming to the
.St -p1003.2
regular expression syntax and semantics (see
.Xr regex 3 ) .
Any string expression (or attribute) containing the ASCII
representation of a numeric value can be converted to an integer or
float with the use of the
.Qq @
.Qq &
operators, respectively.
Any fractional component of an attribute value dereferenced as an integer
is rounded down.
If an attribute dereferenced as a number cannot be properly converted
(e.g., it contains invalid characters or is empty) its value is considered
to be zero.
The Comment field allows assertions to be annotated with information
describing their purpose.
It is of the form:
.Dl <CommentField>:: \&"Comment:\&" <text>\ \&;
No interpretation of the contents of this field is performed by
Note that this is one of two mechanisms for including
comments in KeyNote assertions; comments can also be inserted anywhere
in an assertion's body by preceding them with the
.Qq #
character (except inside string literals).
The Signature field identifies a signed assertion and gives the
encoded digital signature of the principal identified in the
Authorizer field.
The Signature field is of the form:
.Bd -literal
       <SignatureField>:: "Signature:" <Signature> ;
       <Signature>:: <StrEx> ;
The <Signature> string should be of the form:
.Dl <IDString>:: <ALGORITHM>":"<ENCODEDBITS>\ \&;
The formats of the
substrings are as described for Cryptographic Principal Identifiers.
The algorithm name should be the same as that of the principal appearing
in the Authorizer field.
The IANA (or some other suitable authority) will provide a registry of
reserved names.
It is not necessary that the encodings of the signature and the authorizer
key be the same.
If the signature field is included, the principal named in the
Authorizer field must be a Cryptographic Principal Identifier, the
algorithm must be known to the KeyNote implementation, and the
signature must be correct for the assertion body and authorizer key.
The signature is computed over the assertion text, beginning with the
first field (including the field identifier string), up to (but not
including) the Signature field identifier.
The newline preceding the signature field identifier is the last character
included in signature calculation.
The signature is always the last field in a KeyNote assertion.
Text following this field is not considered part of the assertion.
Note that the keys and signatures in these examples are fictional, and
generally much shorter than would be required for real security, in
the interest of readability.
.Bd -literal
           Authorizer: "POLICY"
           Licensees: "RSA:abc123"

           KeyNote-Version: 2
           Local-Constants: Alice="DSA:4401ff92"  # Alice's key
                            Bob="RSA:d1234f"      # Bob's key
           Authorizer: "RSA:abc123"
           Licensees: Alice || Bob
           Conditions: (app_domain == "RFC822-EMAIL") &&
                       (address ~=   # only applies to one domain
                         "^.*@keynote\\.research\\.att\\.com$") ->
           Signature: "RSA-SHA1:213354f9"

           KeyNote-Version: 2
           Authorizer: "DSA:4401ff92"  # the Alice CA
           Licensees: "DSA:12340987"   # mab's key
           Conditions: ((app_domain == "RFC822-EMAIL") -> {
	                        (name == "M. Blaze" || name == "") &&
		                (address ==
				(name == "anonymous") -> "logandaccept";

           Signature: "DSA-SHA1:ab23487"

           KeyNote-Version: "2"
           Authorizer: "DSA:4401ff92"   # the Alice CA
           Licensees: "DSA:abc991" ||   # jf's DSA key
                      "RSA:cde773" ||   # jf's RSA key
                      "BFIK:fd091a"     # jf's BFIK key
           Conditions: ((app_domain == "RFC822-EMAIL") &&
                        (name == "J. Feigenbaum" || name == "") &&
                        (address == "jf@keynote.research.att.com"));
           Signature: "DSA-SHA1:8912aa"
.Xr keynote 1 ,
.Xr keynote 3 ,
.Xr keynote 4
.%A M. Blaze
.%A J. Feigenbaum
.%A A. D. Keromytis
.%T "The KeyNote Trust-Management System, Version 2"
.%N RFC 2704
.%D 1999
.%A M. Blaze
.%A J. Feigenbaum
.%A J. Lacy
.%T Decentralized Trust Management
.%J IEEE Conference on Privacy and Security
.%D 1996
.%A M. Blaze
.%A J. Feigenbaum
.%A M. Strauss
.%T Compliance-Checking in the PolicyMaker Trust Management System
.%J Financial Crypto Conference
.%D 1998
.An Angelos D. Keromytis Aq angelos@dsl.cis.upenn.edu
.Pa http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~keynote
None that we know of.
If you find any, please report them at
.Dl Aq keynote@research.att.com