/* $Id: scio.c,v 1.10 2001/09/19 22:29:20 rees Exp $ */ /* copyright 1997 the regents of the university of michigan all rights reserved permission is granted to use, copy, create derivative works and redistribute this software and such derivative works for any purpose, so long as the name of the university of michigan is not used in any advertising or publicity pertaining to the use or distribution of this software without specific, written prior authorization. if the above copyright notice or any other identification of the university of michigan is included in any copy of any portion of this software, then the disclaimer below must also be included. this software is provided as is, without representation from the university of michigan as to its fitness for any purpose, and without warranty by the university of michigan of any kind, either express or implied, including without limitation the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. the regents of the university of michigan shall not be liable for any damages, including special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages, with respect to any claim arising out of or in connection with the use of the software, even if it has been or is hereafter advised of the possibility of such damages. */ /* * OS dependent part, Unix version * * Jim Rees, University of Michigan, October 1997 */ #include #include #include #include #ifdef _AIX #include #endif /* _AIX */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "sectok.h" #include "sc7816.h" #include "todos_scrw.h" #ifndef howmany #define howmany(x, y) (((x) + ((y) - 1)) / (y)) #endif static int todos_scfdopen(int ttyn, int fd, int flags, int *ep); static int todos_sccts(int ttyn); #ifdef __linux static char ttynametmpl[] = "/dev/ttyS%01d"; #elif _AIX static char ttynametmpl[] = "/dev/tty%01d"; #elif __OpenBSD__ static char ttynametmpl[] = "/dev/cua%02d"; #elif __sun /*static char ttynametmpl[] = "/dev/cua/%c";*/ static char ttynametmpl[] = "/dev/tty%c"; #else static char ttynametmpl[] = "/dev/tty%02d"; #endif static struct { int fd, flags, pid; struct termios tio0, tio1; } sc[4]; /* global variable */ #ifdef BYTECOUNT int num_getc, num_putc; #endif /* BYTECOUNT */ int todos_scopen(int ttyn, int flags, int *ep) { char ttyname[32]; int fd, i, pid, oflags; #ifdef BYTECOUNT num_getc = 0; num_putc = 0; #endif /* BYTECOUNT */ #ifdef __sun sprintf(ttyname, ttynametmpl, 'a' + ttyn); #else sprintf(ttyname, ttynametmpl, ttyn); #endif #ifdef DEBUG printf ("ttyname=%s\n", ttyname); #endif /* DEBUG */ oflags = O_RDWR; if (!(flags & SCODCD)) oflags |= O_NONBLOCK; if ((fd = open(ttyname, oflags, 0)) < 0) { if (ep) *ep = SCENOTTY; return -1; } if ((ttyn = todos_scfdopen(ttyn, fd, flags, ep)) < 0) { close(fd); return -1; } /* Figure out which reader we have */ if (ioctl(fd, TIOCMGET, &i) < 0) { close(fd); if (ep) *ep = SCENOTTY; return -1; } #ifndef __sun /* Todos has RTS wired to RI, so set RTS and see if RI goes high */ i |= TIOCM_RTS; ioctl(fd, TIOCMSET, &i); ioctl(fd, TIOCMGET, &i); #else /* Sun serial port is broken, has no RI line */ i = TIOCM_RI; #endif if (i & TIOCM_RI) { /* Todos reader */ scsleep(20); sc[ttyn].flags |= (SCOXCTS | SCOXDTR); } if (flags & SCODSR) { /* Wait for card present */ while (!todos_sccardpresent(ttyn)) { errno = 0; sleep(1); if (errno == EINTR) return -1; } } if (flags & SCOHUP) { /* spawn a process to wait for card removal */ pid = fork(); if (pid == 0) { /* See if the card is still there */ while (todos_sccardpresent(ttyn)) sleep(1); kill(getppid(), SIGHUP); exit(0); } sc[ttyn].pid = pid; } return ttyn; } int todos_scsetflags(int ttyn, int flags, int mask) { int oflags = sc[ttyn].flags; sc[ttyn].flags &= ~mask; sc[ttyn].flags |= (flags & mask); if ((sc[ttyn].flags & SCOINVRT) != (oflags & SCOINVRT)) { if (sc[ttyn].flags & SCOINVRT) sc[ttyn].tio1.c_cflag |= PARODD; else sc[ttyn].tio1.c_cflag &= ~PARODD; tcsetattr(sc[ttyn].fd, TCSADRAIN, &sc[ttyn].tio1); } return oflags; } /* NI: for Linux */ #if (B9600 != 9600) struct speed_trans { speed_t t_val; int val; char *s; } speed_trans[] = { {0, 0, "a"}, {B9600, 9600, "a"}, {B19200, 19200, "a"}, {B38400, 38400, "a"}, {B57600, 55928, "a"}, {B57600, 57600, "a"}, {B115200, 115200, "a"}, {-1, -1, NULL}}; #endif /* (B9600 != 9600) */ int todos_scsetspeed(int ttyn, int speed) { #if (B9600 == 9600) /* On OpenBSD, B9600 == 9600, and we can use the input argument "speed" of this function as an argument to cfset[io]speed(). */ #else /* On Linux, B9600 != 9600, and we have to translate the input argument to speed_t. */ int i; for (i = 0; speed_trans[i].s; i++) if (speed_trans[i].val == speed) break; if (speed_trans[i].s == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "scsetspeed() failed : speed %d not supported. ignore ...\n", speed); return 0; } speed = speed_trans[i].t_val; #endif cfsetispeed(&sc[ttyn].tio1, speed); cfsetospeed(&sc[ttyn].tio1, speed); return tcsetattr(sc[ttyn].fd, TCSADRAIN, &sc[ttyn].tio1); } static int todos_scfdopen(int ttyn, int fd, int flags, int *ep) { struct termios t; /* Get and save the tty state */ if (tcgetattr(fd, &t) < 0) { if (ep) *ep = SCENOTTY; return -1; } sc[ttyn].fd = fd; sc[ttyn].tio0 = t; sc[ttyn].flags = flags; /* Now put the tty in a happy ISO state */ /* 9600 bps */ cfsetispeed(&t, B9600); cfsetospeed(&t, B9600); /* raw 8/E/2 */ t.c_iflag &= ~(ISTRIP|INLCR|IGNCR|ICRNL|IXON); t.c_iflag |= (IGNBRK|IGNPAR); t.c_oflag &= ~OPOST; t.c_lflag &= ~(ECHO|ECHONL|ICANON|ISIG|IEXTEN); #ifdef CHWFLOW t.c_cflag &= ~CHWFLOW; #endif #ifdef CRTSCTS t.c_cflag &= ~CRTSCTS; #endif #ifdef CRTSXOFF t.c_cflag &= ~CRTSXOFF; #endif t.c_cflag |= CLOCAL; /* 8/E/2 */ t.c_cflag &= ~(CSIZE | PARODD); t.c_cflag |= (CS8 | PARENB | CSTOPB); t.c_cc[VMIN] = 1; t.c_cc[VTIME] = 0; if (tcsetattr(fd, TCSANOW, &t) < 0) { if (ep) *ep = SCENOTTY; sc[ttyn].fd = -1; return -1; } sc[ttyn].tio1 = t; /* The open may or may not have reset the card. Wait a while then flush anything that came in on the port. */ scsleep(250); tcflush(sc[ttyn].fd, TCIFLUSH); return ttyn; } /* find out if there is a card in the reader */ int todos_sccardpresent(int ttyn) { return (sc[ttyn].flags & SCOXCTS) ? !todos_sccts(ttyn) : todos_scdsr(ttyn); } /* query dsr on the port (usually indicates whether the card is present) */ int todos_scdsr(int ttyn) { int fd = sc[ttyn].fd; int i; if (fd < 0 || ioctl(fd, TIOCMGET, &i) < 0) return 0; return ((i & TIOCM_DSR) ? 1 : 0); } static int todos_sccts(int ttyn) { int fd = sc[ttyn].fd; int i; if (fd < 0 || ioctl(fd, TIOCMGET, &i) < 0) return 0; return ((i & TIOCM_CTS) ? 1 : 0); } /* raise or lower dtr */ int todos_scdtr(int ttyn, int cmd) { int fd = sc[ttyn].fd; int i; if (!todos_sccardpresent(ttyn)) return -1; if (ioctl(fd, TIOCMGET, &i) < 0) return -1; if (cmd) i |= TIOCM_DTR; else i &= ~TIOCM_DTR; i |= TIOCM_RTS; return ioctl(fd, TIOCMSET, &i); } int todos_scclose(int ttyn) { int fd = sc[ttyn].fd; tcsetattr(fd, TCSANOW, &sc[ttyn].tio0); close(fd); sc[ttyn].fd = -1; if (sc[ttyn].pid) { kill(sc[ttyn].pid, SIGTERM); sc[ttyn].pid = 0; } #ifdef BYTECOUNT printf("#getc=%d, #putc=%d\n", num_getc - num_putc, num_putc); #endif /* BYTECOUNT */ return 0; } /* * get one byte from the card. * wait at most ms msec. 0 for poll, -1 for infinite. * return byte in *cp. * return 0 or error. */ int scgetc(int ttyn, unsigned char *cp, int ms) { int fd = sc[ttyn].fd; fd_set *fdset; struct timeval tv, *tvp; #ifdef BYTECOUNT num_getc++; #endif /* BYTECOUNT */ fdset = (fd_set *)calloc(howmany(fd + 1, NFDBITS), sizeof(fd_mask)); if (fdset == NULL) return SCENOMEM; FD_SET(fd, fdset); if (ms == -1) tvp = NULL; else { tv.tv_sec = (ms + 1) / 1000; tv.tv_usec = (ms % 1000) * 1000; tvp = &tv; } if (select(fd + 1, fdset, NULL, NULL, tvp) != 1) { free(fdset); return SCTIMEO; } if (read(fd, cp, 1) != 1) { free(fdset); return SCTIMEO; } if (sc[ttyn].flags & SCOINVRT) *cp = todos_scinvert[*cp]; free(fdset); return SCEOK; /* 0 */ } /* write one byte to the card */ int scputc(int ttyn, int ic) { int fd = sc[ttyn].fd; unsigned char c0, c1; int code; #ifdef BYTECOUNT num_putc++; #endif /* BYTECOUNT */ c0 = (sc[ttyn].flags & SCOINVRT) ? todos_scinvert[ic] : ic; write(fd, &c0, 1); /* gobble up the echo */ code = scgetc(ttyn, &c1, 200); #ifdef GOBBLEDEBUG if (sc[ttyn].flags & SCOINVRT) c1 = todos_scinvert[c1]; if (code) printf("failed to gobble\n"); else if (c0 != c1) printf("misgobbled %x != %x\n", c0, c1); else printf("gobble gobble %x\n", c0); #endif return code; } int scputblk(int ttyn, unsigned char *bp, int n) { int fd = sc[ttyn].fd; unsigned char c; write(fd, bp, n); while (n--) scgetc(ttyn, &c, 30); return SCEOK; } void scsleep(int ms) { struct timeval tv; if (!ms) return; tv.tv_sec = (ms + 1) / 1000; tv.tv_usec = (ms % 1000) * 1000; select(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, &tv); }