/* $OpenBSD: keynote.y,v 1.1 1999/05/23 22:11:05 angelos Exp $ */ /* * The author of this code is Angelos D. Keromytis (angelos@dsl.cis.upenn.edu) * * This code was written by Angelos D. Keromytis in Philadelphia, PA, USA, * in April-May 1998 * * Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 by Angelos D. Keromytis. * * Permission to use, copy, and modify this software without fee * is hereby granted, provided that this entire notice is included in * all copies of any software which is or includes a copy or * modification of this software. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS BEING PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTY. IN PARTICULAR, THE AUTHORS MAKES NO * REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY OF ANY KIND CONCERNING THE * MERCHANTABILITY OF THIS SOFTWARE OR ITS FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. */ %union { char *string; double doubval; int intval; int bool; }; %type stringexp numexp expr floatexp %type NUM KOF numex afterhint notemptyprog %type notemptykeypredicate prog key keyexp keylist %type FLOAT floatex %type STRING VARIABLE str strnotconcat %token TRUE FALSE NUM FLOAT STRING VARIABLE %token OPENPAREN CLOSEPAREN EQQ COMMA ACTSTR LOCINI KOF KEYPRE KNVERSION %token DOTT SIGNERKEY HINT OPENBLOCK CLOSEBLOCK SIGNATUREENTRY PRIVATEKEY %token SEMICOLON TRUE FALSE %nonassoc EQ NE LT GT LE GE REGEXP %left OR %left AND %right NOT %left PLUS MINUS DOTT %left MULT DIV MOD %left EXP %nonassoc UNARYMINUS DEREF OPENNUM OPENFLT %start grammarswitch %{ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "environment.h" #include "signature.h" static int *keynote_kth_array = (int *) NULL; static int keylistcount = 0; static int resolve_assertion(char *); static int keynote_init_kth(void); static int isfloatstring(char *); static int checkexception(int); static char *my_lookup(char *); static int intpow(int, int); static int get_kth(int); extern int keynote_in_action_authorizers(void *, int); extern int knlex(); extern int keynote_exceptionflag, keynote_donteval; extern char **keynote_values, *keynote_privkey; extern struct keylist *keynote_keypred_keylist; extern struct environment *keynote_temp_list; extern struct environment *keynote_init_list; extern int knlineno, keynote_used_variable; void knerror(char *); %} %% grammarswitch: LOCINI { keynote_exceptionflag = keynote_donteval = 0; } localinit | ACTSTR { keynote_exceptionflag = keynote_donteval = 0; } program | KEYPRE { keynote_exceptionflag = keynote_donteval = 0; } keypredicate | SIGNERKEY { keynote_exceptionflag = keynote_donteval = 0; } key | SIGNATUREENTRY { keynote_exceptionflag = keynote_donteval = 0; } key | KNVERSION { keynote_exceptionflag = keynote_donteval = 0; } STRING { keynote_lex_remove($3); if (strcmp($3, KEYNOTE_VERSION_STRING)) keynote_errno = ERROR_SYNTAX; free($3); } | PRIVATEKEY { keynote_exceptionflag = keynote_donteval = 0; } STRING { keynote_lex_remove($3); keynote_privkey = $3; } keypredicate: /* Nothing */ { keynote_returnvalue = 0; return 0; } | notemptykeypredicate { keynote_returnvalue = $1; return 0; } notemptykeypredicate: key { $$ = $1; } | keyexp { $$ = $1; } keyexp: notemptykeypredicate AND { if (($1 == 0) && !keynote_justrecord) keynote_donteval = 1; } notemptykeypredicate { if ($1 > $4) $$ = $4; else $$ = $1; keynote_donteval = 0; } /* Min */ | notemptykeypredicate OR { if (($1 == (keynote_current_session->ks_values_num - 1)) && !keynote_justrecord) keynote_donteval = 1; } notemptykeypredicate { if ($1 >= $4) $$ = $1; else $$ = $4; keynote_donteval = 0; } /* Max */ | OPENPAREN keyexp CLOSEPAREN { $$ = $2; } | KOF { keylistcount = 0; } OPENPAREN { if (!keynote_justrecord && !keynote_donteval) if (keynote_init_kth() == -1) return -1; } keylist CLOSEPAREN { if (keylistcount < $1) { keynote_errno = ERROR_SYNTAX; return -1; } if (!keynote_justrecord && !keynote_donteval) $$ = get_kth($1); else $$ = 0; } /* K-th */ keylist: key { /* Don't do anything if we're just recording */ if (!keynote_justrecord && !keynote_donteval) if (($1 < keynote_current_session->ks_values_num) && ($1 >= 0)) keynote_kth_array[$1]++; keylistcount++; } | key COMMA keylist { /* Don't do anything if we're just recording */ if (!keynote_justrecord && !keynote_donteval) if (($1 < keynote_current_session->ks_values_num) && ($1 >= 0)) keynote_kth_array[$1]++; keylistcount++; } key: str { if (keynote_donteval) $$ = 0; else { keynote_lex_remove($1); if (keynote_justrecord) { if (keynote_keylist_add(&keynote_keypred_keylist, $1) == -1) { free($1); return -1; } $$ = 0; } else switch (keynote_in_action_authorizers($1, KEYNOTE_ALGORITHM_UNSPEC)) { case -1: free($1); return -1; case RESULT_TRUE: free($1); $$ = keynote_current_session->ks_values_num - 1; break; default: $$ = resolve_assertion($1); free($1); break; } } } localinit: /* Nothing */ | localconstants localconstants: VARIABLE EQQ STRING { int i; keynote_lex_remove($1); keynote_lex_remove($3); /* * Variable names starting with underscores are illegal here. */ if ($1[0] == '_') { free($1); free($3); keynote_errno = ERROR_SYNTAX; return -1; } /* If the identifier already exists, report error. */ if (keynote_env_lookup($1, &keynote_init_list, 1) != (char *) NULL) { free($1); free($3); keynote_errno = ERROR_SYNTAX; return -1; } i = keynote_env_add($1, $3, &keynote_init_list, 1, 0); free($1); free($3); if (i != RESULT_TRUE) return -1; } | VARIABLE EQQ STRING { int i; keynote_lex_remove($1); keynote_lex_remove($3); /* * Variable names starting with underscores are illegal here. */ if ($1[0] == '_') { free($1); free($3); keynote_errno = ERROR_SYNTAX; return -1; } /* If the identifier already exists, report error. */ if (keynote_env_lookup($1, &keynote_init_list, 1) != (char *) NULL) { free($1); free($3); keynote_errno = ERROR_SYNTAX; return -1; } i = keynote_env_add($1, $3, &keynote_init_list, 1, 0); free($1); free($3); if (i != RESULT_TRUE) return -1; } localconstants program: prog { keynote_returnvalue = $1; return 0; } prog: /* Nada */ { $$ = 0; } | notemptyprog { /* * Cleanup envlist of additions such as * regexp results */ keynote_env_cleanup(&keynote_temp_list, 1); } SEMICOLON prog { if ($1 > $4) $$ = $1; else $$ = $4; } notemptyprog: expr HINT afterhint { if (checkexception($1)) $$ = $3; else $$ = 0; } | expr { if (checkexception($1)) $$ = keynote_current_session->ks_values_num - 1; else $$ = 0; } afterhint: str { if (keynote_exceptionflag || keynote_donteval) $$ = 0; else { keynote_lex_remove($1); $$ = keynote_retindex($1); if ($$ == -1) /* Invalid return value */ $$ = 0; free($1); } } | OPENBLOCK prog CLOSEBLOCK { $$ = $2; } expr: OPENPAREN expr CLOSEPAREN { $$ = $2; } | expr AND { if ($1 == 0) keynote_donteval = 1; } expr { $$ = ($1 && $4); keynote_donteval = 0; } | expr OR { if ($1) keynote_donteval = 1; } expr { $$ = ($1 || $4); keynote_donteval = 0; } | NOT expr { $$ = !($2); } | numexp { $$ = $1; } | floatexp { $$ = $1; } | stringexp { $$ = $1; } | TRUE { $$ = 1; } | FALSE { $$ = 0; } numexp: numex LT numex { $$ = $1 < $3; } | numex GT numex { $$ = $1 > $3; } | numex EQ numex { $$ = $1 == $3; } | numex LE numex { $$ = $1 <= $3; } | numex GE numex { $$ = $1 >= $3; } | numex NE numex { $$ = $1 != $3; } floatexp: floatex LT floatex { $$ = $1 < $3; } | floatex GT floatex { $$ = $1 > $3; } | floatex LE floatex { $$ = $1 <= $3; } | floatex GE floatex { $$ = $1 >= $3; } numex: numex PLUS numex { $$ = $1 + $3; } | numex MINUS numex { $$ = $1 - $3; } | numex MULT numex { $$ = $1 * $3; } | numex DIV numex { if ($3 == 0) { if (!keynote_donteval) keynote_exceptionflag = 1; } else $$ = ($1 / $3); } | numex MOD numex { if ($3 == 0) { if (!keynote_donteval) keynote_exceptionflag = 1; } else $$ = $1 % $3; } | numex EXP numex { $$ = intpow($1, $3); } | MINUS numex %prec UNARYMINUS { $$ = -($2); } | OPENPAREN numex CLOSEPAREN { $$ = $2; } | NUM { $$ = $1; } | OPENNUM strnotconcat { if (keynote_exceptionflag || keynote_donteval) $$ = 0; else { keynote_lex_remove($2); if (!isfloatstring($2)) $$ = 0; else $$ = (int) floor(atof($2)); free($2); } } floatex: floatex PLUS floatex { $$ = ($1 + $3); } | floatex MINUS floatex { $$ = ($1 - $3); } | floatex MULT floatex { $$ = ($1 * $3); } | floatex DIV floatex { if ($3 == 0) { if (!keynote_donteval) keynote_exceptionflag = 1; } else $$ = ($1 / $3); } | floatex EXP floatex { if (!keynote_exceptionflag && !keynote_donteval) $$ = pow($1, $3); } | MINUS floatex %prec UNARYMINUS { $$ = -($2); } | OPENPAREN floatex CLOSEPAREN { $$ = $2; } | FLOAT { $$ = $1; } | OPENFLT strnotconcat { if (keynote_exceptionflag || keynote_donteval) $$ = 0.0; else { keynote_lex_remove($2); if (!isfloatstring($2)) $$ = 0.0; else $$ = atof($2); free($2); } } stringexp: str EQ str { if (keynote_exceptionflag || keynote_donteval) $$ = 0; else { $$ = strcmp($1, $3) == 0 ? 1 : 0; keynote_lex_remove($1); keynote_lex_remove($3); free($1); free($3); } } | str NE str { if (keynote_exceptionflag || keynote_donteval) $$ = 0; else { $$ = strcmp($1, $3) != 0 ? 1 : 0; keynote_lex_remove($1); keynote_lex_remove($3); free($1); free($3); } } | str LT str { if (keynote_exceptionflag || keynote_donteval) $$ = 0; else { $$ = strcmp($1, $3) < 0 ? 1 : 0; keynote_lex_remove($1); keynote_lex_remove($3); free($1); free($3); } } | str GT str { if (keynote_exceptionflag || keynote_donteval) $$ = 0; else { $$ = strcmp($1, $3) > 0 ? 1 : 0; keynote_lex_remove($1); keynote_lex_remove($3); free($1); free($3); } } | str LE str { if (keynote_exceptionflag || keynote_donteval) $$ = 0; else { $$ = strcmp($1, $3) <= 0 ? 1 : 0; keynote_lex_remove($1); keynote_lex_remove($3); free($1); free($3); } } | str GE str { if (keynote_exceptionflag || keynote_donteval) $$ = 0; else { $$ = strcmp($1, $3) >= 0 ? 1 : 0; keynote_lex_remove($1); keynote_lex_remove($3); free($1); free($3); } } | str REGEXP str { regmatch_t pmatch[32]; char grp[4], *gr; regex_t preg; int i; if (keynote_exceptionflag || keynote_donteval) $$ = 0; else { keynote_lex_remove($1); keynote_lex_remove($3); memset(pmatch, 0, sizeof(pmatch)); memset(grp, 0, sizeof(grp)); if (regcomp(&preg, $3, REG_EXTENDED)) { free($1); free($3); keynote_exceptionflag = 1; } else { /* Clean-up residuals from previous regexps */ keynote_env_cleanup(&keynote_temp_list, 1); free($3); i = regexec(&preg, $1, 32, pmatch, 0); $$ = (i == 0 ? 1 : 0); if (i == 0) { #ifdef NO_SNPRINTF sprintf(grp, "%d", preg.re_nsub); #else /* NO_SNPRINTF */ snprintf(grp, 3, "%d", preg.re_nsub); #endif /* NO_SNPRINTF */ if (keynote_env_add("_0", grp, &keynote_temp_list, 1, 0) != RESULT_TRUE) { free($1); regfree(&preg); return -1; } for (i = 1; i < 32 && pmatch[i].rm_so != -1; i++) { gr = calloc(pmatch[i].rm_eo - pmatch[i].rm_so + 1, sizeof(char)); if (gr == (char *) NULL) { free($1); regfree(&preg); keynote_errno = ERROR_MEMORY; return -1; } strncpy(gr, $1 + pmatch[i].rm_so, pmatch[i].rm_eo - pmatch[i].rm_so); gr[pmatch[i].rm_eo - pmatch[i].rm_so] = '\0'; #ifdef NO_SNPRINTF sprintf(grp, "_%d", i); #else /* NO_SNPRINTF */ snprintf(grp, 3, "_%d", i); #endif /* NO_SNPRINTF */ if (keynote_env_add(grp, gr, &keynote_temp_list, 1, 0) == -1) { free($1); regfree(&preg); free(gr); return -1; } else free(gr); } } regfree(&preg); free($1); } } } str: str DOTT str { if (keynote_exceptionflag || keynote_donteval) $$ = (char *) NULL; else { $$ = calloc(strlen($1) + strlen($3) + 1, sizeof(char)); keynote_lex_remove($1); keynote_lex_remove($3); if ($$ == (char *) NULL) { free($1); free($3); keynote_errno = ERROR_MEMORY; return -1; } strcpy($$, $1); strcpy($$ + strlen($1), $3); free($1); free($3); if (keynote_lex_add($$, LEXTYPE_CHAR) == -1) return -1; } } | strnotconcat { $$ = $1; } strnotconcat: STRING { $$ = $1; } | OPENPAREN str CLOSEPAREN { $$ = $2; } | VARIABLE { if (keynote_exceptionflag || keynote_donteval) $$ = (char *) NULL; else { $$ = my_lookup($1); keynote_lex_remove($1); free($1); if ($$ == (char *) NULL) { if (keynote_errno) return -1; $$ = strdup(""); } else $$ = strdup($$); if ($$ == (char *) NULL) { keynote_errno = ERROR_MEMORY; return -1; } if (keynote_lex_add($$, LEXTYPE_CHAR) == -1) return -1; } } | DEREF str { if (keynote_exceptionflag || keynote_donteval) $$ = (char *) NULL; else { $$ = my_lookup($2); keynote_lex_remove($2); free($2); if ($$ == (char *) NULL) { if (keynote_errno) return -1; $$ = strdup(""); } else $$ = strdup($$); if ($$ == (char *) NULL) { keynote_errno = ERROR_MEMORY; return -1; } if (keynote_lex_add($$, LEXTYPE_CHAR) == -1) return -1; } } %% /* * Find all assertions signed by s and give us the one with the highest * return value. */ static int resolve_assertion(char *s) { int i, alg = KEYNOTE_ALGORITHM_NONE, p = 0; void *key = (void *) s; struct assertion *as; struct keylist *kl; kl = keynote_keylist_find(keynote_current_assertion->as_keylist, s); if (kl != (struct keylist *) NULL) { alg = kl->key_alg; key = kl->key_key; } for (i = 0;; i++) { as = keynote_find_assertion(key, i, alg); if (as == (struct assertion *) NULL) /* Gone through all of them */ return p; if (as->as_kresult == KRESULT_DONE) if (p < as->as_result) p = as->as_result; /* Short circuit if we find an assertion with maximum return value */ if (p == (keynote_current_session->ks_values_num - 1)) return p; } return 0; } /* * Environment variable lookup. */ static char * my_lookup(char *s) { struct keynote_session *ks = keynote_current_session; char *ret; if (!strcmp(s, "_MIN_TRUST")) { keynote_used_variable = 1; return ks->ks_values[0]; } else { if (!strcmp(s, "_MAX_TRUST")) { keynote_used_variable = 1; return ks->ks_values[ks->ks_values_num - 1]; } else { if (!strcmp(s, "_VALUES")) { keynote_used_variable = 1; return keynote_env_lookup("_VALUES", ks->ks_env_table, HASHTABLESIZE); } else { if (!strcmp(s, "_ACTION_AUTHORIZERS")) { keynote_used_variable = 1; return keynote_env_lookup("_ACTION_AUTHORIZERS", ks->ks_env_table, HASHTABLESIZE); } } } } /* Temporary list (regexp results) */ ret = keynote_env_lookup(s, &keynote_temp_list, 1); if (ret != (char *) NULL) return ret; else if (keynote_errno != 0) return (char *) NULL; /* Local-Constants */ ret = keynote_env_lookup(s, &keynote_init_list, 1); if (ret != (char *) NULL) return ret; else if (keynote_errno != 0) return (char *) NULL; keynote_used_variable = 1; /* Action environment */ ret = keynote_env_lookup(s, ks->ks_env_table, HASHTABLESIZE); if (ret != (char *) NULL) return ret; else if (keynote_errno != 0) return (char *) NULL; /* Regex table */ return keynote_env_lookup(s, &(ks->ks_env_regex), 1); } /* * If we had an exception, the boolean expression should return false. * Otherwise, return the result of the expression (the argument). */ static int checkexception(int i) { if (keynote_exceptionflag) { keynote_exceptionflag = 0; return 0; } else return i; } /* * Integer exponentation -- copied from Schneier's AC2, page 244. */ static int intpow(int x, int y) { int s = 1; /* * x^y with y < 0 is equivalent to 1/(x^y), which for * integer arithmetic is 0. */ if (y < 0) return 0; while (y) { if (y & 1) s *= x; y >>= 1; x *= x; } return s; } /* * Check whether the string is a floating point number. */ static int isfloatstring(char *s) { int i, point = 0; for (i = strlen(s) - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (!isdigit(s[i])) { if (s[i] == '.') { if (point == 1) return 0; else point = 1; } else return 0; } return 1; } /* * Initialize array for threshold search. */ static int keynote_init_kth(void) { int i = keynote_current_session->ks_values_num; if (i == -1) return -1; keynote_kth_array = (int *) calloc(i, sizeof(int)); if (keynote_kth_array == (int *) NULL) { keynote_errno = ERROR_MEMORY; return -1; } return RESULT_TRUE; } /* * Get the k-th best return value. */ static int get_kth(int k) { int i; for (i = keynote_current_session->ks_values_num - 1; i >= 0; i--) { k -= keynote_kth_array[i]; if (k <= 0) return i; } return 0; } /* * Cleanup array. */ void keynote_cleanup_kth(void) { if (keynote_kth_array != (int *) NULL) { free(keynote_kth_array); keynote_kth_array = (int *) NULL; } } void knerror(char *s) {}