*                            COPYRIGHT NOTICE                              *
*                ncurses is copyright (C) 1992-1995                        *
*                          Zeyd M. Ben-Halim                               *
*                          zmbenhal@netcom.com                             *
*                          Eric S. Raymond                                 *
*                          esr@snark.thyrsus.com                           *
*                                                                          *
*        Permission is hereby granted to reproduce and distribute ncurses  *
*        by any means and for any fee, whether alone or as part of a       *
*        larger distribution, in source or in binary form, PROVIDED        *
*        this notice is included with any such distribution, and is not    *
*        removed from any of its header files. Mention of ncurses in any   *
*        applications linked with it is highly appreciated.                *
*                                                                          *
*        ncurses comes AS IS with no warranty, implied or expressed.       *
*                                                                          *

* Module menu_global                                                       *
* Globally used internal routines and the default menu and item structures *

#include "menu.priv.h"

MENU _nc_Default_Menu = {
  16,				  /* Nr. of chars high */
  1,				  /* Nr. of chars wide */
  16,				  /* Nr. of items high */
  1,			          /* Nr. of items wide */
  16,				  /* Nr. of formatted items high */
  1,				  /* Nr. of formatted items wide */
  0,				  /* length of widest name */
  0,				  /* length of widest description */
  1,				  /* length of mark */
  1,				  /* length of one item */
  (char *)0,			  /* buffer used to store match chars */
  0,				  /* Index into pattern buffer */
  (WINDOW *)0,			  /* Window containing entire menu */
  (WINDOW *)0,			  /* Portion of menu displayed */
  (WINDOW *)0,			  /* User's window */
  (WINDOW *)0,			  /* User's subwindow */
  (ITEM **)0,			  /* List of items */
  0,				  /* Total Nr. of items in menu */
  (ITEM *)0,			  /* Current item */
  0,				  /* Top row of menu */
  (chtype)A_REVERSE,		  /* Attribute for selection */
  (chtype)A_NORMAL,		  /* Attribute for nonselection */
  (chtype)A_UNDERLINE,		  /* Attribute for inactive */	
  ' ',  			  /* Pad character */
  (Menu_Hook)0,			  /* Menu init */
  (Menu_Hook)0,			  /* Menu term */
  (Menu_Hook)0,			  /* Item init */
  (Menu_Hook)0,			  /* Item term */
  (void *)0,			  /* userptr */
  "-",				  /* mark */
  ALL_MENU_OPTS,                  /* options */
  0			          /* status */	    

ITEM _nc_Default_Item = {
  { (char *)0, 0 },		  /* name */
  { (char *)0, 0 },		  /* description */
  (MENU *)0,		          /* Pointer to parent menu */
  (char *)0,			  /* Userpointer */
  ALL_ITEM_OPTS,		  /* options */
  0,				  /* Item Nr. */
  0,				  /* y */
  0,				  /* x */
  FALSE,			  /* value */
  (ITEM *)0,		          /* left */
  (ITEM *)0,		          /* right */
  (ITEM *)0,		          /* up */
  (ITEM *)0		          /* down */

|   Facility      :  libnmenu  
|   Function      :  static void ComputeMaximum_NameDesc_Lenths(MENU *menu)
|   Description   :  Calculates the maximum name and description lengths
|                    of the items connected to the menu
|   Return Values :  -
INLINE static void ComputeMaximum_NameDesc_Lengths(MENU * menu)
  unsigned MaximumNameLength        = 0;
  unsigned MaximumDescriptionLength = 0;
  ITEM **items;
  assert(menu && menu->items);
  for( items = menu->items; *items ; items++ )
      if (items[0]->name.length > MaximumNameLength )
	MaximumNameLength  = items[0]->name.length;
      if (items[0]->description.length > MaximumDescriptionLength)
	MaximumDescriptionLength = items[0]->description.length;
  menu->namelen = MaximumNameLength;
  menu->desclen = MaximumDescriptionLength;

|   Facility      :  libnmenu  
|   Function      :  static void ResetConnectionInfo(MENU *, ITEM **)
|   Description   :  Reset all informations in the menu and the items in
|                    the item array that indicates a connection
|   Return Values :  -
INLINE static void ResetConnectionInfo(MENU *menu, ITEM **items)
  ITEM **item;
  assert(menu && items);
  for(item=items; *item; item++)
      (*item)->index = 0;
      (*item)->imenu = (MENU *)0;		
  if (menu->pattern)
  menu->pattern = (char *)0;
  menu->pindex  = 0;
  menu->items   = (ITEM **)0;
  menu->nitems  = 0;

|   Facility      :  libnmenu  
|   Function      :  bool _nc_Connect_Items(MENU *menu, ITEM **items)
|   Description   :  Connect the items in the item array to the menu.
|                    Decorate all the items with a number and a backward
|                    pointer to the menu.
|   Return Values :  TRUE       - successfull connection
|                    FALSE      - connection failed
bool _nc_Connect_Items(MENU *menu, ITEM **items)
  ITEM **item;
  unsigned int ItemCount = 0;
  if ( menu && items )
      for(item=items; *item ; item++)
	  if ( (*item)->imenu )
	      /* if a item is already connected, reject connection */
      if (! (*item) )		
	/* we reached the end, so there was no connected item */
	  for(item=items; *item ; item++)
	      if (menu->opt & O_ONEVALUE)
		  (*item)->value = FALSE;
	      (*item)->index = ItemCount++;
	      (*item)->imenu = menu;
  if (ItemCount > 0)
      menu->items  = items;
      menu->nitems = ItemCount;
      if ( (menu->pattern = (char *)malloc( (unsigned)(1 + menu->namelen))) )
	  menu->curitem = *items;
	  menu->toprow = 0;
  /* If we fall through to this point, we have to reset all items connection 
     and inform about a reject connection */
  ResetConnectionInfo( menu, items );

|   Facility      :  libnmenu  
|   Function      :  void _nc_Disconnect_Items(MENU *menu)
|   Description   :  Disconnect the menus item array from the menu
|   Return Values :  -
void _nc_Disconnect_Items(MENU * menu)
  if (menu && menu->items)
    ResetConnectionInfo( menu, menu->items );

|   Facility      :  libnmenu  
|   Function      :  void _nc_Calculate_Item_Length_and_Width(MENU *menu)
|   Description   :  Calculate the length of an item and the width of the
|                    whole menu.
|   Return Values :  -
void _nc_Calculate_Item_Length_and_Width(MENU * menu)
  int l;
  if (menu->items && *(menu->items))
      l = menu->namelen + menu->marklen;
      if ( (menu->opt & O_SHOWDESC) && (menu->desclen > 0) )
	l += (menu->desclen + 1);
      menu->itemlen = l;
      l *= menu->cols;
      l += (menu->cols-1);	/* for the padding between the columns */
      menu->width = l;

|   Facility      :  libnmenu  
|   Function      :  void _nc_Link_Item(MENU *menu)
|   Description   :  Statically calculate for every item its four neighbours.
|                    This depends on the orientation of the menu. This
|                    static aproach simplifies navigation in the menu a lot.
|   Return Values :  -
void _nc_Link_Items(MENU * menu)
  if (menu && menu->items && *(menu->items))
      int i,j;
      ITEM *item;
      int Number_Of_Items = menu->nitems;
      int col = 0, row = 0;
      int Last_in_Row;
      int Last_in_Column;
      bool cycle = (menu->opt & O_NONCYCLIC) ? FALSE : TRUE;
      menu->status &= ~_LINK_NEEDED;
      if (menu->opt & O_ROWMAJOR)
	  int Number_Of_Columns = menu->cols;
	  for(i=0; i < Number_Of_Items; i++)
	      item = menu->items[i];
	      Last_in_Row = row * Number_Of_Columns + (Number_Of_Columns-1);
	      item->left  = (col) ? 
		/* if we are not in the leftmost column, we can use the
		   predecessor in the items array */
		menu->items[i-1] :
		  (cycle ? menu->items[(Last_in_Row>=Number_Of_Items) ? 
				       Last_in_Row] : 
		   (ITEM *)0 );
	      item->right = (  (col < (Number_Of_Columns-1)) && 
			     ((i+1) < Number_Of_Items) 
			     ) ? 
			       menu->items[i+1] :
				 ( cycle ? menu->items[row * Number_Of_Columns] : 
				  (ITEM *)0
	      Last_in_Column = (menu->rows-1) * Number_Of_Columns + col;
	      item->up    = (row) ? menu->items[i-Number_Of_Columns] :
		(cycle ? menu->items[(Last_in_Column>=Number_Of_Items) ?
				     Number_Of_Items-1 : 
				     Last_in_Column] : 
		 (ITEM *)0);
	      item->down  = ( (i+Number_Of_Columns) < Number_Of_Items ) 
		  menu->items[i + Number_Of_Columns] :
		    (cycle ? menu->items[(row+1)<menu->rows ?
					 Number_Of_Items-1:col] : 
		     (ITEM *)0);
	      item->x = col;
	      item->y = row;
	      if ( ++col == Number_Of_Columns )
		  col = 0;
	  int Number_Of_Rows = menu->rows;
	  for(j=0; j<Number_Of_Items; j++)
	      item = menu->items[i=(col * Number_Of_Rows + row)];
	      Last_in_Column = (menu->cols-1) * Number_Of_Rows + row;
	      item->left  = (col) ? 
		menu->items[i - Number_Of_Rows] :
		  (cycle ? (Last_in_Column >= Number_Of_Items ) ? 
		   menu->items[Last_in_Column-Number_Of_Rows] : 
		   menu->items[Last_in_Column] : 
		   (ITEM *)0 );
	      item->right = ((i + Number_Of_Rows) <Number_Of_Items) 
		  menu->items[i + Number_Of_Rows] :
		    (cycle ? menu->items[row] : (ITEM *)0);
	      Last_in_Row = col * Number_Of_Rows + (Number_Of_Rows - 1);
	      item->up    = (row) ? 
		menu->items[i-1] :
		  (cycle ?
		   menu->items[(Last_in_Row>=Number_Of_Items) ? 
			       Last_in_Row] :
		   (ITEM *)0);
	      item->down  = (row < (Number_Of_Rows-1)) 
		  (menu->items[((i+1)<Number_Of_Items) ? 
			       i+1 :
			       (col-1)*Number_Of_Rows + row + 1]) :
				 (cycle ?
				  menu->items[col * Number_Of_Rows] :
				  (ITEM *)0
	      item->x = col;
	      item->y = row;
	      if ( (++row) == Number_Of_Rows )
		  row = 0;

|   Facility      :  libnmenu  
|   Function      :  void _nc_Show_Menu(const MENU *menu)
|   Description   :  Update the window that is associated with the menu
|   Return Values :  -
void _nc_Show_Menu(const MENU *menu)
  WINDOW *win;
  int maxy, maxx;
  if ( (menu->status & _POSTED) && !(menu->status & _IN_DRIVER) )
      /* adjust the internal subwindow to start on the current top */
      win = Get_Menu_Window(menu);
      maxy = getmaxy(win);
      maxx = getmaxx(win);	 
      if (menu->height < maxy) 
	maxy = menu->height;
      if (menu->width < maxx) 
	maxx = menu->width;

|   Facility      :  libnmenu  
|   Function      :  void _nc_New_TopRow_and_CurrentItem(
|                            MENU *menu, 
|                            int new_toprow, 
|                            ITEM *new_current_item)
|   Description   :  Redisplay the menu so that the given row becomes the
|                    top row and the given item becomes the new current
|                    item.
|   Return Values :  -
void _nc_New_TopRow_and_CurrentItem(MENU *menu, int new_toprow,
				    ITEM *new_current_item)
  ITEM *cur_item;
  bool mterm_called = FALSE;
  bool iterm_called = FALSE;
  if (menu->status & _POSTED)
      if (new_current_item != menu->curitem)
	  iterm_called = TRUE;
      if (new_toprow != menu->toprow)
	  mterm_called = TRUE;
      cur_item  = menu->curitem;
      menu->toprow  = new_toprow;
      menu->curitem = new_current_item;			
      if (mterm_called)
      if (iterm_called)
	  /* this means, move from the old current_item to the new one... */
	  Move_To_Current_Item( menu, cur_item );
      if (mterm_called || iterm_called)
    { /* if we are not posted, this is quite simple */
      menu->toprow  = new_toprow;
      menu->curitem = new_current_item;

/* m_global.c ends here */