/* $OpenBSD: kvm_alpha.c,v 1.12 2004/07/01 02:04:10 mickey Exp $ */ /* $NetBSD: kvm_alpha.c,v 1.5 1996/10/01 21:12:05 cgd Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (c) 1994, 1995 Carnegie-Mellon University. * All rights reserved. * * Author: Chris G. Demetriou * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and * its documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS IS" * CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND * FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie the * rights to redistribute these changes. */ #define __KVM_ALPHA_PRIVATE /* see */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kvm_private.h" struct vmstate { vsize_t page_shift; }; void _kvm_freevtop(kvm_t *kd) { /* Not actually used for anything right now, but safe. */ if (kd->vmst != NULL) { free(kd->vmst); kd->vmst = NULL; } } int _kvm_initvtop(kvm_t *kd) { cpu_kcore_hdr_t *cpu_kh; struct vmstate *vm; vm = (struct vmstate *)_kvm_malloc(kd, sizeof(*vm)); if (vm == NULL) return (-1); cpu_kh = kd->cpu_data; /* Compute page_shift. */ for (vm->page_shift = 0; (1L << vm->page_shift) < cpu_kh->page_size; vm->page_shift++) /* nothing */ ; if ((1L << vm->page_shift) != cpu_kh->page_size) { free(vm); return (-1); } kd->vmst = vm; return (0); } int _kvm_kvatop(kvm_t *kd, u_long va, u_long *pa) { cpu_kcore_hdr_t *cpu_kh; struct vmstate *vm; int rv, page_off; alpha_pt_entry_t pte; off_t pteoff; if (!kd->vmst) { _kvm_err(kd, 0, "vatop called before initvtop"); return (0); } if (ISALIVE(kd)) { _kvm_err(kd, 0, "vatop called in live kernel!"); return (0); } cpu_kh = kd->cpu_data; vm = kd->vmst; page_off = va & (cpu_kh->page_size - 1); #ifndef PAGE_SHIFT #define PAGE_SHIFT vm->page_shift #endif if (va >= ALPHA_K0SEG_BASE && va <= ALPHA_K0SEG_END) { /* * Direct-mapped address: just convert it. */ *pa = ALPHA_K0SEG_TO_PHYS(va); rv = cpu_kh->page_size - page_off; } else if (va >= ALPHA_K1SEG_BASE && va <= ALPHA_K1SEG_END) { /* * Real kernel virtual address: do the translation. */ /* Find and read the L1 PTE. */ pteoff = cpu_kh->lev1map_pa + l1pte_index(va) * sizeof(alpha_pt_entry_t); if (_kvm_pread(kd, kd->pmfd, (char *)&pte, sizeof(pte), (off_t)_kvm_pa2off(kd, pteoff)) != sizeof(pte)) { _kvm_syserr(kd, 0, "could not read L1 PTE"); goto lose; } /* Find and read the L2 PTE. */ if ((pte & ALPHA_PTE_VALID) == 0) { _kvm_err(kd, 0, "invalid translation (invalid L1 PTE)"); goto lose; } pteoff = ALPHA_PTE_TO_PFN(pte) * cpu_kh->page_size + l2pte_index(va) * sizeof(alpha_pt_entry_t); if (_kvm_pread(kd, kd->pmfd, (char *)&pte, sizeof(pte), (off_t)_kvm_pa2off(kd, pteoff)) != sizeof(pte)) { _kvm_syserr(kd, 0, "could not read L2 PTE"); goto lose; } /* Find and read the L3 PTE. */ if ((pte & ALPHA_PTE_VALID) == 0) { _kvm_err(kd, 0, "invalid translation (invalid L2 PTE)"); goto lose; } pteoff = ALPHA_PTE_TO_PFN(pte) * cpu_kh->page_size + l3pte_index(va) * sizeof(alpha_pt_entry_t); if (_kvm_pread(kd, kd->pmfd, (char *)&pte, sizeof(pte), (off_t)_kvm_pa2off(kd, pteoff)) != sizeof(pte)) { _kvm_syserr(kd, 0, "could not read L3 PTE"); goto lose; } /* Fill in the PA. */ if ((pte & ALPHA_PTE_VALID) == 0) { _kvm_err(kd, 0, "invalid translation (invalid L3 PTE)"); goto lose; } *pa = ALPHA_PTE_TO_PFN(pte) * cpu_kh->page_size + page_off; rv = cpu_kh->page_size - page_off; } else { /* * Bogus address (not in KV space): punt. */ _kvm_err(kd, 0, "invalid kernel virtual address"); lose: *pa = -1; rv = 0; } return (rv); } /* * Translate a physical address to a file-offset in the crash-dump. */ off_t _kvm_pa2off(kvm_t *kd, u_long pa) { cpu_kcore_hdr_t *cpu_kh; phys_ram_seg_t *ramsegs; off_t off; int i; cpu_kh = kd->cpu_data; ramsegs = (phys_ram_seg_t *)((char *)cpu_kh + ALIGN(sizeof *cpu_kh)); off = 0; for (i = 0; i < cpu_kh->nmemsegs; i++) { if (pa >= ramsegs[i].start && (pa - ramsegs[i].start) < ramsegs[i].size) { off += (pa - ramsegs[i].start); break; } off += ramsegs[i].size; } return (kd->dump_off + off); }