%{ /* $OpenBSD: keynote.l,v 1.14 2002/05/27 06:29:14 deraadt Exp $ */ /* * The author of this code is Angelos D. Keromytis (angelos@dsl.cis.upenn.edu) * * This code was written by Angelos D. Keromytis in Philadelphia, PA, USA, * in April-May 1998 * * Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 by Angelos D. Keromytis. * * Permission to use, copy, and modify this software with or without fee * is hereby granted, provided that this entire notice is included in * all copies of any software which is or includes a copy or * modification of this software. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS BEING PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTY. IN PARTICULAR, THE AUTHORS MAKES NO * REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY OF ANY KIND CONCERNING THE * MERCHANTABILITY OF THIS SOFTWARE OR ITS FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. */ #if HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif /* HAVE_CONFIG_H */ #include <sys/types.h> #include <ctype.h> #if STDC_HEADERS #include <string.h> #endif /* STDC_HEADERS */ #if HAVE_UNISTD_H #include <unistd.h> #endif /* HAVE_UNISTD_H */ #if TIME_WITH_SYS_TIME #include <sys/time.h> #include <time.h> #else #if HAVE_SYS_TIME_H #include <sys/time.h> #else #include <time.h> #endif #endif #include "k.tab.h" #include "header.h" #include "keynote.h" #include "assertion.h" static void mystrncpy(char *, char *, int); struct lex_list { int lex_type; void *lex_s; }; static struct lex_list *keynote_lex_list = (struct lex_list *) NULL; static int keynote_max_lex_list = 32; static int keynote_lex_counter = 0; static int first_tok = 0; %} digit [0-9] specnumber [1-9][0-9]* number {digit}+ flt {digit}+"."{digit}+ vstring [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]* litstring \"(((\\\n)|(\\.)|([^\\\n\"]))*)\" variable {vstring} comment "#"[^\n]* %s ACTIONSTRING LOCALINIT KEYPREDICATE SIGNERINIT KEYNOTEVERSION %pointer %option noyywrap never-interactive yylineno %% %{ /* * Return a preset token, so we can have more than one grammars * in yacc. */ extern int first_tok; if (first_tok) { int holdtok = first_tok; first_tok = 0; return holdtok; } %} <KEYPREDICATE>{specnumber}"-of" { knlval.intval = atoi(kntext); return KOF; } <ACTIONSTRING,KEYPREDICATE>"(" return OPENPAREN; <ACTIONSTRING,KEYPREDICATE>")" return CLOSEPAREN; <ACTIONSTRING,KEYPREDICATE>"&&" return AND; <ACTIONSTRING,KEYPREDICATE>"||" return OR; <ACTIONSTRING>"+" return PLUS; <ACTIONSTRING>"->" return HINT; <ACTIONSTRING>"{" return OPENBLOCK; <ACTIONSTRING>"}" return CLOSEBLOCK; <ACTIONSTRING>";" return SEMICOLON; <ACTIONSTRING>"!" return NOT; <ACTIONSTRING>"~=" return REGEXP; <ACTIONSTRING>"==" return EQ; <ACTIONSTRING>"!=" return NE; <ACTIONSTRING>"<" return LT; <ACTIONSTRING>">" return GT; <ACTIONSTRING>"<=" return LE; <ACTIONSTRING>">=" return GE; <ACTIONSTRING>"-" return MINUS; <ACTIONSTRING>"*" return MULT; <ACTIONSTRING>"/" return DIV; <ACTIONSTRING>"%" return MOD; <ACTIONSTRING>"^" return EXP; "." return DOTT; <ACTIONSTRING>"true" return TRUE; <ACTIONSTRING>"false" return FALSE; {comment} /* eat up comments */ <LOCALINIT>"=" return EQQ; <KEYPREDICATE>"," return COMMA; <ACTIONSTRING,KEYPREDICATE,SIGNERINIT,LOCALINIT>{variable} { int len; if (keynote_exceptionflag || keynote_donteval) { knlval.string = (char *) NULL; return VARIABLE; } len = strlen(kntext) + 1; knlval.string = calloc(len, sizeof(char)); if (knlval.string == (char *) NULL) { keynote_errno = ERROR_MEMORY; return -1; } strlcpy(knlval.string, kntext, len); if (keynote_lex_add(knlval.string, LEXTYPE_CHAR) == -1) return -1; return VARIABLE; } "$" return DEREF; <ACTIONSTRING>"@" return OPENNUM; <ACTIONSTRING>"&" return OPENFLT; <ACTIONSTRING>{flt} { knlval.doubval = atof(kntext); return FLOAT; } <KEYNOTEVERSION>{number} { int len; if (keynote_exceptionflag || keynote_donteval) { knlval.string = (char *) NULL; return STRING; } len = strlen(kntext) + 1; knlval.string = calloc(len, sizeof(char)); if (knlval.string == (char *) NULL) { keynote_errno = ERROR_MEMORY; return -1; } strlcpy(knlval.string, kntext, len); if (keynote_lex_add(knlval.string, LEXTYPE_CHAR) == -1) return -1; return STRING; } <ACTIONSTRING>{number} { knlval.intval = atoi(kntext); return NUM; } {litstring} { if (keynote_exceptionflag || keynote_donteval) { knlval.string = (char *) NULL; return STRING; } knlval.string = calloc(strlen(kntext) - 1, sizeof(char)); if (knlval.string == (char *) NULL) { keynote_errno = ERROR_MEMORY; return -1; } mystrncpy(knlval.string, kntext + 1, strlen(kntext) - 2); if (keynote_lex_add(knlval.string, LEXTYPE_CHAR) == -1) return -1; return STRING; } [ \t\n] . { keynote_errno = ERROR_SYNTAX; return -1; REJECT; /* Avoid -Wall warning. Not reached */ } %% /* * Zap everything. */ static void keynote_lex_zap(void) { int i; if (keynote_lex_counter == 0) return; for (i = 0; i < keynote_max_lex_list; i++) if (keynote_lex_list[i].lex_s != (void *) NULL) { switch (keynote_lex_list[i].lex_type) { case LEXTYPE_CHAR: free(keynote_lex_list[i].lex_s); break; } keynote_lex_counter--; keynote_lex_list[i].lex_s = (void *) NULL; keynote_lex_list[i].lex_type = 0; } } /* * Initialize. */ static int keynote_lex_init(void) { if (keynote_lex_list != (struct lex_list *) NULL) memset(keynote_lex_list, 0, keynote_max_lex_list * sizeof(struct lex_list)); else { keynote_lex_list = (struct lex_list *) calloc(keynote_max_lex_list, sizeof(struct lex_list)); if (keynote_lex_list == (struct lex_list *) NULL) { keynote_errno = ERROR_MEMORY; return -1; } } return RESULT_TRUE; } /* * Add the string in a list of allocated but "dangling" memory references. * If out of memory, free the string and return -1 (and set keynote_errno). */ int keynote_lex_add(void *s, int type) { struct lex_list *p; int i; if (s == (void *) NULL) return RESULT_TRUE; for (i = 0; i < keynote_max_lex_list; i++) if (keynote_lex_list[i].lex_s == (void *) NULL) { keynote_lex_list[i].lex_s = (void *) s; keynote_lex_list[i].lex_type = type; keynote_lex_counter++; return RESULT_TRUE; } /* Not enough space, increase the size of the array */ keynote_max_lex_list *= 2; p = (struct lex_list *) realloc(keynote_lex_list, keynote_max_lex_list * sizeof(struct lex_list)); if (p == (struct lex_list *) NULL) { switch (type) { case LEXTYPE_CHAR: free(s); break; } keynote_max_lex_list /= 2; keynote_errno = ERROR_MEMORY; return -1; } if (p != keynote_lex_list) { free(keynote_lex_list); keynote_lex_list = p; } keynote_lex_list[i].lex_s = s; keynote_lex_list[i++].lex_type = type; keynote_lex_counter++; /* Zero out the rest */ memset(&(keynote_lex_list[i]), 0, (keynote_max_lex_list - i) * sizeof(struct lex_list)); return RESULT_TRUE; } /* * Remove string. */ void keynote_lex_remove(void *s) { int i; for (i = 0; i < keynote_max_lex_list; i++) if (keynote_lex_list[i].lex_s == s) { memset(&(keynote_lex_list[i]), 0, sizeof(struct lex_list)); keynote_lex_counter--; return; } } /* * Return RESULT_TRUE if character is octal digit, RESULT_FALSE otherwise. */ static int is_octal(char c) { switch (c) { case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': return RESULT_TRUE; default: return RESULT_FALSE; } } /* * Return octal value (non-zero) if argument starts with such a * representation, otherwise 0. */ static unsigned char get_octal(char *s, int len, int *adv) { unsigned char res = 0; if (*s == '0') { if (len > 0) { if (is_octal(*(s + 1))) { res = *(s + 1) - '0'; *adv = 2; if (is_octal(*(s + 2)) && (len - 1 > 0)) { res = res * 8 + (*(s + 2) - '0'); *adv = 3; } } } } else if (is_octal(*s) && (len - 1 > 0)) /* Non-zero leading */ { if (is_octal(*(s + 1)) && is_octal(*(s + 2))) { *adv = 3; res = (((*s) - '0') * 64) + (((*(s + 1)) - '0') * 8) + ((*(s + 2)) - '0'); } } return res; } /* * Copy at most len characters to string s1 from string s2, taking * care of escaped characters in the process. String s1 is assumed * to have enough space, and be zero'ed. */ static void mystrncpy(char *s1, char *s2, int len) { unsigned char c; int advance; if (len == 0) return; while (len-- > 0) { if (*s2 == '\\') { s2++; if (len-- <= 0) break; if (*s2 == '\n') { while (isspace((int) *(++s2)) && (len-- > 0)) ; } else if ((c = get_octal(s2, len, &advance)) != 0) { len -= advance - 1; s2 += advance; *s1++ = c; } else if (*s2 == 'n') /* Newline */ { *s1++ = '\n'; s2++; } else if (*s2 == 't') /* Tab */ { *s1++ = '\t'; s2++; } else if (*s2 == 'r') /* Linefeed */ { *s1++ = '\r'; s2++; } else if (*s2 == 'f') /* Formfeed */ { *s1++ = '\f'; s2++; } else if ((*s1++ = *s2++) == 0) break; continue; } if ((*s1++ = *s2++) == 0) break; } } /* * Evaluate an assertion, with as->as_result holding the result. * Return RESULT_TRUE if all ok. Also return the result. */ int keynote_evaluate_assertion(struct assertion *as) { YY_BUFFER_STATE keynote_bs; /* Non-existant Conditions field means highest return value */ if (as->as_conditions_s == (char *) NULL) { as->as_result = keynote_current_session->ks_values_num - 1; return RESULT_TRUE; } if (keynote_lex_init() != RESULT_TRUE) return -1; keynote_used_variable = 0; keynote_init_list = as->as_env; /* Setup the local-init var list */ keynote_bs = kn_scan_bytes(as->as_conditions_s, as->as_conditions_e - as->as_conditions_s); BEGIN(ACTIONSTRING); /* We're doing conditions-string parsing */ first_tok = ACTSTR; as->as_result = 0; keynote_returnvalue = 0; switch (knparse()) { case 1: /* Fall through */ keynote_errno = ERROR_SYNTAX; case -1: as->as_result = 0; break; case 0: as->as_result = keynote_returnvalue; break; } keynote_env_cleanup(&keynote_temp_list, 1); keynote_lex_zap(); kn_delete_buffer(keynote_bs); keynote_used_variable = 0; keynote_returnvalue = 0; keynote_temp_list = (struct environment *) NULL; keynote_init_list = (struct environment *) NULL; if (keynote_errno != 0) return -1; else return RESULT_TRUE; } /* * Parse/evaluate a key predicate field. * Store keys in key predicate as keylist in as->as_keylist, if second * argument is true. */ int keynote_parse_keypred(struct assertion *as, int record) { YY_BUFFER_STATE keypred_state; int p = 0, err; if (as->as_keypred_s == (char *) NULL) return keynote_current_session->ks_values_num - 1; if (keynote_lex_init() != RESULT_TRUE) return -1; keynote_used_variable = 0; keynote_returnvalue = 0; keynote_justrecord = record; /* Just want the list of keys in predicate */ keynote_init_list = as->as_env; keypred_state = kn_scan_bytes(as->as_keypred_s, as->as_keypred_e - as->as_keypred_s); BEGIN(KEYPREDICATE); first_tok = KEYPRE; err = knparse(); if (err != 0) if (keynote_errno == 0) keynote_errno = ERROR_SYNTAX; kn_delete_buffer(keypred_state); keynote_lex_zap(); keynote_cleanup_kth(); keynote_init_list = (struct environment *) NULL; keynote_justrecord = 0; p = keynote_returnvalue; keynote_returnvalue = 0; if (record) { if (keynote_errno != 0) { keynote_keylist_free(keynote_keypred_keylist); keynote_keypred_keylist = (struct keylist *) NULL; return -1; } else { /* Mark for re-processing if/when environment changes */ if (keynote_used_variable) { keynote_used_variable = 0; as->as_internalflags |= ASSERT_IFLAG_WEIRDLICS; } if (as->as_keylist) keynote_keylist_free(as->as_keylist); as->as_keylist = keynote_keypred_keylist; keynote_keypred_keylist = (struct keylist *) NULL; return RESULT_TRUE; } } else return p; } /* Evaluate an authorizer or signature field. Return RESULT_TRUE on success. * Store key in as->as_authorizer. Second argument is set only for Authorizer * field parsing. */ int keynote_evaluate_authorizer(struct assertion *as, int flag) { YY_BUFFER_STATE authorizer_state; int err; if (keynote_lex_init() != RESULT_TRUE) return -1; keynote_init_list = as->as_env; keynote_justrecord = 1; keynote_used_variable = 0; if ((flag) && (as->as_authorizer != (void *) NULL)) { keynote_free_key(as->as_authorizer, as->as_signeralgorithm); as->as_authorizer = (void *) NULL; } if (flag) authorizer_state = kn_scan_bytes(as->as_authorizer_string_s, as->as_authorizer_string_e - as->as_authorizer_string_s); else authorizer_state = kn_scan_bytes(as->as_signature_string_s, as->as_signature_string_e - as->as_signature_string_s); BEGIN(SIGNERINIT); if (flag) first_tok = SIGNERKEY; else first_tok = SIGNATUREENTRY; err = knparse(); if ((err != 0) && (keynote_errno == 0)) keynote_errno = ERROR_SYNTAX; kn_delete_buffer(authorizer_state); keynote_lex_zap(); keynote_justrecord = 0; keynote_init_list = (struct environment *) NULL; keynote_returnvalue = 0; if (keynote_keypred_keylist != (struct keylist *) NULL) { if (flag) { if (keynote_used_variable) as->as_internalflags |= ASSERT_IFLAG_WEIRDAUTH; as->as_authorizer = keynote_keypred_keylist->key_key; as->as_signeralgorithm = keynote_keypred_keylist->key_alg; } else { if (keynote_used_variable) as->as_internalflags |= ASSERT_IFLAG_WEIRDSIG; as->as_signature = keynote_keypred_keylist->key_key; } keynote_keypred_keylist->key_key = (char *) NULL; keynote_keylist_free(keynote_keypred_keylist); keynote_keypred_keylist = (struct keylist *) NULL; } keynote_used_variable = 0; if (keynote_errno != 0) return -1; else return RESULT_TRUE; } /* * Exportable front-end to keynote_get_private_key(). */ char * kn_get_string(char *buf) { return keynote_get_private_key(buf); } /* * Parse a private key -- actually, it can deal with any kind of string. */ char * keynote_get_private_key(char *buf) { YY_BUFFER_STATE pkey; char *s; int err; if (keynote_lex_init() != RESULT_TRUE) return (char *) NULL; keynote_privkey = (char *) NULL; pkey = kn_scan_bytes(buf, strlen(buf)); first_tok = PRIVATEKEY; err = knparse(); kn_delete_buffer(pkey); keynote_lex_zap(); if (err != 0) { if (keynote_privkey != (char *) NULL) { free(keynote_privkey); keynote_privkey = (char *) NULL; } if (keynote_errno == 0) keynote_errno = ERROR_SYNTAX; return (char *) NULL; } s = keynote_privkey; keynote_privkey = (char *) NULL; return s; } /* * Parse Local-Constants and KeyNote-Version fields. */ struct environment * keynote_get_envlist(char *buf, char *bufend, int whichfield) { struct environment *en = (struct environment *) NULL; YY_BUFFER_STATE localinit_state; int err; if (keynote_lex_init() != RESULT_TRUE) return (struct environment *) NULL; localinit_state = kn_scan_bytes(buf, bufend - buf); if (whichfield == 0) { BEGIN(LOCALINIT); /* We're doing Local-Constants parsing */ first_tok = LOCINI; } else { BEGIN(KEYNOTEVERSION); /* KeyNote-Version parsing */ first_tok = KNVERSION; } err = knparse(); if (err != 0) if (keynote_errno == 0) keynote_errno = ERROR_SYNTAX; kn_delete_buffer(localinit_state); keynote_lex_zap(); if (!whichfield) { if (keynote_errno != 0) keynote_env_cleanup(&keynote_init_list, 1); else en = keynote_init_list; keynote_init_list = (struct environment *) NULL; } /* Avoid compiler (-Wall) warnings. Never reached. */ if (0) { yyunput(0, NULL); yy_flex_realloc(0, NULL); } return en; }